Rise of the Right LTC Slaworiir Pradzynski , Polish Army Iraq 2003-4 Poland Rise of the Right • Geography • History • Ceased to exist as a Nation several times • Events shaped view of ideology • Battle of 1683 Islamism • Battle of Warsaw 1920 / Post WW2 Communism • WWII 1939-45 Nazism • Current Situation • Rule of Law • EU/Globalization vs Polish Nationalism Vistula River

Carpathian Mtnsn

East-Central Europe (120,726 sq mi), mostly temperate climate. GR137K Almost unbroken plain from Baltic Sea in north, to Carpathian Mountains in south. Within the plain, terrain variations run in bands east to west. Numerous invasions. • 38.5 M pop, 6th populous in EU • GR 80, FR 67, IT 60, UK 64, SP 46. RU 143 • W Slavic ethnic group, share common ancestry, culture, hist, religion & Polish language • 2011 96.88% reported Polish • 87% Roman Catholic, then Polish Orthodox & Protestant • Polish US immigrate 3 waves 2.5M Late 1800s to WW I, After World War II, after fall of USSR • WW2 Poland lost more killed proportionally than any other country >6M 1/5 population Poland • 8th largest economy in European Union • High-income economy along with high standards of living, life quality, safety, and economic freedom • A developed educational system • Free university education, state-funded social security & universal health care • Member of Visegrád Group 1991 (V4 93), NATO 1999, European Union 2004, Schengen Area 2007 • Not a member of Euro-Zone (Zloty $.27)


Major Power

From Baltic To Black Sea Lost 1/3 Robbed people of its riches & Damage most more stolen extensive items than never WWII returned

Lost status as great power

Siege of Vienna 1683 9-11-1683

Hapsburgs, Poland & In summer of 1683, 300,000 warriors of Ottoman Empire began siege of Vienna. The fall of the city would have opened the way to conquer Europe. On September 11 the Polish Cavalry arrived and defeated the Turks. King Jana III Sobieski “Savior of Europe from Islam & Turks”

Partitions of Poland

Elimination of sovereign Poland and Lithuania for 123 years 1804 Austrian Empire

No sovereign 1917 Poland Russian Revolution

1914 WWI Central Powers Attack Russia

Central Russian Powers Civil War Continue Reds v Attack Whites Russia

Mar 1918 Russian Bolshevic Civil War Peace Reds v Treaty w Whites

Germany continues

Treaty Brest- Litovsk

Nov 1918 Battle of WWI ends Warsaw Treaty of “Miracle Versailles on the Poland Vistula” re- 1920 emerged

1919 Soviets won against Whites Battle of Warsaw 1920 • Summer 1920, Soviets invaded Poland. Polish army retreated west - on verge of disintegration & decisive Soviet victory • Lenin/Soviets expected fall of Polish capital to spark international series of communist uprisings & allow Red Army to join German Revolution • Aug 12-25, Red Army approached Warsaw. Poles broke Soviet ciphers & counter-attacked forcing Soviets into a disorganized withdrawal. • Defeat crippled Red Army; Forced Lenin to rethink objective of achieving global socialism. More Polish victories saved independence & led to peace treaty w Soviet Russia & Soviet Ukraine later in year, securing Polish state's eastern frontiers until 1939.

“The Battle that saved Europe from Communism”

WWII Soviets Germany deported & 100s of thousands USSR Invade & Executed Divide thousands Poland of Polish prisoners Molotov– of war Ribbentrop Katyn Pact massacre

Polish Europe’s Govern in most Exile effective Resistance Free Polish Movement Army, Navy & Air Force Germany Invades

USSR Aug 1944

Warsaw Uprising Aug 1 – Oct 2, 1944

• Soviet army on outskirts. Poles wanted to liberate the city themselves to show Poland still was a nation. Leverage against Soviets. • During 63 days of fighting 16,000 resistance fighters were killed & 6,000 badly wounded. • 150,000 - 200,000 civilians were killed. • 85% of city was destroyed. • Warsaw’s entire population was expelled & sent to transit camp Durchgangslager 121. Of 350,000–550,000 civilians who passed through the camp, 90,000 sent to labor camps in Third Reich, & 60,000 shipped to death & concentration camps

WARSAW 1944 Yalta Communist Conference Gov Ignored installed Polish exile govern Warsaw

Pact Betrayal by the Allies. No $ paid

to re-build USSR took E land & gave Poland Ger land in W

1935 Royal Castle in Warsaw 1944 2018 1918 Saxon Palace, Warsaw 1939 2018 2018 2018

Solidarity 1989 Polish labor union

Gdansk shipyards Lech Russia Semi-free Wałęsa election & st 1 union Solidarity- not led coalition controlled government communist w Wałęsa as President

Constitution • 1997 Current Constitution adopted by National Assembly & approved by national referendum • Transform into a “democratic state,” from one-party to multi-party system, & from socialism to a free market economic system • Guarantees wide range of individual freedoms. Judicial branch plays minor role in politics, apart from Constitutional Tribunal, which can annul laws that violate freedoms in constitution.

