Bull. In st. Zoo!., Academia Sinica 31(3): 141-161 (1992)


JUNG-Fu HUANGl, HSIANG-PING Yu1 and MASATSUNE TAKEDA2 Graduate School of Fisheries, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan 20224, Republic of China! and Department of Zoology, National Science Museum, Tokyo 169, Japan 2

(Accepted September 24, 1991)

Jung-Fu Huang, Hsiang-Ping Yu and Masatsune Takeda (1992) A review of the ocypodid and mictyrid crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) in Taiwan. Bull. In st. Zool., Academia Sinica 31(3): 141-161. In this study, the families, and Mictyridae, from Taiwan are reviewed. The Ocypodidae is repre­ sented by eight genera and twenty-five species, including Paracleistostoma depressum de Man (a newly recorded species from Taiwan) and the Mictyridae, which is represented by only species-Myctyris brevidactylus Stimpson. The main morpho­ logical, distributional, and ecological characters of these species-with their keys to all taxonomical ranks-are provided. Key words: Taiwan, Ocypodidae, Mictyridae.

Mictyridae, which mainly inhabit estuar­ Taiwanese crab fauna were first ies and littoral areas. A total of 7 genera studied by Maki and Tsuchiya (1923), wbo and 17 species of the Ocypodidae, and 1 reported 11 families, 36 genera, and 61 genus and 1 species of the .l'viictyridae, species. Later, Sakai (1935), Miyake are described here; diagnostic keys and (1938), and Horikawz, (1940) added 7, 10, illu strations are also provided. Another . and 7 species, respectively. In 1949, Lin eight species of the genus Uca of the listed 21 families, 108 genera, and 222 Ocypodidae have been reported on eles­ species in his catalogu e of the brachyu­ where (Huang et al., 1989). In this study, rous crustacea of Taiwan. However, the distinguishing characters of species there have been no serious studies on other than the newly recorded Paracleisto­ Taiwanese crab fauna since then; there­ stoma depressum are mostly attributed to fore, we conducted several extensive Sakai (1976). samplings around Taiwan (including the adjacent Penghu, Lan-Yu, and Green MATERIALS AND METHODS Islands and Jinmen) to gain a better understanding of Taiwanese crab fauna. All specimens examined were collected The present report deals with those from creeks and brooks. They are species of the families Ocyp'odidae and deposited at the Fisheries Department 141