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fn Mongolia many people were ·o llowing the deva racing earthquake Child and maternal morcalicy rate uffering healch i sue because of in Haiti, ADRA anada responded arc cxrremcly high in ia and the dampnes and cold of their immediately, providing afe water, Africa. ADR.A ha been homes. ADRA nada responded shclcer, food, and ocher much need d working co improve the healch of che by bui lding locally sourced straw items. ·1hi is an example of ont· of most vulnerable through improved bale hou . Th e home provided che hundred of di a ter we have acces to healchcare, nutrition, and warmth and health. responded co. training.

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heart to heart

Ju1J 2tt7Vol. N lie. 7

c--kltlNDlrechr/Editer5tan/onwn ''Behold, how good and Alt Dlrtctor Joan T•na,ly(huk pleasant it is when brothers l1nas1ythuk.joanaadvMt11t.c1 M --/Oralllltloa A,.,,.. Por•L p~~~dvenllst.c~. dwell in unity! '' f'IM'Utnge1c, C.,,Ythr V(>U\,J Mlrk

.,...... "'-dJt...... ,_lh<, offlclal mogwn< of the Scvcnth-doy /\dvtntlst ChurchlnCan"da-ispublished 12 llmesper Y""' Frtt lo SOACC memb..._ Annual lore19n subscrlpUon pridc Press limited ISSN 0701·54a4. lndexod in the Seventh. day AdvO~,NL AlN SE9, phOno 709/745-I0SI If you can see where improvement is needed in your worship Oawio 1110K,ngSUool EasLOshawa,ON LlH communicy, why nor complimc:nc chose who you sense are "gercing ic 1HS, phone 90S/S71 ·1022 righr"? All ofus work best when we know char people ee rhe good in Qaellec 940 o,, Chimbly, Longueu,L QC 14H us. A d1ild who is complimented on whac he or she is doing will generally lM3, phone450/6SI-S222 cry harder co do whar makes ochers happy. Ir is usually rhe same for ._lllllwnttJ 6730 Umve<~ty Dove, Lacom~ ABT4L2ES, phone 403/782·3381 those of us who are no longer children :is wel l. "Finally, brorhers, wharever is rrue, whacever is honorable, wharever SUmlsslon DHdllnes is just, whacever is pure, wharever is lovely, whatever i commendable, if 5eptomber iSsue 111J 1 there i any cxccllcncc, if there is anything worthy of prai c, chink about Octoborlssue ..,_.1 these things" (Phil. 4:8, E V). No~m~IS)Uf! S.,-.-1 cc' make our church a communiry where both rrmh and harmony arc known, hall wd •

Ptrtmuttr: Pltut tttum undt&fff'Ulf Canii11 di111 tddr9HtJ to MtJ.ftltftf'S:Ubsaiptiom, Mark Johnson is president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. 1141 Wing St. l.,Oda..-~. ON 11H 1H.I

1111 ~ l'fj Ju ly 2017 3

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The air was electric at MANS' High School Ground Breaking last May. It was charged In part by the dynamic presence of Northern Cree, the award-winning First Nations traditional group, and by Levi Nepoose, the What's it man who'd organized their performance. An Imposing 6'4" in full regalia, Levi commanded the proceedings as wide-eyed students Mean to :Yo joined their musical heroes in the drumming clrde-an experience they will never forget Famous in his own right as a competitive traditional dancer, Levi spoke with conviction "I believe as the camera rolled. "We don't live for today,' he said, "we live for tomorrow. In in this school." my home, that's how I teach my kids'.' It's the hope that's kept Levi and his Levi Nepoose community alive, and the reason Levi MANS Parent brought his children to MANS. Professional dancer & MANS Ground Breaking "I'm so grateful for what this school has done Pow Wow organizer for my children:' Levi says with passion when the camera is turned off. "J don't have a lot, but this pow wow-this is something I can give:· Levi's fervent hopes for his children have been tested, but MANS gave him reason to believe. This spring, his second daughter will be part of MANS' third graduating high school class. "Believing in this school and where they're at, where Levi in regalia he made. they're going;• reflects Levi, Photo by Crux Phiri. "I wouldn't be here, and [my children] wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in this school:' A father's heart Is revealed-a lesson of perseverance and of faith in the teachings his family found at MANS. Though everything else passes away, this remains to sustain us: faith, hope and (the greatest of these) our charity toward each other.

-By Lynn McDowell

Experience the ground breaking and Pow Wow finale and hear Levi's testimony in the video "Mamawi: A Ground-Breaking-Experience" at Contribute to the campaign to build MANS' high school at or make cheques payable to the Bridge Campaign, C/0 Conference, 5816 Hwy 2A, Lacombe, AB T4L 2G5.


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July 2017

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THE ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF AGENCY ocher humanitarian organizations who do evangelize are (ADRA) i · the official humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day banned. Nor evangelizing allows us to reach people in Advenci c Church. There arc ADRA offices in o,•er 130 countries. those countries who need our help. Each year we work with more than 20 million people co hdp 6.Jcsusdid not require people co promise to follow Him before them o,•ercomc poverty and recover after disasters. giving chem help. He hdpcd chem, and chrt1ugh his love and In some places, ADRA is the only Adventist presence, and the workings of the Holy piric, they were drawn ro Him. many of our supporters wonder why we don't rake advantage of our reach by evangelizing. ADRA i a owing ministry. Many people 6r ·c learn of Adventists through our work. After contact wich us, ome do There arc several rca ons: come co a knowledge and decision of faith in Christ. For example, I. \',(Then th church tablishcd our prcdcc or organization our Dc:vclopmcnc Programs director at ADRA Canada, A.nalynn ( even ch-day Advcnrisr Welfare Service, or SAWS), ir did Bruce, bcc:unc an Adventist while working fur ADRA. There ·o on the understanding chat the relief agency would address arc: many ocher instances of people: attending churches and the humanitarian necd · of tho e in poverty and discres ·, being baptized because they saw Gods love for chem through whilc the church would remain focused on cvangdi -m. our mini cry. 2. Many of the people we work with have previously been We like co s:iy chat ADRA is "che gospel in working boots." exploited in one way or another. Many would refuse our Our work fills che needs of many by providing food, clean water, assistance ific mea,u chcy needed to also accept our supporc after disasters, and mucl1 more. cvangcli tic outreach . As Adventists. we do sometimes feel conflicted about die framework in which we muse operate, buc we recognize char we 3. When faced with the decision offeeding their children can reach more people as an agency because of chat framework. or pretending a conversion, many people will choose rhe And we place our faith in God and Hi Holy Spirit co grow chc pretend conver ion. By detaching our help from a real or ced char chis agency sows in love and compassion. perceived pre urc co converc, we avoid placing chem in We have heard rhe Christian adage, "Preach che go. pcl at all an awl..·ward and uncomfortable position. times; when necessary, use word s." 4. ln many parts of the world, evangelism is not welcome:. \Xlhilc we do not cvangdi1..c, we arc showi ng the unconditional People who are seen associating with Christians may love of Christ ro million worldwide cvcry year. T hosi: who felt face ostracism, intimidation, harm, or even death. These invisible in their suffering arc shown chat God' love reaches even consequences for actions seen as threatening ro the group chem, through merciful acts ofkindncss. Thank you for your or cul cure may al o be infl icted on chcir familic . We do uppott of ch i mmLStry • e not wane our as i ranee co mean that harm will come co those we :1rc crying to help. Sharm/1/a Reid is rhe supporter . 5. ln certain countries, ADRA i · allowed tO operate, while relations director at ADRA Canada. (~ )J¼'\J .:111.l l

6 July 2011 g

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if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed heirs according to the promise:' - Ga/. 3:29, NKJV

ow do you view Chri tians of other blcs ed. Mary. a grounds worker at Ma:xwell Academy churches> Arc they inside or out idc the in Kenya. where our ~on Leroy is pa.~tor and family of God? Arc they part of Christ's tea her, became friends with my wifi , Celcst. Mary church or part of Babylon? Arc they rel aced a tory about having recently noticed a teenage hostile to th remnant or not yet part of the remnant? girl, ilka, and her brother Jackson (both Grade 8 Paul . aid, "If you arc C hrist's, then you arc Abraham's smdcnts) in rhc marketpbcc wearing patched cloth ··. seed and heirs according tC> the promise" (Gal. 3:29). Ma ry had asked the girl to take her co her mom. he felt The preceding ver ·c ·tat · we arc all one.: in Chri t for the young teenager , who might be elf-con ·ciou regardlcs of our nationality, scams, or gender. Thi · or embarra ed about looking shabby in front of friend , group i commonly thought of as Christ's invisible and he dc:liired to buy both of them new school uniforms. church; all profe ·sing Christians wou ld fall into this Speaking to their mom, Mary wa giv.-n permission to camp. The r.-mnant teaching and church is part of the buy new uniforms for the girl and her brother, co ·ting invisible church but focusing on the end-rime group her rhe better part of a week's wage:. with its unique three angels' messages. Celcst asked Mary to take her to see the family. A few weeks ago my wife,, and I saw a member and what she saw was a family with dignity Living in of Christ's invisible church in action and were greatl y unbelievable circumstances. k appeared the family were squatters near a housing devdopment with little of this world's goods, no dcccriciry, scruggling to survive, and sending their children to public school. O n visiting the family, Celest decided ro obtain a solar electric lamp o the family could have light during the night and so the children would have some light to study by. Cclcst bonded with the beautiful Christian, Mary, a member of the Anglican Church. a she aw her lovi ng other people as Chri t' loved people. Mary' heart is full of' Jesus' love. Mary is on her spiritual journ ey and rd'lc rive on the teachings of the Scvcnrh­ day Advcnti t Church. he is part of Christ's invbiblc church, and, if she remains faithful in her journey with j csus, will become part of Hi remnant church. •

Ken Corkum is the president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Newfoundland and Labrodor. Mary on her right and Cele,t Corkum on her left.

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Q Should an openly gay person be able to speak up front or participate in any way up front at the church?

I don't see why not! Being gay is not a sin. It just means that a person is sexually A attracted to people of one's own sex. So me are open about it; some prefer not to share it with the public at large. The worship participants you see up front are selected by the local pastor, elders, and/or a worship committee. They select people who are in love with Jesus and who enjoy leading others to Him. They are not perfect, by any means, and they struggle with sin, as well. Sometimes the worship participants find themselves between a rock and a hard place, when they shift from struggling with sin to willingly giving in. It's a challenge to lead others to Jesus when you're consciously going in the opposite direction! Oftentimes they ask to step down, and In other occas ions they are asked to take a break. For example, one can go from genuinely struggling with recreat ional weed consumption to becoming a drug dealer. It makes a difference, right? Or an unmarried person (whether homosexual or heterosexual) could potentially strugg le with waiting until marriage* to be sexually intimate and becomes sexually active. At the end of the day, whether we worship or lead worship, we need to have David 's attitude: "Investigate my life, 0 God, find out everything about me; Cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I'm about; See for yourself whether I've done anything wrong-then guide me on the road to eternal life" (Psalm 139:23, The Message). •

·our church believes m marriage between a man and a woman.

Do you have a question for Pastor Josui! Sanchez? Email It to [email protected] .

