
.\ I a 2 (I 4 4 (I I ~ :JIJ I '.1 I) I :1 0 1 0 .,1 "I 1 "1 "4 0 0

:w ,; 11 27 ]:1 .... :) all h po . 4 0 "I I 0 " I 0 0 "I 0 "0 1'0" I! II "1 (I 1(\ "1 :1 "0 0 ~I '0 I I "II 1 n "I I ° ;\ J :! 0 1 2.1 7 Dau Ilr ~s Rorn. I" r. ;1111 \ ll:d'

day. \' aul Frey left F~idCl for L::ms- ThJ coiNa~LY' j 11 rJLAGLEN . )~~iiiiiiiiiii.~iiiiiiiiiliiii"~~" iiiii.iiiii~~.iiiiiiiiiiiiii~aliin Micll~, fimV· 'iii •• ~ ,osition..wher(' l1e h .S <:lcccPltN]I' PflU LORRE :" ; rs. LewIs Kral.i'se sent ::wt'f']'- 41 days ·last week i th(' r~mjl •NANCY STE~LE '~ ¥.c rotz . I IJ : iss Nettie Behmer f Nor~olk. ~ ~p nt the week-end i the VIm. liS MISSIIIS!' i 1\11" I !pc mer home. I 'wen.> On Stare I I r. and Mrs. Wm. :yrestphJJIC'n Frevert ,}"alt Goodie aoldl His "

Takin~ Tr<>tttments. 1 D~\'id KOf'l 0 Winside. nnn rthur lfcnry Rdthwi "('11 or Cnrroll, 'arc in l:xc¢lsior Sp 'jngs, Mo., tnking ~rcatlll('n1s fo lIwir health., They 'trent Mn~. 7. r. Koch hhf> been dr~~~~~t~o~~cnOil;~Ss.t~~~ri~t~~~~~ ill !rt"turn so ncr. ' THE KNOT·HOL

'Vi.lyn([>, Nebrask'a, M_a.:-Y_I_9_,_19_3_7_,t-:-__+-N--,o~,~6 '

,I Discrim i n ;l t 1 tJ g The fol1owin,g was [nrmers hu 111(' 61'- lleard at the Norfolk ~Ing:e colo ('d B'tn- llsy~um the other l~h.C~·Y ~l~'>~d ::~(,~l ~~ ~:~~'llO Who are 1(>1'. h<1vC n h'('1 (\1' you?'" !fllstf'ncr. mel the "I'm the superi'n­ paint last!'; two to kndcnt." Voi e over the three tim~, ns lon~. "Oh. well," remark- wire:" adame, your husba d has been N] the nut, "it won't lake them long to run . over a Mary had a new truck,' ; kno('k that out. .of Mad me: " Dod So n~:~I.l~~'il ~i~ht.lso you. I was Napoleon heave s! On t e af­ when I came hcre." ttirnoo of my idge It i ~~~~~ hows a party.'

I spcck dirt. We quote 26-in. IBut it sure] docs American fencing at show al'Y. 30e the rod. We al- the Ii.- ,0 lonnyou the fence sts , Lime has mnny stJ'etcher, no charge. plit- llf;CS nbout h(' f'lrm. 1 P'-it up in bngs at --I , 10e, 25c, 5~ ond iOc, Carhart . See s for la ders. 1 Step I dders r ded I under every t e p j ~o:;~,naYdo ~l~~~e~ I, Lllniher from $1.10, , tfu~~i pth~~ 0; ,~r~~~ I I iring us th _ pieces CO. ~nd we'll have; [l PIIONE 147 ~?;u~ 1:: .de in « Wayne. Nebr. "i! II -, ,i i Sta ts ITo a,1 W,th' Grealesl1$avings ~ince:Jall PRICE;';; J AVE BEE' STEADILY ADVANCH'lJG. EARLY. EARLY ENAIlLE TS T FE, A, URE,'~ WHiITE GOOD,S\lALUES THAT ARE .MAHKAB EI TIiIE, A

I EACH "'...... " ••• In ..f. ••• tlre .....I~... 16t.!.. t,••ud f •• ".MAI... •I..rpl•• ~". I 16 YR. SH'US ,""" ill :818LEA(tJ~D':. x 99 IN. 94"I' I : 'C Shrets it)eDtil'al! with thest" h.8\·(' T("('("i~{'d the laundn' tf-st th.at is 'equivalellt to ~ix )'f'a"rs' wear, 'Vo\'fln of. ~turd~ C4)t­ ten yams. bt'a8Ufully finished. snowy [whitf'. thf"Y prewnt a s~eet "alue that t'ver)' fOff"Si2"htf"d ho!uSf>wifl' should pur­ i ('ha$e. This s~eet i~ ,an examplf" of the -aim's to bf' had in this' event. Pill w Cases E.~cn ::'~l~'h t.~~II~I~""'~~ "I'''~·f. 'TIl.. "'llnd~ 21 C l'..f01 I:::,-Inj '·11 .....

( I I anquet IS Held, TuesdaY Evening The junior-senior banquet·of the aync college train~ng school 'was cld Tuesday evening at the Pres­ yterian church. The'senior colors f black and white were carried ut in decorations. o~~~ar~r~~~~~,"Ar~e~:ci~~i~i~~~ tory, Wilma Ka"i; reading, Gerald _ .)i , issna; stunt, Catherine Kirwan, __ ~~s ~~~~::;,a~a~~~n:t~l;~ :;~~~ ThcologlCdll 'j- h 01 Jfl Bostl ampbcll; trio, Leona Hageman, the fd,U HC,~,~ one of ~\1C gr1ldll arhylta Whitmore and Thraha at the c!ul11'gc thlS M,llY, ramly; "Full San.Ahead,",Russell BY ~ ~" 7 P m.1 horlow; stunt, LeRoy Anderson, I Intcrm¢rtlll~~ B Y P U 7 It nl Ivin MQy~r and -Robert Hanson; NOle\en1I1~ IS~tlVI('C'~thl~ Slind '. tory, Robert Hickman: reading, Coll<,'gc b~Ct1, f(~ld fcl1o~.\'shlP tnt d Miss Enid ConkJyn is sponsor of \\ lch WIllI Ii I pJ~_at Norfolk S"t- t e junior class. u d;ly and'. dn ay. M;11Y 22 ~nd ~J R gl~tratj()n be in;>

\ ~\ l' Y f~q'd :olli,d '~J" (Rev. L. W. Gramly, Pastor) iC ,,1I' ervie(' Sunday, May 23, 11"i!. m'l k 4-e ,t 213 west 7th street. 'I Presbyterian Church. a:~~i ~:;:t{-d-- ~Rb\'. W. F. QlCrking, Mmister) , Moming service at 11. Birth Jl co d. 1

