Bullseye News from the Parish of July 2018

July 2018 Take a copy for a friend Safari 2018 It’s that time again, challenges, which were folks. Time for another quite daunting to say Safari! For readers the least. who don’t know what The week will be an Safari is, it is our opportunity for

annual holiday club everyone to reflect on which we offer to the the people that inspire local community and them. You might want involves crèche age children all the way to join us in thinking about who has rches up to teenagers in year 9. We basically inspired you in the past and why that take over Hornchurch for the week, was the case? It could be a name taking up several different venues in the familiar to many or it could someone town centre with worship on the known to very few but who are or were Queen’s Theatre green. It’s a chance to special to you. It could be a family have fun and share with them our faith member or a friend, or someone you in Jesus. Over recent years it has have never met. become clear how popular Safari is with Whilst Jesus won’t be a character of the local community. Within the first 24 focus on one of the days, He will very hours of the bookings opening we had much be the focus for the entire week well over 200 children signed up. It is (and beyond, hopefully). There will be amazing to know that Safari is seen as more time to reflect on why Jesus such a positive and worthwhile event to should be our hero. I’d like to pitch for join in with by so many and vital for the Jesus being our hero. I think the authors mission of our Church. Thanks must also of the various books in the New go to the 95 leaders who have Testament saw Jesus as their hero. In volunteered to lead at Safari, some old Chapter 2 of the book of Hebrews the hands, some for the first time. author states ‘But we do see Jesus, who Heroes and Heroines will be this year’s was made lower than the angels for a theme, Biblical Heroes and Heroines to little while, now crowned with glory and be precise. Marvel and DC superheroes honour because he suffered death, so are really popular at the moment, so no that by the grace of God he might taste doubt we’ll try to play off that popularity death for everyone.’ Someone who died a bit. But we are trying to focus on the for us is worth the title hero, if not human, every day, yet extraordinary, saviour. heroic figures that Scripture offers us. We will be holding our usual

News from the Parish of Hornchurch People like David, Esther, Daniel and commissioning service at the 10.15am Mary (Mother of Jesus). Obviously the service at St Andrew’s on Sunday 22nd Hulk and Spiderman are cool and Esther July. Please come along, support the

St Andrew's St George's didn’t& St Matthew's Chu turn green, Daniel couldn’t cling to start of safari and the commissioning of walls (although he was able to read the leaders. them). But God gave us examples like these four people to encourage and

inspire us. That is what we will be focusing on during the week, in Nathan Whitehead particular focusing on how they were On behalf of the Safari Planning Team each empowered to face their respective

www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk 1 [email protected] July 2018 Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch

Events for this column: please send them to the editor [email protected] or “M” pigeon hole Parish Mission Weekly meetings Statement Mon. 10.15 am Tadpoles St Andrew’s large hall, for children and their adults What is our purpose? 8.00 pm Time Out (2nd) We strive to: 8.30 pm Escape (1st & 3rd) small hall Love God Tues. ~ ~ ~ ~ Jesus said - “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength” Wed. 9.30- 0-2 Playgroup St Andrew’s hall. Toys, songs and craft, Mark 12.30 NIV 11.00 am refreshments. All enquiries to Parish Office “Worship in spirit and in truth” John 4.24 NIV Thur. 1.30 pm Little Fishes St Andrew’s large hall. Toys, stories and craft, refreshments, all welcome Grow in Faith and Fri. ~ ~ ~ ~ Understanding St Paul said - “Grow up in Christ until you Uniformed organisations meet on various nights of the week. reach the measure of the stature of the Please contact their representatives for times (see page 12 for telephone numbers) fullness of Christ” Ephesians 4.13 & 15 NIV The 3rd Hornchurch Bring others to knowledge of Girls Brigade Company and faith in Jesus Christ Jesus said - “Make all nations My

disciples” Matthew 28.19 NIV meets on a Friday night during term time between 6 pm and 7.30 pm at Serve the community St Andrew's Church, High Street, Jesus said - “Love your neighbour as Hornchurch. yourself” Mark 12.31 NIV We have vacancies for girls aged between 4 and 8 years. We do badge work, games, trips out, Bullseye programme theme nights. Come along and make new friends and have fun. Contents to the Editor 2018 For further details contact August Bullseye Sunday 8th July Karen Speller September Bullseye Sunday 5th August on 01708-442848 Collating August Bullseye Wed. 25th July September Bullseye Wed. 22nd August

