.~e INTERNATIONAL SOOALIST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bobn. Lealie H. Marcy, Frank Boha, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

Tlu ElliiiW >• r~st011d•u oni:JI /IW ...,., '"'"'"" n lh• •4ilorool ,.,, ond '" ""'''"'4 4•f••t••nt ,..,,. BGel• cofJirmlor ou •u•d"''' ldotor u ru#Oflllbl• /or """' '"''""" "'" Ill• ..,. ,.,,..'""·


War-Poem ...... -...... ...... 4 Doings of the Month ...... Jack Phillips ...... 5 The Flag Follows the Investor ...... Frederick C. Howe ...... 11 The Invisible Government ..... , ...... Martin M. Mulhall...... 15 Socialism in the Plant World ...... Eliza Frances Andrews ...... 18 Industrial Unionism: What Is It? ...... Maori/and Worker ...... 20 The Lies We Believe ...... :John Randolph ...... 22 The House Fly as a Carrier of Disease .... H eimydena N ederd ...... 26 The Left Wing ...... S. J. Rutgers ...... 29 Virgin Forests of the Philippines ...... Marion Wright ...... 33 How Jim Hill Made His Money ...... Gustavus Myers ...... 35 One Way of Trimming the Farmer ...... Mary E. Marcy ...... 37 James Connolly ...... William E. Bohn ...... 41 Libraries Wanted in Labor Unions ...... Jules Scarceriaux ...... 43 On Daylight Saving ...... SunntY M'Nee ...... 45

DEPARTMENTS International Notes News and Views

Published :Monthly, $1.00 a year, Cauada $1.20; other countries $1.110 BmuUe ..... 10 f031 88 OW.; RO fol' fl.OO; 100 fol' fi.OO

CHARLES H. KERR t!c COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) Ul-148 East Ohio· Street, Chicaco, ID., U. S ..A.

Entered at the Postoflice at , Ill., as Sec~nd Class Matter July 27, 1900, under l'N!Mir'IW'IM Act of March 8, 1879. f§Be INTERNATIONAL SOOALIST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.2

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn. Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, Willlam D. Haywood, Phillips Ruasell

Tlu lUI,., II rllfotUitll nly for ftftlll 1~&#,.1111 H 11!1 11litorial IIIII 111111 i11 tmsit"'ll lllful•t111 ••"". &,11 'nlrlttllor a#ll IJiseeiiJII lililor i1 rllfotUitl• for """' '"'""'II oflr 1111 ... lil11&1ar~.

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E. N T S

Cartoon-Preparedness Gods ...... The Masses ...... 68 Doings of the Month ...... Henry H egenburg ...... 69 Illustrated The Iron Heel on the Mesaba Range ...... Leslie H. Marcy ...... , .. 74· Illustrated A Plea for Preparedness ...... Business Men's League ...... 80 Abolition of Private Property ...... Karl Marx ...... 81 The Hawaiian Pineapple ...... Marion Wright ...... 84 Illustrated Mexico for the Mexicans ...... Dante Barton ...... 87 "Our" National Insurance and Collection Agency ...... ~ .. : ...... Frederick C. Howe ...... 89 It Can't Be Done ...... William 0. Nimock ...... 93 Illustrated The Passing of the Old Democracy ...... S. J. Rutgers ...... 96 The· Cat Is Out of the Bag...... 99 - Face to Face ...... Ceo. P. West ...... 100 The Drone ...... C. M. Drake ...... : ...... 102 Some Personal Reminiscences of J. Howard Moore ...... Louis S. Vineburg ...... 104 Our Proposed Socialist Platform ...... Henry Dubb ...... 106 The Origin and Earliest Traces of Man .. . Wilhelm Boelsche ...... 108 DEPARTMENTS International Notes News and Views Publishers' Department

Published Monthly, f1.00 a year, Canada f1.20; other countries .1.60 •-dle :aaw, 10 f~ eo cu.; 110 to~: ~.oo; 100 to~: ta.oo

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 141-HI East Ohio Street, Chicago, ID., U.S.~. Entered at the PostoJiice at Chicaco, Ill., as Sec

~28 We INTERNATIONAL SOClALIST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.3

