Congressional Record—Senate S12870
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S12870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2005 When Clark wrote that they had seen We would be wise to turn to Lewis odyssey of America, symbolic of the core the Pacific on that day, 200 years ago, and Clark again, as we confront so values of teamwork, courage, perseverance, he was slightly off target. They were many critical challenges before us science, and opportunity held by the United actually 25 miles away, in the Colum- today. States; Whereas, on October 30, 2004, President bia’s widening estuary. Only by truly reaching beyond our George W. Bush signed into law legislation Dangerous storms, wind, rain, and grasp, can we make our Nation great, creating the Lewis and Clark National His- waves battered them without relent. as Thomas Jefferson said: ‘‘from Sea to torical Park which preserves these 3 Wash- They were trapped for 6 days and Shining Sea.’’ ington State sites integral to the dramatic forced to hunker down at the spot we I yield the floor. arrival of the expedition at the Pacific now call Clark’s Dismal Nitch. Mr. SANTORUM. I ask unanimous Ocean, and incorporates Fort Clatsop of Or- When the weather finally cleared, consent that the resolution be agreed egon and important State parks for the ben- they moved west to Station Camp. to, the preamble be agreed to, the mo- efit and education of generations to come; and They set down for ten days and got tion to reconsider be laid upon the Whereas, during November 2005, Wash- their first real glimpse of the Pacific. table, and any statements relating ington and Oregon are hosting, ‘‘Destination: Expedition-member Sgt. Patrick thereto be printed in the RECORD, with- The Pacific’’, a unique commemoration of Gass wrote: ‘‘We could see the waves, out intervening action or debate. the 200 year anniversary of the arrival of the like small mountains, rolling out in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Corps of Discovery in the Pacific Northwest: the ocean.’’ objection, it is so ordered. Now, therefore, be it Station Camp also marks the spot The resolution (S. Res. 315) was Resolved, That the Senate— where Lewis and Clark held a historic agreed to. (1) commemorates the bicentennial anni- versary of the arrival of Lewis and Clark at democratic vote among all of the The preamble was agreed to. the Pacific Ocean; and group’s members—including The resolution, with its preamble, (2) recognizes that by exploring the un- Sacagawea and the African American reads as follows: known frontier, Lewis and Clark expanded slave, York—to determine where the S. RES. 315 the boundaries of our great Nation and expedition should stay for the winter. Whereas, on January 18, 1803, President pushed the limits of what we are capable of On November 19, William Clark took Thomas Jefferson began an extraordinary as citizens. 11 expedition members from Station journey by sending a secret message to Con- f Camp on an excursion beyond camp, gress requesting approval and funding to es- RECOGNIZING THE 40TH ANNIVER- and for the first time saw a full view of tablish the ‘‘Corps of Volunteers for North- west Discovery’’ to explore the most direct SARY OF THE WHITE HOUSE the Pacific Ocean. FELLOWS PROGRAM That land, now called Cape Dis- and practical water route across the con- appointment, marks the westernmost tinent of the United States all the way to Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I the Pacific Ocean; point of their journey. Its name belies ask unanimous consent that the Judi- Whereas, on May 14, 1804, the journey up ciary Committee be discharged from the great hope and joy that moment in- the Missouri River and across the vast and spired in our travel-worn heroes. newly acquired Louisiana Territory began at further consideration and the Senate Today, in Washington State, you can Camp Dubois, Illinois, led by Captain now proceed to H. Con. Res. 269. visit these historic locations and find Meriwether Lewis and Second Lieutenant The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that hope again. Dismal Nitch, Station William Clark; objection, it is so ordered. The clerk Camp, Cape Disappointment: In addi- Whereas after a long year and a half and will report the concurrent resolution tion to Oregon’s Fort Clatsop and other 4,133 arduous miles, the expedition endured a by title. dangerous storm of wind, rain, and waves for nearby state parks, they comprise The legislative clerk read as follows: 6 days at Clark’s Dismal Nitch; A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 269) America’s newest national park. Whereas, on November 13, 1805, the Corps of I introduced legislation with Rep- recognizing the 40th anniversary of the Discovery moved further west to Station White House Fellows Program. resentative BRIAN BAIRD to create the Camp and beheld their first comprehensive Lewis and Clark National Historic view of the Pacific Ocean, and thereby began There being no objection, the Senate Park: to preserve those beautiful and the realization of the vision of President