From Handbook of Implicit : Measurement, Theory, and Applications. Edited by Bertram Gawronski and B. Keith Payne Copyright 2010 by The Guilford Press. All rights reserved.

Chapter 25

Implicit Cognition in Health Psychology Why Common Sense Goes Out the Window

Reinout W. Wiers, Katrijn Houben, Anne Roefs, Peter de Jong, Wilhelm Hofmann, and Alan W. Stacy

n the 1990s Tara MacDonald and colleagues she also does not have condoms but is taking birth I performed a beautiful series of experiments that control pills. They discuss whether it is possible to nicely illustrate a number of the central concepts obtain a condom, decide that this is not feasible, in this chapter. The goal of these studies was to and discuss their sexual history. Mike states that investigate systematically why seemingly sensible he is “clean” and Rebecca states that she does not people (students, admittedly only males)1 often “sleep around.” At the end of the video, Mike asks reported to have unprotected sex after drinking Rebecca, “What do you want to do?” Rebecca re- alcohol while knowing the dangers in the era of sponds, “I don’t know. What do you want to do?” HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. In- The video then ends with a freeze frame, and par- terestingly, many of the same students, when asked ticipants complete the dependent measures while in a survey, indicated that it would be very foolish viewing the freeze frame. Across seven studies, it to have sex without a condom. This discrepancy il- was found that male participants were more will- lustrates a central issue in health psychology: why ing to engage in unsafe sex when they were in many people in specific situations act against their the alcohol condition and sexually aroused by the own health-­related interests or, as MacDonald and video (MacDonald, Fong, Zanna, & Martineau, colleagues put it, “why common sense goes out of 2000; MacDonald, MacDonald, Zanna, & Fong, the window” (MacDonald, Zanna, & Fong, 1996). 2000; MacDonald et al., 1996).3 In this chapter, we argue that dual-­process models This example illustrates some of the central may provide interesting answers to this important concepts available to help explain a wide range question. of perplexing findings in health psychology. First, Let us consider the experiments first. MacDon- there is an internal conflict between the “cold,” ald and colleagues selected students who did not or rational, attitudes and beliefs about the health have a steady relationship and who regularly used behavior (it is foolish not to use condoms) on the condoms. Participants received alcohol or not2 one hand and the actual intentions and behavior- and were shown a video. In this video, two stu- al inclinations in a tempting, or “hot,” situation on dents, Mike and the attractive Rebecca, go out on the other. We argue that similar internal conflicts a date and then go back to her apartment. There are central in many areas of health psychology, they begin to kiss on the couch and continue to often (but not always) with associative, “implicit” make out until Mike awkwardly discloses that he processes triggering approach reactions, while “re- did not bring any condoms. Rebecca states that flective” processes “know better” and suggest re-


frain from approach. Importantly, participants can their subjective arousal and intention to have un- differ regarding both their impulsive or associative protected sex in this situation on a questionnaire. processes and the contents and strength of their Hence, the example should not be read as indi- reflective or controlled processes, and both can be cating that implicit measures always assess “hot” assessed (Hofmann, Friese, & Wiers, 2008). processes and explicit measures “cold” processes. Another key feature illustrated by this research Rather, implicit measures aim to elicit the same is that “cold” measures (e.g., a survey of attitudes processes as are operating in the actual “hot” situa- and intentions regarding unsafe sex) may be sub- tion, but, of course, that claim should be validated optimal to predict actual health behavior in “hot” (De Houwer, 2006; De Houwer, Teige-­Mocigemba, situations. People (especially the “usual subjects”: Spruyt, & Moors, 2009). In other words, the whole undergraduate students) often know rather well MacDonald experiment can be taken as an anal- what is good or bad for their health; the problem is ogy of what implicit measures try to do, irrespec- that they still engage in a number of unhealthy and tive of the fact that a simple attitude scale is used risky behaviors, such as binge drinking, smoking, to assess the “hot” cognitions. Note further that binge eating, unhealthy eating, unsafe sex, and so it is incorrect to equate implicit measures to reac- on. Recent research has confirmed the relevance of tion time measures, as witnessed by asso- this discrepancy for health psychology: In a “cold” ciation and affect misattribution measures (Payne, state, people underestimate the influence of “hot Cheng, Govorun, & Stewart, 2005; Payne, Go- cognitions” under influence of visceral states, such vorun, & Arbuckle, 2007; Payne, McClernon, & as hunger, thirst, sexual arousal, and craving, a Dobbins, 2007; Stacy, Leigh, & Weingardt, 1997; phenomenon called the “cold-to-hot empathy gap” Stacy, Newcomb, & Ames, 2000). Finally, this (Nordgren, van der Pligt, & van Harreveld, 2007, condom-use example illustrates a common theme 2008; Sayette, Loewenstein, Griffin, & Black, in health psychology: Many unhealthy behaviors 2008). The underestimation of “hot” inclinations occur in combination; for example, unsafe sex oc- is likely to play a role in the underestimation of curs frequently after alcohol use. the risk of becoming addicted and of risky situa- tions in quitters (Sayette et al., 2008) as well as in judgments of impulsive (“irrational”) behaviors of A SHORT REVIEW OF HEALTH oneself and of others. This is likely to contribute to PSYCHOLOGY APPROACHES the negative stigma of impulsive problem behav- TO PREDICT HEALTH BEHAVIOR iors such as addiction and obesity. In a “cold” state, it appears far more difficult to feel empathy with In our view, the idea to explicitly incorporate the impulsive drives compared with a judgment made notion of impulsive processes in health behavior in a “hot” state (Nordgren et al., 2007). is a relatively new one. Initially, the field of health Note that we are not arguing that it is useless to psychology has received much stimulation and is assess “cold” attitudes or intentions but rather that still somewhat dominated by the application of they are insufficient alone to predict health be- reasoned action approaches (Ajzen, 1991; Fish- haviors in “hot” situations. We need indices of the bein & Ajzen, 1975) to health-­related decisions associative processes that are triggered in a “hot” and behaviors such as with protection motivation situation. One way to conceive the large number theory (Rogers, 1983) or the health belief model of recently developed implicit or indirect measures (Janz & Becker, 1984). One common element is as mini-­experiments aimed at triggering and as- of these models, in a nutshell, is the assumption sessing spontaneous associative processes in reac- that health behavior is the result of cognitive ap- tion to relevant stimuli, similar to the video used praisal processes of the (1) expectancy and value by MacDonald and colleagues (De Houwer, 2006). of potential health threats and (2) possible cop- The difference is that indirect measures usually ing responses. From these appraisal processes, a provide simpler stimuli (pictures or words present- behavioral intention to avoid a health threat and ed one at the time rather than a tempting video) to engage in healthy behavior may be formed. Im- to which participants have to react fast, by pro- portantly, these appraisal processes and the result- viding either a first association without reflection ing goal-­directed behavior are typically seen as or a speeded response (see Sekaquaptewa, Var- reasoned, conscious, and intentional acts that re- gas, & von Hippel, Chapter 8, Teige-­Mocigemba, quire a person’s willpower in order to be effective. Klauer, & Sherman, Chapter 7, and Wentura & Therefore, these models largely speak to reflective Degner, Chapter 6, this volume). In the studies of processes by which health behavior is regulated. MacDonald and colleagues, participants indicate They typically do not, however, integrate the no- 25. Implicit Cognition in Health Psychology 465 tion of impulsive influences on behavior (in other been suggested to incorporate the notion of habit words treating impulsive influences on behavior (i.e., routine past behaviors) in order to account as error variance). This neglect may be one rea- for additional variance not accounted for by mark- son why the predictive validity of reasoned action ers of intentional goal pursuit (Aarts, Verplanken, models is typically far from perfect (Conner & & van Knippenberg, 1998; Verplanken, Aarts, Sparks, 2002; Stacy, Bentler, & Flay, 1994). van Knippenberg, & Moonen, 1998). Note that all A second general approach has been to get to these approaches tend to rely on self-­report meth- know better the situational and dispositional risk odology. Hence, incremental predictive validity factors that play a role in determining health- may be limited by the known problems of intro- ­related behavior outcomes. On the one hand, social spective access or by self-­presentational concerns psychology-­oriented health research has identified associated with this method. the situational risk factors under which people are particularly prone to engage in unhealthy behavior, such as when they are depleted of self-­regulatory The Present Framework resources (Vohs & Heatherton, 2000), cognitively