Acronymn Full Name Definition

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Acronymn Full Name Definition Acronymn Full Name Definition ACK Acknowledgement Access Control Each ACL (Access Control List) has an associated ACE which lists the ACE permissions that have been granted or denied to the users and groups listed Entries in the ACL. A list of security identifiers contained by an object. On the processes ACL Access Control List identified on the ACL with appropriate permissions can activate the services of that object. AFP describes how files are stored and accessed on the network. It is responsible for the Apple hierarchical filing structure of volumes, folders, and AppleTalk Filing files. AFP also provides for file sharing between Macs and MS-DOS-based AFP Protocol computers. It provides an interface for communication between AppleTalk and other network operating systems. This means that Macs can be integrated into any network that uses an operating system that recognizes AFP. Advanced RISC A standard developed by consortium of hardware and software ARC manufacturers. This standard specifies a computer that is similar to a Computing personal computer, but is based on a RISC processor. American Megatrends, AMI Inc. American National ANSI An organization of American industry and business groups dedicated to the Standards Institute development of trade and communications standards. Application API Programming A set of routines that an application program uses to request and carry out Interface lower-level services performed by the operating system. A protocol developed by IBM as part of its Systems Network Architecture Advanced Program-to- (SNA). It provides programs with a set of rules and a generic language to APPC Program converse with one another without having to deal with either lower-level communication network functions or a master-slave arrangement that assumes the communicating machines have no intelligence (processing power) of their own and must therefore rely on a host computer to act as an intermediary. Address Resolution ARP Internet protocol for resolving an IP address into a Physical layer address Protocol (such as an Ethernet media access controller address.) Address Resolution ARP An Internet protocol for resolving an IP address into a Physical layer address Protocol (such as an Ethernet media access controller address). Advanced Research ARPANET Projects Agency Predecessor to the Internet that was developed by the Department of Defense Network in the late 1960's. American Standard A coding scheme that assigns numeric values to letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and certain other characters. By standardizing the values ASCII Code for Information used for these characters, ASCII enables computers and computer programs Interchange to exchange information. Acronymn Full Name Definition Asymmetrical A multiple processor architecture in which certain processors are designated ASMP to run certain threads or in which scheduling is not done on a fair-share basis. Multiprocessing Asymmetrical multiprocessing is easier to implement than symmetrical multiprocessing, but does not scale well as processors are added. Advanced AT Technologies A wide area transport protocol that runs at many different speeds and Asynchronous ATM supports real-time, guaranteed packet delivery in hardware, as well as lower- Transfer Mode quality levels of service on a bandwidth-available basis. ATM will eventually replace all other wide area protocols, as most worldwide PTSN providers have declared their support for the international standard. Attachment Unit The connector used with standard Ethernet that often includes a cable AUI Interface running off the main or backbone, coaxial cable. This is also known as a DIX (Digital, Intel, Xerox) connector. AWG American Wire Gauge A standard for determining wire diameter. The diameter varies inversely to the gauge number. Backup Domain Servers that contain accurate replications of the security and user databases; BDC servers can authenticate workstations in the absence of a primary domain Controller controller. Basic Input/Output A set of routines in firmware that provides the most basic software interface BIOS drivers for hardware attached to the computer. The BIOS contains the System bootstrap routine. A communications protocol developed by IBM. BISYNC transmissions are encoded in either ASCII or EBCDIC. Messages can be of any length and are Binary Synchronous sent in units called frames, optionally preceded by a message header. BISYNC Communications Because bisync uses synchronous transmission, in which message elements Protocol are separated by a specific time interval, each frame is preceded and followed by special characters that enable the sending and receiving machines to synchronize their clocks. BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol Predecessor to the DHCP protocol. BOOTP was used to assign IP addresses to diskless workstations. Berkeley Software BSD Distribution ?? Client Access CAL Licenses Consultation Committee on An organization based in Geneva, Switzerland and established as part of the CCITT International United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The CCITT Telephone & recommends use of communications standards that are recognized throughout the world. Protocols established by the CCITT are applied to Telegraph modems, networks, and facsimile transmission. Acronymn Full Name Definition Commercial COMSEC CCEP Endorsement A data encryption standard introduced by the National Security Agency. Vendors can join CCEP (with proper security clearances) and be authorized to Program incorporate classified algorithms into communications systems. Compact Disk-Read A media for storing extremely large software packages on optical read-only CD-ROM discs. CD-ROM is an adaptation of the CD medium used for distributing Only Memory digitized music. Color Graphics CGA Adapter Common Gateway CGI Interface CHS Cylinder Head Sector Classless Internet CIDR Domain Rating Complex Instruction CISC Set Computing Compression/ CODEC Decompression Compression/decompression technology for digital video and stereo audio. COM Port Communications Port Communications port. A serial hardware interface conforming to the RS-232 standard for low-speed serial communications. Computer Processing CPU The central processing unit of a computer. In microcomputers such as IBM Unit PC-compatible machines, the CPU is the microprocessor. The cyclical redundancy check is a number produced by a mathematical calculation on a packet at its source. When the packet arrives at its Cyclical Redundancy destination, the calculation is redone. If the results are the same, it indicates CRC Check that the data in the packet has remained stable. If the calculation at the destination differs from the calculation at the source, it means the data has changed during the transmission. In that case, the CRC routine signals the source computer to retransmit the data. Cyclic Redundancy CSC Check A type of access control generally used with nus topologies. Using CSMA/CD, a station "listens" to the physical medium to determine whether another station is currently transmitting a data frame. If no other station is transmitting, the station sends its data. A station "listens" to the medium by Carrier Sense Multiple testing the medium for the presence of a carrier, a specific level of voltage or CSMA/CD Access/Collision light, thus the term carrier-sense. The multiple access indicates that there are Detection multiple stations attempting to access or put data on the cable at the same time. The collision detection indicates that the stations are also listening for collisions. If two stations attempt to transmit at the same time and a collision occurs, the stations must wait a random period of time before attempting to transmit. Acronymn Full Name Definition Client Service for CSNW A service provided with Windows NT that connects a workstation to NetWare NetWare file servers. A layer of software between the physical database and the user. The DBMS Database manages all requests for database action from the user, including keeping DBMS track of the physical details of file locations and formats, indexing schemes, Management Systems and so on. In addition, a DBMS permits centralized control of security and data integrity requirements. Diskette Changeline DC or Disk Change One of two types of hardware connected by an RS-232 serial connection., the other being a DTE (data terminal equipment) device. A DCE device takes input from a DTE device and often acts as an intermediary device, Data Communications transforming the input signal in some way before sending it to the actual DCE recipient. For example, an external modem is a DCE device that accepts data Equipment from microcomputer (DTE), modulates it, and then sends the data along a telephone connection. In communications, an RE-232 DCE device receives data over line 2 and transmits over line 3. In contrast, a DTE device receives over line 3 and transmits over line 2. DD Double Density Damain Defined DDA Attribute Dynamic Datta DDE A method of interprocess communication within the Microsoft Windows Exchange operating systems. Diagram Delivery DDP Protocol Data Encryption DES A commonly used, highly-sophisticated algorithm developed by the U.S. Standard National Bureau of Standards for encrypting and decrypting data. Dynamic Host DHCP Configuration Protocol DHCP is a method of automatically assigning IP addresses to client computers on a network. DIP Dual Inline Package One or more small rocker or sliding type switches that can be set to one of two states - closed or open
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