Curriculum Vitae Kathleen Ann Montgomery
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Curriculum Vitae Kathleen Ann Montgomery Education Ph.D. in Political Science 1989-1995 Emory University, Atlanta Dissertation: Crafting Representation in a New Democracy: The Case of Hungary Major Field: Comparative Politics Sub-Fields: Russia and Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Public Opinion and Voting Behavior. B.A. Political Science June 1989 Santa Clara University Current Research Interests Post-Communist Europe, Gender Politics, Populist Radical Right Parties, and Democratic Representation Publications Books: Matland, Richard and Kathleen Montgomery eds. (2003) Women’s Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe, Gender and Politics Series, Oxford University Press. Author Contributions: “Introduction,” “Recruiting Women to National Legislatures: A General Framework with Applications to Post-Communist Democracies” (with Richard Matland), and “Weak Mobilization, Hidden Majoritarianism, and the Resurgence of the Right: A Recipe for Female Under-Representation in Hungary” (with Gabriella Ilonszki). Journal Articles and Book Chapters: Montgomery, Kathleen and Gabriella Ilonszki. “Stuck in the Basement: A Pathway Case Analysis of Female Recruitment in Hungary’s 2010 National Assembly Election” (in production Politics and Gender). Montgomery, Kathleen A. "Women's Resistance to the Radical Right: Lessons from Post- Communist Hungary." Patterns of Prejudice 49.3 (2015): 225-248. Montgomery, Kathleen A., and Ryan Winter. "Explaining the Religion Gap in Support for Radical Right Parties in Europe." Politics and Religion (2015): 1-25. Darina Malova, Kathleen Montgomery and Tim Haughton, ‘Explaining the level of women’s representation in post-communist countries: the case of Slovakia’ in Gabriella Ilonszki (ed.), Women in Decision-making: CEE Experiences (Budapest: Open Society Institute), (2004): 40-69. Montgomery, Kathleen and Gabriella Ilonszki. “Tőbb demokrácia kevesebb képviselet? Nők a magyar politikában” (More democracy, less representation? Women in Hungarian politics) in Századvég. Budapest (2002): Number 3-4. Montgomery, Kathleen. “Women in the State: Central and Eastern Europe” in International Women’s Almanac, Routledge. 2001. Montgomery, Kathleen. “Politics of Hungary” in Gabriel Almond, G. Bingham Powell, and Russell J. Dalton (eds). European Politics Today, Addison-Wesley-Longman (1st, 2nd and 3rd editions). 2001-2004. Montgomery, Kathleen. "Electoral Effects on Party Behavior and Development: Evidence from the Hungarian National Assembly" in Party Politics Vol 5, No. 4. (October, 1999): 507- 523. Montgomery, Kathleen. "Interest Group Representation in the Hungarian Parliament" in Attila Ágh and Gabriella Ilonszki (eds). Parliaments and Organized Interests: The Second Steps. Budapest: Hungarian Center for Democracy Studies Foundation. 1996. Montgomery, Kathleen and Thomas F. Remington. "Transitions from Communism: The Case of the 1990 Soviet Republic Elections." Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. Volume 10, No. 1. 1994. Other Publications: Montgomery, Kathleen. "Revolution With a Human Face: Politics, Culture, and Community in Czechoslovakia, 1989–1992, by Krapfl, James: Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-5205-5." The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 28.3 (2015): 609-611. Montgomery, Kathleen. "Politics of Testing Over-Ride Education's Goals" in The Illinois School Board Journal Vol 76, No 3 (May/June 2008) originally published as an op-ed piece in the Bloomington Pantagraph (December 30, 2007). Conference Participation Panel Chair and Discussant, Panel 8-2 European Union Accession: Integration and Attitudes, Midwest Political Science Association meeting, April 2014. “Women in the ‘Men’s Parties’ of the Populist Radical Right: The Case of Hungary’s Jobbik Party,” paper presented as part of Panel 13-2 Political Parties in Post-Communist Countries at the Midwest Political Science Association meeting, April 2012. Panel Discussant, Panel 13-14 Party Institutionalization in Post-communist States at the Midwest Political Science Association meeting, April 2012. Panel Chair and Discussant, Comparative Perspectives on Women’s Access to Politics, Midwest Political Science Association meeting, April 2010. “The Gender Politics of Child Welfare in Post-Communist Europe,” paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association meeting, April 2004. Panel Chair, “Gender Equity in Comparative Perspective,” Midwest Political Science Association meeting, April 2004. Montgomery, Kathleen and Gabriella Ilonszki, “Explaining the Puzzle of Women’s Representation in the Hungarian National Assembly,” paper presented at the International Conference on “Women’s Political Representation in Eastern Europe,” Bergen, Norway (May 28-29 1999). "Assessing the Impact of Electoral Structure on the Legislative Recruitment of Women and Minorities: Evidence from the Hybrid Systems," paper presented at Midwest Political Science Association meeting, April 1998. “Closing the kiskapúk: The