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There is no evolutionary explanation for the beauty of the scarlet macaw. I believe the scarlet macaw and all the beauty that we see in nature is sole ly for the glory of God. The Reformers taught that the ultimate reason for all things is the glory of God (soli Dea gloria). Sc,arlef Mac,aw His work In you through the Holy Spirit, His loving patience with you, His gift of salvation The largest of all parrots and probably the most colourful, to you, and HIs offer to make you over in His the scar let macaw may be the first bird that pops into image (sanctification) is al l for God's glory. your mind when someone says the word "parrot:'With scar let red feathers from head to tail and just enough blue and yellow for striking contrast, the scarlet macaw is just glorious. It's obvious that a great Artist designed this magnificent bird. While flamingoes and other birds get their bright colours from colour pigments, or chemica ls, in the foods Next time you are faced with the ugliness of sin in your life, they eat, parrots are different. Scientists have discovered humbly cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He works to make that the chemicals that make the brilliant colours of parrots' you more like God. Remember, it is all for God 's glory, which feathers are found only in parrots and nowhere else on you will have a share in someday soon (see Rom . 8:17). earth. But how did those chemicals form? And why are things in nature beautiful, anyway? Why does beauty exist?

Tammie Burak and her family enjoy studying and learning from God's creation.You can contact her at [email protected]. IIJj Ju l y 2017 9

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ur ,, iv rsit

MANY OF OUR FACULTY AND STAFF have scrvd our campus for 20, 30, or 40 years. \Virh many years ofservice under cheir belt, some of chem are looking ro begin rhe chaprer of retirement. At che beginning of our 201 7/2018 academic year, we will be missing a few familiar faces amongst our faculry and staff: Debra Bakland, Carolyn Doss.June Fiorito. Paul Ramalingam. Cecelia Ritchey, and Jerrold Ritchey. These six individuals have collecri vely served Bum1an University for 120 years. Debra Bakland hai served as an associate profc.1sor in the Department of Mu ·ie si nce 2007. he caught piano pedagogy, mu ·ic hi ·cory, theory, form, and analysis. he has built a strong piano program that is appreciated and respected throughout Central Alberta. ln addition to her teaching, he coordinated 60 Even ong program · char consist of music major · and fuculry performing beautiful arr music with a spoken word by various faculty or staff. Carolyn Doss redres as an associate professor in che School of Education after serving since 1989. Serving as chair &om J 999 co 2008, she led che School of Education through rwo signi6canc accreditation processes. Under her leadership, Burman University's School of Education cransicioned from a parmersh ip program ro ics current provincial!)• accredited scarus. June Fiorito has ·crvcd a · profc:;sor in che chool of Education ac Jerrold and Ct

Kryzia Abacan is the communications coordinator far Burman University. 10 July 201 7 g

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planned giving & trust services

y friend James knows James lovt:d s<:dng ch<: smiles nn chdr glad he'd ashd for help. about the st~rms oflifr. faces and rho c of his friend . A meeting was ·n up with a tru ·r Ibut all prcv,ou · storm James i a gcnerou · man. H e give of advi ·or who works with our team to discuss paled in compari ·on to hi ralencs. time, and money to the very a plan for Jame . Evc:rythingJamcs wa · losing his wife,Janicc. The harsh reality be t of his abilities. He has a true gift of looking fo r could be done through a Living of her death was liard for James to grasp. befriending people, cspcciaUy the hard-to­ Trm,-r. H is assets would be puc into the trust, They had been one. Before slie passed, she love and chose who have struggle . l have and I could discretionarily manage the had him promise her char he would fulfill seen him help young families buy their investments of the cruse and his property. his li felong dream of buying a boat co Arsr home and :1ssisc troubled, young His personal raxes would be taken care explore the nook and crann ie of che people to gain back their self-confidence of. as well as the paying of his monthly beaucifuJ coastline. and become healthy citizens again. bills, and evencu:il ly. rhe cruse company \'

l'fj J uly 2017 11

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where are they now ~ Where Are_ Ibey_ __ OW _~

Messenger catches up with former leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. In this issue we talk with Alva Bia bey.

Interview by J.D. Victor Fitch, Messenger Staff Writer.

Messenger: ull me /l}herc yo,, ll}ere bum 11nd 11bout your childhood family. Alva Blabey: My parcncs, Afan and Dorothy Williams, had three children. Donald, chc youngest has passed away. Evan Marcin William . middle child. resides in the Lower Mainland ofBrici h Columbia.

M: ~Vh11t school.s did you 111tend, 11nd ll}h111 degi·ees did you r:11rn? A: From my carlkst recollection , education wa alway · part of the plan. It wa · an essential, something expected, highly valued, not just a fuim hope. I attended a one-room school in the district of Shellbrook, Sask. Because I was the oldest child, my need for the next lcvd of education, Grade 9, precipirnced che family move ro Rucbnd, B.C., where I arcended Okanagan Advencisc Academy. In 1952 I graduated wich university standing. The school yea r of 1953/54. l enrolled ac then C:madian Union College. and Ray Devnich came inro my life. I earned a B. c. degree in 1957 fro m Union College in Lincoln. eb., majo ring in administration. Lacer, I earned a M. Ed. degree fro m \'(Talia \Va lla College in 1974. I also achieved a raring ofcercified professional secretary in 1975.

M: 'f;Vbere did you 1111d Rny, your.first lm,b11nd, ,erve? A: Ray and I married in 1956 in Ru eland, B.C., and che following year returned to the BC conference as teachers at Okanagan Academy for cwo years. \Xie wcm on co CUC for two years, where I caught eollcgc-levd crctari al cicn cc and bu in s cla cs, and Ray studied theology. We moved to Moscow, Id., where Ray was pri ncipal and caught elem ·ncary chool. Our three girls were born

12 July 2011 g

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there before Ray took a year to finish a degree in religion craining for secretaries on che college level. A cwo-year ac Loma Linda Universiry, La Sierra campus. There, l was program of five work areas was developed for a capaciry employed as head cashier of a staff offive. of20 scudencs per year. Opportunity was offered leading In 1968 we rccurncd co Canada, beginning pastoral co che rating of Certified Profc sional ecrccary. After six work in Vcgrcvil lc, Alea. Our son, Desmond, was born year of tan and I caking cums at commuting between cherc. Two years lacer Ray was diagnosed having malignant Chilliwack and CUC, I retired in June 1989. That lasted melanoma and was m:aced with surgery. We transferred fur one year! Fraser Valley Adventist Academy needed a co Red Deer di trice and the following year moved co busim: education teacher. I officially retired in 2002. pa ·cor in Regina, Sa ·k. Following two more surgeries, 18 The I~,: two years at FVAA, l ·crvcd as business manager momhs apart, Ray passed away rwo days bdorc his 39th of rhe school. birthday.Jan. 21 , 1973. M: f,Vh11r did you enjoy most about yom·years ofservice, M: losingyom· hmband as a yo1111g man left you ruith 11ndivhy? _fi111,-yo1mg chi/dwi. Horu did you cope with this d!!fiwLt A: T here's a saying, "If you do what you always did, loss and the responsibilities that rue1"t: thrust upon you? you'll get what you always got!" Being granted freedom A: Our old,.sc child, Darla, had just turned 11 yc.:ar old co generate and <:xplon: pos ·ibilicic.: , always within what the month before her dad's death. Th<" yolmge t, Desmond, I considered rea ·onablc parameter , brought out the be t had reached four years a month earlier. The children in me. I was fortunate to have good rntying power and had seen their father go co smgc:ry three rimes; he always could work long hours on less rest than most counterparcs. rerurned ro che pulpit. There is no way to know of cheir This allowed me che freedom ro be innovative in my dilemma or to measure che emptiness in cheir lives. Ray, ceaching and to generate course conrenc, wich pranical :l.!i dccl:ircd by my fucher, "was chc bravest man I ever knew," applications, chat provided enriched learning. This lefc me full of courage and screngch. He suggested chat opporrunit)', and working pcrsonaHy wich smdcms. I would find raising che family easier ifl would remarry hdping chem overcome cheir learning chaHenges -chat idea was che farcl1esc from my mind, but as in all brought me the greatest saris faction, joy, and fulfillment. situations, l paid :mention. I can remember assuring him Observing the abundanc happiness ar graduacion and chac J would go forward in che same fa ith and assurance receiving expressions ofgracimde made it all worchwhile. as we had li ved in the pasr. Our married life totalled 17 and a half years. In the next M: Tell me 11bo11t yourfarnily. few month , the girls finished che . chool year in Regina A: My awe ·omc family oll me Mom! We have become church sc hool, and we moved co w.~lla Walla College, one, because for years Scan and I would say "chc older where I enrolled in the M.Ed. program speciali zi ng in girls" to know which group we were rdcrring to. Maureen business education. Ruth Blabcy was a coll,ge frcshm:m (Bure) Schaber;Joy (B ryan) Bowie; Bech (Al) Reimche; char year. I had known her as a preschooler years before and Ruch (Robert) Sutton, deceased. Darla Devnich; at CUC, when her mother, Mcdc, and l had been on Della (Jason) Paradis; Denise (Score) Graham, deceased; ·ca.ff cogcrhc.:r. Lirck did any of us know that Ray and Desmond (Carolyn K.ilba) Devnich; and. togecl1er, eight Merle wou.ld lo·c their live to cancer wicl1in three.: month · grandchildren. of each ocher, or that Scan would find me, and we would marry in 1974. M: /1Vhere t1re you 110111 ,md what things do JOU enjoy doing in your retirement? M: In what t1reas t1nd in what ct1pacity did you serve A: My primary residence for che past l O years is a _followi11gyo11r marriage to Stt1n BLt1hey? third-floor condo in \X/hice Rock, B.C.. looking roward A: Completing a new level of education, entering into a cl1e ocean and with a view of Mr. Baker, Wash. For the n w marriage, and moving across chc country to King way past five years, l have owned property in a SS+ gated ollcgc might aptly be called jumping imo the deep end community in Apache Junction, Ariz., SO miles ease of of the pool. Although I did not have a job at Kingsway Phoenix. I have made two trips co Europe in recent years. before the move, it cook only a couple months before crvicc remains the rai on d'etre of my Ii fe. l have learned they were looking for a bu in<: · education teacher for widows appreciate an understanding word, and many arc two dassc·. ln the next ix yi:ars became delighted and encouraged co know somebody cares. lr1 full time, including hcad of the department. Upon Stan's the cla room each d,1y l prayed co cnse my cudent ' retircmrnt, and rcrurn ro hi· home in Chilliwack, B.C., needs. ow I pray che Lord co show me the way forward in 1980, I changed schools to Fraser Valley Ad,,enrist and the sensitivity co act upon the ccmviccion. To keep Acadrn1y in Aldergrovc, which was of:Teringa full bu,iness my brain sti mulated, I am practicing old piano skills and education program. in 1983 Malcolm Graham, president studying Spani ·h. • of cue, invited me to establish a mulrifield professional

Ill Ju ly 2017 13

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A Better Young children's book author learns World Canada the ABCs of philanthrop

Emily Allen reads her alphabet book to Mrs. Hind's kindergarten dass at Saskatoon Christ ia n School. Em ily Allen shows off a freshly printed copy of her book in June 2016.

