Archival Informatics Newsletter
ARCHIVAL INFORMATICS NEWSLETTER ISSN 0892-2179 FALL 1988 Volume 2 #3 Defining Data and Functions for r'1anagernent, Project r'1anagement, Desk Top Archives & Museum Systems Publishing and Busmess Graph1cs Effort.s to adopt amore uniform perspective software nlis market. In turn, S8t. , F2r the r'1useum Computer Network meeting on m will, 1~ ,,~nta minimal standards and reward vendors WhO f10mca mOCtober, I put together a 11st. prOVide fully capable sYstems Over t.M 01 100 vendOrs of archlV8s, museum and corning year, I will be lnyolved in contract t.o records management software! With ~ many a sYstems to choose between, users tire going to prOVide adesign t.o the Research Libraries Group for alocal archives/museum system need considerable help. The accompanying list that will serve as aworkst.ation RLI N of 75 consu ltants may be of some use here but to During the contract period. numerous I t.hink it is fort.unate on the whole that another institut.ions w1ll participat.e in requirement.s strat.egy 1S beg1nning 1.0 emerge, Let's call1t OOf1nit.ion exercises, and ageneral mode', of "codification" or "rat.ionalization" of t.he dat.a. functions, fmd structures of tlrchwes tlnd requ1rements and data will be construct.ed whic~l I would ~Iope to present. for professlOn museum mformation syst.ems, wide review, I am confident that such Hie purpose of anumber' of ongoing efforts is dissemination of models of archives and to develop frameworks within which local raqUlrements and the offerings of different museum syst.ems w1ll, in t1me.
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