Politics of Rules Changes in the Hungarian National Assembly,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association meeting, September 1996. Panel Discussant, "Russian Public Opinion Research," Midwestern Political Science Association meeting in Chicago, April 1996. "Crafting Representative Behavior and Orientations in a New Democracy: the Case of Hungary," paper presented at the Western Political Science Association meeting, Portland 1995. Panel Presentation, “Interest Group Representation in the Hungarian Parliament," The International Conference on the Organization and Europeanization of Business Interests in ECE and Their Impact on Parliament (Budapest, 29 April - 1 May 1994). Other Professional Activities Faculty panelist on “European Responses to Migrant/Refugee Crisis”: Syria Teach-In, November 5, 2015. Academy of Seniors course for ISU Senior Professionals, “Eastern Europe: A Century of Unfinished Business” (May/June, 2015). Keynote Address Honor’s Day 2015: “Reflections of an Accidental Political Scientist.” Promotion and Tenure Committee (semester replacement Fall 2014). Moderator Faculty Panel, “The Fall of the Iron Curtain and its World Effects”, part of The Freedom to Speak, Create, and Dream: A Symposium Examining 25 Years of Human Experience After the Fall of the Iron Curtain (October 5-7, 2014). New Student Convocation, “YOLO…and other great reasons to seize the most from your liberal arts education” (August 19, 2014). Chair, Faculty Development Committee, 2012-2013. Speaker/Sample Classroom, “Throw Them Out: All of ‘Em” (a lecture based on my PSCI 370 Special Topics course on populism), IWU Homecoming, 2010. Public Lecture for the Bloomington Chapter of the League of Women Voters on “Women in Electoral Politics Worldwide” (April, 2007). Illinois Wesleyan University’s Faculty Colloquium Series, 2000. Presentation: “Where Have All the Women Gone? Explaining Women’s Under-Representation in the Former Soviet Bloc.” Invited Professional Service Institute of International Education (IIE), Fulbright Grant Proposal Review Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, 2009-2010 and 2013-2014. Periodic manuscript reviewer for the peer-reviewed journals: Women, Politics, and Public Policy, British Journal of Politics, Politics and Gender, West European Politics, and Comparative Political Studies. Milada Vachudovna and Jan Rovny, UNC Chapel Hill, invited me to share my expertise and insights by completing the Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES) on the positions taken by the leadership of political parties in the Hungary. CHES is an academic project started in 1999 ( that has been cited in more than 360 scholarly articles and papers. Awards and Honors Exemplary Teaching Award from The Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church, 2014-2015. Kemp Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2014-2015. Mellon Humanities Grant for co-teaching a new course, “PSCI 212: Surviving Dictatorship: A Comparison of Spain and Hungary” with Carmela Ferradans (Hispanic Studies), awarded Spring 2014. Curriculum Development Grant for new Writing Intensive course, “PSCI 342: The Politics of Presence,” awarded Spring 2014. Faculty mentor for 2013 Eckley Summer Fellow, Ryan Winter. Project: Religiosity and Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Curriculum Development Grant for PSCI 225, Compare Analyze Discover, Awarded Spring 2013. Illinois Wesleyan University Professor of the Year, elected by the student body in 1996- 1997 and 2009-2010. Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society, inducted 4/14/00. Post-Tenure Review granted a course release in Spring of 2012 to write up the results of my ASD funded fieldwork in Hungary (June, 2011) and sabbatical leave (Fall, 2011). Artistic and Scholarly Development Grant in the amount of $3,500 to fund summer field research for the project, “Throwing the Bastards Out: A Comparison of Populist Politics in Hungary and Slovakia” (2010-2011). Sabbatical Leave awarded for project: "Let the People Rule! An Exploration of Populist Politics" (Fall, 2012). Sabbatical Leave awarded for project: “Literature Review of Gender and Social Welfare in Post-Communist Europe” (Fall, 2002). Junior Faculty Leave awarded for project: "The Institutional Determinants of Social Welfare Reform in Eastern Europe" (Spring, 1999). Curriculum Development Grants (funded by the Department of Education) for course revisions involving Russian and East European content (awarded 1995, 1996, and 1999). Artistic and Scholarly Development Grant, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1995-96. Funded one month of fieldwork and interviews with members of the Hungarian National Assembly in Budapest, Hungary. Fulbright Fellowship (1993-1994) for dissertation research in Hungary at the Department of Political Science, Budapest University of Economic Sciences. International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) Fellowship for Dissertation Research (September 1993-March 1994). FLAS Fellowship for Advanced Language Study in Hungarian, Academic Year 1992- 1993. .