he's a nin -year-old girl with a passion for Lego, animals, "If you sec somediing that bugs yo u, chat could be God Sdance-and rai, ing money from her first book. Emily opening a door fo r )'OU to make it bnccr; Maralce co ld them. Allen of askatoon, ask., is fundraising for A Better "Emily has not nnl)' made a better book bur i~ alsn usi ng this m World Canada (ABW) after completing her first children'• ac tuall y help people right across the ocean." book, 11Ji: Big ArkAlph11bc1Book . Based on the biblical tory Twenty-five book, were initiall y primed. She is now on her of oah' ark, this book is appropriate:: fo r earl y reader· aged ·econd printing of SO books and has sold nearly all of them. four to six. Emily's parmts arc proud of her for completing something Emily began writing her book in Grade 2 after reading a big and for choosing to donatc. She has a "very giving lu,arr," similar alphabet book and thinking she couJd create a much said Darcy. bcrcer one. Her mother, Maralee, is also a ch ild ren's auchor. When asked where her desire ro be generous comes from, \Virh rhe support of her mother as well as her father, Darcy, a Emil)' says, simply, "God." demist and professo r at the University ofSasb.rchewan, she The money is being forwarded on co Keith Leavitt, project wenr to work on creating rhymes and drawing illusrracions. manager for education at A Beerer World, who plan co use it One line says. "Pis for porcupine who saw rhe big sign" wirh a for school supplies on his next rrip to Ease Africa. picrnrc of a lircle porcupine walking along and a great, big sign Leavitt was Maralee's favourite professor when she :mended char says "Ark that-a-way" wi d1 an arrow. Canadian University College at Lacombe, now ca lled Burman The book rook a lirrle less than a year to complete. Then University. Emily began thinking how he'd like co donate ome of the "Whenever I see a picture of him wi th a story (in the proceeds. J\lfmenger), l get interested in it;' said Maralce, who graduated Emily's firs t book el ls for $4, with half of the proceeds with a bachelor of education degree from CUC. going to A Better World Canada. As of late April, he had Emily encourages other anadian youth to fu nd raise for A collected mor than $60. She has mainly sold to fami ly; frie nd Better World Canada. • Do what you like doing .. .. If you like to at Saskatoon , where she attends Grade 3; as bake, bake some cookies. If you like tO write, write a story," she said. wdl as at Mount Royal Sevcnch-da)' Advcnti t hurch, where For more information on Em il y Allen's book, go on line at the fa mily arrend . Some have donated more than the book • price. While giving the childrrn's m,:ssage ar church one day, Maralce rold rhe young 'ters that they could do something Laura Tester travels with A Better World positive about something they find bother omc. and is a freelance writer for newspapers.

14 July 201 1 g > > To support this program, please contact [email protected]. < <

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One of the water•boreholts that ADRA manages. Also noti<• the solar·powtrtd light that ADRA installed. Since the Installation of the solar light, reports of rape and sewual assault have declined. Thank You, Canada t has been a year ·inec the r ·surgence lights placed in strategic locations in the for persons with special needs, training of violence and indiscriminate killing sntlemcnt where ADRA was assigned more volunteers to as isr wirh refugees, of civilian · in South udan that ha· With the ADRA etwork Project installing solar srrectlighr , and providing created a humanitarian cri i ' in Uganda, and funding coming co an end, ADRA olar lamp for housd,old ·. the Pearl of A&ica. Uganda was concerned because some James Astle ord, cxccutivt: director for Herc arc some quick facts: cricica! issues (e.g .. water and sanicacion. ADRA Canada, shared with ADRA • More than one million children child proteccion. educacion. sexual and Uganda staff char i r i · because of the have now fled ouch udan.1 gender-based violence, livelihood, health) generosity and crust of the Seventh-day • Uganda rook in more refugee · per still needed furcher accention. According Advenrist Church in Canada rhat ADRA day in late 2016 than many wealthy co Uniced arions High omm1ss1oner Canada was able to obtain funding from European countries did in the entire for Refugees ( H R). the daily :wemge rhe Canadian governmenr for rhe crisis. year.i of new ;1rrivals is still peaking ;1t 2,05 I "AD RA Canada supporters have, for over 30 years, generously donated fun ds • The Bidibidi settlement in Northern refugees per day! co make a difference for others in cheir Uganda, which was established less ADRA Canada (with the help of G lobal Affair' anada/ lntcrnational times of need. T h is has been recognized d1an sLx months ago. now hosts almost by the Canadian government, which has 272,000 ouch Sudanese refugees Humanitarian Assistance) and the Seventh­ channelled millions of dollar through and is con idered the world's hugest day Adventist Church in Canada, has AD RA C;1nad:1 for relief responses." refugee etcl emcnt.3 responded co thc cri i and ha · givrn ADRA Uganda thc ability to continue.: Sharmilla, upporr relations Since September 2016, the Adventist and expand the ADRA etwork Project. director for ADRA Canada, add , Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Anira Odondi, emergency program " cventh-day Adventi t Canadian have has been able ro deliver support services in director for ADRA Canada, scares, "The been very generous in past emergencies... . Bidibidi (see February 2017 lvfessenger). generosity of Canadians is heartwarming. W hcncvc:r there i a need, they have always Some highlights of ADRA's work Their efforts ro help the South Sudanese been ready co answer." over rhc past seven monrhs: refugees in ganda are saving many lives.· Thank you, Canada and the Seventh-day • Ti·aincd 30 South Sudanese refugee ADRA Call3da's project seeks co reduce Adventist Church in Canada, for your vo lunteer to cdu ate over 20,000 the vulnerability of ac lease 46.000 people support. Your hdp is saving thousands refugees in hygiene and sanitatinn chrough che implemencacion of key incer­ of South Sudanese lives seeking refuge • Supported the construction of over vencions. including the inscallacion of Uganda. • 400 latrine and bathing shelters solar-powered water wells and hand pumps, • Provided dignity kits (comaining constructing water harvesting systems for Charles Ed II Aguilar is the Country Director sanitary pads, undergarments, soap, schools and hea.lth centres, constructing for ADRA Uganda from British Columbia. water bucket) to 7.400 women and girls latrine and bathi ng hclters with priority • Law1ched an e.nvironmcncal campaign called Plant a Tree in Your Plot. Over 1UNHCR, "More Than One Mill Ion Children Have Fled E,calating Violence in South Sudan,' UNH(le The UN Refugee Agency. May 8. 2017.·chlldren·ffed·esc•l•ting-violence­ 200 house.holds have planted a mango sou1h-sudan.html tree on their small plot ofland ' Gopolang Mokou and Julie Bourdin. "Did Uganda Receive Moro Refugees Dally in 2016 Than Many Europ

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"Where God is, thing happen."

o you c:vcr long for evidence of the Holy Spirit' pm;cncc in your midH? I know you must. When I was a young girl, our family was called to church-plant in a "dark county" in Newfoundland. All rlrnt happened during that experience could fill a book, but after we left, one of our frirnds cold us that ch.:y loved looking at our trailer at night and seeing the supernatural glow surrounding it. \'qc were stunned and amazed! Really?! How couJd we be worthy of such a thing? Of course, it wasn't about us; it was about God manifesting His presence in order to draw chose who saw it, to Him. How many cimes I've longed for a repeat of char experience-a supern:m1ral revealing ro ochers char God is rhere. During our Prayer Ministry Team weekend in April. we were ha,•ing a quiet rime for personal medirarion and prayer. As I was smnding in rhe window of one of our cop corner room~ in the ho eel ch inking about all che people driving past and their great need co know God's presence was ch ere, I remembered having read chis: "Where God is, rbings hnppen. /1Vhe1·e He i, not, i/Jings do not hnppen. Ifthings are not happening, He i.r not thel'e. "1 I thought of Aces 2. \'qhcn rhe Holy pirit was poured our, Hi presence w:is recognized by che people ouc ide of that room. They came to sec what wa going on! I remembered our experience in Newfoundland. coo, and I prayed chat Goel wou ld do something now co give evidrnce co these people that He wa here, with us. Our day ended rather late, and by 11:30 most of u were in our bed '. One of our team members, icolc Thorstdnson, was finishing up her night-time routine and noticed we were almost out of bathroom tissue, so she called the from desk co have more sent up. Much quicker than expected, the knock came and the tissue was delivered. As the hocel worker was handing over the roll, he said, "Could I ask you a question?" "Sure!" icole replied. "Are you pare of a pr:iyer group that is here ch i weekend?" "Yes, we are!" "I knew it! The rest wouldn't believe me. buc I knew icl" he exclaimed. "Could I ask you to pray for someone? My son's flancee, Lynn, was just diagnosed wid1 cancer. She's a single mom wich three kids, and she's scheduled for surgery next month." \'qe :i.~sured him that we would definitely pray for her. He left, fllld we scarred praying for Lynn, this man, and his whole fami ly! \'ifh ilc there may not have been any glow, sh:iking, or tongues of fir , God gave vidcncc chat He was there manifc ting Hi presence to cho c who would otherwi e never know ir. "Wlurre God h, thing, happen.» •

Erna Mccann lives in and i5 a member of the Maritime Canference Prayer Ministries Team, along with Diane McGivery, Wilma O'Dell, Jane McC/alr, Nicole Thorsteinson, Claudine Belhomme, Lera Dukeshire, Jase/nth Butterfield, and Wanda Gosselin.

1 Bill Lehman, The Holy Spirit, p. 53. 1W July 2017 17

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& rel gion

"In the midst of world turmoil, we are not to despair-we know Who holds the future:'

Rumours of War If there is anything we can learn from , it standing of war and what that means. \Xie are blissfully is char we do nor learn from history. Perhaps it would be ignorant of violence that rips civilizations apart and more fa ir to say we forger history. Never is chis more che obliterates families. case than when it comes to war. While we have skirmishes I have no inrerest in raising irrational fear or concern. with the scattered terrorist bombing or shooting that was It is not my defaulr position. I am not a prophet, nor a inspired by events in the Middle East, orth America son of one, but undoubtedly, the relatively peaceful life has been spared the ravages of war since the Second of North America can change within minutes, given \Xforld w.~r. Of course, Canadian and American soldiers recenr developments. I am not talking about days. weeks, have participated in wars elsewhere but not on our own or months but minutes. We live in an age wherein at any soi l. We hear ofour soldiers suffering from post-traumatic given momenc life as we know it can change as the resulc ·tres · di order, but we don't understand their horrible of international disputes-the orrh Korean crisis is suffering, because we did not experience what they did. but one. A soldier's closest family members understand the effects As a young boy l remember our collective paranoia of the trauma but not the trauma itself. of the "What if?" What if the Soviet Union and the For most of us, che closest we come to experiencing USA were to enter a third world war? Missile would war today is vicariously through the latest Hollywood travel over the North Pole within minutes, criss-crossi ng movie; or listening to the stories from our refugee each other on their respective missions of devastation. neighbours lucky enough co have "won the lorcery" At that time, an acquaintance of mine who served as a to live here. o, the reality is, we, as a prosperous, student missionary in South Africa told me that South materialistic, secular society, have no collective under- African were afraid to visit Canada bccau ·c if war broke