The Bullseye for August will be in the churches by Sunday 29th July 2018

Disclaimer: Neither the Vicar, Parish Wardens, Parochial Church Council, nor the Editor take responsibility for the information given or views expressed in the Bullseye. Nor is any culpability accepted in work undertaken by advertisers [email protected] 2 www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch July 2018

Life at St George’s Summer Fun Day 2018 Once again we were privileged to be able to attend the latest production by the Avelon Road Centre Drama Group (formerly Nason Waters) - the centre for adults with learning disabilities. It took place during the evenings of 22nd and 23rd May at the New Windmill Hall in and, as usual, a number of St George’s congregation were in the audience. Some of us went along on the first night and, as always, we were delighted to see the enthusiasm with which the cast threw themselves into the production. This year’s performance was called “Robin Hood saves Avelon Road” in which the eponymous hero set out to defeat the evil sheriff (with the help of Mystic Meg) and rescue Maid Marion by completing 5 very difficult tasks. As always, congratulations must go to the staff at the Centre who mastermind the production - devise the plot, write There are so many ‘thank you’s, I don’t 5 and unders, Holly and Amber in the 6-9 the script, choose the appropriate music, want to miss anyone out but I will start years and Chloe and Phoebe in the 10 and devise the sets (which are very with thanking God (as it should be) for overs. rudimentary but perfectly adequate) and the perfect Fun Day weather, hot sun and More thanks go to everyone who helped encourage the cast to put on such a the relief of passing clouds plus a gentle setting up and/or clearing away, bringing moving and inspirational performance, breeze; and we give thanks for the many cakes and/or serving teas, entertaining in which they obviously enjoy as much as opportunities to befriend people who don’t the music group and/or painting faces, the audience. usually go to church, people who just saw plus demonstrating campanology or It would not be appropriate to single out the boards and came along, baptism manning ‘Beat the Goalie’ activities, and if any particular member of the cast, as families who stayed on after the service, I’ve missed anyone out, I’m really sorry! people have such different abilities and visitors from other churches and of Praise the Lord and see you next year! not everyone could take on a speaking course, our own church family, who we role. Everyone did well and I particularly don’t always get a chance to chat with. Photograph above—the barbeque team, like the way in which everyone who We calculate that there must have been courtesy of Julie M John wants to take part is able to (however over 300 people who came and went briefly) and are obviously encouraged to before we started clearing away at 4pm. “do their own thing”, such as playing air The John family, yet again, supplied and guitar. Also how, when anything does not hosted the perfect barbecue, the Escape go quite to plan - people end up in the Group manned the ever popular drinks wrong place, forget their lines or have a tent, Karen supplied lots of activities to do costume mishap (like the sheriff’s wig and Alison brought many sports-based falling off during the fight scene) — games to go with our World Cup themed Christine and Terry everyone just carries on regardless like design/colouring competition for the (on behalf of the ‘team’) true professionals. Well done! children, with 71 entries and winners prizes going to Emma and Scarlett in the

Pat Bromhall Time Out Ladies Group

is an informal social group of mixed ages. We meet just one evening a month on the second Monday. We have planned meetings such as walks, games nights, pamper Visiting evenings, stretch and tone, plant swap, meals out, theatre. We also have impromptu evenings such as cinema, pub and catch up, quiz nights, library talks, concerts and our book club. If you fancy a night out please come along and join us; If you know of anyone who would like a you will be very welcome. home visit or hospital visit, please We don’t have meetings during the summer break July/August. contact the Pastoral Assistant The next gathering will be the second Monday in September. Details will follow in Mary Scott the August edition of Bullseye. on 07985 223406 For details contact Lindsey by text 07855192943 or email [email protected]

www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk 3 [email protected] July 2018 Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch

The Great Hornchurch Prizefight

First published in Gridiron, the parish Mendoza had opened his own boxing magazine of our neighbours at academy in 1789 and had published St Laurence Upminster, this is the first of The Art of Boxing. Mendoza had raised what the editors hope will be a fruitful the reputation of the Jew, indeed had exchange of interesting articles on transformed the popular English subjects of local interest. stereotype of the Jew from a weak, defenceless person into a person worthy The date is 15th April 1795. The location of respect. He is said to have been the is The Dell, close to St Andrew’s Church, first Jew to converse with King George III. Hornchurch. Thousands of people were By the time Mendoza was set to face arriving, carriages carrying the rich, the Jackson he had undertaken at least 27 less well off by horseback or on foot. All straight fights around the country. Bare- had come to see the great prizefight knuckle fights were settled by a straight between the established Heavyweight knock-out, or when the opponent was Champion of All England, Daniel Mendoza unable to continue, or by a foul or a draw. "Mendoza the Jew" and challenger John The fight was to be remembered as one Jackson, “Gentleman Jackson” who at 25 of the historic prize-fights, and was well years old was 5 years younger than before boxing had stablished ‘Queensbury’ Mendoza, was also 4 inches taller and at rules. The challenger, Jackson, was 14 stone was 42 pounds heavier than the declared the winner after nine rounds. Reports say that Jackson seized Mendoza by his long hair and held him with one hand whilst he pounded his head with the other. Mendoza was pummelled into submission in around ten minutes. “The Ring Boxing Record Book” records Mendoza being knocked out in the ninth round. Since that date boxers have worn their hair short. Jackson went on to create a boxing academy for gentlemen at 13 Bond Street which was popular with the nobility and gentry, indeed Lord Byron regularly received instruction. Jackson went on to live in comfort, became a proprietor of national fame. The Cock Hotel, a coaching inn at Sutton. Mendoza is said to have made and spent He was much respected and held benefits a fortune. After 1795 he tried a number of for numerous charities, for example he ventures, toured the British Isles giving helped raise £114 for a Portuguese town boxing demonstrations, appeared in destroyed by the French and £132 for a pantomime called “Robinson Crusoe or British prisoners in France. Jackson was Friday Turned Boxer’ etc; it all sounds so highly regarded that he was a page for rather like one of today’s celebrities. champion. the coronation of George IV. Mendoza was described as intelligent, All the popular sports and associated Jackson died in 1845, aged 76, and charismatic but chaotic; he died at 72, pastimes we would now fail to consider interred in an impressive tomb at sadly leaving his family in poverty. In as “sports” were heavily driven by Brompton Cemetery, the monument recent years his contribution to boxing wagering and betting etc, whether racing, costing upwards of £400 with financial has been recognised, he was elected to cricket or bare-knuckle fighting and this support of friends and admirers. the Boxing Hall of Fame in 1954, and the attracted all elements of society, from the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s historic novel International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990. very highest right through to the lowest 'Rodney Stone’ included the Mendoza/ His former home at 3 Paradise Row, classes. Jackson prizefight and Georgette Heyer’s Bethnal Green is marked by a Blue Plaque Mendoza had established a considerable Regency romances have many references erected by the Tower Hamlets reputation as a pugilist. Before Mendoza, to Jackson’s boxing academy. Both boxers Environment Trust (above). I have also boxers had generally stood still and also have minor roles in the film “The been informed that Peter Sellers, the late swapped punches, but Mendoza had Young Mr Pitt’. Goon and film star, is a direct descendant pioneered a style which included Sir Thomas Laurence based his painting of of Mendoza. defensive strategies such as ‘side- 1797 ‘Satan Summoning his Legions’ on a stepping’, moving around, ducking and great portrait of Jackson, and I Note: Information from Wikipedia blocking, all in all avoiding punches, which also remember that several years ago The at the time was revolutionary. As a result National Portrait Gallery held an exhibition he was able to defeat much heavier of pictures, art and photography of opponents, and he was now England’s sporting events, and a small painting of sixteenth Heavyweight Champion which the Mendoza—Jackson prizefight was Rob Brabner he had achieved in 1792, and the included. Mendoza also appeared in first ‘Middleweight’ to win the title. several Gillray cartoons, demonstrating his [email protected] 4 www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch July 2018

How to save a life Reaching Out Something old, Something new . . . Theopista Marello is in her early 50s Dear Lord Jesus, we remember the work (but looks a lot older) and came to the of Your disciples who served You The Royal Wedding was only a couple of Poor Clare sisters in Myanga, Kenya for faithfully during the early days of the days away when, on 17th May, PCC help as her husband had divorced her church. They went out alone among the members said ‘yes’ to their invitations to and thrown her out of their home people, who were often hostile, and North Street Hall. because she is unable to have children ! spoke of their faith. They also The order of ceremonies for the evening She had been renting a hovel of a room, encouraged others by their written included: but could no longer afford to pay even testimonies. Together they spread the that small amount as, like most Kenyan word of Your teaching and of the joy of  It was the end of the honeymoon for our women, she doesn’t work. Unless girls serving You, regardless of their own fate old Parish Website when we were ‘hacked’ can afford Secondary education to get a and well-being. and had to go off line in the Spring. career, they just get married, raise We ask You to help us today to continue However, work is well underway for a new, children and grow what food they can in Your work by witness and example. May modern, user-friendly one to go live in the the ground around their home. If they we continue to draw comfort and Autumn. The designers are incorporating fall on hard times, many women have inspiration from Your teachings, and so facilities to view hall bookings and register no option but to turn to prostitution as acknowledge and confess our faith for Safari, as well as details of what goes their only way to earn money. wherever we go and to those we meet. on in the Parish. Sounds like the perfect Theopista’s father had given her a small marriage. piece of land to live on but she had no  Starting a new life together – an evening money to build a house on it. However, Service will be coming to St. Matthew’s thanks to a very generous donation Terence Trimmer after the Summer. Youth Alpha style from a kind member of our worship will happen at 6.30.pm on 3rd congregation, we have been able to pay Sundays. Although geared towards teens to have a small mud hut house built and twenties, all the young at heart can AND bought some stock so that she can walk down the aisle and join in. Look out support herself by selling it on market Charity of the Month for more information when the big day is days and buying more with the profit. announced. Changing lives, one at a time . . . Mission to Seafarers  Only special guests went to St George’s

