2010 Project Abstract For the Period Ending June 30, 2012 PROJECT TITLE: HCP Phase VI Supplemental – Campaign for Conservation (2n-4f) PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Johnson AFFILIATION: The Nature Conservancy MAILING ADDRESS: 1101 West River Parkway, Suite 200 CITY/STATE/ZIP: Minneapolis, MN 55415-1291 PHONE: 612-331-0790 E-MAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: www.nature.org FUNDING SOURCE: Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund LEGAL CITATION: M.L. 2010, Chap. 362, Sec. 2, Subd. 2n/4f APPROPRIATION AMOUNT: $ 164,000 Overall Project Outcome and Results The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) 2010 Work Program focused on habitat restoration/enhancement in critical corridors and landscapes identified by TNC and the Habitat Conservation Partnership. This program allowed us to significantly accelerate our work to maintain and enhance Minnesota’s prairies, savannas, and wetlands using prescribed fire and surveying/treating invasive species. Other efforts focused on restoring sand prairies and long-lived conifers in landscapes where these are threatened. Our goal in this phase was to restore 2,415 acres. We were able to complete work on 3,178 acres, including: 1) 2,529 acres of prescribed fire was planned/implemented at 15 sites in the Northern Tallgrass Prairie and prairie-forest transition areas of Minnesota. 2) 533 acres of invasive species were treated at 15 sites in the same areas. 3) 75 acres of white pine and other long-lived conifers were replanted in forests along the North Shore. 4) 41 acres of sand prairie were restored in Southeast Minnesota. Not included in these totals, but still valuable, were preparations for future prescribed burns on 240 acres and surveys for invasive species on over 7,000 further acres.