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1937-05-20.Pdf .\ I a 2 (I 4 4 (I I ~ :JIJ I '.1 I) I :1 0 1 0 .,1 "I 1 "1 "4 0 0 :w ,; 11 27 ]:1 .... :) all h po . 4 0 "I I 0 " I 0 0 "I 0 "0 1'0" I! II "1 (I 1(\ "1 :1 "0 0 ~I '0 I I "II 1 n "I I ° ;\ J :! 0 1 2.1 7 Dau Ilr ~s Rorn. I" r. ;1111 \ ll:d' day. \' aul Frey left F~idCl for L::ms- ThJ coiNa~LY' j 11 rJLAGLEN . )~~iiiiiiiiiii.~iiiiiiiiiliiii"~~" iiiii.iiiii~~.iiiiiiiiiiiiii~aliin Micll~, fimV· 'iii •• ~ ,osition..wher(' l1e h .S <:lcccPltN]I' PflU LORRE :" ; rs. LewIs Kral.i'se sent ::wt'f']'- 41 days ·last week i th(' r~mjl •NANCY STE~LE '~ ¥.c rotz home. I IJ : iss Nettie Behmer f Nor~olk. ~ ~p nt the week-end i the VIm. liS MISSIIIS!' i 1\11" I !pc mer home. I 'wen.> On Stare I I r. and Mrs. Wm. :yrestphJJIC'n Frevert ,}"alt Goodie aoldl His " <If! orfolk, were guests' 1" the Jbhn ay eve­ ~t ~e home Sunday. ,I. Junior Ebony Follies Waltb~ ge home I T. and Mrs. Ohlund I (All Colored), ' 'I -J, e Sunday dinner gulE'lSts in' the T Dancing. Music • C~medy A~ U$t Behmer home. ' I i r and Mrs WIllard F.:letcher LO~aJ yal ey i TIjIUR~DA Y• FRIDAY I ~n family moved into {he .r F (B)! Mrs. Al ert An erson) I I Mat 20-21 1r ft residence Monday 11i=~;;;i==;iiij;liii~~iii:::i:::;:i=::ii=:~:::=~=i::::~~ ;It 1.el1,1the GustHoltorfWe prntstrundse eraJorne dayslnst wf'ck. 1\11'. tmd Mr~. .~car Bo g of Di!XT \\'(',re Tu.csd Y <l ftern on visit... 2Sc Takin~ Tr<>tttments. 1 D~\'id KOf'l 0 Winside. nnn rthur lfcnry Rdthwi "('11 or Cnrroll, 'arc in l:xc¢lsior Sp 'jngs, Mo., tnking ~rcatlll('n1s fo lIwir health., They 'trent Mn~. 7. r. Koch hhf> been dr~~~~~t~o~~cnOil;~Ss.t~~~ri~t~~~~~ ill !rt"turn so ncr. ' THE KNOT·HOL 'Vi.lyn([>, Nebrask'a, M_a.:-Y_I_9_,_19_3_7_,t-:-__+-N--,o~,~6 ' ,I Discrim i n ;l t 1 tJ g The fol1owin,g was [nrmers hu 111(' 61'- lleard at the Norfolk ~Ing:e colo ('d B'tn- llsy~um the other l~h.C~·Y ~l~'>~d ::~(,~l ~~ ~:~~'llO Who are 1(>1'. h<1vC n h'('1 (\1' you?'" !fllstf'ncr. mel the "I'm the superi'n­ paint last!'; two to kndcnt." Voi e over the three tim~, ns lon~. "Oh. well," remark- wire:" adame, your husba d has been N] the nut, "it won't lake them long to run . over a Mary had a new truck,' ; kno('k that out. .of Mad me: " Dod So n~:~I.l~~'il ~i~ht.lso you. I was Napoleon heave s! On t e af­ when I came hcre." ttirnoo of my idge It i ~~~~~ hows a party.' I spcck dirt. We quote 26-in. IBut it sure] docs American fencing at show al'Y. 30e the rod. We al- the Ii.- ,0 lonnyou the fence sts , Lime has mnny stJ'etcher, no charge. plit- llf;CS nbout h(' f'lrm. 1 P'-it up in bngs at --I , 10e, 25c, 5~ ond iOc, Carhart . See s for la ders. 1 Step I dders r ded I under every t e p j ~o:;~,naYdo ~l~~~e~ I, Lllniher from $1.10, , tfu~~i pth~~ 0; ,~r~~~ I I iring us th _ pieces CO. ~nd we'll have; [l PIIONE 147 ~?;u~ 1:: .de in « Wayne. Nebr. "i! II -, ,i i Sta ts ITo a,1 W,th' Grealesl1$avings ~ince:Jall PRICE;';; J AVE BEE' STEADILY ADVANCH'lJG. EARLY. EARLY ENAIlLE TS T FE, A, URE,'~ WHiITE GOOD,S\lALUES THAT ARE .MAHKAB EI TIiIE, A<tE oF1 TODAY'$ MA\RKE'L : ! I i I) Special, Sale of Our PH ow CaS('~ I EACH "'....... " ••• In ..f. ••• tlre .....I~... 