Chapel at Windsor, but everyone is

July 8th is Sea Sunday. Bid for seafarers welcome in and out of St Andrew’s all

the blessings of health, safety, good week. Unfortunately, our old and tatty door

comradeship and restoration of health for into the Assembly Area is really no longer fit Terry Keens those affected by piracy, abandonment for purpose. The Wardens are seeking a

and severe stress. replacement, but unlike the royal dress, it Donate to Mission to Seafarers to keep up won’t be veiled in secrecy when the right their good work. Google for news. design has been found.  Raise your glasses in a toast to Messy Church, who will now be formally included alongside St Andrew’s, St George’s and St Matthew’s as a sister Church in our The Micah Group Parish. Having been running for seven years, it provides accessible worship and fellowship for families in new ways. Recognising the amazing work put in by the team, the PCC unanimously said ‘I do’ to the proposal.  There had been speeches but sadly no champagne or cake this evening; but as the Church is called to be the Body of Christ, and all are asked to His Banquet, we can truly say that knowing Him is a match made At Messy Church in Heaven.

We Learn about God Welcome all the Family

Activities & Crafts Eat Food Hear Bible Stories

Sunday 8th July at St Matthew’s Church Chelmsford Drive RM14 2PH Carole Sherratt from 11.00-12.30 followed by a

Bring and Share Lunch for anyone who wishes to stay. www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk 5 [email protected] July 2018 Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch

St James the Least of All BARTON TIMBER CO. LTD

www.barton-timber.co.uk 01708 448805 On the perils of the Ladies’ Guild ● Softwood ● Plywood ● Blockboard ● Mouldings annual outing… ● Stress Graded Timber ● Fencing Materials etc. ● Doors From: The Rectory, St James the Least Board & Timber Cutting Service Complete range of DIY Products My dear Nephew Darren DECKING SPECIALISTS ~ PARKING AVAILABLE ~ DELIVERY SERVICE And so once again we start the annual round of 50 North St, Wedlake Close, Hornchurch RM11 1SR parish treats. While the bell-ringers prefer public (rear of Hornchurch Fire Station) houses, and the choirboys want fast food outlets, the Ladies’ Guild are centred on lavatories. The itinerary is unchangeable: Coach drive to coffee stop and lavatory. Coach drive to luncheon stop and lavatory. Coach drive to some arbitrary attraction – provided it has a tea shop and lavatory. Coach trip home (with a lavatory stop en-route.) A sub-committee will have been hard at work for the previous six months deciding where to visit. The most disastrous course of action is to present the group with a choice; if two options are provided, they will attract almost equal numbers in favour, thus ensuring that half of the group will rejoice in saying throughout the day that the other option would have been preferable. When it comes to decision-making, Stalin had a lot going for him. My predecessor in this parish left me a terrible legacy; he always accompanied the Guild on their day out, thus obliging me to do the same. I do, however, travel equipped with armaments. “The Times” crossword rules out any possibility of conversation for at least the first two hours. Three years ago, Mrs Phillips had the audacity to look over my shoulder and give me 12 across; she will not make that mistake again. A brief nap after these intellectual exertions, assuring those around me that I am meditating on the theme for next Sunday’s sermon, ensures a morning almost free from having to comment on the weather, other members of the party, or why I so rarely drop in on the Pram Service. The ideal destination is one where I have a clerical colleague, so while the ladies wander about, shop and analyse why I still wear the same suit I arrived Local gardener who can give in 30 years ago, we have an agreeable afternoon your garden TLC assassinating the characters of bishops and archdeacons and bemoaning the standards of a new generation of curates. After our different therapies, Peter Tysoe we all re-assemble at the coach for the return journey.

