1920 Voters' Pamphlet
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CONTAINING Copies of all Measures "Proposed by Initi- ative Petition," "Proposed to the People by the Legislature," and "Amendments to the Constitution Proposed by the Legislature." In~lndiigReferendum Bill No. 1and Referendum Bill No. 2 and Submitting to the People the Question of Amending Section 16 of Article I of the State Consti- tution, Relating to Eminent Domain and of Amending Sections 14,16,17, 19,20,21 and 22 of Article 111 af the State Constitution, Relating to the Salaries of State Officers. To be Submitted to the Legal Voters of the State of Washington for Their Approval or Rejection at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held on Tuesday, Nor. 2, 1920 Compiled and Ismued by I. Ira. HOWELL, Secretary of State Under and by Authority of Chapter 138. L~wsof Wasbinfiton. 1913 OIIYXPIA FRANK Y. LAMBORN PUBLIC PRINTEE 1820 CONTENTS Page Referendum Bill KO. 1. (State System Trunk Line Highways) .............. 3 Referendum Bill No . 2. (Soldier's Equalized Compensation) ............... 7 Constitution. Proposed Amendment to Article 1. (Eminent Domain) ........ 11 Constitution. Proposed Amendment to Article 3 . (Duties and Salaries of Officers) ............................................................ 12 Ab0004 705541 PROPOSED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATURE Referendum Bill No. 1 BALLOT TITLE "An ACT providing for the construction of a state system of trunk line hard surface highways, providing for the issuance and sale of state bonds to create a fund for such purpose and the redemption of such bonds from motor vehicle license fees and if the revenues from such license fees are insutficient, levying a tax for such deficiency." An ACT providing for the construction terial equally permanent and durable, of a state system of trunk line hard not less than eighteen feet in width, surface highways, providing for the laid upon Portland cement concrete issuance, sale and redemption of base of a minimum thicknew of five state bonds to create a fund for inches: Provided, that if the state such purpose, and for the submis- highway commissioner shall deem it sion of this act to a vote of the impracticable to improve any portion people. of any highway herein described by paving as herein provided, the state Be it enacted by the Legislature of the highway board may provide for the state of Washington: improvement of such portion of the SECTION 1. A state system of trunk highway in such manner as in its line hard surface highways shall be judgment will best accommodate travel acquired and constructed by the State thereon. of Washington as soon as practicable, No part of the money apportioned upon the highways of the state- along under this act shall be used, directly the routes herein described, so as to or indirectly, to pay any premium or connect with each other the different royalty on any patented or property communities and principal cities of material, specifications, process or type the state as near as may be, to-wit: of construction, unless purchased or (1) The Pacific Highway from obtained on open actual competitive -I-Blaine to Vancouver; also a highway bidding at the same or a less cost running from Seattle to Des Moines than unpatented articles, or methods and thence by the most feasible route equally suitable for the same purpose. to Tacoma. SEC. 3. Whenever the making of (2) The Sunset Highway from Ren- any part of any road to be improved ton to Spokane and thence east to the or constructed under the provisions of Idaho state line. this act, or the locating of a route or (3) The Inland Empire Highway. any part thereof, or the obtaining of (4) The Olympic Highway. road building materials for such work, (5) The National Park Highway requires that private property be from Tacoma to Ashford and thence by taken or damaged, the state highway the most feasible route to the Rainier board shall have the right to acquire National Park; also from Elbe to the any such property by purchase or by Pacific Ocean at Holman. , condemnation in the manner pre- SEC. 2. The highways constructed scribed by law for the acquirement or or improved under the provisions of condemnation of lands necessary for this act shall be finished with a wear- the public uses of the state. ing surface of Portland. cement con- SEC. 4. The state highway board crete, bituminous concrete, asphalt, shall divide the state highways into brick, wood block, stone or other ma- convenient sections for construction Referendum1 Bill No. 1 purposes, and shall make diligent issued and sold bonds of the State of effort to have the entire trunk line Washington for an amount not exceed- system of hard surface highways com- ing thirty million dollars ($30,000,- pleted within six years after the tak- 000.00), to