16t.!.. t,••ud f •• ".MAI... •I..rpl•• ~". I 16 YR. SH'US ,""" ill :818LEA(tJ~D':. x 99 IN. 94"I' I : 'C Shrets it)eDtil'al! with thest" h.8\·(' T("('("i~{'d the laundn' tf-st th.at is 'equivalellt to ~ix )'f'a"rs' wear, 'Vo\'fln of. ~turd~ C4)t­ ten yams. bt'a8Ufully finished. snowy [whitf'. thf"Y prewnt a s~eet "alue that t'ver)' fOff"Si2"htf"d ho!uSf>wifl' should pur­ i ('ha$e. This s~eet i~ ,an examplf" of the -aim's to bf' had in this' event. Pill w Cases E.~cn ::'~l~'h t.~~II~I~""'~~ "I'''~·f. 'TIl.. "'llnd~ 21 C l'..f01 I:::,-Inj '·11 ..... ( I I anquet IS Held, TuesdaY Evening The junior-senior banquet·of the aync college train~ng school 'was cld Tuesday evening at the Pres­ yterian church. The'senior colors f black and white were carried ut in decorations. o~~~ar~r~~~~~,"Ar~e~:ci~~i~i~~~ tory, Wilma Ka"i; reading, Gerald _ .)i , issna; stunt, Catherine Kirwan, __ ~~s ~~~~::;,a~a~~~n:t~l;~ :;~~~ ThcologlCdll 'j- h 01 Jfl Bostl ampbcll; trio, Leona Hageman, the fd,U HC,~,~ one of ~\1C gr1ldll arhylta Whitmore and Thraha at the c!ul11'gc thlS M,llY, ramly; "Full San.Ahead,",Russell BY ~ ~" 7 P m.1 horlow; stunt, LeRoy Anderson, I Intcrm¢rtlll~~ B Y P U 7 It nl Ivin MQy~r and -Robert Hanson; NOle\en1I1~ IS~tlVI('C'~thl~ Slind '. tory, Robert Hickman: reading, Coll<,'gc b~Ct1<lU~('a C' Sll \ ]( I III dcline Bock; saxopho'ne solo, he colkgc t~ dlto( III ewell Robinson; stunt, J~an Church scr"" ce af~~ 19br, TLIII ~ untemer, QUfntin ,Whitmore and ay, 8 p m j , ohn Kyl: "A'tlvenUlre," Prof. A. , crulliver; solo, Ttlralia Gramly; Chu..dh r C' rist, I" . torj, Russen .rohnson~. rC<.lding, (Rev G B Dtfnnrn ,PdstlJl , I erna Carlson; "RoUgh \'Ilat~rs and Sunday, Ma.¥ 2~: I BlIJJ~ . ;Jlm Sea," Dean H. Ji. H;:lbn; 'Quet, 1(1 a m Sfhutdi\\lth c1 j ,I j oyce Miller and Marilynn Grirfith: r uveryonc , ._ 'tory, HarvC'y Neely; stunt, Arthul' 11 am,! cpmm nwn r t~~p ulllver. Don Strahdln, Bob El'Ck- \ tlllh We WO";f.Cll wJ!! J l' on ,md Harold .Jordan: troth one 1drge I r 010. Marilynn Griffith a!1d "T,3V- Thuc \\ ill e Ina JunlOl CI lihg Companion." Dr. J, T. Ander- \Cdlng thIS \\ elt n. () -t5 p m enlior C 1-: Tu) r The committees in charge were: <lfl:guUld'lnJ fhe! Hom(':j of T,,- I~e<iJ MUlld'~,. roF(ram. Bob Enckson,. Verna . urrowl : r-1J10i1'ed al'lson, Don Str<lhCln, chairmCln, rllS ECd'ing 'itt be dlsml~t'r·r{ "l oycc Miller. Arlene Griffith, 7 aQ In order !ha t ull_mlght h,r\l' hr<J!ia Graml)", Arthur Gulliver, S lrt'tclent ,tJJpC, td go ,to the IJ,IC­ ('raid CIssna, Kenneth PJCrson; c· !dUH'dtL' ~¢r~.cq at tho ('Dllt'gr'. vltation and dccoratiqn. Larhylia l'fl', wllh c! a SCrVl('f..'5- ;It Rpm. hltmorc. Arlene Griffith and Sen'ra] y Ln Rf..'OP!e pl,jfl ttJ <It- arilyn Griffith, t n~ th(>, f(~ld fcl1o~.\'shlP tnt d Miss Enid ConkJyn is sponsor of \\ lch WIllI Ii I pJ~_at Norfolk S"t- t e junior class. u d;ly and'. dn ay. M;11Y 22 ~nd ~J R gl~tratj()n be in;> <It 9:30 ~;rtll1- P e ty d )t mOI'n,iJ.! uq CI~j:-;sc,-; <.11 t· JJ('- eedSOl'OT P I' in nff~"ed,t (k o",",tljre" ',f"""", A re Recorded Here m ,y be atte c b~ ,,~eh ind" ,du- I!"