Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 114214044





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 114214044




A SarjanaSastra Undergraduate Thesis



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AdventinaRrhanti. S.S- MHum. Januaty6,2017 Advisor



A SarjanaSasta UndergraduateThesis


Defendedbefore the Board of Examiners on andDeclared Acceptable



Chairperson : Dr. F.X. Siswadi,M.A. Secretary : Dra.A. B. Sri Mulyani,M.A., ph. D. Member1 : J. HarrisHermansyah Setiajid, S.S., M.Hum. Member2 : AdventinaPutranti, S.S., M.Hum. Member3 : Dr. B. Ria Lestari.M.Sc.

Yogyakarta,January 3 1, 2016 Faculty of Letters

Dr. P. Ari Subagyo,M.Hum



I certifu that this undergraduatethesis contains no materialwhich hasbeen previously submittedfor the awardof any other degreeat any university, and that, to the best of my knowiedge,this r.rndergraduatethesis containsno material previously written by any other presonexcept where due referenceis madein the text of the undergraduate thesis e

Yogyakarta,January 27,2017 nl/hr



Yangbertanda tangan di bawahini, sayamahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Nadia Puri NomorMahasiswa : 114214044

Demi pengembanganilmu pengetahuan,saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan UniversitasSanata Dharma karya ilmiah sayayang be{udul

CODE MIXING USEDBY CHEF TALITA SETYADI IN PRESENTINGJAVA CARAMEL CAKENECIPE IN JUNIORMASTERCHEF INDONESIA SEASON1 EPISODE11 beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya mernberikan kepada PerpustakaanUniversitas SanataDharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secaraterbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di intema atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencanhmkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pemyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenamya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal27 Januari 2017


“Enjoy yourself. That’s what your 20s are for. Your 30s are to learn the lessons. Your 40s are to pay for the drinks.”

“The universe may not always play fair, but at least it’s got a hell of a sense of humor.”

“Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free till they find someone just as wild to run with them.”

Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City



It is for...




It is for You




Writing this undergraduate thesis means writing one of those meaningful chapters of my life. I do believe that I cannot do it, even think about it, by myself.

Firstly, I would like to give my deepest appreciation to my thesis advisor, Adventina Putranti, S.S, M.Hum., for helping and guiding me during the undergraduate thesis writing, for the never ending support and patience, for all the spirit and trust given to me, that prevent me from giving up. I also want to thank my co- advisor, Dr. B. Ria Lestari, M.Sc., and also my advisor J. Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, S.S., M.Hum., for giving some suggestions and improvements that make this undergraduate thesis better.

My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved family. My father, Puji Atmaka, for never leaving his little girl in grief. My mother, Murti Lestari, for the biggest encouragement I ever have. My brother, Riko Arundito, for the support and understanding.

I would also thank Calon Istri CEO, Novita Carolina and Febe Olivia Yowandra for the never ending support and love, for giving me the unforgettable memories we spent together. Also for Oshi Tania, my partner of writing this undergraduate thesis, who always reminds me to grow stronger. For Jennie, Jenna, Puri, Maya, Carmella, and all my friends in English Letters Sanata Dharma University 2011, for always caring each other. For KKN Tengklik 2, Alex, Agatha, Anisya, Fauzan, Oksa, Heny, Ocha, Athom and Retha, for all the things we share. Also for my friends in Antropologi Budaya FIB UGM 2012, for all the days we spent, especially Geng Nyinyir Cantik, Tyas, Asti, Nindy, Gloria, Uli, Laksmita, and Vega, for making my days through all the things we share. For my partner in crime, Natalia Putri Utami ‘Uyungs’, for accepting me just as I am. For my coffee-mate, Edward Tampubolon, for all the stories we share, for all precious time we spent.

The last, for my life guide, Sex and the City TV series and movies. My admiration for Candace Bushnell, for creating such real image of the true life. Carrie Bradshaw, Miranda Hobbes, Samantha Jones, and Charlotte York have been being my biggest inspiration and friends whenever my life gets hard.

Nadia Puri @deapurie





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 5 C. Objectives of Study ...... 6 D. Definition of Terms ...... 6

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 8 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 8 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 11 1. Sociolinguistics ...... 11 2. Code ...... 12 3. Language Alternation ...... 12 a. Code Switching ...... 13 b. Code Mixing ...... 13 4. Reasons of Code Mixing ...... 14 a. Talking about Particular Topic...... 14 b. Quoting Somebody Else ...... 15 c. Being Emphatic about Something ...... 16 d. Interjection ...... 17 e. Repetition Used for Clarification ...... 18 f. Expressing Group Identity and Solidarity ...... 18 g. Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor ...... 19 5. Grammatical Function ...... 19 a. Subject ...... 20 b. Predicator ...... 21 c. Object ...... 22 d. Complement ...... 24



e. Adjunct ...... 25 f. Disjunct ...... 26 g. Conjunct ...... 26 6. Syntactic Structure ...... 27 a. Morpheme ...... 27 b. Word ...... 28 c. Phrase ...... 28 d. Clause ...... 28 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 29

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 31 A. Object of the Study...... 32 B. Approach of the Study ...... 32 C. Method of the Study ...... 32 1. Data Collection...... 32 2. Data Analysis ...... 33

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULT AND DISCUSSION ...... 36 A. Types of Code Mixing Based on Syntactic Structure ...... 36 1. Morpheme ...... 37 2. Word ...... 39 3. Phrase ...... 42 4. Clause ...... 44 B. Reasons of Code Mixing ...... 47 1. Talking about Particular Topic...... 48 2. Being Emphatic about Something ...... 54 3. Interjection ...... 55 4. Repetition Used for Clarification ...... 56 5. Expressing Group Identity and Solidarity ...... 58 C. The Relation Between Syntactic Structure and Possible Reason...... 59

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ...... 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 65 APPENDICES ...... 67 1. Appendix 1: The Script of Conversation in Junior MasterChef Indonesia Season 1 Episode 11 ...... 68 2. Appendix 2: The Occurence of Code Mixing ...... 77 3. Appendix 3: The Reason of Talking about Particular Topic ...... 88 4. Appendix 4: The Reason of Being Emphatic about Something ...... 105 5. Appendix 5: The Reason of Interjection ...... 107 6. Appendix 6: The Reason of Repetition Used for Clarification ...... 110 7. Appendix 7: The Reason of Expressing Group Identity and Solidarity 113




PURI, NADIA. Code Mixing Used by Chef Talita Setyadi in Presenting Java Caramel Cake Recipe in Junior Masterchef Indonesia Season 1 Episode 11. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Today, Indonesian people have greater chance to learn or even to master English as their second language or as their foreign language. Mostly, Indonesian people who have greater chance to learn or master English are children or young generation since they are born in the era when schools start to give their attention in English language more intensively. The process of learning English is often helped by music, films, or even TV programs. In using English as their foreign language, Indonesian people often mix their language, between English and Indonesian language. The phenomenon of people mixing their language in their communication process is called code mixing. This research is aimed to observe the phenomenon of code mixing, especially the code mixing that occurs in Indonesian variety show, Junior MasterChef Indonesia. The elements of code mixing that will be observed are the types and possible reasons of code mixing. In this research there are two problem formulations. The first problem formulation is types of code mixing based on syntactic structure which are used by Chef Talita Setyadi in Junior MasterChef Indonesia while presenting Java Caramel Cake recipe. The second problem formulation is the possible reasons of code mixing used by Chef Talita Setyadi in Junior MasterChef Indonesia while presenting Java Caramel Cake recipe. For the analysis, the transcripted data will be analyzed. The code mixing cases will be divided into the categories of the types of code mixing, based on five categories of syntactic structures that are proposed by Morley which are morpheme, word, phrase, clause, and sentence. Since the analysis only covers the linguistic units or syntactic structures under the sentence level, the sentence category is omitted. After classifying the types of code mixing based on their syntactic structures, the possible reason of code mixing will be analyzed. Seven categories of possible reason of code mixing proposed by Hoffman, which are talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, expressing group identity and solidarity, and clarifying the speech content for the interluctor, will be used. About the result of the types of code mixing based on syntactic structure, there are 14 code mixing cases in morpheme level, 8 code mixing cases in word level, 55 code mixing cases in phrase level, and 12 code mixing cases in clause level. About the result of possible reason of code mixing analysis, it is found 72 code mixing cases that talking about particular topic, 1 code mixing case that being emphatic about something, 4 interjection code mixing cases, 6 repetition used for clarification code mixing cases, and 6 expressing group identity and solidarity code mixing cases.




PURI, NADIA. Code Mixing Used by Chef Talita Setyadi in Presenting Java Caramel Cake Recipe in Junior Masterchef Indonesia Season 1 Episode 11. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

Sekarang ini, orang Indonesia memiliki kesempatan yang lebih besar untuk mempelajari atau bahkan menguasai Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua atau bahasa asing. Kebanyakan, orang Indonesia yang memiliki kesempatan besar untuk mempelajari atau menguasai Bahasa Inggris adalah anak-anak atau generasi muda karena mereka lahir pada masa ketika sekolah mulai menerapkan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris secara intensif. Proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bisa dilakukan melalui musik, film, atau bahkan acara TV. Dalam menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing mereka, orang Indonesia seringkali mencampurkan Bahasa Inggris dengan Bahasa Indonesia. Fenomena pencampuran bahasa yang dilakukan oleh orang- orang disebut campur kode. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati fenomena campur kode, khususnya campur kode yang terjadi di variety show Indonesia, Junior MasterChef Indonesia. Elemen yang akan diamati adalah tipe dan alasan penggunaan campur kode. Penelitian ini memiliki dua rumusan masalah. Rumusan masalah yang pertama adalah tipe campur kode berdasarkan linguistik unit yang digunakan oleh Chef Talita Setyadi dalam mempresentasikan resep Java Caramel Cake. Rumusan masalah yang kedua adalah alasan penggunaan campur kode yang digunakan oleh Chef Talita Setyadi dalam mempresentasikan resep Java Caramel Cake. Transkrip dari acara tersebut yang berupa data penelitian akan dianalisis. Kasus campur kode akan dibagi menjadi lima kategori berdasarkan linguistik unit, yang dielaborasi oleh Morley, yaitu morfem, kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat. Karena analisis campur kode hanya akan melibatkan unit linguistik di bawah kalimat, maka kategori kalimat tidak akan digunakan. Setelah mengklasifikasikan campur kode berdasarkan linguistik unit, alasan campur kode akan dianalisis menggunakan tujuh kategori alasan penggunaan campur kode yang dijelaskan oleh Hoffman, yaitu talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, expressing group identity and solidarity, dan clarifying the speech content for the interluctor. Mengenai hasil dari tipe campur kode berdasarkan unit linguistik, 14 campur kode ada di level morfem, 8 campur kode ada di level kata, 55 campur kode ada di level frasa, dan 12 campur kode ada di level klausa. Hasil dari alasan penggunaan campur kode adalah 72 data campur kode talking about particular topic, 1 data campur kode being emphatic about something, 4 data campur kode interjection, 6 data campur kode repetition used for clarification, dan 6 data campur kode expressing group identity and solidarity.





A. Background of the Study

English has an important role in the world wide communication. “More and more countries are making English their lingua franca to communicate with the rest of the world- not just the native English speaking world” (Smith, 1983:7). Why do people need a lingua franca? It is because people need a language, besides their diverse languages, which they can use together as a common agreement.

Many areas of the world are populated by people who speak diverse languages. In such areas, where groups desire social or commercial communication, one language is often used by common agreement. Such a language is called a lingua franca (Fromkin, 2003: 468).

We can see clearly that “English has been called “the lingua franca of the whole world.”.” (Fromkin, 2003: 468). In this world, there are three groups of country that use English as their language, divided by their intensity of speaking

English. Braj Kachru (1985) as cited by Herk (2012) states that the three groups are the inner circle, outer circle, and expanding circle.

The inner circle of English are places where English is an official language and the first language of most people. In outer circle, we find countries where English is historically important as the result of colonial history and plays an institutional role, including former British colonies in Africa (Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania) and South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), as well as the Philippines and the non-English speaking areas of Canada and South Africa. In these places, other languages also play a large role in public life, and English is not the first language of the majority. In the expanding circle, we find countries like China where English doesn’t have an official role, but it is still widely spoken, as a foreign language, to tourist, or as a shared language of communication (Herk, 2012: 28).




As seen in that categorization, English even enters some countries that do not use English as their official language. Indonesia can be categorized as the expanding circle, because English is also widely used in Indonesia although

Indonesia does not have any colonial history with English spoken country. In

Indonesia, the use of English can be seen throughout education, tourism, and any other fields that connect Indonesia to other countries. Without English, communication between one people and the other people from different countries or language background will not happen.

Today, Indonesian people have greater chance to learn or even to master

English as their second language or as foreign language. Mostly, Indonesian people who have greater chance to learn or master English are nowadays children or young people since they are born in the era when schools start to give their attention in

English language more intensively. The process of learning English is often helped by music, films, or even TV programs.

In the process of learning English, code alternation happens frequently.

Code alternation is “the alternate use of two or more languages in the same utterance or conversation” (Grosjean, 1982: 145). Code alternation can be divided into two forms, which are code switching and code mixing (Hammers and Blanc, 1983: 148).

The focus of this research will be on code mixing instead of code switching. “Code mixing is a mixing of two codes or languages, usually without a change of topic.

Code mixing often occurs within one sentence, one element is spoken in language

A and the rest in language B.” (Nababan 1993:32). The data in this research involve

English as language A and Indonesian language as language B. The specific reason PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


why code mixing is chosen is because in this research, the data found, the changing between Indonesian and English language occurs mostly under the sentence level.

Besides that, “the field of code mixing research is one of the most active and interesting domains in the area of language contact studies” (Bhatia and Ritchie,

2013: 195). Since code mixing belongs to sociolinguistics, the social context is important.

Code mixing usually occurs in a multilingual country (Wardaugh

1992:103). In Indonesia, the phenomenon of multilingual country can also be found between Indonesian language and English. Many people in Indonesia use English as their foreign language to communicate, since English was taught from kindergarten until university level. Besides from education area, people who want to get job or start their career in Indonesia mostly required to master English.

Therefore, English becomes more common to use in daily conversation.

Code mixing also occurs when people from a multilingual society meet in a foreign country. For example, non-English speaking country students who live in a country which uses English then meets their friends from their country, will not use

English all the time but they may use their own language.

Code mixing can be found both in written and oral communication. Code mixing in written language can be found in newspapers, magazines, novels, or internet media. Code mixing can also be found in spoken language such as on radio programs, television programs, or teaching-learning process.

The code mixing cases that will be discussed in this research are taken from

Junior MasterChef Indonesia. Junior MasterChef Indonesia is a variety show which PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


is adopted from Junior MasterChef (England) with a corporation from RCTI and

Fermantle Media. All the contestants in this variety show are children between 8 –

13 years old with their cooking skills. Junior MasterChef Indonesia was aired in

Indonesia for the first time on April 6, 2014 and finished their first season on June

29, 2014.

In one of their episodes in season 1, episode 11 on June 15, 2014, Junior

MasterChef Indonesia invited Chef Talita Setyadi, an international professional chef from Indonesia who worked with so many professional chefs from other countries. Chef Talita herself spends her life mostly in Europe and works there also, that is why she can be called as a multilingual person. Chef Talita here became a guest chef who presented her signature dish named Java Caramel Cake in front of all the contestants. In her process of presenting, there were so many English -

Indonesian codes mixing found.

The reason why the writer chooses Junior MasterChef Indonesia and Chef

Talita Setyadi as the objects of this research is because the topic that is presented in that variety show by Chef Talita Setyadi. The writer finds many previous researches related to code mixing, but the code mixing research that related to cooking topic is still rarely discussed.

Code mixing happens in some different levels of linguistic units. Linguistic units that can be mixed are morphemes, words, modifiers, phrases, clauses, and sentences (Bhatia and Ritchie, 2013: 376). In this research, the writer will analyze the type of code mixing based on their grammatical function and also syntactic PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


structure. Meaning, the code mixing will be classified according to their grammatical function and syntactic structure that will reveal their linguistic unit.

As English becomes more popular and widely used in Indonesia, it is very important to understand some phenomena like code alternation, code switching, or code mixing. By understanding those phenomena people will know the effect of learning or mastering English toward the language that people use in their daily conversation. Code mixing is one of the phenomena that often happen in the society and it has the big role in showing the tendency that Indonesia will become a multilingual country.

B. Problem Formulation

This research focuses on the code Mixing used by Chef Talita Setyadi in presenting her masterpiece recipe named Java Cava Caramel Cake to the contestants of Junior MasterChef Indonesia Season 1 in Episode 11. It is based on the research questions below:

1. What types of code mixing based on syntactic structure are used by Chef

Talita Setyadi in Junior MasterChef Indonesia while presenting Java

Caramel Cake recipe?

2. What are the possible reasons of code mixing used by Chef Talita Setyadi

in Junior MasterChef Indonesia while presenting Java Caramel Cake recipe?



C. Objectives of The Study

This research focuses on the use of code mixing found in the presentation of Java Caramel Cake recipe done by Chef Talita Setyadi in Junior MasterChef

Indonesia Season 1 Episode 11. Based on the problems that were formulated above, one of the objectives of this research is to find the types of code mixing based on syntactic structure which are used by Chef Talita Setyadi in Junior MasterChef

Indonesia while presenting Java Caramel Cake recipe. The writer lists the code mixing cases first, then classify the cases or the data based on their grammatical function. After classifying their grammatical function, then the writer will divide and classify them based on their syntactic structure. Besides classifying the data based on their syntactic structure, the writer is also interested to find and classify the possible reasons of code mixing used by Chef Talita Setyadi in Junior

MasterChef Indonesia while presenting Java Caramel Cake recipe.

D. Definition of Terms

The study of code mixing will be related to how people use the language in their daily communication. The most suitable scope that can cover the study is sociolinguistics.

Sociolinguistics is “the study of language in relation to society” (Finch,

2000: 193). Finch also confirms that sociolinguistics is a unification of sociology and language.

Sociolinguistics is in many ways a blend of sociology and linguistics. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘sociology of language’, although the label suggests a greater concern with sociological rather than linguistics explanations, whereas sociolinguists are principally concerned with PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


language, or, to be more precise, with what Dell Hymes crucially calls ‘socially constituted’ language (Coupland and Jaworski, 1997, p.14): with the way language is constructed by, and in turn helps to construct, society (Finch, 2000: 193).

Besides sociolinguistics, a definition of syntax is also needed in this research because the analysis of syntactic structure requires an understanding of syntax. “Syntax is a term used for the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences” (Finch, 2000: 73). Both finding the grammatical function and syntactic structure are in the scope of syntax.