Government • Semi-presidential representative democratic republic • President is head of state & commander of armed forces. • Elected for 5 yrs • Power to veto legislation passed by parliament, can be overridden by 3/5s majority, can dissolve parliament under certain conditions • Prime Minister is head of government which consists of Council of Ministers chosen from majority party or coalition, in lower house of parliament (Sejm) • 2 chambers of parliament, Sejm & Senate. Sejm elected by proportional representation, (parties must have 5% of national vote to seat). Elections every 4 yrs. • Currently 5 parties represented.

Pres Andrzej Duda PM Mateusz Morawiecki • PiS Law and Justice • PO Civic Platform • NOP National right-wing populist, liberal-conservative Rebirth of national- & Christian Poland conservative, & democratic political ultranationalist Christian democratic party. far-right, political party. • 2007-2015 in Power w neofascist, • Defeated PO Civic Donald Tusk as Prime nat’l Platform 2015 Minister. 2014 Tusk revolutionary • Largest party, 237 in stepped down to be political party Sejm & 66 in Senate President of EU Council. • 2nd largest party 138 in • 2015 no seats • Jaroslaw Kaczyniski Sejm & 33 Senate. in Parliament Poland’s President Andrej Duda

Press conference at White House Sept. 18, 2018 63 Poland’s Andrej Duda (Since 2015) • Seeks military cooperation with US. Purchased US Patriot missile system to counter Russian military threats • Wants to Invest $2 billion to build a US Division (15,000) military base “Fort Trump” • US Brigade (4000) rotates through Baltic states, Poland, Bulgaria & Romania on continuous basis • Spends >2% of GDP for own defense above that required of a NATO member. • Visegrád Battlegroup (Regiment (3700), now an EU Battlegroup) led by Poland with Czech Rep, Slovakia & . 1991- V4 1993 • 18 EU Battlegroups (Most Bn size 1500) rotate w 2 on ready status

64 President Andrej Duda, Con’t… • Seeks closer ties with Baltic states to counter perceived Russian threats. “We are the border of NATO – building anti-Russian alliance”. EU Rotational Baltic Air Policing / Eu Battlegroup • Seeking to counter dependence on Russian energy. GE invested $2 billion in conventional energy plant there. Building pipeline from Baltic Sea to Black Sea. • Heir to Lech Kaczynski – killed in plane crash in Russia in 2010 with other high gov’t. officials on their way to attend an annual commemoration service for victims of Katyń massacre • Nemesis: Donald Tusk, former PM 2007 to 2014 and co-founder & chairman of Civic Platform who became head of European Council since 2014. • Enjoys 75% approval rating.


“Rise of Right” Issues • Rule of Law • Islamic Immigration • Media Control • Judicial Independence • “Holocaust bill” • Reparations from Germany? • “Neo-Nazi, Fascist” Demonstrations • Dispute with EU • Globalism v Nationalism Islamic Immigration • Refuse to accept EUs Mid East immigration quotas • EU Position: Humanitarian Issue. EU solve together • Poland’s Position: • Germany caused problem by accepting refugees & did not consult with other nations – Germany’s problem • Polish National Sovereignty vs European Union Polish Position (cont) • Islamic migrants do not integrate and are threat to Western culture, values and security • Not just a religion but a political Ideology • Poland saved Eur from Islamic rule at Battle of Vienna. Not going to just invite them in now. • 2,000 refugees predominantly from Syria and Eritrea (vetted and Christian) https://www.ft.com/content/6edfdd30-472a-11e5-b3b2-1672f710807b “… Muhammad is the prophet of all people. He superseded all previous religions… We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe – without swords, without guns, without military conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.” - Muammar Gaddafi 2006

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCGYKSEsYFM May 8 2017

"Ahok" told group of fishermen that politicians who tell them that the Quran forbids voting for non- Muslims are lying to them.

