לא אחסר

ברכה והצלחה

The ’s Advice and Guidance for Working at Parnasah

Heart, Mind, and Home CHECKING AND MEZUZOS

$5.95 A Soldier in Yerushalayim THE STORY OF REB AVRUM HERSH COHEN ELUL 5781 ISSUE 109 (186) OCTOBER 2021 DO YOU DERHER? A CHASSIDISHER DERHER available in stores, or delivered to your door!

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InElul This 5781 / Issue Issue 109 (186)

16 32 46 Heart, Mind, and Home Blessing and Success A Soldier in Yerushalayim Checking Tefillin The Rebbe’s Advice and Guidance Reb Avrum and Mezuzos for Working at parnasah Hersh Cohen

6 This is Who He Wants 26 The One and Only 60 The Letter Arrived Dvar Malchus Essential Themes in the Rebbe’s Torah on Time 8 Der Rebbe Vet Gefinen a Veg Melech Basadeh 43 Leben Mitten Rebbe’n - Elul 5723 A Moment at the Door A Chassidisher Maaseh 62 Erev Rosh Hashanah 14 Moments Be There for Another 44 Ksav Yad Kodesh The Miracle was 72 Derher Letters that they Listened Stories of the Rebbe

A Chassidisher Derher Magazine is a publication Contributors geared toward bochurim, published and Rabbi Yanky Bell • Rabbi Yossi Bendet • Rabbi Koppel Chaiton • Rabbi Tzemach Feller • Rabbi Levi Greenberg • copyrighted by A Chassidisher Derher Rabbi Menachem Mendel Greenberg • Rabbi Mendy Greenberg • Rabbi Zevi Kaplan • Rabbi Levi Katz • Rabbi Levi Levertov • under the auspices of Vaad Hatmimim Haolami. Rabbi Mendy Shemtov • Schabse Soffer • Rabbi Mendel Vogel

All articles in this publication are original content. Photo Credits Jewish Educational Media • Library of Agudas Chasidei • Chitrik family • Cohen family • Raskin family archives • Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Photo Research/Editing Rabbi Nochum Kaplan Rabbi Tzvi Altein Rabbi Mendel Levertov Special Thanks to Publisher Editors Rabbi Mendel Gourarie • Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook • Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman • Rabbi Sholom Ber Levin • Rabbi Shmuel Rabbi Yossi Kamman Rabbi Mendel Alperowitz Lubecki • Rabbi Michoel Seligson • Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin • Rabbi Avraham D. Vaisfiche Rabbi Mendel Misholovin Editor in Chief Rabbi Dovid Olidort Reproduction of any portion of this magazine is not permissible without express permission from the copyright holders, Rabbi Mendel Jacobs unless for the use of brief quotations in reviews and similar venues.

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A Chassidisher Derher is honored to feature unique and historic photos from Jewish Educational Media’s Living Archive photo collection. The Living Archive is a project to preserve, and provide access to the video, audio, and photographic recordings of the Rebbe. These photos are copyright by JEM and are available at TheLivingArchive.org לעבן מיט'ן רבי'ן CIRCA CHESHVAN 5725, RABBI NOCHUM KAPLAN RABBI 5725, CIRCA CHESHVAN

טור ׳לעבן מיטן רבי׳ן׳ הוקדש לזכרון ולעילוי נשמת ע״י בנם ר׳ שמואל ב״ר יהושע אליהו ז״ל ר׳ יקותיאל יהודה ואשתו מרת שרה ע״ה בת ר׳ יקותיאל ומרת לאה הי״ד וזוגתו מרת פעסל לאה ומשפחתם שיחיו ת׳נ׳צ׳ב׳ה׳ רוהר

Melech Basadeh ELUL 5723*

From the diary of Menachem Malov, a yungerman from Eretz Yisroel who traveled to the Rebbe for the first time for Tishrei 5724*.

23 ELUL “shalom aleichem,” we boarded the large bus sent When we arrived in New York, we were greeted from the yeshiva which would deliver us to our final in the airport by a group of bochurim learning in destination: —the Rebbe’s shul. 770, as well as dear friends from Eretz Yisroel— We arrived at 770, and we literally sang some of whom we had not seen for 15 years! There and danced our way inside—so full of joy and was singing and dancing, and we were given a excitement were we to be in the Rebbe’s daled amos! warm and joyous welcome. Following a heartfelt We arrived shortly before Maariv, so there was no