Naturally, there is the traditional wait for those who 01708 444579 ~ Mobile 07932236543 have forgotten where the coach park is. As far as I email [email protected] am concerned, a deficit of less than 10% should be entirely acceptable. I can think of several husbands who may be rather thankful that their wives may not be back as soon as they had feared. Our ladies return, invigorated with the thought of all the bits of information about other members in the party that can be discreetly shared over the telephone, while I am exhausted from 12 hours of attempting to be polite. Meanwhile the sub- committee gets a date in the diary for planning next year’s lavatorial sequence.

Your loving uncle, Eustace [email protected] 6 www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch July 2018

Easy Sudoku Solution on Page 11

Bell Ringers Peal for Meals with Jesus Young Bell Ringers to Royal Wedding Represent Essex The tax collector had climbed a tree A full peal of Kent Royal lasting exactly 3 Trying to see what it was all about Sam and William Beech (from North hours was rung at St Andrew’s for the ‘Come down, Zaccheus, I’ll eat at your house’, Ockendon) and Ethan and Hayden wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan And Zaccheus’ life was turned inside out. Musham (from St Andrew’s) have Markle on Saturday 19th May. The peal been selected to represent Essex was arranged so that the bells were Simon the Pharisee invited the Lord Young Bell Ringers in the National actually ringing during the service at And at the meal a woman came in, Youth Striking Competition Finals in St George’s Chapel in Windsor . With tears and perfume she anointed His feet London on 7th July. Full details of the peal are: And Jesus responded forgiving her sin. We wish them every success. A full report will appear in the next edition Hornchurch, Essex Breakfast was ready, fish on the coals of Bullseye. St Andrew They’d toiled all night and were cold and Saturday, 19 May 2018 in 3 hours tired, 5000 Kent Treble Bob Royal ‘Put your nets down again’ the Master called Composed by Donald F Morrison And fish were caught on the other side. 1 John A Hall 2 Matthew E Rayner And now we come to the feast of all feasts, Clive Stephenson 3 Jillian Laken The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, 4 Jon Waters Hallelujahs resound over victories won 5 David E Rothera As we celebrate with the great I Am. 6 Anthony J Bloomfield 7 Timothy G M Jones 8 Stephen C Wood 9 Roderic K Bickerton Megan Carter 10 Clive J Stephenson (C) Rung for and during the wedding of HRH Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex A short extract of the peal is available on YouTube using the link: https://youtu.be/CLCQJwMic2E

Clive Stephenson

www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk 7 [email protected] July 2018 Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch

3rd July St Thomas the Apostle: confused and doubting

Thomas, one of Jesus’ 12 apostles, was an impulsive, confused, honest sceptic. Jesus could understand and work with such a man. Thomas’ impulsiveness was evident when Jesus prepared to visit Lazarus in Bethany. It was a dangerous trip to make, because of the Jews, but Thomas urged his fellow disciples: “Let us also go, that we may die with Him.” (John 11:16) Instead, Jesus brought Lazarus back to life. Thomas’ confusion is shown in later talks with Jesus. He was not really sure where Jesus was going long-term (John 14:5). But Jesus accepted this confused commitment, and began to untangle it, patiently explaining: “I am going to my Father”, and “No one comes unto the Father but by me.” Finally, Thomas’ honest scepticism is revealed after the Resurrection, which he flatly refused to believe – unless he could touch the wounds of the risen Jesus. Sure enough, Jesus appears – but instead of scolding him, shows him the wounds. Thomas responds: “My Lord and my God” (John 20.26ff). Thus Doubting Thomas’ honest doubts, turned to honest faith, have become a reassurance for thousands of men and women across the centuries, who also want to follow Jesus, but who require some proof of this amazing event – the Resurrection. In Doubting Thomas’ complete affirmation of faith, after meeting the risen, crucified Christ, they can find support for their own faith. Ancient legends tell how Thomas went on to India as a missionary. There are rumours that Thomas even built a palace for a king’s daughter in India, Raymond Coomer & Sarah Cordell and thus he is the patron saint of architects. It is believed that he was martyred by a spear on 3rd Boiler Installation & Repairs ● Plumbing July, 72 AD in Mylapore, near Madras. Forty-six Servicing ● Radiators ancient churches in England were dedicated to him. 14 Birch Crescent, , Hornchurch RM11 2NW Home Tel: 01708 477146 Mobile 07761 049852 [email protected] 8 www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch July 2018

