SUBJECT INDEX Al .•sTifel Page Pag(} A Aged—Continued Abraham Lincoln, statue of, presenta­ National Employ the Older Worker tion to Israel 29 Week, designation 396 Act for the Prevention and Punish­ Older Americans Act of 1965, appro­ ment of Crimes Against Interna­ priation for effecting provi­ tionally Protected Persons 1997 sions 866 ACTION: Older Americans Month, 1976, proc­ Appropriation for... 22, 642, 656, 777, 1434 lamation 3087 Foster Grandparent Program, Aging, National Institute on, appropri­ person-to-person services to chil­ ation for 11,1423 dren 526 Agricultural Act of 1949, amend­ Peace Corps, appropriation for 1470 ments 183, 187, 188 Programs, extension 526 Agricultural Act of 1954: Special volunteer programs, techni­ Amendments 1500 cal and financial assistance 525 Appropriation for effecting provi­ VISTA, appropriation limitations 525 sions 867 Administrative Conference of the Agricultural Act of 1956, appropri­ : ation for effecting provisions 1057 Appropriation for 968 Agricultural Act of 1961, appropri­ Rulemaking procedure report, time ation for effecting provisions 857 extension 588 Agricultural Act of 1970: Adult Education Act: Amendment 991 Amendments 1233, 2218, 2221, 2237 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ sions 857, 864, 865 sions 1427 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938: Advisory Commission on Intergovern­ Amendments 181,187, 285,1489 mental Relations. See Intergovern­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ mental Relations, Advisory Com­ sions 857 mission on. Agricultural Commodities. See also Advisory Committee on Federal Pay, individual commodities. appropriation for 968 United States Grain Standards Act Advocacy, Office of, establishment 668 of 1976 2967 Agricultural Library, National, appro­ Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, priation for 855 National, amendments 1270, 1988 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, Aeronautics and Space Administra­ appropriation for effecting provi­ tion, National. See National Aero­ sions 855-857 nautics and Space Administration. Agricultural Marketing Agreement Aeronautics and Space Administra­ Act of 1937, appropriation for ef­ tion Authorization Act, 1968, Na­ fecting provisions 857 tional, amendment 681 Agricultural Marketing Service, ap­ Aeronautics and Space Administra­ propriation for 632, 647, 856 tion Authorization Act, 1977, Na­ Agricultural Research Service, appro­ tional 677 priation for 597, 632, 647, 852 Aeronautics Board, Civil. See Civil Agricultural Stabilization and Conser­ Aeronautics Board. vation Service, appropriation for... 598, African Development Fund, appropri­ 857, 864 ation for 603,1471 Agricultural Trade Development and African Development Fund Act 593 Assistance Act of 1954, appropri­ African Development Program, appro­ ation for effecting provisions... 853, 867, priation for 773 973 , Minn., designa­ Agriculture, census 210 tion 2633 Agriculture, Department of: Aged: Agricultural Act of 1949, amend­ Equal Credit Opportunity Act ments 183,187, 18;B Amendments of 1976 251 Agricultural Act of 1954— Federal revenue sharing fund alloca­ Amendments 150iO tion hearings, opportunity to be Appropriation for effecting provi­ heard 2349 sions 867 Housing, appropriation for 603 Agricultural Act of 1956, appropri­ Housing loans 1074 ation for effecting provisions 1057 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A2 SUBJECT INDEX Page Agriculture, Department of—Contin­ Agriculture, Department of—Contin­ ued ued Agricultural Act of 1961, appropri­ Consolidated Farm and Rural Devel­ ation for effecting provisions 857 opment Act, appropriation for Agricultural Act of 1970— effecting provisions 859-861 Amendments 991 Cooperative State Research Service, Appropriation for effecting provi­ appropriation for 854 sions 857, 864, 865 Coordinating Committee for Diges­ Agricultural Adjustment Act of tive Diseases, member 2653 1938— Cotton Board, consumer advisors, ap­ Amendments 181, 187, 285, 1489 pointments 992 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Departmental administration, appro­ sions 857 priation for 851 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, Deputy Secretary, pay adjustment.... 2643 appropriation for effecting provi­ Dutch disease, incidence and sions 855-857 control methods, study 2963 Economic Management Support Agricultural Marketing Agreement Center, appropriation for 852 Act of 1937, appropriation for ef­ Economic Research Service— fecting provisions 857 Appropriation for 855 Agricultural Marketing Service, ap­ Farmer-to-consumer direct mar­ propriation for 632, 647, 856 keting survey 1982 Agricultural Research Service, ap­ Emergency Food Stamp Vendor Ac­ propriation for 597, 632, 647, 852 countability Act of 1976 799 Agricultural Stabilization and Con­ Emergency hay program 1983 servation Service, appropriation Extension Service, appropriation for 598, 857, 864 for 854 Agricultural Trade Development and Farm Credit Administration, appro­ Assistance Act of 1954, appropri­ priation for 642, 657, 868 ation for effecting provisions... 853, Farmer Cooperative Service, appro­ 867, 973 priation for 857 Agriculture and Consumer Protec­ Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Market­ tion Act of 1973, appropriation ing Act of 1976 1982 for effecting provisions 857, 866 Farmers Home Administration, ap­ Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Wash., En­ propriation for 859 chantment Area, study 908 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Americans of Spanish origin or de­ appropriation for 598, 632, 647, 858 scent, economic and social statis­ Federal Grain Inspection Service, es­ tics, publication 688 tablishment 2868 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Flathead River, Mont., wild and Service— scenic river, administration 2327 Administrator, pay adjustment 2643 Flood Control Act of 1936, appropri­ Appropriation for 597, 632, 647, 853 ation for effecting provisions... 863, Animal Welfare Act Amendments of 892 1976 417 Food and Nutrition Service, appro­ Appropriation Act, 1977 851 priation for 598, 865 Food Stamp Act of 1964— Appropriation for... 597, 607, 632, 647, 1055 Amendments 799-801 Assistant Secretary, additional ap­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ pointment 2643 sions 866 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, Foreign Agricultural Service, appro­ appropriation for effecting provi­ priation for 867 sions 863 Forest lands, planning, acquisition Beef Board, establishment 532 and disposition... 2747, 2755, 2756, California Desert Conservation Area, 2961 management of certain areas Forest Reservation Commission, Na­ within or adjacent to 2784 tional, transfer of functions 2961 Child Nutrition Act of 1966, appro­ Forest Service. See separate title. priation for effecting provi­ General Counsel, Office of the, ap­ sions 865, 866 propriation for 852 Commodity Credit Corporation. See Greneral provisions, Appropriations separate title. Act 868 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX Page Pag« Agriculture, Department of—Contin­ Agriculture, Department of—Contin­ ued ued Hatch Act (experiment stations), ap­ Soil Conservation and Domestic Al­ propriation for effecting provi­ lotment Act, appropriation for sions 854 effecting provisions 857, 863, 864 Historic Preservation, Advisory Soil Conservation Service, appropri­ Council on, member 1320 ation for 598, 862 Honeybees, importation prohibition.. 709 Statistical Reporting Service, appro­ Horse Protection Act of 1970, priation for 597, 632, 647, 855 amendments 915 Townsites, designation of certain na­ Inspector General, Office of the, ap­ tional forest lands as 2760 propriation for 597, 632, 647, 852 Tule elk herds, Calif., preservation, Investigation, Office of, grain inspec­ cooperation 1190 tion and weighing 2874 Water Bank Act, appropriation for Land conveyemce, Boise City, Idaho.... 1381 effecting provisions 857, 865 Language training and orientation White House Conference on Bal­ anced National Growth and Eco­ for employees and dependents.... 1500 nomic Development, Advisory Milk program, special appropriation Committee to the, member 2340 for 598, 866 Wilderness areas. See separate title. National Agricultural Library, ap­ Wool price supports, amendment of propriation for 855 regulations 690 Nationsd Forest Management Act of Youth Conservation Corps, appropri­ 1976 .- 2949 ation for 1055 National School Lunch Act, appro­ Agriculture and Consumer Protection priation for effecting provisions.. 865 Act of 1973, appropriation for ef­ Organic Act of 1944— fecting provisions 857, 866 Amendment 215 Air Force, Department of the. See also Appropriation for effecting provi­ Armed Forces; Defense, Department sions... 851-857, 861-863, 865, 866, of. 1057 Active duty personnel strength 924: Packers and Stockyards Administra­ Aircraft, missiles, etc., procure­ tion, appropriation for 857 ment— Plant pests, control and eradica­ Appropriation authorization 923 tion 215 Appropriation for 164,165, 1288 Range management 2772 Appropriation for... 153, 599, 600, 634, 648, Rice Production Act of 1975 181 1279 Rincon Wilderness Study Area, Civilian personnel strength 927 Ariz., review of suitability as a Community College of the Air Force, wilderness area 2695 associate degrees 928 Rural Development Act of 1972: Discharged members, unused leave Appropriation for effecting provi­ payments 925, 926 sions 854, 855, 860 Enlisted men and warrant officers, Authorization of funds, extension ... 314 pay deductions for United States Rural Electrification Act of 1936, ap­ Soldiers' and Airmen's Home 1518 propriation for effecting provi­ Family housing— sions 861 Appropriation for 995 Rural Electrification Administra­ Construction and acquisition, au­ tion— thorization 1359 Appropriation for 632, 647, 861 Guard and Reserves Forces Facilities Insured loans, special rate crite­ Authorization Act, 1977 1368 ria 2701 Medical officers, disability retire­ Rural Electrification and Tele­ ment, review 202 phone Revolving Fund, trans­ Milit-ary construction, Guam, funds fer of unobligated appropri­ authorized 2437 ation to 2701 Military Construction Appropriation Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Act, 1977 993 ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ Military Construction Authorization cil for, member 471 Act, 1977 1355 Shawnee Hills, 111., study 2450 Military training, student load 928 Smith-Lever Act, appropriation for National Guard. See Air under Na­ effecting provisions 854, 855 tional Guard. NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-8129. A4 SUBJECT INDEX Page Air Force, Department of the—Contin­ Airports—Continued ued Alva, Okla., property restrictions, re­ Operation and maintenance, appro­ lease 283 priation for 156,1281 Camden, Ark., property restrictions, Procurement, appropriation for 164, release 234 165,1288 Dfdlas/Fort Worth Regional Airport, Research and development— Automated Guideway Transit Appropriation authorization 924 System, demonstration project 446 Appropriation for 166, 634, 649,1289 Elkhart, Kans., property restrictions, Reserve components— release 196 Appropriation for 154, 1280 Grand Junction, Colo., property re­ Facilities authorization 1368 strictions, release 282 Military construction, appropri­ Landfills, certain hazards to aviation, ation for 994 study 2834 Military training, student load 928 Pinecreek, Minn., extension agree­ Operation and maintenance, ap­ ment with Canada 769 propriation for... 158, 601, 634, 649, Rolla, Mo., property restrictions, re­ 1283 lease 280 Reemployment rights 518 South Bend, Ind., multimodal airport Select Reserve— terminal and transfer facilities, Involuntary order to active demonstration project 885 duty 517 Alabama: Strength 926 Bartram Trail, designation as na­ Stock fund, appropriation for 1284 tional scenic trail, feasibility Surgeon General, Armed Forces In­ study 2481 stitute of Pathology, Board of Mobile Harbor, navigation improve­ Grovernors, member 934 ments project, modification 2923 Aircraft: R. E. "Bob" Woodruff Lake, designa­ Components and materials previous­ tion 2500 ly exported from the United Alabama-Coosa River, reclamation States, duty exemption 2440 project, additional funds 816 Museums, fuel tax exemption 2487 Alaska: Spain, lease and purchase 2499 Airport security in 882 Aircraft, Missiles, Vessels, Etc., Alaska Highway, appropriation for 1176 Armed Forces, Procurement: Cargo-canying vessels, exemption Appropriation for 160-166,1285-1289 permits 1236 Authorization of funds 923 Cook Inlet Region— Aircraft, Vessels, Establishments, Land conveyemce 1935-1937 Etc., Coast Guard, authorization of Navigation project, modification 2944 funds 1235 Federal lands— Airlines, Tax Reform Act of 1976 1759 Damage liability, mining 2791 Solid waste cleanup, study 2840 Airmen's Home, United States Sol­ Federal revenue sharing funds, allo­ diers' and: cation to native villages, Appropriation for 24,1436 waiver 2345 Enlisted men and warrant officers, Haines, land conveyance 3009 pay deductions for 1518 Klondike Gold Rush International Airport and Airway Development Act Historical Park, designation au­ Amendments of 1976 871 thorization 718, 719 Airport and Airway Development Act Klondike Grold Rush National His­ of 1970: torical Park, establishment 717 Amendments 871, 872, 879-882 Klukwan Village, additional lands 1934 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Lincoln National Memorial, recogni­ sions 1173,1174 tion of. 2632 Airport and Airway Revenue Act of Metlakatla and Annette Island, 1970, amendments 886 debris and obsolete buildings, Airport and Airway Trust Fund, au­ disposal, study 2944 thorization for expenditures 886 Mineral revenues, allocation 2770 Airports: National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, security in 882 Alaska, desipiation 303 Algona, Iowa, property restrictions, Refuge lands, Federal management release 281 programs on 199

NoTK Part 1 containa pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A5 Page Alaska—C!ontinued Alcoholic Beverages: Road repair study 448 Beer, small business tax reduction 2485 Appropriation for 1178 Canal Zone, regulations 814 Simeonof Wilderness, designation 2633 Excise tax, authorized evidence of Snettisham project, modification 2945 payment 2699 Susitna River, hydro-electric power Alcoholism: project, authorized advanced en­ Indians, treatment and control of, au­ gineering and design 2933 thorization of funds 1406 Yakutat, conveyance of certain lands State grant program, extension 1035 to, eliminate restriction on use 3013 Women and juveniles, prevention Alaska, Joint Federal-State Land Use and treatment programs 1037 Planning Commission for, appro­ Aliens: priation for 1063 [NOTK: For actions concemiog individuals, see Individ­ ual Index, following this Subject Index.] Alaska Hydroelectric Power Develop­ ment Act 2946 Defense, Department of, employ­ Alaska Hydroelectric Power Develop­ ment 168,1290 ment Fund, establishment 2946 Foreign medical graduates, limita­ Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: tion on immigration 2300 Amendment 1934 Foreign Service, annuity increases to Appropriation for effecting provi­ former alien employees 826 sions 1051,1063 Immigration and Nationality Act Alaska Native Fund, appropriation Amendments of 1976 2703 for 606,1051 Immigration and Naturalization Ser­ Alaska Natural Gas Transportation vice, appropriation for... 621, 638, Act of 1976 2903 652, 944 Alaska Power Administration, appro­ Library of Congress, employment 1457 priation for 637, 652, 896 Unemployment compensation, denial Alaska Railroad, appropriation for 1179 to illegal aliens 2680 Alaska Settlement Laws, repeal 2789 Western Hemisphere immigration 2703 Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Allen J. Ellender Fellowship Program, Health Administration: extension 399, 2217 Appropriation for 13, 609, 635,1424 Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Na­ Coordinating Committee for Diges­ tional Institute of: tive Diseases, member 2653 Appropriation for 11,1423 Education projects, evaluation 1040 National Commission on Digestive Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Diseases, ex officio member 2651 Bureau of, appropriation for... 640, 654, Alpine Lakes Area Management Act 964 of 1976 905, 3035 Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Na­ Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Wash., des­ tional Advisory Council on, ignation 905 grants, review 1041, 2720 American Battle Monuments Commis­ Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Pre­ sion: vention, Treatment, and Rehabili­ Appropriaton for 642,1098 tation Act Amendments of 1974, Per diem allowance 301 Comprehensive, amendment 1040 American Heart Month, 1976, procla­ Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Pre­ mation 3076 vention, Treatment, and Rehabili­ American Indian Policy Review Com­ tation Act Amendments of 1976, mission, appropriation for 617,1449 Comprehensive 1035 American-Israeli Cultural Founda­ Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Pre­ tion, amounts due on loans, vention, Treatment, and Rehabilita­ waiver 776 tion Act of 1970, Comprehensive. American Legion's Freedom Bell, See Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse placement in D.C 2242 and Alcoholism Prevention, Treat­ American-Mexican Treaty Act of 1950, ment, and Rehabilitation Act of appropriation for effecting provi­ 1970. sions 940 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education American-Mexican Treaty Act of 1972, Act, appropriation for effecting appropriation for effecting provi­ provisions 1426 sions 940 Alcohol Research Centers, National, American Printing House for the designation 1039 Blind, appropriation for 1431 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A6 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page American Registry of Pathology, es­ Animal and Plant Health Inspection tablishment authorization 934 Service: American Revolution Bicentennial: Administrator, pay adjustment 2643 American Legion's Freedom Bell, Appropriation for 597, 632, 647, 853 erection authorization 2242 Animal Disease Control, international Bernardo de Galvez, erection of cooperation with the United statue in D.C 519 States 216 Bicentennial Independence Day, Animal Welfare Act, new title for proclamation 3110 Animal Welfare Act of 1970 417 Magna Carta, loan to the United Animal Welfare Act Amendments of States, delegation of Members of 1976 417 Congress to accept 3026 Animal Welfare Act of 1970, amend­ National Bicentennial Highway ments 417 Safety Year, 1976, proclama­ Animals: tion 3111 Animal fighting ventures, prohibi­ Photography and film projects 1980 tion 421 Programs, grants 1979 Beef Research and Information Act.... 529 The Bicentennial Year, proclama­ Disease control 216 tion 3072 Emergency livestock credit, guaran­ United States Information Agency, tee authority, extension 2446 copies of certain items, deposited Endangered Species Act of 1973, in National Archives 830 amendments 724, 911 Walking tour map of the United Horse Protection Act Amendments States Capitol, printing 3035 of 1976 915 American Revolution Bicentennial Packers and Stockyards Act of 1929, Administration, appropriation amendment 1249-1252 for 1063 Tule elk herds, Calif., population American Samoa: preservation 1189 Career education and development, Whale Conservation and Protection assistance 2224 Study Act 2491 Fishery Conservation and Manage­ Antitrust Civil Process Act, amend­ ment Act of 1976 331 ments 1383 Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, Flood protection, water conservation Hart-Scott-Rodino 1383 and utilization, study 2930 Appalachian Regional Commission, Highways— appropriation for 643, 657, 898 Projects, transition quarter au­ Appalachian Regional Development thorization 426 Act of 1965, appropriation for ef­ Safety programs, apportionment fecting provisions 898 reduction 455 Territorial system, authorization Appeals, Courts of. See under Courts, of funds 426, 427 United States. Public safe drinking water systems 707 Appomattox Court House National American Television and Radio Ar­ Historical Park, Va., land acquisi­ chives Act 2601 tion 2735 Amtrak. See National Railroad Passen­ Appropriations Acts: ger Corporation. Agriculture and related agencies, Amtrak Improvement Act of 1976 2613 1977 851 Commerce, Department of, 1977 947 An American Promise, proclamation 3078 Continuing appropriations, 1976 298 Anadromous Fish Conservation Act, Continuing appropriations, 1977 2065 appropriation for effecting provi­ Defense Department, 1976 153 sions 1046 Defense Department, 1977 1279 Andrew Johnson National Historic District of Columbia, 1976 785 Site, Tenn., development ceiling District of Columbia, 1977 1490 increases 2733 Executive Office, 1977 966 Angola: Foreign assistance and related pro­ Assistance to and activities in, limi­ grams, 1976 771 tation 757 Foreign assistance and related pro­ Military assistance, prohibition of grams, 1977 1465 funds 776 Health, Education, and Welfare, De­ Soviet intervention in 758 partment of, 1976 9 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A7 Page Pag«s Appropriations Acts—Ck>ntinued Arizona—Continued Housing and Urban Development, Dominguez-Escalante Trail, national Department of, 1977 1095 scenic trail, designation, feasibil­ Independent Offices, 1977 968 ity study 2481 Interior Depari;ment and related Federal lands, certain withdrawals agencies, 1977 1043 from sale, review by Department Judiciary, 1977 952 of Interior 27541 Justice, Department of, 1977 943 Navajo Indian Reservation, flood con­ Labor, Department of, 1976 3 trol, survey 2937 Labor, Department of, 1977 1418 Rincon Wilderness Study Area, Legislative Branch, 1977 1439 review of suitability as wilder­ Military Construction, 1977 993 ness area 2695 Postal Service, 1977 965 Saguaro National Monument, bound­ Public Works Employment 1497 ary revision 2735 Public Works for Water and Power Saguaro Wilderness, designation 2693 Development and Energy Re­ Universities and State colleges of, search, 1977 889 certain real property conveyed Second Supplemental, 1976 597 to, condition on release 3012 State, Department of, 1977 937 Arkansas: Supplemental, emergency, 1976 362 Arkansas Post National Memorial, Supplemental, 1977 1415 development ceiling increase 2733 Transportation Department and re­ Big Lake Wilderness, designation 2633 lated agencies, 1977 1171 Buffalo National River, acquisition Treasury, Department of, 1977 963 ceiling increase 2732 Camden, airport property restric­ Arapaho and White River National tions, release 234 Forests, Colo., designation of Ozark-Jeta Taylor Lock and Dam, Eagles Nest Wilderness within 870 designation 2514 Arches National Park, Utah, acquisi­ Pine Bluff, railroad highway cross­ tion ceiling increase 2732 ing, demonstration project 444 Architect of the Capitol: Pine Mountain Lake project, con­ Appropriaion for 203, 617, 630,1452 struction, operation, and mainte­ Botanic Gardens, United States, ap­ nance 2936, 2944 propriation for 630,1455 Red River, flood control project, au­ Capitol buildings and grounds. See thorized advanced engineering separate title. and design 2942 Congressional Cemetery, historical Red River Waterway, navigation and section maintenance 2373 bank stabilization project, modi­ Historic Preservation, Advisory fication 2942 Council on, member 1320 Library of Congress. See separate White River Basin, comprehensive flood control plan, modifica­ title. Library of Congress James Madison tion 2921 Memorial Building, appropri­ Arkansas Post National Memorial, ation for 203 Ark., development ceiling in­ Murals for House wing, acceptance crease 2733 of funds for 2377 Arkansas River, reclamation project, Architectural and Transportation Bar­ additional funds 816 riers Compliance Board, program Armed Forces. See also Uniformed extension 212, 214 Services and individual services. Aircraft, missiles, vessels, etc., pro­ Archives and Records Service, Nation­ curement— al. See National Archives and Re­ Appropriation for 1285-1289 cords Service. Authorization of funds 923 Archives Trust Fund Board, National, Greorge Washington, posthumous ap­ membership change 1192 pointment as Greneral of the Argentina, naval vessels, sale to, ap­ Armies of the United States 2078 proval 1938 Medical malpractice suits 1985 Arizona: Members and dependents, release of Chiricahua National Monument Wil­ information on 713 derness, designation 2692 Military claims, settlement under in­ Desert Trail, national scenic trail, ternational agreements 1191 designation, feasibility study 2481 National Guard. See separate title. NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A8 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Armed Forces—Continued Army, Department of the—Continued Perjury 2535 Land conveyance—Continued Reserve components— Scott, C. B. P. and Dorothy B 2926 Reemployment rights 518 Military Construction Appropriation Selected Reserve, involuntary Act, 1977 993 order to active duty 517 Military Construction Authorization Retirement- Act, 1977 1349 Disability retirement, for general Military training, student load 928 and medical officers, review 202 Montgomery County, Md., authoriza­ Retired pay, entitlement 1499 tion to transfer certain lands to Survivor Benefit Plan 2375 Department of the Interior 2734 Veterans. See separate title. Vietnam conflict participants, National Board for the Promotion of income tax benefits, extension 2699 Rifle Practice, appropriation Armed Forces Institute of Pathology: for 159,1284 Establishment 933 National Guard. See Army under Surgeon CJeneral, Board of Gover­ National Guard. nors, member 934 Operation and maintenance, appro­ Arms Control and Disarmament Act, priation for 155,1281 appropriation for effecting pro­ Procurement, appropriation for... 160-162, visions 955 601, 602,1285,1286 Arms Control and Disarmament Rail transportation, study of aid to, Agency, United States, appropri­ cooperation 148 ation for 623, 642, 656, 955 Research and development— Arms Export Control Act, new title Appropriation for 166, 634, 649,1289 for the Foreign Military Sales Authorization of funds 924 Act 734 Reserve components— Arms Export Control Act of 1976, In­ Appropriation for 154,1280 ternational Security Assistance Facilities, authorization 1368 and 729 Military construction, appropriation Army, Department of the. See also for 994 Armed Forces; Defense, Depart­ Military training, student load 928 ment of. Operation and maintenance, ap­ Active duty personnel strength 924 propriation for... 157, 601, 634, 649, Aircraft, missiles, etc., procure­ 1282 ment— Reemployment rights 518 Appropriation for... 160-162, 602, 1285, Selected Reserve— 1286 Involuntary order to active Authorization of funds 923 duty 517 Appropriation for... 153, 599, 600, 634, 648, Strength 926 1279 "Screaming Eagles" memorial, au­ Cemeterial expenses, appropriation thorization for erection by One for 635, 649,1099 Hundred and First Airborne Di­ Civilian personnel strength 927 vision Association 151 Discharged members, unused leave Stock fund, appropriation for 1284 payments 925, 926 Surgeon General, Armed Forces In­ Engineers, Corps of. See separate stitute of Pathology, Board of title. Grovernors, member 934 Enlisted men and warrant officers, pay deductions for the United Art, National Gallery of: States Soldiers' and Airmen's Appropriation for 1061 Home 1518 Loan funds, interest adjustments 1278 Family housing— "Art in the United States Capitol", Appropriation for 995 printing as House document 3066 Construction and acquisition au­ Arthritis, Diabetes, and Digestive Dis­ thorization 1359 ease Amendments of 1976 2645 General and medical ofRcers, disabil­ Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive ity retirement, review 202 Diseases, National Institute of: Guard and Reserves Forces Facilities Appropriation for 11,1423 Authorization Act, 1977 1368 National Arthritis Advisory Board, Land conveyance— ex officio member 2647 Louisiana-Texas Intracoastal Wa­ National Commission on Digestive terway, segments of. 2924 Diseases, ex officio member 2651 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A9 Page Paije Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Attorney General—Continued Diseases, National Institute of— Enforcement grants 2415 Continued Beef Research and Information Act, National Diabetes Advisory Board, enforcement 536 ex officio member 2648, 2649 Coal leasing rules and regulations, Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive consultation 1091 Diseases Advisory Council, Na­ Historic Preservation, Advisory tional, National Commission on Council on, member 1320 Digestive Diseases, member 2651 Internationally Protected Persons, Arthritis Act of 1974, National, amend­ Act for the Prevention and Pun­ ments 413, 2719 ishment of Crimes Against, en­ Arthritis Act Technical Amendments forcement 1997 of 1976, National 413 Medical malpractice suits against Arthritis Advisory Board, National, the United States, authority 1985 establishment 2646 National Forest System lands, Arthritis and Related Musculoskeletal timber sales contracts, illegal Diseases, National Commission practices, report 2959 National Institute of Law Enforce­ on, extension 2719 ment and Criminal Justice, ap­ Arts, Commission of Fine, appropri­ pointment of Director 2416 ation for 642, 656,1062 Public lands, violations of regula­ Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Af­ tions, civil action for injunc­ fairs Act of 1976 1971 tion 2764 Arts, National Endowment for the. See Swine flu immunization, injury or National Endowment for the Arts. death claims, civil action 1116 Arts and the Humanities, Federal Attorney's Fees Awards Act of 1976, Council on: The Civil Rights 2641 Historic Preservation, Advisory Automated Data and Telecommunica­ Council on, member 1320 tions Service, appropriation for... 641, Museum Services, Institute of, co­ 655, 973 ordination with 1977 Automobiles. See also Motor Vehicles. Arts and the Humanities, National District of Columbia, leased or Foundation on the, appropriation rented, unlawful use 2479 for 1062 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Re­ Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965, search, Development, and Dem­ National Foundation on the: onstration Act of 1976 1260 Amendments... 1971, 1978, 1980, 1981, 2629 Aviation Act of 1958, Federal: Appropriation for effecting provi­ Amendments 882, 883,1065 sions 1062 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Asian Development Bank, appropri­ sions 1173-1175, 1182 ation for 778,1471 Aviation Administration, Federal: Asian Development Bank Act, appro­ Appropriation for 624, 639, 654,1173 priation for effecting provisions 778 National Transportation Policy Assateague Island National Seashore, Study Commission, liaison offi­ Md.-Va., acquisition ceiling in­ cer 449 crease 2732 Aviation Fuel, excise tax reduction, Athletes, unemployment compensa­ postponement 456 tion, denial to 2680 Atlantic Tunas Convention Act of B 1975, amendments 361 Background Material Concerning Atomic Energy Act of 1954, program, Child and Family Services Act, authorization of funds 523 1975, printing of additional copies.. 30(i5 Atomic Energy Agency, International: Badlands Wilderness, S. Dak., designa­ Appropriation for 772 tion 2693 Authorization of funds 764 Bahamas, Inter-American Develop­ Attorney General: ment Bank, membership 592 Alaska natural gas transportation, Baltimore-Washington Parkway, ap­ antitrust study 2916 propriation for 1177 Antitrust laws— Bandelier National Monument, Antitrust investigations 1384 N. Mex., land acquisition 2736 Certain action under, notice to Bandelier Wilderness, N. Mex., desig­ State attorneys general 1395 nation 2692 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. AlO SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Bank Holding Company Tax Act of Big Lake Wilderness, Ark., designa­ 1976 1503 tion 2633 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, ap­ Biomedical and Behavioral Research, propriation for effecting provi­ National Advisory Council for the sions 863 Protection of Subjects of, deferral Bankruptcy Act, amendments 192, 315 of establishment 406 Banks and Banking: Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Asian Development Bank, appropri­ National Commission for the Pro­ ation for 778, 1471 tection of Human Subjects of: Asian Development Bank Act, appro­ Disclosure of research information, priation for effecting provi­ study 406 sions 778 Extension 2719 Bankruptcy— Birds: Municipalities, adjustment of debts of. 315 Migratory Bird Conservation Act, Referees, salary 192 amendment 190 Export-Import Bank of the United Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, States, appropriation for... 644,659, amendments 189 779,1471 System Ad­ Federal Financing Bank, Guam ministration Act of 1966, amend­ Power Authority bonds or other ments 190,199 obligations, sale to 1199 Starling and blackbird control, Ky.- Inter-American Development Bank. Tenn 28 See separate title. Wetlands Loan Extension Act of National banks, contributions to 1976 189 Federal elections, prohibition 490 "Black Americans in Congress", print­ State Taxation of Depositories Act, ing of copies 3044 amendments 197 Black Canyon of the Gunnison Wil­ Taxes, common trust funds, treat­ derness, Colo., designation 2692 ment of affiliated banks 1273 Black Lung Disease, claims for bene­ Bar Ilan University, amounts due on fits, hearing examiners 2428 loans, waiver 776 Blind: Barbara Ann, documentation of vessel American Printing House for the for use in coastwise trade 2708 Blind, appropriation for 1431 Bartram Trail, national scenic trail, Books for, appropriation for... 630, 645, designation, feasibility study 2481 1456 Beaches, acquisition of accesses to Committee for Purchase from the public 1030 Blind and Other Severely Handicapped, appropriation Beef, limitation on importation from for 642, 970 Canada, proclamation 3071 Copyrighted works, reproduction for Beef Board, establishment 532 use of the blind 2594 Beef Research and Information Act 529 Helen Keller National Center for Beekeepers, indemnity payments to, Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults, appropriation for 858 name change 520 Beer, small business tax reduction 2485 National Center for Deaf-Blind Bees, honeybees, importation prohibi­ Youths and Adults, redesigna- tion 709 tion as Helen Keller National Study Area, Center for Deaf-Blind Youths Mo., review of suitability as wil­ and Adults 520 derness area 2636 Rehabilitation services for blind chil­ Bernardo de Galvez, erection of statue dren 2683 in D.C 519 Save Your Vision Week, 1976, proc­ Bicentennial, American Revolution. lamation 3080 See American Revolution Bicenten­ Supplemental security income bene­ nial. fits 2700 Bicentennial Highway Safety Year, White Cane Safety Day, 1976, procla­ National, 1976, proclamation 3111 mation 3115 Bicentennial Independence Day, proc­ Board for International Broadcasting lamation 3110 Act of 1973, amendments 832 Bicentennial Year, The, proclama­ Boat Safety Act of 1971, Federal: tion 3072 Amendments 802, 2489 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX All Page Page Boat Safety Act of 1971, Federal—Con­ Budget and Accounting Act, 1921, tinued amendments 60 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Budget Office, Congressional, appro­ sions 1173 priation for 630, 1452 Boating Week, National Safe, 1976, Buffalo National River, Ark., acquisi­ proclamation 3094 tion ceiling increase 2732 Boats and Boating, public boat Building Sciences, National Institute launching areas, access ramps, use of, additional funds authorized 1078 of Federal funds 446 Bureau. See other part of title. Books: Burros, management, use of helicop­ Blind and handicapped persons, ap­ ters and motor vehicles 2775 propriation for books for... 630, 645, Buses. See also Motor Vehicles. 1456 Excise tax reduction, postponement.... 456 Mailing rates 1312 School bus driver training 453 School bus safety standards 815 Botanic Gardens, appropriation for... 630, Width permitted on interstate high­ 1455 ways 438 Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Minn., Business Administration, Domestic land acquisition, additional funds.... 1123 and International, appropriation Brazos River, reclamation project, ad­ for 633, 648, 948 ditional funds 816 Bretton Woods Agreements Act, amendments 2660 Bridges: Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway California: Bridges, N.C., project modifica­ Allen Camp unit, Pit River division. tion 2923 Central Valley project, construc­ Federal dams, bridges on, additional tion, etc., authorization 1328 funds authorized 443 California Desert Conservation Area Indian reservations, authorization of management programs 2764, 2782 funds 427 Channel Islemds National Monu­ Mankato and North Mankato, ment, development ceiling in­ Minn., flood protection project, crease 2733 Clem Miller Environmental Educa­ authorized modifications 2921 tion Center, The, designation 2515, Mississippi River-Gulf outlet, con­ 2695 struction costs 2941 Desert Trail, national scenic trail, River, Mont., construction designation, feasibility study 2481 authorization 2328 Eugene O'Neill National Historic Overseas Highway to Key West, Fla., Site, designation 2501 funds authorized for reconstruc­ Feather River, clarification of na­ tion of bridges, increased obliga­ tional wild and scenic rivers tion 443 system boundary 2330 Public boat launching areas, access Federal lands, certain withdrawals ramps, use of Federal funds 446 from sale, review by Department Richmond^an Rafael Bridge, Calif., of Interior 27iJ4 use of toll receipts 445 Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans' Snake River, Idaho and Wash., con­ Hospital, designation 284 struction 2934 King Range National Conservation Bristol Cliffs Wilderness Area, Vt., Area, survey and investigation boundaries modification 370 area, additional lands 2784 Broadcasting, Board for Internation­ Pinnacles National Monument, al. See International Broadcasting, boundary revision 2694 Board for. Point Reyes National Seashore, cer­ Broadcasting Act of 1973, Board for tain lands designated as wilder­ International, amendments 832 ness areas 2515 Broadcasting Facilities and Telecom­ Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, use of munications Demonstration Act toll receipts 445 of 1976, Educational 683 San Francisco Bay Area, highway Brooms, modification of tariff-rate and rail crossings, use of toll re­ quota, proclamation 3103 ceipts 445 Bruja Mar, documentation of vessel for Santa Ynez River Water Conserva­ use in coastwise trade 2708 tion District, relief to 1474 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A12 SUBJECT INDEX Page California—Continued Cancer Institute, National: Supplemental security income pro­ Appropriation for 10, 1422 gram, food stamp cashout National Commission on Digestive status 1111 Diseases, ex officio member 2651 Tule elk herds population preserva­ Canyonlands National Park, Utah, ac­ tion 1189 quisition ceiling increase 2732 Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Capital Planning Act of 1952, Nation­ Indians, lands in trust for 373 al, appropriation for effecting pro­ Twentynine Palms Park and Recrea­ visions 1062 tion District, land conveyance 327 Capital Planning Commission, Na­ United States attorney for the Cen­ tional. See National Capital Plan­ tral District, compensation 2427 ning Commission. Water resources development... 2919, 2921, Capital Transportation Act of 1969, 2923, 2929-2934 National, appropriation for effect­ Wilderness areas 2515, 2635, 2692, 2693 ing provisions 1183 California Desert Conservation Area Advisory Committee, establish­ Capital Transportation Act of 1972, ment 2784 National, appropriation for effect­ Cambodia: ing provisions 1184 Assistance, prohibition of funds 776 Capitol Buildings and Grounds: Combat activities in or over, restric­ Appropriation for 618, 630,1453 tion on funds 175 Architect of the Capitol. See separate Indochina Refugee Children Assis­ title. tance Act of 1976 1225 Flags, State, placement of flagpoles Refugees in the United States, ap­ on Union Station Plaza, D.C 711 propriation for assistance 1470 Historical documents, display 726 Campus Disrupters, denial of financial Murals in the House wing, design assistance 25, 961,1102, 1297, 1436 sketches and funds for 2377 Canada: Walking tour map of the United Airport agreement with , States Capitol, printing 3035 consent of Congress 769 Capitol Guide Service, appropriation Beef and veal, termination of limita­ for 617 tion on importation from, proc­ Capitol Police, appropriation for 1449 lamation 3071 Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, ac­ Klondike Gold Rush International quisition ceiling increase 2732 Historical Park, designation au­ Captive Nations Week, 1976, proclama­ thorization 718, 719 tion 3112 U.S. grain transshipped through, in­ Carbonyl Chloride, disposal 292 spection agreement; weighing Carpools, demonstration projects, ex­ agreement 2873, 2875 pansion 445 Whale conservation and protection, Cattle: bilateral agreement 2492 Beef Research and Information Act.... 529 Canada, International Boundary Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, Commission, United States and, amendments 1249 appropriation for 941 Cemeteries: Canada, International Joint Commis­ Congressional Cemetery, historical sion, United States and. See Inter­ section, maintenance 2373 national Joint Commission, United Perpetual care funds, income tax., 2483 States and Canada. Twentynine Palms Park and Recrea­ Canal Zone: tion District, Calif., land convey­ Arms exports and imports, control 745 ance for Indian cemetery.. 327 Canal Zone Government, appropri­ Census, Bureau of the : ation for 635, 650, 1182 Agriculture, irrigation, and drainage Panama Canal Company, appropri­ census 210 ation for 1183 Appropriation for 622, 633, 648, 948 Canal Zone Code, Amendments, fdco- Employment and Unemplojmient holic beverages, regulations 814 Statistics, National Commission Canaveral National Seashore Adviso­ on, hearings, participation 1484 ry Commission, membership in­ Mid-decade and decennial censuses 2461 crease 1204 Center for Cultural and Technical In­ Cancer Control Month, 1976, procla­ terchange Between East and mation 3085 West, appropriation for 942 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A13 Page Pago Center for Disease Control. See Dis­ Children—Continued ease Control, Center for. United Nations Children's Fund, ap­ Central, Western, and South Pacific propriation for 772 Fisheries Development Act, Chile, economic assistance, military as­ amendments 809 sistance, sales, and sales credit, Central Intelligence Agency: limitations 758 Medical malpractice suits 1985 China, Republic of, naval vessels, sale Retirement and disability fund, ap­ to, approval 1938 propriation for 1300 Chiricahua National Monument Wil­ Retirement benefits 2467 Central Intelligence Agency Retire­ derness, Ariz., designation 2692 ment Act of 1964 for Certain Em­ Citizenship Day and Constitution ployees, amendments 2467 Week, 1976, proclamation 3123 Ceramic Tableware, extension and Civil Aeronautics Board: modification of certain increased Appropriation for 642, 656,1182 rates of duty, proclamation 3096 National airport system, revised Chamizal National Memorial, Tex.: plan, consultation 872 Appropriation for 1047 National Transportation Policy Development ceiling increase 2733 Study Commission, liaison offi­ Channel Islands National Monument, cer 449 Calif., development ceiling in­ Civil Defense Act of 1950, Federal: crease 2733 Amendments 931, 932 Charles Carroll, two hundredth anni­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ versary of signing of Declaration sions 975, 976 of Independence, commemorative Civil Rights, Commission on: medals 302 Additional funds authorized 524 Chassahowitzka Wilderness, Fla., des­ Appropriation for 623, 642, 656, 955 ignation 2633 Civil Rights, Office of, appropriation Cherokee Strip Living Museum, for 1432 Kans., administration 2501 Civil Rights Act of 1957, amendment 524 Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Okla., establishment 235 Civil Rights Act of 1964, appropriation Child Abuse Prevention and Treat­ for effecting provisions 944, 956,1427 ment Act, appropriation for effect­ Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Awards ing provisions 19, 1431 Act of 1976, The 2641 Child Development, Office of, Federal Civil Rights Commission Authoriza­ Council on Educational Research tion Act of 1976 524 and Development, member 2230 Civil Service Commission, United Child Health and Human Develop­ States: ment, National Institute of, appro­ Appropriation for 628, 642, 656, 968 priation for 11,1423 Retirement— Child Health Day, 1976, proclama­ Cost-of-living adjustment 1462 tion 3127 Reemployed annuitants, pay 1202 Child Nutrition Act of 1966, appropri­ Claims: ation for effecting provisions 865, 866 [None: For action concemiog individuals, aee Individ­ Children. See also Youths. ual Index, following this Subject Index.] Blind and disabled children, rehabili­ Alaska Native Claims Settlement tation services 2683 Act- Child day care services 1215 Amendment 1934 Child support, collection payments, Appropriation for effecting provi­ extension 990 sions 1051, 10613 Foster Grandparent Program, Alaska Natural Gas Transportation ACTION person-to-person ser­ Act of 1976, Court of Appeals, vices 526 judicial review 2913 HUD employees, day care center 1077 Black lung benefits, hearing examin­ Indochina Refugee Children Assis­ ers 24218 tance Act of 1976 1225 Departments and agencies, appropri­ Juvenile Justice and Delinquency ation for settlement... 160, 629, 1284, Prevention Act of 1974— 1416, 2066, 2846 Amendments 244, 2425 German Democratic Republic, deter­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ minations against, for American sions 19, 945, 946 nationals 2509 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A14 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Claims—Continued Coast Guard, United States—Contin­ Medical malpractice suits against ued the United States 827, 1985 Discharged members, unused leave Military claims, settlement under in­ payments 925, 926 ternational agreements 1191 Fishery Conservation and Manage­ Swine flu immunization, injury or ment Act of 1976, enforcement 358 death liability 1114 Foreign fishing and international Teton Dam disaster 1211 fishery agreements 337 War Claims Act of 1948— Housing facilities in foreign coun­ Amendment 1122 tries 2077 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Military training, authorization 1236 sions 7, 1420 Presidential protection assistance, Claims, United States Court of, appro­ expenditures 2476 priation for 631, 646, 953 Promotions 2520 Claims Settlement Act of 1949, Inter­ Research and development, appropri­ national, amendments 2509 ation for 1173 Claims Settlement Commission, For­ Reserve components— eign, appropriation for 957 Reemployment rights 518 Clark and Mark Twain National For­ Selected Reserve— ests, designation as the Mark Involuntary order to active Twain National Forest, Mo., proc­ duty 517 lamation 3077 Strength 926 Clayton Act: Coastal Energy Impact Fund, estab­ Amendments 1390, 1394 lishment 1027 Assignment of short title 1397 Coastal Zone Management Act Clean Air Act, research, development, Amendments of 1976 1013 and demonstration, authorization Coastal Zone Management Act of of funds 2069 1972: Clem Miller Environmental Education Amendments 1013 Center, The, Calif., designation... 2515, Appropriations for effecting provi­ 2695 sions 950 Coal: Colleges and Universities. See Schools Deposits reserved to the United and Colleges. States, disposal 2791 Colombia, naval vessel, sale to, ap­ Exports, information collected by proval 1938 Federal Energy Administra­ Colorado: tion 1132 Boulder Daily Camera, claim settle­ Coal Leasing Amendments Act of ment 2993 1975, Federal 1083 Colorado National Monument, land Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of acquisition 2734 1969, Federal: Dominguez-Escalante Trail, national Appropriation for effecting provi­ scenic trail, designation, feasibil­ sions 7, 10, 16, 17,1420,1422,1430 ity study 2481 Claims for benefits under, hearing Federal lands, certain withdrawals examiners 2428 from sale, review by Department Coast Guard, United States: of Interior 2754 Active duty personnel strength, au­ Glenwood Canyon Highway con­ thorization 1235 struction 448 Aircraft, vessels, establishments, ap­ Gore Range-Eagles Nest Primitive propriation for 1235 Area, abolishment 870 Alaska, cargo-carrying vessels, ex­ Grand Junction, airport property re­ emption permits 1236 strictions, release 282 Appropriation for... 624, 639, 654, 1172, Leadville Mine drainage tunnel. 1496 Lake County, rehabilitation, au­ Buoys, color and numbering, repeal thorization 1329 of statutory requirements , 2519 Mesa Verde National Park, acquisi­ Coast Guard Academy— tion ceiling increase 2732 Foreign nationals, admission of ad­ Mineral revenues 2770 ditional 2002 Piedra River, potential national wild Women, nondiscriminatory ap­ and scenic rivers system bound­ pointment and admission 2708 ary, amendment 2330 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A15 Page Page Colorado—Continued Commerce, Department of—Continued Water resources depletion, study 2943 Local Public Works Capital Develop­ Wilderness areas, designation... 870, 2692, ment and Investment Act of 2693 1976 999 Colorado River Basin Project, appro­ Maritime Administration. See sepa­ priation for 894 rate title. Colorado River Basin Project Act, ap­ Merchant Marine Act, 1936, amend­ propriation for effecting provi­ ments 1042, 2474 sions 894 Mid-decade and decennial censuses, Colorado River Basin Salinity Control report to congressional commit­ Act, appropriation for effecting tees 2462 provisions 894 MoUuscan shellfish industry, review 1032 Colorado River Storage Project Act, National Bureau of Standards, re­ appropriation for effecting provi­ source recovery, guidelines... 2820, sions 894 2822 Columbia River, reclamation project, National Fire Prevention and Con­ additional funds 816 trol Administration, appropri­ Columbus Day, 1976, proclamation 3118 ation for 633, 648, 950 Commerce, Department of: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Americans of Spanish origin or de­ Administration. See separate scent, economic and social statis­ title. tics, publication 688 National Sea Grant Program Act 1961 Appropriation Act, 1977 947 National Weather Modification Appropriation for... 622, 633, 648, 947, Policy Act of 1976 2359 1497 Olympic Winter Games Authoriza­ Beaches, acquisition of access to tion Act of 1976 1336 public 1030 Patent and Trademark Office, appro­ Census, Bureau of the. See separate priation for 633, 648, 950 title. Rail Bank establishment, consulta­ Chemical substances, classification, tion 146 storage, and retrieval study 2046 Regional action planning commis­ Coastal energy impact program 1019 sions, appropriation for 948 Coastal Zone Management Act Resource conservation and recov­ Amendments of 1976 1013 ery 2820 Coastal zone management programs, Science, Engineering, and Technol­ grant recipients, audit 1030 ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ Domestic and International Business cil for, member 471 Administration, appropriation Sea Grant Program Improvement for 633, 648, 948 Act of 1976 1961 Economic Analysis, Bureau of, ap­ Security and Cooperation in Europe, propriation for 633, 648, 948 Commission on, member 661 Economic Development Administra­ United States Travel Service, appro­ tion. See separate title. priation for 949 Employment and Unemployment War risk insurance applications, Statistics, National Commission annual fees, collection 2474 on, hearings, participation 1484 Weather modification, study 2360 Endangered Species Act of 1973, Whales, conservation and protection, amendments 724, 911 study 2491 Energy conservation standards for White House Conference on Bal­ new buildings, cooperation 1146 anced National Growth and Eco­ Energy Programs, Office of, appro­ nomic Development, Advisory priation for 948 Committee to the, member 2340 Fire Research Center, authorization Commercial Fisheries Research and of funds 1254 Development Act of 1964, amend­ Fishery Conservation and Manage­ ments 2326 ment Act of 1976 331 Commission. See other part of title. General provisions. Appropriations Commissions, Committees, Councils, Act 1498 Etc., Establishment: Historic Preservation, Advisory Alcohol Research Centers, Nation­ Council on, member 1320 al 1039 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A16 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Commissions, Committees, Councils, Commissions, Committees, Councils, Etc., Establishment—Continued Etc., Establishment—Continued American Television and Radio Ar­ Rail Public Counsel, Office of. 51 chives 2601 Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Armed Forces Institute of Pathol­ ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ ogy 933 cil for 471 Arthritis Advisory Board, National.... 2646 Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Beef Board 532 ogy Advisory Panel, Intergov­ California Desert Conservation Area ernmental 465 Advisory Committee 2784 Science and Technology, President's Community Anti-Crime Progiams, Committee on 468 Office of. 2407 Science and Technology Policy, Consumer Advisory Council 252 Office of. 463 Copyright Royalty Tribunal 2594 Sea grant review panel 1967 Diabetes Advisory Board, National 2648 Small Business Administration, Digestive Diseases, Coordinating Office of Advocacy 668 Committee for 2653 Small Business Research and Devel­ Digestive Diseases, National Com­ opment, Office of. 2057 mission on 2650 Solid Waste, Office of. 2804 District of Columbia, Temporary Student Loan Special Allowances, Commission on Financial Over­ Committee on the Process of De­ sight of the 1205 termining 2135 Drug Abuse Policy, Office of. 242 Transportation Policy Study Com­ Employment and Unemployment Statistics, National Commission mission, National 448 on 1484 Unemployment Compensation, Na­ Energy Information and Analysis, tional Commission on 2681 Office of. 1135 United States Parole Commission 219 Europe, Commission on Security and Utility regulations, consumer ser­ Cooperation in 661 vices offices 1144 Federal Grain Inspection Service 2868 Veterans' Employment, Deputy As­ Federal Laws, Commission on 268 sistant Secretary of Labor for 2404 Fishery Management Councils, Re­ Vocational Education, Coordinating gional 347 Committee on Research in 2202 Grazing Advisory Boards 2775 White House Conference on Bal­ Health Information and Health Pro­ anced National Growth and Eco­ motion, Office of. 700 nomic Development, Advisory Historic Preservation, Advisory Committee to the 2340 Council on 1320 Commodity Credit Corporation: Human Rights and Humanitarian Appropriation for..... 858 Affairs, Coordinator for 750 Board of directors, additional Kalaupapa National Historical Park member 2643 Advisory Commission 2448 Cotton, research and promotion 991 Laboratory and Center Operations, Rice, payments and loans program 183 Panel for the Review of. 2229 Commodity Credit Corporation Medical devices, office for assistance Charter Act, amendment 2643 to small manufacturers 583 Commodity Exchange Act, appropri­ Medical devices regulation, advisory ation for effecting provisions 867 committees on 552, 559, 568 Commodity Futures Trading Commis­ Minority Resource Center 149 sion, appropriation for 642, 657, 867 Museum Services, Institute of. 1975 Commodity Futures Trading Commis­ National Health Service Corps, Na­ sion Act of 1Q74, appropriation for tional Advisory Council on the 2277 effecting provisions 867 National Park System Advisory Communications Act of 1934: Board 1940 Amendments 683-686, 794,1080 Occupational Information Coordinat­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ing Committee, National 2198 sions 1426 Operations Review Panel 120 Communications Commission, Feder­ Postal Service, Commission on 1307 al. See Federal Communications Public lands, land use planning or Commission. management advisory councils 2767 Community Anti-Crime Programs, Rail Bank 146 Office of, establishment 2407 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX iii7 .5 Page Page Community Health Centers, ambula­ Comptroller General—Continued tory surgical services 415 Olympic Winter Games, 1980, assis­ Community Mental Health Centers tance recipients, audit 1338 Act, appropriation for effecting Outdoor recreation, assistance recipi­ provisions 13,19,1424 ents, audit 1317 Community Services Act of 1974: Presidential protection expenditures, Amendments 803 audit 2477 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Rail service assistance recipients, sions 19, 20,1432 audit „ 132,142 Community Services Act Technical Railroad Rehabilitation and Im­ Amendments of 1976 803 provement Fund operations, Community Services Administration: audit 81 Appropriation for 22, 363, 1434 Reports to by the District of Colum­ Weatherization program, monitor­ bia— ing, assistance, and evaluation 1156 Balance sheet and fiscal year Compacts. See Interstate Compacts, audits 1208,1209 Consent of Congress. Financial condition, system im­ Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Al­ provements plan 1206 coholism Prevention, Treatment, Sea grant programs, assistance re­ and Rehabilitation Act Amend­ cipients, audit 1965 ments of 1974, amendment 1040 State and Local Fiscal Assistance Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Al­ Act of 1972, review of compli­ coholism Prevention, Treatment, ance 2855 and Rehabilitation Act Amend­ United States Soldiers' and Airmen's ments of 1976 1035 Home, operations, study 1518 Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Al­ Veteran beneficiaries, investigation coholism Prevention, Treatment, of certain travel expenses, con­ and Rehabilitation Act of 1970: sultation 2842 Amendments 13,1035-1040, 2720 Weatherization assistance for dwell­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ings of low income persons, sions 13, 1424 audit 1156 Repeal of certain provisions 1035 Comprehensive Employment and Computers: Training Act of 1973: Exclusive rights, scope 2565 Amendments... 1476-1480, 1482, 1483, 1487, Technical data and computer soft­ 2213, 2214 ware packages, military procure­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ment 932 sions... 4-6, 19, 362, 1418, 1419, Concurrent Resolutions: • 1432 Congress— Comptroller General: Adjournment... 3022, 3028, 3033, 3037, Antitrust enforcement, grant recipi­ 3038, 3041 ents, audit 2416 Adjournment, sine die 3068 Coastal zone management programs, Joint session to receive Presiden­ grant recipients, audit 1030 tial communications 3017 Consolidated Rail Corporation, Congressional budget, fiscal year audit 99 1977 and transition quarter 3029 Emergency support grants to States Congressional budget determina­ and local governments, study 1010 tion 3044 Energy conservation audit 1166 Congressional Science and Engineer­ Foreign gifts, audit 827 ing Fellowship Programs, con­ Grain inspection and weighing, gressional appreciation 3032 study; audit of records 2874, 2882 Declaration of Independence, ideals Health maintenance organizations, and principles, commitment by evaluation 1954 3037 Health research facility construc­ Enrolled bills, corrections— tion, assistance recipients, Alpine Lakes Area Management audit 2249 Act of 1976 (H. R. 7792) 3035 Indian health services, urban, con­ Bicentennial of the United States, tract recipients, audit 1412 Joint Committee on Arrange­ Medical device standards offerors, ments, appointment (S. Con. audit 550 Res. 44) 3025 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A18 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Concurrent Resolutions—Continued Concurrent Resolutions—Continued Enrolled bills, corrections—Contin­ Publications, printing of additional ued copies—Continued Coastal Zone Management Act "Art in the United States Cap­ Amendments of 1976 (S. 586).... 3036 itol" 3066 Energy Conservation and Produc­ Background Materials Concerning tion Act (H. R. 12169) 3038 Child and Family Services Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1975 Act, 1975 3065 (H. R. 8235) 3028 "Black Americans in Congress" 3044 Federal Employees Political Activi­ Constitution of the United States.... 3029 ties Act of 1976 (H. R. 8617) 3026 Constitution of the United States, Fishery Conservation and Manage­ pocket-size edition 3033 ment Act of 1976 (H. R. 200) 3025 Constitution of the United States Health Professions Educational and Declaration of Indepen­ Assistance Act of 1976 (H. R. dence 3029 5546) 3054 "Court Proceedings and Actions of Horse Protection Act Amendments Vital Interest to the Congress, of 1976 (S. 811) 3036 Final Report for 93d Congress, Land water conservation fund; na­ December 1974" 3032 tional historic preservation "Duties of the Speaker" 3035 fund; states shale oil fund (S. "Federal Election Campaign Laws 327) .• 3044 Relating to the United States Local Public Works Capital Devel­ House of Representatives" 3033 opment and Investment Act of Foreign Relations Subcommittee 1975 (H. R. 5247) 3022 on Multinational Corpora­ Maritime Appropriation Authori­ zation Act of Fiscal Year 1977 tions, hearings and committee prints 3040 (H. R. 11481) 3041 Negotiated Shipbuilding Contract­ Honorable James A. Haley, por­ ing Act of 1976 (H. R. 11504) 3038 trait, presentation proceed­ Parole Commission and Reorgani­ ings 3067 zation Act (H. R. 5727) 3023 "How Our Laws Are Made" 3029 Public Works Emplojonent Act of Intelligence Activities, Select Com­ 1976 (S. 3201) 3034 mittee To Study Governmen­ Railroad Revitalization and Regu­ tal Operations With Respect latory Reform Act of 1976 to, hearings and report 3023 (H. R. 2718) 3017 Internal Revenue Service, adminis­ Saline water program, 1977, au­ trative procedures, report 3054 thorization of funds (H. R. James E. Carter and (Jerald R. 11559) 3034 Ford, Presidential debates 3067 Small Business Act and Small Joint Economic Report, 1976 3024 Business Investment Act of Justice William O. Douglas, tri­ 1958, amendments (S. 2498) 3031 butes 3042 Tax Reform Act of 1976 (H. R. "New Perspectives in Health Care 10612) 3042, 3046 for Older Americans (Recom­ United States Coast Guard, au­ mendations and Policy Direc­ thorization of funds, 1977 tions of the Subcommittee on (H. R. 11670) 3041 Health and Long-Term Care)", Georgi Vins, Baptist pastor, release, report 3043 sense of Congess 3066 "Our Flag" 3028 Inauguration, joint committee for ar­ Prayers by the Reverend Edward rangements 3023 L. R. Eison 3054 Italian people and their government. "Review of National Breeder Reac­ United States support 3034 tor Program", report 3042 Magna Carta, loan t'^ the United States, delegation of Members of Senate Committee on Foreign Re­ Congress to accept 3026 lations, one hundred and sixti­ ^ Publications, printing of additional eth anniversary 3040 copies— "Soviet Economy in a New Per­ American Instructors of the Deaf, spective" 3065 Convention of, forty-seventh "Soviet Space Programs, 1971- a*; biennial meeting, report 3027 1975" 3040