occupied (Ward & Mann, 2000), drunk (Cooper, Relatively few attempts have been made thus far to 2002; Steele & Josephs, 1990), or emotionally dis- apply the insights and the measurement technolo- tressed (Baucom & Aiken, 1981). Personality re- gy that emanated from social cognitive dual-­system search, on the other hand, has helped to identify or dual-­process models (Evans, 2008; Smith & De- stable traits that are associated with risky health Coster, 2000; Strack & Deutsch, 2004) to models behaviors, such as high impulsivity (Waldeck & of health behavior (Hofmann, Friese, & Wiers, Miller, 1997), high negative emotionality (Caspi et 2008; Marsh, Johnson, & Scott-­Sheldon, 2001; al., 1997), low conscientiousness (Bogg & Roberts, Tiffany, 1990; Wiers, Bartholow, et al., 2007). This 2004), and low self-­control (Tangney, Baumeister, chapter is part of this ongoing endeavor to bridge & Boone, 2004). However, note that these find- this gap. Specifically, we argue that an integrative ings typically do not address the processes by which approach should consider at least four crucial (sets successful or unsuccessful health behavior is of) variables that together predict individual dif- brought about. For instance, if we find that people ferences in health behaviors (see Figure 25.1): who consumed alcohol are more likely to engage in risky sex than sober people, we typically infer 1. Individual differences in associative (or impul- that they must have been driven more strongly by sive) processes in a given health domain. their sexual impulses (and less by reflective consid- 2. Individual differences in reflective processes, erations), but the mere group difference does not including executive control (EC) capacity as tell us much about the underlying processes that well as motivation to control (fueled by beliefs drive behavior in such circumstances. and attitudes). The idea that health behavior is not solely the 3. Global individual differences in personality result of reasoned processes and planning has led across domains (e.g., impulsivity). to extensions of reasoned action approaches in 4. The health behavior–­relevant situation. various directions and degrees with the aim of tap- ping more strongly into irrational, impulsive influ- The core of the model is a dual-­process model ences of health behavior. For instance, it has been that distinguishes between associative/impulsive suggested to assess behavioral willingness, that is, processes and reflective processes (1, 2). However, whether one might be willing to perform a risky we want to emphasize that these processes inter- behavior despite the fact that one originally in- act not only with each other to determine health tends not to engage in it (Gibbons, Gerrard, Blan- behaviors but also with situational variables (4), ton, & Russell, 1998; Gibbons, Gerrard, & Lane, which may bias information processing more to- 2003). Other researchers have proposed to extend ward either associative or reflective processing. reasoned approaches on an affective dimension by Furthermore, there are individual differences using more affect-based (as opposed to cognitively across specific health behaviors that can be con- based) attitude measures (Kiviniemi, Voss-Humke, ceptualized as personality variables (3) but from & Seifert, 2007) or assessing the anticipated emo- the present framework also as relatively stable tional consequences (i.e., regret) of indulgence individual differences in associative and con- in health behaviors that are immediately gratify- trolled processes (e.g., tendency toward approach ing but problematic in the long run (Richard, De or avoidance, tendency to react on impulse or on Vries, & van der Pligt, 1998). Moreover, it has further reflection). 466 V. APPLIED PERSPECTIVES

How do these variables interact? At the heart of are achieved through relatively slow, controlled dual-­process models applied to health psychology is processes based on symbolic representations and conflict, between associative (or “impulsive,” often operations (Evans, 2008; Smith & DeCoster, affective) processes in response to health-­relevant 2000; Strack & Deutsch, 2004). Importantly, for stimuli (depicted in the bottom part of the figure) present purposes, people differ in their EC capac- and controlled (or reflective) processes depicted in ity, which leads to the prediction that individu- the top of the Figure 25.1. In line with Deutsch and als with relatively low EC capacity are more prone Strack (2006), we believe that the internal conflict to act on strong impulses, a hypothesis recently between associative and reflective processes is cen- confirmed in a series of studies (Grenard et al., tral in both addictive behaviors and in many other 2008; Hofmann, Friese, & Roefs, 2009; Hofmann, health behaviors (Hofmann, Friese, & Wiers, Gschwendner, Friese, Wiers, & Schmitt, 2008; K. 2008) as well as in many areas of psychopathology Houben & Wiers, 2009; Thush et al., 2008; Wiers, (Teachman, Cody, & Clerkin, Chapter 26, this Beckers, Houben, & Hofmann, 2009). volume; Wiers, Teachman, & De Houwer, 2007). How should constructs from the impulsive and In many cases, the associative process will activate reflective systems be measured? Reflective pro- approach tendencies, while reflective processes will cesses are traditionally assessed with measures suggest that there may be good reasons to refrain of verbal self-­report (questionnaires), assessing from approach (with many examples in addictive beliefs, expectancies, attitudes, self-­efficacy, and behaviors, obesity, risky sex, etc.). However, in related constructs. The recent surge of implicit or some cases of health psychology, this pattern may indirect measures was fueled by the idea that these be reversed, for example, when proactive health measures could tap into associative or impulsive action is needed (e.g., exercise, health checkups, processes directly without interference and cen- wearing seat belts), automatically activated as- sorship of the reflective system. It is now clear that sociations (e.g., tired: watch TV) may interfere current indirect measures are not process-pure with health behaviors. In some health behaviors, indicators of associative processes only, and esti- including coping with chronic pain, automatically mates can be made of the contributions of associa- activated avoidance may be the primary problem tive and controlled processes (Conrey, Sherman, (see later discussion). In some cases, a conflict be- Gawronski, Hugenberg, & Groom, 2005; Sherman tween incompatible associations (e.g., approach et al., 2008). Similarly, questionnaire measures are and avoidance) may also play a role rather than a not process-pure measures of reflective processes, conflict between associations steering in one direc- as evidenced by influences on test scores by seem- tion and reflection in the opposite direction (de ingly trivial variations in item orders (Schwarz, Liver, van der Pligt, & Wigboldus, 2007; McEvoy, 1999). Stritzke, French, Lang, & Ketterman, 2004; Wiers, The third set of variables concern personality Houben, Smulders, Conrod, & Jones, 2006). factors. Personality traits such as impulsivity or Regarding the reflective pathway, traditional behavioral undercontrol have been related to ad- models of health psychology are largely applicable dictive behaviors for a long time (e.g., Sher, 1991; and they predict variance in a variety of health be- Verdejo-­Garcia, Lawrence, & Clark, 2008) as haviors. When participants (often students!) are well as to other health behaviors, including obe- motivated and able to do so, they can estimate pros sity (Nederkoorn, Smulders, Havermans, Roefs, and cons of behavioral options in view of their & Jansen, 2006) and sexual risk taking (Hayaki, goals in life (e.g., not become fatally ill). From a Anderson, & Stein, 2006). In addiction research, dual-­process perspective, reflective processes are it has been difficult to tear apart to what extent seen as evolutionarily relatively recent processes these traits were predisposing factors or the result that serve to shield goal-­directed behavior from of addictive behaviors. We propose that both are interfering associative processes (Baddeley, 2007; true: Some traits can increase the vulnerability for Evans, 2008; Hofmann, Friese, & Wiers, 2008; many problematic health behaviors (including im- Strack & Deutsch, 2004). The reflective system pulsivity, sensation seeking), but people can also uses higher order mental operations, which pro- become more impulsive as a result of substance use vides flexibility and control over decisions and during adolescence, which may increase risks for actions. These operations include executive func- other problematic health behaviors (see later dis- tions such as making reasoned judgments and cussion). Individual differences in personality may evaluations, putting together strategic action plans be related to genetic factors, environmental influ- for goal pursuit, and inhibiting or overriding pre- ences, or interplay between these factors (Caspi & potent responses (e.g., impulses or habits). They Moffitt, 2006). Genetic differences can moderate -



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t t k d a te o ra i a Perso t Situ St mo drun A general dual-process model of health behaviors. At the core of the model is that health behaviors are predicted by the combined input of associative or RE 25.1. FIGU processesimpulsive of contribution processes, classesthese and andrelative controlled two where the reflective processesof determinedis by personality situational and fac tors. Note that the two dashed feedback loops indicate that, as a result of the the behavior, (health) cognitive processes are influenced,which will affect future behavioral tendencies.

