The Oil Industry of Germany
1, ‘. -. ..— ., ‘. r,’, FOREIGN :, ; ‘.’. oPERATIONS “ , ‘% ‘“====! ‘. “ ●-l--==-- L’-Al-” J. The Oil Industry of Germany .- PAUL D. TORREY I PETROLEUM ENGINEER Downloaded from by guest on 24 September 2021 MEMBER AIME I ‘AUSTIN, TEXAS # Abstract ment was ut g much slower rfrte thiln in tflis country be- mke the curly wells producmf oil in ~i“,tll‘quanlity. Drill- TIIri.Getvnm oil indostty begun shortly ajtw oil was dis. ing was undertaken, just. m w~s ttr~ case in northwestern cowred in the United Stntav, bitt tlte development of oil Pennsylvania, hcctiuse of surface se?ps in the County of prodticticsn was or a much slower ru[e bemase tire early Celle, p~rticulmly in. the vicinity of the Village of Wigtze, wells produced in small quaniity. Starting in 1876 in this area. he:ivy oil wtis prod Llce~ from ~ Dl,citlg Wor[d war If t[le e.rist[ng fie!cis were prodaced numerous shidlow wells. Subsurface mining opcmtions 10 thtiir ntaxiinunt rapwit~, bat it was not until after tlw were commenced in [he shidlow Wietze field in 1920.. In Fedrtal Republic of Germun,v was jormed, ivhen tile oil the beginning @ this mining opcralion, oil was produced industry received tile benefits of sabmmtial protective tar.. by s6epage from the reservoir rock into the tunnels which ifhf. that extensive exploration for new fields was cwnt- ‘. had hee~ excavated away from the centrql shaft. Subse- ilzenced. This work rcsaitwt in the discovery of new re- ~‘ quently. the oil sand was excava[ed art~ brought to the shr- serves oj stibstantial size, and at the present tinle Gernmny-” face where it was washed and the oil extracted by this has the largest domewic production of oil i:t Free .Earope.
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