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ouc among che superpowers, amda, being geographically world's armies it took over a monrh. Should there be a located between chem, would be destroyed in the nuclear World War l l l, it would be mere minute.I from the time holocaust. ~kanwhilc . ouch Africa was in the m idst of an arrack co the time of bombs exploding. lf, heaven of a bitter racial struggle with violence reported on the forbid, such an event happens in our lives, provided we newscast on an almost dail y occurrence. Perspective is have live , will be forever aln:rcd. uch is the capability cveryching. T he movie The Day Afkr wa · aired on TV of our $1.686 rrillion cxpcndirurc. in ovember 1983, and we were al l petrified char the As Christians we arc mindful of rhc word of.Jesus. depicted scenes would become reality. It was a sombre UAnd you will hear of war · and rumors of wars. Sec that cloud char over hadowcd u ·. you art' nor troubled; for all the e thing· must come to Today we have moved on from such paranoia. The pass, but the c:nd is nor yet. For narion will rise against Berlin Wall fdl. The Soviet Union is no more. CommLLnism narion, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be has retreated. Our concerns now arc with chco· tcrroriscs famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. who claim divine :mthority to blow people up. However, All these arc the begi nning of sorrows" (Marr. 24:6- 8, in the background of all the terrorist news is rhe rapid NKJV). However, rhere is rhe promise, ''And unless buildup of military mighc among rhc nations-, chose days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; buc Russia. 1orch Korea, Iran-with the Un iced Scates for che elecc's sake chose days will be shortened" (Marc. demanding d1ac NATO coumries increase d1eir mi.liury 24:22. NKJV). spending. The Stockholm Incernacional Peace Research In die m idst of world rnrmoil. we are nor co despair lnscirme (SIPRJ) said mar rocal world mil itary expendimre -we know \Vho holds rhe furure. My si mple poinc of rose ro $1.686 crillion in 20 16. 1 har is an incredible ra ising d1is issue is chis: Given die very high srnkes of amount of money. The resources being spent in d,is area living in this age. it behooves us co prepare our hearts arc uncon cionablc. \Xie arc colleccivcly caught in a vortex, on a daily basis o char no macrcr wnac happens, wc arc and we arc spiralling down. The political opinion is that spiritnally prepared. We arc true to our calling ro love more, nor less money, will be spent on the milic:iry in the God and fel low humankind with all our hearts and coming year . For what purpose? minds and our scrcngch. Off and on, the mainsm:am media reports on chc The Fin World War resulted in over 17 million buildup of military assets in and around the Korean deaths and another 20 million wounded. Thar docs noc pcnin ·ula, chc Lithuania- Russia border, the South China include chc: million upon million more; who suffrred Sea, rhc Red Sea. The ·e arc ju ·t the mo ·c cgregiou · from the loss of rho ·e who died and suffered from rho 'e cxamplc:s of the potential hocspors. All are capable of who returned from the war a very troubkd souls. That dragging the world into another massive conAagration was over a four-year period. of war. le is not beyond the realm of possibility that events The technologies of war arc increasing in lcrhal on the Korean Peninsula could change the world wichin potency. Everyrhing from robotic soldiers (who have no minures. \Ve may nor be able ro change anyrhing rhcrc, conscience, designed to be rhe most efficient fighting but wc can ensure we are spirirua.lly prepared deep within machines possible) co che increased accuracy and explosive co rely upon che Lord as your Saviour for whatever comes. power of incercominencal ballistic missiles-all arc being We pr:i.y for pe:ice. "Pe:1.ce I leave with you. My pe:i.ce ! "perfected" while we continue on as if everything will be give to you; noc :1.s che world gives do I give co you. Lee die same as it was yesterday. Again. hiscory suggests diac nor your he:irc be troubled. neither lee ir be afraid" whar appears innocuous may in face be something greater. (John 14:27, NKJV). • Consider the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his duchess, who were murdered by erbian nationalist$ on June 28, Barry W Bussey is director of Legal Affairs at Canadian 19 I 4. That o ne event led to a chain of acrions char still Council of Christian Charities. His opinions are his own hound us today. Back then communication was by telegraph and do not necessarily reflect those of his employer. and regular mai l. Today it is ac lightning peed. From He biogs at lowondre/ the assassi nation on June 28 to th mobili7..ation of the

'The alone had a military budget of $611 billion. See the article "$ 1.7 Trillion Spent on Military Worldwide; Warfare.Today. May 2, io17, /OS/02/world·military-spending-increa res

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st Fried Greens INGRED I ENTS : l Tbsp (15 ml) coconut oil 1 large onion, diced 1 bunch of greens 2 cloves garlic c often hear that we should incorporate more 1 medium tomato, diced dark-green leafy vegetables into our diet, but that 1 cup (250 ml) chicken style broth can omc::timc::s be a challenge. Thi recipe:: i · one:: of dash of Tabasco the ways we like to incorporate grerns into our meals. ½ tsp (2.5 ml) curry powder This is our cake:: on an African recipe I ate all the time growing black pepper, to taste up. For this recipe, we use tougher greens like kohlrabi greens or INSTRUCTIONS: collard greens. You can use softer greens, like chard or spinach, • Remove 1he ribs and stems from the greens and if you do, keep in mind that these cake less time to cook. and roughly chop them. We cat this with sadza (an African cornmeal-like food). served •Ina saucepan, brown onion in oil. over rice. or with naan bread. • • Add garlic and greens. • When the greens have wilted, add the Keith and Cheryl Chant, along with their son Ben, enjoy baking, tomato, broth, and seasonings. cooking, and experimenting with flavours and recipes. • Cover, and simmer until greens are tender (but not mushy), around 30 to 40 minutes. • Taste and adjust seasoning.

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voar / on the road

VOAR-a comfort seven days a week.

e love hearing from our listening fomily co find our.fnilm he1·oes. Thank you fa,· making this Wout how chc Lord i blessing each one. A lccccr wc a11<1ilable to the public, especially fa,· those efus at Voice of Adventist Radio ( OAR) received from who cannot a/lend because ofdistance. here in the province came from John and Elaine of 111i-'ve been pm:,ing.fin· VOA R, and we Grand Bank. roerr happy to mppoi·t your 'hamthon rvith 11 John wrote: small donation. Thank you.foi· allyou do .fin· "We al't so thankfitlfar VOA R's p,-ogmmming, each one ofus. One oftbese days roe pl.tin 011 and u,e wan/ to send you greetings in the name dropping in to meet the st4[ God bless again ~fjesus our lord. Hi tune in to VOA R on Bell rmd thank you for being II comfort sevm days fl week." Satellite channel 950. Om·.fovoul'iU time to tmu in is when we arc pl'Cparingfar hed, To share your VOAR testimony with chc staff, email mwmd 10:30 p.m., alth,mgh we listen in 'u/J [email protected]. \'v'c know God ha an cccrna.1 plan in and on' throughout the day. J1li, allcnd the place for each of u , one of hope and promi e. Pray that Pentecostal church in 1011111. VOAR wi.11 continue co comfon and influmce our lis­ 1 wanted to mk aboul the service VOAR teners, stirring their hearts and directing their minds co ain live J,-om the Seventh-day Adventist Christ. • Church, honouring the Peace Officers in oi,r province. When will this be happening this Sherry Griffin is the station manager for VOAR. year? It touches my heart to be able to hear this program. I don't think we do mough to honom·

ONlHE If God asked you why He should let ROAD WITH you into heaven, what would you say?

.\I llll.:L\COi m CO, I 1U, Jl)SYLVA1 1LAK.E. Becky RED DFl ·R. 1 D AIRDRII· ( HUR( HFS I1 ' I BF.RT

Carolyn: Because He loves me.

Mandy Dubyna Because I am a good person. I ca re for others.

Pope Gondwe: Because He sent Jesus to pay for my sin, and He says he who has the Son has life, and so it would be useless to leave me behind.

Jean Roca: Because Jesus died for all my sins.

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The lay Bible worker from the Lcthbridge church, Hilda; two First acio ns friends, Gloria and Mike; and I had ;u c visi ted with a First Nation family and dd ivcrcd a donated lovcscat co chem. After chc vi sir, as we drove ch rough the re ·crve community, we noticed a flashing "open" ign on the front of an abandoned church building. We were curious that a church would be open on Friday ncning. So we agreed among ourselves co scop and invesrigare, just co satisfy our curiosity. There were chree ocher cars in ti-one of rhe old church as we drove up. We parked and went in che old church. As we entered, we were mer by a few friendly people. and we shyly admicced chat we wanted ro see whar d1ey were doing in che old church. They cold us char we were welcome co check it out. o, we did. O n the left was a whole section that di pbyed used clothing and furniture items for ale. We meandered through the aisles of clothing, trying to understand again why we wu · there. In a room at the fa r back of the small old church wa an area ·ct up with ·everal wa ·her and dryer a.s well as a large table used for folding clothes. A k.ind grndc:man, Wil ·on, asked what we were looking for, and immediately

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my mind wenr imo promocion mode. Yes. we did come back on Sabbach H ow do we share these treasures with I showed hi m promocional Ayers abouc afcernoon and worshipped wi d1 them. all nations, kindred, tongues. and people che Native New Health and che Native Hilda, d1e lay Bible worker from Leth­ when there is uch a deplorable h istory New Day DVD series as well as our Nacive bridge Adventist Church, was also the between us? The text in 2 Kings 7:9 Hope Radio station. He was inceresced in community service director, owe took tells us the lepers acknowledged their all three and called a friend to come over so me baby cloche to supplement ch cir moral responsibility, approached the to sec the Ayers I had given him. supplies. We also cook a large donated gate, and enlighrencd the porters. The "S o, you arc in ministry coo?" he a,-;kcd. TV and stand. A · we arrived on abbath porters approached the king. The king "Yes, 1 responded." afternoon with our donation to their wa.1 uspici ous (no big surprise here), "Please join u · for church comon:ow," wonhip crvicc, chcy greeted u warmly. bur si nce therc wa · such de.·peration he inviccd. Wc indcl·d rnjO)•cd the fellowship and in the land, the king was compelled to "Where do you have church?" I asked. camaraderie with these fellow believer · invcstigate, and yl-:;, a fe ast and life were "ln hen:," he in chr.: Creator of the cn1c Sabbath. found for his people! an wercd as he led us ln these lase days, God is scill calling The lcper.s ac ted wid1 love, caution, back to the big room people co join His team of workers. and the frar of God a,-; they approached Revelation 18:4 says, the gate, and so should we. \'v'hac opens "Come our of her, my the gate is love, compassion, nurture, and people, char you be nor support. This is che nne flour chat we need partakers of her sins and before we even think of approaching our that you receive not of Firsr Nations brothers and sisters, or her plagues,"' and some are anyone else for chat maccer. Yes. we scarve responding. for rhese qualities; mac's what makes us Yes. th is is an amazing lepers. The Good ews is we can fin d all e scory of God's leading co d1e fine Aour and barley we need. which

of the building. And on the opposite from the used clothing centre was a place with ome wooden benches arranged in a semicircle. "Yes, we have church here; 2 p.m. tomorrow, plea -c join u · for worship;' he rdccraccd. "Did you say tomouow, Saturday?" 1quizzed. "Yes." He answered. "Why do you have church on Saturday?" I inquired ag:tin. "Because." he answered my incredulom "just read the Bible." Today we need is whar enables us m share and care. They question, "chat's what the Bible says. The eompassion:m:, Christ-cenrred fa milies are found at the mighty throne of grace, fourth commandment says that 'the seventh to help encourage First Nations people: beyond the veil. at the feet ofJesus. There day is the Sabbath of che Lord chy God.'" co reading the Book of Heaven. I would is an abundance of the merits of His spilled Afrer I consulted wid1 the ocher like co see more Sevend1-day Advencisrs blood for the fo rgiveness. resrnracion. and chree on our ministry team. I responded. who are willing to go as volumeer workers reconciliation of us al l. As lepers, we life "Su re, we'll come and join you for worship co plant and nurrure churches wi rh First our voices and cry out, "Jesus, Master, tomorrow. \'v'e are Sabbath keepers coo. Nations who are will ing to worship the have mercy on us! " As they we nt forth co We arc worsh ipping tomorrow morning Lord of the abbach. show themselves to the priest, they were at the Lcd1bridgc S venth-day Advcnti t God is moving on the heart of the cleansed! When we cc our healing cake Church. Then we will come as soon as Fir t 1ations People with or wi thout u . place, let LI loudly glorify God as in Luke pos ible after our fel lowship meal. Yes , We arc all lepers, in need ofChri t, but 17: 15 and take up our work. • we keep the seventh-day Sabbath coo." we have such a scorchousc of fine Aour There wa an immediate bond as we and barlC)• in the Word and in lien G. Edward Dunn is Native Ministries gazed at each othcr in amazement of how White's writing that wc need to ·hare. coordinator for the Seventh-day the Creator had brought us together. At some point we, coo, had stumbled upon Adventist Church in Canada. Hilda Brown \'