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX m SMi'l Page Page Concurrent Resolutions—Continued Congress, Reports to—Continued Publications, printing of additional Agriculture, Department of—Con­ copies—Continued tinued "Summary of Veterans' Legisla­ Grazing lands in certain States, tion Reported, Ninety-fourth study 2772 Congress" 3043 National Forest System 2950-2952 "The Senate Chamber, 1810- Shawnee Hills, 111., national rec­ 1859" 3040 reation area, feasibility 2450 "The Working Congress" 3043 Army, Department of the— Walking tour map of the United Deep Creek, Va., disposal area, States Capitol 3035 local cooperation 2925 "Women in Congress" 3066 Ocean dumping 725 Rail and railway labor organizations, Attorney General— negotiations 3024 Alaska natural gas transportation, Railroad Revitalization and Regula­ antitrust study 2916 tory Reform Act of 1976, confer­ Credit transactions, administra­ ence proceedings 3017 tion 255 Second Brussels Conference, 1976, Interstate Oil Compact Commis­ sense of Congress 3022 sion and advisory commit­ United States Space Observance, tees 2371 proclamation designation 3053 Board of Governors of the Federal Washington-Rochambeau Historic Reserve System, credit transac­ Route, recognition by Federal, tions, administration 255 State, county, and local govern­ Coast Guard, United States, ocean ments 3039 dumping 725 Conflict-of-interest Statutes, applica­ Commerce, Department of— bility, etc 476 Americans of Spanish origin or de­ Congaree Swamp National Monu­ ment, S.C, establishment 2517 scent, employment, affirma­ Congress. See also House of Represen­ tive action program 689 tatives; Legislative Branch of the Censuses, mid-decade and decenni­ Government; Senate. al 2462 Adjournment... 3022, 3028, 3033, 3037, Fishery management plans 355 3038, 3041 MoUuscan shellfish industry, Adjournment, sine die 3068 review 1032 Budget— National sea grant program, Fiscal year 1977 3029, 3044 annual evaluation 1968 Transition quarter 1977 3031 Olympic Winter Games, 1980, Covenant to Establish a Common­ Lake Placid, N.Y 1338 wealth of the Northern Mariana Public works, redevelopment area Islands in Political Union with loan program 2333 the United States of America, Weather modification, study 2361 approval 263 Whales, conservation and protec­ Joint Committees, Congressional. tion 2491 See separate title. Community Services Administration, Joint session to receive Presidential weatherization assistance pro­ communications 3017 gram for dwellings of low Magna Carta, loan to the United income persons 1158 States, delegation of members to Comptroller General— accept 3026 District of Columbia financial con­ Ninety-fifth, first session, convention dition, system improvements date 2372 plan... 1207 Rail Public Counsel, Office of, sub­ Emergency support grants to mittal of budget to 52 States and local governments, Security and Cooperation in Europe, study 1010 Commission on, standing com­ Energy conservation in existing mittee 2495 buildings 1168 Congress, Reports to: Federal surplus personal property, Agriculture, Department of— distribution 2457 Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Foreign gifts, audit 827 Minn., land acquisition 1123 Railroad Rehabilitation and Im­ Dutch eim disease, study 2963 provement Fund, audit 81 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A20 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Congress, Reports to—Continued Congress, Reports to—Continued Congressional Budget Office, antire­ Federal Energy Administration— cession program, countercyclical Electric utility rate design, propos­ study 1010 als 1142-1144 Copyright Royalty Tribunal 2598 Refineries, construction by small Defense, Department of— and independent refiners 1134 Civilian personnel, allocation 927 Weatherization assistance pro­ Claims against the United States.... 1299 gram for dwellings of low Funds, use, transfer, etc... 170-172, 174, income persons 1158 1293, 1294, 1297 Federal Grain Inspection Service, NATO, standardized or interopera­ grain standards study 2889 ble equipment, procurement... 930, Federal Laws, Commission on 268 931 Federal Power Commission, Alaska Operation and maintenance appro­ natural gas transportation envi­ priation, notice of transfer 157 ronmental impact statements..... 2911 District of Columbia, balance sheet Federal Trade Commission, corpora­ and fiscal year audits 1208,1209 tions, premerger notification Drug Abuse Policy, Office of, activi­ and waiting period 1394 ties 244 General Services Administration— Economic Development Administra­ Federal surplus personal property, tion, High Plains Region, natu­ distribution 2457 ral resources depletion, study 2943 Public buildings, acquisition, use, ' Education, Office of— maintenance 2508 Bilingual vocational training 2206 Records management, assistance Veteran's cost-of-instruction pay­ to Federal agencies 2725 ments 2098 Government in the Sunshine Act 1245 Vocational education programs, Health, Education, and Welfare, De­ sex discrimination in, study 2239 partment of— Educational Research and Develop­ American Indian School of Medi­ ment, Federal Council on 2230 cine, feasibility study 1412 Emergency medical services systems, Area health education centers 2323 study 2716 Employment and Unemployment Chemical substances, test meth­ Statistics, National Commission ods, grants 2049 on, recommendations 1486 Emergency medical services sys­ Energy Information and Analysis, tems 2717 Office of... 1137,1139 Health professions personnel, Energy Research and Development status 2251 Administration, electric and Health professions schools, bilin­ hybrid vehicle research, develop­ gual and bicultural awareness, ment, and demonstration.... 1269, 1270 study 2325 Energy Resources Council, national High school equivalency program energy conservation activities 1140 and college assistance migrant program 2238 Engineers, Corps of^ Indian Health Care Improvement Rivers and harbors, public works on... 2918, 2919, 2922, 2923, 2930, Act 1412,1413 2933, 2935, 2937, 2939, 2941 Inspector General, Office of, activi­ Wetland areas, establishment 2932 ties summary, recommenda­ tions for corrective action, and Environmental Protection Agency— progress evaluation 2430, 2431 Comprehensive 5-year plan 2071 Lifelong learning 2089 Toxic Substances Control Act... 2046, National Health Service Corps 2277 2048, 2050 National Health Service Corps Environmental Quality, Council on— Scholarship Program 2284 Alaska natural gas transportation Physicians, shared schedule resi­ environmental impact state­ dency training positions 2252 ments 2912 Railroad conveyances waste dis­ Chemical substances, classifica­ posal, environmental study 2630 tion, storage, and retrieval Swine flu immunization program... 1114, study 2046 1117, 1118 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX lim Page Page Congress, Reports to—Continued Congress, Reports to—Continued Historic Preservation, Advisory Interstate Commerce Commission— Council on, surface mining, ef­ Continued fects on natural and historic Railroad revitalization and regula­ landmarks 1344 tory reform... 36, 40, 45, 49, 51, 53, Housing and Urban Development, 60, 69, 148 Department of— Labor, Department of— Counseling to mortgagors 1079 Bilingual vocational training 2206 Energy conservation and renew­ Employment and Unemployment able-resource demonstration Statistics, National Commis­ program for existing dwell­ sion on, feasibility of recom­ ings 1164 mendations 1487 Energy conservation standards for High school equivalency program new buildings 1150 and college assistance migrant Home buyers, protection from program 2238 hidden or undisclosed defects, Prepaid legal services benefits, study 1073 continuation of income exclu­ Inter-American Development Bank, sion 1928 United States Governor of, use Manpower Policy, The National of light-capital or intermediate Commission for, public service technologies 593 emplojonent programs, net em­ Intergovernmental Relations, Advi­ ployment effects, study 1488 sory Commission on— National Arthritis Advisory Board, Antirecession program, countercy­ activities 2648 clical study 1010 National Commission on Digestive Revenue sharing and Federalism, Diseases, activities 2653 study 2357 National Diabetes Advisory Board, Interior, Department of^ activities 2650 California Desert Conservation National Heart, Lung, and Blood Ad­ Area, management pro­ visory Council, progress of pro­ grams 2784 gram 404 Coal lands, exploration program; National Institute of Education, vo­ leasing and production 1089 cational education programs 2240 Financial interest disclosures... 1345, National Institute of Law Enforce­ 2769 ment and Criminal Justice, drug Grazing lands in certain States, abuse 2-^7 study 2772 National Railroad Passsenger Corpo­ Kalaupapa Settlement, Hawaii, ration, through routes and joint suitability as unit of National fares, study 2615 Park System 2448 National Science Foundation— Mining claims within national Minorities, women, and handi­ parks; financi£il disclosures... 1343, capped individuals, status 2056 1345 Small Business Research and De­ Olympic National Park, Wash., velopment, Office of, activi­ land exclusion, study and in­ ties 2057 vestigation; land acquisition... 2740, National Transportation Policy 2741 Study Commission, final 449 Park Police, United States, codify­ Northern Mariana Islands special ing laws relating to, feasibility representatives, recommenda­ study 2494 tions 279 Public lands 2749, 2750, 2752, 2768 Posted Service, Commission on... 1309,1310 Teton Dam, Idaho, claims 1213 President of the United States— Tule Elk herds, Calif 1190 Alaska natural gas transportation Wilderness areas, suitability, system... 2907-2909, 2911, 2912, 2916 study 2785 Arms sedes policies, study 735 International Development, Agency Disaster loan authorities 663 for, procurements from small Educational assistance programs businesses 766 for Armed Forces members, Interstate Commerce Commission— continuation recommenda­ Delmarva rail study 2631 tions 2398 Interstate Commerce Act revision, Jnergy and natural resources, re­ draft 60 organization plan 1141 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A22 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Congress, Reports to—Continued Congress, Reports to—Continued President of the United States—Con­ Transportation, Department of— tinued Continued Energy conservation performance Highway safety programs 454 standards for new buildings 1148 Motor vehicle diagnostic analysis Foreign assistance, violation of and test equipment, evaluation.. 982 agreements 754 Railroads— Foreign countries receiving inter­ Abandonment 148 national security assistance, Federal aid to 139, 148 extortion or illegal payments.... 768 Intercity rail passenger service.... 121 Foreign military sales, violation of agreement 755 Rail system, study 147 International broadcasting 833 Railroad Rehabilitation and Im­ National emergencies, proclama­ provement fund 82 tions, continuations 1255, 1257 Rights-of-way, conversion 144 Naval petroleum reserves 308, 313 School bus safety study 815 Rincon Wilderness Study Area, Truck tractors, steering axle study.. 455 Ariz., suitability as wilderness Treasury, Department of the— area, recommendation 2695 Financial assistance to States and Science and Technology Report, local governments 1009, 1010 annual 468 International Monetary Fund, op­ Stockpiling of defense articles, cer­ erations 2661 tain 731 Prepaid legal services benefits, Uniformed services, compensation adjustments, allocation 925 continuation of income exclu­ U.S. portfolio investment abroad, sion 1928 benchmark surveys, feasibil­ Railroad capital needs study, eval­ ity 2062 uation 70 Wilderness areas, suitability Solid waste recycling, tax incen­ : review 2635-2637 tives, study 2698 Register of Copyrights— State and Local Fiscal Assistance Broadcast stations, use of nondra- Act of 1972, implementation matic literary works, volun­ and administration 2349 tary licensing 2567 United States Railway Association, t Reproduction by libraries and ar­ Consolidated Rail Corporation, chives, limitations on exclu­ performance 99 sive rights 2548 Veterans Administration— Small Business Administration, Dependency and indemnity com­ Office of Advocacy... 670 pensation program, study 1377 Solid waste disposal... 2803, 2805, 2821, Medical schools and health man­ 2823, 2828, 2833, 2834 power training institutions, Southeastern University, D.C., audit.. 291 assistance 2854 State, Department of^ Medical treatment, special prior­ Arms export control, study 748 ity, regulations 2845 Security assistance, human rights.. 748 Nonservice-connected pension pro­ State Department/United States grams, investigation 1372 Information Agency personnel system, improvement plan 827 Vocational objective programs ap­ Technology Assessment, Office of— proved for veterans, study 2387 Federal railroad safety program, Women's Educational Programs, Ad­ study 821 visory Council on 2220 U.S. coal leases, study 1090 Congress, Reports to for Transmittal Transportation, Department of— to the Energy Resources Council, Airports— Federal Energy Administration, State demonstration programs 881 coordination of energy information Studies 883, 886 activities, recommendations 1138 Electric and hybrid vehicle safety Congress, Reports to for Transmittal standards and regulations, to the President, Federal Energy s study 1269,1270 Administration, coordination of Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1976... 425, energy information activities, rec­ I 430,445-448 ommendations 1138 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A23 Page Congressional Budget Act of 1974, ap­ Conservation—Continued • propriation for effecting provi­ Migratory Bird Conservation Act, sions 1452 amendment 190 Congressional Budget Office: Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, Antirecession program, countercycli­ amendments 189 cal study 1010 Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Appropriation for 630, 1452 Refuge Act 1992 Congressional Cemetery, historical National Forest Management Act of section maintenance 2373 1976 2949 Congressional Record, foreign curren­ National Wildlife Refuge System Ad­ cy reports, publication in 833 ministration Act of 1966, amend­ Congressional Research Service, ap­ ments 190, 199 propriation for 630, 645, 1456 Oil and gas conservation compact, Connecticut: extension and renewal, consent Financial institutions in, negotiable of Congress 2365 order of withdrawal accounts 197 Resource Conservation and Recovery Housatonic River, designation of seg­ Act of 1976 2795 ment as potential component of Soil Conservation and Domestic Al­ national wild and scenic rivers lotment Act, appropriation for system 2330 effecting provisions 857, 863, 864 New London— Solid waste recycling, tax incentives, Hurricane-flood control protection study 2698 project, modification 2922 Tule elk herds, Calif., population Navigation improvement project, preservation 1189 authorized advanced engineer­ Vehicles, electric and hybrid, re­ ing and design 2919 search and development for Conservation: energy conservation 1263 Agricultural Stabilization and Con­ Wetlands Loan Extension Act of servation Service, appropriation 1976 189 for 598, 857, 864 Whale Conservation and Protection Anadromous Fish Conservation Act, Study Act 2491 appropriation for effecting provi­ Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, amend­ sions 1046 ments 2327 California Desert Conservation Area, Wilderness areas. See separate title. management programs 2764, 2782 Youth Conservation Corps, appropri­ Carpool demonstration projects, ex­ ation for 1055 pansion 445 Consolidated Farm and Rural Devel­ Coastal Zone Management Act opment Act, appropriation for ef­ Amendments of 1976 1013 fecting provisions 859-861 Energy Conservation and Production Consolidated Rail Corporation: Act 1125 Energy Conservation in Existing Audit, Comptroller General 99 Buildings Act of 1976 1150 Common stock shares 286 Energy Conservation Standards for Exchanges, tax treatment 295 New Buildings Act of 1976 1144 Rail marine freight service 2616 Energy Policy and Conservation Act Securities— of 1975, appropriation for effect­ Appropriation for purchase 294 ing provisions 1059 United States Railway Associ­ Federal Land Policy and Manage­ ation, purchase authority 89 ment Act of 1976 2767 Constitution of the United States, Federal surplus personal property, pocket-size edition, printing as distribution to public agencies House document 3033 and nonprofit institutions 2451 Constitution of the United States, An­ Fishery Conservation and Manage­ notated, appropriation for revision.. 1457 ment Act of 1976 331 Constitution of the United States and Land and Water Conservation Fund Declaration of Independence, Act of 1965— printing as House document 3029 Amendments 1313 Constitution Week, Citizenship Day Appropriation for effecting provi­ and, 1976, proclamation 3123 sions 892,1045 Constitutions, Gufun and the Virgin Transfer of funds, time extension.... 456 Islands 2899 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A24 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Consumer Advisory Council, establish­ Contracts with the United States— ment 252 Continued Consumer Affairs, Office of, appropri­ Emergency medical services sys­ ation for 1101 tems 2709-2718 Consumer Credit Protection Act, Genetic diseases, testing, counseling, amendment 251 and research 407, 408 Consumer Direct Marketing Act of Health information and promotion 1976, Farmer-to- 1982 programs 696-698 Consumer Health Information and Health Professions Educational As­ Health Promotion Act of 1976, sistance Act of 1976 2243 National 695 Higher education— Consumer Information Center, appro­ Construction of facilities for model priation for 1101 intercultural programs. 2157 Consumer Leasing Act of 1976 257 Reconstruction and renovation 2158 Consumer Product Safety Act, amend­ Horses and burros, helicopters and ments 503-510, 514 motor vehicles for management Consumer Product Safety Commis­ of 2775 sion: HUD employees, day care center 1077 Appropriation for 1099 Indians, urban Indian organizations, Budget authority, certain, recission.... 287 health services 1410 Employee protection 514 Jurisdiction, limitation 503 Law enforcement— Lead-based paint, use on toys or fur­ Local officials, utilization on niture, prohibition 705 public lands 2764 Consumer Product Safety Commis­ Water resources development proj­ sion Improvements Act of 1976 503 ects 2924 Consumer Protection: Low-income housing projects, annual Consumer Leasing Act of 1976 257 contributions 1067 Consumer services offices, assistance McGee Creek project, Okla 1330 to consumers on utility rate pro­ Military construction, contract posals 1144 awards 1362 Equal Credit Opportunity Act Murals for House wing, design Amendments of 1976 251 sketches and funds for 2377 Federal Trade Commission, energy National Petroleum Reserve in conservation measures 1162 Alaska, exploration 304 Truth in Lending Act, amend­ Naval petroleum reserves 313 ments 197 Negotiated Shipbuilding Contracting Consumer Protection Act of 1973, Ag­ Act of 1976 1042 riculture and, appropriation for ef­ Oroville-Tonasket united extension, fecting provisions 857, 866 Okanogan-Similkameen division. Continuing Appropriations, 1976 298 Chief Joseph Dam project. Continuing Appropriations, 1977 2065 Wash., construction costs 1326 Contracts with the United States: Resource protection and airborne ca­ Alcohol abuse and alcoholism, re­ dastral survey 2767 search, grants 1038 Satellite services to NASA 680 American bicentennial photography Service Contract Act of 1965, amend­ and film project 1980 ment 2358 American Canal extension, Rio Solid waste disposal, full-scale dem­ Grande project. New Mex.-Tex., onstration facilities 2836 repayment 1328 Student insured loans. Federal and Beef research and information 534 State programs 2136 " Bilingual vocational education 2206 Students from disadvantaged back­ Bum injuries programs 2718 grounds, program improve­ Career information 2223, 2225 ment 2095 District of Columbia financial condi­ Technical data and computer soft­ tion, system improvements ware packages, military procure­ plan 1206 ment 932 Educational Information Centers 2097 Telecommunications demonstra­ Electric and hybrid vehicle research, tions 685 development, and demonstra- Timber sales on National Forest l tion 1266-1268 System lands 2959, 2960 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A25 Page Contracts with the United States— Corporations—Continued Continued Taxes— Toxic substances control, grants... 2032, Employee retirement, termi­ 2049 nation, rollovers 365 Transportation needs, study 450 Social clubs and organizations, ex­ Unemployment compensation stud­ emptions 2697 ies, surveys, and research 2682 Stock acquisitions, interest deduc­ Cooley's Anemia, Tay-Sachs, and Ge­ tions on indebtedness 2443 netic Diseases Act, National Corps of Engineers. See Engineers, Sickle Cell Anemia 407 Corps of. Cooperative State Research Service, Corrections, National Institute of, ap­ appropriation for 854 propriation for 945 Coordinating Committee for Digestive Cost-Accounting Standards Board, ap­ Diseases, establishment 2653 propriation for 1461 Coordinator for Human Rights and Cotton: Humanitarian Affairs, establish­ Assessment, supplemental rate 991 ment 750 Cotton Board, consumer advisors, ap­ Copyright Office, appropriation for... 618, pointment 992 630, 645, 1455 Research and promotion program, Copyright Royalty Tribunal: termination of public funding 991 Appropriation for 1459 Cotton Advisory Committee, Interna­ Establishment 2594 tional, U.S. membership authority.. 826 Copyrighted Works, National Com­ Cotton Research and Promotion Act, mission on New Technical Uses amendments.... 991, 992 of: Council. See other part of title. Appropriation for 1455 Council on Wage and Price Stability Authorization of funds, extension 692 Act of 1974, appropriation for ef­ Copyrights, general law revision 2541 fecting provisions 967 Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Country Music Month, 1976, proclama­ appropriation for 612, 1434 tion 3128 Corporations: Court of Military Appeals, appropri­ Bank Holding Company Tax Act of ation for 160,1284 1976 1503 "Court Proceedings and Actions of Commodity Credit Corporation. See Vital Interest to the Congress, separate title. Final Report for 93d Congress, Consolidated Rail Corporation. See December 1974", printing of addi­ separate title. tional copies 3032 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Courts, United States: appropriation for 598, 632, 647, 858 Administrative agency action, judi­ Federal elections, contributions to, cial review 2721 prohibition 490 Administrative Office, appropriation Federal Savings and Loan Insurance for 631, 646 Corporation, appropriation for 1108 Appeals, Court of— Grerman Democratic Republic, corpo­ Alaska Natural Gas Transporta­ rate claims 2510 tion Act of 1976, claims under, Government Corporation Control judicial review 2913 Act, appropriation for effecting Appropriation for 622, 631, 646, 953 provisions 14, 858, 861, 1420, 1425 Copyright Royalty Tribunal, final Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Im­ decisions, judicial review 2598 provement Act of 1976 1383 Government agencies open meet­ Legal Services Corporation, appro­ ings, regulations, judicial pro­ priation for 623, 957 ceedings 1245 National Railroad Passenger Corpo­ Medical device regulations, judi­ ration. See separate title. cial review 561 Overseas Private Investment Corpo­ Solid Waste Disposal Act regula­ ration, appropriation for 775 tions. District of Columbia, ju­ Pennsylvania Avenue Development dicial review 2827 Corporation— Toxic substances control, judicial Appropriation for 1063 review 2037, 2039, 2045 Authorization of funds 1188 Weatherization program for exist­ Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora­ ing buildings. State program tion, appropriation for 6, 1420 applications, judicial review 1157 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A26 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Courts, United States—Continued Credit Cards, surcharge, prohibition.... 197 Claims, United States Court of, ap­ Credit Opportunity Act, Equal, propriation for 631, 646, 953 amendments 251-253 Customs and Patent Appeals, Court Credit Opportunity Act Amendments of, appropriation for 646, 952 of 1976, Equal 251 Customs Court, appropriation for... 631, Credit Unions, Federal, student loan 646, 952 insurance programs, participa­ District Courts— tion 2129, 2265 Appropriation for 622, 631, 646, 953 Crime Control Act of 1970, Organized, Beef Research and Information appropriation for effecting provi­ Act, enforcement 536 sions 970 Consumer leases, jurisdiction 260 Crime Control Act of 1976 2407 Fishery Conservation and Manage­ Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of ment Act of 1976, jurisdic­ 1968, Omnibus: tion 359 Amendments... 244, 1346-1348, 2407- Foreign states, actions against, ju­ 2425, 2427 risdiction ., 2891 Appropriation for effecting provi- sons 946 Inspector General, Office of Crimes and Misdemeanors: (HEW), subpena enforce­ Alaska, cargo-carrying vessels, pen­ ment 2432 alty for misuse 1237 Northern Mariana Islands, estab­ Alaska Natural Gas Transportation lishment 266 Act of 1976, penalty for viola­ Public lands, violations of applica­ tion 2914 ble regulations, civil actions 2764 Animal Welfare Act, penalties for Solid Waste Disposal Act, viola­ violation 420 tions, jurisdiction 2825 Armed Forces members and depend­ Teton Dam disaster claims, peti­ ents, information on, penalty for tions for modification 1213 unauthorized use 713 Three-judge court requirement for Beef Research and Information Act, certain actions 1119 penalty for violation 532, 536, 537 Toxic substances control, jurisdic­ Canal Zone, alcoholic beverage regu­ tions 2026, 2037, 2041, 2045 lations, penalty for violations 814 District of Columbia. See Courts Census, Bureau of the, staff mem­ under District of Columbia. bers, wrongful disclosure of in­ Federal Judicial Center, appropri­ formation 2464 ation for 646, 954 Civil rights, deprivation of relief Federal Rules of Criminal Proce­ benefits, penalty 1517 dure, certain proposed amend­ Coal exploration, unlicensed, fine 1086 ments, effective date, approval... 822, Copyright infringement 2584 1334 District of Columbia— Foreign states, jurisdictional immu­ Criminal law revision 1220 nities 2891 Motor vehicles, rental, unautho­ Judges, retirement pay adjust rized use 2479 ments 2052 Emergency Food Stamp Vendor Ac­ Judicial Survivors' Annuities countability Act of 1976, penal­ Reform Act 2603 ties for violation 799-801 Supreme Court of the United States, Energy information, confidential, appropriation for 631, 646, 952 penalty for disclosure 1138 Tax Court of the United States, ap­ FEA energy information filing, pen­ propriation for 631, 645, 975 alty for noncompliance 1129 Magistrates, United States— Federal Election Campaign Act of Compensation 2458 1971, penalties for violation.... 484, 494 Jurisdiction 2729 Financial interest disclosure require­ Virgin Islands, positions in 2458 ments, certain Department of Covenant to Establish a Common­ Interior employees, penalties for wealth of the Northern Mariana violations 1345, 2769 Islands in Political Union with Fishery Conservation and Manage­ the United States of America, con­ ment Act of 1976, penalties for gressional approval 263 violations 355-359 Crab Orchard Wilderness, 111., desig­ Grain inspection and weighing, pen­ nation 2633 alty for violation 2880, 2884 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX fS^ t-irt^ Page Page Crimes and Misdemeanors—Continued Criminal Justice Act of 1974, appropri­ Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Im­ ation for effecting provisions 1491 provements Act of 1976 1383 Criminal Procedure, Federal Rules of, House Protection Act of 1970, penal­ certain proposed amendments, ef­ ties for violation 918 fective date, approval 822,1334 Indian Crimes Act of 1976 585 Crop Insurance Act, Federal, appro­ International investment, informa­ priation for effecting provisions 2066 tion disclosure penalties 2063 Crop Insurance Corporation, Federal, Internationally Protected Persons, appropriation for 598, 632, 647, 858 Act for the Prevention and Pun­ Cuba, refugees in the United States, ishment of Crimes Against 1997 appropriation for assistance 777, 1470 Military sales, exports, and imports, Cultural and Technical Interchange peneilty for violation 745 Between East and West, Center Mining activities within National for, appropriation for 942 Park System, regulations, penal­ Customs and Patent Appeals, United ty for violation 1345 States Court of, appropriation Motor vehicles— for 646,952 District of Columbia, rental vehi­ Customs Court, United States, appro­ cles, unauthorized use 2479 priation for 631, 646, 952 Odometer requirements, penalties Customs Service, United States, appro­ for violation 984, 985 priation for 627, 640, 655, 964 Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, Cyprus: penalties for violations 1249 Refugees, aid to, additional funds au­ Parole Commission and Reorganiza­ thorized 757 tion Act 219 Relief and rehabilitation, appropri­ Perjury, penalty for use of unsworn ation for 773 declarations as evidence 2534 Phonograph records bearing counter­ D feit labels, transportation or Dairy Farmers and Manufacturers, in­ sale, penalties 2600 demnity payments to, appropri­ Phonorecord players, coin-operated, ation for 858 license and certificate falsifica­ Daniel Boone Trail, national scenic tion 2564 trail, designation, feasibility Political contributions or services, study 2481 deprivation of public employ­ Daughters of the American Revolu­ ment or benefits for, penalty 1516 tion, National Society of, property Presidential and Vice Presidential limitation, removal; name and nominees, protection of spouses, emblem, exclusive use 1475 penalty for obstruction 1240 Day of Prayer, National, 1976, procla­ Public lands, violations of applicable mation 3083 regulations 2763 Deaf: Rail service abandonment or discon­ American Instructors of the Deaf, tinuance, violation 130 Convention of, forty-seventh bi­ Solid Waste Disposal Act, penalties ennial meeting, report, printing for violation 2803, 2811, 2812 as a Senate document 3027 Student loan programs, penalties for Gallaudet College, D.C., appropria­ violations 2141 tion for 611, 1431 Teton Dam, Idaho, claims, attorney Helen Keller National Center for and agent fees, penalty for viola­ Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults, tion of standards 1214 name change 520 Toxic Substances Control Act, penal­ Model Secondary School for the Deaf ty for violation 2037, 2048 Act, appropriation for effecting Veterans, confidentiality of certain medical records, penalty for vio­ provisions 1431 lation 2850 National Technical Institute for the Deaf, appropriation for 1431 Washington Metropolitan Area Deaf-Blind Youth and Adults Nation­ Transit Authority, rules and al Center for: regulations, penalty for viola­ Program extension 212, 213 tion 673 Redesignation as Helen Keller Na­ Criminal Justice Act of 1964, appropri­ tional Center for Deaf-Blind ation for effecting provisions 953 Youths and Adults 520 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A28 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Declaration of Independence: Defense, Department of—Continued Ideals and principles, commitment Medical malpractice suits 1985 by United States Ck)ngress 3037 Military bases in United States, Signing by Charles Carroll, com­ Guam, or Puerto Rico, reuse, memorative medals 302 study 1365 Declaration of Independence and Military Construction Appropriation Constitution of the United States, Act, 1977 993 printing as House document 3029 Military Construction Authorization Defense, Department of. See also Act, 1977 1358 Armed Forces and individual serv­ ices. Military family housing— Airlift services for 883 Construction or acquisition author­ Aliens, employment 168, 1290 ity 1359 Appropriation Act, 1976 153 Guam, funds authorized 2437 Appropriation Act, 1977 1279 National Arthritis Advisory Board, Appropriation Authorization Act, ex officio member 2647 1977 923 National Commission on Digestive Appropriation for... 153, 599, 600, 619, 634, Diseases, ex officio member 2651 648, 649, 1415 National Diabetes Advisory Board, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, ex officio member 2649 establishment 933 Operation and maintenance, appro­ Armed Forces officers, disability re­ priation for... 155, 600, 634, 649, tirement, review 202 1281 Arms export control study, consulta­ Presidential protection assistance, tion 748 expenditures 2476 California Desert Conservation Area, Procurement, appropriation for... 160- management of certain areas 162,165,1285,1286,1289 within or adjacent to 2784 Public buildings, standards insuring Carbonyl chloride, disposal 292 access for the handicapped 2507 Civil functions, appropriation for... 619, Research and development— 635, 649, 890,1099 Appropriation authorization 924 Civilian employees— Administration of oaths in official Appropriation for...166, 602, 634, 649, investigations 179 1289-1295 Personnel strength 927 Retirement— Claims, appropriation for settle­ Cost-of-living adjustment 1462 ment 160,1284 Disability, for general and medical Commission on Security and Cooper­ officers, review 202 ation in Europe, member 661 Retired pay, appropriation for... 155, Contingencies, appropriation for... 160, 599, 1281 1284 Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Coordinating Committee for Diges­ ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ tive Diseases, member 2653 cil for, member 471 Court of Military Appeals, appropri­ Service academies and war colleges, ation for 160, 1284 utilization of civilian faculty, Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, study 933 appropriation for 635, 649, 975 Stock fund, appropriation for 1284 Electric and hybrid vehicle usage, Test and Evaluation, Director of, ap­ study 1268 propriation for 167, 1290 Family housing, appropriation for 995 Tule elk herds, Calif., preservation,. Foreign currency program, special, cooperation 1190 appropriation for payment.... 167, 1290 Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, General provisions, Appropriation appropriation for 635, 649, 975 Act 167, 900,1290 Defense Education Act of 1958, Na­ Guam, restoration of facilities on, tional: appropriation for 1415 Amendments 2215, 2237 Historic Preservation, Advisory Appropriation for effecting provi­ Council on, member 1320 sions 1102 Intelligence community oversight, Defense Manpower Commission, ap­ appropriation for 1299 propriation for 178 Land conveyance to South Charles­ Defense Production Act Amendments ton, W. Va 1365 of 1975, amendments 195 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A29 Page Defense Production Act of 1950, ap­ Dependents' Medical Care Act, appro­ propriation for effecting provi­ priation for effecting provisions., . 15, sions 949, 973, 1461 1426 Defense Transportation Day and Na­ Desert Trail, national scenic trail, des­ tional Transportation Week, Na­ ignation, feasibility study 2481 tional, 1976, proclamation 3093 Developmental Disabilities Services Delaware: and Facilities Construction Act: J. Allen Frear Building, Dover, des­ Amendments 416 ignation 2439 Appropriation for effecting pro­ Llangollen Landfill, leachate control visions 1432 research program 2840 Developmentally Disabled Assistance Delaware River Basin Commission, and Bill of Rights Act, amend­ appropriation for 643, 657, 898 ments 416 Delta Queen, historic steamboat, oper­ Diabetes Advisory Board, National, es­ ation until November 1, 1983 2496 tablishment 2648 Dental Research, National Institute Diabetes Mellitus Research and Edu­ of, appropriation for 11, 1423 cation Act, National, amend­ Dentists, Health Professions Educa­ ments 414 tional Assistance Act of 1976 2243 Digestive Diseases, Coordinating Department of Commerce Appropri­ Committee for, establishment 2653 ation Act, 1977 947 Digestive Diseases, National Commis­ Department of Defense Appropriation sion on, establishment 2650 Act, 1976 153 Disabled. See Handicapped. Department of Defense Appropriation Disaster Assistance: Act, 1977 1279 Guatemala Relief and Rehabilitation Department of Defense Appropriation Act of 1976 397 Authorization Act, 1976, amend­ Peanuts, acreage allotments, trans­ ments 930 fer 285 Department of Defense Appropriation Tobacco acreage allotments and Authorization Act, 1977 923 quotas, S.C.-Ga. emergency lease Department of Health, Education, and and transfer 1489 Welfare Appropriation Act, 1968, Disaster Assistance Administration, appropriation for effecting provi­ Federal, appropriation for 1098 sions 14, 1425, 1428 Disaster Relief Act of 1970, appropri­ Department of Housing and Urban ation for effecting provisions 1098 Development Act, amendments 1077 Disaster Relief Act of 1974, appropri­ Department of Housing and Urban ation for effecting provisions 1098 Development—Independent Agen­ Discrimination, Prohibition: cies Appropriation Act, 1977 1095 Airport and airway development Department of the Interior and Relat­ programs 881 ed Agencies Appropriation Act, Alaska natural gas transportation 1977 1043 system 2915 Department of Transportation Act: Credit transactions 251 Amendments 61, 125,130, 149, 2629 Drug abusers, admission to hospi­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ tals 245 sions 1179 Federal revenue sharing funds, re­ Department of Transportation and cipient State or local govern­ Related Agencies Appropriation ment programs 2350 Act, 1976, amendments 1187 Foreign assistance 751 Department of Transportation and Foreign military sales 752 Related Agencies Appropriation Institutions of higher education. Fed­ Act, 1977 1171 eral assistance 2167 Departments of Labor and Health, Law enforcement and criminal jus­ Education, and Welfare Appropri­ tice activities and programs, em­ ation Act, 1976 3 ployment 2418 Departments of Labor and Health, Public works programs 1002, 1007 Education, and Welfare Appropri­ Railroad revitalization and regula­ ation Act, 1977 1418 tory reform programs 148 Departments of State, Justice, and Relief benefits, deprivation 1517 Commerce, the Judiciary, and Re­ Sex discrimination. See separate lated Agencies Appropriation Act, title. 1977 937 Social clubs and organizations 2697 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A30 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Discrimination, Proliibition—Contin­ District of Columbia—Continued ued Courts —Continued Solid Waste Disposal Act, persons in­ Appeals, Court of—Continued stituting proceedings under 2824 Medical device regulations, judi­ , State Department contracts 829 cial review 561 Transportation property, discrimina­ District Court— tory tax treatment 54 Government agencies open Unemployment compensation, preg­ meetings, regulations, judi­ nancy disqualifications 2679 cial proceeding 1245 Veterans Administration health care Phonorecord players, denial of facilities, admission of alcohol access, civil action 2564 and drug abusers 2850 Superior Court, Washington Met­ Weatherization program for dwell­ ropolitan Area Transit Au­ ings of low income persons 1158 thority rules and regulations, Disease Control, Center for: jurisdiction 674 Appropriation for 10, 363, 1422 Education, appropriation for 1491 Coordinating Committee for Diges­ Environmental services, appropri­ tive Diseases, member 2653 ation for 1492 Influenza immunization program, Federal payment to, appropriation appropriation for 363 for 1490 National Commission on Digestive Financial Oversight of the District of Diseases, ex officio member 2651 Columbia, Temporary Commis­ National Diabetes Advisory Board, sion on, establishment 1205 ex officio member 2648 Flagpoles, placement on Union Sta­ Disease Control Amendments of tion Plaza 711 1976 700 Gallaudet College, appropriation Distilled Spirits, tax payment, author­ for 611, 1431 ized evidence of 2699 General provisions, Appropriation District Court of the Northern Mari­ Act 1493 ana Islands, establishment 266 Howard University, appropriation District Courts. See under Courts, for 611, 1431 United States. Human resources, appropriation District of Columbia: for 1491 Allen J. EUender Fellowship Pro­ Metro Transit Police, establish­ gram, extension 2217 ment 672 American Legion's Freedom Bell, Motor vehicles, leased or rented, un­ erection authorization 2242 lawful use 1220, 2479 Appropriation for 785,1490 Public safe drinking water systems 707 Bernardo de Galvez, statute, erec­ Public safety, appropriation for 1491 tion 519 Recreation, appropriation for 1491 Capital outlay, appropriation for... 1490, Saint Elizabeths Hospital, appropri­ 1493 ation for 13, 609, 1424,1492 Claims and suits, settlement, appro­ "Screaming Eagles" memorial, au­ priation for 1492 thorization for erection by One Congressional Cemetery, historical Hundred and First Airborne Di­ section, maintenance 2373 vision Association 151 Council of the District of Columbia— Southeastern University, benefits, Balance sheet and fiscal year continued eligibility 289 audits, report to 1208,1209 Student loan insurance program 2132 Criminal law revision, prohibition Transportation, appropriation for 1492 extension 1220 Washington Metropolitan Area District of Columbia Code, publica­ Transit Authority, appropriation tion of, after Supplement V, for 1181, 1183 1973 edition 1170 Washington Metropolitan Area I Courts— Transit Regulation Compact, Appeals, Court of— amendments 672 Alaska Natural Gas Transporta­ District of Columbia Appropriation tion Act of 1976, claims Act, 1976 785 under, judicial review 2913 District of Columbia Appropriation Grovernment agencies open Act, 1977 1490 meetings, regulations, judi- District of Columbia Code, publica­ " cial proceedings 1245 tion 1170 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX AM Page Page District of Columbia Medical and Dry Milk Mixtures, import limitation, Dental Manpower Act of 1970: proclamation 3084 Amendment 682 Dutch Elm Disease, incidence and con­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ trol methods, study 2963 sions 13 "Duties of the Speaker", printing as District of Columbia Police and Fire­ House document 3035 men's Salary Act of 1958, amend­ ments 2493 E District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganiza­ Eagles Nest Wilderness, Colo., desig­ tion Act: nation 870 Amendments 1220 Earth Week, 1976, proclamation 3095 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Eastern European Refugees: sions 785, 1490, 1493 Appropriation for assistance 778,1471 Domestic and International Business Authorization of funds 824 Administration, appropriation Economic Advisers, Council of: for 633, 648, 948 Appropriation for 631, 967 Domestic Council, appropriation for.... 632, Employment and Unemployment 646, 967 Statistics, National Commission Domestic Volunteer Service Act on, hearings, participation 1484 Amendments of 1976 525 Economic Analysis, Bureau of, appro­ Domestic Volunteer Service Act of priation for 633, 648, 948 1973: Economic Development, White House Amendments 525, 526 Conference on Balanced National Appropriation for effecting provi­ Growth and. Advisory Committee, sions 22, 1434 establishment 2340 Dominguez-Escalante Trail, national Economic Development Act Amend­ scenic trail, designation, feasibility ments of 1976, Public Works study 2481 and 2331 Drainage, census 210 Economic Development Administra­ Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Ad­ tion: ministration, Alcohol, appropri­ Appropriation for 948,1497 ation for 13, 609, 635, 1424 High Plains Region, natural re­ Drug Abuse Education Act, Alcohol sources depletion, study 2943 and, appropriation for effecting Local Public Works Capital Develop­ provisions 1426 ment and Investment Act of Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act 1976 999 of 1972: Economic Management Support Amendments... 242, 245, 247, 248, 1040, Center, appropriation for 852 1041 Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, Appropriation for effecting provi­ appropriation for effecting provi­ sions 1424 sions 860 Repeal of certain provisions 244 Economic Research Service: Drug Abuse Policy, Office of: Appropriation for 855 Appropriation for 628 Farmer-to-consumer direct market­ Establishment 242 ing survey 1982 Drug Enforcement Administration: Education. See also Schools and Col­ Appropriation for 622, 638, 653, 946 leges. Excepted service positions 2425 Adult education, emergency program Drugs and Drug Abuse: for Indochina refugees 1233 Crime, studies 2417 Allen J. Ellender Fellowship Pro­ Marihuana, prohibition of payment gram, extension 2217 of funds to persons producing Area health education centers 2312 for illegal use 868 Chief Joseph Dam, Wash., provision Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act of facilities for dependents of of 1966, appropriation for effect­ certain construction workers 2932 ing provisions 13, 1424 Education Information Centers 2096 Narcotics control, international— Emergency Technical Provisions Act Appropriation for 773 of 1976 727 Authorization 764 Federal surplus personal property, Women and juveniles, prevention distribution to public agencies and treatment of drug abuse 1040 and nonprofit institutions 2451 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129.

