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Plagiat Merupakan Tindakan Tidak Terpuji PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI AN ANALYSIS OF CODE-SWITCHING MADE BY THE JURIES OF MASTERCHEF INDONESIA SEASON 3 GRAND FINAL A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education By Christa Yona Twedrian Student Number: 101214138 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2014 PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI AN ANALYSIS OF CODE-SWITCHING MADE BY THE JURIES OF MASTERCHEF INDONESIA SEASON 3 GRAND FINAL A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education By Christa Yona Twedrian Student Number: 101214138 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2014 i PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7 NIV) For my loved ones: Gunanto Endah Tawang Adriani Christa Adrianto Perdana Karen Shirota Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord foreasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV) iv PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI ABSTRACT Twedrian, Christa Yona. (2014). An Analysis of Code-Switching Made By The Juries of Masterchef Indonesia Season 3 Grand Final. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. As an international language, English is widely used across the world. There are many purposes for people to learn English. For instance, some people learn English to get better education while some others search for better job. Therfore, more and more people learn English although it is not their mother tongue. This fact triggers a phenomenon where people tend to mix their language with another language, in this case, English. In Sociolinguistics, this phenomenon is named code-switching. Code-switching is a change by a speaker (or writer) from one language or language variety to another one. This phenomenon also occurred in a spectacular television competitive cooking show, MasterChef Indonesia. There are many occurrences of code-switching done by the juries of MasterChef Indonesia Season 3. Identifying their types and reasons were the main purpose of conducting this research. In this research, content analysis was used. Therefore, the researcher acted as the primary instrument. In addition, a checklist was also used to aid the researcher in conducting the research. She made the transcript of the video that she had downloaded, rechecked it to minimize any inaccuracy possibly happened and then classified the data according to their types and reasons. The result of the research showed that mostly the code-switching occurred during the 26 minute video of the first round belonged to intra-sentential type. It means that most of the code-switching occurred within a sentence. For the next categorization, the study reveals that most of the code-switching occurred due to the status of the speakers, which were the juries of MasterChef Indonesia Season 3 Grand Final. There were also some other findings that the researcher discovered. She found that the English words found in the code-switching occurrences type intra-sentential were in the form of content words, namely noun, pronoun, adjective, verb and adverb. Also, the juries did not only switch their code to English, but also to some other languages like Thai and Japanese. However, the juries also made some grammatical mistakes when they tried to switch the code they used. Keywords: code-switching, MasterChef Indonesia Season 3, Sociolinguistics vii PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI ABSTRAK Twedrian, Christa Yona. (2014). An Analysis of Code-Switching Made By The Juries of Masterchef Indonesia Season 3 Grand Final. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. Sebagai bahasa internasional, Bahasa Inggris banyak digunakan di seluruh dunia. Orang-orang mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dengan berbagai tujuan. Contohnya, sebagian dari mereka mempelajari Bahasa Inggris untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih baik, sementara yang lainnya bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik. Sebagai dampaknya, semakin banyak orang yang mempelajari Bahasa Inggris walaupun itu bukanlah bahasa ibu mereka. Hal ini memicu terjadinya sebuah fenomena linguistik di mana orang-orang cenderung mencampur bahasa yang mereka gunakan dengan bahasa lain, dalam hal ini, Bahasa Inggris. Dalam Sosiolinguistik, fenomena ini dinamai alihkode. Alihkode adalah perubahan yang dilakukan oleh pembicara (atau penulis) dari satu bahasa atau jenis bahasa ke bahasa atau jenis bahasa lain. Fenomena ini juga dapat ditemukan dalam program televisi MasterChef Indonesia. Terdapat banyak alihkode yang dilakukan oleh tiga juri MasterChef Indonesia Season 3. Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tipe dan alasan dilakukannya fenomena alihkode. Konten analisis digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Karena itulah, penulis berperan sebagai instrumen utama. Selain itu, metode checklist juga dipakai untuk memudahkan penulis dalam penelitiannya. Penulis membuat transkrip dari video yang sudah diunduh, mengecek ulang data yang terkumpul untuk meminimalisir kesalahan dan kemudian mengklasifikasikan setiap data ke dalam tipe dan alasannya masing-masing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas alihkode yang terjadi dalam video yang berdurasi 26 menit tersebut termasuk dalam tipe intra- sentential. Hal ini berarti kebanyakan dari alihkode tersebut terjadi di dalam satu kalimat. Untuk pengklasifikasian berikutnya, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa alihkode yang terjadi kebanyakan disebabkan oleh status dari pembicaranya, yang adalah juri-juri Grand Final MasterChef Indonesia Season 3. Selain itu, penulis juga menemukan bahwa kata-kata dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan dalam alihkode bertipe intra-sentential berjenis content words, yaitu kata benda, kata sifat, kata kerja, dan kata keterangan. Para juri juga tidak hanya melakukan alihkode ke dalam Bahasa Inggris, tetapi juga ke bahasa lain seperti Bahasa Thailand dan Bahasa Jepang. Selain itu, para juri juga melakukan kesalahan tata bahasa saat mereka melakukan fenomena alihkode tersebut. Kata kunci: code-switching, MasterChef Indonesia Season 3, Sociolinguistics viii PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to send my gratitude to Jesus Christ for blessing me with ultimate willing to finish this thesis, courage to face the problems arose when working on it and perseverance to undergo every step of its making. I would also like to thank Him for sending the people who supported me during the making of my thesis: First, I would like to thank my sponsor, Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum. for giving me many epiphanies and sharing her knowledge. I salute her patience and willingness during my thesis consultations. May God bless her abundantly. Second, I would like to thank all lecturers and staff of English Language Education who have shared immense amount of knowledge and life lessons during my study. Hopefully I would be able to pass the knowledge to my surroundings in the future. Third, I would like to thank my beloved parents, Gunanto and Endah Tawang Adriani, and my brother, Christa Adrianto Perdana, for their prayer and support throughout my life. Without them I would not be what I am now. Fourth, I would like to thank the students of English Language Education Batch 2010, especially Class C. I would like to send my special thanks to Elizabeth Ratri Dian Jati (Ntrong), Agatha Dwi Ira Davina (Nyem), Emmanuella Venni Pangestu (Peni), Melisa Setyawan (Cha Cha), Maria Agnes Evata Agustianie (Maria), Theresia Theodora Bengan Ola (Ria), Laurensia Prista Karina (Prista), Yosafat Anggun Wahyu Purnomo Sidi Subagyo (Yos), Heribertus Hercules Anggi Oktorio (Aik), Ardhian Listyarian (Ardhi) and Bayu Pamungkas (Bayu). I thank them for the time, smiles, laughter and tears we shared. My four and a half years of university life would not be this colorful without them. ix PLAGIATPLAGIAT MERUPAKAN MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TIDAK TERPUJI TERPUJI Fifth, I would like to thank Marianne Wiguna (Che Che), my best friend. Despite many differences we have, I am very grateful that God sent her to my life to become my sister. I thank her for her support, patience and wisdom whenever I have problems and act like a kid. Sixth, I would like to thank Anastasia Christie Marilyn (Kutu), my housemate during my four-year stay in Yogyakarta. I thank her for the support, laughter, stories and food we shared. Seventh, I would like to thank my host family in Sewukan, Muntilan. I thank them for providing a warm shelter as well as sweet escape from the complication of university and city life. My
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