A literature list compiled by Sacha Kagan on the arts, and sustainability

Of course not fully exhaustive (several fields are represented by only one or two exemplary works), and some included works may be at the ‘borderline’ of the subject area...

Please contact me if a relevant work of yours is missing (it should be a work that deals with art and sustainability, or be directly relevant to the arts while focusing more widely on culture and/or creativity).

Latest Update: 29.07.2020

1) On Art & Sustainability

Adams, C., & Montag, D. (Eds.) (2015). Soil Culture: Bringing the Arts down to Earth. Totnes: CCANW/Gaia Press.

Ainsworth, K. (2011). “ & Event Design: A Synthesis of Sustainability, Environmental Awareness, Beauty & Functionality”. Design Principles & Practice: An International Journal, 5(1), 121-132.

Allen, A. (2012). “Fatto di Fiemme: Stradivari’s Violins and the Musical Trees of the Paneveggio”. In: L. Auricchio et al. (Eds.), Invaluable trees: of Nature, 1660-1830. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 301-316.

Alonso-Vazquez, M., Packer, J., Fairley, S. & Hughes, K. (2019). “The role of place attachment and festival attachment in influencing attendees’ environmentally responsible behaviours at music festivals” Tourism Recreation Research, 44 (1), 91-102

Andrews, M. (Ed.) (2006). LAND, ART: A Cultural Handbook. London: Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).

Andrikopoulou, E., & Koutrouba, K. (2019). “Promoting Mindfulness about the Environment through the Use of Drama in the Primary Classroom: Greek Teachers’ Views and Attitudes”. Education Sciences, 9(1), 22.

Angeler, D. G. (2016a). “Heavy metal music meets complexity and sustainability science”. SpringerPlus, 5 (1), 1637.

Angeler, D. G. (2016b). “Viewing biodiversity through the lens of science… and art!”. SpringerPlus, 5 (1), 1174.

Angeler, D. G., Álvarez Cobelas, M., & Sánchez Carrillo, S. (2018). „Sonifying social- ecological change: A wetland laments agricultural transformation”. Ecology and Society, 23 (2): 20.

Araeen, R. (2009). “Ecoaesthetics: A Manifesto for the Twenty-First Century”. Third Text: Critical perspectives on & culture, 23 (5), 679-684. Ball, L., Collins, T., Goto, R., & Damon, B., (2011). “ as Eco-cultural Restoration”. In: D. Egan, E. E. Hjerpe, & J. Abrams (Eds.), Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration. Washington: Island Press, pp. 299-312.

Ballengée, B. (2015). Ecological Understanding through Transdisciplinary Art and Participatory Biology. (Doctoral Dissertation) Plymouth: Plymouth University.

Barbosa, T., Rivera, M., Mena, F., Paredes, M., & Morales, M. (2018). “Experiencia estética y desarrollo sostenible: Un estudio de caso”. Revista De La Academia, 26, 80-113.

Bathurst, R., & Edwards, M. (2009). “Developing a sustainability consciousness through engagement with art”. In: C. Wankel & J. A. F. Stoner (Eds.), Management education for global sustainability. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing, pp. 115-137.

Bausch, C. (2012). “Sonatas for Sustainability: How musical training imparts important qualities and skills for sustainability”. The Sustainability Review, 3 (3).

Beer, T., & Hes, D. (2017). “Sustainability in production: Exploring eco-creativity within the parameters of conventional theatre”. Behind the Scenes: Journal of theatre production practice, 1 (1), 4.

Beer, T., Fu, L., & Hernández-Santín, C. (2018). “Scenographer as placemaker: Co-creating communities through The Living Stage NYC”. Theatre and Performance Design, 4 (4), 342- 363.

Bendor, R. et al. (2015). “Sustainability in an Imaginary World”. Interactions, XXII.5 (September–October 2015), 54–57. Retrieved from: http://interactions.acm.org/archive/view/september- october-2015/sustainability-in-an- imaginary-world

Bendor, R., Maggs, D., Peak, R., Robinson, J., & Williams, S. (2017). “The imaginary worlds of sustainability: observations from an interactive art installation”. Ecology and Society, 22(2): 17.S.

Bendrups, D., & Weston, D. (2015). “Open Air Music Festivals and the Environment: A Framework for Understanding Ecological Engagement”. World of Music, 4, 61-71.

Bentz, J., & O’Brien, K. (2019). “ART FOR CHANGE: Transformative learning and youth empowerment in a changing climate”. Elememta: Science of the Anthropocene, 7(1).

Bergh, A., & Sloboda, J. (2010). “Music and Art in Conflict Transformation: A Review”. Music & Arts in Action, 2 (2), 2–17. Available online at: http://musicandartsinaction.net/index.php/maia/article/view/conflicttransformation

Bergmann, I. (2010). “What Is the Role of the Arts in the Face of This?: An Exploration in the Context of Systems Thinking and the Transition to Sustainability”. PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature, (7), 23.

Bergmann, S., Blindow, I., & Otts, K. (Eds.) (2013). Aesth/Ethics in Environmental Change: Hiking through the arts, ecology, religion and ethics of the environment. Zürich, Münster: LIT Verlag. Bertaux, N., & Skeirik, K. (2018). “Creating Pedagogy to Integrate Sustainability and the Arts”. Journal of Management for Global Sustainability, 6(2).

Billinghurst, H., & Smith, P. (2020). “Convivial Acts for an Ecosensual Labyrinth”. World Futures, 76 (5-7).

Blanc, N. and Ramos, J. (2010). Écoplastie: art et environnement. Paris: Manuella.

Blanc, N. and Benish, B. L. (2016). Form, Art, and Environment: Engaging in Sustainability. London: Routledge.

Bloom, B. (2016). Breakdown Workbook#1: Questions for Evaluating Art that Concerns Itself with Ecology. Fort Wayne: Breakdown Break Down Press.