Analyzing the cases of code mixing requires the understanding of the term code. Finch (2000) simply states that code can be replaced by language.

In its simplest sense a code is a system of rules which allows us to transmit information in symbolic form. By this definition, human language is a code. It consists of words which symbolically represent ideas, events and objects in the world outside, and which, when put together in certain sequences enable us to communicate (Finch, 2000: 209).

Code mixing is a part of code alternation. Code alternation is “the alternate use of two or more languages in the same utterance or conversation” (Grosjean,

1982: 145). Code alternation can be divided into two forms, which are code switching and code mixing (Hammers and Blanc, 1983: 148). Code mixing itself is

“the mixing of various linguistic units (morphemes, words, modifiers, phrases, clauses, and sentences) primarily from two participating grammatical systems within a sentence” (Bhatia and Ritchie, 2013: 376). Here, code mixing refers to the switching between linguistics units within a sentence.




A. Review of Related Studies

Some researchers have conducted some quite similar studies with the present one. The writer uses some previous published undergraduate theses which have similar topics as comparison. In this review, the writer reviews two previous studies and two of them are undergraduate theses.

The first undergraduate thesis entitled “English-Indonesian Code-Mixing

Used by Indonesian Twitter Users as Seen through Their Tweets”, written by

Stevani Narwastu Jiwa Rinakit in 2012. Rinakit discussed the code mixing found in a social media called Twitter. She collected 100 tweets from Indonesian users that contain code mixing cases. Rinakit did not only classify and analyze the types of code mixing occurred but also tried to find the possible reason why the code mixing happens. Actually, the problem formulations that Rinakit had, about the type and possible reason of code mixing, were quite similar with the research that the writer does now. The difference can be found in the way Rinakit classified the type of code mixing and her object of study. Rinakit used the theory of code mixing by Kachru (1982) that classifies code mixing into five categories, which are sentence insertion, unit insertion, idiom and collocation insertion, unit hybridization, and reduplication. Kachru’s categorization about types of code mixing, actually based on syntax approach. Sentence insertion, unit insertion, and unit hybridization involve code mixing cases in morpheme, word, phrase, clause,




and sentence level, which are parts of syntactic structure. In this research, the writer is also going to classify the code mixing cases based on their syntactic structure. In this research, the classification focus on syntactic structure only, while Rinakit’s reasearch involves idiom and reduplication as the type of code mixing. About the reasons, Rinakit found seven reasons which were habitual experience, talking about particular topic, mood of the speaker, emphasizing a point, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something and showing the speaker's desire to be well understood and other reason which consists of personalization, giving an educated expression and also random and spontaneous process.

While Rinakit used the sentences created by Indonesian users in Twitter, the writer uses the sentences by Chef Talita Setyadi in Junior MasterChef Indonesia

TV program.

The second undergraduate thesis is written by Yanistra Allanto in 2014 entitled “Code Mixing in Fashion Tips Articles as Seen in GoGirl! November 2013

Edition”. Allanto took some articles that contain 160 code mixing cases. She then classified the types and the reason of code mixing. Actually, the research that

Allanto had done had almost similar problem formulations. Allanto classified the code mixing cases by their types and possible reasons. Allanto classified the type of code mixing based on two big categories which were intra-sentential and intra- lexical, then the intra-sentential category is divided again into noun, verb, adjectives, noun phrase, prepositional phrase and Indonesian – English mixed phrase. The second categorization, which is about possible reason of code mixing, the writer uses the similar theory with Allanto, seven categories of code mixing PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


reason as cited from Hoffman (1991) which are talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, expressing group identity and solidarity, and clarifying the speech content for the interluctor . The difference can be seen in the data sources.

While Allanto takes the data from the written source, magazine articles, the writer takes the data from visual-audio sources, which is Indonesian TV program.

This research is aimed to enrich and develop the previous researches. The writer wants to analyze the phenomenon of code mixing in the other field, which is cooking variety show. Besides that, the writer also wants to see the relation between the classification of code mixing based on their syntactic structures and its reason, whether or not there is any implications or tendencies between the classification and the reason. Another difference can be seen in the classification itself. If the previous writers used the classification based on some theories on code mixing classifications, in this reserach, the reseracher tries to use syntactic structure as the classification. By using syntactic structure as the classification of code mixing cases, the writer tries to find another approach in seeing and analyzing code mixing cases. Not only seeing the classification by some fixed forms, but also trying to find the relations between code mixing and the structure of morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. Hopefully by doing this research, the writer will find the new pattern of code mixing and can develop the previous findings.



B. Review of Related Theories

In this study, the writer uses some theories as the guideline. This section is divided into six parts. The first one is the discussion of sociolinguistics. Then, it will be followed by the discussion of code. In the discussion of language alternation, the writer will discuss the distinction between code switching and code mixing. The discussion of code switching and code mixing will be followed by the discussion of possible reason of code mixing. The next discussion will cover the theories related to syntax analysis. Types of code mixing, based on the syntactic structure, will be discusssed after brief the discussion about syntax. To find or determine the syntactic structure, the writer need to find the grammatical function first. The theory of grammatical function will be discussed before the theory of syntactic structure.

1. Sociolinguistics

The use of code mixing is a part of the way people use their language in their daily life. Studying about how people use their language and what happen with the language have the strong relationship with the study of sociolinguistics. Sankoff

(1974) and Milroy (1992) as cited by Tagliamonte (2012) argue that:

Later the discussios affirmed that the ideal target of sociolinguistics investigation is “everyday speech” (Sankoff 1974, 1980b: 54), “real language in use” (Milroy 1992: 66). Variation in language can be observed just about everywhere from a conversation you overhear on the street to a story you read in the newspaper (Tagliamonte, 2012: 2).

Through that definiton, it is clear that the study of sociolinguistics covers the use of language in daily life. In the use of language in the daily life, there are two important elements which are language and society. Wardaugh (1992) gives a clear definition of what sociolinguistics is. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and how languages function in communication; the equivalent goal in the sociology of language is trying to discover how social structure can be better understood through the study of languae (Wardaugh, 1992: 13).

Trudgill (1978) as quoted by Wardaugh also mentions that “studies in the sociology of language, e.g., bilingualism, code-switching, and diglossia”

(Wardaugh, 1992: 14) belong to the scope of sociolingistics. Therefore, sociolinguistics is the most appropriate scope for code mixing studies.

2. Code

Code is used by people when they communicate each other. Finch (2000) simply states that code can be replaced by language.

In its simplest sense a code is a system of rules which allows us to transmit information in symbolic form. By this definition, human language is a code. It consists of words which symbolically represent ideas, events and objects in the world outside, and which, when put together in certain sequences enable us to communicate. (Finch, 2000: 209)

Therefore, code in this context can be replaced by the language that people use in their communication, that is regarded as symbollic form. In using code as their instruments of communication, people can choose what kind of code they want to use and also how they will use it, with or without variation.

3. Language Alternation

Language alternation is “the use of language in discourse that can be divided into two major types: (a) code switching, and (b) code mixing” (Brice and

Anderson, 1999: 17). Languages involved can be regarded as language A and language B. Those two terms, code switching and code mixing, are different. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


first term that will be explained is code switching and then will be followed by the discussion of code mixing. a. Code Switching

Bhatia and Ritchie (2013) state that code switching happens in some various levels of linguistics units.

We use the term ‘code-switching’ (CS) to refer to the use of various linguistic units (words, phrases, clauses, and sentences) primarily from two participating grammatical systems across sentence boundaries within a speech event. In other words, CS is intersentential and may be subject to discourse principles. It is motivated by social and psychological factors. (Bhatia and Ritchie, 2013: 376)

From that definition, it is clear that code switching happens under the sentence level and in the sentence level as well. Code switching occurs from word level, until sentence level. b. Code Mixing

While code switching covers nearly whole levels of code variation or code alternation, something different happens in code mixing.

We use term ‘code-mixing’ (CM) to refer to the mixing of various linguistic units (morphemes, words, modifiers, phrases, clauses, and sentences) primarily from two participating grammatical systems within a sentence. In other words, CM is intrasentential and is constrained by grammatical princiles and may also be motivated by social and psychological motivations. (Bhatia and Ritchie, 2013: 376)

Code mixing only covers the changing that happens below the sentence level. It can be said that code mixing is actually a part of code switching that happens in a sentence boundary. The grammatical system covered in code mixing involves morpheme, word, phrase, and clause. Further explanation of the difference between code switching and code mixing is also explained by Hoffman. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


McLaughin (1984) emphasizes the distinction between mixing and switching by referring to code-switches as language changes occuring across phrase or sentence boundaries, whereas code-mixes take place within sentences and usually involve single lexical items. (Hoffman, 1991: 110)

Understanding Hoffman’s theory, the distinction between code switching and code mixing becomes very clear. The main idea of the differences of code mixing and code switching is the boundaries, below sentence boundaries and between sentence boundaries. Kachru (1978: 108) states that “Code mixing, on the other hand, entails transferring linguistics units from one code into another. Such a transfer (mixing) results in developing a new restricted or not so restricted code of linguistic interaction”.

From those three definitions from Bhatia and Ritchie, Kachru, and Hoffman, it is understood that code mixing involves the code alternation or language changing between linguistics units in a sentence boundaries, such as morpheme, word, phrase, and clause. While code mixing occurs below sentence boundaries, code switching occurs in word, phrase, clause and sentence level.

4. Reasons of Code Mixing

According to Hoffman (1991: 115-116), there are seven possible reasons of code mixing, which are talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, expressing group identity and solidarity, and clarifying the speech content for the interluctor. a. Talking about Particular Topic

“Talking about a perticular topic may cause a switch, either because of lack of facility in the relevant register or because certain items triger off various connotations which are linked to experiences in a particular language” (Hoffman, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


1991: 115). Sometimes, when we are talking about some topics that are more

popular or infamous in another language, we have the tendency to mix our language

with that another language. Some examples are found by Allanto (2014). i. Semua fashion stuff yang ada bisa terlihat keren. ii. Hasilnya sudah cukup ngebuktiin keahlian freelance fashion stylist yang sudah

cukup lama melintang di dunia fashion ini, cool!

From those examples, the terms ‘fashion stuff’ and ‘freelance fashion

stylist’ are related to the fashion topic, which the infamous terms are from English

language. Code mixing cases that occur because of talking about particular topic

can be various in the context of form. It might happen in morpheme, word, phrase,

or clause level because the use of certain familiar utterance in particular topic can

be in various forms. In morpheme level, for example, the root word can be from

language A, because of the familiarity, but the prefix or suffix comes from language

B because the language used in the rest of the sentence or dialogue is language B.

In word, phrase, and clause level, some terms from language A can be used because

of the familiarity, but the rest of those terms found in the same sentence are in

language B.

b. Quoting Somebody Else

When we talk about something that has been said by other people in another

language, we are likely to repeat that idea or sentence in the same language that we

hear. Some examples are given by Rinakit (2012). i. Men think can be judged by his word selection. Kata ahli komunikasi. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


ii. Dan cm satu cowok yg bilang ‘enjoy your vacation! Aku msh bs nahan kangen

kok’ aaahh... cuma satu, kamuu.

In quoting somebody else, there’s nothing can be done except just say the

sentences or words as it is. If the sentences, for example, is in English, it means that

the speaker has to use English, even the dialogue is in Indonesian. The form of the

quotation itself can be in a form of direct speech or indirect speech. By seeing the

form itself, it is clear that particular code mixing case can be categorized as quoting

somebody else. In quoting somebody else, there is nothing the speaker can

contribute about the level of code mixing, so it can happen in various level, depends

on the original quotation that is quoted by the speaker.

c. Being Emphatic about Something

This kind of code mixing shows the speaker’s emphaty toward someone.

Sometimes, the emphaty that’s going to be said will sound more meaningful if

another language is used. Here are the examples found by Rinakit (2012). i. Semangat ya @yoelius yang akan didadar siang ini... We love you!!! We waiting

for you calon sarjana!!! Do the best yak kohhh... ii. Yg sabar. God knows the best!

Showing the emphatic feelings towards others sometimes require the use of

short expression like “We love you!”, “Do the best”, or “God knows the best!”.

Those short expressions somehow are more popular in English language than in

Indonesian language. In showing the emphatic feelings, the terms used usually in

the level of word, phrase, or clause. Code mixing case in the morpheme level can PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


not be found because morpheme unit will not be clear enough to show any kind of emphatic feelings. d. Interjection

“Interjections are typically described as those words which are used to express the speaker’s exclamation or emotional reaction but which have no further lexical content” (Morley, 2000: 45). As the definition proposed by Morley, the function of code mixing here is to show the emotional reaction of the speaker, using the exclamation that’s easily found in another language. An example is proposed by Hoffman: “...Oh! Ay! It was embarrassing! It was very nice, though, but I was embarrassed!’ (Hoffman, 1991: 112). The word “Ay!” expresses the speaker’s emotional reaction. That word exists in English, but somehow does not give any grammatical meaning. Interjection code mixing case usually occurs in the word level, because it is the insertion of word that functions as the emphasizing of some kind of emotional reaction.

Another definition of interjection is defined as “a word added to a sentence to express an emotion or a feeling such as surprise, joy, enthusiasm, disgust, or excitement. If an interjection is omitted, the sentence still makes sense”

( Interjection can be referred as word or utterance that will not affect the meaning of the sentence if it is omitted from the sentence.

Beside insertion of the exclamation or emotional reaction from the speaker, interjection can also appear in a sentence as the sentence connector. Two examples are proposed by Allanto (2014). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


i. Crowd antrian Maison Martin Margiela for H&M ini sebenarnya tidak terlalu

rame dibanding kolaborasi H&M lainnya. ii. But still, kolaborasi ini menarik cukup banyak shoppers.

In those two sentences, the word “for” and the phrase “but still” play the

role as sentence connectors. “For” in the middle of the sentence and “but still” in

the beginning of the sentence.

e. Repetition Used for Clarification

In this case, mixing aims to give stress and to add more force to the

statement given by the speaker. Allanto (2014) provides an example “Tentuin

sumber barang alias ‘supplier’ toko PO kita”. The phrase ‘sumber barang’ and

‘supplier’ actually have the same meaning. The word ‘alias’ here plays role as an

indicator that those two terms deliver the same meaning. Because they have clearly

the same meaning, they emphasize each other. In repetition, usually the code mixing

case happens in phrase level, because in emphasizing something with different

language, it is needed more than one word only in one grammatical function.

f. Expressing Group Identity and Solidarity

Hoffman described this criteria as the two communities from different group

that shares a conversation together. In this context, a group means people who use

the same language. Mixing language for expressing group identity and solidarity

means using two languages in a conversation so that different people from different

group will understand the conversation better. This case is very common among

teenagers and immigrants (Hoffman, 1991: 116). The group identity can also

referred to the context of the conversation. Sometimes, there is a group which uses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


language or code alternation as their style of communication, for example in the context of adapted reality or variety show in certain country. The speaker will tend to use the language from where the show comes from, but mixed with the local language. In this kind of code mixing case, it can happen in various level such as morpheme, word, phrase, or clause, since showing group identity using language can be done with any kind of code mixing. g. Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor

This reason of mixing involved the change of pronunciation so that the partner can understand clearly what the speaker says (Hoffman, 1991: 112).

5. Grammatical Function

Grammatical function can be defined as “the syntactic role played by a word or phrase in the context of a particular clause or sentence, and sometimes called simply function” (

By knowing the role or the function of each utterances, the writer can define easily whether an utterance is a word, phrase, or clause. Because in defining a unit of an utterance, the writer should see a particular function that is represented by a or some words.

Downing and Locke (2003: 26) divide grammatical function into seven parts which are subject, predicator, object, complement, adjunct, disjunct, and conjunct. The categorization of grammatical function in this research will follow the categorization stated by Downing and Locke. The explanation of each categorization will cover the general definition and three characteristic groups, that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


differentiate each categorization. The three characteristic groups are syntactic features, semantic features, and realisation of each categorization. a. Subject

Accroding to Downing and Locke, subject identification can be done by looking at the position, concord, pronominalisation, and the question tag. Besides that, the participation role can be regarded as a subject.

“Subject is identified syntactically by the features of position, concord, pronominalisation and reflection in tag questions. Semantically, almost all participant roles can be associated with the Subject. It can be realised by a wide variety of groups and clauses.” (Downing and Locke, 2003: 31)

There are five syntactic features that can be used to identify a subject. The first one is “the subject is that element of which something is predicated in a clause and which, in English, must be present in declarative and interrogative clauses”

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 32). It is mandatory for a sentence to have a subject in it. In this syntactic factors, subjects depicted as someting that is predicated or explained by the predicator. That is why, which is also the second syntactic feature,

“the subject is placed before the predicator in declarative clause” (Downing and

Locke, 2003: 32). The third syntactic feature explains that “subject is that element which is picked up in a tag-quetion phrase and referred to anaphorically by a pronoun” (Downing and Locke, 2003: 32). From that explanation, it’s clear that subject will determine the question tag in a sentence.

The fourth syntactic feature refers to the use of pronominal forms like I, he, she, we, and they. Besides that, the possesive forms also stand as a subject

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 32). The last syntactic feature is that “subjects determine number (singular or plural) and person concord with the verb” (Downing PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


and Locke, 2003: 32). The subject that is found in a sentence will determine what kind of verb that will be used, related to the amount and the form of the subject.

About the semantic feature, or semantic role, there are some roles that are done or can be found in subject. There are six roles, which are agent, affected, effected, expereincer, instrument, and recipient (Downing and Locke, 2003: 33).

All the semantic roles can be found by analyzing what happen into the subject.

Besides the syntactic and semantic features, we can also identify the subject by looking at the realisation. There are some form of realisations, which are consist of some various classes of group and clauses. They are nominal group, finite clause, non-finite clause, anticipatory it + extraposed finite or non-finite clause, prop it, unstressed there, prepositional group, adverbial group, and adjectival group

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 34). b. Predicator

“The predicator is the verbal component of a clause” (Downing and Locke,

2003: 39). Predicators can be referred to verbs. “The predicator is identified syntactically by position and concord. It indicates the process type and is ascociated with the meanings expressed by tense, aspect, modality, voice and phase. It is realised by verbal groups” (Downing and Locke, 2003: 32). From the predicators, we can conclude the process that’s decribed by a sentence and also the time, related to the tenses.

The syntactic feature of a predicator refers to the position of the predicator itself. “In English, the Predicator typically follows the Subject in declarative clauses, and precedes the Subject in polar interrogatives” (Downing and Locke, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


2003: 39). It is clearly stated that the position of preedicator is always related with the subject, whether it is before the subject or after the subject.

