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Being-Gay-Is Not-A-Sin.Pdf Firefox 1 of 48 8/12/2020, 6:16 PM Firefox fn Mongolia many people were ·o llowing the deva racing earthquake Child and maternal morcalicy rate uffering healch i sue because of in Haiti, ADRA anada responded arc cxrremcly high in ia and the dampnes and cold of their immediately, providing afe water, Africa. ADR.A Canada ha been homes. ADRA nada responded shclcer, food, and ocher much need d working co improve the healch of che by bui lding locally sourced straw items. ·1hi is an example of ont· of most vulnerable through improved bale hou . Th e home provided che hundred of di a ter we have acces to healchcare, nutrition, and warmth and health. responded co. training. 2 of 48 8/12/2020, 6:16 PM Firefox heart to heart Ju1J 2tt7Vol. N lie. 7 c--kltlNDlrechr/Editer5tan/onwn ''Behold, how good and Alt Dlrtctor Joan T•na,ly(huk pleasant it is when brothers l1nas1ythuk.joanaadvMt11t.c1 M --/Oralllltloa A,.,,.. Por•L p~~~dvenllst.c~. dwell in unity! '' f'IM'Utnge1c, C.,,Ythr V(>U\,J Mlrk<Ni(h -Psalm 133: l, ESV me"enge,,@!Jdven(il,tU .,......... "'-dJt.......,_lh<, offlclal mogwn< of the Scvcnth-doy /\dvtntlst ChurchlnCan"da-ispublished 12 llmesper Y""' Frtt lo SOACC memb..._ Annual lore19n subscrlpUon pri<e. US20. Pnnted by M•r.>dc Press limited ISSN 0701·54a4. lndexod in the Seventh. day Adv<enlht Perlodic:ol lndcx. Member nr the At»$0(ldted Church P~~ and the Cenad,an Church Pre,, Community f~ love che church. le isn'c ac all perfect. Sometimes pares of ic arc Seventh-day~--- Adventist frusrraring. Thac's because che church is people. Folks like you or I ChurchinC.ada are still growing in character and learning how co live a life offaich. 1148 King Str""1 East <hhaw•. ON Lt H tli8 And becau ewe are individual changing ac our own speed as God phonc90Sl•33-001 t fo• 9051433·0982 influences us, rimes of disagreement or misunderstanding are likely. l'Nsidat Mark John~on Today's ccxr recalls chc importance of harmony with chose whose ;ohn,[email protected] fuich we share. In the days of the Old Tc tamcnr, the faithful rhroughour VP A.._.tbt11IIN Danie! Stojanovic stojonovic.donlcl~USLCO Judah came ro Jerusalem chrce rimes a year. Psa lm 133 was sung as rhey WP Fi- UlyssesGuann travelled ro che e important garherings. These words were a reminder guarln ulyss~d\'entlst.a of the importance of getting along with ochers in the faith. Sometimes we forget chat in general, we arc not rc.1pon iblc for the Conferences behaviour of rho ·e in the pew next co us. Bur it is al ·o good to hc.:ar what a.rt,, S816Hlghway 2A. la<ombe.ABT4l lGS. Paul ·ays in the New Testament: "Encourage one another and build one phone,031342-50« another up" ( l The,,; ·. 5: 11, ESV). Those arc marvellous, empowering llrltkh c.l..a.&o 8ox 1000. Abb,"'ford. BC\llS words, aren't they? 4PS. phone 604/853-5451 Too often we recall chc hurt or incfficimcy we've expericnci::d from ~tdiowa 100-1/lcto<iaA-ue. S.,kataon. 5KS7N OZS. phone 306/244-9700 someone else. God, our designn, tells us to keep it positive. Can you Mlmiae 121 S.lisburyRoad,MC>O<ton,NBElE imagine the posirive effecr char would have in your family, your church, 1A6, phone S06/857·8722 your conference? lllwfoim.11111 1041TO!)SOIIRd.MO<JntPO>~,NL AlN SE9, phOno 709/745-I0SI If you can see where improvement is needed in your worship Oawio 1110K,ngSUool EasLOshawa,ON LlH communicy, why nor complimc:nc chose who you sense are "gercing ic 1HS, phone 90S/S71 ·1022 righr"? All ofus work best when we know char people ee rhe good in Qaellec 940 o,, Chimbly, Longueu,L QC 14H us. A d1ild who is complimented on whac he or she is doing will generally lM3, phone450/6SI-S222 cry harder co do whar makes ochers happy. Ir is usually rhe same for ._lllllwnttJ 6730 Umve<~ty Dove, Lacom~ ABT4L2ES, phone 403/782·3381 those of us who are no longer children :is wel l. "Finally, brorhers, wharever is rrue, whacever is honorable, wharever SUmlsslon DHdllnes is just, whacever is pure, wharever is lovely, whatever i commendable, if 5eptomber iSsue 111J 1 there i any cxccllcncc, if there is anything worthy of prai c, chink about Octoborlssue ..,_.1 these things" (Phil. 4:8, E V). No~m~IS)Uf! S.,-.