INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION 435 Main Avenue South, Renton, WA 98057 Phone 425-687-8585 – Fax 425-687-9476 Internet Address:

WIAA EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES December 3-4, 2006, WIAA Office, Renton, Washington

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Ken Axelson (District 1), Vice President Al Falkner (District 8), Craig Olson (District 2), Chris Bigelow (Region A), Ed Ploof (District 3), Wendy Malich (Region B), Rich Rouleau (District 5), Jim Evans (District 6), Joe Feist (District 7), Ken Lindgren (District 9), George Juarez (Region C), Michele Webb (At Large). Absent: Henry Karnofski (District 4)

HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS: Cherie Carroll (AWMLP), Van Cummings (AWSP), Ross Hjelseth (WFIS), Ed Laulainen (WSCA), Dave Lutes (WSSAAA), Todd Stordahl (WOA) and Debbie Winskill (WSDDA)

DISTRICT DIRECTOR: Bob Kirk, District 9 Director

WIAA STAFF: Executive Director Mike Colbrese; Assistant Executive Directors Andy Barnes, Teresa Fisher, Cindy Hettinger and Jim Meyerhoff; Legal Counsel John Olson; Director of Finance and Operations Leah Francis; Director of Marketing and Media Relations Darin Hanson; Assistant Events Coordinator Chauntelle Johnson; and Administrative Assistant Jeananne Tescar-Burcham

The WIAA Executive Board meeting was preceded by a work session Sunday morning.

October Conference Call Members of the Board discussed the October conference call and the need to create a procedure for issues that arise between scheduled executive board meetings. Members expressed concerns about conference calls, especially when testimony from individuals is involved.

Members of the Board also discussed the necessity for recusal in some cases and for what circumstances it would be appropriate for members to recuse themselves. While addressing this issue members shared the differences from district-to-district regarding the position of a voting member on their district board

Members of the Board directed staff to develop, a policy regarding the criteria for recusal.

Mr. Colbrese shared that Mr. Barnes has been assigned the responsibility to review the district constitutions for the purpose of developing standard operating procedures.

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Open Gym The Board and staff reviewed WIAA Rule 17.6.11. Ms. Hettinger provided the current interpretation of the rule. Board members agreed with all interpretations including that a coach may play and/or run with his/her athletes but may not coach.

Call to Order WIAA Executive Board President Axelson opened the Executive Board meeting at 10 a.m., on Sunday, December 3, 2006. Mr. Axelson welcomed members of the Board and thanked them for attending. Vice President Falkner led the Pledge of Allegiance.

OLSON/MALICH moved to approve the agenda, the minutes of the September 24-25, 2006, Executive Board meeting, the minutes of the conference call and consensus issues. MOTION PASSED

Members agreed that in the future, consensus issues will be sent electronically. A copy of the minutes will also be included in the board’s packet.

Audience – 6 th Grade Participation at Middle Federal Way Middle Schools Greg Flynn, Athletic Liaison, Federal Way School District Mr. Flynn presented the Federal Way School District’s request for an experiment allowing sixth grade student participation on all interscholastic middle school sport teams except football. He shared that in the opinion of the district that a sixth grade waiver will encourage more students and parents to become involved in school activities at the entry level.

Mr. Flynn stated that it is not the intent of the district to develop a third squad but to allow sixth grade students to become part of the existing seventh and eighth grade squads. He also stated that the Federal Way middle schools are in a league unto itself with populations of approximately 400 students per middle school. Mr. Flynn stated that upon the end of the experiment, if successful, the Federal Way schools will submit an amendment to the 2008 Representative Assembly.

Members of the Board asked numerous questions of Mr. Flynn which included the number of students turning out at the middle schools for the seventh and eighth grade squads and the amount that is charged as a participation fee.

Board members asked if Mr. Flynn felt this proposal stressed athletics over academics. Mr. Flynn reported that the district’s intent is to add to the total academic environment by encouraging students and their parents to become involved earlier. He reported to the Board that the Federal Way School District has a grade average requirement of C minus for athletic participation. He also added that the schools plan is to continue to offer an intramural sports program.

