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080058-92.02.006.Pdf LL 'GL6r 'lseloJ ceu[zBtr\DlueueJtur poo,r uo uollclseJurJo lJtrdulruJel qe.uBl.{trtDnb qSrq aq13o tuec lod 99 slseJurleuluJBe-I Uoqs3ql pue'(9961et?llclU lortuo3lctrttlerlJ'(996I '(rq 'rL6I 'cgg6I .lg6l 000 0t .{pueunc) spul?tsIllel pelelaueSor p63u xauzzlJlN)soejl luctsrser'(q'e0661 -u3^a 'g/6I Jo eaIc oql Surpoeaxelou ,{1qrqo:d1nq ua,roul lou Jcutrz?ID seluauc lunl?u'(I g6l f,euczutrAl)dSotorq 'roroq ,rtg6l .€g6I e,{esllnq:(I 66I ur potseJurDq 0) 9g6I q Bq000 otz uo4elndod'(9g6Iunsnl putr Jcuczel^I :q 'rozruolala{s .Furug?ol '086I J[olurnS :9/6I ul eq Jeu?nrIAI:0L6I eJDII?/td)tuolsrq sJrT uo uorlsuuoJur 000 OZt qulJu[:polscJurseaJt|Jo sclrrurlso elql]lloJ eql ^poq peFBtepe peplerf e,,rcqsorpnls eqJ luereJ lsou Jo OUISI ,(q u,noqssr satosdseseql go ecuuyodur c^q?[el eqJ JauluJBal qBrruf '1961 ur uelqo:d srql Jo cJt.\\e ouB3eq snlseJoc rJJllI lo aloq eql urqll,,r\ '(luesard 'Jeloq eqlot tg6t pue196l eJoqqJlq,rJo e?^ltrlarll e,{esllnqaql sueJuoJlsoJoJ 'gg6l I I'IVJ pu? lucu4ndac stsoroc - z96I odlsJ) (ioln tsn ^tp ?) urt{ur u,uoul ruelqordl?osut^luoeqJ 'reur lse8uolperpnls ueeq ssq urJTalqtrl?[,ue1qo.rd lsep1o 'uoluall? 'uJeJuoJ aqJ qJJtrosaJJoeeJ8ep otues oqt ue^tE uoeq lou Jo uesq tou sllq 6g6I ulorJ prrs '986I a^cqslseJoJ rJrDI pu? qf,JJuful slsod Itosur Jo[uul aoJql eqJ paull3cpueql t1 Illun uor8 srql urqlr,trpepurdxe 'etodpi& scr:sds srql ,{q uorlllseJul puu dnuu?N uoe,rloq gc(Is'IAtoNxrNsuunc ISOJOJqelJPf u pcprota] ISJrJcJo,ra Jazruolelals Jrelum8 s: ?eJqtnoueq^\ ur esore uralqord puooosy ONV HJUVSSSU ISVd Jo Eg6I 'spJJu qJnJs tuJBJn erlloJ s8 q ou J?Js? 'tr{lvJ srnJJo pu? 'quou Jo enSolstB3[ qlr,r sepnlJuoJpuE fq polJnpuoJ lueseJdls puc lse,r pepuelxa ,{lpnpe:8 qJrrasaJlu lnJsoulllno'lsetoJeqlurIJBdurr:req1sassn:sp scq uorlulsoJursrql dnurrlucyq3o lsue su,roJt r{BJ.ru[Jo 'sorJeds ltesur aerql eseql lnoq? a8pol,rout{ sezu?ruluns uorlerloJepc^rsu€lxe posntrJ (I e1qu1)rourur;ee1 qerrcf;o 's9961 pua s,rer^c.rpu?'(sg6l) lloqqv selupdnreded srql Supee; eq1ueq,r,r ,{1nc eqt yuun tseJoJ(DjDutBraw sntd,tD JnA) WJltr[v pepoder sr.t urelqo:d lcesur snoueso5i '1 e:n8rg ur pclruur st :ezruo1e1e1s,{q puu reururltal dq suortclsoJurlue3orJoluelxe Iculxl?u eqJ NOIISN(IOUINI 'possncsrp,{Ueuq u s}uaurernbcr ,sBurpeeq qcIeescJfluolrd q8rq lcuorlrppe ZI pw peorq e^g rapun pazuruuns sr qaltasal luoxnC '(eepr.,{qrwreC'eraldoeloJ)laroqe,{rsllnq,DJ?ro\tuocoDtiDJo\dtr{puu:(eeprnlJoN.Eretdoprdo.I) 'suaEnl '.(r.tpru€^rncul,el.ldoprde"I) rezlrtot.lelsJealunS DqDrn r.ururJuelqexef,rdoUdttE DplIuad :a-reslsed esaql Xlr,rgcnpordpue scrumu,{ppucts pur senleAuorlu^jesuor rro lrsdurr rraql pw slsed lJasur lseJoJlueuodurr lsour raJqt eql lnoqe uA\orq lou sr lcqi^ plrlrlI,\\orDJ sr lt?lln sA\er^arJoded sql 's.rua,{gg o1 ,oAB dn roJ peSSol,{Jlercrelrltrtor ueaq e^eq slseroJeseqt q8noql u.^e sl€e,{0t ltun sl"olqtno lcesr! 