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-indonesia-politics/verdict-expected-in-blasphemy-case-against-jakartas-christian-governor- idUSKBN1842GE Islamic Terrorist Attacks

May 13, 2015

• …there are now 1.5 M to 300,000- 400,000 Ukrainians in Poland

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/13/ukraines-refugees-find-solace-in-poland-europes-most-homogenous-society Jul 3,2016

• Since Law & Justice (PiS) took power, Polish TV became battleground between Polish authorities & European institutions • 14 state operated channels & 100s of independent commercial channels. • Duda signed laws enabling government to appoint heads of public TV & radio, as well as civil service directors. • Treasury minister can hire & fire broadcasting chiefs - a role currently done by a media supervisory committee. • PiS’ move to control state broadcasters offers what critics call a conservative, nationalist message to match their worldview https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/europe/polands -conservative-government-puts-curbs-on-state-tv-news.html

Media • 163 people, including news anchors & reporters fired or quit state broadcasting. “They did not want to participate in political pacification of media.” • PiS: “..national media..must be representative of government..If don’t agree, you don’t have to work here.” • Laws don’t effect internet or social media. Hardly censorship. Did cancel use of public institutions to present sexually explicit on-stage acts in play by Nobel Laureate Elfriede Jelinek. • BBC's Adam Easton in Warsaw says incoming government’s put their own people in to run state companies, institutions & public media - but PiS is going faster & further

https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/europe/polands-conservative-government-puts-curbs-on-state-tv-news.html Media • Young are tuning out TV in favor of social media, but PiS focuses on TV: “Older people are used to TV.” • All TV audiences have declined. State broadcaster TVP1 — for years most popular channel — places third, behind two commercial channels. • 47-nation Council of Europe, Eur’s leading human rights body, demanded transparent procedures for selecting new National Media Council. Members should be qualified, independent & reflect social diversity. Content should be impartial & diverse. • “Liberal democracy is in crisis. More vision, less television.” Judicial Independence • Supreme Court 72 Judges • Constitutional Tribunal 15 Judges 1. PiS govern refused to seat judges appointed by the previous party • 2015 “Nov three & Dec two” Judges. Civic Platform Parliament passed law to allow appointment of all five Judges • Issue referred to prior Tribunal 2. Installed its own judges • PiS passed own law: Invalidated 5 appointees & named own 5 3. Refused to recognize the rulings of the court until its majority had been installed. • Prior court ruled Nov three valid but not Dec two

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/05/world/europe/poland-court-crisis-constitutional-tribunal.html Judicial Independence • New laws • Require 15-strong court to reach 2/3 majority with at least 13 members present, in order to pass rulings. • Lower retire age of Supreme Court judges from 70 to 65. • Speed departure of 1/3 of judges appointed by previous govern, allow appointment by current leadership. • Includes Chief Justice Malgorzata Gersdorf who refused to step down, citing constitution that she serve 6 yr term til 2020.

https://www.yahoo.com/news/eu-takes-poland-court-over-judicial-independence-132926129.html Judicial Independence • Tribunal judges are supposed to choose new Tribunal President. • Parliament passed law that created new position not foreseen in the Constitution: “acting president of the Tribunal.” • President Andrzej Duda chose Justice Przylebska • She reconfigured how panels of judges were selected to sit on specific cases. • Eur Commission referred the case to the European court.

Treaty on European Union • Article 2: Member states uphold EU's founding values (respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law & respect for human rights) • Article 7: Procedure to suspend certain rights from member • Enacted when EU Identifies member persistently breaching values • European Council can vote to suspend rights such as voting & representation in the Council. NO mechanism to expel a member. • Identifying the breach requires unanimity (excluding concerned state), but sanctions require only a qualified majority. • Affected state still bound by the obligations treaties, & Council may alter or lift sanctions by majority. • Hungary, right-wing populist Viktor Orban, vowed to veto Judicial Independence • Jul 2017 US State Dept • Polish government has continued to pursue legislation that appears to undermine judicial independence and weaken the rule of law in Poland. We urge all sides to ensure that any judicial reform does not violate Poland’s constitution or international legal obligations and respects the principles of judicial independence and separation of powers

https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2017/07/272791.htm https://www.yahoo.com/news/eu-takes-poland-court-over-judicial-independence-132926129.html May 12, 2012

“Holocaust Law” • 2018 Polish law outlaws blaming Poland for crimes committed during Holocaust. • Up to 3 yrs prison or fine for accusing Polish state or people of involvement or responsibility for Nazi atrocities during WWII. • Harshest penalties: those who call Nazi concentration camps such as Auschwitz “Polish death camps.” Only scientific research into the war & artistic work are exempted. • Term “Polish death camp” has riled both current nationalist govern & its liberal predecessors. Polish foreign ministry issued 913 statements 2008-15 in response to term use. “We have to send a clear signal to world that we won’t allow Poland to continue being insulted.” • Bill sparked outrage in Israel after passed Jan 26, (eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day). Called attempt to whitewash role some Poles had in detention & killing of Polish Jews during World War II. time.com/5128341/poland-holocaust-law/ Polish Position • Germany killed 2.9 M Polish Jews (90% of pre- war Poland’s Jewry), plus • 2.8 M ethnic non-Jewish Poles including academics, doctors, lawyers, nobility, priests & others.