Jef- proceeded to consider the concurrent precious lands, to build local tourism, ferson of a country ‘‘from sea to shining resolution. Mr. SANTORUM. I ask unanimous and to educate future generations. sea’’; Last November, President Bush Whereas Station Camp also marks the oc- consent that the resolution be agreed currence of a historical democratic vote to signed it into law. This November, we to, the preamble be agreed to, and the determine where to stay for winter that in- motion to reconsider be laid upon the celebrate an incredible bicentennial. cluded all members of the expedition, includ- Lewis and Clark produced the first table. ing Sacagawea, an Indian woman, and York, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without maps and charts of a previously un- an African American slave; objection, it is so ordered. documented region. Whereas, on November 19, 1805, Clark and The concurrent resolution (H. Con. They created an invaluable record of 11 of his men set out on an ocean excursion, hiking 25 miles to Cape Disappointment to Res. 269) was agreed to. the native cultures, the flora, and the The preamble was agreed to. fauna they encountered on their jour- get a complete view of the Pacific Ocean and reach the furthest western point of the expe- f ney. dition; Prior to the expedition, the United Whereas the expedition built their winter BICENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF States’ claim to the Pacific Northwest, camp on the south side of the Columbia ZEBULON MONTGOMERY PIKE’S was tenuous at best, based on Amer- River at Fort Clatsop, Oregon, named in EXPLORATIONS ican sea captain Robert Gray’s dis- honor of the friendly local Clatsop Indians, Mr. SANTORUM. I ask unanimous covery of the Columbia River in 1792. and the 33 member party spent 106 days consent that the Judiciary Committee among lush old-growth forest, wetlands, and And so: Lewis and Clark’s expedition, be discharged from further consider- more than a decade later, was crucial wildlife preparing for their long journey back to St. Louis, Missouri; ation of S. Res. 252 and that the Senate to securing the claim. It was crucial to Whereas Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Dis- then proceed to its consideration. the eventual creation of all the States covery produced detailed journals with maps, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without in the Pacific Northwest. charts, samples, and descriptions of the pre- objection, it is so ordered. The clerk More fundamentally though: their viously undocumented western geography, will report the resolution by title. task was to explore the unknown. In climate, plants, animals, and native cultures The legislative clerk read as follows: doing so, they expanded the boundaries from which the Nation continues to benefit A resolution (S. Res. 252) recognizing the of our Nation and pushed the limits of today; Bicentennial Anniversary of Zebulon Mont- what we were capable, as a people. Whereas the Lewis and Clark Expedition gomery Pike’s explorations in the interior It was not easy for them; it rarely is. marks a significant benchmark in American west of the United States. history and a crucial step in securing the But many have come after Lewis and claim and the eventual creation of all the There being no objection, the Senate Clark. Inspired by their spirit, we have States in the Pacific Northwest; proceeded to consider the resolution. transformed our great Nation many Whereas the exploration of the western Mr. SANTORUM. I ask unanimous times over in those 200 years. frontier of our fledgling Nation was the great consent that the resolution be agreed VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:42 Nov 16, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15NO6.078 S15NOPT1 November 15, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S12871 to, the preamble be agreed to, the mo- (2) encourages the people of the United ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, tion to reconsider be laid upon the States to observe and celebrate his contribu- NOVEMBER 16, 2005 table, and that any statements relating tions to our Nation’s history with appro- priate ceremonies and activities throughout Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I thereto be printed in the RECORD, with- the year. ask unanimous consent that when the out further intervening action or de- Senate completes its business today, it bate. f stand in adjournment until 9:30 a.m. on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Wednesday, November 16. I further ask objection, it is so ordered. HEROES EARNED RETIREMENT that following the prayer and pledge, The resolution (S. Res. 252) was OPPORTUNITIES ACT agreed to. the morning hour be deemed expired, The preamble was agreed to. Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I the Journal of proceedings be approved The resolution, with its preamble, ask unanimous consent that the Com- to date, the time for the two leaders be reads as follows: mittee on Finance be discharged from reserved, and the Senate proceed to a S.