'puo,^\ eJuauedle lou plp Erlellsnv rurtselAJo slsejoJpoo^{pmq eql eql Jo qjed petsero]lsou eIIIull I JBJlsqY ltoqqv ueI slserod !JJBy pue qBrJef ur slsad lrasul Jo suorlBrrldurllerlSolorg s ugt.IVHf Table I TAXONOMIC DETAILS FOR INSECT SPECIESIN THE ORDER MENTIONED IN THIS PAPER VenucularName Letin Binomial Order Family Jarrahleafminer P erthida glyphopa Lepidoptcra Incurvariidae Gumleafskelctonlzer UrTba lugens Lepidoptera Noctuidae Bullseye borer Tryp hocaria acant ho c er a Coleoptera Cerambycidae Diade gtn sp- Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Chrysonotomyia sp. C Hymenoptcra Eulophidae Lcafblistersawfly P h! Iac teo p hagd Jr ogqqtti Hymenoptera Pcrgidae Autumngum molh Mnesampela privat.t Lepidoptera Geomet dae 'Cupmoth' D orattfera quadri guxat a Lepidoptera Limacodidae Lipdretrus spp. Coleoptera Scanbaeidae Chrysophtharta amoena Coleoptera Chrysomelidae P aropsisterna elliptica Coleoptera Chrysomelidae 'Spitfires' Perga spp. Hymenoptera Pergidae Theextent of infestedforest was mapped by theForests in 20 standswithin a 50-km radiusof Manjimup.This Depafimentin 1964-196'7and in 1983,and by CSIROitt researchwas extendedin November1987 to 20 stands 1968-1976 and 1980.These maps, drawn to a common within a 4O-kmradius of Collie.For eachstand, damage scale.zre included in Abbott(1987). causedto leavesby leafminerisexpressedas apcrcentage of fully expandedleaf area.Multiple regressionanalyses Theinvolvement of theForestsDepartment in leafmincr wereused to conelatethis variablewilh environmental researchhas until recentlybeen minimal. Van Didden factorssuch as stand basal srea, years since previous fire, (1967)showed that an experimentalaerial sprayingof years since previouslogging, averageannual rainfall, jarrahstands was ineffective and uneconomic. Since 1984 percentagoforest coycr and soil texture, researchhas concentratedon measuringdamagc levels nearManjimupand Collie,relating these to environmcntal During 1983-1987J. Hatt of CALM estimatedthe faclors,and quantifyingmedium term impacton crown extentof browningcaused by leafminerin eachjarrah conditionand wood increment (Abbott unpublished). crownin 15plots north-east of Manjimup.Some of these treesexpcrienced crown scorchdudng autumnburning Informationon silvicultumlcontrol andthecause(s) of duringthe studyperiod. thcoutbreak is lesscomprehensivc ard morespeculativc. Theapproach used in theCSIRO study involved sampling Life history (Table2) theabundance of larvaealter they had ceased feeding, and expressingthis variablein relationto a defined ea of Mothsemerge and fly duringthe day. They ire weakfliers. jarrah canopy.The abundanceof mothsemerging fiom At night or duriogcold wet daysthey seek shelter in the soilhas also been measurcd relative to adefinedarea ofthe litter.Almostall eggs are laidon the lower surface ofj arrah forestfloor. Studiesin fhesame stands over seYeral ye s leaves(Wallace 1970), at 14-220Cin diminishinglight or havebeen uscd to assessthe impactof prescribedlow overcastconditions (Mazanec 1986). The longevityof intensityfires, logging, cleariDg, and annual variation in mothsaveruges 10 d:lys in the laboratory. rainfall on relative abundanceof final irstars and/or moths. The crterpillarstage (within the lea0 lasts160 days. After feedingfinishes (instar4), the caterpillar faUs to the The approachused in the CALM researchinvolved groundwithin a case,generally around midnight, to avoid markingnewly developingleaves each November (or as predationby ants(Mazanec 1980). It thenburrows 1-2 cm soonas the petiole is longenough to holdatag) since 1984 6L '{eerqlno ,696I rn ueeq tou seq tezuololo{s JyalunS €JurS 't86I oJurs $pejqlno reunllJ?elJo ,{e^lns epr/r\lseroJou ueeq serl ererlJ 'puelpoond pu€ lse:oJ qE!