8 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 *z 5723-1963, 5724-1963 I could feel my pounding heart inmy chest. At that I was suddenly overcome with an intense fear, and that Rebbe’s the eyes were actually my meeting own, on picturesbased Ihad previously But seen. now that Iwould Ireceived recognize when this look it, gaze penetrated me to core. the Ihad imagined “target” for Rebbe’s the piercing eyes: The Rebbe’s opposite Rebbe’s the room), Iwas an obvious kissingstrides, on mezuzah the his way in. corridor.the The Rebbe enteredthe zal tzedakah hand, he withdrew from his some pocket coins for and with other the andgartel, a held asiddur behind him with akey. In one hand Rebbe the watched come Rebbe the out and door the lock trepidation was mounting. inperson,Rebbe faceto excitement face; the and in just afew moments—mythe firstseeing time for thisawesome that experience would place take I readied myself mentally both and emotionally right opposite door the to Rebbe’s the room, and Maariv for zal the Rebbe. the to waitneed long too to catch our firstglimpse of Due to proximity close Due the of my spot (directly The door the Rebbe’sto room opened, and I At 9:30p.m. left Rebbe the his room to go to whichhe proceeded to then distribute in . Ihad managed to place myself with rapid rapid with



16 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 לזכות הרה"ת ר' צבי הירש וזוגתו מרת חנה ומשפחתם שיחיו באקמאן

Throughout the years of the Rebbe’s nesius, there were a few ‘classic’ answers that Chassidim would receive in response to inquiries and requests. For example, the Rebbe would almost always respond to letters with “Azkir al haTziyun—I will mention it at the .” One unique response was “bedikas tefillin u’mezuzos—check your tefillin and mezuzos.” Countless stories abound with miracles that resulted from this instruction of the Rebbe. The Rebbe also emphasized that during the month of Elul, it is a general Jewish custom to check tefillin and mezuzos. In conjunction with Elul this year, we bring you the following pages with stories, instructions and the Rebbe’s overall attitude toward every aspect of kashrus and hiddur in tefillin and mezuzos.

17 Why do we check tefillin in the first place? Must tefillin and mezuzos be checked according to halacha? The Gemara says1 that a mezuzah on a personal home must be checked twice every seven years, and a mezuzah of the tzibbur must be checked twice every 50 years. The Talmud Bavli doesn’t give specific instructions for tefillin, but the Yerushalmi writes: “Rebbe says: Tefillin must be checked once every 12 months. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: They don’t need to be checked at all. Hillel Hazaken said: My tefillin are from my maternal grandfather” ( — indicating that they were never checked).2 The halacha based on this statement would be quite simple. We rule according to Hillel, so tefillin do not need to be checked. Indeed, that is the ruling of the Rambam.3 However, Mechilta4 and Midrash Tanchuma5 have a different girsa. According to their version, Beis Hillel is of the opinion that they must be checked once a year, while Beis Shammai maintains that they don’t need to be checked at all. In fact, they also bring the story about Hillel’s grandfather’s tefillin, but they attribute the story not to Hillel but to Shammai! As a practical halacha, the Shulchan Aruch rules6 according to the Yerushalmi, that tefillin don’t need to be checked at all (unless they are only worn occasionally, in which case they must be checked twice every seven years). However, in sefarim throughout the generations,7 many poskim recommend checking tefillin anyway twice every seven years. First of all, you thereby observe the opinion of the Midrash, and secondly, tefillin have often been found to be possul. Certain poskim suggested checking them even more often. In Orchos Chayim, there is a custom attributed to the Baalei Tosfos to check tefillin once a year, and in later generations, as recorded in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, it became customary to check tefillin and mezuzos during the month of Elul. The Rebbe often mentioned this custom during the month of Elul.8

