We got your back issues right here bub!!

KODT No.#4 “Have Dice Will Travel” $5.95 KODT Tales From The Vault $9.95 KODT No.#5 “Master of the Game” $7.95 KODT Bundle of Trouble vol. one $9.95 KODT No.#6 “Plays Well With Others” $8.95 To purchase back issues, send a check or money order KODT No.#7 “The Dice Man Cometh!” sold out (made payable to Kenzer and Company) to: KODT No.#8 “An Orc By Any Other Name” sold out ______KODT No.#9 “Two Dice For Sister Sara” $7.95 Kenzer & Company KODT No.#10 “Let the Dice Fall Where They May” $7.95 Mail Order Fulfillments 2094 Camino a los Cerros KODT No.#11 “When in Doubt: Hack!!” $4.95 ______Menlo Park, CA 94025 KODT No.#12 “The Good, The Bad, and the Unlucky!” $5.95 KODT No.#13 “Men That Hack” $4.95 KODT No.#14 “A Fist Full of Dice and a Bad Attitude” $4.95 KODT No.#15 “Mama Told Me not to Play” $4.95 or fax/E-mail [[email protected]] a valid Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card KODT No.#16 “The Dice of Wrath” $2.95 number, your signature, card type and expiration date to us at (650) 233-8270. Please include $2 per Vault or Bundle of Trouble, $1 for the first KODT No.#17 “This Sword for Hire!” $2.95 comic and 50¢ per additional comic for shipping and handling. KODT No.#17 “Against All Odds” $2.95

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KENZER & TM COMPANY Knights of the Dinner Table #19 D T Heroes of the HackLeague inner able May 1998 ______© Copyright 1998, Kenzer and Company, All Rights Reserved. Knights of the Dinner Table™ magazine is published monthly by Kenzer and Company. “Heroes of the Subscriptions: A one year sub- scription (12 issues) is only $28.00 (US $32.00 in Canada and US $50.00 Overseas). HackLeague” To subscribe, send a check or money order (made payable to Kenzer and Company) to: ______Created by Jolly R. Blackburn Kenzer & Company Ongoing Developers: Jolly R. Blackburn, Brian Jelke, KODT Subscriptions, 2094 Camino a los Cerros Steve Johansson and David Kenzer Menlo Park, CA 94025 ______Cover by George Vrbanic or fax a valid Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card number, your signa- ture, card type and expiration date to us at (650) 233-8270. Back Issues: Back issues and related merchandising are also available. Legal Notice: Knights of the Dinner Table, Heroes of the Sample file HackLeague, Grunge Warrior, CattlePunk SpaceHack, KODT, HackMaster, Hard Eight Ent., Gary Jackson Files, the Kenzer and Co. Logo, and all prominent characters and likenesses thereof are trademarks of Kenzer and Co. Mailing Address: Kenzer and Company, 2094 Camino a los Cerros, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Phone/fax: (650) 233-8270. Internet: [email protected] (editorial inquiries only) or [email protected] (all other cor- respondence). World Wide Web: http://members.aol.com/relkin/ken zerco.html Submissions: We accept submis- sions for strip ideas, jokes, car- toons, etc. We are interested in run- ning anything that other gamers and fans would enjoy. Send a S.A.S.E. for writer’s guidelines to the address listed above or E-mail [email protected]. Advertising: A copy of our latest ad rates may be obtained by writ- ing the KenzerCo address [listed- above] or calling (650) 233-8270. You may also E-mail [email protected] Editorial of a Madman

reetings once again! I’m writing this editorial after sent a message to a terminal it arrived on the other end with just finishing this issue’s Parting Shots. In recent an alert beep). Gweeks several readers wrote in to tell about their After five or six prompts and no answer I assumed duty most embarassing moments as a gamer. They were so must have called and was about to give up when a reply amusing, we decided to group them together under the came back. tag, True Gamer Confessions: When role-playing and “Who is this?” reality collide. We hope it is well received and perhaps if I scratched my head. Hammonds was a prankster so I more of our readers decide to share thier own ‘confes- thought he was being funny. sions’ we can make it a semi-regular feature. “Hey dude! You got two Orcs on you. What are you Well, this got me thinking about my own most going to do?” embarassing moments during my life as a gamer. There “Who the hell is this? Identify yourself!” have been so many incidents that it’s hard to narrow it Now I was alarmed. down to just one. “Who is this?” I shot back. Like the time I was going through the metal detector at “Major Morton!” the airport and