FALKNER/BIGELOW moved to approve the Federal Way School District’s request for an experiment to provide athletic opportunities for sixth grade students at the Federal Way School District middle schools beginning with the 2007-08 school year. This experiment is granted based on the rationale that the league in which Federal Way middle schools participate is made up of only Federal Way middle schools and these

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sixth grade students shall be filling spots available on seventh and eighth grade teams. MOTION PASSED

Affiliate Group Reports State Principals Association (AWSP) Mr. Cummings reported Governor Christine Gregoire and Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Terry Bergeson have proposed to the legislature the option of allowing students to graduate without passing the math WASL for the graduating classes of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Mr. Cummings shared that the proposal includes that students who have not passed the high school WASL continue to take rigorous math classes until they graduate or pass the test. Taking the test or an approved alternative would be required annually.

Mr. Cummings also shared that there is an on going search for texts to coincide with the WASL testing criteria but there is the concern that with the adoption of such texts school districts would no longer have control of curriculum.

Mr. Cummings announced that he will be retiring as the principal of Clarkston High School and has accepted a community college position. He explained that he has visited with AWSP about a new representative.

State Principals Association Middle School (AWMLP) Ms. Carroll introduced herself as the new AWMLP representative to the WIAA Honorary Board and shared her background. She reviewed for the Board the concerns and issues that middle level principals shared with her at their October conference. The issues were coaches education requirements for middle level coaches and on-line CPR classes. Mr. Meyerhoff agreed to assist Ms. Carroll regarding the education requirements, reminded the Board that on-line first aid and CPR classes are not accepted, and informed Ms. Carroll that there is a WSSAAA middle level committee that is working on updating the current middle level coaches’ handbook which is now online.

State School Directors Association (WSSDA) Ms. Winskill reported on the State School Directors Association (WSSDA) conference and recent meeting of the IAC. She reiterated the concerns about the math WASL and the proposed postponement. Ms. Winskill stated that there is not 100 percent support for the proposed postponement of the math WASL and there are concerns about the budgetary impact of four years of mandatory math.

State Superintendents Association (WASA) Dr. Smedley was not in attendance and Mr. Colbrese reported that members of the Superintendents Advisory Committee have not met since the September Board meeting.

State Athletic Directors Association (WSSAAA) Mr. Lutes reported the 2007 WSSAAA Conference will be held April 12-15, 2007, which is a different time span than in previous years. The conference will be in Spokane with a focus on education.

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Washington Officials Association (WOA) Mr. Stordahl provided an update on the legal issues in which the WOA is currently involved. He also encouraged Board members to closely examine participation in non- school sponsored tournament/events. These events are presented by outside business entities that may not be using registered officials. Ms. Hettinger added that the WIAA has no control over these events and many times the staff is unaware of the events until schools send their schedules for posting on the WIAA website.

Washington Federation of Independent Schools (WFIS) Mr. Hjelseth reported that the WFIS December Board meeting was postponed due to inclement weather until December 5, 2006. He shared that with the changes in the makeup of Washington State Board of Education the dynamic for private school may be also changing and he is looking forward to how the voice of private schools will be heard. Mr. Hjelseth informed the Board that WFIS now has a data base that could be utilized by the WIAA in the future for surveying private schools.

Fine Arts Mr. Burton was unable to attend the meeting.

State Coaches Association (WSCA) Mr. Laulainen reported that the WSCA Board was meeting at the same time as the WIAA Executive Board. He shared that membership has been bolstered since more school districts are paying the membership fees for their coaches.

Mr. Laulainen outlined some of the concerns about the online rules clinics that he has heard from coaches. Ms. Hettinger provided updates and improvements that occurred with the winter clinics. Mr. Meyerhoff shared that in some cases league coaches met at one school and utilized the school’s computer lab to view the clinic and take the test. Members of the board that took the winter clinics shared that they were impressed with the presentation.