Boeckel, J. v. (2014). At the heart of art and earth : an exploration of practices in arts-based . (Doctoral Dissertation) Aalto University.

Boeckel, J. v. (2019). “Linking the Missing Links: An Artful Workshop on Metamorphoses of Organic Forms”. In: P. Burnard & L. Colucci-Gray (Eds.), Why Science and Art Creativities Matter: (Re-)Configuring STEAM for Future-Making Education. Brill Sense, pp. 245-265.

Boettger, S. (2002). Earthworks : Art and the Landscape of the Sixties. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Boetzkes, A. (2010). The Ethics of Earth Art. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Bonacossa, I., & Latitudes (2008). Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities. Turin: The Bookmakers.

Brady, J. (Ed.) (2016). Elemental: An Art and Ecology Reader. Manchester: Gaia Project Press.

Brennan, M., Scott, J. C., Connelly, A., & Lawrence, G. (2019). “Do music festival communities address environmental sustainability and how? A Scottish case study”. Popular Music, 38 (2), 252-275.

Brocchi, D. (2012). “On the ambivalence of art for a transition to sustainability”. Panel contribution at the conference “Radius of Art: Creative politicization of the public sphere - Cultural potential forces for social transformation”. Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin.

Brookner, J. (Ed.) (2009). Urban Rain: Stormwater as Resource: A City of San Jose Public Art Project at Roosevelt Community Center. Pt. Reyes Station: ORO Editions.

Brooks, S., Magnin, A., & O'Halloran, D. (2009). “Rock On!: Bringing strategic sustainable development to music festivals”. Progress in Industrial Ecology, an International Journal, 6 (3), 285-306.

Browne, A. L., Jack, T., Hitchings, R., (2019). “‘Already existing’ sustainability experiments: Lessons on water demand, cleanliness practices and climate adaptation from the UK camping music festival”. Geoforum, 103, 16-25. Buchholz, L., & Wuggenig, U. (2002). “Nomadische Treibhäuser: Dan Petermans Projekt‚ Greenhouse’.” In: H. Kurt & B. Wagner (Eds.), Kultur – Kunst – Nachhaltigkeit: Die Bedeutung von Kultur für das Leitbild Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Bonn: Klartext Verlag, pp. 155-174.

Buckland, D., & Wainwright, C. (Eds.) (2010). U-n-f-o-l-d: A Cultural Response to Climate Change. Springer.

Casazza, M., Ferrari, C., Liu, G., & Ulgiati, S. (2017). “‘Hope for a Celestial City-A Triptych’: A musical composition for sustainability and cleaner productions for the Jing-Jin-Ji region, China”. Journal of cleaner production, 140, 1893-1902.

Celeste, E. M. (2009). Examining the OSU Urban Arts Space as a Model for Ecological Sustainability Initiatives for Arts and Cultural Institutions. (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).

Cheetham, M. A. (2018). Landscape into Eco Art: Articulations of Nature Since the 60s. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.

Chertkovskaya, E., Holmberg, K., Petersén, M., Stripple, J., & Ullström, S. (2020). “Making visible, rendering obscure: reading the plastic crisis through contemporary artistic visual representations”. Global Sustainability, 3, E14.

Clammer, J. (2014). “Art and the Arts of Sustainability”. Social Alternatives, 33 (3), 65-70.

Clarke, J., Evans, M., Newman, H., Smith, K., & Tarman, G. (2011). Culture Beyond Oil: Not if but when. London: Art Not Oil/Liberate Tate/Platform.

Collins, T. (2004). “Reconsidering the Monongahela Conference”. In The Monongahela Conference on Post-Industrial Community Development. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University. Retrieved from: http://moncon.greenmuseum.org/recap.htm

Collins, T. (2013). “Art imagination and environment”. In: P. Howard, I. Thompson, E. Waterton, & M. Atha (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 199-210.

Connelly, A., Guy, S., Ingold, T., Miles, M., Niero, L., Tawa, M., Weileder, W., & Wilde, M. (2015). Catalyst - Art, Sustainability and Place in the work of Wolfgang Weileder. Bielefeld: Kerber Verlag.

Connelly, A., Guy, S., Wainwright, E., Weileder, W., & Wilde, M. (2016). “Catalyst: Reimagining sustainability with and through fine art”. Ecology and Society, 21(4).

Cooke, P. (2015). “The resilience of sustainability, creativity and social justice from the arts & crafts movement to modern day ‘eco-painting’”. City, Culture and Society, 6 (3), 51-60.

Cook, I., et al. (2000). “Social and connective aesthetics: Shelley Sacks’ ‘Exchange Values’.” Ecumene, 3, 338-344.

Coutts, G., & Jokela, T. (Eds.) (2008). Art, Community and Environment: Educational Perspectives. Bristol: Intellect Books. Crouch, C., Kaye, N., & Crouch, J. (Eds.) (2015). An Introduction to Sustainability and Aesthetics: The Arts and Design for the Environment. Boca Raton: BrownWalker Press.

Cucuzzella, C., Chupin, J.P., Hammond, C. (2020). “Eco-didacticism in art and architecture: Design as means for raising awareness”. Cities, 102, 102728.

Curtis, D. J. (2010). “Plague and the Moonflower: A Regional Community Celebrates the Environment”. Music & Arts in Action, 3 (1), 65-85. Available online at: http://musicandartsinaction.net/index.php/maia/article/view/moonflower

Curtis, D. J. (2011). “Towards a culture of landcare: the arts in community capacity building for natural resources management”. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 13(04), 673-696.

Curtis, D. J. (2017) (Ed.). Building Sustainability with the Arts: Proceedings of the 2nd National EcoArts Australis Conference. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Curtis, D., Reid, N., & Ballard, G. (2012). “Communicating Ecology Through Art: What Scientists Think”. Ecology and Society, 17 (2).

