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Alphabetical Index Alphabetical Index 3; Group pic 3 Argyll Group PLC Sillilon UK Ltd 38 3M UK Holdings PLC 3 Arlington Securities PLC " SirSB Group PLC 39 600 Group PLC (The) 3 Armstrong EquIpment Ltd " Blwatar Ltd 39 A Cohen & Co PLC 3 Armstrong World Industries Ltd " Black & Decksr 39 A F Blakemore & Son Ltd 3 Arthur Bell Distillers " Black, Paler, Holdings pic 39 A F Budge (Contractors) Ltd 3 Arthur Lee & Sons pic " Blackwell, B H, Ltd A H Philpot & Sons Ltd 3 ASO PLC " Blackwood Hodge pic " A Heald LId 3 Asda Group pic " Blagden Industries PLC " A Oppenheimer & Co Ltd 3 Ashley, Laura. Holdings pic 20" Blakemore. A F. & SOr'l Ltd " A T Mays Ltd 3 Assi Forest Industry Holdings Ltd 20 Blue Circle Industries PLC " AA Brothers Ltd ASSOCiated British Foods pic 20 8M Group PLC " AAF hWBstmerll Corporation PLC • ASSOCiated British Ports Holdings BMW (GS) Ltd " (formerly Anglo-African Finance "C 20 BNB Resources PLC (formerly " PLC) • Associated Container Transportation Charles Barker PLC) AAH Holdings pic • (Australia) Ltd BOC Group pic (The) " Aaronson Bros PLC • AssQCiatad Elactrical Industries Ltd " SOCM Silcock Ltd " AB Electronic Products Group PLC 5 ASSOCiated Fisheries PLC " Boddlngton's Group PLC (The) " ABS Kent (HoldIngs) pic 5 Associated Paper Industries pic "22 Booker pic " Abbey National piC 5 ASt9C (BSR) PLC (formerly BSR Boot, Henry, & Sons PLC ".. Abbey pic 6 International PLC) 22 Boots Company PLC .. Abbott LaboratOries Ltd 6 Astra Holdings PLC 22 Borg-Warnar Ltd .. Abbott Mead Vickers PLC 6 ASW Holdings PLC 23 Borthwlcks pic .. Abu Ohabl Petroleum Company Ltd 6 Atlantic Computers Pic 23 Bosch, Robert, Ltd Acatos & Hutcheson pic 7 ATOCHEM UK Holdings Ltd 23 Boustead pic " ACT Group pic 7 Attock Oil Company Ltd (The) 23 Bowater Industries pic " Adams Foods Ltd 7 Attwoods PLC Bowring. C T. & Co Ltd " ADT Ltd (formerly Hawley Group Ltd) 7 Austin Knight Ltd " Bowthorpe Holdings PLC .." Adwest Group PLC B Austin Aeed Group PLC " BP Chemicals Ltd .. Agfa-Geyaert Ltd B Autobar Group Ltd " BP PLC 52 Air Products PLC B Automated Sacurity (Holdings) PLC "25 BPB Industries pic .. Airtlnes of Britain Holdings PLC B Aydel pic 25 Brake Bros PLC AlrtOtJrs pic 9 Ayis Europe Ltd 25 Brammer pic " Akzo Chemicals Holdings Ltd 9 AYon Cosmetics Ltd 25 Brent Chemicals International PLC " AI-Bank AI-SaudI AI-Alami Ltd 253 AYon Rubber pic 26 Brent Walker Group PLC (The) .." Albert Fisher Group PLC (The) 9 B Elliott pic 26 BAIOON pic .. Albright & W,lson Ltd 9 B H Blackwell Ltd 26 Bristol-Myers Co Ltd Britannia Refined MetalS Ltd .. Alcoa Manufacturing (GB) Ltd BAA pic 26 Ale~ander Proudfoot PLC (formerly " Bailey, N G, Organisation Ltd (The) 26 Britannia Security Group PLC " City & Foreign Holdings PLC) Baird, William. PLC 26 Britannic Assurance PLC " Ale~anders Discount piC " Ballour Baatty Ltd 27 BritiSh Aerospace PLC " Alexanders Holdings PLC " Bamford. J C. Excavators Ltd 27 British Airways Pic "50 Ale)(on Group PLC " Bank of England 27 British Alcan Aluminium pic 50 Alia-Laval Co Ltd " Bank of Scolland 2B British Arkady (Holdings) Ltd 50 Alfred Marks Bureau Ltd " Banks, Sidney C. pic 2B British Coal Corporation Alfrad McAlpine Construction Ltd " Barclays PLC 2B British Gas plc " Alfred McAlpine PLC " Bardon Group PLC 29 BritiSh Gypsum Ltd " Allied Colloids Group PLC " Baric Pumps