l:l~qorcttl'd In red land white and afternoon. Mrs. Chauncey Agle I los Marti ,M s, Jo n Grimm. Mrs. iHJIl icC' crram weI" refresh- 'who IS a Sunday 'School teacher, as Laura U ey, Mrs. Ezra Boecken~ 'q~ts. Eadh of the guests re.. slsted with the entertainment. hauer, Mrs. Hen N~son. Mrs. Cni'j.trd giftp. Pfize.,in games Mrs. Dick Sandahl spent Wed Lawrence RinK, M.E il Miller, tVdtt' to John I Br sslcl" and nesday with Mt~. C. F. Sqndahl Mrs. Chas. Piers n, rs. C. K. ba~ Bloss. 1who iwo wren bi.rd The Lawrence Rings were Sunda Corbit, Mrs. Cl¥ire Buskjirk, Mrs. h04 cs; Jose:phmel Ah rn. a chif- afternoon callers as were the Or J. C. BreSsler and iss A.lma Lau­ fLed~L,hsa.'nandk,.e~pc~,'r(t':"~ a ~n~h"'egoimn t Y 'Li anet were among a group ~f relat Ihouse gues.t ih the MortensoA pier L u ahl and Mrs. A. ~ t yes entertained at the Mr~. Eme- Ihome from ~otd~y until Thursday: ;~~~d 1 e ~ing home Mo?day ~,,:en~ng Mr.. and M s. Marvin :\1nj·tcnson: i "red Ed' 5'/0; .AJnder~6~ 8n4 c mplimentary to MISS Dalla Rmg Iand Marde Ie ~nd theIr hou~e rj;;, H~nr/ And~r:~n ~'":J Ede::~ ,0 penver. '. :' ,gue.sts attende c~mmienc('rn{.n~ex- ,{' Sunda evening guests in the Mr. and ~s, Martm ~o~mber~, ,erClses at AlI~n IMomday {'\'('f1ing- ~.ew T. derson home. ~rence Jo nson and MIss Mane when C\ brQ~hfr, ,DortJ.'lld Hr,lwrts, Mr. and rs. Frank Allen of 1m brou ice cream anti·went W::I5 graduat.c9" ' .. v~le- Blairstown, 0" came to the Enocq t the John N. Johnson home Tues- , 1....1. dIctOr! he sen~o cIa ,I J~an su thntlthey hnve made tlpphcn- ments. Her father, os Longe, An~rson home Saturday and! were d y evenin~ to. help the triplets Sc~~ N~~st. 2. s~lutaton&, ~ ~. ladll~ ~ e sjUnde L 1 tlO for free high school tUIt.lon took her to Colorado. overnight g sts. Mr. Allen is a c lebrate theIr bIrthday.' The tr distTitt pk:\s- The p og~am will be: i.r~~s.,. ce Iflcat€lS fOf.nextyeal'. 'Irhest;nfe --, br~~her of M s. Anderson. Sunday Mr. and MrS. Dwaine Srott at antly surpr ~(' t~f'ir__tcac er, Mlc~s s ona~ by 4nnea Bl .rnq~~t: :In':' to I e s~nt t? th~ cou,:ty .<:uperin- . Lincoln se~ IOMS. the: Anders ns and their gu@sh nca,. \",erc Saturday overnight Dorothy DI ~1(J ! Ion her irthd.1y v?caha. e'\'. yv. B;y Ra~;, s~1u- I~e . ~nt of ,e county ill which the Lincoln school ~lIth rs. ,,?"erno.n were afterno n and supper gue_st.s g ests In the Fred Harrison home. Tucsd.LlY ~_ ,b'm,ging n 1~.U:l(:heon t$tOTY . ~ re5~, Jean ~de~.li. ~.. u-. m Vidual h es .on or before JU.lY Van ss teacher WIll cl se. t.h~S. F~l_ in'tljle John aer home near Allen. ey wer.e Sunday dinne.r a!1d sup- and spend~ g ~SOCiJ 1 afterl100n at, 151 , mJ:!w .cl;l.orU5j va ~c;~r~ f'ld- 1. ,ost o~ th Dl.x~m. county pupils day. 1'he annual schoo r:))~nle Will 1\l!:t- and rs. Casper Johnson III r guests in the WaltE'r Cnrhmn the, sehoo! au.. I d e5~1 ¥a I.one Soder rgj ild~ress, Iha, ~ .maile ppllc<:ltJons nnd their be Sunday at'the W efleld golf and! Ruth ansen were Sunday h m~ ~nd the Hnrrisons were also :. ---: ' tl~j ~ocal on~e cet~lflC WE'n- f the Birt.,day club. brought - !-: selec~.ons, e se~on '~nd qUi~'k. the Leonard SQ.. hUIZ home at Lyoi1&. J.' . Petersqn, Mrs. D. P. Quimbj"r, the class; u$icnl rtlixed A .. f.:lYph~rsonDover urlcheon and spent a SOcia.1 time..: Let r;; restore ~ q~te.. t u: 'phyllis Kinnley was ill from laslt Mi Olive .f\istrope, Mrs. Clark sextet; cln s history, E rna lRow- 'ur;ly hr'lst \'fC're thf' rE. Monie LUhdahl of Allen. Mrs, • . smoo I, .a w~s ~UPJ1S ncJe M~hodist ~tra.~ght-Iin(', ~op's ~'OUl' Wednesday to Monday and Wi. son and ¥rs. Edward Mathew- ley; Renio theme "Th Ford 10- i .ges. The who f ihe Cb 1 h. jtoy Holm 'Mts Arthur Hollman = safe to ,,- unable to atte~d college at wayn* son. Miss Atryy Hanson gave a book dustries." Idon N~ernb rj~er; class dTlP t~ the g If ground nded the' ~nd Mrs. 'Enoch Anderson were, - b' ; • Ph.yllis Hyp e. ~oes to Chadro r'eview. . poem, .Jo n Bean: kit, Hel~n ay WIth t":": ent>: rons~. (~~~~~;y;as~U~~~~rs~; 0~lin~~te~6 1:1190 honored a1 this time. as their ra es. ,.: Ut~cht, ~~c j:n~dc next MGnday t Jom her folks wh - M ry F.. Ring, rnold:V,c- In t II lIb nry con- birthdays occmred during the wln- t - · have been l'Ving there sever I Fot ax Dtnschke. to~ nnd Jo n B~an; -" ior tl1errp.e, test ~llSt pIn (' W:lS won by .1oy('(' a. m. ter months and bad roads. OthN K' d llO P t l'le n~..J ~. : weeks. Ih onor of Max Henschke's "I1orse Po vet' in Am~.('an ..j\gfj_ S~ellmgton a d sC'('ono by Dobby Preaching services at I ct.. II l rs. annual clUib picnic was voted to Donald Smol~ky at Way 'Satur- Mi~s nit~ tessman, Mrs. Henry SM 1-- -~ , be held in th~ Wayne park in 1 day aflernooIL , Eebte ka~L Mrs. August Lub_ O· tate eet Nor!Olk~octo,. Presb"enJ. CIw ch. June. Mrs. Roy Holm. Mrs. Orville ~rs. A. L. Nuernber~er a~d berste t an lOra, Mrs. Bilger Mey- To l've Add (Rev. W. Byrd Ray\ inister) Wendell am. d ¥rs. Jewell Killion Miss. Vera went to Lincoln Tues- er an M ~ George Roeber. The (reS8 Sunday: Sunday sc 01 at 10 were elected ~n the menu com- day nilOrning to attend the D. U. hostes~ ser led. The next mCf'ting Students I Take Rilbbonl' In . 1 - a~ m: . ~~. , mitt~. Mrs. O$car Peterson enter- V. state. conventi0lli . • wilt b. with tyIrs. Ed. Kirchner Eve "fa Saturday At I?r. LUCJ~n~tark .of Nor1olk, will .Church ser.vices at 11 a. m. The tains in her home south of Wayne Mr. and Mrs. . E. Mmer alild june 2. ,delIver tho emon::rl clay! address Sf'rmon slIbjet't is tUng in for the club in June. The guest list Fred and Mr. and rs. J. P. Turn-', _ l Allen.

~rnet Ann, ¥r.. and Mrs. J:dY.1a d a~ the :Wak teldl high school au- wet~ and several riI)pons wer~ 1 • May ~8. is$ Alma ~strope spent Mon- ,Meyer and faml1y. M~. and M. dltorium. Th pr~gram was as fol- earped. Th e winning the rib~ons Conduct SerVlCe8 1a. w.th ~s. Jewell Killion help-' · Fred Lehfllan and fatmly and . Jows: .proces Ion 1 by Mary Hug- wete: Bon II Bahde. first in 2p- H Th d Northeast Wa efield i g h~r eelel>T~te her birthday. B~~rs..RayJensenspentSund elman; invo atio, ReV.IW. Byrd yard dash, first in 60-yard .1;sh: , re ay . ew .,. =s. Harvey Larsen, Janet and CH1C e,¥~mng urthe Henry Echtenka p Ray; music, brass ensemble. Jim- Phyllis Cl ugh, first ~ baS ball ~ - J8 (By Mrs. J ell on) ~lle visitect in the n. C. Bar- y ful.... m.e.. I my. -Hanson, obm Olson, Vernice throw and fir.st in the. ibaske ,b~l1 Funeral ser ices were c nducted The Utemarks spent sun.daY n!. home w'i.ednesda afternoon. .' , . Stnvens an Twila Spencer'; ad- throw; Ma y Hugelm~q.,1 fit1st jn Thur~ay afte noon for M s. Anna evening ill the Eddie okemper Mr. land Mr~1 Walter Otte w.ere ;.. 'II' dress, Supt San~~mark; vocal 25-yard da h, 7th an~~8th gra(le Nelso~~ 69, wh died May 0, at the )lome. n~r4lined \ atl: Sunday dinner in • ...... , music, girlsl ext~t, flhylli~ Clough, ~ir~s; Eup emia Peter n, sm'o(ld S.ale~ Lu~ryer n ~hurc~ i Wa~e- Mrs. :urwell ~hurch pent the t ~A1jrton Leryer home in Wayn~. < ..... G:w~ndOlYn Nlmrdd, Johanna In GO-yard ash: J.une elli~ ton, fleld.IBun~l as In the akefleld week WIth her Sister, Me , VeImer r. and Mrs.lChas. Joh.nson, Al- fl· l' ,:At. ~ S~ellingtnn. r~o OU~Of-town BUfo~d , ,RIa'." 4 'KleIn, Elber a Twila thhtd in th basketball rowl 81- cemetery. e ,from Anderson. ve and called In the G. .: 80eIaI ~ . Spencer, Ma Elle~ Darnell: pres- ber~ Nolte, second in b oad 14nip, fo~ th~ serVlcfwere Mr. nd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin B r~els and AlI ed Johnson home Monday aft- :~Tbursd.ay club will meet s ~~tion: of class, ,Cr.aig Curley, second in hot put, f u th iPl the En~ li'e;arsop, rs. Ida Pen son and family spent Sunday Itb the ernc±l?~. '. COCCI 10$•• aftemoob with Mrs. LeOnatd OIso . JUI~}(~r hIgh IinCiPa]: presentation hu~dles; D nald Bah ., seeop-qI lin EmIl Pears~n f Omaha, rs. Rog- Roy Holms. Wtlton MC'C~kmdale·and sons, _.....,;1"hr_ , ·:'Wliat.!So~'r'er socie~ .will rn t of,-diDlo~as, Supt. C. H. Madde-n; hmldles, s cond in ,i~h NPip, nar Peterson f Tekamah, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Re~ben olm a~d ~ickey and J~ckr, were Tuesday yOUl' .....-..-... nilIac:ed. IPJJS aftemooljl at the chure,... '1··ben~.ICtion, ev.~. Byrd Ray; re- fourth. in b oad jump: eith ~.'.n, Mrs. John O. Nelson and Mrs. son were Sunday dmner guests m ~mnerl guests In the John McCork- W'_bo9"'~"'".... roYtd. I .. ',C: Len Davis and Mrs. Clift Busb cesslOnal, M ry Hu~elman.· thit!'d In th hurdles, f th i~',rthe Anna Larson f Oakland, Mr. and the Wm. Borg home. md.~.le home. Bah~ ':·"aie hostesses '•. The class oIl is: Donald 1. 6,O-yard da ; Eugene L. an,lt 'd Mrs. Andrew Nelson an Emma Mr. and I. Mrs. Albert Lundahl Qr. and Mrs· L. B. Young pf BeRn~ d~h' ' Sund~y ~8.tn~ aft~rnoon DOIIT IIABSIL , llClllS. . 1 de, Keith K PhvlUs J. in V5-¥ard third n tht' 5 .. and Agnes, r. and M s. Al:vin were dinner gue s in the ·were 'Sunday -- . 1 dash~' s~ N~l&on, Clough, Ma Ellen Darnell, Rob- .yaJij .,tb in pu.t; Q ' e Mr. a d Mrs. Cn Nelson Herbert Lundahl home. . VISitOrs and supper guests m the - I I h'~O*dJ ert G. Ha seR,1 Johanna Klein Paw, first O-yard d and Geor!fe elson of aklan9•. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1m and_ H. C. Barelma« home. Ad n W. Lyman, Mary 0 Lyman: in :75-yard sh; Don,l 0 1 '~I'. Mr. ~nd l!dr ..A?drew lson of daughters were Sund dinner 'an~ :Mr$:. R. A. ~de.rson, ~n ~althll1~ a~d Ela~e ~mll ~)?rk- Ow ndolvn Nimrdd. Delbert Nolte. third in 5 _y . d d.ash: four and ISS Helen berg of guests in tbe Frank Ho m ham.e. IDoni'ld. and Walker d'Conlnor, Rob~rt 15-~ard da . I ~ I' SIOUX City. Mr. and ~s, VeImer ,4er~ tun .re S~d~ evemng visitors Olson, Virgl~ Rissell. Elberta This is t e lfirst tijm~ that la~b a?~ family' w.ere .sunda evenmg" in t e INeis BJ~.tk1und home. gton, Tw~a Mae Spen e \ h '&J, 1.I.e]Jt. • bn VISItors in the,Roy Ander on l)ome. $. G. B. Aifitrope was a .uest and v_ Strl c r an leven ~. ,~el!ft '. ,. 1ft , xr ity reo Mr. and Mrs. Eddie hwa~ Qf~SI Jewell Killion at the Con- r hill :':"117 i. Cra'l! eo¥y. PI L~ I l' in Sat. and family were~Sun y afler- tral e¥, meeting 1'burs<\ay which line U d ~' "'" 011. • r noon guests in the Clar oct/te- met wi'h Mrs. (/eorge Jensen. ~. rray an y te ~ li5cboo, h ei a i .. ~ I mark home. I.!, Fred Hamson and Mrs. gr ,p pi c the,.g gr ..: B.e....' BuJIdbtp" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, Wal lOtte atteIed the M. E. Aid I Fri •• thl'l ,I .New briCk. ants are b~. ng bunt Mrs. Ida Jr.ohnson weI' Sunday societyl a~ the h.. .m.e of :Mrs. C. A. en -IQn the M~li toch· bak ry and evenin~visitors in th GeQ1'se Kinney Thursd y. afternoon. ~ Henning H~Ui 's office, \ ' Jensen orne...... _ 'I I' MiS:5! Jacqu e Anderson was , sitor - 1 !. 1 Mrsl~ UY Lundahl all " F.rid~7 ove~ t rt in the .t. l' Ha!l1 .11. Moe.... , da. M~ Herman ·And." ~alter Otle h~ q<;\spent Sat-., ... .~.I Thegol!~~lu Illmllbers lnetF~l. Satur ~ .1temOOft viS ~BY n \he; Fred Hartllon home. '..• ~~, ,a,1 .. evenin;g nd .Cain Tuesd.y ·Herbe. ILimd.\tlhollle. I ~'. s..C•. ~.~nci~.~~.&hard- ...... aive ,~v"'.ing d U . g plana for the ,.Mr. "1'd. Mrs. John Job h rllnd .. MiliI,IM.. UU.ic.....e...... , omilll! yea .' • I . J"l'.D. Mrs. K. svensen.. 0 ~ til Ueb~, ~eb.., ~y , . ~!'" $~\urday e~ "4 ~--!b :Wi .D. A;, B~ I· .,,~:~I,~~·~e DIM;.i· "JilIN.;L·• 1. 'MUs cY.• ''Mrs.. • 4, KWl. ~' .. l!'l'~~~ ,.Jj.j~..~..ioiIl""'~~~~O-'~+-fo- it~" I'·· .: . , I