-1 cc' make our church a communiry where both rrmh and harmony arc known, hall wd • Ptrtmuttr: Pltut tttum undt&fff'Ulf Canii11 di111 tddr9HtJ to MtJ.ftltftf'S:Ubsaiptiom, Mark Johnson is president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. 1141 Wing St. l.,Oda..-~. ON 11H 1H.I 1111 ~ l'fj Ju ly 2017 3 3 of 48 8/12/2020, 6:16 PM Firefox The air was electric at MANS' High School Ground Breaking last May. It was charged In part by the dynamic presence of Northern Cree, the award-winning First Nations traditional music group, and by Levi Nepoose, the What's it man who'd organized their performance. An Imposing 6'4" in full regalia, Levi commanded the proceedings as wide-eyed students Mean to :Yo joined their musical heroes in the drumming clrde-an experience they will never forget Famous in his own right as a competitive traditional dancer, Levi spoke with conviction "I believe as the camera rolled. "We don't live for today,' he said, "we live for tomorrow. In in this school." my home, that's how I teach my kids'.' It's the hope that's kept Levi and his Levi Nepoose community alive, and the reason Levi MANS Parent brought his children to MANS. Professional dancer & MANS Ground Breaking "I'm so grateful for what this school has done Pow Wow organizer for my children:' Levi says with passion when the camera is turned off. "J don't have a lot, but this pow wow-this is something I can give:· Levi's fervent hopes for his children have been tested, but MANS gave him reason to believe. This spring, his second daughter will be part of MANS' third graduating high school class. "Believing in this school and where they're at, where Levi in regalia he made. they're going;• reflects Levi, Photo by Crux Phiri. "I wouldn't be here, and [my children] wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in this school:' A father's heart Is revealed-a lesson of perseverance and of faith in the teachings his family found at MANS. Though everything else passes away, this remains to sustain us: faith, hope and (the greatest of these) our charity toward each other. -By Lynn McDowell Experience the ground breaking and Pow Wow finale and hear Levi's testimony in the video "Mamawi: A Ground-Breaking-Experience" at Contribute to the campaign to build MANS' high school at or make cheques payable to the Bridge Campaign, C/0 Alberta Conference, 5816 Hwy 2A, Lacombe, AB T4L 2G5. MAMAWI ATOSKETAN NATIVE SCHOOL RR 2. Po<lolca AB T4J 1R2 THE BRIDGE CAMPAIGN 4 of 48 8/12/2020, 6:16 PM Firefox July 2017 l!IJj July 2017 5 5 of 48 8/12/2020, 6:16 PM Firefox ADRA. ADRA Nu•N.. ADRA ADRA ADM SOUTH UDAN ROATIA GERMANY N E w z E ,. L ,. N D ADRA ADM LAoPOR AUlltlll,\LIA ADM ADM MYANMAR ADRA Cariada ~~ H \111 ADRA. ADRA ADRA KkAI" RwA DA ADRA. MoNGO IA ADRA PHILIPPI ES Ka1< Y A A Sowing Ministry THE ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF AGENCY ocher humanitarian organizations who do evangelize are (ADRA) i · the official humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day banned. Nor evangelizing allows us to reach people in Advenci c Church. There arc ADRA offices in o,•er 130 countries. those countries who need our help. Each year we work with more than 20 million people co hdp 6.Jcsusdid not require people co promise to follow Him before them o,•ercomc poverty and recover after disasters. giving chem help. He hdpcd chem, and chrt1ugh his love and In some places, ADRA is the only Adventist presence, and the workings of the Holy piric, they were drawn ro Him. many of our supporters wonder why we don't rake advantage of our reach by evangelizing. ADRA i a owing ministry. Many people 6r ·c learn of Adventists through our work. After contact wich us, ome do There arc several rca ons: come co a knowledge and decision of faith in Christ. For example, I. \',(Then th church tablishcd our prcdcc or organization our Dc:vclopmcnc Programs director at ADRA Canada, A.nalynn ( even ch-day Advcnrisr Welfare Service, or SAWS), ir did Bruce, bcc:unc an Adventist while working fur ADRA. There ·o on the understanding chat the relief agency would address arc: many ocher instances of people: attending churches and the humanitarian necd · of tho e in poverty and discres ·, being baptized because they saw Gods love for chem through whilc the church would remain focused on cvangdi -m.
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