Predicator always realized by verbal group, “whose structure may consist of one single form or a number of forms” (Downing and Locke, 2003: 40). The single form can be finite or non-finite, and longer verbal group may consist of the main verb, preceded or followed by one or more auxillaries. c. Object

Object can be devided into three types, which are Direct Object, Indirect

Object, and Prepositional Object. i. Direct Object

Direct object is “the single Object in a transitive clause, not mediated by a preposition and having no prepositional paraphrase” (Downing and Locke, 2003:

41). There are five syntactic features found in direct object. The first syntactic feature is “Direct object is placed immediately after the Predicator” (Downing and

Locke, 2003: 41). The second one, in a transitive clause, a direct object can be transformed as a subject in passive construction (Downing and Locke, 2003: 41).

The fourth one, the meaning of a sentence or a clause remain unchanged. In the other word, the changing position of a direct object into a subject will not change the meaning of the sentence (Downing and Locke, 2003: 41). The next syntactic feature is the position of direct object in clause or sentence with two objects. The direct object is always placed after the indirect object (Downing and Locke, 2003:

42). Then, the last one is “no prepositional paraphrase is possible for the Direct

Object” (Downing and Locke, 2003: 42). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


There are six semantic features that can be used to identify a direct object.

They are affected, effected, instrument, phenomenon, verbiage, and range

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 42). Beside the syntactic and semantic feature, direct object can also be identified by the realisation of direct object. The realisation of direct object can be in the form of nominal group, finite clause, non-finite clause, anticipatory it + finite/non-finite clause, and prepositional group of time or place

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 42). ii. Indirect Object

To identify an indirect object, there are four syntactic features that can be used as the characteristic of an indirect object. The first one is an indirect object always immediately follow the predicator in a clause or a sentence with two objects

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 46). Then, indirect object can be replaced by a to- phrase complement which follows the direct object (Downing and Locke, 2003:

46). The third one is about the changing position in passive construction. Unlike the direct object that can be fronted, an indirect object sometimes can be changed as a subject, but in the WH-interrogative or in a relative clause, the indirect object can’t be moved as a subject. As an alternative, the prepositional can be used (Downing and Locke, 2003: 46). The last syntactic feature, “the Indirect Object can generally be left unexpounded without affecting the grammaticality of the clause” (Downing and Locke, 2003: 46) explains that omitting the indirect object can be done and it is grammatically accepted.

The semantic features of indirect object are more restricted than the direct object. There are only two semantic roles of an indirect object, which are the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


recepient of an action and beneficiary (Downing and Locke, 2003: 46). Like the semantic features, the realisation of indirect object is also restricted. The realisation of indirect object can be in a form of nominal groups or sometimes WH- nominal relative clause (Downing and Locke, 2003: 46). iii. Prepositional Object

Prepositional object is an object which is mediated by a preposition and the realisation of prepositional object can only be in a form of noun group or noun clause (Downing and Locke, 2003: 47). d. Complement

Complement can be devided into three types, which are subject complement, object complement, and predicator complement. i. Subject Complement

Subject complement “completes the predication after a copular verb by specifying an Attribute of the Subject, its identity, or a circumstance inherent to the predication” (Downing and Locke, 2003: 49). Basically, subject complement is a complement which functions as a specifier for the subject. There’s no possibility for subject complement to be passivied, like an object. Subject complement can be realized by adjective group, definite and indefinite noun group, and by clauses

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 49). ii. Object Complement

“The Object Complement completes the predication after a Direct Object with the same type of information as is provided by the Subject Complement”

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 50). This kind of complement can be passivied along PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


with the direct object, but not as a complement which is changed into a subject. The realisations of object complement are in the form of adjective group, definite and indefinite noun groups, and clauses (Downing and Locke, 2003: 50). iii. Predicator Complement

Term predicator complement used to refer to any constituent that explains the predicator, but can not be classified as an object and can not be pasivied

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 55). The predicator complement can be divided into four categories. The first one is the constituent following relational verbs. The relational verbs including have, posses, lack, suit, resemble, contain, and fit

(Downing and Locke, 2003: 55). The second one is the constituent following verbs of measure. These include such verbs as measure, cost, take, and weigh (Downing and Locke, 2003: 55). Next, is the constituent following verbs of equal reciprocity.

The example of verbs of equal reciprocity are marry and resemble (Downing and

Locke, 2003: 56). The fourth is obligatory directional complement. Many verbs which express movement like creep, slip, slide, steal, etc., require a complement which states the direction or the destination of the action (Downing and Locke,

2003: 56). The predicator complement can be realized by nominal group, prepositional group, finite clause, and non-finite clause (Downing and Locke, 2003:

57). e. Adjunct

“The Adjunct is an optional element of clause structure which can be omitted without affecting the grammaticality of the clause” (Downing and Locke,

2003: 58). There are some characteristics of an adjunct, which are the ability of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


added to any of the basic clause structures, having the flexibelity regarded to position, and the tendency of expressing different types of circumstances (Downing and Locke, 2003: 56). Adjunct can be realised in some different form like prepositional group, adverbial group, finite clause, non-finite clause, abbreviated clause, and noun group (Downing and Locke, 2003: 60-61). f. Disjunct

“Disjunct are optional additions to a clause or sentence. Syntactically, they remain somewhat separate from the clausse, since their message refers to the whole of the clause or sentence” (Downing and Locke, 2003: 62). The example of disjunct are naturally, honestly, hopefully, truly, in fact, in reality, etc. “Textually, Disjuncts represent a comment by the speaker or writer on the content of the clause as a whole” (Downing and Locke, 2003: 62). Disjunct can be realised by adverbs, prepositional groups, finite clause, and non-finite clause (Downing and Locke,

2003: 62). g. Conjunct

“Conjuncts tell us how the speaker or writer understands the semantic connection between two utterances, or part of utterances” (Downing and Locke,

2003: 63). Conjunct plays role as a connector, that can be used between groups, clauses, sentences, or even paragraphs. Semantically, there are four types of conjunct, which are additive, adversative, causal, and temporal (Downing and

Locke, 2003: 63). Conjunct can be realised by clossed-class adverbs, open-class adverbs, preposition groups, adjectival groups, adverbial groups, finite clauses, and non-finite clauses (Downing and Locke, 2003: 64). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


6. Syntactic Structure

The reason why the writer uses syntactic structure as the categorization of code mixing classification is the definition of code mixing by Bhatia and Ritchie

(2013) “We use term ‘code-mixing’ (CM) to refer to the mixing of various linguistic units (morphemes, words, modifiers, phrases, clauses, and sentences) primarily from two participating grammatical systems within a sentence” (Bhatia and Ritchie,

2013: 376). Those linguistic units mentioned can be found in syntactic structure.

“Syntactic structure in systemic grammar is traditionally based around five formal units: sentence, clause, group (phrase), word and morpheme” (Morley, 2000: 23).

Since the analysis of code mixing only require linguistic units under the sentence level, the syntactic structure that will be discussed here are morpheme, word, phrase, and clause. a. Morpheme

Morpheme can be described as “the smallest unit of grammatical form and meaning” (Morley, 2000: 26). Morpheme can not stand by itself, it must be attached into a word to produce particular meaning. Morpheme is attached to produce some additional meanings, or change a word from particular word class into another word class that has different function. Code mixing can happen in morpheme level if a morpheme, or more, that is attached into a word comes from different language from the root word. For example, the root word is in English, but the morpheme comes from Indonesian language such as bowlnya, cakenya, and diwhisk. The root words bowl, cake, and whisk are from English, while the prefix and suffix –nya and di– are from Indonesian language. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


b. Word

Word is the “basic unit of syntax” (Morley, 2000: 26). Here, it is called as the basic unit because word can stand by itself and produce particular meaning without being attached to other linguistic units. A code mixing case is classified as code mixing in the word level if the word mixed occupies a grammatical function.

Code mixing case in word level usually involve a word which comes from a particular language and the other words from the other language that are combined to form a sentence. According to its class, word can be devided into ten categories, which are noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection, article, pronoun, and determiner. c. Phrase

Grammatically, phrase can be described as “the grouping of one or more words which together fulfill the role that in other circumstances might be expressed by a single word” (Morley, 2000: 26). Although phrase consists of more than a word, it is considered as a unit since it represents one grammatical function. Code mixing case can be found in phrase level if a phrase consists or two or more words from two different languages, or in a sentence that consists of two or more phrases that each of them comes from two different languages. There is seven classes of phrases which are nominal or noun phrase, verbal phrase, adjectival phrase, adverbial phrase, prepositional phrase, subordinator phrase, and genitive phrase. d. Clause

A clause “grammatically, it consists of one or more phrases” (Morley, 2000:

26). A clause actually has a characteristic of a sentence, which requires a subject PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


and a predicate in that linguistic units. The difference is, clause still managed to be formed under the sentence level. A clause is combined with another or other clauses to form a sentence, and sometimes are joined by a conjunction. In a sentence, a clause represents a grammatical function. Code mixing case can be classified as code mixing in clause level if a clause which occupy a grammatical function consists of two languages, or in a sentence, there are some clauses from different languages. According to its class, clause can be divided into three categories, which are nominal clause, adjectival clause, and adverbial clause.

C. Theoretical Framework

In collecting the data from the transcript of Junior MasterChef Indonesia

Season 1, Episode 11, the writer will use the theory of code, code switching and code mixing to find the sentences that contains code mixing. The theory will help the writer to identify and distinguish the sentences that contains code alternation cases from the sentences that do not have the cases. Then, the writer will separate the sentences that contains code mixing from code switching.

This research has two problem formulation to acomplish which are the types of code mixing based on the syntactic structures and the possible reason of code mixing. In order to answer the first problem of this research, which is the type of code mixing based on the syntactic structure, the writer first should identify the grammatical function of every single utterances of the code mixing used by Chef

Talita Setyadi. The function of identifying the grammatical function here is to devide the utterances into the syntactic categories. Although there are some characteristics of each syntactic categories, it is easier to classify them, to determine PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the borders between one category and another if the grammatical functions have been identified. The writer uses the theory by Downing and Locke (2003) that classify grammatical functions into seven categories which are subject, predicator, object, complement, adjunct, disjunct, and conjunct. After identifying grammatical functions, the writer will classify the code mixing cases based on the syntactic structures. As cited from Morley (2000), there are five classification of syntactic structures namely morpheme, word, phrase or group, clause, and sentence. Since the data that will be analyzed is code mixing, it means the syntactic structures involved are the linguistic units below the sentence level, which are morpheme, word, phrase, and clause. The discussion of code alternation in sentence level will be omitted since it belongs to code switching characteristic. Then, the reseracher will count the amount of syntactic structure in each categories from code mixing cases done by Chef Talita Setyadi.

The second problem formulation, about the possible reason of code mixing, the writer uses seven categories by Hoffman (1991) which are talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, to express group identity and solidarity, and clarifying the speech content for the interluctor. In analyzing the possible reason, to determine which case or utterance belongs to which category, the reseracher also refers to the syntactic structure that repersents or shows the characteristics of each possible reason. Then, the writer will count the possible reason in each categories from code mixing cases done by Chef Talita Setyadi. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



A. Object of Study

This study analyzes the use of code mixing in an Indonesian variety show,

Junior MasterChef Indonesia. The writer collected the data from Junior MasterChef

Indonesia Season 1, Episode 11, which aired on June 15, 2014. The primary data of the present research are the sentences spoken by Chef Talita Setyadi while presenting Java Caramel Cake recipe in Junior MasterChef Indonesia Season 1

Episode 11 that contain code mixing cases. There are 71 sentences spoken by Chef

Talita Setyadi found that contain code mixing cases.

The reason why the writer chooses that episode is because of the presence of the guest chef, Chef Talita Setyadi who presents the recipe of Java Caramel Cake by mixing Indonesian and English language. Since there are so many dialogue between Chef Talita Setyadi, the contestants, and the judges, the writer only chooses the sentences while Chef Talita Setyadi presents the recipe of Java Caramel

Cake, since she is the creator and also the presenter of Java Caramel Cake recipe.

Generally, this research is aimed to investigate the code mixing found in those sentences mentioned. The analysis will reveal the types based on the syntactic structure, possible reasons of the code mixing happens, and also the possible tendency or implication between the syntactic categories mixed and the possible reasons found.




B. Approach of the Study

Since this research is aimed to assess the code mixing that happens in delivering Java Caramel Recipe by Chef Talita Setyadi, the approach the writer uses to conduct the study is the approach of Sociolinguistics of English language that concerns with the style of people’s daily language and the variation.

Sociolinguistics is “the study of language in relation to society” (Finch, 2000: 193).

From that definition, it is proven that Sociolinguistics cover the use of language related to the society and how people use language. The way people use their languages, the way people choose their words, depend on the social context. The understanding of sociolinguistics concepts helps the writer to understand the context of the dialogue, where the data are found.

C. Method of the Study

This part explains how the data are collected, used and analyzed further to achieve the aim of this research. As the writer mentions about the aim or purpose of the study previously, this method is used to acomplish those purposes which are to determine the types based on syntactic structures and the reason of the use of code mixing done by Chef Talita Setyadi in Junior MasterChef Indonesia Season 1

Episode 11. Here some sections to discuss the data further.

1. Data Collection

The population of the data will be the transcript of Junior MasterChef

Indonesia Season 1 Episode 11. The raw data that will be used in this research is the sentences spoken by Chef Talita Setyadi in presenting Java Caramel Cake PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


recipe. Those sentences then will be separated, from those which don’t contain code mixing cases and those which contain code mixing cases. The writer uses the purposive sampling menthod.

Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique. Non-probability sampling focuses on sampling techniques where the units that are investigated are based on the judgement of the researcher. (

By using purposive sampling method, the writer analyzes all the sentences by Chef Talita Setyadi in presenting the recipe that contains code mixing. In purposive sampling, or non-probability sampling, all the data that fulfill the criteria needed, should be used and analyzed. The criteria of the sentence that can be regarded as the data is the sentences spoken by Chef Talita Setyadi during the presentation of Java Caramel Cake recipe and contains code mixing cases.

There are some steps that are done by the writer to collect the data. First, the writer watches Junior MasterChef Indonesia Season 1 Episode 11 and makes the full transcript of that episode. After making the transcript, the writter will check the transcript and separate the sentences spoken by Chef Taita Setyadi during the presentation of Java Caramel Cake Recipe. The separation is done to the sentences that contain code mixing cases. There are 72 sentences found. Those sentences are analyzed and those which contain the code mixing cases will be categorized as the data. A code mixing case will be regarded as a datum.

2. Data Analysis

The main purpose of this research is to investigate the sentences by Chef

Talita Setyadi in presenting Java Caramel Cake recipe in the variety show Junior PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


MasterChef Indonesia Season 1 Episode 11 that contains code mixing. Therefore, the thing that is analyzed by the writer is the video recording that has been changed into the form of transcript of Junior MasterChef Indonesia Season 1 Episode 11.

For the data analysis, the writer collects the sentences delivered by Chef

Talita Setyadi in delivering the recipe of Java Caramel Cake that contains code mixing from the transcript. To classify the types and the possible reasons, the writer decides to analyze the entire sentences delivered by Chef Talita Setyadi in delivering the recipe of Java Caramel Cake that contains code mixing. After that, the writer will analyze the sentence one by one and divide them into the categories of the types of code mixing, based on five categories of syntactic structures that are proposed by Morley (2000: 26) which are morpheme, word, phrase, clause, and sentence. Since the analysis only covers the linguistic units or syntactic structures under the sentence level, the categorization based on sentence is omitted. The classification of syntactic structure is supported with the classification of seven types of grammatical functions by Downing and Locke (2003: 26-64) which are subject, predicator, object, complement, adjunct, disjunct, and conjunct, to define the border of every utterance. After classifying the types of code mixing based on their syntactic structures, the writer will analyze the possible reason of code mixing.

In the analysis of code mixing, the seven categories of possible reason of code mixing proposed by Hoffman (1991: 115-116), which are talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, to express group identity and solidarity, and clarifying the speech content for the interluctor, will be used. Later, the writer will PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


count the number of each categories. The relation between syntactic structure and possible reason of code mixing will also be discussed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter presents the result of the analysis. This chapter is devided into three sections, namely the types of code mixing based on the syntactic structures, the possible reasons of code mixing, and the relation between syntactic structure and the possible reason of code mixing. In each sections, there will be some detailed explanations of each categories of classifications.

The data are taken from the transcript of Junior Masterchef Indonesia

Season 1 Episode 11 which was aired on April 11, 2014. This research specifically takes the data from the sentences delivered by the guest chef, Chef Talita Setyadi, while presenting the recipe of her signature dish, Java Caramel Cake. From the transcript, it is found 71 sentences containing 89 code mixing cases. All code mixing cases will be classified by the types of code mixing based on the syntactic structures and the possible reason of code mixing.

A. Types of Code Mixing Based on Syntactic Structure

In this research, the code mixing cases are classified by the syntactic structure. Applying the theory from Bachtia and Ritchie, it is stated that code mixing happens in the various linguistic units under sentence level which are morphemes, words, phrases, and clauses. Those linguistic units then can be referred to the syntactic structure classification by Morley. The syntactic structure of language is devided to five categories, which are morphemes, words, phrases,




clauses, and sentences. Since code mixing occurs in linguistic units under sentence level, sentence category is omitted in this analysis. In this research, it is found 14 code mixing cases in morpheme level, 8 code mixing cases in word level, 54 code mixing cases in phrase level, and 13 code mixing cases in clause level. The details of each categories together with the results of the reserach will be presented in the next part.

Type of Code Mixing Based on Syntactic Structure Number Morpheme 14 Word 8 Phrase 54 Clause 13

1. Morpheme

Morpheme can be regarded as the smallest grammatical unit, which forms the bigger unit which is word. Morpheme can not stand by itself, because it can not produce meaning. It has to be attached to the root word to produce certain meaning.

From the data, it is identified that code mixing can happen in morpheme level. In this research, the code mixing cases found in morpheme level involve prefixes and suffixes from Indonesian language and English root words. The prefixes and suffixes that are found are prefixes nge–, and, di–, and suffix –nya.

In this research, the writer finds 14 code mixing cases that happen in morpheme level. During the analysis process, the writer defines the border of each cases by analyzing the grammatical function. The grammatical function here plays role as a marker of each cases.

