Dave Young


APRJA Volume 6, Issue 1, 2017 ISSN 2245-7755

CC license: ‘Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike’. Dave Young: COMPUTING WAR NARRATIVES

Over the two decades following the French in during the war, contextu- withdrawal from Vietnam in 1954, the United alising it in the culture of systems-analysis States found itself increasingly enmeshed in which became prevalent in US defence strat- a war that evaded expectations. In order to egy following the Second World War. This fulfl their commitment to their stated policy of apparatus – called the Hamlet Evaluation stopping the spread of the Soviet sphere of System – was in formal operation from infuence as outlined in the Truman Doctrine, 1967 until 1973, and aimed to provide US the US had to invest heavily in sustaining Forces with a vital narrative of progress in their presence in the region. In anticipation their “pacifcation programmes” in Vietnam. that the fall of Vietnam to communism would With its disruptive use of computers, the trigger a chain-reaction of Soviet-backed immense scale and scope of its task, and governments rising to power across Asia its affordance of a managerial approach (the so-called Domino Theory), a visible to warfare, this system raises a number of display of military presence gained a strong issues around the role of the computer as sense of urgency. What quickly became ap- bureaucratic mediator – in this case, tasked parent to military strategists in the Pentagon with converting complex insurgencies into was that this confict did not follow their legible, systematic narratives. What kind of assumed ‘conventions’ of regular warfare: insights did it provide into the operations of the heavy machinery of the US Military was the Vietcong insurgency? How does it ft into destabilised by the networked nature of the the wider ecologies of command and control Vietcong insurgency in South Vietnam. In in the US Military during the frst few decades his 1985 book War Without Fronts, Thomas of the Cold War? As the Hamlet Evaluation C. Thayer describes how, despite its colos- System, almost ffty years after its inception, sal human and machinic capital, the US is still considered the “gold standard of [coun- Military was faced with a hindered ability to terinsurgency]” (Connable 113), it remains even accurately evaluate how the Vietnam an important case study for those trying to war was progressing on a regional level, understand how computers structure the in- let alone contain the spread of communist stitutional bureaucracy of war, and how they infuence (4). Without any headquarters and are imagined as epistemological tools that with networks of cadres operating across the can somehow reveal objective truths about rural villages and jungles of the country, it the complex, dynamic reality of war. became diffcult for the US Military to know where to concentrate its attention. The mili- tary strategists believed that the solution to Legible thresholds this problem could at least in part be solved with machines.This approach, articulated in General Westmoreland’s concept of “the The 1954 Geneva Accords, in addressing electronic battlefeld”, can be more generally the new power vacuum in South East Asia summed up as a systems-oriented perspec- following the fnal defeat of the French forces tive on confict, where anything from supply in Vietnam, came to a rushed agreement. chain logistics to the political disposition of Vietnam would be temporarily partitioned rural villages can be quantifed, managed, along the 17th parallel, leading to the crea- and controlled. tion of two states: the Democratic Republic In this text, I will unpack the workings of of Vietnam, and South Vietnam. Democratic a particular technological apparatus applied elections were planned to occur two years

