S7200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 20, 2010 systems are supposed to work for. Strikes go down. They understand it will be in- doors as a result of such significant reduc- me as the right sort of arrangement for an creasingly difficult to see a doctor—es- tions in reimbursement. It will clearly have age of austerity as well as interdependence. pecially in rural and frontier States an impact on the ability of Medicare bene- (The age of interrupted affluence should like Wyoming. And they understand ficiaries to gain access to needed therapy sharpen our focus on future markets for our services. sake as well as theirs.) the local community hospitals, home Access to necessary therapy services has No leader scheduled to speak at the sum- health agencies, nursing homes, and the potential to decrease costs associated mit meeting is more painfully aware of this skilled nursing facilities will struggle with the management of conditions typically context than President Obama, who one year to keep their doors open. seen by physical therapists under the Medi- ago pledged to put forth a global plan to Over the August work period, I trav- care program. Therapy services are impor- reach the development goals. If promoting eled all across the State of Wyoming— tant to keep Medicare beneficiaries healthy transparency and investing in what works is talking to folks at town meetings, pa- and functioning in their homes or the facili- ties in which they reside. at the core of that strategy, he can assure rades, picnics, fairs, and rodeos. Every- Americans that their dollars are reinforcing Additionally, individuals considering a ca- their values, and their leadership in the one agrees Medicare is going broke— reer in physical therapy may reconsider world is undiminished. Action is required to and that the new health care law does their choice. The inability to serve the reha- make these words, these dull statistics, sing. nothing to fix the problem. In fact, it bilitation needs of seniors and individuals The tune may not be pop but it won’t leave only serves to make a bad situation with disabilities due to unsustainable pay- your head—this practical, achievable idea worse. ment cuts would limit access today and has that the world, now out of kilter, can re-bal- I want to share with the Senate a the potential to worsen health care work- ance itself and offer all, not just some, a force issues in the future. guest editorial printed in the Casper CMS needs to hear from you to understand chance to exit the unfathomable deprivation Journal. Written by Kathy Blair, a that brings about the need for such global the implications the MPPR policy will have bargains. board certified orthopedic physical on physical therapy practices and the I understand the critics who groan or therapist, the article explains how pro- healthcare of all Medicare recipients. Com- snooze through the pious pronouncements we posed Medicare reimbursement cuts to ments must be received by an Aug. 24 dead- will hear from the podium in the General As- physical and occupational therapists line and can be submitted electronically at sembly. But still in my heart and mind, will limit patient access to medical http://www.regulations.gov/search/Regs/home undiminished and undaunted, is this thought care. .&fnl;html planted by Nelson Mandela in his quest to #submitComment?R=0900006480b182c9. On Friday, June 25, 2010, the Obama For contact information about mailing let- tackle extreme poverty: ‘‘Sometimes it falls administration released its proposed upon a generation to be great.’’ ters to comment, call Wind City Physical We have a lot to prove, but if the M.D.G. 2011 Physician Fee Schedule rule and Therapy at 235–3910. Please allow adequate agreement had not been made in 2000, much regulation. The draft rule sets Medi- time for letter delivery before the comment less would have happened than has happened. care payments for individual physician period ends. Already, we’ve seen transformative results services. As Kathy’s editorial explains, f for millions of people whose lives are shaped the new health care law requires the 2010 DAVIDSON FELLOW AWARD by the priorities of people they will never Administration to institute a so-called RECIPIENTS know or meet—the very people causing grid- Multiple Procedure Payment Reduc- lock this week. For this at least, the world tion—MPPR. Originally designed to Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, should thank New Yorkers for the loan of today, I have the distinct pleasure of their city. impact payment for multiple surgeries performed simultaneously, the admin- recognizing before the Senate some of f istration now plans to apply the MPPR the most talented and brightest young people in the United States. The 2010 PHYSICIAN FEE SCHEDULE: policy to physical and occupational Davidson Fellows Award is being given IMPACT ON THERAPY SERVICES therapy services. This move is expected to cut Medicare physical and occupa- to 20 young students who are under the Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, for tional therapy payments next year by age of 18 and have already dem- the past 6 months I have come to the 12 percent. onstrated superior ability and achieve- floor of the U.S. Senate to offer my I thank Kathy Blair for