467 468 V. APPLIED PERSPECTIVES automatic appetitive reactions, as was recently & Cox, 2008), and approach tendencies can be au- demonstrated (Filbey et al., 2008; Wiers, Rinck, tomatically triggered (Field, Kiernan, Eastwood, & Dictus, & van den Wildenberg, 2009), and can Child, 2008; Wiers, Rinck, et al., 2009). Through also moderate individual differences in the ability repeated experience, situational cues may also di- to self-­regulate impulses (M. D. Robinson, 2007). rectly trigger overlearned behavioral schemas (e.g., Individual differences in self-­control ability can habitual actions) without necessarily activating af- at least partly be related to environmental factors fective processes (Everitt & Robbins, 2005; Tiffany, such as upbringing and education, as early inter- 1990). Regarding the upper feedback loop, there is ventions in self-­control (Blair & Diamond, 2008; increasing evidence that alcohol and drug use neg- Diamond, Barnett, Thomas, & Munro, 2007) and atively affect reflective processes, especially during self-­regulation of emotions demonstrate (Izard et adolescence: The still-­developing ability to self- al., 2008). Religion, likewise, strongly influences ­regulate impulsive action tendencies is negatively the way people deal with temptations; religiosity affected, and motivation to perform alternative has been shown to be a protective factor for many behaviors is impeded (Volkow, Fowler, & Wang, health behavior problems, including addictions 2004; Wiers, Bartholow, et al., 2007). Both feed- (Baumeister & Exline, 1999; Wills, Gibbons, Ger- back loops may be especially strong for addictive rard, Murry, & Brody, 2003). behaviors, but their effects may affect subsequent The fourth variable is the health ­behavior– addictive behaviors as well as other health-­related relevant situation. The role of tempting situations behaviors (e.g., through reduced EC). The reason has long been recognized in addiction research for the stronger feedback loops as a consequence of (e.g., Marlatt & Gordon, 1985) and in other health addictive behaviors is that pharmacological prop- behaviors, including obesity (Irving & Neumark- erties of drugs may enhance the normal effects of ­Sztainer, 2002). A major difficulty in many health repeated experience, which is thought to subse- psychological problems is the high prevalence of quently enhance appetitive biases (Franken, 2003; tempting situations in modern society. Moreover, Robinson & Berridge, 2003; Volkow et al., 2004; regarding relapse, recent research on conditioned Wiers, Bartholow, et al., 2007) as well as habit for- appetitive motivation has stressed the importance mation (Everitt & Robbins, 2005). The latter pro- of contextual cues, both in addiction and eating cess may be particularly relevant in smoking, given behaviors (Thewissen, van den Hout, Havermans, the important role of nicotinic receptors in habit & Jansen, 2005; Van Gucht, Vansteenwegen, formation (Davis & Gould, 2008). Taken together, Beckers, & Van den Bergh, 2008). Note that acute the general picture is that addictive behaviors in- intoxication as well as other temporary effects on volve many of the same processes as other health the balance between associative and reflective pro- behaviors, with differences being related to phar- cesses (e.g., fatigue or ego depletion resulting from macological moderation of the feedback loops in- a previous task, which temporarily depleted con- volved. Because of these enhanced feedback loops trol resources; Baumeister, 2003) is also conceived and the acute effects of alcohol and many other of in our framework as a situational factor. Simi- drugs of abuse on health behaviors (as illustrated larly, enhanced internal motivational states (e.g., in the opening example), substance use and misuse hunger, craving after deprivation; Nordgren et al., may play a more central role in health psychology 2007) are also conceived of here as situational fac- than often appreciated: not only as “just another tors (in the latter case often triggered by a physical health behavior” but also as a moderator of cogni- environment, interacting with the motivational tive processes involved in other health behaviors. system). For example, automatic sweet attitudes better pre- Finally, regarding the general framework, we dict sweet consumption after alcohol than when emphasize the relevance of the feedback loops (see participants are sober (Hofmann & Friese, 2008). Figure 25.1). Health-­related behaviors can influ- In the remainder of this chapter, we review ence subsequent appraisals of a situation. This can what is known about the “four ingredients” (asso- happen in a variety of ways: It can bias (1) subse- ciative processes, reflective processes, personality, quent associative processing (lower feedback loop) risky situations) and their interplay in a number and/or (2) subsequent reflective processing (upper of domains: substance use and misuse, overeating feedback loop). Considering the lower feedback and dieting, sexual risk taking, and coping with loop, as a result of many drinking occasions, a pain and stress. In line with the emphasis of this heavy drinker’s attention is more readily captured Handbook on implicit social cognition, the empha- by stimuli previously associated with alcohol (at- sis in each section is on associative processes, but tentional bias; Cox, Fadardi, & Pothos, 2006; Field we also briefly consider the other factors (reflective 25. Implicit Cognition in Health Psychology 469 processes, personality, and situation). In the final drinkers showed higher levels of false recogni- section, we discuss implications for interventions tion to alcohol expectancy adjectives in response and avenues for further research. to an alcohol setting (naturalistic bar) compared with a neutral condition. This is consistent with the operation of an automatic template model of SUBSTANCE USE AND MISUSE alcohol expectancies and with the implicit activa- tion of alcohol concepts that were never explicitly Associative Processes presented. In recent years, many studies have been conducted Fillmore, Vogel-­Sprott, and Gavrilescu (1999) using either varieties of memory paradigms or reac- used the process dissociation procedure to show tion time paradigms to assess associative processes. that acute alcohol use administered experimen- We first briefly introduce the memory measures tally impaired control processes but did not af- and findings with these measures in relation to fect automatic processes. Krank and colleagues substance use and misuse. We then turn to more adapted the “famous name” memory paradigm commonly known RT measures. (Jacoby, Woloshyn, & Kelley, 1989) to show that A number of studies of health behavior have attempted negation of myths about the benefits of used measures and paradigms that assess associa- alcohol paradoxically increased the self-­generation tions and implicit processes without reliance on of these myths as expected outcomes of the behav- response latency methods. In these paradigms, ior (Krank, Ames, Grenard, Schoenfeld, & Stacy, implicit processes are revealed in the absence of 2008). Findings were consistent with uncon- requests for deliberate or conscious recollection of scious, and counterproductive, effects of negation, the target association or content, consistent with predicted by dual-­process models (cf. Deutsch, traditional definitions of (Graf Gawronski, & Strack, 2006; Deutsch & Strack, & Schacter, 1985). Assessment methods used in 2006). Stacy (1994) used an extralisted cued-­recall these studies have focused primarily on either procedure (Nelson et al., 2003; Nelson, McKinney, production responses or memory tests that have Gee, & Janczura, 1998) to show that previous ex- consistently been linked to implicit processes in perience with alcohol predicted the effectiveness of basic research on memory (see Stacy, Ames, & extralist cues (not presented at study) in a surprise Grenard, 2006). Some of the memory measures recall test of ambiguous alcohol words presented used in health psychology are identical to those in the earlier exposure trial. Results were consis- that have detected implicit processes in more basic tent with findings that previous experience with a research, in which manipulations of test instruc- behavior influences the strength of its associations tions and study populations (e.g., amnesic vs. non- in memory (Stacy et al., 1997) and with implicit amnesic patients) have demonstrated implicit pro- activation of associations with nonpresented cues cesses. Memory paradigms that manipulate study during exposure trials (Nelson et al., 1998). and test trials have often been structured to reveal Word production procedures in health-­related the operation of implicit or automatic processes. research on implicit processes have most com- Examples of such paradigms include illusory mem- monly used word association tests with indirect ory (e.g., Roediger, Watson, McDermott, & Gallo, test instructions, providing an indirect assess- 2001), process dissociation (Jacoby, Debner, & ment of associations in memory between different Hay, 2001), extralist cued recall (Nelson, McEvoy, health behaviors and other concepts. Word asso- & Pointer, 2003), and a variety of “priming” de- ciation tests are valuable for this purpose because signs (e.g., Zeelenberg, Pecher, Shiffrin, & Raai- evidence across diverse paradigms from basic cog- jmakers, 2003) that manipulate exposure to the nitive research shows that these tests are capable target materials and type of test instructions (e.g., of detecting implicit conceptual memory (Seger, indirect or direct). A few of these paradigms have Rabin, Desmond, & Gabrieli, 1999), and asso- been used in health areas, particularly in research ciations uncovered in these tests strongly predict on alcohol use and misuse. For example, Reich and the activation of cognitions across a wide range of colleagues used the Deese-­Roediger-McDermott experimental procedures (for a review, see Stacy, (Deese, 1959; Roediger et al., 2001) illusory mem- Ames, & Grenard, 2006). Indeed, it is a challenge ory paradigm to determine whether effects of al- to find another test of association that predicts cohol are remembered as cohesive structures and such a wide range of responses. Indicators of asso- whether an alcohol context automatically activates ciations compiled from these tests also form com- these structures (Reich, Goldman, & Noll, 2004). mon factors with sufficient internal consistency Their results revealed that heavier, but not lighter, and good predictive utility in research on health 470 V. APPLIED PERSPECTIVES