Curtis, D. J., Howden, M., Curtis, F., McColm, I., Scrine, J., Blomfield, T., ... & Ryan, T. (2013). “Drama and environment: joining forces to engage children and young people in environmental education”. Australian Journal of environmental education, 29(2), 182-201.

Curtis, D. J., Reid, N., & Reeve, I. (2014). “Towards ecological sustainability. Observations on the role of the arts”. Sapiens, 7, 1. Retrieved from: https://journals.openedition.org/sapiens/1655

Darabas, S. (2014). “A Short History of Environmental Art.” Green Art Collection. Environment & Society Portal (Rachel Carson Centerfor Environment and Society). Available at: http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/6806

Davis, H., & Turpin, E., (Eds.) (2015). Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environment and Epistemologies. London: Open Humanities Press.

Decter, J. (2009). “Art and the Cultural Contradictions of Urban Regeneration, Social Justice and Sustainability: Transforma Projects and Prospect. 1 in Post-Katrina New Orleans”. Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, 22, 16-34.

De Lorenzo, C. (2000). “Integrating Public Art, Environmental Sustainability, and Education: Australia's ‘Creative Village’ Model”. Journal of Art & Design Education, 19: 153-160.

Demos T. J. (2009). “The politics of sustainability: art and ecology”. In: F. Manacorda, & A. Yedgar (Eds) Radical nature: art and architecture for a changing planet 1969–2009. London: Koenig Books, pp 17–30.

Demos, T. J. (Ed.) (2013). “Contemporary art and the politics of ecology”. Third Text, 27 (1):1–9

Demos, T. J. (2016). Decolonizing Nature: Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology. Berlin: Sternberg Press. Devine, K. (2019). Decomposed: The Political Ecology of Music. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Dieleman, H. (2001). Art & Sustainability: a research, educational and art-production project. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Dieleman, H. (2006). Nieuwe Kunst in Oude Noorden: Een onderzoek naar de werking van kunst als social-artistieke interventie in de openbare ruimte in Rotterdam-Noord. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam - Erasmus studiecentrum voor Milieukunde.

Dieleman, H. (2007). “The competencies of artful doing and artful knowing in higher education for sustainability”. In: Conference Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development, “World in Transition– Sustainability Perspectives for Higher Education”, July (Vol. 5).

Dieleman, H. (2008). “Sustainability, Art and Reflexivity: Why Artists and Designers May Become Key Change Agents in Sustainability”. In S. Kagan & V. Kirchberg (eds.). Sustainability: A New Frontier for the Arts and Cultures. Frankfurt am Main: VAS – Verlag für akademische Schriften, 108–146.

Dieleman H. (2012): “Transdisciplinary Artful Doing in Spaces of Experimentation and Imagination”. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering and Science, 3: 44-45.

Dieleman, H. (2017a). “Arts-based education for an enchanting, embodied and transdisciplinary sustainability”. Artizein: Arts & Teaching Journal, 2 (2), Art. 4.

Dieleman, H. (2017b). “Transdisciplinary Hermeneutics: A Symbiosis of Science, Art, Philosophy, Reflective Practice, and Subjective Experience”. Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 35, 172–201.

Douglas, A., & Fremantle, C. (2009). The Artist as Leader: Research Report. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

Douglas, A., & Fremantle, C. (2016). “Inconsistency and contradiction: lessons in improvisation in the work of Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison”. In: J. Brady (Ed.), Elemental: an arts and ecology reader. Manchester: Gaia Project Press.

Drabble, B. (Ed.) (2019). Along Ecological Lines: Contemporary Art and Climate Crisis. Manchester: Gaia Project Press.

Dulic, A., & Thorogood, M. (2019). “Approaching Sustainability: Generative Art, Complexity, and Systems Thinking”. International Symposium on Electronic Art, Gwangju, South Korea. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miles_Thorogood/publication/335612029_Approaching _Sustainability_Generative_Art_Complexity_and_Systems_Thinking/links/5d70242d458515 1ee49e45ab/Approaching-Sustainability-Generative-Art-Complexity-and-Systems- Thinking.pdf

Edwards, D., Collins, T., & Goto, R. (2016). “An arts-led dialogue to elicit shared, plural and cultural values of ecosystems”. Ecosystem Services 21 (B), 319-328. Eernstman, N. (2016). Art as a Source of Learning for Sustainable Development: Making Meaning, multiple knowledges and navigating open-endedness. (Doctoral dissertation) University of the Arts London, Falmouth University.

Eernstman, N. et al. (2012). “Inviting the Unforeseen: A Dialogue about Art, Learning and Sustainability”. In A. E. J. Wals and P. B. Corcoran (eds.). Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic, 201–212.

Eernstman, N. and Wals, A. E. J. (2013). “Locative Meaning-making: An Arts-based Approach to Learning for Sustainable Development”. Sustainability, 5 (4), 1645–1660.

Enger, J. (2014). Möglichkeiten der Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit in Organisationen durch gemeinsames Musizieren. Berlin: Cultura21.

Ernst, D., Esche, C., Erbslöh, U. (2016). “The art museum as lab to recalibrate values towards sustainable development”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 1446-1460.

Fel, L. (2009). L’esthétique verte: de la représentation à la présentation de la nature. Seyssel: Champ Vallon.

Fischer, L., & Anders, K. (2017). “Art and Responsible Landscape Development: A Plea for Landscape Art”. In: C. Bieling & T. Plieninger (Eds.), The Science and Practice of Landscape . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 350-367.

Fitzgerald, C. (2018). The Ecological Turn: Living Well with Forests to Articulate Eco-Social Art Practices Using a Guattari and Action Research Framework. (Doctoral Dissertation) School of Visual Culture, The National College of Art and Design.

Foiret, A. (2014). “Art et biodiversité : Un art durable ? – Editorial”. Plastik, 4. Available at: http://plastik.univ-paris1.fr/art-et-biodiversite-un-art-durable/ [See also the other contributions in this journal issue.]