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c o v e r s t o r y


I have, with interest, followed Loren and Shelley Agrey via Facebook, ever since they relocated from Canadian University College (now Burman University) to serve as the President and First Lady of our university in Thailand and then to Kettering College in Ohio. Everyone I have spoken to was thrilled when Loren accepted the position ofpresident at Burman University. Come along with me now as I converse with Loren on his return to the hilltop.

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EDITOR: Fir.,t, 111e/come back to Canada! Where have Alta., wich her husband, Ryan Oreo, and son, Ashton JO" betm since yo11 left 1mr C11111dia11 A.dveritist 1miversity? (6). he work at the f>onoka General ho pirnl as a unit clerk, and Ryan operates a trucking business. Our . on LOREN AGREY: Thank you for the kind words of Ryan is an architect in working for canccc. Our welcome. \Ve are delighted to be coming homc. ln 20 10, ocher on, Regan, lives in Geneva, wio:crland, with hi we received a call co serve in Thailand, where I served as wife, Raqud. He works for an NGO, Mcclair, which president of Asia-Pacific lmernational University (AIU) provide- relief to many of chc most dangerous place · in (formerly Mission College) and Shelley caught English. the world such as South Sudan and Syria. At the end of our five-year term, we accepted a call co Kercering College (KC) in Ohio, which also ha,~ been a EDITOR: Did yort g,-010 up in 1111 Adventist home! great place to work. I served as the academic dean and Which Adventist schools attend? beneflted from working for this nenvork, which receives national awards for excel knee in many areas. LOREN: Ye.,,, I arccn

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Afamily photo, drca 2003. Loren and Shelley Agre, (c,ntn bock and c,ntn front) with their children (L lo R.) Aunlti, Jen, Regan, and Ryan.

next decade have yet to be determined, bur my guess is EDITOR: ~Vh,1t c11n church members do to help our char it will involve technology. Jusr a the rcr:iil world university? has had to adju ·t to on line shopping. ,w will have to LOREN: First, I would ask for each member's prayers anticipate and engage in rhe new forms of education. for the university so that we will be able to accomplish Thi hould nor affocr the Advcnti r crho rhat we will our mission in helping students chink with discernment, be intrntional in keeping front and centre, but it will believe with insight, and to act wid1 confidence. compassion, change the way we ddivcr education. and compeccm:e. These prayers are vi cal as we engage in rhe exciting prospect ofeducar ing young people who wanr EDITOR: 'Jim years doum the road, what w01,!d yor, liJu to help advance the evenrh-day Adventist Church and to refl,ea on ilnd St!t! drcomplished whilt! President! it! m1 s1on. ccondly, these prayer may be accompal\icd LOREN: In a decade, I hope that we can look back and by . upporting the univcr. icy through the haring of one' sec how rhc Lord ha continued to bless Burman. We time, tal nt, or treasure, whichever L the most meaningful hope rhar there will be growth in enrolment so that any to the donor. And thirdly, a word of encouragement to Adventist srudcnr who wa ,m an Advcnrist education will any prospective rudcnt ro attend Burman would be most chink of Burman An. I have been pleasantly urpriscd apprc iarcd. We know char our scrongcsc recruiters arc char in many cmcrging developed nation· rhc Advcnri ·r rho ·e people who believe in Adventist cducarion and campusc arc very beautiful and wdl appointed. l believe can providc counsel ro rho e who arc deciding where to we can do the runc in our context. l hope that the alumni arrcnd w1ivcr ity. will continue to view -Burman a · an integral part of their personal and profc sional development and char the tie EDITOR: WIJIII 10011/d JOI/ SIIJ to the children ofa will become: even stronger. Also, community rc:lations /010-income or ,ingle-parenf family ,oho wnnf to go to are very important and we wanr ro strengthen them as our universities but l11ck the fimding? wdL These are some of the goals I have, aU the while LOREN: One of my father' favorite aying , when the continuing to provide excellence in Adventist higher going was a bir rough or the end goal wa I\0t in sight, education. was "where there is a will, there is a way." For a srudcnc

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or family who face financial challenge , scare by caking ic EDITOR: Lnstly, do you h1111e afa11011rite illspimlio1111I co chc Lord in prayer. I say chi, because ch i i eirnccly chc quotc_y()II could sh,ll'c 111ith 011r rendus in C11nad11? type of srudcnc I wa,. I lacked funding, bm I can also say LOREN: Two of my favourite quotes come &om chat the Lord was good and He made a way. W:t!i it easy? Scriprurc:. In the O ld Testament the psalmist declares No, but He 1;:n urcd chat the little I could provide wa that "He saved me because He ddights in me:" (sec multiplied to meet the need. Psalm 18: 19). Knowing that God not only loves us bur There arc a variety of options open to univcr icy actually delights in each one of His childscn is a very tudencs through loan ·, cholarships, and bw:sarics. comforting thought. And from the ew Tesmnenc, I Al o, within our churches and confi:rcncc , a variety like where Paul quotes Je us when He says. "My grace of summer work oprion are available to young people is ufficienc for you, for My power is made: perfect in who would like ro attrncl The e may include working weakness" (2 or. 12:9, KJV). Here He cells me char ac summer camps or sdling books. Of course, summer even though l do not have all the answers and solutions work oppormnities in the local community where the on how co help Burman lchieve it mi ion; I know rudent lives can help as well. I don't know whar would omeone who doc . And I b licve that with Him in work for each individual student, but know I can say 1 command, rhc future of the univa iry looks bright. • that the: Lord is faithful. and He saw me through my years as a srudem at Burm:in, and I believe: He still performs Stan Jensen is the communicaron director d10sc same: miracles today with chose who arc imemional for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada in receiving an Adventist higher education. and editor of the Canadian Adventist Messenger. EDITOR: How c1111 dmrch members help these chi/hen, or there 110 reque.rtJ far help? LOREN: There arc alwa)'S rcqucSL~ for help, and all members across Canada can make a big difference. Those individual church member · , ho do noc have children of their own attending an Adventist school or univcr ·ity can be a big hdp to those ·tudent who may need it. Even a few dollar per month coming from these dedicated members across Canada makes a difference in the life of a student.! have scrn so many students helped in this way and who then go on and, once they begin their lifework, help others in a paying-it-forward fashion. God has given us so much. To share some of we have received &om Him can make: a big difference. Many small gifts can together make: a big difference.

EDITOR: 01her 1h1111 E!lt:11 J,Vhite 1111d the Bible, 111h" 11re your fa11011rite authors? LOREN: Having caught history most of my teaching career. I like the: Canadian historians Pierre: Burton and Farley Mowat. I al o enjoy good humour. so Dave Barry and Patrick McManu come to mind. For leadership insights, I have appreciated John Maxwell's and Jim Collinss works. In the spiritual realm, I am energized by authors who reveal the grac:e of Christ in an appealing way, sud1 as Ty Gib on, cu T)'ntr, Philip Yancey, and Max Lucado. There arc many ochers I enjoy reading, but space might run out before I finish the list. Lom1 Agrey with hi

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literature evangel sm

oney, ic's for you 1" Thac w:1s che scrange and unexpected response I received from a smiling woman when I came co her door and knocked. Her words, spoken after I had introduced myself, were puzzli ng. till, I stood there and waited. A few momcncs lacer a man in his 70, with a big smile on his foce came to chc door. "Hi, my name is Simon," I said co him. "I am a smdenc with Canada Youth Challenge, and l have omcthing ·pccial for you." I put rhc book Hnbit.< Thnt Heal in his hand and explained what it wa · about. \'v'hen I flni hc:d, he aid, uSi mon, I appreciate what you arc doing, but I can't afford co buy any of chcsc: books. l have cancer, and I have to pay $800 every month just foe my cancer pills." Ar these word, my heart went out to the man and, forgetting abom the books, I said, "OK. Lee's just talk." The man began co open up ro me, sharing his experiences and his flghc with che cancer char was ravaging his body. He said char ifhe stood coo long on his feec , blood would scare co come our of his nose and mouch. I was puzzled. Before me was a man who smiled brighdy and seemed so cheerful. so happy. Yee cancer was a very serious illness. How could he be so cheerful, so casual, ifhe had cancer) \'

Simon-Petru Cocosila shared his srory wirh Lifestyle Canada, a charity organized to better fulfill the mandates of the literature ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church across Canada.

