Developments in the Coordination Chemistry of Europium(II)

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Developments in the Coordination Chemistry of Europium(II) MICROREVIEW DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201200159 Developments in the Coordination Chemistry of Europium(II) Joel Garcia[a] and Matthew J. Allen*[a] Keywords: Lanthanides / Coordination chemistry / Imaging agents / Luminescence / Polymerization Recent advances in the coordination chemistry of Eu2+ are merization, luminescence, and as contrast agents for mag- reviewed. Common synthetic routes for generating discrete netic resonance imaging. Rapid development of the coordi- Eu2+-containing complexes reported since 2000 are summa- nation chemistry of Eu2+ has led to an upsurge in the utiliza- rized, followed by a description of the reactivity of these com- tion of Eu2+-containing complexes in synthetic chemistry, plexes and their applications in reduction chemistry, poly- materials science, and medicine. Introduction chalcogenides, and organometallic compounds that are gen- erally insoluble in organic solvents such as tetrahydrofuran [3] Properties of Eu2+ (THF) because of the formation of extended structures. Among the divalent lanthanides, Eu2+ has the most ac- cessible divalent oxidation state because of its half-filled 4f7 electronic configuration and, consequently, a high stabiliza- tion from exchange energy (Figure 1).[1] While Eu2+ is the most accessible of the divalent lanthanides, outside of the solid state it has a propensity to oxidize [Eu0(Eu3+/Eu2+)= 3+Ǟ 2+ –0.35 V vs. the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE)],[2] which Figure 1. Relative reduction potentials for Ln Ln (V vs. NHE); values from ref.[2] necessitates handling under an inert atmosphere. Four dec- ades ago, there were only a few discrete Eu2+-containing complexes reported. Most of these complexes were halides, Despite oxidation and oligomerization, which present obstacles to the preparation and characterization of Eu2+- [a] Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University, containing complexes, the interesting catalytic, photophysi- 5101 Cass Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202, USA Fax: +1-313-577-8822 cal, and magnetic properties of this ion have spurred a great E-mail: [email protected] deal of research. The unique properties of Eu2+ are influ- Joel Garcia received his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of the Philippines in Diliman in 2004. During his under- graduate years, he studied the electrocatalytic activity of rhenium(I)-containing 2,3-bis(2Ј-pyridyl)benzoquinoxaline, 2,3- bis(2Ј-pyridyl)pyrazine and 2,3-bis(2Ј-pyridyl)quinoxaline complexes under the supervision of Dr. Girlie Sison. He moved to Wayne State University to join the Allen group for his Ph.D. studies and is studying the properties of europium(II)- containing cryptates and their relevance to magnetic resonance imaging. Matthew J. Allen, received his B.S. in Chemistry from Purdue University in 1998, where he did undergraduate research with Jillian Buriak, and his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology in 2004, where he studied gadolinium- containing complexes with Thomas Meade. Matt then moved to the University of Wisconsin–Madison where he was an NIH postdoctoral fellow in the laboratories of Laura Kiessling and Ronald Raines. In 2008, he started as an assistant professor of chemistry at Wayne State University, where his group studies the chemistry of lanthanides in aqueous solution. 4550 © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2012, 4550–4563 Developments in the Coordination Chemistry of Europium(II) enced largely by the spacing of the energy levels of the 4f plexes often include ligands with relatively soft atoms such and 5d orbitals and the reducing properties of the ion. as carbon and phosphorus. The f orbitals make the electronic properties of Eu2+ Among the first discrete Eu2+-containing complexes pre- unique in comparison to those of elements in the d block. pared was the metallocene-like complex Cp2Eu, where Cp is For example, using spectroscopic techniques, Adin and cyclopentadiene. This complex did not garner much interest Sykes demonstrated that electron transfer from f orbitals is because of its insolubility in polar organic solvents such as more difficult than that from d orbitals.[4] They observed a THF.[14] This insolubility was ascribed to a polymerization rate constant for the reaction of Eu2+ with V3+ of that can be prevented with the use of bulkier ligands.[9,14,15] –1 –1 0.013 m s (1.0 n HClO4, 25 °C, ionic strength 2.0 m), Templeton and co-workers were able to isolate crystals from 2+ 3+ while the rate constant for the reaction of Cr with V THF or toluene of Cp*2Eu (1) in which Cp* is methyl- under the same conditions is 0.85 m–1 s–1.[4] The smaller rate substituted Cp (Figure 2).[9] Evans and co-workers investi- constant observed for Eu2+ relative to that for Cr2+ can be gated the bond characteristics and the electronic spin–spin attributed to the shielding of the valence 4f orbitals from paramagnetic relaxation rate of Eu in Cp*2Eu(THF) (2) the environment by the electrons in the fully occupied 5s and Cp*2Eu(THF)(Et2O) (3). The Eu–ligand bonds of 2 and 5p orbitals. An additional influence of the f orbitals is and 3 are ionic in character as indicated by the isomer shifts exemplified by the photophysical properties of Eu2+ that of these complexes: 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy, a tech- stem from the lowest-energy and first-excited-state configu- nique used to study the oxidation state and the local envi- rations of 4f7 and 4f65d1, respectively.[5] While the 4f orbit- ronment of Eu in the solid state, provides the information als of Eu2+ remain largely unperturbed by the presence of that the shifts of 2 and 3 are not different from those of ligands, the energy of the 5d orbitals is influenced readily ionic Eu2+ halide complexes.