Financial Reports Ms. Francis reported that the financial situation of the Association was in due order and that revenue and expenses are up compared to the previous year. She noted that the Association budgeted for an increase of both revenue and expenses and the categories are within the budgeted amount. Ms. Francis reported that since the Board approved a number of changes for the 2006-07 budget those line items of the budget are different compared to the prior year.

Ms. Francis reported that with regard to the state tournament financials, the amount of outstanding items prohibits providing a full report. She continued that with the exception of football, attendance figures are consistent with past years. Ms. Francis stated that a full fall state tournament financial report will be made at the January, 2007, WIAA Board meeting.

Members of the Board asked Ms. Francis a number of questions about both ECVI and ECKC financials including whether the location of ECVI is a significant factor. Members

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voiced concern over the costs involved with ECVI but agreed to honor the initial two year commitment to the event and expressed support of ECVI as a profile event for female athletes. Ms. Hettinger informed the Board that there is a waiting list of schools interested in participating in future events.

Ms. Francis assured the Board that Mr. Hanson will be aggressively working to secure sponsors for 2007 ECVI and ECKC events.

LINDGREN/OLSON moved to approve the year-to-date financial report as presented. MOTION PASSED

Requests for Action District 5 Mr. Colbrese shared the letter from Bill Gant, District 5 Director, on behalf of the District 5 Board after the Selah High School appeal and his response. He reported that the content of the letter was one of several topics that had been discussed during the recent district director’s meeting.

Members of the Board discussed the intent of WIAA Rule 17.12.1 and proposed language for editorial changes limiting squads to scheduling and participating in only the maximum number of contests allowed for the sport. Members also proposed language for an editorial change clarifying that a varsity contest will count as a contest for both school’s varsity teams.

The Board recommended that league SOP’s include language that all league contests be considered varsity contests.

District 7 Mr. Colbrese reviewed the letter received from Russ Brown, District 7 Director, on behalf of his district regarding the football draw criteria.

Mr. Meyerhoff and Ms. Hettinger reported on the issue. Ms. Hettinger stated the draws are methodical and that this year the draw was videotaped. She shared that while the suggestion has been made to draw the football/soccer brackets in the same manner as basketball draws, the basketball draw includes criteria for “doubles”. (Doubles is the term used to define both boys and girls teams from the same school participating in the tournament.)

Members of the Board agreed that the draws will not be released until the Sunday prior to the state tournament for that sport.

Special Events Salute to Spirit Ms. Hettinger reported that the event is on schedule and a small number of schools have registered to date. Ms. Hettinger has talked to a number of coaches who have indicated that they intend to register for the event. She also reported she is working with the Cheer Coaches Association to promote the event.

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Emerald City Volleyball Invitational Ms. Hettinger reported that the tournament will be a round robin tournament of eight teams including four teams from schools participating in the ECKC. The participants in the 2007 ECVI will be: Eastlake High School, Eatonville High School, Eisenhower High School, Franklin Pierce High School, Lakes High School, Liberty High School, Newport High School and Rainier Christian High School. Ms. Hettinger informed the Board that the schools participating in ECKC were chosen on a first come basis and there is a list of schools interested in participating in the 2008 invitational.

Emerald City Kickoff Classic Mr. Barnes reported that everything is on schedule for the 2007 classic. He shared that the 9:30 AM game will be Royal High School verses Eatonville High School, the 12 PM game will be Selah High School versus Franklin-Pierce High School, the 3 PM game will be Lakes High School versus Gig Harbor High School, the 5:30 PM game will be Kentridge High School versus and the 8 PM game will be Newport High School versus Liberty High School.

Mr. Barnes reported that there is a potential date conflict for the 2008 classic. He stated that Washington State University has a game scheduled against Utah. He continued there is the opportunity to play on Monday, (Labor Day) or move the event to the following week. Mr. Colbrese interjected that there was no significant attendance difference when the games were previously played on Monday.

