Physicochemical and Bacteriological Quality Assessment of Spring Waters in the Tetouan Region (Morocco)

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Physicochemical and Bacteriological Quality Assessment of Spring Waters in the Tetouan Region (Morocco) EWASH & TI Journal, 2020 Volume 4 Issue 3, Page 431-441 Environmental and Water Sciences, Public Health & Territorial Intelligence Env.Wat. Sci. pub. H. Ter. Int. J. ISSN Electronic Edition : 2509 - 1069 Acces on line : Section Environmental and Water Sciences Publication type Full Paper Physicochemical and bacteriological quality assessment of spring waters in the Tetouan region (Morocco) Évaluation de la qualité physicochimique et bactériologique des eaux de sources dans la région de Tétouan (Maroc) Received 16 June 2020 NOUHA ACHAHBAR1, NADIA AMAJOUD2, OUISSAL OULED ZIAN2, ABDELLAH Accepted 25 Jul. 2020 EL MAFTAHI2, MOUAD BEN ZAKOUR2 & EL KHALIL BEN DRISS1 On line 30 Sep. 2020 (1) Laboratory Applied Biology and Pathology / Department of Biology Faculty of Sciences Tetouan / Abdelmalek Essaadi University PO Box : 93020, Tetouan, Morocco Email : [email protected], [email protected] (2) Communal Environment Laboratory and Pollution Control Faculty of Sciences Tetouan / Abdelmalek Essaadi University PO Box : 93020, Tetouan, Morocco Email : [email protected] KEY WORDS Abstract The analysis of 16 physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of Bacteriological spring water in Tetouan city (Morocco) and its surroundings was conducted in parameters, order to establish its quality especially because they are used a lot by the physicochemical population. Samples were collected from 29 stations during the years 2014, 2015 parameters, rural area, and 2016. Three-way ANOVA (station, season, and year) was performed to urban area, spring water analyse the variance according to station, season and year. The results of analysis quality, Tetouan. showed spatial and seasonal variance. "Bonferroni" fit for a correlation network based on Pearson correlations showed strong correlations between calcium, TH, Sulphates, chlorides, TDS, Salinity, CT, CF, SF, and temperature. The PCA and its factorial map of the stations showed two different groups according to their physicochemical and bacteriological quality; the first group was formed by stations located in urban areas of Tetouan city with high level in TH, magnesium, calcium and sulphates; the second group was formed by stations located in rural areas with high level of nitrates and nitrites. MOTS CLES Résumé L'analyse de 16 paramètres physicochimiques et bactériologiques des Paramètres eaux des sources de la ville de Tétouan (Maroc) et ses environs a été réalisée afin bactériologiques, d'établir leur qualité parce qu’elles sont très utilisées par la population. Des paramètres physico- échantillons ont été prélevés dans 29 stations au cours des années 2014, 2015 et chimiques, zone rurale, 2016. Une ANOVA à trois voies (station, saison et année) a été réalisée pour zone urbaine, qualité de analyser la variance selon la station, la saison et l'année. Les résultats de l'analyse l'eau de source, Tétouan. ont montré une variance spatiale et saisonnière. "Bonferroni" digne d'un réseau de corrélation basé sur les corrélations de Pearson a montré de fortes corrélations entre le calcium, le TH, les sulfates, les chlorures, le TDS, la salinité, les CT, les CF, les SF et la température. L'ACP et la carte factorielle des stations ont montré deux groupes différents selon leur qualité physicochimique et bactériologique; le premier groupe était formé de stations situées dans les zones urbaines de la ville de Tétouan avec un niveau élevé de TH, de magnésium, de calcium et de sulfates; le deuxième groupe était constitué de stations situées dans des zones rurales à forte teneur en nitrates et nitrites. N. ACHAHBAR & al 431 EWASH & TI Journal, 2020 Volume 4 Issue 3, Page 431-441 Environmental and Water Sciences, Public Health & Territorial Intelligence Env.Wat. Sci. pub. H. Ter. Int. J. ISSN Electronic Edition : 2509 - 1069 Acces on line : 1. Introduction 2. Material and methods Availability of safe drinking water is treaned by 2.1. Study zone urbanization, increased population and climate change across the world [1]. The deterioration of the quality of The study zone with an area of 2541 km2 (Cf. Fig. 1), water resources is therefore becoming a concern on a includes Tetouan city and the surrounding rural areas. global scale. Several studies have been made on water Tetouan city is located in North of Morocco about 10 km quality, especially in the African and Asian continents, from the Mediterranean Sea, in a valley dug by Martil where a large part of the population does not have access river between the Dersa and Ghorghiz mountains of the to drinking water or have access to poor quality water [2] limestone chain of the Western