Hornchurch Country Park, Squadrons Approach, Hornchurch, RM12 6DF Visitor Centre Open daily 9am - 5pm: Café, Gift shop, Picnic facilities, Toilets, Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) LITTLE BADGERS ~ Parent and Toddler Group ( Every Tuesday and Friday inc. School Holidays) - 10.30 am – 12 noon £6 donation per child per session. Free Buggy Walks ~ Every Tuesday 1.30pm (Including School Holidays). It’s never too late to get online – Many Mondays ~ Phone to check then drop In between 10.30am-12.30pm. Improve your computer and digital skills with help and advice from one of our friendly volunteers; help setting up email accounts to ordering shopping online or using Skype. Bring along your own device to the Visitor Centre reception desk. No need to book. Free of charge EVERY SECOND SATURDAY of the month ~ 10.00am-midday Join us on a walk around Hornchurch Country Park and the surrounding Living Landscape to experience the fantastic array of wildlife that the valley holds. Suitable for beginners. Binoculars and scopes will be available to use. Meet at the visitor centre. £5 donation in advance per person, booking essential. MERLINS BIRD WATCHING CLUB for Young People ~ Every Thursday in the school holidays and once a month on Saturdays during term time – Saturday 14th July – 10.30am-12.30pm Armed with binoculars, bird guide and notepad (all provided) join friendly volunteer Brenda our birdwatching guide to spot, observe and identify the bird life of Hornchurch Country Park. Suitable for 8 years + (unaccompanied). £6 donation in advance per child, siblings £4. BIRDIE BIRDS ~ A Sociable Bird Watching Club for Women ~ One Sunday per month – Sunday 15th July– 10.00am- 12.00pm Join Brenda and enjoy a walk around Hornchurch Country Park and surrounding areas spotting and identifying birds and other wildlife along the way. £5 donation in advance per person, booking essential. ALICE IN THE PARK ~ 14th July 2018 Come along and help the White Rabbit find Alice’s Tea Party. Different sessions between 11.00am & 3.00pm SUMMER FAYRE ~ 4th August 2018 from 10.30am. Craft Stalls, Bouncy Castles and Fun Family Dog Show and Falconry Display. Live Music and Refreshments. Free Entry. Practical Conservation Volunteer Days ~ The Friends of Ingrebourne Valley and Hornchurch Country Park run Conservation Volunteer Days on a Sunday, usually the third Sunday of the month. For information or to find out about their next volunteer day, please contact Ray by email at [email protected] or ring 07933-172921. Please leave message if not answered. http://www.essexwt.org.uk/reserves/ingrebourne

July 2018 at Forest Centre, Pike Lane, Thames Chase Community Forest Do you have a love of the natural world? As part of the Land of the Fanns project, and working with the Forestry Commission, a study will be starting to explore the wealth of wildlife in the varying habitats created through the Community Forest. The study begins with a day of exploration at Broadfields on Sunday 22nd July. If you would like to be involved with this BioBlitz and learn more of the world around you, please visit the website www.thameschase.org.uk for more information. Events at the Forest Centre in July Friday 6th July 8-11am The first of the three ‘Jazz in the Barn’ evenings with the return of Dave Browning and his Jazz Band for the twelfth year at the Forest Centre. Bring your own food and drink. Tea and coffee available. Tickets £12.00. Friday 13th July 2.30-4.30pm . Enjoy a summer cream tea with music and a Wimbledon theme. £9.00 per person. Sunday 15th July 10am-2pm Sunday market with a range of craft and produce stalls. Friday 20th July 7.30-10pm The second of our jazz concerts in the barn entitled ‘Without Words’ featuring a local trio. Bring your own food and drink. Tea and coffee available. Tickets £12.00. Sunday 22nd July BioBlitz at Broadfields. Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th July 10.30am-12.30pm . The first week of the Children’s summer holiday programme. For more details visit the website or call at the Forest Centre. Thursday 26th July 7-8pm The start of the Thames Chase yoga summer school. £6.00 per person. Friday 27th July from 10am Discovering Thames Chase guided walk at Thorndon Country Park. Also at the Old Chapel 2-4.30pm Enjoy an afternoon of popular opera at the Old Chapel. Tickets £10.0 Please see the website www.thamechase.org.uk for full details of all our events. More information on www.thameschase.org.uk, at the Forest Centre or telephone 01708 642970

Floodlighting of St Andrew’s Church, Hornchurch

Many thanks to all below for sponsoring the floodlighting during July 2018: Clive and Marilyn Bishop ~ In memory of Enid Bishop's birthday on 4th July; Carol Wood ~ In loving memory of my darling husband Ray , we miss you; Ros Hawkes ~ In memory of my dearest Bill ; Jean and Helen Vivers ~ In memory of Robert , a dear husband and father.

