London Overground Key Statistics
Delays and 2018-19 Punctuality and complaints percentage of total with variance to last year delays attributed to: Complaints rate Complaints Delay minutes and % of total, attributed to: London Overground Trains planned answered within (per 100k NR-on-TOC TOC-on-Self TOC-on-TOC passenger journeys) 20 working days Key Statistics - Table 2.14 522,369 0.7 94.6% 164,224 89,536 54,779 +4.0% 53.2% 29.0% 17.8% Publication date: 09 July 2019 -60.5% -2.2 pp Complaints rate Complaints answered in Owner Group: Delays by category group 2018-19 % change (per 100k passenger journeys) 20 working days Arriva Rail London Total delays 308,539 +17.0% NR-on-TOC 164,224 +2.8% Franchise start date: External 28,249 +29.8% 13 November 2016 Network Management / Other 56,173 -19.3% Franchise end date: Non-Track Assets 41,872 +30.5% 25 May 2024 Severe weather, autumn & structures 17,226 +41.7% Track 20,641 -14.1% Number of employees Number of stations TOC-on-Self Within 5 minutes Within 10 minutes 89,536 +80.1% managed Right time (MAA) 1,451 (MAA) (MAA) Fleet 30,616 +53.2% 81 Operations 5,695 +181.4% +0.8% 93.8% 95.7% 79.4% Stations 26,772 +150.6% Compared -0.5 pp -0.8 pp +1.1 pp to last TOC Other 10,636 +16.7% year Significantly late CaSL (MAA) Cancelled (MAA) Traincrew 15,798 +100.4% (MAA) TOC-on-TOC 54,779 +0.9% 3.8% 0.0% 3.8% Fleet 19,080 -16.8% +0.8 pp +0.0 pp +0.8 pp Operations 6,921 +41.8% Compared to last year PPM MAA CaSL MAA Stations 4,586 -3.8% TOC Other 12,682 +12.8% Passenger journeys 188.1 m -0.9% (millions) Traincrew 11,510 +9.8% Passenger kilometres % Change on last year (millions) 1,287.6 m -0.7% Green - Less than last year Passenger train kilometres (millions) 8.7 m +6.4% Red - More than last year Route kilometres 167.4 km +0.0% Delay minute totals may differ from the sum of the aggregated operated categories due to other miscellaneous categories being included.
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