18 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 In the later years, the Rebbe when Machane Yisrael began outreach THE REBBE’S INSTRUCTIONS instituted this directive as a unique to Jewish soldiers serving in the The Rebbe’s instructions to check standard response — if a person called United States Military, much before tefillin and mezuzos usually came mazkirus with a health problem, they the era of mivtzoim, which began in with no explanations. Often, the were to suggest checking tefillin and 5727*. One of the main initiatives was Rebbe would just write a roshei teivos: mezuzos even without consulting the to encourage soldiers to put on tefillin bedikas hamezuzos—) בדהמזוהת"פ Rebbe first! every day, and they were offered pairs v’hatfillin,check your mezuzos of tefillin for a low price. and tefillin). However, there were The Rebbe sent a letter to the occasions when the Rebbe added that THE FIRST TEFILLIN MESSAGES soldiers which contained a message they should be checked only if they The Rebbe’s ‘koch’ in tefillin and from the Frierdiker Rebbe about had not been checked during the mezuzos can be traced back to 5704*, preceding year.9 In one letter, the Rebbe explained to a questioner that his instruction “WHEN IT COMES TO HEALTH, to check tefillin wasn’t because he WE ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES EVEN WITH suspected that something was wrong, THE SLIGHTEST HOPE THAT THEY WILL but because the opinion of the Mechilta was to check tefillin once a BETTER THE SITUATION.” year, especially because tefillin and mezuzos can deteriorate. “And when it comes to health,” the Rebbe adds, “we engage in activities even with the slightest hope that they will better the situation.”10 As a general rule, the Rebbe encouraged people to check them regularly. In a sicha in Elul 5748*, the Rebbe asked that the custom to check tefillin be publicized as a worthy minhag to do during Elul.11 During Mivtza Mezuzah, when various individuals raised questions about the Rebbe’s push for a massive mezuzah-checking campaign, the Rebbe explained that in our day, tefillin and mezuzos are of inferior quality, and weather and other factors can damage them. It was especially important to hold the campaign, the Rebbe explained, because some tefillin and mezuzos are possul when they are sold! Many unsuspecting Jews purchase their mezuzos from unscrupulous sellers, who sell them paper mezuzos lechatchilah. The Rebbe mentioned that on one occasion, a mezuzah was found to contain Birchas Kohanim, no less!12 TZACH/RASKIN FAMILY ARCHIVES FAMILY TZACH/RASKIN

*z 5748-1988, 5704-1944, 5727-1967 19 wearing Tefillin - a message which was A massive campaign was set in echoed by the Rebbe many years later: motion, encouraging tefillin wearing “Our sages said that someone in the IDF and throughout the who puts on tefillin lives a long life. world. Countless Jews put on tefillin Our brothers in the military! Make during those early months, and the sure to put on tefillin each and every inspiration continued for a long time weekday! A soldier who cannot put afterwards. The tefillin stand at the them on in the morning, should do so Kosel has given the merit of tefillin in the afternoon, as long as it is before to more than a million Jews over the sundown. This is a segulah for Hashem years. to bring them home in peace.”13 Although the war concluded within In a letter to a donor, the Rebbe one week, the Rebbe didn’t allow the explains that this ‘Mivtza Tefillin’ mivtza to end, and continued to speak was one of the most significant parts about it regularly for years afterwards. of Machane Yisrael’s work with the Despite the fact that the Rebbe military. announced many initiatives in the “With Hashem’s help,” the Rebbe years that followed, Mivtza Tefillin writes, “the campaign is successful. retained its pride of place. Every Many of those who haven’t worn Shabbos after davening in 770, the tefillin for many years, or perhaps have gabbai would make an announcement never worn it in their lives, have now encouraging anash to go on mivtzoim begun to fulfill this great mitzvah.” on Sunday, when they were off of Towards the end of the same letter, work; this announcement continued the Rebbe encourages him to take part for decades.16 in the mivtza as well. “Once we are on the topic, I will FROM TEFILLIN TO MEZUZOS suggest that since you’ve had the Before Chanukah 5734*, the merit of supporting the purchase of Rebbe began expanding the mivtzoim tefillin... speak to your acquaintances campaigns. Chanukah and Purim who cherish G-d’s word, and begin an mivtzoim were taken to new levels, organized campaign in your city to and the Rebbe announced three promote tefillin…”14 new campaigns around Yud Shevat: Mezuzah, Tzedakah and Bayis Malei TAKING IT TO A NEW LEVEL Sefarim. reach out to every Jewish home and The days before the Six Day War In the following Iyar, a mass terror ensure that they affix proper, kosher ushered in an entirely new tekufah attack occurred in the Israeli town mezuzos (as well as sefarim and a with regards to Mivtza Tefillin. As of Maalot, and many children were tzedakah pushka).18 the entire Jewish world trembled killed.17 The Rebbe asked to check the During the following months, at the thought of a war against all mezuzos in the school they were in, the Rebbe intensified the mezuzah Arab armies, the Rebbe publicly and shockingly, the possule mezuzos campaign, encouraging that every declared that victory was at hand, matched the number of casualties. Jewish home have kosher mezuzos, and announced the mivtza — the first We cannot suggest, the Rebbe said, through checking old ones and of all mivtzoim — that every Jewish that the reason people were killed was purchasing new ones. During the same male over bar mitzvah, and especially because there was a problem with the period, the bochurim at 770 invented every soldier, put on tefillin “that are mezuzos. But, on the other hand, just the mitzvah tanks, and they started checked, kosher and mehudar.” 15 The as a soldier must wear his helmet for going out to the streets of New York benefits were two-fold: The Gemara protection, a mezuzah protects the every single day, spreading the Rebbe’s associates wearing tefillin with long inhabitants of the home just as well. message. life, and also says that tefillin will The most suitable response to the Throughout Sivan, Tammuz and cause the other nations to fear us. tragedy, the Rebbe said, would be to further, the mezuzah campaign was a constant presence in the Rebbe’s sichos,

