Radio Guide M IKE ROSCOPE ALBUM &/' LOG BOO 1935 Pri ce , Fift y Cent s COPYRIGHT '1935 BY RADIO GUIDE, INC .. 731 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO , ILLINOIS - FRED ALLEN I{~D ..\LLe:" -although he has b~en :1(cu,ed \':lrloLbly of re,embling :"C\\, , York's former mayor Jamcs j. Walker, Gene Tunney, and the late Frank E. • F Camphell. the undertaker-considcrs the charges nlere:y part of the hnards of the profess:on, "As a matter of I act'" he 'insist>, "it i," the ,ame old face I' ve alwan u,ed !" Fred Allen's real name i, Fred Sulli\'an, l ie \\'as born in Cambridg~, ,\b;sa chu,etb, fort ,,' years agCl on .\\:tv 31, l :-1 l )5, I Ie declares I-,e was an after-t!1u !ght to .\\ emo,ial Day, Peuple sti :1 can't forget him' Stage debut \\'a, made at the age of ten in an an,ateur production uf .. ['he I hree \Vi se .~l en," gi\'en hy hi s church, Il is lines \\'ere: "Sorro\\' is sigh;ng, hrl::lth ing, dYIng-sealed in this cold, , tone tomb," They are the on lv se riou, [in~, he's e\'er recited, and tbey a ln:ost encbl his theatrical ,·a reer. ,-\fter fini shing ,chuo!. he found it job in a harcll\'are store in Boston, Stil l he is trying to figure out \ 1 hether there are more nuts in a hard\\'are store or on the ,tage, Professional ,tage career made II h ~il he sub,rituted for a friend I\'ho Iud becn hooked into a local \'audc\'ille home at fil'c dollars per--\'eek.- not day I The friend got cold feet, so Fred went on in hi, place, l ie lI'as bilkd :1, " Paul I [uc\;'c European Entertainer," and becau,e he I\'as a ,uh,tinitc, he rt:cei\'cd only threc doll ars, h'ed li\;ed the work so much that he quit hi s job in the hardl\'a re ,to:e to become " !-'red St.
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