Mr. Barnes informed the Board that he will be putting together an ECKC selection committee that will consist of representatives from around the state to help identify potential teams in the future. He also informed the Board that he has developed a contract that will be used for both ECVI and ECKC.

State Events Winter Season Events Update Bowling Mr. Barnes reported that he has met with the tournament manager for bowling and representative coaches to develop a format for bowling that would be consistent at all levels of postseason play.

He presented two options for Board consideration.

Option1: The first day would consist of individual and team competition with the top sixteen teams plus the top 16 individuals. Both individual competitors and teams would bowl six regular games with the total pin count used to determine individual champion and team qualification for the second day. The top four individuals would be awarded and the top eight teams based on total pin count would qualify for the second day of competition. A round robin format would be utilized on the second day. Each team would bowl 14 Baker games. The Total pin count would be used to determine the top four teams.

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Option 2: The first day would consist of individual and team competition with sixteen teams plus the top 16 individuals. Both individual competitors and teams would play six regular games with total pin count used to determine the individual champion and team qualification for the second day. The second day would consist of a true double elimination bracket. The teams would be seeded #1-8 based on total pin count from the first day. Two Baker games would be bowled per contest. The total pin count would be used to determine the winner of the games.

FEIST/ LINDGERN moved to adopt Option 1 for the girls state bowing championships. MOTION PASSED

Gymnastics Ms. Fisher reported that tournament arrangements are progressing. She shared that allocations will determine whether there is the need for reformatting of the tournament to two 16-entry tournaments. Ms. Fisher shared that because of the setup day there is some venue flexibility to increase the tournament by a day if needed.

Boys Swimming Mr. Barnes reported that allocations will drive the format of the tournament. He stated that should there be enough 2A teams, the format would be the same as the format used during the girls tournament.

Mr. Meyerhoff added that during the district director’s meeting the directors asked that the allocation window be shortened to two weeks.

Wrestling Mr. Meyerhoff distributed the possible wrestling regional tournament sites for board approval. He stated that there are only three regionals that have multiple schools vying to host. Mr. Meyerhoff continued that he is looking for suitable schools to host the westside1B/2B regional and the girls regional.

OLSON/PLOOF moved that the 4A wrestling regional tournaments be held at Snohomish High School (District 1 and 4), Thomas Jefferson High School (SPSL North and District 2), Emerald Ridge High School (Narrows League and SPSL South)and University High School (Districts 5, 6 and 8); 3A wrestling regional tournaments be held at Squalicum High School (District 1 and Kingco League), (SPSL and Seamount League), Camas High School (Olympic, Western Cascade and Greater Saint Helens leagues), Sunnyside (, District 5, 6,and8); 2A wrestling regional tournaments be held at Mount Vernon High School (District 1), Washington High School (District 3), W.F. West High School (District 4), Ellensburg ( District 5, 6, and 7); 1A wrestling regional tournaments be held at Castle Rock High School (Districts 1,2,3, and 4), Royal High School (District 5), Colfax High School (Districts 6 and 7); 1B/2B wrestling regional tournament for District 6, 7 and 9 be held at Reardan High School. MOTION PASSED

Mr. Meyerhoff thanked the Board for the decision that was made during the July meeting regarding the girls wrestling tournament. Mr. Meyerhoff shared that 25 schools have met the team definition and there are 375 girls representing 122 high schools. He

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reported that the weight classes are balanced and he will be developing a postseason system.

Basketball Ms. Hettinger reported that tournament plans are on schedule. She will meet with Al Hairston and Lisa Faidley managers for the 3A basketball tournament, to split the budget between Key Arena and the Bank of America Arena at Hec Edmundsen Pavilion.

Cheer and Dance/Drill Ms. Fisher and Ms. Hettinger reported that tournament arrangements are on schedule. Betsy Schott will be the tournament manager for both the cheer and dance/drill championships.

Spring Season Events Updates Baseball Ms. Hettinger informed the Board that the Yakima County Stadium is not available to host baseball this year and that she had met with representatives from Safeco Field. She shared that Safeco Field is available to the WIAA for an all classification tournament. She presented two options for baseball scheduling to the Executive Board and the financial ramifications of both options.