ROber.t S.ta~~. g---~ors&-n tl'e mine wer.e very of-I- Is Cr wned Queen ':t/mm.--: '. ey wi :-~!.:-lati~:• .: ferunv WIth the ahemc fl41ds AK . h 10 Calilo,. I '~' i ' To BUIld Bungal w dtipp·. g from the .~aJIS_ Rev.. earney Hlg I Mrs_ H.' ~e.~ ,Leslie. A nJw six-noom modern Ibun a- WhitI'q'~n was wo::kin in winter I MlS~' arcella Lantt, daughter tined Tu ay 0 -: . f\'ilbur low wl.ll repla~ the Robert Sta _ sO. meq. were wear~ng eavy :oat.:.. of M~-~Ia d MI~. A. C. Lantz of 51>.ahr. She was h r~ ~t~ r SOD, baugh h m h rth t f W ~ th~y went on mto the mme It .. Kear and nIece of Mrs. E. J _ LOwell, 5,1 ho ha an m.. . dicitis. this siee ~ :wes ~,a btcam, warmer until emperature iHunte of Wayne. was crowned loe>eration, day.,' t I I ture 32 y r40. f~tone-:-:l bry s c- reac~ 88 degrees jnsi e!the mln.e'l May qt! n or Kearrwy high school ,Mr. and s. J.' ~ rpo~'.4lg an.d site' ~f the . ~ ~I f e o~ e Tihe ne temperature ne'ter varies Friday ~\ ning" The hon~r is much SQns. Frd:l rick and Kt:, eth. of WhichtW 11 be~~tl;t1j-r. ~ IIl.ore .~an. two degrees the year! covet.Cd.. mong senior grrls. s •.oux City Vi~~:. ftl ...d$ ~e Mrs. , baugh will store~a of a~pun . , . ,S~ndaY. Fr erick: c~mr ~tln ._ their!f niture but they ~ll c n- l!rhe' spjeaker showed ilJustra-! G to Tennessee. Itan to s~n a couple oflwe: In tintie 'tp ive on the farm' while~ e tibns on the structure of a mine. ~r. an Mr<:."E. R. Young of S~ux CI~. J I'''':' _• There~ ~. house is b 'ng b ·It J k 0 no protections in a m. etal ,HOo,kl.n.. eft la.st \.\-'eek. for Knox- Mr. and. rs. De.tler.'Bl>.h4e an.d is forema~ of :n~tr~~onawi~~ mine' has raftcI's over the t~n-l \·il1(,. Tt- ..",::.!:ere Mr. Young has I~SS ~ona were W~e~di:iYi eve. g material furnished by the Th 0- n~ls a in the coal mines. " la POSltl,.() 4: at,t e r.:Tn.e.st bald Lumber CQ. :The 'Hers are paid more than man i..l~ T tlw Tf~[!nt:lSSee Valley IB~hde ho 10 W.ake!i I(L They the o~tr men. A good driller can Author~t> He ,~-_as chosen from a i also a~ten ed ~he eJ.g th I gra,de 20 25 h I f d long IL"t f apphcants. Mr. Young i graduatIOn xerClSes. Qo aId Bah- A8seS8 Propert y pr.ep~r, or ,0 es. or yna- formerly held a slmllar pmation ide is a me- ber of the ~l s.; I TIr C "'I'.tel ~~hour.EachdnllercountsI,with Trl-fuuntv at Hastings Neb, Mr and r. L. tl d n '"r ayne oun Y hls a *, shots and k~ows if any I: He ii' a toh-in-I-~l"~' of Mr. and Mrs: Ison. Georg ~~ith' ~ - r~r~;t~ Assessmen~ (ilf property has b n f bndge , ou 0\\ or la mgre- lytheyha\ehlg'hmoralsandaeIArdath-Johnson EugenC' Johnson.ldPPIO.llh nell SlOUX ltv i__ pairs and somfl·Changes respel'table people IArdyce Kennedy L121lun L,,'''' '* .: ,S1turdaY, May 22 rtancy Nicholaisen, Rodney Love, eeived. This;wil!l! be riled with their tloetro1uX, tho Ke.-ne !letng- t Barbara Johnsen. Betty Meister. call nfimbers and kept for reIer­ '. : About 5 Hieh School Te..... Compete Joane Jenik, Lily Hansen, Dbro- ence. ·NI~_~---I--__ thy'Nelson. Bob Wright and DQro- The Wa)1De ilibrary, with ,MrS. I::~~=¥~~:3~R=T= II I 'in A and B C(.Mea. thy Jean Casper. E. S. Blair 'S Ilfbrarian, reports on :~itchell. wi~ter Sixth gi"aders are compiling pen- the circula~ion:1 of books for Ule S_or'R-F,D e-.--- of class B championship in state ~::h~~V:i~ ~o~;t~~ ~; ~c: :~~~ a~~~:3~~~~a:~ 1~:~~ ~ 0 'fo : meet at LineI' n last week, will be among the class bookletS. i 6iO. Inc1u ed iiin that total were 'Jthe first graders are! beginning 2,691 non ict~n, 9,062. fit'tion ·.~"-~ t:l-I·~~., ~e;~-hOOlS to tnake water color pictures. They books and 4,926 perIodicals, The '.H...... •-Itt-..-A.' --H' ----- I enlere4- Several state star athletes to eom- ar~, g a~J:habet, at~,.e v~­ also .CUttin the totail of lit loaned. to iU. " C. Peterson vIsIted schoel iles was '9 45, The total of the f'\ M[ LB ED BY BUSINESS MEN'S CLUB Tu sday. circulation 261,424_ I, e kindergarten and !first grade The loan' f capita for tb~ year stu ,entS had a join~ corvered dish would then ~l.07. The American Student_tOe l~~ffheon W.ed.ne~ay ',n~n., In the tabrrary cialtiO.D sets the, per a~oon the Ichllclren went to the .capita at 5.) • ~ par for games. " \ --+I-;+:!---- c. .. ", - -, , ':'f:)~!"'1V~ :..eJd IIv OU5' for her Mrs. EI 'er Steele ~rl~ Berdon ' ~;\::);i>J~i1~';~_·'O;~,~;:(,..~~,t: _,~~~:~: lrf~~ he, ~::~~~Mr. ~:n~ ~~ ::i i>a~:~:~ a:~ c~~~.,.". __ :,'~~L~' '",~ 1\1:' ':iM!Irlel ~rltell'and Miss and ,16 . Warren cCo I,. Fred Henry na Swanson, Mr. anJ' ;;JB>,Slaff'Co ,. iiililnt.. ,'" Di>~Jil E~ at 0' elll,Jtpentthe Anders at Ponca, r. d Mrs. Mrs. eor e Llppolt, Mr. and Mrs. , . rllii'lIi1i'ii1jll"'lIr~iil.-: :.~ s~~o~n~~ ·;;~:t~a~i.me, ~:V"Ze~ K~~~~~~n ~o :::~ ~.:'~If~~ wan~~~es~n~r~au~~:::~ " , '16 d'lIil: l1r k C~"10 . d Carr Ne son and fa at Carroll, LiPPOlt b kell the birthday cake "~i1 Nelson w $ Il SihJ!\ay vis· 16 r· d'iw:\ 10 I on a~ Mr. a d Mrs. Eri Ne on and . f-- . ltor in th~ Frank arIson home. edr't~!~ f • 1 4: ca:; ~ a:;en - children Mr. and M Ge Vollers Se "ave Sneak Day. f ~ ,-Miss J ~n 'Cla~ was an~ hover- at wa~et'td~;'r~a a~~ ~oo~.nry Phyllis and Richard ans ....Louis. The sen ora of the Concord high 11 . 'Jii~ gu st 01. Elrme.Kunz on- ~ M Edw d F b Swanson aQd daugtt r, E na~ Mr. school we t to Lincoln for their I~. ~ 1 11 rs~ i th. ar hn r~ e~f w~' a and Mrs: Olaf Nels an family sneak day Tuesday May 11 Mr J ' Miss M h StJUe was an ver- ca ~r n e 0 ar~~n orne were entertained the Robert Jeffrey an 1Quente~ Erwin drove : Intlbt gU, / f. ~hldred Sw son ~~turdayuaitJe~noo : ~Je· Ad~lph jKennedy home at St ntontSUnday cars for th group. The. class vislt- Friday a ; ¥cmday. ~ oo~ca El ere In evening. in honor of Franc s K nnedy's ed the um erslty museum, univer. Mrs. Geo. 011 rs Was a caller Eml Swanson an~ IchIldren, birthday of TuesdaY.l .I slty audIt rlUm, Memorial Stadl- ~he O~ar ~ome IIn NeJ on Fridai ArdIS and Ernest, OUIS Swanson -- I ,j urn, state ¢apltol, Chamber of ,_nernoon. m . and fdna werel S nday evenm~ Hold Convetti~n Commerce and several other mter- Just I Mr. and M s. Oeo. I.filPpolt were VISItors In the 0I1a Ne$n born«r' I estmg pIa es 10 Lmcoln In the adjustable MO~aY eVeni g ~ucsts m the Her" MISS, Vera Hogle nd ISS AlICe AtCODcord' h1iIrch evenlDg they attended a show at mar! Hesse horn~. 1 Beckenhaue.r wer~ eek • end a Ltncoln t eatre They started for 98c $1.00 .If ss Ni~a And~rson was a caller guests of Mtss Fern od MISS Clar- - 1 1 home abo 11 p m Mrs Jeffrey Fran~c~rlson Mi~SiO~. y repe I in the home laslt ice Erwin at their orne south of Woman's ry $01:.i!et attended a one of the spdnsors. Slips 'Mo~day ~er~ Pair a.tter 00., town • r. Has Annual et Lace trimmed or t Uored styles. Miss Meta 10 m was a' calle!r MJSS ~9a Blcj10 , Harold and N t W 'k ~' Cele rate Anniversary. in j1the Hud lp Swanson homf Herbert BIQom, fa er Malmberg ex e.. \' '~ In honor f the 40th weddin,l{ an~ ~:;fe:~lJ~t~a~~~~~~ass::~ 59c Mo ~(,y morn lilg, I and mother of ~en er, were Sun~ ~ : I. 1 niversary t Me. and Mrs. E. H, · Fed Ander onlof Ponca, was ~ day~ gu'ests m the DaVid Bloom 1Twol.aY~hof~esbv ~~r;jj~1s are Allen and also Mr. Allen's birth· I call r III th Olaf Nelson hom~ home. f Dnne In e aneot Ia ~. ~an day the fol owing guests were en. Thursday JVorhin~. Arthur Woxber,g !went to Pen- thureh", Tuesgay m pnntc~s style, button frOnt! nly____ . flces y PAN T I~ S- Annitversary .:-;:r . ! MrpT"Ruth Jqhnsotl, Hannah and home Sfrlda afternoon. the sermon and Rev P Peabon Firmly woven cot n- hose in I P~oep'e C~rlson speciaL ade of fine, silky ChDdren's BLOOMERS and Forsberg. Emil at-. Mrs.. t¢d Petersen and 'Mr. and closed WIth the . ;;Jssorted wanted s udes. Now' rayon ga ge. Smartly tail- t~,ded PAN TIE S- Broadclotb, PANTIE ntpl;f;S -c De- the funeral o. f OJ.af Sjoberg Mrs. Ch MCClanalTiO of Oma­ ~~:ced to tachable. A spepal at Cenoa Sunday". '" ,J. ha, ca ir'aturday for a visit in 100 ~;~ ~r__ ~_a_, _e._~~~~~~ .... ~~e~nt/o 98c 39c 12...... 10c at only ---.- .... Tt-... 'f...... Mr~. D. A. ~Paul and Margery the Wy Q e Wallin home. Mr. and and..-..ttl.eir guests, M..4.t'i.e.1 BriteH and Mrs. M d anahan returne.d .home Dq-rJs Edson, drove to Ponca and Sunday v ning, Mrs. Peterson re- Sioux 'City Saturday. maining f r a longer IiSit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunz of Miss ~ y Fredricks n, teacher Scribner" w~r~ visiting ,in the in scho district 78, to k her pu­ . ho~e o~ their: son, iLudolf, Kunz piIs to t c, Wayne parK! for a pic~ and farrllly, We~nesda.y. nie Fr d~y. Miss Anita Erwin Miss Gail Hughes ~nd rvIiss Haz- Iteacher n Idistrict 58, had a picni~ I I I