51 APRJA Volume 6, Issue 1, 2017 later, after which the country was to be where they might emerge next that occupied reunited under a newly elected, singular gov- many US Military strategists in Saigon. ernment. However, the 1956 elections never This concept of the threshold fnds its took place: knowing that Ho Chi Minh would application in the strategies favoured by win any popular vote, – the Robert McNamara, US Secretary of Defense South Vietnamese Chief of State – working from 1961-68. McNamara, a Harvard-trained in liaison with the US Government, decided economist famed for using “systems analy- to withdraw support. Vietnam thus remained sis” to revolutionise the ailing post-war Ford in a suspended state of partition, caught be- Motor Company, took a similar systems- tween a century of French colonial rule and driven approach to his role in government. an apparently forthcoming new era of US Donald Fisher Harrison describes how proxy governance. It was these pre-existing McNamara’s approach to his position incor- conditions which laid out foundations for the porated “business analysis techniques”: asymmetric relationship between on one side the US Military and Government of McNamara’s early applications of com- South Vietnam (GVN), and on the other the puters to war were ground-breaking. various counter-powers fghting on behalf of Using computers as an analytical tool, the northern Democratic Republic of Vietnam he soon made fundamental changes in – notably, the Vietcong’s political and military the department’s reporting techniques, infrastructure. As growing numbers of US as well as in the use of computer- troops arrived in Saigon in the early 1960s generated data for decision making. and were mobilised around the country, an (Fisher Harrison 20) organised Vietcong insurgency was already well-established in the villages and towns all By the time McNamara was appointed over South Vietnam. The US troops quickly Secretary of Defense, there in fact was found that they were not dealing with a already a burgeoning culture of systems unifed, centralised enemy: they were deal- analysis among scientists and engineers de- ing with disruptive threats which emerged veloping computers, the nuclear programme through unpredictable guerrilla operations, and experimental weapons. Outside the fashes of combat in quiet villages or jungle military, the practice of systems analysis roadways which could vanish as suddenly could already be seen in the organisation of as they appeared. This was not bloc-against- the corporate workplaces, manufacturing in- bloc warfare, where oppositional forces dustries and communications infrastructures engage in conficts around fronts, nor was it of the United States since the early twentieth as simple as being “without fronts” as Thayer century (Yates). However, it was the war suggests. Instead of describing the war ac- emergency in the early 1940s that really set cording to these principles, in acknowledge- systems analysis to work in solving military ment of the systems-oriented perspective problems, such as the design of anti-aircraft that came to characterise this war, we can weapons and locating German submarines in think of it as being constituted of a multitude the north Atlantic Ocean. What Peter Galison of thresholds. The emergent nature of these calls the “manichean sciences” – cybernet- thresholds posed a serious problem for US ics, game theory, and operations research Military and GVN strategists, especially in – emerged during this period to address stra- rural districts throughout South Vietnam, and tegic problems in military thought, and came it was the task of mapping and predicting to be regarded as powerful frameworks for

52 Dave Young: COMPUTING WAR NARRATIVES managing the unpredictable nature of the from the Soviet Union. While, as outlined “cunning opponent” during the Second World above, systems analysis was not necessarily War and beyond (234): new to the military as such, the appointment of McNamara and his advisors – the so-called More active than the targeted, invisible Defence Intellectuals – to such high-ranking inhabitants of a distant city and more positions expanded its scope. It was leant a rational than the hoardelike race further legitimacy when it was made a central enemy, this third version emerged as concern in forming policy and strategy in a cold-blooded, machinelike opponent. Vietnam. Evelyn Fox Keller’s writing, while This was the enemy, not of bayonet on the subject of what she calls “cybersci- struggles in the trenches, nor of ence”, neatly epitomises the worldview of architectural targets fxed through the the Defence Intellectuals and the manichean prisms of a Norden gunsight. Rather, scientists: it was a mechanized Enemy Other, generated in the laboratory-based For cyberscientists, Life (especially science wars of MIT and a myriad of corporate life, electronic life, and mili- universities around the United States tary life — the modes of life from which and Britain, not to speak of the tens these efforts emerged and on which of laboratories in the countries of the they were focused) had become far Axis. (231) too unwieldy to be managed my mere doing, by direct action, or even through It is no coincidence that the emergence the delegation of “doing” to an army of of the manichean sciences were concurrent underlings kept in step by executive with the development of digital comput- order. (85-86) ing – both drew on and further facilitated a perspective of the world which was quantif- able in terms of logical and rational systems of control and communication. For instance, John von Neumann, one of the chief pro- ponents of Game Theory, made important contributions to defence computing projects during the Second World War. During this pe- riod, computers had urgent problems to solve – problems posed by long-range ballistics, cryptography, submarine warfare, and the threat of the bomber plane. The availability of federal funding and the politically-motivated scale of ambition facilitated ground-breaking computing projects such as von Neumann’s MANIAC computer (Jacobsen 33). As the Cold War tensions heightened, continued Figure 1: SAGE Situation Display Console (IBM 60) research and development in new technolo- gies was seen not just as desirable displays As the cutting edge of digital comput- of capitalist innovation, but as absolutely vital ing advanced rapidly, its utilities expanded to the management and prediction of threats from just being labour-saving calculators to