These are three evidence of code mixing cases in morpheme level: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Data Affixes Word Formation Functions ingredient(s)+nya Possesive Ayo kita ukur 20 Suffix –nya noun  noun pronoun or ingredients-nya. specification Ini di-whisk sampai di+whisk Pasivization 24 Prefix di– butternya meleleh. verb  verb Ini caranya nge-flip nge+flip Punctuation 76 Prefix nge– ya, Guys. verb  verb

In the data number 20, there is a code mixing case in the morpheme level, in the word ingredientsnya. The word ingredientsnya is categorized as code mixing case in morpheme level because it consists of the root word ingredients and the

Indonesian language suffix –nya. Ingredientsnya here plays role in that sentence as an object. The Indonesian suffix –nya is added to the English word ingredients.

Suffix –nya in Indonesian language plays role as possesive pronoun, or as specification of something (Chaer, 2003:48). In the context of specification, it has nearly the same function as the word the in English. That suffix –nya functions as a marker that Chef Talita, the speaker, refers to the specific ingredients, which is the ingredients that are used to make Java Caramel Cake which need to be measured. The word ingredients means ‘the substances that make up a mixture or compound’. In Indonesian language, the word ingredients can be translated as bahan-bahan, but the meaning of bahan-bahan itself is ‘bakal; barang-barang yang akan dibuat menjadi suatu benda tertentu’. The semantic features of mixture can not be found in the word bahan-bahan and the word ingredients is more familiar in cooking topic.

In the data number 24, it is found the word diwhisk, which plays role as a predicate. It is categorized as code mixing case in the morpheme level because it PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


consists of the root word whisk and the prefix di–. Prefix di– in Indonesian language functions as pasivization, changing the active verb into the passive one (Chaer,

2003:48). Diwhisk here works as a passive verb which is formed by an Indonesian prefix di- and the word whisk. Whisk here means ‘to move nimbly and quickly’.

Usually, we need a tool for that. Actually we can replace that in Indonesian language by ‘dikocok dengan cepat’, but since whisk is shorter, so it is preferable to use the word whisk. Chef Talita has to use the shorter term because of the duration. The formation of passivization in Indonesian language is also simpler than in English, so that is why it is preferably used.

The word ngeflip is found in data number 76. Ngeflip consists of a morpheme, from Indonesian language, nge– and the root word flip. Ngeflip here functions as predicate in that sentence. Flip itself means ‘to turn over also to leaf through’. Actually, the prefix nge– here can be classified as simplified prefix. The prefix nge– is the simplified form of the prefix me– that is derived into menge–.

Prefix me– in Indonesian can be derived into menge– if the root word only consists of one syllable (Chaer, 2008: 48). Here, instead of me– + flip, the prefix menge– is used, because the word flip consists of one syllable only. It is supposed to be mengeflip, but then sometimes people simplify that into ngeflip since it is shorter.

Nge– here are attached to the word flip to emphasize the function of the word flip, which works as a verb. The prefix nge– does not change the function of word flip.

2. Word

According to Morley, word is the smallest unit that can stand by itself, and declare its own meaning (Morley, 2000: 26). Code mixing cases that happen in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


word level, in this research, involve a whole of English word in the middle of

Indonesian language sentence. In this research, the writer finds 8 code mixing cases that happen in word level. Those code mixing cases in word level found can be classified into the word class categories. From those 8 code mixing cases, the variation of word class categories are noun, verb, and conjunction.

These are five evidences of code mixing cases in word level:

Data Word Class 3 Terus saya dapat e-mail dari orang dari Noun Amerikalah, Australia, Itali, Perancis, juga suatu hari saya mendapatkan e-mail dari majalah Spanyol, dan mereka invite saya untuk masuk ke majalahnya mereka. 4 Terus saya dapat e-mail dari orang dari Verb Amerikalah, Australia, Itali, Perancis, juga suatu hari saya mendapatkan e-mail dari majalah Spanyol, dan mereka invite saya untuk masuk ke majalahnya mereka. 16 Very good, oke, juga kita memerlukan mixer. Noun 49 Ini dioles and you have to do this sewaktu cakenya Conjunction masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih panas soalnya uap yang dihasilkan membantu cakenya untuk menyerap sirupnya itu lebih baik. 80 Guys ini sudah ya, ini nggak boleh terlalu lama Noun karena nanti misalnya chef motongnya terlalu lama bakal meleleh.

Data number 3 and 4 are found in one sentence. In that sentence, there are two code mixing cases in word level, which are e-mail and invite. The word e-mail here is a noun that plays role as an object. Actually, the word e-mail has a comparable term in Indonesian language, which is surat elektronik, but since the word e-mail is more familiar, and also shorter, therefore the speaker prefer to use the word e-mail rather than surat elektronik. Talking about e-mail can be related to the context of technology, specifically communication technology. In the context PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


of communication technology, the word invite is famously used. The word invite here is a verb that plays role as a predicate in that sentence. The word invite actually can be translated to mengundang in Indonesian language, but then in the context of communication technology, the word invite is rarely translated to mengundang.

Mostly, people just use the word invite as it is, although in the general context, the word mengundang is also familiar.

In the data number 16, there is a word mixer. Mixer here is a noun, one of the cooking tools used in the cooking process. The word mixer, as an object, is used because in Indonesian language, the tool is also called as mixer. The word mixer in

English means ‘one that mixes, especially a machine or device for mixing’. In this context, the tools is used to mix the cake dough. There’s no translation or other term in Indonesian language that can substitute the word mixer.

Data number 49 shows the use of the word and. The word and here plays role as a conjunction. And actually can be translated into dan in Indonesian language. Here, the word and is spontaneusly used because the next clause is begun with English term ‘you have to do this...’, so there is a tendency of using an English conjunction before that clause.

The word chef is found in the data number 80. The word chef works as a subject. In that sentence, the word chef is used instead of koki because since the beginning of the show, the term chef is used to address the judges and the guest.

The title of the show itself, Junior Masterchef, also gives the tendency of using the word chef instead of koki.



3. Phrase

In this research, code mixing cases in phrase level become the category that is found the most. The writer finds 54 code mixing cases in phrase level out of 89 cases. Phrase is a group of some words which works as one grammatical function.

Code mixing in phrase level can be a phrase consists of mixing English and

Indonesian language words, or a phrase which consists of two or more English words combined with Indonesian language phrases or words to form a sentence.

About the variation of phrase class, it is found three variations which are noun phrase, verb phrase, and prepositional phrase.

These are five evidences of code mixing cases in phrase level:

Data Phrase Class 2 Jadi dari itu saya mendapatkan banyak Noun Phrase network dari seluruh dunia, nggak Cuma di Indonesia. 5 Chef Marinka: Oke Chef Talita Noun Phrase mungkin kamu bisa sedikit menjelaskan pressure point dari masakannya? Chef Talita: Okay, pressure point to this cake. 7 Cake ini ada tujuh komponen. Noun Phrase 19 Kalau udah ini loyangnya kita harus Verb Phrase butter dulu. 40 Ini kita mulai dengan dry ingredients, Noun Phrase bahan-bahan yang dry.

In the data number 2, there is a code mixing case in phrase level, which is banyak network. Banyak network consists of two words, which is banyak form

Indonesian language and network from English. Banyak network here is a noun phrase. Network itself means ‘a system of elements (as lines or channels) that cross in the manner of the threads in a net’. In Indonesian language the word network can PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


be replaced by jaringan. Jaringan in Indonesian language means ‘barang siratan yang serupa jaring’. The word jaringan has semantic feature related to something physical, while the word network here related to something abstract, specifically related to the social-life context. In the social-life context, the word network are more suitable than jaringan.

In the data number 5, there is a code mixing case in phrase level. In that dialogue between Chef Talita and Chef Marinka, the term pressure point is used.

Pressure point becomes subject in that dialogue, consists of two words which is pressure and point, combined with other Indonesian language phrases and words to create a sentence. Pressure point in that sentence refers to something in the Java

Caramel Cake recipe that need to be given more attention by the contestants while practicing the recipe. There is no common term such as pressure point in Indonesian language. Moreover, Chef Marinka asks Chef Talita using the term pressure point, so Chef Talita tends to use the same term.

Phrase cake ini is found in data number 7. Cake ini consists of two words, which is cake and ini. Cake ini, the noun phrase that plays a role as a subject, is used instead of kue ini because the name of the dish itself is Java Caramel Cake.

The name of the dish indirectly brings the tendency of using the term cake instead of kue. Besdies that, the meaning of cake in English is ‘a sweet baked food made from butter or dough usually containing flour, sugar, shortening, and a leaven’. On the other hand, the meaning of kue in bahasa Indonesia is ‘penganan yang dibuat dari bahan yang bermacam-macam, dapat dibuat dalam berbagai bentuk’. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


meaning of cake, is more specific than kue. It can be seen from the semantic features sweet and baked. So that’s why the word cake is more preferable than kue.

In the data number 19, there is a mixed phrase harus butter. Harus butter in this sentence appears as a predicate. This verb phrase consist of the word harus and butter, which means the brass should be rubbed with butter before Chef Talita put that into the oven. Harus butter in this sentence actually means rubbing the butter into the brass. In Indonesian language, it can be translated as mengoleskan mentega, but as butter is shorter, it is easier to use the word butter. Here, in giving instruction to cook the dish, the shorter words are needed because of the limited duration.

In the data number 40, there is a phrase dry ingredients, bahan-bahan yang dry. The object dry ingredients, bahan-bahan yang dry consists of two noun phrases which are dry ingredients and bahan-bahan yang dry. The phrase bahan-bahan yang dry explain the Indonesian translation of dry ingredients. Here, it is seen that bahan-bahan yang dry emphasizes the phrase dry ingredients.

4. Clause

Actually, clause has the same structure as sentence, but clause lies below the sentence, and joined with other clause to form a sentence. The minimum requrement for sentence is the presence of subject and verb. A clause consists of subject and verb, but then in the context of content and meaning, it has to be together to other clause to produce a sentence. Although it has the same minimum requirement as sentence, a clause still can stand under the sentence boundaries and represents a particular grammatical meaning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Code mixing cases in the level of clause can be found in a form of a clause which consists of mixed English and Indonesian language phrases or words, or a whole clause consists of English phrases and words but combined with other clauses or phrases in Indonesian language. In this research, the writer finds 13 code mixing cases in the clause level. All the code mixing in clause level in this research are categorized as adverbial clause.

These are some evidences of code mixing cases in clause level:

Data Clause Class 25 Ini diwhisk sampai butternya Adverbial Clause meleleh. 27 Nanti misalkan ini sudah boiling, Adverbial Clause kita harus tetep cek suhunya. 35 Jadi kan caranya kita, kita harus Adverbial Clause berpikir sebagai chef bagaimana caranya memanage waktu. 44 Ini karamelnya berbeda dengan Adverbial Clause karamel yang tadi karena ini kita nggak campur sama susu, nggak campur sama butter. 59 Setelah itu nanti kita akan taruhkan Adverbial Clause ke atas sill pad, terus kita panggang sampai caramelized.

The clause sampai butternya meleleh in data number 25 functions as an adjunct. The subject of the clause is butternya and the predicate is meleleh. That adverbial clause explains how long should the contestants whisk the mixture. The word butternya, in the adverbial clause sampai butternya meleleh is used consistently as the word butter in the previous part of the instruction. The suffix – nya is added to confirm that it is the butter that is being whisked.

In the data number 27, the writer finds adverbial clause nanti misalkan ini sudah boiling. It consists of the subject ini and the verbal phrase sudah boiling. That PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


adverbial clause explains the the time when the contestants have to keep on checking the temperature. The word boiling, which is used in the phrase nanti misalkan ini sudah boiling, means ‘to heat or become heated to a temperature

(boiling point) at which vapor is formed and rises in bubbles’. The word boiling can be translated in Indonesian language into mendidih which means ‘menggelembung- gelembung atau meluap-luap ketika dipanaskan’. The word mendidih does not require a particular temperature or boiling point, that is why the word boiling is more preferable.

Data number 29 shows the use of the verbal clause pay attention guys. It is used familliarly due to the context of mixing language. In Indonesian language, there is a term perhatikan, which also requires someone to focus in certain things, but then the term pay attention is more popularly used.

In the data number 35 the writer finds the clause bagaimana caranya memanage waktu. That clause works as an object and it explains the thing that the chef should think about when practicing the recipe. The noun clause bagaimana caranya memanage waktu works as an adjunct in that sentence. In that clause, there is a word memanage which consists of prefix me– from Indonesian language and the root word manage. The word manage is used as in the beginning of the instruction, Chef Talita already uses the word manage in the term time management.

The next example, data number 44 is a mixed clause karena ini kita nggak campur sama susu, nggak campur sama butter. This clause explains the reason why the caramel is different with the previous caramels they have made. The word PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


butter, in the clause karena ini kita nggak campur sama susu, nggak campur sama butter, is used consistently as the word butter in the previous sentences, since the beginning of the instruction.

Adverbial clause ke atas sill pad is found in the data number 59. It consists of two phrases, which is ke atas and sill pad. The phrase sill pad here refers to ‘a compact cushion which is made from a heavy crosspiece (as of wood or stone) or also a horizontal supporting piece at the base of a structure’. In this instruction, the sill pad is used as the pad to bake the tuille. There is no term that can be found in

Indonesian language, that can subtitute the phrase sill pad.

B. Reason of Code Mixing

In this analysis, the writer tries to classify the code mixing cases based on the possible reason why the speaker chooses to mix the language instead to stay using one language consistently. Applying Hoffman’s theory, there are seven clssification of possible reason of code mixing, which are talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, expressing group identitiy and solidarity, and clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor. In this research, from 89 code mixing cases, it is found five possible reasons of code mixing, which are talking about particular topic, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, and expressing group identity and solidarity. There are 72 code mixing cases that talking about particular topic, 1 code mixing case that being emphatic about something, 4 interjection code mixing cases, 6 repetition used for PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


clarification code mixing cases, and 6 expressing group identity and solidarity code mixing cases.

Possible Reason of Code Mixing Number Talking about Particular Topic 72 Quoting Somebody Else - Being Emphatic about Something 1 Interjection 4 Repetition Used for Clarification 6 Expressing Group Identity and Solidarity 6 Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor -

1. Talking about Particular Topic

There are some words or terms in the code mixing cases which indicate certain topics. In this research, the topic that involves code mixing cases the most is cooking topic, since the data comes from a presentation or cooking instruction of a recipe. Out of 89 data, there are 72 code mixing cases that talk about particular topic. There are 68 data in this category that related to cooking topic. In cooking topic, the data can be devided into the terms related to categorization of food, the process of cooking, the cooking tools, and also the ingredients or the elements of the recipe. Besides the cooking topic, there are two other topics. The first one is hobbies and job topic. There are 2 data found. The second one is related to technology and there are 2 data as well. The first part disucssed are the data related to cooking topic.

Categorization of Food Data 14 Oke, kalau gitu ayo kita cari timbangannya dulu ya, soalnya kalau pastry kita harus mulai dengan menimbang semuanya.



The first example is data number 14. In the data number 14, the word pastry appears in the phrase soalnya kalau pastry, which is an adverbial phrase. It functions as an adjunct in that sentence. The word pastry means ‘sweet baked goods made of dough or with a crust made of enriched dough’. Actually it can be defined in

Indonesian language, but there is no specific term that can replace the word pastry.

The word pastry here is used, because this is related to the cooking topic and in that topic or context, the word pastry is familiarly used. It explains the reason why they need to use the scales. It’s mentioned that because they are going to cook something related to pastry, they need to measure everything.

The words pastry is term that define the categorization of food. The example of the other words that belong into this categorization are cream and sauce, cakes, and sweets. Those are common English terminology that can be found in cooking or culinary topic. Actually, the word pastry can be described in Indonesian language, but then there is no specific terms that can represent the meaning of pastry. That is why the word pastry is commonly used, even though the context is speaking using Indonesian language.

Related to the Cooking Tools Data 16 Very good, oke, juga kita memerlukan mixer. 18 Pertama-tama kita nyalain oven dulu ya, 160 degrees, fan forced. 53 Kalau gitu, itu langsung kita masukkan ke dalam freezer, karena dalam keadaan beku itu akan gampang sekali dipotong.

The next examples are related to the cooking tools used in the cooking instruction of Java Caramel Cake. They are mixer, fan forced, and freezer. The word mixer is found in the data number 16. Here, the word mixer is a noun that works as PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


an object. In this recipe or cooking instruction, mixer is one of the tool used to mix the dough. The term mixer is used, because in Indonesian language, the tool to mix the dough is also called mixer. In the sentence number 18, there is a term fan forced.

The phrase fan forced explains what kind of oven they use to bake the cake. Fan forced means that there’s a fan in that oven, which makes the cooking process faster because of the air movement. “Fan-forced ovens have a fan that circulates the hot air, resulting in a faster cooking time, as well as browning more quickly”

( There’s no translation or other term in Indonesian language that can substitute the phrase fan forced. The same reason happens in the data number 53. The word freezer refers to ‘a compartment, device, or room for freezing food or keeping it frozen’. Usually, this compartment is a part of a refrigerator. In Indonesian language, there is no term that can replace the word freezer. In Indonesian language, it can be described as ‘lemari pembeku’ but that term is less familiar.

Related to Cooking Process Data 19 Kalau udah ini loyangnya kita harus butter dulu. 24 Ini diwhisk sampai butternya meleleh. 27 Nanti misalkan ini sudah boiling, kita harus tetep cek suhunya.

In this part, the examples are related to the cooking process. In the data number 19, there is a phrase harus butter. This verb phrase consist of the word harus and butter, which means the brass should be rubbed with butter before Chef

Talita put that into the oven. Harus butter in this sentence actually means rubbing the butter into the brass. In Indonesian language, it can be translated as

‘mengoleskan mentega’, but as butter is shorter, it’s easier to use the word butter. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Beside that, since the beginning of cooking instruction, the word butter had already been used several times. Here, in giving instruction to cook the dish, the shorter words are needed because of the limited duration. The limited duration also affects the use of Indonesian language pasivization in data number 24. Data number 24 shows the use of word diwhisk. The word diwhisk is the pasivization from whisk, which explains the process of moving or shaking the mixture nimbly and quickly.

Not only the preference related to the duration, meaning of a word realted to the cooking process also determine why some English words are preferably used. For example, in the data number 27. The adverbial clause nanti misalkan ini sudah boiling that works as an adjunct shows the use of word boiling. To determine whether something is boiling or not, the degrees or the temperature to measure the boiling point is needed. That is why it is preferable than ‘mendidih’, because in

‘mendidih’ the indicator will be the presence of bubbles and vapors.

Related to the Ingredients or Element of the Recipe Data 32 Butternya membantu untuk mendinginkan mixture ini. 33 Butternya membantu untuk mendinginkan mixture ini. 37 Kita bikin cake butter. 38 Baking powder 10 gram ya, hati-hati. 73 Komponen keenam adalah coffee sauce. 79 Ini pan sugar bar, oke ya. 88 Kita bisa gunakan kulit vanilla bean untuk garnish.