Foster, R., Mäkelä, J., & Martusewicz, R. (Eds.) (2018). Art, EcoJustice, and Education: Intersecting Theories and Practices. Abingdon: Routledge.

Fowkes, M., & Fowkes, R. (2006). “Principles of Sustainability in Contemporary Art.” Praesens: central European contemporary art review, 1, pp. 5-12.

Fowkes, M., & Fowkes, R. (2008). “The Ecology of post-Socialism and the Implications of Sustainability For Contemporary Art”. In: M. Jordan, M. Miles, & K. Roulstone (Eds.), Art and Theory after Socialism. Bristol: Intellect Books, pp. 101-110.

Fowkes, M., & Fowkes, R. (2009). “Planetary Forecast: The Roots of Sustainability in the Radical Art of the 1970s.” Third Text: critical perspectives on contemporary art & culture, 23, 5.

Froidevaux, S. (2013). “‘60 x 60’: From architectural design to artistic intervention in the context of urban environmental change”. City, Culture and Society, 4 (3), 187-193.

Gablik, S. (1991). The Reenchantment of Art. London: Thames and Hudson. Galafassi, D. (2018): The Transormative Imagination: Re-Imagining the World Towards Sustainability. Stockholm University: Stockholm.

Galafassi, D., Kagan, S., Milkoreit, M., Heras, M., Bilodeau, C., Juarez Bourke, S., Merrie, A., Guerrero, L., Pétursdóttir, G., & Tàbara, J.D. (2018). “'Raising the temperature': the arts in a warming planet”. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 31: 71-79.

Galafassi, D., Tàbara, J. D., & Heras, M. (2018). “Restoring our senses, restoring the Earth. Fostering imaginative capacities through the arts for envisioning climate transformations.” Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 6(1).

Gamboni, A. (2020). “Ambassadors of the Sensible World”. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 11.

Garoian, C. R. (2012). “Sustaining Sustainability: The Pedagogical Drift of Art Research and Practice” Studies in Art Education, 53 (4), 283-301.

Gerber, N., Biffi, E., Biondo, J., Gemignani, M., Hannes, K., & Siegesmund, R. (2020). “Arts-Based Research in the Social and Health Sciences: Pushing for Change with an Interdisciplinary Global Arts-Based Research Initiative”. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 21(2).

Giannachi, G. (2012). “Representing, performing and mitigating climate change in contemporary art practice”. Leonardo, 45(2): 125–131.

Gilmurray, J. (2017). “Ecological Sound Art: Steps towards a new field”. Organised Sound, 22 (1), 32-41.

Gödecken, I. (2017). Kreativität und Nachhaltige Entwicklung – Eine Untersuchung der Zusammenhänge am Beispiel des Earth Forums. Berlin: Cultura21.

Goehler, A. (2010). Zur Nachahmung empfohlen! Expeditionen in Ästhetik und Nachhaltigkeit. Ostfildern; Hatje Cantz.

Grande, J. K. (2004). Art Nature Dialogues: Interviews with Environmental Artists. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Grigoleit, A., Hahn, J., & Brocchi, D. (2013). “»And in the end my street will not be the same«. The art project 2–3 Streets and its link to (un)sustainability, creative urban development and modernization”. City, Culture and Society, 4 (3), 173-185.

Gulliksson, H. (2015). Konst för Hållbarhet. Videoiterna.

Haarmann, A. & Lemke, H. (Eds.) (2009). Culture|Nature: Art and philosophy in the context of urban development. Berlin: Jovis Verlag.

Haley, D. (2008). “Arts in Ecology: Questions of Foresight”. Music & Arts in Action, 1 (1), 21-35. Available online at: http://musicandartsinaction.net/index.php/maia/article/view/artsinecology Haley, D. (2011). “Ecology and the Art of Sustainable Living”. Field: a free journal of architecture, 4 (1): 17-32.

Härkönen, E., Huhmarniemi, M., & Jokela, T. (2018). „Crafting sustainability: Handcraft in contemporary art and cultural sustainability in the Finnish Lapland”. Sustainability, 10(6), 1907.

Harlan, V., Barton, M., & Sacks, S. (2004). What is Art? Conversation with Joseph Beuys. East Sussex: Clairview Books.

Hawkins, H., Marston, S. L., Ingram, M., & Straughan, E. (2015). “The art of socioecological transformation”. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105 (2), 331-341.

Hazel, D., & Mason, C. (2020). “The role of stakeholders in shifting environmental practices of music festivals in British Columbia, Canada”. International Journal of Event and Festival Management.

Heddon, D., & Porter, S. (2017). “Adapting to the future: vulnerable bodies, resilient practices”. In: A. Ersoy (Ed.), The Impact of Co-production: From Community Engagement to Social Justice. Bristol: Policy Press, pp.179-200.

Heim, W., & Margolies, E. (Eds.) (2014). Landing Stages: Selections from the Ashden Directory of Environment and Performance 2000-2014. London: Crinkle Crankle Press.

Heinrichs, H. (2018). “Sustainability Science with Ozzy Osbourne, Julia Roberts and Ai Weiwei. The Potential of Arts-Based Research for Sustainable Development”. GAIA, 27 (1): 132-137.

Heinrichs, H., & Kagan, S. (2019). Artful and Sensory Sustainability Science: Exploring Novel Methodological Perspectives. Revista de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, 8(3).

Heras, M., & Tàbara, J.D. (2014). “Let’s play transformations! Performative methods for sustainability”. Sustainability Science, 9, 379–398.

Heras, M., & Tàbara, J. D. (2016). “Conservation theatre: mirroring experiences and performing stories in community management of natural resources”. Society & Natural Resources, 29 (8), 948-964.

Heras, M., Tabara, J. D., & Meza, A. (2016). “Performing biospheric futures with younger generations: a case in the MAB Reserve of La Sepultura, Mexico”. Ecology and Society, 21(2).