53 APRJA Volume 6, Issue 1, 2017 becoming expansive multi-purpose data- Pacifcation processors, generating actionable informa- tion from vast quantities of inputted data. For example, the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE), built by IBM for the US Air Force in the 1950s, was designed to manage the airspace of the United States. Its development, catalysed by the explosion of the Soviet Union’s atomic bomb in 1949, was relatively brisk considering its technical novelty. The SAGE system was online by 1960, receiving streams of radar information from a variety of arrays around the country, identifying crafts that were possible threats and tracking their movements. With SAGE Figure 2: HES population control data by hamlet came innovations in digital memory formats, security rating, dated 30th April 1968 (Brigham 34). operating systems, and screen interfaces that rendered data streams as legible thresh- The shock of the Soviet launch of olds that, when traversed, would immedi- their Sputnik satellite in 1957 and the grave ately alert the system’s operators. In Closed implications for national security resonated World, Paul Edwards describes it as “the frst in US President Eisenhower’s State of the large-scale, computerised command, control Union address the following year: “The ad- and communications system” (75), which vent of revolutionary new devices, bringing although obsolete by the time it was fnished, with them the problem of overall continental demonstrated the practical possibilities of defense, creates new diffculties, reminiscent defence computing and had an enormous of those attending the advent of the airplane infuence on subsequent projects funded by half a century ago.” the Department of Defense. It is important In the address, Eisenhower, him- to note that, while SAGE was enthusiasti- self a General in the Second World War, cally developed by teams of scientists and acknowledged the necessity to establish engineers, it was dismissed by some Air new approaches to defence research. The Force traditionalists for its defensive na- newly created Advanced Research Projects ture, the possibility of the project diverting Agency (ARPA, later becoming DARPA after funding from other Air Force projects, and being given the prefx Defense), furnished its centralised position of command in the with a $10 million grant to start their research military hierarchy (Edwards 94-96). A CIA programme, became an important location analyst, writing in 1960 on the “capabilities, for technological experiments and systems prospects, and implications” of the computer analysis. ARPA’s role in the early years of and military projects such as SAGE, warned: Vietnam centred on Project Agile, a Saigon- “Not that computers and other [Electronic based research programme tasked with tack- Data Processing] machines constitute any ling the problem of the insurgency. Project panacea for our ills; they are not glamorous Agile was to varying degrees responsible for Aladdin’s lamps to do our bidding while we the US Military’s defoliation programme — recline at ease.” (Becker 7) the destruction of the natural camoufage of the jungle canopy, and the invention of Agent


Orange — a herbicide that poisoned arable “scrubbed” from the records, at which point soil and water sources, prohibiting future at- a new, more favourable, report was commis- tempts at farming the land. Simultaneously, sioned (Jacobsen 136). Project Agile was also intended as a key weapon in the battle for pacifcation, that is, the effort to win the “hearts and minds” of the Vietnamese and “pacify” the efforts of the insurgency. Agile’s strong-handed and often misguided approach to pacifcation is evident in the Strategic Hamlet Programme (SHP), where Vietnamese farmers were given fnancial incentives to move away from “Vietcong infested” areas to live in US-sanctioned regions, under protection of the GVN (Jacobsen 133). In doing so, it was hoped that “ARPA would collect enough information on strategic hamlets to be able to monitor their activity in the future” (Jacobsen 135), and “tie the villages into the network of government administration and control” (Hilsman). While the village was traditionally considered the lowest administrative unit in Vietnam, each village would typically be comprised of a number of discrete commu- nities called hamlets. These hamlets could in fact vary signifcantly in size, from small clusters of houses surrounded by rice felds Figure 3: Proposed Hamlet Pacifcation Plan, 1966 (Nighswonger 322). to whole urban districts, and with populations ranging from as few as 50 people to as many The SHP’s observation of specifc com- as 20,000 (Connable 114). This attempt to munities and the production of new control- create safe havens and win the support of lable zones for Vietnamese farmers was just the Vietnamese was not as straightforward one interpretation of what “pacifcation” could as anticipated, ignorant as it was to the mean for the US Military and its research communities it was attempting to displace. institutions. As Thomas Scoville notes in his Dislocated farmers lost their cultural con- history of pacifcation in Vietnam, the exact nection to their ancestral lands, and report- defnition of the term in fact remained unclear edly were underpaid for being relocated and throughout the war: forced to build fortifcations during the “most important planting time of the year, which There was never agreement among meant that many farmers had been unable Americans in Vietnam on just what to plant their own crops” (Jacobsen 135). An pacifcation was and how it might be ARPA-funded investigation carried out during achieved. Some saw it as controlling the programme’s lifetime which suggested the population; others as winning the this initiative was doing much more harm people’s allegiance. Some viewed than good was rejected and subsequently it as a short-term military operation