behavior (e.g., Ames, Grenard, Thush, Sussman, known RT measures in social cognition research & Wiers, 2007; Stacy, 1997; Stacy, Ames, Ullman, have been used to assess automatic associations Zogg, & Leigh, 2006). with alcohol and drugs. Studies using varieties of Word association tests in this literature have the Implicit Association Test (IAT; Greenwald, typically used either free-­association instruc- McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998), perhaps surprisingly, tions, in which the participants are requested have consistently demonstrated strong negative al- to write the first word that comes to mind in re- cohol associations in heavy drinkers (De Houwer, sponse to a cue word, phrase, or picture (e.g., feel- Custers, & De Clercq, 2006; Houben & Wiers, ing good: ), or verb-­generation in- 2006a, 2006b, 2008; Wiers, van de Luitgaarden, structions, in which respondents react with the van den Wildenberg, & Smulders, 2005; Wiers, first action word or behavior that comes to mind van Woerden, Smulders, & de Jong, 2002) as well in response to the cue. Either procedure has the as with smoking in smokers (Huijding, de Jong, capability of including cues that are neutral as well Wiers, & Verkooijen, 2005; Sherman, Presson, as those linked to target behaviors, making within- Chassin, Rose, & Koch, 2003; Swanson, Rudman, ­subject analysis possible. The procedures also allow & Greenwald, 2001). IAT scores of implicit alcohol for an assessment of relative cognition because the attitudes also predicted drinking behavior above participant is free to answer with any response that the variance explained by explicit measures using comes to mind. This provides an index of relative the same words (Houben & Wiers, 2006a, 2007a, spontaneous memory for a potentially enormous 2007b; Wiers et al., 2002; for a meta-­analysis, see set size of alternatives not captured by any present Rooke et al., 2008). Note that the direction of this test of response latency or other test format (Ames effect is that less strong negative implicit attitudes et al., 2007; Thush et al., 2007). It is important to (or relatively strong positive attitudes) for alcohol emphasize that the nature of test instructions in predicted drinking behavior. Implicit attitudes word association is critical. Indirect-­association in- have also been studied for some other substances. structions, asking respondents to list the first word Research has demonstrated neutral or ambivalent that comes to mind, lead to dramatically different implicit associations with cannabis in cannabis results than asking participants to recollect (Stacy, users, while nonusers showed negative implicit Ames, & Grenard, 2006). The basic findings across associations (Field, Mogg, & Bradley, 2004). Co- a number of studies using indirect test instructions caine users have relatively strong implicit associa- and word association is that associative responses tions between cocaine and positive affect (Wiers, to cues, using indirect tests that do not mention Houben, & de Kraker, 2007). the target behavior, are consistently predictive of When positive and negative associations were alcohol and drug use (for reviews, see Ames, Fran- assessed separately, findings indicated that both ken, & Coronges, 2006; Stacy, Ames, & Grenard, alcohol (Houben & Wiers, 2006a, 2008; Jajodia & 2006). Importantly, some studies have revealed Earleywine, 2003; McCarthy & Thompsen, 2006) predictive effects in prospective studies in which and smoking (McCarthy & Thompsen, 2006) are, previous habits and a variety of different confound- in fact, automatically associated with both nega- ers have been controlled for (Kelly, Masterman, & tive and positive affect. Importantly, positive as- Marlatt, 2005; Stacy, 1997). A recent meta-­analysis sociations predicted unique variance in drinking of 89 effect sizes obtained from studies sampling and smoking behavior above that explained by nearly 20,000 participants found that associations explicit measures, whereas negative associations assessed with word association procedures had the were unrelated to drinking and smoking behavior strongest effects compared with all other measures (Houben & Wiers, 2006a, 2008; Jajodia & Earley- of implicit processes in addictive behaviors (Rooke, wine, 2003; McCarthy & Thompsen, 2006). This Hine, & Thorsteinsson, 2008). Other measures of suggests that positive associations may be more associative processes have been developed that rely personally relevant, while negative associations not on response latencies but on the affective rat- may primarily reflect “cultural wisdom” (Houben ing of a neutral stimulus (e.g., a Chinese character) & Wiers, 2007b). In line with this idea, studies preceded by an affective prime. This strategy is using personalized versions of the IAT, which pre- the affect misattribution procedure (Payne et al., vent the activation of extrapersonal associations 2005), which has been successfully applied to pre- (Olson & Fazio, 2004), have also demonstrated dict alcohol use and smoking (Payne, Govorun, et positive implicit associations with both alcohol al., 2007; Payne, McClernon, et al., 2007). (Houben & Wiers, 2007b) and smoking (De Hou- In addition to these measures derived from basic wer et al., 2006). Moreover, in smokers, positive memory research, many of the more commonly implicit associations with smoking have also been 25. Implicit Cognition in Health Psychology 471 demonstrated when focusing on the sensory as- al., 2003). There are also many studies that show pects of smoking (Huijding & de Jong, 2006; Sher- that negative associations are relatively strong but man et al., 2003) rather than the negative health- not strongly related to behavior. One reason may ­related aspects (Sherman et al., 2003). In line with be that the time interval between substance use these findings, studies using the (bipolar) Extrinsic and negative consequences is usually much longer Affective Simon Task (EAST; De Houwer, 2003) than for positive and arousing consequences. It is have demonstrated ambivalent implicit associa- noteworthy that results of both open-ended mem- tions with alcohol (de Jong, Wiers, van de Braak, ory association measures and reaction time (RT) & Huijding, 2007) and in one study even positive tests of associations are related to substance use implicit alcohol associations (De Houwer & De and that they both uniquely predict substance use Bruycker, 2007) related to drinking behavior. (Ames et al., 2007; Thush et al., 2007). Both types Besides associations between addictive sub- of measures show a similar pattern of prediction of stances and positive or negative affect (or implicit substance use, which is moderated by individual attitudes), other associations have been studied, in- differences in executive functions (Grenard et al., cluding with arousal, the second major dimension 2008; Houben & Wiers, 2009; Thush et al., 2008). in emotion research (Lang, 1995), and between Both types of measures have their own merits: The addictive substances and approach tendencies. open-ended measures can assess unique patterns of First, studies that have used the IAT to examine associations in each individual, and RT measures implicit associations between alcohol and arousal assess predetermined associations, which allows have consistently demonstrated strong implicit for specific comparisons (e.g., Do arousal associa- arousal associations with alcohol (De Houwer, tions predict unique variance over and above posi- Crombez, Koster, & De Beul, 2004; Houben & tive associations?). In sum, research in this area Wiers, 2006a; Wiers et al., 2002, 2005). Moreover, has demonstrated that appetitive associations are these implicit arousal associations predict drink- positively related to use (moderated by executive ing behavior above explicit measures and are also functions), and that, in addition to appetitive as- strongly related to implicit positive associations sociations, there are strong negative associations, with alcohol (Houben & Wiers, 2006b; Wiers et but there is little evidence that these are predictive al., 2002, 2005). Although no studies have yet of substance use. examined implicit associations between smoking and arousal, research has demonstrated implicit associations between cannabis and arousal that Reflective Processes predict unique variance in cannabis use (Ames There is a long history of positive correlations be- et al., 2007). Cocaine users also show stronger tween alcohol use and a variety of cognitive mo- implicit associations between cocaine and both tivational constructs, including positive attitudes arousal and sedation than nonusers (Wiers, Hou- (O’Callaghan, Chant, Callan, & Baglioni, 1997), ben, et al., 2007). Second, research has shown that motives (Cooper, Frone, Russell, & Mudar, 1995), alcohol is also implicitly associated with approach and expectancies (Goldman, Del Boca, & Darkes, orientation, and that these associations are related 1999; Jones, Corbin, & Fromme, 2001). It should to drinking behavior (Palfai & Ostafin, 2003) and be noted that predictive power of these constructs show incremental validity with respect to drink- is far stronger when both attitudes or expectan- ing behavior (Ostafin & Palfai, 2006). Similarly, cies and alcohol or drug use are assessed cross- smokers show implicit associations between smok- ­sectionally compared with prospective prediction, ing and approach while nonsmokers do not (De especially after controlling for previous use (Jones Houwer et al., 2006). et al., 2001; Sher, Wood, Wood, & Raskin, 1996). In summary, many studies using memory as- Nevertheless, long-term prediction has been found sociation measures and RT measures have dem- (Stacy, Newcomb, & Bentler, 1991). Negative ex- onstrated that substance cues trigger different pectancies, attitudes, and motives to abstain pre- clusters of associations: appetitive associations dict some variance in social drinkers but appear related to positive, arousing effects and approach to become more important in problem drinkers, motivation, and aversive associations either re- related to motivation to change behavior (Jones et lated to the negative stigma of alcohol and drug al., 2001; Jones & McMahon, 1998). use in many cultures or to negative personal ex- Second, there is some evidence that a relatively periences. Subtle accents in the environment may poor development of EC functions may play a role determine whether the appetitive or aversive as- in the etiology of alcohol and drug use, a factor sociations are triggered more strongly (Sherman et closely related to the personality construct of im- 472 V. APPLIED PERSPECTIVES pulsivity or behavioral undercontrol (Nigg et al., in the Western world, where especially alcohol use 2006; Peterson, Finn, & Pihl, 1992; Peterson & is part of many social situations (as was smoking Pihl, 1990; Wiers, Gunning, & Sergeant, 1998). until recently). Situational influences are also re- Recent studies have shed new light on these two lated to developmental period: College campuses aspects of reflective processes: In a series of studies, have been recognized as a risk situation for alcohol it was found that measures of implicit appetitive abuse, which peaks during late teen and early 20s associations (when assessed both with memory as- (Sher et al., 2005). During these years, drinking sociation and with RT measures) are better predic- usually takes place in the peer group, and the speed tors of alcohol and drug use in participants with a of drinking of the peer groups appears to be the relatively low score on a global index of executive strongest predictor of alcohol consumption, with functions