:Miss I-.Qtt· a Bush, Miss Ethel Huff and Wa las Wadsworth spent ~ W~ wish to remind you that the prices on our Anni- ~J Sunday in Page at the George Quake '. , W~dsworth home. PUFFED W EAT f" venary Sale bill of la.t week are Ilood for tbis week.. Mr and ~rs. James McEachen anld two sons of Lmcoln, spent Sat~ Regular 8C S . ~r~a[h~v~:~ ~ s~~~?c~:~ern~~~ Packalle . uga~ Beet Gc{rge McEaj::hen homes. Windmi I ". . I' IO-Pound Ball rank Kroger of Newcastle, sp nt Sunday mght With hJS moth­ PORKI &: B A~S. ----==------er Mrs M Kroger. Monday morn- c 2 'CTanali. ..IA:1 i RI·ce Fancy Blue Rose 3-Pound Ball 1 +---_..,------,- .19c I(. ,ffi. utter Nut ...... I 0: ee er Pound ... -25c ES ,. I 19c P Suit na'No, 1,2,3 Sieve .... eas 2 N • 2 Can.., 25c 4----4...:.;..---'

Swans Down CAKE FLOUR/ 1 pIale free willi ..ell pklr. ;:~kale : 24c , i II 'h~tuli;;bk_ft ~.c, t~.tl=~. ~;:;;_~,It..~_;t:===:;p:=."=-o-.,...;-+J--+J+--i{==++==....",,,~~+-:.,...... ---+-----..---;----=-~-=,=----=---======~~e~~-=~~ 'II I __ ",,'-;;;~Jr '~~h a~;l~t;tl h';;~ ~~:: ,~--~¥.~f-S~IX~T~I!~YE;;:--=~~R=-1-""lli::t'~=~~;;':~:-"=F~l1t==~=;t;r~2~~T~::;;;~==~:;::::==:l:=:;;;;::::~~:::=::!:=:-===::::=-:-:::=-=-=·~=::::-:-==~~=r;-;;;=t=:-~-~!'l..:l' rMT99~~ Wayrj college trammg school IMo er'Of ayne· Reserve 0 Cftr , S dR'" d' Thurif:lfl!vcnmgw nsttidents, d P e A"""'y Na~"ed'TOP(),st, ec D ',,'in, who ad achlE'ved me t in extra- Y fiB 8 UJU 1- i ~t curn ular dCtlY;lues w r:~ p nt... Mrs Ijrenr,waxc, 65, of Fllger, . H. D. Addison 'us nameP third am ·1 P, eel t;d D clam,ltory, deb~te. tics. Imoth~r lof r5. Allen SlCcke of vice president V\'h~n ~~e and:WaHer --J es:;, ay , .tr le c and rnliSIC students were near w~Yn • died May 6 lJl Cal1- MoUer went to Fort Crook, Omahu, Paat..Convention lAlDt::beoa., .. CA10f'~G --4 '.' I ~ !\"eQ spec,,,1 recogmtidp John Kyl If9rm~ here she went la,t foU last Thursday fejr a· special en-' Held To Hearl Reporb TARANTUlAS Ho. '• And W:.L'.. i.'. T,.. _ .... sen!~kl as toastmaster and the Fune~a1 ServiceS were held In tJ:1e cnmpml.'nt of n.lsrrrve ~ffl~el:~. Mr. Last S.turday. FLOUIS nA,.",•., Are Und feat""", D ',8;- ~ 1('~vcs ~ PJ.og!:am consistedl of numbers by w-:st y 8..Mrs. Waxe SiX Addison holds thlc CQtnrOlsS1OTI of ",:w1 ... th<.' lxed chm"us, wOodwind en- chi.ldren Mrs: Ethel ~sth~s, fames major in thC'. !'(,S'cf,"'.V{:' Thf' m00 re- ~aYt;tc branch: of A. A~ U. W., auSINES~ IN , Eil'ht , ~ 'scrn Ie conl-posed of ,Edwin and Ch' des m Caltfornw, Mrs. cei\:ed tr sey. membership chairman; and :;d6 defea " Randolph school 'Wh~n;· exhibits of various Cha:rl~s w. Meeker of 1m erial, Confirm. fur: M¢lvir: UteCht., DiC.Tkin.g, secretarY,~'. hold over. )~~,._..-:/':.-:- ; ing seeD d on ei~ ...~ide.. ,during Faculty members and parents the, Maspmc order. Mr. Me h:er b Dunuld Meyer. LilwjI'Cnl~ ~a~~. lVlj3S Jessie Boyce. Ms. T. S.lHook ---.:... ~--"'" ~hefirst four mnm . ~n the fifth were guests. a charter member of (he I pcrwl Marjorie Reuter