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aimed at quashing opposition; others as a long-term process of bringing, in addition to security, economic, political, and social development to the people. (3)

By October 1966, McNamara was seek- ing new ways to get a clearer picture of the efforts in Vietnam, and asked the CIA to develop a system to meas- ure progress – and regress, as the case may Figure 4: Hamlet Evaluation System Worksheet, be – in the pacifcation programmes (Ahern circa 1968 (Ahern 419). 231). The CIA were brief in their response, quickly developing a proposal for what be- hamlet, the majority of which were situated came known later as the Hamlet Evaluation in remote rural areas. MACV staff known as System (HES): “Mandated on a Monday, District Advisors were given an allocation brainstormed on Wednesday, and coordi- of hamlets to be visited on a monthly basis, nated inside CIA on Thursday, the proposal whereupon they would liaise with local chiefs reached Secretary McNamara on Friday. and complete questionnaires rating the state He approved it on the spot, after which it of security and development of each particu- received pro forma review in the State and lar hamlet. The original HES version had a Defense Departments” (Ahern 233). The fol- total of eighteen questions, each with up to lowing year, the system was installed as part fve possible answers. Subsequent reviews of a bureaucratic assemblage consisting of by the Simulmatics Corporation (de Sola both military and civilian organisations. It was Pool et al.), RAND (Sweetland), and ARPA led by Civil Operations and Revolutionary (Prince and Adkins) appended new questions Development Support (CORDS), and im- and altered the scope of responses. Typical plemented by Military Assistance Command questions varied from the degree of Vietcong Vietnam (MACV), a branch of the US presence in the area during different times Military charged with responsibilities such of the day, to the number of households that as running psychological operations, aid own radios, to forms of economic activities programmes and pacifcation campaigns. local to the hamlet (see MACCORDS 303- As Ben Connable puts it, “MACV was the 336). The design of the Hamlet Evaluation neck of the funnel for nearly all feld reports System aimed to maximise effciency, speed on operations, intelligence, pacifcation, and up reporting times,and enable the operation other data categories” (99). In order to get to be practicable on an almost national scale a suffciently high-resolution perspective on by implementing newly available computer the narrative of the counterinsurgency, the systems: “Automated Data Processing is designers of the system recommended that used in the HES to minimise the district advi- MACV collect data on a hamlet level, which sors’ workload and also to facilitate the stor- ultimately amounted to over 12,000 hamlets. age, tabulation, and analysis of the reported The task of the HES was to quantify the information” (Brigham 2). The quantity of data pacifcation status in regions outside the cit- produced from the system is impressive: ies by assigning security ratings ranging from ‘A’ (friendly) down to ‘E’ (contested) for each


