w Center for ~esearchon Social Organization The Working Paper Series The University of Michigan Ann Arbor CONSTITUTING POST-COMMUNISM: THE INTELLIGENTSIA, CIVIL SOCIETY AND ROUND TABLES IN HUNG'mY AND POLAND by Michael D. Kennedy #574 January 1999 CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON SOCIAL ORGANIZATION WORKING PAPER SERIES The Center for Research on Social Organization is a facility of the Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan. Its primary mission is to support the research of faculty and students in the department's Social Organization graduate program. CRSO Working Papers report current research and reflection by affiliates of the Center. To request cppies of working papers, or for fbrther information about Center activities, write us at 4501 LS&A Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48 109, send e-mail to
[email protected], or call (734) 764-7487. Constituting Postcommunism: The Intelligentsia, Civil Society and Round Tables in Hungary and poland' Michael D. Kennedy The most prominent actor in the 1989 transformation of Eastern Europe was the intelligentsia, a class whose basis for power is its control over a special form of teleological knowledge, and a culturally constituted group whose claim to authority is its historic role as leaders of East European nations. On the basis of their claim to represent civil society, the intelligentsia, in association with the communist authorities, developed a form of transformative praxis, the Round Table, which enabled the peacefid yet fundamental transformation of Soviet-type society. In the wake of such "negotiated revolutions"~the intelligentsia appeared to win political a~thority.~What enabled the intelligentsia to win this kind of political power, and does the mode of its victory matter for subsequent political and social transformations? Answers to such questions require a broad comparative and historical sociology of the transformations wrought by the praxis of 1988-91.