IllerIs, H. (2012). “Interrogations: Art, art education and environmental sustainability”. International Journal of Education through Art, 8(3), 221-237.

Ingram, M. (2011). “Eliciting a response through art.” Nature Climate Change, 1 (3), 133- 134.

Ingram, M. (2012). “Sculpting Solutions: Art–Science Collaborations in Sustainability”. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 54 (4), 24-34. Ingram, M. (2013) “Ecopolitics and Aesthetics: The Art of Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison”. Geographical Review, 103 (2), 260-274.

Inwood, H., & Kennedy, A. (2020). “Conceptualising Art Education as Environmental Activism in Preservice Teacher Education”. The International Journal of Art & Design Education, [online-first].

Ivanaj, V., Poldner, K., & Shrivastava, P. (2014). “Hand/heart/head: Aesthetic practice pedagogy for deep sustainability learning”. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 54, 23-46.

Jacobi, S. (2017). “Leipzig’s Visual Artists as Actors of Urban Change”. In: M. Murzyn- Kupisz & J. Działek (Eds.), The Impact of Artists on Contemporary Urban Development in Europe. Cham: Springer, 261-279.

Jeannotte, M. S. (2003). “Singing alone? The contribution of cultural capital to social cohesion and sustainable communities”. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 9(1), 35– 49.

Johns-Putra, A. (2016). “Climate change in literature and literary studies: From cli-fi, climate change theater and to and climate change criticism”. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 7(2), 266-282.

Johnston A., Leach R., & Sproat H. (2016). “Teaching Towards Sustainability Literacy in Art, Design and Fashion”. In: W. Leal Filho & P. Pace (Eds.), Teaching Education for Sustainable Development at University Level. Springer, pp. 221-233.

Jónsdóttir, Á. B. (2017). Artistic actions for sustainability: potential of art in education for sustainability (Doctoral Dissertation) University of Lapland.

Jónsdóttir, Á., & Antoniou, C. (2018). “Artistic actions for sustainability in a contemporary art exhibition”. In: I. Birkeland, R. Burton, C. Parra, & K. Siivonen (Eds.), Cultural Sustainability and the Nature-Culture Interface: Livelihoods, Policies, and Methodologies. Abingdon: Routledge.

Kagan, S. (2011a). Art and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

Kagan, S. (2011b). “Art and Sustainability: The search for cultures of sustainability is not an easy journey”. In: K. Hellkoetter (Ed.), EU China Cultural Compass: Orientation for Intercultural Cooperation between China and Europe. Beijing: Goethe Institut China, pp. 258-263.

Kagan, S. (2012). Toward Global (Environ)mental Change: Transformative Art and Cultures of Sustainability. Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Kagan, S. (2014a). “The Practice of / La Pratique de l’Art Écologique”. Plastik, 4. http://plastik.univ-paris1.fr/la-pratique-de-lart-ecologique/ [NB: The Plastik/Uni-Sorbonne website unfortunately erased meanwhile the English versions of articles written in both languages, keeping only the French versions online; the English version is available here now: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274719395_The_practice_of_ecological_art ] Kagan, S. (2014b). “The City is our Anthropo-Scene! Art as a Verb and Urban Sustainability Transformation”. In: J. Gay, S. H. Ong & J. Tan (Eds.), Lighting People's Cities. Singapore: Three Sixty Review, pp. 97-109.

Kagan, S. (2015). “Artistic research and climate science: transdisciplinary learning and spaces of possibilities”. Journal of Science Communication, 14 (1), C07.1-C07.8.

Kagan, S. (2017). “Artful Sustainability: Queer-Convivialist Life-Art and the Artistic Turn in Sustainability Research”. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 8: 151–168.

Kagan, S. (2019). Kreativ-kulturelle und künstlerische Praktiken für städtische Möglichkeitsräume. In S. Kagan, V. Kirchberg, & U. Weisenfeld (2019), Stadt als Möglichkeitsraum: Experimentierfelder einer urbanen Nachhaltigkeit. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 175-234.

Kagan, S., & Steinbrügge, B. (Eds.) (2007). Everything will be fine / alles wird gut. Lüneburg: Halle für Kunst Lüneburg / Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.

Kagan, S., & Kirchberg, V. (Eds.) (2008). Sustainability: A new frontier for the arts and cultures. Bad-Homburg: VAS – Verlag für Akademische Schriften.

Kagan, S. & Hahn, J. (2011). “Creative Cities and (Un)Sustainability: From Creative Class to Sustainable Creative Cities”. Culture and Local Governance / Culture et gouvernance locale, 3 (1-2).

Kagan, S., & Verstraete, K. (Eds.) (2011). Sustainable creative cities: The role of the arts in globalised urban contexts. Singapore: Asia Europe Foundation.

Kagan, S., Kusumawijaya, M., Löschmann, H. & Öztürk, R. (2012). "Report - radius of art: Thematic Window - Art toward Cultures of Sustainability", Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Kagan, S., & Kirchberg, V. (2013). Guest Editorial: The sustainable city and the arts. City, Culture and Society, 4 (3): 121–123.

Kagan, S. and Kirchberg, V. (2016). “Music and Sustainability: Organizational Cultures towards Creative Resilience – A Review”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135: 1487–1502.

Kastner, J. (Ed.) (2010). Land and environmental art. New York: Phaidon Press.

Kay, A. D., Scherber, E., Gaitan, H., & Lovelee, A. (2019). “Transitional Ecology: embedding ecological experiments into temporary urban public art”. Journal of Urban Ecology, 5(1), juz020.

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Kelley, C. (2008). Culturing sustainability: A cookbook for artists and educators. Athabasca: Athabasca University.