In the data number 32, the word butternya, is used consistently as the word butter in the previous sentences that had been delivered by Chef Talita while explaining Java Caramel Cake Recipe. The suffix –nya is added to confirm that it is the butter which helps cooling down the mixture. Sill in the same sentence, the word mixture in the phrase mixture ini refers to the mixture that has been mixed by PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


using mixer. The speaker tends to use the word mixture instead of ‘adonan’ or

‘campuran’ because since the beginning of the process, the terms used are related to the root word mix. By using the word mixture, it is emphasized that the things mentioned is the dough that is made by mixing some ingredients using mixer.

In the data number 88, there is a word garnish in the prepositional phrase untuk garnish. It functions as an adjunct. The word garnish means ‘to add decorative or savory touches to food’. In Indonesian language, it can be described as ‘dekorasi makanan’ but the term garnish is more familiarly used. Beside that, the meaning of garnish is more specific than the meaning of ‘dekorasi makanan’.

Using the word garnish, the meaning of the thing described becomes more clear.

The use of the word garnish here explains that the vanilla bean functions as the decorative element for the Java Caramel Cake.

In the data number 37, the word cake and butter, in the phrase cake butter, are used consistently as those previous sentences in the instruction, which tend to use those words instead of the words ‘kue’ and ‘mentega’. Beside, the term cake butter has specific meaning, related to the recipe. It is not translated as cake and butter, but it is a particular kind of butter the chef makes for the cake. It is different from the butter they had used since the beginning of the recipe. Next sentence, data number 38, the term baking powder is used here because it refers to a cooking ingredients which is familiarly known as baking powder rather than ‘soda kue’. It can be translated as ‘soda kue’ but the term baking powder is more familiarly used.

In the data number 73 and 79, there are terms coffee sauce and pan sugar bar. Coffee sauce refers to the sauce that is made by Chef Talita with coffee as the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


main ingredient to give coffee flavor. The term coffee sauce can be translated as saus kopi in Indonesian language, but since the coffee sauce is a term the speaker makes as a part of Java Caramel Cake component, the speaker tends to use English as it follows the name of the recipe. The same thing happens with the term pan sugar bar, which is the dried caramel Chef Talita makes as one of the elements of the dish.

The terms butter and baking powder here are a part of Java Caramel Cake ingredients, while mixture, cake butter, coffee sauce, pan sugar bar, and garnish are the elements of the dish. In explaining those terms, Chef Talita prefers to use

English language since the terms are more familiar in English language rather than in Indonesian language. Some terms like butter and cake are used consistently since the beginning of the presentation.

Here are the examples of hobbies and job, and technology topics.

Related to Hobbies, Job, and Technology Topics Data 1 Misalnya kalian punya passion, itu harus selalu dimulai di rumah. 2 Jadi dari itu saya mendapatkan banyak network dari seluruh dunia, nggak cuma di Indonesia. 3 Terus saya dapat e-mail dari orang dari Amerikalah, Australia, Itali, Perancis, juga suatu hari saya mendapatkan e-mail dari majalah Spanyol, dan mereka invite saya untuk masuk ke majalahnya mereka. 4 Terus saya dapat e-mail dari orang dari Amerikalah, Australia, Itali, Perancis, juga suatu hari saya mendapatkan e-mail dari majalah Spanyol, dan mereka invite saya untuk masuk ke majalahnya mereka.

Data number 1 shows code mixing cases in the word passion. The word passion is used due the topic of hobbies and job preferences. While ‘kegemaran’ can be used in the other context such as favourite things in general. While the word PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


network in data number 2 here represent an abstract concept, not the physical one.

Talking about abstract concept, network is preferably used rather than ‘jaringan’.

In data number 3 and 4, the word e-mail and invite are used related to technological concept. The word e-mail and invite can be regarded as part of tecnological terms.

Those terms are found in the introduction part, before Chef Talita explains the recipe. Even those terms are not related to cooking topic, they can be classified as code mixing cases talking about particular topic because they are used due to the context of some perticular topics like hobbies and job, and technology topics.

2. Being Emphatic about Something

Out of 89 data, there are 1 code mixing case that can be categorized as being emphatic about something. Being emphatic about something in code mixing context is related to code mixing that is done by the speaker in expressing feelings.

Sometimes, in expressing feelings, the speaker need to mix the language used with another language so that it is more comfortable or maybe some expressions are more familiar in one language than another.

Data 15 Very good, oke, juga kita memerlukan mixer.

In the data number 15, the adjective phrase very good appears in the beginning of the sentence as a predicate. This phrase explains the way Lia helps

Chef Talita, which is very satisfying. This sentence is said by Chef Talita after Lia took the big scale by herself and started to measure the ingredients without waiting for Chef Talita. The expression very good is used by Chef Talita to appreciate Lia’s work. The term very good itself can be translated into Indonesian language term PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


which is ‘sangat baik’ but then in the context of commending or giving compliment to others, the term very good is more popular and more familiarly used in the Junior

Masterchef Indonesia show. It is proven that since the beginning of the show, the chef judges already used the word good to commend the contestants everytime they do a good job. The phrase very good is used by Chef Talita to show how she feels about Lia’s work.

3. Interjection

Interjection, in the context of code mixing, means an insertion of some expressions which do not have further lexical context. It means that the interjection code mixing can be omitted without changing the meaning of the sentence or idea.

Beside that, code mixing that happens in sentence connectors or conjunctions can also be categorized as interjections. In this research, from 89 data, it is found 4 code mixing cases that can be categorized as interjection.

Data 12 Hai, everyone, jadi di mana nih helper saya? 49 Ini dioles and you have to do this sewaktu cakenya masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih panas soalnya uap yang dihasilkan membantu cakenya untuk menyerap sirupnya itu lebih baik. 83 Kalau gitu sekarang kita akan plating and we will combine everything, all the components, all the seven components.

In the data number 12, the word everyone refers to all the contestants. The word everyone can be translated to ‘setiap orang’ in Indonesian language, or in this context it can be translated as ‘anak-anak’ or ‘kontestan’, but then the word everyone is more familiarly used in the context of adressing someone. In that sentence, actually the word everyone and ‘hai’ have the same function, which is for addressing someone. It is allowed to omit the word everyone because its function PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


can be represented by the word ‘hai’. By omitting the word everyone, the meaning of the sentence “Hai, jadi di mana nih helper saya?” will still be the same as “Hai, everyone, jadi di mana nih helper saya?”

Data number 49 and 83 show the use of the conjunction and as the connectors of the clauses found in those sentences. The word and here works as connectors, and it is used due to the use of English clauses that follow the connectors, so there is a tendency to use English conjunction before the clause. In the data number 49, the connector appears before the clause “ have to do this sewaktu cakenya masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih panas soalnya uap yang dihasilkan membantu cakenya untuk menyerap sirupnya itu lebih baik.”. The clause begins with “ have to do this...”, which is an English clause, so the speaker tends to use the connector and. The same thing happens in the data number 83. The word and appears before the clause “...we will combine everything, all the components, all the seven components.” Actually the word and can be replaced with the word ‘dan’ in Indonesian language, but since the clauses after the connector are in English, the speaker tends to use the word and.

4. Repetition Used for Clarification

The next possible reason found in this research is repetition used for clarification. Out of 89 data, there are 6 code mixing cases that can be categorized as repetition used for clarification. The repetition in code mixing context functions as giving the stress or add more force to the statement given by the speaker.

Data 21 Ini caster sugar, gula putih biasa. 28 Soalnya misalnya terlalu tinggi suhunya, karamelnya bakal burned, bakal kebakar. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


40 Ini kita mulai dengan dry ingredients, bahan-bahan yang dry. 65 Jadi, kita juga membutuhkan cinnamon, kayu manis.

In the data number 21, the complement caster sugar, gula putih biasa is a noun phrase which consists of two noun phrases which are caster sugar and gula putih biasa. The phrase gula putih biasa explain the Indonesian translation of caster sugar. The phrase gula putih biasa and caster sugar actually have the same meaning, and the function of the phrase gula putih biasa is to emphasize the phrase caster sugar. Beside emphasizing, the phrase gula putih biasa also explains the terms that Chef Talita used, caster sugar. It is explained because it is assumed that the contestants are more familiar with the term gula putih. The repetition also functions as the way Chef Talita introduces the new term related to cooking in

English language.

In the data number 28, the predicate bakal burned, bakal kebakar consists of two verb phrases which are bakal burned and bakal kebakar. The phrase bakal kebarar explain the Indonesian translation of bakal burned. The phrase bakal kebakar is repeated after the phrase bakal burned to emphasize the meaning.

The same possible reason happens in the data number 40. The object dry ingredients, bahan-bahan yang dry consists of two noun phrases which are dry ingredients and bahan-bahan yang dry. The phrase bahan-bahan yang dry explain the Indonesian translation of dry ingredients. In this code mixing case, it is found the different pattern of repetition. The meaning that is emphasized by the repetition is the meaning of the word ingredients. The word dry is not translated, because it is assumed that the meaning of dry is not really important to be emphasized. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In the data number 65, the object of the sentence, cinnamon, kayu manis

consists of a word and a noun phrase which are cinnamon and kayu manis. The term

kayu manis explain the Indonesian translation of cinnamon. Here, it is seen that

kayu manis emphasizes the word cinnamon. The function of repetition in this data

is nearly the same with the things happens in the case gula putih biasa – caster

sugar. The word cinnamon is explained by the phrase kayu manis, because it is

assumed that the contestants are more familiar with the term kayu manis.

5. Expressing Group Identity and Solidarity

In this research, it is found 6 code mixing cases that can be categorized as

expressing group identity and solidarity. The group identity here can be referred as

the language preferability that is used by a group of community, or some terms that

is specifically used by certain people in a community, that reflects the identity of

that community.

Data 13 Hai, everyone, jadi di mana nih helper saya? 64 Ini krimnya ngembang banget, tapi very sensitive ya. 80 Guys ini sudah ya, ini nggak boleh terlalu lama karena nanti misalnya chef motongnya terlalu lama bakal meleleh.

In the data number 13, it is found the word helper in the phrase helper saya.

The meaning of word helper in English is assistance. While, in Indonesian

language, helper can be translated as pembantu. Pembantu itself in Indonesian

language means ‘orang upahan yang mengurus pekerjaan rumah tangga’. The

word helper in this context actually refers to the contestant who becomes the

assistant of Chef Talita. Due to the different context of meaning in English and

Indonesian language, the word helper is more preferable to be used. Beside that, in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the context of a competition or a challenge, the word helper can be specifically used due to the context.

In the data number 64, the phrase ngembang banget tapi very sensitive here involves the use of the phrase very sensitive. Actually, in Indonesian language, it can be replaced with sangat sensitif, but then in cooking process, the word sensitive is more popular and familiar, and the word very here functions to emphasize the meaning. The word sensitive is used particularly in the cooking process.

Data number 80 shows the use of the word chef. The word chef is used in this sentence instead of koki because since the beginning of the show, the term chef is used to address the judges and the guest. The title of the show itself, Junior

Masterchef Indonesia, also gives the tendency of using the word chef instead of koki.

C. The Relation Between Syntactic Structure and Possible Reason

This research, as explained from the beginning, discuss the phenoenon of code mixing. The phenomenon of code mixing here is discussed through two classifications, which are the type based on syntactic structure and the possible reason of code mixing. The first classification done is the type of code mixing based on syntactic structure, which devides them into four syntactic structure under the sentence level, which are morpheme, word, phrase and clause. The second classification done is the possible reason of code mixing which devides them into five possible reason, which are talking about particular topic, being emphatic about PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, and expressing group identity and solidarity.

While analyzing the data, the relation between syntactic structure and possible reason can be seen during the analysis of possible reason of code mixing.

Syntactic Structure Morpheme Word Phrase Clause 1 Talking about 72 14 4 44 10 Particular Topic 2 Being Emphatic 1 - - 1 - About Something 3 Interjection 4 - 3 - 1 4 Repetition Used 6 - - 5 1 for Clarification 5 Expressing Group 6 - 1 4 1 Identity and Solidarity 89 14 8 54 13

In the table above, it is shown that the possible reason found the most is talking about particular topic. This is because the data are taken from Junior

MasterChef Indonesia, a variety show that has specific topic which is cooking.

Unlike a talkshow, or a television news program that can talk or discuss about any topics, this veriety show is very specific because it is a cooking competition. Beside that, the speaker, Chef Talita Setyadi, becomes the guest chef that explains her signature dish recipe, Java Caramel Cake, so it is clear that the context or the topic is all about cooking.

In the first possible reason, talking about particular topic, it is found 14 code mixing cases in morpheme level, 4 data in word level, 44 data in phrase level and 9 data in clause level. All the data that are classified in morpheme level, are also classified as talking about particular topic. The pattern of all data in morpheme level PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


is English root word combined with Indonesian affixes. The root words all related to cooking topic but the way it is delivered, the way it is formed to produce new words, involves Indonesian affixes.

Almost all code mixing that is classified in phrase level also categorized in talking about particular topic. The possible reason of 45 data out of 55 data of code mixing cases in phrase level is talking about particular topic. The phrase can be

English phrases combined with Indonesian words to form a sentence, or English words combined with Indonesian words to form a phrase.

Here, it can be seen that many English terms, or particularly English words and phrases, related to cooking topic are still more popular than the Indonesian terms. Not only the aspect of popularity or familiarity, sometimes, the English word and phrases can not be translated into Indonesian. In talking about pasrticular topic, code mixing cases in various level even can be found. It means that the occurence of the reason of talking about particular topic can not be restricted into particular level of syntactic structure.

The different things can be seen in the categorization of interjection and repetition used for clarification. In interjection reason, it is found 3 code mixing cases in word level and 1 case in clause level. Interjection here can be devided into two kinds, which is sentence connectors and some utterances that can be omitted from the sentence without changing the meaning. Sentence connectors always in the form of word and never appears in the other levels such as morpheme, phrase, or clause. On the other hand, the utterances that can be removed from the sentence can be in the form of word, phrase, and clause. It is impossible to have code mixing PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


cases in the morpheme level that can be categorized as an interjection because morpheme that is attached into particular words gives contribution to the meaning of the words.

In the reason categorization of repetition used for clarification, it is found 5 code mixing cases that happen in phrase level and 1 case in clause level. The repetition used for clarification always involves more than one utterance or terms, because the functions of repetition is to clarify or emphasize particular meanings of some terms. It usually involves two, or more, words (that later will form a phrase), phrases, or clauses, that occupy a grammatical meaning. So, it is impossible to classify code mixing cases that happens in morpheme or word level into the possible reason of repetition used for clarification, because it requires more than one terms.




This chapter presents the final result of this research which is based on two problem formulations that have been explained in the beginning. The first problem formulation is types of code mixing based on syntactic structure which are used by

Chef Talita Setyadi in Junior MasterChef Indonesia while presenting Java Caramel

Cake recipe. The second problem formulation is the possible reasons of code mixing used by Chef Talita Setyadi in Junior MasterChef Indonesia while presenting Java Caramel Cake recipe.

The amount of data found in this research is 89 data. Those 89 data are taken from 71 sentences that contains code mixing cases. Types of code mixing in this research are devided based on syntactic structure theory, while the possible reason theory are taken from Hoffman’s theory about the possible reason of code mixing.

In analyzing the first problem formulation, the categorization of syntactic structure is used. The categorization of the syntactic structure are morpheme, word, phrase, clause, and sentence. Since code mixing happens below the sentence boundaries, the sentence category is omitted. From the 89 data or code mixing cases, it is found that 14 cases occur in morpheme level, 8 cases occur in word level,

55 cases occur in phrase lavel, and 12 cases occur in clause level. Before analyzing the syntactic structure, the writer also analyzes the garamatical function, which vary from subject, predicate, object, complement, adjunct, disjunct, and conjunction. In the morpheme level, the mixing occurs involving English root words and




Indonesian language prefixes nge–, and, di–, and sufix –nya. The code mixng in phrase level is code mixing cases that occur the most in this research. In phrase level, there are two kinds of findings, mixed phrase with English and Indonesian language words and English phrase combined with Indonesian language phrases or words to produce a sentence.

About the reason of code mixing in this research, all the data can be classified into five categories which are talking about particular topic, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, and to express group identity and solidarity. There are 72 code mixing cases that talking about particular topic, 1 code mixing case that being emphatic about something, 4 interjection code mixing cases, 6 repetition used for clarification code mixing cases, and 6 to express group identity and solidarity code mixing cases.

In 72 code mixing cases that categorized as talking about particular topic, it is found 14 code mixing cases in morpheme level, 4 data in word level, 45 data in phrase level and 9 data in clause level. All the syntactic structure can be found in talking about particular topic. In the reason being emphatic about something, it is found 1 code mixing case in phrase level. In interjection reason, it is found 3 code mixing cases in word level and 1 case in clause level. In the reason categorization of repetition used for clarification, it is found 5 code mixing cases that happens in phrase level and 1 case in clause level. The last categorizarion, to express group identity and solidarity, it is found 1 code mixing case in word level, 4 data in phrase level, and 1 data in the clause level.



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APPENDIX 1 The Script of Conversation in Junior MasterChef Indonesia Season 1 Episode 11





1. Chef Arnold: “Oke, Juniors, silahkan masuk!” (All contestants entering the room) 2. Lia: (personal camera) “Udah top six, tantangannya semakin susah. Aku pengen challenge ini tuh team challenge, soalnya lebih fun, terus enak. Teamwork.” 3. Afaf: (personal camera) “Aku nggak mau dessert. Aku udah kapok! Western udah, Indonesia udah, Itali udah, French mungkin? Ada kitchen station di depan juri. Pasti ada juri yang mau demo lagi nih. Asik!” 4. Zidane: (personal camera) “Tapi juri ngga ada yang pakai chef jacket, jadi aku kira bakal ada chef tamu.” 5. Chef Arnold: (to all contestants) “No more black team, artinya kalian semua adalah the real top six. Selamat. Untuk menjadi pemenang Junior MasterChef Indonesia yang pertama, tentunya tidak akan mudah. Jadi, kalian harus tetap fokus dan selalu, do your best di setiap challenge, karena di setiap challenge akan menjadi lebih susah dari challenge sebelumnya. Kalian siap?” 6. All contestants: “Yes, Chef!” 7. Chef Arnold: “Yes?” 8. All contestants: “Yes, Chef!” 9. Chef Arnold: “Good. Dan, sebagai top six, one step closer untuk menjadi top four.” 10. Chef Marinka: “Tantangan hari ini adalah duplicate the dish, dan kali ini agak berbeda dibandingkan dengan yang biasanya. Bukan Chef Arnold, Chef Marinka, atau Chef Degan yang akan mendemokan untuk kalian.” 11. Revo: (personal camera) “Waduh, bukan juri yang demo, oh my God. I don’t like pro-chef.”