89-194 0—78—pt. 1- A32 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Education—Continued Education Act of 1963, Vocational— Health Professions Educational As­ Continued sistance Act of 1976 2243 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Indian Education Act, appropriation sions 1427 for effecting provisions 1060 Education Act of 1965, Elementary Indian Health Scholarships 1403 and Secondary, amendments... 2217, International education programs... 732, 2220, 2236-2238 2216 Education Act of 1965, Higher, amend­ Lister Hill Scholarship Program, ments 727, 2083-2168, 2215 grants 2289 Education Act of 1966, International, National defense education pro­ amendments 2216 grams, extension and revision... 2215, Education Amendments of 1972, 2237 amendments 2234 National Health Service Corps Education Amendments of 1974: Scholarship Program, establish­ Amendments 1981, 2220, 2233, 2235 ment 2281 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Post-Vietnam Era Veterans Educa­ sions 610, 1426-1428 tional Assistance Act of 1977 2392 Education Amendments of 1976 2081 Sea grant fellowship program 1966 Education Division and Related Agen­ Veterans' Education and Employ­ cies Appropriation Act, 1976: ment Assistance Act of 1976 2383 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Education, National Institute of. See sions 610 National Institute of Education. Repeal of certain provisions 660 Education, Office of: Education for all Handicapped Chil­ Appropriation for... 610, 635, 1060, 1426, dren Act of 1975, appropriation 1428 for effecting provisions 1427 Bilingual vocational training, Education of the Handicapped Act, study 2206 appropriation for effecting provi­ Coordinating Committee on Re­ sions 611, 1427 search in Vocational Education, Education Professions Development establishment 2202 Act, amendment 2215 Federal Council on Educational Re­ search and Development, Education Provisions Act, General, member 2230 amendments... 2218, 2220, 2226, 2227- Indochina Refugee Children Assis­ 2234, 2237, 2238 tance Act of 1976 1225 Education Statistics, National Center National Museum Services Board, for, information collection and member 1975 data acquisition review program 2231 Student Loan Special Allowances, Educational and Cultural Exchange Committee on the Process of De­ Act of 1961, Mutual. See Mutual termining, member 2135 Educational and Cultural Exchange Teacher Corps and teacher training Act of 1961. programs 2151 Educational Broadcasting Facilities and Telecommunications Demon­ Vocational education programs, sex stration Act of 1976 683 discrimination in, study 2239 Educational Exchange: Wayne Morse Chair of Law and Poli­ Authorization of funds 823 tics, financial assistance 2241 Certain budget authority, recission... 288 Education Act, Adult: Educational Research and Develop­ Amendments 1233, 2218, 2221, 2237 ment, Federal Council on, estab­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ lishment 2229 sions 1427 Egypt: Education Act, Alcohol and Drug Productive enterprises in, assis­ Abuse, appropriation for effecting tance 768 provisions 1426 Security supporting assistance, ap­ Education Act of 1958, National De­ propriation for 774 fense: Elbow Prosthetic Devices, duty sus­ Amendments 2215, 2237 pension 1502 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Elderly. See Aged. sions 1102 Election Campaign Act Amendments Education Act of 1963, Vocational: of 1974, Federal, appropriation for Amendments 2168, 2169, 2237 effecting provisions 970

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A33 Page Page Election Campaign Act Amendments Emergency Insured Student Loan Act of 1976, Federal 475 of 1969: Election Campaign Act of 1971, Fed­ Amendments 727, 2142 eral, amendments 475-496 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Election Commission, Federal: sions 1428 Appropriation for 970 Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Certain functions, transfer to by Of­ Assistance Act of 1974: fice of Management and Budget.. 477 Amendments .. 1480, 1483, 2404, 2689-2691 Elections: Appropriation for effecting provi­ Political contributions or services, sions 5,1418 deprivation of public employ­ Emergency Jobs Programs Extension ment or benefits for, penalty 1516 Act of 1976 1476 Presidential and vice presidential Emergency Livestock Credit Act of nominees, protection of 1974, amendment 2446 spouses 1239 Emergency Medical Services, Intera­ Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, gency Committee on: Development, and Demonstration Functions, additional 2716 Act of 1976 1260 Grants, reports to 2710-2712 Electric Utilities: Emergency Medical Services Amend­ Rate design initiatives 1142 ments of 1976 2709 Rural Electrification Administration Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act Technical Amendments Act of of 1973, amendments 1132,1133 1976 2701 Emergency School Aid Act: Electrification Act of 1936, Rural: Amendments..... 2216, 2218, 2237 Amendments 2701 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ sions 610, 611, 1427 sions 861 Emergency Supplemental Appropri­ Electrification Administration, Rural. ations, 1976 362 See Rural Electrification Adminis­ Emergency Technical Provisions Act tration. of 1976 727 Electronic Fund Transfers, National Emergency Unemployment Compen­ Commission on, appropriation sation Act of 1974, amendment 2672 for 975 Employ the Handicapped Week, Na­ Elementary and Secondary Education tional, 1976, proclamation 3125 Act of 1965: Amendments 2217, 2220, 2236-2238 Employ the Older Worker Week, Na­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ tional, designation 396 sions 610,1426, 1428 Employees' Compensation Commis­ Elizabeth Kee Federal Building, Blue- sion Appropriation Act, 1944, ap­ field, W. Va., designation 2445 propriation for effecting provi­ Elkhorn Wilderness Study Area, sions 7, 1420 Mont., review of suitability as wil­ Employment Act of 1946, appropri­ derness area 2637 ation for effecting provisions 967 Elson, Reverend Edward L. R., Employment and Training Act of prayers by the Chaplain, printing 1973, Comprehensive: as Senate document 3054 Amendments... 1476-1480, 1482, 1483, Emergency Compensation and Special 1487, 2213, 2214 Unemployment Assistance Exten­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ sion Act of 1975: sions... 4-6, 19, 362, 1418, 1419, Amendments 888 1432 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Employment and Training Adminis­ sions 608 tration, appropriation for... 362, 608, Emergency Food Stamp Vendor Ac­ 1418 countability Act of 1976 799 Employment and Unemployment Sta­ tistics, National Commission on, Emergency Highway Energy Conser­ establishment 1484 vation Act, amendments 445 Employment Standards Administra­ Emergency Home Purchase Assis­ tion, appropriation for... 6, 608, 638, 653, tance Act of 1974, amendments 1075 1420 Emergency Homeowners' Relief Act, Endangered Species Act of 1973, amendments 1075 amendments 724, 911 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A34 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Energy: Energy Research and Development Ad­ Atomic Energy Act of 1954, program, ministration—Continued authorization of funds 523 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Re­ Coastal Zone Management Act search, Development, and Dem­ Amendments of 1976 1013 onstration Act of 1976 1260 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Re­ Science, Engineering, and Technol­ search, Development, and Dem­ ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ onstration Act of 1976 1260 cil for, member 471 Emergency Highway Energy Conser­ Energy Research Appropriation Act, vation Act, amendment 445 1977, Public Works for Water and Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Power Development and 889 Act of 1975 1083 Energy Resources Council: Federal Energy Administration. See Energy and natural resources. Fed­ separate title. eral, reorganization plan 1141 Federal Energy Administration Act National energy conservation activi­ Amendments of 1976 1127 ties, report 1140 Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974— Engineers, Corps of: Amendments 784 Appropriation for 619, 635, 649, 890 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Flood control— sions 1058,1127-1132, 1135 Appropriation for 891 Federally assisted highway construc­ Mississippi River, appropriation tion, study 448 for 816, 891 International Atomic Energy Agen­ Mississippi River system manage­ cy- ment plan, investigation and Appropriation for 772 study 2924 Authorization of funds for, 764 National Transportation Policy Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act Study Commission, liaison offi­ Amendments of 1976 2073 cer 449 Energy Administration, Federal. See Operation Sail, New York Harbor, Federal Energy Administration. N.Y., dredging operations 708 Energy Conservation and Production Reclamation projects. See separate Act 1125, 3038 title. Energy Conservation in Existing Water Resources Development Act Buildings Act of 1976 1150 of 1976 2917 Energy Conservation Standards for Waterway system, navigable, im­ New Buildings Act of 1976 1144 provements, study 2933 Energy Information and Analysis, Wetland areas, establishment au­ Office of, establishment 1135 thorization 2931 Energy Information System, National, Environment Program Participation establishment 1135 Act of 1973, United Nations, ap­ Energy Policy and Conservation Act: propriation for effecting provi­ Amendments... 305, 1140, 1142, 1158, 1160, sions 772,1466 1162 Environmental Education Act, appro­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ priation for effecting provisions 1426 sions 607,1059 Energy Programs, Office of, appropri­ Environmental Health Sciences, Na­ ation for 948 tional Institute of, appropriation Energy Reorganization Act of 1974: for 12,1423 Amendments 1140-1142 Environmental Impact Statements, Alaska natural gas, transportation Appropriation for effecting provi­ sions 889, 890, 899,1058 system 2906 Program, authorization of funds 523 Environmental Improvement Act of Energy Research, Development and 1970, National, appropriation for Demonstration Act of 1974, Geo- effecting provisions 1101 thermal, appropriation for effect­ Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Na­ ing provisions 890 tional, appropriation for effecting Energy Research and Development provisions 1101 Administration: Environmental Protection Agency: Additional funds authorized 371 Appropriation for 362, 1099, 1498, 2069 Appropriation for... 607, 618, 641, 655, 889, Chemical substances, classification, 1058 storage, and retrieval study 2046 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A35 Page Page Environmental Protection Agency— Europe, Commission on Security and Continued Cooperation in—Continued Employees and officers, financial dis­ Establishment 661 closure under Solid Waste Dis­ Standing committee of Congress 2495 posal Act 2802 Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Federal Energy Administration, en­ Salaries, Commission on, appro­ vironmental impact regulations, priation for 969 comments on 1127 Executive Office Appropriations Act, Federed laws administered by, in­ 1977 966 demnification study 2046 Executive Office of the President. See Motor vehicle diagnostic inspection Executive Office under President of project, assistance 982 the United States. Railroad rights-of-way, conversion, Export Administration Act of 1969, consultation 144 appropriation for effecting provi- Recovered materials, Federal pro­ sons 949 curement guidelines 2822 Export-Import Bank of the United Red River Waterway project, water States, appropriation for... 644, 659, quality standards compliance, 779, 1471 determination 2942 Exports: Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Alaska natural gas, limitations 2914 ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ cil for, member 471 Arms, control of licenses 744 Sludge, study and report 2832 Chemical substances 2033 Solid Waste, Office of, establish­ Coal and petroleum products, infor­ ment 2804 mation collection by Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act, author­ Energy Administration ? 132 ity 2798 International Security Ass" • ^ Solid waste recycling, tax incentives, and Arms Export Contrui. of study 2698 1976 729 Toxic Substances Control Act 2003 Scrimshaw products, prohibition ex­ Environmental Quality, Council on: emption 911 Alaska natural gas, transportation Sperm whale oil, prohibition exemp­ system, environmental impact tion 911 statements 2907 Extension Service, appropriation for 854 Appropriation for 1101 Eye Institute, National: Authorization of funds 587 Appropriation for 12,1423 Chemical substances, classification, National Diabetes Advisory Board, storage, and retrieval study 2046 ex officio member....; 2648 Historic Preservation, Advisory Council on, member 1320 Environmental Quality, Office of: Appropriation for 1101 Authorization of funds 587 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, ap­ Environmental Quality Improvement propriation for effecting provi­ Act of 1970, amendments 587 sions 1435 Environmental Research, Develop­ Family Week, National, designation 372 ment, and Demonstration Au­ Farm Credit Administration, appropri­ thorization Act of 1976 2069 ation for 599, 642, 657, 868 Equal Credit Opportunity Act, amend­ Farm Labor Contractor Registration ments 251-253 Act of 1963, amendment 314, 2644 Equal Credit Opportunity Act Amend­ Farm Safety Week, National, 1976, ments of 1976 251 proclamation 3082 Equal Employment Opportunity Com­ Farm Tenant Act, Bankhead-Jones, mission, appropriation for... 642, 657, appropriation for effecting provi­ 956 sions 863 Ethiopia, military assistance, authori­ Farmer Cooperative Service, appropri­ zation of funds 729 ation for 857 Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site, Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Market­ Calif., designation 2501 ing Act of 1976 1982 Europe, Commission on Security and Farmers Home Administration, appro­ Cooperation in: priation for 859 Appropriation for 955 Father's Day, 1976, proclamation 3101 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A36 SUBJECT INDEX Page Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956: Federal Communications Commis­ Amendments 425 sion—Continued Federal funds authorized, prohibi­ Educational Broadcasting Facilities tion against use for interstate and Telecommunications Dem­ system restoration projects 426 onstration Act of 1976 683 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, ap­ FM translator broadcast stations, propriation for effecting provi­ unattended operation 794 sions 1177 Rail passenger radio telephone ser­ Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970, ap­ vice 122 propriation for effecting provi­ Federal Coordinating Council for Sci­ sions 1177 ence, Engineering, and Technol­ Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973: ogy, establishment 471 Amendments 444, 445 Federal Council for Science and Tech­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ nology, abolition 472 sions 625,1176,1180 Federal Council on Educational Re­ Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1976 425 search and Development, estab­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ lishment 2229 sions 1175,1177,1178,1184 Federal Council on the Arts and the Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of Humanities: 1974: Historic Preservation, Advisory Amendments 443 Council on, membership 1320 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Museum Services, Institute of, co­ sions 1177 ordination with 1977 Federal Aviation Act of 1958: Federal Credit Unions, student loan Amendments 882, 883,1065 insurance programs, participa­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ tion 2129, 2265 sions 1173-1175,1182 Federal Crop Insurance Act, appropri­ ation for effecting provisions 2066 Federal Aviation Administration: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Appropriation for 624, 639, 654,1173 appropriation for 598, 632, 647, 858 Civil aviation information distribu­ Federal Disaster Assistance Adminis­ tion program 884 tration, appropriation for 1098 Flight service station closures, prohi­ Federal Election Campaign Act bition 884 Amendments of 1974, appropri­ National Transportation Policy ation for effecting provisions 970 Study C!ommission, liaison offi­ Federal Election Campaign Act cer 449 Amendments of 1976 475 Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971: Federal Election Campaign Act of Amendments 802, 2489 1971, amendments 475-496 Appropriation for effecting provi­ "Federal Election Campaign Laws Re­ sions 1173 lating to the United States House Federal Bureau of Investigation: of Representatives", printing as Appropriation for 621, 638, 652, 944 House document 3033 Director, term of office 2427 Federal Election Commission: Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950: Appropriation for 970 Amendments 931, 932 Personnel, property, etc., transfer to Appropriation for effecting provi­ by Office of Management and sions 975, 976 Budget 477 Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1975 1083 Act, Retired, appropriation for Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety effecting provisions _ 969 Act of 1969: Federal Employees Health BeneHts Appropriation for effecting provi­ Act of 1960, Retired, amendment.... 687 sions... 7, 10, 16, 17, 1420, 1422, Federal Energy Administration: 1430 Appropriation for 607,1058 Claims for benefits under, hearing Electric utility rate design initia­ examiners 2428 tives 1142 Federal Communications Commis­ Energy Conservation in Existing sion: Buildings Act of 1976 , 1150 Appropriation for 643, 657, 956 Energy conservation standards for Common carriers, tariffs 1080 new buildings, cooperation 1146 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A37 Page Page Federal Energy Administration—Con­ Federal Laws, Commission on, estab­ tinued lishment 268 Energy Information and Analysis, Federal Maritime Commission, appro­ Office of, establishment 1135 priation for 643, 657, 956 Environmental impact regulations, com­ Federal Mediation and Conciliation ments by Environmental Protection Service, appropriation for... 22, 643, 657, Agency 1127 1434 Highway energy problems, con­ Federal National Mortgage Associ­ sultation 448 ation Charter Act, appropriation Motor vehicle diagnostic inspection for effecting provisions... 14, 1097, 1425, project, assistance 982 1428 National Energy Information Federal OfHcials, National Study System, establishment 1135 Commission on Records and Doc­ Refineries, construction by small uments of: and independent refiners, regu­ Appropriation for 629, 975 lation 1134 Membership; extension 326 State energy conservation plans, Federal Pay, Advisory Committee on, supplemental, guidelines 1160 Weatherization assistance for dwell­ appropriation for 968 ings of low income persons, Federal Power Commission: audit 1156 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Federal Energy Administration Act Act of 1976 2903 Amendments of 1976 1127 Appropriation for 643, 657, 898 Federal Energy Administration Act of Licenses issued for New River, N.C., 1974: restriction 1238 Amendments 784, 1058, 1127-1132, 1135 Federal Preparedness Agency, appro­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ priation for 973 sions 1058, 1127-1132, 1135 Federal Prison Industries, Incorporat­ Federal Fire Prevention and Control ed, appropriation for 946 Act of 1974: Federal Prison System, appropriation Amendment 1254 for 621, 638, 652, 945 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Federal Procurement Policy, Office sions 950 of, appropriation for 968 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Federal Property and Administrative Act, amendments 410-412, 539, 1960 Services Act of 1949: Federal Grain Inspection Service, es­ Amendments 2451, 2506 tablishment 2868 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Federal Hazardous Substances Act, sions 16, 970 amendments 503, 510 Federal Railroad Administration: Federal Highway Administration: Appropriation for... 293, 625, 640, 654, 1178 Appropriation for 624, 640, 654, 1175 National Transportation Policy National Transportation Policy Study Commission, liaison offi­ Study Commission, liaison offi­ cer 449 cer 449 Regional organization 820 Federal Home Loan Bank Act, appro­ Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970, priation for effecting provisions 1108 amendments 817, 819, 820 Federal Home Loan Bank Board, ap­ Federal Railroad Safety Authoriza­ propriation for 605, 643, 657, 1107 tion Act of 1976 817 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Federal Records Management Amend­ Rodenticide Act, research, devel­ ments of 1976 2723 opment, and demonstration, au­ Federal Register: thorization of funds 2069 Printing and binding, appropriation Federal Judicial Center, appropriation for 1459 for 646,954 Publication in— Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Wash., Federal Labor Relations Council, ap­ propriation for 642, 656, 969 boundary description and maps 905, 906 Federal Land Policy and Management Chickasaw National Recreation Act of 1976 2743 Area, boundary revision; con­ Federal Law Enforcement Training current legislative jurisdic­ Center, appropriation for 963 tion 235, 236 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A38 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Federal Register—Continued Federal Register—Continued Publication in—Continued Publication in—Continued Colorado National Monument, Minnesota Valley National Wild­ Colo., additional lands 2734 life Refuge, establishment 1993 Common carriers by railroad, reg­ National emergencies, proclama­ ulations, petition denial 52 tions, continuations, and au­ Congaree Swamp National Monu­ thority 1255,1257 ment, S.C., minor boundary Ninety Six National Historic Site, revisions 2517 S.C, establishment 1196 Consumer product safety stan­ Noncommercial broadcasting, dards, notices 505 terms and rates, use of certain Continental Shelf, living organ­ copyrighted works 2565, 2566 isms, determinations 334 Olympic National Park, Wash., Copyright Royalty Tribunal, final boundary description 2739 determinations; proceedings Pinnacles National Monument, commencement, notice 2596-2598 Calif., boundary revisions 2694 Corporations, acquisition of voting Postal rates, service fees, and mail securities or assets, waiting classification schedules, tem­ period 1391 porary changes 1306,1307 Educational opportunity grants, Price indexes, difference 489 expected family contributions Public lands, proposed withdrawal schedule 2091 from sale, notice 2751 Endangered species, exemption, Public service employment pro­ notice of waiver 913 grams, fund allocations and Energy Conservation in Existing formula 1487 Rail service— Buildings Act of 1976 1153, 1160 Discontinuance and abandon­ Energy conservation standards for ment 129 new buildings 1146 Extension, application sum­ Federal Energy Administration mary 126 environmental impact regula­ Railroads— tions 1127 Light density lines, economic Federal lands, multiple use plan 908 viability, evaluation 59 Fishery management plans 354, 355 Mergers 62, 64 Foreign fishing, applications for Rehabilitation, obligation guar­ permits 343 antee fund, application German Democratic Republic, notice 78 claims against by American Reorganization, final system nationals, protests, filing plan 85, 101 period 2510, 2513 Rice, set-aside acreage determina­ Government agencies, open meet­ tions 185 ings 1244 Solid waste disposal, petition for Indian Dunes National Lakeshore, regulations 2826 boundary description; land ac­ Taxes, public inspection of written quisition 2529, 2532 determinations 1665 Indian Health Care Improvement Teton Dam, Idaho, claims, regula­ Act, proposed rules and regu­ tions 1212 lations 1413 Toxic substances control 2009-2012, Klondike Gold Rush National His­ 2014, 2015, 2017-2020, 2024, 2030, torical Park, Alaska-Wash., 2040, 2043-2046, 2049 boundaries, notice of establish­ Valley Forge National Historical ment 717, 718 Park, Pa., boundaries, notice Mail classification schedules, tem­ of establishment 796, 797 porary changes 1307 Veterans Administration health Medical device regulation... 544, 547, care facilities, confidentiality 549-551, 553, 560, 566, 573 of alcohol and drug abuse Medical residency training pro­ medical records, regulations 2851 gram, positions in primary Veterans suffering from drug care, determination 2295 abuse or drug dependence, Mining within National Park hospital admissions, regula­ System, recordation require­ tions 245 ment 1343 Voting age population, estimate 490