The commHtcc from the stil- lodge. ler. I thelnominating com~ttee. c:... nine hit and two,.,,:a~'Off of dcnt council in charge Of arrange- ----:---~- I I ' 'Ilhe branch voted in favor of 't:C ~ ~.'~ Wiklund and Echte anlP. :10 the ment" W;:l~: Kather$1E' ~yl, Don Elected ~ Office. To Madiso-... FUneral., II creating a local fund for helping :. ~ sixth i ning W ieltl '~ 5tl:.uhan. Frl'dt'rick Doctor and Tom KlIby, IPreSldpnt qf the Dr. anu Mrs, T. B.IH{:'t".k~rt, and worthy women stlJdcnts. The ON THE ISLAND came ba to get themseJves three- Beryl N'Clson. Mi!>.s Lettie Scott is SIOUX City LI\esto~k (,Xcl~1allge, Mr. ilml 1\11";-,. H. ,B. Cnn en were I' bra/nch will also con~ribute to the OF NEW HAWOVEf2. OF THE BLSIYlARCK. runs b~ way pf tWo' wors and sponsor of the group. who sjPoke at Wayne 4-H banquet In MadE';~1Il la"tt ThuJr.sday td mt- n;1tional fellowship fund. Miss ARCI-l'IPElA60 6~ All GIRLS A~E : three hit. From then on the game • t I 'h I I f Mn FA Long r ~ "~ ~*Y.:l'P""'" 'KEPT IN 8RM800 CAGES FROM TtfE AGE 1./ .~ h Mr.' I I Gets GOQd Rains M d -F Wi Arnell. Ib had to fight to gain what recogni- Al Cluh l\f('(>linfr, ' '. . . . a e or ayne Hensehko,lss ..4 1 ,tiQn they have in v41rious fields. 'I VISItors Report I Mcmohal poppies which Will be i Eaton. rf 4 0.2 2 ~nd the association alims to unite -- ,. w()rn In remembrance of World; Gr

I 'I brr;llight an 'unusual amount of d b d bl d th Lenart c .. 4 0 7· lur:her.t t OpportUDltlCS for them. F·drt ay When W omen rTH1;',turC tu: Illinois, according to ~"ere rna, e y. Isa e . men III e " f 4 0 'i'. ' 5 Women s' posltlOn 1$. con.sta~tly Have Guests. II L M. R0dgcrs of Princeton. who \,~terans ~O:5Pl~1 III Lincoln. Mrs. ~eCkcn.~.I 3 0 0 thri'atencd and r.ea¢tlOn ag<'lInst I .. . i V.'-'L~ m W;Jvhe last w~k. Mr. a~d 'A. H. PhIlll~s IS chairman of the Iklund, .... wOI!nen is cxtreme m. Europe. Un1- ;v}.embt'rs of tHL' V. <:Jym' \\ umdr :, 1:vI' . RI . ~ d d ht E ed POppy d~y drIve, and every person Montgol11e 0 0 0- 0 sav~ ~ Wayn~ vcrsity women must their club entertained at a Mutller:; d, Y I' T s. 0( g('r$ an d aU ('r' , in is asked to wear a poppy Thompson 1 0 0 0 ~eJt-r(,5pect ~~st ~;~~sr~es:~~ra~tte~~~:~o1 d b~:~ ~o I and be leaders- in SUIl.':oct tea <-,ft(;l'llfYm III tJ t' honor' these who gave their lives ~uarding opportumtle$ for coming club rooms. gUL':--t lJ~,'(JUg)lt !l 'r 111l';;~ here In defense of ~he cou.nt~~. . ~ener::ltions. o,\\'n muthc!" ur <.IllUUll']" s muthl. The vicinit of Princeton, about The poppy IS the mdlvldual t.n- : I~ conclusion it was urged t?8i Cor~agcs w~re gl\:cn~tu t~1C ~,ldc.·t 15f) miles so~hwest of Chicago,.is ~~rt~e~o~h~:~oOr~ ~a~e~v:h~ ~. fA· U. W. women stress tn- ~~~sttomt~~l:r, Mr.-,. Emma ~~~~[;. : Jf~ ..t£'.l .with black .gumbb soil. The one can wear a POppy to show ~t I,ellectaal and cultural progress, from .1 '\)ll'ltl !h,rTltOry. I::: low and much of the [he remembers and is grateful for that they take leader$hlp In theIr , , - Lmcl i::; tIled for drainage. Though th II t T d ~o:ffimunities, thtlt they help wom- of Ctllcago. . of f)uWL"s th;Jt section is part of a'strip about ~;a an 5aCn.lce: rna e' I f t en to maintain the so¢'ial positions were preo,entl'd tu Mr:--, ;\Olary Bn - 20 miles wide across Illinois that e p~pP!'" IS Ie sy~ bo. 0 they have g~in~d a~d that they tam. L'ld~s: m(~mb{'r•.rnr.Jtht'c a d had fair corn crop last year, mois- ~~e~\~~~~fii~e. I~a~~ve~ilt~SPI~~; stamp out dlScnmmution agamst :~s~~~~~c;;;~~~~.~,man, yuun - ture wa~ not 5uUicie.nt la"!t seaso.n same spirit of ~triotic devotion

wOJjnon. The ~ltt{'tld;j!lCl' j,w <.I Y to rpqulrc pn?, dram~ge. It IS that i!1spired tho~e who sacrificed JXlPpi~s Dr. Honey called! for reports, of tht' ml'l'tlflg:, \\'",10' pi I' thought thel tIle systems became among the, of Franc-c. Pet. ~rs. C~stensan e~presslOns ('I:lg~(d-d as I read of ent at tca which )(J-t ;,Ut'll(!L' uPd . theJ:' have noft yet Members of the Auxiliary will 1.000 appreClatlOn about the state con- sLll·te to rldcnt.:\l ',11 \"inter until it was often six ,000 I, Reports o.f ttJe y('a~! WNe gIven. L. A. Fanskc, vict' pn.:o,ldcIlt: ~ . in('ht:s deep. Rains have followed Will Serve Year M~~. C?~-:tensan spoke~ as program C. L. Pickett. St'CITtal'J': ~tr". E. . c<.leh other almost continually this On Fo-gery Charge To Let C.on ..,. Iah~urman. M:s. Dlerkmg ~eported Gal1ey,'trea=:;Url'I·; ;:Ind Mr~. A. M ~ Ispring, Mr. Rodgers reports, and .' that the. ~ranch too~ actIOn th~t Bachcn, auditl:J". !IH'. prugr'a Ithe ground is so saturated that Clifford E.' J~nssen, who was On oar~ N~]ect8 those eltglble for imem~rshlP committee fur the commg year s rmqistur~ seeps up through pave- bound over to dIStrict court after Contract or gradiDI ~ ~ new Irp-ust belong to the branch If they composed of Mrs. Houert AUket·, It.k' Fi Id r t th t pleading guilty in, county court at highway t be built fI:OIb, Wayne arc members of study\grOUps, and ,. ..' . .. men eroc "'.' e sa e so we a nlll , chmrman, MIS, F. C. Mills. 1\11~. i farmers !"'lave been unable to start preliminary h~aring on charges of south to No 8 west of 'n,li$ner. will the ~fanch decid~ 0 ~makc s~t E. E. Gailt-,y and Mr:>. D. S. Wlghj-I their spring work cashing forged! checks at the Eddie be let this Thursday ~ jthe state standJ.rds for semor I. s~holarshlP man. . . . ,; Thl: g'umbo soil 'of c~ntral Illin- Oil Co. and $rooemeyer store in board at ncoln. Regtil:"~ of aWar . Mrs. D. S, Wilghtman re- The progr'-lm Fl"ld.'-1V opened Wltjh .. I Id' . t I th t Carroll,'~ s "*ntenced to serve a the Wayne Emerson roa~ i:; also porlted a b~lance of' $37 in the a. piano solo by Mr.~~ W. H. Phd- ~~. ~~)d;l'r~~y~T~a~l :~~ld ~ year in \the Renitentiary. County to be c-ontr cted. I tre4suTy. MISS Florenqe. IDrake re- Ups. Mrs. Alice Rlck<.Jb:lLlgh rC<.Ikl Ialrnqst irhpossible there if roads Attorneyl, Burl!' Davis and Sheriff po.rte~ as cou:tesy c~rr~an and a paper on "F'-1mous Moth('rs ~- wero not pClVed and graveled. If J. H. Pile took! him before District Mr~s ~nna ?clsler as h Irman- of History." A stOl-y, "A Paruble f r a car ~t;ts into soft gumbo and tries Judge C. H. Stewart at Nodolk tho c: eeonQ~lc and leg I 5ta~us .01 Mother,S," Was told Ly M.1'5. Cia - to pull out, the machine just sinks Friday. Mr. Plle too~ihim to Lin- ~o:mc'n. MISS Helen pI\ller. s re- ence Wright. Mrs. S. A. Lutge dt'cper and deeper. coin SatUIrday l.o begm his term. ~~l;~~~i;:'d ~;:.4~e ~~n,m hfi~~ ;r~~::~ ~~~~~~~~~l:'~~~~c~f ~ pr~~:~nr~i~~ s:=~s ~~:r: a~ ~ant ; ' i Read title lkrald 'I column. ~r~an. pr::e~ented a b k of clip- )'lear's 'work. hopeful of getting started on spring !~ JPu*s, MISS Coral 5t ddl$rd ex- Those who sen'cd on the' eOl- . k M Rod rt d I •••••IIIIII.I••••• iiii. I11;':f~ned . i~~ernati?na relations miltee 'for the tea werc: Mr5. . ;u:ni~~O~~to rheavyger~in r:: ii'.ii.__ t :f g,rlltup laetlV,'.bes whlch.lnduded the L. Blair. chairman, ·Mrs. C. W. Hi. - Des Moines when coming to Wayne $tJ~~ group and speCial tlecember cox, Mrs. E. J. 'Huntemer, Mrs. . last week. meetmg, MISS Lenore amsey ex- R. Keith, Mrs. E. C. Rhoades, Mr~.1 __~__' _ plajned t~at. an elio ..has been Paul Mines, Mrs. C. Hagle, M~' Th I F it RE·RO ma~e to InVite all e Iglb~e,.. ~rom G. L. Rogers, Mrs. Carl Lundah , ree n am y •. W, ayn~ and nearby to ns to/mem- Mrs. Raymond Cherry and Mrs19 •. ,HaveOperatl.ons ber~hllP' MIl· F. W. yberg estl- S. Bressler. rn~1;ed the bItaneh. publ city ~n local MH f d M W: 1 MISS Dorothyje Capsey, daughter "'n~ city papers is 68 incihes for rs.. un ('mer an rs_ m - of Mrs. H. C. tapsey of Wayne, theiye,ar. MIt. T. S, H ok reported fred Mam poured. l u.ndcrwcnt an ~p~ndj('itis opera- e~~ng ~ast ~eek. 1163, JtlagaZitles, loa d to rural GoLDEN WEDDING. J tion Tuesday at sell ols through the brary proj- V IN CI Bryan Memorial hospital,'m Lm- eeL Miss Miri~m se~s report OBSER ED coIn. She is doing nicely. Miss gaYf tpe- fall piqnic a senior tea Mr. and ~~rs. A. L. Jacobsen a Capsey teaches in Lincoln and 1 as Ispe~ia} social even . Mrs. H. D. two daugh)..Crs went to Orn\lha S." - plans to spend this summer in ;9 t ..hen ,at ; Niob...... "nda;Y eveoing·for t \this YllRr.. .. aPd.M;,'j'. GiffOrd...... ~dG1eaan . "''',sixth ~ve year. Mrs. '''':'d'l 1 , 'I' .lIj:r...and,:Mrs.,,I.I'I1P\,:!QlJUes, P', G'1'I"""a~.....ied.'i'" . , n .. n "!We V15.tiIll! there.' . e, Patlil" ,~ •...•;~~ . , i , , 'i WAYNE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. MAil 20. 1931.