bringing this ment in the areas science, music, lit- doctor’s ‘‘second opinion’’ about the important matter to the Senate’s at- erature, mathematics, and technology. health reform law. Day after day, week tention and ask unanimous consent to I would like to take this time to recog- after week, we continue to see dis- have her editorial printed in the nize each of these extraordinary young turbing news reports uncovering the RECORD. individuals and their projects. law’s consequences—consequences that There being no objection, the mate- In the area of science, we have 12 restrict individual freedoms, erode pa- rial was ordered to be printed in the young students with remarkable tient access to medical care, and in- RECORD, as follows: projects that have contributed to sci- crease our Nation’s debt and deficit. [From the Casper Journal, Aug. 18–24, 2010] entific progress. This includes Kyle Specifically, I have listened closely Loh, a 16-year-old young man from PROPOSED MEDICARE POLICY MAY REDUCE as President Obama and congressional PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES Piscataway, NJ, who conducted screen- Democrats repeatedly try to convince ing of chemical libraries and identified (By Dr. Kathy Blair) the American people that the health compounds that can help convert care law does not cut Medicare. Having On June 25, 2010, the Centers for Medicare human and mouse skin cells into and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a pro- practiced medicine for well over two posed rule that updates 2011 payment rates pluripotent stem cells. Pluripotent decades, I can tell you that the Na- for physician services, outpatient physical stem cells have the potential to dif- tion’s Medicare patients and Medicare therapy services and other services. In the ferentiate into many different cell providers are not fooled. They know rule, CMS proposes to implement a multiple types. The chemical compounds he the Democrat’s health care law cuts procedure payment reduction (MPPR) policy identified obviate the need to destroy over $500 billion from the Medicare that would result in significant reductions in embryos. Kyle’s studies advance regen- Program. They know the law does not payment for outpatient therapy services, re- erative medicine and provide insights use that money to make sure Medicare gardless of the setting in which the services into the molecular mechanisms that are delivered. It will apply to physician of- is strong and solvent for generations to fices, outpatient private practice settings underlie the conversion of skin cells come. They know the law raids Medi- and outpatient services in hospitals, as well into pluripotent stem cells. care and uses the money to start a as some home health and skilled nursing Jonathan Rajaseelan, a 17-year-old brand new entitlement program for the services (Part B). young man from Millersville, PA, syn- nonelderly. Estimates indicate that these changes will thesized six new chemical carbene com- America’s seniors, and the medical result in a 12- to 13-percent decrease in pay- plexes of the metal Rhodium. Rhodium professionals who treat them, under- ment for outpatient physical therapy serv- complexes act as catalysts in multiple stand that if we take over $500 billion ices in 2011. These cuts, along with the sus- organic synthesis reactions, including tainable growth rate (SCR) cuts and therapy away from Medicare then patients will cap, would combine to reduce reimbursement the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals lose benefits. They understand that if by as much as 35 percent in 2011. and industrial chemicals. The catalytic we take over $500 billion away from Physical therapists may have to elect not effects of his complexes make these Medicare, then the quality of care will to see Medicare beneficiaries or close their processes safer, inexpensive, and less

VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:02 Nov 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S20SE0.REC S20SE0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7201 environmentally hazardous by elimi- ation, chemotherapy, and surgical re- bon nanotube-based drug-delivery sys- nating the need for large quantities of section are ineffective in immune re- tem for tumor targeted chemotherapy hydrogen gas, a dangerous explosive. sponses against tumor cells. Merry and photo-therapy of cancer, a dual Jonathan’s work has the potential to found that therapeutic ultrasound therapy. This versatile platform at- contribute to greener methods of mak- causes stress and light damage to tacks tumors on two fronts and miti- ing medicines, pharmaceuticals, and tumor cells, which alerts the immune gates the severe side effects associated other chemical products. system to respond and target the with conventional chemotherapy. He Eric Brooks, a 16-year-old young man tumor. Her results demonstrate the also investigated a gadonanotube for from Hewlett, NY, studied the genetic possibility of a novel, non-invasive, the development of a new drug delivery factors affecting metastatic progres- non-toxic cancer therapy that treats system. Sahil’s system has the poten- sion of prostate cancer. Approximately solid tumors as well as systemic metas- tial to both diagnose cancer at an ear- 30 percent of men