20 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 *z 5734-1973 Essential Themes in the Rebbe’s Torah

The One and Only תורה אחת

Torah is extremely diverse. and it is therefore a true manifestation can be appreciated in the mind of a Within every facet of Torah, in of His Oneness. Just like Hashem’s five-year-old child. At the same time, every area and in every subject, there greatness radiates to the lower worlds he points out a wonderful chiddush in are four general ways to explain the through various manifestations of halacha implied by this same Rashi. concepts at hand: “P’shat,” the literal chessed, gevurah, etc.—but we all And he concludes with a lesson in meaning; “remez,” the allegorical understand that Hashem’s essence avodas Hashem that draws upon the meaning, “drush,” the metaphorical is truly one; so too the Torah is only deepest concepts of Chassidus. meaning, and “sod,” the secret and superficially divided. When we dig Likewise, within each area of hidden meaning. deep beneath the surface and get to Torah itself, the Rebbe seeks to reveal We are also told that there are its core, we discover that the Torah is an underlying principle that weaves through the entire subject and shows תורה אחת.”shivim panim laTorah,” seventy angles indeed the “2“ of how to understand each concept in a unifying aspect to it all. When two Torah. A Major Theme Tanaim or Amoraim argue with one There is Mikra, Mishnah, Halacha, This becomes a major theme another in more than one instance, Aggada, Kabbalah, and so on. throughout the Rebbe’s Torah and is even if the subject matter is vastly But at the very base of it all, Torah seen in almost every sicha in Likkutei different in each instance, the Rebbe is really all one. Sichos and throughout all of the will find an underlying theme to Rebbe’s . explain how each of their respective תורה אחת יהי‘“ :The possuk says One Torah shall be for you all, The Rebbe’s sichos famously opinions is aligned with what they—”לכם and the Midrash interprets this to weave through every area in Torah stated about another subject. Beis mean that entirety of Torah is called seamlessly. It is almost impossible to Shammai’s opinion in one subject “O ne.” 1 find a time when the Rebbe spoke is likely due to the same underlying The Rebbe explains that the reason about only one area in Torah without principle applied in another subject, Torah is essentially one, even though touching upon various others and and so is Beis Hillel’s.3 it seems so diverse and multi-faceted, bringing them into the discussion. In this vein, the Rebbe very is because the Torah comes from The Rebbe might be analyzing much follows the precedent set by Hashem—who is the ultimate “One.” Rashi’s comments on a possuk in the Rogatchover Gaon, who often Hashem put Himself into the Torah Chumash and explaining how they sought the connection through these

26 A Chassidisher Derher / Av 5781 לזכות ברכה ליפשא תחי' שוחאט לרגל יום הולדתה - י"ז אלול ולזכות הוריה הרה"ת הרב שלום דוב בער וזוגתו מרת חיה מושקא שיחיו ולזכות אחיותיה עליזה ושיינדל תחיינה

underlying principles of various This is a lesson about Torah in to find that unifying thread between personalities and various subjects in general. And since the whole of Torah them all.8 Torah. 4 is one, the Rebbe says that we can As Rashi says, the Torah’s words like a hammer—”כפטיש יפוצץ סלע“ This premise that all of Torah is apply this principle to another area as are one, leads us to many conclusions: well: shattering a stone into many small Chazal say that when one learns the pieces. Meaning, all the various Once and For All Torah taught by a certain Rebbe, he explanations on any given possuk are Firstly, since all of Torah is one, a should consider it as if the originator offshoots of the same stone. Obviously lesson that we learn from one area of of that Torah teaching is standing in then, we can look and find the Torah is applicable to all other areas as front of him. But based on Rashi’s underlying unifier between them all.9 well. And a lesson that we learn from words about the two-steps in “like Additionally, when one learns even the whole of Torah in general can be new” or “really new,” we can apply the a single small part of the Torah, in a applied to each specific subject. same principle here: Not only is it as if sense he is really learning the Torah in For example: the original teacher is in front of us— its entirety. For we know the rule that עצם כשאתה תופס במקצתו אתה תופס“ The Rebbe points out how the on a higher level he is actually here!7 when you grasp even a small—”בכולו whole of Torah is supposed to be learned every day with the enthusiasm One and the Same part of the essence of an entity, you and excitement of something new. Another important point that have the entirety of the entity in your “Don’t let it be like an antiquated law,” stems from the fact that all of Torah is hand. 5 says Rashi, “but like a new one…” one, is something the Rebbe repeated That’s why Chazal say that when הוא עמל“ ,In another source it says that Torah numerous times and in variety of you learn one part of Torah —”במקום זה ותורתו עומלת לו במקום אחר :should be not only like new, but contexts ,genuinely new, without any All the various pirushim in one when one toils in Torah in one place—חדשים 6 qualifications. The Rebbe explains Torah-concept all must share an the Torah works for him in another that while we start with viewing Torah underlying connection. Even if they place. Even though they may be two and mitzvos as if they were new, sound vastly different on the surface, if completely different subjects in Torah, the ultimate goal is to view them as we dig deep enough we should be able learning one of them will help you literally new. understand the other.10