bear interest at a rate not ing effect of this act. The construc- to exceed five per cent (5ro) per tion work shall, so far as possible, be annum. payable semi-annually. commenced in different sections of the The issuance, sale or retirement of state at approximately the same time said bonds shall be under the general and carried on continuously until all supervision and control of the state work is completed. highway board. Such board may in SEC. 5. The funds provided by this its discretion provide for the issuance act for the acquisition, construction of coupon or registered bonds, to be and improvement of the state system dated, issued and sold from time to of trunk line hard surface highways time as the construction work pro- shall be expended only for surfacing gresses, in such amounts as may be and the construction of the necessary oecessary to provide money to pay for subgrade therefor including the pur- said work and the expenses incidental chase of machinery or supplies. All thereto. All of the bonds issued here- construction work shall be done under under shall mature at the rate of one the supervision of and upon plans and million five hundred thousand dollars specifications prepared by the state ($1,500,000.00) principal each year, highway commissioner. Contracts for commencing the year 1922 and end- the construction and improvement of ing in the year 1941. Such bonds shall said trunk line highways shall be let be signed by the governor and the by the state highway board to the low- state auditor under the seal of the est and best responsible bidder, or bid- state, and any interest coupons at- ders, on such terms and conditions tached to such bonds shall be authen- and on open competitive bidding after ticated by the fac-simile signatures of public advertisement in such manner the same officers. Any bonds may be and for such times as may be pre- registered in the name of the holder scribed by said state highway board. on presentation to the state treasurer The state highway board shall have or at the fiscal agency of the State of power to provide for the furnishing Washington in New York, as to prin- by the state of any tools, machinery, cipal alone or both principal and in- supplies or materials needed for such terest, under such regulations as the work, and in the event the state high- state highway board may prescribe. way board undertakes to furnish tools, Said bonds shall be in such denomina- machinery, supplies, or materials, such tions as may be prescribed by the state tools, machinery, supplies and mate- higBwap board and embody an abso- rials shall be purchased by the state lute promise of the State of Washing- highway board on open competitive ton to pay both principal and interest bidding. in gold coin of the United States of SEC. 6. The state highway board the present standard of value and fine- is authorized to cooperate with the ness, at such place or places as the proper authorities of any city or town state highway board may provide, and of the third or fourth class and ex- to levy sufficient taxes each year to pend moneys for the ipprovement of pay the interest and principal of said any portion of any highway herein de- bonds as they become due. All bonds scribed which may pass into or issued under the provisions of this act through any such city or town. shall be sold to the highest and best bidder or bidders, on such terms and SEC. 7. All highways herein de- conditions and on open competitive scribed when constructed along per- bidding after public advertisement and manent grades and alignment shall be at such trmes as may be prescribed by permanently controlled -,and mzin- the state highway board, but not for tained by the State of Washington. a sum so low as to make the net in- SEC. 8. For the purpose 6T provid- terest returned to the purchaser ex- ing means for the payment of the cost ceed five per cent per annum, payable of construction of said state system of semi-annually, as computed by stand- trunk line highways there shall be ard tables, upon such sum. Referendum Bill No. 1 SEC. 9. The money arising from used for the purpose of maintaining the sale of each issue of bonds shall the roads herein described in pursu- be deposited in the state treasury to ance of appropriations therefor by the the credit of a special fund to be legislature. known as the "State Trunk Line High- Any surplus remaining in the state way Fund." which shall be used in trunk line highway maintenance fund carrying out the provisions of this act. over and above that expended in pur- SEC. 10. All moneys paid to the suance of appropriations for the main- state under the provisions of chapter tenance of roads as herein provided, 142 of the Session Laws of 1915, com- shall annually be distribnted to the monly known as the Motor Vehicle various counties, cities and towns