12. Chef Marinka: “Kami sudah mendatangkan seseorang yang expert di bidangnya. Beliau adalah lulusan L’Cordon Bleu, Paris.” 13. Lia: (personal camera) “Wah, keren, chefnya dari Paris. Aku nggak sabar ngeliat dia demo.” 14. Chef Marinka: “Masakannya pernah masuk majalah internasional dan beliau akan menantang kalian untuk menduplikasi signature dishnya. Mari kita sambut Chef Talita Setyadi.” (Chef Talita entering the room) 15. Chef Talita: “Hai!” 16. Revo: (personal camera) “Oh my God, ternyata guest chef yang datang hari ini adalah Chef Talita. Kayaknya pernah ngeliat deh di Google.” 17. Chef Marinka: (to Chef Talita) “Selamat datang di galeri MasterChef Indonesia.” 18. Chef Talita: “Oh, it’s amazing, thanks for having me.” 19. Chef Marinka: “How do you feel?” 20. Chef Talita: “Really good, really good.” 21. Chef Marinka: “Oke Talita, bisa diceritakan sedikit bagaimana bisa masuk ke majalah internasional itu?” 22. Chef Talita: “Pokoknya, semuanya saya mulainya di rumah. Misalnya kalian punya passion, itu harus selalu dimulai di rumah. Kita harus inisiatif masak sendiri, itu semuanya dimulai dari dapur sendiri. Jadi, apa yang saya lakukan adalah saya buat blog. Dari blog itu, tiap saya bereksperimen dengan resep yang baru, saya foto, saya masukin ke blog, saya tulis resepnya. Jadi dari itu saya mendapatkan banyak network dari seluruh dunia, nggak cuma di Indonesia. Terus saya dapat e-mail dari orang dari Amerikalah, Australia, Itali, Perancis, juga suatu hari saya mendapatkan e- mail dari majalah Spanyol, dan mereka invite saya untuk masuk ke majalahnya mereka.” 23. Chef Arnold: “Satu-satunya orang Indonesia yang masuk majalah itu, the first one.”



24. Afaf: (personal camera) “Wow, aku kepengen kayak Chef Talita kalau udah gede. Kepengen masakanku masuk majalah internasional.” 25. Chef Marinka: “Dan hari ini kalian harus menduplikasi signature dish Chef Talita yaitu Java Caramel Cake.” 26. Afaf: (personal camera) “Ah, Java Caramel Cake, kayaknya susah deh.” 27. Lia: (personal camera) “Kalau dari namanya sih simple, Java Caramel Cake, tapi kalau praktek pasti susah.” 28. Chef Marinka: “Oke Chef Talita mungkin kamu bisa sedikit menjelaskan pressure point dari masakannya?” 29. Chef Talita: “Oke, pressure point to this cake. Cake ini ada tujuh komponen. Jadi pressure point pertama adalah time management, itu penting banget. Oke, pressure point kedua, namanya Java Caramel, pasti ada komponen karamel juga, ada tiga. Kalian akan membuat karamel tiga kali dan nggak boleh sampai gosong. Pressure point yang ketiga, ada krim yang sangat-sangat sensitif dengan suhu. Misalnya, sampai terlalu panas, krimnya akan pecah dan kalian harus mulai lagi.” 30. Chef Marinka: “Dan, dalam demo kali ini, Chef Talita tidak akan memasak sendiri, akan ditemani oleh satu kontestan sebagai asisten. Dan yang beruntung adalah pemenang dari tantangan sebelumnya yaitu Lia.” 31. Lia: (personal camera) “Yeay, jadi asistennya Chef Talita! Tapi, ngapain ya?” 32. Chef Marinka: “Lia, itu adalah salah satu advantage kamu karena kamu menang di tantangan sebelumnya. Seneng nggak?” 33. Lia: “Mmm, lumayan seneng.” 34. Chef Marinka: (laughing) “Oke, untuk kontestan yang lain silahkan diperhatikan dari depan, seperti biasa diperhatikan semua detailnya, tidak ada pengulangan. Ingat, ini adalah pastry. Begitu kalian salah kalian akan mengulang lagi dari pertama. Make sure focus and listen to what Chef Talita teaches you, okay? Paham?” 35. All contestants: “Yes, Chef!” 36. Chef Marinka: “Okay, Chef Talita, this’s your show now. Good luck!”



37. Chef Talita: “Hai, everyone, jadi di mana nih helper saya? (laughing) Ayo ke belakang sini. Oke, kalau gitu ayo kita cari timbangannya dulu ya, soalnya kalau pastry kita harus mulai dengan menimbang semuanya. Jadi ayo.” 38. Lia: (giving the foodscales) 39. Chef Talita: “Very good, oke, juga kita memerlukan mixer. Pertama-tama kita nyalain oven dulu ya, 160 degrees, fine force. Kalau udah ini loyangnya kita harus butter dulu.” 40. Patrick: (personal camera) “Aku iri banget sama Lia karena Lia dapat jadi asistennya Chef Talita.” 41. Chef Talita: “Ayo kita ukur ingredientsnya. Inget ya, takarannya semua harus sesuai resep. Ini caster sugar, gula putih biasa. Susu. Ini diaduk ya, sampai mixed. Kalau udah, pakai the back of the knife lagi kita dorong isi bijinya semua ke depan. Oke, terus kita masukin.” 42. Afaf: (personal camera) “Waktu demo, kayanya semuanya susah deh, jadi harus perhatiin detail-detailnya.” 43. Chef Talita: (to Lia) “Tolong ditakar 60 mili, emm, santan kelapa. Ini diwhisk sampai butternya meleleh. Habis itu cuma kadang-kadang diwhisk juga nggak papa. Nanti misalkan ini sudah boiling, kita harus tetep cek suhunya.” 44. Patrick: (personal camera) “Semua komponennya susah-susah banget dan masih baru bagi aku.” 45. Chef Talita: “Soalnya misalnya terlalu tinggi suhunya, karamelnya bakal burn, bakal kebakar. Tapi misalnya suhunya terlalu rendah, nanti terlalu encer. Sekarang dimasukkin santannya. Pay attention guys, ini bowlnya dengan butter 60 gram kan, kita taruh saringan di atasnya. Kita ambil karamelnya ini, hati-hati panas ya, tuangkan. Butternya membantu untuk mendinginkan mixture ini. Jadi kan caranya kita, kita harus berpikir sebagai chef bagaimana caranya memanage waktu. Sekarang kita membutuhkan bowl dari mixer. Kita bikin cake butter. Baking powder 10 gram ya, hati- hati. Ehm, 75 gram eggs dikocok. Ini kita mulai dengan dry ingredients,



bahan-bahan yang dry. Ini diaduk sampai semuanya tercampur, tercampur rata. Oke, stop, kita buka lagi, yang terakhir telurnya ya. Sekarang distart lagi ya Lia. Butternya harus seperti ini kelihatannya. Oke, terus kita tuangkan ke atas loyangnya. Ini harus rata ya. Oke terus gini ya (Chef Talita tapping the baking pan in the table). Terus sekarang kita akan masukkan ke oven, kira-kira 10 menit ya. Oke guys, kita akan bikin caramel sauce. Ini karamelnya berbeda dengan karamel yang tadi karena ini kita nggak campur sama susu, nggak campur sama butter. 46. Patrick: (to Chef Talita) “Jadi karamel doang?” 47. Chef Talita: “Iya, namanya dry caramel. Sudah mulai meleleh ya, ini apinya nggak boleh panas-panas ya. Warnanya sudah hampir cokelat tua ya. (Chef Talita adding some water to the dry caramel) Pelan-pelan ya, sedikit-sedikit ya. Oke, ini, sekarang ini perfect karena colournya pekat tapi nggak terbakar ya. Kalau udah, kita mulai komponen yang ketiga. Cakenya kelihatannya sudah jadi. Ini misalnya kita pegang, tidak nempel ke jari ya. Ini dioles and you have to do this sewaktu cakenya masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih panas. Soalnya, uap yang dihasilkan membantu cakenya untuk menyerap sirupnya itu lebih baik. Sudah ya, oke. Kalau gitu, itu langsung kita masukkan ke dalam freezer, karena dalam keadaan beku itu akan gampang sekali dipotong. Ehm, gula aren 100 gram, white chocolatenya 100 gram. Cakenya akan sangat balance, ada rasa sweet, ada rasa asin, tadi kan kita kasih kelapa sama garam kan. Juga nanti akan ada rasa pahitnya karena sausnya kan terbuat dari kopi. Oke, kalian lihat hasilnya, kayak adonan ya. Ini kita akan gilas menjadi tipis. Ini harus tipis sekali ya, kira-kira satu atau dua milimeter. This is fine pastry. Ehm, powder sugar, 70 gram. Ini 20 gram. Airnya (Chef Talita pouring some water to the butter). Oke, ini kita lelehkan ya. Temen-temen, kita campurkan dulu. Kalau udah, habis itu kita campurkan ini aja. Caranya mengaduk biar nggak ada gumpalan- gumpalannya aduknya mulai kecil-kecil seperti ini. Ini namanya tuile.” 48. Revo: (personal camera) “Aku paling suka waktu ngeliat Chef Talita masak tuile ya. Karena aku tuh nggak tau, ternyata dekorasi-dekorasi untuk pastry



tuh yang bagus banget tuh ternyata dari tuile dan aku kira tuh itu tuh simple ingredients. Jadi tuh aku tuh surprise banget.” 49. Chef Talita: “Setelah itu nanti kita akan taruhkan ke atas sill pad, terus kita panggang sampai caramelized. Kalau udah kita ambil seperti ini, taruhkan aja ke atasnya seperti ini. Oke, setelah itu kita masukkan ke dalam oven, emm, kira-kira lima menit. Sekarang komponen yang kelima. Krim yang sangat sensitif. Namanya cinnamon mascarpone cream. Harus dikasih 40 gram icing sugar dulu. Kalau udah, kita juga tambahkan vanilla bean. Ini krimnya ngembang banget, tapi very sensitive ya. Jadi, kita juga membutuhkan cinnamon, kayu manis. Oke, on, medium speed, oke guys, sampai firm ya, high speed nggak papa. Lima, empat, tiga, dua, satu. Mascarponenya masukkin. Tuile nya dikeluarin kira-kira sepuluh menit ya. Caranya fold, caranya dipencet-pencet gini ya. Sudah selesai. Kalau udah ini kita taruh di kulkas. Kalau udah cold, nanti kita bisa break, bisa pecah- pecahkan. Komponen keenam adalah coffee sauce. Diambilin 200 mili, setelah itu kita akan panaskan dengan kopi. This is your last caramel. Sekarang ini udah mulai mendidih kita bisa masukkan kopinya. Coffeenya misalkan udah kecampur, dimatiin aja ya. We want the bitterness, kita mau ini jadi pahit, karamel yang ini harus lebih pekat daripada karamel yang itu. Guys, misalkan bikin karamel nggak boleh ditinggal ya nanti ya. Ini juga nggak boleh terlalu diaduk-aduk ya. Ini caranya ngeflip ya, Guys. Oke, kalau udah kita gunakan ruler, ini rulernya harus sudah bersih ya. Oke, kita bikin ini 2,5 sentimeter kali 10 sentimeter. Ini untuk plating nanti, taruh di kulkas lagi. Ini pan sugar bar, oke ya. Guys ini sudah ya, ini nggak boleh terlalu lama karena nanti misalnya chef motongnya terlalu lama bakal meleleh. It has to be very good. Kalian membutuhkan dua, 2,5 kali 10. Ini tolong dimasukin ya. Kita cuma membutuhkan satu pisang. Caranya, potong yang tipis ya. Jadi kalian harus potongnya tipis-tipis seperti ini ya. Setelah itu kita taruh di atas spatula, kita kipaskan seperti ini. Ini panjangnya juga harus sepuluh ya. Sekarang kita siapkan, tolong cream mascarponenya ya yang tadi. Kalau gitu sekarang kita akan plating and we will combine



evrything, all the components, all the seven components. Oke, krim kita platingnya seperti ular, seperti ini. Kalau udah, second, another one.” 50. All contestants: (plating finished) “Yeay!” (clapping). 51. Chef Talita: “Kita bisa gunakan kulit vanilla bean untuk garnish. Udah, selesai.” 52. Patrick: “Bravo!” 53. Revo: “Voila!” 54. Lia: (personal camera) “Presentasinya Chef Talita itu bagus banget, tapi susah kayanya.” 55. Chef Talita: “Finished, you guys kan taste it and let me know what you think. Jadi kalian bisa rasakan pahit dari coffee, manis dari karamel dan pisangnya, juga ada contrasting texture, crunchy from the tuile, soft from the cake.” 56. Some contestants: “Mmmmm so good!” 57. Afaf: (personal camera) “Java caramel cake ternyata enak banget, teksturnya ada, terus rasanya enak dan ada rasa pahitnya, manis, asin, pokonya perfect deh.” 58. Lia: (personal camera) “Bisa bantuin, bisa ngeliat, terus juga bisa ngicipin itu keuntungan yang paling enak menurutku.” 59. Some contestants: “Enak banget chef. I like it. So good.” (Chef Degan, Chef Arnold, and Chef Marinka entering the room) 60. Chef Degan: “Gimana rasanya?” 61. All contestants: “Enak!” 62. Chef Degan: “Kalian bisa bikin?” 63. All contestants: “Yes, Chef!” 64. Chef Degan: “Good. Oke guys, jangan lupa ya pressure pointnya tadi. Ingat, step by stepnya dan apa yang tadi dibilang oleh Chef Talita. Salah satu yang paling penting adalah time management, ya. Ingat guys, ini adalah challenge duplikasi dan ini adalah a pro chef challenge, ya. Lia, selain tadi bisa membantu Chef Talita, kamu punya advantage satu lagi. Itu adalah kamu akan diassist oleh Chef Talita tiga kali di dalam challenge ini.”



65. Lia: “Enak banget, aku dibantuin Chef Talita tiga kali. Yes!” 66. Revo: “Kenapaaaa. Aku tuh udah nggak pengen si Lia dapet advantage lagi! Kenapa Tuhaaan?” 67. Chef Degan: “Oke guys, waktu memasak untuk challenge ini adalah 90 menit. Bahan-bahan sudah ada di station, dan waktu kalian, mulai dari, sekarang!”

(The presentation of Java Caramel Cake recipe ends)



APPENDIX 2 The Occurence of Code Mixing





No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI 1 Misalnya kalian ˅ ˅ punya passion, itu harus selalu dimulai di rumah. 2 Jadi dari itu saya ˅ ˅ mendapatkan banyak network dari seluruh dunia, nggak cuma di Indonesia. 3 Terus saya dapat e- ˅ ˅ mail dari orang dari Amerikalah, Australia, Itali, Perancis, juga suatu hari saya mendapatkan e-mail dari majalah Spanyol, dan mereka invite saya untuk masuk ke majalahnya mereka. 4 Terus saya dapat e- ˅ ˅ mail dari orang dari Amerikalah, Australia, Itali, Perancis, juga suatu hari saya mendapatkan e-mail dari majalah Spanyol, dan mereka invite saya untuk masuk ke majalahnya mereka.



No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI 5 Chef Marinka: Oke ˅ ˅ Chef Talita mungkin kamu bisa sedikit menjelaskan pressure point dari masakannya? Chef Talita: Oke, pressure point to this cake. 6 Chef Marinka: Oke ˅ ˅ Chef Talita mungkin kamu bisa sedikit menjelaskan pressure point dari masakannya? Chef Talita: Oke, pressure point to this cake. 7 Cake ini ada tujuh ˅ ˅ komponen. 8 Jadi pressure point ˅ ˅ pertama adalah time management, itu penting banget. 9 Jadi pressure point ˅ ˅ pertama adalah time management, itu penting banget. 10 Okay, pressure point ˅ ˅ kedua, namanya Java Caramel, pasti ada komponen karamel juga, ada tiga. 11 Pressure point yang ˅ ˅ ketiga, ada krim yang sangat-sangat sensitif dengan suhu. 12 Hai, everyone, jadi ˅ ˅ di mana nih helper saya?



No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI 13 Hai, everyone, jadi ˅ ˅ di mana nih helper saya? 14 Oke, kalau gitu ayo ˅ ˅ kita cari timbangannya dulu ya, soalnya kalau pastry kita harus mulai dengan menimbang semuanya. 15 Very good, oke, juga ˅ ˅ kita memerlukan mixer. 16 Very good, oke, juga ˅ ˅ kita memerlukan mixer. 17 Pertama-tama kita ˅ ˅ nyalain oven dulu ya, 160 degrees, fan forced. 18 Pertama-tama kita ˅ ˅ nyalain oven dulu ya, 160 degrees, fan forced. 19 Kalau udah ini ˅ ˅ loyangnya kita harus butter dulu. 20 Ayo kita ukur ˅ ˅ ingredientsnya. 21 Ini caster sugar, ˅ ˅ gula putih biasa. 22 Ini diaduk ya, ˅ ˅ sampai mixed. 23 Kalau udah, pakai ˅ ˅ the back of the knife lagi kita dorong isi bijinya semua ke depan. 24 Ini diwhisk sampai ˅ ˅ butternya meleleh.



No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI 25 Ini diwhisk sampai ˅ ˅ butternya meleleh. 26 Habis itu cuma ˅ ˅ kadang-kadang diwhisk juga nggak papa. 27 Nanti misalkan ini ˅ ˅ sudah boiling, kita harus tetep cek suhunya. 28 Soalnya misalnya ˅ ˅ terlalu tinggi suhunya, karamelnya bakal burned, bakal kebakar. 29 Pay attention guys, ˅ ˅ ini bowlnya dengan butter 60 gram kan, kita taruh saringan di atasnya. 30 Pay attention guys, ˅ ˅ ini bowlnya dengan butter 60 gram kan, kita taruh saringan di atasnya. 31 Pay attention guys, ˅ ˅ ini bowlnya dengan butter 60 gram kan, kita taruh saringan di atasnya. 32 Butternya membantu ˅ ˅ untuk mendinginkan mixture ini. 33 Butternya membantu ˅ ˅ untuk mendinginkan mixture ini. 34 Jadi kan caranya ˅ ˅ kita, kita harus berpikir sebagai chef bagaimana caranya memanage waktu.