27 Nigleh and Chassidus by Hashem to each and every Jew of the one and only Torah, given by Some people ask: How can you personally. At Mattan Torah Hashem Hashem Echad. For this reason, Chassidus is for —”ה‘ אלקיך“ demand of me to learn Chassidus? addressed each person as Let me first fill my mind with Shas your G-d, in the singular form. You every Jew—even small children. We and poskim. Halevai I should fulfill cannot say that one part of Torah is for cannot distinguish and say that until my obligation of Torah study in that you while the other part is not. It’s all a certain age we should refrain from 11 Torah is one! teaching someone an entire section—תורה אחת …area But the truth is, every Yid is The Rebbe spoke about this almost of the Torah. As a matter of fact, obligated to learn the entire Torah; fiercely and on a constant basis: Nigleh the Rebbe often noted that even as both the revealed aspect and the and Chassidus are not two separate a toddler, the Frierdiker Rebbe was hidden. The whole of Torah was given entities, chas v’shalom. Both are part taught to read Aleph-Beis from the title page of a ! Even before he was shown the “Beis” of Bereishis, he was already taught to learn from a “It’s In My Name” sefer of Chassidus. And this mirrors In many sichos, the Rebbe pointed out that the style of the Tzemach the way Hashem taught Torah to the Tzedek was to connect nigleh and Chassidus seamlessly. His Jewish people as a whole: Even before are filled with quotes from all areas of Torah—and they all make up a teaching them the first mitzvah of beautiful tapestry demonstrating how the whole of Torah is really one. “Anochi,” He first revealed Himself at (See 29 Elul 5742.) Har Sinai, showing the Jewish people In one instance, the Rebbe told a prominent rav in yechidus: the deepest secrets of the Merkava, “The Rogatchover was not the first one who was able to weave all of etc.12 Torah together. We find a similar precedent in the work of the Tzemach Likewise, it is impossible to Tzedek, in his sefer Derech Mitzvosecha.” understand all of nigleh properly The rav commented that he noticed this style in the Rebbe’s sichos, without learning Chassidus as well. and the Rebbe remarked: In fact the Rebbe pointed to several “I am named after the Tzemach Tzedek, so I try to follow his path in halachos and sugyos in nigleh that are this regard…” quite difficult to understand without (Yechidus with Rabbi Moshe Grossberg, Hamelech B’mesibo, vol. 2, p. an explanation of Chassidus.13 259.) Ultimately, all of Torah is זאת התורה“) In another letter, the Rebbe attests that the objective of all the comparable to a person Just like a person is made up of .(”אדם Rabbeim is to “connect and unify the revealed aspect of Torah and the a body and a soul, likewise the Torah ”...תורה אחת hidden aspect of Torah, to make them into one (4 Shevat 5715) has the body—nigleh, and the soul— Chassidus. Both must work together in

