Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2019 - 2020 I te wā i tuhia ai te pūrongo ā-tau At the time of writing the 2019 | 2020 Annual 2019/2020, e tāmia ana a Aotearoa Report, Aotearoa is still whānui i te mate urutā, arā i te Korona. weathering the storm of the COVID-19 global Nā konā i raru ai ngā huinga raraunga pandemic. While not me ngā kaupapa e whakaaturia ana i relevant to the data sets and kaupapa presented tēnei pūrongo, ka mutu, e mārama ana in this report, we are mātau kua horapa āna kawenga ki tēnā cognisant of the impact this event has had on iwi, ki tēnā hapū huri noa i te ao. our iwi, hapū and every E mihi ana ngā tarahitī o TTA ki te person on our planet. The Tūhourangi Tribal manawaroa o Tūhourangi whānui, te Authority Trustees would āhei ki te papare ā-iwi, te tiaki pai i ō like to acknowledge the resilience of our tātau kōeke, te aha, te aha. Tēnei te mihi Tūhourangi whānau – o te ngākau māhaki ki a koutou katoa. our ability to collectively respond and look after He mea tuku iho ki a Tūhourangi tōna our koeke and most aumangea – ka mutu, ehara tātau i te vulnerable has been humbling. tauhou ki ngā piki me ngā heke o tēnei Tūhourangi has a legacy ao matemate, ko te hū o Tarawera of resilience – our history tērā, ko ngā pakanga o mua tērā. E is steeped in overcoming adversity, from the whakapono ana ka puta te ihu, kia Tarawera eruption in whakahōnoretia ō tātau tūpuna, kia 1886 to times of hardship before.
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