No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI 35 Jadi kan caranya ˅ ˅ kita, kita harus berpikir sebagai chef bagaimana caranya memanage waktu. 36 Sekarang kita ˅ ˅ membutuhkan bowl dari mixer. 37 Kita bikin cake ˅ ˅ butter. 38 Baking powder 10 ˅ ˅ gram ya, hati-hati. 39 Ehm, 75 gram eggs ˅ ˅ dikocok. 40 Ini kita mulai dengan ˅ ˅ dry ingredients, bahan-bahan yang dry. 41 Sekarang distart lagi ˅ ˅ ya Lia. 42 Butternya harus ˅ ˅ seperti ini kelihatannya. 43 Oke guys, kita akan ˅ ˅ bikin caramel sauce. 44 Ini karamelnya ˅ ˅ berbeda dengan karamel yang tadi karena ini kita nggak campur sama susu, nggak campur sama butter. 45 Iya, namanya dry ˅ ˅ caramel. 46 Oke, ini, sekarang ˅ ˅ ini perfect karena colournya pekat tapi nggak terbakar ya. 47 Oke, ini, sekarang ˅ ˅ ini perfect karena



No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI colournya pekat tapi nggak terbakar ya. 48 Cakenya ˅ ˅ kelihatannya sudah jadi. 49 Ini dioles and you ˅ ˅ have to do this sewaktu cakenya masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih panas. 50 Ini dioles and you ˅ ˅ have to do this sewaktu cakenya masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih panas. 51 Ini dioles and you ˅ ˅ have to do this sewaktu cakenya masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih panas. 52 Soalnya, uap yang ˅ ˅ dihasilkan membantu cakenya untuk menyerap sirupnya itu lebih baik. 53 Kalau gitu, itu ˅ ˅ langsung kita masukkan ke dalam freezer, karena dalam keadaan beku itu akan gampang sekali dipotong. 54 Ehm, gula aren 100 ˅ ˅ gram, white chocolatenya 100 gram.



No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI 55 Cakenya akan sangat ˅ ˅ balance, ada rasa sweet, ada rasa asin, tadi kan kita kasih kelapa sama garam kan. 56 Cakenya akan sangat ˅ ˅ balance, ada rasa sweet, ada rasa asin, tadi kan kita kasih kelapa sama garam kan. 57 Cakenya akan sangat ˅ ˅ balance, ada rasa sweet, ada rasa asin, tadi kan kita kasih kelapa sama garam kan. 58 Ehm, powder sugar, ˅ ˅ 70 gram. 59 Setelah itu nanti kita ˅ ˅ akan taruhkan ke atas sill pad, terus kita panggang sampai caramelized. 60 Setelah itu nanti kita ˅ ˅ akan taruhkan ke atas sill pad, terus kita panggang sampai caramelized. 61 Namanya cinnamon ˅ ˅ mascarpone cream. 62 Harus dikasih 40 ˅ ˅ gram icing sugar dulu. 63 Kalau udah, kita ˅ ˅ juga tambahkan vanilla bean. 64 Ini krimnya ˅ ˅ ngembang banget,



No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI tapi very sensitive ya. 65 Jadi, kita juga ˅ ˅ membutuhkan cinnamon, kayu manis. 66 Oke, on, medium ˅ ˅ speed, oke guys, sampai firm ya, high speed nggak papa. 67 Oke, on, medium ˅ ˅ speed, oke guys, sampai firm ya, high speed nggak papa. 68 Oke, on, medium ˅ ˅ speed, oke guys, sampai firm ya, high speed nggak papa. 69 Mascarponenya ˅ ˅ masukkin. 70 Caranya fold, ˅ ˅ caranya dipencet- pencet gini ya. 71 Kalau udah cold, ˅ ˅ nanti kita bisa break, bisa pecah- pecahkan. 72 Kalau udah cold, ˅ ˅ nanti kita bisa break, bisa pecah- pecahkan. 73 Komponen keenam ˅ ˅ adalah coffee sauce. 74 Coffeenya misalkan ˅ ˅ udah kecampur, dimatiin aja ya. 75 We want the ˅ ˅ bitterness, kita mau ini jadi pahit, karamel yang ini harus lebih pekat



No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI daripada karamel yang itu. 76 Ini caranya ngeflip ˅ ˅ ya, Guys. 77 Oke, kalau udah kita ˅ ˅ gunakan ruler, ini rulernya harus sudah bersih ya. 78 Ini untuk plating ˅ ˅ nanti, taruh di kulkas lagi. 79 Ini pan sugar bar, ˅ ˅ oke ya. 80 Guys ini sudah ya, ˅ ˅ ini nggak boleh terlalu lama karena nanti misalnya chef motongnya terlalu lama bakal meleleh. 81 Sekarang kita ˅ ˅ siapkan, tolong cream mascarponenya ya yang tadi. 82 Kalau gitu sekarang ˅ ˅ kita akan plating and we will combine everything, all the components, all the seven components. 83 Kalau gitu sekarang ˅ ˅ kita akan plating and we will combine everything, all the components, all the seven components. 84 Kalau gitu sekarang ˅ ˅ kita akan plating and we will combine everything, all the



No Data Type of Code Possible Reason of Code Mixing Syntactic Mixing Structure M W P C TA BE I RU TE PT AS FC GI components, all the seven components. 85 Oke, krim kita ˅ ˅ platingnya seperti ular, seperti ini. 86 Kalau udah, second, ˅ ˅ another one. 87 Kita bisa gunakan ˅ ˅ kulit vanilla bean untuk garnish. 88 Kita bisa gunakan ˅ ˅ kulit vanilla bean untuk garnish. 89 Jadi kalian bisa ˅ ˅ rasakan pahit dari coffee, manis dari karamel dan pisangnya, juga ada contrasting texture, crunchy from the tuile, soft from the cake.



APPENDIX 3 The Reason of Talking about Particular Topic in Code Mixing




No Data CM Case Grammatical Syntactic Meaning Explanation Function Structure 1 Misalnya kalian passion Object Word The meaning of passion is actually related to ‘strong feeling, or punya passion, itu the emotions as distinguished from reason’ or it can be ‘love to an harus selalu dimulai object of affection or enthusiasm’. In Indonesian language there is di rumah. a word with nearly the same meaning which is kegemaran. Kegemaran in Indonesian language has the meaning of kesenangan or pleasure but then, the word passion has the semantic feature of enthusiasm, not only pleasure. On the other hand, the word kegemaran is less strong than passion. 2 Jadi dari itu saya banyak network Object Phrase Banyak network here is a noun phrase. Network itself means ‘a mendapatkan banyak system of elements (as lines or channels) that cross in the manner network dari seluruh of the threads in a net’. In Indonesian language the word network dunia, nggak cuma di can be replaced by jaringan. Jaringan in Indonesian language Indonesia. means ‘barang siratan yang serupa jaring’. The word jaringan has semantic feature related to something physical, while the word network here related to something abstract, specifically related to the social-life context. In the social-life context, the word network are more suitable than jaringan.



3 Terus saya dapat e- e-mail Object Word Actually, the word e-mail has a comparable term in Indonesian mail dari orang dari language, which is surat elektronik, but since the word e-mail is Amerikalah, more familiar, and also shorter, so the speaker prefer to use the Australia, Itali, word e-mail rather than surat elektronik. Perancis, juga suatu Talking about e-mail can be related to the context of technology, hari saya specifically communication technology. mendapatkan e-mail dari majalah Spanyol, dan mereka invite saya untuk masuk ke majalahnya mereka. 4 Terus saya dapat e- invite Verb Word In the context of communication technology, the word invite is mail dari orang dari famously used. The word invite actually can be translated to Amerikalah, mengundang in Indonesian language, but then in the context of Australia, Itali, communication technology, the word invite is rarely translated to Perancis, juga suatu mengundang. Mostly, people just use the word invite as it is, hari saya although in the general context, the word mengundang is also mendapatkan e-mail familiar. dari majalah Spanyol, dan mereka invite saya untuk masuk ke majalahnya mereka. 5 Chef Marinka: Oke pressure point Subject Phrase Pressure point in that sentence refers to something in the Java Chef Talita mungkin Caramel Cake recipe that need to be given more attention by the kamu bisa sedikit contestants while practicing the recipe. There’s no popular term menjelaskan pressure such as pressure point in Indonesian language. Moreover, Chef point dari Marinka asks Chef Talita using the term pressure point, so Chef masakannya? Talita tends to use the same term.



Chef Talita: Oke, pressure point to this cake. 6 Chef Marinka: Oke to this cake Complement Phrase The prepositional phrase to this cake works as a complement and Chef Talita mungkin it’s used to explain what Chef Marinka said before about the dish. kamu bisa sedikit In this context, Chef Talita wants to show that the dish is a cake. menjelaskan pressure On the other hand, the recipe itself entitled Java Caramel Cake. point dari masakannya? Chef Talita: Oke, pressure point to this cake. 7 Cake ini ada tujuh Cake ini Subject Phrase Cake ini, the noun phrase that plays a role as a subject, is used komponen. instead of kue ini because the name of the dish itself is Java Caramel Cake. The name of the dish indirectly brings the tendency of using the term cake instead of kue. Besdies that, the meaning of cake in English is ‘a sweet baked food made from butter or dough usually containing flour, sugar, shortening, and a leaven’. On the other hand, the meaning of kue in bahasa Indonesia is ‘penganan yang dibuat dari bahan yang bermacam-macam, dapat dibuat dalam berbagai bentuk’. The meaning of cake, is more specific than kue. It can be seen from the semantic features sweet and baked. So that’s why the word cake is more preferable than kue. 8 Jadi pressure point pressure point Subject Phrase Pressure point pertama, which is a noun phrase, appears in the pertama adalah time pertama beginning of the sentence as a subject. Here, the phrase pressure management, itu point is used consistently due to the familiarity of that phrase. penting banget.



9 Jadi pressure point time Object Phrase The object of that sentence, time management, is a noun phrase pertama adalah time management that is commonly used as an utterance to describe how people management, itu manage their time while doing something. In Indonesian penting banget. language, there is a phrase manajemen waktu but less familiar than time management. 10 Okay, pressure point pressure point Subject Phrase Here, the phrase pressure point kedua appears as a subject. This kedua, namanya Java kedua phrase is used consistently like what happened before. Caramel, pasti ada komponen karamel juga, ada tiga. 11 Pressure point yang Pressure point Subject Phrase Here, the phrase pressure point ketiga appears as a subject. This ketiga, ada krim yang yang ketiga phrase is used consistently like what happened before. sangat-sangat sensitif dengan suhu. 14 Oke, kalau gitu ayo soalnya kalau Adjunct Phrase The adverbial phrase soalnya kalau pastry works as an adjunct, kita cari pastry because it explains the reason why they need to use the scales. It’s timbangannya dulu mentioned that because they are going to cook something related ya, soalnya kalau to pastry, they need to measure everything. Pastry here means pastry kita harus ‘sweet baked goods made of dough or with a crust made of mulai dengan enriched dough’. The word pastry here is used, because this is menimbang related to the cooking topic and in that topic or context, the word semuanya. pastry is familiarly used. Beside that, there is no adequate term in Indonesian language that can describe the meaning of pastry. 16 Very good, oke, juga mixer Object Word The word mixer, as an object, is used because in Indonesian kita memerlukan language, the tool is also called as mixer. The word mixer in mixer. English means ‘one that mixes, especially a machine or device for mixing’. In this context, the tools is used to mix the cake dough.



There’s no translation or other term in Indonesian language that can substitute the word mixer. 17 Pertama-tama kita 160 degrees Adjunct Phrase The word degrees here means ‘any various units for measuring nyalain oven dulu ya, temperature’. In Indonesian language, we have the word derajat, 160 degrees, fan but oftenly in modern cooking tools like an oven, the symbol and forced. instructions are written in English. 18 Pertama-tama kita fan forced Predicate Phrase The phrase fan forced explains what kind of oven they use to nyalain oven dulu ya, bake the cake. Fan forced means that there’s a fan in that oven, 160 degrees, fan which makes the cooking process faster. “Fan-forced ovens have forced. a fan that circulates the hot air, resulting in a faster cooking time, as well as browning more quickly” ( /articles/5987/how+to+bake+and+tips+for +conventional+and+fan+forced+ovens). There’s no translation or other term in Indonesian language that can substitute the phrase fan forced. 19 Kalau udah ini harus butter Predicate Phrase Harus butter in this sentence appears as a predicate. This verb loyangnya kita harus phrase consist of the word harus and butter, which means the butter dulu. brass should be rubbed with butter before Chef Talita put that into the oven. Harus butter in this sentence actually means rubbing the butter into the brass. In Indonesian language, it can be translated as harus mengoleskan mentega, but as butter is shorter, it’s easier to use the word butter. Here, in giving instruction to cook the dish, the shorter words are needed because of the limited duration. 20 Ayo kita ukur ingredientsnya Object Morpheme Ingredientsnya here plays role as an object. The Indonesian suffix ingredientsnya. –nya is added to the English word ingredients. That suffix –nya functions as a marker that Chef Talita refers to the specific



ingredients, which is the ingredients that are used to make Java Caramel Cake. The word ingredients means ‘the substances that make up a mixture or compound’. In Indonesian language, the word ingredients can be translated as bahan-bahan, but the meaning of bahan-bahan itself is ‘bakal; barang-barang yang akan dibuat menjadi suatu benda tertentu’. The semantic features of mixture can’t be found in the word bahan-bahan and the word ingredients is more familiar in cooking topic. 22 Ini diaduk ya, sampai sampai mixed Adjunct Phrase Sampai mixed here, the adjectival phrase, works as an adjunct mixed. which explain how the dough should be stirred, until it’s mixed well. The word mixed is used instead of tercampur rata because since the beginning of the recipe, the word mix is already used, in the word mixer. Besides that, the term mix is used repeatedly because it refers to the same thing, the dough that has been mixed by the mixer before. 23 Kalau udah, pakai the pakai the back Adjunct Phrase The adverbial phrase pakai the back of the knife lagi appears as back of the knife lagi of the knife lagi an adjunct which explains by what tools Chef Talita push the kita dorong isi bijinya vanilla bean to the front part of the vanilla stick. Chef Talita use semua ke depan. the phrase the back of the knife because she’s talking about the cooking tool, related to the cooking topic. 24 Ini diwhisk sampai diwhisk Predicate Morpheme Diwhisk here works as a passive verb which is formed by an butternya meleleh. Indonesian prefix di- and the word whisk. Whisk here means ‘to move nimbly and quickly’. Usually, we need a tool for that. Actually we can replace that in Indonesian language by dikocok dengan cepat, but since whisk is shorter, so it’s preferable to use the word whisk. Chef Talita has to use the shorter term because of the duration.



25 Ini diwhisk sampai sampai Adjunct Clause The word butternya, in the adverbial clause sampai butternya butternya meleleh. butternya meleleh is used consistently as the word butter in the previous meleleh sentence. The suffix –nya is added to confirm that it’s the butter that’s being whisked. 26 Habis itu cuma cuma kadang- Predicate Phrase The word diwhisk in the verb phrase cuma kadang-kadang kadang-kadang kadang diwhisk diwhisk is used consistently as the previous sentence. diwhisk juga nggak papa. 27 Nanti misalkan ini nanti misalkan Adjunct Clause The word boiling, which is used in the phrase nanti misalkan ini sudah boiling, kita ini sudah sudah boiling, means ‘to heat or become heated to a temperature harus tetep cek boiling (boiling point) at which vapor is formed and rises in bubbles’. The suhunya. word boiling can be translated in Indonesian language into mendidih which means ‘menggelembung-gelembung atau meluap-luap ketika dipanaskan’. The word mendidih does not require a particular temperature or boiling point, that is why the word boiling is more preferable. 30 Pay attention guys, bowlnya Subject Morpheme The word bowl here means ‘a bowl-shaped part or structure used ini bowlnya dengan to hold liquids’. In Indonesian language, bowl can be translated as butter 60 gram kan, mangkuk, but in the cooking process context, the word bowl is kita taruh saringan di more familiarly used. atasnya. 31 Pay attention guys, dengan butter Adjunct Phrase The word butter, in the phrase dengan butter 60 gram kan, is ini bowlnya dengan 60 gram kan used consistently as the word butter in the previous sentences. butter 60 gram kan, kita taruh saringan di atasnya.