COME IN A~D SEE TilE AY 21 an<\ 22 NEW LI~E. I Wayne Sboppe

. ~,'e have t~~~~u~~~~r~, t:o~Y:;~n~Y din- *er. YOIl will find it a real pleasur to carve tb~e lean JItom'less roasts. For the week·end a special price of 22c I. )lcr pound. ! PORK ROAlsT " nice rut of fresh for~ to bake or to boil with beans or Spinach at '21e and 24c per pound. SWISS STEAK A su~~e8tion tbat s.u~lIld quicken Your appetite; a Spani,h ~tyle Swiss Steak made ftom a thick, tender, boneless sli¢e rtf veal' ro"nd steak. ~or ~his sale a special price of 238 per Used Car and trucks )lound. 1934 V8 Co PICNIC ROAST 1935 9t. V Nic(" Pork Roasts weighln~ from 3 to 5 Ibs. Cut from orally Smoked Picnil'-s. O,!r week-end price :on these lean, meaty 19.15 Dt. V Fordor pork roasts is 21c pcr.lb. 19.16 V8 Tl dol' Radio, H ter, Trunk. CLUB FRANKFURTERS, poun~ 19c ] 1935 V8 Fo dol' : MILD CU~E SUMMER SAUSA~E, lb. '.... .,. 230' I 1936 V8 Tl or I WaferSlilied DRltD BEEF, '.41~. cello pka-.....10" 1931 Mode A COllp~. 192.9 Clzevr let Coacl~ JUMBO HERSHE~ BARS 1934 V8 Tr wk T The In?st for your:lJloney in a d~licious conflection. 19.1;) V8 Tr ck For th.s sale big '/~.Ib. Herobey Milk Bars for lOco 1936 V8 Tr ck The 'I2.lb. A.lmond Bar for 12c. These cars are Ren wed and Cbaranteed .. "~UPERB" PRVNES (R. & G.) and will ive thousands of miles Not a processed "ried prune, ~ut selected fresh of transportation. I p!,_unes in a rich htavy ~yrup. T is beautif~1 wi-.:ae colored fruit has ~ swet?jt-tari fI vor that is so en­ joyed as a'breakf at Aa,"*ce. The large No. 21j2 can at the special pri e of '3c. Thi. appetizint fruit sometimes called ',DeLuite Plum,." otor CO. A~PUE PIt! Morning Light 5 itzen~erg Ap lea in the lara-e No. 10 cans for th saallii. at 42c er can, An,excel. lent apple for pie and "uee. B y enoua-h lot this ii low price to run un il ne" crop a plea arriveJ:. PINEAPP:tE W FERS Prepare for H t Days Ahead... For a change the family will refer this~fanCY c"'!ky to cake. A arshmalIow ake toppe with pilJeapple jelly anT dippl!d in bu ter icing. ., spec­ ial price of 2 Ibs. ~or 27<:.

"suPERB" C Dr. L. F. Perry; dentist. phone SSw. nl7tl Ben Ellis spent last Thursdny in Omahn. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Soden of Wis­ ner, were here Friday. Eye. telitecl-I'lasses ,Itted. Dr. T. T• .JODetl n15tt Mrs.. Joh McIntyre of Omnha, came Satur fly morning. Carel of TIl 1 .Summer mean. m I wish to thank the elatives and Ellsworth ISteele visited his folks friends who were so houghtful in at Allen Sat\trday evening. • lort. It meClDll. 100. WhUe or' pink I'old frame., In­ sending me May bask ts. cards and c1udloC' lens, $S. Oeo. J. Hess, M. lncrellHd demand 10 D.. Wsyne. Neh. m911 the ..- months. M Walter Sa~ldge was in Rockwell City, Ia., Thursday on business. on.. FOfQlIt water h atinQ wo Walter Savidge, jr.. of Lincoln, AulOlDGlic NaIwaI Water spent Saturl!lay with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. N:orbcrt Brugger ALL the hoi 'water and MarcelI~ were in Norfolk Sun_ day...... u coet. Mr. and M'rs. Chris Tietg~n and Hans Tietgeln were in Sioux City Sunday. INSTALL AN A Mrs. R. B. Judson spent last : Thursday in Omaha consulting b physician. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park~ spent Frid