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A39 Page Page Federal Register—Continued Fire Prevention Week, 1976, proclama­ Publication in—Continued tion 3116 Wilderness additions, designation... 2693 Fire Research Center, authorization Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, of funds 1254 certain proposed amendments, ef­ Firearms, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco fective date, approval 822, 1334 and, appropriation for 640, 654, 964 Federal Salary Act of 1967, Postal Firearms and Ammunition: Revenue and, appropriation for ef­ Consumer Product Safety Commis­ fecting provisions 969 sion, limitation of jurisdiction 503 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Interior, Department of the, employ­ Corporation, appropriation for 1108 ees working within the National Federal Security Agency Appropri­ Park System, authority to ation Act, 1947, appropriation for carry 1941 effecting provisions 7, 1420 Firemen: Federal-State Extended Unemploy­ District of Columbia Police and Fire- ment Compensation Act of 1970, mens Salary Act of 1958, amend­ amendments 2672, 2677, 2678 ment 2493 Public Safety Officers' Benefits Act Federal Supply Service, appropriation of 1976 1346 for 641, 655, 972 Firemen Week, National Volunteer, Federal Trade Commission: designation authorization 2079 Antitrust documentary material, Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, State use 1388 and Local, amendments 2341, 2357 Appropriation for 623, 643, 657, 956 Fiscal Assistance Amendments of Corporations, premerger notification 1976, State and Local 2341 and waiting period 1390 Fiscal Year Adjustment Act 375 Energy conservation measures, con­ Fiscal Year Transition Act 383 sumer protection on 1162 Amendment 997 Rulemaking procedure report, time Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of extension 588 Federal Trade Commission Act, 1958, appropriation for effecting amendments 575, 588 provisions 891, 893, 896 Federal Trade Commission Improve­ Fish and Wildlife Service, United ment Act, Magnuson-Moss War­ States: ranty—, amendments 588 Appropriation for 605, 637, 651, 1045 Federal Water Pollution Control Act: Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Amendments 250, 1011, 2639 Refuge, establishment 1993 Appropriation for effecting provi­ National Wildlife Refuge System, ad­ sions 362, 1011, 1100, 1101,1498 ministration 199 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Regional Fishery Management Coun­ Amendments of 1972, research, de­ cils, member 349 velopment, and demonstration, au­ Fish Conservation Act, Anadromous, thorization of funds 2069 appropriation for effecting provi­ Federal Water Project Recreation Act, sions 1046 amendment 2728 Fisheries Commissions, International, Fine Arts, Commission on: appropriation for 941 American Legion's Freedom Bell, lo­ Fisheries Development Act, Central, cation approval 2242 Western, and South Pacific, Appropriation for 642, 656, 1062 amendments 809 Lincoln National Memorial, recogni­ Fisheries Research and Development tion of Alaska and Hawaii, Act of 1964, Commercial, amend­ review 2632 ments 2326 Fire Island National Seashore, N.Y., Fishery Conservation and Manage­ acquisition ceiling increase 2732 ment Act of 1976 331 Fire Prevention and Control Act of Appropriation for effecting provi­ 1974, Federal: sions 624 Amendment 1254 Fishery Management Councils, Re­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ gional, establishment 347 sions 950 Fitzpatrick Wilderness, Wyo., designa­ Fire Prevention and Control Adminis­ tion 2634 tration, National, appropriation Flag Day and National Flag Week, for 633, 648, 950 1976, proclamation 3102 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A40 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Flag of the United States, display and Food and Nutrition Service, appropri­ use 810 ation for 598, 865 Flammable Fabrics Act, amend­ Food Stamp Act of 1964: ments 512, 514, 515 Amendments 799-801 Flood Control: Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriations for 816. 890-892 sions 866 International flood control project, Food Stamp Vendor Accountability Tijuana River Basin 1333 Act of 1976, Emergency 799 Mississippi River, appropriation for...816, Food Stamps: 891 Aid to Families with Dependent Water Resources Development Act Children, distribution 2901 of 1976 2917 Supplemental security income recipi­ Flood Control Act of 1936, appropri­ ents, eligibility extension 990 ation for effecting provisions.... 863, 892 Flood Control Act of 1944, appropri­ Foreign Agricultural Service, appro­ ation for effecting provisions 897 priation for 867 Flood Control Act of 1950, appropri­ Foreign Assistance Act of 1961: ation for effecting provisions... 598, Amendments... 729-733, 735, 736, 747-757, 2066 760-764, 766-768 Flood Control Act of 1965, amend­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ments 2928 sions... 603, 771, 774, 775, 937, 1465- Flood Control Act of 1966, amend­ 1467 ment 2940 Foreign Assistance and Related Pro­ Flood Control Act of 1970, amend­ grams Appropriations Act, 1976, ment ; 2932 and the period ending September Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 30,1976 771 amendment 1075 Foreign Assistance and Related Pro­ Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Nation­ grams Appropriations Act, 1977 1465 al: Foreign Claims Settlement Commis­ Amendments 1075 sion: Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriation for 957 sions 1097 Grerman Democratic Republic, claims Flood Prevention Act, Watershed Pro­ against by American nationals, tection and, appropriation for ef­ determinations 2509 fecting provisions 862, 863 Foreign Military Assistance: Florida: Bartram Trail, national scenic trail, Advisory groups and missions, termi­ designation, feasibility study 2481 nation 731 Chassahowitzka Wilderness, designa­ Authorization of funds 729 tion 2633 Security supporting assistance 762 Gulf Islands National Seashore, ac­ Foreign Military Sales Act: quisition ceiling increase 2732 Amendments... 734, 735-736, 738-740, 744- J. N. "Ding" Darling Wilderness, 745, 752, 754, 766-768 designation 2633 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Key West, Overseas Highway to, sions 777,1469 funds authorized for reconstruc­ Repeal of certeiin provisions 755 tion of bridges, increased obliga­ Title renamed Arms Export Control tion 443 Act 734 Lake Woodruff Wilderness, designa­ Foreign Relations Authorization Act, tion 2633 Fiscal Year 1976, appropriation Florida Trail, national scenic trail, for effecting provisions 778 designation, feasibility study 2481 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Food. See also specific foods. Fiscal Year 1977 823 Advertising of certain 411, 412 Domestic food programs, appropri­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ation for 865 sions 1471 Food stamps. See separate title. Foreign Relations Authorization Act Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Feder­ of 1972, appropriation for effecting al, amendments 410-412, 539, 1960 provisions 778, 1471 Food and Drug Administration: Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Appropriation for 599, 635, 650, 867 Multinational Corporations, hear­ Coordinating Committee for Diges­ ings and committee prints, print­ tive Diseases, member 2653 ing of copies 3040 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A41 Page Page Foreign Service: Frederick Law Olmsted Home and Alien employees, annuity increases Office, Mass., suitability as unit of to former 826 National Park System, study 2447 Buildings, authorization of funds 824 Career ministers, retirement sched­ ule 849 Foreign Service Retirement and Dis­ ability System 835, 846 Medical malpractice protection 827 Gallaudet College, D.C., appropriation Survivor annuity elections; grants to for 611,1431 certain widows 847 Gambling, Commission on the Review Foreign Service Act of 1946: of the National Policy Toward, Amendments 826-829, 834-846, 1463 appropriation for 970 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Gas and Oil: sions... 620, 773, 777, 937-939, 941, 957, Aircraft museums, fuel tax exemp­ 960,1466, 1470 tion 2487 Repeal of certain provisions 845 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926: Act of 1976 2903 Amendments 824 Aviation fuel, excise tax reduction, Appropriation for effecting provi­ postponement 456 sions 938 Deposits reserved to the United Foreign Service Institute, Agriculture States, disposal 2791 Department employees, language Energy Conservation and Production training and orientation, utiliza­ Act 1125 tion of facilities 1500 Gasoline, excise tax reduction, post­ Foreign Service Retirement Amend­ ponement 456 ments of 1976 834 Interstate compact, conservation, ex­ Foreign Service Retirement and Dis­ tension and renewal 2365 ability Fund, appropriation for 773 Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of Amendments of 1976 2073 1976 2891 North slope crude oil, equitable allo­ Forest and Rangeland Renewable Re­ cation 2916 sources Planning Act of 1974... 2949- Oil shale. State disposition of moneys 2958 received 1089, 1323 Forest Management Act of 1976, Na­ Petroleum. See Petroleum and Pe­ tional 2949 troleum Products. Forest Products Week, National, 1976, United States oil and gas lease, rein­ proclamation 3119 statement 2972, 2996 Forest Reservation Commission, Na­ Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968, Natu­ tional, transfer of functions to De­ ral: partment of Agriculture 2961 Amendments 2073-2076 Forest Service: Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriation for 607, 632, 647, 1055 National renewable resource pro­ sions 1171 gram, development of 2949 General Accounting Office: Rights-of-way on certain lands 2776 Appropriation for 618, 631, 645,1460 Shawnee Hills, 111., feasibility of es­ Comptroller General. See separate tablishing a national recreation title. area, report on file 2450 Environmental Protection Agency, Volunteers in the National Forest indemnification study on Feder­ Act of 1972, appropriation for ef­ al laws administered by, fecting provisions 1057 review 2046 Wilderness areas, maps and descrip­ State unemployment compensation tions, on file for public inspec­ programs, audit and settlement tion 2637 of Federal funds 1481 Fort Larned National Historic Site, General Education Provisions Act: Kans., development ceiling in­ Amendments... 2218, 2220, 2226, 2227- crease 2733 2234, 2237, 2238 Fort Niobrara Wilderness, Nebr., des­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ignation 2634 sions 1060, 1426, 1428,1429 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial General Pulaski's Memorial Day, Commission, appropriation for 1063 1976, proclamation 3120 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A42 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page General Services Administration: General Services Administration— American Federal fiscal system Continued study, administrative support Veteran beneficiaries, certain travel services 2356 expense investigations, consulta­ Appropriation for 641, 655, 970,1416 tion 2842 Genetic Diseases, research and educa­ Automated Data and Telecommuni­ tion program 407 cations Service, appropriation Geological Survey: for 641, 655, 973 Appropriation for 606, 637, 651,1048 Consumer Information Center, ap­ Wilderness areas, mineral surveys 2785 propriation for 1101 George W. Norris Home, Nebr., suit­ Electric and hybrid vehicle usage, ability as unit of National Park study 1268 System, study 2450 Energy conservation standards for George Washington, posthumous ap­ new buildings, utilization of ser­ pointment as Genersil of the vices 1146 Armies of the United States 2078 Federal Preparedness Agency, ap­ George Washington Square, Cleve­ propriation for 973 land, Ohio, designation 2441 Federal Property and Administrative Georgi Vins, Baptist pastor, release, Services Act of 1949— sense of Congress 3066 Amendments 2451, 2506 Georgia: Appropriations for effecting provi­ Augusta, railroad highway crossing, sions 16,970 demonstration project 444 Federal Records Management Bartram Trail, national scenic trail, Amendments of 1976 2723 designation, feasibility study 2481 Federal Supply Service, appropri­ Brunswick Harbor, navigation pro­ ation for 641, 655, 972 ject, authorized advanced engi­ Federal surplus personal property, neering and design 2917 allocation and transfer 2451 Hartwell Reservoir, hydropower Historic Preservation, Advisory Coun­ unit, construction 2940 cil on, member 1320 Phil M. Landrum Federal Building Land conveyances— and Post Office, designation 2379 Massachusetts 589 Robert G. Stephens, Jr. Federal Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled Building, designation 2444 Children, Utah 2429 Tobacco acreage allotments and National Archives and Records Serv­ quotas, emergency lease and ice. See separate title. transfer 1489 National Transportation Policy Geothermal Energy Research, Devel­ Study Commission, delivery of opment, and Demonstration Act records and papers 449 of 1974, appropriation for effecting Personal property functions, transfer provisions 890 to ; 2456 Gerald R. Ford and James E. Carter, President-elect and Vice President­ Presidential debates, printing of elect; former President and copies 3067 former Vice-President, appropri­ German Democratic Republic, claims ation for 974, 2380 against by American nationals, de­ Public Buildings Cooperative Use termination 2509 Act of 1976 2505 Germany, Federal Republic of, naval Records centers and centralized mi­ vessels, sale to, approval 1938 crofilming services, establish­ Gertrude M. Hubbard, trust fund de­ ment and maintenance 2726 posits, Treasury Department inter­ Renegotiation Act of 1951, appropri­ est adjustment 522 ation for effecting provisions 1416 Glass, resource recovery of glass waste, Reports to, Chickasaw National Re­ study 2831 creation Area, Okla., land not Gold Labeling Act of 1976 1501 utilized for exchange 235 Gold Reserve Act of 1934, amend­ Solid waste disposal, recovered mate­ ments 2661 rials. Federal procurement Golden Spike National Historic Site, guidelines, consultation 2822 Utah, development ceiling in­ Strategic and Critical Material Stock crease 2733 Piling Act, appropriation for ef­ Good Neighbor Day, National, 1976, fecting provisions 973 proclamation 3104 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A43 Page Page Gore Range-Eagles Nest Primitive Government Organization and Employees— Area, Colo., abolishment 870 Continued Government Corporation Control Act, Law Enforcement Assistance Admin­ appropriation for effecting provi­ istration, Deputy Administrator sions 14, 858, 861 1420, 1425 for Administration, compensa­ Government Financial Operations, tion 2426 Bureau of, appropriation for... 627, 640, National emergency powers and au­ 654, 963 thorities, termination of cer­ Government in the Sunshine Act 1241 tain 1255 Government Losses in Shipment Act, National Oceanic and Atmospheric appropriation for effecting provi­ Administration, Coastal Zone sions 964 Management, Associate Admin­ Government National Mortgage Asso­ ciation: istrator, compensation 1032 Appropriation for 1097 National Sea Grant Program, intera­ President, office of, establishment 1076 gency cooperation 1968 Government Organization and Em­ Political contributions or services, ployees. See also individual depart­ deprivation of public employ­ ments and agencies. ment or benefits for, penalty 1516 Administrative agency action, judi­ Postal Service, Commission on, infor­ cial review 2721 mation and assistance 1309 Agriculture, Department of. Deputy Prisons, Bureau of, Director, com­ Secretary, pay adjustment 2643 pensation 2426 Chemical substances, classification, Retired Federal Employees Health storage, and retrieval study 2046 Benefits Act, appropriation for 969 City income or employment taxes, Retired Federal Employees Health withholding 910 Benefits Act of 1960, amend­ Claims, appropriation for settle­ ment 687 ment... 160, 629, 1284, 1416, 2066, Rights-of-way, public and national 2846 forest lands, multi-agency appli­ Court leave 687 cation requirements 2782 Cultural exchange programs, partici­ Solid waste or hazardous waste dis­ pation in 825 posal, cooperation 2823 Drug Abuse Policy, Office of. Direc­ Unemployment compensation, coop­ tor and Deputy Director, com­ eration 2682 pensation 243 Electric and hybrid vehicle usage, United States attorney for the study by Federal agencies 1268 Central District of California, Energy and natural resources, reor­ compensation 2427 ganization plan 1141 United States attorney for the Energy Information and Analysis, Northern District of Illinois, Office of. Director, compensa­ compensation 2427 tion 1136 Government Printing Office: Environmental Protection Agency, Appropriation for 618, 631, 645, 1459 officers and employees, financial disclosure under Solid Waste Public Printer, precedents of the Disposal Act 2802 House of Representatives, distri­ Federal Records Management bution 2537 Amendments of 1976 2723 Solid waste disposal, recovered mate­ Foreign Service. See separate title. rials, Federal procurement Government in the Sunshine Act 1241 guidelines, consultation 2822 Grovernment National Mortgage As­ Superintendent of Documents, Office sociation, President, compensa­ of, appropriation for 1459 tion 1077 Grain Inspection Service, Federal, es­ Health benefits, survivor annuitants, tablishment 2868 eligibility 808 Historic Preservation, Advisory Grain Standards Act, United States, Council on, Executive Director, amendments 2867 compensation 1323 Grain Standards Act of 1976, United Immigration and Naturalization Ser­ States 2867 vice, Commissioner, compensa­ Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians, tion 2426 disposition of judgment funds 2503 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A44 SUBJECT INDEX Page Grants: Grants—Continued Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Na­ Swine flu immunization 1113 tional Advisory Council on, Virgin Islands, government of. 1193 review 1041, 2720 Wastewater treatment works, au­ Alcoholism, state program, exten­ thorization of funds 1011 sion 1035 Grazing Advisory Boards, establish­ American bicentennial photography ment 2775 and film projects 1980 Great Bear Wilderness Study Area, Antitrust laws, enforcement 2415 Mont., review of suitability as a Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Af­ wilderness area 2636 fairs Act of 1976 1971 Great Sand Dunes Wilderness, Colo., Chemicals, toxic substances, test designation 2692 methods 2049 Greece: Coastal Zone Management Act Base agreements, authorization of Amendments of 1976 1013 funds 765 Crime Control Act of 1976 2407 Military assistance, authorization of Education Amendments of 1976 2081 funds 729 Electric or hybrid vehicle research Naval vessels, sale to, approval 1938 and development 1266 Security supporting assistance, ap­ Emergency Medical Services Amend­ propriation for 774 ments of 1976 2709 Guam: Energy Conservation and Production Applicability of laws 300 Act 1125 Career education and development, Family medicine, departments of, es­ assistance 2224 tablishment 2311 Constitution, establishment 2899 Guam, water resources planning 516 Defense facilities on, restoration, ap­ Health information and promotion propriation for 1415 programs 696-698 Fishery Conservation and Manage­ Health Professions Educational As­ ment Act of 1976 331 sistance Act of 1976 2243 Guam Power Authority, guaranteed Health Research and Health Ser­ bonds or other obligations 1199 vices Amendments of 1976 401 Highways— Indian health professions recruit­ Projects, transition quarter au­ ment program 1402 thorization 426 Indus Basin Development Fund, ap­ Safety programs, apportionment propriation for 772 reduction 455 Law enforcement and criminal jus­ Territorial highway system, au­ tice activities and programs... 2414, thorization of funds 427 2415, 2417 Military bases, reuse, study 1365 Lister Hill Scholarship Program 2289 Public safe drinking water systems 707 Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Supplemental Authorization Act for Refuge, adjacent wildlife recrea­ Military Construction on tion area 1994 Guam , 2437 Museums, improved services 1977 Water resources planning grants 516 National Science Foundation Au­ Guard and Reserves Forces Facilities thorization Act, 1977 2053 Authorization Act, 1977 1368 New Hampshire-Vermont Interstate Guatemala, international disaster as­ Sewage and Waste Disposal Fa­ sistance, appropriation for 773 cilities Compact 1222 Guatemala Relief and Rehabilitation Olympic Winter Games, 1980, Lake Act of 1976 397 Placid, N.Y 1337 Gulf Islands National Seashore, Fla.- Outdoor recreation. State programs.... 1314 Miss., acquisition ceiling in­ Public Works and Economic Devel­ crease : 2732 opment Act Amendments of Guyana, Inter-American Development 1976 2331 Bank, membership 592 Public Works Employment Act of 1976 999 Rail service 130,139 H Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 2795 Haleakala National Park, Hawaii: Sea Grant Program Improvement Designation as Haleakala Wilder­ Act of 1976 1961 ness 2692 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A45 Page Haleakala National Park, Hawaii— Headstart, Economic Opportunity, Continued and Community Partnership Act Land acquisition 2737 of 1974, amendments 806 Handicapped: Headstart-FoUow Through Act, appro­ Blind. See separate title. priation for effecting provisions 1426 Books for, appropriation for... 630, 645, Health: 1456 American Heart Month, 1976, proc­ Committee for Purchase from the lamation 3076 Blind and Other Severely Arthritis, Diabetes, and Digestive Handicapped, appropriation Disease Amendments of 1976 2645 for 642, 970 Cancer Control Month, 1976, procla­ Copjrrighted works, reproduction for mation 3085 use of the handicapped 2594 Child Health Day, 1976, proclama­ Housing— tion 3127 Appropriation for 603 Drug Abuse and Treatment Act of Loans 1074 1972. See separate title. National Employ the Handicapped Emergency Medical Services Amend­ Week, 1976, proclamation 3125 ments of 1976 2709 National Science Foundation, execu­ Federal employees, survivor annu­ tive positions 2056 itants, restoration of coverage 808 Public buildings, standards for 2507 Indian Health Care Improvement Vocational rehabilitation program, Act 1400 extension 212, 213 Medicaid. See separate title. Handicapped Act, Education of the, Medical Device Amendments of appropriation for effecting provi­ 1976 539 sions 611, 1427 Medicare. See separate title. Handicapped Children Act of 1975, National Poison Prevention Week, Education for All, appropriation 1976, proclamation 3077 for effecting provisions 1427 National Rural Health Week, 1976 Handicapped Individuals Act, White proclamation 3086 House Conference on, amend­ Public Health Service Act. See sepa­ ment 201 rate title. Harry S Truman Scholarship Founda­ Red Cross Month, 1976, proclama­ tion, appropriation for 974 tion 3079 Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improve­ Swine Influenza. See separate title. ments Act of 1976 1383 Toxic Substances Control Act 2003 Hatch Act (Experiment Stations), ap­ Veterans Omnibus Health Care Act propriation for effecting provi­ of 1976 2842 sions 854 Health, Education, and Welfare, De­ Hawaii: partment of: Haleakala National Park, land ac­ Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mentsd quisition 2737 Health Administration. See Haleakala Wilderness, designation 2692 separate title. Hilo Bay and Kailua-Kona, flood Alcoholism, State grant program, ex­ protection, study 2930 tension... 1035 Kalaupapa Settlement, suitability as Allied health personnel statistics, unit of National Park System, dissemination 2310 study 2447 American Indian School of Medicine, Leprosy, payments for care and feasibility study 1412 treatment of afflicted persons... 9, American Printing House for the 1422 Blind, appropriation for 1431 Lincoln National Memorial, recogni­ Americans of Spanish origin or de­ tion 2632 scent, economic and social statis­ Hay, emergency program 1983 tics, publication 688 Hazardous Materials Transportation Appropriation Act, 1976 9 Act, amendments 2068 Appropriation for... 9, 599, 608, 609, 635, Hazardous Materials Transportation 650,1059, 1422 Act Amendments of 1976 2068 Area health education centers 2312 Hazardous Substances Act, Federal, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, amendments 503, 510 Board of Governors, member 934

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A46 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Health, Education, and Welfare, De­ Health, Education, and Welfare, De­ partment of—Continued partment of—Continued Audit Agency, transfer of functions, Health Resources Administration, powers, and duties to Office of appropriation for 13, 610, 1425 Inspector Greneral 2433 Health Services Administration, ap­ Burn injury programs 2718 propriation for... 9, 608, 609, 635, 650, Chemical substances, classification, 1059,1422 storage, and retrieval study 2046 Historic Preservation, Advisory Child Development, Office of, Feder­ Council on, member 1320 al Council on Educational Re­ Home health services, extension 1960 search and Development, Howard University, D.C., appropri­ member 2230 ation for 611, 1431 Chiropractic health professions, Human Development, Assistant Sec­ study 2324 retary for, appropriation for 612 Civil Rights, Office for, appropri­ Indian Health Care Improvement ation for 1432 Act 1400 Consumer Affairs, Office of, appro­ Inspector General, Office of, estab­ priation for 1101 lishment 2429 Coordinating Committee for Diges­ Investigations Office, transfer of tive Diseases establishment 2653 functions, powers, and duties to Day care center 2240 Office of Inspector General 2433 Disease Control, Center for. See sepa­ John E. Fogarty International rate title. Center for Advanced Study in Disease control programs 700 the Health Sciences, appropri­ ation for 12,1424 Ekiucation. See separate title. Education, Office of. See separate Lifelong learning program 2087 title. Medical devices— Office for assistance to small man­ Education Division, reorganization ufacturers, establishment 583 study 2238 Standards offerors, audit 550 Emergency medical services systems, Museum Services, Institute of, estab­ assistance programs, extension.... 2709 lishment 1975 Emergency School Aid Act— National Arthritis Act of 1974, Amendments 2216, 2218, 2237 amendments 413, 2719 Appropriation for effecting provi­ National Arthritis Advisory Board, sions 610, 611,1427 establishment 2646 Family medicine, departments of, es­ National Cancer Institute, appropri­ tablishment in academic admin­ ation for 10,1422 istrative units 2311 National Commission on Digestive Farm Credit Administration, appro­ Diseases, establishment 2650 priation for 599, 642, 657, 868 National Diabetes Advisory Board, Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic establishment 2648 Act, amendments.... 410, 412, 539, 1960 National Eye Institute, appropri­ Food and Drug Administration, ap­ ation for 12,1423 propriation for 599, 635, 650,867 National Health Service Corps— Gallaudet College, D.C., appropri­ National Health Service Corps ation for 611,1431 Scholarship Program, estab­ Genetic diseases, education and in­ lishment 2281 formation programs 407 Program revision 2268 Health education services and pre­ National Heart and Lung Institute. ventive health services, study 700 See separate title. Health Information and Health Pro­ National Institute of Allergy and In­ motion, Office of, establish­ fectious Diseases, appropriation ment 700 for 11 Health maintenance organizations National Institute of Arthritis, Me­ program, revision and exten­ tabolism, and Digestive Diseases, sion 1945 appropriation for 11,1423 Health professions personnel, National Institute of Child Health study 2251 and Human Development, ap­ Health professions schools, bilingual propriation for 11 and bicultural awareness, National Institute of Dental Re­ study 2324 search, appropriation for 11, 1423 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A47 Page I Page Health, Education, and Welfare, De­ Health, Education, and Welfare, De­ partment of—Continued partment of—Continued National Institute of Education. See Science, Engineering, and Technol­ separate title ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ National Institute of Environmental cil for, member 471 Health Sciences, appropriation Shellfish safety program, regula­ for 12, 1423 tions 1033 National Institute of General Medi­ Social and Rehabilitation Service, cal Sciences, appropriation for... 11, appropriation for 611, 1429 1423 Social Security Act. See separate National Institute of Neurological title. and Communicative Disorders Social Security Administration, ap­ and Stroke, appropriation for... 11, propriation for 16, 635, 650, 1430 1423 Student Loan Special Allowances, National Institute on Aging, appro­ Committee on the Process of De­ priation for 11, 1423 termining, member 2135 National Institutes of Health. See Supplemental security income bene­ fits for the blind 2700 separate title. Swine flu immunization programs, National Library of Medicine, appro­ extent of liability for, study 1118 priation for 12, 1424 Toxic substances control, coopera­ Older Americans Act of 1965. See tion 2031, 2032 separate title. Visiting Scientist Awards 415 Personal property functions, transfer Health, National Institutes of. See Na­ to General Services Administra­ tional Institutes of Health. tion 2456 Health Information and Health Pro­ Public and community health per­ motion, Office of, establishment 700 sonnel statistics, dissemination.... 2305 Health Information and Health Pro­ Public Health Service- motion Act of 1976, National Con­ Military benefits 415 sumer 695 National Health Service Corps Health Maintenance Organization program, revision 2268 Amendments of 1976 1945 Public Health Service Act. See sepa­ Health Professions Educational Assis­ rate title. tance Act of 1976 2243 Railroad conveyances waste disposal, Health Research Act of 1960, Interna­ environmental study 2630 tional, appropriation for effecting Refugees in the United States, ap­ provisions 19, 1432 propriation for 777, 1470 Health Research and Health Services Reports to— Alcoholism prevention and treat­ Amendments of 1976 401 ment. State plans 1036 Health Resources Administration: Coordinating Committee for Diges­ Appropriation for 13, 610, 1425 tive Diseases, activities 2654 Coordinating Committee for Diges­ Emergency medical services sys­ tive Diseases, member 2653 tems grants 2711, 2712 National Diabetes Advisory Board, Inspector General, Office of, activi­ ex officio member 2648 ties and recommendations... 2430, Health Sciences, John E. Fogarty In­ 2431 ternational Center for Advanced Institute of Museum Services, ac­ Study in the, appropriation for... 12, tivities 1976 1424 National Arthritis Advisory Health Services Administration: Board, activities 2648 Appropriation for 9, 1059, 1422 National Diabetes Advisory Board, Coordinating Committee for Diges­ activities 2650 tive Diseases, member 2653 National Heart, Lung, and Blood National Diabetes Advisory Board, Advisory Council, progress of ex officio member 2649 program 404 Health Services Policy Analysis Urban Indian organizations, Center, designation 1960 health service activities and Health Services Research and Evalua­ expenditures 1412 tion and Health Statistics Act of Saint Elizabeths Hospital, D.C., ap­ 1974, appropriation for effecting propriation for...... 13, 609, 1424, 1492 provisions , 9, 1422 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129.

89-194 O—78—pt. 1 102 A48 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Health Statistics, National Center Highway Safety Act of 1966, appropri­ for: ation for effecting provisions... 1176- Allied health personnel statistics, co­ 1178 ordination 2310 Highway Safety Act of 1973, amend­ Public and community health per­ ments 452 sonnel, statistics, coordination 2305 Highway Safety Act of 1976 451 Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Na­ Highway Safety Advisory Committee, tional: National, chairman, selection 455 Appropriation for 1423 Highway Traffic Safety Administra­ National Diabetes Advisory Board, tion, National, appropriation for...625, ex officio member 2648 640, 654,1178 Heart and Lung Institute, National: Highways: Appropriation for 10 Alaska Highway, appropriation for 1176 Name changed to National Heart, Alaskan road repair, study 448 Lung, and Blood Institute 402 Appropriation for 1178 Heart Month, American, 1976, procla­ Baltimore-Washington Parkway, ap­ mation 3076 propriation for 1177 Hebrew University, loans, amounts Bicycle transportation and pedestri­ due on, waiver 776 an walkways 441 Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults, Bridges. See separate title. name change 520 Emergency relief. 437 Hercules-Glades Wilderness, Mo., des­ Federal projects, highways crossing ... 441 ignation 2635 Federally assisted construction, Herman T. Schneebeli Federal Build­ study 448 ing, Pa.,, designation 2435 Ferry operations in Commonwealth Higher Education Act of 1965: of Puerto Rico, Federal aid in Amendments 727, 2083-2168, 2215 construction 438 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Glen wood Canyon Highway, Colo., sions 611, 1428 construction 448 Highway Act of 1956, Federal-Aid: Great River Road, authorization of Amendments 425 funds 428 Federal funds authorized, prohibi­ Highway Trust Fund, time exten­ tion against use for interstate sion 456 system restoration projects 426 Incentive safety grants 453 Highway Act of 1968, Federal-Aid, ap­ Interstate system— propriation for effecting provi­ Additional funds authorized; com­ sions 1177 pletion time, extension 425, 430 Highway Act of 1970, Federal-Aid, ap­ Bus widths 438 propriation for effecting provi­ Funding, study 447 sions 1177 Resurfacing, authorization of Highway Act of 1973, Federal-Aid: funds 429 Amendments 444, 445 Route withdrawals 433 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Landscaping and scenic enhance­ sions 625,1176, 1180 ment 443 Highway Act of 1976, Federal-Aid 425 National Bicentennial Highway Safe­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ty Year, 1976— sions 1175, 1177, 1178,1184 Designation 715 Highway Administration, Federal: Proclamation 3111 Appropriation for 624, 640, 654, 1175 National Scenic and Recreational National Transportation Policy Highway, appropriation for 1176 Study Commission, liaison offi­ Outdoor advertising, control of. 438 cer 449 Overseas Highway— Highway Amendments of 1974, Feder­ Appropriation for 1177 al-Aid: Bridge reconstruction, funds au­ Amendments 443 thorized, increased obliga­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ tion 443 sions 1177 Parking facilities constructed with Highway Energy Conservation Act, Federal funds, fees 440 Emergency, amendments 445 Pavement marking program 454 Highway Revenue Act of 1956, amend­ Primary and secondary systems, au­ ments 456 thorization of funds 427 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A49 Page Highways—Continued Hospitals—Continued Railroad highway crossings, demon­ Saint Elizabeths Hospital, D.C., ap­ stration projects and authoriza­ propriation for 13, 609,1424,1492 tion of funds 444, 452 Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled Rights-of-way, advance acquisition 436 Children, Utah, land convey­ Safer off-system roads 441 ance 2429 San Francisco Bay Area, Calif., use Soundproofing of, near airports, fea­ of toll receipts 445 sibility study 886 School bus driver training 453 William S. Middleton Memorial Vet­ Traffic operations improvement pro­ erans' Hospital, Wis., designa­ grams 439 tion 1301 Transition quarter authorization 426 Hours of Service Act, amendments 818 Hispanic Heritage Week, National, House of Representatives. See also 1976, proclamation 3122 Congress; Legislative Branch of the Historic Preservation, Advisory Coun­ Government. cil on: Adjournment... 3022, 3028, 3033, 3037, Buildings of historic, architectural, or 3038, 3041 cultural significance, suitability Adjournment, sine die 3068 for public use 2506 Agriculture, Committee on— Establishment 1320 Reports to— Lincoln National Memorial, recogni­ Agriculture, Department of— tion of Alaska and Hawaii, Employee and dependents for­ review 2632 eign language training Rail terminals with historical or ar­ and orientation 1500 chitectural significance, conver­ Farmer-to-Consumer Direct sion, consultation 125 Marketing Act of 1976 1983 Historic Preservation Fund, establish­ National Forest System, land ment 1320 acquisitions 2962 Historic Preservation Week, National, Beef Board, budgets 533 1976, proclamation 3099 Federal Grain Inspection Ser­ Home Loan Bank Act, Federal, appro­ vice 2874, 2882, 2885, 2888 priation for effecting provisions 1108 Testimony before. Agriculture, De­ Home Loan Bank Board, Federal, ap­ partment of. Packers and propriation for 605, 643, 657, 1107 Stockyards Act of 1921, justifi­ Home Owner's Loan Act of 1933: cation of budget estimates Amendments 1078 under 1252 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriation for 616, 630, 645, 1445 sions 1108 Appropriations, Committee on, re­ Home Purchase Assistance Act of ports to— 1974, Emergency, amendments 1075 Alaska hydroelectric power pro­ Homeowners' Relief Act, Emergency, jects, payment of certain con­ amendments 1075 struction costs, agreement 2947 Homesteading and Small Tracts, Army, Department of the, military repeal of laws relating to 2787 construction 1351 Honeybees, importation prohibition 709 Coast Guard, United States, Presi­ Honorable James A. Haley, portrait, dential protection expendi­ presentation proceedings 3067 tures 2476 Horse Protection Act Amendments of Comptroller General, Presidential 1976 915 protection expenditures, Horse Protection Act of 1970, amend­ audit 2477 ments 915 Defense, Department of. Presiden­ Horses, helicopters and motor vehicles tial protection expenditures 2476 for management of. 2775 Interior, Department of the, Indi­ Hospitals: ana Dunes National Lake- Drug abusers, admission 245 shore 2531 Federal Housing Administration NASA, satellite services con­ supplemental loans 1070 tracts 680 Indian Health Service facilities, con­ Postal Service, budget 1303, 1304 struction and renovation 1406 Secret Service, United States, Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans' Presidential protection expen­ Hospital, Calif., designation 284 ditures 2476 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A50 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page House of Representatives—Continued House of Representatives—Continued Appropriations, Committee on, re­ Government Operations, Committee ports to—Continued on—Continued President of the United States, in­ Reports to—Continued ternational disaster assis­ Defense, Department of. Presi­ tance 773 dential protection expendi­ Technical data and computer tures 2476 softwear packages, military Secret Service, United States, procurement contract 932 Presidential protection ex­ penditures 2476 Armed Services Committee, reports Interior and Insular Affairs, Commit­ to- tee on— Air Force, Department of the, emer­ California Desert Conservation gency military construction 1357 Area, revised map and legal Army, Department of the, military description filed by Depart­ construction 1351 ment of Interior 2783 Comptroller General, United Reports to— States Soldiers' and Airmen's Agriculture, Department of, Home, operation, study 1519 Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Defense, Department of— Wash 907 Military construction 1359, 1362 Architect of the Capitol, Con­ Service academies and war col­ gressional Cemetery study 2373 leges, civilian faculty utili­ Historic Preservation, Advisory zation study 933 Council on 1322, 1323 Environmental Protection Agency, Indian Claims Commission 1991 toxic substances control, na­ Interior, Department of the— tional defense waiver, notice 2044 Assateague Island National Navy, Department of the— Seashore, Md.-Va., com­ Emergency military construc­ prehensive plan 2733 tion 1354 Concession leases and con­ Naval petroleum reserves 312 tracts, proposed awards 1943 Nuclear career bonuses 901, 903 Congaree Swamp National Real property exchange 1367 Monument, S.C 2517, 2518 Technical data and computer Eugene O'Neill National His­ softwear packages, military toric Site, Calif., coopera­ procurement contract 932 tive agreements 2501 Barrett, William A., deceased, pay­ Frederick Law Olmsted Home ment to estate 616 and Office, Mass 2447 Contingent expenses, appropriation George W. Norris Home, for 616, 617, 1447, 1449 Nebr 2450 Education and Labor, Committee on— Indiana Dunes National Lake- Employment and Unemploymnent shore 2530-2532 Statistics, National Commis­ Monocacy National Battle­ sion on, hearings, participa­ field, Md., final master tion 1484 plan 2739 Reports to. Health, Education, and Mount Mitchell National Park, Welfare, Department of. Edu­ N.C., feasibility study.. 2450 cation Division, reorganization National Museum of Afro- study 2239 American History and Government Operations, Committee Culture, Ohio 2447 on— National Park System lands... 1940, National Archives Trust Fund 1942,1943 Board, member 1192 National Petroleum Reserve Reports to— in Alaska, exploration; Coast Guard, United States, study 305, 306 Presidential protection ex­ Ninety Six National Historic penditures 2476 Site, management plan 1197 Comptroller General, Presiden­ Olympic National Park, tial protection expenditures, Wash., boundary revision audit 2477 notice 2739 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A51 Page Page House of Representatives—Continued House of Representatives—Continued Interior and Insular Affairs, Commit­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce, tee on—C!ontinued Committee on—Continued Reports to—Continued Reports to—Continued Interior, Department of the— Health, Education, and Welfare, Continued Department of—Continued Public lands, emergency with­ Medical residency training drawal from sale; review programs, positions in pri­ and extensions 2753 mary care, determina­ Saint Paul's Church, N.Y., tion 2295 suitability as unit of Na­ Public and community health tional Park System 2447 personnel, statistics 2306 Urban recreation 1318 National Commission for the Lincoln National Memorial, rec­ Protection of Human Sub­ ognition of Alaska and jects of Biomedical and Be­ Hawaii 2632 havioral Research, disclo­ , wilder­ sure of research informa­ ness areas, maps and bound­ tion, study 407 ary descriptions 2693 Navy, Department of the. Na­ President of the United States, tional Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, solid waste cleanup Alaska, information 304 on Federal lands in 2840 Outdoor recreation State grant President's Biomedical Research programs 1317 Panel, disclosure of research President of the United States— information, study 407 Micronesian college, study 299 Solid waste management guide­ National Petroleum Reserve lines, notice 2804 in Alaska, study 305 Judiciary, Committee on the, reports Wilderness areas, maps and de­ to— scriptions filed with 2637 Coast Guard, United States, Presi­ International Relations, Committee dential protection expendi­ on, reports to— tures 2476 Council on International Elconomic Comptroller General, Presidential Policy, international invest­ protection' expenditures, ment 2064 audit 2477 President of the United States— Defense, Department of. Presiden­ Foreign assistance, discrimina­ tial protection expenditures 2476 tory practices, statement 751 Law Enforcement Assistance Ad­ Foreign military sales, discrimi­ ministration, activities 2422 nation 753 Secret Service, United States, International investment 2061 Presidential protection expen­ Military sales program 739, 743 ditures 2476 State, Department of, human Litton, Jerry, payment to parents rights statement 749 of 1445 Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Committee on— Law Revision Counsel, publication of National Transportation Policy District of Columbia Code through Supplement V, 1973 Study Commission, member 449 1170 Railroad-related documents, sub­ edition mittal by Interstate Com­ Macdonald, Torbert H., payment to 1445 merce Commission 47 widow of. Reports to— Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Com­ Consumer Product Safety Com­ mittee on— mission, proposed safety Foreign fishing, applications for rules and regulations 509 permits, transmittal to 343 Health, Education, and Welfare, Reports to by United States Coast Department of— Guard, Fishery Conservation Allied health personnel statis­ and Management Act of 1976, tics 2311 compliance 358 Chiropractic health profes­ Patman, Wright, deceased, payment sions 2324 to widow 616 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A52 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page House of Representatives—Continued House of Representatives—Continued Post Office and Civil Service, Commit­ Speaker of the House—Continued tee on, reports to. Postal Service, Appointments by—Continued budget and statement 1303, 1304 National Commission on Unem­ Precedents of the House of Repre­ ployment Compensation, sentatives, printing and distribu­ members 2681 tion 2537 National Transportation Policy Public Works and Transportation, Study Commission, mem­ Committee on— bers 449 National Transportation Policy Postal Service, Commission on, Study Commission, member 449 members 1307 Reports to— Land Management, Bureau of, ap­ Alaska hydroelectric power pro­ propriation authorization for, jects, payment of certain request, submittal to 2772 construction costs, agree­ Reports to— ment 2947 Commerce, Department of, fail­ Architectural and Transporta­ ure to publish population tion Barriers Compliance data 2463 Board, public buildings stan­ Energy Research and Develop­ dards, compliance 2508 ment Administration, elec­ Engineers, Corps of, water re­ tric and hybrid vehicles... 1264, sources development proj­ 1267 ects 2920, 2936 Environmental Protection Reports to— Agency, environmental re­ Commission on Security and Coop­ search, development and eration in Europe 662 demonstration, transfer of Federal Election Commission, pro­ authorized funds 2070 posed rules or regulations 477 Interior, Department of^ General Services Administration, National Park System, areas real and personal property, qualifying for inclusion donations, disposals, and in 1940 transfers 2454, 2455 Public lands, denial of sale 2761 Interior and Insular Affairs, Com­ Registry of Natural Land­ mittee on, Valley Forge Na­ marks and National Reg­ tional Historical Park, Pa., ister of Historic places, master development plan 797 areas exhibiting endan­ President of the United States— gered resources 1940 Federal lands, multiple use Military departments, construc­ plan 908 tion contract awards 1363 International fishery agree­ NASA, use of funds 678, 679 ments 340 National Science Foundation, President's Committee on Sci­ transfer of funds 2054 ence and Technology 470 President of the United States— United States Parole Commis­ Angola, assistance to 758 sion 221 Federal lands, certain with­ Science and Technology, Committee drawals from sale, on, reports to— review 2754 Energy Research and Develop­ Foreign assistance 751, 754 ment Administration, electric Foreign military sales... 735, 736, and hybrid vehicles... 1264, 1265, 738, 740, 741, 743, 747, 752 1267 Guatemala relief and rehabili­ NASA- tation 398 Satellite services contracts 680 Indian Ocean, control of mili­ Use of funds 678, 679 tary forces in 759 National Science Foundation... 2054- International military educa­ 2056, 2058 tion and training 732 Speaker of the House— International narcotics con­ Appointments by— trol, study 764 Commission on Security and Korea, Republic of. 760 Cooperation in Europe, Selected Reserve, involuntary members 661 order to active duty 517 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX AS3 Page House of Representatives—Continued Housing—Continued Speaker of the House—Continued Navy, Department of, family hous­ Reports to—Continued ing 1359 President of the United States— Rehabilitation loan program, exten­ Continued sion 1074 Wilderness areas, designation Rural housing 1078 of, recommendations 2785 Supplemental Authorization Act for State, Department of, United Military Construction on States citizens imprisoned Guam 2437 in Mexico 760 Housing Act, National, amendments ... 1068- Student Loan Special 1073,1075, 1076 Allowances, Committee on Housing Act of 1937, United States: the Process of Determin- Amendments 1067,1068 mg., 2135 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Veterans Administration, ampu­ sions 1095,1096 tees, cardiovascular disor­ Housing Act of 1949: ders, study 1378 Amendments 1078 Veterans' Affairs, Committee on, re­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ports to— sions 859-861 Health, Education, and Welfare, Housing Act of 1950, appropriation for Department of. Veterans Ad­ effecting provisions 1096 ministration facilities, cer­ Housing Act of 1954: tain services, rates and pro­ Amendments 1076 Appropriation for effecting provi­ cedures 2853 sions 861,1097 Veterans Administration— Housing Act of 1959: Hospital and medical program, Amendments 1074 study 2854 2843 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Per diem rates sions 603, 1095 Ways and Means, Committee on, re­ Housing Act of 1964: ports to— Amendments 1074 Health, Education, and Welfare, Appropriation for effecting provi­ Department of. Veterans Ad­ sions 1097 ministration facilities, certain Housing Amendments Act of 1976, medical services, rates and Veterans 720 procedures 2853 Housing Amendments of 1955, amend­ Treasury, Department of the. New ments 1077 York City pension plans or Housing and Community Develop­ trusts 239 ment Act of 1974: Housing: Amendments 1076-1078 Air Force, Department of, family Appropriation for effecting provi­ housing— sions 603, 1096, 1097 Appropriation for 995 Housing and Urban Development, De­ Construction and acquisition, au­ partment of: thorization 1359 Appropriation Act, 1977 1095 Army, Department of, family hous­ Appropriation for 603, 636, 650 ing- Emergency Homeowners' Relief Act, Appropriation 995 amendments 1075 Construction and acquisition, au­ Employees, day care center 1077 thorization 1359 Energy conservation and renewable- Coast Guard personnel, leases 2077 resource demonstration program Defects, expenditures for correc­ for existing dwellings 1162 tion 1072 Energy Conservation Standards for Flood insurance 1075 New Buildings Act of 1976 1144 Indian homes and communities, Environmental Quality, Office of^ water and waste disposal facili­ Appropriation for 1101 ties, construction 1407 Authorization of funds 587 Low-income housing assistance 1067 General provisions. Appropriation Military Construction Appropriation Act, 1977 1109 Act, 1977 993 Government National Mortgage As­ Military Construction Authorization sociation, President, confirma­ Act, 1977 1349 tion 1076 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A54 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Housing and Urban Development, De­ Idaho—Continued partment of—Continued Federal Lands, certain withdrawals Historic Preservation, Advisory from sale, review by Department Council on, member 1320 of Interior 2754 Home buyers, protection from Lake Coeur d'Alene, nonnavigable, hidden or undisclosed defects, declaration 2934 study 1073 Lower Snake River, Fish and Wild­ Housing and Community Develop­ life Compensation Plan, authori­ ment Act of 1974, appropriation zation 2921 for effecting provisions 603 Lucky Peak Lake, project modifica­ Interstate Land Sales Registration, tion 2944 Office of, appropriation for 636, 650 Nez Perce National Historical Park, Public buildings, standards insuring development ceiling increase 2733 access for the handicapped 2507 Pacific Northwest Trail, national Science, Engineering and Technol­ scenic trail, designation, feasibil­ ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ ity study 2481 cil for, member 471 Snake River, navigation and irriga­ White House Conference on Bal­ tion project, modification 2934 anced National Growth and Eco­ Teton Dam failure, compensation for nomic Development, Advisory damages 1211 Committee to the, member 2340 Valley County, land conveyance 2438 Housing and Urban Development Act, Illinois: Department of, amendments 1077 Chicago, water diversion, five-year Housing and Urban Development Act demonstration program and of 1965, appropriation for effecting study 2934 provisions 1096 Chicago River Watershed, flood pre­ Housing and Urban Development Act vention and facilities develop­ of 1968, appropriation for effecting ment project 2926 provisions 1097 Chicagoland underflow plan, flood Housing and Urban Development Act control project 2922 of 1970: Crab Orchard Wilderness, designa­ Amendments 1077, 1078, 1162 tion 2633 Appropriation for effecting provi­ East St. Louis, flood control project, sions 1098 modification 2929 Housing Authorization Act of 1976 1067 Lincoln Home National Historic "How Our Laws Are Made", publica­ Site, acquisition ceiling in­ tion as House document 3029 crease 2732 Howard University, D.C., appropri­ Shawnee Hills, national recreation ation for 611, 1431 area, feasibility study 2449 Human Rights and Humanitarian Af­ United States attorney for the fairs, Coordinator for, establish­ Northern District, compensa­ ment 750 tion 2427 Humanities, National Endowment for Immigration and Nationality Act, the, National Museum Services amendments 1258, 2300-2302 Board, member 1975 2535, 2703 Humanities, National Foundation on Immigration and Nationality Act the Arts and the, appropriations Amendments of 1976 2703 for 1062 Immigration and Naturalization Ser­ Humanities Act of 1965, National vice: Foundation on the Arts and the: Appropriation for 621, 638, 652, 944 Amendments... 1062, 1971 1978, 1980, 1981, Commissioner, compensation 2426 2629 Imports: Appropriation for effecting provi­ Arms, control of licenses 744 sions 1062 Beef and veal, limitation on importa­ tion from Canada, termination, proclamation 3071 Brooms, modification of tariff-rate Idaho: quota on certain, proclamation 3103 Boise City, land conveyance 1381 Ceramic tableware, extension and Desert Trail, national scenic trail, modification of certain increased designation, feasibility study 2481 rates of duty, proclamation 3096 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A55 Page Page Imports—C!ontinued Indian Nations Trail, Okla., national Chemical substances 2034 scenic trail, designation, feasibility Copyright protection, copies or phon- study 2481 orecords of works 2588 Indian Ocean, military forces in, con­ Duty-free entries— trol 759 Aircraft components and materials Indian Self-Determination and Educa­ previously exported from the tion Assistance Act, appropriation United States 2440 for effecting provisions 1059 Elbow prosthetic devices 1502 Indiana: Manganese ore 2642 Little Calumet River, flood control Fish and fish products, certain, pro­ project, authorized-advanced en­ hibition 346 gineering and design 2918 Honeybees, prohibition 709 Ray J. Madden Post Office Building, Meats, temporary quantitative limita­ designation 2382 tions on certain beef and veal South Bend, multimodal airport ter­ from Canada, termination, proc­ minal and transfer facilities, lamation 3071 demonstration project 885 Milk mixtures, dry, import limita­ Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore: tion, proclamation 3084 Advisory Commission, additional Petroleum and petroleum products, members 2530 import modification, proclama­ Expansion 2529 tion 3073 Indians: Steel, stainless or alloy tool steel, cer­ Alaska Native Claims Settlement tain articles, temporary quanti­ Act- tative limitation, proclamation 3105 Amendments 1934 Sugars, sirups and molasses, tariffs Appropriation for effecting provi­ on certain, modification, procla­ sions 1051, 1063 mation 3126 American Indian Policy Review Inaugural Ceremonies of 1977, appro­ Commission, appropriation for... 617, priation for 617 1449 Independent Agencies Appropriations Federal revenue sharing funds, Act, 1977 968 waiver of entitlement 2345 Independent Offices. See also Govern­ Grand River Band of Ottawa Indi­ ment Organization and Employees ans, judgment funds, disposi­ and individual titles. tion 2503 Appropriation for... 362, 604, 619, 628, 642, Health services and facilities— 656, 898, 968, 1098, 1470, 1498 Appropriation for 608, 1059 Independent Offices and Department Nonprofit recruitment agencies, of Housing and Urban Develop­ utilization 415 ment Appropriation Act, 1968, ap­ Land use planning programs, coordi­ propriation for effecting provi­ nation 2749, 2750 sions 1097 Law enforcement and criminal jus­ Independent Safety Board Act of tice activities and programs, 1974, amendment 2080 grants 2417 India, John McCormack Center, St. Low income persons, grants for John's Medical College, appropri­ weatherization of existing dwell­ ation for 772 ings 1153 Indian Affairs, Bureau of, appropri­ Native American Awareness Week, ation for 606, 637, 652, 1050 designation 2364 Navajo and Hopi Relocation Com­ Indian Claims Commission: mission, appropriation for 1060 Appropriation for 657, 1060 Navajo Reservation, flood control Authorization of funds 1990 survey 2937 Extension 1990 Postsecondary schools, treatment 2233 Indian Crimes Act of 1976 585 Public service employment pro­ Indian Education Act, appropriation grams, funds, eligibility 1482 for effecting provisions 1060 Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., land con­ Indian Financing Act of 1974, appro­ demnation and right-of-way re­ priations for effecting provisions 1051 newal 1275 Indian Health Care Improvement Roads and bridges on reservations, Act 1400 authorization of funds 427 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A56 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Indians—Continued Insurance—Continued Santa Ynez River Conservation Dis­ Mortgage protection life insurance trict, relief. 1474 for certain disabled veterans, in­ Soboba Band of Mission Indians and crease 1377 Soboba Indian Reservation, sani­ Multifamily mortgage insurance... 1070, tation facilities and services 1408 1071 Trust accounting, appropriation for.... 973 Swine flu immunization program 1114 Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission War risk insurance program, exten­ Indians, Calif., lands in trust sion 1065, 2474 for 373 Inter-American Development Bank: Indochina: Appropriation for 778, 1471 Assistance, repeal of certain 761 Bahamas and Guyana, member­ Military assistance, authorization of ship 592 funds 729 U.S. participation, increase 591 Indochina Migration and Refugee As­ Inter-American Development Bank sistance Act of 1975, amend­ Act, amendments 591 ments 691 Inter-American Foundation, appropri­ Indochina Refugee Children Assis­ ation for 775,1468 tance Act of 1976 1225 Intergovernmental Personnel Act of Indus Basin Development Fund, 1970, appropriation for effecting grants and loans, appropriation provisions 969 for 772 Infants. See Children. Intergovernmental Relations, Adviso­ Influenza. See Swine Influenza. ry Commission on: Antirecession program, countercycli­ Information, Public. See Public Infor­ cal study 1010 mation. Appropriation for 657, 968 Information Agency, United States. Revenue sharing and federalism, See United States Information study 2356 Agency. Information Agency Authorization Intergovernmental Science, Engineer­ Act, Fiscal Year 1976, United ing, and Technology Advisory Panel, establishment 465 States 374 Information and Educational Ex­ Interior, Department of the: change Act of 1948, United States: Alaska Native Fund, appropriation Amendments 830, 831 for 606,1051 Authorization of funds 374, 829 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenti- Act of 1976 2903 cide Act, Federal, research, devel­ Alaska Power Administration, ap­ opment, and demonstration, au­ propriation for 637, 652, 896 thorization of funds 2069 American Legion's Freedom Bell, lo­ Inspector General, Office of, establish­ cation approval 2242 ment 2429 Appropriation Act, 1977 1043 Institute. See other part of title. Appropriation for... 605, 619, 636, 651, 892, Insurance: 1043,1416 Federal Crop Insurance Act, appro­ Boat launching areas, public, access priation for effecting provi­ ramps, guidelines 446 sions 2066 Boating and water related activities Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, within the national park system, appropriation for. 598, 632, 647, 858 regulations 1939 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance California Desert Conservation Area, Corporation, appropriation for 1108 management programs 2783 Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Na­ Cherokee Strip Living Museum, tional— Kans., administration 2501 Amendments 1075 Employees and officers, financial in­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ terest disclosure 1344, 2769 sions 1097 Federal Land Policy and Manage­ Life insurance companies, policy­ ment Act of 1976. 2743 holders surplus account 781 Fish and Wildlife Service, United Medical malpractice suits against States. See separate title. the United States 827, 1985 Flagpoles, placement on Union Sta­ Mortgage insurance 1068,1069 tion Plaza, D.C 711 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A57 Page Page Interior, Department of the—Contin­ Interior, Department of the—Contin­ ued ued Frederick Law Olmsted Home and National Museum of Afro-American Office, Mass., study 2447 History and Culture, Ohio, General provisions, Appropriation study 2447 Act 897, 900, 1054, 1063 National Park Service. See separate Geological Survey, appropriation title. for 606, 637, 651, 1048 National Park System— Greorge W. Norris Home, Nebr., Areas qualifying for inclusion in, study 2450 study 1940 Employees working within, law Guam Power Authority bonds or enforcement authority 1941 other obligations, guarantee 1199 National Parks, Monuments, Sea­ Highways, federally assisted construc­ shores, Etc. See separate title. tion, study, consultation 448 National Petroleum Reserve in Historic Preservation, Advisory Alaska, transfer of jurisdiction Council on, member; financial from Department of the Navy 303 and administrative services... 1320, National Register historic site and 1321 object locations, conditions for Indian Affairs, Bureau of, appropri­ nondisclosure 1942 ation for 606, 637, 652, 1050 National scenic trails, designation, Indians.' See separate title. feasibility studies 2481 Kalaupapa Settlement, Hawaii, Olympic National Park, Wash., land study 2448 exclusion, study and investiga­ Land conveyances— tion 2740 Albuquerque, N. Mex 1340 Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of— Cook Inlet Region, Inc., Alaska 1935 Appropriation for 605, 637, 651, 1045 Documents, corrections 2770 State grant programs, report to 1317 Haines, Alaska 3009 Outdoor recreation, financial assis­ Klukwan Village, Alaska 1934 tance recipients, audit 1317 Lucille Jones 2976 Parklands, preservation study, coop­ eration 440 Twentynine Palms Park and Re­ creation District, Calif 327 Public lands— Payments to local governments Valley County, Idaho 2438 based on entitlement lands 2662 Land exchange authority. National Rights-of-way, National Forest Wildlife Refuge System 190 System lands 2776 Land Management, Bureau of See Rail Bank establishment, consulta­ separate title. tion 146 Lincoln National Memorial, recogni­ Railroad rights-of-way, conversion, tion of Alaska and Hawaii, feasi­ consultation 144 bility study 2632 Range management 2772 Migratory Bird Conservation Act, Reclamation, Bureau of, appropri­ amendment 190 ation for 619, 636, 892-896, 1416 Migratory bird hunting and conser­ Reclamation projects. See separate vation stamps, sale 189 title. Mineral Lands Leasing Act, amend­ Saint Paul's Church, N.Y., study 2447 ments 1083, 1323 Santa Ynez River Water Conserva­ Mines, Bureau of, appropriation tion District, Calif, relief to 1474 for 637, 652, 1049 Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Mining Enforcement and Safety Ad­ ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ cil for, member 471 ministration, appropriation for... 606, "Screaming Eagles" memorial, site 637, 651, 1049 selection 151 Mining waste study, consultation 2832 Southeastern Power Administration, Minnesota Valley National Wildlife appropriation for 897 Refuge Act 1992 Southwestern Power Administration, Montgomery County, Md., land appropriation for 637, 652, 897 transferred to jurisdiction of Na­ Starling and blackbird control, Ky.- tional Park Service 2734 Tenn 28 Mount Mitchell National Park, N.C., Tabard Inn, Tenn., recreational fa­ feasibility study 2450 cility, interim management of 2941 NOTE: Vait 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A58 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Interior, Department of the—Contin­ International Broadcasting, Board ued for—Continued Territorial Affairs, Office of, appro­ Supplies, services and personal prop­ priation for 607, 637, 652,1052 erty, procurement 832 Teton Dam, Idaho, failure, compen­ International Broadcasting Act of sation for damages 1211 1973, Board for, amendments 832 Trust Territory of the Pacific Is­ International Business Administra­ lands. See separate title. tion, Domestic and, appropriation Tule elk population preservation, for 633, 648, 948 Calif.; restoration and conserva­ International Claims Settlement Act tion plan 1189, 1190 of 1949, amendments 2509 Virgin Islands bonds, guarantee 1193 International Development, Agency Water Research and Technology, for, appropriation for 774, 776,1468 Office of, appropriation for... 605, 1045 International Development Associ­ Wild and scenic rivers, certain, ad­ ation, appropriation for 778,1471 ministration and management... 2327, International Disaster Assistance, ap­ 2329 propriation for 773 Wilderness areas, administration of International Economic Policy, Coun­ certain 2692 cil on: Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Appropriation for 967 amendments... 295-297, 365, 456, 497- International Investment Survey Act 502, 781, 782, 1201,1217, 1273, 1503-1515, of 1976, studies and surveys, 1525-1933, 2443, 2483-2488, 2655, 2667- review 2064 2672, 2675-2680, 2687, 2697, 2699 International Education Act of 1966, Internal Revenue Service: amendments 2216 Administrative procedures, report, International Fisheries Commissions, printing as Senate document 3054 appropriation for 620, 639, 653, 941 Appropriation for 640, 655, 964 International Health Research Act of 1960, appropriation for effecting International Agreements: Animal disease control, United provisions 19,1432 International Investment Survey Act States cooperation 216 Foreign fishing and international of 1976 2059 International Joint Commission, fishery agreements 337 United States and Canada: Minnesota-Canada airport agree­ Appropriation for 941 ment, consent of Congress 769 Authorization of funds, limitation 824 Treaty of Friendship and Coopera­ Commissioner, appointment; 827 tion between the United States International Monetary Fund: of America and Spain, authori­ Governor and certain other officers, zation of funds 2498 payment for salary, prohibition ... 2660 United States and Mexico, Tijuana Loans by United States Treasury 2661 River flood control project 1333 United States quota, increase 2660 Whale conservation and protection, International Organizations: bilateral agreements with Appropriation for 620, 639, 653, 938 Canada and Mexico 2492 Authorization of funds 823 International Atomic Energy Agency: International Cotton Advisory Com- Appropriation for 772 mitttee, U.S. membership au­ Authorization of funds 764 thority 826 International Boundary and Water International Lead and Zinc Study Commission, United States and Group, U.S. membership author­ Mexico: ity 826 Appropriation for 939 International Rubber Study Group, International flood control project, U.S. membership authority 826 Tijuana River Basin, construc­ International Seed Testing Associ­ tion and operation 1333 ation, U.S. membership author­ International Boundary Commission, ity 826 United States and Canada, appro­ Organization of American States, re­ priation for 941 structuring proposal, congres­ International Broadcasting, Board sional support 942 for: United Nations. See separate title. Appropriation for 955 International Petroleum Exposition, Authorization of funds 832 Okla., participation 204