If you are interested in being a sponsor please telephone the Parish Office on 01708 441571 www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk 9 [email protected] July 2018 Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch

ACROSS 1 Proverbs describes her as being ‘of noble character’ (Proverbs 31:10) (4) 3 ‘Shall we go up again — — against the Benjamites, our brothers?’ (Judges 20:23) (2,6) 8 A descendant of Shem (Genesis 10:28) (4) 9 ‘Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my — ’ (Luke 14:27) (8) 11 Resentment (Ephesians 4:31)(10) 14 In Cain (anag.) (6) 15 ‘Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to—’ (Psalm 139:6) (6) 17 Intense (1 Thessalonians 4:5)(10) 20 Third Order of the Roman Catholic Church (8) 21 ‘At midnight the cry rang out, “Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to — him”’ (Matthew 25:6) (4) 22 ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in — ’ (2 Corinthians 12:9) (8) 23 ‘As the — pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God’ (Psalm 42:1) (4)

DOWN 1 Nickname of popular First World War chaplain, the Revd GA Studdert Kennedy, — Willie (8)

Three Down, Nine Across, Across, Nine Down, Three 2 Occasion of religious joy (Lamentations 2:22) (5,3) by John Capon (£6.99 BRF) BRF) (£6.99 Capon John by permission of BRF and John John BRF and of permission Capon, originally published in in published originally Capon,

Crosswords reproduced by kind kind by reproduced Crosswords 4 ‘We three kings of — are’ (6) 5 Allegation or charge (Jude 9) (10) 6 Kind (1 Chronicles 12:33) (4) 7 ‘Open your — and look at the fields!’ (John 4:35) (4) 10 Also known as the Feast of Lights (John 10:22)(10) 12 Area that saw the healing of two demon - possessed men and a herd of pigs stampeding to their deaths (Matthew 8:28) (8) 13 Forebear (James 2:21) (8) 16 Name given to the first two books of the Apocrypha (6) 18 Esau sold his birthright for this (Genesis 25:34) (4)

19 Rear (anag.) (4)

16, Esdras. 18, Stew. 19, Area. Area. 19, Stew. 18, Esdras. 16,

Ancestor. Ancestor. 13, Gadarene. 12, Dedication. 10, Eyes. 7, Type. 6,

n. n. Accusatio 5, Orient. 4, day. Feast 2, Woodbine. 1, DOWN:

21, Meet. 22, Weakness. 23, Deer. Deer. 23, Weakness. 22, Meet. 21,

ate. 20, Tertiary. Tertiary. 20, ate. Passion 17, Attain. 15, Niacin. 14, Bitterness. 11,

1, Wife. 3, To battle. 8, Obal. 9, Disciple. Disciple. 9, Obal. 8, battle. To 3, Wife. 1, ACROSS:

Kyiv Classic Accordion

Saturday 28th July 7.30pm xxx

at Thurrock Accordion Club Socketts Heath Baptist Church, Premier Avenue, Grays, Essex, RM16 2SB xxx Tickets £7 in advance from Jon on 01708 458373 or £7.50 on the door [email protected] 10 www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch July 2018

A Helicopter and Jam

On Friday 11th May the members of field where the helicopter was standing St Andrew’s Men’s Group, accompanied by on its pad. their ladies, enjoyed a visit to the Essex We were given a very comprehensive and Hertfordshire Air Ambulance at Earls guide as to how the scheme operates by Colne, its base in the pleasant our guide and an air doctor on stand-by, countryside. one important point being that the On arrival there was a welcome cup of helicopter does not fly during the hours coffee and an introductory talk on the of darkness. It is towed to its hanger by history of the scheme which has now a complicated trolley. It has lifted been in operation for twenty years. We thousands of people from incidents over were warned that there was no guarantee the years and all credit must be given to that the helicopter would be there for us the non-flying staff who are all volunteers. to see. Once a call was being attended to Returning to our minibus we were given a which, we were surprised to be told, did the return to base could not be predicted. ride through many Essex villages, our not only grow strawberries. I think it However, it turned out to be our lucky destination being Wilkins’ Jam Factory at would be fair to describe it as day and we were then required to don Tiptree. A guided tour had been arranged strawberries as far as the eye could see. reflective jackets and were led out onto a through this vast fruit growing area Another surprising thing is that these are not all grown on the ground but in elevated troughs in polythene tunnels; this must make harvesting not so back- breaking. Wilkins turned out to be a good place for food and judging from the number of carrier bags making their way back to Hornchurch their shop did a fair trade. (I heard a whisper about some excellent fruit flavoured gins? Editor)

Russell Spencer

xx Hornchurch Library xxxxx 44 North Street Hornchurch.