~liiiiilll c untylJropertythe PLlStdeedsweekfiledincludcin WDyncthe ••'."ili.iiI'lii f llowing: Sheriff of Wayne county to l\1u- t~al 'It\ Benefit Life In,u,."n,e Co.. Orr; ,'\jfrr ' ,Phon. G'T~qr'll'~n •. ,5 .j, J A Sar~ ,w:r,.cq T~ a~:.e _ , I: II ,o"::~"~trr:~6C ---------'- tudent Recital Well Attended ,t.,~~~t~ qu=t~- 1 ;' lIe " To; aloe; - \ ~\ l' Y f~q'd :olli,d '~J<lt'k tn­ I hllo l',]d;~d in fa' ,2,11: call.';' F :I,j ;',25e (HURCHES orRJJ~J~~~~- Episropal Church. "1~ f;:~~>" (Rev. L. W. Gramly, Pastor) iC ,,1I' ervie(' Sunday, May 23, 11"i!. m'l k 4-e ,t 213 west 7th street. 'I Presbyterian Church. a:~~i ~:;:t{-d-- ~Rb\'. W. F. QlCrking, Mmister) , Moming service at 11. Birth Jl co d. 1 <fhUl'Ch school at 10. Sp ~tti A ddughter was orn t 1\11". nnd I hristian Endea\'or at 6:30. The fines \ c; C~ll1JoY Mrs. Walter Ha sen who live I southwest of Wayn , Sun ay, MClY Salem Church. e 15. (Rev. A. Hofcr:-cr, Pastod For:T-cl~-i---- Jl5 A son wos born 0 Mr. and Mrs. Resigns Precept),.e$s. ~a~ ~~~~~S~~~~~e~Oi Irwin Auker of ortlh d, Ol'c., Mrs, Ilda Hoi 0$ who served 1. ~t~a" Monday, ~ay 17. T 1e Au crs havc as preccptrcss ; t N(,lh,jr~t hall for adles' .t\id meets June lrie' --,' ~nother son and a daug tel'. sc\,crt.lIl years. h,IS resigned and MI" Henry Frevert. ,I• A dclUghtcr 'W<iS born Tuetd<iY, v.'ill dliscpntmu¢ !ler \vork at the Sl usual' w Wi~ Ita\ the May II, to Mr.
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    City of Atlantis The City News 260 Orange Tree Drive Atlantis, FL 33462 www.atlantisfl.gov December 2020 THE MAYOR’S CORNER Mayor’s Corner 1 Dear Residents, City News 2 Police Department 3, 4 It is the last month of the year 2020 and smiles to children who are not as fortu- I, like most of you I’m sure, have had nate as many of our residents!! Code Compliance 5 enough and look forward with continued With December comes shorter days. In Community Activities hopes to 2021. Please accept my months past I have reminded our driv- 11 warmest wishes for a happy and safe ers to be careful and considerate to all Holiday Season. who walk our streets. It is now time to Regular Council The City is holding its annual Golf Cart remind those walkers to be prepared Parade on Monday, December 7 at and provide some illumination and re- Meeting 7:00. Viewing will be from streetside in flectivity. Please be aware that you are December 16 your respective driveways/yards. difficult to see when between lampposts 7 pm. Please come out and see the parade. and do your part to keep our City safe! Support those who have taken time to Last month I mentioned that the City Holiday Homes spread holiday cheer. The annual Holi- Council has embarked upon develop- day Home Decorating Contest returns ment of a Strategic Plan. Keep your and as well. Judging for the contest will be eyes peeled for information coming out held on December 6. Registration infor- via mail, City website, City Facebook Golf Cart mation can be found on the City’s web- page, or whatever method we can find.
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