chaols of! Eng,' d k\,.·re Desc' •"' : any there be, why said aedo nt lion of the jllOWin !linds. of ber 1935 term thereof, in an aelio t'.. ' II:' h .1 I shO~~d not be a.p~t?ved and he propertw" of.th coun aslreturned p~nding in said court wherem The ~Yl,., ~I'" ~..... ,,( , B,YWCte eg, xc an e, 'ifeaCIJ.el!' prayer of the petltlOners be, ot by the ".'reeme assesa~dm:l Mutual Benefit Life Insurand, ,.- t l granted. : I_Perstinal property fotor ve- Company. a corporation of Ne- :;peaking' on Englrsh edtatiOn, lalD er~ few:. In Oxford the~' ar. Dated ~is 1st day of May, 37. hicle~. ~ ~" I w~l.Itk, New Jersey, was plaintiff d nd 1!.MlSS:' Doris P8Ime~'.leXCha in- 2' SChOO.ls .. for en and 'f0ll; f'1' (Sebl) J. M. CHER, Arty iB aU campI in~ on the and.Henry Beuthien, et,al., werel!,!!~~*"~~",, struve~.ing guests in 8160 I dh cnee E. Brisben as administratrix No rates as cheap. Quick service. England h'1$ a great many pn- be in. It formerl was meant for v.nIl migrate to v.. a hmgton tern- the Leon<.lI" Hyland! home. ma~a Nationa'l Bank Buildng of said estate, vJ-hieh has been set --See -- vate ~cho.ols whic~ now suomit to 9 o'dlock but at present. students tory... Officers of he <.Igncultural I\'I~s. Ed 10 LmdSii.lY and Flor- muha, Ncbraska. I for hearing on May 28, 1937, at C.'H" CH'lLVERS e.xammatlon by the board'of eduea- arc permitted to e out until 12. If society at Martinlib~lrg will decide ent:el spent ast ucdrle::;day after- In the County Court of Wa~HC 10:00 o'clock A. M. Sec. and Treas. t Th 1 t . where to, locate thi~fall's fair. .. noon in the C, W. Pfeil home. County, Nebraska. 'D t d t W N b k PIERCE NEB IOn. ? (' emen ary or pm'nary they are late a inc is imposed In the Matter of the Estat",1 of a e a ayne, ¢ ra:$ -a, this . 'I . schools m England correspond to which increases euch hour that The grist mil,l was old by Shcffel 1\11". and rs .. Alvin Vogel spent ,.. lIth day at May, 1931. ' L. Ct Gildersleeve our grade school~ Hnd take stu- they are out. & Drager to Stough MIkesell and Thursday \"enlng in the Henry Grace Hansom Sluck, Deceased.~ (Seal) J. M. CHERRY, dents to the ages of 15 or 16 the new ovmcrs 'will put up a new IWittler and Hurvey Reibold home. All persons interested in 5 id m13t3 Cdunty Judge. -All k nda, of Insurance- Many at tIle Clge o'f 10 st~rt at- Since 'the. Calia ation had just mill. Mrs. SUS' n Oliver and Charles matter arc hereby notified t at ry:ent for the-- tending tmdc school, others attend t~~tbeen Lon~o~held MISS~ove lmer commented; spt!'nl Sund y afternoon of last on the 3rd day of May, 1937, Sbfr- Sh iff' Travele of Hartford MuiUpie high school or seeondnry schools. a pageant, par· , toe' "r. wel.. I{ in th Jacub Wagner home. mao We]pton, jr., filed a petiHon er s Sale. Un.. FIStf ~i~h school f('es. are paid by par- ~i~r~~rlY If It IS b sed on royal tra- i]\.. • lJvIt. and ~rs. Adam Reeg and in said County Court praying ttat B~.Virt~~oC. an ~rder of Snle, to DH M~ss ~hiel y ~(~~;~ai~e ~i;t~~e~:~~ni::;oa~oerd's, e thl~e~~stri~StSU~ou~i ~~e ~;yC~~ ents .or are frccr In most schools . .. Lnthclh slll'nt S;ltur· Llrndy wel"fsuncta dinner guests a cd- 7:f r...Dotson students arc asked to buy their In con~luslOn ISS Palmer rem- day 10 SM;lUX City. Ilust \vel'k i the Frl'd Hecg home. C t own b06ks. tnisced on cxperi nees of the past Mrs, S. A. LutgcJ1 \\I(-l1t to Lin- n.'Ir. and rs. H:lrry Granquist that he be discharged from his oun y, Nebraska, upon a decree E ESIGHT d' I Colleges al'e either public or year and r('mark~d th,lt she wOl.l1d coIn SDtur.d. Plmp_ TS. ewuiI eWf,S cation, Pll~lie eolle~es'are usually Uj-nore Ramsey, ave a musical Mr. Z1nd 1\-11'1. George O. Smit.h, gll~"~~.;; Llst l'ck 10 the Fred UUlrd 2bt day of May. 1937, at 90Q- RIKA.D, ~btor~~~: ~U'1e;d~b ,.~f~~: IROPRACTORS attended bt students who have a re~d1Dg. "Hiawat a's Wooing." She of Lincoln. came Fl'lrLly to ViSIt hOlllll. i o'clock A. M. 'I.nd conte.st said ~- tlrel, ...,ntle and safe. ( tablished.1914) gteat dc:ll ~~ 'lbilitY.j was aceompanie by Dewayne over sun~l<-l.y Mr. and Mrs. MI·. ln.;IY evening SPECIAL NOT'CE ~nd A son w'ls born to Mr. Hnd Mrs. L. n. Kings PlarS to ('reet i.1 new the \ValflTc! TiJUL-[ viSIted until. Fricl:lY aftl'l"rWOIl AU CT ION If you are interested in planting a cash crop \which will bring you a E. H. Barl{ley of Fort Collins, rcsiden<:c west £ the bunk in d'ly aftcrno<1Jn. 1Il the 1I,HTY B~urd home, guaran~ed return this fall. communicate im..nediately re..ardinl' the pop~orn Colo., May 14. 1921. Mrs. Bark- Oarroll. The Leonnrd Pospishil family I Mr. and Ml·S. Adolph Baier and plantlnc of OD contract with the - i ~;h~s otr~~~n~~r Miss Magdaline te~a~·n~~df~rsth~';~·u;i~ll~i~t~~~;~fe~e~o~o~~s~. day With relatives ;~I;~~.wc;L~.e~t~n~i.~~~:~~o~~ ~~~ M6-13 AMERICAN POP CORN COMPANY E. ,J. Aujer bou~ht the Charles 01 the;" daughler, Jean, May 17, Mrs AusUn Spah,. "nd eh;ld,,'n H,.rmrm Ikmemann hnme, CATTLE, HOGS. SIOUX CITY, IOWA i Rubeck quater three miles south 1921. calli'd in tb(' C. H. ,Teffrc)' !lome 1'1r. ;md Mrs_ Arthur Florine ;md HORSES, MULES, ~•••••••••••••••• ,of W;lyne fpr $220 an acre. Herbert Honey !lUd Miss Maude FI·iday fore!1loon. Kermit :md Raymo!ld were this Prof. S. Ix. Cross of Wayne. Wjlliarhson of Ca roll, were mar- Mr.•mel :\1rs. Hoy Sp;rhl· ,mel Sllnrl~lY dinner g'U('st:-j in the Otto SHEEP ,,~'ilI gi\-T t*e Sholes high sch90l ried May 10, 1921, at Grand 15- familY spent Thursdly evening in Nel:-JotI home at Wak;cfield. Al ~ddress. I ~ land. Ow J. H. Spahr home. MI·, and Mrs. FJ'

I CotteilllO'n.. ~ent.).I., ~.~c.t. d.~.dO~~~JI.9~.7.·Jl:;it~: , !~~ s~lit Tu~y !lusl, ff said ~la • flI<;4 their . wee\< m ih\; ~d!wiit a\:co t and pelilio/t for iillow- ".. ". J '. a\>ce. ~f ,xpenscs;tHe inlllwill be .. ~~~ 8uJiklaY b,~d ~n ~M l\ccoW\t d petition I '. " .I.. . II in~. ~u,; on:~·. Pil:\und.~ It e 3.1 the, .ounty Cotlrt I .RQo.'l2Is~min' Dr. Sch.. i"f. DOt Cfomf aravan.l. . . ' I: : . ,,\'Va. .ebraska.• qnte. day abnve". WI.'II.. ?e.. !lee.n in front . f the R, L. LarIOlI ell . Q M • '1837. at lq 'eillclt a, In. slore ~n MaIn meet, all ~y ,M. ~l. TI!llJ ,.,, dl..u pe.. ~.in liav Qfitlr.&:hoUs Fc~,,_~-,T.;;,:j- .tIe1" ...... :. lIf' ,~~ ~ II' ,I I' 'I' "

, , T~csday ~'1 given las and Ftid.11,nY I is being moved Ithis week to the A. Lewis, and tulips from ar,ithmet' fefE8spelling.~, bUi,lding fOrmel"tdccuPied by the sonage., ; -; 811 iate B :fienry Fleer cl ing store. he WI' , :t e :', W~,;" !I ad ,tn welcome Attn Loebsack ear ,d Fleer ctore is n...J. .. in the buil lng d M ' or ., "I.... an n,tfS, i, rank Kloptling .h1to 100 meri . I owned by Mrs. Emily Mettlen. churc~ oIl SUtk:Iay, M<.lY 9. Hanse~.,. In arithffiEtC Alice B,. ly -+- . i 'I • ;e~~da~~LWa ~:n~aebler "\'\'1:1 le- Cald oti ~, ti£:,J{;AL, NEWS Fifth J'a jis ahead of tHe Sixlt", h We wish to Iexpress sin re ~ grade in the! Spelling conte}t. thanks to friends and relatives or Mrs.1 L. W. Sund and .Jim The Mth'i sixth, seven hag'd their kindness ~uring our r t Lee s~t frdm Monday till f eighth gIlades; enjoyed a hea bereavement. MrL and Mrs. Ha ry day lar: week with relatives party last FIii,'da y evening., Ai, r Evans and family. Mrs. Mary P p- Oakla~. , the partfl tneats were given' y ;~d ~~~jiya~ilY, !Mrs. A. L. Ev nfi MTStWl Y. ,Most 1e~t Wedne's Miss EuJaliel Bru~ger a~ M 55 for Te a'Jll8h ,where she will G]adys Mrttle~. '! ~ her pa 'entJi, :Mr. llnd Mrs. D Many ~ret~y bouquets we Louise Eva s dinnf'r' gu('>;ts in the Mrs. Ne Nelson; gjrade 6, Cary aJjlet May 12: Mr. rmd!Mrs. Ernest Pi -I.M~iii.liiioiiin••Y_hllomll.e'__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Blanche Seldets. I pitt and f

Over Allen Sunda"y Leave for Virginia.

'Winside bas~?aU -tenm deicat~d Ar~~SSRh~~~b~~s ~o;n~:~mpo~ ;: Allen SUl)day In a game plaYfd StevE' Porter, jr.. ~nd Lem Codfr y there by a SC01!'e of 2 to o. Sund$y of Virginia left WedocsdDY mor _ the 10cDl team p13Ys RandolJPh ling fO,r DanneVilJ,(" Va. All_w 11 hen~. mDkc thf>ir home there. Miss Joh _ -- son WIll be mnrrird the wst of t € Plan Mernarial Day ma"th to Arnold Porter 01 Vi _ I, Exercises For SltndaJg gini., locmed~wimi;le, \' , Rev. H. G. Knaub will give Ute It Is Time To Memorinl ,day ~,lddr~c;s here SUij­ J,p,nge day afterrooon at 2:3" in the Wi ­ C That side park. Othf'r details 0;(\ t e services have not been definitely Immanuel Ref nned Church. planned. (Re\". Chscl. P:lstrJr) Hat Get!y(\ur~elf Service at 9:15. a real Of'\\" fVor~Pr~gresses ,Sunday sehool fit 10:15. straw l),:1t, the latest ere­ atlOn.'4 ',of the sC'a~on. On ~chool Ltiwtt Trinity l ..uthe-ran Churrh. The}" ~l're beautie:-;: t.hey (R('\·. H. G. Kh,lUb, P:lstor) WiljP\.en help everyone Wark is progressing on the No s('n:icec; Sund3Y look W(·I! and w..el dress- scho~l flower bed being dug on the ed I p. :\'P\Y color~. net.w lnwn. This ,is a project being spon­ ~~~~i:C;eoha~a~~a~~'Mur 'findowl German sen·ice at 10:40. Fred IJ 'Blair , Wa)\ne'. Leading ,Clbthier

., ." ,h4 lure '..... ~ ,. replies ~ypic,1 ,f those SAVES • werec~ived ,boat t•• SHARPENING EXPENSE value o~ 1"11011I serv­ ice .n th I.nl ,,.