€f ur rezuolele{s pue Jaurug€elJo s{eeJqlnoluecer Jo luelxc I€trrrxery '1 a.rn31g lsaloluJey ffi url 06 pslsolurunspuelp00M oopup/wqEllpl n r0urrlleolqeiref a Iueqly palsolurunlsai0l qerEf H r0zru0l0l0lsls0lunc I urooileN into the soil, whereit remainsin diapausefor about150 Crown scorchduring autumnfire causeda notable days(depending on latitude),until the endof February, decreasein leafminerinfestation (percentage darnage) the whenpupation begins. Theprepupal stage lasts 2 daysand followingspring (Table3). However,by thenext spring, thepupal stage another 35 days. damagelevels could not be distinguishedfrom adjacent fieeswith unscorchedcrowns. Most eggsarc laid in leaves6-months-old (Wallace 1970iM^z rcc 1986;Abbott unpublished)but thereis Drought conflictingeyidence whethcr females prefer crownsof treesor foliage of groundcoppice. Newman and Clark (particularly (1925)noted heayiest infestation nearer the groundalrd Drought duringwinter) results in decreased production thiswas confirmed by Wallace(1970), with theexception of new leavesin the following spring and (Mazanec Thenumber laid of one standlacking abundantadvance growth. There summer 1980,1981). of eggs infestationin thecrowns12 m aboyeground was extremely in fhefollowing autumn is thereforelow,and so the leaves heavy.Mazanec and Justin(1986) found a statistically availableshould receive more oviposition,resulting in significantdif ferencebetween infestation in uppercanopy more damageand thereforeobvious browning of the and lower canopy.CALM studiesin 12 standsnear canopy. Manjimuphave not detected any significant difference in infestation12 m aboveground comparedwith 1-2 m above Loggingand regeneration ground(Abbott unpublished). Nevertheless, where female mothshavea choice,lower levels are used for oviposition Loggingfollowed by regenerationor thinningof siands first (Mazanecr,personal communicalion). results in rejuvenationof remaining foliage, perhaps respondingto increasedavailability of soil moisture Fire (Mazanec1980, 1981); this favours oyiposition. Adyance growth is releasedand continuesto grow and proyide plentiful foliage suitablefor oviposition.Detailed hescribedlowintensityfires in spring,depending on their bchaviouralstudies (Mazanec and Justin 1986) indicate intensity,may kill mostof the larvaediapausing in soil. thatlogging by itselfshould disfavour oviposition, because But adults(moths) can disperse at least1 km andprobably gravid femalesrequire subdued light and cool weather farther passively.The result is that bumt standsare (<20"C).The abundanccof new lcaves(i.e. thosewith recolonizedby moths the following autumn(Mazanec suitableoviposition sites) may be thetrue limiting factor. 1980,1981). For up to 2 yearsfollowing this type of fire, (1970), manymore eggs are depositedthan in adjacentunbumt Wr.llace usingbroad-scale surveys, concluded stands. thatsevere infestations were usually associated with open country,or with naturalor artificial cleaings. He then Springburning rejuvenates the forest
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