Option 1 Semifinals, finals and consolation games would be played at these respective sites: 1B and 2B at Parker Field in Yakima; 1A and 2A at Paul Thomas field in Wenatchee; 3A and 4A played at Safeco. The semifinal games would be played on Friday and finals played on Saturday.

Option 2 All semifinal and final games would be played at Safeco Field over a five day period. Consolation games would be eliminated.

Members of the Board discussed the opportunity an all classification tournament at Safeco would provide to players. Discussion ensued regarding the elimination of the consolation games, Sunday play, the previous arrangements for like classifications of softball and baseball to be played in the same geographical area; and whether attendance figures would warrant the expense. They also inquired if not having consolation games might adversely affect the gate receipts.

Ms. Hettinger stated that schools are asked, and normally sign, a waiver for Sunday play in the event of inclement weather. She also informed the Board that the Mariners agreed to promote the championships on the Mariner pocket schedules that are distributed area wide to assist in increasing attendance and would also promote the games during radio and television broadcasts.

Ms. Hettinger also shared with the Board that Safeco Field representatives proposed hosting the tournament in coming years either a week earlier or later depending on the Mariner’s schedule and have asked the Board to consider such an arrangement to allow for an all classification baseball tournament at Safeco.

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PLOOF/MALICH moved on first reading that all classifications of the State Baseball Championships in 2007 be played at Safeco Field. MOTION PASSED

Track Mr. Colbrese reported the he had met with the managers of the three state track meets and the officials (course clerk, track referee, field referee, umpire, starters and jury of appeals) have been selected. He shared the selection process has worked well and this year track coaches and officials were added to the selection committee.

Mr. Colbrese commented on the request made by Pasco High School to eliminate the girls 4 x 200 at the state track championships. He presented the request to the Washington State Track Coaches Association for a recommendation. The coaches association took no position on the request.

Mr. Colbrese shared with the Board several sample track meet schedules. He stated that the track managers and state coaches association are developing a schedule that will be followed at each site.

OLSON moved to eliminate the girls 4 x 200 at the state track championships. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF SECOND

Golf Mr. Barnes reported that tournament arrangements are on schedule and that the sites have been posted on the WIAA website.

Soccer Mr. Meyerhoff reported all is set at Harry Lang Stadium and Sunset Chev Stadium.

Softball Mr. Meyerhoff reported that everything is on schedule for this year, but there will be the need to fill the 2A tournament manager position for 2008.

Tennis Ms. Hettinger reported that she will be traveling to Yakima to meet with the new manager of the Yakima Tennis Club.

Amendments for 2006-07 Mr. Colbrese, Mr. Barnes, Ms. Fisher, Ms. Hettinger and Mr. Meyerhoff presented the proposed language for the Board sponsored amendments.

Members of the Board discussed each of the amendments at length and agreed upon changes in wording that would be made before amendments are submitted in final form for presentation during the Winter Coalition.

Editorial Changes for the 2006-07 Handbook Mr. Colbrese explained that editorial changes are not rule changes, but changes in language to clarify a rule and the WIAA Executive Board has the authority to make

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editorial changes in the WIAA Handbook. He continued editorial changes may fit, but are not limited to one or more of the following categories: correction of typographical errors, changes in wording that reflect current interpretations, change in the RCW or WAC and court order.

Ms. Hettinger presented the editorial changes. She shared that the editorial changes to WIAA Rules 17.6.10, 17.6.11, 17.8.0 address requiring off season participation as a condition of participation during the season.

Mr. Meyerhoff added that the staff has consistently interpreted that a coach cannot make out of season participation a requirement, but the staff has spent more time this year answering questions from parents on the topic. He assured the Board that after speaking with parents, the staff follows through by contacting the athletic director at the school in question regarding the interpretation or issue.

The Executive Board discussed the changes at length with members of the Honorary Board contributing. Mr. Lutes stated that WSSAAA would support the editorial changes.

