"Peopk Who Think the Scriptures Should Be the Sole Authority, Should
CANADIAN ADVENTIST January 1997 "Peopk who think the Scriptures should be the sole authority, should logically become Seventh- day Adventists, and keep • Saturday holy." —We're Almost Home Heart to Heart "'Were- atIttaft -toltte-" by Karnik Doukmetzian, Legal and Public Affairs, Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada s I write these words, white the United States. The document that during this past summer, snow, clean, fresh and went so far as to say that they would Senators in the United States sparkling, is gently falling not in the future attempt to prosely- unveiled what they called the "reli- outside my window. I can- tize each other's members. There is gious equality" amendment to the not help but think of how cleansing more. Pat Robertson, former U.S. U.S. Constitution. Although couched such a snow fall is on all the dirt and Presidential contender and founder in benign language, this proposal grime that litters the landscape. A of the 700 Club, one of the key fig- represented an attack on fundamen- new year is upon us and as the new ures behind the scenes of this coali- tal notions of religious liberty and fallen snow reminds us, we want to tion recently hand-delivered to the separation of church and state by start anew, with a clean slate. To Pope a letter containing these words: requiring government to subsidize some of us, the new year sneaked up "While there are some doctrinal dif- generally sectarian activities and enti- and caught us by surprise, for others ferences that separate us, I strongly ties while authorizing coercive prac- of us, we couldn't wait for the old believe the moral crisis facing society tices such as officially sanctioned year to be over and done with so we today and the obvious social break- school prayer and government recog- could start afresh.
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