Socio-Economic Profile of Lac Growers in Ranchi and Khunti District of Jharkhand
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The Journal of Rural and Agricultural Research Vol. 13 No. 2, 1-5 (2013) Received March 2013; Acceptance August 2013 Socio-economic Profile of lac growers in Ranchi and Khunti District of Jharkhand GOVIND PAL, N. PRASAD, S. GHOSAL, S.K. PANDEY AND M. KUMAR Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums (ICAR), Ranchi – 834010, Jharkhand Abstract The study pertains to data collected from purposively selected 60 farmers in Ranchi and Khunti district of Jharkhand for the year 2007-08 and 2008-09. The study resulted that 93.3 per cent farmers have family members up to 9 and lived as joint family. More than 50% farmers of the study area were marginal and small farmers. The total income of lac growers shows that around 6.7 per cent farmers have total income less than Rs. 12000, 68.3 per cent have total income Rs. 12001 to 20,000, 18.3 per cent have total income Rs. 20,001to 30,000 and only 6.7 per cent farmers have total annual income more than Rs. 30,000. With respect to lac around 30.0% farmers have annual income from lac was up to Rs. 5,000 and 3.3 per cent farmers have annual income from lac was more than Rs. 20,000. The improved lac cultivation implements were not available with farmers. Palas and ber trees were avail- able with 100% of the farmers, while kusum host trees were available with 66.67 per cent of farmers for lac cultivation. The utilization of host trees for lac cultivation in the study area were 4.34 per cent for palas, 41.36 per cent for ber and 22.41% for kusum. The utilization of palas host was very less due to rangeeni lac insect mortality in the area. Improved techniques i.e. pruning of lac hosts, selection of good quality broodlac, broodlac bundling and tagging on plant, spray of insecticide and fungicide have been adopted by the farmers in lac cultivation operations. There is greater scope for increasing lac production by utilizing more hosts and adoption of improved techniques in lac cultivation. Implica- tions of the present study will be helpful in strengthening the socio-economic condition of lac growers in the study area in particular and in the state in general. Key words: lac cultivation, kusum, Palas, ber trees Introduction Lac is a natural, renewable, bio-degradable, suitable for agriculture. These agricultural lands are versatile and non-toxic resin produced by the colonies distributed in upland, medium land and lowland. Out of a tiny insect known as Kerria lacca (Kerr). These of the total agricultural land, only about 2.15 m ha are insects thrive on the tender twigs of specific host trees under rain-fed agriculture and 0.3 m ha under irrigated viz., palas (Butea monosperma), ber (Zizyphus agriculture (Singh, 2003). Due to small size of land mauritiana), kusum (Schleichera oleosa), Ficus spp. holdings and poor fertility of uplands, most of the tribal etc. It serves as an important source of income to more cultivators do not produce marketable surplus of than one million tribal families in India as well as agricultural crops for earning cash (Lal et al., 1976). foreign exchange earner for the country. The export The tribal population mainly depends on agriculture earnings of lac and its value added products during and forest for their livelihood and lac was an important 2009-10 was Rs. 11002 Lakh (Pal et al., 2010). source of cash income for these families. Lac cultivation Cultivated by poor, marginal and tribals in the sub- also generates employment opportunities, particularly hilly tracts of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya in the off-agricultural season. Jharkhand is the largest Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Assam and producer of lac in the country contributing around 42 Orissa, lac is grown in and outside of forest areas per cent of national production and it was 6925 tons contributing 20-30% of the grower’s annual income. during 2009-10 (Pal et al., 2010). As a renewable source of resin, dye and wax lac has a Works on agri-commodity based socio-economic bright future. World demand of this natural resin of study have been reported by a number of workers insect origin is increasing due to enhanced awareness (Seema and Manoharan, 2002; Singh, 2003). Pal et on use of safe, natural products for human contact and al., 2009 and Lal et al., 1976 have studied the socio- consumption. economic condition of lac growers in Jharkhand. The total geographical area of Jharkhand was However, less information on this aspect was available. 