Subject Index
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SUBJECT INDEX Al .•sTifel Page Pag(} A Aged—Continued Abraham Lincoln, statue of, presenta National Employ the Older Worker tion to Israel 29 Week, designation 396 Act for the Prevention and Punish Older Americans Act of 1965, appro ment of Crimes Against Interna priation for effecting provi tionally Protected Persons 1997 sions 866 ACTION: Older Americans Month, 1976, proc Appropriation for... 22, 642, 656, 777, 1434 lamation 3087 Foster Grandparent Program, Aging, National Institute on, appropri person-to-person services to chil ation for 11,1423 dren 526 Agricultural Act of 1949, amend Peace Corps, appropriation for 1470 ments 183, 187, 188 Programs, extension 526 Agricultural Act of 1954: Special volunteer programs, techni Amendments 1500 cal and financial assistance 525 Appropriation for effecting provi VISTA, appropriation limitations 525 sions 867 Administrative Conference of the Agricultural Act of 1956, appropri United States: ation for effecting provisions 1057 Appropriation for 968 Agricultural Act of 1961, appropri Rulemaking procedure report, time ation for effecting provisions 857 extension 588 Agricultural Act of 1970: Adult Education Act: Amendment 991 Amendments 1233, 2218, 2221, 2237 Appropriation for effecting provi Appropriation for effecting provi sions 857, 864, 865 sions 1427 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938: Advisory Commission on Intergovern Amendments 181,187, 285,1489 mental Relations. See Intergovern Appropriation for effecting provi mental Relations, Advisory Com sions 857 mission on. Agricultural Commodities. See also Advisory Committee on Federal Pay, individual commodities. appropriation for 968 United States Grain Standards Act Advocacy, Office of, establishment 668 of 1976 2967 Agricultural Library, National, appro Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, priation for 855 National, amendments 1270, 1988 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, Aeronautics and Space Administra appropriation for effecting provi tion, National. See National Aero sions 855-857 nautics and Space Administration. Agricultural Marketing Agreement Aeronautics and Space Administra Act of 1937, appropriation for ef tion Authorization Act, 1968, Na fecting provisions 857 tional, amendment 681 Agricultural Marketing Service, ap Aeronautics and Space Administra propriation for 632, 647, 856 tion Authorization Act, 1977, Na Agricultural Research Service, appro tional 677 priation for 597, 632, 647, 852 Aeronautics Board, Civil. See Civil Agricultural Stabilization and Conser Aeronautics Board. vation Service, appropriation for... 598, African Development Fund, appropri 857, 864 ation for 603,1471 Agricultural Trade Development and African Development Fund Act 593 Assistance Act of 1954, appropri African Development Program, appro ation for effecting provisions... 853, 867, priation for 773 973 Agassiz Wilderness, Minn., designa Agriculture, census 210 tion 2633 Agriculture, Department of: Aged: Agricultural Act of 1949, amend Equal Credit Opportunity Act ments 183,187, 18;B Amendments of 1976 251 Agricultural Act of 1954— Federal revenue sharing fund alloca Amendments 150iO tion hearings, opportunity to be Appropriation for effecting provi heard 2349 sions 867 Housing, appropriation for 603 Agricultural Act of 1956, appropri Housing loans 1074 ation for effecting provisions 1057 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A2 SUBJECT INDEX Page Agriculture, Department of—Contin Agriculture, Department of—Contin ued ued Agricultural Act of 1961, appropri Consolidated Farm and Rural Devel ation for effecting provisions 857 opment Act, appropriation for Agricultural Act of 1970— effecting provisions 859-861 Amendments 991 Cooperative State Research Service, Appropriation for effecting provi appropriation for 854 sions 857, 864, 865 Coordinating Committee for Diges Agricultural Adjustment Act of tive Diseases, member 2653 1938— Cotton Board, consumer advisors, ap Amendments 181, 187, 285, 1489 pointments 992 Appropriation for effecting provi Departmental administration, appro sions 857 priation for 851 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, Deputy Secretary, pay adjustment.... 2643 appropriation for effecting provi Dutch elm disease, incidence and sions 855-857 control methods, study 2963 Economic Management Support Agricultural Marketing Agreement Center, appropriation for 852 Act of 1937, appropriation for ef Economic Research Service— fecting provisions 857 Appropriation for 855 Agricultural Marketing Service, ap Farmer-to-consumer direct mar propriation for 632, 647, 856 keting survey 1982 Agricultural Research Service, ap Emergency Food Stamp Vendor Ac propriation for 597, 632, 647, 852 countability Act of 1976 799 Agricultural Stabilization and Con Emergency hay program 1983 servation Service, appropriation Extension Service, appropriation for 598, 857, 864 for 854 Agricultural Trade Development and Farm Credit Administration, appro Assistance Act of 1954, appropri priation for 642, 657, 868 ation for effecting provisions... 