Rif [14], it is made up of [3] [4] [5] [6]. the Paleozoic or axial layer of the Rif chain with a Morocco is ranked among the water stress country [7]. predominance of flyschs. The city of Tetouan is part of the Several studies have been carried out in Morocco Rif chain in its outer part which includes allochthonous units (flysch sheets), pelitico-sandstone superstructure on concerning the physicochemical and bacteriological an autochthonous to para-autochthonous unit with pelitic quality of water in order to prevent and limit diffuse pollution in groundwater and even surface water. This dominance. The types of soil distinguished in the study area are composed of limestone, marl or flyschy pollution increases the risk of deterioration of the quality formations [14]. of these resources water-borne and creates a healthy risk for the population, who usually use these waters [8] [9] The city knows the existence of two seasons, a humid [10]. Similar studies were conducted in Tangier-Tetouan season from October to April and another dry from May region to assess the degree of water pollution, to acquire to September, which makes it possible to classify the basic knowledge, to develop monitoring, to detect study zone among the climatic regions of mediterranean disturbances and to set up a follow-up to feedback on type [14]. Reputed to have the highest average rainfall in water management [11] [12] [13]. the Kingdom, the Tangier-Tetouan region experiences rainfall that is generally spread over a long period of the Water resources in Tetouan region are part of those of year with peaks in December, January and February the Loukkos-Tangier-Mediterranean coastal basin [14]. Spring waters of the calcareous dorsal surrounding the reaching up to 2,000 mm / year and on land higher up, precipitation is abundant and can exceed 1000 mm / year city of Tetouan still widely used and continue to play a key [14]. The Oued Martil watershed is located in the western role as water supply particularly for rural population. Urbanization and population of Tetouan region are part of the Rif mountain range, it has a fairly dense permanently growing [14]. The degradation of natural hydrographic network and of capital importance not only for the watershed that it drains but for the entire water resources under the effect of urbanization and northern region, where it is one of the largest anthropic activities can make its use dangerous. Physicochemical and microbiological pollution may affect hydrosystems in northern Morocco. the quality of these waters by the presence of chemical or The Oued Martil takes its source in marnocalcary microorganism at a concentration that may render them formations at 1000 m of altitude; it is subdivided into an unfit for consumption or use. As natural water intended upper section with a steep slope which crosses the for direct consumption even without prior treatment, limestone ridge and another with a low slope which runs spring water must therefore comply with the drinking along the city of Tetouan [15]. The Oued Martil crosses water criteria based on the current drinking water the city of Tetouan and thus finds itself bordered by standards. multiple agricultural and domestic activities (Cf. Fig. 1). As mentioned above, there is a relatively abundance of The urban commune of Tetouan has experienced development and significant urban activity in recent literature on the effect of pollution on water resources in years, and many major infrastructure projects are Tangier-Tetouan region. This study attempt to analyse the physicochemical and bacteriological quality of spring underway. water in the region of Tetouan. The analysis concern 29 The urban area of Tetouan has 397,973 inhabitants, stations that were chosen to cover the urban and rural compared to 152,401 in rural areas [14]. areas of Tetouan city in order to know and to explain the The 29 sampling points were chosen to cover the entire evolution of the pollution indicators of water in the space city of Tetouan (Cf. Fig. 1) and Table 1). and over time. N. ACHAHBAR & al 432 EWASH & TI Journal, 2020 Volume 4 Issue 3, Page 431-441 Environmental and Water Sciences, Public Health & Territorial Intelligence Env.Wat. Sci. pub. H. Ter. Int. J. ISSN Electronic Edition : 2509 - 1069 Acces on line : Fig. 1: Distribution of the 29 spring water sampled in the urban and rural areas of Tetouan city with the different pollution sources Source : Google maps Maroc 2020 Tab. 1 : Location and Lambert coordinates of the urban and rural spring water of Tetouan Station ID Station Latitude Longitude Station type Altitude (m) Torreta 1 35°32’50.9’’ N 05°22’16.7’’ W Rural 124 Bouanane 2 35°32’50.1’’ N 05°22’46.9’’ W Rural 212 Mjaz lhjar 3 35°33’22.7’’ N 05° 22’18.9’’ W Rural 3 Boussemlal haut 4 35°32’52.2’’ N 05°23’15.2’’ W Rural
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