[16] Moreover, the data ob- by ligands. Consequently, the luminescence properties of tained from the spherical relaxation model fits of the 151Eu 2+ Eu can be tuned by using coordination chemistry, and the Mössbauer spectra of 2, 3, and [Cp*Eu(THF)2(μ-I)]2 (4)in characteristic emission properties of this divalent ion in- the solid state indicate that the Eu–Eu distances affect the clude a broad emission band (390–580 nm)[6] and a short electronic spin–spin paramagnetic relaxation of these com- radiative lifetime (ca. 1 μs) that are attributed to the La- plexes: longer Eu–Eu distances lead to slower spin–spin re- porte-allowed 4f65d1Ǟ4f7 transitions.[5] In addition to these laxation rates.[16] In addition to Cp*, the sterically de- – allowed transitions, sharp emission bands, which appear be- manding ligand bis(trimethylsilyl)amide, [{(CH3)3Si}2N] , tween 354 and 376 nm[7,8] and have longer radiative emis- was used as a precursor in preparing Eu2+ complexes. The sion lifetimes (ca. 1 ms) that correspond to the Laporte- six-coordinate complex [{(CH3)3Si}2N]2Eu(CH3OCH2CH2- forbidden 4fǞ4f transitions are observed, similar to those OCH3)2 (5) and the four-coordinate complex [{(CH3)3Si}2- 3+ [5] observed in the Eu ion. Beyond the unique lumines- N]2Eu(bpy) (6), where bpy is 2,2Ј-bipyridine, are both solu- cence properties of Eu2+, the f orbitals are responsible for ble in THF, pentane, toluene, and 1,2-dimethoxyethane the interesting magnetic characteristics of this divalent ion (DME).[3] In general, the problem of insolubility in hydro- that include a high magnetic moment (7.63–8.43 μB) associ- carbons is addressed by using sterically demanding ligands 8 ated with seven unpaired electrons in an S7/2 ground-state to increase hydrophobicity and to prevent the formation of configuration.[3,9] coordination polymers.[9,14,15] In addition to the desirable optical and magnetic proper- Phosphane complexes of Eu2+ have been investigated ties of Eu2+, this ion displays interesting redox chemistry. since the early 1980s and display unique structural and elec- Divalent lanthanides including Eu2+ act as one-electron re- tronic properties.[17–19] In some cases, phosphorus-contain- ductants, and detailed discussions of the reductive chemis- ing ligands form dative bonds with Eu2+ in the presence try of divalent lanthanides were published by Evans in 2000 of oxygen-containing bases.[20] Templeton and co-workers and 2002.[2,10] Since then, research efforts have been di- reported the synthesis of phosphane complexes of Eu2+:in 2+ rected toward developing Eu -containing species that act their procedure, NaEu[N{Si(CH3)3}2]3 was prepared from [11] as multielectron reductants in synthetic chemistry. Ad- EuI2 and NaN[Si(CH3)3]2 in diethyl ether, and the relatively – ditionally, there is interest in studying the influence of li- weak donor ligand [N{Si(CH3)3}2] was displaced by a gands on the redox properties of Eu2+.[12] phosphorus-containing ligand such as 1,2-bis(dimethyl- phosphanyl)ethane (DMPE) to give a complex with an em- [19] pirical formula of Eu[N{Si(CH3)3}2]2(DMPE)1.5. An- other Eu2+-containing phosphane complex was reported by – Early Eu2+ Complexes the same group with Cp* in place of [N{Si(CH3)3}2] . The resulting complex, EuCp*2(DMPE) (7), was not soluble in Discrete Eu2+-containing complexes were reported as noncoordinating solvents, potentially because of the role of early as 1964.[13] However, the number of these complexes DMPE in bridging complexes to form coordination poly- is small relative to their Eu3+ analogues, which form air- mers. To reduce the potential for aggregation, ethylene- stable complexes with most electronegative atoms such as bridged DMPE was replaced with methylene-bridged 1,2- oxygen and nitrogen, partially because Eu3+ is a hard Lewis bis(dimethylphosphanyl)methane (DMPM).[21] As a result, 2+ 3+ acid. Eu is a softer Lewis acid than Eu because of its complex EuCp*2(DMPM) (8) was isolated, but analogous 2+ lower charge density; consequently, Eu -containing com- complexes with monodentate phosphanes such as P(CH3)3 Eur.
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    5.2 Chemical Shift © Copyright Hans J. Reich 2015 All Rights Reserved University of Wisconsin Fortunately for the chemist, all proton resonances do not occur at the same position. The Larmor precession frequency (νo) varies because the actual magnetic field B at the nucleus is always less than the external field Bo. The origin of this effect is the "superconducting" circulation of electrons in the molecule, which occurs in such a way that a local magnetic field Be is created, which opposes Bo (Be is proportional to Bo). Thus B = Bo ­ Be. We therefore say that the nucleus is shielded from the external magnetic field. The extent of shielding is influenced by many structural features within the molecule, hence the name chemical shift. Since the extent of shielding is proportional to the external magnetic field Bo, we use field independent units for chemical shifts: δ values, whose units are ppm. Spin­spin splitting is not dependent on the external field, so we use energy units for coupling constants: Hz, or cycles per second (in mathematical formulas radians per second are the natural frequency units for both chemical shifts and couplings). The Proton Chemical Shift Scale Experimentally measured proton chemical shifts are referenced to the 1H signal of tetramethylsilane (Me4Si). For NMR studies in aqueous solution, where Me4Si is not sufficiently soluble, the reference signal ­ + usually used is DSS (Me3Si­CH2CH2­SO3 Na , Tiers, J. Org. Chem. 1961, 26, 2097). For aqueous solution of cationic substrates (e.g., amino acids) where there may be interactions between the anionic + reference compound and the substrates, an alternatice reference standard, DSA (Me3Si­CH2CH2­NH3 ­ CF3CO2 , Nowick Org.
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