Subject Index
SUBJECT INDEX Al .•sTifel Page Pag(} A Aged—Continued Abraham Lincoln, statue of, presenta National Employ the Older Worker tion to Israel 29 Week, designation 396 Act for the Prevention and Punish Older Americans Act of 1965, appro ment of Crimes Against Interna priation for effecting provi tionally Protected Persons 1997 sions 866 ACTION: Older Americans Month, 1976, proc Appropriation for... 22, 642, 656, 777, 1434 lamation 3087 Foster Grandparent Program, Aging, National Institute on, appropri person-to-person services to chil ation for 11,1423 dren 526 Agricultural Act of 1949, amend Peace Corps, appropriation for 1470 ments 183, 187, 188 Programs, extension 526 Agricultural Act of 1954: Special volunteer programs, techni Amendments 1500 cal and financial assistance 525 Appropriation for effecting provi VISTA, appropriation limitations 525 sions 867 Administrative Conference of the Agricultural Act of 1956, appropri United States: ation for effecting provisions 1057 Appropriation for 968 Agricultural Act of 1961, appropri Rulemaking procedure report, time ation for effecting provisions 857 extension 588 Agricultural Act of 1970: Adult Education Act: Amendment 991 Amendments 1233, 2218, 2221, 2237 Appropriation for effecting provi Appropriation for effecting provi sions 857, 864, 865 sions 1427 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938: Advisory Commission on Intergovern Amendments 181,187, 285,1489 mental Relations. See Intergovern Appropriation for effecting provi mental Relations, Advisory Com sions 857 mission on. Agricultural Commodities. See also Advisory Committee on Federal Pay, individual commodities. appropriation for 968 United States Grain Standards Act Advocacy, Office of, establishment 668 of 1976 2967 Agricultural Library, National, appro Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, priation for 855 National, amendments 1270, 1988 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, Aeronautics and Space Administra appropriation for effecting provi tion, National.
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