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A59 Page Page International Security Assistance and Investment Company Act of 1940, Arms Export Control Act of amendments 57 1976 729 Investment Survey Act of 1976, Inter­ International Trade Commission, national 2059 United States, terms of office; Iowa: voting procedures 1762 Algona, airport property restrictions, International Travel Act of 1961, ap­ release 281 propriation for effecting provi­ Des Moines River, flood control pro­ sions 949 ject, modification 2923 International Women's Year, 1975, Na­ Iran, naval vessels, sale to, approval 1938 tional Commission on the Obser­ Irrigation, census 210 vance of, appropriation for 628 Isle Royale National Park, Mich., Internationally Protected Persons, boundary revision 2694 Act for the Prevention and Pun­ Isle Royale Wilderness, Mich., desig­ ishment of Crimes Against 1997 nation 2692 Interstate Commerce Act, amend­ Israel: ments... 34-54, 60, 62-65, 125, 127, 146, Abraham Lincoln statue, presenta­ 2628-2630 tion by President of the United Interstate Commerce Commission: States 29 Appropriation for 626, 643, 658, 1182 Foreign military credit sales 777 Schools, colleges, and cultural orga­ Delmarva rail study 2631 nizations, loans, amounts due Discontinuance and abandonment on, waiver 776 procedures 2628 Security supporting assistance, ap­ National Transportation Policy propriation for 774 Study Commission, liaison offi­ Israel Institute of Technology, loans, cer 449 amounts due on, waiver 776 Rail conglomerates, study 148 Israel Program for Scientific Transla­ Rail service continuation assistance tions, loans, amounts due on, negotiations, cooperation 139 waiver 776 Rail Services Planning Office— Italy, relief and rehabilitation 761 Appropriation for 1182 Establishment as a permanent office 57 Rights-of-way conversion, consulta­ J. Allen Frear Building, Del., designa­ tion 144 tion .• 2439 Rail transportation aid, study, coop­ J. Edward Snyder, Jr. (Ret.), Rear Adm., eration 148 assignment authority as Oceanogra- Railroad conveyances waste disposal, pher of the Navy 933 recommendations 2630 J. N. "Ding" Darling Wilderness, Fla., Railroad rate bureaus, report 45 designation 2633 Railroad Revitalization and Regula­ James A. Haley, Honorable, presenta­ tory Reform Act of 1976 31 tion proceedings 3067 Recyclable or recycled materials, dis­ James E. Carter and Gerald R. Ford, criminatory freight rates investi­ Presidential debates, printing of gation, report 40 copies 3067 Interstate Commission on the Poto­ James Madison Memorial Building: mac River Basin, appropriation Appropriation for 203 for 898 Funds, additional authorization 194 Interstate Compacts, Consent of Con­ James Smithson Bequest, U.S. ap­ gress: preciation to Queen Elizabeth II 798 Coastal zone planning compacts, con­ Japan-United States Friendship Act, sent to negotiate and enter 1028 amendments 833 New Hampshire-Vermont Interstate Jefferson National Expansion Memo­ Sewage and Waste Disposal Fa­ rial National Historic Site, Mo., cilities Compact 1221 development ceiling increase 2733 Oil and gas conservation compact, Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans' extension and renewal 2365 Hospital, Calif., designation 284 Interstate Land Sales Registration, Jobs Programs Extension Act of 1976, Office of, appropriation for 636, 650 Emergency 1476 Investigation, Office of, grain inspec­ Joe L. Evins Post Office and Federal tion and weighing 2874 Building, Tenn., designation 2436 NOTE: Part 1 conUdns pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A60 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page John E. Fogarty International Center Judiciary Appropriations: for Advanced Study in the Health Judiciary Appropriation Act, 1977 952 Sciences, appropriation for 12, 1424 Second Supplemental Appropriations John F. Kennedy Center Act, amend­ Act, 1976 622, 631, 646 ment 2737 Justice, Department of: John F. Kennedy Center for the Per­ Antitrust Division, appropriation forming Arts, nonperforming arts for 621, 638, 652 functions, maintenance, additional Appropriation Act, 1977 943 funds 1048, 2737 Appropriation for 620, 638, 652, 943 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Attorney General. See separate title. Mass., land conveyance 589 Attorneys and marshals. United John McCormack Center, St. John's States, appropriation for... 621, 638, Medical College, India, appropri­ 652 ation for 772 Drug Enforcement Administration— Joint Committees, Congressional: Appropriation for 622, 638, 653, 946 Atomic Energy, appropriation for 1449 Excepted service positions 2425 Congressional Operations, appropri­ Federal Bureau of Investigation— ation for 630,645, 1449 Appropriation for 621, 638, 652, 944 Defense Production, appropriation Director, term of office 2427 for 630, 645, 1449 Federal Prison Industries, Inc., ap­ Economic— propriation for 946 Appropriation for 630, 645, 1448 Federal Prison System, appropri­ Emplojrment and Unemplojonent ation for 621, 638, 652, 945 Statistics, National Commis­ Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Im­ sion on, hearings, participa­ provements Act of 1976 1383 tion 1484 Immigration and Naturalization Joint Economic Report, 1976, Service— printing of addition! copies 3024 Appropriation for 621, 638, 652, 944 Inaugural ceremonies of 1977— Commissioner, compensation 2426 Appointment 3023 Law Enforcement Assistance Ad­ Appropriation for 617 ministration. See separate title. Library, murals for House wing, ac­ National Institute of Corrections, ap­ ceptance of design sketches for 2377 propriation for 945 Internal Revenue Taxation— Prisons, Bureau of See sepa­ Appropriation for 617, 630, 645,1449 rate title. Individual retirement accounts, expanded participation, Supergrade positions, additional 2426 United States Board of Parole, per­ study 1741 Tax incentives study 1925 sonnel, liabilities, transfer to Tax revision study 1569 United States Parole Commis­ Printing— sion 233 Appropriation for 616, 630, 645, 1449 United States Parole Commission— Precedents of the House of Repre­ Establishment 219 sentatives, distribution 2538 Personnel and liabilities, transfer Joint Economic Report, 1976, printing from United States Board of of additional copies 3024 Parole 233 Joint Federal-State Land Use Plan­ Justice William O. Douglas, tributes, ning Commission for Alaska, ap­ printing as House document 3042 propriation for 1063 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Pre­ Jordan: vention Act of 1974: Military assistance, authorization of Amendments 244, 2425 funds 729 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Security supporting assistance, ap­ sions 19, 945, 946 propriation for 774 Joshua Tree Wilderness, Calif., desig­ nation 2692 K Judicial Center, Federal, appropri­ ation for 646, 954 Kaiser Wilderness, Calif., designa­ Judicial Survivors' Annuities Fund, tion 2635 The, establishment 2611 Kalaupapa National Historical Park Judicial Survivors' Annuities Reform Advisory Commission, establish­ Act 2603 ment 2448 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A61 Page Page Kalaupapa Settlement, Hawaii, suit­ Labor, Department of—Continued ability as unit of National Park Bilingual vocational training, System, study 2447 study 2206 Kansas: Employment and Training Adminis­ Cherokee Strip Living Museum, ad­ tration, appropriation for... 362, 608, ministration by Department of 1418 the Interior 2501 Employment and Unemployment Elkart, airport property, release of Statistics, National Commission restrictions 196 on, hearings, participation 1484 Fort Lamed National Historic Site, Emplojonent Standards Administra­ development ceiling increase 2733 tion, appropriation for... 6, 608, 638, Historical sites, commemoration, ad­ 653, 1420 ditional funds authorized 2734 General provisions 8, 24, 1421 Kanopolis unit, Pick-Sloan Missouri Labor-Management Services Admin­ Basin program, construction, istration, appropriation for... 6, 638, authorization 1324 653,1419 Tuttle Creek Lake and Big Blue Labor Statistics, Bureau of, appropri­ Lake, project modification 2942 ation for 8, 639, 653,1421 Water resources depletion, study 2943 Manpower Administration, appropri­ Kentucky: ation for 3, 638, 653 Daniel Boone Trail, national scenic Occupational Safety and Health Ad­ trail, designation, feasibility ministration, appropriation for ... 7, study 2481 638, 653, 1420 Harris Fork Creek, flood control pro­ Prepaid legal services, benefits, con­ ject, authorization 2921 tinuation of income exclusion 1928 Starling and blackbird control 28 Public emplojnnent programs, Keren Hanegev and Misrachi waiver of 30-day unemployment Women's Organization of Amer­ requirement authorized 1477 ica, loans, amounts due on, Rail service continuation assistance waiver 776 negotiations, cooperation 139 King Range National Conservation Solid Waste Disposal Act, persons in­ Area, Calif., survey and investiga­ stituting proceedings under, tion area, inclusion of additional review of firing or discrimina­ lands 2784 tion 2824 Klondike Gold Rush International Unemployment benefits, reimburse­ Historical Park, Alaska-Wash.- ment to States, certification 1481 Canada, designation authoriza­ Veterans' Employment, Deputy As­ tion 718,719 sistant Secretary of Labor for, Klondike Gold Rush National Histori­ establishment 2404 cal Park, Alaska-Wash., establish­ Veterans' Employment Service, em­ ment 717 ployment and training services, Korea, Republic of: report 1483 Civil liberties, erosion, congressional Labor-Management Relations Act, concern 761 1947, appropriation for effecting Military assistance, authorization of provisions 22, 23, 1434, 1435 funds 729 Labor-Management Services Adminis­ Naval vessels, sale to, approval 1938 tration, appropriation for... 6, 638, 653, Report on 760 1419 Labor Relations Board, National, ap­ propriation for 23, 643, 658,1435 Labor Relations Council, Federal, ap­ Labeling Act of 1976, Gold 1501 propriation for 642, 656, 969 Labor, Department of: Labor Statistics, Bureau of: Americans of Spanish origin or de­ Appropriation for 8, 639, 653,1421 scent, economic and social statis­ Employment and Unemployment tics, publication 688 Statistics, National Commission Appropriation Act, 1976 3 on, hearings, participation 1484 Appropriation Act, 1977 1418 Laboratory and Center Operations, Appropriation for... 3, 362, 608, 638, 653, Panel for the Review of, establish­ 1418 ment 2229 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A62 SUBJECT INDEX Page Lacassine Wilderness, La., designa­ Law Enforcement Training Center, tion 2633 Federal, appropriation for 963 Lake Chelan National Recreation Lead and Zinc Study Group, Interna­ Area, Wash., acquisition ceiling in­ tional, U.S. membership author­ crease 2732 ity 826 Lake Ontario Protection Act of 1976.... 2939 Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Preven­ Lake Woodruff Wilderness, Fla., des­ tion Act: ignation 2633 Amendments 705, 706 Land and Water Conservation Fund: Appropriation for effecting provi­ Expansion 1313 sions 1422 Recreational lands, utilization for Lebanon: purchases of 2772 Housing reconstruction 761 Land and Water Conservation Fund Relief and rehabilitation 761, 762,1466 Act of 1965: Strife in, sense of Congress 760 Amendments 1313 Legal Services Corporation, appropri­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ation for 623, 957 sions 892, 1045 Legal Services Corporation Act of Transfer of funds, time extension 456 1974, appropriation for effecting Land Management, Bureau of: provisions 957 Appropriation for 605, 636, 651, 1043 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, Budget authority, rescission of cer­ 1959, amendment 1445 tain 287 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, Missouri River, Mont., wild and 1968, amendments 1443 scenic river, management 2329 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, Land Policy and Management Act of 1976: 1976, Federal 2744 Amendment 1443 Land Sales Registration, Office of In­ Repeal of certain provisions 618 terstate, appropriation for 636, 650 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, Lands, Public. See Public Lands. 1977 1439 Laos: Legislative Branch of the Government. Assistance, prohibition of funds... 776,1469 See also Congress; House of Repre­ Combat activities, restriction on sentatives; Senate. funds 175 Refugee assistance 691, 776,1470 Appropriation for 612, 1439 Law Day, U.S.A., 1976, proclamation 3081 Legislative Reorganization Act of Law Enforcement: 1946, appropriation for effecting Crime Control Act of 1976 2407 provisions 1456 National Park System, certain Inte­ Leif Erikson Day, 1976, proclama­ rior Department employees tion 3114 working within, authority 1941 Leprosy, payments to Hawaii for care Public lands, authority 2763 and treatment of afflicted per­ Water resources development pro­ sons 9,1422 jects, increased services, con­ Libraries: See also Library of Con­ tracts 2924 gress. Law Enforcement and Criminal Jus­ College library assistance, training tice, National Institute of: and research 2089 Correctional facilities surverys 2417 National Agricultural Library, ap­ Drug treatment programs, research propriation for 855 and studies 2417 National Library of Medicine, appro­ Law Enforcement Assistance Admin­ priation for 12, 1424 istration: Libraries and Information Science, Appropriation for 946 National Commission on, appro­ Community Anti-Crime Programs, priation for 23, 1435 Office of, establii^hment 2407 Library of Congress: Deputy AdministratoiA for Adminis­ Aliens, employment 1457 tration, compensation 2426 American Television and Radio Ar­ Public safety officers, death bene­ chives, establishment 2601 fits 1346 Annex, designation as Library of State planning agencies, revision 2408 Congress Thomas Jefferson State plans, approval evaluation and Building 329 review 2413, 2421 Appropriation for 618, 630, 645, 1455

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A63 Page Page Library of Congress—CJontinued Louisiana—Continued Books for the blind and physically Mermentau River and Gulf of handicapped, appropriation for... 630, Mexico Navigation Channel, 645, 1456 maintenance 2936 Congressional Research Service, ap­ Metrairie, railroad highway crossing, propriation for 630, 645,1456 demonstration project 444 Constitution of the United States, Red River, flood control project, au­ Annotated, appropriation for re­ thorized advanced engineering vision 1457 and design 2942, 2943 Copyright Office, appropriation for... 618, Red River Waterway, navigation and 630, 645, 1455 bank stabilization project, modi­ Deposit of copies or phonorecords fication 2942 for 2579 Vermilion Lock, replacement 2923 James Madison Memorial Build­ Loyalty Day, 1976, proclamation 3091 ings Appropriation for 203 Funds, additional authorization 194 M National Commission on New Tech­ nological Uses of Copyrighted Magistrates, United States. See under Works: Courts, United States. Appropriation for 1455 Magna Carta, loan to the United Authorization of funds, extension .. 692 States, delegation of Members of Trust fund deposits, interest adjust­ Congress to accept 3026 ments 521 Magnuson-Moss Warranty—Federal Library Services and Construction Trade Commission Improvement Act, appropriation for effecting Act, amendments 588 provisions 611, 1428 Maine, financial institutions in, nego­ Lincoln, Abraham, statue of, presenta­ tiable order of withdrawal ac­ tion to Israel 29 counts 197 Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Malpractice, actions against the 111., acquisition ceiling increase 2732 United States 827,1985 Lincoln National Memorial, recogni­ Management and Budget, OfHce of: tion of Alaska and Hawaii 2632 Americans of Spanish origin or de­ Lister Hill Scholarship Program, scent, economic and social statis­ grants 2289 tics, publication 688 Livestock. See Animals. Appropriation for 632, 647, 967 Livestock Credit Act of 1974, Emer­ Emplojnnent and Unemployment gency, amendments 2446 Statistics, National Commission Local Public Works Capital Develop­ on, hearings, participation 1484 ment and Investment Act of National sea grant program annual 1976 999 report, review and evaluation 1968 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Reports to— Compensation Act, appropriation Defense, Department of, foreign for effecting provisions 6, 7, 1420 real property received 1294 Lotteries, State, newspaper advertise­ ments 2478 General Services Administration, Louisiana: records management, assis­ Bartram Trail, national scenic trail, tance to Federal agencies 2725 designation, feasibility study 2481 Historic Preservation, Advisory Caddo Dam and Reservoir, flood Council on 1322, 1323 control project, modification 2937 Manganese ore, duty suspension 2642 Federal revenue sharing funds, enti­ Manpower Administration, appropri­ tlement of separate law enforce­ ation for 3, 638, 653 ment officers 2345 Manpower Policy, National Commis­ Highway and structures over naviga­ sion for: ble waterways. State construc­ Emplojrment and Unemplojonent tion, congressional consent 2926 Statistics, National Commission Lacassine Wilderness, designation 2633 on, hearings, participation 1484 Louisiana-Texas Intracoastal Water­ Public service employment pro­ way, segments, land convey­ grams, net employment effects, ance 2924 study 1488

NOTE: Part 1 contedns pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A64 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Mariana Islands, Northern, tax ex­ Marine Resources and Engineering emptions for bonds and other obli­ Development Act of 1966, amend­ gations 271 ments 1961 Mariana Islands in Political Union Maritime Administration: with the United States of Amer­ Appropriation for 634, 648, 951 ica, Covenant to Establish a Com­ Employee benefits, salaries, au­ monwealth of the Northern, con­ thorization of additional funds 1224 gressional approval 263 Merchant Marine Academy, authori­ Marihuana, payment of funds to zation of funds 1224 persons producing for illegal use, Programs, authorization of funds 1224 prohibition 868 Maritime Appropriation Authoriza­ Marine Corps: tion Act of Fiscal Year 1977 1224 Active duty personnel strength 924 Maritime Commission, Federal, appro­ Aircraft, missiles, etc., procurement, priation for 643, 657, 956 appropriation authorization 923 Maritime Day, National, 1976, procla­ Appropriation for... 153, 599, 600, 634, 648, mation 3092 1279 Mark Twain National Forest, Mo., des­ Assistant Commandant, grade ap­ ignation, proclamation 3077 pointment 202 Marshalls, United States Attorneys Civilian personnel strength 927 and, appropriation for 621, 638, 652 Discharged members, unused leave Mary M, documentation of vessel for pajrments 925, 926 use in American fisheries 2708 Family housing, appropriation for 995 Maryland: Greneral and medical officers, disabil­ Assateague Island National Sea­ ity retirement, review 202 shore, acquisition ceiling in­ Guard and Reserves Forces Facilities crease 2732 Authorization Act, 1977 1368 Monocacy , Military Construction Authorization name changed to Monocacy Na­ Act, 1977 1352 tional Battlefield 2738 Military family housing 1359 Montgomery County, land trans­ Military training, student load 928 ferred to jurisdiction of National Officer candidates, subsistence Park Service 2734 allowances, extension 929 Prince Georges and Charles Coun­ Operation and maintenance, appro­ ties, scenic easements 2735 priation for 156, 1281 Mass Transportation Act of 1964, Procurement, appropriation for .. 164, 1287 Urban: Research and development, authori­ Amendments 148 zation of funds 924 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Reserve components— sions 293, 626,1180,1181 Appropriation for 154, 1280 Mass Transportation Assistance Act Facilities, authorization 1368 of 1974, National: Military training, student load 928 Amendments 444 Operation and maintenance, ap­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ propriation for 158, 1283 sions 1176 Selected Reserve, strength 926 Massachusetts: Stock fund, appropriation for 1284 Frederick Law Olmsted Home and Marine Fisheries Commission, Region­ Office, suitability as unit of Na­ al Fisheries Management Councils, tional Park System, study 2447 member 349 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Marine Mammal Commission: land conveyance 589 Appropriation for 957 Meats, temporary quantitative limita­ Whales, conservation and protection tions on imports of certain beef study, consultation 2491 and veal from Canada, termina­ Marine Mammal Protection Act of tion, proclamation 3071 1972: Medals and Decorations, Declaration Amendment 360 of Independence, signing by Appropriation for effecting provi­ Charles Carroll, commemorative sions 957 medals 302 Marine Protection, Research, and Mediation and Conciliation Service, Sanctuaries Act of 1972, amend­ Federal, appropriation for... 22, 643, 657, ment 725 1434 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A65 Page Page Mediation Board, National, appropri­ Michigan: ation for 23, 1435 Isle Royale National Park, boundary Medicaid: revision 2694 Eligibility preservation for certain Isle Royale Wilderness, designation.... 2692 individuals 2685 Philip A. Hart Visitors' Center, des­ Health maintenance organizations 1957 ignation 1944 Indian health service facilities 1409 Middle East Policy, sense of Con­ State plans for medical assistance, gress 756 consent to suit and waiver of im­ Middle East Special Requirements munity, repeal of provisions 2540 Fund: States, reduction of pajonent to, Appropriation for 763 repeal of provisions 2540 Authorization of funds 774 Medical Device Amendments of 1976.... 539 Migrant Health Centers, ambulatory Medical Sciences, National Institute surgical services 414 of General: Migration and Refugee Assistance Act Appropriation for 11, 1423 of 1962, appropriation for effect­ National Commission of Digestive ing provisions 777, 778,1470 Diseases, ex officio member 2651 Migratory Bird Conservation Act, Medical Services Amendments of amendment 190 1976, Emergency 2709 Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, Medicare: amendments 189 Health maintenance organizations 1956 Military Appeals, Court of, appropri­ Indian health service facilities 1408 ation for 160,1284 Physician services— Military Construction Appropriation Charges, updating 997 Act, 1977 993 Reimbursement in teaching hospi­ Military Construction Authorization tals 997 Act, 1975, repeal of prior authori­ Medicine, National Library of, appro­ zations; exceptions 1363 priation for 12, 1424 Military Construction Authorization Medicine Lake Wilderness, Mont., des­ Act, 1977 1349 ignation 2634 Military Construction on Guam, Sup­ Memorial Day, Prayer for Peace, May plemental Authorization Act for 2437 31,1976, proclamation 3100 Milk, dry mixtures, import limitation, Mental Health Centers Act, Communi­ proclamation 3084 ty, appropriation for 13, 19, 1424 Milk Program, Special, appropriation Merchant Marine Academy, authoriza­ for 598,866 tion of funds 1224 Mineral Lands Leasing Act, amend­ Merchant Marine Act, 1936, amend­ ments 1083,1323 ments 1042, 2474 Minerals: Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946, Federal Coal Leasing Amendments amendment 1258 Act of 1975 1083 Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., ac­ Federal Land Policy and Manage­ quisition ceiling increase 2732 ment Act of 1976 2743 Mesa Verde Wilderness, Colo., desig­ Manganese ore, duty suspension, ex­ nation 2693 tension 2642 Oil shale. State disposition of Mexico: moneys received 1089, 1323 United States citizens imprisoned Revenues, allocation to States 2770 in 759 Whale conservation and protection, Mines: bilateral agreement 2492 Claims, recordation and abandon­ ment 2769 Mexico, International Boundary and Federal Coal Mine Health and Water Commission, United States Safety Act of 1969— and: Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriation for 939 sions.... 7, 10, 16, 17, 1420, 1422, 1430 International flood control project, Claims for benefits under, hearing Tijuana River Basin, construc­ examiners 2428 tion and operation 1333 Mining waste, study 2832 Michael J. Kirwan Post Office, Ohio, National Park System, mining ac­ designation 2381 tivities within, regulation 1342 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A66 SUBJECT INDEX Page Mines, Bureau of: Missouri—Continued Appropriation for 637, 652,1049 RoUa, airport property restrictions, Wilderness areas, mineral surveys 2785 release 280 , Mo., designation 2634 Wilderness areas 2634-2636, 3077 Mining Enforcement and Safety Ad­ Missouri River: ministration, appropriation for... 606, Historic sites, land aquistion 2328 637, 651, 1049 National wild and scenic river sys­ Minnesota: tem, designation of segments 2327 Agassiz Wilderness, designation 2633 Reclamation project, additional Boundary Waters Canoe Area, land funds 816 acquisition, additional funds 1123 Mobile Home Construction and Safety Chaska, flood protection project, au­ Standards Act of 1974, National, thorization 2920 appropriation for effecting provi­ Mankato and North Mankato, flood sions 603,1096 protection project, modifica­ tions 2921 Mobile Homes, mortgage assistance 1069 Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Model Secondary School for the Deaf Refuge, establishment 1993 Act, appropriation for effecting Pinecreek Airport, extension agree­ provisions 1431 ment with Canada 769 Molasses, tariffs on certain, modifica­ , designation 2634 tion, proclamation 3126 Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Monocay National Military Park, Md., Refuge Act 1992 name changed to Monocacy Na­ Minority Groups: tional Battlefield 2738 National Science Foundation, execu­ Montana: tive positions 2056 Federal lands, certain withdrawals Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway pro­ from sale, review by Department ject, Tenn., construction, partici­ of Interior 2754 pation 2941 Flathead River, designation of seg­ Minority Resource Center: ment as component of the na­ Appropriation for 1179 tional wild and scenic river Establishment 149 system 2327 Mint, Bureau of the, appropriation Missouri River— for 964 Historic sites, land acquisition 2328 Mississippi: National wild and scenic river Bartram Trail, national scenic trail, system, designation of seg­ designation, feasibility study 2481 ments 2327 Gulf Islands National Seashore, ac­ quisition ceiling increase 2732 Nez Perce Trail, national scenic Nonconnah Creek, flood protection trail, designation, feasibility project, authorized advanced en­ study 2481 gineering and design 2919 Pacific Northwest Trail, national Sowashee Creek, channel modifica­ scenic trail, designation, feasibil­ tion, authorized advanced engi­ ity study 2481 neering and design 2936 Visitor facility, Fort Benton, con­ Vicksburg, navigation improvement struction 2329 testing 2925 Wilderness areas 2634, 2636, 2637 Vicksburg National Military Park, Yellowstone River, erosion control, development ceiling increase 2733 demonstration project 2932 Mississippi River: Morristown National Historical Park, Flood control, appropriation for 816, 891 N.J., boundary change 2737 Management plan, study and investi­ gation 2924 Mortgage Association Charter Act, Federal National, appropriation Missouri: for effecting provisions... 14, 1097, 1425, Flood protection projects, authorized 1428 advanced engineering and design 2919 Mother's Day, 1976, proclamation 3088 Jefferson National Expansion Memo­ Motor Vehicle Information and Cost rial National Historic Site, de­ Savings Act: velopment ceiling increase 2733 Amendments 981-989 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A67 Page Page Motor Vehicle Information and Cost N Savings Act—Continued Appropriation for effecting provi­ Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act of sions 1178 1966, appropriation for effecting Motor Vehicle Information and Cost provisions 13, 1424 Savings Act Amendments of National Academy of Sciences, Coordi­ 1976 981 nating Committee for Digestive Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, Na­ Diseases, member 2653 tional Traffic and, amendments 815 National Advisory Council on Alcohol Motor Vehicles. See also specific vehi­ Abuse and Alcoholism, grants, cles. review 1041, 2720 District of Columbia, leased or National Aeronautics and Space Act rented, unlawful use 2479 of 1958, amendments 1270, 1988 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Re­ National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ search, Development, and Dem­ ministration: onstration Act of 1976 1260 Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel, Excise tax, postponement of reduc­ compensation modification 681 tions for vehicles and parts 456 Appropriation for 641, 656,1101,1102 Military assistance, appropriation for.. 774 Authorization of funds 677 Ground propulsion systems, research Passenger motor vehicles used and development 1270 abroad, replacement of certain 830 Medical and negligence suits, de­ State, Department of, appropriation fense 1988 for 778 Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Motorcycles. See also Motor Vehicles. ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ Safety helmets, Federal require­ cil for, member 471 ments 454 National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ Mount Mitchell National Park, N.C., ministration Authorization Act, feasibility study 2450 1968, amendment 681 Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ 1960, amendment 2962 ministration Authorization Act, Museum Act of 1966, National, amend­ 1977 677 ment 795 National Agricultural Library, appro­ Museum Services, Institute of, estab­ priation for 855 lishment 1975 National Alcohol Research Centers, Museum Services Act 1975 designation 1039 Museums: National Archives and Records Ser­ Cherokee Strip Living Museum, ad­ vice: ministration 2501 Appropriation for 641, 655, 972 Fuel tax, certain exemptions 2487 Bicentennial copies of certain items Naval and maritime museum, S.C, prepared by United States Infor­ establishment, congressional ap­ mation Agency, deposit 830 proval 1367 Federal Register. See separate title. Twentynine Palms Park and Recrea­ National Transportation Policy Study Commission, deposit of re­ tion District, Calif., land convey­ cords and papers 449 ance restriction 327 National Archives Trust Fund Board, Music Month, Country, 1976, procla­ membership change 1192 mation 3128 National Arthritis, Metabolism, and Mutual Defense Assistance Control Digestive Diseases Advisory Act of 1951, appropriation for ef­ Council, National Commission on fecting provisions 937 Digestive Diseases, member 2651 Mutual Educational and Cultural Ex­ National Arthritis Act of 1974, amend­ change Act of 1961: ments 413,2719 Amendment 825 National Arthritis Act Technical Appropriation for effecting provi­ Amendments of 1976 413 sions 941, 960, 961, 1428 National Arthritis Advisory Board, Authorization of funds 374, 829 establishment 2646 Mutual Security Act of 1954: National Bicentennial Highway Safety Amendments 833, 1445 Year, 1976: Repeal of munitions control provi­ Designation authorization 715 sions 745 Proclamation 3111