than in participants with a high score stronger effects than expectancies or personality (Grenard et al., 2008; Houben & Wiers, 2009; (Bot, Engels, & Knibbe, 2005; van Schoor, Bot, & Thush et al., 2008). The opposite was true in par- Engels, 2008). In some cultures, excessive drink- ticipants with relatively high scores on executive ing takes place in these unsupervised peer groups, functions: In these participants explicit expectan- for example, in recent studies on youth at camp- cies were the best predictor of prospective alcohol sites, consumption of more than 20 alcohol units use (Thush et al., 2008). Similar moderating ef- per day has been reported (van de Luitgaarden, fects of executive functions have been found for Wiers, Knibbe, & Candel, 2007). It is interesting other impulsive behaviors (Hofmann, Gschwend- from this perspective that reduced availability of ner, et al., 2008; Wiers, Beckers, et al., 2009). In alcohol has been related to lower levels of alcohol summary, explicit cognitions, including positive use and problems at the population level (Room, attitudes, expectancies, and motives, are strongly Babor, & Rehm, 2005). related to current drinking and moderately related In addition to the large number of contextual to prospective drinking. Recent evidence suggests factors that promote alcohol and drug use, there that they may be most important in participants are internal situational factors that can promote with relatively well-­developed executive functions, alcohol and drug use as well, including stress (Sher, while relatively automatic appetitive tendencies Bartholow, Peuser, Erickson, & Wood, 2007), fa- are a prime predictor in individuals with relatively tigue or ego depletion (Baumeister, 2003), “hot” poor executive functions. visceral states or craving (Nordgren et al., 2008; Sayette et al., 2008), and acute alcohol or drug use (Field, Schoenmakers, & Wiers, 2008; Schoen- Personality makers, Wiers, & Field, 2008). From the present Behavioral disinhibition is a major personality risk model, all of these factors can be viewed as tem- factor for the development of alcohol and drug porarily favoring associative or impulsive processes use problems (de Wit, 2009; Sher, Grekin, & Wil- over reflective or controlled processes. liams, 2005; Sher, Walitzer, Wood, & Brent, 1991; Verdejo-­Garcia et al., 2008). However, other per- sonality risk factors have also been identified, in- Implicit Cognition and cluding personality profiles related to internalizing Protection against HIV/AIDS problems (anxiety and depression), and recent re- search suggests that these different personality risk Concepts and tasks related to implicit cognition factors can be successfully targeted in adolescence have only rarely been used in research on protec- (Conrod, Castellanos, & Mackie, 2008; Conrod, tion against HIV or AIDS. The dearth of studies Stewart, Comeau, & Maclean, 2006). Note that on implicit cognition and protection against HIV individual differences in EC, which were shown or AIDS is surprising, given the critical problem to moderate appetitive impulses (Grenard et al., of this infection and the palpable implications of 2008; Houben & Wiers, 2009; Thush et al., 2008), implicit or automatic processes to sexual behavior. are also related to personality (with relatively poor Given the large situational overlap with substance EC being related to behavioral disinhibition; see use (in unsafe sex, alcohol and drug use often prior discussion). play a role) and for reasons of space, we discuss this topic relatively briefly. Among the relatively few studies in this domain, most of the studies on Risk Situations implicit cognition and protection against HIV or As noted early in this chapter, it is hard to under- AIDS have investigated the correlation between estimate situational factors in alcohol and drug use implicit cognition and condom use. 25. Implicit Cognition in Health Psychology 473

Several different assessment methods have been may be successful. Such an effort may lead to sub- used in this research, focusing primarily on either stantial new insights on risky sexual behavior and memory strategies like word production tests or provide explanations that depart from traditional the IAT. For word production, studies on implicit models of focus in health research. Regarding the processes and condom use also have used indirect other general variables in our framework, these assessment procedures, as described previously, are largely overlapping with those in the previous in which the target behavior is not mentioned in section: impulsivity and risk taking (Justus, Finn, the assessment. Stacy, Ames, and colleagues have & Steinmetz, 2000; Lejuez, Simmons, Aklin, used several different word production tests in this Daughters, & Dvir, 2004). Work by Cooper and topic area, using indirect instructions in which the colleagues has suggested that, in addition to en- target behavior is not mentioned. Using ambigu- hancement motives in extroverted and impulsive ous words as cues (homographs), they found that people, there is also a subgroup of neurotic individ- free-word association responses containing sexual uals who engage in risky sex as a means of dealing contents predicted unprotected sex in a high-risk with negative emotions, similar to the enhance- sample who should be using condoms because of ment and coping motives in alcohol use (Coo- risky sexual behavior (Stacy et al., 2000). Asso- per, 2002; Cooper, Agocha, & Sheldon, 2000). ciative responses did not predict unprotected sex Furthermore, as for addictive behaviors, working in a low-risk sample and did not predict sex with memory capacity has been found to moderate multiple partners in either sample. A second study the impact of sexual impulses on sexual behavior (Stacy, Ames, Ullman, et al., 2006) used three dif- (Hofmann, Gschwender, et al., 2008). Finally, as ferent, indirect word production tests to evaluate noted for alcohol-­related stimuli, it can hardly be elicitation of sexual content: letter-­completion underestimated how abundant sexual stimuli are and two different (behavior and event) phrase- in modern society (Friedman, 1992). Hence, the ­completion tasks. In a high-risk sample of adult scarce evidence points to similar risk factors and drug users, these diverse measures formed a com- processes for sexual risk behavior as for substance mon factor that correlated with having sex with misuse, but more research in this area is needed. multiple partners in both genders and with (less) condom use in males. For the IAT, the basic goal has been to measure OVEREATING AND DIETING implicit attitudes toward condom use, not other associations that can be measured with this proce- What do you think of the famous Belgian choco- dure (e.g., sexual arousal or approach motivation; late? You probably find it delicious, irresistible see prior discussion). Czopp, Monteith, Zimmer- even, but you also likely see drawbacks to over- man, and Lynam (2004) found that implicit atti- eating chocolate, such as weight gain. Which of tudes measured with the IAT predicted intentions these associations comes to mind spontaneously: to use condoms with main but not casual partners. the pleasurable aspects of consumption or the Marsh and colleagues (2001) used an attitudinal consequences of consumption? Which association IAT, a self-­identity IAT, and evaluative priming determines how much you eat? How do these as- (Fazio, Sanbonmatsu, Powell, & Kardes, 1986) in sociations differ among obese people, chronic diet- a study of condom use (Marsh et al., 2001). Both ers, and healthy-­weight people? IATs were positively related to condom use with casual, but not main, partners, whereas the prim- ing measure was not correlated with condom use. Individual Differences Although these two studies are somewhat contra- in Associative Processes dictory in correlations involving condom use with Obesity main versus casual partners, the studies had sever- al procedural differences, such as use of a different Obesity is ultimately caused by an energy imbal- form of the IAT. Together, the studies show at least ance: eating too much or expending too little that the IAT can be predictive of condom use and energy for the amount of food eaten (Ravussin is promising for future research. & Bogardus, 2000). High-fat foods are the main Taken together, the studies using indirect mea- problem because they are high in energetic density sures of cognition to study risky or protective and palatability, thereby easily promoting over- sexual behavior are promising and suggest that consumption (Schrauwen & Westerterp, 2000). A investigation by a wide range of alternative mea- straightforward hypothesis relating implicit cog- surement paradigms to assess implicit processes nition to obesity is that obese people are charac- 474 V. APPLIED PERSPECTIVES terized by spontaneous positive associations with On measures of approach and avoidance, again high-fat foods, contributing to their overconsump- there is mixed evidence. On the one hand, chron- tion. However, as will become apparent, there is ic dieters exhibited a faster approach to both high- not much empirical evidence to support this hy- and low-­calorie foods in comparison to nondieting pothesis. controls (de Jong & Veenstra, 2007); however, on On an IAT assessing associations with high-fat the other hand, other research demonstrated an versus low-fat foods in obese and healthy weight ambivalent response. Chronic dieters displayed an adults, exactly the opposite was found. All partici- equally strong approach and avoidance response pants had more positive associations with low-fat to high-fat foods (Fishbach & Shah, 2006). Non- foods than with high-fat foods, an effect that was dieters in this study exhibited approach behavior even especially pronounced in the obese group toward the high-fat foods. Thus, no evidence was (Roefs & Jansen, 2002). This finding was cor- found for approach behavior specifically toward roborated in a sample of obese children using a high-fat foods. personalized version of the IAT. It was found that both obese and lean children had a relative prefer- ence for healthy over unhealthy foods (Craeynest, Do Automatic Associations with Food Crombez, Haerens, & De Bourdeaudhuij, 2007). Predict Eating Behavior? One could argue that these effects are caused by Hofmann and colleagues conducted a series of the prominent labels in the IAT (e.g., high fat vs. experiments in which they showed that both mo- low fat; cf. De Houwer, 2001). However, similar ef- mentary manipulations of self-­control resources fects were found using the affective priming para- and trait cognitive resources moderate the au- digm (APP; Roefs, Stapert, et al., 2005) and the tomatic association to behavior link. More spe- EAST (Craeynest et al., 2005). Moreover, using cifically, they showed that automatic candy asso- a semantic priming paradigm, it was found that ciations were predictive of the amount of candy both obese and healthy-­weight controls automati- consumed only when self-­control resources were cally associated palatable high-fat foods with re- temporarily depleted