.\ I a 2 (I 4 4 (I I ~ :JIJ I '.1 I) I :1 0 1 0 .,1 "I 1 "1 "4 0 0 :w ,; 11 27 ]:1 .... :) all h po . 4 0 "I I 0 " I 0 0 "I 0 "0 1'0" I! II "1 (I 1(\ "1 :1 "0 0 ~I '0 I I "II 1 n "I I ° ;\ J :! 0 1 2.1 7 Dau Ilr ~s Rorn. I" r. ;1111 \ ll:d' day. \' aul Frey left F~idCl for L::ms- ThJ coiNa~LY' j 11 rJLAGLEN . )~~iiiiiiiiiii.~iiiiiiiiiliiii"~~" iiiii.iiiii~~.iiiiiiiiiiiiii~aliin Micll~, fimV· 'iii •• ~ ,osition..wher(' l1e h .S <:lcccPltN]I' PflU LORRE :" ; rs. LewIs Kral.i'se sent ::wt'f']'- 41 days ·last week i th(' r~mjl •NANCY STE~LE '~ ¥.c rotz home. I IJ : iss Nettie Behmer f Nor~olk. ~ ~p nt the week-end i the VIm. liS MISSIIIS!' i 1\11" I !pc mer home. I 'wen.> On Stare I I r. and Mrs. Wm. :yrestphJJIC'n Frevert ,}"alt Goodie aoldl His " <If! orfolk, were guests' 1" the Jbhn ay eve­ ~t ~e home Sunday. ,I. Junior Ebony Follies Waltb~ ge home I T. and Mrs. Ohlund I (All Colored), ' 'I -J, e Sunday dinner gulE'lSts in' the T Dancing. Music • C~medy A~ U$t Behmer home. ' I i r and Mrs WIllard F.:letcher LO~aJ yal ey i TIjIUR~DA Y• FRIDAY I ~n family moved into {he .r F (B)! Mrs. Al ert An erson) I I Mat 20-21 1r ft residence Monday 11i=~;;;i==;iiij;liii~~iii:::i:::;:i=::ii=:~:::=~=i::::~~ ;It 1.el1,1the GustHoltorfWe prntstrundse eraJorne dayslnst wf'ck. 1\11'. tmd Mr~. .~car Bo g of Di!XT \\'(',re Tu.csd Y <l ftern on visit... 2Sc Takin~ Tr<>tttments. 1 D~\'id KOf'l 0 Winside. nnn rthur lfcnry Rdthwi "('11 or Cnrroll, 'arc in l:xc¢lsior Sp 'jngs, Mo., tnking ~rcatlll('n1s fo lIwir health., They 'trent Mn~. 7. r. Koch hhf> been dr~~~~~t~o~~cnOil;~Ss.t~~~ri~t~~~~~ ill !rt"turn so ncr. ' THE KNOT·HOL 'Vi.lyn([>, Nebrask'a, M_a.:-Y_I_9_,_19_3_7_,t-:-__+-N--,o~,~6 ' ,I Discrim i n ;l t 1 tJ g The fol1owin,g was [nrmers hu 111(' 61'- lleard at the Norfolk ~Ing:e colo ('d B'tn- llsy~um the other l~h.C~·Y ~l~'>~d ::~(,~l ~~ ~:~~'llO Who are 1(>1'. h<1vC n h'('1 (\1' you?'" !fllstf'ncr. mel the "I'm the superi'n­ paint last!'; two to kndcnt." Voi e over the three tim~, ns lon~. "Oh. well," remark- wire:" adame, your husba d has been N] the nut, "it won't lake them long to run . over a Mary had a new truck,' ; kno('k that out. .of Mad me: " Dod So n~:~I.l~~'il ~i~ht.lso you. I was Napoleon heave s! On t e af­ when I came hcre." ttirnoo of my idge It i ~~~~~ hows a party.' I spcck dirt. We quote 26-in. IBut it sure] docs American fencing at show al'Y. 30e the rod. We al- the Ii.