853, Farmer Cooperative Service, appro 867, 973 priation for 857 Agriculture and Consumer Protec Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Market tion Act of 1973, appropriation ing Act of 1976 1982 for effecting provisions 857, 866 Farmers Home Administration, ap Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Wash., En propriation for 859 chantment Area, study 908 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Americans of Spanish origin or de appropriation for 598, 632, 647, 858 scent, economic and social statis Federal Grain Inspection Service, es tics, publication 688 tablishment 2868 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Flathead River, Mont., wild and Service— scenic river, administration 2327 Administrator, pay adjustment 2643 Flood Control Act of 1936, appropri Appropriation for 597, 632, 647, 853 ation for effecting provisions... 863, Animal Welfare Act Amendments of 892 1976 417 Food and Nutrition Service, appro Appropriation Act, 1977 851 priation for 598, 865 Food Stamp Act of 1964— Appropriation for... 597, 607, 632, 647, 1055 Amendments 799-801 Assistant Secretary, additional ap Appropriation for effecting provi pointment 2643 sions 866 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, Foreign Agricultural Service, appro appropriation for effecting provi priation for 867 sions 863 Forest lands, planning, acquisition Beef Board, establishment 532 and disposition... 2747, 2755, 2756, California Desert Conservation Area, 2961 management of certain areas Forest Reservation Commission, Na within or adjacent to 2784 tional, transfer of functions 2961 Child Nutrition Act of 1966, appro Forest Service. See separate title. priation for effecting provi General Counsel, Office of the, ap sions 865, 866 propriation for 852 Commodity Credit Corporation. See Greneral provisions, Appropriations separate title. Act 868 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX Page Pag« Agriculture, Department of—Contin Agriculture, Department of—Contin ued ued Hatch Act (experiment stations), ap Soil Conservation and Domestic Al propriation for effecting provi lotment Act, appropriation for sions 854 effecting provisions 857, 863, 864 Historic Preservation, Advisory Soil Conservation Service, appropri Council on, member 1320 ation for 598, 862 Honeybees, importation prohibition.. 709 Statistical Reporting Service, appro Horse Protection Act of 1970, priation for 597, 632, 647, 855 amendments 915 Townsites, designation of certain na Inspector General, Office of the, ap tional forest lands as 2760 propriation for 597, 632, 647, 852 Tule elk herds, Calif., preservation, Investigation, Office of, grain inspec cooperation 1190 tion and weighing 2874 Water Bank Act, appropriation for Land conveyemce, Boise City, Idaho.... 1381 effecting provisions 857, 865 Language training and orientation White House Conference on Bal anced National Growth and Eco for employees and dependents.... 1500 nomic Development, Advisory Milk program, special appropriation Committee to the, member 2340 for 598, 866 Wilderness areas. See separate title. National Agricultural Library, ap Wool price supports, amendment of propriation for 855 regulations 690 Nationsd Forest Management Act of Youth Conservation Corps, appropri 1976 .- 2949 ation for 1055 National School Lunch Act, appro Agriculture and Consumer Protection priation for effecting provisions.. 865 Act of 1973, appropriation for ef Organic Act of 1944— fecting provisions 857, 866 Amendment 215 Air Force, Department of the. See also Appropriation for effecting provi Armed Forces; Defense, Department sions... 851-857, 861-863, 865, 866, of. 1057 Active duty personnel strength 924: Packers and Stockyards Administra Aircraft, missiles, etc., procure tion, appropriation for 857 ment— Plant pests, control and eradica Appropriation authorization 923 tion 215 Appropriation for 164,165, 1288 Range management 2772 Appropriation for... 153, 599, 600, 634, 648, Rice Production Act of 1975 181 1279 Rincon Wilderness Study Area, Civilian personnel strength 927 Ariz., review of suitability as a Community College of the Air Force, wilderness area 2695 associate degrees 928 Rural Development Act of 1972: Discharged members, unused leave Appropriation for effecting provi payments 925, 926 sions 854, 855, 860 Enlisted men and warrant officers, Authorization of funds, extension ... 314 pay deductions for United States Rural Electrification Act of 1936, ap Soldiers' and Airmen's Home 1518 propriation for effecting provi Family