Michael Harrington
Please join the Democratic Socialists of America and Stephanie, Alex, and Teddy Harrington in paying tribute to MICHAEL HARRINGTON (LeadingAmerican socialist,author, internationalist,activ- ist, radical,husband, father, friend, and comrade.) at A Memorial Service Friday, September 15 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Riverside Church (Riverside Drive and Claremont, between 120th and 122nd Street, New York) (Take the 1 train to 116th Street) with invited guests Irving Howe * Senator Edward Kennedy Willy Brandt * Deborah Meier Bogdan Denitch * Jack Clark Eleanor Holmes Norton Democratic Socialists of America, 15 Dutch Street, Suite 500, NY, NY 10038 (212) 962-0390 THE NEW YORK TIMES OBITUARIES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST Michael Harrington, Socialist and Author, Is Dead By HERBERT MITGANG Poverty, no one has been a more loyal Award and the Sidney Hillman Award Michael Harrington, co-chairman of ally when the night was darkest." for "The Other America." Writing in the Democratic Socialists of America The Democratic Socialists of Amer- The New York Times Book Review, and author of "The Other America," ica, whose roots are in the Socialist A. H. Raskin, senior labor columnist of which helped to encourage the Federal Party, formed in 1983 in a merger of The Times, described the book as "a Government's War on Poverty, died of the Democratic Socialist Organizing scream' of rage and a call to con- cancer of the esophagus Monday at his Committee and the New American science." While contending that Mr. home in Larchmont, N.Y. He was 61 Movement. Unlike the Socialist Party, Harrington had exaggerated both the years old. which runs its own candidates for pub- size and the intractability of the pov- Except for Norman Thomas, the So- lic office, the Democratic Socialists erty problem, Mr.
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