the alarm sounded. The guard held out a I immediately shut down my terminal and instantly trans- metal pan and requested that I empty my pockets into it. formed into Sergeant Volunteer-for-any-task. I ran courier Unfortunately, I had two dozen Dragon Dice™ in my duty for my supervisor, took the privates on police call of the pockets. Designer, Lester Smith had handed me the dice company grounds, anything to put me out of the office and just moments before I departed DragonCon. (This was away from that terminal in case Major Morton tracked me before Dragon Dice was officially released so they were down. like rare gems to me.) Not having anything to put the dice That night at the game I learned that it had been in I just crammed them in my pocket. Specialist Hammonds all the time trying to put the ‘fear of I found myself standing before a very confused guard gawd’ into me. I was greatly relieved to learn it was a joke who couldn’t figure out what the hell these things were but at the same time I felt like choking Hammonds where he with their strange colors and mystic runes. Worse yet, stood. there was a building line of impatient travellers behind me For months I tried to pull the same joke on other players who couldn’t figure out what the hell they were either. but they never fell for it. Now THAT was embarassing. Another embarassing moment was during my hitch in Before I close, I’d like to point out that KODT has been the Army. During Desert Storm our post received fund- nominated for an for “Best Professional ing to have the computer terminals on post networked so Gaming Magazine” by the Academy of Gaming Arts and we could send email back and forth across post. Design (GAMA). As Bob would say, “Hoody Hoo!.” (And It didn’t take long for the gamers-in-uniform to figure as Sara would say, “What were they thinking?”). out the same system could be used to chat back and forth We’d like to thank everyone who helped make 1997 a during the duty day. We could talk about last night’s gangbuster year for the KenzerCo team. To the right you’ll game, discuss our plans for the next adventure. Great find a ballot so you can vote for your favorite game products fun!! Things kept escalating until Sampleeventually we were fileand publications by category. No matter who you decide to actually running role-playing sessions over the network. vote for we encourage you to make a copy, pick your One day, I was running a nice game with my friend favorites and send it in by the deadline. It’s a great way to let Specialist Hammonds (who was on the other side of the your favorite game designers and writers know their work is post in the Admin Building). In the middle of the game he appreciated. We wish all of them the best of luck!! suddenly stopped responding. Until next issue - good reading!! I kept sending him prompts. “Mike! You’ve got two orcs staring down your throat!! What are you doing? Mike?” (keep in mind that on this system every time you Jolly R. Blackburn hey WAIT A MINUTE gordo!! your character March 28, 1998 is a PIXIE-FAERIE right? well hell!! sorry GORDO!! she can just FLY to safety!! FIRE BLOSSOM he’s just a bird plummets off the she can’t fly. i had my in a gilded suit cliff to her death!! gordo, stop talking in first wings clipped so i person when you’re playing a of armor. could fit into my suit female character. HAR HAR!! of PLATEMAIL +fi you know how it makes me queasy. CRIES FROM THE ATTIC CRIES FROM THE ATTIC Attention Gamers! It’s time once again to select the best game and game-related releases of the past year (1997) for the annual Origins Awards. Please vote for one release in each category. Return your completed ballot by June 17. And feel free to photocopy this ballot for your own use or to pass it on to other gamers (only one ballot per person, though). Origins Award winners are announced at the ORIGINS national gaming convention—be there, or check summer issues of this magazine for the winners! Deadline: June 17, 1998 Best Abstract Best Science Fiction or Best Game-Related Novel ___ Balanx ...... Mayfair Figure Miniature ___ Grave Covenant ...... FASA ___ Kill Doctor Lucky ...... Cheapass Games ___ Dove Falconhand in Armor ...... Ral Partha ___ Planar Powers ...... TSR, Inc. ___ Lowenherz ...... Gold Sieber ___ Golden Chaos Dragon Limited Edition .. Ral Partha ___ Steel Rain ...... FASA ___ Stock Market Guru ...... Avalon Hill ___ High Elven Warlord ...... Ral Partha ___ Tales from the Empire ...... West End Games ___ Survival of the Witless ...... Avalanche ___ Sisters of Battle Battle Squad (Seraphin) ...... ___ The Road to Hell ...... White Wolf ___ Write-in Title: ______...... Games Workshop ___ Write-in Title: ______Manufacturer: ______Write-in Title: ______Manufacturer: ______Best Historical Board Game Manufacturer: ______Best Game-Related Short Work ___ Euphrat & Tigris ...... Hans im Gluck Best Vehicle Miniature ___ A Bright Dream/A Dark Dream ... Steve Jackson ___ Home Before the Leaves Fall ...... Clash of Arms ___ AKU-1X Akuma ...... Ral Partha Appearing in In Nomine ___ Sam Grant ...... Columbia Games ___ Call of Cthulhu Roadster ...... RAFM ___ A Forty Share in Innsmouth ...... Chaosium ___ Six Days of Glory ...... Clash of Arms Games ___ Cauldron Born ...... Ral Partha Appearing in Singers of Strange Songs ___ Successors ...... Avalon Hill ____ GHQ Micronaut: CB-1 Alaska (USN 67) GHQ Microarmor ___ Crisis of Faith ...... ___ Write-in Title: ______Iceberg Silent Death Starship ...... RAFM ___ Independence Day ...... Pinnacle Manufacturer: ______Longboat Silent Death Starship ...... RAFM ___ Not Damned ...... White Wolf ___ Write-in Title: ______Appearing in Dark Tyrants Anthology Best Science Fiction or Fantasy ___ Write-in Title: ______Manufacturer: ______Board Game Manufacturer: ______BABYLON 5 Wars ...... Agents of Gaming Best Action Computer Game Best Roleplaying Adventure ___ Princess Ryan’s Star Marines ...... Avalon Hill ___ 7th Legion ...... Microprose ____ Film Festival #1 (Honk Kong Action Theatre) ...... Event Horizon ___ Grand Prix ..... ___ Hexen II ...... Activision ___ Independence Day () ...... Pinnacle ___ Starship Troopers ...... Avalon Hill ___ Quake II ...... Activision ___ Mob War () ...... FASA ___ Write-in Title: ______Star Trek Starfleet Academy ...... Interplay ___ Tale of the Comet (AD&D) ...... TSR Manufacturer: ______Tomb Raider ...... Eidos Software ___ The Great Modron March (AD&D) ...... TSR ___ Write-in Title: ______Best Trading Card Game ____ The Medellin Agent (Millennium’s End) ... Chameleon Eclectic Manufacturer: ______BABYLON 5 Precedence Appearing in The Medellin Agent ___ Dune: Eye of the Storm ...... Last Unicorn Best Roleplaying Computer Game ___ The New Breed: Battle Before the Storm (Heavy Gear) ___ Shadowrun Trading Card Game Limited Ed...... FASA ___ Blade Runner ...... Westwood ...... Dream Pod 9 ___ Warlords Trading Card Game ...... Iron Crown ___ Descent to Undermountain ...... Interplay ___ Write-in Title: ______Write-in Title: ______Fallout: A Post Nuclear Adventure ... Interplay Manufacturer: ______Manufacturer: ______Final Fantasy VII ...... Eidos Software Best Roleplaying Game Best Traditional Card Game ___ Ultima Online ...... Origins Systems ___ Big Eyes, Small Mouth .... Guardians of Order ___ Write-in Title: ______Corporate Shuffle ...... Wizards of the Coast ___ Blue Planet ...... Biohazard Games Manufacturer: ______Give Me the Brain ...... Cheapass Games ___ Domains of Dread ...... TSR ___ Groo: The Game ..... Archangel Entertainment Best Strategy Computer Game ____ Legends of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game ..... Alderac ___ Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck and Card Game ___ Dark Reign ...... Activision ___ Saga Game Rules/Fate Deck ...... TSR ...... U.S. Games Systems, Inc. ___ Emperor of the Fading Suns ...... Holistic ___ The Babylon Project ...... Chameleon Eclectic ___ Titan: The Arena ...... Avalon Hill ___ Sid Meier’s Gettysburg ...... Firaxis ___ Write-in Title: ______Write-in Title: ______Imperialism ...... Strategic Simulations Manufacturer: ______Manufacturer: ______Magic: the Gathering CD-ROM ..... Microprose Best Roleplaying Supplement ___ Panzer General II ...... Strategic Simulations Best Card Game Expansion or Supplement ___ A Magical Medley (FUDGE) ...... Grey Ghost ___ Write-in Title: ______BattleTech: Mechwarrior ... Wizards of the Coast ___ BattleTech Field Manual: Mercenaries (Mechwarrior) Manufacturer: ______L5R—Time of the Void .... Five Rings Publishing Sample file ...... FASA ___ Magic: the Gathering Portal .. Wizards of the Coast Best Amateur Game Magazine ___ Delta Green (Call of Cthulhu) .. Pagan Publishing ___ Magic: the Gathering Tempest .. Wizards of the Coast ___ Alarums & Excursions ...... Lee Gold ___ Heroes of Sorcery (AD&D) ...... TSR ___ Middle-earth: The Lidless Eye ...... Iron Crown ___ Berg’s Review of Games ..... Berg’s Review of Games ___ Rigger 2 (Shadowrun) ...... FASA ___ Write-in Title: ______Gaming Intelligence ...... Gaming Intelligence ___ The Blood Wood (Earthdawn) ...... FASA Manufacturer: ______Serendipity’s Circle ...... Wheeality ___ Write-in Title: ______Best Historical Miniatures Rules ___ Starry Wisdom ...... Chaosium Manufacturer: ______Write-in Title: ______Battleground Rules .... Easy Eight Enterprises Manufacturer: ______Battles of the Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars ...... Clash of Arms Games Best Professional Game Magazine Name ______Crossfire ...... Quantam Publishing Company ___ Comics Retailer ...... Krause Publications Address ______Flint & Steel ...... Clash of Arms Games/TOME ___ Dungeon Magazine ...... TSR ___ High Noon ...... Tactical Conflict Systems ___ InQuest ...... Wizard Press City ______Red Star, Blue Sky ...... Simtac ___ Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine ... Kenzer & Co. State/Prov. ______Zip ______Write-in Title: ______Pyramid Magazine ...... Steve Jackson Manufacturer: ______Shadis Magazine ...... Alderac Country ______Best Science Fiction or Fantasy ___ Write-in Title: ______Phone Number ______Manufacturer: ______Miniatures Rules ___ Chronopia ...... Heartbreaker Hobbies Best New Play-by-Mail Game Signature ______Deadlands: the Great Rail Wars ...... Pinnacle ___ Cold War Battle Plan ...... , Inc. ___ Epic 40,000 ...... Games Workshop ___ Fire in the Galaxy ...... Tactical Simulations For more information on the Academy ___ Gorkamorka ...... Games Workshop ___ Legends II ...... Midnight Games or the Origins Awards, contact us at the ___ The Lost Toys ...... Inner City Game Designs ___ Middle-earth PBM Fourth Age Circa 1000 ..... ___ Write-in Title: ______...... Game Systems, Inc. address below. Manufacturer: ______Write-in Title: ______Manufacturer: ______Ballots must be received by June 17, Best Historical Figure Miniatures Series 1998. Mail your ballot to: ___ 15mm ACW Personalities ..... Stone Mountain Best Ongoing Play-by-Mail Game ___ 15mm American Revolution ...... Musket Miniatures ___ CTF 2187 ...... Advanced Gaming ___ 6mm Adler Napoleonics ...... Stone Mountain ___ Duelmasters ...... Reality Simulations ___ Charlie Company U.S. Army Figures ... RAFM ___ ...... Reality Simulations ____ GHQ Rebellion 10mm Napoleonics ...... GHQ Microarmor ___ Middle-earth PBM ...... Game Systems, Inc. ___ Write-in Title: ______Star Web ...... Flying Buffalo, Inc. Manufacturer: ______Write-in Title: ______Manufacturer: ______P.O. Box 10262 Blacksburg, VA 24062 USA 540.953.1658 www.gama.org/academy

98 M12 Our Readers Talk Back! Dear KODT, oids could have traversed the galaxy at warp speeds- At the First of all I'd just like to thank you for one of the few game kinds of distances we are talking about, even if being hit by related books I can afford (what's the subscription for Dragon, plasmic flatulence accelerated asteroids to light speed, it still $50 something?) that's the funniest comic I've read in years. would have been centuries before that asteroid reached earth. Also, as a late discoverer of the comic, I'd like to thank you for Factoring in all the possible gravitational influences on the Bundle of Trouble since I will never get to read KODT issues asteroid before it reached Terra makes the already Weekly 1-3 any other way. World News worthy idea something that would have perhaps Alright, here's a few questions I've wanted to ask for a while; been more at home in Plan Nine from Outer Space. 1) Alright, this is really stupid, but I have to ask, is Yeah, I know the movie wasn't intended to be good, rele- Hackmaster real or just one big joke? vant Sci-Fi, just like I know Chris Martin's letter wasn't intend- 2) Could you do a strip on one of the Knight's past, like B.A's ed to be a thorough and serious refutation, but when a movie nervous breakdown, Brian's "girlfriend", or Sara's life in gener- lays claim to such a great heritage, it had better live up to it, or al (an old boyfriend from Minnesota, old gaming group, etc.) face the consequences (in this case, fantastic income- ah, well, 3) Finally, why is Bob bald at 25? there is no justice). Well, sorry for the stupid letter, and thanks for the great The other item I might as well mention took place in the far comic, I'd really like to see anything on Sara or Brian, thanks for more interesting section of KODT. I refer, of course, to reading this! Knobby-Foot's tragic and shocking slaughter of poor