Ms. Hettinger continued with the editorial changes. 17.12.1 CONTEST LIMITATION Ms. Hettinger stated that two additions to the rule have been added to clarify contest limitation.” Each squad is limited to scheduling and participating in only the maximum number of contests allowed for that sport, When determining contest limitations, any league varsity contest will count as a contest for both schools’ varsity teams .”

Members of the Board discussed the additions and agreed that counting contests is a multi-faceted issue but the additions would assist athletic directors with interpreting the rules. Members also directed the staff to develop for the January board meeting language regarding the definition of a squad.

OLSON/PLOOF moved to approve the proposed editorial changes to the 2007-08 WIAA Handbook and direct the staff to develop the definition of a squad. MOTION PASSED

Members of the Board requested that the staff draft language to clarify the policy regarding districts with one allocation for the January Board meeting.

Winter Coalition Meeting Planning Mr. Colbrese reviewed the proposed agenda for the Representative Assembly Winter Coalition at Emerald Downs Monday, January 22, 2007. He added that within the staff reports the intent is to have discussion regarding online rules clinics, tournament updates and rules reminders; and reports to highlight the Transfer/Scholastic Rule and Sportsmanship and Crowd Management committee recommendations.

Executive Board members agreed to start the board meeting Saturday, January 20, at noon.

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Summer Board Meeting Site Mr. Colbrese relayed that the Wenatchee Visitor and Convention Bureau has requested to host the July 23-24, 2007, WIAA Executive Board meeting.

Mr. Colbrese took this time to remind the Board that the March 25-26, 2007, meeting will be in Yakima allowing the Board to experience the WIAA Dance/Drill Championships.

Fall Events Cross Country Mr. Colbrese reported that he, Ms. Fisher and Mr. Hanson attended the cross country championships. He shared that there had been some preliminary concern about the course but those concerns were addressed prior to the meet. Mr. Colbrese also reported that areas of the course were widened to be more fan friendly.

Mr. Colbrese commented that the awards presentation will need to be adjusted to avoid medals being awarded while races of the same classification are being run.

Football Mr. Meyerhoff reported that both of the semifinals and Gridiron Classic were a success. He shared that no one could recall six more competitive games. He also reported that crowds were excellent at the Tacoma Dome for both events.

Mr. Meyerhoff commented that the new turf that has been installed at the Tacoma Dome is first-rate. He shared examples of superior sportsmanship displayed by the small schools, but commented that sportsmanship is still an issue at the large school classifications. Mr. Meyerhoff did comment that all schools were cooperative with tournament staff.

Mr. Colbrese reported to the Board that first and second round site selection once again was an issue. He and Mr. Meyerhoff met with representatives from one school district that publicly spoke against the WIAA in the media regarding first round site selection.

Mr. Meyerhoff and Mr. Colbrese reviewed the site selection criteria that was provided by each district and the state championship site selection criteria. Mr. Colbrese commented that there is a need for the state office to take a greater role in decisions if the Association as a whole is being held accountable for site selection. Mr. Meyerhoff commented that a site that is suitable for a first round game may not be suitable for a second round game, based solely upon the expected crowd.

Mr. Meyerhoff reported that staff did mediate site selection in four cases for the quarter finals. He informed members of the Board that a number of schools are under the assumption that when they are in the home team position on the bracket that it means the game will be played at the schools home field. Mr. Meyerhoff repeated that not all fields meet the site selection criteria for hosting postseason games.

Board members discussed having WIAA staff make actual onsite visits before sites are selected for postseason games and asked that staff prepare site selection criteria that is consistent for all districts.

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Girls Swimming Mr. Barnes reported that the event went smoothly and tournament staff adapted well to the addition of a classification. He shared that during the disabled events the crowd was supportive and enthusiastic. Mr. Barnes commented that he and tournament manager Bob Regan will be working on ideas for improving the medal presentations.

