NILES DECEMBER10, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * $200 THiS WEEK DIVERSIONS OUT ON THE TOWN "The Princess and the Frog" is featured in this week's Film Clips. SEE PAGE B2 FOOD LESSONS IN LOVE How cut-out cookies teach the Hanukkah story. SEE PAGE 26 ) Inside! toda9 homes The Arlingtones sing holiday carols during Nues Public Look forit in thece,,terof BARBERSHOP BUNCH Library's Christmas Open House on Saturday. PAGE 10 Sea rchChicngo-Au tos (Suzanne Tennant/Staff Photographer). Expandyouroptions. Start here. Spring Classes begin January 19,2010. 9OE-VLO9 11 SITh Apply and register online IS NO.I>ID !0059 .LSIcI AJ8I1 3fl8fld S!flIN .LSIcJ A19I1 Dfl8fld S11Th) Oakton u T000000 80D 'r99SI Des PlaincsSkokic847.635.1629 13' ConiniunityCollege 50O-O,i.LD -Dsi -I 2 NITHURSDAY,DECEMBER1O,2009 ewsi PACE 3 Coi«Acî: Matt Schmitz, Assistant Managing Editor p: 708.524.4433e:
[email protected] 4V Maybe beingafamily business explains NILES PUBLIC LIBRARY why working withusfeels like family. G1enriewteen charged'Not much change' on tax bills despite Guided by a human touch for i 54 years, Baird & Warner contiñuesto be committed to withmurder of training and coaching, making sure our professionals teen are the very best in the business. A 16-year-old from Glen- The car clipped one of De 1.5 percent levy cut With all of our amazing selling tools, none ismore amazing than our people. view is now charged as anLa Terre's friends, from adult with first.-degrce mur- Glonview, who wasn't sosi- By TONY RERTUCA dei; accused ofrunning overously injured, then did, aU- tlsertuca@pioneerloCal,coffl "Our major expenses another teen outside Golfturn omnd ran over Dc La Mill Shopping Center inTorre, according to police, Niles Public Library will thi.syear will be in decrease its tax levy by i.5 lIiles in a dispute over a girl.who said the car was tray- the area oftechnolo-.