2/90*/i Punjabis. 1919 (substituted for Lon. Gaz. notifn. Maj. S. E. Apt harp, D.S.O., 96th Berar In- dated 15th Aug. 19.19 so far as it relates to fantry, attd., to be actg. Lieut.-Col. while this Gentleman Cadet). comdg. a Bn. 26th . NOTE.—In Lon.' Gaz. notifn. .dated) 5th Sept. 2j113th Infantry. 1916 admitting certain Gentleman Cadets to the Indian Army read " but to rank from 1st Maj. H. F. Story, 3oth Sikhs, attd., to be Dec. 1915 " against the name of Alexander actg. Lieut.-Col. while comdg. a Bn. 26th Albert Nicholas. . Capt. M. R. Eoherts, I.A., to be'actg. Maj. The King has approved the admission to the while sec. in comd. of a Bn. 26th July Indian Army of the following officers from the 1920. Infantry Branch of the Indian Army Res. of 122nd Railway Construction Company. Officers:— To> be Captain's. Sec. Lieut. A. iP. E,. Stewart, 121st Pioneers, to >be actg. Capt. while comdg. a Railway Montagu Arthur .Stephen 'Cousins. 29th Dec. Construction Company. 28th April 1960. 1919, but to rank from 20th Oct. 1916. Sec. Lieut, (actg. Gapt.) A. F. E.. Stewart, Daniel Frederick Bartiett. 29th Apr, 1920, 121st Pioneers, relinquishes the aotg. rank and to' rank from. 29ith Apr. 19)20. of Oapt. on ceasing to o'omd. a Railway Con- Ta be Lieutenant. struction Coy. 18th . Lieut. J. H. Goby, I.A.R.O., .to be actg. Capt. Aubrey