by an emotion suppression straint rather than with disinhibition (Werrij et task (Hofmann, Rauch, & Gawronski, 2007) or al., 2008). Therefore, the lack of differentiation by alcohol consumption (Hofmann & Friese, between obese people and healthy-­weight controls 2008). In addition, it was found that measures of on associations with high- versus low-fat foods ap- executive attention, inhibitory control, and affect pears to be a stable finding, obtained using a vari- regulation acted as moderators. Automatic candy ety of methodologies. associations were predictive of candy consump- tion only in participants low in these three fac- tors of impulse control (Hofmann et al., 2009). Chronic Dieting These effects were independent of an additional Chronic dieting is also hypothesized to be related moderating effect of body mass index (BMI),4 in- to high-­calorie foods, which are often forbidden dicating that automatic candy associations were in diets, being extra desirable (Gendall & Joyce, significantly positively related to consummatory 2001; Stice, 2002). Here the evidence is somewhat behavior in high-, but not low-, BMI individuals mixed. On an APP and EAST measure, partici- (Hofmann et al., 2009). pants showed an automatic preference for palatable over unpalatable foods independent of their diet- ing status and the fat content of the stimuli (Roefs, Reflective Processes Herman, MacLeod, Smulders, & Jansen, 2005). In the studies by Hofmann and colleagues just However, when stimuli referring to the caloric discussed, measures of dietary restraint were nega- density (e.g., fried, steamed) were used in place of tively related to candy consumption in the control food stimuli, chronic dieters exhibited more posi- conditions. Thus, when self-­control resources were tive associations with high-­calorie content com- available, participants could stick to their restraint pared with nondieters (Hoefling & Strack, 2008). standards, but not when they have less cognitive In addition, using a different type of paradigm resources available. This fits well with the typi- (rapid serial visual presentation), chronic dieters, cal pattern of results in counterregulation experi- but not nondieters, were found to activate hedonic ments (Herman & Mack, 1975), in which intake is thoughts when presented with sentences includ- precisely measured in the laboratory in a so-­called ing palatable foods compared with sentences with taste test. Results of these experiments show that neutral food (Papies, Stroebe, & Aarts, 2007). restrained eaters can regulate their intake under 25. Implicit Cognition in Health Psychology 475 normal circumstances. They then eat less than that obese people are more often in a situation in unrestrained eaters. However, when a disinhibitor which eating enjoyment is primed. In addition, is present, such as the consumption of a preload (a obese people may focus their attention differently small portion of food, similar to an appetizer; Her- than healthy-­weight individuals, and their atten- man & Mack, 1975), the induction of an emotion- tion may be captured more strongly by these cues. al state (Ruderman, 1986), or merely smelling a Finally, it may also be that obese people are more preload (Jansen & van den Hout, 1991), restrained likely to act on such automatic positive associa- eaters counterregulate and consume more than tions with high-fat foods. There is some evidence the unrestrained eaters. for this latter possibility, in that automatic candy associations more strongly affected candy con- sumption in participants with an above-­average Personality BMI compared with those with a below-­average Considering that inhibitory control was found to BMI (Hofmann et al., 2009). be a moderator of the automatic association to be- havior link, it is highly relevant to assess the de- gree of inhibitory control and impulsivity in obese Pain and Stress people. Indeed, it was found that both obese adults (Nederkoorn, Smulders, et al., 2006) and obese In contrast to substance misuse and obesity, the children (Guerrieri, Nederkoorn, & Jansen, 2008; critical problems in coping with (chronic) low Nederkoorn, Braet, Van Eijs, Tanghe, & Jansen, back pain seem related to dysfunctional avoidance 2006) are more impulsive than healthy-­weight rather than approach. Current models emphasize controls. This heightened degree of impulsivity the critical role of specific fear of (re)injury in the in obese participants may cause them to act on maintenance of symptoms and associated disability positive automatic associations with high-fat food (Asmundson, Norton, & Vlaeyen, 2004). Follow- more often. ing these models, exaggerated fear of pain, move- ment, or injury will lead to enhanced attentional focus on pain-­related sensations and an enhanced The Health Behavior–­Relevant tendency to interpret these sensations in a threat- Situation ening fashion (Vancleef, Peters, & de Jong, 2008). Current Western society contains copious remind- In turn, this will give rise to avoiding many daily ers for the enjoyment of high-fat, palatable foods, activities. In the longer term, such a strategy can but there is also a conflicting incentive to be thin. lead to increased disability and the development of Situations differ in the extent to which enjoying a vicious cycle between attention to pain-­related high-fat palatable food is emphasized and to which sensations, fear, pain, and activity avoidance. being thin and dieting are emphasized. Roefs and colleagues investigated how these situations would affect automatic associations with high-fat foods Individual Differences using the APP in obese and healthy-­weight people in Associative Processes (Roefs et al., 2006). The results showed that when Despite our advances in understanding the role eating enjoyment was emphasized (restaurant con- of fear and avoidance beliefs, a number of impor- dition), participants showed an automatic relative tant issues remain unsolved. For example, why do preference for palatable, high-fat foods, whereas some patients persist in avoiding physical activities when health was emphasized, participants pre- while knowing that immobility is harmful? Along ferred low-fat foods. Weight status (obese vs. the same lines, it remains puzzling why some cli- healthy weight) did not impact results at all. nicians, in contrast to what they know to be the Consequently, situations seem to influence au- correct advice and in contrast to what they ex- tomatic food associations more strongly than does plicitly proclaim, implicitly and subtly induce (or weight status. The lack of consistent findings of reinforce) activity-­avoiding attitudes in their com- strong positive associations with high-fat foods in munication with pain patients. In an attempt to obese people and chronic dieters raises the ques- clarify these types of “illogical” behaviors, several tion of whether automatic associations with high- authors referred to the possible role of more au- fat foods can explain overeating and obesity at all. tomatically activated (implicit) attitudes toward Considering that the situation (i.e., the extent to pain/movements that may be incongruent with which eating enjoyment vs. health is apparent) the more deliberate (explicit) appraisals and be- does influence automatic associations, it may be liefs (Gheldof, de Jong, Vinck, & Houben, 2004). 476 V. APPLIED PERSPECTIVES

It appears that immobility and recuperative qui- between headache and negative evaluations (re- escence are primitive and “natural” responses to gardless of headache complaints), these associa- harm and pain (Keay, Li, & Bandler, 2000; Mor- tions were particularly strong among headache gan & Carrive, 2001). Accordingly, the tendency patients. Obviously, it remains to be seen whether to avoid movement in response to pain or injury these automatic associations have a causal influ- may be viewed as a rather instinctive and deeply ence. As a first step, it would be interesting to test ingrained response stereotype that may well be the prognostic value of these associations for fu- further strengthened by immediate pain relief and ture headaches and to see whether these associa- by social models. To the extent that pain-­related tions reduce in strength following treatment (cf. physical sensations indeed automatically elicit Grumm et al., 2008). this type of alarming associations and response Pain is also critically involved in dyspareunia tendencies in memory, this may help explain why (pain during sexual intercourse). In the vast ma- people may refrain from physical activities even jority of women suffering from dyspareunia, pain when they actually know that physical activities is located at the entrance of the vagina and, there- result in positive health outcome. fore, directly interferes with sexual intercourse. A recent affective priming study provided evi- The observation that women with dyspareunia dence that indeed people are generally character- report more negative affect, less positive affect, ized by a negative automatic attitude toward back- and less subjective arousal than controls to expo- ­stressing activities (Goubert, Crombez, Hermans, sure to sexual stimuli suggests that, at least at the & Vanderstraeten, 2003). The influence of this explicit level, negative fear-­related beliefs regard- type of memory associations on people’s behavior ing sexual intercourse are present in symptomatic is assumed to be especially relevant under time women (Payne, Binik, Amsel, & Khalife, 2005). In constraints (e.g., physicians) or under acute pain line with information-­processing models of sexual or emotions (e.g., in patients). Thus, especially arousal, it has been proposed that the prospect of under these conditions, automatic pain–­threat penile–­vaginal intercourse may also automatically associations may give rise to dysfunctional avoid- activate fear-­related associations that are likely to ance behaviors and pain-­enhancing information interfere with the development of sexual arousal processing (in patients) and to inadequate advice (Laan & Janssen, 2007). In turn, this would further (by physicians). aggravate the dyspareunia-­related complaints. Although recent work showed enhanced In apparent support of this view, women with self–pain associations in chronic pain patients dyspareunia showed delayed responding toward (Grumm, Erbe, von Collani, & Nestler, 2008), pain words in the context of a color-­naming inter- there is no convincing evidence to indicate that ference task (Payne et al., 2005) as well as toward the automatic associations between pain or move- sexual pictures (irrespective of required response) ment and threat are relatively strong in individuals in the context of an affective Simon task (Brauer, suffering from chronic low back pain. The major de Jong, Kuile, Huijding, & Laan, 2009). This difference between patients and healthy volunteers enhanced interference effect has been explained seems, therefore, to reside in the (in)ability to cor- in terms of enhanced vigilance and selective at- rect or override the automatic negative movement tentional bias (Payne et al., 2005). However, the stereotype (de Jong, van