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn. Lealie H. Marc}', Frank Doha, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

Tlu B.tlllfW b "''oml•l• .,.,, for .;,., ••,ruu4 •• lA• ttlilorlel '"'' au itS """'"'' ,,,,.,,.,,,., ''"'""· Ba< _,.i.ulor au IIIIIH:lau ltlil111' il rn,oml•l• /111' "'"" ,.,,,,11 11111r "'' _,. "'""'""·


The Class War and Its Outlook ...... Eugene V. Debs ...... 135 Flashes Along the Battle-Line ...... Militant ...... 137 Job Control in the Harvest Fields ...... W. T. Nef ...... 141 Illustrated Will Eugene V. Debs Sit in Congress? ..... Scott Bennett ...... 144 They Belong Inside!...... Mary E. Marcy ...... · ... 146 Petroleum in Mexico ...... l M d t C R ll d j...... 149 Mexican Feminist Congress ...... 5 ° es 0 · 0 · an 1...... 152. Going to School Thru Rovolution ...... Thomas Carter ...... 154 Liebknecht's Defiance ...... 156 The Mesaba Strike ...... Ceo. P. West ...... 158 Invading Miners' Homes ...... Otto Christensen ...... 161 Socialism and Patriotism in Germany ...... Cart Wittman . . . •...... 163 Mass Action ...... Herman Gorter ...... 165 The American Negro and the War ...... Palmer Hoke Wright ...... 166 Help Elect Debs ...... Noble C. Wilson ..... ~ ...... 167 A Walking Excavator ...... Popular Science Afonthly ...... 168 George Andreytchine ...... G. P. W ...... 170 On the Lid ...... Seymour Deming ...... 171 Can the Railroad Unions Win? ...... Fullstroke ...... 173 The Debs Campaign ...... Mignonette Vermillion ...... 175 DEPARTMENTS ~,.· Editorial: Debs, Hughes and Confiscation International Notes News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year, Canada $1.20; other countries $1.50 BmuUe :aaw, 10 fd eo ow.; 110 fol' ~.eo; 100 fel' ta.OO


~28 moe INTERNATIONAL SOOALIST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr - No.4 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn. Lealle H. Marc,-, Frank Doha, William D. Haywood, Phillips RUHell

T A B L E 0 F TC E0 N N T S

Cartoon, Pennsylvania Cossacks ...... T.he Masses Why the Rails Won! (Illustrated) ...... Militant Murder in the First Degree (Illustrated) ...... Eugene V •. Debs Politics and Pe~ple ...... Women as Gun Makers ...... •...... London E!!gineer Shorty's Philosophy ...... Harrison Georgi! Kings, Queens and History ...... Grace Ford - The New York Street· Car Strike (Illustrated) ...... What Capitalists Are Saying ...... F arum The San Francisco Frame-Up ...... Robert Minor Crime and Economic Conditions ...... : ...... Clarence Darrow Industrial Unionism ...... F. H. About Bananas (Illustrated) ...... Marion Wright Hamstringing the Unions ...... Mary E. Marcy A Man vs. Taxes ...... Georgia K otsch The Militant Harvest Workers ...... , ...... At the Mercy of Their Employes ...... Jack Morton The Left Wing Mass Action ...... S. !. Rutgers The Railroad Work Day., ...... Fullstroke DEPARTMENTS News and Views International Notes Publishers' Department

Published llloathly. $1.00 a year. Caaada fUO; other countries $1.10 •-a. ..,., 10 t02 • -....; 10 fu tJ,.eo; 100 fel' ..... CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers

~28 moe INTERNATIONAL SOCJAIJST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No. 5. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn, Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russsell

Ihe Editor is respo11sible onl::,• for r·iews expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department matter. Each contributor a11d associate editor is l'esponsible for ·views expressed over his own sig11ature

