Horizon Services, Inc. DBA Project Eden Project Eden’s Lambda Youth Project Children & Youth (C&Y) Horizon Services, Inc. DBA Project Eden Project Eden’s Lambda Youth Project Children & Youth (C&Y) OUR STORY Project Eden/Lambda Youth Project (LYP) provides services to LGBTQQI2S C&Y, who are at risk of substance use and mental health related problems. LYP has culturally responsive services designed to reduce homophobia, isolation, and other life challenges. LYP provides support groups, peer support and education regarding healthy living skills; familial intervention and support when necessary; and offers case management and resources. LYP hosts the Gay Prom and our Speaker’s Bureau youth volunteers who are trained to speak at colleges and schools, clinics, families, juvenile justice system, faith communities, mental health and substance use providers, and other community organizations regarding the needs of LGBTQQI2S C&Y. LYP also educates professionals on how to work with clients/consumers and family members which is the premise of the LGBTQQI2S C&Y culturally responsive training curriculum. For more information, please contact: Project Eden, A program of Horizon Services, Inc. Rochelle U. Collins, Program Director 510.247.8200
[email protected] gayprom.org horizonservicesinc.org This work is placed in the public domain and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any purpose. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the County of Alameda or the County Behavioral Health Care Services Agency. This project was funded by the Innovation Grants Program through the Prop 63 Mental Health Services Act.