den Hout, Rietbroek, & affective Simon effects indicated that, regardless Huijding, 2003). This ability may not only vary as of their persistent intrusive painful intercourse a function of relatively stable personality charac- experiences, symptomatic women displayed rela- teristics such as working memory capacity but also tively positive rather than negative automatic as- of variable motivational (e.g., absence vs. pres- sociations with sexual stimuli (Brauer et al., 2009). ence acute pain) and contextual conditions (e.g., At the self-­report level, however, affective associa- absence vs. presence time pressure). The primary tions were far less positive and more negative for importance of automatic associations versus re- women with dyspareunia than for controls. This flective processes and cognitive control may also may indicate the relevance of conscious appraisal vary across the various types of pain symptoms. and deliberate rather than automatic processes in For example, recent research in the domain of the maintenance of dyspareunia. tension headaches found evidence for individual The apparent robustness of positive automatic differences in associative processes (Armstrong, associations in dyspareunia is consistent with Wittrock, & Robinson, 2006). Although partici- emotion theories, stating that species’ survival pants generally displayed automatic associations requires that emotionally significant stimuli are 25. Implicit Cognition in Health Psychology 477 processed by automatic mechanisms, which im- drug users predicted intentions to change jobs in mediately activate physiological responses (Lang, these drug and alcohol treatment nurses. Together, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1990). Accordingly, defen- these studies also show how stigma and prejudice sive responses are activated when confronted with can survive on a deeply engrained latent level and stimuli that threaten survival (e.g., harm, pain), may inadvertently influence treatment efficacy -de whereas approach responses are primed by stimuli spite the therapist’s best intentions. that promote survival, such as sexual stimuli. In Elaborating on this, subsequent work in the con- agreement with such view, it has been suggested text of chronic pain showed not only that health that there must be a strong link between sexual care providers may be characterized by dysfunc- stimuli and genital responses, and that this link tional automatic movement–­threat/injury asso- is likely to be highly prepared (in a biological ciations but also that these automatic associations sense) and automatic (in a cognitive sense) (Laan may have differential predictive validity for their & Janssen, 2007). In line with this, the available treatment recommendation (Houben, Gijsen, Pe- evidence suggests that exposure to sexual stimuli terson, de Jong, & Vlaeyen, 2005). The impact of automatically elicits a genital response in women implicit attitudes can be expected to be especially with and without dyspareunia, but that in women prominent under time pressure, a condition that is with dyspareunia the sexual stimulus is deliberate- typical for health care situations. Whether attitu- ly appraised as relatively negative, thereby imped- dinal complexities (automatic vs. deliberated) in ing genital arousal (i.e., lubrication). In turn, this clinicians interact with those of their patients and may hamper genital intercourse and promote the have an influence on the process and outcome of generation of pain, resulting in a vicious cycle. treatment is a virtually unexplored but fascinating area that clearly merits further attention. Influence of Automatic Associations and Explicit Cognitions Global Individual Differences of Health Care Providers in Personality across Domains Increasing evidence indicates that physicians’ Anxiety sensitivity (AS) is one of the most promi- recommendations concerning advisable levels of nent personality traits that has been considered activity may influence clinical outcomes in terms as a risk factor for the maladjustment to (chronic) of decreasing disability (Burton, Waddell, Tillot- pain because it is characterized by dysfunctional son, & Summerton, 1999) and encouraging fear- beliefs regarding bodily sensations. Indeed, there is ­avoidance (Linton, Vlaeyen, & Ostelo, 2002). evidence indicating that AS is associated with fear Accordingly, clinicians’ judgments regarding the of pain, pain-­specific avoidance, and negative pain harmfulness of physical activities and recommen- responses after experimental pain induction (e.g., dations for return to work or to normal activities Keogh & Birkby, 1999). More recently, it has been were shown to relate to their treatment orientation proposed that the habitual tendency to excessively (biomedical vs. biopsychosocial) (Houben, Ostelo, worry about future injury (injury or illness sensi- et al., 2005). Importantly, these recommendations tivity [IS]) may also be involved in chronic pain. may be based not only on their deliberate con- In support of this hypothesis, IS was found to be victions but also on automatically activated as- even a better predictor for fear of pain than AS sociations that may well diverge from the explicit and to be the single best predictor of imminent fear convictions. This possibility was demonstrated of experimentally induced pain (Vancleef, Peters, by Teachman and colleagues in their studies on Roelofs, & Asmundson, 2006). In a subsequent weight stigma showing that even health care pro- study, it was tested whether IS may also facilitate fessionals specialized in treating obesity display the automatic evaluation of pain stimuli as threat- an implicit antifat bias (Teachman & Brownell, ening. Using an EAST to test individuals’ auto- 2001). In a similar vein, nurses treating drug users matic threat appraisal of pain-­related words, it was showed discrepant negative automatic associations shown that higher IS levels were indeed associated with intravenous drug users (von Hippel, Brener, with more pronounced automatic threat apprais- & von Hippel, 2008), which may interfere with als of health-­threatening stimuli (Vancleef, Peters, providing proper care. Further emphasizing the rel- Gilissen, & de Jong, 2007). Together, the available evance of differentiating between more deliberate evidence indicates that IS may contribute to the (explicit) and more automatic (implicit) attitudes, “chronification” of pain symptoms by influencing specifically implicit attitudes toward intravenous both associative and more reflective processes. 478 V. APPLIED PERSPECTIVES

The Health ­Behavior–­Relevant early stages of memory activation in the face of Situations negative events or potential threats because reduc- ing the strength of associations between negative The types of memory associations that are acti- events and headache (or other pain symptoms) vated may vary as a function of temporary influ- may prevent the start of a cascade that eventually ences such as motivational cues. Hence, patients results in headache or other pain symptoms. may react very differently when triggered by dif- ferential motivational states. For instance, experi- mental manipulation of patients’ anticipation of IMPLICIT COGNITION future pain (e.g., being faced, or not, with a certain AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY: object that has to be lifted immediately) may result GENERAL ISSUES in motivational changes influencing the type of associations that are elicited by (the prospect of) In this chapter, we reviewed a selection of the lit- particular physical activity (Vlaeyen et al., 1999). erature in which methods from implicit cognition In addition, patients’ pain behavior might be ruled research were applied to a variety of health-­related by associations varying across situational contexts, behaviors, while realizing that we did not cover in that being alone or being surrounded by col- the full range of health behaviors or applications leagues, family, or a therapist most probably will of implicit cognition. Nevertheless, we believe an result in different pain or disability outcomes. interesting broader picture emerges that may also A recent study on implicit associations in ten- apply to a wider range of health behaviors than sion-type headaches (TTH) provided preliminary covered here. In this final section, we sketch the empirical support for the importance of relevant broader picture, suggest further lines of research, context cues in this domain (Armstrong et al., and briefly discuss implications for interventions. 2006). This IAT study showed that the enhanced automatic associations between headache and negative evaluations in TTH patients were espe- The Broader Picture cially pronounced when headache stimuli were Dual-­process models distinguish between rela- immediately preceded by a negative attribute tively automatic associative responses to a situa- stimulus. This finding suggests that the activa- tion and reflective or “reasoned” processes, which tion of negative associations differentially triggers until recently dominated theorizing in health the headache category among TTH patients. The psychology. Regarding the associative processes, activated negative–­headache associations may, in two motivational orientations are distinguished: turn, bias the interpretation of somatic experience approach and avoidance (Strack & Deutsch, in a manner that is consistent with the activated 2004). As noted in the previous section, specific associations, thereby leading to pain experiences situations are likely to automatically trigger these among individuals prone to TTH but not among motivational tendencies: Appetitive stimuli trig- controls. Similar context effects may be at work ger approach, whereas the natural response to related to other pain symptoms. To the extent that pain and threatening stimuli is avoidance. From this type of (context dependent) automatic mem- a dual-­process perspective, people can differ either ory associations indeed predisposes one to develop in their associative responses or in their ability to a pain symptom such as headache, altering these control the associative processes. A straightfor- associations may have important clinical value in ward idea has been that people with problematic reducing pain (e.g., headache) suffering. Germane health behaviors may have especially strong as- to this, it has been shown that an attentional sociations; for example, obese people may have training procedure that involves repeatedly ig- stronger automatic reactions to food, drug users to noring social threat and searching for acceptance drugs, and chronic pain patients to painful stimuli. (“Find the happy face in the crowd” task) resulted Generally, this pattern of results has only received in stress-­reducing effects at both the subjective fairly consistent support in the area of substance and physiological levels and improved work perfor- use and misuse, where many studies found stronger mance (Dandeneau, Baldwin, Baccus, Sakellaro- appetitive associations in heavy versus light users. poulo, & Pruessner, 2007). Thus, an intervention In research on eating, pain, and stress, this pattern specifically designed to reduce automatic selective of results has not been broadly supported. This dif- attention to threat appeared helpful to “cut stress ference may be related to the lower feedback loop off at the pass” (Dandeneau et al., 2007, p. 664). in Figure 25.1, which is moderated by pharmaco- In a similar vein, it might be helpful to modify the logical properties of drugs. 25. Implicit Cognition in Health Psychology 479