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

Cover-Arresting Union Miners in Pennsylvania.Photograph ...... Frontispiece-The Eight-Hour Agitators of 1886.Robert Minor ...... Politics and People ...... Militant ...... 265 More "Law and Order" ...... L. H. M...... 269 The Railworkers' "Victory'' ...... S. J. Rutgers ...... 271 The Tale of the Movie (Illustrated) ...... Julius Hess ...... 273 How We Robbed Mexico in 1848 ...... Robert H. Howe...... 277 The Campaign Forecast ...... A. N. Oberver...... 280 Hunger in the Midst of Plenty (Illustrated) ..... L. D. Gillespie...... 282 The Strike of N eyv York Carmen ...... Henry L. Slobodin...... 286 Organize, Organize Right!...... William D. Haywood .... 290 Building a Union at 40° Below ...... Frank Hanson ...... 292 Who Pays the Taxes? ...... Mary E .•"A,!arcy ...... 294 Legal Side Lights on Murder ...... Arthur LeSueur ...... 298 The Left Wing ...... S. J. Rutgers...... 301 The German Minority and the War ...... Carl Wittman ...... 303

DEPARTMENTS Editorial-State Capitalism After the War International Notes News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year; Canada, $1.20; other countries, $1.50 Bundle Bate, 10 for 60 cts.; 20 for $1.00; 100 for ~.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 341-349 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Pos.to.ffi.ce at Chicago, Ill., as. Second Class '!\

·•••28 mBe INTERNATIONAL SOOAUST REVIEW Vol. XVII Ed~ ted by. Charles H. Kerr No.6 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn, Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russsell

Fhe Editor is responsible o.nly for views expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department matter; Each cot1tributor and associate editor i~ resPonsible for views expressed over his own signature

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

Cover-Mining on the Mesaba ...... ; ...... Photograph ...... In Memoriam of Joe Hill ...... 326 Frontispiec~Shenango Min~Mesaba Range...... 328 The Mesaba Iron Range (Illustrated) ...... Harrison George ...... 32'9 Sweetness-And the Dark ...... Harris Merton Lyon. . . . . 333 Children of Hawaii-Poem ...... , ...... Estelle Baker ...... 337 Nine Short Ones ...... Militant ...... 338 The Voyage of the Verona (Illustrated) ...... Walker C. Smith ...... 341 The International of the Deed ...... Friedrich Adler ...... 346 Automatic Bread Making (Illustrated) ... ~ ...... 349 The General Strike ...... Henry L. Slobodin ...... 353 The Swiss Militia System ...... William E. Bohn .•...... 356 Who Owns the United States? ...... R. F. Pettigre'lt' ...... 357 Will Labor Stand for Another Haymarket? Theodora Pollok ...... 360 (lilustrated) ...... ·...... From German Socialists...... 363 The Left Wing ...... S. J. Rutgers...... 365

DEPARTMENTS Editorial-Mass Action International Notes News and Views Publishers' Department

Published Monthly, fl.OO a year; Canada, fl.20; other countries, f1.50 Bundle Bate, 10 for 60 ct8.; 20 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00

CHARLES ~H. KERR &. COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 341-349 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Posto.ffice at Chicago, Ill., as Second Class Matter July 27, 1900, under Act of March 3, 1879.

!1~\128 moe INTERNATIONAL SOOAUST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.7 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn, Leslie' H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russsell

[he Editor is responsible only for views expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned departme11t matter. Each contributor and associate editor is responsible for vtews expressed over his own signature

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

Frontispiece-Jack London ...... Photograph 388

"The Dream of Debs" ...... Jack London...... CTR Remember the Fifth of November ...... Walker Smith ...... 396 Illustrated Our Benevolent Government ...... '...... Nina Lane McBride ...... 399 Illustrated Flashes Along the Battle-Line ...... Militant ...... •... 402 The Tenth Annual I. W. W. Convention ... Leslie H. Marcy ...... :. . 406 Mass Action in Russia ...... S. J. Rutgers ...... 410 Blacks and Whites in the Congo ...... George Hardy ...... 414

Capturing ·Political Power in Okl~oma ... W. E. Reynolds...... 416 Marxian Economics ...... M. E. M...... 418 A Snare of the Enemy ...... Leo Lauki ...... 420 The Short Log Country ...... •.. C. R. Griflin...... 422 The Suitcase Ghost ...... Robert Minor ...... 424 The Present War Crisis ...... William Bohn ...... 426 Victory on the Me saba ...... Harrison George...... 429 DEPARTMENTS International Notes News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 a ye~r; Canada, $1.20; other countries, $1.50 Bundle Bate, 10 for 60 ots.; ao for $1.00; 100 for -.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 341-349 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Posto.ffice at Chicago, Ill.,. as Second Class Matter July 27, 1900, under Act of March 3, 1879.