Ltd 29 BritiSh Land Company PLC (The) " Allied Dunbar Assurance pic " Barings pic 29 British Nuclear Fuels PLC "52 AllIed Mills Ltd " Barkar & Dobson Group PLC 29 British Oliyettl Ltd 52 Allied Partnership Group Pic " Barr & Wallace Arnold Trust PLC 30 BritiSh Petroleum Company pic (The) 52 (Formerly Allied Plant Group Pic) Barratt Deyelopments PLC 30 BritiSh Railways Board 53 Allied Te)(tlle Companies PLC " Barrett, Henry. Group PLC 30 British Shipbuilders 53 Allied-Lyons PLC " Barretts & Baird (Holdings) Ltd British Shoe Corporation Ltd 53 Alusulsse (UK) Ltd " BASF PLC " BritiSh Steel pic 53 Amalgamated Foods Ltd " Bass PLC " BritiSh Sugar pic Amalgamated Metal Corporation PLC " Bessett Foods pic "32 BritiSh Syphon Industries PLC ,." AMEC pic " BAT Industries pic 32 BritiSh Telecom ,. Amerada Hess Limited ,. Batleys pic 33 British Telecommunications pIc ,. American Distributors PLC ,." Bayer UK Ltd 33 British Tissues Ltd 55 Amersham International pic BBA Group PLC 33 British Vita PLC 55 AMI Heatthcare Group p1c " Beazer PLC Britoil PLC 55 Amoco (U.K.) Ltd " Beckenham Group pic (The) " Broseley Estates Ltd 56 Amstrad pic " Bejam Group PLC " Brown & Root (UK) Ltd 56 Anchor Foods Ltd " Bell. Arthur. DiStillers " Brown & Tawse Group PLC 56 Anderson Strathclyde PLC " Bel1way PLC "35 Brown. John. PLC 56 Andrew Weir & Co Ltd " Benjamin Priest Group pic 35 Brown, N. Group pic 56 Anglesey Aluminium Limited " Bennett & Fountain Group pic 35 Bryant Group piC 57 Anglla Television Group PLC " Berg. V. & Sons 35 BSC Footwear Supplies Limited 57 Anglian Water PLC " Berisford International pic (formerly B.S.G. International pic 57 Angl1an Windows Ltd " S&W Beristord PLC) 35 BSS Group PLC 58 Anglo Beef Processors Ltd H" Berkeley Group PLC (The) 36 BT Anglo Leasing PLC H Bernard Matthews PLC 36 BTP PLC "58 Anglo United piC H BET Public Limited Company 36 BTR PLC Appletree Holdings PLC H BhS pic 37 Budge. A F. (Contractors) Ltd "59 Appleyard Group PLC H Bibby, J. & Sons PLC 37 Budgens pic (formerly Barkar & APV pic BICC pic 37 Dobson Group pic) 59 Argos pic " Billington. Edward. & Son Ltd 38 Bullough PLC 59 " 323 INDEX: Alphabetical Bulmer, H P, Holdings PLC 60 Gorton Beach PLC Erith pie Bunge & Co Ltd 60 Cosalt pic " Erskine House Group PLC '" Bunzl pic 60 Cosmos Air Holidays Ltd " Essel'. Business Systems Holdmgs "" Burmah 0,1 PLC (The) Costa,n Group PlC "B2 Lui 'OS Burnett. leo. Ltd " COuntryside Properties Public Limited ESS-FOOD Danepak Ltd >0, Burton Group pic (The) "62 Company B2 Esso UK pic >0, Bunons Gold Medal BiscullS Lid 62 Courage Ltd B2 Elam PLC ", C & J Cieri< Ltd Courtaulds Coatmgs um,jed B2 European Grain & ShiPPing Ltd ", C E Heath PLC " Courtaulds pic 83 European Home Products PLC '06 C J Lang & Son Ltd "62 Courts (Furnishers) PLC 83 Euro\herm International PLC '06 C T Bowring & Co Ltd 62 COwie. T. PLC Evans Halshaw Holdings pic '06 C Walker & Sons (Holdings) Ltd 62 CPC (United Kingdom) ltd " Ever Ready LId >0, Cable and Wifeless pic Gray Electronics Holdmgs PLC " Evered PLC Cadbury SChwappes pic "63 Crest NIcholson PLC " Evocie Group pic '"lO' Catfyns PLC 63 Crocia International Pic "as Exco International p,Lc. CALA pic 83 Croudace Ltd Expamet InternatIOnal PLC '">0, Calor Group pic Cummins EngIne Co Ltd "as Express Newspapers PLC lO' Cambridge Electronic Industnes pic " Cyaflamld 01 Great Bfltilifl LIm,ted Exxon ChemIcal