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1. 11 , . I MT - Continuou Cambrid News Service Mbassachusetts Since 11881 Tusesda~y, Februlary 28, 1A98-9',' oumeVol`~8V~l~~al~~~ 109, Number 7 IC·4BeeRRIQRslRIIY·QIIIIUI)· Housin-g comnnimittee wvrites report I Ii was formed to. Ii The UA group ty to become part of the MIT' By Nii;9raj S. Deqsai the In- present student views to community, as well as impose an The Underg:1aduate, Associa- stitute committee. CouncPil~ will soon conasider a additional financial burden on tion The IUSHC draft report was that, him, the report argues. The only 'report on student hosusing based on a November open fo- all un- other option for transfers and among other things, s, s rum attended by about 40 stu- |ergrad-pates should be guarne- upperclassmen is to pledge an in- dents, and on discussions cow- dependent living group, which teed- fours -yearsof houintg; hous- mittee members had with ingopetions for women should be 'can result in alienation from students, according to the com- other students of the same age or increased; and the ability of mittee's chairman, Stacy A. Segal freshrmen to choosse. their own maturity level, as fraternities tend '90. The UJSHC also sent letters to group pledge classes together." living groups should be to all house presidents asking for i"' e~~~~w~~e ~ ~ ~~% ~ preserved. "The ability to choose one's input, Segal added, living group at the start of the A. draaft copy o~8fthe--report, While the committee did not whuich was· written by the Under- freshman year must be preserved; conduct any rigorous surveys of Com-ra this includes the option to live in graduate Student H~ousing the student body iii making its re- at Aast the [ILG] system,' the report de- mittee, was distributed. port of student views, Segal de- meeting.' The report clares. There have been some wpeek's UAC~ fended its methodology. The be discussed, amnended, andd suggestions that all freshmen be will draft report is not meant to be a voted on at the IMarch 9 council housed in a common dormitory, final evaluation of MIT-housing. be submait- or that the current three-day meeting, and will then' Reather, the report should only be ted to the Institute _14ousing freshman rush bTe otherwise one factor in the ongoing debate, Commititee., modified. Segal said. She noted that the The USHC categorically de- Silber The IHIC, which- is chaired by. amend the Andy UJA Council-will likely fended having students select A# Star$~pperformse ~at last Professor Mary C_ Potterr, is pres- it next Seth Sanders G of Hondo report when it considers own living group during ently evaluating student housing, their Thursday's SCC Battle of the Bands'. week. Relsidence/Orientation Week, and especially for freshmen, at MIiT. MIT to The document calls on having students from different guarantee four years of housing classes live in the same houses. S w-Luashts fault'. CYP. report at.-Touim to all of its undergraduates. Pres- "Upperclassmen provide academ- By I rene C. Kno - in the second term of the fresh- and that some of his-colleagues. ently, all freshmen are guaranteed ic support and information when dur- Students continued to express .nan year. Some of the-partici- were hopeful that he, as a mem- housing regardless of when choosing a major, choosing class- reservations -about the proposed pants ins the forum, however, in-- ber of the committee, would be ing the freshman year they es, searching for an activity, and elimination of second-term fresh- sisted that less drastic alternatives able to de so; moved into an Institute house. exploring Boston, as well as -pro- man, pass/no-credit grading at were available. This-,anecdote. prompted one Upperclassmen already in the vide basic support through the the third In a series- of education- Anu -Vedantham '89, for exan- student to question what, fraction dormitory system are allowed to difficult adjustment to MIT," the al reform forums, held at pie, wondered if all of second of the faculty, who Will be -voting remain, but upperclassmen. wish- committee concluded. Moreover, "..-McCormick Hall on Sunday term couild be kept as pass/no- on the proposal ina April, have ing to move on campus from 'an "we should not underestimate the, nighit. credit and one credit/no-credit actual experience with under- apgartment or an independent liv- ability of freshmen to make good Professor Claude Rt. Canizares, subject per' term -be allowed after graduates. mg- -group are not guaranteed chokies but should prosavi accu-,; a member of the Committee on that, but, CGaniares said the po'it- Professor Graham C. Walker, spaces.. Trinsfer students are also rge information and support for the reshman-YearSoPgram., pre- ical reality was such that, there housemaster at McCormick Hilai not guaranteed Imutute housinng those choices: system, having on-canpus -housing sented the-reasogninjbehind ,-the was nor-waey of incrasing- credit/ suggested a "voucher"s Not (Please tuar to page 2 propaoal, which would replace no-credit without, decreasing whereby second-term freshmen can deny a student an opportune- second-term pass/no-credit with. f6es ffi^-i aP~ass/ noi-credit. He'' wolpld receive 'vouw-hers -of- 55- I_ _ _ WM===%~4 students would (added- that a- -small.