·~•28 moe INTERNATIONAL SOOALIST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.8 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn, Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russsell Fhe Editor is respon.rible only for views expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department matter. Each contributor and associate editor is responsible for views expressed ov~r hu own signature

T· A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

Hitting the Trail in the Lumber Camps .... Harrison George 455 Illustrated Compulsory Arbitration in Australasia ..... Scott Bennett ...... 458 The Third International...... Anton Pannekoek ...... 460 Letter From an American Comrade Abroad...... 462 What Can the Kaiser Win by This War? ...... 465 The Isle of Java ...... R. R. Hornbeck ...... 466 Illustrated The High Cost of Labor Power ...... Jack 'Morton ...... 471 The Iron Heel in Australia ...... D. A ...... ·...... 473 Looking 'Em Over ..... : ...... Militant ...... ·...... 476 Everett, November Fifth (Poem) ...... Charles Ashleigh ...... 479 The Future of Socialism in America ...... Frank IBohn ...... 480 Manifesto ...... Socialist Propaganda League. . . . 483 Under the Big Tops ...... A Woobly ...... 486 Marxian Economics ...... Mary E. Marcy ...... 489 Sleepyhead ...... Anto.n Tcheckoff . .'...... 492 The Socialist Vote ...... 507 The Most Interesting Library in America...... 508 DEPARTMENTS International Notes News and Views Publishers' Department

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year; Canada, $1.20; other countries, $1.50 BlULcUe Bate, 10 fo~ 60 eta.; aG fo~ $1.00; 100 fo~ ~.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 341-349 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Posto.ffice at Chicago, Ill., as. Second Class Matter July 27, 1900, under Act of March 3, 1879. moe INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No. 9 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn, Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russsell Fhe Editor i$ resP•nsible only f•r views exPressed on the editorial PGge and in unsigned department n1atter. E•ch contributor and associMe editor ir responsible for views expressed over hir own signature

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

Killed Without Warning ...... Mary E. Marcy...... 519 Illustrated The Apostate ...... Jack London ...... 523 Whose War? ...... Frank Bohn ...... 529 Illustrated It Is Up to You ...... Da11te Barton ...... 533 Under the Golden Dome ...... Niua Lane McBride ...... 534 The Way of War ...... Eleanor E. Carpenter ...... 535 The Lumber Trust ...... Charles Ashleigh ...... 536 Illustrated · The State of the Socialist Party ...... Henry L. Slob odin ...... 539 Seeing Borneo ...... R. R. Hornbeck ...... 542 Illustrated The Once Over ...... lvfilitant ...... 547 The Future of International Socialism ...... S. J. Rutgers ...... 550 Marxian Economics ...... 1lifary E. Marcy ...... 552 Current Affairs ...... Louis C. Frain a ...... 555 An International Policy ...... William E. Bohn ...... 563

DEPARTMENTS International Notes News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year; Canada, $1.20; other countries, $1.50 BlUldle Bate, 10 for 60 otll.; 110 for $1.00; 100 for '6.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 341-349 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Postoftke at Chicago, III., as Second Class Matter July 27, 1900, under Act of March 3, 187t•

.....28 ~e INTERNATIONAL SOOALIST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.lO ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn, Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russsell

[he Editor is responsible only for views expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department matter. Each contributor and associate editor is resPonsible for views expressed over his own signature


Food Riots in America ...... Leslie ivl arcy ...... j82 Illustrated Five Souls ...... W. N. Ewer ...... 588 Their Country ...... 589 On the Breeding of Kings ...... Thomas Jefferson . . . . :397 Present-Day China ...... Gardner L. Harding.... . :598 News From Alaska...... GOl Illustrated The 8-Hour Rail Drive ...... Jack Phillips ...... 603 Mass Action ...... A us tin Lewis ...... 605 Keep Your Eyes on Everett ...... 608 Letter from Karl Liebknecht ...... S. f. Rutgers ...... 610 Tom Mooney Sentenced to Death ... .Eugene V. Debs ...... 613 Ham-Stringing the Sugar Hogs ...... E. F. Doree ...... 615 The Deadly Parallel...... 618 . . The Russian Revolution ...... 619 Marxian Economics ...... Mar}' E. }darcy ...... 621