Soccer Mr. Meyerhoff reported that the two veteran tournament mangers were key to the success of the tournament. He reported that weather did not affect crowds, as weather was outstanding for the event, but attendance was down due to the fact that there was only one local area school in the competition. He shared that there were no ball concerns this year regarding the game balls as there were in the past.

Mr. Meyerhoff commented on the impact club soccer is having on the championships. He gave the example that one of the teams that placed first last year placed lower this year and speculated the negative impact of team members making the choice not to participate because of club commitments may have had on the championships. He also shared that one team consisted of team members who made the decision not to participate with their club team in order participate in the championships.

Members of the Board discussed the impact of club soccer and agreed to continue discussion in the future about the club verses school commitment and whether or not to continue to play consolation games in lieu of awarding both losing teams a third place trophy (as is done in football.)

Volleyball Ms. Hettinger reported the she was at the Toyota Center, Mr. Colbrese was at the SunDome and Ms. Fisher traveled between Eastern Washington University (EWU) and Spokane Fall Community College. She noted that even though there was a power outage at the 2B tournament at EWU for three hours, all of the events went well.

Ms. Fisher added that the EWU campus police department donated their time due to the issues last year.

Ms. Hettinger explained that many school principals expect to receive complimentary entry into state events similar to superintendents and school board members even though they are not attending in a supervisory capacity. She asked the Board to review the issue for consistency at all state events.

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Just Play Fair! Ms. Hettinger discussed the Renton High School sportsmanship plan update and relayed comments from regarding its sportsmanship plan.

Sportsmanship/Crowd Management Committee Report Ms. Hettinger reported that the committee discussed ejections and determined that ejections are not the best way to evaluate sportsmanship. She continued that the committee recommended that no changes in the ejection/suspension rule were necessary at this time.

Ms. Hettinger continued that the committee recommended that a list of appropriate and inappropriate behaviors be developed that could be used as a training tool for school administrators to prepare students for interscholastic contests.

School District Coaches Salary Policies Mr. Colbrese reviewed the data from the surveys that were returned to date. He noted more than 50 percent of the member school returned surveys. Mr. Colbrese commented that there was a clear interest from member schools across all classifications in establishing of a WIAA rule regarding booster club support.

Members of the Board discussed a number of situations where booster clubs have supported activities after numerous levies have failed in communities. Discussion continued that school boards need to be aware of the funds that are being used to supplement program and salaries. Members outlined language for an amendment addressing booster club funds.

EVANS/FALKNER moved to submit an amendment stating all coaching stipends and gifts to coaches must be approved by the school's board of directors. Booster groups and other outside organizations may contribute money to a school or a district to help offset the cost for such items as equipment, transportation, and/or participation fees. MOTION PASSED

Coaches Education New Principal/Athletic Director Summary Mr. Meyerhoff reviewed the list of new principals and athletic directors. He stated that this list is based on the information submitted on the WIAA Website by each member school.

Mr. Meyerhoff noted that the turnover rate that was seen in previous years of both the principals and athletic directors seems to have slowed.

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NFHS Coaches Education Program Ms. Fisher reported that she was able to view the new NFHS Coaches Education Program. She shared that part of the program can be done face to face while some of the program and record keeping will be organized online.

Mr. Meyerhoff shared that he, Tom Doyle, Joe Richer and Ms. Malich will be taking the course during the NFHS Winter Meeting in January. Both Ms. Fisher and Mr. Meyerhoff expressed that it is premature to make a decision and made no recommendation at this time for inclusion of the NFHS Coaches Education Program into the WIAA Coaching Standards.

Wheelchair Athletes Mr. Colbrese reported that he has met with Teresa Skinner and Bill Kemp, who were the presenters at the September Board meeting, to develop a process and timeline for wheelchair athletes to be a part of the team scoring system at WIAA track meets.

Mr. Colbrese presented two options that he and the representatives felt could be used until a combined event could be implemented in 2009.

Option 1 A separate team trophy would be awarded for able-bodied athletes and a team trophy for the combined point of able-bodied athletes and the wheelchair athletes.