28 A Chassidisher Derher / Av 5781 ,נגד ההר heart. Why? Because we were bringing at the backdrop of Har Sinai, where the Jewish we would receive the “Torah Achas” people together from “Hashem Echad.” The Torah was and revealing how our first unifier, and this has kept us they too are really one. as one nation ever since—no matter perfect The Rebbe elaborated on what level a Yid stands at, whether symmetry: this concept when launching two as a “head of the tribes” or a “wood You cannot of his landmark global campaigns: chopper” and “water drawer.” We are have one the daily study of Rambam15 and the all part of the same nation, chosen by without the global Sifrei Torah Hakloli’im. “Hashem Echad,” brought together by a other and In addition to the symbolism “Torah Achas” forever.17 there can be no that a sefer Torah has—how each and irreconcilable conflicts every letter is important to make up a 1. Yalkut Shimoni, Torah, 1-2. between them either. complete and kosher sefer Torah, just 2. See 5733, sicha 4. As the Rebbe once wrote to an like every neshama is important for the 3. See Torah Achas, Toras Emes, , individual: completion of Klal Yisroel—moreover: an essay by Rabbi M.M. Kaplan in the sefer Hashvi’i. “I was shocked that you wrote The only way to bring out the 4. See vol. 19 p. 57; vol. 16, p. how you have ‘no idea’ about pnimius deepest and truest achdus between all 572. תורה אחת—haTorah (which in our time has Yidden is through Torah . 5. Rashi and Sifri Vaeschanan 6:6. been revealed in the teachings of In all other areas of life, we differ Chassidus). Obviously my trouble 6. Rashi and Tanchuma, Yisro 19,1; Rashi from one another. We all have unique and Sifri Eikev 11,13; Rashi and Tanchuma Ki is that you write this so heartlessly needs and wants when it comes to Savo 26:16. and as if this is a ‘technical issue’ the material aspects of our lives, and 7. 5744, sicha 1. which doesn’t necessarily need to be we all have unique strengths and 8. See 12 Sivan 5743, sicha 1. addressed. [This is a gravely wrong talents when it comes to building a 9. Purim 5721, sicha 3. approach, for] all parts of the Torah community and so on. The only thing 10. Shabbos Parshas Noach 5745, sicha 4. complement one another. We were all that can really bring about true achdus 11. Shavuos 5716, sicha 6. 14 given just one Torah…” is Torah.16 12. Shabbos Parshas Shemos 5743, sicha 2. 13. See 19 Kislev 5722, sicha 8. One People This is what has kept the Yidden together throughout the generations. 14. Letter 7 Nissan 5718. In addition to the Torah itself being Starting from the birth of our nation: 15. See Likkutei Sichos vol. 27, p. 230. “one” as a manifestation of “Hashem at Har Sinai, the Torah highlights 16. See 12 Tammuz 5743, sicha 1, et. al. Echad,” the Torah is also the ultimate See letter Lag B’Omer 5735. Michtav Kloli .17 כאיש that we camped at the mountain “unifier” in this world; particularly in 5742. 6 Tishrei 5743, sicha 1. Et. al. like one man with one—אחד בלב אחד

29 לזכות הת׳ יהושע חיים שיחי׳ לרגל יום הולדתו ה׳ אלול שימשיך ללכת מחיל אל חיל לנח״ר כ״ק אדמו״ר נדפס ע״י הוריו הרה״ת ר׳ אברהם אבא וזוגתו מרת טויבא יונה ומשפחתם שיחיו פרידמאן

Blessing and Success

The Rebbe’s Advice and Guidance for Working at Parnasah

32 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 The story is a person should not overindulge in creating the told of the vessel for Hashem’s blessing. This refers not only to always adhering to halacha, since needless Baal Shem Tov, to say, we must never do anything against the that one day he went and knocked on the Torah to obtain parnasah, but even within the window shutter of a house, saying that he needs parameters of halacha, overindulgence in the parnasah, and then walked away. Suddenly, a pursuit of parnasah is still unnecessary. Yid came running out of the house and chased If a Yid realizes that his “feet are short,” i.e. the Baal Shem Tov, asking him for the amount the gashmius aspects of life are not the primary that he needed, which he promptly gave the Baal goal and we only need a small amount of it, Shem Tov. he will then only minimally engage in work. The Baal Shem Tov was later asked: What was The remainder of his time will be dedicated that all about? If you needed to ask for money, to matters of the “head” and matters of the why did you run away? Why didn’t you wait for “heart”—studying Torah diligently and the homeowner to respond to your knocking? performing mitzvos.1 And if you knew you would receive the money in As the Rebbe sometimes put it: Focusing a miraculous way, why did you bother knocking exclusively on your work is like someone who at all? sews wallets all day to hold his money but The Baal Shem Tov explained: doesn’t actually do any productive work to earn In order for Hashem to bless us with a living. Similarly, your job is like a “wallet”—a parnasah, the Torah tells us we need to have receptacle to hold Hashem’s blessings. When you there needs to be focus on the right things, then you can be certain—”וברכך ה’ אלקיך בכל אשר תעשה“ Hashem’s blessings will—”ברכת ה‘ היא תעשיר“ an action to contain the blessing. Knocking on that the shutter is also an “action.” As soon as I did not only suffice for a minimal livelihood, but the knock, I fulfilled my obligation. Then it was they will bring riches!2 up to Hashem to send His blessing. Whether Someone who focuses only on the physical He sent it through this Yid, who lives at this job without realizing that Hashem’s blessing is house, or through another Yid someplace else, is what brings the money, is like a person going to entirely not my concern. a bank to deposit a check when there’s no money The Rebbe uses this story as an important in the account to back it up. It is a worthless lesson for how a Yid’s approach to parnasah piece of paper and will not get you anywhere!3 should be: This is a fascinating perspective, how We must always remember that ultimately Chassidus teaches us to view the world and our it is Hashem’s blessing that brings us what place within it. we need. The work that we do to receive that Instead of asking why we should daven to blessing is only a “levush,” a garment that clothes Hashem for parnasah when we have to go out the blessing itself. If we focus too much on and work for a living regardless, Chassidus turns the garment, not only will it not result in the the tables: intended blessing, it will actually hinder our The Tzemach Tzedek asks: Why do we chances at it. have to go to work everyday if we know that The Tzemach Tzedek explains that much like regardless of what we do, everything comes from a person’s garment, where care must be taken Hashem? He creates the world and sustains its that it fit properly—a garment that is too long inhabitants every moment—what good will our will make the person trip and not be able to walk petty physical labor bring? For that matter, what straight—similarly, when it comes to parnasah, effect will our davening have on the process, if

