Congressional Record—Senate S12870
S12870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2005 When Clark wrote that they had seen We would be wise to turn to Lewis odyssey of America, symbolic of the core the Pacific on that day, 200 years ago, and Clark again, as we confront so values of teamwork, courage, perseverance, he was slightly off target. They were many critical challenges before us science, and opportunity held by the United actually 25 miles away, in the Colum- today. States; Whereas, on October 30, 2004, President bia’s widening estuary. Only by truly reaching beyond our George W. Bush signed into law legislation Dangerous storms, wind, rain, and grasp, can we make our Nation great, creating the Lewis and Clark National His- waves battered them without relent. as Thomas Jefferson said: ‘‘from Sea to torical Park which preserves these 3 Wash- They were trapped for 6 days and Shining Sea.’’ ington State sites integral to the dramatic forced to hunker down at the spot we I yield the floor. arrival of the expedition at the Pacific now call Clark’s Dismal Nitch. Mr. SANTORUM. I ask unanimous Ocean, and incorporates Fort Clatsop of Or- When the weather finally cleared, consent that the resolution be agreed egon and important State parks for the ben- they moved west to Station Camp. to, the preamble be agreed to, the mo- efit and education of generations to come; and They set down for ten days and got tion to reconsider be laid upon the Whereas, during November 2005, Wash- their first real glimpse of the Pacific. table, and any statements relating ington and Oregon are hosting, ‘‘Destination: Expedition-member Sgt.
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