Ltd lO' CambrIdge Instrument Company PLC " Ctatlllkow Holdings Ltd " Faber Prest Pic l09 (Tho, o B Marshall (Newbridge) Ltd " Fairey Group pic '09 Cameron Iron Works Ltd " o C Cook Holdings pic " Far East Resources PLC '09 Cam lord Engineering PLC "65 o C Thomson & Co Ltd " Farnell ElectronICS PLC '09 Campbell Foods PLC as Daa Woo Industrial Co (UK) Ltd " Favor Parker Ltd Canning, W, pI(: 65 Dagenham Motors Group PLC " Fehr, Frank, & Co '" Cannon StrHtlnveslments PLC 65 Dady Mail & General Trust PLC " Fenner PLC '" Canon (UK) Ltd 66 Dally Telegraph pic (The) " Fenwk:k Ltd '" Caparo IndustrieS PI(: 66 Dalgety PLC " Ferguson Industrial HoldIngs PLC '" Cape PLC 66 Dana HoldIngs Ltd " FerrantI InternatIonal pic '" CapItal & CountIes pic 66 DaniSI'! Bacon Co pic " Fiat Auto (UK) Ltd '" Caradon PLC o 'HCy & Maslus Benton & Bowles " Flna pic (formerly Petro"na (UK) Ltd) '" Carclo Englneefln.g Group PLC " Data General Ltd " Fine Art Developments pie '" CargIll UK Ltd " Davenport Vernon PLC " Fll'llay, James, PLC '" Caness PLC " DaVId S Smilh (Holdings) PLC " First LeIsure CorporatIon PLC '" C.nsberg Brewery Ltd " DaVIes & Newman HoldIngs PLC 89 First Natlon.1 Fin.nce Corporallon '" Canton Communications PLC 68 DaVIS, Godfrey, (Holdings) Pic "89 ,,, Carr's MIlling Industries PLC " Davy Corporation pic 89 FIrth, G M, (HoldIngs) PLC '" Carter, R G, (HoldIngs) Ltd "69 Dawson InternatIonal PLC 89 FiSher, Albert, Group PLC (The) '" Case, J I, Europe Ltd 69 De La Rue Company PLC (The) 90 Fisons pic '" Casket PLC 69 DEC 92 Fitch Lovell PLC '" Cater Allen HoldIngs PLC 69 Delta pic FKI pic '" CaterpIllar (UK) Ltd 69 Deminex UK Oil and Gas Ltd 9l" FKI pic (formerly FKI Babcock PLC) '" Cattle-s (HoldIngs) p,Lc. 70 Den norske Bank PLC 9l Food Manufacturers (GB Co) Ltd '" CBS United Kingdom Ltd 70 Develllsh, J A, PLC 9l Ford Motor Company Ltd '" COP UK Holdings Ltd 70 Dewhirst Group pic 9l Foseco pic (Iormerly Foseco Mlnsep '" CEF Holdlllgs Ltd 70 Dexlon Group pic 92 pic) C" DIgItal EQUIpment Co Ltd 92 FOSler Wheeler Ltd '" Central Independeflt TeleVISIon pic "70 DIploma PLC 92 FR Group pic '" Century 0115 GrOtip PLC D,xons Group pic 92 Frank Fehr & Co '" Ceres (UK) Ltd " Dobson Park Industnes pic '3 Frank G Gates PLC '" CH Industrials PLC " Doctus PLC '3 Friends' PrOVIdent L1le Olllce '" Chamberlain Phipps PLC " Dollond & AItChison Group PLC '3 Fuerst Day Lawson Holdings LId '" Chanes Church Developments PLC "72 Douglas, Robert M, Holdings PLC '3 Furness Withy & Company Ltd '" Charter Consolidated PLC 72 Dow Corning Ltd Fyfles Group Ltd '" Chartered WestLB Umlted 72 Dowty Group PLC " G M FIrth (Holdings) PLC '" Chivas Brothers Ltd 72 Dreyfus, Louis, & Co Ltd ,." G W Padley (Holdin.gS) Ltd '" Chloride Group PLC 73 DRG PLC OS Gallaher Ltd '" Christian Salvesen PLC 73 Dnlton Ltd OS Gatlilord pic '" Christies InternatIonal pic 73 Du Pont (UK) Ltd OS Gates, Frank G, PLC '" Chrysalis Group pic 73 Dunhill Holdings PLC OS Gateway Corporallon PLC (The) '" Church, Charles, Developments PLC 73 Duracell Batteries LImited 96 GEC '" CIBA-GEIGY PLC E R SqUIbb & SOns Ltd 96 GEC AvionICS Ltd '" CItroen UK Ltd " Eagle Star HoldIngs PLC 96 Gees! PLC '" Clark, C & J, Ltd " Eagle Trvs! PLC 96 General Accident Fire and LIfe '" Clark, Matthew, & SOns (HoldIngs) " Eastern Counl"s Farmers Ltd Assurance Corporallon p,!,c.
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