28 July 2011 g For more information on iHeal or lifestyle Canada, visit, or contact us at [email protected].

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duca ion

y husband, Tim Deer from Canara, a.1k., is a fourth· (Grade 3) and Charli e (Grade I) began chool at Curci Horne Mgeneration Adventist. He, along with his duce siblings, Christian School in Regin a. Our youngest son, Dustin, will begin attended Yorkcon Adventist Academy (50 km away) Kindergarten ar CHCS chis cptcmbcr 2017. An additional and graduated from Parkview Adventi r Academy in Lacombe, blessing i chat Dusti n has been attending Lakeview C hristian Alta. (850 km away). When Tim and I were married in 2007, Preschool, operated by my ·isrcr Debbie at her home-based we moved to the fami ly fa rm in Canora. As everyone knows C hristian preschool- located a minute rom H farming i nor ju ·r a job bur a way of life; you put down root · Through the grace of God, chi rran irion has been a smooch and commit to li ve where you farm. We had our chn.:c ·on in one. Our fa rm boy have adjusted 'O well and arc loving their 2008, 2009, and 2011. A · ·oon as we were expecting our fir ·r new school experience. My husband, Tim, spend · mo ·c of his child, we began discussing how we wanted our children co gee rime in Canara co continue working on the funn, and the boys an Advccntist education. Unformnardy, Yorkton had closed and I rravd back co Canora fo r the weekends, holidays, and for their church school in d1 c early 1990s, and the closest Adventist the summer vacation. school ro Canara is in Regi na, ask.- 250 kilometres away, or Adventist educarion means so much co us, which is evident by three hours from door ro door. chis m:ijor life change char we have made. Ir is noc idea.I for our boys Tim and I homeschooled our boy for the r three year co spend o much time away from their dad or from che wonderful and continued to pr:iy for the Lord's guid:ince and direction on life we have on ch e farm. Bue is it worth it? Every second! Our wh:ic we should do for schooling. We knew ch:ic home educating boys' salvation is our priority. ome m:iy argue thar you can just our boys was nor someth ing we wamed to do long-cerm. Tim guide chem spi ricually ar home and rhey will be fme in any school had always suggested chat we should jusr buy a house in Regina sercing; perhaps chac is crue-but iris not a chance we are willing so our boys could go co school ac Curris Horne Christian chool co cake. Havi ng like-minded cead,ers and ocher spiritual inAue.nccs (CHC ). T im is the realise in our marriage-this crazy idea speak into the lives of our boys only confi rms co chem chat the sounded more like something Lwould come up with. I had lived beliefs they have been taught at home aren't just our own. in Rcgin:i for 12 years prior co getting married, :ind my isrer Tim and I have fdt God's leading, and His mercy and grace Debbie Ashworth and I had been baptized cogc thcr at cl,c Hill in every dcci ion that wc have made on our journey co have our Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church in R gina in I 999. We boy. receive an Advcntisc education. Nocl1ing in rhi life is more had hoped a m:w Adventist school would open in Yorkron. Bur important co us rhan equipping our buys with all of the spiritual with no omcr interest, no fi nanci ng, and no building, ir was not cool · rhcy need ro grow co know God, to love Him, and co serve a realistic idea. Him all the days of their lives. • In spring 2016 T im and I made rhc prayerful decision char we would uproot our family and split our rime between our farm Tim and Sheila Deer, with their boys, in Canora and a home in Regina. in September 2016, Levi are a farming family from Canora, Sask.

Phuto, /dtto righ r: Levi; Tim is holding Dustin; and Sheil a is holding Charlie. l'fj Ju ly 2017 29

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k ngsway college

Kingsway College Mission Statement: To reflect Jesus Christ and prepare students for His service.

C 0 ·p ...... ro ro u (lJ ::, u "'O (lJ tE 0 C ....., ro C ·p (lJ V\,.._ E Looking ..c u 0.._ ~ ...... C ~ V\ (lJ C ·p 0 C (lJ (lJ ..c....., ci > ...... O"I "'O u - C u 11:) -- VI ro C life. All ofic- cvcry si ngle detail, cX"pcricncc or event­ s: 0 it's all a matter of perspective. 1 spent chc lase three years ~ V\ (Cl 0) VI Vl at King ·way College, and I could not be happier wich :::l C AndrewsF erreira 0 ·- who I have become. >-- ::,c: E ..._ ...... -0 One of my most cryi ng experience cook place ju t (Cl 11:) My fumily had recently moved from Chicago, W. in 20 14 because my fachc r had received a job offer to last se mester. I unexpectedly fell in to dcpre sion, which be chc pastor of th<'. Lu~o -Brazilian Adventist Church progressively worsened as months went by. I re member in . J was nor quite sure what to expect when I it being o bad chat I would cake four hours co do a arrived at , and tmforrunatcly, I decided ·imple I 0-qucstion assignment bccau ·e I si mply could to just try to gcr past chis phase of my lite as quickly as nor think straight. I kept fighting and the constant possible wichour enjoying what I could-and chat was upporc- che little chings- diat my da · ·maces would a mistake. do to show me chat they cared about me. However, the Although the circumstances were not favo urable, in little things, whecha they knew it or not, helped me to chc sense char my loving parents would drive me around keep fighting. 45 mi nmes co and from sc hool eve.,y day, I could have J know many students get stuck in chc mindset chat made it bener. I could have gone co chat banquei:. even it is all temporary and chat none ofit martns in chc though I had no one co gowich. or maybe to chat hockey long run. They chin.k:A_fiera/4 1vh111 m·uuberoo/5 tournament simply to cheer my classmates on. The little going to do for nu in life? But whac many have yec co things arc often what make the biggest difference down realize is char a significant chunk of whac school is all the road. about is fo r individuals to learn how to create and foster That i. what I implore every prospective or even rdacionships. one of che few chin gs char la c into che current smdcnt co cake advantage ofin their high school l:mer years of one's life. The liccle things arc what make years. Partici pate in chat play, sing in choir, and learn life beautiful. new aerials move ·-in short, do whatever you can co 11,is principle of doi ng your best appl ies to all people ·pend time wi th your peers. Afo:r ju 't about four year alike. I encourage you to enjoy and rnke advanrnge of I can confidently affirm rhac what defines your high whatever li es ahead of you as much as possib le, fo r you school years arc chc people you meet and yo~tr experience wi ll emerge a better person for it. A Solomon put it in with and around chem. Just ch ink about it: Arc you Ecclcsia te, 9: I I, " Whatever your hand flnds to do, do going to remember cl1ar stressful English pop quiz. or it wi ch your might; for there is no work or device or chat cough chemistry fi nal exam? Most li.kely nor. How knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you arc going" about chat person you got srnek with in a group for (NKJV ). • accounting? They mighc have not become your best friend, but I am sure that simple "hello" brightened Andrews Ferreira is a Grade 12 up one of you r days. because it sure brightened up student at Kingsway College. one of mine.

30 July 201 1 g

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Leon's Third Industrial Arts Centre

eon Ingraham' career a.~ an educa'.or spanned 29 yea~~- Even A Heart for First Nations Youth Las principal uf the 4 30-studcnt Ridgcvallcy Schou! 111 the As an industrial arts teacher and principal, Leon encountered Grand Prairie area of orchem Alberta- or perhaps because First Nations scudents from the reserve just a few mi les from che he was the principal- Leon stayed active in the da room. Leon, Ingraham fam ily's form. "He had a oft spot for ative people," who had a rcputarion as a "born teacher and administrator; says Evelyn. He mcncorcd many, encouraging them to stay in majored in chemistry ,md minored in indu ·trial arts, taught a chool. He picked up hitchhikers on their way to and from the range of ·ubjcct , and earned a ma td· degree. Hi cla sroom reserve. He supported their indu try by buying 11 h from chem pa · ·ion, howcwr, was industrial art and equipping young people and hired "old timers" co help dear che family' land, whi h he with practical skills for the future. and Evelyn farmed for 51 years. "He was a visionary;· says Evdyn, his wife of nearly 54 years, "more than we gave him credir for." The farm boy from Ponob A Passion Becomes a Legacy grew up close co rhe presenr location of!vfamawi Aroskeran arive "We didn't chi nk very longabom ic ," explains Evelyn. "We School (MA S). Through his own experience in "rhe School of knew it would be:,. good thing." The family knew char Leon H:ird Knocks; Leon recognized th:it rhe following cwo are the had a passion for [A and chc difference it could make in young most important things he could do as a principal and educaror: lives. and me en.ra encouragemem he wem out of his way to ( I ) believe in and encourage kids. and (2) complemem d1eir book deliver to many Firsc Nacions scudems. They decided co make learning with practical skills char build contidencc and lead co a founding-level concribmion co MA 's new IA Centre, jobs. lnduscrial arcs (I A) helped him do bod1. which will be named in eon's memory. Though Leons life was cur horr in a car accident, his life What an encouraging story to be able co tell MAN mdcnts: and legacy arc making a huge impact. During his career as an There was a young boy named Leon who grew up right here, a educator, Leon established two highly successful I A programs, gcnrl tighter who cook some hard knocks, who persevered and now his fami ly is helping in a big way co establish a third through school and found his calling in the cool chac hi s fami ly one at MAN through a founding gifc to che Leon Ingraham now place in your hands. lndu trial Art· entrc. Lt's a visionary's legacy that will couch generations. •

Lynn McDowell is campaign manager of The Bridge Campaign to build the high school at MANS.

Leon Ingraham earned a Master of Education Admini1tration degree at the University of Al.berta In 1983. In retirement, he continued to farm and use his IA skills, helping his sons build their houses, remodelling Chip's office, and keeping up his own farm buildings; horse riding helped him fit. loon and Evelyn's family- Ch ip (Jodie Gray), Ryan (Tia Penner), and Scott; and Curtis (Robin Hass), Frances (Jeff The Ingraham family at Leon and Evelyn's so~anniversary. Chip (far left), now a dentist In Grand Prairie, Brady), Arthur, and Evania (Chris Chavez )- chori1h Leon 's and Curtis (far right), an award-wi nning dvll engineer living In Upland, Calif., worked with their dad In memory and dynamic example. the family farm shop from a young age, learning skills they still apply daily.

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arkview adventist academy

''At PAA I feel that I have a bit more freedom to be myself and grow more than I have anywhere else."

Brighanna Leskosek is as unique an individual as her name would suggesi:. and Parkview Advemisc Academy (PAA) has become t:he place where she has grown imo more of che characcer God creaced her co be. \Vich her 20 17 graduacion, Brighanna (pronounced "Bree-Ann:i") will be che chird generacion of L~ ko ek women co complete secondary sd,ooling on che Lacombe campus. Her mother. Alycia, and grandmother, Lois, would cell stories of their adventures, and from their accounts, Brighanna thought of PAA. "the best Adventist chool I had heard about." ouchside hri ·cian chool in Red Deer, Alc:i ., i where Brighanna began her schooling, and for quite a few years, she wa the only student in her grade. "This made me: a little afraid Brighanna Lesko,,k of coming to PAA," ·he ·ar, "because it wa the fir t time l had ever changed chools and I wasn't urc there would be anyone and I was never one co speak a lot. Actually, for years, people I knew." PAA students come from cvny corner of Canada, and thought I didn't really talk because I prefrrred co stay silent. I often internationally as well, so the shared hesitancy of starting was always really shy, hiding off on my own, but in coming co a new chapter surrounded by strangns is common enough, but school here, I figured Out what really matters! My teachers have as Brighanna says, "ir didn'r lase long!" On t:he second day of really helped me to sec t:hac I don'r have ro be perfect for God ro Grade IO ocial Srudies, an ice-breaker exercise introduced her accepr me. I don'r have to completely change my life for Him co co Kashia Cook, a now lifelong friend from Pore Hardy, B.C. love me. I still don't really Ac in very well, but I know t:hac God Brighanna shares, "\Xtc'vc had so much fun cogecher, and Arci ng loves me for t:he individual He made me co be. Berween talks with in so quickly helped me realize t:hac PAA was where I wanced Ms. Grover, who has helped me in everything from schoolwork co be." to my spiritual relationship wich God. and my fine-arcs classes. As a school, PAA ls very focused on building communicy I've learned co speak up for myself a bit more and be ready for and involving all srudenc in che fun. In her chree years a a the challenges chat come. Ac PAA I feel rhac I have a bit more srudent here, Brighanna has played a special role in these event.I. freedom co be myself and grow more than I have :1nywhere else: She admits," l'vc always had major school spirit, and it really Brighanna's experience is chat of many students: surrounded how during things lik Spirit Weck and Banquet, when I go by caring Chri tian mentor in an indu ivc learning environment all out. People gee excited to participate with m , and if they're ill uminat purpose and poccncial. She ay , "until oming co looking for best co rumc they arc n vcr disappointed!" PAA, I never really fel t like l belonged. This place opened my \'v'hilc Brighanna's time at PAA is characterized by her eyes and my heart." he hc;:art.1 of our young people arc precious wthu ·iasm and her mile, he is al o someone who fought to co Jc ·us, and cherc i no bctt ·r place than our Adventist schools discover her place in God's plan. Ar PAA she found mentor" in for chem cu grow in a knowledge of Him. • her teachers and built relationships char changed her spirirual direction. "l 've had my ·hare of problems at -chool;' Brighanna Katelyn Ruiz is the director of public relations ·ay . "I trugglcd to flt in, tried to find our where I belonged, at Park view Adventist Academy.