7.97 m ha. out of which about 2.7 m ha lands are 2 THE JOURNAL OF RURAL AND AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Keeping in view the above facts, it was felt necessary was marketed in bulk quantity. The major means of to find out the existing level of socio-economic transportation for broodlac was truck or tempo, while condition, income level, lac production status, improved bullock cart were seldom used. In the case of techniques adoption level and utilization percentage of marketing of cereals and vegetables, most of the farmers lac host trees. marketed their produce through middle man or Research Methodolog wholesaler. Some of the farmers marketed their Ranchi and Khunti district of Jharkhand have produce by using tractors, tempos or truck as a means been selected purposively for the study as these are of transport. In case of cereals and pulses, farmers two leading lac producing districts in the state. market their produce either to the nearest local market Considering the lac host viz. kusum, palas and ber trees or mandi located in the nearest town or district which availability and lac host holding of lac growers one ever was nearest from the village. village in Ranchi district and four villages in Khunti Family size and type of family- Family size of district were selected purposively for the present study. the surveyed respondents varied from 2 to 14 members. The total sample size of village and lac growers was 5 The Table 1 shows the categorization of number of and 60 respectively. The relevant informations were farmers into different family sizes. The farmers falling collected from selected lac growers through a pre- tested in group < 4, 5-9 and > 10 members were 40.0 per questionnaire / schedule by survey method for the year cent, 53.3 per cent and 6.7 per cent respectively. In 2007-08 and 2008-09. case of type of family 58.3 per cent families lived as Findings and Discussion joint and 41.7 per cent families as separate family. General Profile Table 1: Family size and type of family Access of facilities- Accesses to household needs ____________________________________________ Family No. of Type of family No. of were available in only four villages and the shops were size farmers farmers very small and provides very limited items In case of ____________________________________________ flourmill, this facility was available in three villages < 4 24 (40.0) Joint 35 (58.3) only. Basic health facilities viz. PHC and private clinic 5-9 32 (53.3) Separate 25 (41.7) were not available in any of the surveyed villages. The > 10 4 (6.7) public distribution system (PDS) was available for 4 ____________________________________________ villages. Access to both agro centre and veterinary clinic Figures in parentheses are the percentage of farmers facilities were not available for all 5 villages. No cottage Agriculture and economic profile and small industries were found in the all 5 surveyed Leasing system - Leasing system of land was villages. Access to facility of Post Office was available prevailing in the study area and the rent was half of for 3 villages within 2 km of area. The access to facility the total crop produce. This practice was followed in of PCO was available for 1 village. Primary both the cases i.e. agricultural land and lac host plants. cooperative society, veterinary services and financial Cropping pattern - There was wide variation in facility were not available in any of the surveyed the cropping pattern depending on the climate, soil type villages. The facilities which were not available in the and water availability. In the surveyed villages, during villages, people have to travel nearby town or city. kharif, crops like paddy, maize, madua, brinjal, Educational institutions- Out of five villages clusterbean, okra, gourds etc., were grown and that surveyed, four villages have primary education during rabi wheat, cauliflower, cabbage, chillies, facilities. The other educational Institutes i.e. tomato, potato etc., were being cultivated. Lac was Secondary schools, Sr. Secondary schools, ITI, College used as cash crop and two crop of each strain i.e. were not available in the surveyed villages. Students rangeeni (baisakhi and katki) and kusmi (jethwi and travel 2 to 12 km for education above primary level as aghani) are taken in a year. these institutions available in nearby area or town. Milk production- Jharkhand was poor state in Transportation facilities - All the villages were production of milk. There were 52 per cent deficits of not well connected by tar roads to approaching town milk in relation to demand in the state (Anonymous, and district head quarters for marketing of their 2011). In the villages surveyed, the production of milk produce. Marketing depends upon the crop which the was also poor and very few farmers have milch animals farmers were cultivating. In case of lac, the harvesting and the whole produce was consumed in household and transportation was done by the farmers themselves. requirements. Generally stick lac was marketed in small quantity (2 Irrigation - About 9 percent of the area in to 10 Kg) in nearby “haats”.