U N I V E R S I D A D D E C O N C E P C I Ó N DEPARTAMENTO DE CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CONGRESO GEOLÓGICO CHILENO 10° 2003 HOLOCENE SEDIMENTATION IN ICALMA AND PUYEHUE LAKES (SOUTHERN CHILE): INSTANTANEOUS VS CONTINUOUS RECORDS BERTRAND, S.1,*, CHARLET, F.2, RENSON, V.1, . BOES, X.1, VARGAS-RAMIREZ, L.3, ARNAUD, F.4, LIGNIER, V.5, CHAPRON, E.6, BECK, S.7, MAGAND, O. 8, FAGEL,N.1, & DE BATIST, M.2 1 U.R. Argiles et Paléoclimats, Department of Geology, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium 2 RCMG, University of Ghent, Belgium 3University of Liege, Paleobotany, Paleopalynology, Micropleontology 4Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille, Lille, France 5 ENS, Lyon, France 6 Geological Institute, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland 7 LGCA, Université de Savoie, Le-Bourget-du-Lac, France 8 LGGE, CNRS Grenoble, France * Corresponding author:
[email protected] INTRODUCTION El Niño is one of the most important present-day climatic phenomena affecting the Earth’s climate. But a better understanding of ENSO variability through time requires high-resolution studies of past records in suitable areas. In order to document Holocene climate variability at middle latitudes in Southern Chile and to test the possible influence of El Nino phenomena, two lakes directly submitted to the influence of the Westerlies in the Lake District area, have been selected: Icalma and Puyehue lakes. Based on high-resolution seismic reflection investigations (Charlet et al., this volume), two long coring sites where selected in each lake and within the main distal clastic environments (interflow and underflow deposits) in order to provide high- resolution reconstructions and to document past flooding activities.