Emerging Concepts in the Management of Acute Retinal Necrosis
Downloaded from http://bjo.bmj.com/ on January 3, 2016 - Published by group.bmj.com Review Emerging concepts in the management of acute retinal necrosis Robert William Wong,1,2 J Michael Jumper,2 H Richard McDonald,2 Robert N Johnson,2 Arthur Fu,2 Brandon J Lujan,2,3 Emmett T Cunningham, Jr2,4 ▸ Additional files are ABSTRACT now exists on the characteristics, causes and treat- published online only. To view Acute retinal necrosis (ARN), also known as Kirisawa- ment of this condition. these files please visit the journal online (http://dx.doi. type uveitis, is an uncommon condition caused by org/10.1136/bjophthalmol- infection of the retina by one of the herpes family of CLINICAL SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS 2012-301983). viruses, most typically varicella zoster virus or herpes Acutely, ARN may present with eye redness, periorbi- 1Austin Retina Associates, simplex virus and less commonly cytomegalovirus. tal pain, photophobia and/or vision loss. On anterior Austin, Texas, USA Clinical diagnosis can be challenging and is often aided segment examination, patients may show episcleritis, 2The Department of by PCR-based analysis of ocular fluids. Treatment scleritis, keratitis and/or anterior chamber inflamma- Ophthalmology, California typically involves extended use of one or more antiviral tion, which may be either non-granulomatous or Pacific Medical Center, fi San Francisco, California, USA agents. Long term retinal detachment risk is high. We granulomatous ( gure 2). Examination of the poster- 3Department of Vision Science, review the literature on ARN and present an approach to ior segment may reveal vitreous inflammation, arter- School of Optometry, University the diagnosis and management of this serious condition.
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