Not just for books; talks, activities and more. Contact the librarians on 01708 434903 for more information

New Opportunity Groups Havering Creative opportunities for adults with a learning disability Groups provided ● Sensory Music and Movement ● Music and Movement workshop ● Sensory and Creative Art ● Drama Workshop ● Pom Pom dancing Very reasonably priced ~ refreshments included No one is turned away ~ All Welcome Sudoku solution from P7 Contact Joanne Metcalfe 07912947953 or [email protected] www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk 11 [email protected] July 2018 Bullseye News from the Parish of Hornchurch SUNDAY SERVICES in the Parish of Hornchurch

8.30 am: Morning Worship at St Andrew's Church 10.15 am: at St Andrew’s, St George’s and 11.00 am at St Matthew’s Parish Worship (on the 1st Sunday, the daughter churches have a combined Holy Communion at St Andrew’s.) 6.30 pm: Evening Services at St Andrew's. 1st & 5th Sunday combined service at St Andrew’s. 3rd Sunday Holy Communion at St George’s Thursdays 10.00 am Mid-week Holy Communion at St Andrew’s St Andrew's Church St George's Church St Matthew's Church 222 High Street RM12 6QP Kenilworth Gardens RM12 4SG Chelmsford Drive RM14 2PH

Prayer to our unchanging Hornchurch Parish Churches May 2018 Father God

Baptisms Gracious Father, You created us. You know us through and 13 Mylah Rose EARLE 27 Beau Christine Ann GAMMONS through and still You love us. Because of 20 Primrose Poppy EVERETT Isla Ivy SMITH Jesus’ death and resurrection, You accept Monai McLeod Finlay James SMITH us and call us Your children when we put our trust in Him. In this world of change Marriages and uncertainty You are our still point. You know our names, You provide for us and 12 Mark James BUMSTEAD/Ellie Jane MAGEE Jason Anthony Paul CORDERY/Carla Jean COX have good plans for us. We are completely 26 Joseph James VANGO/Lauren Victoria ABBOTT safe and secure in You. How wonderful Harvey Trevor David Alfred HOLDGATE/Brooke Emily Jane O’GALLAGHAN that is! Thank You, loving Father.

In Memoriam “ I am the resurrection and the life” John 1v25 In Jesus Name, Amen. April 27 Beryl Vera BRAITHWAITE 81 May 14 Samantha BRANDON 29 Daphne Kitching

WHO’s WHO in the Parish of Hornchurch PARISH STAFF PARISH OFFICE PARISH WARDENS (Days off in brackets) 222 High Street, Sandra Cox 01708 442625 Hornchurch, RM12 6QP Mike Harder 01708 447212 Vicar: Revd Barry Hobson (Mon) www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk 01708 454594 Office hours: 10.00am - 4.00pm DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Associate Minister General enquiries about Baptism, Marriages Revd Ken Wylie (Friday) Andy Losq 01708 345725 and Hall bookings should be made to xx 01708 441571 St Andrew’s Parish Office PRAYER NETWORK Curate Revd Saffron Ryan Staff: Arlene Trump and Jackie Bruniges (Friday) 01708 441571 Tel: 01708 441571 Jane Harder and Jacquie Humphreys Revd Sonia Groombridge e-mail: [email protected] oo 01708 441571 01708 441571 (Mon & Fri) BULLSEYE UNIFORMED ORGANISATIONS READERS Scouts, Cubs and Beavers : Editor: Pat Bromhall 01708 441571 Carol Metcalfe 01708 451535 Carole Sherratt 01708 441571 Andrew Rice 01277 262702 Girls Brigade : [email protected]

Karen Speller 01708 442848 Advertising: PASTORAL ASSISTANT Arlene Trump Guides , Brownies and Rainbows: Mary Scott 07985 223406 Sandra Cox 01708 442625 [email protected] Distribution: Martin Withers 01708 229564

Copyright : The contents of Bullseye is either original work or taken from the Parish Pump to which the committee subscribe. Before copying any articles please obtain the permission of the editor of the Bullseye [email protected] 12 www.parishofhornchurch.co.uk