1'!1 had 36 "-go to lell 8nd deolded to c.l.the hoi JtuYer at toptpr..... g"it:t ....~..,d rn ad ttle deal rlpt tMnl tf ~ baIIw.lud tor 'the ~ ..po., Wayne I 'w••4 .....ot 25 co...... I••••• the "each" I

, I U's Spring and You Need ,Oit .~ ~~ CIiaoged ' tomPJett' Jpbrication ! We'll to Both l~iTheWtJIIfhat T 11 Ought lJ 1I~ OOlre! I, ,.~,I Recomm:ted bYtbe'l, vi,_,cjhue"ro of .... e...... Tires ' ,ilsjde Bat...... , Mabilgas t c:~ fUel ' i IWOh oil P• i Gra_ 'I I' .[i.·I' " 1 1 I i.l.nn

Eloise, dau8hter ot Mr. I ,d Mr,. II er~.! the one under arr~st will with him to show e, youngster W..Gl9.rner of near Wakefi~d, and ndt br ath into the instrurrlent. the that e was no sisgy The bey had Elame Ann. daughter of Mr. and im"ent on can pick up t~ smell all th marbles whe* the two fin- Mrs. Kermit Fork. Iby" us of apu~p. ished playing. ,'_ Re\!'. Fredricksen took the con- I \: ..• * • • •• .. $I , tirmation class to Norrolk r4onday. IRS . &g r B

r;¢.n: bothe. ,.' 1C'nve th(' 13st a May fot' her home aimed Sunday rvknmg at dmn(J'r II luncheon. served at tables attrac-I ¢arrol1 men who went tp ake- St.ot.tsb..1UU Ja~l, furnJS~f'. d th(' 10- \<..• hO... ".''''. l"(, 1:'.\.'.'.. '];)."." \\Tote .00 .liftf'd to thC.PYl"C. cr gu('sts-in thC',to Lin('oln Sun ay to bring' Mrs, : Mrs. C'. H~, Hendrickson nch lrthrlrlv for e1 s the Otto W,;gncrs IorthopedIC' has Itnl nd found her on Httc:tmg~ h:J~ d<'lY in d1strlct i01 . Mr<; R Y Ga woae} and chlldr(ln ,en and Leora ([If Wq,ut}' of a Coleman &eItIDI spent Sunday afte~noon In the W1I- Fl ~nC1S house ~t~dymg veterInary sCIence at the aI The semor trIO, Velma Wll- C~ for ~.t aTTO I ant pe <:I~ to ediate its glistening love­ tlur VanFossen h.qme. f Mrs_·J. \~ Zi· mer \\'ent to Storm' sfme place. c.ame Sunday to sp.cnd Iiams. Bo~mie Re~s. Eunice Wurd~-I theata~ in ~d~~~o~ ~~ t~ei~' or~e~ A Tennessee child, b, who h;]o lin 58 to the wbole room. Supt. Ave.rv Lm.n of Newcastl€', Lake. Iow

dinner m ~~e HansJrogre 'M.oqday last week SuPRer guests a ' turda~ ~... D for a party, lricksen and"the class 0.t nine oon- P1an& tor a Cbi,ldnm'. Y. pro- brLS M.aa~\ t 1>-.o.me., Mrs. C: r· nn Cl.itf.lJO.rd Pa.rker"s, w.alt'"" and Eve-l , ... _. . SrnllUl.dS It'nter Ute dl.Urd., Il'am June 13 are under .. Mrs. sons of Hoskms. were ,ternoo ]ynr" Jensen remained over night I .. N~. hich Iwas oIverno ' ~ wi~ mern- Edwin JODes is an ..me ,~... , and th~ Jensem came to Parker's ltV.l Nei&b i 'Juveniles enteti' rs ahd ~ttors, s~ "on- ill auisted bY Mrs, John ~.. .:..:... M":.:Cr... .and ~rs. ~d. T u~e for 1- '-tbetq Tuesday a d remained, ined.·. the a. ~tjs 'Tuesday evenU:i [9l"d Cbm~an ldief'$" !.dwinc Mn. ·L. E .. .I~ and ~re ~nday dmner gu~st ~t] . for ~er. Ii .. Motbet" ~r party. All chil ~;Eonal, a brief eJCi~ Bichardll. ~"'d JitJis. Ar~oel Trau e1 •a . "d 'Mrs. AI H1!ltz eDt .UlliSted " 'g. The adul'" 'on 0( th~ Ia.. m ~ Bev. KiDg;,f BandoIpb '!If/il\sld.. e. M1SSRutb !,<,bm ewa Ie=..... ell at dlnll$".. day for th Md lhelr m. afterward ~4 bure doctlnne. e cllolr' _ iruIplriJ>&. _p, j;un :lD

r Ir-~"k I ,~;;~'. ;a~~.I_;

'·Ier'Jo1Ia '.s.Jio...... , tllullinma I , 'I,:' .'.1'.. J,.,. • ',:~. '1.'1.'. "c' ,,' n'~~ws aU pJtle .' u a?~ "Mrs. Carl Petersen., Covered otis, wh~ underw~t an o~ra- ~and prect.ded! her in death six 5.0 pense il d ~urpos(>s _.131"70.,0{ ',·"'~i· loc~e? T~a dl~hlunch~nwasserv~d.Thecl;Lib C'eJpts~orUle ·.I,:J':',"1'"'-''''''''11; c,idoors liOn for I1ppendiciti years ago. :Mr. and Mrs. Will 13.1 TO!ALR • I .' " "1 i ~fEit-ence to the· alice. wIll have the annual plcq,ic for the Miss Mae Beck hauer me Wischhof. a nephew of de~ased. Co. fl.s{'al y ar [cndwg 4- \ ; :.; '[ a,teel gadll"t With!1 members ard famil1es in Jure. The home S,tnrday fro W1l\n. and hii,wife, trld Herbert W.i6ch- 8.3 30-37 ... c..' ...:.. BO,I9.7. >~' :" "', "',, /', ': ',: ry open the Dfoh win- c~mmittee in char e is, Mis. Roy wher~ she taught th~ past ye ,. hof, a sbn frdrh Laurel, also .at- This cs 'Q1.~tc adopted Lind a :i.( '" ~1·ll"N ~ IY dow, r , the gadget dll;) n to PIerson, M s. H~rr Kay 'end Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fran Gries ere tended the I services. The Wayne ditorium _ 28.5 Proved thi qth 'day of M,ly, 1937. 'V;l' III the win lever and ~q. goes Albert .An erson. . • inl Randplph Tue$. y ev ': ing folks return.ed home Friday., I Sund. sharpening (SEAL) 'MARTIN L. RINGER, KA LS1r:IFAN the wind and the car Is til )ock-I ;. when the former'$ brother was , -- tUislawn mower __ .__ 1.0 Walter S. Drl:.>ss~cr, !\1:lyor :'·1 ed, The ml gadget !:tas a! f tlingl Northwest Wakefield graduated ftomhig~ school. Have. School Picnic, reon Mask Laboratories, City Clerk' I, ml:ll4 "('. " FeM~re ese ~ t1he govjrnment g~,15 all the cspeciall ade for thiS: In hlca-, (By Mrs. Wallace-Ring) Mr. sncl Mrs. Erviit Doring, rs. District 1~ with ~iss Vivian 30 casters ,------. 30,5 Motion Ll~ made by' JO!IJI.,I'n -aU~lln i Em,'~ '.t·. Believe it. o.~n t, Ihe .best __ t wants wI·thoul ha go so.m.e t the car thlCves hav.c I Mrs Mlller 5 t M d Ret-eeca Sydow and wernertand Sandahl. as fuacher, Will have their . alter S. Bressler, Clerk, and secon ed - by Gailey tho t 11 I' d~' ~rY stores~''W"ash, gton' aiej.fea-6'V the'.. :info mation 0 t to the: c the sam'"! . Ind0 f gadg'1.>t5 O.Jt ut Lydns.,11 pen on ay Mel's. ara me Ra'th ere Su d ay sehi'·00 PiCnIC Ih'IS F'dn ay. I; money advanced 40.0 e't·,·mote b . JOl1ted~ as· read". .."1""--' turihg ca ed tun fjsh. sa~on It is felt that th presentl I is doesn't p~ to keep vah,lab cs In, Leo I Schultz visit d N f lk dinner and supper ests in the J-.. C.' Gildersleeve, W, C. & tion carrie , i e~u.gh tho~gh ~he Pion~c ~' j,lIr';crab at, all- of which' are strict to ivc" Uncle am parked ca ,even are friends over the wee:-end, or 0 Catl Damme home. Havt! Friday. . l P. L. Ins Premo ---...... 69.5 This bci g the time ildvertised to pa:~ked in J. all the i, formatlo he wan~s out locked, , I Ernest'p~ckcr has completed his ~rs. Wayne Marsh a.nd f\!rs. .District 43 Wit~ Mrs. Gilbert ilerHra~ Garage, gas, .. ..a nd Open bids n switchboards the Jol..,. A clerk in one fan y store shakes' how m cl1 rnO y any c 'zen .' work at ass,::soor for the year. Keith Ba.xter of Oma a, ~pent1'fast Mau as teadlCr, had a picnic Fri· labor -.- .. -...... 2.5 lowing lJid. were' opened: . , his. head and says h}dOesn't 'know makes. e~ch year. I Bouts BOXIng, I Preston iTurner was a Sunday week With Mrs. ¥a sh s mather day in the Bressler park in Wayne W. S. Darley & Co., chim· Westingh usc ~leetric Co., Sec. what',the country' ,coming, to ,-- : l . eld Thursday supper' guest of Clarence Wolter and grandmother, Mrs. ~ne to close the ,schOOl year. tvney fuses ------.....---...... 3.2 B, no bid,. c. S, $13,279.00, Alt. S. when he is forced t fe )le' t .... nt..,A;; . Mr.. an.. d r.s'. C. .. Be.n aqd ..) • '~ ()bta was' gl ODS and r;, a d Mrs. Herman _ I I.....• . "a· ""mU5llCn ent Norfolk soo- M.s. Fred Aevermann / .r'~r.n tlnll' . I Pear"e Roe~. went',lj! ,MissEve .•. OW dt comps neXt 'Millb., last Wednesday to ~nesday Stratton wheJ\a 00.. Th...ul'SdQ afternoo.' the . M' Louise Wendt tar·t!lilfr sister) j'drs. Win. W I", ,.::10. . .The.....-.':w.t$1 ..