Option 2 A separate team trophy for able-bodied athletes and a separate team trophy for wheelchair athletes.

Members of the Board debated the pros and cons of both options and the implications of wheelchair athletes scoring team points as early as the 2007 track meet. Discussion continued regarding the impact this change would have on other WIAA sanctioned sports and school budgets. Members also debated whether an individual, either able- bodied or wheelchair, could win a team trophy. Lengthy discussion occurred about the guidelines for both categories.

Board members reviewed the number of participants participating in recent years and the intent of the original presentation.

OLSON/FALKNER moved on FIRST READING to approve the adoption of option one with implementation for the spring of 2007. After two years, which coincides with the classification cycle, the determination would be made for the future. Staff were directed to develop guidelines and standards. MOTION APPROVED

Transfer and Scholastic Rule Committee Mr. Meyerhoff reviewed the minutes of the November 20, 2006, meeting. He shared that the committee represents a cross section of the membership with District 9 being the only district without a representative.

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Mr. Meyerhoff stated that the committee examined both the eligibility rule and the scholastic rule. He conveyed that during the examination of the eligibility rule the committee was comfortable with the process, even though there are areas that the appeals process could be streamlined.

Mr. Meyerhoff commented that after review of the current rule and general discussion about the scholastic rule and review of the data collected from the Fall Workshop survey the committee agreed not to rush the process and to meet again in the future.

Mr. Meyerhoff noted that a majority of the committee agreed that it may be time to raise the current interscholastic standard. The committee asked that Al Hairston, Seattle School District Athletic Coordinator, provide to the committee a copy of the Seattle School District academic policy for the committee’s next meeting. Mr. Meyerhoff reported that the committee discussed raising the WIAA minimum scholastic standards to passing all but one class and possible amendments in the future.

Mr. Meyerhoff reported that the committee would prepare possible revisions to the WIAA scholastic policy and he would be facilitating discussion on the topic during the Winter Coalition.

WIAA Hall of Fame Mr. Barnes reported that the nominations have been received and complied. He continued that the nomination notebooks have been sent to the Screening/Selection committee members and the committee will be meeting on December 12, 2006. Mr. Barnes shared there have been 16 athletes, two fine arts representatives, two teams/programs, six coaches, one official and four administrators nominated.

Promotions and Corporate Sponsorship Ms. Johnson opened with a review of the inaugural Future Champions event during Gridiron Classic. She reported that the organization provided event support and she is working to secure a commitment for next year. Ms. Johnson continued that the Seattle Sonics have partnered with the WIAA for the basketball Future Champions events.

Mr. Hanson provided an update of corporate sponsorship and reviewed the media coverage of the football semifinals and Gridiron Classic.

Legal Report Mr. Olson provided members of the Board an overview of pending cases involving the Association. He shared that there are five eligibility cases that involve attorneys, two cases filed on behalf of parents/students based on Executive Board decisions and a case in which the WOA has obtained outside counsel regarding age discrimination.

Mr. Olson shared that he is lobbying on behalf of the Association to initiate legislation designating athletic officials as independent contractors. He supplied members of the

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Board with a history of the interaction between the Association and the state employment securities department.

NFHS T Mobile classic Mr. Colbrese shared that the National Federation of State High School Associations is hosting a basketball tournament sponsored by T Mobile on December 27-28, 2006. Washington will be represented by O’Dea High School and the girls team from .

Mr. Colbrese will be traveling to the NIAAA winter meeting in Anaheim, California, and will be provide a report at the January 20-21, 2007, meeting.

OLSON/LINDGERN moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:45 PM. MOTION PASSED

Submitted by: Ken Axelson, WIAA Board President Mike Colbrese, WIAA Executive Director Jeananne Tescar-Burcham, Recorder

Next Meeting(s): January 20-21, 2007 WIAA Office January 22, 2007 Winter Coalition March 25-26, 2007 Yakima April 21-22, 2007 WIAA Office April 23, 2007 Representative Assembly, Emerald Downs July 23-24, 2007 Wenatchee

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