Polish Position • Poland physically annexed by Third Reich. Not even a puppet government. Holocaust perpetrated by Nazis. • Fewer than .1% of Poles collaborated with Germans. • By nationality, Poles represent largest number of people who rescued Jews during the Holocaust. • 6,620 Poles awarded title of Righteous Among the Nations by Israel–more than any other nation. • Estimates say up to 3M Poles involved in rescuing & credit Poles with sheltering up to 250,000 Jews. • Polish underground advised Allies of camps & requested bombing. • Jun 2018 Law amended to remove prison

https://www.politico.eu/article/poland-softens-controversial-holocaust-law-after-backlash-mateusz-morawiecki/ photoshopped like Auschwitz gate “Arbeit macht frei.” telewizjarepublika.pl/ile-sa-nam-winni-niemcy-wideo,52514.html

Warsaw revives call for German WWII reparations • PiS leader Kaczyński says ‘Poland never renounced its compensation claim.’ Accuses Berlin of abusing its influence in EU to sway debate about Poland’s infringement of EU rule of law standards. • German says issue was “dealt with conclusively in the past.” • 1945 Potsdam conference Allies agreed Soviet Union would get reparations, & that part should be paid to Poland. • 1953 Soviet Union gave up reparations that might impoverish its East German satellite, & communist-ruled Poland followed suite. PiS says communist regime “was a Soviet colony”

https://www.politico.eu/article/warsaw-revives-call-for-german-wwii-reparations/ Reparations • 1990 Ger reunification & Pol-Ger treaty guaranteed post-war borders. 500 M Deutsche marks to foundation in Warsaw & 2B DM to Polish victims of Nazi forced labor. • 2004 after joining EU, Polish govern confirmed it wouldn’t seek reparations. • Germany is crucial economic partner for Poland, buying quarter of all Polish exports, and was key advocate of Poland’s joining EU. • Compensation issue is opening fissures within government & within PiS Law and Justice. • Bulk of party strongly supports Kaczyński, Duda — already at odds with PiS for recent veto of 2 bills giving govern more power over judiciary — has been more circumspect.

Did you see that Poland went all neo-Nazi on us last night?


Stefan Tompson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCNWtVoOLlo&list=PLEPPxkXoEmgEeWnOK-ZIXZLFQx9J-hVV3 Polorization Right vs Left

Nationalism vs EU Golbalization

Merkel hates German Flag EU/Globalism


Poland’s Future • Poland’s economy tops in EU28, expanding at 4X bloc’s average. Warsaw is Europe’s fastest-growing metro region. Tech is boom’s engine: Poland’s early embrace of digital, combined w educational tech focus, created conditions. • Younger, urban Poles find liberalism dated, reject idea that Brussels knows better & back PiS. New generation gap cuts off those below 35, Poles who only vaguely remember life w/o open Schengen borders, much less communism. • Liberalism and EU are, really, your parents’ thing. “It’s not cool anymore,” “Now the pro-Europeans are the old establishment. People are rebelling against it.” • After: 123 yrs of no nation; European Union 6 years of Nazi rule; Globalism Decades of control by Soviet Union • Poland will not be controlled by EU.

Poland Rule of Law Nationalism POLAND

Rise of the Right 11-25-18

• End lifetime appointments • 18-year term limits for justices. • Ea president appoints 2 new justices per 4-year term. Justices term-limited off rotate to circuit courts. • Raises political stakes - every presidential election = a referendum on Supreme Court • Supermajority vote of either 60 or 67 senators to confirm justices.

• Congress - strip court of jurisdiction over specific issues by limiting what cases court can hear by Exceptions Clause • Congress has routinely increased Court’s jurisdiction, so why can’t it limit it? • Early 1900’s, after court struck down law to ban child labor & other laws regulating corporations ― progressives introduced legislation for Congress to override Supreme Court decisions, require a supermajority vote on court to nullify enacted laws & strip court of jurisdiction over laws banning child labor • 1970s & 80s conservatives introduced bills to strip court of ability to hear appellate cases on school prayer, school busing, abortion, male-only military draft, police arrests & cases from state court decisions. • Congress enact recusal & ethics laws to strip court of jurisdiction • Add new justices to Supreme Court. • Constitution does not set # of justices - nine since 1869 • Franklin Roosevelt’s failed attempt to pack the court in 1937 • Controversial - allows one political party to change personnel of court to get partisan outcome they desire. If one party does it, what’s to stop the other party next time • 1.20.21 - public education campaign run by political scientist Aaron Belkin & liberal Harvard Law School professors to get progressives to pack court in 2021 if they have necessary political power • Reverse “judicial theft” of 2 seats by next Democratic president appoint 4 new justices. Supreme Court = 13 justices
