Evaluate the relative importance of social and political factors in causing heightened tensions in the United States related to the . Focus your answer on the period 1964 to 1975.

I. Relevant Background After Geneva Conference, Ngo Dinh Diem took control of South Vietnam

Communist leader Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam wanted to take over South Vietnam and Viet Cong (in South) were sympathetic to him

United States believed in domino theory; didn’t want communism to take control in all of Vietnam for fear that communism would spread to all of Southeast Asia

Supported containment policy, leading them to get involved in Vietnam to stop spread of communism

Tensions were high in US at the time b/c of tumult of 1960s; Feminist Movement, , New Left movement, LBJ’s Great Society

II.Claim Relating to Prompt While both political and social factors contributed to the rising tensions in the United States surrounding the Vietnam War, it was the political decisions–both foreign and domestic–that caused the social uproar during this time.

III.Summary & Commentary on Documents Document #1: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) Point of View: United States federal government not wanting communism to spread, so getting involved in Vietnam. Purpose: To state that the US would do everything in their power to prevent an attack on the US and to prevent the domino theory from happening, but to promise that US troops wouldn’t be involved. Historical Situation: US destroyer Maddox had been torpedoed in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Vietnam. Though it wasn’t clear if the attack actually happened, it gave LBJ an excuse to get involved. Audience: The American people. Analysis: US political choice of getting involved in Vietnam and their promise of not getting involved militarily would lead to skepticism over war when they would break that promise.

Document #2: “I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-To-Die” (1965) Point of View: Someone who is against the war b/c feels like there is no goal in the war and that it would hurt American soldiers and families. Purpose: To express his opinion of the war being pointless. Historical Situation: Anti-war demonstrators becoming more vocal in US, believing that the war wasn’t helping anyone. TV was broadcasting footage of fighting in Vietnam and showing American losses. Audience: Americans, both anti-war and pro-war supporters. Analysis: Shows the social tumult of the time, caused by the political decisions to enter war.

Document #3: “Onward and Upward” Cartoon (1967) Point of View: Anti-war cartoonist. Purpose: To show how the US foreign policy (Vietnam War) is weighing down the possible advancements of LBJ’s Great Society. Historical Situation: Vietnam War was proving to be a bigger investment (both in time and money) and LBJ was having to put off his Great Society plans until the US had more money after war was over. Audience: American supporters of the war (to get them to become skeptical of the war). Analysis: Shows that the political decision of LBJ to get involved in the war and also try to advance his Great Society would lead to no forward movement.

Document #4: Robert F. Kennedy (1968) Point of View: Robert F. Kennedy (running for president), not supporting the war. Purpose: To share that entering Vietnam militarily was a bad decision, to prove that he was against the war to garner support from anti-war demonstrators. Historical Situation: RFK was running for president at the time. More people were becoming anti-war sympathizers. Audience: Anti-war demonstrators and the voters of America. Analysis: Having both LBJ and RFK (leaders of America) divided over their political decisions to support the war lead to more social tensions between anti-war and pro-war Americans.

Document #5: Richard Nixon, Address to the Nation (1969) Point of View: President Nixon, supports the Vietnam War. Purpose: To unite the country with a goal of standing strong and not backing out of the war b/c it would be “humiliating.” Historical Situation: Nixon had become president recently, tensions were high and the US was divided over support for war. Audience: American people. Analysis: Political decision of Nixon to remain involved in war caused more tensions in the US socially.

IV.Summary of Outside Details Social: New Left began organizing Anti-War demonstrations once TV broadcasts of American losses and the war were shown across America

The Tet Offensive occurred when the US was severely attacked in Vietnam. Broadcasted all over America and seemed like a major American loss.

Increased social skepticism over why US government was keeping the outcomes of the war from its people

1968 Democratic Convention: Anti-war demonstrators got out-of-hand and tensions were at a climax. Social against the political decisions of the government.