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Kurt, H. (2000). “Kultur und Kunst in der Agenda21? Anmerkungen zu einem schwierigen Verhältnis.” In: M. Fechter & M. Krannich (Eds.), Gesellschaftliche Perspektiven. Arbeit, Geschlecht, Natur, Neue Medien. Essen: Klartext Verlag, pp. 112-118.

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Maggs, D. (2014). Artists of the floating world: rethinking art/sustainability relations in the late days of modernity (Doctoral dissertation) University of British Columbia.

Maggs, D. & Robinson, J. (2016): “Recalibrating the Anthropocene - Sustainability in the Imaginary World”. , November 8.

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Moldavanova, A. (2014). “Sustainability, Aesthetics, and Future Generations: Towards a Dimensional Model of the Arts’ Impact on Sustainability”. In: D. Humphreys & S. S. Stober (Eds.), Transitions to Sustainability: Theoretical Debates for a Changing Planet. Campaign: Common Ground Publishing, pp. 172-193.

Morgan, R. C. (1998). “Touch Sanitation: Mierle Laderman Ukeles.” In: L. F. Burnham & S. Durland (Eds.), The Citizen Artist: 20 Years of Art in the Public Arena. An Anthology from High Performance Magazine 1978-1998. Critical Press.

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Mühlbacher, J. E. (2020). “’Melancholic? Naturally!’: Impulses for Cultural Transformation from Queer-Ecological Worldmaking, Activism, and Art in a Western Context”. World Futures, 76 (5-7).

Murzyn-Kupisz M., Działek J. (2017). “Theorising Artists as Actors of Urban Change”. In: M. Murzyn-Kupisz & J. Działek (Eds), The Impact of Artists on Contemporary Urban Development in Europe. Springer, Cham, pp. 1-44.

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Nethsinghe, N. (2013). “Safeguarding musical traditions and cultural heritage: The utilisation of community music making as a recourse for cultural and social sustainability”. The International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context, 8 (1), 29– 38.

Nisbet, J. (2014). Ecologies, Environments and Energy Systems in Art of the 1960 and 1970s. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

Oakes, B. (1995). Sculpting with the Environment: A Natural Dialogue. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

O'Rourke, K. (2013). Walking and Mapping: Artists as Cartographers. Cambridge: Leonardo Book series. O'Rourke, S. Irwin, D., & Straker, J. (2011). “Dancing to sustainable tunes: an exploration of music festivals and sustainable practices in Aotearoa”. Annals of Leisure Research, 14 (4), 341-354.

Ortiz, J. (2020). Culture, creativity and the arts: building resilience in Northern Ontario. (Doctoral dissertation). Bristol: University of the West of England.

Østergaard, E. (2019a). “Music and sustainability education – a contradiction?”. Acta Didactica Norge, 13(2), Art. 2, 20.

Østergaard, E. (2019b). “The attentive ear”. The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 53 (4), 49- 70.

Pandey, A. (2020). “Reflections on the Current Ecological Crisis and Reactions through Art”. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 6 (3),15-20.

Paterson, S. K., Le Tissier, M., Whyte, H., Robinson, L. B., Thielking, K., Ingram, M., & McCord, J. (2020). “Examining the Potential of Art-Science Collaborations in the Anthropocene: A Case Study of Catching a Wave”. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 340.

Patrizio, A. (2019). The ecological eye: Assembling an ecocritical art history. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Pedelty, M. (2012). : Rock, Folk, and the Environment. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Post, J. C. (2019). “Songs, Settings, Sociality: Human and Ecological Well-Being in Western Mongolia”. Journal of Ethnobiology, 39 (3), 371-391.

Pouteau, S. (2016). “Des modalités d’intervention «art-science-philosophique» pour éprouver les temporalités de l’urgence environnementale”. [VertigO] La revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement, 16 (1).

Pratt, S. H. (2016). Careful Prospecting: Intersections of Art, Technoscience and Ecological Health. (Doctoral Dissertation) University of New South Wales.

Prigann, H. (1998). “Thoughts about ‘Art in Nature’.” IO. The Internet Magazine of Applied Aesthetics.

Publicover, J. L., Wright, T. S., Baur, S., & Duinker, P. N. (2018). “Music as a tool for environmental education and advocacy: artistic perspectives from musicians of the Playlist for the Planet”. Environmental Education Research, 24 (7), 925-936.

Publicover, J., Wright, T., Baur, S., & Duinker, P. (2019). “Engaging with Environmental Issues as a Musician: Career Perspectives from the Musicians of the Playlist for the Planet”. Popular Music and Society, 42 (2), 167-187.

Rademaekers, J. K. (2011). “Why the Sustainability Movements Needs Art to Survive”. [Paper presented at the “Staging Sustainability” Conference at York University, Toronto, April 2011]. Rahmani, A. (2009a). What the World Needs is a Good Housekeeper. Charleston: Book Surge Publishing, 2009.

Rahmani, A. (2009b). “Practical ”. In: K. Frostig & K. A. Halamka (Eds.), Blaze: Discourse on Art, Women and Feminism. Cambridge Scholars.

Rahmani, A. (2015). Trigger Point Theory as Aesthetic Activism. (Doctoral Dissertation) Plymouth University.

Ramade, B. (2015). “L’art écologique aux prises avec ses stéréotypes”. Perspective, 1, 184- 190.

Reiss, J. (Ed.) (2018). Art, Theory and Practice in the Anthropocene. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Ribac, F. (2018). “Narratives of the Anthropocene: How can the (performing) arts contribute towards the socio-ecological transition?” Scene, 6 (1), 51-62.

Ribac, F., & Harkins, P. (2020). “Popular Music and the Anthropocene”. Popular Music, 39 (1), 1-21.

Richardson, N. (2019). “Corporate social responsibility or sustainability in music festivals”. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27 (5), 1257-1273.

Robidoux, M., & Kovacs, J. F. (2018). “Public Art as a Tool for Environmental Outreach: Insights on the Challenges of Implementation”. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 48 (3), 159-169.