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A68 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page National Board for the Promotion of National Commission of Fine Arts, Rifle Practice, appropriation for... 159, "Screaming Eagles" memorial, site 1284 selection approval 151 National Bureau of Standards: National Commission on Arthritis and Energy conservation standards for Related Musculoskeletal Diseases, new buildings, utilization of ser­ extension 2719 vices 1146 National Commission on Digestive Resource recovery, guidelines.... 2820, 2822 Diseases, establishment 2650 National Cancer Institute: National Commission on Electronic Appropriation for 10, 1422 Fund Transfers, appropriation National Commission on Digestive for 975 Diseases, ex officio member 2651 National Commission on Employment National Capital Planning Act of and Unemployment Statistics, es­ 1952, appropriation for effecting tablishment 1484 provisions 1062 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, appro­ National Capital Planning Commis­ priation for 23,1435 sion: National Commission on New Techno­ American Legion's Freedom Bell, lo­ logical Uses of Copyrighted cation approval 2242 Works: Appropriation for 1062 Appropriation for 1455 Lincoln National Memorial, recogni­ Authorization of funds, extension 692 tion of Alaska and Hawaii, National Commission on Supplies and review 2632 Shortages, appropriation for.... 629, 975 "Screaming Eagles" memorial, site National Commission on Supplies and selection approval 151 Shortages Act, appropriation for National Capital Transportation Act effecting provisions 975 of 1969, appropriation for effecting National Commission on the Obser­ provisions 1183 vance of International Women's National Capital Transportation Act Year, 1975, appropriation for 628 of 1972, appropriation for effecting National Commission on Unemploy­ provisions 1184 ment Compensation, establish­ ment 2681 National Center for Deaf-Blind Youth and Adults: National Commission on Water Qual­ Program extension 212, 213 ity, appropriation for 298 Redesignation as Helen Keller Na­ National Conference of State Historic tional Center for Deaf-Blind Preservation Officers, member of Youths and Adults 520 Advisory Council on Historic Pres­ ervation 1320 National Center for Health Statistics: Allied health personnel statistics, co­ National Consumer Health Informa­ ordination 2310 tion and Health Promotion Act of Public and community health per­ 1976 695 sonnel, statistics, coordination 2305 National Day of Prayer, 1976, procla­ mation 3083 National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life, appro­ National Day of Prayer for Americans priation for 975 Missing in Action in Southeast Asia, proclamation 3075 National Commission for Manpower Policy: National Defense Education Act of Employment and Unemployment 1958: Statistics, National Commission Amendments 2215, 2237 on, hearings, participation 1484 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Public service employment pro­ sions 1102 grams, net employment effects, National Defense Transportation Day study 1488 and National Transportation National Commission for the Protec­ Week, 1976, proclamation 3093 tion of Human Subjects of Biome­ National Diabetes Advisory Board, es­ dical and Behavioral Research, tablishment 2648 disclosure of research information, National Diabetes Mellitus Research study 406 and Education Act, amendments.... 414 Extension 2719 National Emergencies Act 1255 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A69 Page Page National Employ the Handicapped National Foundation on the Arts and Week, 1976, proclamation 3125 the Humanities—Continued National Employ the Older Worker Federal Council on the Arts and the Week, designation 396 Humanities, coordination with National Endowment for the Arts: Institute of Museum Services 1977 Challenge grant programs, establish­ National Endowment for the Arts. ment 1978 See separate title. National Museum Services Board, National Endowment for the Hu­ member 1975 manities. See separate title. Rail facilities, historical preserva­ National Foundation on the Arts and tion, authorization of funds 2629 the Humanities Act of 1965: Rail terminals with historical or ar­ Amendments... 1062, 1971, 1978, 1980, chitectural significance, con­ 1981, 2629 version, consultation 125 Appropriation for effecting provi­ National Endowment for the Human­ sions 1062 ities: National Gallery of Art: Challenge grant programs, establish­ Appropriation for 1061 ment 1979 Loan funds, interest adjustments 1278 National Museum Services Board, National Good Neighbor Day, 1976, member 1975 proclamation 3104 State humanities program 1971 National Guard: National Energy Information System, Air— establishment 1135 Appropriation for 155, 1280 Facilities, authorization 1368 National Environmental Improvement Military construction, appropri­ Act of 1970, appropriation for ef­ ation for 994 fecting provisions 1101 Military training, student load 928 National Environmental Policy Act of Operation and maintenance, ap­ 1969, appropriation for effecting propriation for... 159, 601, 634, 649, provisions 1101 1283 National Eye Institute: Selected Reserve, strength 926 Appropriation for 12, 1423 Army— National Diabetes Advisory Board, Appropriation for 154, 649, 1280 ex officio member 2648 Facilities, authorization 1368 National Family Week, designation 372 Military construction, appropri­ National Farm Safety Week, 1976, ation for 994 proclamation 3082 Military training, student load 928 National Fire Prevention and Control Operation and maintenance, ap­ Administration, appropriation propriation for... 158, 601, 634, 649, for 633, 648, 950 1283 National Flood Insurance Act of 1968: Selected Reserve, strength 926 Amendments 1075 Medical personnel, payment of mal­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ practice liability 1986 sions 1097 National Health Service Corps: National Forest Management Act of Program, revision 2268 1976 2949 Scholarships, establishment 2281 National Forest Products Week, 1976, National Health Service Corps, Na­ proclamation 3119 tional Advisory Council on the, National Forest Reservation Commis­ establishment 2277 sion, transfer of functions 2961 National Heart, Lung, and Blood In­ stitute: National Forest System: Appropriation for 1423 Land acquisition 2961 National Diabetes Advisory Board, Appropriation for 1056 ex officio member 2648 Mark Twain National Forest, Mo., National Heart and Lung Institute: designation, proclamation 3077 Appropriation for 10 Rights-of-way, multi-agency applica­ Name changed to National Heart, tion requirements 2782 Lung, and Blood Institute 402 Townsites, designation of certain National Highway Safety Advisory lands 2760 Committee, chairman, selection 455 National Foundation on the Arts and National Highway Traffic Safety Ad­ the Humanities: ministration, appropriation for... 625, Appropriations for 1062 640, 654, 1178 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A70 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page National Hispanic Heritage Week, National Institute on Education— 1976, proclamation 3122 Continued National Historic Preservation Week, Federal Council on Education Re­ 1976, proclamation 3099 search and Development—Con­ National Housing Act: tinued Amendments 1068-1073, 1075,1076 Member 2230 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Term of office 2227 sions 1096, 1108 Vocational education programs, National Institute for Occupational study 2239 Safety and Health, epidemiologic National Institutes of Health: studies of employees, consulta­ Appropriation for 10, 609, 635, 650,1422 tion 2007 Biomedical and behavioral research National Institute of Allergy and In­ personnel studies, consultation 406 fectious Diseases: Coordinating Committee for Diges­ Appropriation for 11, 1423 tive Diseases, member 2653 Federal Council on Educational Re­ National Commission on Digestive search and Development, Diseases, ex officio member 2651 member 2230 National Institute of Arthritis, Metab­ John E. Fogarty International olism, and Digestive Diseases: Center for Advanced Study in Appropriation for 11, 1423 the Health Sciences, appropri­ National Arthritis Advisory Board, ation for 1424 ex officio member 2647 National Arthritis Advisory Board, National Commission on Digestive ex officio member 2647 Diseases, ex officio member 2651 National Cancer Institute, appropri­ National Diabetes Advisory Board, ation for 10, 1422 ex officio member 2648, 2649 National Commission on Digestive National Institute of Building Sci­ Diseases, ex officio member 2651 ences, additional funds authorized.. 1078 National Diabetes AdAdsory Board, National Institute of Child Health and ex officio member... 2648 Human Development, appropri­ National Eye Institute, appropri­ ation for 11, 1423 ation for 12, 1423 National Institute of Corrections, ap­ National Heart, Lung, and Blood propriation for 945 Institute— National Institute of Dental Research, Appropriation for 1423 appropriation for 11, 1423 National Diabetes Advisory Board, National Institute of Environmental ex officio member 2648 Health Sciences, appropriation New title for National Heart and for 12,1423 Lung Institute 402 National Institute of General Medical National Heart and Lung Institute— Sciences: Appropriation for 10 Appropriation for 11, 1423 Name changed to National Heart, National Commission on Digestive Lung, and Blood Institute 402 Diseases, ex officio member 2651 National Institute of Allergy and In­ National Institute of Law Enforce­ fectious Diseases, appropriation ment and Criminal Justice: for 11, 1423 Correctional facilities, surveys 2417 National Institute of Arthritis, Me­ Drug treatment programs, research tabolism, and Digestive Diseases, and studies 2417 appropriation for 11, 1423 National Institute of Neurological and National Institute of Child Health Communicative Disorders and and Human Development, ap­ Stroke, appropriation for 11, 1423 propriation for 11, 1423 National Institute of Occupational National Institute of Dental Re­ Safety and Health, Coordinating search, appropriation for 11, 1423 Committee for Digestive Diseases, National Institute of Environmental member 2653 Health Sciences, appropriation National Institute on Aging, appropri­ for 12, 1423 ation for 11,1423 National Institute of Greneral Medi­ National Institute on Education: cal Sciences, appropriation for.. 11,1423 Federal Council on Education Re­ National Institute of Neurological search and Development— and Communicative Disorders Establishment 2229 and Stroke, appropriation for.. 11, 1423

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A71 Page Page National Institutes of Health—Con­ National Park System Advisory tinued Board, establishment 1940 National Institute on Aging, appro­ National Parks, Monuments, Sea­ priation for 11, 1423 shores, Etc.: National Library of Medicine, appro­ Acquisition ceiling increases; bound­ priation for 12, 1424 ary changes 2732-2742 National Labor Relations Board, ap­ Bartram Trail, national scenic trail, propriation for 23, 643, 658,1435 designation, feasibility study 2481 National Library of Medicine, appro­ Boating and water related activities, priation for 12, 1424 regulations 1939 National Maritime Day, 1976, procla­ Chickasaw National Recreation mation 3092 Area, Okla., establishment 235 National Mass Transportation Assis­ Congaree Swamp National Monu­ tance Act of 1974: ment, S.C, establishment 2517 Amendments 444 Daniel Boone Trail, national scenic Appropriation for effecting provi­ trail, designation, feasibility sions 1176 study 2481 National Mediation Board, appropri­ Desert Trail, national scenic trail, ation for 23, 1435 designation, feasibility study 2481 National Mobile Home Construction Dominguez-Escalante Trail, national and Safety Standards Act of 1974, scenic trail, designation, feasibil­ appropriation for effecting provi­ ity study 2481 sions 603, 1096 Eugene O'Neill National Historic National Museum Act of 1966, amend­ Site, Calif., designation 2501 ment 795 National Museum of Afro-American Frederick Law Olmsted Home and History and Culture, Ohio, suit­ Office, Mass., suitability study 2447 ability as unit of National Park Florida Trail, national scenic trail, System, study 2447 designation, feasibility study 2481 National Occupational Information George W. Norris Home, Nebr., suit­ Coordinating Committee, estab­ ability study 2450 lishment 2198 Indian Nations Trail, Okla., national National Oceanic and Atmospheric scenic trail, designation, feasibil­ Administration: ity study 2481 Appropriation for 622, 633, 648, 949 Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Coastal Zone Management, Associate expansion 2529 Administrator for, appoint­ Kalaupapa Settlement, Hawaii, suit­ ment 1032 ability study 2447 Discharged members, unused leave Klondike Gold Rush National His­ payments 925, 926 torical Park, Alaska-Wash., es­ National sea grant program, man­ tablishment 717 agement of. 1963 Law enforcement in, designation of National Park Service: Department of Interior employ­ Appropriation for 606, 637, 651, 1046 ees for 1941 Budget authority, rescission of cer­ Lincoln National Memorial, D.C., tain 287 recognition of Alaska and John F. Kennedy Center for Per­ Hawaii 2632 forming Arts, nonperforming Mark Twain National Forest, Mo., arts functions, maintenance, ad­ designation, proclamation 3077 ditional funds 1048, 2737 Mining activity within, regulation 1342 Montgomery County, Md., land juris­ Monocacy National Military Park, diction transfer 2734 Md., name changed to Monocacy Park Police, United States. See sepa­ National Battlefield 2738 rate title. Mount Mitchell National Park, N.C., Travel expenses for permanent feasibility study 2450 change of work station, pajonent National Forest Management Act of authorization 1939 1976 2949 Uniform allowance 1940 National Museum of Afro-American Visitor facility. Fort Benton, Mont., History and Culture, Ohio, suit­ construction 2329 ability study 2447 Wilderness areas, maps and National Zoological Park, appropri­ boundary descriptions on file.... 2693 ation for 1061 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A72 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page National Parks, Monuments, Sea­ National Science Foundation—Contin­ shores, Etc.—Clontinued ued Nez Perce Trail, Oreg.-Mont., nation­ Continuing education in science and al scenic trail, designation, feasi­ engineering, program plan, de­ bility study 2481 velopment 2055 Ninety Six National Historic Site, Federal Council on Educational Re­ S.C., establishment 1196 search and Development, Pacific Northwest Trail, national member 2230 scenic trail, designation, feasibil­ Grant proposals, peer review system, ity study 2481 feasibility study 2053 Saint Paul's Church, N.Y., suitabil­ Intergovernmental Science, Engi­ ity study 2447 neering, and Technology Adviso­ "Screaming Eagles" memorial, erec­ ry Panel, member 465 tion 151 National Museum Services Board, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake- member 1975 shore, Mich., visitors' center des­ Public Understanding of Science ignated as Philip A. Hart Visi­ Program, authorization 2054 tors' Center 1944 Review panels for award applica­ Tinicum National Environmental tions, estabishment 2055 Center, Pa., boundary exten­ Science, Engineering, and Technol­ sion 2528 ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ Valley Forge National Historical cil for, member 471 Park, Pa., establishment 796 Science for Citizens Program, au­ Whiskey Mountain Area, Wyo., clas­ thorization 2054 sification as primitive area 2695 Small Business Research and Devel­ Wild and scenic rivers system. See opment, Office of, establish­ separate title. ment 2057 Wilderness areas. See separate title. National Science Foundation Act of National Poison Prevention Week, 1950: 1976, proclamation 3077 Amendments 473, 2057 National Policy Toward Gambling, Appropriation for effecting provi­ Commission on the Review of the, sions 1102,1103 appropriation for 970 National Science Foundation Authori­ National Portrait Gallery Act, amend­ zation Act, 1977 2053 ment 30 National Sea Grant College and Pro­ National Railroad Passenger Corpora­ gram Act of 1966, amendments 1961 tion: National Sea Grant Program Act 1961 Appropriation for 293,1179 National Security Council, appropri­ Membership reduction 2615 ation for 632, 646, 967 Northeast Corridor project imple­ National Sickle Cell Anemia, Cooley's mentation 119 Anemia, Tay-Sachs, and Genetic Operations Review Panel, member 120 Diseases Act 407 Security guards 2615 National Society of the Daughters of Through routes and joint fares, the American Revolution, proper­ study 2615 ty limitation, removal; name and National Research Act, amendments... 407, emblem, exclusive use 1475 2719 National Study Commission on Re­ National Rural Health Week, 1976, cords and Documents of Federal proclamation 3086 Offlcials: National Safe Boating Week, 1976, Appropriation for 629, 975 proclamation 3094 Membership extension 326 National Scenic and Recreational National Swine Flu Immunization Highway, appropriation for 1176 Program of 1976 1113 National School Lunch Act, appropri­ National Technical Institute for the ation for effecting provisions 865 Deaf, appropriation for 1431 National School Lunch Week, 1976, National Technical Institute for the proclamation 3124 Deaf Act, appropriation for effect­ National Science and Technology ing provisions '. 1431 Policy, Organization, and Prior­ National Tennis Week, 1976, procla­ ities Act of 1976 459 mation 3100 National Science Foundation: National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Appropriation for 643, 658,1102 Safety Act of 1966, amendments 815 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A73 Page Page National Trails System Act, amend­ Navy, Department of the—Continued ments 2481 Family housing, appropriation for 995 National Transportation Policy Study General and medical officers, disabil­ Commission: ity retirement, review 202 Appropriation for 1184 Guard and Reserve Forces Facilities Establishment 448 Authorization Act, 1977 1368 Waterway system improvements, Land conveyance to Airship Associ­ study, access to 2933 ation, N.J 1364 National Transportation Safety Military construction, Guam, funds Board: authorized 2437 Additional funds authorized 2080 Military Construction Appropriation Appropriation for 1181 Act, 1977 993 National Trust for Historic Preserva­ Military Construction Authorization tion, Historic Preservation, Advi­ Act, 1977 1351 sory Council on, member 1320 Military family housing 1359 National Volunteer Firemen Week, Military training, student load 928 designation authorization 2079 National Petroleum Reserve in National Weather ModiHcation Policy Alaska, transfer of jurisdiction Act of 1976 2359 to Department of the Interior 303 National Wildlife Refuge System, use Nuclear Career Incentive Act of of Land and Water Conservation 1975 901 Funds for land acquistion 1318 Operation and maintenance, appro­ National Wildlife Refuge System Ad­ priation for 156, 1281 ministration Act of 1966, amend­ Petroleum reserves, appropriation ments 190, 199 National Wool Act of 1954, amend­ for 160 ment 690 Procurement, appropriation for... 162-164, National Zoological Park, appropri­ 1286, 1287 ation for 1061 Research and development— Native American Awareness Week, Appropriation for... 166, 602, 634, 649, designation 2364 1289 Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act Authorization of funds 924, 929 Amendments of 1976 2073 Reserve components— Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of Appropriation for 154, 1280 1968: Facilities, authorization 1368 Amendments 2073-2076 Military construction, appropri­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ation for 994 sions 1171 Military training, student load 928 Natural Gas Transportation Act of Operation and maintenance, ap­ 1976, Alaska 2903 propriation for... 158, 601, 634, 649, Navajo and Hopi Relocation Commis­ 1282 sion, appropriation for 1060 Reemplojonent rights 518 Navajo Indian Reservation, flood con­ Selected Reserve— trol survey 2937 Involuntary order to active Naval Petroleum Reserves, appropri­ duty 517 ation for 160 Strength 926 Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Snyder, Rear Adm. J, Edward, Jr. Act of 1976 303 (Ret.), assignment as Oceanogra- Appropriation for effecting provi­ pher of the Navy, authority 933 sions 608, 1059 Stock fund, appropriation for 1284 Navy, Department of the. See also Surgeon General, Armed Forces In­ Armed Forces; Defense, Department of. stitute of Pathology, Board of Active duty personnel strength 924 Governors, member 934 Aircraft, missiles, vessels, etc., pro­ Nebraska: curement— Fort Niobrara Wilderness, designa­ Appropriation for 162-164, 1286, 1287 tion 2634 Authorization of funds 923 George W. Norris Home, suitability Appropriation for... 153, 599, 600, 634, 648, as unit of National Park 1279 System, study 2450 Civilian personnel strength 927 Omaha, flood control project, autho­ Discharged members, unused leave rized advanced engineering and payments 925, 926 design 2918

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A74 SUBJECT INDEX Page Nebraska—Continued New Mexico—Continued Scotts Bluff National Monument, ac­ Pueblo Indians, land condemnation quisition ceiling increase 2732 and right-of-way renewal 1275 Water resources depletion, study 2943 Rio Grande Basin, flood control pro­ Negotiated Shipbuilding Contracting ject, authorized advanced engi­ Act of 1976 1042 neering and design 2919 Neurological and Communicative Dis­ Sante Fe River and Arroyo Mas­ orders and Stroke, National Insti­ caras, flood protection project, tute of, appropriation for 11, 1423 construction 2944 Nevada: Water resources depletion, study 2943 Desert Trail, national scenic trail, "New Perspectives in Health Care for designation, feasibility study 2481 Older Americans (Recommenda­ Federal lands, certain withdrawals tions and Policy Directions of the from sale, review by Department Subcommittee on Health and of Interior 2754 Long-Term Care)" Report, print­ New Hampshire: ing of additional copies 3043 Navigable waters 2489 New River, N.C., segment designated Norris Cotton Building, designa­ as a component of the national tion 1121 wild and scenic river system 1238 Saint-Gaudens National Historic New York: Site, land acquisition... 2732, 2733, Fire Island National Seashore, acqui­ 2735 sition ceiling increase 2732 New Hampshire-Vermont Interstate Flood control projects, authorized ad­ Sewage and Waste Disposal Fa­ vanced engineering and design 2917 cilities Compact 1221 Lake George, nonnavigable, declara­ New Jersey: tion 2934 Airship Association, land conveyance Lake Placid, 1980 Winter Olympic by Department of the Navy 1364 Games 1336 Erosion and flood control projects, au­ Merchant Marine Academy, Kings thorized advanced engineering Point, authorization of funds 1224 and design 2917 Operation Sail, New York Harbor, Hackensack River, certain segment dredging operations 708 declared nonnavigable 2938 Hudson River, certain segment de­ Public employee retirement sys­ clared nonnavigable 2937 tems 238 Liberty Park, levee and seawall, con­ Rochester, TV Facts, claim settle­ struction 2932 ment 2993 Morristown National Historical Saint Paul's Church, suitability as Park, boundary change 2737 unit of National Park System, New Mexico: study 2447 Albuquerque— Shooters' Island, removal 2931 Land conveyance 1340 New York City Seasonal Financing Senator Dennis Chavez Federal Act of 1975, appropriation for ef­ Building, designation 2442 fecting provisions 1104 American Canal extension, Rio New York City Seasonal Financing Grande Project, construction Fund, appropriation for 1104 authorization 1327 Newspapers: Bandelier National Monument, land Copyright law, general revision 2541 acquisition 2736 National Forest System lands, notice Bandelier Wilderness, designation 2692 of acquisition, publication 2961 Cochiti Reservoir, project modifica­ State lotteries, advertisements in 2478 tion 2943 Nez Perce National Historical Park, Dominguez-Escalante Trail, national Idaho, development ceiling in­ scenic trail, designation, feasibil­ crease 2733 ity study 2481 Nez Perce Trail, Oreg.-Mont., national Federal lands, certain withdrawals scenic trail, designation, feasibility from sale, review by Department study 2481 of Interior 2754 Ninety Six National Historic Site, Navajo Indian Reservation, flood S.C., establishment 1196 control, survey 2937 Noise Control Act of 1972: Pecos National Monument, bound­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ary revision 2737 sions 590 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A75 Page Noise Control Act of 1972—Continued O Research, development, and demon­ stration, authorization of funds.... 2069 Occupational Information Coordinat­ Nondiscrimination. See Discrimina­ ing Committee, National, estab­ tion, Prohibition of. lishment 2198 Nonproflt Organizations, unemploy­ Occupational Safety and Health, Na­ ment compensations 2670, 2675 tional Institute for, epidemiologic Norris Cotton Building, N.H., designa­ studies of employes, consultation 2007 tion 1121 Occupational Safety and Health, Na­ North Atlantic Treaty Organizaton, tional Institute of. Coordinating standardized or interoperable Committee for Digestive Diseases, equipment, procurement 930 member 2653 North Carolina: Occupational Safety and Health Act Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway of 1970, appropriation for effecting Bridges, navigation project, provisions 7,10, 1421, 1422 modification 2923 Occupational Safety and Health Ad­ ministration, appropriation for... 7, 638, Bartram Trail, national scenic trail, 653, 1420 designation, feasibility study 2481 Occupational Safety and Health Daniel Boone Trail, national scenic Review Commission, appropriation trail, designation, feasibility for 23, 643, 658, 1435 study 2481 Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra­ Mount Mitchell National Park, feasi­ tion, National. See National Ocean­ bility study 2450 ic and Atmospheric Administration. New River, designated as a compo­ Office. See other part of title. nent of the national wild and Offshore Shrimp Fisheries Act of scenic river system 1238 1973, appropriation for effecting Swanquarter Wilderness, designa­ tion 2634 provisions 622 North Cascades National Park, Wash., Ohio: acquisition ceiling increase 2732 Cleveland Harbor, harbor modifica­ North Dakota: tion project, authorized ad­ vanced engineering and design 2937 Dickinson Dam, spillway modifica­ Gallipolis Locks and Dam, project, tion 206 modification 2923 Flood control projects, authorized ad­ George Washington Square, Cleve­ vanced engineering and design... 2919, land, designation 2441 2920 Michael J. Kirwan Post Office, desig­ Souris River, flood protection proj­ nation 2381 ect, modification 2928 National Museum of Afro-American Williston, water intakes, relocation.... 2942 History and Culture, suitability Northern Mariana Islands, tax exemp­ as unit of National Park tions for bonds and other obliga­ System, study 2447 tions 271 Ohio River, reclamation project, addi­ Northern Mariana Islands in Political tional funds 816 Union with the United States of Oil. See Gas and Oil. America, Covenant to Establish a Oklahoma: Commonwealth of the, congres­ Alva, airport property restrictions, sional approval 263 release 283 Nuclear Career Incentive Act of Chickasaw National Recreation 1975 901 Area, establishment 235 Nuclear Equipment, materials or tech­ Deep Fork River, flood protection nology, transfers 756 project, modification 2943 Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Hobart, Kiowa County, certain lands patented to, restriction on use Appropriation for 619, 643, 658, 899 of, elimination 2994 Authorization of funds 523 Indian Nations Trail, national scenic Nutrition Act of 1966, Child, appropri­ trail, designation, feasibility ation for effecting provisions 865, 866 study 2481 Nutrition Service, Food and, appropri­ International Petroleum Exposition, ation for 598, 865 participation 204

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A76 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Oklahoma—Continued Oregon—Continued McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Nez Perce Trail, national scenic navigation system, modifica­ trail, designation, feasibility tion 2928 study 2481 McGree Creek project, construction, Siuslaw, navigation project, autho­ authorization 1329 rized advanced engineering and Mingo Creek, flood protection survey design 2918 report 2929 Terry Schrunk Plaza, designation 2072 Norman Federal project, Del City University of Oregon, Wayne Morse aqueduct, repair 1274 Chair of Law and Politics 2241 Pine Mountain Lake, flood control Organic Act of 1944: Amendments 215 project, construction, operation, Appropriation for effecting provi­ and maintenance 2936, 2944 sions... 851-857, 861-863, 865, 866, Red River Waterway, navigation and 1057 bank stabilization project, modi­ Organization of American States, re­ fication 2942 structuring proposal, congressional Water resources depletion, study 2943 support 942 Waurika Dam and Reservoir, project Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, modification 2930 appropriation for effecting provi­ Wister Lake, flood control project, sions 970 modification 2926 "Our Flag", printing as a House docu­ Older Americans Act, appropriation ment 3028 for effecting provisions 1418 Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of: Older Americans Act of 1965, appro­ Appropriation for 605, 637, 651,1045 priation for effecting provisions... 19, State grant programs, report to 1317 362, 612, 866,1431 Overseas Highway, appropriation for 1177 Older Americans Month, 1976, procla­ Overseas Private Investment Corpora­ mation 3087 tion, appropriation for 775,1468 Olympic National Park, Wash., bound­ Ozark-Jeta Taylor Lock and Dam, ary revision 2739-2741 Ark., designation 2514 Olympic Winter Games Authorization Act of 1976 1336 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968: Amendments... 244, 1346-1348, 2407-2425, Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the: 2427 Appropriation for 607,1053 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Career education and development, sions 946 assistance 2224 One World Government, restriction on Civil government, appropriation au­ use of funds for promotion 942 thorization, increase 299 Operation Sail, New York Harbor, Commercial fisheries research and N.Y., dredging operations 708 development projects, eligibil­ Operations Review Panel, establish­ ity 2326 ment 120 Micronesian college, study 299 Public safe drinking water systems 707 Oregon: Pacific Northwest Trail, national Days Creek Dam, advanced engi­ scenic trail designation, feasibility neering and design, appropri­ study 2481 ation authorization 2944 Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, Desert Trail, nationed scenic trail, amendments 124&-1252 designation, feasibility study 2481 Packers and Stockyards Administra­ Federal lands, certain withdrawals tion, appropriation for 857 from sale, review by Department Paddy Creek Wilderness Study Area, of Interior 2754 Mo., review of suitability as a wil­ Lake Oswego, nonnavigability, decla­ derness area 2636 ration 2934 Padre Island National Seashore, Tex., McKay Dam and Reservoir, Umatil­ acquisition ceiling increase 2733 la project reauthorization 207 Pakistan, naval vessels, sale to, ap­ McNary Lock and Dam, second pow­ proval 1938 erhouse, construction and instal­ Pan American Day and Pan American lation project 2919 Week, 1976, proclamation 3089 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A77 Page Page Pan American Games, authorization Pennsylvania—Continued of funds 825 Herman T. Schneebeli Federal Panama Canal. See Canal Zone. Building, designation 2435 Panama Canal Company, appropri­ Nelson, relocation of town 2925 ation for 1183 Susquehanna River, flood protection Panel for the Review of Laboratory study 2930 and Center Operations, establish­ Susquehanna River Basin, flood con­ ment 2229 trol project, authorized advanced Par Value ModiHcation Act, repeal of engineering and design 2917 certain provisions 2661 Tinicum National Environmental Park Police, United States: Center, boundary extension 2528 Codification of laws relating to, fea­ Valley Forge National Historical sibility 2494 Park, establishment 796 Compensation, cost-of-living adjust­ Pennsylvania Avenue Development ments 2493 Corporation: Meals and lodging 1939 Appropriation for 1063 Park Service, National. See National Authorization of funds 1188 Park Service. Pennsylvania Avenue Development Parole, United States Board of, per­ Corporation Act of 1972: sonnel, liabilities, transfer to Amendment 1188 United States Parole Commis­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ sion 233 sions 1063 Parole Commission, United States: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora­ tion, appropriation for 6, 1420 Establishment 219 Peijury, penalty for use of unsworn Transfer of personnel, etc., from declarations as evidence 2534 United States Board of Parole 233 Pesticides, Consumer Product Safety Parole Commission and Reorganiza­ Commission, limitation of jurisdic­ tion Act 219 tion 503 Passport Office, United States, au­ Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, thorization of funds 824 Emergency, amendments 1132, 1133 Patent and Trademark Office, appro­ Petroleum and Petroleum Products: priation for 633, 648, 950 Exports, information collection by Patents, Renewals: Federal Energy Administra­ American Legion and American tion 1132 Legion Auxiliary, badges 2971 Gasoline. See Gas and Oil. Sons of the American Legion, Import modification, proclamation 3073 badge 2970 National Petroleum Reserve in Pathology, American Registry of, es­ Alaska, designation 303 tablishment authorization 934 Naval Petroleum Reserves, appropri­ Peace Corps, readjustment allowances, ation for 160 appropriation for 777 Petroleum reserves, appropriation Peace Corps Act: for 608, 1059 Amendments 458 Production enhancement 1132-1134 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Southeast Asia, denial of funds for sions 777, 1470 export to non-United States na­ Peanuts, acreage allotment, transfer 285 tionals 175 Pecos National Monument, N. Mex., Strategic petroleum reserve, appro­ boundary revision 2737 priation for 1059 Penalties. See Crimes and Misdemean­ Petroleum Exposition, International, ors. Okla., Presidential invitations, au­ Pennsylvania: thorization 204 Blue Marsh Lake, project modifica­ tion, relocation and restoration Petroleum Reserves Production Act of of Gruber Wagon Works 2927 1976, Naval 303 Clarion River Basin, abatement of Appropriation for effecting provi­ acid mine drainage, authorized sions 1059 advanced engineering and Pettis Memorial Veterans' Hospital, design 2918 Jerry L, Calif., designation 284 Erie, beach erosion control project, Phil M. Landrum Federal Building authorized advanced engineer­ and Post Office, Ga., designa­ ing and design 2918 tion 2379 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A78 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Philip A. Hart Visitors' Center, Mich., Post-Vietnam Era Veterans* Educa­ designation 1944 tional Assistance Act of 1977 2392 Philippines, Republic of: Postal Rate Commission, Postal Ser­ Medical grants, appropriation for 1106 vice, Commission on, ex officio Military assistance, authorization of member 1307 funds 729 Postal Reorganization Act Amend* Naval vessels, sale to, approval 1938 ments of 1976 1303 Physicians, Health Professions Educa­ Postal Revenue and Federal Salary tional Assistance Act of 1976 2243 Act of 1967, appropriation for ef­ Study Area, fecting provisions 969 Mo., review of suitability as a wil­ Postal Service, Commission on: derness area 2636 Establishment 1307 Pinnacles National Monument, Calif., boundary revision 2694 Post office closing or consolidation, Pinnacles Wilderness, Calif., designa­ review of determination 1310 tion 2693 Postal Service, United States: Plant Health Inspection Service, Appropriation for 628, 965,1416 Animal and: Electric and hybrid vehicle usage, Administrator, pay adjustment 2643 study 1268 Appropriation for 597, 632, 647, 853 Post offices, closing or consolidation Plant Pests, control and eradication 215 of. 1310 Plastic, waste resource recovery, Postage rate, adjustments 1306,1311 study 2831 Postal Rate Commission, budget Point Reyes National Seashore, Calif.: report 1305 Certain lands designated as wilder­ Postal Service, Commission on, ex of­ ness area 2515 ficio member 1307 The Clem Miller Environmental Public buildings, standards insuring Education Center, designation... 2515, access for the handicapped 2508 2695 Rates and fees, temporary changes 1306 Point Reyes Wilderness, Calif., desig­ Postal Service Appropriation Act, nation 2693 1977 965 Poison Prevention Packaging Act of Postmaster General, Postal Service, 1970, amendments 503, 513 Commission on, ex officio Poison Prevention Week, National, member 1307 1976, proclamation 3077 Potomac River Basin, Interstate Com­ Police: mission on the, appropriation for.... 898 Capitol Police, appropriation for 1449 Power Commission, Federal. See Fed­ Park Police, United States. See sepa­ eral Power Commission. rate title. Prayer, National Day of, 1976, procla­ Public Safety Officers' Benefits Act mation 3083 of 1976 1346 Prayer for Americans Missing in Washington Metropolitan Area Action in South-East Asia, Na­ Transit Authority, establish­ tional Day of, proclamation 3075 ment of Metro Transit Police 672 Prayer for Peace Memorial Day, May Pollution: 31,1976, proclamation 3100 Federal Water Pollution Control Precedents of the House of Represen­ Act, amendments 250,1011, 2639 tatives, printing and distribution 2537 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Preparedness Agency, Federal, appro­ Amendments of 1972, research, priation for 973 development, and demonstra­ President of the United States: tion, authorization of funds 2069 Abraham Lincoln statute, presenta­ Resource Conservation and Recovery tion to Israel 29 Act of 1976 2795 Alaska natural gas transportation Small businesses, pollution control system, designation for approv­ program 663 al 2907 Water, treatment works, loan guar­ Appointments by— antees for construction 2639 Commission on Security and Co­ Polychlorinated Biphenyls, disposal operation in Europe, mem and labeling 2025 hers 661 Portrait Gallery Act, National, amend­ Federal Council on Educational ment 30 Research and Development, Portugal, emergency food needs 760 representatives 2230 NOTB: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A79 Page Page President of the United States—Con­ President of the United States—Con­ tinued tinued Appointments by—Continued Appointments by, with advice and Federal Laws, Commission on, consent of the Senate—Continued members 268 National Museum Services Board, Historic Preservation, Advisory members 1975 Council, members 1320 Office of Inspector General (HEW), National Commission on Unem­ Inspector General and Deputy ployment Compensation, Inspector General 2430 members 2681 Postal Rate Commission, Commis­ National Transportation Policy sioners 1304 Study Commission, members.... 449 Rail Public Counsel, Office of. Di­ Northern Mariana Islands, special rector 51 representatives 276, 279 Science and Technology Policy, Postal Service, Commission on. Office of, Director and Asso­ Chairman, members 1307 ciate Directors 463 President's Committee on Science Small Business Administration, and Technology, members, Chief Counsel for Advocacy 668 Chairman, and Vice Chair­ Toxic Substances of the Environ­ man 468, 469 mental Protection Agency, As­ Appointments by, with advice and sistant Administrator for 2048 consent of the Senate— United States Parole Commission, African Development Fund, Gover­ members 220 nor and Alternate Governor 593 Agriculture, Department of, addi­ Veterans' Employment, Deputy tional Assistant Secretary 2643 Assistant Secretary of Labor Alaska natural gas transportation for 2404 system. Federal inspector of Arms sales policies, study 735 construction 2908 Drug Abuse Policy, Office of, recom­ Bureau of Land Management, Di­ mendations to 243 rector 2762 Economic Advisers, Council of, ap­ Coastal Zone Management, Asso­ propriation for 631, 967 ciate Administrator for 1032 Elect and former, authorization of Commodity Credit Corporation, funds 2380 Board of Directors, additional Energy and natural resources. Fed­ members 2643 eral activities, reorganization Copyright Royalty Tribunal, com­ plan 1141 missioners 2596 Executive Office— Drug Abuse Policy, Office of, Di­ Appropriation Act, 1977 966 rector and Deputy Director 242 Appropriation for 628, 631, 646, 966 Employment and Unemployment Central Intelligence Agency. See Statistics, National Commis­ separate title. sion on, Chairman and mem­ Domestic Council, appropriation bers 1484, 1485 for 632, 646, 967 Energy Information and Analysis, Drug Abuse Policy, Office of— Office of, Director 1135 Appropriation for 628 Federal Election Commission, Establishment 242 members 475 Economic Advisers, Council of— Government National Mortgage Appropriation for 631, 967 Association, President 1076 Employment and Unemploy­ Human Rights and Humanitarian ment Statistics, National Affairs, Coordinator for 750 Commission on, hearings, Institute of Museum Services, Di­ participation 1484 rector 1976 Environmental Quality, Council International Joint Commission, on. See separate title. United States and Canada, Federal Procurement Policy, Commissioner 827 Office of, appropriation for 968 National Council on the Arts, International Economic Policy, members 1971 Council on, appropriation for.... 967 National Council on Humanities, National Security Council, appro­ members 1971 priation for 632, 646, 967 Non: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A80 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page President of the United States—Con­ President of the United States—Con­ tinued tinued Executive Office—Continued National Emergency Act 1255 Management and Budget, Office Naval vessels, sale approval, terms of. See separate title. and conditions 1938 President's Committee on Science Northern Mariana Islands Constitu­ and Technology, establish­ tion, submittal to 265 ment 468 Presidential nominees, protection of Procurement Policy, Office of, spouses 1239 solid waste disposal, recovered Public lands, withdrawal authority, materials, Federal procure­ repeal 2792 ment policy 2823 Rail passenger radio telephone ser­ Science and Technology Policy, vice 122 Office of. See separate title. Rail Public Counsel, Office of, sub­ Telecommunications Policy, Office mittal of budget to 52 of, appropriation for 968 Reports to Congress. See under Con­ Trade Negotiations, Office of the gress, Reports to. Special Representative for, ap­ White House Conference on Balanced propriation for 632, 647, 958 National Growth and Economic Wage and Price Stability, Council Development, authorization to on, appropriation for... 628, 631, 646, call 2339 967 White House Conference on Handi­ Europe, Final Act of the Conference capped Individuals, time exten­ on Security and Cooperation in, sion 201 report to Commission on Security President of the United States, Re­ and Cooperation in Europe 661 ports to: Foreign military credit sales, appro­ Agriculture, Department of— priation for 1469 Dutch elm disease, incidence and Former and President-elect, appro­ control methods, study 2963 priation for office staff, etc.... 974, 2380 Rincon Wilderness Study Area, Funds appropriated to— Ariz., review of suitability as a African Development Fund 1471 wilderness area 2695 Appalachian Regional Develop­ Wilderness areas, suitability ment programs 898 review 2635-2637 Asian Development Bank 778, 1471 Commerce, Department of— Federal Disaster Assistance Ad­ Decennial census of population, ministration 1098 apportionment of Representa­ Foreign assistance 602, 603, 771,1465 tives in Congress 2461 Inter-American Development Fishery management plans 355 Bank 778,1471 National sea grant program, Inter-American Foundation 775,1468 annual evaluation 1968 International Development Associ­ Olympic Winter Games, 1980, ation 778,1471 Lake Placid, N.Y 1338 International financial institu­ Population data used for Federal tions 603,1471 benefit programs 2463 International military education Weather modification, study 2361 and training 1468 Community Services Administration, Military assistance 1468 weatherization assistance pro­ Overseas Private Investment Cor­ gram for dwellings of low poration 775,1468 income persons 1158 Petroleum reserves 608, 1059 Copyright Royalty Tribunal 2598 Security supporting assistance 1467 District of Columbia, Temporary Guatemala Relief and Rehabilitation Commission on Financial Over­ Act of 1976 397 sight of the, balance sheet audit International Investment Survey Act results 1208 of 1976 2059 International narcotics control, Drug Abuse Policy, Office of, activi­ study 764 ties 244 International Petroleum Exposition, Education, Office of, bilingual voca­ Okla., participation, invitation tional training 2206 authorization 204 Educational Research and Develop­ Micronesian college, study 299 ment, Federal Council on 2230 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A81 Page Page President of the United States, Re­ President of the United States, Re­ ports to—Continued ports to—Continued Employment and Unemployment National Institute of Education, vo­ Statistics, National Commission cational education programs 2240 on, recommendations 1486 National Institute of Law Enforce­ Energy Information and Analysis, ment and Criminal Justice, drug Office of, audit 1137 abuse 2417 Energy Resources Council, national National Transportation Policy energy conservation activities 1140 Study Commission, final 449 Environmental Protection Agency, Postal Service, Commission on, Toxic Substances Control Act 2050 study 1309 Environmental Quality, Council on, President's Committee on Science Alaska natural gas, transporta­ and Technology 470 tion system 2907 Science and Technology Policy, Federal Energy Administration, Office of. 465 weatherization assistance pro­ Small Business Administration, gram for dwellings of low Office of Advocacy 670 income persons 1158 Solid waste disposal... 2805, 2828, 2833, Federal Power Commission, Alaska 2834 natural gas, transportation State, Department of, arms export control, study system, recommendation 2904, 2906 748 Health, Education, and Welfare, De­ Transportation, Department of, con­ partment of— version of railroad rights-of- way Chemical substances, test meth­ 144 ods, grants 2049 Treasury, Department of the— International Monetary Fund, op­ Health professions personnel, erations of the fund status 2251 Prepaid legal services benefits, 2661 Indian Health Care Improvement continuation of income exclu­ Act 1413 sion 1928 Lifelong learning 2089 Solid waste recycling, tax incen­ Historic Preservation, Advisory tives, study 2698 Council on 1322, 1323 United States International Trade Intergovernmental Relations, Advi­ Commission, certain determina­ sory Commission on, revenue tions 1763 sharing and federalism, study 2357 Veterans Administration— Interior, Department of— Dependency and indemnity com­ Congaree Swamp National Monu­ pensation program, study 1377 ment, S.C., lands within, suit­ Nonservice-connected pension pro­ ability for preservation as wil­ grams, investigation 1372 derness 2518 Vocational objective programs ap­ Federal lands, certain withdrawals proved for veterans, study 2387 from sale, review 2754 Kalaupapa Settlement, Hawaii, Women's Educational Programs, Ad­ 2220 suitability as unit of National visory Council on Park System 2448 President of the United States, Re­ Olympic National Park, Wash., ports to for Transmittal to Con­ land exclusion, study and in­ gress: vestigation 2740 Health, Education, and Welfare, De­ Interstate Commerce Commission— partment of^ Railroad rate bureaus 45 Disease control programs 702 Recyclable or recycled materials, Genetic diseases 409 discriminatory freight rates, Health information and promo­ investigation 40 tion 699 Labor, Department of— Virgin Islands and Guam, proposed Bilingual vocational training 2206 constitutions 2900 Prepaid legal services benefits, White House Conference on Bal­ continuation of income exclu­ anced National Growth and Eco­ sion 1928 nomic Development 2339 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Ad­ Presidential Debates, James E. Carter visory Council, progress of pro­ and Grerald R. Ford, printing of gram 404 copies 3067 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A82 SUBJECT INDEX Page Presidential Protection Assistance Act Proclamations—Continued of 1976 2475 Law Day, U.S.A., 1976 3081 Presidential Science and Technology Leif Erikson Day, 1976 3114 Advisory Organization Act of Loyalty Day, 1976 3091 1976 463 Mark Twain National Forest, Mo., Presidential Transition Act of 1963: designation 3077 Amendments 2380 Meats, temporary quantitative limi­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ tations on importation of certain sions 974, 1417 beef and veal from Canada, ter­ President's Biomedical Research mination 3071 Panel, disclosure of research infor­ Milk mixtures, dry, import limita­ mation, study 406 tion 3084 President's Committee on Science and Mother's Day, 1976 3088 Technology, establishment 468 National Bicentennial Highway Prison Industries, Incorporated, Fed­ Safety Year, designation 715 eral, appropriation for 946 National Bicentennial Highway Prison System, Federal, appropriation Safety Year, 1976 3111 for 621, 638, 652, 945 National Day of Prayer, 1976 3083 Prisons, Bureau of: National Day of Prayer for Ameri­ Appropriation for 945 cans Missing in Action in South­ Director, compensation 2426 east Asia 3075 Prisoners, suitability for parole, National Defense Transportation study 223 Day and National Transporta­ Privacy Act of 1974: tion Week, 1976 3093 Amendments 1198 National Employ the Handicapped Appropriation for effecting provi­ Week, 1976 3125 sions 958 National Employ the Older Worker Privacy Protection Study Commis­ Week, designation 396 sion: National Farm Safety Week, 1976 3082 Appropriation for 623, 644, 958 National Forest Products Week, Authorization of funds 1198 1976 3119 Fiscal year expenditure limitation, National Good Neighbor Day, 1976 3104 removal 1198 National Hispanic Heritage Week, Proclamations: 1976 3122 American Heart Month, 1976 3076 National Historic Preservation An American Promise 3078 Week 1976 3099 Bicentennial Independence Day 3110 National Maritime Day, 1976 3092 Bicentennial Year, The 3072 National Poison Prevention Week, Brooms, wholly or in part of broom 1976 3077 corn, modification of tariff-rate National Rural Health Week, 1976 3086 quota 3103 National Safe Boating Week, 1976 3094 Cancer Control Month, 1976 3085 National School Lunch Week, 1976 3124 Captive Nations Week, 1976 3112 National Tennis Week, 1976 3100 Ceramic tableware, extension and National Volunteer Firemen Week, modification of certain increased designation 2079 rates of duty 3096 Older Americans Month, 1976 3087 Child Health Day, 1976 3127 Pan American Day and Pan Ameri­ Citizenship Day and Constitution can Week, 1976 3089 Week, 1976 3123 Petroleum and petroleum products, Columbus Day, 1976 3118 import modification 3073 Country Music Month, 1976 3128 Prayer for Peace Memorial Day, Earth Week, 1976 3095 May 31,1976 3100 Father's Day, 1976 3101 Red Cross Month, 1976 3079 Fire Prevention Week, 1976 3116 Save Your Vision Week, 1976 3080 Flag Day and National Flag Week, Small Business Week, 1976 3090 1976 3102 Space Exploration Day, 1976 3113 General Pulaski's Memorial Day, Steel, stainless or alloy tool, certain 1976 3120 articles, temporary quantitative Klondike Gold Rush International limitation on importation into Historical Park, Alaska-Wash.- United States 3105 Canada, designation authoriza­ Sugars, sirups and molasses, tariffs tion 718, 719 on certain, modification 3126 NOTK: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A83 Page Page Proclamations—Continued Public Information—Continued Thomas Jefferson Day, 1976 3090 Arthritis and related musculo-skel- Designation 328 etal diseases 2645 United Nations Day, 1976 3117 Census records, restricted availabil­ Veterans' Day, 1976 3121 ity 2460 White Cane Safety Day, 1976 3115 Coal lands exploratory program 1088 Women's Equality Day, 1976 3114 Energy Information and Analysis, World Trade Week, 1976 3088 Office of, documentation of Procurement Policy, Office of Feder­ energy reports 1139 al: Federal revenue sharing funds, Appropriation for 968 budget summary and proposed Solid waste disposal, recovered mate­ use 2348 rials, Federal procurement policy 2823 Grovernment in the Sunshine Act 1241 Productivity and Quality of Working Hazardous wastes, persons handling.. 2811 Life, National Center for, appro­ Interior Department employees, cer­ priation for 975 tain, financial disclosure 1344, 2768 Property and Administrative Services Medical devices, application for pre- Act of 1949, Federal. See Federal market approval, report and rec­ Property and Administrative Serv­ ommendations 559 ices Act of 1949. National Register, historic site and Public Broadcasting, Corporation for, object, locations, conditions for appropriation for 612, 1434 nondisclosure 1942 Public Broadcasting Financing Act of Public service employment pro­ 1975, appropriation for effecting grams, financial and employee provisions 612, 1434 records 1476 Public Buildings Act of 1959, amend­ Science and Technology Report 468 ments 2505 State lotteries, newspaper advertise­ Public Buildings Amendments of ments 2478 1972, appropriation for effecting Wilderness areas, maps and descrip­ provisions 19, 954, 1431 tions 2637 Public Buildings Cooperative Use Act Public Lands: of 1976 2505 Administration, repeal of law relat­ Public Buildings Purchase Contract ing to 2792 Act of 1954, appropriation for ef­ Federal Land Policy and Manage­ fecting provisions 19, 1431 ment Act of 1976 2743 Public Debt, Bureau of the, appropri­ Land acquisition— ation for 627, 640, 655, 964 Flathead River, Mont 2327 Public Documents Act, appropriation Napa River, Calif., fish and wild­ for effecting provisions 629, 975 life project 2929 Public Health Service: National forests 2961 Military benefits 415 Appropriation for 1056 National Health Service Corps pro­ Land conveyances— gram, revision 2268 Agriculture, Department of, Boise Public Health Service Act: City, Idaho 1381 Amendments... 402-405, 407, 414-416, 695, Defense, Department of. South 700, 704, 707, 1040, 1113, 1403, 1945- Charleston, W. Va 1365 1955, 1960, 2244-2325, 2645, 2709-2718 Interior, Department of. See under Appropriation for effecting provi­ separate title. sions... 9-14, 19, 363, 610, 1059, 1422- Louisiana-Texas Intracoastal Wa­ 1425 terway segments 2924 Research, development, and demon­ Navy, Department of the. Airship stration, authorization of funds.... 2069 Association, N.J 1364 Technical amendments 249 Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled Public Health Service Act of 1960, ap­ Children, Utah 2429 propriation for effecting provi­ Valley County, Idaho 2438 sions 19 Local governments, entitlement Public Information: lands, payments 2662 Alaska natural gas, transportation Mineral Lands Leasing Act, amend­ system, recommendations.... 2905-2907 ments 1083, 1323 Armed forces, members and depen­ Missouri River, Mont., land acquisi­ dents, release of information 713 tion for historic sites 2328