32 Butternya membantu butternya Subject Morpheme The word butternya, is used consistently as the word butter in the untuk mendinginkan previous sentences. The suffix –nya is added to confirm that it’s mixture ini. the butter which helps cooling down the mixture. 33 Butternya membantu mixture ini Object Phrase The word mixture in the phrase mixture ini refers to the mixture untuk mendinginkan that has been mixed by using mixer. The speaker tends to use the mixture ini. word mixture instead of adonan or campuran because since the beginning of the process, the terms used are related to the root word mix. By using the word mixture, it is emphasized that the things mentioned is the dough that is made by mixing some ingredients using mixer. 35 Jadi kan caranya kita, bagaimana Adjunct Clause The noun clause bagaimana caranya memanage waktu works as kita harus berpikir caranya an adjunct in that sentence. In that clause, there is a word sebagai chef memanage memanage which consists of prefix me- from Indonesian bagaimana caranya waktu language and the root word manage. The word manage is used as memanage waktu. in the beginning of the instruction, Chef Talita already uses the word manage in the term time management. 36 Sekarang kita bowl dari mixer Object Phrase In the phrase bowl dari mixer, the words bowl and mixer are used membutuhkan bowl consistenly like in the previous part of the instruction. dari mixer. 37 Kita bikin cake cake butter Object Phrase The word cake and butter, in the phrase cake butter, are used butter. consistently as those previous sentences in the instruction, which tend to use those words instead of the words kue and mentega. Beside, the term cake butter has specific meaning, related to the recipe. It is not translated as cake and butter, but it is a particular kind of butter the chef makes for the cake. It is different from the butter they had used since the beginning of the recipe. 38 Baking powder 10 baking powder Subject Phrase The term baking powder is used here because it refers to a gram ya, hati-hati. cooking ingredients which is familiarly known as baking powder



rather than soda kue. It can be translated as soda kue but the term baking powder is more familiarly used. 39 Ehm, 75 gram eggs 75 gram eggs Subject Phrase The word eggs in the phrase 75 gram eggs is used here because dikocok. since the beginning of the cooking instruction, Chef Talita tends to mention the ingredients in English. 41 Sekarang distart lagi distart lagi Predicate Morpheme The phrase distart lagi works as a predicate, to explain what Lia ya Lia. does to the mixer. Here, the term distart lagi is used, because in modern cooking tools, sometimes the symbol and the instructions are written in English. 42 Butternya harus butternya Subject Morpheme The word butternya, is used consistently as the word butter in the seperti ini previous sentences. The suffix –nya is added to confirm that it’s kelihatannya. the butter which have to look like what Chef Talita wants. 43 Oke guys, kita akan caramel sauce Object Phrase The phrase caramel sauce here is one of the elements of the dish. bikin caramel sauce. In Indonesian language, there is a term saus karamel, which can substitute caramel sauce, but because since the beginning of the recipe, the title of the recipe itself is Java Caramel Cake, so Chef Talita tends to use the same term. 44 Ini karamelnya karena ini kita Adjunct Clause The word butter, in the clause karena ini kita nggak campur berbeda dengan nggak campur sama susu, nggak campur sama butter, is used consistently as karamel yang tadi sama susu, the word butter in the previous sentences, since the beginning of karena ini kita nggak nggak campur the instruction. campur sama susu, sama butter nggak campur sama butter. 45 Iya, namanya dry dry caramel Predicate Phrase The phrase dry caramel here is one of the elements of the dish. In caramel. Indonesian language, there is a term karamel kering, which can substitute dry caramel, but because since the beginning of the



recipe, the title of the recipe itself is Java Caramel Cake, so Chef Talita tends to use the same term. 46 Oke, ini, sekarang ini sekarang ini Predicate Phrase The phrase sekarang ini perfect in that sentence describe the perfect karena perfect condition of the caramel, which is not burned. The word perfect colournya pekat tapi actually can be translated into sempurna in Indonesian language. nggak terbakar ya. 47 Oke, ini, sekarang ini karena Adjunct Clause The clause karena colournya pekat tapi nggak terbakar ya in perfect karena colournya pekat that sentence describe the condition of the caramel, which is not colournya pekat tapi tapi nggak burned. The word colour actually can be translated into warna in nggak terbakar ya. terbakar ya Indonesian language. 48 Cakenya Cakenya Subject Morpheme The word cakenya, is used consistently as the word cake in the kelihatannya sudah previous sentences. The suffix –nya is added to confirm that it’s jadi. the cake that has been baked well. 51 Ini dioles and you sewaktu Adjunct Clause The word cakenya, is used consistently as the word cake in the have to do this cakenya masih previous part of the instruction. The suffix –nya is added to sewaktu cakenya panas dan juga confirm that it is the cake which will be rubbed by the syrup. masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih sirupnya masih panas. panas 52 Soalnya, uap yang cakenya Object Morpheme The word cakenya, is used consistently as the word cake in the dihasilkan membantu previous part of the instruction. The suffix –nya is added to cakenya untuk confirm that it is the cake which will be rubbed by the syrup. menyerap sirupnya itu lebih baik. 53 Kalau gitu, itu itu langsung Adjunct Clause The word freezer in the clause itu langsung kita masukkan ke langsung kita kita masukkan dalam freezer refers to ‘a compartment, device, or room for masukkan ke dalam ke dalam freezing food or keeping it frozen’. Usually, this compartment is a freezer, karena dalam freezer part of a refrigerator. In Indonesian language, there is no term that keadaan beku itu can replace the word freezer.



akan gampang sekali dipotong. 54 Ehm, gula aren 100 white Subject Morpheme The term white chocolate is used, rather than cokelat putih in gram, white chocolatenya Indonesian language, because it is more popular. chocolatenya 100 gram. 55 Cakenya akan sangat Cakenya Subject Morpheme The word cakenya, is used consistently as the word cake in the balance, ada rasa previous part of the instruction. The suffix –nya is added to sweet, ada rasa asin, confirm that it is the cake which will have sweet and salty flavour. tadi kan kita kasih kelapa sama garam kan. 56 Cakenya akan sangat akan sangat Predicate Phrase The phrase akan sangat balance describes how the taste of the balance, ada rasa balance cake will be like. The word balance actually can be translated into sweet, ada rasa asin, seimbang in Indonesian language, but in the context of cooking tadi kan kita kasih process, the word balance is more popular. kelapa sama garam kan. 57 Cakenya akan sangat rasa sweet Complement Phrase The phrase rasa sweet describes how the taste of the cake will be balance, ada rasa like. The word sweet actually can be translated into manis in sweet, ada rasa asin, Indonesian language, but then since it is related to the word cake, tadi kan kita kasih the speaker tend to use the word sweet. kelapa sama garam kan. 58 Ehm, powder sugar, powder sugar Subject Phrase The term powder sugar is used, rather than gula halus in 70 gram. Indonesian language, because it is more popular. 59 Setelah itu nanti kita ke atas sill pad Adjunct Clause The phrase sill pad here refers to ‘a compact cushion which is akan taruhkan ke atas made from a heavy crosspiece (as of wood or stone) or also a



sill pad, terus kita horizontal supporting piece at the base of a structure’. In this panggang sampai instruction, the sill pad is used as the pad to bake the tuile. There caramelized. is no term that can be found in Indonesian language, that can subtitute the phrase sill pad. 60 Setelah itu nanti kita sampai Predicate Phrase The phrase sampai caramelized here refers to ‘a condition of akan taruhkan ke atas caramelized something that is burnt like caramel’. There is no term that can be sill pad, terus kita found in Indonesian language, that can subtitute the word panggang sampai caramelized. caramelized. 61 Namanya cinnamon cinnamon Predicate Phrase Cinnamon mascarpone cream can be defined as ‘a cream which mascarpone cream. mascarpone is made from cinnamon and Italian cream cheese’. There is no cream term in Indonesian language which can substitute that term. 62 Harus dikasih 40 40 gram icing Object Phrase The term icing sugar in the phrase 40 gram icing sugar can be gram icing sugar sugar defined as ‘a sweet creamy mixture used to coat baked goods’. dulu. There is no term in Indonesian language which can substitute icing sugar. 63 Kalau udah, kita juga vanilla bean Object Phrase The term vanilla bean is used, rather than biji vanilla in tambahkan vanilla Indonesian language, because it is more popular. bean. 66 Oke, on, medium on, medium Predicate Phrase The phrase on, medium speed works as a predicate, to explain speed, oke guys, speed how Chef Talita set the mixer. Here, the term medium speed is sampai firm ya, high used, because in modern cooking tools, sometimes the symbol speed nggak papa. and the instructions are written in English. 67 Oke, on, medium sampai firm ya Predicate Phrase The word firm in the phrase sampai firm ya can be defined as speed, oke guys, ‘having a solid or compact texture’. In Indonesian language, there sampai firm ya, high is a term that can substitute that term, which is padat. speed nggak papa.



68 Oke, on, medium high speed Adjunct Phrase The phrase high speed nggak papa works as an adjunct, to speed, oke guys, nggak papa explain how Chef Talita set the mixer. Here, the term medium sampai firm ya, high speed is used, because in modern cooking tools, sometimes the speed nggak papa. symbol and the instructions are written in English. 69 Mascarponenya Mascarponenya Subject Morpheme Mascarpone, the root word of mascarponenya, is a term that masukkin. define a kind of particular cheese. The suitable word that can replace the word mascarpone in Indonesian language can not be found. 70 Caranya fold, caranya Caranya fold Subject Phrase The word fold in the phrase caranya fold refers to ‘to lay one part dipencet-pencet gini over or against another part’. In Indonesian language, it can be ya. replaced with the word melipat, but then the word fold is more familiarly used in the context of cooking. 71 Kalau udah cold, Kalau udah cold Adjunct Phrase The word cold in the phrase that works as an adjunct, kalau udah nanti kita bisa break, cold, actually can be replaced as beku in Indonesian language. bisa pecah-pecahkan. Since it is related to the cooking terms, the speaker tends to use the word cold rather than beku. 73 Komponen keenam coffee sauce Complement Phrase The phrase coffee sauce here works as a complement. Coffee adalah coffee sauce. sauce refers to the sauce that is made by Chef Talita with coffee as the main ingredient to give coffee flavor. The term coffee sauce can be translated as saus kopi in Indonesian language, but since the coffee sauce is a term the speaker makes as a part of Java Caramel Cake component, the speaker tends to use English as it follows the name of the recipe. 74 Coffeenya misalkan Coffeenya Adjunct Morpheme The word coffeenya is used consistently as the phrase coffee udah kecampur, sauce in the previous sentence. It consist of the root word coffee dimatiin aja ya. and the Indonesian language suffix –nya. 76 Ini caranya ngeflip caranya ngeflip Predicate Morpheme The root word flip in the word ngeflip here means ‘to turn over ya, Guys. ya also to leaf through’. In Indonesian language, there is a word that



can substitute the word flip, which is membalikkan. Since Chef Talita tends to use English terms for cooking instruction, so the word flip is preferable. 77 Oke, kalau udah kita ruler, ini Object Phrase The word ruler actually can be substituted with the word gunakan ruler, ini rulernya penggaris in Indonesian language. Here, the word ruler is used rulernya harus sudah because it is one of the cooking tools Chef Talita uses, and since bersih ya. the beginning of the cooking instruction, Chef Talita tends to use English words to name or mention the cooking tools. 78 Ini untuk plating untuk plating Predicate Phrase The word plating in the verbal phrase untuk plating nanti refers to nanti, taruh di kulkas nanti the process of placing the all components of Java Caramel Cake lagi. in the plate. There is no specific term of plating in Indonesian language although it can be defined as menata makanan di piring. 79 Ini pan sugar bar, pan sugar bar Complement Phrase The phrase pan sugar bar here works as a complement. Pan oke ya. sugar bar refers to the dried caramel that is made by Chef Talita. Pan sugar bar is a term the speaker makes as a part of Java Caramel Cake component, the speaker tends to use English as it follows the name of the recipe. 81 Sekarang kita cream Object Phrase Cream mascarpone can be defined as ‘a cream which is made siapkan, tolong mascarponenya from cinnamon and Italian cream cheese’. There is no term in cream ya Indonesian language which can substitute that term. Beside that, mascarponenya ya the term cream mascarpone is used consistently as the previous yang tadi. part of the cooking instruction. 82 Kalau gitu sekarang akan plating Predicate Phrase The word plating in the verbal phrase akan plating refers to the kita akan plating and process of placing the all components of Java Caramel Cake in we will combine the plate. There is no specific term of plating in Indonesian everything, all the language although it can be defined as menata makanan di piring. components, all the seven components.



84 Kalau gitu sekarang we will Complement Clause The clause we will combine everything, all the components, all kita akan plating and combine the seven components, works as a complement that explain the we will combine everything, all process while the chef is plating the dish. everything, all the the components, all the components, all seven components. the seven components 85 Oke, krim kita platingnya Predicate Morpheme The word plating in the word platingnya refers to the process of platingnya seperti placing the all components of Java Caramel Cake in the plate. ular, seperti ini. There is no specific term of plating in Indonesian language although it can be defined as menata makanan di piring. Here, it is used consistently as the previous part of the cooking instruction. 87 Kita bisa gunakan kulit vanilla Object Phrase The term vanilla bean in the phrase kulit vanilla bean is used kulit vanilla bean bean consistently as the previous part of the cooking instruction. untuk garnish. 88 Kita bisa gunakan untuk garnish Adjunct Phrase Garnish in the phrase untuk garnish refers to ‘to add decorative or kulit vanilla bean savory touches to (food)’. It means that garnish is one of the untuk garnish. cooking process or part of cooking instruction, that requires the chef to add decorative elements in the plate. In Indonesian language, there is no popular term such as garnish to describe the process, although it can be defined as menghias makanan, but the meaning is boarder. 89 Jadi kalian bisa pahit dari Object Clause The clause pahit dari coffee, manis dari karamel dan pisangnya, rasakan pahit dari coffee, manis juga ada contrasting texture, crunchy from the tuile, soft from coffee, manis dari dari karamel the cake works as an object, explains what the contestants will karamel dan dan pisangnya, taste after tasting the Java Caramel Cake. pisangnya, juga ada juga ada



contrasting texture, contrasting crunchy from the texture, tuile, soft from the crunchy from cake. the tuile, soft from the cake



APPENDIX 4 The Reason of Being Emphatic about

Something in Code Mixing




No Data CM Case Grammatical Syntactic Meaning Explanation Function Structure 15 Very good, oke, juga Very good Complement Phrase The adjective phrase very good appears in the beginning of the kita memerlukan sentence as a predicate. This phrase explains the way Lia helps mixer. Chef Talita, which is very satisfying. The term very good itself can be translated into Indonesian language term which is sangat baik but then in the context of commending or giving compliment to others, the term very good is more popular.



APPENDIX 5 The Reason of Interjection in Code Mixing




No Data CM Case Grammatical Syntactic Meaning Explanation Function Structure 12 Hai, everyone, jadi di everyone Subject Word The word everyone refers to all the contestants. The word mana nih helper everyone can be translated to setiap orang in Indonesian saya? language, or in this context it can be translated as anak-anak or kontestan, but then the word everyone is more familiarly used in the context of adressing someone. Beside that, the word everyone gives more intimacy impression.

49 Ini dioles and you and Conjunction Word The word and here plays role as a conjunction or connector. And have to do this connects the clause Ini dioles and You have to do this sewaktu sewaktu cakenya cakenya masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih panas. And masih panas dan juga actually can be translated into dan in Indonesian language. Here, sirupnya masih panas. the word and is spontaneusly used because the next clause is begun with English term you have to do this..., so there is a tendency of using an English conjunction before that clause.



50 Ini dioles and you you have to do Complement Clause The clause you have to do this plays role as a complement. have to do this this Actually, this clause, along with the sentence connector can be sewaktu cakenya removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. masih panas dan juga sirupnya masih panas. 83 Kalau gitu sekarang and Conjunction Word The word and here plays role as a conjunction or connector. And kita akan plating and connects the clause Kalau gitu sekarang kita akan plating and We we will combine will combine everything, all the components, all the seven everything, all the components. And actually can be translated into dan in Indonesian components, all the language. Here, the word and is spontaneusly used because the seven components. next clause is fully delivered with English, We will combine everything, all the components, all the seven components, so there is a tendency of using an English conjunction before that clause.



APPENDIX 6 The Reason of Repetition Used for

Clarification in Code Mixing




No Data CM Case Grammatical Syntactic Meaning Explanation Function Structure 21 Ini caster sugar, gula custard sugar, Complement Phrase The complement caster sugar, gula putih biasa is a noun phrase putih biasa. gula putih biasa which consists of two noun phrases which are caster sugar and gula putih biasa. The phrase gula putih biasa explain the Indonesian translation of caster sugar. Here, it’s seen that gula putih biasa emphasizes the phrase caster sugar. 28 Soalnya misalnya bakal burned, Predicate Phrase The predicate bakal burned, bakal kebakar consists of two verb terlalu tinggi bakal kebakar phrases which are bakal burned and bakal kebakar. The phrase suhunya, karamelnya bakal kebarar explain the Indonesian translation of bakal burned. bakal burned, bakal Here, it’s seen that bakal kebakar emphasizes the phrase bakal kebakar. burned. 40 Ini kita mulai dengan dry ingredients, Object Phrase The object dry ingredients, bahan-bahan yang dry consists of dry ingredients, bahan-bahan two noun phrases which are dry ingredients and bahan-bahan bahan-bahan yang yang dry yang dry. The phrase bahan-bahan yang dry explain the dry. Indonesian translation of dry ingredients. Here, it’s seen that bahan-bahan yang dry emphasizes the phrase dry ingredients. 65 Jadi, kita juga cinnamon, Object Phrase The object cinnamon, kayu manis consists of a word and a noun membutuhkan kayu manis phrase which are cinnamon and kayu manis. The term kayu



cinnamon, kayu manis explain the Indonesian translation of cinnamon. Here, it’s manis. seen that kayu manis emphasizes the word cinnamon. 72 Kalau udah cold, bisa break, bisa Predicate Phrase The predicate bisa break, bisa pecah-pecahkan consists of two nanti kita bisa break, pecah-pecahkan verb phrases phrase which are bisa break and bisa pecah- bisa pecah-pecahkan. pecahkan. The term bisa pecah-pecahkan explain the Indonesian translation of bisa break. Here, it is seen that bisa pecah- pecahkan emphasizes the phrase bisa break. 75 We want the We want the Predicate Clause The predicate we want the bitterness, kita mau ini jadi pahit bitterness, kita mau bitterness, kita consists of two clauses which are we want the bitterness and kita ini jadi pahit, karamel mau ini jadi mau ini jadi pahit. The term kita mau ini jadi pahit explains the yang ini harus lebih pahit Indonesian translation of we want the bitterness. Here, it is seen pekat daripada that kita mau ini jadi pahit emphasizes the clause we want the karamel yang itu. bitterness.



APPENDIX 7 The Reason of Expressing Group Identity and Solidarity in Code





No Data CM Case Grammatical Syntactic Meaning Explanation Function Structure 13 Hai, everyone, jadi di helper saya Object Phrase The meaning of word helper in English is ‘assistance’. While, in mana nih helper Indonesian language, helper can be translated as pembantu. saya? Pembantu itself in Indonesian language means ‘orang upahan yang mengurus pekerjaan rumah tangga’. The word helper in this context actually refers to the contestant who becomes the assistant of Chef Talita. Due to the different context of meaning in English and Indonesian language, the word helper is more preferable to be used. 29 Pay attention guys, pay attention Predicate Clause The verbal clause pay attention guys is used familliarly due to the ini bowlnya dengan guys context of mixing language. In Indonesian language, there is a butter 60 gram kan, term perhatikan, which is also require someone to focus in kita taruh saringan di certain things, but then the term pay attention is more popularly atasnya. used. 34 Jadi kan caranya kita, harus berpikir Predicate Phrase In the phrase harus berpikir sebagai chef, the word chef is used kita harus berpikir sebagai chef instead of koki because since the beginning of the show, the term sebagai chef chef is used to address the judges and the guest. The title of the bagaimana caranya show itself, Junior Masterchef Indonesia, also gives the tendency memanage waktu. of using the word chef instead of koki.



64 Ini krimnya ngembang Predicate Phrase The phrase ngembang banget tapi very sensitive here involves ngembang banget, banget, tapi the use of the phrase very sensitive. Actually, in Indonesian tapi very sensitive ya. very sensitive language, it can be replaced with sangat sensitif, but then in ya cooking process, the word sensitive is more popular and familiar, and the word very here functions to emphasize the meaning. 80 Guys ini sudah ya, ini chef Subject Word The word chef is used in this sentence instead of koki because nggak boleh terlalu since the beginning of the show, the term chef is used to address lama karena nanti the judges and the guest. The title of the show itself, Junior misalnya chef Masterchef Indonesia, also gives the tendency of using the word motongnya terlalu chef instead of koki. lama bakal meleleh. 86 Kalau udah, second, second, another Subject Phrase The term second, another one is a phrase that works as a subject. another one. one Here, it is used due to the habit and familiarity of that phrase. It is the habit that the sepaker has in describing the step. It is assumed that the contestants are familiar and understand that term.