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REGISTER NOW INVITES YOU TO JOIN THC MOVCME T of God's people in taking the three angels messages to all of Canada and around the world. Plan now to attend one of these spirit filled events to support Canada in spreading the Gospel message.

2017 PARTNERSHIP 2017 SPONSORSHIP WEEKENDS EVENTS Hope, British Columbia Halifax, Nova Scotia Camp Hope Sandy Lake Adventist Academy September 15-17 September 9

Toronto, , British Columbia Hilton /Meadowvale Kelowna Seventh-day Adventist Church September 22-24 September 17

Red Deer, Alberta Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Sheraton Red Deer Pinehouse Drive Church October6-8 October 14

Winnipeg, Manitoba Henderson Highway Seventh-day Adventist Church October 21

\ I


To Register: or call (905) 404 6510

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of Canadian Adventist members and churches in action

Please note: Items in the #News"section may originate from various sources. The Canadian Adventist Messenger wHI give credit, via a byline, lo authors of material submitted directly to us for first printing. Stories without a byline may have been written by Messenger staff, reprinted from other publications or supplied to us bya general press release. Ontario

Ontario Conference Hires a First Nations Pastor for Northern Ontario

"We fell in love with the lord," he been warmly received by the Ontario Randy Elliott said. "We were married and baptized." Conference. "We are very happy char He served his local church as an elder for Pastor Elliott and his wife, Cheryl, have he Oncario Conference ofSeventh­ over nine years before being called inco joined us," said Mansfield Edwards, Tday Advencists recencly hired ics first pastoral ministry co serve the Gwa'sab- president of the conference. "We are First Nations pastor in over 20 years. ' akwaxda'xw Adventist Church in Pore committed co working wich che First Pasror Randy Elliocc has been appoinced Hardy, B.C. Wid1 his wife, Cheryl. working Nacions people ofOmario. Our Six as pastor of cl1e cluiving Advencisc con­ beside him, he spent seven years working Narions Church is che oldest Advencisr gregacion in ioux lookouc, in northern with his fellow Firsc 1ations people. church in Onrnrio, and we now have the Ontario. Ell iott is happy for d,e new opportunity church in Sioux lookout along with a Elliocc, who was born in in Ladysmith, co work in Ontario. He describes it as growing presence in Moosonce. However, B.C., and lived his early years on Sci menus "our desire is co continue co work with we firm ly bel ieve that many ative people Reserve, is well equipped co serve in our ative people here in Sioux lookout." will be among God's people. I soli cit the First Nations communities. Trained as a His arrival in Sioux lookout was prayers of every church member for the drug-, abuse- and trauma counsellor, he welcomed by the First Nations residents. Native people of Ontario and Canada has worked with for nine years in mental He was gladly received, and he has already as we r~ach out co them with the Christ­ health. However, it wa · not until hi tarted building on the ·trong relationships centred message ofhope and wholcnc·s." • mother invited him and his girlficnd, forged between member· of the congre­ -Halsey Peat, Cheryl, co a prophecy seminar that hi· gation there and the Native people. communication director, life cook on new meaning and er vice, Elliott'· arrinl in Ontario has al o Onrario Conference

Sioux Lookout photo by J Hazard (Own work) (CC BY-SA 3.0 {htlpJ/ 34 July 2017 lfj or GFDL (, via Wikimedia Commons

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news British Columbia Belize Mission Trip

n a drizzling, rainy Sunday aftnnoon Oon March 12, a group of u, anxiously left Vancouver lntnnational Airport for an experience of a lifetimc in Santa Elena, Belize. \Ve were welcomed by the warm Belize breeze the following day at around noon. After hearing rhar rhc last mission group rhat had come to Belize from om school had waited eight hours to be picked up from the airport. we were thankful to be boarding a yd low bus with a large. plain white scripe arow1d it, and we prompdy fell asleep. The faith FM joy bus (~retchlnchlllal and all the VBS kids. Despite our exhausted faces and droopy eye o n the first day. we were each day with genuine miles and tight no ads. \Vie actually spent one very cold excited and ready to tart construction bear hugs every afternoon. no matter how and windy night at their Pine Ridge when we woke up the following morning. messy our hair and faces would look after Mountain Repeater ration, which is on \\1/c had a great first day of construction construction. They would come running cl1c second-highest mountain in Belize. and poured the footing of che cwo-room up to us wanting to hold our sweaty hands After stargazing and playing a few game, chool building we would build the foun­ and link their tiny arms with our cement­ such as "riddum," we attempted to lccp dation, floor, and walls for. Our ream was covered ones; it was simply astonishing in chc cold mountain air. In the morning warned beforehand of how this would be how much love and joy Ailed their heart . we primed and painted the building. one of the hardest day to get through, They taught u chat appearance i ·n't We wcr~ thankful for our mountain top ·incc., we would be pouring concrete.:, but necessarily that important- a warm experience. we completed the footing with graceful hug and a smile arc what count. All of chis wouldn't be possible without hearts, quivering arms, and smiles on Our first and second week continued the hard work and planning ofour mission everyone's dusty faces. The Billy White on in rhc same bus , pattern with the trip coordinator, who is also an FVAA Adventist school is currencly using the add.ition of our radio broadcasts rhat were alumni, Dennis Borland. As a matter of community cenrre and gets kicked out aired all across Belize and many of the fact, his entire family, rhe Borlands, played any time the community wane to use it, neighbouring countries. \Xie also tarred a huge role in our stay there and arc all so by eptember. wirh the help of more rhe painting of rhe mural on rhe mi sion involved in the process of coordinating mission teams co follow. they will have building walls. le was nerve-wracking at mission teams. However, Dennis left the one new building of their new school co f1rsc being on the radio. rnJking abouc our biggest impression on us since we spent start with. own experiences and knowledge on cop ies the most time wid1 him. From cl1e momenc After work each day, we did a Vacation such as our foith, joy in Christ, the Second we met him co the moment we lefc, Dennis Bible chool for che Bill)' White tudencs Coming, dating and marriage, and our showed us, through his actions and words, and neighbours in the area. During the identity, but by the end, we were enjoying the life ofan Adventist who truly wants second week, we did VB at the mi sion our talk on chc radio. We ba ically had an to serv God. The faith he and his family building where we stayed. At ca h VB , hour-long Bible n,dy ,,cry time we talked have for our Lord ecms unbrcakabl , we entertained chc chool and vi llage on the radio, and it w:u a huge blessing in and th humility and willingn they children with an action and !aught T ­ our walk with Christ. An intcrc, ti ng fact have to serve Gud is genuine. Because of fillcd program, which included a ong about the Faith FM radio program is that Dcnnis's cl1oughtful, inspiring ralks and ·crvicc, Bible tory ·k.ic-, object lcs ·ons, it i · che econd-mo ·c popular radio channd generous giving nature, 1 know he will and scwral new Canadian game · that the in Belize. It is run and maintained by the forever hold a spot in each of our hearts. kid · learned to love. We were o Borland family and ha, been entirely run Denni· ha · worked with many mi · -ion thrilled to have around 175 kid greet u on donations for the pa ·t 18 year·, ai ring group for many year now, and over the

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last couple of years has cominuaUy asked on Sw1day, March 26, and instead ofsa dly paimed new. buc wich a fresh. new hean groups co painr che Faich FM radio scacion leaving on a plain yel low bus with a solid and love for Chrisc char would change bm. 1o one was ever up for rhe challenge, whice scripe around ic, we proudly boarded our lives forever. • and so it was our great honour co paint it the memory-filled, newly painted bus, -Jeimyl Ru/lamas, for him co thank him for all he had done which we named Grcrchcnchilla. W'c lcfr Danielle Santomin, for u . Our mi ion trip came co a do c Belize with not only Gretchen hi Ila frcJ,ly and Sarah Mowat

Let's Move Kelowna same with people of all ages and bdicf "y ·rcm ' now. Huguenin said, "I feel led by the Lord to carch for people in my community who have a hunger for Bible truths." Muriel Huguen in, along with the ocher attendees, received toolboxes for the Bible study ministry. These plastic boxes contained hanging Ale folders including two of each of che 30, Bible srudy lessons encirled "Search for Cercaincy." T here was also a book by calied Studying Together. le gives ex.era Bible cc:xcs on each topic, which allows for a Bible marking ahead of time. Another section of the book includes how to approach persons from ocher religious faichs. There wa an cighr- c~ion seminar char covned topics such a :

Debbie and Chris Holland l ) Revival muse cake place within ourselves first before we can evangelize ochers. revival is caking place in the unny Okanagan, Kclowna, B.C. A We arc living in unprecedented timc_s, and as Bible 2) Power of che Holy Spirit and inrercessory prayer prophecies arc being fulfilled at a rapid race, there is an urgent 3) Prayer Ministr)' crucial ro Bible study success, before, need to provide hope for a world in discrc s. With chis critical during, and after the study rakes plan: mes ·age in mind, Chris Holland, from /1 is l½·iuen 1m11d11, 4) Mass mail-out of Bible srudy enrolment cards co be came co the Okanagan on Feb. , 2017, and launched the campaign. sent ouc before ummer The goal- co give the public an informed choice for eternity, through trained Okanagan Seventh-day Adventi t member ·. 5) Learning or reviewing how to prepare for and have There were around 250 Seventh-day Adventist member in an effective plan for a Bible study attendance ac the Okanagan Advenri$r Academy and rwo seminars 6) Follow-up pbn-don't just drop people afrer.vards held, co promote a few different approach~, to teaching the Word. 7) Interest File- keeping up to date with the former Thunder in the Holy Land-A small-group Bible srudy students of the Bible study for friends and neighbours based on a DVD series, and The attendees will become trained Bible study instructors training for chose willing to give studies in their homes. and, with toolboxes in hand, will be able to go forth co God's Discover Bible School-L1-dcpch craining for chose who glory co seek and as i c His lose hcep. wane to become Bible Srndy inscrucrors. Included in d1is Along with chi c.,.ciring Bible Study Instructor training, rraining are cools on how co give a Bible Smdy and on how there's even more fabulous instruction co come! There is a to reach the general public. health ministry crainingJune 8- 11. Hopefully as a result, even Chris Holland returned May 4-7, 2017, co expand on the more attendees will then hold heal ch expos and cooking classes. Lee's Move Kdowna Campaign, with a training session entitled This training is free of charge. Light Your World for Goel There were approximately 45 :mendecs "Bue he answered and aid, le is written, Man shall nor live: at cl1e sessions wid1 Chris and Debbie Holland. One such attendee by bread alone, but by every word chat pro,cedcch ouc of the was Muriel Huguenin, a retired school teacher and principal who mouth of God" (Marr. 4:4, KJV ). worked ar d1e Coralwood Adventisc Academy, in , Alea., These "on for God" trainees will be equipped co help for 30 years. During wh ich time Huguenin said, "I loved lead ing people ro live by the Word of God, and they will as well be students along their Christian walk and discus ing spi ritual topics better ar nourishing their bodie , which are temples of the with chem." She retired in the Okanagan in 2011 and is an active Holy Spirit. • member in the \1(/, thank evcnch·day Advenri. t Church. Her -Doreen Zyderve/d - Hagel. passion for teaching and reach ing children with biblical truths Communication Secretary, Westbank ha carried over into her retirement, and she wishes ro do the Seventh - day Adventist Church