- ,0 lonnyou the fence sts , Lime has mnny stJ'etcher, no charge. plit- llf;CS nbout h(' f'lrm. 1 P'-it up in bngs at --I , 10e, 25c, 5~ ond iOc, Carhart . See s for la ders. 1 Step I dders r ded I under every t e p j ~o:;~,naYdo ~l~~~e~ I, Lllniher from $1.10, , tfu~~i pth~~ 0; ,~r~~~ I I iring us th _ pieces CO. ~nd we'll have; [l PIIONE 147 ~?;u~ 1:: .de in « Wayne. Nebr. "i! II -, ,i i Sta ts ITo a,1 W,th' Grealesl1$avings ~ince:Jall PRICE;';; J AVE BEE' STEADILY ADVANCH'lJG. EARLY. EARLY ENAIlLE TS T FE, A, URE,'~ WHiITE GOOD,S\lALUES THAT ARE .MAHKAB EI TIiIE, A<tE oF1 TODAY'$ MA\RKE'L : ! I i I) Special, Sale of Our PH ow CaS('~ I EACH "'....... " ••• In ..f. ••• tlre .....I~... 16t.!.. t,••ud f •• ".MAI... •I..rpl•• ~". I 16 YR. SH'US ,""" ill :818LEA(tJ~D':. x 99 IN. 94"I' I : 'C Shrets it)eDtil'al! with thest" h.8\·(' T("('("i~{'d the laundn' tf-st th.at is 'equivalellt to ~ix )'f'a"rs' wear, 'Vo\'fln of. ~turd~ C4)t­ ten yams. bt'a8Ufully finished. snowy [whitf'. thf"Y prewnt a s~eet "alue that t'ver)' fOff"Si2"htf"d ho!uSf>wifl' should pur­ i ('ha$e. This s~eet i~ ,an examplf" of the -aim's to bf' had in this' event. Pill w Cases E.~cn ::'~l~'h t.~~II~I~""'~~ "I'''~·f. 'TIl.. "'llnd~ 21 C l'..f01 I:::,-Inj '·11 ..... ( I I anquet IS Held, TuesdaY Evening The junior-senior banquet·of the aync college train~ng school 'was cld Tuesday evening at the Pres­ yterian church. The'senior colors f black and white were carried ut in decorations. o~~~ar~r~~~~~,"Ar~e~:ci~~i~i~~~ tory, Wilma Ka"i; reading, Gerald _ .)i , issna; stunt, Catherine Kirwan, __ ~~s ~~~~::;,a~a~~~n:t~l;~ :;~~~ ThcologlCdll 'j- h 01 Jfl Bostl ampbcll; trio, Leona Hageman, the fd,U HC,~,~ one of ~\1C gr1ldll arhylta Whitmore and Thraha at the c!ul11'gc thlS M,llY, ramly; "Full San.Ahead,",Russell BY ~ ~" 7 P m.1 horlow; stunt, LeRoy Anderson, I Intcrm¢rtlll~~ B Y P U 7 It nl Ivin MQy~r and -Robert Hanson; NOle\en1I1~ IS~tlVI('C'~thl~ Slind '. tory, Robert Hickman: reading, Coll<,'gc b~Ct1<lU~('a C' Sll \ ]( I III dcline Bock; saxopho'ne solo, he colkgc t~ dlto( III ewell Robinson; stunt, J~an Church scr"" ce af~~ 19br, TLIII ~ untemer, QUfntin ,Whitmore and ay, 8 p m j , ohn Kyl: "A'tlvenUlre," Prof. A. , crulliver; solo, Ttlralia Gramly; Chu..dh r C' rist, I" . torj, Russen .rohnson~. rC<.lding, (Rev G B Dtfnnrn ,PdstlJl , I erna Carlson; "RoUgh \'Ilat~rs and Sunday, Ma.