33 Hashem already predetermined everything we We were placed in this world to work with it are supposed to earn during the previous Rosh and refine the sparks of kedusha, transforming Hashanah? the world into a dira b’tachtonim.5 He continues with a lengthy explanation But obviously, the true source of our parnasah how Hashem’s hashapa’a is predetermined, but is only from Hashem’s blessing, and being aware it requires work to have it manifest in our daily of this allows us to be in tune with reality. In lives and in the precise manner that we need it. fact, the Rebbe points out that true bitachon in In the same way, Hashem decided to hide His Hashem is when we recognize that everything ever-present hand under the guise of nature. So comes directly from Him. The only reason why much so that it seems as if nature controls itself. we do the work is because that’s what Hashem This is, of course, a classic form of avoda zara. told us to do. The sustenance itself, however, has The truth is that Hashem obviously operates nothing to do with the natural means! Much like through nature and it is our job to recognize this the Yidden in the midbar, who were sustained and act accordingly.4 by the man from heaven: Hashem designed that Why did Hashem create the world in this only enough for one day at a time was provided, manner? Why can’t we just learn Torah day and so that the Yidden would realize quite tangibly night and have our physical needs taken care of that everything comes directly from Hashem. in a supernatural way? We too should adapt this sort of reliance and bitachon in Hashem, even as we work at our “ששת :The answer is, as the Midrash asserts six days you shall work, regular jobs.6—ימים תעבד, זו מצות עשה this is a positive mitzvah…”

He’ll Take Care of You Too

I wish to comment on the general hands…” not with the toil of your mind and impression I gathered from your letter: heart.) It seems like you are once again in a This is all the more shocking when it comes worrisome state, and you also worry about to someone like you, who saw miracles in a very whether or not you will have enough to tangible way in your own life. Why would you sustain yourself, chas v’shalom. suddenly begin to worry if the Master of the It was obviously quite shocking to hear universe, who feeds and sustains all creations, something like this from you. The words some 1.8 billion people [at the time this letter of the Torah, especially in Chassidus, was written -ed.], will be able to sustain you about the importance of bitachon should and your family as well, in a good, kosher, and be more than enough [to change your abundant manner? attitude]! It is a pity to waste more time on such (Of course, this is no contradiction to an obvious matter. Let us pray that you a person’s working at a job as a means of should finally see things as they are, and you will redouble your efforts in spreading and וברכך ה’ אלקיך בכל אשר“ ,parnasah, as it says Hashem will bless you in all that strengthening Yiddishkeit around you, and then—תעשה you do.” Nevertheless, the work must be Hashem will increase in His blessings, according …to His capacity—which is many-times fold יגיע“ done in accordance with the possuk Eat with the toil of your—כפיך כי תאכל (Letter dated 4 Teves 5716)

34 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 לזכות משפחת קארנפעלד בורביינק, קאליפורניא


46 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 *z 5741-1980 REB AVRAHAM HERSH (RIGHT) SITTING BEHIND THE REBBE AT THE OF 12 TISHREI, 5744. LEVI FREIDIN VIA JEM 209527 A Soldier in Yerushalayim Reb Avrum Hersh Cohen H

Harav Avrohom Tzvi HaKohen—known to all simply as Reb Avrum Hersh Cohen—was one of the most respected talmidei chachamim in Yerushalayim who mentored distinguished modern-day rabbanim and poskim in Eretz Yisroel. A passionate Lubavitcher Chossid with a tremendous love for and hiskashrus to the Rebbe, he merited to serve as the Rebbe’s shliach in ways that no one else could replicate. Following are snippets of the life and times of this unique soldier in dor hashvi’i.1

5744-1983 47 Early Life Reb Avrum Hersh was born on 12 Nissan2 5676* and hailed from a family of kohanim meyuchasim who were distinguished Alexander Chassidim from Lodz, Poland. In Poland, yeshivos were not very common at the time and most chassidishe bochurim learned in a local shteibel or kloiz on their own or in informal groups. Avrum Hersh learned with great hasmadah in the Alexander shtiebel. As a young bochur, Avrum Hersh became known as a tremendous lamdan, whose learning was only surpassed by his great yiras Shamayim.