Rogelj, M. (2000). “Beautiful world: a bridge between the arts and sustainability”. Capstone Collection. 1872.

Romero Caballero, B. (2014). “Prácticas artísticas ecológicas: Un estado de la cuestión”. Arte Y Políticas De Identidad, 10, 11-34. [See also the other contributions in this journal issue at: https://revistas.um.es/reapi/issue/view/13031 ]

Rödder, S. (2017). “The Climate of Science-Art and the Art-Science of the Climate: Meeting Points, Boundary Objects and Boundary Work”. Minerva, 55, 93–116.

Santos, A. A. dos, & Gomes, E. T. A. (2017). “Arte e meio ambiente: tendências colaborativas e questões para debate”. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 10 (02), 381- 401.

Saratsi, E., Acott, T., Allinson, E., Edwards, D., Fremantle, C., & Fish, R. (2019). “Valuing arts and arts research”. Valuing nature paper, 22. UK: Valuing Nature [online].

Schippers, H., & Bendrups, D. (2015). “Ethnomusicology, ecology and the sustainability of music cultures”. The world of music, 4 (1), 9-19.

Schmitt, C. (2012). “Headwinds: sustainability as a theme in contemporary public art”. Environmentalist, 32, 332–338. Schröder, A (2018a). “Aesthetic strategies to explore beyond the models of sustainable development: An analysis of Lisa Simpson's Musical Sewing”. Sustainable Development, 26, 182– 189.

Schröder A. (2018b) “Arts-Based Approaches for Environmental Awareness in University Campuses”. In: W. Leal Filho, F. Frankenberger, P. Iglecias, & R. Mülfarth (Eds.), Towards Green Campus Operations. Cham: Springer, pp. 127-140.

Shrivastava, P., & Ivanaj, S. (2011). “Transdisciplinary Art, Technology, and Management for Sustainable Enterprise”. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 2, 81–92.

Sierra, M., & Wise, K. (Eds.) (2018). Transformative Pedagogies and the Environment: Creative Agency Through Contemporary Art and Design. Champaign: Common Ground.

Siqueira, A.R. (2010). “Arte e Sustentabilidade: argumentos para a pesquisa ecopoética da cena”. Moringa - Artes do Espetáculo, 1 (1), 87-99. Available at: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/moringa/article/view/4800

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Spaid, S. (2002). Ecovention: Current Art to Transform Ecologies. Cincinnati: Contemporary Arts Center.

Spaid, S. (2017). Ecovention Europe, Art to Transform Ecologies, 1957-2017. Sittard: Museum De Domijnen Hedendaagse Kunst.

Sreekanta, V. (Ed.). (2012). Linking the arts to environment & sustainable development. Singapore: Asia Europe Foundation.

Steelman, T. A., Andrews, E., Baines, S., Bharadwaj, L., Bjornson, E. R., Bradford, L., ... & MacColl, I. (2019). “Identifying transformational space for transdisciplinarity: using art to access the hidden third”. Sustainability science, 14 (3), 771-790.

Stocker, L., & Kennedy, D. (2011). “Artistic Representations of the Sea and Coast: Implications for Sustainability”. Landscapes: the Journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language, 4 (2).

Strelow, H., Prigann, H., & David, V. (Eds.) (2004). Ecological Aesthetics: Art in : Theory and Practice. Berlin: Birkhäuser Verlag für Architektur.

Stucker, D., & Bozuwa, J. (2012). “The Art of Sustainability: Creative Expression as a Tool for Social Change”. Reflections, 12 (2).

Sweers, B. (2020). “Music, Climate Change, and the North”. European Journal of Musicology, 18 (1), 1-15. NB: & the contributed articles in this journal’s special issue... Szerszynski, B., Heim, W., & Waterton, C. (2003). Nature Performed: Environment, Culture and Performance. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Thornton, S. (1993). “Lynne Hull.” High Performance, 62.

Titon, J. F. (2009a). “Economy, Ecology, and Music: An Introduction”. The World of Music, 51 (1), 5–15.

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Toland, A., Stratton Noller, J., Wessolek, G. (Eds.) (2018). Field to Palette: Dialogues on Soil and Art in the Anthropocene. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Trott, C.D., Even, T.L. & Frame, S.M. (2020). “Merging the arts and sciences for collaborative sustainability action: a methodological framework”. Sustainability Science, 15, 1067–1085.

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2) On Culture, Creativity & Sustainability

This list = literature that does not focus only on the arts, but more generally on cultural practices, including the arts.

Agostini, B., Persson, S., & Shrivastava, P. (2016). “’I got the business blues’: what organizations can learn from popular music?”. Journal of cleaner production, 135, 1524- 1533.

Asikainen, S., Brites, C., Plebańczyk, K., Rogač Mijatović, L., & Soini, K. (Eds.) (2017). Culture in Sustainability: Towards a Transdisciplinary Approach. Jyväskylä: SoPhi - University of Jyväskylä.

Athayde, S., Silva-Lugo, J., Schmink, M., Kaiabi, A., & Heckenberger, M. (2017). “Reconnecting art and science for sustainability: learning from indigenous knowledge through participatory action-research in the Amazon”. Ecology and Society, 22 (2), 36.

Barthel-Bouchier, D. (2012). Cultural Heritage and the Challenge of Sustainability. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Benner, A. K., Rothe, D., Ullström, S., & Stripple, J. (2019). Violent Climate Imaginaries: Science-Fiction-Politics. Hamburg: IFSH, Institute for Peace Research Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg. Bertacchini, E., & Segre, G. (2016). “Introduction: Culture, sustainable development and social quality: A paradigm shift in the economic analysis of cultural production and heritage conservation”. City, Culture and Society, 7(2), 69-70.

Birkeland, I. (2007). “Culture, Cultural Policy, and Ecological Sustainability”. Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift, 2, 82-112.

