N. Panin - On the Geomorphologicand Geologicevolution of the Nver Danube- Black Sea lnteractionZone ONTHE GEOMORPHOLOGIC AND GEOLOGIC EVOLUTION OF THE RIVERDANUBE . BLACKSEA INTERACTION ZONE NicolaePRxttrt NationalInstitute of MarineGeology and Geo-ecology- GEoEcoMAR 23-25,D. OnciulStr., 70318 Bucharest, Tel/Fax: +fi-1-252.25.94, E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract. The presentpaper aims at describingof the evolutionof the mouthzones of three main distributariesof the DanubeDelta system:the northernbranch - Chilia,a medianone - Sulinaand a southernbranch - St. George(Sf.Gheorghe). These main distributaries areresponsible for the formationand the developmentof differentstages of the DanubeDelta. The descriptionis basedon the complex studyof the.entireDanube Delta edifice by aerophotogrammetric,geomorphologic, sedimentologic-geologic, biostratigraphic means, as ''C wellas by datationof deltaicdeposits. The mainstages of developmentthrough which the DanubeDelta reached the presentday aspectinclude:(1)theDanubeGulf andthe"DanubeBlockedDelta"--12-1 1 k.yr.B.P.; (2)lnitial Letea-CaraormanSpit, 11,700-9,800 yr.B. P.; (3) St.GeorgeI Deita,9,000-7,200 yr. B. P.; (4) SulinaDelta, 7 ,2OO-2,000 yr. B P.;(5)St, George ll Deltaand ChiliaDelta, 2,800 yr.B.P.-present;(6) SecondaryCosna-Sinoie Delta, 3,550-2,500 yr B.P. Detaileddescription of the succesivephases of developmentof the mentionedstages is given. 'oC Key words: geomorphologicand geologicevolution, deltaic deposits, phases of development, datation,Danube Delta system. INTRODUCTION THE "BLOCKEDDANUBE DELTA'' The river-sea interaction zones have very ln the period12-11 k.y. BP, when the level of complexdynamic, depositional, biogeo-chemical the Black Sea had reachedthe present level or, and eco-structuralcharacteristics. Geomorpho- probably,had even exceededit with few meters, logicallythese zones are representedmostly by the present area of the Danube Delta was estuariesand deltas.