Every month, the HES produced tactical response. Humans might conceiv- approximately 90,000 pages of data ably be able to do the calculations required, and reports. This means that over but the number of man-hours (government the course of just four of the years in term) required to do so would make the task which the system was fully functional, completely ineffcient and the results likely it produced more than 4.3 million irrelevant. Indeed, before the development pages of information, and each page of electronic computers in the later years of may have contained ten, 20, or more the Second World War, it was people – and discrete elements of data – perhaps most often women – who were the comput- 40 million pieces of data, as a round ers, brought into the war effort to work with estimate. (Connable 120) mechanical calculators or do arithmetic by hand. Janet Abbate gives an idea of how a It is important to note that the HES machine such as ENIAC, an example of an was not the only data collection system in early digital computer, would speed up the use by the US Military at the time. A col- labour of calculating ballistics fring tables: lection of systems documented in the US “To create a single fring table required a National Archives in Washington point to month of continuous work for either the a widespread systematisation of confict, Differential Analyser or a team of a hundred ranging from logistical control of supply women” (16). However, the use of comput- chains to terrorist activity databases. A ers in the HES did not simply remove the parallel programme to the HES, also run by need for manual labour – in fact, the task CORDS, called Phung Hoang (or Phoenix of data collection proved to be an arduous Programme), sought to construct a list of task, fraught with danger as well as logistical individuals working for or sympathetic to the diffculties. The process of observing and Vietcong and subsequently — according to recording each hamlet could not be auto- the US Military euphemism — “neutralize mated, it had to be carried out by humans, them” (CORDS 1). According to Tim Weiner, vulnerable to ambush and prone to subjec- the total number of Vietcong suspects killed tive bias as will be demonstrated below. in the Phung Hoang programme amounts to Nevertheless, the novelty and importance of more than 20,000 “at a minimum” (394). Also the computer as an instrument of war was in operation at the time were the National not lost on the chief of CORDS. In a 1967 Police Infrastructure Analysis SubSystem press briefng announcing the HES, Robert (NPIASS) — a GVN-collated database of Komer hailed the system’s use of computers criminals — and the Pacifcation Attitude as a labour-saving device, as well as noting Analysis System (PAAS), which attempted to their analytical “fexibility”: “We can ask the carry out opinion polls on the population of computer questions on details among the South Vietnam (see US National Archives). 50 different facets and can get answers of Although working in very different en- any kind” (Komer “HES System” 3). Although vironments, the Hamlet Evaluation System being remarkable for its use of computers to in essence was assigned a similar com- automate analysis, the enormous amount of putational task to projects such as SAGE: work required to frst collect hamlet data and to distil large quantities of information into then render it as machine-readable should actionable knowledge, and to do this over not be understated. a suffciently brief period of time such that In its hyperlocal focus, the HES was defence strategists could develop a relevant in essence concerned with converting the

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Not a precise thermometer

However, the HES was not without its crit- ics. The idea that the could be understood as a scientifcally manageable system was, similar to SAGE before it, taken with scepticism by senior Generals who believed in the intuitive “art of war”. They Figure 5: Hamlet Plot (extract) dated 30th November loathed the extra layers of bureaucracy that 1970. This extract shows hamlet security ratings in the inevitably came with integrating complex regions surrounding Saigon (MACV, Hamlet Map). military operations with hundreds of civilian computer analysts spread across Saigon population of South Vietnam into discrete and the continental US (Belcher 144). units whose perceived security could be Furthermore, there was a question of who managed, controlled, and sculpted through exactly was being evaluated by the HES, with responsive GVN and US Military strategies. some believing that to some degree “their The social and political dynamics of rural own personal performance was monitored communities were schematised, with behav- by McNamara’s computers” (Fisher Harrison iours and conditions becoming “thresholds” 21). This suspicion was in fact partially true. to be converted into data and subsequently HES metrics came to be a method of bench- analysed in myriad reports generated by IBM marking and incentivising regional progress computers in Saigon. Automatically generat- in the confict, with senior strategists in the ed maps, surveys, and charts would be sent US setting targets for improving security and to the US and subjected to further analysis, development ratings in hamlets across the their statistics being held up as evidence of country – targets which commanders were progress at high levels of US Government under great pressure to meet. In tape tran- (Tunney 1). Perhaps the most striking docu- scripts of a 1968 meeting between General ment produced by computer analysis was Creighton Abrams with CORDS director the Hamlet Plot, a printed map of South William Colby, Abrams presses this point: “It Vietnam with the security score of each ham- may be that, under the pressure of goals and let displayed. The plot was “state-of-the-art, targets and so on that […] some have leaned and facilitated the emergence of a new visual a little bit over backwards to look at the better register” (Belcher 133). It would appear then, side of things […] but now’s the time you’ve with the availability of novel registers such got to look past the chart and it mustn’t be as the Hamlet Plot, that McNamara’s desire only A/B/C [hamlet ratings] and A/B in the to increase the legibility of the war narrative HES report” (Sorley 288). He continues to had been achieved. state that “this government’s life depends on it being what [the HES] says” (288). This appetite for data drove further divisions between the subjective observations of advi- sors on the ground and the assumed “objec- tive” narratives generated by the computers. The sheer quantity of labour required to meet the monthly demand for hamlet data, not to