Dave's Sean Daly Magic Cow. As if it were not enough to deprive poor Dave of via E-mail his Hackmaster on the basis of an opponent's fumble, BA had 1. Hackmaster is a big joke but it is also slated to become a the audacity to go and slaughter his sacred cow! Now, I realize ‘real’ game. Yes, soon you will be able to hack and slash just that Knobby Foot hasn't exactly been treated well, and I can like Bob and Dave. Playtesting has bogged down over a dispute understand that being on the receiving end of a ring of on the Hoody Hoo effects rules. But hopefully those problems Kevorkian can negatively impact one's loyalty rolls, not to will be resolved. mention being discussed as the next day's entree, but up until 2. Yes, we plan on doing these to help flesh out each volume Knobby's savage murder of Chelsie, he had my deepest sym- of Bundles of Trouble. In BOT Vol1 you will find a strip about pathies. However, Chelsie was perhaps the one redeeming Dave’s very first time playing an RPG. (Plus you’ll see who quality to El Reaper's otherwise meaningless Hack and Slash another member of the group who has since moved on. The infa- existence. It would be one thing if Knobby had taken Dave's mous Johnny Kazinsky!) sword (which he regained somewhere?) or Bob's crossbow- 3. Why is Bob bald? Bob started going bald at the age of 12 But Chelsie, source of actual Roleplaying on Dave's part, which might explain why he is cranky all the time. Although, should have remained free from Knobby's ungentle affections. I’ve never met the woman, I’m told Bob’s mom is bald as well. It was a clear cut case of one innocent taking his rage out upon Must be in the genes. another, and I for one, a one time supporter of the poor, much- Jolly put upon NPC, now hope he is overborne by Dave's ten beggar henchmen and subjected to whatever fiendish atrocities Dave's Dear KODT, none too creative mind can come up with. Normally replying to letters in letter cols leads to exactly the Garth Pricer sort of tedious drawn out flame wars that make Dragon's via E-mail Forum such a waste of space, but I couldn't help but start typ- Sorry I cut a huge chunk from your Starship Troopers back- ing when I read Chris Martin's letter in KODTSample #16. It must filelash, Garth. I think I left enough intact so that your point still have been a very bad year for him indeed if Starship Troopers comes across. I’m amazed how many people wrote in to take could possibly be listed as a positive. I'm sure that, as a gamer, sides for or against the movie. It’s seems like people either hate you've met the sort of person who enters into incredibly long or love this movie. You know what that usually means? Most rants about whatever subject someone else happens to be dis- cult movies start out this way. It will be interesting to see how cussing, assuming that the hyperbole they throw in makes the people feel about this movie ten years from now. I remember otherwise frothing mad diatribe worth listening to. Nothing leaving Blade Runner during it’s initial release and being the could be more annoying (unless that person happens to share the ONLY person in my group to love the movie. Everyone else same sentiments *grin*). absolutely hated it - HATED IT!! Same thing with His feeble defense of Starship Troopers, laced with throw- Highlander. away one-liners as it may have been, was annoying and ineffec- As for Chelsie the Cow. What can I say? I can’t think of any tive. Pointing out the existence of 'Brain Bugs' alone does not other single incident in the strip to cause such an uproar from magically explain away the absurdity of bugs ricocheting aster- fans. As Leonard Nimoy once remarked when people com- oids into Terra from light-years away. Even assuming somehow plained about the death of Spock in STIII, “No one really dies the Brain Bugs waylaid some foolish colonists that landed on in science fiction.” I would add ‘fantasy’ to that remark. Klendathu and thus determined the existence of another race Jolly and their exact coordinates, this hardly explains how these aster- YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY BUB?? HUH?? well, you can write to us via e-mail at JollyRB aol..com!! ABLE TALK: READERABLE TALK: MAIL @

ABLE TALK: READERABLE TALK: MAIL @ or you can send your snail mail to KODT LETTERBOX,, 1003 Monroe Pike, Marion, IN 46953 T T SO C’MON, HACKJOCKEY!!! SAY YOUR PIECE!! IN YER FACE EVERY MONTH!!!

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