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A84 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Public Lands—Continued R National Forest Management Act of Radio: 1976 2949 American Television and Radio Ar­ Obed River, Tenn., land acquisition.... 2329 chives Act 2601 Oil shale, State disposition of Copyright law, general revision 2541 moneys received 1089, 1323 Educational Broadcasting Facilities Rights-of-way— and Telecommunications Dem­ Laws relating to, repeal 2793 onstration Act of 1976 683 National forests 2776 FM translator broadcast stations, Sale and disposal laws, repeal of cer­ unattended operation 794 tain 2789 Voice of America broadcasts, princi­ Withdrawal laws, repeal of certain 2792 ples 831 Rail Amendments of 1976 2616 Public Safety Officers' Benefits Act of Rail Corporation, Consolidated. See 1976 1346 Consolidated Rail Corporation. Public Service Employment Pro­ Rail Passenger Service Act, amend­ grams: ments 123-125, 2613-2616 Authorization of funds, extension, Rail Public Counsel, Office of, estab­ fiscal year 1977 1476 lishment 51 Indians, funds for 1482 Rail Reorganization Act of 1973, Re­ Long-term unemployed, low-income gional: persons, placement preference 1478 Amendments... 57, 83-118, 123, 133, 139, Public Works: 191, 296, 1398, 2616-2624, 2629 Redevelopment area loan program 2333 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Unemployment rate determina­ sions 24, 625, 626,1178,1183,1436 tions 2335 Rail Services Planning Office: Water Resources Development Act Appropriation for 1182 of 1976 2917 Establishment as a permanent Public Works and Economic Develop­ office 57 ment Act Amendments of 1976 2331 Rail Transportation Improvement Public Works and Economic Develop­ Act 2613 ment Act of 1965: Rail Transportation Protective Ac­ Amendments 2331-2339, 2456 count, Regional, appropriation for Appropriation for effecting provi­ benefit payments 1436 sions 948 Railroad Administration, Federal. See Public Works Employment Act of Federal Railroad Administration. 1976 999 Railroad Passenger Corporation, Na­ Amendments 1498 tional. See National Railroad Pas­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ senger Corporation. sions 1497 Railroad Rehabilitation and Improve­ Public Works Employment Appropri­ ment Fund, establishment 67 ations Act 1497 Railroad Retirement Act of 1974: Public Works for Water and Power Amendments 2523-2527 Development and Energy Re­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ search Appropriation Act, 1977 889 sions 24,1435 Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., land condem­ Railroad Retirement Board, appropri­ nation and right-of-way renewal 1275 ation for 24, 644, 658,1435 Puerto Rico, Commonwealth of: Railroad Revitalization and Regula­ Ferry operations in 438 tory Reform Act of 1976 31 Fishery Conservation and Manage­ Amendments 191, 2624-2630 ment Act of 1976 331 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Military bases, reuse, study 1365 sions 625, 626, 1178-1180, 1183 Public safe drinking water systems 707 Railroad Safety Act of 1970, Federal, San Juan Harbor, navigation pro­ ject, authorized advanced engi­ amendments 817, 819, 820 neering and design 2918 Railroad Safety Authorization Act of Pulaski's Memorial Day, General, 1976, Federal 817 1976, proclamation 3120 Railroads: Alaska Railroad, appropriation for 1179 Amtrak Improvement Act of 1976 2613 Q Hours of Service Act, amendments 818 Queen Elizabeth II, James Smithson Operations Review Panel, establish­ bequest, U.S. appreciation 798 ment 120

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A85 Page Railroads—Continued Reclamation Projects—Continued Property transfers 1398 Leadville Mine drainage tunnel. Rail and railway labor organizations, Lake County, Colo., rehabilita­ negotiations 3024 tion, authorization 1329 Rail bank, establishment 146 McGee Creek project, Okla., con­ Rail marine freight service 2616 struction, etc., authorization 1329 Railroad highway crossings, demon­ McKay Dam and Reservoir, Uma­ stration projects and authoriza­ tilla project, Oreg., reauthoriza­ tion of funds 444, 452 tion 207 Rights-of-way through public lands Mississippi River 816 and national forest lands 2781 Missouri River 816 Tax Reform Act of 1976 1759 Norman Federal project, Del City Railway Association, United States: aqueduct, Okla., repair 1274 Appropriation for 294, 627, 1183 Ohio River 816 Authorization of funds 1398 Oroville-Tonasket unit extension, Consolidated Rail Corporation securi­ Okanogan-Similkameen division. ties— Chief Joseph Dam project, Appropriation for 294 Wash., construction, etc., au­ Purchase authority 89 thorization 1325 Loans for payment of obligations 2617 Polecat Bench, Wyo 205 Rail service continuation assistance PoUock-Herreid unit, S. Dak., con­ struction authorization 208 negotiations, cooperation 139 Red River Waterway project 816 Railroad rights-of-way, consultation, San Joaquin River 816 conversion 144 Santa Ana River 816 Railway Labor Act, appropriation for South Platte River 816 effecting provisions 23, 1435 Susquehanna River, North Branch 816 R. E. "Bob" Woodruff Lake, Ala., Teton Basin project, Teton Dam, designation 2500 Idaho, failure, compensation for Ray J. Madden Post Offlce Building, damages 1211 Ind., designation 2382 Uintah unit, central Utah project, Rear Adm. J. Edward Snyder, Jr. Utah, construction authoriza­ (Ret.), assignment authority as tion 1327 Oceanographer of the Navy 933 Upper Colorado River Storage Pro­ Reclamation, Bureau of, appropriation ject, appropriation for 894 for 619, 636, 892-896, 1416 Upper Mississippi River 816 Reclamation Authorization Act of Reclamation Projects Act of 1956, 1975 205 Small, appropriation for effecting Reclamation Authorizations Act of provisions 894 1976 1324 Records and Documents of Federal Reclamation Projects: OfHcials, National Study Commis­ Alabama-Coosa River 816 sion on: Allen Camp unit. Pit River division. Appropriation for 629, 975 Central Valley project, Calif., Membership; extension 326 construction, etc., authorization.. 1328 Records Management Amendments of American Canal extension, Rio Grande project, N. Mex.-Tex., 1976, Federal 2723 construction, etc., authoriza­ Recreation and Public Purposes Act tion 1327 of 1926, amendments 2759 Arkansas River 816 Red Cross Month, 1976, proclama­ Brazos River 816 tion 3079 Colorado River Basin Project, appro­ Red River Waterway Project: priation for 894 Reclamation project, additional Colorado River Basin Salinity Con­ funds 816 trol Projects, appropriation for 894 Standards compliance, determina­ Columbia River 816 tion 2942 Dickinson Dam, N. Dak., modifica­ Red Rock Lakes Wilderness, Mont., tion 206 designation 2634 Kanopolis unit, Pick-Sloan Missouri Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, Mi­ Basin program, Kans., construc­ gration and, appropriation for ef­ tion, etc., authorization 1324 fecting provisions 777, 778, 1470

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A86 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Refugees: Research and Development—Contin­ Cambodians in the United States, ued appropriation for assistance 1470 Armed Forces— Cubans in the United States, appro­ Appropriation for... 166, 602, 634, 649, priation for assistance 777, 1470 1289-1295 Eastern European— Authorization of funds 924 Appropriation for assistance.... 778, 1471 Beef Research and Information Act.... 529 Authorization of funds 824 Coastal zone management 1029 Indochina Refugee Children Assis­ Commercial fisheries programs 2326 tance Act of 1976 1225 Cotton research and promotion 991 Laotians in the United States, appro­ Drug abuse and crime, studies 2417 priations for assistance 776, 1470 Drug research, encouragement 248 Soviet— Educational Research and Develop­ Appropriation for assistance.... 778, 1471 ment, Federal Council on, estab­ Authorization of funds 824 lishment 2229 Vietnamese in the United States, ap­ Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Re­ propriation for assistance 1470 search, Development, and Dem­ Regional Action Planning Commis­ onstration Act of 1976 1260 sions, appropriation for 948 Energy Research and Development Regional Fishery Management Coun­ Administration. See separate cils, establishment 347 title. Regional Rail Reorganization Act of Environmental Research, Develop­ 1973: ment, and Demonstration Au­ Amendments... 57, 83-118, 123, 133, 139, thorization Act of 1976 2069 191, 296,1398, 2616-2624, 2629 Fisheries research program 353 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Geothermal Energy Research, Devel­ sions.... 24, 625, 626,1178, 1183, 1436 opment, and Demonstration Act Regional Rail Transportation Protec­ of 1974, appropriation for effect­ tive Account, appropriation for ing provisions 890 benefit payments 1436 Ground propulsion systems 1270 Rehabilitation Act Extension of 1976.... 211 Health information and promotion 696 Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Health Research and Health Ser­ Amendments 211 vices Amendments of 1976 401 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Highway safety, authorization of sions 612,1432 funds 451 Renegotiation Act of 1951, appropri­ Leachate control research program, ation for effecting provisions 1416 Llangollen Landfill, Del 2840 Renegotiation Board, appropriation Maritime programs— Appropriation for.... 951 for 644, 658, 958 Authorization of funds 1224 Reorganization Plans: Medical and prosthetic research, ap­ No. 8 of 1953— propriation for 1105 Authorization of funds 830 Medical devices 572 International informational activi­ NASA- ties and programs, appropria­ Appropriation for... 641, 656,1101,1102 tion authorization 374 Authorization of funds 677 No. 2 of 1962, repeal of certain provi­ National sea grant program, interna­ sions 472 tional cooperation assistance for No. 2 of 1968, appropriation for ef­ developing foreign nations 1969 fecting provisions 1098 Public Works for Water and Power No. 1 of 1973— Development and Energy Re­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ search Appropriation Act, 1977.... 889 sions 1098 Rice, regional and national research Repeal of certain provisions 472 programs 187 Research Act, National, amendments... 407, Small Business Research and Devel­ 2719 Research and Development: opment, Office of, establish­ Airport and airway development, au­ ment 2057 thorization of funds 886 Solid waste disposal 2829-2834 Alcohol abuse and alcoholism 1038 Toxic substances control 2031 Alcohol Research Centers, National, Transportation, Department of, ap­ designation 1039 propriation for... 1171,1173,1175,1178 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A87 Page Pajje Research and Development—Contin­ Rincon Wilderness Study Area, Ariz., ued review of suitability as a wilder­ Vocational Education, C!oordinating ness area 2695 Committee on Research in, es­ River and Harbor Act of 1960, amend­ tablishment 2202 ments 2928 Reserves Forces Facilities Authoriza­ River and Harbor Act of 1970, amend­ tion Act, 1977, Guard and 1368 ments 2922 Resource Conservation and Recovery Rivers and Harbors: Act of 1976 2795 Arkansas River, designation of Ozark-Jeta Taylor Lock and Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Act, appropriation for ef­ Dam 2514 fecting provisions 969 Bridges. See separate title. Flood control. See separate title. Retired Federal Employees Health Harbors, commercial boat, debris re­ Benefits Act of 1960, amend­ moval projects 2945 ment 687 Mississippi River, appropriation for Retirement and Pensions. See also flood control 891 Social Security. New York Harbor, N.Y., dredging Annuities, civil service 1202 operations for Operation Sail 708 Armed Forces 155, 202, 599, 1281, 1499 Reclamation projects. See separate Central Intelligence Agency— title. Appropriation for 1300 Santa Ynez River Water Conserva­ Benefits 2467 tion District, Calif relief to 1474 Cost-of-living adjustment by Civil Tijuana River, flood control project.... 1333 Service Commission 1462 Water Resources Development Act Foreign Service Retirement Amend­ of 1976 2917 ments of 1976 834 Wild and scenic rivers. See sepa­ Income tax, termination of employ­ rate title. ee retirement plans, rollovers 365 Robert G. Stephens, Jr. Federal Build­ Judges, Federal- ing, Ga., designation 2444 Judicial Survivors' Annuities Rockpile Mountain Wilderness Study Reform Act 2603 Area, Mo., review of suitability as Pay adjustments 2052 a wilderness area 2636 New York public employee retire­ Roosevelt Campobello International ment systems 238 Park Commission, appropriation Railroad employees, annuity for 1047 amounts 2523 Tax Reform Act of 1976 1520 Rubber Study Group, International, Unemployment compensation, denial U.S. membership authority 826 to retirement benefit recipi­ Runaway Youth Act, appropriation for ents 2680 effecting provisions. 1432 Veterans' and Survivors Pension Ad­ Rural Areas: justment Act of 1976 1369 Housing 1078 Revenue Adjustment Act of 1975, Indian health services projects 1412 amendments 1555 Primary and secondary highway sys­ Revenue Sharing. See State and Local tems, authorization of funds 427 Fiscal Assistance Amendments of Solid waste management facilities, 1976. grants 2819 Revenue Sharing, Office of, appropri­ Rural Development Act of 1972: ation for 640, 654, 963, 1497 Appropriation for effecting provi­ sions 854, 855, 860 "Review of National Breeder Reactor Authorization of funds, extension 314 Program", report, printing of copies 3042 Rural Electrification Act of 1936: Amendments 2701 Rhode Island, financial institutions in, Appropriation for effecting provi­ negotiable order of withdrawal ac­ sions 861 counts 197 Rural Electrification Administration: Rice Production Act of 1975 181 Appropriation for 632, 647, 861 Rifle Practice, National Board for the Insured loans, special rate criteria 2701 Promotion of, appropriation for... 159, Rural Electrification and Telephone 1284 Revolving Fund 2701 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A88 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Rural Electrification Administration Schools and Colleges—Continued Technical Amendments Act of Campus disrupters, denial of finan­ 1976 2701 cial assistance... 25, 961, 1102, 1297, Rural Health Week, National, 1976, 1436 proclamation 3086 Chief Joseph Dam, Wash., provision Rural Rehabilitation Corporation of facilities for dependents of Trust Liquidation Act, appropri­ certain construction workers 2932 ation for effecting provisions 860 Community College of the Air Force, associate degrees 928 Community colleges 2164 Community services and continuing Safe Drinking Water Act, amend­ education programs, expansion.... 2083 ment 707 Cooperative education program, ex­ Safety Act of 1976, Highway 451 tension 2144 Safety Authorization Act of 1976, Fed- Developing institutions, strengthen­ eral Railroad 817 ing 2091 Saguaro National Monument, Ariz., Education Amendments of 1976 2081 boundary revision 2735 Family medicine, departments of, Saguaro Wilderness, Ariz., designa­ grants for establishment 2311 tion 2693 Federal and State insured loan pro­ Saint Elizabeths Hospital, appropri­ grams 2099 ation for 13, 609, 1424, 1492 Gallaudet College, D.C., appropri­ Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site, ation for 611,1431 N.H., land acquisition.... 2732, 2733, 2735 Graduate and professional study, fel­ Saint Lawrence Seaway Development lowships 2160 Corporation, appropriation for... 640, Health professions schools— 654, 1181 Graduate student loans 2257 Saint Paul's Church, N.Y., suitability Grants 2290 as unit of National Park System, Higher education institutions, recon­ study 2447 struction and renovation 2158 Saline Water Conservation Act of Howard University, D.C., appropri­ 1971, The, appropriation for effect­ ation for 611, 1431 ing provisions 1045 Indian postsecondary schools, treat­ San Joaquin River, reclamation pro­ ment 2233 ject, additional funds 816 Israel, loans, amounts due on, San Juan Wilderness, Wash., designa­ waiver 776 tion 2634 John McCormack Center, St. John's Santa Ana River, reclamation project, Medical College, India, appropri­ additional funds 816 ation for 772 Santa Ynez River Water Conservation Library assistance, training and re­ District, Calif., relief to 1474 search 2089 Save Your Vision Week, 1976, procla­ Non-professional employees, denial mation 3080 of unemployment assistance be­ Scenic and Recreational Highway, Na­ tween academic terms 2691 tional, appropriation for 1176 Public health schools, traineeships School Aid Act, Emergency: for students 2279 Amendments 2216, 2218, 2237 School bus driver training 453 Appropriation for effecting provi­ School bus safety standards 815 sions 610, 611,1427 Sea grant colleges, designation 1966 School Lunch Act, National, appropri­ Soundproofing of institutions near ation for effecting provisions 865 airports, feasibility study 886 School Lunch Week, National, 1976, Southeastern University, D.C., bene­ proclamation 3124 fits, continued eligibility 289 Schools and Colleges: Student assistance 2091 Allen J. Ellender fellowships, exten­ Student loan programs, extension 727 sion 399 Teacher Corps and teacher training American Indian School of Medicine, programs 2151 feasibility study 1412 Teachers, survey of availability 2226 Arizona universities and State col­ Veterans' Education and Employ­ leges, certain real property con­ ment Assistance Act of 1976 2383 veyed to, condition on release 3012 Visiting Scientist Awards 415 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A89 Page Ptige Schools and Colleges—Continued Second Brussels Conference, 1976, Work-study program, extension 2143 sense of Congress 3022 Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Second Liberty Bond Act: ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ Amendment 217 cil for, establishment 471 Public debt limit, temporary in­ Science, Engineering, and Technology crease 217,793 Advisory Panel, Intergovernmen­ Second Supplemental Appropriations tal, establishment 465 Act, 1975, appropriation for effect­ Science and Technology, Federal ing provisions 22 Council for, abolition 472 Second Supplemental Appropriations Science and Technology, President's Act, 1976.... 597 Secret Service, United States: Committee on, establishment 468 Appropriation for 627, 640, 655, 965 Science and Technology Advisory Or­ Presidential and Vice Presidential ganization Act of 1976, Presiden­ nominees, protection of tial 463 spouses 1239 Science and Technology Policy, Office Presidential Protection Assistance of: Act of 1976 2475 Appropriation for 604, 1101 Securities Act of 1933, amendments 56 Establishment 463 Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Coordinating Council for Sci­ appropriation for 644, 658, 958 ence, Engineering, and Technol­ Securities Exchange Act of 1934: ogy, member 471 Amendments 57 National sea grant program annual Appropriation for effecting provi­ report, review and evaluation 1968 sions 1108 President's Committee on Science Security Agency Appropriation Act, and Technology, member 468 1947, Federal, appropriation for ef­ Science and Technology Policy, Orga­ fecting provisions 7, 1420 nization, and Priorities Act of Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1976, National 459 Commission on. See other part of Science Foundation, National. See Na­ title. tional Science Foundation. Security Assistance and Arms Export Science Foundation Act of 1950, Na­ Control Act of 1976, Internation­ tional: al 729 Amendments 473, 2057 Security Council, National, appropri­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ation for 632, 646, 967 sions 1102, 1103 Seed Testing Association, Internation­ al, U.S. membership authority 826 Science Foundation Authorization Selective Service System: Act, National, 1977 2053 Appropriation for 1103 Science Information Exchange, appro­ Certain budget authority, recission 287 priation for 1061 Senate. See also Congress; Legislative Sciences, National Academy of, Coordi­ Branch of the Government. nating Committee for Digestive Adjournment... 3022, 3028, 3033, 3037, Diseases, member 2653 3038, 3041 Scotts Bluff National Monument, Adjournment, sine die 3068 Nebr., acquisition ceiling increase... 2732 Administrative provisions, appropri­ "Screaming Eagles" Memorial, au­ ation for 203, 614, 1443 thorization for erection by One Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Hundred and First Airborne Divi­ Committee on, reports to by sion Association 151 NASA- Scrimshaw Products, exportation pro­ Satellite services contracts 680 hibition, exemption 911 Use of funds 678, 679 Sea Grant Advisory Panel, superseded Agriculture and Forestry, Committee by sea grant review panel 1967 on— Sea Grant College and Program Act Reports to— of 1966, National, amendments 1961 Agriculture, Department of— Sea Grant Program Act, National 1961 Employee and dependent for­ Sea Grant Program Improvement Act eign language training of 1976 1961 and orientation 1500 Sea Grant Review Panel, establish­ Farmer-to-Consumer Direct ment 1967 Marketing Act of 1976 1983 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. hm SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Senate—Continued Senate—Continued Agriculture and Forestry, Committee Armed Services, Committee on, re­ on—Continued ports to—Continued Reports to—Continued Comptroller General, United Agriculture, Department of— States Soldiers' and Airmen's Continued Home, operations, study 1519 National Forest System, land Defense, Department of— acquisitions 2962 Beef Board, budgets 533 Military construction 1359, Federal Grain Inspection Ser­ Service academies and war col­ vice 2874, 2882, 2885, 2888 leges, civilian faculty utiliza­ Testimony before— tion study 933 Agriculture, Department of, Environmental Protection Agency, Packers and Stockyards Act toxic substances control, na­ of 1921, justification of tional defense waiver, notice .. 2044 budget estimates under 1252 Military departments— American Indian Policy Review Real property exchanges, certifi­ Commission, appropriation for 1449 cation 1367 Appropriation for 612, 629, 645,1439 Technical data and computer Appropriations, Committee on, softwear packages, procure­ reports to— ment contract 932 Army, Department of the— Navy, Department of the— Alaska hydroelectric power proj­ Emergency military construc­ ects, payment of certain tion 1354 construction costs, agree­ Naval petroleum reserves 312 ment 2947 Nuclear career officers, Military construction 1351 bonuses 901, 903 Coast Guard, United States, Presi­ President of the United States— dential protection expendi­ Korea, Republic of 760 tures 2476 Military sales affecting combat Comptroller General, Presidential protection expenditures, audit 2477 readiness 738 Defense, Department of, Presiden­ Banking, Housing and Urban Af­ tial protection expenditures .... 2476 fairs, Committee on— Interior, Department of, Indiana National Transportation Policy Dunes National Lakeshore 2531 Study Commission, member 449 Military departments, technical Check cashing regulations 1443 data and computer softwear Commerce, Committee on— packages, procurement con­ Foreign fishing, applications for tracts 932 permits, transmittal to 343, 344 NASA, satellite services contracts 680 National Transportation Policy Postal Service, budget 1303, 1304 Study Commission, member 449 President of the United States— Railroad-related documents, sub­ Guatemala relief and rehabilita­ mittal by Interstate Com­ tion 398 merce Commission 47 International disaster assis­ Reports to— tance 773 Coast Guard, United States, Secret Service, United States, Fishery Conservation and Presidential protection ex­ Management Act of 1976, penditures 2476 compliance 358 Armed Services, Committee, reports Consumer Product Safety Com­ to- mission, proposed safety Air Force, Department of the, rules and regulations 509 emergency military construc­ Energy Research and Develop­ tion 1357 ment Administration, elec­ Army, Department of the, military tric and hybrid vehicles... 1264, construction 1351 1265, 1267

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A91

Page Piige Senate—Continued Senate—Continued Commerce, Committee on—Continued Interior and Insular Affairs, Com­ Reports to—Continued mittee on— President of the United States, California Desert Conservation international investment 2061 Area, revised map and legal Contingent expenses, appropriation description filed by Depart­ for 613, 616, 1442, 1448 ment of Interior 2783 Expedited procedure in 765 Interior, Department of the, Olym­ Finance, Committee on, reports to— pic National Park, Wash., Health, Education, and Welfare, boundary revision notice 2739 Department of. Veterans Reports to— Administration facilities, Agriculture, Department of, certain medical services, Alpine Lakes Wilderness, rates and procedures 2853 Wash 907 Treasury, Department of the, Architect of the Capitol, Con­ New York City pension gressional Cemetery study 2373 plans or trusts 239 Historic Preservation, Advisory Foreign Relations, Committee on— Council on 1322,1323 Foreign fishing vessels, permit ap­ Indian Claims Commission 1991 plications for U.S. fishery Interior, Department of the— conservation zone, transmit­ Assateague Island National tal from Department of Seashore, Md.-Va., com­ State 343, 344 prehensive plan 2733 Reports to— Concession leases and con­ Coast Guard, United States, tracts, proposed awards 1943 Fishery Conservation and Congaree Swamp National Management Act of 1976, Monument, S.C 2517, 2518 compliance 358 Eugene O'Neill National His­ President of the United States— toric Site, Calif., coopera­ Angola, assistance to 758 tive agreements 2501 Foreign assistance 751, 754 Frederick Law Olmsted Home Foreign military sales... 735, 736, and Office, Mass., suitabil­ 738-741, 743, 747 ity as unit of National Foreign military sales, dis­ Park System 2447 crimination 752, 753 Guatemala relief and rehabili­ George W. Norris Home, tation 398 Nebr., suitability as unit Indian Ocean, control of mili­ of National Park System.... 2450 tary forces in 759 Indiana Dunes National Lake- International investment 2061 shore 2530-2532 International military educa­ Monocacy National Battle­ tion and training 732 field, Md., final master Korea, Republic of. 760 plan 2739 State, Department of, human Mount Mitchell National rights statement 749 Park, N.C., feasibility Government Operations, Committee study 2450 on, reports to— National Museum of Afro- Coast Guard, United States, Presi­ American History and dential protection expendi­ Culture, Ohio, suitability tures 2476 as unit of National Park Comptroller General, Presidential System 2447 protection expenditures, National Park System lands... 1940, audit 2477 1942,1943 National Petroleum Reserve Defense, Department of, Presiden­ in Alaska, exploration; tial protection expenditures .... 2476 study 305, 306 Secret Service, United States, Ninety Six National Historic Presidential protection ex­ Site, S.C, management penditures 2476 plan 1197 State, Department of, Mexico, Public lands, emergency with­ United States citizens impris­ drawal from sale; review oned in 760 and extensions 2753 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. mt SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Senate—Continued Senate—Continued Interior and Insular Affairs, Com­ Labor and Public Welfare, Commit­ mittee on—Continued tee on—Continued Reports to—Continued Reports to—Continued Interior, Department of the— Health, Education, and Welfare, Continued Department of—Continued Saint Paul's Church, N.Y., Medical residency training suitability as unit of Na­ programs, positions in pri­ tional Park System 2447 mary care, determina­ Urban recreation, review 1318 tion 2295 Lincoln National Memorial, rec­ Public and community health ognition of Alaska and personnel, statistics 2306 Hawaii 2632 National Commission for the National Park Service, wilder­ Protection of Human Sub­ ness areas, maps and bound­ jects of Biomedical and Be­ ary descriptions 2693 havioral Research, disclo­ Navy, Department of. National sure of research informa­ Petroleum Reserve in tion, study 407 Alaska, information 304 National Science Foundation 2054- 2056, 2058 Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of. President's Biomedical Research State grant programs 1317 Panel, disclosure of research President of the United States— information, study 407 Micronesian college, study 299 Post Office and Civil Service, Com­ National Petroleum Reserve mittee on, reports to, Postal Serv­ in Alaska, study 305 ice, budget 1303, 1304 Wilderness areas, maps and de­ President of the Senate— scriptions filed with 2637 Appointments by— Judiciary, Committee on the, reports Commission on Security and to— Cooperation in Europe, Coast Guard, United States, Presi­ members 661 dential protection expendi­ National Trsmsportation Policy tures 2476 Study Commission, mem­ bers 449 Comptroller General, Presidential Land Management, Bureau of, au­ protection expenditures, thorization of funds request, audit 2477 submittal 2772 Defense, Department of. Presiden­ Reports to— tial protection expenditures .... 2476 Commerce, Department of, fail­ Law Enforcement Assistance Ad­ ure to publish population ministration, activities 2422 data 2463 Secret Service, United States, Energy Research and Develop­ Presidential protection ex­ ment Administration, elec­ penditures 2476 tric and hybrid vehicles... 1264, 1267 Labor and Public Welfare, Committee Environmental Protection on— Agency, environmental" re­ Employment and Unemployment search, development and Statistics, National Commis­ demonstration, transfer of sion on, hearings, participa­ funds 2070 tion 1484 Interior, Department of— Reports to— National Park System, areas Health, Education, and Welfare, qualifying for inclusion Department of— in, study 1940 Allied health personnel statis­ Public lands, denial of sale 2761 tics 2311 Registry of Natural Land­ Chiropractic health profes­ marks and National Reg­ sions 2324 ister of Historic Places, Education Division, reorgani­ areas exhibiting endan­ zation study 2239 gered resources 1940

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A93 Page Page Senate—Continued Senate—Continued President of the Senate—Continued Public Works, Committee on—Con­ Reports to—Continued tinued Military departments, construc­ Reports to—Continued tion contract awards 1363 President of the United States, NASA, use of funds 678, 679 Alaska, solid waste cleanup National Science Foundation, on Federal lands in 2840 transfer of funds 2054 Solid waste management guide­ President of the United States— lines, notice 2804 International narcotics control Reports to— study 764 Commission on Security and Co­ Federal lands, certain with­ operation in Europe 662 drawals from sale, Federal Election Commission, pro­ review 2754 posed rules or regulations 477 Wilderness areas, designation General Services Administration, of, recommendations 2785 real and personal property, Student Loan Special donations, disposals, and Allowances, Committee on transfers 2454, 2455 the Process of Determin­ Interior and Insular Affairs, Com­ ing 2135 mittee on. Valley Forge Na­ Veterans Administration, ampu­ tional Historical Park, Pa., tees, cardiovascular disor­ master development plan, ders, study 1378 transmittal to 797 President pro tempore— President of the United States— Appointments by— Federal lands, multiple use National Commission on Unem­ plan 9CI8 ployment Compensation, International fishery agree­ members 2681 ments 34:0 Postal Service, Commission on, President's Committee on Sci­ members 1307 ence and Technology 470 Reports to, President of the United United States Parole Commis­ States, Selected Reserve, invol­ sion 221 untary order to active duty 517 Senate Computer Center Revolving Procurement Officer, Auditor, and Fund, establishment 614 Deputy Sergeant at Arms, title Senate Employees Barber Shop Re­ changed to Deputy Sergeant at volving Fund, establishment 1444 Arms and Doorkeeper 203 Sergeant at Arms, expenses, ad­ Public Works, Committee on— vancement increase 1445 National Transportation Policy Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, Office of, appropriation for 612 Study Commission, member— 449 Staff employees, termination 1443 Reports to— Alaska hydroelectric power pro­ Veterans' Affairs, Committee on, re­ ports to— jects, pajonent of certain Health, Education, and Welfare, construction costs, agree­ Department of, Veterans' Ad­ ment 2947 ministration facilities, cer­ Architectural and Transporta­ tain medical services, tion Barriers Compliance rates and procedures 2853 Board, public buildings, Veterans Administration— standards accommodating Hospital and medical pro­ the physically handicapped, gram, study 2854 compliance 2508 Per diem rates, mileage Engineers, Corps of— allowances, and travel ex­ Water resource development penses 2843 projects, hydroelectric Senate Committee on Foreign Rela­ power resources 2936 tions, one hundred and sixtieth Water resources development anniversary, printing as Senate projects 2920 document 3040

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. il9i SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Senator Dennis Chavez Federal Build­ Small Business Research and Devel­ ing, N. Mex., designation 2442 opment, Office of, establishment.... 2057 Service Contract Act of 1965, amend­ Small Business Week, 1976, proclama­ ments 2358 tion 3090 Sewage and Waste Disposal Facilities Small Reclamation Projects Act of Compact, New Hampshire-Ver­ 1956, appropriation for effecting mont Interstate 1221 provisions 894 Sex Discrimination, Prohibition of: Smith-Lever Act, appropriation for ef­ Coast Guard Academy appoint­ fecting provisions 854, 855 ments 2708 Smithsonian Institution: Exemptions for certain organiza­ Appropriation for 608, 644, 658, 1060 tions 2234 Authorization of funds 795 Federal Property and Administra­ tive Services Act of 1949, Feder­ Board of Regents, reappointment of al assistance under 2456 James E. Webb 693 Public works programs 1002, 1007 Historic Preservation, Advisory Railroad revitalization and regula­ Council on, member 1320 tory reform programs 148 James Smithson bequest, U.S. appre­ ciation 798 Relief benefits, deprivation 1517 John F. Kennedy Center for the Per­ Vocational education programs, forming Arts, nonperforming study 2239 arts functions, maintenance, ad­ Shawnee Hills, HI., establishing a na­ ditional funds 1048, 2737 tional recreation area, feasibility National Gallery of Art, appropri­ study 2449 ation for 1061 Sheep Mountain Wilderness Study National Museum Services Board, Area, Calif., review of suitability as member 1975 a wilderness area 2635 National Portrait Gallery Act, ShellHsh Industry, review and regula­ amendment 30 tions 1032 National Zoological Park, appropri­ Shenandoah Wilderness, Va., designa­ ation for 1061 tion 2693 Science Information Exchange, ap­ Sherman Act, assignment of short propriation for 1061 title 1397 Woodrow Wilson International Shipbuilding Contracting Act of 1976, Center for Scholars, appropri­ Negotiated 1042 ation for 1061 Ships. See Vessels. Snow Mountain Wilderness Study Shrimp Fisheries Act of 1973, Off­ Area, Calif., review of suitability shore, appropriation for effecting as a wilderness area 2635 provisions 622 Soboba Band of Mission Indians and Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled Chil­ Soboba Indian Reservation, sani­ dren, land conveyance, Utah 2429 tation facilities and services 1408 Sickle Cell Anemia, Cooley's Anemia, Social and Rehabilitation Service, ap­ Tay-Sachs, and Genetic Diseases propriation for 611, 1429 Act, National 407 Simeonof Wilderness, Alaska, designa­ Social Security: tion 2633 Aid to Families with Dependent Sirups, tariffs on certain, modification, Children (AFDC)— proclamation 3126 Benefits where father receives un- Slovenia, United States Information emplojrment compensation 2688 Agency, broadcast to, reinstate­ Food stamp distribution 2901 ment, authorization of funds 374 State emplojrment offices, data Small Business Act, amendments.... 666, 667 from 2689 Small Business Administration: Child day care services 1215 Appropriation for 644, 658, 958 Child support programs— Energy conservation and renewable- Collection payments, extension 990 resource obligation guarantees, State employment offices, data consultation 1165 from 2689 Office of Advocacy, establishment 668 Medicaid. See separate title. Small Business Investment Act of Medicare. See separate title. 1958, amendments 663, 665, 667 Social services, eligibility 1215 NOTE: Ptirt 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A95 Page Page Social Security—Continued South Carolina—Continued Supplemental Security Income Charleston Harbor, navigation pro­ (SSD- ject, authorized advanced engi­ Aged, blind, or disabled, interim neering and design 2918 assistance payments, State re­ Congaree Swamp National Monu­ imbursement 990 ment, establishment 2517 Blind, benefits for 2700 Hartwell Reservoir, hydropower Blind and disabled children, reha­ unit, construction 2940 bilitation services 2683 Naval and maritime museum, estab­ Exclusion, unearned income 781 lishment, congressional approv­ Food stamp eligibility extension 990 al 1367 Institutionalized individuals, treat­ Ninety Six National Historic Site, ment of married couples establishment 1196 income 2685 Tobacco acreage allotments and State cash-out status 1111 quotas, emergency lease and State supplementation of bene­ transfer 1489 fits 2686 South Dakota: Taxes, nonprofit organizations, em­ Badlands Wilderness, designation 2693 ployees, filing of waiver certifi­ PoUock-Herreid unit, reclamation cate 2655 project, construction authoriza­ Unemployment compensation... 2672, 2676, tion 208 2677 South Platte River, reclamation pro­ Social Security Act: ject, additional funds 816 Amendments... 781, 782, 990, 997, 1215, Southeast Asia: 1408-1410, 1422, 1425, 1429-1432, American civilian internees, bene­ 1956-1957, 2540, 2655, 2672, 2676, 2677, fits, increase 1122 2683-2688, 2700, 2901, Petroleum products, denial of funds Appropriation for effecting provi­ for export to non-United States sions 5, 6, 13-20, 1419-1432 nationals 175 Social Security Administration: Southeastern Power Administration, Appropriation for 16, 635, 650, 1430 appropriation for 897 Coordinating Committee for Diges­ Southeastern University, D.C., bene­ tive Diseases, member 2653 fits, continued eligibility 289 Social Security Amendments of 1965, Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for effecting provi­ appropriation for 637, 652, 897 sions 16 "Soviet Economy in a New Perspec­ Social Security Amendments of 1972: tive", printing of additional Amendments 2686, 2902 copies 3065 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Soviet Jews, Second Brussels Confer­ sions 13,1425, 1430 ence, 1976, sense of Congress 3022 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot­ Soviet Refugees: ment Act, appropriation for effect­ Appropriation for assistance 778, 1471 ing provisions 857, 863, 864 Authorization of funds 824 Soil Conservation Service, appropri­ "Soviet Space Programs, 1971-1975", ation for 598, 862 printing of additional copies 3040 Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, United Space Exploration Day, 1976, procla­ States: mation 3113 Additional income 1518 Space Observance, United States, proc­ Appropriation for 24, 1436 lamation designation 3053 Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act Spain: of 1940, appropriation for effecting Aircraft, U.S., lease and purchase 2499 provisions 1104 Base agreements, authorization of funds 765 Solid Waste, Office of, establishment.... 2804 Naval vessels sale to, approval 1938 Solid Waste Disposal Act: Treaty of Friendship and Coopera­ Amendments 2795-2839 tion between the United States Research, development, and demon­ of America and Spain, authori­ stration, authorization of funds.... 2069 zation of funds 2498 South Carolina: Spanish-Origin, Americans of, economic Bartram Trail, national scenic trail, and social statistics. Department designation, feasibility study 2481 of Agriculture publication 688

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A96 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Special Drawing Rights Act, amend­ State, Department of—Continued ments 2661 Klondike Gold Rush International Special Projects Act: Historical Park, Alaska-Wash.- Amendments 2233 Canada, planning and develop­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ment, cooperation 718 sions 1428 Migration and refugee assistance— Special Representative for Trade Ne­ Appropriation for 777, 1470 gotiations, Office of, appropri­ Authorization of funds 823 ation for 632, 647, 958 Motor vehicles, appropriation for 778 Sperm Whale Oil, exportation prohi­ National sea grant program, interna­ bition, exemption 911 tional cooperation assistance, SS United States, terms of use and req­ consultation with Department of uisition 2497 Commerce 1969 Pan American Games, authorization Standards, National Bureau of: of funds 825 Energy conservation standards for Passport Office, United States, au­ new buildings, utilization of ser­ thorization of funds 824 vices 1146 Regional Fishery Management Coun­ Resource recovery, guidelines.... 2820, 2822 cils, member 349 Starling and Blackbird Control, Ky.- Retirement, cost-of-living adjust­ Tenn 28 ment 1463 State, Department of: Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Appropriation Act, 1977 937 ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ Appropriation for 602, 620, 639, 653, 937 cil for, member 471 Arms export control, study 748 Whale conservation and protection, Commission on Security and Cooper­ bilateral agreements with ation in Europe, member 661 Canada and Mexico 2492 Cultural exchange programs, partici­ State, Justice, and Commerce, the Ju­ pation by Federal employees 825 diciary and Related Agencies Ap­ Educational exchange— propriation Act, 1977, Depart­ Authorization of funds 823 ments of. 937 Certain budget authority, recis- State and Local Fiscal Assistance sion 288 Act of 1972, amendments 2341-2357 Foreign affairs— State and Local Fiscal Assistance Appropriation for administration... 620, Amendments of 1976 2341 639, 653 State Historic Preservation Officers, Authorization of funds 823 National Conference of, member Foreign gifts. General Accounting of Advisory Council on Historic Office audit 827 Preservation 1320 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, State Taxation of Depositories Act, Fiscal Year 1977 823 amendments 197 Foreign Service. See separate title. Statistical Reporting Service, appro­ Foreign Service Institute, Agricul­ priation for 597, 632, 647, 855 ture Department employees, lan­ Steel, Stainless or Alloy Tool, certain guage training and orientation, articles, temporary quantitative utilization of facilities 1500 limitation on importation into Historic Preservation, Advisory United States, proclamation 3105 Council on, member 1320 Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Human Rights and Humanitarian Piling Act, appropriation for ef­ Affairs, Coordinator for, estab­ fecting provisions 973 lishment 750 Student Loan Act of 1969, Emergency International fisheries commissions, Insured: appropriation for 620, 639, 653, 941 Amendments 727, 2142 International fishery agreements, Appropriation for effecting provi­ negotiations 339 sions 1428 International flood control project, Student Loan Special Allowances, Tijuana River Basin, land acqui­ Committee on the Process of De­ sition 1333 termining, establishment 2135 International organizations. See sep­ Sugars, tariffs on certain, modification, arate title. proclamation 3126 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A97 Page Page "Summary of Veterans' Legislation Re­ Taxes—Continued ported, Ninety-Fourth Congress", Employment tax— printing of additional copies 3043 Agricultural workers, coverage. 2667, Sunshine Act, Government in the 1241 2668 Supplemental Authorization Act for Domestic service, coverage 26(;8 Military Construction on Guam 2437 Federal unemployment tax wage Supplies and Shortages, National base and rate, increase 2676 Commission on, appropriation Nonprofit organizations— for 629, 975 Employees, filing of waiver cer­ Supplies and Shortages Act, National tificate 2655 Commission on, appropriation for Unemployment compensation effecting provisions 975 coverage.. 2670, 2675 Supply Service, Federal, appropriation State and local government em­ for 641, 655, 972 ployees, unemployment com­ Supreme Court of the United States, pensation coverage.... 2670 appropriation for 631, 646, 952 Excise tax— Susquehanna River, North Branch, Aircraft museums, fuel and civil reclamation project, additional aircraft use tax, exemption 24817 funds 816 Alcoholic beverages, authorized Susquehanna River Basin Commis­ evidence of payment 2699 sion, appropriation for 643, 657, 899 Aviation fuel, postponement of re­ Swanquarter Wilderness, N.C., desig­ ductions 456 nation 2634 Beer, small business tax reduc­ Swine Flu Immunization Program of tion 2485 1976, National 1113 Gasoline, postponement of reduc­ Swine Influenza: tions 456 Foreign countries and international Motor vehicles and parts, post­ organizations, assistance 596 ponement of reductions 456 Immunization, injury or death Tires and tubes, postponement of claims, civil action 1116 reductions 456 Immunization program, appropri­ Trucks and buses, postponement of ation for 363 reductions 456 Veterans Administration, adminis­ Federal employees, city income or tration of vaccine 1301 employment taxes, withhold­ Syria, security supporting assistance, ing 910 appropriation for 774 Income— Benefits extension, certain mili­ tary and non-military partici­ pants in the Vietnam con­ flict 2699, 2700 Capital gains on lapse of options to Tamarac Wilderness, Minn., designa­ buy or sell securities 1201 tion 2634 Cemetery perpetual care funds, Tariff Act, Wilson, assignment of distribution deduction 2483 short title 1397 Child care services, tax credit for Tariff Act of 1930, amendments 1762 employing welfare recipients.... 1217 Tariff Schedules of the United States. Common trust funds, treatment of For amendments and repeals, see affiliated banks 1273 1930, P.L. 361 in "Tables of Laws Affected in Volume 90," preceding Consolidated Rail Corporation, ex­ this Index. changes, treatment 295 Tax Court, United States, appropri­ Corporations, stock acquisitions, ation for 631, 645, 975 interest deduction on indebt­ Tax Reduction Act of 1975, amend­ edness 2443 ments 782, 1201,1584, 1587 Employee retirement plans, termi­ Tax Reform Act of 1976 1520 nation, rollovers 365 Amendments 2483, 2697 Life insurance companies, policy­ Taxes: holders surplus account 781 Bank Holding Company Tax Act of Social clubs, organizations exemp­ 1976 1503 tion 2697 Consolidated Rail Corporation, ex­ Withholding schedules, extension... 7821, changes 295 1201, 1273 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A98 SUBJECT INDEX Page Taxes—Continued Tennessee—Continued Northern Mariana Islands, bonds Obed River, designation of segment and other obligations, exemp­ as component of the national tion 271 wild and scenic river system 2329 State "doing business" taxes on out- Obion and Forked Deer Rivers, flood of-State financial institutions, protection project, modification.... 2940 prohibition extension 197 Starling and blackbird control 28 Virgin Islands, income tax, ten per Tabard Inn, site acquisition, estab­ cent surtax 1195 lishment of recreational facili­ Tay-Sachs, and Genetic Diseases Act, ties 2940 National Sickle Cell Anemia, Coo- Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway pro­ ley's Anemia 407 ject, construction, minority Taylor Grazing Act, amendment 2773 group participation 2941 Teacher Corps, training programs 2151 Tennessee Valley Authority, appro­ Technology Assessment, Office of: priation for 899 Appropriation for 617, 630,1452 Tennessee Valley Authority Act of Federal railroad safety program, 1933: study 820 Amendment 1258 Appropriation for effecting provi­ U.S. coal leases, study 1090 sions 899 Technology Assessment Act of 1972, Dams and reservoirs, recreational, appropriation for effecting provi­ public uses 2728 sions 1452 Tennis Week, National, 1976, procla­ Tel Aviv University, loans, amounts mation 3100 due on, waiver 776 Territorial Affairs, Office of, appropri­ Telecommunications Demonstration ation for 607, 637, 652,1052 Act of 1976, Educational Broad­ casting Facilities and 683 Terrorists, International, assistance to countries granting sanctuary to, Telecommunications Policy, OfHce of, appropriation for 968 prohibition 753 Terry Schrunk Plaza, Oreg., designa­ Telecommunications Service, Auto­ tion 2072 mated Data and, appropriation Teton Dam, Idaho, failure, compensa­ for 641, 655, 973 tion for damages 1211 Telephones, Rural Electrification Ad­ Texas: ministration Technical Amend­ American Canal extensi(Mi, Rio ments Act of 1976 2701 Grande project, construction, Televison: etc., authorization 1327 American Television and Radio Ar­ Beaumont, salt water control pro­ chives Act 2601 ject, authorization 2921 Cable systems, secondary transmis­ Brazos River, salt pollution control sions, compulsory licensing 2550 project, authorized advanced en­ Copyright law, general revision 2541 gineering and design 2919 Educational Broadcasting Facilities Chamizal National Memorial— and Telecommunications Dem­ Appropriation for 1047 onstration Act of 1976 683 Development ceiling increase 2733 Temporary Commission on Financial Corpus Christi, navigation project, Oversight of the District of Co­ modification 2926 lumbia, establishment 1205 Galveston Bay, non-structural flood Tennessee: protection project, authoriza­ Andrew Johnson National Historic tion 2943 Site, development ceiling in­ Louisiana-Texas Intracoastal Water­ crease 2733 way segments, land convey­ Bartram Trail, national scenic trail, ance 2924 designation, feasibility study 2481 Padre Island National Seashore, ac­ Harris Fork Creek, flood control pro­ quisition ceiling increase 2733 ject, authorization 2921 Red River, flood control project, au­ Joe L. Evans Post Office and Federal thorized advanced engineering Building, designation 2436 and design 2942 Nonconnah Creek, flood protection Red River Waterway, navigation and project, authorized advanced en­ bank stabilization project, modi­ gineering and design 2919 fication 2942

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A99 Pat;e Texas—Continued Trade Negotiations, Office of the Spe­ San Antonio Channel, additional cial Representative for, appropri­ flood control measures, construc­ ation for 632, 647, 958 tion authorization 2921 Trade Week, World, 1976, proclama­ Sherman, railroad highway crossing, tion 3088 demonstration project 444 Trademark Office, Patent and, appro­ Water resources depletion, study 2943 priation for 633, 648, 950 Thailand, military assistance, authoriza­ Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act tion of funds 729 of 1966, National, amendments 815 The Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Trails System Act, National, amend­ Awards Act of 1976 2641 ments 2481 The Clem Miller Environmental Edu­ Transportation Act, Department of: cation Center, Point Reyes Na­ Amendments 61, 125, 130,149, 2629 tional Seashore, Calif., designa­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ tion 2695 sions 1179 The Judicial Survivors' Annuities Transportation Act of 1964, Urban Fund, establishment 2611 Mass: "The Senate Chamber, 1810-1859", Amendments 143 printing of additional copies 3040 Appropriation for effecting provi­ "The Working Congress", printing as sions 293, 626, 1180,1181 House document 3043 Transportation and Related Agencies Thomas Jefferson Building, designa­ Appropriation Act, 1976, Depart­ tion of Library of Congress Annex ment of, amendment 1187 as 329 Transportation and Related Agencies Thomas Jefferson Day: Appropriation Act, 1977, Depart­ Designation 328 ment of. 1171 Proclamation, 1976 3090 Transportation Barriers Compliance Tijuana River Basin, international Board, Architectural and, pro­ flood control project 1333 gram extension 212, 214 Timber, sale from national forests... 2957- Transportation, Department of: 2961 Airport and Airway Development Tinicum National Environmental Act Amendments of 1976 871 Center, Pa., boundary extension 2528 Airport and Airway Development Tires: Act of 1970— Discarded tire disposal— Amendments 871, 872, 879-882 Grants 2805 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Study 2833 sions 1173, 1174 Excise tax, postponement of reduc­ Airports— tions 456 Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Air­ Tobacco: port, Automated Guideway Acreage allotments and quotas, S.C.- Transit system, demonstration Ga., emergency lease and trans­ project 446 fer 1489 Ground transportation services to, Consumer Product Safety Commis­ demonstration projects 884 sion, limitation of jurisdiction 503 Property restrictions, release... 196, 234, Tobacco and Firearms, Bureau of Al­ 280-283 cohol, appropriation for 640, 654, 964 Studies 883, 885 Toxic Substances Control Act 2003 Alaskan road repair, study 448 Trade Act of 1974: Appropriation for 1178 Amendments 1763 Appropriation Act, 1977 1171 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriation for... 293, 623, 639, 654, 1171 sions 4-6, 948, 1418,1419 Boat launching areas, public, access Trade Commission, Federal. See Fed­ ramps, guidelines 446 eral Trade Commission. Coast Guard, United States. See sep­ Trade Commission, United States In­ arate title. ternational, terms of office; voting Electric and hybrid vehicles, regula­ procedures 1762 tory and program consultation Trade Commission Act, Federal, and coordination 1262 amendments 575, 588 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, Trade Expansion Act of 1962, appro­ appropriation for effecting provi­ priation for effecting provisions 1418 sions 1177

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. AlOO SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Transportation, Department of—Con­ Transportation, Department of—Con­ tinued tinued Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970, National Capital Transportation Act appropriation for effecting provi­ of 1972, appropriation for effect­ sions 1177 ing provisions 1184 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973— National Highway Safety Advisory Amendments 444, 445 Committee, Chairman, selec­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ tion 455 sions 625,1176,1180 National Highway Traffic Safety Ad­ Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1976 425 ministration, appropriation for... 625, Appropriation for effecting provi­ 640, 654,1178 sions 1175,1177, 1178, 1184 National Mass Transportation Assis­ Federal-Aid Highway Amendments tance Act of 1974— of 1974— Amendments 444 Amendments 443 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ sions 1176 sions 1177 National Railroad Passenger Corpo­ Federal-aid highways, multimodal ration. See separate title. concept, feasibility study 445 National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Federal-aid routes through and Safety Act of 1966, amend­ around parkland, study 440 ments 815 Federal-aid urban system routes, Rail bank, establishment 146 study 447 Rail service assistance recipients, Federal Aviation Act of 1958— audit 132, 142 Amendments 882, 883, 1065 Rail system, study 147 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Rail transportation, aid to, study 147 sions 1173-1175,1182 Railroad conveyances, waste dispos­ Federal Aviation Administration. al, recommendations 2630 See separate title. Railroad highway crossings, demon­ Federal Highway Administration, stration projects and authoriza­ appropriation for.... 624, 640, 654, 1175 tion of funds 444, 452 Federal Railroad Administration. Railroad Revitalization and Regula­ See separate title. tory Reform Act of 1976. See sep­ Hazardous waste transportation arate title. standards, consultation 2807 Railroad rights-of-way, conversion of, Highway construction, federally as­ study 144 sisted, study 448 Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973— Highway Safety Act of 1966, appro­ Amendments... 57, 83-118, 123, 133, 139, priation for effecting provi­ 191, 296, 1398, 2616-2624, 2629 sions 1176-1178 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Highway Safety Act of 1973, amend­ sions.... 24, 625, 626,1178,1183,1436 ments 452 Research and development, appropri­ Highway Safety Act of 1976 451 ation for 1171,1173-1175,1178 Highways. See separate title. Saint Lawrence Seaway Develop­ Historic Preservation, Advisory ment Corporation, appropriation Council on, member 1320 for 640, 654,1181 Interstate Highway System funding, School bus safety, study 815 study 447 Science, Engineering, and Technol­ Minority Resource Center— ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ cil for, member 471 Appropriation for 1179 Secretary, Office of the, appropri­ Establishment 149 ation for 623, 639 Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Traffic control signalization demon­ Savings Act— stration projects 446 Amendments 1178 Truck tractors, steering axle study 455 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Urban Mass Transportation Act of sions 981-989 1964— National Capital Transportation Act Amendments 143 of 1969, appropriation for effect­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ ing provisions 1183 sions 293, 626,1180,1181

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX AlOl

Page Pajje Transportation, Department of—Con­ Treasury, Department of the—Contin­ tinued ued Urban Mass Transportation Admin­ Historic Preservation, Advisory istration. See separate title. Council on, member 1320 Veteran beneficiaries, investigation Historic Preservation Fund, estab­ of certain travel expenses, con­ lishment 1320 sultation 2842 Honeybees, importation prohibition.... 709 War risk insurance program, exten­ Internal Revenue Service— sion 1065, 2474 Administrative procedures, report, Washington Metropolitan Area printing as Senate document.... 3054 Transit Authority, appropriation Appropriation for 640, 655, 96i4 for 1181, 1183 International Monetary Fund, loans Transportation Policy Study Commis­ sion, National: to 2661 Appropriation for 1184 Judicial Survivors' Annuities Fund, Establishment 448 The, establishment 2611 Waterway system improvements, Library of Congress trust fund de­ study, access to 2933 posits, interest adjustment 521 Transportation Safety Board, Nation­ Medals, striking of, signing of Decla­ al: ration of Independence by Additional funds authorized 2080 Charles Carroll, commemora­ Appropriation for 1181 tion 302 Travel Act of 1961, International, ap­ Mint, Bureau of the, appropriation propriation for effecting provi­ for 964 sions 949 Naval petroleum reserves special ac­ Travel Service, United States, appro­ count, establishment 312 priation for 949 New York City Seasonal Financing Treasury, Department of the: Fund, appropriation for 1104 African Development Fund, appro­ Northern Mariana Islands Social Se­ priation for contribution 603, 1471 curity Retirement Fund, trans­ Alaska Hydroelectric Power Devel­ fer to 270 opment Fund, establishment 2946 Prepaid legal services, benefits, con­ Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, tinuation of income exclusion 1928 Bureau of, appropriation for... 640, Public Debt, Bureau of the, appropri­ 654, 964 ation for 627, 640, 655, 964 Alcoholic beverages, excise tax, au­ Railroad Rehabilitation and Im­ thorized evidence of payment 2699 provement Fund, establish­ Antirecession financial assistance to ment 67 States and local governments 1002 Reports to. Federal revenue sharing Appropriation Act, 1977 963 funds, use 2347 Appropriation for... 627, 640, 654, 963, Revenue Sharing, Office of, appropri­ 1183,1416, 1497 ation for 640, 654, 963, 1497 Coastal Energy Impact Fund, estab­ Secret Service, United States. See lishment 1027 separate title. Customs Service, United States, ap­ propriation for 627, 640, 655, 964 Secretary, Office of the, appropri­ Federal Law Enforcement Training ation for 627, 640, 654 Center, appropriation for 963 Senate Computer Center Revolving Fish and fish products, importation Fund, establishment 614 of certain, prohibition 346 Senate Employees Barber Shop Re­ General provisions. Appropriations volving Fund, establishment 1444 Act 1498 Small business pollution control German Democratic Republic, claims guarantees fund, establish­ against, establishment of Claims ment 665 Fund for payment 2511 Solid waste recycling, tax incentives, Gertrude M. Hubbard trust fund de­ study; 2698 posits, interest adjustment 522 Student Loan Special Allowances, Grold certificates, issuance 2661 Committee on the Process of De­ Government Financial Operations, termining, member 2135 Bureau of, appropriation for... 627, Unemployment benefits, reimburse­ P .,654,963 ment to States 1480

NOTK: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A102 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Treasury, Department of the—Contin­ Unemployment Compensation Act of ued 1974, Emergency, amendments 2672 Veterans' Administration Special Unemployment Compensation Amend­ Therapeutic and Rehabilitation ments of 1976 2667 Activities Fund, establishment 2846 Uniformed Services. See also Armed Treasury, Postal Service, and General Forces and individual services. Government Appropriation Act, Compensation adjustments, alloca­ 1977 963 tion authority 925 Treasury Department Appropriations Travel expenses, increase 584 Act, 1977 963 United Nations: Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation Assessments, arrearages, or dues, between the United States of prohibition of funds 776 America and Spain, authorization Members, assessments and dues, re­ of funds 2498 striction 1469 Trucks. See also Motor Vehicles. United Nations Children's Fund, ap­ Excise tax reduction, postponement.... 456 Truck tractors, steering axle study 455 propriation for 772 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. United Nations Educational, ScientiHc See Pacific Islands, Trust Territory and Cultural Organization, contri­ of the. bution to 823 Truth in Lending Act: United Nations Day, 1976, proclama­ Amendments 197, 257 tion 3117 Repeal of certain provisions 253 United Nations Environment Program Tule Elk Herds, Calif., population pres­ Participation Act of 1973, appro­ ervation 1189 priation for effecting provisions... 772, Tunas Convention Act of 1975, Atlan­ 1466 tic, amendments 361 United States Arms Control and Dis­ Turkey: armament Agency, appropriation Assistance to 757 for 623, 642, 656, 955 Base agreements, authorization of United States Attorneys and Marshals, funds 765 appropriation for 621, 638, 652 Military assistance, authorization of United States Board of Parole, person­ funds 729 nel, liabilities, transfer to United Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission States Parole Commission 233 Indians, Calif., lands in trust for 373 United States Civil Service Commis­ Twentynine Palms Park and Recrea­ sion. See Civil Service Commission, tion District, Calif., land convey­ United States. ance 327 United States Coast Guard. See Coast Guard, United States. United States Courts. See Courts, U United States. United States Customs Service, appro­ UL Bend Wilderness, Mont., designa­ priation for 627, 640, 655, 964 tion 2634 United States Fish and Wildlife Ser­ Unemployment Assistance Act of vice. See Fish and Wildlife Service, 1974, Emergency Jobs and: United States. Amendments... 1480,1483, 2404, 2689, 2691 United States Grain Standards Act, Appropriation for effecting provi­ amendments 2867 sions 5, 1418 United States Grain Standards Act of Unemployment Compensation: 1976 2867 Aliens, illegal, denial to 2680 United States Housing Act of 1937: Athletes, denial to 2680 Amendments 1067, 1068 State programs. Federal payments Appropriation for effecting provi­ to 1480, 1481 sions 1095, 1096 Virgin Islands, fund loans 608, 888 United States Information Agency: Unemployment Compensation, Na­ Appropriation for 644, 960 tional Commission on, establish­ Bicentennial copies of certain items, ment 2681 deposit in the National Ar­ Unemployment Compensation Act of chives 830 1970, Federal-State Extended, Passenger motor vehicles used amendments 2672, 2677, 2678 abroad, replacement 830 NOTK: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX Al()3 Page Ptige United States Information Agency— Uruguay, assistance to, restriction 1473 Continued Utah: Voice of America, broadcast princi­ Arches Nationed Park, acquisition ples 831 ceiling increase 2732 "Wilma Rudolph Olympic Champi­ Canyonlands National Park, acquisi­ on", film, loan to Cappy Produc­ tion ceiling increase 2732 tions, Inc., N.Y 193 Capitol Reef National Park, acquisi­ United States Information Agency Au­ tion ceiling increase 2732 thorization Act, Fiscal Year Federal lands, certain withdrawals 1976 374 from sale, review by Department United States Information and Educa­ of Interior 2754 tional Exchange Act of 1948: Golden Spike National Historic Site, Amendments 830, 831 development ceiling increase 2733 Authorization of funds 374, 829 Little Dell Project, Salt Lake City United States International Trade Streams, modification 2936 Commission, terms of office; Mineral revenues 2770 voting procedures 1762 Navajo Indian Reservation, flood United States Magistrates. See Magis­ control survey 2937 trates, United States under Courts, Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled United States. Children, land conveyance 2429 United States Park Police. See Park Uintah unit, central Utah project, Police, United States. construction authorization 1327 United States Parole Commission: Zion National Park, boundary revi­ Establishment 219 sion 2738 Transfer of personnel, etc., from Utilities: United States Board of Parole 233 Consumer services offices, establish­ United States Postal Service. See ment and operation of. 1144 Postal Service, United States. Electric utility rate design initia­ United States Railway Association. tives 1142 See Railway Association, United States. United States Secret Service. See Secret Service, United States. Valley Forge National Historial Park, United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Pa., establishment 796 Home: Veal, limitation on importation from Additional income 1518 Canada, termination, proclama­ Appropriation for 24,1436 tion 3071 United States Space Observance, proc­ Venezuela, naval vessels, sale to, ap­ lamation designation 3053 proval 1938 United States Tax Court, appropri­ Vermont: ation for 631, 645, 975 Bristol Cliffs Wilderness Area, United States Travel Service, appropri­ boundaries modification 370 ation for 949 Financial institutions in, negotiable Upper Colorado River Storage Pro­ order of withdrawal accounts 197 Gaysville Dam and Lake project, ter­ ject, appropriation for 894 mination 2937 Upper Mississippi River, reclamation New Hampshire-Vermont Interstate project, additional funds 816 Sewage and Waste Disposal Fa­ Urban Mass Transportation Act of cilities Compact 1221 1964: Vessels: Amendments 143 Alaska, cargo-canying vessels, ex­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ emption permits 1236 sions 293, 626,1180,1181 Barbara Ann, documentation for use Urban Mass Transportation Adminis­ in coast-wise trade 2708 tration: Bruja Mar, documentation for use in Appropriation for 293, 626,1180 coast-wise trade 2708 National Transportation Policy Construction cost, limitation 1042 Study Commission, liaison offi­ Delta Queen, historic steamboat, op­ cer 449 eration until November 1,1983.... 2496 Washington Metropolitan Area Fishing vessels, U.S., seizure 360 Transit Authority, appropriation Mary M, documentation for use in for 1181,1183 American fisheries 2708 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A104 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Vessels—Continued Veterans Administration—Continued Naval vessels, sale approval 1938 Institutions offering approved Negotiated Shipbuilding Contracting courses for veterans, compliance Act of 1976 1042 surveys 2401 SS United States, terms of use and Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans' requisition 2497 Hospital, Calif., designation 284 Surplus war-built vessels, sale, Medical information exchange pro­ repeal of certain price adjust­ gram, extension 1332 ment provisions 1258 National Arthritis Advisory Board, War risk insurance program, exten­ ex officio member 2647 sion 2474 National Commission on Digestive Veterans. See also Veterans Adminis­ Diseases, ex officio member 2651 tration. National Diabetes Advisory Board, Allied wartime veterans, hospital ex officio member 2649 and medical care 2363 Patient rights, protection 2849 Apprenticeship and on-the-job train­ Science, Engineering, and Technol­ ing programs, promotion of. 1483 ogy, Federal Coordinating Coun­ Deceased, transportation to a na­ cil for, member 471 tional cemetery 1377 State veterans' homes, care and Disabled— treatment, payments 1277 Clothing allowance, increase 1377 Swine fiu immunization, administra­ Compensation, increase 1374 tion of vaccine 1301 Mortgage protection life insur­ Veteran beneficiaries, certain travel ance, increase 1377 expenses, investigation 2842 Vocational rehabilitation rate and Veterans Administration Special program adjustments 2383 Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Educational assistance— Activities Fund, establishment 2846 Cost-6f-instruction pa5rments 2098 Vocational objective programs ap­ Loans and program administra­ proved for veterans, study 2387 tion 2398 William S. Middleton Memorial Vet­ Rate and program adjustments 2384 erans' Hospital, Wis., designa­ Survivors and dependents, rate tion 1301 and program adjustments 2389 Veterans' and Survivors Pension Ad­ Employment, Deputy Assistant Sec­ justment Act of 1976 1369 retary of Labor for 2404 Veterans' Day, 1976, proclamation 3121 State veterans' homes, care and Veterans' Disability Compensation treatment, payment 1277 and Survivor Beneflts Act of Widows and children, dependency 1976 1374 and indemnity compensation, in­ Veterans' Education and Employment crease 1375 Assistance Act of 1976 2383 Veterans Administration. See also Veterans' Educational Assistance Act Veterans. of 1977, Post-Vietnam Era 2392 Amputees, cardiovascular disorders, Veterans' Employment and Readjust­ study 1378 ment Act of 1972, appropriation Appropriation for 604, 641, 656, 1104 for effecting provisions 5, 6, 1419 Armed Forces, members and depen­ Veterans' Employment Service, em­ dents, release of information 713 ployment and training services, Chief Medical Director, Armed report 1483 Forces Institute of Pathology, Veterans' Housing Amendments Act Board of Grovernors, member 934 of 1976 720 Coordinating Committee for Diges­ Veterans' Medical Technical and Con­ tive Diseases, member 2653 forming Amendments of 1976 2855 Dependency and indemnity compen­ Veterans' Omnibus Health Care Act sation program, study 1376 of 1976 2842 Drug abuse, veterans suffering from, Vice President of the United States: hospital admission regulations 245 Former and Vice-President elect, au­ Hospital and medical program, thorization of funds 974, 2380 study 2854 Office of, appropriation for 1439 Immunizations, administration to Official residence, appropriation eligible veterans 2845 for 966 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A105 Page Rage Vice President of the United States— Vocational Education Act of 1963: Continued Amendments 2168, 2169, 2237 Presidential Protection Assistance Appropriation for effecting provi­ Act of 1976 2475 sions 1427 Vice Presidential nominees, protec­ Voice of America, broadcast princi­ tion of spouses 1239 ples 831 Vicksburg National Military Park, Volunteer Service Act Amendments of Miss., development ceiling in­ 1976, Domestic 525 crease 2733 Volunteer Service Act of 1973, Domes­ Vietnam, North: tic: Assistance, prohibition of funds... 776, 1469 Amendments 525, 526 Combat activities in or over, restric­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ tion on funds 175 sions 22, 1434 Vietnam, South: Volunteers in the National Forest Act Assistance, prohibition of funds... 776, 1469 Combat activities in or over, restric­ of 1972 appropriation for effecting tion on funds 175 provisions 1057 Refugees in the United States, ap­ propriation for assistance 1470 W Virgin Islands: Bonds, authorization to issue 1193 Wage and Price Stability, Council on, Career education and development, appropriation for 628, 631, 646, 967 assistance 2224 Wage and Price Stability Act of 1974, Constitution, establishment 2899 Council on, appropriation for ef­ Federal unemployment compensa­ fecting provisions 967 tion law, extension to 2672 Fishery Conservation and Manage­ War Claims Act of 1948: ment Act of 1976 331 Amendment 1122 Highways— Appropriation for effecting provi­ Projects, transition quarter, au­ sions 7, 1420 thorization of funds 426 War Risk Insurance Program, exten­ Safety programs, apportionment sion 1065, 2474 reduction 455 Washington: Territorial system, authorization Alpine Lakes Wilderness, designa­ of funds 427 tion 905 Income tax, ten per cent surtax 1195 Chief Joseph Dam, project 1325, 2932 Public safe drinking water systems 707 Columbia River, hydrographic sur­ Unemployment fund loans 608, 888 veys 2931 United States Magistrate positions Desert Trail, national scenic trail, in 2458 designation, feasibility study 2481 Virginia: Federal Lands, certain withdrawals Appomattox Court House National from sale, review by Department Historical Park, land acquisi­ of Interior 2754 tion 2735 Klondike Grold Rush International Assateague Island National Sea­ Historical Park, designation au­ shore, acquisition ceiling in­ thorization 718, 719 crease 2732 Klondike Gold Rush National His­ Deep Creek disposal area, local co­ torical Park, establishment 717 operation, review of 2925 Lake Chelan National Recreation James River Basin, flood control pro­ Area, acquisition ceiling in­ ject, authorized advanced engi­ crease 2732 neering and design 2917 Lower Snake River, Fish and Wild­ Richmond filtration plant, fiood con­ life Compensation Plan, authori­ trol project, authorization 2920 zation 2921 Shenandoah Wilderness, designation . 2693 McNary Lock and Dam, second pow­ VISTA, volunteers, appropriation limi­ erhouse, construction and instal­ tations 525 lation project 2919 Vitamins and Minerals, regulation 410 North Cascades National Park, ac­ Vocational Education, Coordinating quisition ceiling increase 2732 Committee on Research in, estab­ Olympic National Park, boundary lishment 2202 revision 2739-2741

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. A106 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Washington—Continued Water Resources Development Act of Pacific Northwest Trail, national 1974, amendments... 2923, 2928, 2932, scenic trail designation, feasibil­ 2933, 2936, 2940, 2944 ity study 2481 Water Resources Development Act of San Juan Wilderness, designation 2634 1976 2917 Snake River, navigation and irriga­ Water Resources Planning Act of tion project, modification 2934 1965: Washington Metropolitan Area Tran­ Amendments 516 sit Authority, appropriation for... 1181, Appropriation for effecting provi­ 1183 sions 899 Washington Metropolitan Area Tran­ Authorization of funds 516 sit Regulation Compact, amend­ Water Resources Research Act of ments 672 1964, appropriation for effecting provisions 1045 Washington-Rochambeau Historic Watershed Protection and Flood Pre­ Route, recognition by Federal, vention Act, appropriation for ef­ State, county, and local govern­ fecting provisions 862, 863 ments 3039 Wayne Morse Chair of Law and Poli­ Washington Suburban Sanitary Com­ tics, Oreg., financial assistance 2241 mission, water diversion structure, Weather ModiHcation Policy Act of construction of, congressional con­ 1976, National 2359 sent 2939 Webb-Pomerene Act, assignment of Water: short title 1397 Leachate control research program, Weizmann Institute, loans, amounts Llangollen Landfill, Del 2840 due on, waiver 776 Public Works for Water and Power West Virginia: Development and Energy Re­ Elizabeth Kee Federal Building, des­ search Appropriation Act, 1977.... 889 ignation 2445 Safe Drinking Water Act, amend­ South Charleston land conveyance ment 707 by Department of Defense 1365 Saline Water Conversion Act of Wetland Areas, establishment authori­ 1971, The, appropriation for ef­ zation 2931 fecting provisions 1045 Wetlands Loan Extension Act of Saline water conversion program, 1976 189 1977, authorization of funds 694 Whale Conservation and Protection Treatment works, loan guarantees Study Act 2491 for construction 2639 Whiskey Mountain Area, Wyo., classi­ Wastewater treatment works grant fication as primitive area 2695 funds, authorization 1011 White Cane Safety Day, 1976, procla­ Water Bank Act, appropriation for ef­ mation 3115 fecting provisions 857, 865 White House Conference on Balanced Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, National Growth and Economic Land and. See Land and Water Con­ Development, Advisory Commit­ tee to the, establishment 2340 servation Fund Act of 1965. White House Conference on Handi­ Water Pollution Control Act, Federah capped Individuals Act: Amendments 250, 1011, 2639 Amendment 201 Appropriation for effecting provi­ Appropriation for effecting provi­ sions 362,1011,1100, 1101, 1498 sions 1432 Water Pollution Control Act Amend­ Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, amend­ ments of 1972, Federal, research, ments 1238, 2327 development, and demonstration, Wild and Scenic Rivers System, desig­ authorization of funds 2069 nation of segments as potential Water Project Recreation Act, Feder­ components: al, amendment. 2728 Feather River, Calif., boundary clari­ Water Quality, National Commission fication 2330 on, appropriation for 298 Flathead River, Mont 2327 Water Research and Technology, Housatonic River, Conn 2330 Office of, appropriation for 605,1045 Missouri River, Mont 2327 Water Resources Council, appropri­ New River, N.C 1238 ation for 899 Obed River, Tenn 2329 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. SUBJECT INDEX A107 Page Wild and Scenic Rivers System, desig­ Women—Continued nation of segments as potential com­ Minority Resource Center, establish­ ponents—Continued ment 149 Piedra River, Colo., boundary National Commission on the Observ­ amendment 2330 ance of International Women's Wildlife Refuge System, National, Year, 1975, appropriation for 628 Land and Water Conservation National Science Foundation, execu­ Fund, use for land acquisition 1318 tive positions 2056 Wildlife Refuge System Administra­ "Women in Congress", printing of tion Act of 1966, National, amend­ copies 3066 ments 190, 199 Women's Equality Day, 1976, procla­ Wilderness Areas: mation 3114 Bristol Cliffs Wilderness, Vt., bound­ Woodrow Wilson International Center aries modification 370 for Scholars, appropriation for 1061 Designation... 870, 905, 2515, 2633-2635, Woodrow Wilson Memorial Act of 2692, 2693 1968, appropriation for effecting Isle Royale National Park, Mich., provisions 1061 boundary revision 2694 Wool Act of 1954, National, amend­ Pinnacles National Monument, ment 690 Calif., boundary revision 2694 World Trade Week, 1976, proclama­ Primitive area classifications within, tion 3088 abolishment 2637 Wyoming: Suitability review... 2518, 2635-2637, 2695, Federal lands, certain withdrawals 2785 from sale, review by Department Wildlife Refuge Act, Minnesota Valley of Interior 2754 National 1992 Fitzpatrick Wilderness, designation.... 2634 Polecat Bench, reclamation project Wildlife Service, United States Fish and. See Fish and Wildlife Service, authorization 205 United States. Whiskey Mountain Area, classifica­ tion as primitive area 2695 William S. Middleton Memorial Veter­ ans' Hospital, Wis., designation 1301 "Wilma Rudolph Olympic Champion", film, loan to Cappy Productions, Inc., N.Y 193 Youth Conservation Corps, appropri­ Wilson Tariff Act, assignment of short ation for 1055 title 1397 Wisconsin: Youths. See also Children. La Crosse, flood protection project, Alcoholism and drugs, prevention authorized advanced engineer­ and treatment 1037,1040 ing and design 2918 Runaway Youth Act, appropriation William S. Middleton Memorial Vet­ for effecting provisions 1432 erans' Hospital, designation 1301 Women: Alcoholism and drugs, prevention and treatment 1037,1040 Zinc Study Group, International Lead Coast Guard Academy, nondiscri­ and, U.S. membership authority 826 minatory appointment and ad­ Zion National Park, Utah, boundary mission 2708 revision 2738 Discrimination. See under Sex Dis­ Zoological Park, National, appropri­ crimination, Prohibition of. ation for 1661

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129. :Oil -;: ---To?:

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