LIVING MEMORY OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY NICHOLAS WINTON, O.B.E. Interviewed by Milenka Jackson C410/094/01-03 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IMPORTANT Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this transcript, however no transcript is an exact translation of the spoken word, and this document is intended to be a guide to the original recording, not replace it. Should you find any errors please inform the Oral History curators. This transcript is copyright of the British Library. Please refer to the oral history section at the British Library prior to any publication or broadcast from this document. Oral History British Library Sound Archive 96 Euston Road NW1 2DB 020 7412 7404
[email protected] F832 - Side A This is the life story of Nicholas Winton, in the National Life Story Collection - The Living Memory of the Jewish Community. The date is l4th August, l99O, and Milenka Jackson is the interviewer. Mr. Winton, do you mind telling me about when you were born, and about your family? I was born on l9th May, l9O9, in Hampstead, London. My mother, at that time, must have been l9. She married my father when she was l7, and I was the second child. She, herself, was born in Nürnburg and her name was Wertheimer. She was, in fact, the first girl in Germany to pass the Abitur when that exam became available to ladies. My mother then was Wertheimer, and my father was Wertheim, and he was born, in fact, in Moscow, when his father, as a German, was American Consul to Moscow, which sounds very complicated, but that's as it was.