58 Dave Young: COMPUTING WAR NARRATIVES mention the logistical complexity of the task, A 1969 inquiry into the Hamlet Evaluation almost certainly contributed to a signifcant System by Senator John Tunney went much distortion of the data as it was collected. further, quoting one unnamed District Advisor Given that a District Advisor might have who explained that, after downgrading four upwards of 50 hamlets in their roster, how hamlets, he “was immediately hit with a much time could they conceivably spend in barrage of cables from Saigon demanding a each location on a monthly basis, and how full explanation for downgrading them” and accurate an insight into regional security and spent the next couple of weeks justifying the development would this provide in practice? evaluation (8). The laborious process led the William Colby himself indicates his aware- advisor to admit that “it may be a long time ness of the ambiguities of HES data, but in hell before I downgrade another hamlet” nevertheless defends it as a useful tool: (Tunney 8). Recent analyses of HES report- “We’ve been using it, and defending it, over ing by Connable and Belcher present a more the years. We’ve emphasised that we don’t generally problematic picture. Despite ap- think it’s a precise thermometer for the situa- pearing on a superfcial level to be providing tion, but it’s been a very handy tool. It’s given crucial insights into the war narrative, the us an idea of differences over time and […] very data these insights were based on were space” (Sorley 367). An Army-commissioned at least partially corrupt, and its methodology and generally favourable review of the HES was faulty: by the Simulmatics Corporation just one year into its operation claimed that, while the Indeed, there is a two-sided struggle District Advisors did not self-report any ten- in the centralized assessment cycle: dency to upgrade ratings to show “progress” On one side, analysts fght to obtain, in hamlets under their command, found collate, and understand vast reams limited evidence of bias in monthly reporting. of decontextualized data while under That said, the primary author of this report intense pressure from policymakers was Ithiel de Sola Pool, an MIT professor and and senior military leaders to show founder of the Simulmatics Corporation, and progress; on the other side, troops in an important fgure in ARPA’s Project Agile the feld are tasked with reporting data as well as the Strategic Hamlet Program that often do not exist, in formats that — not necessarily somebody who could be make little sense, for objectives they considered as an independent evaluator do not understand or believe in, while (Scott 377). He writes: also under intense pressure to show progress. (Connable 96) Without exception, the district advisors stated that they honestly have tried A 1972 HES Review Committee to refect reality in the HES. Some memorandum is but one example of issues respondents, however, acknowledged with District Advisor reporting, highlighting their general outlook affected their in- committee suspicions concerning “an unex- terpretation of “reality.” Four of the forty pected, extraordinary upgrading of hamlets” respondents tended to be optimistic and “sudden upgrading of long-term enemy and to view the apparent general trend strongholds” (Jones 3). The hamlet question- of the Vietnamese confict favorably. naire itself also observed an optimistic bias, (de Sola Pool et al. 94) with questions phrased such that conditions appeared to be improving. Indeed, a dominant

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they were at least affordances of the com- plex administrative bureaucracy required to keep it in operation. But it is the “liveness” of the HES that is crucial to dwell on: it was an untested experimental apparatus, trialled in a highly complex and dynamic theatre of op- erations where its formula evolved over time at enormous expense of those who were subjected to it. As an experimental pacifca- tion tool, it was not alone: the HES was but one component in an assemblage of machin- eries all feeding in to one another, shaping Figure 6: Population Status Trend according to strategy in response to perceived trends HES Data, 1967-1969 (Brigham “Military Review: Pacifcation Measurement” 51). in the war narrative, and having tangible, violent effects on the lives of the Vietnam’s preoccupation in the aforementioned ARPA rural population. Robert Komer, the CORDS (Prince) and Simulmatics (de Sola Pool chief who excitedly announced the use of et al.) reports attempted to address issues computers in the HES in 1968, wrote of the around bias and labour complexity. pacifcation programmes two years later: The entire operational stack of the “Like most things in Vietnam, [pacifcation] HES, from the Hamlet Chiefs right up to the has been cumbersome, wasteful, poorly top of the US Executive Branch – and not executed, only spottily effective in many excluding the computers, algorithms, and the respects” (Komer “Impact of Pacifcation” databases – constituted an unwieldy bureau- 8). In carrying out their task of making emer- cratic apparatus. In effect, it had more to do gent guerrilla tactics legible as part of some with legitimising a continued US engagement overarching strategic vision, these systems with Vietnam than functioning as the intended failed to approach the ontological question ‘neutral’ epistemological tool that would en- of what actually characterises the supposed able the strategists to read the battlefeld like “rational” or “obedient” subject in asymmetric a manual. The Hamlet Evaluation System’s warfare. grandiose ambition to map the progress of Giorgio Agamben writes: “We have the pacifcation programmes meant that its then two great classes: living beings (or consequences were far reaching, infuencing substances) and apparatuses. And between military strategy and policy while suggesting these two, as a third class, subjects. I call a that conditions in the country were widely subject that which results from the relation improving. For instance, its optimistic report- and, so to speak, from the relentless fght ing would have implied that the $777 million between living beings and apparatuses” dollars spent in 1970 on pacifcation was (14). In the case of the Hamlet Evaluation rewarded with real progress on the ground System, the “living beings” who inhabited (Komer “Impact of Pacifcation” 19), or that the rural hamlets of South Vietnam were search and destroy tactics were successfully subjectivised. What behavioural nuances bringing new regions under GVN and US could be lost to noise in the data? How can infuence. While the aforementioned exam- assumed “objective” data be produced out ples of bias and data manipulation were not of a system that fundamentally relies on necessarily active intentions of the system, subjective observations, clouded by the fog

