Catalog 2021-2022

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Catalog 2021-2022 Catalog 2021-2022 "EDUCATION IS AN ALL ENCOMPASSING EXPERIENCE, NOT LIMITED MERELY TO THE ACCUMULATION OF KNOWLEDGE, BUT RATHER A COMPREHENSIVE PROCESS OF FORMING AND DEVELOPING THE CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL." RABBI M. M. SCHNEERSON LUBAVITCHER REBBE TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4 Historical Background ...................................................................................................... 4 COVID-19 Update ............................................................................................................ 5 Notification of Rights under FERPA .................................................................................. 5 Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws ............ 9 Complaints Procedure ..................................................................................................... 9 General Information ...................................................................................................... 12 State Authorization and Accreditation ........................................................................... 12 Admission Requirements ............................................................................................... 13 Statement of Non - Discrimination ................................................................................ 15 Placement Disclaimer .................................................................................................... 15 Transfer Credits ............................................................................................................. 15 Campus and Facilities .................................................................................................... 17 Library ........................................................................................................................... 17 Textbook Information .................................................................................................... 18 Student Life ................................................................................................................... 19 Health Services .............................................................................................................. 19 Community Service ....................................................................................................... 19 Student Publications...................................................................................................... 20 Tuition and Fees ............................................................................................................ 20 Financial Aid .................................................................................................................. 20 Applying for Financial Aid .......................................................................................... 22 Financial Aid Need ..................................................................................................... 22 Application Deadline ................................................................................................. 23 Federal Aid Programs ................................................................................................ 23 Student Loans ............................................................................................................ 29 Institutional Scholarships ........................................................................................... 29 Academic Regulations ................................................................................................... 30 Satisfactory Progress ..................................................................................................... 30 Warning..................................................................................................................... 32 Federal Financial Aid Warning ................................................................................... 32 Appeals Process, Mitigating Circumstances ............................................................... 32 Reinstatement for Federal Financial Aid .................................................................... 34 Incompletes ............................................................................................................... 34 Withdrawals from a Course ....................................................................................... 34 Transfer Credits and Satisfactory Progress ................................................................. 34 Talmudical Seminary Oholei Torah Page 2 Repetitions ................................................................................................................ 35 Change of Major ........................................................................................................ 35 ESL/Noncredit Remedial Courses ............................................................................... 35 Grade Point System ....................................................................................................... 35 Attendance.................................................................................................................... 36 Leave of Absence - Federal Policy ................................................................................. 37 Good Academic Standing for State Grant Programs ....................................................... 37 Withdrawal, Institutional Refund, and Return to Title IV Policies ................................... 39 Academic Calendar ........................................................................................................ 39 Grounds for Dismissal .................................................................................................... 39 Academic Program ........................................................................................................ 40 Course Map ................................................................................................................... 40 Curriculum .................................................................................................................... 41 Explanation of Course Numbering System ..................................................................... 42 Frequency of Course Offerings ...................................................................................... 42 Textbooks and Required Materials ................................................................................ 42 Course Listings .............................................................................................................. 42 Department of Talmudic Study ...................................................................................... 42 Department of Philosophy And Ethics ........................................................................... 48 Department of Law and Jurisprudence .......................................................................... 53 Sample Curriculum ........................................................................................................ 55 Faculty........................................................................................................................... 56 Counseling..................................................................................................................... 57 Visiting Scholars ............................................................................................................ 59 Board of Directors ......................................................................................................... 59 Administration .............................................................................................................. 59 Availability of Full Time Employee to Assist Enrolled and Prospective Students ............. 60 Map............................................................................................................................... 61 Directions ...................................................................................................................... 61 Talmudical Seminary Oholei Torah Page 3 INTRODUCTION About Talmudical Seminary Oholei Torah: Talmudical Seminary Oholei Torah is a post secondary institution of Talmudic scholarship identifying with and incorporating the aims and methods of the Chabad Chassidic way of life. The seminary is patterned after the Talmudic seminaries which existed in pre-war Europe. Aim and Mission of Talmudical Seminary Oholei Torah: The seminary seeks to develop scholars thoroughly trained in all aspects of advanced Jewish scholarship. It prepares its students for positions as rabbis, teachers and communal leaders, as well as for responsible, conscientious and intelligent lay membership in the community. How the Seminary Accomplishes its Goals: Small classes, seminars, and individual consultation guide the student toward the realization on his full potential as a scholar. The seminary provides opportunities for original research and intensive advanced study. The students become thoroughly imbued with the ethical, philosophical, and spiritual teachings and values of Judaism with particular emphasis on the unique philosophy of the Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidic Movement. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Founded in the early 1970s, Talmudical Seminary Oholei Torah has become a leading institution in
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