-number -of crechthno-credit units. whiih- they a system whereby . d --A, be allowed to take one credit/no- 'faculty favored -'ge-tfinlg rid of could ·use at their discretionr - . P~~~~ credit subject per term beginning- pass/no-credit grading altogether using all of them second temn if thhgy wanted. Only one Institute I spairks dispu-to requirement, however, could be FMX %tehnology taken on credit/no-credit. WA'alker W... I -devlopegs felt that the voucher system betwe'en. Bose and might "sell'politically,> since it the number of By D:avid P. Hamilton - reception whether received by would not increase The effectiveness of a new FM FMX equipment or not. pass/fail subjects. that he might broadcasting technology has be- The disagreement erupted into Canizares said oppose the voucher system if come the flashpoint of a dispute public dispute when Bose and not or better would con- between Amar B. Bose, MIT Short presented a theoretical and a grade of D kl (under the CFYP professor and founder of the experimental analysis of FMX on stitute credit would be given Bose Corporation, and Broadcast Jan. -25. Before beginning his proposal, credit or better). He add- Technology Partners; a Connecti- talk, Bose told the audience that for "C" work that the CUP is examining the I cut firm that has -developed-- and le and Short had received mes- ed criterion. is marketing the technology, sages from Emil Torick, presi- stu- known as FMX. dent of BTP and co-inventor of Canizares opposed one that freshmen According to studies published EMS, which threatened "great dent's proposal less than a certainnurn- by its inventors, EMS offers re- personal liability"' if they who take be required to take duced noise levels, extended ste- proceeded with their talk. ber of units and that reo separation, and a longer Bose, reached in Hawaii en all on pass/no-credit, freshmen who take more units be range than traditional FMd broad- route to Tokyo, said he has not to go on grades. "The casting when receivzPA by specia hearnd from BTP- or its lawyers required trigger -mechanism would involve FMX equipment. Conventional siuce his talk. He suggested that difficulties, -FM receivers can still receive the BTP wassusing the threat of law- some administrative with students switching from one FMX signal, although without suits to stifle criticism -of the to the other. Also, MHIT has a, any performance improvement. FMX system. ethic against two-tier Bose and an engineer from the Bose's half -of the study wkas§ "strong Bose Corporation, William based upon an original mathe- systems.'9 Iencreasing flexbtility Lisette W.OM. Lambregts/lhe Tech Short, reached the opposite cotn- matical analysis of the FM phe- as mulltipath. .Canizares sad that one reason Richard Hauck SM .66, commander of the last space clusion. According to their re- nomenon known 10-250 last FM signals are limited in range -or the--proposal was to maximize shtetae Discovery -flight, spoke to affilled sults, FMX should seriously de- Friday afternoon. grade the quality of stereo (Please turn to page 9) .. (Please turn to. page 7) Sloasn graduats ran;ked sl;?3.1nd a.iding MBA students In samings I to By JoannB$a E. Stone N. Stern School of Business at The increase in thle number of terparts. "The other day had Despite the stereotype of-MIT New Yolrk Urniversity. hired M[IT graduates reflected interview two Harvard MBAs MIT MBA in the same as a school solely-fkt engineers, -Harvard Nvas the only school in their newly acquired prestige, ac- and one vice to rate graduates of its master's program.' -the survyy that -.did not rlease a cording to John R. Talbott, afternoon. I'm supposed & -on a scale of I i~n management have proved figure. The figure cited fOr Hart president of Gcxldmasn, Sachs those I interview not only note-worthy, vard was extrapolated from a Co. "They're gaining a strong to 10. I gave each of the Harvard themselves grad a job-worthy as well. Earning 987 ~number published in -Bsti- foothold ln what was once grads a 73 and the MIT but it all," he second highest average start- ness Week magazine, thoughl the thought 'Harvard territory,' " he 10. I guess that says the said. ing salaries in a Treent'survey, director of MBA placement ser- commented. I.