36 July 201 1 g

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news Phil Hudema Appointed New Education Superintendent

e :ire happy co :i.nnouncc chat on Leadership at La icrra 'Univer icy. Phil WApril 24, 2017, ch B onfcrencc has served our organization for over 30 Board uf Directors {BOD) voted co years as school pri ncipal, teacher, acl1lctic invite Phil Hmkma co serve as the new director, and gymna tic coach, before Education Supcrintrndent for B.C. moving to the Montana Conference as Confcrrnce, as recommended by their their Education Superinccndrnt for the K- 12 board. Phil requested some time last four years. He is a 'killed, d ynamic, to think and pray abom chi · call together relational, and ;pirirnal person . We arc with his fomil)' before informing us that confidcnr that he will assi ·c our school chc Hudcmas would accept the call and in B.C. to grow, by God's grace. We arc move to B.C. in Jul y 2017. He will replace looking forward to working together Lloyd Robinson, who officially retired with Phil and kindly request your prayers on April 1, 201 7. for him and his family as chey make chis Phil is a Canadian graduate from u:msicion co British Columbia! • CUC (now Burman University) and has PhilHudoma earned his Master of Arcs in Educational

Alberta Ministering to the Community

or dghr year · now, the Sherwood Park Seventh-day FAdvendsc Church has played an active role in the annual Sherwood Park Trade Show, and church member Jaroslav Sevcik finds great joy and excitement in it each year. What started off as. small project has expanded co include a variery of free books and resources ro the communiry, including The Grc,lf Controversy, The J\finistry ofHe11fi11g, and The Ten Co111m11ndments Tll!ice Removed. as well as a variety of children's books and . This year che event rook place on April 7-9. and many church members donared cheir rime ar rhe booth co talk to commw1iry members and offer free books and resources. •

SDACC REVOLVING FUND REPORT. AsofApril30,2017,therewere428depo~1torsw1thdtotdldepo11t > > • of S30.448.316 There were 88 loans with a value of $26.676.556 for more lnformacion or co make a deposlc. contact Glrly Qulambao-qularnbao.girly@adventls; 905/433-0011.

l'fj Ju ly 2017 37

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38 Ju ly 2011 g

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40 July 2011 g

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Deer la ke is a K-1 2 nestled in the heart of Burne by, committed lo providing exceptional Oirislian student-centred education in a sale and caring POBo 50 family environment, welcoming students from all faiths .11,Britl, Bf' l'OJ ZEO and culturcl bcckgrOU11ds. 150.5~/I.UU ,,,j tt ,.,,-l,nd~bc:. c.'Vrn r, DEER o.,, Lab lmolh-dO) Ad,111li,I S.hool SSSO Gilpin St. lu10ol>y, lriri,h Columbia LAKE 604.4l4.SM4 doert,•«,hrrol.,o SCHOOL

42 Ju ly 201 1 g

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Julia Estey of Fredericton. N.B .. March 14. 2017, in Port H,rdy. B.C. • nnouncem nts • Births cclc bm d her I 00'1' binhdoy on He bel ieved mongly in Chrisdo n April 20. 201 , wich ovcr275 family education and "'"' hi children, as PROCESS: Emma Re nee Peters w:u born on mcmbcrund friends .Ju li., h.u 10 wcll .u hcli>"d m1 ny or.hers, rt> m<·grut­ tht buildi ng of numcrou chur<: h notices, bi rth announcements, grandchildrcn . schools, churches, and clinics world­ weddings, anniversari es, ""de. Floyd" predeceased by his obituaries, and tributes) should JlrSc wife, Al berra (nee \/isgcr) m,ch : be emailed to Ai mee Perez • Anniversaries ([email protected]) • Obituaries second wife, lli rd ie (n<'c Rusk) mich, or faxed to her attention at George ond Rose (nee Yuros) daughter, Lori Lambert; parents. 90S/433-0982. Holda! of Calgary, Alr.i .. cclcbrared Earl Lehman w» born on April 17, Fr:rn k and Ali ce (nee Ne«ilcs) Smith: brothers, Charl es Smith and t.heir 60 11, wedding :urnlver$ary on 194 1, 111 Rosthcrn, Sask.. and died , Every individual named in Joh n Smirh; ~hr r.s, Annie l.tgarc, the announcement must be on Feb. l • 201 • in ShcU brook, Sask. aware of the submission and He wa a member of rhc Dd.>dcn Ruby /\ lu llins. Goldie Quamni. have granted the submitter Advcnrist Church and then rhe Mynlc Smith, Mary Crombie. Op,I approval for printing. Shdlbrook church. Earl is pr«!cccascorl Kilgour, Ruch by hi, parcnr.,, 1-!crb,rr 2nd Yvonne Kennedy. urvh•ing: son, ~1lch•in • Obituaries must be submitted (Linda) Smith of Poinr Arena, Calif: on the appropriate form, Lehman. Survi\ling: brothers, Gr:un completed and/or approved {Jc,n) Lehm,n ofShcll 1.>kc, S,sk., doughtcrs, aro l (Bili) Burbridge of by a family member of the and Ronold (Morie) Lehman ofSr . B.mlc Grou nd, Wa h., Wi lm, (Bruce) deceased. The forms (both Albert, Alra.; . 12 grandchildren 2nd ni ne great· grandchildren. Volunteers needed! Ag:ipc 11 mple Seventh.Jay Adventist hureh i • Birthdays John Reynolds w.,. born on Oct. loo~ing for"llN, ro assi.!r "'rh blood· 19 18. in Mclforr, ask., and died on p ressure screening on Sund3ys lt our March 30, 20 17, in Kelowna, 11.C. He • Advertisements Fie, J\ h rkcr boorh in Pi

ll9 Ju ly 201 7 43

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Vegan Friendly. TruHcalch Fae-Lo ac(reditcd hool wid1 an cxcclknt Hawaii Vacation Condo Rentals: parks, 11! ;i:mcnitk _ IS mmutes from Sysccm. Extrcmdy fli criv<. I l

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GEORGE'S TRE.E will teach you how to benefit from Canadian tax deductible policies when you make your current charitable donations, as well as charitable bequests in your Will. A financial speoahst in Planned GMng. author Alain Levesque uses an easy­ to-read story format to demystify many preconceived notions. This special edition includes examples for Planned Gifts to Canadian Adventist charitable organiZations.

44 Ju ly 2011 g

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REACH Canada (Render Effective Aid to CHildren Inc.) We need your help to reach more orphaned children around the world, and give them the help they so desperately need.

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l!'j J u ly 2017 45

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from the ed tor

from the editor e part of the increase

EVEN THOUGH I WAS NOT BORN WITH CONNECTION TO THE ADVENTIST CHURCH, I have been a card-carrying member for cvcral decade, now. And so, it i rcfre hing to meet people who have had a "frc h" encounter with Christ. It is exciting co hear the storie.1 of their journey en Ch rise, and cvrn more amning to hear how God uses different events and peopl<' to draw them closer to Him. I like how the apo ·cle Paul 'tatcd it in I Corinthian · 3:6: "! have planted, Apollos watered: but God gave che increa e" (NLT). We cannot aJI be Paul or Apollos, or any of the other great heroes of faith who have gone before us, bur we can all do something co spread the go ·pd, nd fulfill rhe mission we have alJ been called to do. I have heard amazing stories over the years, and they usualJy con min chat one defi.ning moment when omeone connect with God. These moments often come from comments or encouragements from friends who most likely had no idea what kind of impression it would have on the hearer. le doesn't rake much to be an encouragement to ochers. James 1 :22 says. "Bue don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise. you are only fooling yourselves." This is an important lesson for us all to learn. History shows us char God has u ed donkeys co deliver a message. If the gospel can be delivered by a donkey, just imagine what willing human beings can do. A dear friend of mine is publishing a book rhar he i dedicating co "God in heaven, hi. Lord and Saviour.Jesus Christ." Thi was especially touching for me co read, as he has come a long way over a long rime co reach this point in his journey with Christ. I have no idea exactly what impact my friendship has had on him over the years, but I look forwar

Stan~ Jensen, editor Canadian Adventist Messenger

46 July 201 1 g PS: Whar are your thoughts? Shore them with me [email protected].

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SHARE SOMETHING THAT WILL CHANGE THEIR LIVES! • Full Edition of The Great Controversy. • Captivating inserts linking real-life issues with "I am more anxious to see a chapters addressing topics such as suffering, wide circulation for this book the Sabbath, origins, spiritualism, and the thqn fot any others I have WT/tten -E.G. White judgement. • Multi-media resources from It Is Written Canada *Minimum order of 1 case (60 books) providing answers and hope for depression, GST & Shipping not Included addictions, stress and much more! • Free offer for Bible Studies ensures prompt ) Sponsored by: it is OIVIN OLIOl-tT follow- up from within Canada! wrltt.!Q --w oRL D

Limited Quantities. To place your order, contact It Is Written Canada P: 1-855-308-6510 E: information@iiwca

47 of 48 8/12/2020, 6:16 PM Firefox

The following students received scholarships from Burman University for the 2017-2018 academic year.*

Moriah Cox $32,000 Gabrielle Henriquez $14,000 Laura Kaye Reyes $32,000 Noreen Moise $14,000 Maress Emmons $30,000 Yuri Kim $13,000 Ethan Burgess $28,000 Shiela Lucas $12,000 Kira Bruggemann $24,000 Victor Anthony Rullamas $11,000 Gillian Holly $24,000 Kaelyn Borden $9,000 Michelle Lwin $23,000 Monica Gonzalez $9,000 Danilyn Page $22,000 Uazikama Heuva $9,000 Sibusisiwe Dzingirayi $21,000 Alden Yabut $8,000 Chermilyn Pedernal $20,000 Daphne Caliw Caliw $6,000 Jacinta Manurung $17,000 Logan Douglas $6,000 Alayna Schulze $17,000 Summer Lee $5,000 Mallory Clark $15,000 Jacob Ancheta $5,000 Alisha Katyal $15,000 Gabriel John Buni $5,000 Barbara Kiers $15,000 Tristan Shipowick $5,000 Joshua Wilson $15,000

For the 2017-2018 academic year, Burman University has awarded more than $1.2 million in scholarships to graduating high school students in our Canadian academies.*

For more information about scholarships: I [email protected] (403) 782-3381 I (BOOJ 661-8129

fi BuITTlan University rl@burmanuniv ~ @burmanuniversity

"Awarded scholarships are distributed over four years with renewabllity expectations.

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