The second obvious explanation for differences esting developments emerging in specific domains in health-­related behaviors concerns the role of ex- that may be of interest for other domains. First, ecutive control and related concepts (e.g., impul- there is evidence that in some cases different as- sivity). Both in research on substance misuse and pects of the situation may trigger different moti- in eating disorders involving excessive eating, im- vational tendencies: When the appetitive qualities pulsivity is associated with the problem, and there are evident, appetitive responses are triggered, but are indications that this may, in fact, be a causal subtle changes in the context may trigger avoid- factor (Guerrieri et al., 2007; Verdejo-­Garcia et al., ance responses (Roefs et al., 2006; Sherman et 2008). Moreover, recent research has consistently al., 2003). For many health behaviors, people may confirmed predictions from dual-­process models have both approach- and avoidance-­related asso- that the impact of associative processes on over- ciations, and the environment (including both the eating and addictive behaviors is moderated by ex- external and the internal environments in terms ecutive functions (Grenard et al., 2008; Hofmann of EC depletion and visceral state) will determine et al., 2009; Hofmann, Gschwendner, et al., 2008; which associations are activated more strongly. Houben & Wiers, 2009; Thush et al., 2008), and Second, a related issue concerns measurement: acute depletion of executive control capacity ap- There is some emerging evidence that priming pears to have similar effects (Hofmann & Friese, relevant concepts, either cognitively (Perugini, 2008; Hofmann et al., 2007). Individual difference O’Gorman, & Prestwich, 2007) or physically (e.g., variables reflecting a general tendency to rely on administering a prime dose of alcohol in heavy associative or reflective processes when making drinkers) (Schoenmakers et al., 2008), may op- decisions (habit strength and need for cognition) timize assessment of the associative processes appear to have similar moderating qualities (Con- involved. In case of alcohol priming, there are ner, Perugini, O’Gorman, Ayres, & Prestwich, alternative explanations, including a better “con- 2007). It is possible that relatively weak EC func- text match” for memory processes or differential tions also play a role in avoidance-­related health effects of alcohol on the associative versus control problems (e.g., pain, stress), as has been suggested components in the measure used (cf. Sherman et in anxiety research (Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, al., 2008). Optimizing measurement of associative & Calvo, 2007; Price & Mohlman, 2007). From processes by relevant priming in different ways is that perspective, relatively weak EC could be a clearly an important topic for further research. general risk factor for the development of psycho- Related, general vulnerability factors may only pathology and health-­related problems, and indi- become apparent in specific situations. Studies vidual differences in associative processes (either on classically conditioned contextual stimuli may related to personality or to learning history and shed important light on the influence of context situational factors) would then predict which spe- on the psychological processes involved (Thewis- cific problems are most likely to develop. For ex- sen et al., 2005; Van Gucht et al., 2008). ample, individuals with high anxiety sensitivity Third, studies on interactions between the pro- may be more likely to develop pain-­related prob- cesses we identified may advance our understand- lems than cocaine abuse, although use of alcohol ing. We discussed studies on interactions between or drugs to alleviate negative affect may also be a EC and associative processes, but other interac- risky outcome in this group. In view of this general tions may be relevant as well, for example between importance of EC and the emerging evidence of a personality and specific tempting situations (e.g., negative impact of substance use and misuse dur- Guerrieri et al., 2008). Fourth, an interesting and ing adolescence (when the frontal cortices are still as yet understudied topic is the transmission of in development), substance use in this period may associations, which was discussed between thera- contribute to such a general risk for later psycho- pist and client (p. 477) but may also be relevant pathology and health problems. in the transmission of relevant associations from parent to child (Chassin, Presson, Rose, Sherman, & Prost, 2002). Fifth, associative processes may Issues for Future Research involve more than just approach and avoidance A review across different health-­related behaviors tendencies, as the literature on automatic goal shows that there are similarities as well as differ- processing suggests (e.g., Aarts, Custers, & Hol- ences in methods used, which may partly be coin- land, 2007). There are some first attempts to link cidental (e.g., measures derived from basic memory this concept to health psychology, for example, in research were first introduced in addiction research research assessing automatic activation of alterna- in health psychology). There are also some inter- tive concerns and goals in life next to drinking in 480 V. APPLIED PERSPECTIVES relation to alcohol use (Palfai, 2006; Sheeran et al., 2005). Given the central role of impulse mod- al., 2005) and dependence (Cox, Hogan, Kristian, eration for psychopathology and health behav- & Race, 2002) and to eating behaviors (Palfai & iors, such training may be beneficial in high-risk Macdonald, 2007; Papies, Stroebe, & Aarts, 2008). children (Diamond et al., 2007). Finally, as noted Activating and stimulating alternative goals may earlier in this chapter, from dual-­process models, be a relevant strategy for interventions, which it does not follow that intervention strategies that brings us to the final topic. target explicit cognitions are useless (there is a wealth of data showing that they are not); rather, Implications for Interventions additional strategies may be necessary to change associative processes relevant for health behaviors. A thorough discussion of implications of this re- In ending, we hope that this review will stimulate view and model for health interventions is beyond further research into implicit cognitive processes the scope of this chapter. However, we briefly in health behaviors and ways to moderate their mention some issues. From the perspective of our impact on health behaviors. model, it is important for a wide range of health behaviors to prevent adolescent substance misuse because of the likely negative effects on the devel- Notes opment of EC processes. Regarding the efficacy of 1. Only males were included as participants for the primary prevention, there is not much support for practical reason that it is easier to administer al- efficacy in the field of alcohol and addiction, and cohol (no risk of unknown pregnancy). Note that in some cases ironic effects have been noted (i.e., alcohol appears to have similar effects on females making youngsters curious for the substances they at least with respect to attractiveness ratings of should not use) (Foxcroft, Ireland, Lister-Sharp, the opposite sex (Jones, Jones, Thomas, & Piper, Lowe, & Breen, 2003). Age and price policies ap- 2003). pear to do better (Room et al., 2005), which is 2. In fact, there were two control conditions: Partic- consistent with the present framework, especially ipants received either a placebo alcoholic drink for adolescents, who may be less willing and able or no drink at all, which did not affect results over to reason rationally about health issues (Casey, the studies; therefore, conditions were collapsed Jones, & Hare, 2008). Still, as noted earlier in (MacDonald, MacDonald, et al., 2000). 3. Note that MacDonald and colleagues explained this chapter, the modern world is full of appeti- their results with the alcohol-­myopia theory of tive temptations, and this is unlikely to change. Steele and Josephs (1990), which they contrasted Regarding targeted prevention and intervention with the popular notion that alcohol has a main strategies, from the dual-­process model, one can disinhibiting effect. According to alcohol-­myopia try to change either associative processes or con- theory, alcohol intoxication makes the most sa- trol processes (Wiers et al., 2008). With respect to lient cues more important in determining the associative processes, one can attempt to reduce an reaction and the more distal cues (e.g., long-term attentional bias or appetitive associative reactions consequences) less important. As they demon- (see Wiers et al., 2008). Alternatively, one can try strated, when the most salient cues trigger aggres- to automate associations to alternative behaviors, sion, alcohol intoxication leads to aggression, but when the most salient cues trigger helpfulness, incompatible with the unhealthy behaviors, as is that is what alcohol leads to. In line with this successfully done in implementation intentions idea, MacDonald, MacDonald, and colleagues (Sheeran, 2002). With respect to the reflective sys- (2000) found that when they made the unsafe sex tem, most existing health-­promoting interventions cues more salient, alcohol use led to less intention are aimed at changing beliefs and motivations to to engage in unsafe sex. The alcohol-­myopia ac- choose healthy instead of unhealthy behavioral count is consistent with the current dual-­process options. Most likely, these interventions primar- model, given that attentional control is one of the ily change explicit cognitions while leaving asso- executive functions in the reflective system, when ciations mostly intact (Wiers et al., 2005) or even, we assume that the salient cues trigger the cor- paradoxically, increasing their strength (Deutsch responding associative processes. 4. BMI is an index comparing a person’s weight and et al., 2006; Krank et al., 2008). Regarding the height. BMI is defined as the individual’s body reflective system, it is noteworthy that not only weight divided by the square of his or her height beliefs relating to the health behavior, but also (kg/m2). A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is consid- the ability to control impulses, can be targeted, as ered normal, lower values indicate underweight, recent research on training of working memory in higher values overweight, and a BMI above 30 is impulsive children has demonstrated (Klingberg et used to define obesity. 25. Implicit Cognition in Health Psychology 481

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