with prostate cancer tases. lier stage and provide the dual therapy will die from it, but it is difficult to James Ting, a 17-year-old young man mechanism to efficiently combat it. predict who will get the metastatic di- from Holmdel, NJ, synthesized bismuth In the area of music, there are two agnosis. Eric developed models based nanowires which demonstrate quantum talented young musicians that have on evolutionary selection to identify confinement, the reduction of electrons produced significant contributions to genes that may affect metastatic po- to a one-dimensional axis. By using the art of music. Yeeren Low, a 13- tential either positively or negatively. physical vapor deposition, he created year-old young man from East His observations may be used to design lawns of bismuth nanowires as well as Stroudsburg, PA, explored and experi- better clinical predictors to indicate isolating single nanowires to add to sil- mented with sound in various aspects who must undergo painful treatment icon chips. James’ research focuses on of music through five compositions. In and for whom the treatment is unnec- the creation of single electron transis- his portfolio, Art of Sound, his goal is to enrich the body of the contemporary essary. tors, which are useful in the new field Meredith Lehmann, a 14-year-old of spintronics. The spins of these elec- classical music genre, and create new young woman from La Jolla, CA, re- trons could then be harnessed and used musical expressions and listening expe- searched the spread of epidemics. Using for information storage and act as the riences. Yeeren is particularly inter- ested in promoting greater awareness trip data from all 3,076 counties in the building blocks for quantum com- and exposure to the richness of the continental United States, she found puters. Scott Boisvert, a 16-year-old young classical music genre, thus contrib- long distance auto travel, which ac- man from Chandler, AZ, demonstrated uting to its wider recognition, appre- counts for five times as many pas- a link between amphibian aquatic envi- ciation and overall advancement. senger-miles as air travel, governs sim- ronments and the growth of pathogenic Kevin Hu, a 16-year-old young man ulated epidemic evolution. Large hub fungus, Batrachochytrium from Naperville, IL, traverses the globe airports near population centers are dendrobatidis, which has contributed and explores cross-sections of human- not disproportionately more important to the loss of over 32 percent of am- ity in his violin portfolio, in contrast to existing research. phibian species worldwide. Using ion Sociomusicology: Exploring and Shar- Meredith’s findings suggest epidemic chromatography and ion-coupled plas- ing the Worlds of Music. His portfolio models should incorporate automobile ma spectrometry, Scott studied how includes selections of music that, at and air travel data, but transportation the water chemistry of a habitat af- times, were repressed by political re- network restrictions are unlikely to be fects the growth of the microorganism. gimes, or conversely, celebrated for effective. Scott’s project has broad implications their heartbreaking beauty, all while Laurie Rumker, a 17-year-old young for understanding the pathogen’s pro- representing an array of raw humanity. woman from Portland, OR, inves- pensity to infect an amphibian host Kevin’s goal is to present music as a tigated the susceptibility of and controlling the spread of infection, tangible and dynamic tool in human organoclay to biodegradation by micro- benefiting conservation efforts. healing, self-discovery, and dignity. organisms within river sediments. Janie Gu, a 16-year-old young woman In the area of literature, we have one Organoclay is a chemically modified from Morganville, NJ, researched noise creative and inspired student, John Mi- clay material used to prevent hydro- reduction of atomic magnetometer sys- chael Colon, a 17-year-old young man phobic pollutants from rising into the tems, advanced devices that measure from Wayside, NJ. John’s portfolio, Art water ecosystem. Through magnetic fields with extreme precision. as Empathy: A Study of the Syncretic spectrophotometric analyses and oxy- To increase the signal-to-noise ratio, Potential of Literature, demonstrates gen uptake tests, Laurie found bio- she tested the loss factors, such as the utility of literature and art in soci- degradation of the chemical structures measurements of magnetic noise pro- ety. He writes that although human within organoclay which could impair duced, of various ferromagnetic mate- beings want to communicate their fun- the ability of the organoclay to adsorb rials for use in the magnetic shield damental experience, this worldview is and retain pollutants. Laurie’s work around the system, improving the pre- too ineffable to express directly; art has important implications for the cision by more than 44 percent. Janie’s and literature articulate this on a vis- treatment of contaminated sediments. work has applications in the military, ceral level. John Michael proposes Benjamin Song, a 16-year-old young medicine, information storage, mineral through art and literature, the expres- man from Audubon, PA, researched and oil detection, space exploration sion of ideas can help tame the tend- colon cancer