¥ 2~: I BlIJJ~ . ;Jlm Sea," Dean H. Ji. H;:lbn; 'Quet, 1(1 a m Sfhutdi\\lth c1 j ,I j oyce Miller and Marilynn Grirfith: r uveryonc , ._ 'tory, HarvC'y Neely; stunt, Arthul' 11 am,! cpmm nwn r t~~p ulllver. Don Strahdln, Bob El'Ck- \ tlllh We WO";f.Cll wJ!! J l' on ,md Harold .Jordan: troth one 1drge I r 010. Marilynn Griffith a!1d "T,3V- Thuc \\ ill e Ina JunlOl CI lihg Companion." Dr. J, T. Ander- \Cdlng thIS \\ elt n. () -t5 p m enlior C 1-: Tu) r The committees in charge were: <lfl:guUld'lnJ fhe! Hom(':j of T,,- I~e<iJ MUlld'~,. roF(ram. Bob Enckson,. Verna . urrowl : r-1J10i1'ed al'lson, Don Str<lhCln, chairmCln, rllS ECd'ing 'itt be dlsml~t'r·r{ "l oycc Miller. Arlene Griffith, 7 aQ In order !ha t ull_mlght h,r\l' hr<J!ia Graml)", Arthur Gulliver, S lrt'tclent ,tJJpC, td go ,to the IJ,IC­ ('raid CIssna, Kenneth PJCrson; c· !dUH'dtL' ~¢r~.cq at tho ('Dllt'gr'. vltation and dccoratiqn. Larhylia l'fl', wllh c! a SCrVl('f..'5- ;It Rpm. hltmorc. Arlene Griffith and Sen'ra] y Ln Rf..'OP!e pl,jfl ttJ <It- arilyn Griffith, t n~ th(>, f(~ld fcl1o~.\'shlP tnt d Miss Enid ConkJyn is sponsor of \\ lch WIllI Ii I pJ~_at Norfolk S"t- t e junior class. u d;ly and'. dn ay. M;11Y 22 ~nd ~J R gl~tratj()n be in;> <It 9:30 ~;rtll1- P e ty d )t mOI'n,iJ.! uq CI~j:-;sc,-; <.11 t· JJ('- eedSOl'OT P I' in nff~"ed,t (k o",",tljre" ',f"""", A re Recorded Here m ,y be atte c b~ ,,~eh ind" ,du- I!"~liiiiilll c untylJropertythe PLlStdeedsweekfiledincludcin WDyncthe ••'."ili.iiI'lii f llowing: Sheriff of Wayne county to l\1u- t~al 'It\ Benefit Life In,u,."n,e Co.. Orr; ,'\jfrr ' ,Phon. G'T~qr'll'~n •. ,5 .j, J A Sar~ ,w:r,.cq T~ a~:.e _ , I: II ,o"::~"~trr:~6C ---------'- tudent Recital Well Attended ,t.,~~~t~ qu=t~- 1 ;' lIe " To; aloe; - \ ~\ l' Y f~q'd :olli,d '~J<lt'k tn­ I hllo l',]d;~d in fa' ,2,11: call.';' F :I,j ;',25e (HURCHES orRJJ~J~~~~- Episropal Church. "1~ f;:~~>" (Rev. L. W. Gramly, Pastor) iC ,,1I' ervie(' Sunday, May 23, 11"i!. m'l k 4-e ,t 213 west 7th street. 'I Presbyterian Church. a:~~i ~:;:t{-d-- ~Rb\'. W. F. QlCrking, Mmister) , Moming service at 11. Birth Jl co d. 1 <fhUl'Ch school at 10. Sp ~tti A ddughter was orn t 1\11". nnd I hristian Endea\'or at 6:30. The fines \ c; C~ll1JoY Mrs. Walter Ha sen who live I southwest of Wayn , Sun ay, MClY Salem Church. e 15. (Rev. A. Hofcr:-cr, Pastod For:T-cl~-i---- Jl5 A son wos born 0 Mr. and Mrs. Resigns Precept),.e$s. ~a~ ~~~~~S~~~~~e~Oi Irwin Auker of ortlh d, Ol'c., Mrs, Ilda Hoi 0$ who served 1. ~t~a" Monday, ~ay 17. T 1e Au crs havc as preccptrcss ; t N(,lh,jr~t hall for adles' .t\id meets June lrie' --,' ~nother son and a daug tel'. sc\,crt.lIl years. h,IS resigned and MI" Henry Frevert. ,I• A dclUghtcr 'W<iS born Tuetd<iY, v.'ill dliscpntmu¢ !ler \vork at the Sl usual' w Wi~ Ita\ the May II, to Mr.
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