DEPARTMENTS Editorial: You and Your Country International Notes News and Views Publishers' Department

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year; Canada, $1.20; other countries, $1.50 Bu.nd1e Bate, 10 for 60 otlr.; lW for $1.00; 100 for ,5.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 341-349 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Postoffi.ce at Chicago, Ill., as ·Second Class Matter July 27, 1900, under Act of March 3, 1879.

~28 moe INTERNATIONAL SOOALIST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.ll ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn, Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russsell The Editor is respon.rible only for vU-ws expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department matter. Each contributor and associate editor is responsible for views expressed sver hi.s own signature


Cover Design ...... Chicago American. The Russian Revolution ...... Henry L. Slobodin ...... 645 Illustrated Shop Control ...... A us tin Lewis ...... 648 Our Gains in War ...... Mary E. Marcy ...... 650 Illustrated Man and the Other Animals ...... !. Howard Moore ...... 653 Illustrated The Drift of the War ...... Japk Phillips ...... 658 Will III Enlist? ..... Carl Sanburg ...... 660 The Shrunken Dollar ...... Philips Russell ..... ·-- ...... 661 The Socialist Party Convention ...... Leslie Marcy ...... 665 Illustrated The Everett Trials ...... Charles Ashleiglz ...... 673 To the Shame of Labor ...... Robert Minor ...... 675 Economic Determinism ...... Jack Morton ...... 677 A Ramble Thru a Chinese City ...... R. R. Hornbeck ...... 679 Illustrated Messages From Over the Seas...... 681 To the Old Guard •...... Frank Bohn ...... 684 Useful Non-Productive Workers ..... Fore Cast ...... 687 DEPARTMENTS International Notes News and Views Publishers' Department

Published Monthly, .1.00 a year; Canada, .1.20; other countries, ,1.50 B1Ul4le Bate, 10 for 60 ct..; 10 for $1.00; 100 for t&.OO

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 341-349 Ea:st Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. Entered at the Postoffice at Chicago, Ill•• as Second Class Matter July 27, 1900, under Act of March 3, 187t.

c~•ZI moe INTERNATIONAL SOCJALIST REVIEW Vol. XVII Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.12 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, William E. Bohn, Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russsell The Editor is resP•nstble only for views expressed on the editorial page and m un.rigned department matter. Each contributor and associate editor ir responsible for views expressed 11ver his own signature T A B L E 0 F TC E0 N TN S

Cover Design ...... The Masses. The Russian Revolution...... 709. . . Illustrated The Intemationale ...... Eugene Pottier ...... • 714 The Coming Supernationalism ...... Phillips Russell ...... 715 Mutton and War ...... Mark Twain ...... 716 Women Workers of Porto Rico .... : .Nina Lane McBride ...... ; ...... 717 Illustrated Conscientious Objectors in ...... 719 . . Our Action Against Conscription .... S. J. Rutgers ...... 721 Notes on Natal ...... S. G. Rich .....•...... 723 Illustrated Industrial Action News...... 727. . . The Genealogy of Animals ...... J. Howard Moore ...... ~ . . . 733 The Way that Failed ...... Austin Lewis ...... 737 Along the Line ...... Jack Phillips ...... 741 Prussian Militarism and Free Russia . .John Miller ...... •...... • 743 Labor, Lloyd George and the War .... W. M. H. and L. M. ~ ...... 745 Advertising Democracy ...... Max Eastman. •...... • 749 DEPARTMENTS Editorial: The Class Struggle Disguised International Notes News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year; Canada, $1.20; other countries, $1.50 B1Ulclle Bate, 10 for 80 ot&; 80 for '1.00; 100 fOI" e&.OO

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 341-349 East Ohio Street, Chicago, DL, U. S. A.

Entered at the Posto.ffi.ce at Chicago, Ill., aa Second Claas Matter July 17, l~HJO, under Act of March 3, 1871.