The years between the two world FAMILY COHEN wars were a time of great tension for REB AVRUM HERSH’S PASSPORT WITH WHICH HE LEFT POLAND FOR ERETZ YISROEL. Jews in Poland, and in the spring of 5694* Avrum Hersh’s family made in the shiurim and farbrengens of present the Rebbe a detailed report plans to emigrate to Eretz Yisroel the legendary Reb Alter of how every moment was used. ‘You after receiving a bracha to do so from Simchovitch. think your time belongs to you!?’ Reb the Alexander Rebbe, the Akeidas At one point, the two brothers Alter would say. Yitzchok. To their dismay Avrum reunited with their old friend Avrum “I became a Chabad Chossid Hersh was not able to join them Hersh. They described to him the because of him.” since he had just turned 18 and was greatness of their mashpia Reb Alter Reb Alter passed away at the of military age, but he urged them to and the special atmosphere of Yeshivas young age of 48, only two years after emigrate without him and he would Toras Emes and encouraged him to Avrum Hersh became a Tomim and follow them soon after. It took a full see for himself. he later said, “Had Reb Alter lived year of much hard work and miracles During the month of Elul 5697*, longer he would have conquered all of for Avrum Hersh to finally reach Eretz the Frierdiker Rebbe penned the Yerushalayim.” Yisroel and rejoin his family who had famous igeres to all talmidei hayeshivos by then settled in Yerushalayim. throughout the world describing “Get me more such Chassidishe In Yerushalayim there was a wealth the appropriate behavior of yeshiva chassanim…” of yeshivos for him to choose from but bochurim throughout the 48 hours of In the winter of 5700* Reb Avrum after learning in several of them he Rosh Hashanah.3 Hersh became engaged to Rivka settled on learning on his own in one When the igeres arrived in Toras Mattel Vaisfisch, the daughter of Reb of the shuls, as he had done in Lodz. Emes, Reb Alter held a farbrengen and Avrohom Elchonon Vaisfisch and Simcha Bunim and Yisroel Tzvi explained the igeres at great length and granddaughter of Rav Dovid Baharan, Heber were two brothers from Lodz the true meaning of avodas hateshuva. the eldest and one of the most who had learned together with This igeres and Reb Alter’s farbrengen distinguished poskim in Yerushalayim Avrum Hersh in the Alexander had a deep impact on Avrum Hersh at the time. Rav Dovid hailed from a shteibel in Lodz and had emigrated to and transformed him into a full- Litvisher family of talmidei HaGr”a, Yerushalyim around the same time. fledged Lubavitcher Chossid. who were opposed to Chassidus for Their father Reb Chaim Eliezer was “Reb Alter was permeated with many generations. He was directly already connected to Chabad and the awareness that the yeshiva is the involved in the shidduchim of all his sent his elder son Simcha Bunim to Rebbe’s mosad and every moment granddaughters and when he met with learn in Yeshivas Toras Emes. Yisroel needed to be utilized to the fullest,” Avrum Hersh he was so impressed Tzvi, who was too young to officially Reb Avrum Hersh later recounted. “He with him that he exclaimed to his enroll in the yeshiva, would participate demanded that one should be able to son-in-law Reb Avrohom Elchonon

48 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 *z 5676-1916, 5694-1934, 5697-1937, 5700-1940 לזכות מרת חסיא תחי׳ לרגל יום הולדתה התשעים Moments ז׳ מנחם אב ה׳תשפ״א לאורך ימים ושנים טובות נדפס ע״י בנה הרה״ת ר׳ יוסף יצחק וזוגתו מרת הדסה ומשפחתם שיחיו ניו

62 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 EREV ROSH HASHANAH 5742 29 Elul 5741* LEVI FREIDIN VIA JEM 201692

*z 5742-1981, 5741-1981 63 Before the Rebbe started davening with the minyan everyday in 5748*, Erev Rosh Hashanah was one of the few special times a year that the Rebbe would daven with the Chassidim on a weekday. LEVI FREIDIN VIA JEM 201694

64 A Chassidisher Derher / Elul 5781 *z 5748-1988 LEVI FREIDIN VIA JEM 201700 The Rebbe recites Hataras Nedarim. 65