60 Dave Young: COMPUTING WAR NARRATIVES of war and distorted by bureaucratic pres- Vietnam’s “gold standard” (Connable 113) sures to attain targets? Purely as a machine pacifcation programmes can afford us with that produced a “gold mine” (Komer “Impact a historically-sensitive mode of critique for of Pacifcation” 9) of actionable information their classifed contemporary analogues. about the insurgency, one could conclude that the Hamlet Evaluation System was suc- cessful. However, this understanding is to Works cited take a purely technocentric position, omitting the very real and violent political implications of the data contained within this “gold mine”. Abbate, Janet. Recoding Gender: Women’s If the war was “a war for the control of the Changing Participation in Computing. population” (Kalvyas and Kocher 337), the Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2012. Print. Defence Intellectuals worked with the con- cept of “population” as a technical abstraction Agamben, Giorgio. What is an Apparatus? that could be conveniently understood with Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009. algorithms and surmised in statistics, rather Print. than as an amorphous form sustained and constituted by a dynamic and evasive social Ahern, Thomas L. CIA and Rural substrate. It was rather the particular reality Pacifcation in South Vietnam. United of this technical abstraction which neces- States of America: Center for the Study of sarily informed and facilitated McNamara’s Intelligence, 2001. Print. Vietnam strategies, and which was also pre- sented to the American public as evidence Belcher, Oliver. “Data Anxieties: Objectivity of “progress”. While some examples of con- and Difference in early Vietnam War temporary analysis of the HES acknowledge Computing.” Ed. Amoore, Laura and Volha its sophistication (see Kalvyas and Kocher Piotukh. Calculative Devices in a Digital 341), as a case study it raises crucial ques- Age. London: Routledge, 2015. 132-147. tions about the kinds of structural distortions Print. that arise out of the application of systematic apparatuses in confict scenarios. The notion Brigham, Colonel Erwin R. “Pacifcation that analysing “enough data” will lead to Measurement in Vietnam: The Hamlet an increase in the “legibility” of asymmetric Evaluation System.” Presentation at the warfare must come with a critical caveat: it SEATO Internal Security Seminar, Manila, should be understood with relation to the ad- 1968. The Vietnam Center and Archive, ministrative organisations that modulate their Texas Tech University, DOI: 1070318004. end-use and, perhaps to a signifcant de- Accessed 9 Sep 2016. Web. gree, prefgure their consequences. For the present, analysis of the Hamlet Evaluation Brigham, Colonel Erwin R. “Military Review: System identifes a number of fallibilities in Pacifcation Measurement”, in Military the process of mass data collection, which Review (1970). Douglas Pike Collection: bring to mind the “collect it all” mantras that Unit 06 – Democratic Republic of Vietnam. characterise the counterterrorism strategies The Vietnam Center and Archive, Texas of the US and UK (Anon). In this respect, Tech University. DOI: 2321706001. www. thorough analysis of the inner-workings of vietnam.ttu.edu/virtualarchive/items. php?item=2321706001. Web.

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