Birkeland, I. (2008). “Cultural Sustainability: Industrialism, Placelessness and the Re- animation of Place”. Ethics Place and Environment, 11, 283-297.

Birkeland, I., Burton, R., Parra, C., & Siivonen, K. (Eds.) (2018). Cultural Sustainability and the Nature-Culture Interface: Livelihoods, Policies, and Methodologies. Abingdon: Routledge.

Blanc, N. (2008). Vers une esthétique environnementale. Paris: Quæ.

Blanc, N. (2018). “De l’esthétique environnementale à la recherche création”. Nouvelle revue d’esthétique, 22(2), 107-117.

Böhm, S., Pervez Bharucha, Z., & Pretty, J. (2014). Ecocultures: blueprints for sustainable communities. London: Routledge.

Brocchi D. (2015) „Nachhaltigkeit als kulturelle Herausforderung“. In: V. Steinkellner (Eds.), CSR und Kultur. Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Gabler, pp. 41-70.

Brown, K., Adger, W. N., Devine-Wright, P., Anderies, J. M., Barr, S., Bousquet, F., ... & Quinn, T. (2019). “Empathy, place and identity interactions for sustainability”. Global Environmental Change, 56, 11-17.

Bunders J.F.G., Bunders A.E., & Zweekhorst M.B.M. (2015). “Challenges for Transdisciplinary Research”. In: B. Werlen (Ed.), Global Sustainability. Cham: Springer, pp. 17-50.

Burford, G. (2015). “Collaborative research for sustainability: An inside-out design manifesto”. CASIC Working Paper Series. Keele University.

Burford, G., Hoover, E., Velasco, I., Janoušková, S., Jimenez, A., Piggot, G., Podger, D., & Harder, M. K. (2013). “Bringing the “Missing Pillar” into Sustainable Development Goals: Towards Intersubjective Values-Based Indicators”. Sustainability, 5(7), 3035–3059.

Campolmi, I. (2013). “What is Sustainability in Modern Art Museums? Archétopy Art Museums and Shifting Paradigms of Knowledge”. International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 6 (1).

Clammer, J. (2016). Cultures of Transition and Sustainability: Culture after Capitalism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Darlow, A. (1996). “Cultural policy and urban sustainability: Making a missing link?” Planning Practice and Research, 11(3): 291-301. Dessein, J., Soini, K., Fairclough, G., & Horlings, L. (Eds.) (2015). Culture in, for and as Sustainable Development: Conclusions from the COST Action IS1007 Investigating Cultural Sustainability. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä.

Dieleman, H. (2013a). Organizational learning for resilient cities, through realizing eco- cultural innovations. Journal of Cleaner Production 50 (1), 171-180.

Dieleman, H. (2013b). “Mexico City, sustainability and culture: A plea for hybrid sustainabilities for a baroque and labyrinthine city”. City, Culture and Society, 4 (3), 163-172.

Duxbury, N., Gillette, E. & Pepper, K. (2007). “Exploring the cultural dimensions of sustainability”. Creative City News, Special Edition 4. Vancouver: Creative City Network of Canada.

Duxbury, N. and Jeannotte, M. S. (2010). Culture, Sustainability, and Communities: Exploring the Myths. Working paper no. 353. Coimbra: Oficina do CES, Universidade de Coimbra.

Duxbury, N., & Jeannotte, M. S. (2011). “Introduction: Culture and sustainable communities”. Culture and Local Governance, 3 (1-2), 1-10.

Duxbury, N., & Jeannotte, M. S. (2013). “The role of cultural resources in community sustainability: Linking concepts to practice and planning”. The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 8(4), 133-144.

Falzarano, A. (2020). “Agenda 2030 tra Sviluppo Sostenibile e cultura della sostenibilità: una lettura sociologica”. Culture e Studi del Sociale, 5(1), 143-152.

Figueira, C., & Fullman, A. (2020). “Rethinking Cultural Relations and Exchange in the Critical Zone”. In: V. Durrer, R. Henze (Eds.), Managing Culture: Reflecting on Exchange in Global Times. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 319-339.

Fleming, R. C. (2009). “Creative economic development, sustainability, and exclusion in rural areas”. Geographical Review, 99 (1), 61-80.

Föhl, P.S., Glogner-Pilz, P., Lutz, M., & Pröbstle, Y. (Eds.) (2011). Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik: Ausgewählte Grundlagen und strategische Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Franz-Balsen, A., & Kagan, S. (2006). “Wenn der Golfstrom das Drehbuch schreibt”. punkt.um, November 2006, 3-4.

Frémeaux, I. & Jordan, J. (2011), Les sentiers de l’utopie. Paris: La Découverte.

Gibson, C., & Wong, C. (2011). “Greening rural festivals: Ecology, sustainability and human- nature relations”. In: C. Gibson, J. Connell (Eds.), Festival places: Revitalising rural Australia. pp. 92-105. Bristol: Channel View Publications.

Goehler, A. (2012). Conceptual Thoughts on Establishing a Fund for Aesthetics and Sustainability. Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Grabe, L. (2010). Das „Projekt Nachhaltigkeit“. Zu den Grenzen des Nachhaltigkeitskonzepts aus kultureller Perspektive. Berlin: Cultura21.

Grant, C. (2019). “Climate justice and cultural sustainability: The case of Etëtung (Vanuatu Women’s Water Music)”. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 20(1), 42-56.

Hahn, J. (2010). Creative Cities and (Un) Sustainability–Cultural Perspectives. Berlin: Cultura21.

Hawkes, J. (2001). The Fourth Pillar of Sustainability: Culture’s Essential Role in Public Planning. Common Ground Publishing, Champaign, Illinois.

Heinrichs, H. (2019a). “Strengthening Sensory Sustainability Science. Theoretical and Methodological Considerations”. Sustainability, 11 (3), 769. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su11030769

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