biomarkers in urine. and fundamental physics experiments. ency to dehumanize others by helping Colon cancer is the second leading Rebecca Jolitz, a 15-year-old young us see their ideas the same way we see cause of cancer death in the United woman from Los Gatos, CA, examined ours, inspiring empathy. States, even with the sensitive but whether hypolithic cyanobacteria, a We have two bright young individ- invasive colonoscopy. Benjamin de- photosynthetic organism found under uals whose projects have advanced the signed and tested polymerase chain re- rocks in climatically extreme environ- field of mathematics. Damien Jiang, a action assays targeting a known colon ments, could theoretically have enough 17-year-old young man from Raleigh, cancer epigenetic marker. His work sunlight to survive on Mars. Using an NC, studied the parallel chip-firing shows potential for a urine test for original computer program that simu- game, PCFG. Though not a game, the colon cancer that is noninvasive, fast, lated a million individual beams of PCFG is played on a graph, or network affordable, and sensitive. In addition, sunlight hitting a Martian rock, Re- of nodes and edges, and is closely re- his method could be adapted to vir- becca found that there was enough lated to a variety of mathematical tually any cancers with known DNA al- light for cyanobacteria to survive on models for complex phenomena such as terations. Mars, indicating that Mars may not be earthquakes, avalanches, and forest Merry Sun, a 16-year-old young a dead world. Rebecca’s research could fires. By running computer simulations woman from Chappaqua, NY, studied help to discover the means through of randomized PCFGs, Damien studied therapeutic ultrasound’s potential in which life on Mars may exist. their tendency to reach a cycle of re- treating recurrent and metastatic can- Sahil Khetpal, a 17-year-old young peating configurations, and mathe- cers. Traditional therapies like radi- man from Plano, TX, developed a car- matically proved a theorem about its

VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:02 Nov 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S20SE0.REC S20SE0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S7202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 20, 2010 behavior on a graph. Damien’s work contribute to society throughout their ute to a retiring member of the Fourth has broad applications in disaster pre- lives, thanks in no small part to the Estate in my home State of South Da- paredness. encouragement of the Davidson Insti- kota. David Kranz is retiring after a Jonathan Li, a 17-year-old young tute as well as their parents and men- journalism career that has spanned 42 man from Laguna Niguel, CA, devel- tors. They are an inspiration and a re- years, an impressive mark in any pro- oped a mathematical model and com- minder that if we fully support our fession but most certainly in the news- puter simulation to analyze tumor most talented young people, we can paper field. growth and is the first to study motil- look forward to a bright future. David, the son of Wilfred and Sally ity and contact inhibition, a mecha- f Kranz, was born November 3, 1945. nism that limits cell growth when pres- After attending Holy Rosary Grade sured by neighboring cells. His re- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS School in Kranzburg, he graduated search also revealed an inherent flaw of from Watertown High School and ob- the Cellular Potts Model, used to simu- TRIBUTE TO IRVING BURGIE tained his degree in journalism in 1968 late cellular structure behavior. Jona- from South Dakota State University. than’s work provides a method to pre- ∑ Mr. BURRIS. Mr. President, I stand David began his career by spending 8 dict the effects of motility on tumor today to honor a great man of Amer- years as a city reporter and city editor development and can be used to iden- ican music—a man whose name is at the Austin Daily Herald in Min- tify cancer phenotypes that chemo- largely unknown, but his music is nesota, where he began penning a polit- therapy drugs can target, potentially known and loved around the world. ical column. It would be that political improving treatment. This man is Mr. Irving Burgie. column that would define and shape Finally, in the area of technology, we Mr. Irving Burgie more popularly David’s journalism career. He left Aus- honor three innovative young minds. known as ‘‘Lord Burgess’’ was born in tin in 1976 and moved back to his be- Anna Kornfeld Simpson, a 17-year-old , NY, in 1924. He was raised in loved home State of South Dakota to young woman from San Diego, CA, de- the close-knit West Indian-American become managing editor of the Mitch- veloped a chemical-detecting robot. community of during ell Daily Republic, a position he held She used porous silicon, a material the Great Depression. until 1983 when he left to work for that changes color in the presence of The Second World War took him South Dakota’s largest newspaper, the chemicals like alcohols or nerve gas, from Brooklyn to the other side of the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. From execu- and simple, low-cost circuit elements world in the jungles of what is now tive city editor and managing editor to to detect color change. The robotic Thailand. Under the guns of the Japa- reporter and columnist, there wasn’t microcomputer then ‘‘sees’’ the chem- nese army, a young Irving Burgie and much David didn’t witness, or com- ical instead of ‘‘smelling’’ it. Proto- other troops in the segregated Army of ment on, during his 24 years with the types had a 100 percent response rate. the time built and maintained the fa- Argus Leader. Anna’s work has applications in secu- mous ‘‘Burma Road.’’ Dave Kranz ranks with other widely rity and counterterrorism, monitoring Following the war, Mr. Burgie stud- known and popular journalists from industrial settings for toxins, and ex- ied music at Julliard, the University of South Dakota, including Tom Brokaw, ploring locations too hazardous for hu- Arizona, and the University of Cali- Al Neuharth and Ken Bode. People in mans. fornia. political circles valued Dave’s wit and Alexander Gilbert, a 16-year-old While performing in New York in the wisdom, his speculation and satire, his young man from McLean, VA, devel- mid-1950s, he met . candor, and commentary. oped a computer algorithm which im- This was the beginning of a collabora- David received the National Scripps- proves contrast in magnetic resonance tion that would lead to the 1956 release Howard Public Service Reporting imaging, MRI. His program has been of ‘‘Calypso,’’ the first album to sell 1 Award at the National Press Club. He successfully applied to brain MRI im- million copies. The album included Ir- also has earned numerous state and na- ages, enabling more accurate image ving Burgie’s adaptation of ‘‘The Ba- tional awards, was recognized for definition of tissues, such as areas of nana Boat Song’’ better known as countless individual stories, and was demyelination, or plaques, which are ‘‘Day-O’’ and spent 99 weeks on the presented with the SDSU Distinguished often present in patients with multiple charts. Alumni Award. sclerosis. Alexander’s work is pertinent Irving Burgie is credited with com- There is perhaps no better tribute to to MRIs of the spine and other areas, posing and arranging over 50 songs on a person than to listen to the heartfelt and offers the potential for better diag- ASCAP. He wrote the ‘‘National An- words of one’s peers. Here are just a nosis and monitoring of multiple scle- them of ’’ his beloved moth- few of David’s contemporaries in the rosis and other neurological diseases er’s native land. His world-famous journalism world and what they have including Alzheimer’s disease. songs, including ‘‘Island in the Sun’’ to say about this dedicated writer. Gavin Ovsak, a 16-year-old young and ‘‘,’’ have been re- ‘‘Dave is the heart and conscience of man from Hopkins, MN, designed a de- corded by Harry Belafonte, Miriam South Dakota journalism. He was a vice to allow disabled individuals more Makeba, The Kingston Trio and Jimmy walking databank of history, trends effective access to computers. His Buffet and featured in the hit movies and current events long before the project, known as CHAD, circuit head ‘‘Island in the Sun’’ and ‘‘Beetlejuice.’’ term was invented. Dave has a special accessibility device, is a circuit board In his later years, Mr. Irving Burgie knack for telling the stories of real integrated onto a baseball hat to re- helped to form the Black Men of South Dakotans and giving them the place the functions of a computer County Federation, an organi- dignity and devotion they deserve. He mouse through head movements and a zation devoted to helping African- has a gift of friendship that transcends bite sensor. Gavin’s work is less expen- American young men find their own his craft and puts him on a first-name sive, more efficient, and uses fewer success, through mentoring and schol- basis with people all over the state,’’ complex software interfaces than are arship programs. He later established says Chuck Raasch of the Gannett currently available in the assistive the Irving Burgie Award for Excellence News Service. technology market, equalizing access in Literary and Creative Arts. Distinguished professor Robert Burns to the social, occupational, and global Irving Burgie is a songwriter, author, of the South Dakota State University significance of the Internet. and committed citizen who has brought and the University of South Dakota, I often say that America’s gifted and joy to the world through music and has said of Dave, ‘‘He enjoys a high reader- talented students possess remarkable contributed to the best of American ship because of the quality and timing potential. These 20 young individuals culture and society.∑ of his reporting. David’s column is con- have demonstrated more than poten- f sistently timely and accurate because tial. They have already made signifi- he has cultivated an excellent profes- cant contributions to our society in TRIBUTE TO DAVID KRANZ sional relationship with the leading po- their short lives and one can scarcely ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, with litical actors and political observers in begin to imagine how much they will great honor and pride, today I pay trib- our state. Political actors are candid in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:02 Nov 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S20SE0.REC S20SE0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE