Custodian of Diptera, U. S. h’arional Museum

No. 1719. -From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. 37, pages 499-647

Published August 4, 1910


Government Printing Office


. By D. 11.’ COQLTILLETT, Custodiun qf Diptera, T;. S. AT~tional Jfuseum.

The great importance of knowing definitely what species is the type of an>- given is now recognized b_y practically erery worker in the field of biolog-. For several -ears past the writer has been engaged in ascertaining the types of the genera of Diptera reported as occurring in North and .Middle America, and the present paper gives the results of these labors. The rules adopted by the Interna- tional Zoolcgical Congress, as amended at the 1907 (Boston) meeting and the later decisions, published in Science for October 29, 1909, have been followed in all cases. The foliowing rules or articles more especially concern us in the present work: Article 2. “The scientific designat,ion of is uninominal for subgenera and all higher groups.” A genus or subgenus, to which no species was originally referred by name, dates from its earliest published description or figure. Article 3 specifies t.hat the scientific names of animals must be in Latin or, at least, must he latinized. This excludes certain works where only French or other vernacular names are employed, such as Dumhrils’ Exposition dune’ M&hode Natureile, published in 1SOZ; his Consid&ations Gkn&ales, 1823; Schinzs’ Das Thierreich, 1823, and Latreilles’ Familles Naturelles dn Rt?gne , 18%. Article 19. “The original orthography of a name is to be preserved unless an *error of transcription, a Zn~sz~scaZami, or a typographical error is evident.” The so-called emended names are to be regarded only as tilisspelled names, and as such have no permanent place in the nomenclature. Article 25. The well known law of priority. This article holds, among other things, that a new generic name unaccompanied by either 1 a description or a figure is valid if the name of one or more described species is mentioned as pertaining to it.

PROCEEDINQS U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM, VOL. 37-No. 1719. 499 , 500 PROCEEDISGS OF THE SdTIONAL 3fUBEUJl. VOL. 37. Article 26. Zoological nomenclature began with the year 1758. Article 27. 6The‘ law of priority obtains, and consequently the oldest available name is to be retained.” It further asserts that a name, whether generic, subgeneric, or specific, founded on any part of an animal, or of any of its early stages, is valid. article 30. The type of any polytypical genus is that one of the original species first designated as such type. 3u exception occurs in those cases where the genus originally contained only two species, neither of which had been designated the type by the founder of the genus, nor by any subsequent writer, andan author later takes one of these species as the type of a second genus, he thereby definitely makes the remaining species the type of the old genus. Article 34. “A generic name is to be rejected as a homonym when it has previously been used for some other genus of animals.” Unless the two names are identical, letter for letter, they are not homonyms. The following list contains all of the genera of Diptera known to the writer as having been reported from North and Middle America up to January 1, 1909, together with their type-species and synonymy. A few genera, such as those to which no species has ever been assigned, and some others, founded on foreign species, are omitted in this list; but as nearly all in this class are synonyms of older generic names their omission in no way affects the status of the valid names adopted in the present list. In the cases of those neglected, polytypical genera whose types have not heretofore been designated, and which contain among their original species one belonging to an older genus, such a species has been selected as the type, thus, as far as possible, sinking this class of names into the synonymy. In this way, fewer changes have resulted among the current names than would have been the case had the opposite course been pursued. In selecting the types of polytypical genera now in current use, it has been my constant aim to select such a species as would result in the maintenance of the present status of the genus. The recommendations appended to Article 30 of the International Code, as amended at the 19Oi’ (Boston) meeting of the International Zoological congress, have been essentially followed. The synonymy of the European species and, in most cases, the limits of the genera, are those given in the monumental Katalog der Palaarktischen Dipteren, by Kertesz, Bezzi, Stein, and Becker, a most admirable work, in four octave volumes. Some idea of the magni- tude of the labors of its authors in unraveling and recording the greatly involved synonymy may be gleaned from a few facts relating to a single species, I;zcii&~c vzclgapi,~ Fallen. This species has been redescribed and renamed no less than two-hundred and $fty-sewn t&cwss/ On this one species alone Robineau-Desvoidy established the HO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIESOFdVERICASDIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 501 almost incredible number of two-hundred and forty-five new species (so-called), which he distributed into five (imaginary) new genera,! And this is only one sample from among the man? cases.a In one instance I have differed with the authors of the Katalog in the generic assignment of one species, Y&W& cr.Z~Xj%~~cisDe Geer, which these authors place in the genus Cor&m, but which there is every reason for believing belongs to the preceding genus, XxliZonyx. The breeding of this and related species by Meinert, his reference of the present species to ~ocFLZonyx,and the confirmation of such reference by van Riider are set forth in my article in the Canadian Entomologist for July, 1903. I recent13 wrote to Dr. J. C. H. de Meijere, the leading dipterologist of Holland, for an expression of his opinion on the subject, and under date of September 28, 1908, he wrote me, entirely corroborating this reference, saying, “As to Corethra c2&2~%r7~~& De Geer, it is my opinion that Meinert has demonstrated with certainty that this gna.t is a ~~ochZon.yx.” The reference of this species in the Katalog is therefore clearly erroneous. In most cases subgeneric names hare been thrown into the synonymy. In the accompanying list, the writer has personally examined the original references with the exception of a small number, the data of which were obtained at second hand, such genera being indicated by an asterisk (*). The references in regard to the genera founded by Clark in his Essay on Bots (1815) were kindly communicated to me by Mr. E. E. Au&en, of the British Museum, while those from Bertholds’ Natiirliche Familien des Thierreichs (1827) were furnished to me by Mr. E. T. Cresson, jr,, of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and to both of these gentlemen my thanks are due. Names of genera which are considered valid by the best authorities are printed in black-face type, but several of those so indicated are to be considered as such only from want of authoritative knowledge on the subject. Sy nonyms and homonyms are printed in italics.* Although the preparation of this paper has extended over many years, and every opportunity has been taken to ascertain the earliest - founding of each genus and the first designation of a type-species for the polytypical genera, still it is possible, or even probable, that some earlier records have been overlooked, and the writer will be under obligations to anybody informing him of such previous records.

aThe Catalog appears to be very complete, except that it omits most of the genera of the Anthomyiidze and Acalyptera founded by Lioy in the Atti Instituto Veneto, eer. 3, vol. 9, 1863 and 1864. The greater number of the genera founded by Meigen in his Nouvelle Classification des Mouches b deux ailes (Diptera L.), 1500, are also omitted; there is a reprint of this paper, with comments and synonymy, by Mr. Friedrich Hendel in the Verb. k. k. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 58, pages 43 to 69, 1908, which I have made use of in the present paper. b The generic names are arranged alphabetically, for easy reference. An index to the species is appended to this paper. 502 PROCEEDI3-GS OF THE A-_1TIOT_IL XL-SEC_U. VOL. 27. -___ Ablabesmyia J~H_~SSSES,Bull. 86, s. k.’ state PIUS., p. 125, 1905. 24 species. Type, T+lu mon$isLISSXE~S, the sixth species, by present designation. Ablautus Loan-, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., rol. 10, p. 37, lS66. 1 species. Type, &lautus trijarizrs LOEW. Acanthina JTIEDE~L_~NS, AUSS. Zyeifl. Ins., vol. 2, p_ 50, 1530. 3 species. Type, C,!&llarin elo?lgataWIEDEJIASX, the third species,by designationof BRAVER,Denkschr. &is. dkad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 41, 1582, p_ 86. Xot Bca~hinn FISXER, X306. Equals Artemita M~d%~~~~,1854. i~cc&iinomyin HCNTER, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 27, p. 129, 1900. Change of name for ilca,ilhina WIE~E>~~~S, 1830, not of FISCHER, 1806. Type, Clitellaria elongata WIEDEM.IANX. Equals Artemita W~LGER, lS51. Acanthocnema BECKER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 39, p_ 136, 1894. 3 species. Type, Cordllura niyimana Z~ERSTEDT, by originai designation. Acanthomera WIEDEMAXX, Dipt. Exot., p. 60, 1521. 1 species. Type, Acanthomera picta WIEDEXaXX. Equals Pantophthalmus THUSBSRG, 1819. Acaulona WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 4, April, 1588. 1 species. Type, Acaulona costata Wow. Syn., Euacauiona TOWNSEND, 190s; Ewmogenia TOWNSEZTD,190s. Acemya DESVOIDT,Essai >lyod., p. 202, 1830. 1 species (as 3). Type, Tachinu aczrticornis MEIGEN. Syn., Agculocera MUQUART, 1855. Achaztomus COQUILLETT,Can. Ent., vol. 39, p_ 75, *March, 1907. 1 species. Type, Achatomus pilosus COQUILLETT. Ach~toneura BR~UER and BERGENSTMM, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Tiien,’ vol. 5S, p_ 333, lS91. 5 species. Type Ma-sicerafrenchii WILLISTOS, the first species (as hesperus, new species), by present designation. Equals Frontina MEIGEN, 1838. Achalcus LOEW, Reue’ Beitr., vol. 5, p. 30, lS5i. 2 species. Type, Porphyrops flavicoUis M EIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Acicephala COQUILLETT,Journ. PI.’ Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 6, p. 163, 1898. 2 species. Type, Acicephala polita COQUILLETT,the first species, by original designation. Acidia DESVOIDP,Essai Myod., p. 720, 1830. 2 species. Type, Tephriiis cognata WIEDEUXN, the second species, by designation of RONDANI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 2, 1870, p. 10. Syn., Euleiu WALKER, lS36; E~~idesmia ROXDAXI, 1856; Myoleja RONDANI, 1856; Prionimera ROND_~NI,1861; Philophylla RONDANI, 1870. _ Acidigona LOEW, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 285, 1873. 1 species. Type, Trypeta melanura LoE~. Aciura DES~OIDY, I%sai Xyod., p. 773, 1830. 2 species. Type, Bciurcl. femora% DES\-• IDP,the first species,by designation of P*OSD_IXI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr.,vol. 1, 1856, p. 113. . Acnemia WIS~ERTZ, Terh.’ Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien; l-01. 13, p. 79S, 1863. 3 species. Type, L&t nitidicollis MEIGEN, the first species, by designation of JOHANSSES in Wytsmans’ Gen. Ins., Dipt., Xlycet., 1909, p. 63. Acontistoptera BRVES,-Amer. Nat., voi. 36, p. 373, May, 1902. 1 species. Type, Acontistoptera melanderi BRIX~. Acreotrichus MACQU~RT, Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 4, p. 121, 1850. 2 species. Type, Acreotrichus gibbicornisX~CQIIART, the first species, by present designation. Acrocera BEIGES, Illigers’ Xag., vol. 2, p. 266, 1803. 1 species. Type, 6Syrphu.s globulus P.~PIZER.’ Syn., Paracrocera MIs, 1856. Acrochazta WIEDEMMN, Auss. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 42, 1830. 1 species. Type, Acrochxtafasciata WIEDEMSNN. dcrochofidia KOLENATI, 1Vien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 1, p. 62, 1857. 2 species. Type, Acrocholidia bechsteinii KOLESATI, the first species, by present designation. Equals Nycteribia L~TREILLE, 1796. Acrochordonodes BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1878, p. 97, 1878. 1 species. Type, Acrochordonodes 2ittatus BIGOT. Equals Senogaster MACQU~RT,1834. so. 1719.’ TZ-PE-SPECIES OF _KUERIC_4~~ DIPTERI-COQCILLETT. 503

_-~c~-og!ossaWILLISTOS, in Scudders’ Butt. N. Engl., vol. 3; p. 1916, lS89. 1 species_ Type, d~&ossn hesperidtrrum \yILLISTOS. Equals Spallanzania &W~OIDY, 1836. Acrometopia SCHISER, Kien. Ent. Nonatschr., vol. 6, p. 434: 1862. Change of name for &yrkirw NZIGES as erroneous!y identified by ZETTERSTEDT. 2 species. Type, &yrhl:na wcctlilbergi ZETTE~STEDT, the first species, by original designation af Z~TEP.- STEDT. Acrometopia LIOT, _%tti Inst. Yeneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1088, 1864. 1 species. Type, Sepsis cornuta MEIGES. Equals Sepsis F-ALLEN, 1810. Acromyia LATREXLLE, Gen. Crust. et Ins., ~01. 4, p. 305, 1809. 1 species. Type, Asilus muscarius F_~BRICILX (as Acromyia asilijormis. In the article entitled :‘ Hybos,” in the Now-. Diet. Hist. Sat., 2d ed., lSlS, Latreille wrote that he had received from Bonelli a specimen of this genus under the generic name of Acromya). Svn., Syneches WALKER, 1552; Pterospilus ROSDASI, 1556. Acronacantha WULP, Biol. Centr.-_imer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 2-13, 1891. 1 species. Type, Acronacanfha nubilipennis WIJLP. Acronarista TO~XESD, Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 85, 190s. 1 species. Type, Bcronaristu miratiiis TO~YSSEXD. Acrosticta Loon-, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 11, p. 293, 1865. 2 species. Type, Acrosticta scrobiculata LOEV-, the first species, by present designation. Acrokenia Loan-, Jlono,or. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 271, 1873. 2 species. Type, Trypeta testudinea LOEK, the first species, by present designation. Acrotoxa LOEQ-, Xonogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 22i,18i3. 11 species. Type, Dacus fraterculus WIEDEXISN, the second species, by designation of BEZZI, Boll. Lab. 2001. Portici, vol. 3, p. 2b0, 1909. Equals Anastrepha SCHISER, 186% Actia DESGOIDY, Essai Jlyod., p. S5, 1830. 1 species (as two new ones). Type, Actia cingulata DESVOIDY. Syn., Osmza DESVOIDT, lS30; Thryptocera MACQUART, 1534; E&a DEWO:~Y, 1850; Herb&a DESVOIDY, 1851; leritaa’ DESTOIDP, 1863; Gym- nophtalma LIOT, 1861; Gymnopareia BRAIJER and BERGESSTAU~I~ 1889. Actina MEIGES, Klass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., p. 116, 1SO-l. 3 species. Type, Actina chalybea MEIGEX (as Beris nitens MEIGEN), the first species, by designation of RON- D.%NI, Arch. Zool., vol. 3, lS65, p. 87. dctinoptera RONDASI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., rol. 3, p. 161, 1871. 3 species. Type, Trypeta atiaa BCEroEs,the second species,by present designation. Equals Trupanea SCEIR_4SK, li95. Actora NEIGES, Eyst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 5, p. 403, 1826. 1 species. Type, d&Of& XStUUnL JlEKCES. Equals Helcomyza CURTIS, 182.5. 9deiirtia COST_~, 11 Giamb. Vito, vol. 2, p. 447, lS57.* 1 species. Type. Ade- linia italica COSTI. Equals Asindulum LATREILLE, 1805. Adenia DESVOIDY, Hist. Sat. Dipt., vol. 1. p. 1041, 1863. 1 species (as 10). Type, Tachina simulans MEIGES. Equals Exorista NEIGES, 1503. A&a DESVOIDY, Essai Jlyod., p. 558, 1830. 1 species. Type, A&cc oralis DES- TOIDY. Equals Pegomya DEXXOIDT, 1830. Adiplosis FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. Xi. T., p. 405, 1908. 1 species. Type, Ceci- dornyia tozicoden,dri FELT. _4clnlofitia BR_%~ERand BERGEEST.UU, Denkschr. &is. dkad. Wies. Wien, vol. 56, p. 104, 18S9. 1 species. Type, Degeeria amicn hlEIGEN (as podomyia, new species). Equals Hyperecteina SCHKSER, lS61. Adoxomyia KERTESZ, dnn. Mus. Sat. Hungarica, vol. 5, p. 499, 1907. l;ew name for Clitellaria SCHINER, not of hleigen. 2 species. Type, Clitellaria dahlii 31EIGEX, the first species, by designation of BEZZI, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 17, p. 73, 190s. IEcothea HALIDIY, Ann. Kat. Hist., ~01. 2, p. lS7, Xorember, lS3S. 1 species. Type, Heleomyza fenestrrttis F.~LLEN. Aedeomyia TIIEOBILD, Journ. Troy. Med., vol. 4, p. 235, July 15,190l. Ko species. In Monogr. Culic., vol. 2, p. 219, Nov. 23, 1901, 1 species. Type, Blcles squamipemw ARRIBALZ4GA. 504 PROCEEDISGS OF THE SdTI0Xd.L XCSEL-;V. VOL. 37.

ABdes \\7~~~~~~~~, in M&ens’ Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., VG~. 1, p. 13, 1818. 1 species. Type, AZ&s cinereusWIEDEMASN. Bnigmatias MEINERT, Ent. Medd., vol. 2, p. 313, 1890. 1 species. Type, LQigmatias blattoides NEIXERT. Agatachys BEIGES, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 343, 1830. l ,species. Type, Tachydromia celeripes MEXGEN. Syn., Slilpon LOEFC.’ 1859. Agathomyia VERRALL, Brit. , vol. 8, p. 30, 1901. 2 species. Type, CaZZomyza arLtenna/a ZETTEI;STEDT,the first species, by present designation. Agathon RIDER, Wien. Ent. Z&t., vol. 9, p. 230, 1890. 1 species. Type, Agathon elegantula RBDER. Equals Bibiocephala OSTENS_\CGEN, 1874. Agculocera MACQUART, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1855, p. 24, 1855. 1 species. Type, Tachina acuticornis MEIC~EN(as nigra, new species). Equals Acemya DES- VOIDY, 1830. Agelcrnius ROND~NI, Arch. Zool., vol. 3, p. i9, 1864. 2 species. Type, Agelanius m&&anus RONDANI, the first species, by present designatioq. Equals Tabanus LINNXS,’ 1758. , Agnotomyiu WILLISTON, Ent. Amer., vol. 2, p. 196, 1886. 1 species. Type, Stygia elongata Sal-. Equals Dialysis W_~LKER,1850. Agria DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 376, 1830. 1 species (as 6). Type, Nuscu afin FALLEN. Equals Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826. dyrobia LIOT, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p_ 1313, 1864. 1 species. Type, Agromyzn pectinata MEIGES. Equals Agmmyza FALLEX, 1810. Agromyza FALLEN, Spec. Eut. Meth. Esh., p. 21, 1810. No species. In his Agromyzides Sveciae,pp. 3 to i, 1823, 14 species (1 as a variety). Type, Agvomyza ambigua FALLEN (described as a variety of the first species), by designation of WEST~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., p. 151, 1840 (as nigri$es MEIGEN). Syn., Phytobiu LIOY, 1864; PhyllophiZa LIOY, 1864; Agrobia LIOY, 1864; Redia LIOY, 1864; Agrophita LIOP, 1564; Anisonezm LIOT, 1864. Agrr?phiZa LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1314, 1864. 4 species. Type, Agromysu exilis MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Asomyza FALLEN, 1810. Akronia HINE, Ohio Nat., vol. 1, p_ 113, 1901. 1 species. Type, Akronia frontosa HINE. Alns-ionROKDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 2, p. 14,1857. Change of name for Apogon RONDANI, 1856, preoccupied. Type, Ceratopogon _Aavipes MEIGEN. Equals Helea MEIGEN, 1800. Albinia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod.. p. 209, 1830. 1 species. Type, Albinia buccalis DESVOIDP. Equals Macquartia DESVOIDY,1830. Alcephagus GIX~~ERTHAL,Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 6, p. 152, 1845. Change of name for Ornithobia MEIGEN, 1830, on the ground that the latter name is not appropriate. Type, Pediculus cer-uiLINSEUS. Equals Lipoptena XITZSCH, 1518. Aldrichia COQUILL~~, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 21, p. 93, 1894. 1 species. Type, Aldrichia ehrmanni COQUILLE?T. Alina DESVOIDY,’ Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 639, 1863. 3 species (as 4). Type, Alina pratensis DES~OIDY, the second species, by present designation, Equals Morellia DES~OIDT, 1830. Allocotus LoE~, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 16, p. 258, 1872. 1 species. Type, Ah- cotus edward.sii LOEW. Not AZZocotusMAYR, 1864. Equals Paracosmus OSTENSACKEN, 1877. Allodia WINNERTZ, Verh. Zool.-Sot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 826, 1863. 5 species. Type, Xycetophila lugens WIEDEUANN,the fourth species, by designation of JOHANNSEN in Wytsmans’ Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 104. Syn. Brachycampta WINNEBTZ, 1863. h’o. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AMERIC_IT DIPTER1-COQt2ILLETT. 505

&~~one~rus1116, Jahresb. k. k. Akad. Gymnas., p. 8, lS7S. 1 species. Type, j&sca &t&-is SCOPOLL. Equals Orthoceratium SCOPOLI, 1803. Allognosta OSTES SACKEN,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 27, p. 297, 1883. Change of name for _Vetoponia Losw, not of MACQ~ART. 3 species. Type, i3wi.s fuscitarsis SAT, the third species, by present designation. Allograpta OSTES SACPEK,Bull. Buffalo Sot. Xat. Hist., vol.3, p. 49,1876. 1 species. Type, Sczva obliqua &Y. Blloneura ROSDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 140. 1856. 1 species. Type, PipuncuZzcsminimus BECKER jasjcwipes MEIGEN). Equals Dorilas SIEIGEH, 1800. Allophorocera HENDEL, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. TVien, vol. 51, p. 203, 1901. 1 species. Type, Dexodes autipilcr BRAUER and BERGENSTUCK Equals Lydella Des- iOIDY,’ 1830. Allophyla LOEK, Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 13, p. 43, 1862. 1 species. Type, Heleomyza utricoks BEIGES. Allotrichoma BECKER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 41, p. 121, 1896. 4 species. Type, Hecamede lateralis LOEW. the first species, by original designation. Atophora DEXOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 293, 1830. 1 species (as 4). Type, 8yrphu.s hemipterus FABRICIKS. Equals Phasia LSTREILLE, 1805. Alficomerus ROZTD_+NI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 121, 1956. 1 species. Type, Milichia maculata MEIGEN (as trinolatus, new species). Equals Odinia DESVOIDY,1830. dmuZo;nisHALIDAY, in Walkers’ Ins. Britt., Dipt., vol. 3, p. xv, 1856. 1 species. Type, Limnobia occulta MEIGEN. Equals Tricyphona ZE~~ERSTEDT,1837. Amedea DESVOIDT, Essai Myod., p. 207, 1830. 1 species. Type, Bmedea scu&l- Zu& DESGOIDY. Equals Macquartia DESTOIDP, 1830. A~medoria BRAUERand B~RGENSTAMBI,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 106, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachina luctuosa MEIGEN (as medorina SCHINER). Equals Medina DESCOIDP,’ 1830. Amesia DES~OIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p_ 363, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina disjuncta WIEDEMA~NN(as rczriabilis, new species). Equals Microphthalma MACQUA~, 1843. Amina DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 626, 1830. 1 species. Type, Amina parisimsis DESVOIDT. Equals Scopeuma MEIGEPF,1SOO. Aminta DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 569, .1830. 5 species. Type, dminta ludibunda DESVOIDY, the first species, by present designation. Equals Fannia DIZXOIDP, 1530, Amiota LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 6, p. 229, May, 1862. 2 species. Type, Amiota leucostomaLomv, the second species, by present designation. Syn., Phorticu SCRINER,Dec., 1862. Ammobates ST.~N~IUS,Isis von Oken for lS31, p. 33, 1531. 3 species. Type, dmmo- bates notatus STANNITJS,the second species, designated by RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 143. Not Ammobates LATREILLE,lSO9. Equals Tachytrechus HALIDAY, 1851. Amobia DESVOIDP,Essai Myod., p. 96, 1830. 1 species. Type, ,4mobin conica DES~OIDY. Syn., Mczcronichia RONDANI,1859; Noscl~z~aDES~OIDY, 1563; Theone DES- VOIDT, l&63; Ttioclista TOWXSEND,1592. Amphicnephes LOEW, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 83, 1573. 1 species. Type, Trypeta pulla WIEDE>IANN (as pertusus, new species). Amphicosmus COQUILLE~T,West Amer. Sci., vol. 7, p. 219,189l. 1 species. Type, Amphicosmus elegans COQUILLETT. Amphlnome MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p_ 15, lSOO.* No species. Limonia MIEIGEN,1803, is a change of name. Type, Tipula tripunctata FABRICIUS. Syn., Limonia MEIGEN, 1803; Limnobia MEIGEN, 1818; Inomyia’ RIEIGEN, 1818; Limnomyza ROK- D hN1, 1556. 506 PROCEEDISGS OF THE SATIONAL _lICSECXI. VOL. 37.

A~iIp~/COphOlYl KARLBERG, 0fV. Kongl. Tet. _1kad. F&-h., vol. 4, p. 261, 1847. 1 species. Type, Aulacigater m..tnrsisI\~ACQLXRT (as tarsata, new species). Equals Aulacigaster NXQ~ART, 1835. Ampyx WALKER, List Dipt. Ins. Brit. >Ius., vol. 7, p. 564, lS55,. 1 species. Type, dslllls distcizdsns WIEDEMASS (as raripennis, new species). Syn., Doryclw JZXNICKE, 1867. Amsteinia &I STEIS, Jahresh. Nat. Ges. Graubtinden., ser. 2, vol. 3, p. 99,1%X 1 species. Type, Crnmeria azstroidea DESVOIDY (as punctipennis, new species). Equals Trixa >IEIGES, 1824. dnzyclz~~ DEWOIDT, Hist. Nat. Dipt, vol. 2, p. 404, 1863. 1 species. Type, Amy- cZzu serza’ DEST-OXDP. Equals Phorostoma DEWOIDT, 1830. L4nrrcamptccLOEW, Zeitsch. Ges. Naturwise., vol. 32, p. 7, 1868. 4 species. Type, Xusccc urtke LINS.WS, the first species, by designation of LOEK, Jlonogr. Dipt. N. Amer., voi. 3, 1873, p. 58. Equals Cerbxys >IACQ~_~RT, lS35. Anaclinia WINSERTZ, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 770, 1863. 1 species. Type, Mycetophila nemoraliS ~IEIGEN. Analcocerus LOEW, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Rien, vol. 5, p. 140, 1855. 1 species. Type, dnalcocerus atriceps LOEW. Anarmostus LOEK, Dipt.-Fauna Siidafrika, p. 142, 1860. 1 species. Type, Asilus iO@3YlS \vI?ZnEJlANN. Annsimfia SCHIWER, Cat. Dipt. Europze, p. 108, 156-K 2 species. Type, Muaca trans- fuga LINNZEUS, the first species, by present designation. Equals Helophilus $~EIGES, 1822. Anastcechus OSTEN SACKES, West. Dipt., p. 231, 1877. 1 species. Type, Born- bylius nitidulus Fa~srcrtis (as tartatus, new species). Anastrepha SC.HISER, Reiee XWCO”C(, Zool., rol. 2, Dipt., p. 263, 1868. 6 species. Type Dacus serptmlinus WIEDEMASX, the first species, by original designation. Syn., Acrotoxa LOEW, 1813.’ Anatopynia JOHAATNSEN, Bull. 86, N. Y. State Jlus., p. 135, 1905. 1 species. Type, Tanypus plumipes FRIES. Ancylogaster BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1884, p. 69, 1854. 1 species. Type, Hemyda aurata DEZXOIDT (Lasarmatus, new species). Equals Hemyda DESVOIDY, 1830. Andrenomya ROSDASI, Nuovi &Inn. Sci. Nat. (Bologna), ser. 3, \-OK 2, p. 189, 1850. 1 species. Type, Rhyuchocephalus caucir.sicwsFISCIIEE: (as ,Vemestrina albqfa- sciata WIEDEXAXX). Equals Rhynchocephalus FISCHER, 1806. Andrenssoma &iu‘D.iSi, Dipt. It&. Prutlr., voi. 1, p_ 160, 1856. 1 species. Type, Asilus ater LISNxEUS. Syn., ~k?otoma COST_$ lS63. Anepsiomyia BEZZI, Zeitsch. Hym. Dipt., vol. 2, p_ 192, 1902. Change of name for dne~sius LOEW, 1357, not of LECOSTE, 1832. Type, Yor)~hyrops.aaci~entns‘ ~IEIGES. Syn., ilnepsilcs LoE~~, preoccnpied. Anephus LOEW, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 45, le5i. 1 species. Type, Porphyrops jlarirentris )IEKES. Not d~r~psiw LECONTE, 1852. Equals Anepsiomyia BEZZI, 1902. Aneticc DEXOIDT, Hist. Xa.t. Dipt., rol. 1, p. 568, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina nigripes F_~LLEX (as scclusa, new species). Equals Lydella DESTOII)T, 1830. Anevrina Lrol-, _1tti Inst. Tenet&, 3d ser., v-01. 10, p. ii, 1864. 2 species. Type, Phora caliginosa ~\IELC;EN,the first species, by present designation. (Equals Phora of authors, not of LATREILLE.) Angiorhina BRAL-ERand BEKGENSTAJIX, Dcnkschr. Dais. Akad. Wise. Wien, vol. 56, p. 163, lSS9. 1 species. Type, Tachina cnldelis WwnE>I\ra,ux. 9nglearia C_~RLIER, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1835, p. 659, 1835. 1 species. ’ ’ Type, Anglearia a!?tennuta EARLIER. Equals Perithinus HOLIDAY, 1531. Anicia DEWOIDT, Hist. Sat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 99, 1863. 1 species (as 4). Type, Anicia sabutosa DEZXOIDY. Equals Metopia 11 EIGEN, lSO3. so. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF dJ+ERIC_U- DIPTERI-COQCILLETT. 507

Anisia WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., 1-01. 2, p. 186, &gust, 1890. 41 species. Type, _dni& in$exoWTLP, the first species, by present designation. Ldnisovzern KIEDEMIIXS, in Neigens’ Svst. Beschr. Zwtifl. Ins.. vol. It p. 210, 1818. 1 species. Type, Aniso,szera obscura WIEQEXINX. Equals Hexatoma LATREILLE, 1809. dnisonez;mLIOT, Stti Inst. Yeneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1314, 18~. 1 species. Type, Agromyznkacteipennis FALLES? Equals Agromyza FALLEX!.1810. _4nisopogon LOEYV,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., v-01 18, p. 3T7,lSii.’ Change of name for Heteropogon LOEW, 1847, previously used for a genus of plants. Type, DasypogoiL manicatus JIEIGEN. Equals Heteropogon LOEPC,’ 184;. ~nisopus -~IEIGEN,Illiger s’ >Iag., vol. 2, p. XX, 1803. No species. In his Klass. Beschr. Zrreifl. Ins., p_ 103, 1804, 2 species. Type, Ti@n fuscata F.~BRICIUS(as jtwq new species), the first species, by present designation. Equals Sylvicolz HARRIS, 1776. Anisotamia bfulac~ua~~,Dipt. Esot., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 81, 1840. 2 species. Type, Bnisotamia ruficornis JlaCQt_4RT, the first species, by present designation. Snomaloptera LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 218, 1864. 1 species. Type, Tipulu nigm LISNXUS. Equals Tipula LINS~US, 1758. Anopheles MEIGELV,Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 10, 1818. 2 species. Type, Culex bifurcat?ls LINS_~U+ the first species: by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1828, p. 210. Syn., Ctelodiazes-is DYER and KNAB, April 15, 1906; Jfyzorhyn- chelkz TREOB~LD,.Jan., 1907. Anoplomerus RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 141, lS$S. 1 species. Type, &sca notutnF~BRIC~US. Not dnop~omaus L.~TREILLE, 1841. Equals Sce11usL~Ew, 185i. Anoplopus RONUANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 2, p. 14, 1857. Change of name for _4noplomerus RoNn_4NI, 1856, not LATREILLE, 1SU. Type, _Fiuscanotutu FABRUXJS. Equals Sce11usLOEW, 1857. Anorostoma LOEW,Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 13, p. 47, 1862. No species. In the Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 6, 1862, p. 223, 1 species. Type, Anorostoma murginatu LOEn-. Anorthus Lo~w, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 11, p_ 117, 1850. 1 species. Type, Ifqdro- phorusjaculus FALLET. Equals Medetera FISCHER, 1819. _4noxyca,%@aBIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1880, p. 150; 1880. 1 species. Type, Anozycanzpta ?&a BIGOT. Equals Phryxe DEXOIDT, 1830. Anthali~6 ZETTER~TEDT,Ins. Lapp., p. 538 1838. 3 species. Type, Anthalia gyl- lenhali ZETTERSTEDT,the first species, hy designation of COQUILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 246. Equals Euthyneura X.~~Q~ART, 1836. Anthoica ROXDASI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p, 8, 1861. Change of name for JQotia DEWOIDY, 1830, preoccupied. Type, Tachiw inanis FALLEN. Equals Leskia DES- VOIDF, 1830. Anthomyia MEIGEK, Illigers’ Nag., vol. 2, p. 281, 1803. 2 species. Type, _&sca pktklis LIXSXUS, the second species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., iY40, p. 143. Anthomyza FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 20, 1SlO. Ro species. In his Agromyzides Svecia?,pp. 7 and 8, 1823, 4 species. Type, dnthomyau gracilis FALLEN, the third species, by designation of WESWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 152. Byn., Leptomyza MACQUART, 1835; Anthophilinu ZI~~EI-L~TEDT, 1837; Psilosomu LIOY, 1864. Anthopkilinu ZETTERSTEDT,Isis von Ok-en for 1837, p. 55, 1837. 1 species (and 5 manuscript names). Type, Anthomyza gracilis FILLEN. Equals Anthomyza F_~LLES, 1810. Anthrucomya RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 87, 1856. 1 species. Type, Xiwa melunopteru FALLEN (as geneji, new species). Equals Morinia DESVOIDT, 1830. 508 PROCEEDISGS OF THE SATIOSAL VCSEGU. TOL. Si.

Anthracophaga LOEK, Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 15, p. 15, 1866.” 3 species. Type, Xusca strigula FABRICIUS, the first species, by present designation. Anthrax SCOPOLI, Ent. Carn., p. 358, li63. 1 species. Type, &.sca anthrnx SCHRSSS (as nzorio LxsY_Eus). Syn., S~ogosiylum Jl.iC~vaRr,’ 1840; Argyramceba SCHIXER, lS60; Coquillettia KILLXSTOS, 1896. (dnthrczx of authors equals CSZZa‘ LIOT.) Anticheta HALID.%Y, Ann. Nat. Hi&., vol. 2, p. 157, November, 1838. 1 species. Type, &_+mysa analis I\IEIGES (as Trtanocera vittatn H~LXDAS). Antiopa MEIGES, Souv. Class. nlouch., p. 33, lSOO.* No species. Chrysotoxum MEIGES, 1803, was a change of name. Type, _Uusca ticincta LIXX~US. Syn., Chrys- otoxum XEIGEN, 1803. Antlemon LOEW, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. ins., vol. 2, p. 30, lS71. 1 species. Type, dsindulum halidayi LOEFT. Equals Asindulum LITREILLE, 1805. Antocha OSTEN SACKES, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 219, 1860. 1 spe- cies (as 2). Type, dntocha saxicola OSTEX SACKEX. Syn., Orimargula MIS, 1883. Anypenus PHILIPPI, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 15, p. 702, lS65. 2 species. Type, Bnypenus obscurus PHILIPPI, the second species, by present designation. Equals WESTKOOD, 1835. Aochletus OSTEN SACKEN, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., v-01: 1, p. 35, 1886. 1 species. Type, dochletus cinctus OSTEN S.KXES. dpachemyia TOWSSEW, Smiths. Wsc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 73, 1908. 1 species. Type, Demoticus pallidus COQUILLEYIT. Equals Demoticus alacquart, 18.X Apatolestes WILLISTON, Ent. ,\mer., vol. 1, p. 12, 1885. 1 species. Type, _4pas- toledes comuster WILLISTON. ApeiZesis ~UACQUART,Dipt. Esot., Suppl. I, p. 8, 1846. 1 species. Type, 14pdleti cinerea >~\~cQTJ.~RT. Equals Dolichopeza CURTIS, 1825. Apelleia BELLBRDI, Saggio Ditt. &less., Append., p. 17, 1562. 1 species. Type, Apelleia viltatn, BELL~RDI. Aphantotimus WHEELER, Psyche, vol. 5, p. 375, lS90. 2 species. Type, Aphanto- timus willistoni WHEELER, the first species, by present designation. Equals Thrypticus GERSTXCGER, 186k Aphestla SCHINER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 16, p_ 673, 1866. 1 species. Type, Aphestia brasiliensis SCHINER. Aphiochzta BRUES, Trans. Amer. Ent. SW., vol. 29, p. 337, 1903. 24 species. Type, Phora nigriceps LOEW, the tenth species, by designation of BRUES, Gen. Ins., Dipt., , 1906, p. 9. Equals Megaselia RONDANK, 1856. Aphczbantus LUEW, Berliner Ent. Zeibchr., vol. 16, p. 253, 1872. 1 species. Type, Aphcebantus cerkus LOER. Syn., Triodites OSTES SXEES, lS77. Aphria D~VOIDY, Essai Myod., p- 89, 1830. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tachina Ior@- rostris MEIC-EN. Syn., Olivieria ~~EIGES, 1838; Rhynchosia &I-WQUART, 1648. Aphritis L~TREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust et Ins., vol. 14, p. 358, 1805. 1 species. Type, illusca mutubilis LINN~EIJS (aa auropubescens, new species). Equals Microdon ~UEKGEN, 1803. Aphrosylus H_~LIDAP, in Walkers’ Ins. Britt., vol. 1, p. 220, 1851. 2 species. Type, Aphrosylus raptor H_%LID_XT,the first species, by present designation. Aphrozeta PERRIS, ?rlem. Acad. Roy. Sci. Lyon, vol. 2, p. 491, 1847. 2 species. Type, Nedetera ciridis &~EIGEN (as semiglauca, new species), the first species, by pres- ent designation. Syn., Parhydrophorus WHEELER, lS96. Apinops COQUILLEIT, Rev. Tach. Amer., p. 67, 1897. 1 species. Type, Apinops a&a CoQuILLETT. Apiocera WESTWOOD, Lond. Edinb. Philos. Rlag.,‘ vol. 6, p. 448, 1535. 2 species. Type, L4piocera fuscicollis WESTKOOD, the second species, by present designation. Syn., Tapinocera MACQUART, 1838; Pomacera I(lhCQUART, 1847; k!nypenus PHILIPPI, 1865. _1pirom METGEN, Now. Class. Mouth., p. 37, 1800.” No species. Equals Volu- cella GEOFFROT, 1762. Type, Musca pellucens LINNBUS. so. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF ,411ERIC_4Y DIPTERd-COQUILLETT. 509 _..__ Aplomya DESTOIDP,Eseai Jlyod., p. 184, 1530. 2 species. Type, Tkchina confinis F~LLES (as zona&z,new species), the second species, by designation of DEWOIDP, Hist. Sat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1563, p. 459. Syn., Hubneria DEWOIDT, 184i; Cynisca DEWOIDP, 1863; Ethilla DESTOID~, 1863. Apocephalus C~QUILL~T, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 4, p_ 501, 1901. 1 species. Type, ,4pocephalus pergandei COQGILLETT. Apogon ROSI)_~SI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 175, 1556. 1 species. Type, Cera- topogon_flacipes MEIGEN (as hortulanus MEIGEN). Equals Helea ~IEIGEN, 1800. Apomidas COQCTILLETT,Can. Ent., vol. 24, p. 315, 1892. 1 species. Type, Apomi- dos tro&iZus COQUII,LETT. ,4poromya RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 3, p. 90. 1859. 1 species. Type, Tachi- na dubia F.\LLES. Equals Lypha DESVOIDY, 1830. -4porosa X_UXU_~RT,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 62, 1538. 2 species. Type, Gercrnomyia canariensis BERGROTH(as maculipennis, new species), the first species, by present designation. Equals Geranomyia HALIDAY, 1833. dporotuchina ME.~DE, Ent. Monthly Mag., ser. 2, vol. 5, p. 109, 1894. 5 species. Type, Tachina angeli= MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Lydella DESVOIDY, 1530. Apostrophus LOEn-, Schr. Ges. Freunde Nat. Moscow for 1870, p. 55, 1870.” 1 species. Type, Tachina melanura MEIGEN (as nlspecta,new species). Equals Besseria DEWOIDT, 1830. Apotomella DLJFOUR,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for lS46, p. 455, 1846. 1 species. Type, Aulacigaster rufitarsis M.WQUART. Equals Aulacigaster Macauawr, 1535. Aptilotus MIK, Wien. Ent. Z&t., vol. 17, p. 206, 1898. 1 species. Type, Aptilotus paradoxus MIK. dptorthus AI~DRICH, Kansas TJniv. Quart., vol. 2, p. 48, 1893. 4 species. Type, A4ptorthus albiciliatus ALDRICH, the first species, by present designation. Equals Mesorhaga SCHIXER, 1568. Araba DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 127, 1830. 3 species (as 10). Type, MztscuZeu- cocephala Ross1 (equals species 2 to 9)) by designation of DESVOIDP,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, 1863, p. S3. Equals Metopia MEIGEN, 1803. drabella DEWOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 88, 1863. 1 species (aa S). Type, jftlsca 1eucocephala ROSSI. Equals Metopia MEIGEN, 3803. Srchilestes SCHIXER, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 16, p. 672, 1866. 2 species. Type, Dasypogon capnopterus WIEDEYANN, the first species, by designation of SCHINER, Reise A-otnra,‘ Zool., vol. 2, Dipt., 1868, p. 168. Not Awhile&s SELYS,1862. Equals Archilestris LOEW, 1874. Archilestris LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 18, p. 377, 1874. Change of name for Archaestes SCHIXER, 1866, not of SELYS, 1862. Type, Dasypogon capnopterus WIEDEH_&NN. Syn., drchi2estes SCHINER,1866, preoccupied. Archytas JIENNICKE, Neue Exot. Dipt., p. 392, 1867. 1 species. Type, Musca diaphana FABRXIUS (as bicolor, new species). Spn., niemochztu’ WULP, 1888; Tachi- nodes BRAUERand BERGENST~~W.I,1589; Pargfabricia BR~UERand BERGENST_~&W,1894. Arctobiella COQUILLFIT, Joum. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 10, p. 188, 1902. 1 species. Type, Arctobiplla obscura COQUILLE-IT. Arctophila SCHINER,Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 4, p_ 215, 1860. 2 species. Type, Syrphus bombijormis FALLEN, by designation of WILLISTON, Synops. N. Amer. Syrph., 1886, p. 155. Ardoptera MACQUART,Ins. Dipt. Nord France, separata, p. 105, 1827. 1 species. Type, Tachydromia irrorata FALLEN. Equals Dolichocephala &~ACQU.%RT,1523. Br,qym M.UZQU_~RT,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 456, 1834. 7 species. Type, Musca diaphana FABRICIUS,the first species, by designation of ROND~\NI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 141. Equals Porphyrops MEIGEN, 1824. ArgyeZZa DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 87, 1863. 1 species (as 2). Type, Xi~sca leucocephnla ROSSI. E+?& Metopia 1\lEIGEN, 1803. 510 PROCEEDISGS OF THE XATIOA-IL 1ICSEliJf. VOL.37.

&yria DEYVOIDT, Hist. Sat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 82, lS63. 2 species (as 6). Type, Jfir_acalewocephala ROSSI,the first species, by original designation. Equals Metopia MEIGEN, lSO3. ,&vJyr~0,/lWtaSCziISER, Kien. Ent. Xonatschr., vol. 4, p. .51,1860. 3 species. Type, linthrci.-ctrip2lnctaia \Y~EDR>~IISS,the first species, by present designation. Equals Anthrax SCOPOLI,li63. _-Jrgys-oyJ?bylax BRAURR and BERGESSTIYX, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Kiss. Wien. v-01..56, p_ 163, lSS9. 1 species. Type, Tachinn albincisa WIEDEX~XS. Equals Sturmia DRsvoxnT, 1530. Brgy~ospyla ROSDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 162, lS36. 1 species. Type, Anthrax jctcchus F.IBRiCiUS. Equals Mima XEIGES, 1X0. h-i& DESVOII)Y, Eseai Blyod., p. -&SG,lS30. 9 supposed species. Type, Xtlsca impu,actaF.~LLES, the first .5 supposed species, by designation of COQGILLETT,Journ. N. I.’ Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 135. Equals Mydza DESVOIDY,1530. _Jrinu DESYOIDY,Eseai >lyod., p. 696, 1530. 1 species. Type, Arina olscwa DES- VOIDY. Equals Chetocera DE~VOIDY, 1830. _4risbza DESVOIDY,Hist. Sat. Dipt., rol. 2, p. 290, 1863. 1 species. Type, Arisb;ea Eateralis DEWOIDX-. Equals Eliozeta RoRn_4rr, 1856. Arnoldia KIEFFER, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 14, p. 7, lS95. 2 species. Type, Ceci- clomyin qwrcus BIXSET, the second species, by present designation. Arpcrgita Lion-, dtti Inst. Tieneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1355, lS6-&. 1 species. Type, ,Stomozys dorsalis F.IBRICWB. Equals Dalmannia DIZXOIDT, 1630. ArTenol)usBRAVER and BERGEXST.~JIU,Denkschr. Dais. Bkad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 360, lS91. 2 species. Type, &phixnpata‘ piligena BOND_~XI,the second species, by designation of BRAVERand BEBGENSTIU~X,Verb. Zool.-Bat.. Ges. Wien, rol. -13, 1893, p. 504. Equals Senotainia X~CQUSILT,1846. drrhenicn GSTEX S_~CKEN,Proc. &ad. Yat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 213, 1860. 2 species.. Type, Brrhenica spinosa GSTESSACKER, the first species, by present desig- nation. Equals Caloptera GCERIN, 1829. drribalzagia T~EOR~LD, ?rionogr. Culic., vol.’ 3, p. Sl, 1903. 1 species. Type, Brri- balzagia macztlipes THEOR~LD. Equals Cellia THEOR.~LD,1902. Artemita WALRER, List Dipt. Brit. 31ua., vol. 5, Suppl. 1, p. 61: 1554. 2 species. Type, Clitellarict amenides \f.4LKER,’ the second species, by designation of BR_~UER, Denkschr. Kais. dkad. Kiss. Wien, vol. -la, lSS2, p. 86. Syn., dcanthina WIEDE- MANS, 1930, preoccupied; Acunthinomyia HUNTER, 1900. &-~/?;Iz KIRBY, Fauna Bar. _1mer., b., p. 311,1837. 1 species. Type, Arthria ana!& KIRBY. Eq-als Aspistes ~IEIGEN, 1818. Arthroceras WILLISTON, Ent. Amer., vol. 2, p. 107, 1886. 2 species. Type, Arth- roceras pollinosus T~ILLISTON,the second species, by present designation. Arthrochaeta BRAYERand BERGZNST.4US1,Denkschr. Dais. akad. \Viiss. %\?en,vol. 56, p. 134, 1889. 1 species. Type; Arthrochxta. dtwlotlcoides BRanER and BERGENsTAMJI. Syn., Xicrotrichomma GIGLIO-TOS, 1893. Arthrocnodax R~?BS_IAMEN,Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 14, p. lS9, 1895. 3 species. Type, drthrocnodaz Gtis R~~BSAAMES,the first species, by present designation. Arthropeas LOEW, Ent. Zeit. Etettin, vol. 11, p. 3O& lS5O. 1 species. Type, Arthropeas sibirica LOEW. Arthrostylum WILLISTON, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 4, p. 108,1895. 1 species. Type, Pheneus tibialis WALKER (as fascipennis, new species). Equals Pheneus WALKER, lS51. as&a %~EIGEN,Syst. Beschr. Zaeifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 185, 1522. 5 species (as 9). Type, Syrphus podagricus FABRICUS,the first species, by designation of WEST~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, 1840, Synops., p. 136. Not As&a SCOPOLI,1777. Equals Neoascia WILLISTON, 1886. J-0. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES’ OF _UIERIC.-IS DIPTERI-COQL-ILLETT. 511 _L__-p Asemosyrphus BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1552, p. 125, 1582. 2 species (as Type, Helophilus mexicantts MXQURT (equals the first 3 species), by present ~e&nation. izilus LISXE~S, Syst. Xat., 10th ed., p. 605, 175s. 12 species. Type, dsilus c&ronijormis LISN_~-ECS,the third species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consid. Genera:., 1510, p. 443. Asim3uium LITREILLE, Hist. Sat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 290, 1805. 1 species. Type, ,l.Gndulr~m nigrum L_~TREILLE. Syn., &,crorrhyncha WISSERTZ, 1346; AdeZinia COSTA, l&i; _i?dlemon LoEK, 1Sil. Asphondyiia Loan-, Dipt. Beitr., vol. 4, pp. 20, 21, 1850. 1 species. Type, Ceci- domyia sarothamni LOEK. Syn., Phyllophaga ROSDUI, 1S56. Aspidoptera COQUILLETI,Can. Ent., l-01. 31, p. 334, 1899. 1 species. Type, Aspi- doptera bus&ii COQGILLETT. Syn., Lepopteryx SPEISER,1900. Bspilia ROSI).:SI, Atti Sot. Ital. Sei. Nat., vol. 9, p. 3, lS66. 6 species. Type, Anthomyia allotul~a MEIGEX, the sixth species, by original designation. Equals Mydaza DE~POIDI~,1830. Agilota LoE~, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 2S6,1873. 2species. Type, Try- peta albn LOEK, the first species, by present designation. Not dspilota FOERSTER, 1862. Eq::als F\TeaspilotaOSTEW SACKES, lS7S. Aspistes ~~EIGET, Cyst. Beschr. ”bwerfl. . Ins., vol. 1, p. 319, 1SlS. 1 species. Type Aspistes berolinpnsls’ XEIGES. Syn., ,I rthria RIRBI-, 1537. Asreia’ ?JEIGES,Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6. -p. SS, lS30. 2 species. Type, Aska. amcena Q~EIGES,the first species, by designat.ion of ~VESTVIOOD,’ Intr., voi. 2, Synops., 1540, p. 152. ,4slhenia WESTWO~D, Slag. Zool.. ser. 2, vol. 4, Ins., pl. 9-l, lS43. 1 species. Type, Asthen~afasciata WESTWOOD. Kot Asthenia H%BNER, 1816. Equals Blephari- cera MACQUART,1813. dstonza LIOT, Atti Inst. Teneto,’ ser. 3, vol. 9, p. X2,‘ 156-l. 1. species. Type, Nemotelus niger DE GEER. Equals Omphrale MEXEN, 1SOO. Astrophanes OSTENSACKEN, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt.,vol. 1, p. 106,1SS6. 1 species. Type, Astrophrtnes adonis OSTEN SACKEN. Asynapta LoE~,‘ Dipt. Beitr., vol. 4, pp. 20,21, 1850. 5 species. Type, Bcidomyin longicollis LOEW, the first species, by present designation. Asyndetus LoE~, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 13, p. 35, 1869. 2 species. Type, Aqndetus ammophilus LOEK, the first species, by present designation. Atacta SCIXISER,Reise i170zara,’ Zool., vol. 2, Dipt., p. 328, 1568. 1 species. Type, Atacta brasiknsis SCRIBER. Atalanta MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 31, lSOO.* No species. Clinocera MEIGEN, 1503, is a change of name. Type, CZinocercznigra MEIGEN. Syn., Clinocera MEIGEX, 1803: Paramesia MACQ~ART, 1835. . Atarba OSTZN S.~PKEX, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 4, p_ 127, 1869. 1 species. Type, Atarba picticornis OSTES SACKEX. Atelenewa XXQEART, Rec. Sot. Sci. Lille for lK%%,p. 356, 1834. 1 species. Type, Pipunculus holosericeus ?thG EN. Equals Chalarus WALKER, lS31. Atelestus X:TALKER,Ent. Msg., ~-01.4, p. 229, lS37. 1 species. Type, Empispuli- caria FALLEN (as syl~icola,new species). Syn., Platycnema ZETTERSTE~T,lS3S. Ateloglossa COQUILLETT,Joum. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 7, p. 219, 1899. 1 species. Type, Ateioglossa cinerea COQUILLETT. dtemnocera BIGOT,Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1882, p. 11-l, 1882. 1 species. Type, FoZuceZZascutellata MACQUART. Equals Volucella GEOFFROT,1762. Ateria DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol, 1, p. 809, 1863. 1 species. Type, Ateria niMa DESVOIDY. Equals Wagneria DESVOIDY, 1830. Atherix MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 271, 1803. 2 species. Type, SyZtioZz melancholia HARRIS (as Rhagio diade?,mFABRICIUS), the first species, by designation of 512 PROCEEDIXGS OF THE X_JTIOSLU Jf c-fJEC_U_ FOL.37.

LATREILLE, Consider GCn4raZ., 1810, p. 443. Syn., Jodutti MEIGE~, 1820; fiti RONDANI, 1856. Alhrycio DEWOIDP, Essai Myod., p. 111, 1830. 2 species. Type, Athr@a cry_ throcercc.DESVOIDC, the first species, by designation of DESVOIDP,Hist. Sat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 830. Equals Voria DESVOIDY,1830. Athyroglossa LOEW, Neue Beitr., vol. 7, p. 12, 1860. 1 species. Type, ,votiph& glabra XEIGEN. dlilin DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 475, 1863. 1 Species (as 5). Type, iVz~sca libatrix P_~NZER. Equals Zenilla D~YOIDY, 1830. ,420maria BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1854, p. 482, 1854. 1 species. Type, Tipula atomaria DE GEER. Not &omaria STEPHENS,1830. Equals Epidapus H_~I,IDAY, 1856. Atomogaster XACQUART, Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 329, 1835. 6 species. Type, Atomogaster macquarti STXGER (as dnthomyia triquetra MEIGEN), the first species,by original designation. Equals Azelia DEX-OIDY, 1830. Atomosia MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 73, 1838. 6 species. Type, Laphria puella WIEDEMANN (as incisuralis, new species), the fourth species, by present designation. Atonia WILLISTON, Psyche, vol. 5, p. 257, 1889. 2 species. Type, Atomosia mikii WILLISTOS, the second species, by designation of WILLISTON, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. I, 19cI1, p. 316. Atractia MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 151, 1838. 1 species. Type, f&lus psilogaster ~VmDEMANN. Atractocera MErGES, Illigers’ &lag., vol.2, p_ 263, 1803. 1 species. Type, 8imulium m-na&_mzMEIGEN (as !llpula regelulionis LINN~IJS). Equals Molusina MEIGES, 1800. Atrichia FCHR~N~, Fauna Boica, l-01. 3, p. 54, 1803.” 1 species (a~ 3). Type, fenestrulis LINNXUS. Equals Omphrale MEIGEN, 1800. &+hia Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 10, p. 42, 1866. 1 species. Type, Atrichia longurio LuEw. Not dtrichiu SCHRANK,1803. Equals Pseudatrichia OSTEN SACKEN,1877. Atrichopogon KIEFFER, Gen. Ins., Dipt., Chir., p. 53, 1906. 3 species. Type, Ceratopogon exiilis COQUILLEIT,’ the first species, by present designation. Equals Helea MEIGEN, 1800. Atropharista TOOFNSEXD,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 92, 1892. 1 species. Type, Tachina insolita WALKER (as jurinoides, new species). Equals Melanophrys WILLisTON, 1886. Atrophopalpus TOWNSEND,Ent. News, vol. 3, p. 130, 1892. 1 species. Type, Atrophoptrlpus angusticornis TOWSSEND. Atrophopoda TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 18, p_ 373, t891. 1 species. Type, Atrophopoda singularis‘ TO~XSESD. Equals Paradidyma BR_+UERand BERGEN- ST,iJLM,1891. _&vlotcu OSTEX SACKEN, Mem. Boston Sot. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, p. 426, 1876. 4 species. Type, Tabanus bicolor WIEDEXANN, the first species, by present designa- tion. Equals Tabanus LINNJXJS,1758. Aulacigaster MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt , vol. 2, p. 579, 1835. 1 species. Type, dulaciguster rujtar.sis MACQUART. Syn , _Ipotonella DUFOUR, 1846; Ampycophora JIJ+k~~~~~~,1847. Automola LoE~, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 118, 1873. 2 species. Type, Ortalis afomaria WIEDEMASS, the first species, by present designation. B&hos@. HENDEL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 20, p. 29, 1901. 1 species. Type, &.sca azurea FALLEX. Equals Protocalliphora HOUGH, 1899. Azelia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p_ 592, 1830. 9 supposed species. Type, Antho- my&_-ztriquetra WIEDEMANN(equals the first and fourth supposed species), by designa- tion of ROND~NI, Atti Sot. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. 9, 1866, p. 72. Syn., Btomogclster MACQUART,1835. KO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OP AUERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 513

Baccha F_~RICIUS, Syst. Antliatorum, p. 199,1805. 6 species. Type, Syrphus elon- gutus FABRICIUS, the last species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., p. 737, 1839. Bucchti DESVOIDP, Essai Myod., p. 803, 1830. 5 species. Type, Bacchti cellarunl DESVOIDY, the first species,by present designation. Equals Leptocera OLIVIER, 1813. Bactria ~XEIGES, Syst. Beschr: Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 307,’ 1820. 1 species. Type, A&us picks MEIGEE;. Syn., Trupanea‘ M~CQUART, 1838; Promachus Lo~w, 1848; Telejoneura ROSDASI, 1861. Baldratia KIEFFER, Meine Antwort Riibsaamen, p. 6, 1897.” 1 species. Type, Buldratia salicornizeKIEFFER. Balioptera Los-w, Berliner Ent. Zeitscbr., vol. 8, p. 317, 1565. 6 species. Type, A&-ccc combinata LIWNBECS,the first species, by present designation. Equals Geo- myza F.~LLES, 1810. Barpleygma WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 416, 1899. 1 species. Type, Baryplegma g&a Wn~p. Bathydexia Wur,~, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 222,1891. 2 species. Type, PhoTostomaappendicula.ta BIGOT, the first species, by present designation. Baumhaueria MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 251, 1838. 1 species. Type, Tachina gonixformis MEIGEN. Syn., Pachycephala LIOY, 1864. Bebricia DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1112, 1863. 2 species. Type, Macquctrtia microcera DESFOIDY,’ the first species, by original designation. Equals, Macquartia DESVOIDT,1830. Beggiutia LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1088, 1864. 1 species. Type, Sepsis.barbipes MEIGEN. Equals Sepsis FALLEN, 1810. B&da DESVOIDT, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 45, 1863. 1 species. Type, Belidu Ravipalpis D~~vor~v. Equals Sturrnia DESVOIDY,1830. Bellardin DESVOIDT, Hi&. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 548, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina obsoletaMEIGEN (as vernalis, new species). Equals Onesia DESVOIDY,1830. Bellkria DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 432, 1863. 1 species (as 2). Type, Sarcophaga melanura MEIGEN. Equals Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826. Belvosia DESTOIDT, Essai Myod., p. 103, 1830. 1 species. Type, X%sca tijmciata FABRICIGS(as bicincta, new species). Syn., Latreiuia DESVOIDY, 1830; Latreillimyia TOWNSEND,1908. Berc~a DESVOIDT, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 549, 1863. 8 species (as 13). Type, &uca h,wnorrhoidutis FALLES, the sixth species, by original designation. Equals Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826. Beris L~TREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, p. 447, 1802. 1 species. Type, &!%a chalybeata FORSTER(as Stratiomys sexdenlata F~BRICIUS). Syn., Hexacanthk MELGEN,1803; OplachnnthaRONDANI, 1864; Hexacantha LIOY, 1864; Octacatiha LIOY, 1864. Berismyia GIGLIO-TOS,Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, vol. 6, No. 108, p. 2, 1891. No species. In Mem. Reale Accad. Sci. Torino, ser. 2, vol. 43,X392,1 species. Type, Berismyia fusca GIGLIO-TOS. Bertieria KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1896, p. lS9, 1896. 1 species. Type, Be-r&-in gemmicola KIEFFER. Equals Rabdophaga WESTWOOD,1847. Beskia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 139, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachinu sIops WALKER (as cornuta, new species). Syn., 0 ypterosipha TOWNSEND,1894. Besseria DES~OIDT, Essai Myod., p. 232, 1830. 1 species. Type, Ocyptaa later& FALLEN (as rejexn, new species). Syn., Wahlbergia ZETTERSTEDT,1842; ,4postrophus LoEw, 1870. Bezzia KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1899, p. 69, 1899. 1 species. Type, Ceratopogonornatus MEIGEN. Syn., Probes&a KIEFFER, 1906. Proc.N.M.vol. 37-10-33 514 PROCEEDINGS OF THE. NATIOWAL HUSEUX. VOL. 37.

Bibio GEOFFROY,Hist. Abregee Ins., vol. 2, p. 568, 1762. 5 species. Type, Tip&a hortuZana LINNZUS, the third species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. G&I- &al., p. 442, 1810. Syn., PuUutu HARRIS, 1776. Bibiocephala OSTEN SACKEN, Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. for 1873, p. 564, 1874. 1 species. Type, Bzbiocephalagrandi-s O=EN SACKEN. Syn., Agathon RYDER, 1890. Bibioides COQUILLEIT, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 6, p. 171, 1904. 1 species. Type, Bibioides halteralis C~QUILL~T. Bicellaria MACQUART,Monogr; Empides, p. 155, 1823. 1 species. Type, Empis spuria FALLEX (as nigra, new species). Syn., Cyrtoma MEIGEN, 1824. Bigotia DESTOIDT, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1048, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina simulans MEIGEN (as brericornis MACQUARTj. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Biomya RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 72, 1856. No species. C?tiania‘ ROND,INI, 1861, was a change of name. Type, Tachina cinerea FALLEN. Syn., Fabricia MEIGEN, 1838 (preoccupied) ; Viziania R~NDANI, 1861; Nasiphya BR.~UERand BERGESSTAMN,1891. Bischoja HENDEL, Abh. Zoo].-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 2, p. 52, 1902. 3 species. Type, Sciomyza simplex FALLEN, the first species, by present desig ation: Equals Sciomyza FALLEN, 1820. Bittacomorpha WE~TWOOD,Lond. Edinb. Philos. Mag., vol. 6, p. 281, 1835. 1 species. Type, Tip&a &wipes F~BRICIUS. BlacodesLOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 18, p. 377, 1874. Change of name for Blax LOEFF, 1872, not THOMSON, 1860. Type, Blax bellus LOEW. Not Blacodes DEJEAN, 1859. Equals Cophura OSTEXSACKEN, 1887. Blax LOEFV,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 16, p_ 241, 1872. 1 species. Type, Blax bellusLOESV. Not Blax THONSON,1860. Equals Cophura OFTENSACKEN, 1887. Blepharepium RONDANI, Studi Ent., vol. 1, p. 89, 1848. 1 species. Type, Ble- pharepium Zuridum RONDANI. Syn., PlanetolestesARRIBALZAGA, 1879. Blepharicera MACQUART, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1843, p. 61, 1843. 1 species. Type, Asthenia fasciata WEWWOOD (as limbipennis, new species). Syn., Asthenia WEST&-• OD, 1842, preoccupied. . BZepharid$a RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 67, 1856. 1 species. Type, Tachina.vuZgaris FALLEN. Equals Phryxe DESVOIDY, 1830. BlepharidopsisBRUER and BERGENSTABIM, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 329, 1891. 1 species. Type, Twhinu nemea MEIGEN. Equals Phxyxc DES- VOIDP, 1830. Blepharigena RONDAHI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 69, 1856. 1 species. Type, - Tachina trepida MEIGEN. Equals Voria D~VOIL)Y, 1830. Blepharipa RONDAXI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 71, 1856. 1 species. Type, hemorzea.’ scutellataDE~VOIDY (as Nticeta ciliata MACQUART). Equals Sturmia DE+ VOIDY, 1830. Blepharipeza MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 211,1843. 1 species. Type, Tachina kucophrys WIEDEDIANN (as ru.paZpis, new species). Syn., Rileya BRAUER and BERGENSTANN,1893; Rikymyia TOWNSEND,1893. BZephariptera MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 412, 1835. 12 species. Type, Nusca serrata LINNAXJS,the second species, by designation of WE~TV~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 145. Equals Heleomyza FALLEN, 1810. Blepharoneura L~Ew, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 272, 1873. 1 species. Type, Trypeta pceciZoga&rLOEFF. Blepharoprocta LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 6, p. 194, 1862 3 species. Type, Brachystoma yzigrimana Loxw, the first species, by designation of COQIJILL~, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, p. 246, 1903. Blissonia DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 648, 1863. 1 species (as 3). Type, &.~a nssimilis FALLEN. Equals Muscina DFSVOIDY, 1830. NO. 1719. TY.PE-SPECiES OF A31ERICdN DIPTERA-COQCILLETT. 515

Blondelia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 122, 1830. 2 species (as 4). Type, Tachi& wigripes FALLEN, the first two and the last supposed species, by present designation. Equals Lydella DESTOIDY, 1830. Blunzia DESVOIDT,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 468, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina‘ vulgaris F_~LLEN(as occZusa,new species). Equals Phryxe DESVOIDY,1530. Bogeria AUSTES, ,inn. Mag. Nat. Hi& for 1895, p. 391, 1895. . 1 species. Type, Bogeria princeps AUSTES. Bolbomyia LoE~, Bernst. und Bernstein-fauna, p. 39, 1850.” No species. In 1862, . 1 species. Type, Botbomyia nana LOST. Boletina ST;EGER,Nat. Tijdechr., vol. 3, p. 233, 1840. 9 species. Type, Leia triz-ittata MEIGEN, the first species, by designation of JOH.*NNSENin Wytsmans’ Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. i3. MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 220, 1818. 1 species. Type, Macrocera hybrida MEIGEN (as fusca, new species). Syn., %essa?a CURTIS,1836. Bolomyia BR~UERand BERGESSTAMH,Denkschr. Kais. _4kad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 347, 1891. 1 species. Type, Exorista rufata BIGOT (as Xystacella violaceaWULP). Bombibiu LIOT, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, l-01. 9, p. 1326, 1864. 1 species. Type, Conops$avipes LINNXUS. Equals Conops &INS.EUS, 1758. Bombyliomyia BRAUER and BERGEss-r_4niY,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 131, 1889. 1 species. Type, HystriciuJlauipalpus MACQUART. Bombylius LINN.XUS, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p_ 606, 1758. 3 species. Type, Bombylius major LINXXJS, the first species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. G&&al., 1810, p. 443. Bonellia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod.. p. 56, lS30. 1 species (as 3). Type, ?irchina hzmorrhoidalis FALLEN. Equals Linnzmya DESVOIDY,1830. . Bonnetia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 55, 1530. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tuchina comta FALLEN. Syn., Narshamin DESVOIDY, 1830; Nicropalpis MACQUART,1834. Bophrosia RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. lS3, 1856. 1 spe&es. Type, Limonia immaculata MEIGEN. Equals Tricyphona ZETTERWEDT,1837. Borborus~~EIGEs, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 276,1803. No species. In 1830,29 species. Type, ltrusca subsultans FABRICIUS,the second species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1833, p_ 469. Equals Cypsela MEIGEN, 1800. (Borborus of authors equals Coptomyza FALLEN. r Boreodromia COQUILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, p. 247, 1903. 1 species. Type, Synamphotera bicolor LOETT. Botanobia LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1125, 1864. 1 species (as 2). Type, Oscinis ciubia Mac~o.4~~. Syn., Oscinisoma LIOY, 1864; Oscinimorpha LIOY, 1864; Nacrostyla LIOP, 1864. Botanophila LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 990, 1864. 1 species. Type, Anthomyia aaricotor MEIGES. Equals Pegomya DESTOIDT, 1830. Brachicoma RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., ~01. 1, p. 69, 1856. 1 species. Type, Tachina &via F_&LLEN(as nitidula MEIGEN). Syn., Oppia DESVOIDY, 1863; Lacco- prosopa TOWNSEND,1891; Sarcotachinella TOUXEND, 1892. Brachiomyia THEOBALD,Jlonogr. Culic., vol. 2, p. 343, Nov. 23, 1901. 1 species. Type, D&now-ties cancer THEOB.~LD(as magna, new species). Equals Deinocerites THEOBALD,July 15, 1901. Brachiophyra GIGLIO-TOS, Boll: Mus. Zool. Torino, vol. 8, No. 147, p. 9, 1893. 1 species. Type, Brachiophym e_frons GIGLIO-TOS. Brachiosoma THEOBALD, Journ. Trop. Xed. for 1901, p. 235, July 15, 1901. No species. Brachiomyia THEOBBLD,November 23,1901, is evidently a change of name. Type, Deinocerites cancer THEOBALD. Equals Deinocerites THEOBALD,July 15, 1901. Brachycampta WIXNERTZ, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 833, 1863. 8 species. Type, Nycetophila alternarls Z~ERSTEDT, the first species, by present des- ignation. Equals Allodia WIXN~RTZ, lS63. 516 PROCEEDINGS OP THE NATIOSdL MUSEUM. VOL.37.

Brachydeutera Lo~w, Illonogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 1, p., 162, 1862. 1 species. Type, Notiphikz arge+xtata WALKER (as dimidiata, new species). Brachygaster MEIGES. Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 5, p. 244, 1826. 1 species (as 2). Type, Cordilura ana& MEIGEN. Not Brachygaster LEACR, 1817. Equals Mycetaulus LOEW, 1845. Brachymyia WILLISTON, Can. Ent., vol. 14, p. 77, 1882. 2 species. Type, Bra- chymyia lupina WILLISTON, the first species, by present designation. Equals Pen- thesilia MEIGEN, 1800. Brachyneura RONDANI, RIem. 2a. Serv. Ditt. Ital., p. 18, 1840.” 1 species. Type, Brachyneura fuscogrisea ROSD.\SI. Brachyopa I%EIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 260, 1822. 3 species. Type, i&sca corzicaPANZER, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., lS40, p. 137. Syn., Hammerschmidtia SCEIUMXEL,1834; Erocheila RONDANI, X357; EugeniamTyia WILLISTOIV,1882. Brachypalpus MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 523, 1834. 3 species (as 5). . Type, Syrphus valgus PANZER,the last species (as tubercltlatus), by designation of RON-. DANI, Nuovi Ann. Sot. Nat., 1544, p. 456. Brachypremna OSTEN S.\CKEN, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 30, p. 161, 1856. 2 species. Type, Tipula dispellans WALXER, the first species, by present designation. Brachypteromyia WILLISTON, Ent. News, vol. i, p. lS4, 1896. 1 species. Type, Anaperajimbriata W.LTERHOUSE(as femorata, new species). Brachypus ~IEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 4, p. 34, 1824. 1 species. Type, L?iaphortMcyanocephalus MEIGEN. Equals Diaphorus MEIGEN, 1824. Brachystoma MEIGES, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p_ 12, 1822. 2 species. Type, Syrphus wsiculosus F;~BR~CIUS,the second species, by designation of BLANCHARD, Hist. Nat. Ins., vol. 3, 1850, p. 582. Brachystomus COSTA, 11 Giamb. Vito, Napoli, vol. 2, p. 445, 1857.” 1 species. Type, Tabanus gigas HERBST (as ursus, new species). Equals Tabanus LINNBUS, 1758. Brachystylum ~IACQUART,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1855,.p. 199, 1855. 1 species. Type Brachystylum nigra MACQUART. Equals Wagneria DESVOII)Y,1830. Brauerimyia TOWNSEND,Smiths. RIisc. Coll., vol. 51, p_ 65, 1908. Change of name for V4_dpia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,lS93, not of BIGOT, 1886. Type, IIuZpia’ uperta BRAUERand BERGEXSTAYM. Equals Vanderwulpia TOWNSEND,1891. Bremia RONDA~TI,Atti Sot. Ital. Nat., vol. 2, p. 289, 1861. 1 species. Type, Dipiosis decoraia tiz&-. Bricinnia W_\LGER,Trans. Ent. Sot. Lond., n. ser., vol. 5, p. 324, 1861. 1 species. Type, Bricinniajkxivitta WALKER. Bricinniella GIGLIO-TOS, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, vol. 8, No. 158, p. 13, 1893. 1 species. Type, Bricinniella cyanea GIGLIO-TOS. Brontzeu ROWARZ, Verh. ZooI-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 23, p. 461, 1573. 2 species. Type, Anthomyia polystigmu R~EIGEN,the first species,by present designation. Equals Limnophora DESVOIDT,1830. Bryocrypta KIEFFER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 41, p. 8,189l. 1 species. Type, Bryocrypta dubia KIEFFER. Bucentes LATREILLE, Gen. Crust. et Ins., vol. 4, p. 339, 1809. 1 species. Type, J&sca geniculata DE GEER (as cinereus, new species). Equals Crocuta J~EIGEN,1800. Byomya DESVOIDY,Essai blyod., p. 392, 1830. 2 species (as 3). Type, Nusca tem- pestiva FALLEN, the first and last supposed species, by present designation. Equals Musca LINN~US, 1758. Cacomyia COQUILLETT,Class. Mosq. Smer., p. 16, 1906. 2 speckles. Type, X&mu- gogw albomaculatus THEOBALD,the first species, by present designation. Cacoxenus LOEW, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 2, p. 217, lS58. 1 species. Type, &coz$nnusindagator LoEw. x0.1719. TypE-fiPECIES OF A31ERICAW DIPTERA-COQUIILLETT. 511

cg1lis D~VOII)Y, Hist. S&t. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 675, 1863. 2 species. Type, Czelzis ZMompta D~VOIDY, the first species, by original designation. Equals Ceranthia DESVOIDT, 1830. CaIirrhoe MEIGEN, Nouv. C&X. Mouth., p. 39, 1800.* SO species. Equals Prosena . ST.FAR~E_~U and SERVILLE, 1828. Type, Stomoxys siberita FABRICIUS. Syn., Prosena or. F.IRGEAC and SERVIZ.LE, 1828. Callicera PANZER, Fauna Ins. Germ., heft 104, no. 17, 1806. 1 species. Type, Bitio ip)zeaFABRICIF~. Callinicus LOET~,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 16, p. 247, 1872. 1 species. Type, Cnllinicuscalcaneus LoEw. Calliphora DE~VOIDY,Eesai Myod., p. 433, 1830. 17 species. Type, &fuscnerythro- cephala MEIGEN, by original designation (as vomiioria LIKN~US). Syn., Compsomyia ROND_AXI,lSi5; Eucalliphora TOWNSEND,190s. CulZomyiaMEIGEN, Klass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., p. 311,180-k. 1 species. Type, CuUo- myia elrgans MEIGEs. Equals Cleona B~EIGEN,1500. CtrZZom!yzaF.+LLE~I, Platyp. Bombyl. Sveck, p. 6, 1815. 2 species. Type, Hetero- neura leptiforrnis FBLLEN, the first species, bydesignation of ZETIERSTEDT,Dipt. Stand., vol. 3, lS44, p. 910. Equals Cleona ~XEIGEX,1800. Callopistria LOEW, klonogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 140,18i3. 1 species. Type, ,Dlatystoma annul&es iCl.

Cum@eura ROND~NI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 52, 1856. 1 species. Type, Chrysogaster front&is Lo~w (as venusta, new species). Equals Chrysogaster MEIGEN, 1800. Campsicnemus HALIDAF, in Walkers’ Ins. Britt., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 187, 1851. 6 species. Type, Dolichopus curvipes FALLEN, the second species, by present designa- tion. Equals Camptosceles HALIDAY, 1831. Camptocladius WULP, Tijdschr. Ent., ~01. 17, p. 133, 1874. 3 species. Type, Tip&a byssina SCHR.~XII,the first species, by present designation. Camptoneuromyia FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 334,1908. 5 species. Type, Du.Geura virginica FELT, the first species, by present designation. Camptonez~a M~CQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 200, 1843. 2 species. Type, &sca p&a FABRICIUY, the first species, by original designation. Equals Delphinia DESVOIDY,1830. Camptoprosopella HENDEL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 26, p. 223, 1907. 3 species. Type, Camptoprosopellc melanoptera HENDEL, the first species, by present designation: Camptosceles HALID.~Y, ZooI. Journ., vol. 5, p. 357,183l. 4 species. Type, Doli- chopus scambus FALLEN, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Campsicne- mus HALIDAY, 1851. Campylocheta RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 3, p. 157, 1859. 1 species. Type, Tachina obscura FALLEX (as Phorocera schistacea MEIGEN). Syn., Eallenia’ MEIGEN, 1838, preoccupied; Frivaldskia SCHINER,1861; Hypochsta BRAIZERand BERGENSTAMM, 1889. Campylomyza MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 101, 1818. 4 species. Type, CampylomyzaJavipes MEIGEN,by designation of \VESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 126. Canace HALIDAY, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, p. 411, 1839. 1 species. Type, Ephy- dra nasica HALIDAY. Carbonic DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 806, 1863. 1 species. Type, Ocyl+ tera cost&x FALLEN (as imp&ens, new species). Equals Wagneria DESVOIDY,1830. Carcelia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 176, 1830. 21 species. Type, Tachina gnava MEIGEN (as bombylans, new species),the second species, by designation of DESVOIDY, , Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 220. Syn., Chetoliya RONDANI, 1856; Parakoristu BRAVERand BERGENSTAJIM,1889; Sisyropa BR.~UERand BERGENSTAMM,1889; Eusisy- ropn TOWNSEND,1908. Cardiacephala MACQUART, Dipt. Exot.: vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 242, 1843. 1 species. Type, .&%a longipesF.~BRICIU~. Caricea DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 530, 1830. 18 supposed species. Type, Nusca tigrina FABRICITJS(the supposed species 2 to 7), by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 98. Equals Coenosia XEIGEK, 1826. Carlottzmyiu BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1877, p. 26,18Z. 1 species. Type, Diacrita cost&is GERSTZCKEIX(as mcerens,new species). Equals Diacrita GEFZXXCGER, 1860. Carpomya RONDANJ, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 111, 1856. 1 species. Type, Nu.scatussilaginis FABRICIUS(as arctii DE GEER). Equals Terellia DESVOIDY, 1830. Cassidzmyia MACQV_%RT,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 162, 1835. 9 species. Type, Tachina gagatina MEIGEN, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., l@O, p. 139. Equals Rhinophora D~VOIDY, 1830. Catabomba OSTEN S.~CKEN,Bull. 3, U. S. Geol. Surv., p_ 326, 1877. 1 species. Type, X&..scapyrastri LINNZUS. Equals Scaeva FABRICIUS,1805. Catachz&uBRAUER and BERGENST_%N>I,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. !%iss.‘ wien, vol. 58, p. 329, 1891. 1 species. Type, Catachzeta depressaris BR~UER and BERGENSTAMM. Equals Phryxe DESVOIDY,1830. Cuiayonia BRAZERand BERGENSTA~ID~,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 348, 1891. 1 species. Type, Ezorista aberrans RoNDaNr (as neme&-inu, new species). Equals Winthemia DESVOIDY, 1830. h'O.1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF A_UERICAN DIPTERd-COQUILLETT. 519

&&mophrys TOWKSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 65,1908. 1 species. Type, ~~nd~lpk sequentTOWNSEND. Equals Vandenvulpia TOWNSEND,1891. CecidogonaLOEW, Ent. &it. St&tin, vol. 5, p. 324, 1844. 1 species. Type, Le&emia carnea LoEw. Equals Lestlemia MACQUART,1826. Cecidomyia MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 261, 1803. 1 species. Type, Tipula $i DE GEER. Equals Itonida MEIGEN, 1800. Celatoria COQUILL~-~, Ins. Life, vol. 2, p. 235, 1891. 1 species. Type, MeZano- phora diabrotica SHIXER (as crawii, new species). CeleripesMONTAGU, Trans. km. Sot. Lond., vol. 11, p. 11, 1815. 1 species. Type, Pediculus vespertilionisLINNEUS. Equals Nycteribia LATREILLE, 1796. Cellia THEOBALD,Joum. Trop. Med., vol. 5, p. 183, June 16,1902. 1 species. Type, Anophelespharoe-nsis THEOBALD. Syn., Luverania THEOBALD, June 16, 1902; -iiysso- rhynchus BLANCHARD,July 4, 1902; Arribalzagin THEOBALD,1903. CenosomaWULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 166,189O. 1 species. Type, CenosomasignI$era WULP. Equals Ormia DE~VOIDY,1830. C&or L~Ew, Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 15, p. 7,1866.* 3 species. Type, Oscinis cereris FALLEX, the first species, by present designation. Not Ce&or SCH~NHERR, 1847. Equals Cetema HBNDEL, 1907. CentroceraPOGORNY, Verh. Zoo].-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 43, p. 537, 1893. 1 species. Type, b&scu pedella FALLEN (as Cenosia decipiens MEIGEX). Equals Coenosia MEIGEN, 1826. Cephakmyia LATREILLE, Nouv. Diet. Hi& Nat., vol. 23, p. 273, 1818. 1 species. Type, G%trus ouisLINNIEUS. Equals Oestrus L~mBus, 1758. Cephalia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 5, p. 293,1826. 1 species (as 2). Type, Cephalia r$pes MEIGEN. Syn., i&rmecomya DESVOIDY,1830. Ct&alops FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Dipt. Exh., p. 10, 1810. 1 species. Type, Cephnlops sneus FALLEN. Equals Do&as MEIGEN, 1800. Cephenemyia LATREII,LE, Nouv. Diet. Hist. Nat., vol. 23, p_ 271, 1818. 1 species. Type, Oestrustrompe LINNBUS. Syn., Endocephala LIOI,’ 1865. CephenusBERTHOLD, Nat. Fam. Thier., p. 506, 1827. Change of name for Systropus WIEDE~UNN, 1820 (misspelled Systrophus), under the mistaken impression that it is preoccupied by Xystropha ILLIGER, 1806. Type, Systropus macilentus WIEDEMANN. Equals Systropus WIEDEMANN, 1820. Cephysa DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 677, 1863. 1 species. Type, n-iusca rudis FABRICIUS(as muscidea, new species). Equals Pollenia DESVOIDY,1830. Cerajocera’ RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 111,1856. 1 species. Type, Xmca corn&a FABRICIUS. Equals.Terellia DESVOIDY,1830. Ceranthia DESVOIDY,Es& Myod., p. 88, 1830. 1 species (as 2). Type, Cerunthiu fultipes DESVOIDY. Syn., Ceromya DESVOIDY, 1830; Cznis DESVOIDT,1853; Vafrellia DESVOIDY, 1863; Cerophora DESVOIDY, 1863; Talmonia DESVOIDY, 1863; Lythia DES- VOIDY, 1863; Entomophaga LIOY, 1864. Ceratitis MACLEAY, 2001. Journ., vol. 4, p. 482, 1829. 1 species. Type, Typeta capilata WIEDEMANN (as citriperda, new species). Syn., Petalophora MACQUART,1835; Halterophora RONDANI, 1861. Ceratobarys COQUILLFIT, Joum. N. Y. Ent. Sot , vol. 6, p. 45, 1898. 1 species. Type, Hippelates eulophusLOEW. CeratochzetaBRAUER and BERGENSTAJIM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien,vol. 56, p. 92,1889. 1 species. Type, Ceratochzta prima BRAUEBand BERGENSTAMM. Equals Phryxe DESVOIDY,1830. CeratocystiaDYAR and KNAB, Joum. N.Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 14, p. 183,1906. 1 species. Type, CzLZexdiscolor COQUILLE~T. Equals Grabhamia THEOBALD,July 25, 1903. . Ceratolophus KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1899. p. 69, 1899. 1 species. Type, Ceratopogonfemorata MEIGEN. Equals Serromyia MEIGEN, 1818. 520 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL VUSECJI. VOL.37.

Ceratomyiella TOW'NSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 18, p. 379, 1891. 1 species. Type, Ceratomyiella conica TO~NSEXD. Equals Paradidyma BR~TJERand BERGES- STAXM, 1891. Ceratomyza &RISER, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 6, p. 434, 1862. Change of name for Odontocera M~CQKJART,1835, not of SERVILLE, 1833. Type, Chlvrops denticornis PAKZER. Equals Cerodontha ROXDAPII,’ 1861. Ceratophya WIEDE>USW, Anal. Ent., p. 14, 1824.* 2 species. Type, Ceratophya notattz WIEDE&%XN, the first Species, by present designation. Equals Microdon MEIGEN, 1803. CeratopogonMEIGEN, Illigers’ &lag., vol. 2, p. 261, 1803. 1 species. Type, Ceralo- pogon communis MEIGEN (as !+?iptda‘ barbicornis FABRICIUS). Equals Helea MEIGEW, 1800. Ceratozys ROND.~SI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 10, 1861. Change of name for . Meckelia DESVOIDY, 1830, not of LEUCKART, 1828. Type, Nusca hortulana Ross~. Equals CerOXySBI~cQuART, 1835. Ceraturgopsis JOHNSON,Psyche, vol. 10, p. 111, 1903. 1 species. Type, Dusypo- yen cornutus WIEDEIANN. Ceraturgus WIEDEYANN, Anal. Ent., p. 12, 1524.” 1 species. Type, Dasypogon aurulentus FABRICIUS. Celia SCOPOLI,Ent. Cam., p. 351, 1763. 2 species. Type, Tip& not&a LIhNgUS,’ the first species (as decemnodia, new species), by present designation. Equals Scathopse GEOFFBOY,1762. Celia FABRICIUS,Ent. Syst., ~01.4, p. 277,1794. 1 species (without name). Type, I Muscaconopsoides LINNXJS. Not C&a SCOPOLI,1763. Equals Cerioides RONDANI, 1550. . Ceriogaster WILLISTON, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 15, p. 255, 1888. 1 species. Type, Ceriogaster fascithorax WILLISTON. Cerioides RONDINI, Ann. Sec. Ent. France for 1850, p. .211, 1850. 1 species. Type, Ceria subsessilisILLIGER. Syn., Ceriu FABRICIUS,1794, preoccupied; Sphiximor- pha RONDANI, 1850. Cerodontha RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 10, 1861. Change of name for Odontocera &~Ac&u_~RT,1835, preoccupied. Type, Chlorops denticornis PANZER. Syn., Odontocera MACQUART, 1835, preoccupied; Ceratomyza SCHINER, 1862. Ceromasia RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 71, 1856. No species. In vol. 4, 1861, pp. 18 and 19, 10 species. Type, Tachina rutila MEIGEN, the last species, by designation of BRAUER,Verh. ZooI_-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 43, 1893, p. 476. Ceromya D~SBOIDT, Essai Myod., p. 86, 1830. 3 species (as 5). Type, Tuchina bicolor MEIGEN, the fourth supposed species (as testacea, new species), by present designation. Equals C eranthia DESVOIDY,1830. Cerophoru DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 700, 1863. 1 species. Type, Cero- phora funesta DE~VOIDY. Equals Ceranthia DESVOIDT, 1830. Ceroplatus. See Keroplatus. Cerotainia SCHINER,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 16, p. 673, 1866. 1 species. Type, Laphria xanthoptera WIEDEM_+NN. Cerofelion RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 191, 1856. 1 species. Type, TipuZa Zineata FABRICIUS(as PZulyur/cZaticornis MEIGEN). Equals Keroplatus Bose, 1792. Ceroxys MACQUART,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p_ 437, 1835, 8species. Type, 31usca urtica LINNZUS, the second species, by designation of WESTWOOD, Ink., vol. 2, Synops., p. 149, 1840. Syn., Neckelia DESVOIDY, 1830, preoccupied; Ceratoxys RON- DANI, 1861; Anucampta L~Ew, 1868. Cestonia RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p_ 105,186l. 1 species. Type, Ceslonia cineraria RONDANI. Cetema HENDEL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 26, p. 98, 1907. Change of name for Centor LoE~, 1866, not SCH~~NEERR,1847. Type, Osciniscereris FALLEN. Syn., Centor LCEW, 1866, preoccupied. x0. 1719. TYPE-SPECIESOFAUERICANDIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 521

Chztoclusia COQUILLETF, Proc. Ent. SOC.Washington, 1701.6, p. 93, 1904. 1 spe- cies. Type, Chztoclusia bakeri COQUILLETT. Chztocozlia GIGLIO-TOS, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, vol. 8, Xo. 158, p. 11, 1893. 1 species. Type, Chztoc&ia palans GIC~LIO-TOS. Ch&ogzdia BRAVER and BERGENSTAM~,Denkschr. Kais. Akad.Wiss.Wien, vol. 58, p_ 336, 1891. 2 species. Type, Prospherysa wilti WULP, the first species, by designa- tion of TOFTNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51,1908, p. 94. Syn., Phrissopolia TOWN- SEND,1908. Chaetoglossa TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 125, 1892. 2 species (as 3). Type, Chstoglossapicticornis TOWNSEND,the first species, by original designation. Chsetona WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 253,189l. 2 species. Type, Dexia longiseta WIEDEMANN, the first species, by present designation. Chzetopekteria’ Mx, Wien. Ent. !&it., vol. 13, p. 100, 1894. 1 species. Type, Echi- nomyia popeZii PORTSCHINSKY. Equals Peleteria DESVOIDY,1830. Chaetophleps COQUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc.,vol. 3, p. 51, 1895. 1 species. Type, Chaetophleps setosa COQUILL~. Chztoplagia COQUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 3, p. 98, 1895. 1 species. Type, Chztoplagia atripennis COQIJILLETT. Chztopsis Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 11, p. 315, 1868. 2 species. Type, Ortalis anea WIEDEMANN, the first species, by present designation. ChEtosa COQUILLEIT,Journ. N.Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 6, p. 163,159s. 1 species. Type, Cordilura pundipes MEIGEN. Chstotachina’ BRAUERand BERGENSTAMJI,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss.Wien, vol. 56, p_ 9S, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachina simulans MEIGEN (as rustica MEIGEN). Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Chalarus WALKER, Ent. Msg., vol. 2, p. 269, 1834. 1 species (as 2). Type, Cepha- lops spur&s FALLEN. Syn., dtelenetrraMACQU.ART, 1831. Chalcidimorpha WESTWOOD, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 183.5, p. 685, 1835. 4 species. Type, Chalcidimorpha fulvipes WR~~WOOD,the first species, by designation of MACQUART, Dipt. Esot., vol. 1, pt. 2, 1838, p. 153. Equals Xenomyza WIEDE- alANN, 1817. Chalcomyia WILLISTON, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Sot., vol. 7, p. 133, 1885. 1 species. Type, Nyolepta zrea Lo~w. Chamzmyia MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 278, 1503. No species. In his Syst. Beschr., vol. 6, p. 93, lS30, he mentioned 1 species. Type, Chamzmyia e.!egansPAS- ZER. Syn., Ochtiphila FALLEN, 1823; Estelia DBVOIDY, 1830. Chamzsyrphus MIK, Wien. Ent. Z&t., vol. 14, p. 133, 1895. 1 species. Type. Rhingia scxvoides FALLEN. Chaoborus LICHTENSTEIN, Arch. Zool. (Wiedemanns),’ vol. 1, p. 17-1, 1800. 1 species. Type, Tipula crystallina DE GEER (as antisepticus, new species). Syn., &yomyiu COQUILLElT, 1903. Charadrella WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 341, lS96. 1 species. Type, Charadrella macrosoma W~LP. Chasmatonotus LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 8, p. 51,186-1. 1 species. Type, Chasmatonotus unimacula&us LoEw. Chauna Lo~w, Ent. Zeit. St&tin, vol. 8, p. 370, X34$. 1 species. Type, Chaunu variabilis LOEW. Not Chauna ILLIGER, 1811. Equals Neochauna WILLISTON, 1896. Cheilopogon RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 157, 1856. 1 species. Type, Asilus diadema. FABRICIUS(as Dasypogon punctatus FABRICIUS). Equals Dasypogon MEIGEN, 1803. Cheilosia MEIGE?~T,Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 289, 1822. 1 species. Type, Syrphusflavipes PANZER(as depila, new species). Chelifera MACQUART, Monogr. Empides, p_ 150, 1823. 1 species. Type, Tachy- dromia przecatoria FALLEN (as raptor, new species). Syn., Mantipeza RQNDANI, 1856; Polydrcnnya BIGOT, 1857. 522 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL &lUSEUM. VOL.37.

Cheligaster MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 479, 1835. 3 species. Type, Nuscu putris LINN;EUS, the first species, by present designation. Equa!s Themira DESVOIDY,1830. Chelipoda MACQUART,Monogr. Empides, p_ 148, 1823. 2 species. Type, Em@ melanocephala FABRICIUS, the second species, by designation of COQUILLEIT, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 247. Equals Hemerodromia MEIGEN, 1822. Chemalida RONDAKI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 180, 1856. 1 species. Type, Erioptera tz-nionota MEIGEN. Equals Polymeda MEIGEN, 1800. (&n&a MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p_ 151, 1834. 1 species. Type, (kphnephila devia HALIDAY (as testacea, new species). Equals Orphnephila HALIDAP, 1831. Chersodromia WALKER, List Dipt. Brit. Mus., vol. 4, p_ 1157, 1849. 2 species. . Type, Tachypeza arena&a HALIDaY (as brwipennti Zetterstedt). Chetocera DESPOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 697, 1830. 1 species. Type, Sciomyza a&- costata FALLEN (as claripennis, new species). Syn., bfelina DESVOIDY, 1830; ilrina DESVOIDP,1830. Chetogena RONDANL,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 68, 1856. 1 species. Type, Tachina awimilis FALLEN (as granzma MEIGEN). Equals Phorocera DESFOIDY,’ 1830. Chetoliga RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 66, 1856. 1 species. Type, Tachina gnaca MEIGEN. Equals Carcelia DESVOIDY,1830. Chiustocheta’ POJXORNY,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 39, p_ 568, 1889. 1 species. Type, Aricia troaii Z~ERSTEDT. Equals Chirosia RONDANI, 1856. Chionea DALK~N, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. for 1816, p. 104, 1816. 1 species. Type, Chionea araneoides DALMAN. Chiromyza WIEDEMANN, Nova Dipt. Gen., p. 20, 1820.” 2 species. Type, Chiro- myzu vittuta WIEDE~ANN, the first species, by designation of BRAUER,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 44, p. 86, 1882. ChironomusMEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 260, 1803. 3 species. Type, Tip& plumosa LINN;EUS,the first species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. General., p. 442, 1810. Equals Tendipes MEIGEN, 1800. Chirosia RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 102, 1856. 1 species. Type, Aricia a&tars% ZETTERSTEDT. Syn.. Chiastocheta POEORNY,1889; Rhadirba KOWARZ, 1893. Chbria SCHINER,Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 6, p. 151, 1862. 1 species. Type, Jiusca demandata FABRICIUS. Equals Physiphora FALLEN, 1810. Ch1orin.a’ DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p_ 603, 1830. 2 species. Type, Chlorincr’ tho- racicu DESVOIDY, the first species, by present designation. Equals Pegomya DEB- VOIDY, 1830. Chloromyia DUNCAN,Mag. Zool. and Bot., vol. 1, p. 164, 1837. 3 species. Type, Nusca formosa SCOPOLI,the first species, by present designation. Chloropisca Lo~w, Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 15, p. 79, 1866.* 5 species. Type, Chlorops glabra MEIGEN, the third species, by present designation. Chloroprocta WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 296, 1896. 1 species. Type, Chloroprocta semiviridis WULP. Chlorops MEIGFX, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 278, 1803. No species. In his Syst. Beschr., vol. 6, lS30, pp. 140 to 163, 60 species. Type, Chlorops Izeta MEIGEN, the sixth species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 125. Equals Titania MEIGEN, 1800. Chlorosia RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 11, 1861. Change of name for l C%n-isomaRONDANI, 1856, under the erroneous impression that it is preoccupied by Chlorisoma SWAINSON, 1837. Type, Nusca par&a HARRIS. Equals Chrysomyia MACQUART,1834. Chdlomyia BIGOT, Bull. Soo. Ent. France for 1884, p. 37, 1884. 1 species. Type, Cholomyia inquipes BIGOT. Chordonota GERSTIECKER,Linn. Ent., vol. 11, p. 311, 1857. 1 species. Type, Qphomyia inermis WIEDEMANN. ~0.1719. TYPE-SPECIESOFAXERICANDIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 523 ChotitommaSTEIN, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 40, p. 13S, 1695. 1 species_ Type, Platycaznosiam&ii STROBL(a~ pokornyi, new species). Equals Platyccenosia STROBL, 1894. Choristoneura R~~BSAAMEN,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 3i, p. 342,1S92. 1 species_ Type, Lasioptera obtusa LOEW. Chorlo@iZa MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 323, 1835. 22 species. Type, Anthomyiu sepia MEIGEN, the fifteenth species, by designation of W~s~woon, Intr_, vol. 2, Synope., 1840, p. 142. Equals Pegomya DESVOIDT, 1830. Chremia DESFOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 335, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina in&n& FALLEX (as ciligera, new species). Equals Leskia DESVOIDT,1830. Chromatcnnyia HARDY, Ann. Nag. Nat. Hi&., ser. 3, vol. 4, p. 390, 1849. 7 species. Type, Phytomyza obscurella FALLEN, the third species, by present designation. Equals Phytomyza FALLEN, 1810. Chrysanthrax OFTEN SACKEN, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 121, 1886. 4 species. Type, AnthrasfuZGohirta WIEDEMANN, the fourth species, by present d&g_ nation. Equals Villa Lxoy, 1864. Chrysev-ia DES~OIDY, Hi&. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 2&S, lS63. 2 species. Type, Musca heUuo FABRICIUS(as gentilis, new species), the second species, by present des- ignation. Equals Eliozeta RONDANI, 1856. Chrysoceria WILLISTON, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 15, p. 1, 1907. 1 species. Type, Laparus pictitar&s BIGOT. Chrysochlora LATREILLE, in Cuviers’ Regne Anim., new ed., vol. 5, p. 486, 1829. 1 species. Type, Sctrgusamethystinus FABRICIUS. Chrysochroma WILLISTON, Man. N. Amer. Dipt., p. 47,1896. Changeof name for Chysonoius LOEW, 1855, not of SWAINSON,1837. Type, Musca bipunctata SCOPOLI. Syn., Chysonotus Lo~w, 1855, preoccupied; Chrysonotomyia HUNTER, 1900. Chrysoclamis RONI)ANI, in Walkers’ Ins. Britt., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 279, 1851. Change of name for Ferdinandea RONDANI, 1844, because the latter name had not been adopted by the other entomologists. Type, Conopscupreus SCOPOLI. Equals Ferdi- nandea RONDANI, 1844. Chrysogaster MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 32,1SOO.* No species. In Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 274, 1803, 3 species. Type, Eristiis solstitialis FALLEN, the first species (as cctmiteriorum FABRICICS), by designation of ZETTERSTEDT,Dipt. Stand., vol. 2, 1843, p_ S16. Syn., Orthonezra MACQUART,1829; Campinewa RONDAXI, 1856; NeZa?zogasterRONDANI, 1857; Gjogaster ROND_4N1,1857; Cryptineura BIGOT, 1859. [Chrysomya DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 444, 1530. 22 supposed species. Type, Chrysomya regalis DESVOIDY,the fourteenth species,by designation of RONDANI,Arch. 2001. Modena, vol. 3,1864, p. 27. Syn., Pycnosoma BR.*UERand BERGENSTANM,1894; Paracompsomyia HOUGH, lS98. Not American.] (Chrysomya of authors equals Paralucilia BRAVERand BERGEN~AMM.) Chrysomyia MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 262, 1834. 5 species. Type, Musca poZita LINNXUS, the third species, by designation of 117~~w~~~, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 130. Syn., Microchrysa LOEW, 1855; Clorisoma RONDANI,1856; dfyo- chrysa RONDANI, 1861; Chlorosia RONDANI, 1861. Chrysomyza FALLEN, Seen. et Conop. Sveciae, p. 3, 1817. 1 species. Type, jfusca cZeman&!aFABRICIUS (as splendida, new species). Equals Physiphbra FALLEN, 1810. Chrysontiomyia HUNTER, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 27, p. 124, 1900. Change of name for Chrysonotus LOEW, 1855, not of SWAINSON,1837. Type, Musca bipunctata SCOPOLI. Equals Chrysochroma WIUISTON, 1896. Chrysondus L~Ew, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 5, p. 146, 1855. 1 species. Type, Nusca bipundata SCOPOLI. Not Chrysonotus SWAINSON,1837. Equals Chryso- chroma WILLISTON, 1896. Chrysop&s MAcQuART,Mem. Sot. Sci. Lille for 1826, p. 403, 1826. 3 species. Type, Musca diadema LINN~EUS,the third species, by designation of W~sTwOon. Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 134. Equals Styrex SCOPOLI.1763. 524 PROCEEDING8 OF THE X-3TIOS& i!If.!.?EUN. VOL.37.

Chrysops MEIGES, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 23, 1800.” No species. In Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, lSO3, p. 267, 1 species. Type, Tubanus caxutiensLISSXCS. Chrysotimus LOEW, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 48, 1857. No species. In vol. 8, p. 74, 1861, 2 species. Type, Chrysotimus pusio LOEW, the first species, by present . designation. ChrysotoxumNEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 275, 1803. 2 species. Type, &.sca bicincta LINXEUS, the second species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consid. G&&al., 1810, p. 443. Equals Antiopa MEIGES, 1800. Chrysotus MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 4, p. 40, 182-L 8 species. Type, Jfusca nigripes FABRICIXS, the sixth species, by designation of W~TWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 134. Chrysozona MEIGES, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p_ 23,lSOO.” No species. Hznzatopota MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Tabanus pluvialis LINNXIJS. Syn., H

Cleodora DIES~OTOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1047, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tuchina simulans ME~GEN (as ancilla, new species). Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Cleona MEIGEN, NOUV. Class. alouch., p. 30, 1800.* No species. Callomyia MEI- GEN, 1804, is a change of name. Type, Caltomyia elegans MEKEN. Syn., CWZomyia MEIGEN, 1804; Heteroneura FALLEN, 1810; Callomyza FALLEN, 1815. Cleonice DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1097, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tuchina grisea FALLEN. Equals Macquartia DEWOIDY, 1830. ClinoceraMEIGEN, Ill&xs’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 271,1803. No species. In 1804,l species. Type, Clinocera nigra MEIGEN. Equals Atalanta MEIGEN, 1800. Clinodiplosis KIEFFER, Bull. SOC. Ent. France for 1894, p- 280, 1894. 1 species. Type, Diplosis cilicrus KIEFFER. Clinogaster WULP, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 35, p. 189, 1892. 1 species. Type, C&o- gaster fiolabilis WULP. Clinoneura BRAUERand BI~GENST~M, Denkscbr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 119, 1889. 1 species. Type, Estheria tibia& DEWOIDY (as Dexia rubriventris hiac- QUART). &@s Ph orostoma DJWOIDY, 1830. CZinopera WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 305, 1896. 9 species. Type, Clinopera hieroglyphica WULP, the third species, by present designation. Equals Cyrtoneurina GIGLIO-TOS, 1893. Clinorhyncha Lo~w, Dipt. Beitr., vol. 4, p. 21, l&50. 1 species. Type, Clino- rhyncha chrysanthemi LOEW. Clista MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 208, 1838. 7 species. Type, Tachina mawns MEIGEN, the second species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p_ 76. Equals Rhinophora DESVOIDY,1830. Clistomorpha TOWNSEND,Can. Ent., vol. 24, p. 79, 1892. 1 species. Type, Xysta didyma Lo~w (as hyalomoides, new species). Equals Elkzeta RONDANI, 1856. [Clitxllaria MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p- 265, 1803. 1 species. Type, Stratiomys qhippium FABRICIUS. Equals Potamida MEIGEN, 1800. Not American.] (Clitellaria of authors equals ~doxom@ KERTESZ.) Clorisoma RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. X3,1556. 1 species. Type, iliusccc par&a HARRIS (as Sargus pallipes MEIGEN). Equals ChrysomJia’ MAcQUART,1834. Clusia HALIDAY, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, p. 188, Nov., 1838. 1 species. Type, Heteromyzajk~ra MEIGEN. Syn., Xacrochira ZEITERSTEDT,1838; Peratochetw RONDAXI, 1856; LStomphastica Lo~w, 1864. Clusiodes COQUILL~, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 6, p. 93,X304. Change of name for Hetaoneura FALLEN, 1823, not of FALLEN, 1810. Type, Heteroneura nlbi- manu MEIGEN. Syn., Heteronewa FALLEN, 1823, preoccupied. Clythia RfEmm, NOUV.Class. Mouth., p. 30,1800.* No species. platypeza MEIGEN, 1503, is a change of name. Type, Platypeza fasciala MEmEN. Syn., Platypeza MEIGEN, 1803; Calotarsa Ton-NSEKD,1894. Clytia DFXWOID\-,Essai Myod., p. 287, 1830. 5 species (as 7). Type, Jfusca con- tinua PANZER,the last three supposed species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 139. Not Clytia LAMAFXG,1812. Equals Eliozeta RONDANI, 1856. CiryZiomyoRONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 9, 1861. Change of name for CZytia DESVOIDY, preoccupied. Type, &.sca continua PANZER. Equals Eliozeta RONDANI, 1856. Cnemacatiha MACQUART,Eist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 586, 1835. 1 species. Type, Heteroneura nzuscaria FALLEN. Equals Sapromyza FALLEN, 1810. Clzephnlia RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 62,1856. 1 species. fipe, Tachinu bwephala MEIGEN (as G&a hebes MEIGEN). Equals Spallauzanla DEWOIDY, 1830. Cnephaliodes BB.AUERand BERGENSTAM~~,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 353, 1891. 1 species. Type, Cnephuliodes perversw BRAUER and BERGENSTAWM. Equals LarvZevora h1EIGEN,1800. 526 PROCEEDISGS OF THE NATIONAL UUSEL7df. VOL. 37.

Cnephaotachina BRAUER and BERGENSTAMJI,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 61, p. 612, 1894. 1 species. Type, Cnephaotachina crepusculi BRAUERand BER- GENST_%MM.Syn., Eudora DESVOIDY, 1863, preoccupied; Eudoromyiu BEZZI, 1906. CcelodiazeszsDPAR and KNAB, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 14, p. 177, 1906. 1 spe- cies. Type, Anopheles barberi COQUILLEIT. Equals Anopheles MEIGEN, 1818. Cmloglutus ALDRICH, Trans. Ent. Sot. Lond. for 1896, p. 338, 1896. 1 species. Type, C&oglutus concavus ALDRICH. Cmlomyia HALIDAY, in Westwoods’ Intr., vol. 2, Synops., p. 143, 1840. 1 species. Type, Ccelomyia mollissima HALID.~Y. Cmlopa MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 8, 1830. 1 species. Type, Cozlopa p&pa HALIDAT (as j1usca _frigida F.%BRICIUS). Syn., Fucomyia HALIDAY, 1838. Cmlosia WIX~ERTZ, Verh. ZooI-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 796, 1863. 2 species. 1 Type, Boletina jlava STXGER, the first species, by designation of JOHANNSENin Wytsmans’ Gen. Ins., Dipt.. Mycet., 1909, p. 86. Ccenia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p_ 800, 1830. 1 species. Type, Ephydra palustris FALLEN (as caricicoZa, new species). Cmnomyia LATRIELLE, Precis, p. 159, 1796. No species. In his Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, p. 439, 1802, 1 species. Type, dfmca ferruginea SCOPOLI. Cmnosia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 5, p. 210,1826. 28 species. Type, Musca genicutata FALLEN, the twentieth species, by designation of RONDANI, Atti Sot. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. 9, 1866, p. 9. Syn., Caricea DESVOIDY,1830; Limosia DES- VOIDY,1830; Palusia DESVOIDY,1830;? Eriostyla LIOY, 1864; Cenkocera POKORNY,1893; Limnospila SCHXABL,1902. , Coilometopia NACQ~AET, Dipt. Ezot., Suppl. 2, p. 91, 1847. 1 species. Type, &atophaga trimaculata FABRICIUS(as ferruginea, new species). Coloboneura MELAXDER,’ Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 28, p. 229, 1902. 1 species, Type, Colobolieura inusitata MEL~NDER. Colpodia WISNERTZ, Linn. Ent., vol. 8, p_ 188, 1853. 1 species. Type, Colpodia angustipennis WINNERT~. Comastes OSTEN SACKEN, Bull. 3, U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 256, 1877. 1 species. Type, Coma&es robustus OSTENSACKEN. Equals Heterostylum MACQUART,1848. Comatacta COQUILLETT, Can. Ent.., vol. 34, p. 199, 1902. 1 species. Type, Brachycoma. pallidula WULP. Commoptera BRUES,Amer. Nat., vol. 35, p. 344, 1901. 1 species. Type, C?nn9)wp- lera solenopsidia BRCES.’ Compsilura BOUCH~, Nat. Ins., p. 58, 1834. 2 species (as 3). Type, Tachina concinnata MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Doria MEIGEN, 1838; Machzrzea RONDANI, 1859. Compsomyia ROND.~NI, Ann. Mus. Civ. St.or. Nat. Genova, vol. 7, p. 425, 1875. 4 species. Type, Musca dux ESCHSCHOLZ,the first species, by present designation. Equals Calliphora DESVOIDY,1830. Comyops WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 262, 1891. 2 species. Type, Gomyops nigriennis WULP, by designation of BRAUERand BERGENSTAMX,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, 1893, p. 183. Cona SCHELLENBERG,Genres Mouth. Dipt., pl. 13, figs. 1 and 2; 1803. 1 species. Type, Nusca fenestralis LINN.XUS. Equals Omphrale MEIGEN, 1800. Conchyliastes THEOBALD,in Howards’ Mosquitoes, p. 235, 1901. 2 species. Type, CuZexposticatus WIEDEMANN (as musicus SAY), the first species, by present designa- tion. Equals Janthinosoma ARRIBALZAGA,1891. Condidea COQUILLEIT,Can. Ent., vol. 39, p. 75, 1907. 1 species. Type, Condidea !otU COQUILLEIT. Coniceps Lo~w, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 177,1873. 1 species. Type, (,oniceps‘ ?~igeTLOEW. NO. 171% TYPE-SPECIES OF AMERICAN DIPTERS-COQUILLETT. 527’

Conicera MEIGEN, Syst. Sekchr. Zweifl. Ins., ~01.6, p. 226,1630. 1 species. Type, Conicera atra MEIGEN. Conopejus RONDANI, Mag. Zool., ser. 2, vol. 7, Ins., p. 7, 1845. 3 species. Type, Conops quadtifa&atus DE GEER, the first species, by original designation. -Equals Conops LINNXEUS,1758. Conophorus MEIGES, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 268,1803. 1 species. Type, BombyZiw rirescensFABRICIUS (as maw-us MIKAN). Syn., Pleas LATREXLLE,1805. ConopoideusRONDASI, Mag. Zool., ser. 2, vol. 7, Ins., p. 9, 1845. 1 species. Type, Conops ferruginea MACQUART. Equals Conops LINNXCS, 1758. Conops LISNXIJS, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 604, 1758. 6 species. Type, Conops flauipes LINNZEUS,the fifth species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1831, p_ 377. Syn., Conopejus RONDANI, 1845; Conopoideus RONDANI, lS45; Sphyxosoma RONDANI, 1856; Bomb&a LIOT, 1864. Conopsida MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 4, pt. 2, p. 267, 1851. 1 species. Type, &phalia femoralis WIEDEMANN. Equals Michogaster MACQUART,1835. Contarinia RONDANI, Atti Sot. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. 2, p. 289, lS61. 1 species. Type, !43pula Zoti DE GEEB. Syn., Stictodiplosis KIEFFER, 1894; Eudiplosis KIEF&R, 1894. Copecrypta TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 109, 1908. 1 species. Type, Schineria ruJcauda WULP. Equals Cuphocera MACQUART,1845. Copestylum MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., Suypl. 1, p. 124,1846. 1 species. Type, volu- cella marginata SAY (as &wiwn.tris, new species). Ccphura OSTENSACKEN, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 181,18S7. 1 species. Type, Cophura sodalis OSTEN SACKEN. Syn., Blax Lo~w, 18i2, preoccupied; Blacodes LQE~, 1874, preoccupied; Loewiella WILLISTON, 1896. Cop&a DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p- 810, 1830. 1 species. Type, BOT~OTIQdenticu- Zatus MEIGEN (as bocina, new species). Equals Cypsela MEIGEN, 1SOO. Coprina ZIZTTERSTEDT,Isis von Oken for 1837, p. 35, lS37. 1 species. Type, Xusca pipiens LLNNXUS. Equals Syritta ST. FARGEAUand SERVILI~E,1828. CoprodipZosis KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1894, p. 280, 1894. 1 species. Type, Diplosis polypori Lo~w. Equals Leptodiplosis KIEFFER, 1594. Coproica RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 10, 1861. Change of name for Hete- roptera MACQUART, 1835, preoccupied. Type,, Copromyza pusilla FALLEN. Equals Cypsela MEIGEN, 1800. Copromyza FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Dipt. Exh., p. 19, 1810. No specie. In his Wet. Svecise, 1820, pp. 6 to 8, 7 species. Type, Copromyzu equina FALI,EX, the sec- ond species, by designation of ZET~ERSTEDT,Dipt. &and., vol. 6, l&Ii, p. 2475. Syn., Mycetia DESVOIDY,1830; Cimbometopia LIOY, 1864; Isogaster LIOY, 1564; Fun- go&a LIOY, 1864. Coquillettiu WILLISTON, Man. N. Amer. Dipt., p. 65, 1896. 1 species. Type, Spogos- tylum vandykei COQUILLEIT. Not Coquillettia UHLER, 1890. Equals Anthrax SCOPOLI, 1763. Coquillettidia DYAR, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 7, p_ 45, 1905. 4 species. Type, Culex perturbans WALKER, the first species, by original designation. Coquillettomyia FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y ., p. 395, 1908. 3 specie;_s.Type, Mycodiplosis lobata FELT, the first species, by original deignation. Cordilura FALL, Spec. Ent. Dipt. Exh., p. 15, 1810. 1 species. Type, Bfusca pubera LINNXUS. Syn., Mosinu DESVOIDY,1830. Cordylidezia GIGI.IO-TOS, Roll. Reale Acad. Sci. Torino, ser. 2, vol. 44, p_ 537, 1894. Change of name for CordyZigaster MACQUART,1843, under the mistaken impres- sion that it is preoccupied by Cordylegaster BILLBERG,1820. Type, Dexia petiolata WIEDEMANN. Equals Cordyligaster MACQUART,1843. Cordyligaster MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 90, 1843. 1 species. Type, Dexia petiolatu WIEI)EMANN. Syn., Cordylidexia GIGLIO-TOS,1894. 528 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIOYAL MUSEUM. VOL.37.

Corethra MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol, 2, p. 260, 1803. I species. Type, Tipula cuZi- ciformis DE GEER. Syn., Mochlonyx LOEW, 1844. Corethrella COQUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 10, p. 191, 1902. 1 species. Type, Corethrella brakeleyi COQUILLETT. Corizoneura RoND.4N1, Arch. Zool., vol. 3, p. 85, 1861. 3 species. Type, Pan- gonius appendiculata MACQUART, the first species, by present designation. Equals Pangonius LATREILLE, 1802. Coronim yia TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 128, 1892. 1 species. Type, Coronimyia geniculula TOWNSEND. Equals Epigrimyia TO~SSEXD, 1891. Coryneta MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 2i, 1800.” No species. Tachydromia MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Tachydromia connexa MEIGEN. Syn., Sim LATREILLE, 1796, preoccupied; Tachydromia MEIGEN, lSO3; Tachista LoE~, 1860. Corynoneura WINNEETZ, Ent. Zeit. St.&tin, vol. 7, p. 12, ls16. 2 species. Type, Corynoneura scutellata WINNERTZ, the first species, by present designation. Cot&a LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1123, 1861. 1 species. Type, Chkwops gracilis MEIGEN. Equals Titania MEIGEN, 1800. Crameria DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 59, 1830. 1 species. Type, Cram& cestroidea DESVOIDY. Equals Trixa MEIGEN, 1824. Crassiseta VON ROSER,Corr. Landw. Ver. Wurtemburg for 1810, p_ 63, 1840.” 1 species (as 5). Type, 0scini.s cornuta FALLEN. Syn., Macrochetum RONDANI, 1856. Cricotopus WULP, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 17, p. 132, 1874. 9 species. Type, Chirono- mus tibia& MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Crioprora OSTENSACKEN, Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p. 251,1878. 3 species. Type, Pocota alopex OSTEN SACKEN,the third species, by designation of WILLISTON, Synops. N. Amer. Syrph., 1886, p. 217. Syn., Romakosyrphus BIGOT, 1882. Criorhina MEIGEN, Syet. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p_ 236, 1822. 6 species. Type, Syrphus a.si1icu.sFALLEN, the fifth species, by designation of W~WOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., l@O, p. 136. Equals Penthesilia MEIGEN, 1800. Crocuta MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 8J, 1800.* No species. SiphonaMErGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, geniculata DE GEER. Syn., Siphona MEIGEN, 1803; Bucentes LATREILLE, 1809. CrossocosmiaMIE, Wien. Ent. &it., vol. 9, p. 313, 1890. 1 species. Type, &rimyia se&curia:RONDANI. Equals Sturmia DESVOIDY,1830. CrossopulpusBIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1857, p. 557, lS57. 1 species. Type, PUypalpus ambiguua MACQUART. Equals Drapetis MEIGEN, 1822. Cru?tobia’ KOLENATI, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 4, p_ 391, lS60. 1 species. Type, Crunobia schineri ROLENATI. Equals Trycyphona ZEITERSTEDT,lS3i. Cryptzneura BIGOT, Rev. Mag. Zool., vol. 11, p. 3Oi, 1859. 1 species. Type, Chrys- ogaster nitidus WIEDEXANN (as hieroglyphica, new speciesj. Equals Chrysogaster MEIGEN, 1800. Cryptochetum RONDANI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital. for 1875, p. 172, 1875. 1 specie-s. Type, Oyptochetum grandicorne RONDANI. Syn., fiS&phonti WILLISTON, 1888. Cryptodiploti KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1895, p_ 194, 1895. 1 species. Type, Tipula pini DE GEER. Equals Itonida MEIGEN, 1SOO. Cryptolabis OSTEN SACKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 224, 1860. 1 species. Type Cryptolabis paradoxa OSTENSACKEN. Cryptomeigenia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 311, 1891. 1 species. Type, Cryptomeigenia setifacirs BRAUER and BER- GENSTAN[M.Syn., Emphanopteryx TOWNSEND,1892. Cryptonevra LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1125, 1864. 1 species. .Type, Cholrops flavitarsis MEIGEN. Syn., Haplegis LOEW, 1866. CryptopaZpus RONDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna), ser. 3, vol. 2, p. 169, 1850. 3 species. Type, &?ropalpus ornatus MaCQUART, the first species, by present designation. Equals Epalpus RONDANI, 1850, Iso. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AiUERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 529

aenoceria RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 187, 1856. 1 species. Type, Ptychoptera pectinata MACQKJART. Equals Lirbpe MEIGEN, 1500. clenocnemis KO~ARZ, Verh. Zooi.-Bot. Ges. mien, vol. 22, p. 460, 1573. Change of name for Stumzia DESVOIDY, 1830, previously used in Botany, and Blepharipa RONDASI, lS56, on the score of the faulty construction of the latter. Type, _A?morcea scutellata DFS\-OIDI-, Equals Sturmia DESVOIDY,1830. Ctenophora MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 263, 1803. 4 species. Type, Tipula atmta LISNXUS, the third species, by designation of LU-REILLE, Consider. G&&al., 1810, p. 4-Z Equals Flabellifera MEIGEN, 1800. (Ctenophora of authors equals Phoroctenia COQUILLIrIT.) Culex LIXX,EUS, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 602, 1758. 6 species. Type, Ct.&x pipiens LINNSUS, the first species, by deignation of LATREILLE, Consider G&&al., 1810, p. 442. Syn., Heteronycha ARRIBALZAG_%,1891; ATeoculexDYIR, 1905. Culicada FELT, Mosq. Culic. N. Y. State, p. 391b, 1904. 7 species. Type, Culex canadetis TXEOBALD,the first species, by original designation. Equals Ochlerotatus ARRIBALZAGA,lS91. Culicella FELT, Mosq. &lic. N. Y. State, p. 391c, 1904. 1 species. Type, CuZex dyari COQUILLETT. Crrlicelsa FELT, pllosq. Culic. N. Y. State, p. 391b, 1904. 2 species. Type, Culex tzniorhynchus WIEDEMANN, the first species, by original designat.ion. Equals Och- Ierotatus ARRIBALZAGA,1591. Culicoides LATREILLE, Gen. Crust. et Ins., vol. 4, p_ 251, 1809. 1 species. Type, C&x pulicaris LINNZUS (as punctata, new species). Syn., Forcipomyia MEIGEPI,’ 1818; Labidomyia STEPHENS,1829; CEcclctn:POEY, 1851. Culiseta FELT, Mosq. Culic. N. Y. State, p. 391c, 1904. 2 species. Type, Culex absobrkus FELT, the first species, by original designation. Cuphocera M~CQUART,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1845, p. 267, 1845. 1 species. Type, i+fic~opalyz(srujiconis MACQUART. Syn., Palpibraca RONDANI,lS45; Copecrypta TO~XSEX~, 190s; Deopalpus TOWNSEXD,’ 1908. Curtonezra MUIACQUART,Ins. Dipt. Nord France, Ather., p. 146, 1834. 12 species. Type, Xusca maculata SCOPOLI,the ninth species, by designation of WEST-OOD, Intr., vol. 2. Synops., 1840, p. 141. Equals, Graphomya DES~OIDY, 1830. ,Curtonotum MXQUART, Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 193, 1843. 1 species. Type. & gibba FABRICIUS. Syn., Diplocentra LoEw, 1859. Cuterebra CLARK, Essay on BOB, p. 70, 1815.* 4 species. Type, Q?stm.scunicul~ CLARK, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Trypoderma WIEDEMASN, lS30. Cycloleppteron THEOBALD, Journ. Trop. Med., vol. 4, p_ 234, July 15, 1901. No species. In his Monogr. Cubic., vol. 2, p. 312, Nov. 23,1901, 1 species. Type, Anophetes grabhamii THEOB_ILD. Cyclorhynchus M .~CQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 114, 1840. 1 species. Type, Cycborhynchus testaceusMACQUART. Equals Phthiria MEIGEN, 1803. Cyiindrogaster IJOY-, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1329, 1864. 1 species. Type, Conops ferruginea LINNZUS. Equals Sicus SCOPOLI, 1763. Cylindromyia MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 279,1803. 1 species. Type, J~U,.SCU bra&curia F_~BRICIUS. Syn., Ocyptera LATREILLE, 1805; Partheniu DESVOIDY,1830. Cylindrotoma MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 107, lS34. 3 species. Type, Limnobia distinctissima MEIGEN, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 128. Cyniphes COSTA,Ann. Accad. Aspir. Nat., vol. 1, p. 4, 1843.” 1 species. Type, Bibio papatii SCOPOLI(as mole&us, new species). Equals Flebotomus ROND,4~1, 1840. Cynipimorpha BRAUER,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 49, p. 19, 1882. 1 species. Type, Cynipimorpha bilimeki BR~UER. Proc. N.M. vol. 37-l O-34 530 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NilTIOWaL MUSEUM. VOL. 31.

Cynisca DESVOIDP,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. ZOO,1863. 1 species. Type, Tuchina arvicoZ4-zMEIGES. Equals Aplomya DE~VOIDY, 1830. Cynomya DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 363, 1830. 4 species. ’ Type, .i&.scu mortuo- rum LI~NZ;ECS,the first species, by designation of MACQIJART,Recueil Sot. Sci. Arts Lille, 1834, p. 174. Syn., Cynophagu LIC)Y, 1864. LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto.. ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 890, 1864. Change of name for Qnomya DESVOIDT, 1830, because of tiomyia L~TREILLE, li96. Type, .&scu mortuorum&INN~us. Equals Cynomya DESVOIDP,1830. Cyno-rhina WILLISTON, Synops. N. Amer. Syrph., p. 209,1886. Zspecies. Type, Nile- sia analis M.UZQU~RT,the first species,by present designation. Equals Penthesila MEI- GEZi,1800. . Cyphomyia WIEDEMANN, Zool. Mag., stuck 3, p. 55, 1819. 3 species. Type, Q- phomyia auti_flamma WIEDEMANN, the first species, by designation of BRAUER, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 44, 1882, p. 87. Cypsela MEIGEX,’ Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 31, lSOO.* No species. Borborus MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, J~UCUsubs&tans FABRICIUS. Syn., Bar- borus MEIGETY,1803; Sphzrocera LATREILLE, 1805; Lordaku DESVOIDY,1830; coprina DES~OIDT,1830; Heteropkra MACQUART,1835; Coproica RONDANI, 1861; Lolobia LIOY, 1864. CyriZZia DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 31, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tuchina nigripes FALLEN (as BZondeZia foxiata DESVOIDY). Equals Lydella DESVOIDY,1830. Cyrtoma MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 4, p. 1, 1824. 3 species. Type, Empis spuria FALLEN, the first species, by designation of WEST\\-•OD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 133. Equals Bicellaria MACQUART,1823. C@omelopu LOEW, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 179, 1873. 1 species. Type, Odonkwnera ferruginea MACQUART. Equals Odontomera MACQUART,1848. Cyrtoneurina GIGLIO-TOS, Boll. Mus. Zooi. Univ. Torino, vol. 8, no. 147, p. 5, 1893. 8 species. Type, Cyrtoneurina uber GIGLIO-TOS,the eighth species,by present designa- tion. Syn., C&opera WULP, 1896. Cyrtophleba RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., ~011 1, p. 68, 1856. 1 species. Type, Tachina ruricolu MEIGEN. Cyrtopogon Lo~w, Linn. Ent.,vol. 2, p. 516,1847. 4 species. Type, Asilus rujicmi.s FABIUCIUS,the first species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, lS;iS, p_157. Syn., Euurmostus WALKER, 1851; Eupa-lamus Jm-NICKE, 1867. Cyrtosomu BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 372, 1891. No species. In vol. 60, p. 132,1893,1 species. Type, Cyrtosoma rufum BR.~UERand BERGENSTAMM. Not t?yrtosomaWALKER, 1829. Da&&us RONDANI,Dipt. It& Prodr., vol. 1, p. 158,1856. 1 species. Type, Asilus striatus FABRICIUS. Equals Habropogon LOEW, 1847. DactyZocZudius KIEFFER, Mem. Sot. Sci. Bruxelles, vol. 30, p. 356, 1906. 1 species. T?pe, Orlhocludius brevicornis KIEFF~. Equals Orthocladius WULP, 1874. Ductylolabis OSTEN SACKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 240, 1860. 1 species. Type, Limnophila montuna OSTENSACKEN. Equals Phylidorea BIGOT,1854. Dazochzta TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 97,1892. 1 species. Type, Dzochrela harveyi TOWNSEND. Dalmannia DE~~OIDY,Essai Myod., p. 248, 1830. 6 species. Type, Myopa punctukx FABRICIUS,the third species, by designation of RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1,1856, p. 59. Syn., Stuchyniu MACQUART,1834; Arpqita LIOY, 1864. [Damalis FABRICIUS, Syst. Antliatorum, p_ 147, 1805. 4 species. Type, Damulti curvipes FABRICIUS, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1835, p. 684. Not American (or equals Ncezu MEIGEN?).] (Darn&& of authors equals Xenomyza WIEDEMANN.) Dasineura RONDANI,Mem. Sec. Ditt. Ital., p. 18,1840.* 2 species. Type, Dazineura Zuteofusca RONDANI,the first species, by present designation. Syn., PerrisinRONDANI, 1846. rio.1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF A_UERICdB DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 531

Daaiopa RONDANI, Dipt. It&l. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 120,1856. 1 species. Type, C!jor- top]lila &zsiophthaZmaMACQUART (as Zonchew,ne\v species). Equals Lonchga FAL- LEX, 1820. Dasylechia WILLISTOS, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 15, p. 1,1907. 1 species. Type, Hyperebhhiaatrox WILLISTOS. Dasyllis Lo~w,’ Bemerk. Asiliden, p. 20, 1851. 4 species. Type, Laphriu humor- rhoa WIEDEMANN, the first species, by present designation. Dnsynlyia EGGER, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 8, p. 711, 1858. 1 species. Type, Musca apifxmis SCHRINII. Equals Pocota ST. FARGE_~CTand SERVILLE, 1528. DasynaDssvoxnv, Essai Myod., p. 667, 1830. 2 species. Type, Dasyna fwipennis DESYOIDP, the first species, by present designation. Equals Chyliza FALLEN, 1820. Dasypogon MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 270, 1803. 2 species. Type, Bsilus diudana FABRICICS, the second species, by designation of LATREILL~, Consider. General., 1810, p. 443. Syn., SeilopogonCOSTA: 1854; CheilopogonRONDANI, 1856. Dasyptera SCHINER,Wien. Em. Monatschr., vol. 7, p. 221, 1863. 1 species. Type, Erioptera varia MEIGEN. Equals Ormosia RONDANI, lS56. Daulopogon LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 18, p_ 377, lST-4. Change of name of Lusiopogon LOER,’ 1847, on account of an earlier use of this name for a genus of plants. Type, Dasypogonpilosellus Loom. Equals Lasiopogon LOEW, 1847. D@Zippia LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 733, 1864. 2 species. Type, c Anthrax knos MEIGEN, the second species, by present designation. Equals Mima M EIGEN, 1820. Degetia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 249,X338. 16 species. Type, Tachina collaris FALLEN, the seventh species, by designation of R~XDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 72. Equals Medina DESVOIDY,1530. Deinocerites TBEOB.ILD, Journ. Trop. Med., vol. 4, p. 235, July 15, 1901. No species. In his Monogr. Culic., vol. 2, p. 215, November 23, 1901, 1 species. Type, Deizoceritescancer THEOBALD. Syn., Brachiosoma THEOBALD,July 15, 1901; Brczchi- omyia THEOBALD,November 23, 1901. Dejeania DESVOID)P,Essai Myod., p. 33, 1830. 2 species. Type, Stomoxysbomby- ZansFABRICIC S,’ (as capensik,new species), the second species,by present designation. Delia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p_ 571, 1830. 30 species. Type, Anthomyia cardui MEIGEN (as$ticoZa, new species), the first species, by present designation. Equals Hylemya DESVOLDP,1530. Delphinia DESVOIDT, Essai Myod., p. 719, 1830. 1 species. Type, lliusca pi&u F~BBICI~S (as thorucica, new species). Syn., CamptoneuraMACQUART, 1843. Demoticus MAC~U_%RT,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1854, p. 442, 1854. 1 species. Type, Tuchina plebejusFALLEN. Syn., EnJomoboscaLIOY, 1864; Parafichericc TOWN- SEND, 1908; n-Teojis&eriaTOWNSEND, 190s; Apachemyia TOWNSEND,1908. Dendromyia THEOB.OLD,Rlonogr. Culic., vol. 3, p. 313, 1903. 5 species. Type, Dendromyia ulocoma THEOBALD,the first species, by present designation. De?tdrophiZaLIOY, Patti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 909, 1864. 1 species. Type, Musca hilaris FALLEN. Not Dendrophila SWAINSON, 1837. Equals Eustalomyia KO~ARZ, lSi3. Dentifibula FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 3S9,1908. 3 species. Type, Ceci- donryia viburni FELT, the third species, by original designation. DeopatpusTOTVNSEND, Smiths. Misc. COB., vol. 5;1, p. 110, 190s. 1 species. Type, Micropalpus ~a~ifo&ensis &~ACQUART (as hirsutus, new species). Equa.k Cuphocera MACQIJART,1845. Deromyia PHILIPPI, Verh. ZooI-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 15, p. 705, 1865. 3 species. Type, Deromyia gracilis PHILIPPI, the first species, by designation of WILLISTON, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 1, 1901, p. 311. Syn., Diogm&s LOEW, 1866. Desmatomyia WILLISTON, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 3, p. 268, 1895. 1 species. Type, Desmatomyia anomala WILLISTON. 532 PROCEEDINGS OF THE N~4TIONA.L MUSEUM. VOL.37.

Desmatoneura WILLISTON, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 3, p. 267, 1895. 1 species. Type, Desmatoneuraargentifrons WILLIsToN. Desmometopa Lorrw, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 9, p. 185,1865. 2 species. Type. Agromyza m-strum MEIGEN, the second species, by desiguation of H~SDEL, Wien. Ent. &it., vol. 22, 1903, p. 251. Syn., hfacrurus LIOT, 1864, preoccupied. Dexia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 5, p. 33, 1826. 24 species. Type, b_izcscarustica FABRICIOS,the twenty-second species: by designation of WEST~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 140. Syn., &i_%aWEsTwooD, 1840; Ida DESVOIDT,lS63. Dexilla WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., p. l-lo, 1840. 1 species. Type, ,&.sctc rustica F~BRICIUS. Equals Dexia MEIGEN, 1826. Dexiopsis POKORNP,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 43, p. 533, 1893. 1 species. Type, Aricia lacteipennisZEITERSTEDT. Dexiosoma ROND.INI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 85, 1856. 1 species. Type, lllusca canina F~BRICIUS. DexodesBRAUER and BERGENSTA~IM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. miss. Wien, vo;. 56, p. 87, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachina albisquama ZETTER.TTEDT(as spectabi&sMEIGEN). Equals Lydella DESVOIDP,1830. DiabcGsisMACQUART, Hi&. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 207, 1834. 4 species. Type, Tabanus bicinctus FABRICIUS,the first species, by present designation. Not l?iabas& HOFFXANNSEGG,1819. Equals Diachlorus C~TEN SACKEN,1876. Diachlorus OSTEN SA(S~EN,Mem. Boston Sot. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, p. 475, 1876. Change of name for Diaba.sisMACQUART, 1834, not of HOFFMAYNSEGG,1819. Type, Tabanus bicinctusFABRICIUS. Syn., Diabasis MACQU~RT,1834, preoccupied. Diacrita GEFtsTBcKER,Ent.‘ Zeit. St&tin, vol. 21, p_ 195, 1860. 1 species. Type, Diacrila cos~a&GER~T~CKER. Syn., Carlottarm.$a BIGOT, 1877. Diadocidia RUTHE, Isis von Oken for 1831, p. 1210, 1831. 1 species. Type Mycetobia ferruginosa MEmEN (as jfavicans, new species). Syn., AlacronevraB~ACQ~MIT, 1834. DiaZineura RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 155, 1856. 1 species. Type, 2llusca an&s LINNBUS. Equals Thereva LATREILLE, lf96. Dialysis WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 4, 1850. 1 species. Type, Stygia elongata SAY (as dissimilis, new species). Syu., Agnotomyia WILLIsroN, 1886. Diamesa MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 12,1838. 2 species. Type, Diamesa zaltlii MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Diaphoropeza TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 66, 1908. 1 species. Type, Atrophopoda ~~~~~~~WILLISTON.Equals Paradidyma BRAUER~~~BERGENSTAM~)I, 1891. Diaphorus MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 4, p. 32, 1824. 4 species. Type, Dolichopusoculatus FALLEN (as~avocinctus,new species), the first species, by designa- tion of WEST~FOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 134. Syn., BrachypusMEIGEN, 1824; Lyromtwts LOEW, 1857. Diasernocera BEZZI, Wien. Eut. Zeit., vol. 14, p. 137, 1895. 1 species. Type, Psilopa riideri GIRXHNER (as nigrotsaiakc, new species). Equals Psilopa FALLEN, 1823. [Diastata MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ius., vol. 6, p. 94,183O. 16 species. Type, Geomyza obscurella FALLEN, the third species, by designation of WESTWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synope., 1840, p. 152. Not American]. (Diastata of authors equals Calopterella, new name.) Diathronomyia FELT, 23d Rep. State. Ent. N. Y., p. 339, 1908. 1 species. Type, Diathronomyia artemisia:FELT. Diatom&urn RONDANI, Arch. Zool., vol. 3, p. 84, 1864. 5 species. Type, Pan- genius depyessusMACQUART, the first, species, by present designation. Equals Pan- gonius LATREILLE, 1802. Dichaeta MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins , vol. 6, p. 61, 1830. 1 species. Type, Notiphila caudata FALLEN. Dichaetoneura JOHNSON,Psyche, vol. 14, p, 9, 1907. 1 species. Type, Dichzton- eura leucopteraJOHNSON. so. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OFAXERICAN DIPTERB-COQUILLETT. 533

Dichelacera MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 112, 1838. 4 species. Type, &+elacera unifasciata MACQUART,the third species, by present designation. Dichelomyia RUBSAAMEX,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 37, p. 346, 1892. 21 species. Type, Cecidomtia saliciperda DUFOUR, the second species, by present designation. EqualsPabdophaga WEsTwOoD, 1847. Dichocera WILLISTON, Ent. News, vol. 6, p. 31, 1895. 1 species. Type, Dichocera lyrata WILLISTON. Dichrodiplosis KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1895, p. 194, 1895. 1 species. Type, Dichrodiplosisfaciata KIEFFER. Diclisn SCRINER, Verb. ZooI.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 17, p. 311, 1867. 1 species. Type, Panyonius incomp~etzu nIXQUART. Equals Scione WALKER, 1850. Dicolonus LoE~, Berliner Ent. &its&r., vol. 10, p. 32, 1866. 1 species. Type, Dicolonus simplex LOW-. Dicranomyia STEPHENS,Syst. Cat. Brit. Ins., vol. 2, p. 243, 1829. 8 species. Type, Limnobia modesta MEIGEN, the fourth species, by present designation. Equals Furcomyia MEIGEN, 1818. Dicranophragma OSTENSACKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 240, 1860. 1 species. Type, Linznophila fbscovaria OSTEN SACKEN. Equals Phylidorea BIGOT, 1854_ Dicranoptycha OSTEN SACKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p_ 217, 1860. 4 (supposed) species. Type, Dicranoptycha germana OSTENSICKEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Marginomyia MEIGEN, 1818. Dicranota ZIZCTERSTEDT,Ins. Lapp., p_ 851, 1838. 1 species. Type, Tipula bimaculata SCHUXMEL(as guerini, new species). Dicranus Lo~w, Bemerk. Asiliden, p. 13, 1851. 1 species. Type, Dasypogon ru- tilus W;IRDEMANN. Didea MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 508, 1834. 1 species. Type, Didea f CLstiUtUBlACQUART. Syn., Enica MEIGES, 1838. Didyma WCLP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 156, 1890. 18 species. Type, Didyma albomicans WULP, the twelfth species, by designation of TOWNSENDin Willistons’ Man. N. Amer. Dipt., 1908, p. 379. Dilophus MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 264, 1803. No species. In his Klass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., 1804, pp. 115 and 116, 3 species. Type, Tipula febrilis LIN?J~EUS, the first species,by designation of LATREILLE,Consider. General., 1810, p. 442. Equals Philia MEIGEN, 1800. Dimeraspis NEWNAN, Ent. Mag.,vol. 5, p. 372.1838. 1 species. Type, dfulio globosus FABRICIUS(as podugru., new species). Equals Microdon MEIGEN, 1803. Dinewa LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1315, 1864. 4 species. Type, PJ~ytomyzaclegansMEIGEN,thefirstspecies, bypresentdesignation. Equals Napomyza HALIDAY, 1840. Dioctria ~IEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 270, 1803. 3 species. Type, As&s celan- dicus LINNZEUS,the first species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. General., p. 443, 1810. Diogmites Lo~w, BerIiner Ent. &its&r., vol. 10, p_ 21, 1866. 8 species. Type, Diogmites platypterus LoE~, the first species, by present designation. Equals Deromyia PHILIPPI, 1865. Diomonus WALKER, List Dipt. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 87, 1848. 1 species. Type, Dion2onm netulosus WALKER. Diomyza MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 89, 1818. 1 species. Type, Losiopterapicta XEIGRS. Equals Lasioptera NEIGEN, 1818. Dionaza DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 253, 1830. 2 species. Type, Tachina forci- pata MEIGEN, the first species, by designation of DESVOIDY,Hi& Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, 1863, p. 54. Syn., Labigastera MACQU~RT,1834. 534 PROCEEDIBGS OF THE NATIONAL JdDXEUM. FOL.37.

Dionnga MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 24, 1800.* No species. Plutypteru MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Empisplatyptera PANZER. Spn., Platyptera ME~GEN, lYO3; Macrostomzis WIEDEM.*hw, 1817; Rhamphomyia MEIGEN, 1822; Eni- coptqx STEPHENS,1829; Holoclea SCHINER, 1860; Jfegacyttarus BIGOT, 1880. Diostracus LOEW, Neue Beitr., vol. 8, p. 43, 1861. 1 ,+scies. Type, Diostracus prti7NLs LOEW. Diotrepha OSTEN SXGEN, Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p_ 219, 1878. 1 species. Type, Diotrepha mirabilis OSTEXSACKEN. Dipalta OSTEN SICKEN, Bull. 3, U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 236, 1877. 1 species. Type, Dip&a serpentbtaOSTEN SACKEN. Diphysa MACQU_%RT,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 172, 1838. 2 species. Type, Xylophagus rujpalpus WIEDEXAXN, the second species, by present designation. Not Diphysa BLAINVILLE, 1834. Equals Exaireta SCHINER, 1867. Diplocentra LOEK, Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 13, p. 13,1859. Change of name for Curtonotum MACQUART,1843, on account of alleged preoccupation. Type, Jfwsca gibba FABRICIIJS. Equals Curtonotum MACQU.~RT,1843. Diplomera LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p_ 1349, 1864. 2 species (as 3). Type, Tachina bisignata MEIGEN, the first species (as bigtitata MEIGEN), by present designation. Equals Meigenia DESTOIDY,1830. Diplosis Lo~w, Dipt. Beitr., vol. 4, p. 20, 1851. 15 species. Type, !ZXpuZupini DE GEER, the ninth species, by designation of BOSDINI, Atti Sot. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. 2, 1861, p. 289. Equals Itonida MEIGEN, 1800. Diplotoxa Loom, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 54, 1863. 1 species. Type, CtiOTOJX tXTSiCO~OT LoER. Dipsa FBLLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Esh., p. 20, 1810. 1 species. Type, Lonchop- tera lutea PANZER (as bifurcuta., new species). Equals Lonchoptera MEIGEX, 1803. Dirhiza LOEW, Dipt. Beitr., vol. 4, p. 21, 1850. 1 species. Type, Dirhiza lateritia LEOW. Discobola OFTEN SACKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1861, p_ 226, 1862. 2 species. Type, Limnobia argus SAY, the second species, by present designation. Syn., Trochobola OSTENSACEEN, 1869. ficocghula M.WQIJART, Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 50, 1838. 3 species. Type, Dasypogon abdominalis SAY (as rujicentris, new species), the third species, by present designation. Not Discocephala LAPORTE, 1832. Equals Holcocephala J~NNICKE, 1867. Discocerina MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 527, 1835. 4 species. Type, Kotiphila obscurella FALLEN, the first species, by present designation. Syn., CZusio~a STENHAMNER,1844. Discomyza MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 76, 1830. 1 species. Type, Psilopa incuraa FALLEN. Distichona WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 44, 1890. 1 species. Type, Distichona maria WULP. Syn., Pseudogermaria BRAGERand BERGESSTAM~I, lS91; Olenochzta TOWNSEND,1892. Ditomyia WINNERTZ, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 7, p. 14, 1846. 1 species. Type, Mycetobia fasciccta MEIGEN (as tr


Dyope DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 618, 1830. 2 species. Type, illzlsca JIareola FAB RICIUS (as communis, new species), the first species, by present designation. Equals Dryomyza FALLEN, 1820. Duponchelia DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 531, 1863. 1 species (as 2). Type, Chetogena segrepata RONDANI (as sylrestris and infuscata, new species). Not Duponchelia ZELLER, 1847. Equals Parasetigena BRAVER and BERGESSTAUN, 1891. Dyna:osoma WISNERTZ, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 94i, 1863. 2 species. Type, Xycetophila fuscicornis MEIGES, the first species, by designation of JOHAXSSES, Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., p. 114, 1909. Dysmachus Lo~w, Dipt.-Fauna Siidafrika, p. 143, 1860. 4 species. Type, Ailus trigonus MEIGEW, the third species, by present designation. Syn., Lophonotus MAC- QUART, 1838, preoccupied. Earomyia ZETTER~TEDT, Dipt. &and., vol. 1, p. 78, 1842. X-0 species. In vol. 7, 1848, p. 2690,l species. Type, Earomyia lwhzoides ZETTERSTEIIT. Equals Lonchaa FALLES, X20. Eccoptomera LOEW, Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 13, p. 47, 1862. i species. Type, Heleornyza longiseta MEIGEN, the second species, by present designation. Eccritosia SCHINER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Gee. Wien, vol. 16, p. 674, 1866. 2 species. Type, dsilus barbatus FABRICIUS, the first species, by original designation. Ecculex FELT, Mosq. Culic. N. Y. State, p. 391c, 190-). 2 species. Type, C&U sylcestris THEOBALD, the first species, by original designation. Equals Ochlerotatus ARXIBALZAGA, 1891. Echinodexia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMH, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, 1). 174, 1893. 1 species. Type, Hystrisyphona pseudohystricia BRAUER~~~ BERGEN- STAUN. Echinoguster LIOT, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1335, 1864. 1 species. Type, Tuch,inaprompta MEIGEN (as Echinomya argen2ifron.s MACQIJART). Equals Peleteria DESVOIDY, 1830. Echinomya IATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 11, p. 377, 1805. 2 species. Type, Xusca grossa LINN_XES, the first epecies, by designation of WFSTWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 138. Equals Larva3vora MEIGES, 1800. Echthodopa LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 10, p. 16,1866. 1 species. Type, Echthodopa pu bera Low. Ecitomyia BRUES, hmer. Nat., vol 35, p. 347, 1901. 1 species. Type, Ecitomyia whpekri BRUES. Eclimus LOEW, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 5, p. lM, 184. 2 species. Type, Bclimus perspici2laris LOEW, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Thevenemyia BIGOT, lSi5; Epibates OSTEN SICKEN, 1877. Ectecephala MACQUART, Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 4, pt. 2, p. 280, lS51. 1 species. Type, Ectecephala albistylum MACQUART. Ectyphus GERST~ECKER,Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 29, p. 92, 1868. 1 species. Type, Ectyphus pinguis G&ST.ECKER. E#eria COQUILLETT, Can. Ent., vol. 25, p. 175, 1893. 5 species. Type, Efleria candida COQUILLEIT, the fifth species, by present designation. Feuals Eichoichemus BIGOT, 1857. Egeria DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 555, 1830. 3 species. Type, Egeritr silvalictc DESVOIDY, the first species, by present designation. Equals Hylemya DESVOIDY, lS30. Eggeria SCHISER, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 5, p. 142, 1861. 1 species. Type, Fallenin fasciata EGGER. Equals Phorocera DES~OIDY, 1830. Egle DEWOIIXS, Essai Mpod., p. 584, 1830. 21 species. Type, Egle parva DES- YOIDY, the twentieth species, by present designation. Equals Pegomya DESVOIDY, 1830. NO.1719. 537

Eicherax BIGOT, Ann. SW. Ent. France for 1857, p. 545, 1857. 1 species. Type, Erax simplex MACQUART. Syn., Eristicus LOEIV, 1848, preoccupied; iVeoeri.sticus OFTENSACKEN, 1878. Eichoichemus BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1857, p. 543, 1857. 1 species. Type, Erax_flavianalis MACQUART. Syn., Efferia ~OQUILLETT,1893. [Elachiptera MACQUART,Hi& Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 621, 1835. 1 species. Type, Chlorops breti+pennisMEIGEN. Not American.] Elachisoma RONDANI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 12, p. 5, 1880. 1 species. Type, Borborus nigerrimus H~LIDAT. Equals Leptocera OLIVIER, 1813. Elzotoma COSTA,Atti Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat., vol. 1, p. 49, 1863. 1 species. Type, Laphria albibarbis MEIGEN (as adustiwzntris, new species). Equals Ahdrenosoma RONDANI, 1856. Elaphropeza MACQUART,Ins. Dipt. Nord France, Separata, p. 86, 1827. 1 species. Type, Tachydromia ephippiata FALLEN. Elephantomyia OSTEN SACKEN,Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 220, 1860. 1 species. Type, Ebhantomyia westwoodiOSTEN SACKEN (as Limnobiorhynchus cana- densisWE,ST~~~D) _ El&a DESVOIDP,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1550, p. 190, 1850. 2 species. Type, Actia cingulata DESVOIDY,the first species, by designation of DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1,1863, p. 672. Equals Actia DESVOIDP, 1830. Elgiva MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 365, 1838. 4 species. Type, Mzlsca cuculluria LINNBIJS, the fourth species, by designation of RONDAX~,Dip,. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1,1856, p. 106. Syn., GymnostylaLIOY, 1864. Eliozeta RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 82, 1856. 1 species. Type, Zuchina’ pellucens FALLEN. Syn., Clytia DGSVOIDY, 1830, preoccupied; Clytiomyiu RONDANI, 1861; C%ryserinDESVOIDY, 1863; Atibza DESVOIDY, 1563; Phanigaster LIOY, 1864; Qistomorpha TOWNSEND,1892; Subclytia PANDELLE, 1894; Euclytia TO~XSEND, 1908. Elliponeura LoE~, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 13, p. 44, 1869. 1 species. Type, EZZiponeuradebilis hEw. Elliptera SCHINER,Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 7, p. 222, 1863. 1 species. Type, Elliptera omtisa SCHINER. Elophilus MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p_274, 1803. 4 species. Type, Muca ienclx LINNIEUS,the first species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. G&&al., 1810, p. 443. Equals Tubifera MEIGEN, 1800. EZpe DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p_ 488, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tczchina. inepta MEIGEN. Equals Zenilla DBVOIDP, 1530. Etpigia DESVOXDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p_ 149, 1863. I species (as 4). Type, iK&oqramma heteroneuraMEIGEN. Equals Taxigramma.Pmzms, 1852. Empeda OSTEN SACKEN,Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 4, p. 183, 1869. 1 species. Type, Empeda stigmatica OSTENSACKEN. Emphanopteryx TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p_ 120,1892. 1 species. Type, Tachirza theutis WALKER (as eurnyothyroides,new species). Equals Crypto- meigenia BRAVERand BEBGEXSTAMM,1891. Empheria WINNERTZ, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 738, 1863. 7 species. Type, Sciophila striuta MEIG~, the first species, by present designation. Not Empheria HAQEX, 1856. Equals Neoempheria OSTENSACKEN, 1878. Empimorpha COQUILLETT,Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 18, p_ 396, 1896. 2 species. Type, Empimorpha cornantisC~QUILLETT, by original designation. Empis LINRJEUS,Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 603: lT58. 3 species. Type, Empis pen- nipes LINNXUS, the second species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. G&&al., 1810, p- 443. Syn. Platypterygia STEPHENS,1829; Pachymeria STEPHESS,18299; Pachy- merina MACQUART,1834; Eriogaster MA~QUART,1838; Enoplempis BIGOT, 1880. Endocephala LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 10, p. 81, 1865. Change of name for CephenemyiaLATBEILLE, 1818, because it is too near CephalemyiaLATEEILLE, 1818. Type, @&us trompe LINNLEW. Equals Cephenemyia LATREILLE,1818. 538 PRo(J’EEDINC&’ OF Tgi? NA!iiiitji?Aj%’ MU,YEUJ$. VOL. 37. - Enica MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. ZWeifl- Ins-9 Vol. 7, Pa 140, 1838. 1 species. Type, Dideu fasciato, M.~CQ~ART(as f~-.steri, new species). EqualsD&a MMZQTJART, 1834. Enicita WE~TK~OD, Intr., vol. 2, Synods-, p- 148, 1840. Change of name for E~~icopusWALKER, 1~33, not of STEPR*N% 1830. Type, sepsis annulipes MEIGEN. Syn., Enicopus ~~.~LKER,1833, preoccupied- Enicopteryx STEPHESS,Syst. Cat. Brit- Ins., P- 264, 182% 2 species. Type, Rham- phomyia infuscata MEIGEN, the first specie% by designation of WESTVKWD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 131. Equals Dionnza MmGEN, 1800. Enicopus W_~LKER, Ent. Mag., x-01. 1, p. 253, 1833. 1 species. Type, &J.w& annul- ipes MEIGEN. Not Enicopus STEPREW 1830. Equals Enicita WBTWOOD, 1840. Ennyomma TOWSSEND,Trans. Amer. Eut. SOC., ~01. 1% p- 371, Dec., 1891. 1 species. Type, Ta&ina mea WIEDEXANN (as clktgde, new species). Equals Myiophasia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM, 1891. Enoplempis BIGOT, Bull. SOC. Ent- France for 1880, P. 47, 1880. 1 species. Type, Enoplempis mim BIGOT. Equals Empis LINNZES, 1758. Ensina DESVOIDP, Essai Myod-, P. 751, 1830. l species (as 6). Type, sonchi LINN~US. Enkromyza P*ONDANI,Dipt. ~1. Prdr., vol. 2, P. 20, 1857. Change of name for G~tero~hilz~sLIQCH, 1817, and Gastms MEKEN, 182-J because of their inappropriate- ness. Type, CEstrusintestinalis DE GEER- Equals Gasterophilus LEACH, 1817. Enthenis DESVOIDT, Hi&. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, P. 199, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tuchina dutia F.~LLEN (as ciLigera, Jlew species)- Equals Ly+a DESVOIDY, 1830. Entomobosca LIOY, Atti Inst. teneb’ ser. 3, vol. 9, P. 1350, 1864. 1 species. Type, Tczchina plebtjus FALLEN (as sPemba& MEIoEN). Equals Demoticus MAC- QUABT, 1854. Entomophaga LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1332, 1864. 2 species. Type, Tachina exoleta MEWEN, the first specie% by present designation. Equals Ceranthia DEWOIDY, 1830. Epacmus OSTEN SBCGEN, Biol. Centr--her., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 142, 1887. Change of name for Leptochilus LQEW, 1872, not of SAUssURE,1852. Type, hp~chilus modestus LOEW. Syn., Leptochilus LQEw, 1872, preoccupied. Epalpus RONDANI, Nuovi Ann. SCi. Nat. (Bologna), ser. 3, vol. 2, p. 169, 1850. 6 species. Type, Nicropalpus r$P ennis MACQUART, the fourth species, by present cesignation.’ Syn., C7-@opalpus R OND-4N1,1850; &zundersiu SCEINER, 1868; Rh&oe- palpus TOWNSEXD.1908. Ephydra F_~LLEN,Spec. Ent. BIeth. Exh., P- 22, 1810. No species. In 1813, 4 species. Type, Ephydra tiparia FALLEN, the first species,by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1832, p. 413. . Ephydrosoma LLOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1103, 1864. 1 spies., Type, Ephydra rufpes MEIGEN. Equals NaP=a Dmvo~~y, 1830. Ephygrobia SCHINER, Wien. Ent. Mouat=hr., vol. 6, P. 432, 1862. Change of name for Psilopa FALLEN, 1833, on account of psi&VUS MEWEN, 1824. Type, Notiphila nitidula F_~LLEN. Equals Psilopa FAiLLEN;1823. Epibates OSTEN S_~CKEN,Bull. 3, U. Se Geol. Sum., P. 268, 1877. 7 species. Type, Epibates fuwstw OSTEN SSCKEN, the first specie+ by present designation. Equals Eclimus LOEW, 1W. Epicypta WINTJERTZ, Verb. ZooI.-Bet- Ges. Lieu, vol. 13, p. 909, 1863. 3 species. Type, Mycetophila scatophora PERR% the second species, bydesiguation of JOHANNSEN Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 110. Epidapus HALIW~Y, in Walkers’ Ius. Britt., Dipt., vol. 3, p. 56, 1856. 1 species. Type, Chionea venatica HALIDAY. SYu., Atom&a BIGOT, 1854, preoccupied. Epidesmia RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. ProdI.,’ vol. 1, P- 11.2, 1856. 1 species. Type, Tephritis cognata WIEDEMANN. Equals Acidia DEWOIDY, 1830. NO. 1719. RICAN DIPTEBA-COQUILLETT. 539 TYPE-SPECIES OF aillE- EPidiPkis FELT, 23d Rep. State sn t. N. Y., p. 406,190s. 1 species. Type E@&- PlOGsa3i FELT, SOC., EPigriayia TOWN~EEND, Trans. Amer. Ent. vol. 18, p. 375, 1891. 1 species. TYPe, EPigrirnyia polita TOWNSEND. Syn., DrepanoglossaTO~XSESD, 1891; Siphocly- th Towxu~ND, 1892; Siphophyto ~~~~~~~~~ 1892; &ronimyia TOWSSE-VD,1892. EplPela STENHAMMAR,Kongl. Ve t - Ak-ad. Handl. for 1843, p. 113, 1844. 1 spe- ;.; ;$pe, ~~~~~~~ qiloh CmTIs (as not&a, new specres). Equals Ilythea HALI-

EbiPhragma OSTEXSACKEN, Froc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for lS59, p. 238, 1860. 2 species. Type, L~in~notiafw+pennis SAY (as pamnina, new species), the second spe- cies, bY present designation. Epiplatea bEw, Berliner Eut_ aitschr.: vol. 11, p- 324, 1868. I species. Type, @@atea meso Losw. EPisbophe WALKER, Ins. Saund-9 Dipt., p. 242, 1852. 1 species. Type dlusca fomosa EIARRIS (as conjungens,new sPecies)0 EPitriPtus .L~Ew, Linn. Ent., VO14, p. 108, 1849. 6 species. Type, AsiZus cingu- AGUE~-PRR~cIu~, the first species,by Presentdesignation- EP”chra Lo~w, Mono,or. Dipt. N. Amer.,vol. 3, p. 238, X73. 1 species. Type, TTY- Qeta CaWz&-n.=&~LoER .’ lErax SCOPOLI,Ent. Carn., p. 359, 1763. 14 species. Type, Erax barb&us Sco- POW the fifth species,by present designation. Syn., ProtophanaLOER, 1860. Not Ameriosn.] (Erax of authors equs Is Eicherux BIGOT.) Eremomyia STEIN, Berliner Ent. eitschr., vol. 42,-p. 223,189s. 4 species, Type, Eremomyia humerak STEIN, the firs t species, by designation of C~QIJILLETT,Journ. N- V- Fnt. sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 137. ErePhopsis RONDANI, Arch. ZooI-? ~01. 3, p. 85, 1864. 7 species. Type, Pan- gonius.fuZwithorazWIEDEXANN, the second species, by present designation. Equals Pangouius LATREILLE, 1802. Erermoptera KELLOGG,Biol. BuI1*y vol. 1, p. 82, 1900. 1 species. Type, Ereto- m”ptaa brownf KELLOGG. Eribea DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dip t., vol. 1, p. 1033, 1863. 1 species (as 16). Type, Tm&i% simulans MEIGEN. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Erichamia DESVOIDY,Hist_ Nat. Dipt., Vol.2, P-481, 1863. 2 species(as35). Type, SarcoPktga hzmorrhoa MEIGEN (th e first 24 supposed species), by original designa- tion. Not Erichsonia WESTWOOD.1849; nor of DAN-~, lS49. Equals Hartigia DES- VoxDY, 1863. Er%one DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p 65, 1830. 3 species(as 8) - Type, &sca radicum FAsRrCI~s (as anthophila,jbipenn~s~ and scutelkzris,new species), the first species, by designation of DESvOIDy, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol.1,1663, p- 152. Equals Emestia DES- VOIDY,1830. Eri& DFSVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dip t., ~01.1, p. 467, 1863. 1 species. Tppe, Tachina v”kJa% FALLEN (as &&ica, new sP ecies). Equals Phryxe DESVOIDI, 1830. Erinna MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. bIouch., p. 21,lSOO.” No species. Xybphagus MEI- GEN, 1893, is a,change of name_ Type, ~Alem&’ US‘ tin&m DE GEEs- Syh., Xyl~~~hgu~ ?rlExGE~,1803; PachystomusLATR~I~~~~ 18og- Er&era MACQUART,Dipt. Exot.7 ~01.1, pt. 1, p. 74, 1838. 1 species. Type, Lim- nobiu nigra WIEDEMANN. Equals Caloptera GUERIN, 1529. Eriega.ster MACQUART,Dipt. Esot*y vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 162, 1838. 1 species. Type, Emph laniventr~s~~~~~~~~~ Not EGgaster GEFDIAR,1811. Equals Empis LIN- Naus, 1758. E~&.whia LIOY, Atti Inst. 3T eu eto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 991, 1864. 1 species. Type, Equals Pegomya DESVOIDY,1530. CbrtophiEa $OCCOSQ MhcQnAaT. Etioph-ora. PHILIPPI, Verh. ZooI.-Bot. Ges. Wen, vol. 15, p. 735, 1565. 1 species. *yPe, Eriophora aureorufa PHIL@~- Equals Penthesilia MEIGEN, 1869. 540 VOL. 37. E,+optera MEIGEN,Illiger s’ Mag., x01.2, p. 262,1503. Xo species. In 1804,6 species. Type, Erioptera lutea MEIGEN, the 5th species, by present designation. Equals polymeda MEIGEN, 1800. Er j&/h LIOY,Atti Inst. Veneto, 8er. 3, vol. 9, p. 997, lS64. 2 species. Type, Coaoia dubia MACQUART,the second species, by designation of COQUILLETT,Journ. N_ y. Ent_ Sot., vol. 9,1901, p. 137. Equals(?) Coenosia MEIGEN, 1826. Esstalinus ROHDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for 1844, p. 453, 183-L No species_ In his Dipt. Ital. Prodr., ~01.2, 1857, p. 38, 1 species. Type, Musca~sepui- chra& LINNXUS. Equals Tubifera MEIGEN, 1800. EAstaGis’ LATREILLE,Nouv. Diet. Hist. Nat. ,vol. 24, p. 194, lSO4.* 7 species. Type, jfUsca tenal: LINN.YZUS,the third species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1832, p. 432. Equals Tubifera MEIGEN, 1800. Erj&aloides RONDASI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for lSU, p. 453, 1844. NO spcie8. EGtaZomya RONDAXI,’ lS57, is a change of name. Type, i&!.scu lenas LIN- . NBus_ Equal8 Tubifera MEIGEN, 1800. E&&Om$Kl RONDAKI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr.,vol. 2, p. 38,1&X57. 1 species. Type, Msca tenU LJNNBUS. Equals Tubifera MEIGEN, 1800. &,+tiCZlS LOEW, Linn. Ent., vol. 3, p. 396, lS4S. No species, In Abh. Nat. Ver. sache Thur. Halle, vol. 2, lS60, p. 213, he stated that the species of this genus were found in America. Osten Sacken, Cat. Descr. Dipt. N. Amer., 1875, p. 79, mid that there is a specimen of Erax ambiguus MI~CQU.*RT(equals Asilus intiruptus MAC-

QUART) in the Museum of Comparative Zoology in Cambridge, Mass., evidently so named by Loew, and as it agrees with the characters of Etiticus, it may therefore be taken a8 the type. Type, -4silus interruptus MACQUART. Not Eristicus WESYAEL, 1~44. Equals Eicherax BIGOT, 1557. Ern&a DE~~OIDY, E88ai Myod., p. 60, lS30. 1 species. Type, Tachim m&s ~~~~~~ (a3 micTocera,new species). Syn., Fawta DESVOIDT,1830; &F&$X DE~VOIDP, 1830; ztigone DESVOIDT,1830; Panzeriu DE~VOIDY,1830; F&+&&a SPEI~ER,1903. &-via DESVOIDP,Essai Myod., p. 225, 1830. 1 species. Type, Ocyptaa triquetra oLIVIE~. Syn., Paranaphora TOWNSEND,1908. Erythrandra BR.~UERand BERGENSTAMX,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 55, p. 365, 1891. 1 species. Type, Erythrandra picipes BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM. ~~~ DESYOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1063, 1863. 1 species. Type, !&china simulaas MEIGEN (as aFi*orILm,new species). Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Este,@ DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 635, 1830. 3 species. Type, Ochtiphila juncomm ~~~~~~ (as herbarum, new epeciesj, the second species, by present designation. Equals Chamaemyia MEIGEN, 1803. h&lla‘ DESVOIDT,Hi& Nat. Dipt., ~01.1, p. 202, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina zmula B~EIGEN. Equals Aplomya DBSVOIDY,1530. Euac&ona TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 131, 1908. 1 species. Type, Euacaujona semichrasti TOWNSEND. Equals Acaulona WULP, 1888. Euantha WULP, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 28, p. 198, 1885. 1 species. Type, Ocypwa ,7itturata OLIVIER (a8 Dexia dives WIEDEMANN). Euaresta LoE~, Monogr. Dipt. N. -4mer., vol. 3, p. 296, 1573. 10 epecies. Type, TryZeta festira Lo~w,’ the second species, by present designation. Eua,..mostus W_+LKER,Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 102, 1551. 1 species. Type, Euamo_ stUsKnzacula WALKER. Equals Cyrtopogon LEER, 1847. Euca&phora TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol.51, p_ 118, 1908. 1 species. Type, CalliplLora latifrons HOUGB. Equals Calliphora DIBVOIDY, 1830. Eucalodexia TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 64, 190S. 1 species. Type, Homod&a $atipes BIGOT. Euceratomyia WILLISION, Wien. Ent. &it., vol. 3, p. 185. 1884. 1 species. T-M+ Eucer~om.yia pergandei WILLISTON. Equals Pelecocera MEIGEN, 1822. x0. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AUERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 541 __.- Eucessia COQUILLETT,Can. Ent., vol. 18, p. 82, 1886. 1 species. Type, Eucessia rubens C~QUILLETT. Euchaetogyne TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 59, 1908. 1 species. Type, ~y~trichocl~zia riSderi WILLISTOS. Euclytia TOWSSESD,Smith._. Q AMisc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 60, 1908. 1 species. Type, Clytia j&a TOWXSEND. Equals Eliozeta ROWDANI,1856. Eucnephalia TOWNSEND,Can. Ent., vol. 24, p. 166, 1892. 1 species. Type, Ezccrw- phalia gono1de.sTOWNSENJ). Eucorethra UNDERWOOD,Science, vol. 18, p. 182, Aug. 7, 1903. 1 species. Type, ,%corethra underwoodi UNDERKOOD. Syn., Pekwempis JOHAWSEN, August 11,1903. Eudexia BR.%UERand BERGENSTAXM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p_ 120, 1889. 1 species. Type, Rhamphinina formidab&s BIGOT (as goliath, new species). Eudicrana LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 13, p. 142, 1869. 1 species. Type, Eudicrana obumbrata Lo~w. EudipZosis KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1894, p. 28, 1894. 2 MS. species (described in 1896). Type, Confclrinia’ sorbi KIEFFER, the first species, by present designation. Equals Contarinia ROND,~NI,1861. Eudora DESVOIDP, Hi&. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 623, 1863. 1 species. Type, Echi- nomya Zefeburei D~svOIDY (as illustris, new species). Not Eudora LESSON,1809. Equals Cnephaotachina BRAUERand BERGEN~TAMM,1894. Eudoromyia BEZZI, Zeitschr. Hym. Dipt., vol. 6, p. 49, 1906. Change of name for Eudora DEWOIDY, 1863, not LESSON, 1809. Type, Echinomya Zefeburei DESVOIDY. Equals Cnephaotachina BR~UERand BERGEXSTAMX,1894. Eugeniumyia WILLISTON, Can. Ent., vol. 14, p. 80, 1882. 1 species. Type, Rhingiu ferruginea F_ALI,EN(as rufa, new species). Equals Brachyopa MEIGEN, 1822. Eugnoriste COQUILLE”IT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 3, p. 321,1896. 1 species. Type, Eugnoriste occidentalis COQUILLE~. Euhybus COQUILL~, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 18, p. 437, 1896. 3 species. Type, Hybos purpureus WALKER, the second species, by designation of COQUILLETT, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 250. EujuriniaTon&END, Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 113, 1908. 1 species. Type, Hystricia pollinosa WULP. Equals Jurinella BR~UER and BERGENSTAMY,1889. Eulalia MEIGEN, NOW. Class. Mouth., p. 21, 1800.” No species. Odontomyia MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, bfusca hydroleon LINNXUS. Syn., Odon- tomyiu MXIGEN, 1803. Eulasiona TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p_ 119, 1892. 1 species. Type, Eulasiona comstockii TOWNSEND. Euleia WALKER, Ent. Msg., vol. 3, p. 81, 1836. 1 species. Type, dfusca czsio HARRIS. Equals Acidia DES~OIDY, 1830. Eulonchus GERSTZCKER,Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 17, p. 359, 1856. 1 species. Type, Eulonchus smaragdinus GERSTZCKER. Eumacronychia TOWXSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 98, 1892. 2 species. Type, Eumacronychia decens TOWNSESD,the first species, by original designation. Equals Hillarella RONDANI, 1856. Eumegaparia TOWNSEXD, Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 58, 1908. 1 species. Type, Megaparia Jlaveola COQUILLETI- Eumeros MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 273, 1803. 2 species. Type, X~ca segnti LINS_,WS, the first species, by ST. FARGEAU and SERVILLE, who, in Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, 1828, p. 808, selected the second species as type of a new genus, &yritla. Equals Zelima MEIGEN, 1800. Eumesembrina TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Cc&, vol. 51, p. 50,1908. 1 species (as 2). Type, X~en~brinu latreiuei DIW~TDY. 542 PROCEEDIYGX OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL.37.

Eumetopiu MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 2, p. 87, 1847. 1 species. Type, Eu- metopia ru.pes MACQUART. Not Eumetopia WVEST~OOD,1837. Equals Eumetopiella HE~DEL, 1907. Eumetopia BRAVERand BERGESSTAXU,Denlischr. Rais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56. p. 114, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachina fastuosnMEIGEN. Not Eumetopia WISP wool, 1837. Equals Sphenometopa TOWNSEND,1908. Eumetopiella HE~QEL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 26, p. 98, 1907. Change of name for Eumetopia MACQK4RT, 1847, not of W~srwoo~, 1837. Type, Eumetopia rv$pes MACQIJaRT. Syn., Eumetopia MACQIJ_4RT,1847, preoccupied. Eumyothyria TO~NSESD, Trans. Smer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 121, 1892. 1 species. Type, Eumyothyria tiinoisenks TO~XSEXD. Eucestrophasiu TOPC-NSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p_ 133, 1892. 1 species. Type, C!?strophasiaaperta BRAUERand BERGRRST-~&IIM.Equals Ormia DESVOIDY,1830. Euomogenia TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 132, 1908. 1 species. Type, Euomogenia lacteata TOR’ NSEND.’ Equals Trichiopoda LATREILLE, 1829. Eupalamus JBNNICKE, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 11, p. 86, 1867. 1 species. Type, Cyrtopogon Zongibatbus L~EW (as alpestris, new species). Equals Cyrtopogon LOEw, 1847. Euparyphus GERSTXCKER,Linn. Ent., vol. 11, p_ 314, 1857. 1 species. Type, Cyphomyia elegnns WIEDRMANN. Eupeitenus MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 85, 1838. 1 species. Type, Penthetria atra MACQUART. Eupelete-riu TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 111, 1908. 3 species. Type, ~~~.scufera LINNZUS, the first species, by designation of TOWNSEND,Can. Ent., vol. 41, p. 244, 1909. Equals Larvaevora MEIGEN, 1800. Eupeodes OSTEN SACKEN, Bull. 3, U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 328, 1877. 1 species. Type, Eupeodes z;olucris OSTENSACKEN. Euphemia DES~OIDY, Essai Myod., p. 485, 1830. 4 species. Type, dilwca &a FALLEN (as pratensis, new species), the first species, by designation of COQUILL~, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9,1901, p. 137. Equals Phaonia DESVOIDY,1830. Euphoria DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 799, 1863. 1 species (as 58). Type, i&.sca cornicina FABRICIUS. Not Euphoria BURMEISTER, 1842. Equals Orthellia DESVOIDE,’ 1863. Euphoroceru TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 112, 1892. 1 species. Type, Euphorocera tachinomoides TOWNSEXD. Equals Phorocera DESVOIDY,1830. Euphrosyne MEIGES, Xour. Class. Mouth., p. 16, 1800.” No species. Macrocera MEIGEX, 1803, is a change of name. Type, &crocera lutea MEIGEN. Syn., Jfacro- cera MEIGEN, 1803; Geneja LIOY, 1864. Euphyto TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 63, 1908. 1 species. Type, Leucostoma sutopaca C0QuILIm-r. Eurhinomallota BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1882, p_ 67, 1882. 1 species. Type, Eurhino*mallota metallica BIGOT. Equals Penthesilia MEIGEN, 1800. Euribia MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p_36, lSOO.* No species. Trypeta MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, itiuscuartemisis FABRXXUS. Syn., Trypeti MEIGEN, 1803; Forellia DESVOIDY,1830; Spilographa LOEW, 1862. Eurigastrina LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1343, 1864. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tachina vulgaris FALLEN. Equals Phryxe DESTOIDY, 1830. Eurimyia BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1883, p_ 20, 1883. 1 species. Type, Rhingia Zineata FABRICIUS(as Thingoidzs, new species). Equals Helophilus MEIGEN, 1822. [Eurina MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 3, 1830. 2 species (as 3). Type, Eurina lurida MRIGEN, the second species, by designation of Wmoo~, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 147. Not American.] x0. 1719. TZPE-SPECIES’ OF AMERICrjN DIPTERS-COQGILLETT. 543

j&ri?&a MEUNIER,Bull. See. Ent. France for 1893, p. 193, 1893. 1 species. Type, O&nis o.&nina FALLEN. Quals Madiza FALLEN, 1810. Eurosta LoEw, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 280, 1873. 3 species. Type, A,+ia [email protected] FITCH, the first species, by present designation. Euqcephala RSDER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 25, p. 211,lSSl. 1 species. Type, Euqce$.& myopaformti REDDER. Not Eurycephala LAPORTE,.~~~~. Equals Euryce- phalomyia HENDEL, 1907. Eurycephalomyia HENDEL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 26, p. 98, 1907. Change of name for Eurycephala RYDER, 1881, not of LAPORTE,1833. Type, Eurycephala myopzformis %DER. Syn., Eurycephala %DER, 1881, preoccupied. Euryceromyia TOWNSEXD,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 115, 1892. 1 species. Type, Euryceromyiu robertsmii TOWHSEND. Eurycnemhs WIJLP, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 17, p. 135, 1874. 1 species. Type, Chiro- nomus crussipes PANZER. Euryneura SCHXNER,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 17, p. 308, 186i. 1 species. Type, Strdiomys fascipennis FABRICIUS. Euryomma STEIN, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 19, 1899. 1 species. Type, Anthomyia peregrinum NEIGEN (as h*aniense, new species). Eurytion J~ENNICKE,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 11, p. 99,1867. 1 species. Type, Atherix unicolor CURTIS(aspamdozus, new species). Equals Ptiolina ZEITFRSTEDT,1842. Euscopolia TOWNSEXD,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 123, 1892. 1 species. Type, Euscopolin dakotensis TOWNSEND. Eusiphona COQUILL~, Rev. Tach., p. 30,X397. 1 species. Type, Eusiphona mira COQUILLETT. Eusi+yropa TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 97, 1908. 1 species. Type, Ezorista bltrnda OSTENSACKEN. Equals Carcelia DESVOIDP,1830. Eustalomyia KO~ARZ, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 23, p_461,1873. 1 species. Type, Musca hiluris FALLEN. Syn., Dendrophila LIOT, 1864, preoccupied. . Eutuchina BR.~UERand BEHGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 98, 1889. 1 species. Type, .& larvarum LINN~US. Equals Exorista %~EIGEN, 1803. Eutanypus COQUILL~, Fur Seals N. Pacific Ocean, vol. 4, p. 341,1899. 1 species. Type, Eutanypus borealis C~QUILLETT. Eutarsus LOEW, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 45, 1857. 1 species. Type, Porphyrops aulicw MEIGEN. Euthera Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 10, p. 47, 1866. I species Type, Euthera tentatrix LOEW. Euthyneura MACQUART,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1836, p. 517, 1836. 1 species. Type, Euthyneura myrti& MACQUART. Syn., Anthulia ZETTERSTEDT,1838. Euthyprosopa TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 106,1892. 1 species. Type, Euthyprosopu petiolutu TOWNSEND. Eutreta Lo~w, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 276, 1873. ’ 2 species. Type, Trypeta sparsa ~VIEDEMANN,the first species, by present designation. Syn., Icaria SCHINER,1868, preoccupied. Eutrichopoda TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 134, 1908. 1 species. Type, Eutrichopoda nigra TOWNSEND. Equals Trichiopoda L_~TREILLE,1829. Eutrixa COQUILL~, Rev, Tach., p. 39, 1897. 1 species. Type, CZ@omya & COQUILLETT. Euxesta LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 11, p_ 297, 1868. 14 species. Type, &f&s notata WIEDEYANN, the third species, by present designation. Evanioptera GUERIN, Voy. Monde, Coquille, Zool., vol. 2, pt. 2, p_ 287, 183% Change of name for &lop&-a GUERIN, 1829, under the false impression that it is pre- occupied by Calopteron LAPORTE, 1836. Type, Chl@$terafcwiata GUERIN. Equals Caloptera GUEBIN, 1829. . . 544 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIOXAL JI-USEUU. VOL.37.

Evibrissa RO~DANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., ~01. 4, p. i4,1861.‘ 1 species. Type, Phania obscuripennisMEIGEN. Exaireta SCHINER,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, ~01. 17, p. 309, 1867. 1 species. Type, Xylophagus spiriiger WIEDEMANN. Syn., Diphysa MACQUART, 1838, preoccu- pied, Xeoexaireta OSTENSACKEN, 1878. . &xechia‘ WINNERTZ, Verb. ZooI.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 879, 1863. 21 species. Type, Tipula fungorum DEGEER, the seventh species, by designation of JOHANNSEN, Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 106. Exepacmus COQUILLETT,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 21, p. 101, 1894. 1 species. Type, Exepacmusjohnsoni COQUILLEIT. EzocheiZa ROND_%NI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 2, p. 170, 1857. 1 species. Type, Rhing@x ferruginea FALLEN. Equals Brachyopa MEIGEN, 1822. ExocheiZa RONDANI, Stti Sot. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. 11, p. 54, 1868. Change of name for Heterocheila RONDANI, 1857, under the mistaken impression that it is pre- occupied by 3 somewhat similar names. Type, Heteromyza buccatuF_%LLEN. Equals Heteromyza FALLEN, 1820. Exoprosopa M_XQU.~RT,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 35, 1840. 41 species. Type, Hibio capucina FABRICIUS(aa Pandora FABRICIUS), the ninth species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 162. hquals Mima MEIGEN, 1820. Exoptata COQUILLFZT,Can. Ent., vol. 19, p. 13,1887. 1 species. Type, Exoptata &Visa COQUILLEIT. Exorista MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 280,1803. 1 species. Type, dlusca Zarva- rum LINNXTS. Syn., Guerinia DEWOIDT, 1830; Stzgeriu DESVOIDY, 1863; Zelletia DEWOIDT, 1863; Walkerin DESVOIDY, 1863; Zetterstedtia DESVOIDP,1863; Eribea DES- VOIDY, 1863; Adenia DESVOIDY, 1863; Cleodora DEWOIDY, 1863; Bigotia DEWOIDY, 1863; Futilia DE.WOIDY,1863; Gaubilia DESVOIDY,1863; Esiln DESVOIDY,1863; Himercc DESVOIDY,1863; Etiachina BRXJER and BERGENSTAMM,1889; Chstotachina BRAUEK and BERGENSTAMM,1889; Ptilotachina BRAUERand BERGENSTANX,1851; Microtachinn MIK, 1892; Tachinomyia TOWNSEND,7892. (Exorista of authors equals Carcelicl DEWOIDY.) Exoristoides COQUILLETT,Rev. Tach., p.31,‘ 1897. 2 species. Type, Exoristoides johnsoni COQUILLEXT,the second species, by original designation. Fabricia hIEIGEN, Cyst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 250,1838. 1 species. Type, Tachina cinewa FALLEN (51spacta MEIGEN). Not Fa&ri& BLAINVILLE, 1828. Equal3 Biomya RONDANI, 1856. Fairmcziria DESYOIDY, Dipt. Env. Paris, Myop., p. 31, 1853.* 1 species. Type, Myopa morio MEIGEN. Equals Stomoxoides SCHBFEFER,1766. FaZZeniaMEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 265,183s. 2 species. Type, Tachinu longicornis FALLEN, the first species, by present designation. Not Fallenia MEIGEN, 1820. Equals Campyloch=ta RONDANI, 1859. Falosoma LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1102, 1864. 5 species. Type, Ephydra aquila FALLEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Napza DESVOIDY,1830. Fannia DEWOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 567, 1830. 1 species. Type, Ml&ca scalaris FABRICIUS(as sakztrik, new species). Syn., Philitia DEWOIDY, 1830; Aminta DES- VOIDY, 1830; Homalomyia BOUCHB,1834; Myantha RONDANI, 1856. Faunia DEWOIDP, Essai Myod., p. 279,183O. Change of name for Tachina MEIGEN, 1803, under the mistaken impression that it is preoccupied by Tachinus GRAVENHORST, 1802. Type, ~%ZXUgrossa LINNZUS. Equals Larvzvora MEIGEN, 1800. Faurella DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 41, 1830. 1 species. Type, Faurella meridio- n&is DESVOIDY. Equals Peleteria DESVOIDY, 1830. Fuusta DEWOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 62, 1830. 2 species (as 5). Type, Tachinu nemorum MEIGEN.(~~~ first two and last two supposed species), by designation of DESVOLDY,Hist. Nat. jipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 158. Equals Ernestia DEWOIDY, 1830. NO. 1719. TYPE-fjPECIEXOFA~ERICANDIPTERA.-COQGILLETT. 545

$&~a‘ DES~OID~,ESS~~‘ Xyod., p. 476, 1830. 4 species (as 5). Type, Fellaa fera J)EQ,VOIDY, the first species, by designation of COQUILL~, Joum. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 137. Equals Phaonia DESTOIDY, 1830. F&idia DYAR, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol 7, p. 45, 1905. 3 species. Type, C&xjamaicensi..s THEOBALD, the first species, by original designation. Equals Grab- hamia THEOBALD,1903. Ferdinandea RONDANI, Nuovi km. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for 1844, p. 196, 1844. 2 species. Type, Conopscupreus SCOPOLI,the second species, by designation of Rex- DASI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., ~01. 1, 1856, p. 51. Syn., Chrysoclamis ROSD_\NI,1851. Faonia LEACH, On Gen. Species Eproboscideous Ins., p. 4,1817. 3 species. Type, Feronin spinifera LEBCH, the first species, by designation of SPEISER,Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 18, 1899, p. 202. Not Feroniu LATREILLE, 1817. Equals Olfersia ~YIEDEMANN, 1830. Fidena WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 8, 1850. 4 species. Type, Pangonius leu- copogon ~IEDEMANS,‘ the first species, by present designation. Equals Pangonius LATREILLE, 1802. Flabellifera MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 13, lSOO.* No species. C&no&x-a AIEIGEN,1803, is a change of name. Type, Tipula strata LINNZUS. Syn., Ctenophora RIEIGEN, 1803; Tanyptera LATREILLE, 1804; Xiphura BRULL~, 1832. Flebotomus RONDANI, Mem. Prima Serv. Dipt. Ital., p. 12, 1840. ’ 1 species. Type, Bibio papatasii SCOPOLI. Syn., Cyniphes COSTA, 1843; Hzmasson LOER-, 1844. Forcipomyia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zwei0. Ins., vol. 1, p. 73, 1818. 2 species. Type, Ceratopogon nmbiguus MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Culicoides LATREILLE, 1809. Fore&a DESVOIDT, Essai Myod., p. 760, 1530. 3 species. Type, Mcsca artemisia: FABRICIPS(as onopordi, new species), the first species, by designation of RONDANI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 2, 1870, p. 7. Equals Euribia hlELGEN,1800. Frauenfeldia EGGER, Verb. ZooI-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 15, p. 297, 1865. 1 species. Type, Tachina rubricosa MEIGEN. Equals Tricogena RONDANI, 1856. Freraea DEWOIDP, Essai hlyod., p. 285, 1830. 1 species. Type, fierza gagatea DESVOIDY. Syn., Gymnophania BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,1889. Fricaldskia SCHINER,Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 5, p_ 142,186l. Change of name for Fallenia MEIGEN, 1838, not of MEIGEN, 1820. Type, Tachina lonyicornisFALLEN. Equals Campylochaeta RONDANI, l&59. Frontina MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zxeifl. Ins., vol. 7: p. 247, 1838. 3 species. Type, Tachinn Ida MEIGEN, the first species, bv designation of DESVOIDY,Hi&. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 580. Syn., Achxtoneurcl BRAUERand BERGExST_~MM,1891; Parn_frm- tina BRAVERand BERGENSTAXM,1893. Fucellia DESVOIDY, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1841, p_ 269, 1841. 1 species. Type, Halithea ma&ma HALIDAY (as arenaria, new species). Syn., Halithea HALI- DAIP,1838, preoccupied. Fucomyia HALIDAY, Arm. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, p. 186, 1838. 3 species. Type, Oelopa eximia STENHAMMER(as Xusca frigida FABRICIIJS),the first species,by designa- tion of WMTWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p_ 144. Equals Cmlopa MEIGEN, 1830. Fungivora MEIGEN, Nonv. Class. Mouth., p_ 16, 1800.” No species. Jlycetophila MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, bfycetophila agarici OLIVIER. Syn., Xyce- tophila MEIGEN, 1803; J&Ana RONDASI, 1856; Mycozetza RONDANI, 1861. Fungobia LIOY, Patti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1114, 1864. 1 species. Type, Borborus nitidus MEIGEN. Equals Copromyza FALLEX, 1810. Furc-inerza ROXDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for lS46, pp. 36S, 369, 1846. NO species. Founded on the union of four genera: Zygonetcra MEIGEN, Lestremia MACQUART, Hirnosciara RONDAXI, and Catocha HALIDAP. The second and third are congeneric, and the present genus may take the type of the third. Type, Limo- sciara molobrina RONDANI. Equals Lestremia MACQUART,1826. Proc.N.M.vol.37-lO---35 546 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SATIONAL MUUXEUM. VOL.37.

Furcomyia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 134, 1818. 1 species. Type, Limonia Eutea MEEIGEX. Syn., Dicranomyia STEPEESS,1829; Glochina MEIGEX, 1830; Siugona MEIGES, 1830; Kumantia BIGOT, 1854. l$rina J~XXICKE, Abh. Sencken. Ges., vol. 6, p. 318, 1867. 1 species. Type, Limnobia rt@horax WIEDEMAX\N.‘ Equals Gnophomyia OSTEN SACKEN,1860. Futilia DESTOIDT, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1049, 1863. 1 species (as 23). Type, Tachina simulans MEIGES. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Gzdiophana BRAUERand BERGEXSTAHM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. ’ ’ 60, p. 201, 1893. 1 species. Type, Gzdiophana atra BR.~UERand BERGENSTAMM. Gaediopsis BRAVERand BERGENSTA&~SI,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 336, 1891. 1 species. Type, Gsediopsis mezicana BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM. Syn., Poliophrys TOWNSEND,1908. Galactomyia TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 135, 1908. 1 species (as 3). Type, Therevn lanipes FABRICIUS. Equals Trichiopoda LATREILLE, 1829. Gasterophilus LEACH, On Arrang. Oestrideous Ins., p. 2, 1817. 3 species. Type, 03strzts intestinalis DE GEER (as CEstrus equi CLARK), the first species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1826, p. 138. Syn., Gastrus MEIGEN, 1824; Enteromyza KON- DANI, 1857. Gastrichelius RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 156, 1856. 1 species. Type, Triclis olitaceus Lomv (as halictivorus, new species). Equals Triclis LOEW, 1851. GastroZepta LIOL.,’ Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 909, 1864. 1 species. Type, &.sca coarctata FALLEN. Equals Hylemya DESVOIDY,1830. Gastrops WILLISTON, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 6, p. 3, 1897. 1 species. Type, Gastrops niger WILLISTON. GastrztsMEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifi. Ins., vol. 4, p. 174, 1824. Change of name for Gasterophilus LEACH, 1817; reason for the change not mentioned. Type, C?Mw.s intestinalis DE GEER. Equals Gasterophilus LEACH, 1817. GautiEia DESVOIDT, I-list. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1062, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina simulans MEIGEN (as dominula, new species). Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Gaurax Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 35, 1863. 1 species. Type, Gauraz festivus LOEW. Geminaria COQUILLETT,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 21, p. 109, 1894. 2 species. Type, Lordotus canalis COQUILLETT,the first species, by original designation. Geneja LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 229, 1864. 6 species. Type, Xac~~ocer~afasciala MEIGES, the third species, by present designation. Equals X Euphrosyne MEIGEX, 1800. Geomyza FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 18, 1810. 1 species. Type, Musca combinata LINNBus. Syn. Balioptera \LOEW, 1865. Geosargus BEZZI, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 26, p. 53, 1907. Change of name for Sargzls FABRICIUS,1798, not of Walbridge, 1792. Type, i%?ca cuprarius LINNEUS. Syn., SargtcsFABRICIUS, 1798, preoccupied. Geranomyia HALIDAY, Ent. Mag., vol. 1, p. 154, 1833. 1 species. Type, Gaan- omyia unicolor HALIDAY. Syn., Limnobiorhynchus W~T~OOD, 1835; Aporosa MAC- QUART,1838; Plettusa PEILIPPI, 1865. Geron MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 223, 1820. 1 species (as 2). Type, Bombylius hybridus MEIGEN. Gervasia DESVOIDP,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 36, 1863. 1 species. Type, Z&h&a nigripes FALLEN (as piniarirr: HARTIG). Equals Lydella DESVOIDP,1830. Giardomyia FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 405, 1908. 6 species. Type, Cecidonzyiaphotophila FELT, the third species, by original designation. Ginglymyia TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 118, 1892. 1 species. Type, Ginglymyia acrirostris TOWNSEND, NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AiliERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 547

(&tinus RONDANI, Dipt: Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 132, 1856. 1 species. Type, Syr-

@US subsultansFABRICIUS (as murorum, new species). Equals Mosillus LATREILLE, 1805. Glaphyroptera WINNERTZ, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 781, 1863. 11 species. Type, Lein. fascipennis MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Leia MEIGEN, 1818. Glaucophana BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. hkad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 354, 1891. 1 species. Type, Glaucophana amasia! BRAUERand BERGENSTAMCISI. Equals Neaxa DESVOIDY,1830. Gtaurotricha THOMSON,Kongl. Sven. Freg. Eugenics Resa, Dipt., p. 493, 1868. 1 species. Type, Glaurotricha muscaria THOMSON. Equals Phalacromya RONDANI, 1848. GZochinaMEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 280,183O. 1 species. Type, Glochina sericata MEIGEN. Equals Furcomyia MEIGEN, 1818. Glutops BURGESS,Proc. Bost. Sot. Nat. Hi&., vol. 19, p. 321, 1878. 1 species. Type, Glutops singularis B~GESS. GnamptopsilopusALDRICH, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 2, p. 48, 1893. 4 species. Type, Psilopus scintiltans Lo~w, the first species, by present designation. Equals Sciapus ZELLER, 1842. Gnophomyia OSTENSACKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 223, 1860. 2 species. Type, Gnophomyiatristissima OLDEN SACKEN, the secondspecies, by present designation. Syn. Purina JENNICKE, 1867. Gnoriste MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 243, 1818. 1 species. Type, Gnoriste apicalis MEIGEN. Gonia MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 280,1803. No species. In his Syst. Beschr., vol. 5, 1826, pp. 2 to 7, 13 species. Type, ,%sca capitata DE GEBR,the second species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1835, p. 533. Equals Salmacia MEIGEN, 1800. GoniglossumRONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 110, 1856. 1 species. Type, Trypeta zuiedemanniMEIGEN. Fquals Orellia DESVOIDT,1830. Goniochzta TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 18, p. 351, 1891. 1 species. Type, Goniochretaplagioides TOWNSEND. Goniomima TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 105,1908. 1 species. Type, Belz;osiuluteola COQUILL~. Gonioneura RONDANI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 12, p. 5, 1880. 1 species. Type, Gmlioneura bisangutaR~NDANI. Equals Leptocera OLITIER, 1813. Goniops ALDRICH, Psyche, vol. 6, p. 236, 1892. 1 species. Type, Pangonius chry- socomaOSTEN SACKEN (as hippoboscoides,new species). GonioscelisSCHINER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 16, p. 670, 1866. 1 species. Type, Dasypogonhispidus WIEDEMANN. Equals Stenopogon LOEW, 1847. Gonirhyncus RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 7, p. 58, 1856. 1 species. Type, nfyopu occulta MEIGEN (as dispar, new species). Equals Stomoxoides SCHAZFFER, 1766. Gonomyia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 146, 1818. 1 species. Type, Limnobia tenella MEIGEN. Syn., Taphrosia RONDANI, 1856. Gonypes LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 309, 1805. I species. Type, Asilus cyEindricus DE GEER (as tipuloides LINNBUS). Equals Leptogaster MEIGEN, 1803. Grabhamia THEOBALD, Monogr. Culic., vol. 3, p. 243, 1903. 10 species. Type, 0&x jamaicensis THEOBALD, the third species, by designation of FELT, Bull. 323, N. Y. State Museum, 1904, p. 391b. Syn., Feltidia DYAR, 1905; CeratocystiaDYAR and KNAB, 1906. Grallopoda ROND.~PII,’ Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna), ser. 3, vol. 2, p_ 180, 1850. 1 species. Type, Musca lasciva FABRICIUS[as CaZobo.taalbimana MACQUART). 548 PROCEEDING8 OF THE NATIOWAL JIUSECX. VOL.37. _

Graphomya DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 403, 1830. 3 species (as 5). Type, Musca macubata SCOPOLI, the first species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 91. Syn., Curtonevra MACQUART,1834. GTU.W~UTHEUBALD, Journ. Trop. Med., vol. 5, p. 181, June 16, 1902. 1 species. Type, Anophelea rossii GILES. Not &a&a FISCH, 1885. Equals Myzomyia BLANCH- ARD, July 4, 1902. Griphoneura SCHINER,Reise Novara, Zool., vol. 2, p. 281, 1868. 1 species. Type, Lauxania imbutu WmDmdaam. Guerinia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 196, 1830. 1 species (as 6). Type, Guerinia festica DESV~IDY. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Gymnocheta DESVOIDY, Eksai Myod., p. 3i1, 1830. 1 species. Type, Tachina ~iridis F_~LLEN. GymnocZ.ytia BRAIJERand BERGENSTAM~~,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, p. 157,1893. 1 species. Type, Cistogasta immaculuta MACQUART(as divisa LOEW). Equals Cistogaster L~TREILLE, 1829. Gynanodia DESVOIDY, Hi&. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 635, 1863. 1 species. Type, dnthomyia polystigma MEIGEN (as pratensis, new species). Equals Limnophora DESVOIDY,1830. Gymnogaster LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 989, 1864. 1 species. Type, _þy&z dissecta MEIGEN. Equals Pegomya DESVOXDT,1830. Gymnometopa Cogur~rerr, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 7, p. 183, 1906. 4 species. Type, Stegomyia medioz&zta COQUILLFPT,the first species, by original desig- nation. Gymnomma WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 38, 1888. 1 species. Type, Gymnomma nitidiaentris WULP. Gymnopa FALLEN, Oscinides Svecize, p. 10, 1820. 1 species. Type, @yrphus sub- s&tans FABRICIUS. Equals Mosillus LATREILLE, 1805. Gymnopureia BRAUERand BERGENST,~MM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 103, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachina crassicornis MEIGEN. Equals Actia DESVOIDT,1830. . Gymnophania BR~UERand BERGENSTAHM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 143, 1889. 1 species. Type, Gymnophaniu nigripennis BRAUER and BERGEN- STAMM. Equals Frerza DESVOIDY,1830. Gymnophora MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 631, 1835. 1 species. Type, Phora arcuatu MEIGEN. Gymnophtalma LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1341, 1864. 1 species. Type, Tac7tina massicornis MEIGEN. Equals Actia DESVOIDY,1830. Gymnopt*osopn TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 108, 1892. 1 species (as 3). Type, Gymnoprosopa poZita TOWNSEND. Equals Hilarella RONDANI, 1856. Gvmnopsis RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 3, p. 90, 1859. 1 species. Type, Tachina Chakonota MEIGEN. Equals Macquartia DESVOIDT, 1830. Gymnoptera LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 10, p. 79, 1864. 1 species. Type, Phora vitripennis MEIGEN. Equals Hypocera LLOY, 1864. Gymnoptemus LOEW, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 10, 1857. 28 species. Type, Doli- chopus CZJ.~TO_IS FALLEN, the twenty-first species, by present designation. Gymnosoma MEIOEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 2i8, 1803. 1 species. Type, &UC~ Totundata LINN~EUS. Equals Rhodogyne MEIGEN, 1800. Gymnostyla LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1000, 1864. 1 species. Type, Musca cucularia LINNEUS. Equals Elgiva MEIGEN, 1838. Habropogon Lo~w, Linn. Ent., vol. 2, p. 463, 1847. 2 species. Type, Dasypogon exquisitus MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Dactiliscus RON- DANI, 1856. Hadromyia WILLISTON, Can. Ent., vol. 14, p. 78, 1882. 1 species. Typ&, Had- romyia grandis WILLISTON. Equals Pocota ST. EARGEAUand SEBVILLE. 1828. so.1719. T~PE_&'PECIES OF M.lERICAWDIPTER;L-COQDILLETT. 549

HadrusPERTY, Del&.. him., p. 152, 15%. 5 SpeckS. Type, Hsmatopota crassipes ~~~~~~~~~ the fir& species(as Tabanus k-pid&us WIEDEMANN), by present designation.

Syu., Lepiselaga ~llC&U-~~, 1838- Hzmagogus ~IIJ,I~~ON, Trans. Ent. Sot. Land. for 1896, p. 2i1, 1696. 1 species.

Type, Hmagogus splendens WILLISToN. Hsmzasson hEwT, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 5, p. 115, 1844. 1 species. Type, Bibio papa&i SCOPOLI (as minutus, new species). Equals Flebotomus RONDDANI,1840. Hzmatobia ST. F~RGEAUand SERVILLE, Encpcl. 3Ieth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 499, 1828. 2 species. Type, Co~topsirritans LINNXUS, the second species, by designation of IYmrwooh, Intr., vol. 2. Synops., lS40, p. 140. Syn., Lyperosia RONDANI,1856; Prio- phora DE~VOIDY,1563. Hxmqjopota MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 267, l&X. 1 species. Type, Tabanus pturialis LINX,EIJS. Equals Chrysozona MEIGEN, 1500. Hz)7&ora CURTIS,Brit. Ent., p. 14, 1824. 1 species. Type, Pediculis cervi LIN- N-BUS. Equals LipOptena NIrzscu, 1818. H&&.ya RONDABI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 117,1856. 1 species. Type, The- mira pitosa DESVOIDY (au setosa DESVOIDY). Equals Themira DEsv01~~,*1830. Halithea HALIDAT, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 1, vol. 2, p. 185, 1835. 2 species. Type, &atomyza fucorum P_4LLEN,the first species, by designation of COQUILLEIT,Journ. N. Y. Ent,. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 13T. Not Halithea SAvIGNY, lS17. Equals Fucellia DESVOIDY,lS41. Halterophorn RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., voi. 4, p. 10, 1561. Change of name for Ceratitis MACLEBP, 1829, under the mistaken impression that it is preoccupied by Ceratites HAAN, 1825. Type, TnJpeta capitata WIEDEMANN: Equals Ceratitis MAC- LEAY, 1829. Hammerschmidtia SCHUMMEL,Isis van Oken for 1834, p. 740, 1834. 1 species. Type, Rhingia ferruginea FALLEN (as data, new species). Equals Brachyopa MEIGEN, 1822. Hammomyia RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 6, p. 13, 1877. 1 species. Type, Leucophora &-wren DESVOIDY(as dricia albescens ZETTERSTEDT). Equals Leucophora DESVOIDY,1530. Hapkgis LoEW, Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 15, p. 22, 1866.* 3 species. Type, Chlorops diadema MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Crypto- nevra LIOY, 1864. Harrisia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 260, 1838. 3 species. Type, Tachina senea MEIGEN, the third species (as Tachina simplicitarsis ZEITERSTEDT),by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 65. Equals Lydina DE,+ VOIDY, 1830. Hartigia DE~~OIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 521, 1863. 1 species (as 17). Type, Sarcophaga dissinzilisMEIGEN. Syn., Erichsonia DESVOIDY,1863; Mtiantia DESVOIDY, lS63; Helicobia COQUILLETT,1895. Hebecnema SCHNABL,Hor. Sot. Ent. Ross., vol. 23, p. 331, lSS9. 5 species. Type, Anfhomyia umbratica MEIGEh,’ the first species, by designation of C~QUILLJUT,Jouru. N. Y. Ent. sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 137. Equals Hydrophoria DESVOIDP,1830. Hebia DESTOIDP, Essai Myod., p. 9S, 1830. 1 species. Type, He&a javipes DESVOIDT. Equals Leskia DESVOIDY,1530. Helcomyza CURTIS,Brit. Ent., p. 66, 1825. 1 species. Type, Hekxnnyza ustutata CURTIS. Syn., Adorn MEIGEN, 1826. Helea MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 18, 1800.* No species. Ceratopbgon MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Ceratopogon communis MEIGEN. Syn., Ceratopogon MEIGEN, 1803 ; Palpomyia MEIGEN, 1518 ; Apogon ROND~NI, 1856 ; Ak~m RONDAXI, 1857 ; Atrichopogon KIEPFER. i906. 550 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL.3-7.

Heleodromia HALIDAI-, Ent. Msg., vol. 1, p_ 159, 1833. 4 species. Type, H&o- dromia immaculata HALIDAY, the first species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1834, p. 519. Syn., Sciodromia HALJDAT, 1840 ; Mcrocera ZETTEHSTEDT,1838. Heleomyza F?ILLEX, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 19, 1810. 1 species. Type, itiusca serrata LINNZEus. Syn., Leria DESVOIDY, 1830; Orbellia DESVOIDY, 1830; Blephariptera MACQUART,1835. (Heleomyza of authors equals Suillia DESVOIDY.) Helicobia COQUILL~, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1895, p_ 31i, 1895. 1 species. Type, Sarcophaga he&is TOWNSEND. Equals Hartigia DESVOIDY,1863. Heligmonevra BIGOT, Thompsons’ Arch. Ent., vol. 2, p_ 356, 1858. 1 species. Type, Heligmonewa modestaBIGOT. Syn., MochtherusLo~w, 1849, preoccupied ; Neo- mochtherusOSTEN SACKEN, 1878. He&a DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 493, 1830. 6 species (as 7). Type, _þy&x pertusa MEIGEN (as euphemioidea,new species), the first species, by designation of C~QUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 137. Equals Mydaea DESVOIDY, 1830. Heliophilus MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 273, 1803. 1 species. Type, Muscu sylvarum LINNB~S. Equals Zelima MEIGEN, 1800. Helius ST. FARGEAUand SERVILLE, Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 832, 1828. Change of name of Megarhina ST. FARGEAU and SERVILLE, 1828, on account of bicrgarhinus D~VOIDT, 1827. Type, Limnobia longirostris MEIGEN. Equals Megar- hina ST. FARGEAUand SERVILLE,1828. Helobia ST. FARGEAUand SERVILLE, Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 585, 1828. 1 species. Type, Limonia hybrida MEIGEN (as Limnobia punctipennis MEIGEN). Not Helobia STEPHENS,1827. Equals Symplecta MEIGEN, 1830. Helophilus MEIGEN, &-St. Beschr. Zwei0. Ins., vol. 3, p. 368, 1822. 7 species. Type, Musca pendula LINNIEUS, the sixth species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1832, p_ 429. Syn.. Lejops RONDANI, 1857; Mesembrius RONDANI, 1857; Anasi- myia SCHINER,1864; Eurimyiu BIGOT, 1883. [Hemerodromia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p_ 61, 1822. 9 species. Type, Empis melanocephalaFABRICIUS (as Tachydromia mantispa PANZER), the fifth species, by designation of W~~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 132. Syn., ChelipodaMACQU.%RT, 1823; Bhyllodromia ZEX-~ERSTEDT,1837; Lepidomya BIGOT, 1857; Thamnodromia Mrs, 1886. Not American.] (Hemerodromia of authors equals ch.& fera MACQUART.) Hemeromyia COQUILL~, Joum. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 10, p. 190,1902. 1 species. Type, Hemeromyia obscura&QUILLETT. Hemiargyru TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 88, 1908. 1 species. Type, Hemiargyra nigra TORNSEND. Equals Metadoria BRAUERand BERGENSTAMY,1893. HemichloraWULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 303,1896. 1 species. Type, Cyrtonecmriltigera BIGOT. Hmipenthes Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 13, p. 28, 1869. 1 species (a~ 2). Type, &.sca morio LINNXUS. Equals Villa LIOY, 1864. DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 318, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina eythrostoma HABTIG. Equals Phryxe DESVOIDY,1830. Hemithrixion BRAVERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, ~01. 58, p. 357, 1891. 1 species. Type, Hemithrizion cestriformeBRAUER and BERGEN~TAMM. Hemyda DESVOIDP,Essai Myod., p. 226, 1830. 1 species. Type, Hemyda aura& DESVOIDP. Syn., AncyEogasterBIGOT, 1884. Henicomyia COQUILLE?T,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 6, p. 187, 1898. 1 species. Type, Henicomyia hubbardii COQUILLFPI. Henops MEIGEN, KIass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., p. 150, 1804. 1 species (as 2). Type, ilf&xa gibbosaLINNBUS. Equals Ogcodes LATBEILLE, 1796. Herb&a DWVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 698,183O. 2 species. Type, Herbinu SuiUioidea DIG~VOIDY. EqualsI Suillia DESVOIDY,1830. NO. li19.’ TYPE-SPECIES OF AUERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 551

H&b&aDESVOIDY, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1551, p- 181, 1851. 1 species. Type,Herb&a tibia& DESVOIDY. Equals A&a DEWOIDY, 1830. Hercostomus LOEW, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 9, 1557. 3 species. Type, 8ybistromu longicentris LOER, the firstspecies, by original designation. H&ngia ROND_WI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol.. 1, p. 53, 1856. 1 species. Type, Bpiza heringi ZETTERSTEDT. Equals Pipiza FALLEN, 1810. Hermetia LX~REILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 338, 1805. 1 species. Type, Musca illucens LINNIEUS. Hermione MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 22, 1800.” NO species. o2ZycercZ MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, &~.~ca hypokon LINN~EUS. Syn., Oxycera MEIGEN, 1803. Hesperempis MELANDER, Ent. News, vol. 17, p. 377, 1906. 1 species. Type, Rugas mabeb MELBNDER. Hesperinus WALKER, List Dipt. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 81, 1848. 1 species. Type, Hesperinus brezifrons WALKER. Syn., Spodius LoE~*, 1558. Hesperodes COQUILLEIT, Ent. News, vol. 11, p. 429, 1900. 1 species. Type, Hes- perodes johnsoni COQUILLETT. Hesperomyia BRBUERand BERGEN~TAMH,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p_ 114, 1889. 1 species. Type, Hesperomyia erythrocera BRAUERand BERGEN- STAMM. Hesyquillia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 708, 1830. 2 species. Type, J&sea umbra- rum FABRICIUS(as Zugubris, new species), the first species, by present designation. Equals Platystoma MEIGEN, 1803. Heteracanthia MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 4, p. 43, 1850. 1 species. Type, Heteracanthia rufcornis MACQUART. Heteralonia RONDANI, Arch. Zool., vol. 3, p. 57, 1864. 1 species. Type, Exo- prosopa occulta MACQUART. Equals Mima MEIGEN, 1820. Heterocheila RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. P&r., vol. 2, p. 13, 1857. Change of name for Heterostoma ROND~INI, 1856, preoccupied. Type, Heteromyza buccata FALLEN. Equals Heteromyza FALLEN, 1820. Heteromyia SAY, Amer. Ent., vol. 2, p. 79, 1825, 1 species. Type, Heteromyia fasciala SAY. Heteromyza FALLEN, Heter. Svecia?, p. 1, 1820. 2 species. Type, Heteromyza buccata FALLEN, the second species, by DEWOIDY, Essai Myod., 1830, p. 655, who took the first species as type of a new genus, Thelida. Syn., H&rostoma RONDANI, 1856; Heterocheila RONDANI, 1857; @doparea LOEW, 1862; Exocheila RONDANI, 1868. Heteroneura FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p_ 7, 1810. 1 species. Type, Hete- roneura lepti,jorm-is FALLEN. Equals Callomyia MEIGEN, 1804. Heteroneura FALLEN, Agromyzides Sveciae,p. 2,1823. 4 species(as 3 and 1 variety). Type, Heteroneura albimana MEIGEN (the variety b, of the second species), by desig- W nation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1838, p. 721. Not Heteroneura FALLEN, 1810. Equals Clusiodes COQUILLETL,1904. Heteronycha ARRIBALZAGA,Rev. Mus. La Plats, vol. 1, p. 397, 1891. 1 species. Type, Culex zstuans WIEDEMANN (as dolosa, new species). Equals Culex LINNECS, 1758. Heteropogon Lo~w, Linn. Ent., vol. 2, p. 488, 1847. 3 species. Type, Dasypogon manic&~ MEIGEN, the first skies, by designation of BACK, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 35, p. 318, 1909. Syn., AnisopogonLOEW, 1874. Heteroptera MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 570, 1835. 1 species. Type, Copromyza pusilla FALLEN. Equals Cypsela MEIGEN, 1800. Heteropterina MACQUART,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1854, p_ 426; 1854. 1 species. Type, Niltogrammn heteroneura MEIGEN. Equals Taxigramma PERRIS,1852. Heterostoma RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 104, 1856. 1 species. Type, Heteromyza buccata F.%LLER. Not Heterostoma HARTMAN, 1843. Equals Heteromyza FALLEN, 1820. 552 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL UU,SElJ.U. VOL.37.

Heterostylum MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 3, p. 35, 1845. 1 species, Type, Heterostylum ftarum M.4CQUARr.’ Syn., Coma&es OSTEN SACKEN,1877. Hexacantha MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 264, 1803. 2 species. Type, WUSCCS chalybectta FOR~TER (as Stratiomys sexdentata FABRICIUS), the second species, by hutonomy. Equals Beris L_4TREILLE,1802. Hexachaeta LOEFT,Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 219, 1873. 3 species. Type, tipeta eximia WIEDEX~NN, the first species, by present designation. Hexamitocera BECKER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 39, p. 107, 1894. 1 species. Type, Cordilura toxocerata FALLEN. Hexatoma L.~TREILLE,Gen. Crust. et Ins., vol. 4, p. 260, 1809. 1 species. Type, Hexatoma nigra LATREILLE. Syn., i%matocera MEIGEN, 1818; AntiomaaWIEDEMANN, 1818. Hiatus CRESSON,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 32, p_ 280, 1906. 1 species. Type, Hiatus futvipes CRESSOX Hilara MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p_ 1, 1822. 21 species. Type, Empis maura FABRICIUS,the second species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1826, p. 130. Hilarella RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 70, 1856. 1 species. Type, MiZto- gramma hilarella ZEITER~TEDT. Syn., Eumacronycha TOFYNSEND,lS92; Gymnoprosopa TOWNSEND,1892. Hilarimorpha SCHINER,Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 4, p. 54, 1860. 1 species. Type, Hilarimorpha singularis SCEINER. Himantostoma L~Ew, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 321, 1863. 1 species. Type, Himantostoma. sugens LOEW. Not Himantostoma AGA~SIZ,lS62. Hintera DES~OIDY, Hi&. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p.‘ 1124, 1863. 1 species(as 4). Type, Guerinia festica Dxsrorn~. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Himeraessa Lo~w, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 85, 1873. 1 species. Type, HimercEssa predosa Lo~w. Hippelates Loon-, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 36, 1863. 2 species. Type, Hippelates plebtjus Lo~w,’ the second species, by present designation. Syn., Siphomyia WILLISTON,1896. Hippobosca LINNYJXJS,Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 607, 1758. 4 species. Type, Hippo- bosca equina hNNLEuS, the first species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. General., lS10, p. 444. Syn., Nirmomyia NITZSCB,1818. Hirmoneura MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins.,vol. 2, p. 132,182O. 1 species. Type, Hirmoneura obscura WIEDE>IANN. SpnY Parasymmictus BIGOT, 3579. Histiodroma SCHINER,Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 17, p. 308, 1867. 1 species. Type, Sargus inermis WIEDEMANN. Holcocephala JXNNICKE, Neue Exot. Dipt., p. 51, lS6i. Change of name for Disco- cephala MACQUART,1838, not of LAPORTE,1832. Type, Dasypogon abdominalis SAP. Syn., Discocephala MACQUART,1838, preoccupied. Holmbergia ARRIBALZAGA,An. Sot. Cient. Argentina, vol. 32, p. 196, Oct., 1891. 1 species. Type, Holmbergia guntherii ARRIBALZAGA. Equals Rhopalosyrphus GIGLIO-TOS,Sept. 20,189l. Holoclera SCHINER, Wien. Ent. Monatschr, vol. 4, p. 53, 1860. 1 species. Type, Rhamphomyia umbripennis MEIGEN (as pukhra, new species). Equals Dionnaea MEI- GEh,’ 1800. Holoneura KIEFFER, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1894, p. 312, 1894. 1 species. Type, Holoneura &eta KIEFFER. Holopogon LOEW, Linn. Ent., vol. 2, p. 473, 1847. 7 species. Type, Dasypogon nigripennis MEIGEN, the third species, by present designation. Holorusia Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 277, 1863. 1 species. Type, Holorusia grandis BERGROTH(as rubiginosa, new species, preoccupied). NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF A-VERIC-4l.tT DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 553

Homalocephala ZE-ITER~T'EDT, Ins. Lapp., p. 749, 1838. 1 species. Type, Homa- bcephala albitarsis ZETTJXRSTEDT.Syn., Psairoptera WAHLBERG,1839. Homalomyia BOUCHB,Nat. Ins., p. 89, 1834. 3 species. Type, Nuaca can&lari.s LISN&?rS, the first species, by designation of Westwood, Mr., vol. 2, Synops. 1840, p. 143. Equals Fannia DESVOIDY,1830. HwmogeniaWuLp, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 35, p. 184,1892. 3 species. Type, Homogenia rufipes WULP, the first speciesby designation of BR~UER and BERGENST_UIM,Denkschr. Eais. Acad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 61, 1894, p. 623. Equals Trichiopoda L_~TREILLE,1829. Hoplomyia ZELLER, Isis von Oken for 1842, p. 882, 1842. Change of name for &ratiomys GEOFFROY,1762, because the latter name was incorrectly formed. Type, J$uscacham.&eon LINNJXJS. Equals Stratiomys GEOFFROY,1762. Hormomyia Lo~w, Dipt. Beitr., vol. 4, p. 20, 1850. 6 species. Type, Hormomyia crassipesLo~w, the second species, by present designation. Hormopeza ZETTERSTEDT,Ins. Lapp., p. 540, 1838. 1 species. Type, Hormopeza obliterata ZETTERSTEDT. Houghia COQOILLETT,Rev. Tach., p. 118, 1897. 1 species. Type, Houghia setipennisCOQIJILLIrrr. Howardina THEOBALD,Monogr. Culic., vol. 3, p. 287,1903. 2 species. Type, Culex walkeri THEOBALD,the first species, by designation of DYAR, Proc. Ent. Sot. Wash- ington, vol. 7, 1905, p. 49. Hubneria DESVOIDY,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1847, p. 601, 1847. 22 species. Type, Tachina ajinis FALLEN (as Carcelia nigripes DESTOIDT),’ the fifth species, by . designation of DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 279, Equals Aplomya DESTOIDP, 1830. Hyadesimyia BIGOT, Miss. Cape Horn, vol. 6, Zool., Dipt., p. 26, 1888. 2 species. Type, IIyadesimyia clau.s&BIGOT, the first species, by present designation. Hyadina H-%LID.%Y,Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, p. 406, 1839. 2 species. Type, nbti- phila guttata FALLEN, the fi& species, by designation of WBT~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1810, p. 153. Equals Hydrina DESVOJDY,1830. Hyalunthrax OSTENSAC~EN, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 134,1887. 5 species. Type, Anthrax faustina OSTEN SACKEX, the first species, by present designation. Equals Villa LIOY, 1864 Hyatomyn DES~OIDY, Essai Myod., p. 298, 1830. 2 species (as.11). Type, Pha.sia pusilla MEIGEN, the last species, by designation of WE~TKOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 140. Equals Phasia LATREILLE, 1805. Hyalomyodes TO~NSESD, Psyche, vol. 6, p. 429, 1893. 1 species. Type, Hya- Eomya triangulifera Lonw (as wee&i, new species). Hyalurgus BRAUEBand BERGENSTAMX~,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien,’ vol. 60, p. 136, 1893. 1 species. Type, Tuchina lucida MEIGEN. Hybos MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 269,1803. No species. In his Klass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., 1804, pp. 240,241, 2species. Type, Nusca grossipesLINN~EUS (as funebris, new species), the first species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1837, p. 661. Nmza MEIGEN, 1800. Hydrellia DESVOI~Y, Essai Myod., p. 790, 1830. 11 species. Type, ATotiphiZa PacicepsMEIGEN (as aurifacies, new species), the second species, by designation of WESTKOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 153. Syn., Hydropota RONDANI, 1861. Hydrina DESTOIDY, Essai Mybd., p. 794, 1830. 7 species. Type, Kotiphila guttata FALLEN (as vernak, new species), the third species, by present designation. Syn., Hyadina HALID_%P,1839. Hydrochus FALLEN, Monogr. Dolich. Sveciae,p. 5,1823. 4 species. Type, Hydrochus longicornis FALLEN, the first species, by present designation. Not Hydrochua GERYAR, 1817. Equals Perithinus HALIDAY, 1831. 554 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL Mi7SEUiU. VOL.37.

Hydrodromia MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 658, 1835. 2 species. Type, Heleodromia stugnalis HALIDAY, the second species, by designation of COQUILLEJT, Proc. Ent. Sec. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 251. Hydromyza FALLEN, Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. for 1813, p. 243, 1813. 1 species. Type, JI&sca tivensFABRICIUS. Syn., Zupharia DESVOIDY, 1830. Hydrophoria DEWOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 503, 1830. 6 species (as 9). Type, d-izucu vesper&a FALLEN (as littoralis, new species), the last species, by designation of WEW- WOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 142 (as nigri& FALLEN). Syn., Hebecnema SCHNABL,1889. (Hydrophoria of authors equals Zaphne DESVOIDT.) Hydrophorus FALLEN, Monogr. Dolich. Sreciae, p. 2,1823. 7 species. Type, Hydro- phorus jaculus FALLEN, the last species, by designation of MACQUART,Recueil Sot. Sci. Arts Lille for 1827, p. 249. Equals Medetera FISCHER,1819. (Hydrophores of authors equals Aphrozeta PERRIS.) Hydropota RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Pro&., vol. 4, p. 10, 1861. Change of name for Hydrvllia DE~VOIDY under the mistaken impression that it is interfered with by Hydrelia H~~BNEB, Type, hrotiphila Jluzkeps MEIGEN. Equals Hydrellia DEWOIDY, 1830. Hydrotaea DESFOIDY,Es& Myod., p. 509, 1830. 12 species (as 17). Type, Musca mekorica LINNJXJS,the eleventh species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1839, p, 768. Syn., Lusiops MEIGEN, 1838; Onodontha RONDANI, 1856; Psiloptera LIOY, 1864; Microcera LIOY, 1864. Hygrella HALIDAY, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, p. 223, 1839. 2 species. Type, Notiphila n&duIa FALLEN, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 153. Equals Psilopa FALLEN, 1823. HygroceleuthusLo~w, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p_ 10, 1857. 3 species. Type, Dolichopus latipennis FALLEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Dolichopus LATREILLE, 1796. Hygrophila LIOI., Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1102, 1864. 1 species. Type, Ephydra coarctata FALLEN? (as fccsclpmnis MACQUART?, an error for ftwipennis). Equals Napaea DESVOIDY,1830. Hylemya DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 550, 1830. 11 species (as 16). Type, &sca strigosaFABRICIUS (& strenua and pkbeia, new species), the first species, by designa- tion of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 96. Syn., Delia DESVOIDY,1830; Egeria DEWOIDY, 1830; JlusciosonraLIOY, 1864; GastroleptuLIOY, 1864; Nevrota LIOY, 1864; PachystomaLIOY, 1864. Hylephila RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. P&r., vol. 6, p. 13, 1877. 1 species. Type, Jfusca buccaia FALLEN. Equals Leucophora DES~OIDY,1830. Hyperrea DEWOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 379, 1863. 1 species. Type, Hyperxa abdominalis DE.WOIDT. Equals Stevenia DESVOIDY,1830. Hyperalonia RONDANI, Arch. Zool., vol. 3, p. 57,’ 1864. 13 species. Type, Stomoxysmorio FABRICIUS(as Anthrax erythrocephaluFABRICIUS), the fifth species,by present designation. Syn., velocia‘ COQUILLEIT,1886. Hyperdiplosis FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 405, 1908. 1 species. Type, Cecidomyialobata FELT. Hyperecteina ScaINER,Wien. Ent. Monatschr.,vol. 5, p. 143,186l. 1 species. Type, Hyperecteina metopina SCHINER. Syn., Admontia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1889. Hypertrophocera TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sob., vol. 18, p. 360,1891. 1 species. Type, Hypertrophocera parvipes TOWNSEND. ’ Syn., NeotractoceraTOWNSEND, 1892. Hyphantrophaga TOWNSEND,Psyche,vol. 6, p. 247,1892. 1 species. Type, Meigenia hypharitria TOWNSEND. Hypocera LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 10, p. 78, 1864. 3 species. Type, Trineura mordellaria FALLEN, the first species, by designation of BRUES,Gen. Ins., Dipt., Phorih, 1906, p. 6. Syn., Nemosia LIOY, 1864; Gymnoptera LIOY, 1864. NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AMERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 555

Hyp&&a BRAUERand BERG&STAMX, Denkschr. Kais. Bkad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 93, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachina distincta MEIGEN (as Zongicorn;SSCHINE~). Equals Campylochzeta BNDANI, 1859. Hypocharassus MIK, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. mien, vol. 28, p. 627, 1879. 1 spe- cies. Type, Hypocharassus gladiator MIK. Syn., Drepanomyia. WHEELER, 1898. Hypoderma LATXEXLLE;Nouv. Diet. Hist. Nat., vol. 23, p. 272, 1818. 1 species. Type, CE&us bovis LINN~EUS. [Hypostena MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 239, 1838. 1 species. Type, xusca VOZ~UZUS FABXICIUS(as proceru, new species). Equals Phyllomya DESVOIDY, 1830. Not American.] (Hypostena of authors equals Tachinophyto TOWNSEND.I Hypselura MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 273, 1503. 1 species. Type, Jfusca fenestr&is LINNJXS (as senilis FABXICIUS). Equals Omphrale MEIGEN, 1800. Hyria DESVOIDP,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1100, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina tibialis FALLEN. Not, Hyria LAMARCK, 1819. Equals Pelatachina MEdDE, 1894. Hystrichodexia REDDER,Ent. Zeit. St&tin, vol. 47, p. 266, 1886. 1 species. Type, Hystrichodexia armata RYDER. Hystricia MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 43, 1843. 4 species. Type, Hystricia amoma MACQUART,the third species, by present designation. Hystrisyphona BIGOT, R.ev. Mag. Zuol. for 1859, p. 309, 1859. 1 species. Type, Hystrkyphona niger BIGOT. Ibisia RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 154, 1856. 1 species. Type, Bibio marginata FABRICIUS. Equals Atherix MEIGEN, 1803. Icuria SCHINER,Reise Notara,’ Zool., vol. 2, Dipt., p. 276, 1868. 3 species. Type, !Frypeta sparsa WIEDEMANN, the first species, by original designation. Not Icaria SAUSSURE,1853. Equals Eutreta LOEW, 1873. Ichneumonops TORNSEND, Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 82, 1908. 1 species. Type Ichneumonops mirabilis TOFI-NSEND. Icterica LOEW, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 287,1873. 3 species. Type, !liy- petu seriata LOEW, the first species, by present designation. Ida DE~VOIDY, Hist. .Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 389, 1863. 1 species. Type, &.SCU rustica FABRICIUS(as petiolata, new species). Equals Dexia MEIGEN, 1826. IdanaLo~w, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 115,1873. 1 species. Type, 0rtali.s marginata SAY. Idioneura PHILIPPI, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 15, p_ 615, 1865. 1 species. Type, Idioneuru macroptera PHILIPPI. Equals Symplecta MEIGEN, 1830. IdiopEasta OFTEN SACKEN,Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p. 222, 1878. Change of name for Protoplasa OSTERSACKEN, 1860, under the erroneous impression that it interferes R-ith Protoplastu LEIDP, 1879. Type, Protoplasa jtchii OSTENSACKEN. Equals Protoplasa OFTENSACKEN, 1860. Idiotypa Lo~w, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 183, 1873. 1 species. Type, Idiotypa appendiculata LOEW. Not Idiotypa F~RSTER, 1856. Equals Neoidiotypa OFTEN SACKEN, 1878. Illigeria DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 273, 1830. 1 species (as 2). Type, Muscu roTal& LINNBUS. Equals Melanophora MEIGEN, 1803. Ilythea HALIDAY, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, p. 408, 1839. 1 species. Type, Ephydra spiZota CURTIS. Syn., Epipela STENHAMMER,1844. Anatisma MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 2, I>. 67, 1842. 2 species. Type, Eristalis posticata FARRICIUS, the first species, by original designation. Equals Mallota MEIGEN, 1822. Iphia MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 27, 1800.” No species. Equals Dolichopus LATREILLE. Type, Mu.scaungulata LINNZUS. Equals Dolichopus LATREILLE, 1796. khiodonta LIOP, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1328, 1864. 2 species (as 3). Type, Myopa fasciata MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Stomoxoides SCH~FFEX, 1766. 556 PROCEEDIXGS OF THE YATIO3AL’ MUSEUdf. VOL. 37.

Ischnomyia LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 325, lS63. 1 species. Type, Diastata? albicosta WALKER (as z-ittula, new species). Isogaster LIov, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1114, 1864. 1 species. Type, Borborus nigrifemoratw MxQ~.~RT. Equals Copromyza FILLEN, 1810. Isoglossa COQUILLETT,Can. Ent., vol. 27: p. 125, lS95. 1 species. Type, Isoglossa hastata C~QUILLJ!ZT. Not Isoglossa CUEY, 1893. Equals Eucoronymyia TOKNSEND, 190s. Isomera DEWOIDY, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1851, p. 315, 1851. 2 species. Type, Rhedia sicula DDESVOIDY‘ (as Reaumerin blondeli DFS~OIDY), the first species, by present designation. Equals Salmacia MEIGES. 1500. Isopenthes OSTEN SXKEN, Biol. Centr.-gmer., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 96, lSS6. 2 species. Type, Isopenthes jznnickeana OSTEN SACGES, the second species, by present designa- tion. Equals Villa IJOY, 1864. Isoplastus SLUSE, Proc. Linn. Sot. 8. s. Ivales, ser. 2, vol.. 4, p. 2i9, 1889. 3 species. Type, Isoplastus notubilis SUSE, the first species, by present designation. Isostomyia COQUILLEIT,Class. Mosq., p. 16, 1906. 1 species. Type, AZdespertur- bans \V:ILLISTON. l&ogZos,cnROXDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 77,‘ 1856. 1 species. Type, Isto- gbssa puella ROSD.~NI. Equals Clausicella RONDANI, 1856. Itamus LOER, Linn. Ent., vol. 4, p_ 84, 1849. 4 species. Type, Aa?iZuscyanurus LOEW, the first species, by present designation. Not I~ut)zusSCHMIDT-G~BEL, 1846. Equals Neoitamus O~TEXSACKEN, lS7S. Iteaphila ZETTERSTEDT,Ins. Lapp., p. 540, lS38. 2 species. Type, Iteaphila macquarti ZETTER~TEDT,the first species, by designation of COQUILLEIT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 251. Syn., Heleocheta BECIZER.1587. Itonida MEJGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 19, lSOO.* No species. Cecidomyia MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Tipula pini DE GEER. Syn., Cecidomyia MEIGEN, 1803; Diplosis LoEw, l&51. Janetiella KIEFFER, Syn. 0.x. Eur. Alger., p. 23, lS9S. 3 species. Type, Cecido- myia thymi KIEFFER, the first species, by present designation. Janthinosoma ARRIBALZAGA,Rev. Mus. La Plats, vol. 1, p. 394, 1891. 1 species. Type, C&x discrucians VV.%LKER. Syn., Conchyliastes THEOBALD,1901. Juveiia DESVOIDY, Hi&. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1115,1863. 1 species (as 3). Type, Tachina chalconota MEIGEN. Equals Macquartia DESVOIUY,lS30. Joannisia KIEFFER, Bull. Soc.Ent. France for lS94, p. 173, lS94. 2 species. Type, Joannisia aurantiaca KIEFFER, the first species, by present designation. Joblotia BLANCHARD,Compt. Rend. Sot. Biol., vol. 53, p_ 1046, Dec. 6,190l. Change of name for Trichoprosopon THEOBALD,July 15, 1901, under the mistaken idea that this is preoccupied by Trichoprosopus MACQU_*RT,1843. Type, Trichoprosopon nimpes THEOB_4LD. Equals Trichoprosopon THEOBALD,July 15,190l. Johannseniella WILLISTON, Tourn. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 15, p. 1, 1907. Change of name for Ceratolophus KIEFFER, 1899, not of BOCOURT,1873. Type, Cewztopogonfemo- rata ?YIEIGEN. Equals Serromyia MEIGEN, 1818. Johnsonia COQUILLETT,Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1595, p. 316, 1895. 1 species. Type, Johnsonia elegans COQUILLETT. Johnsonomyia FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 417, 1908. 3 species. Type, Johnsonomyia rubra FELT, the last species, by original designation. Jurinella BR~UER and BERGENSTBMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. 1Viss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 132,1889. 1 species. Type, Jurinia carruleonigra MACQUART. Syn., Pseudohystricia BRALJZR’ and BERGENSTAMAI,1889; Eujurinia TOWSSEXD,1908. Jurinia DESVOLDY,Esaai Myod., p. 34, 1830. 10 species (as 12). Type, Jurinia gagatea DEWOIDP, the fifth species, by present designation. Karshomyia FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 398, 1908. 1 species. Type, _ Mycodiplosis viburni FELT. NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AJLERICAX DIPTERd-COQUILLETT. 557 -- ~Oatocera DESTOIDT. Essai &Iyocl., p. iSS, 1830. 5 species (as 7). Type, Xbtiphiln dneren F_~LLEN (a-y 1 palustris, 3 trapa and 4 fulvicornis, new species), by present des- ignation. Equals Notiphila FALLEN, 1810. KeroplatUS Bose, Actes Sot. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 42, 1792. 1 species. Type, Keroplatzrs tipuloides Box. Spn., &rote&m RONDANI, 1856. hirbya’ DESTOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 267, lS30. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tachina ma?rzns MEIGEN (as wrnalis and hiemalis, new species). Equals Rhinophora DES- VoIDP, 1830. xlugia DESTOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 7S7, 1863. 1 species (as 3). Type, T&inn margznata MEIGEN. Equals Voria DESYOIDY,1830. gockia DESVOIDY,Hiet. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 818, 1863. 2 species. Type, Koch-ia claripennis DESX-OIDY,the first species, by present designation. Equals Phyto DE&OIDY, lS30. Labidomyia STEPBEN;, Syst. Cat. Brit. Ins., vol. 2, p. 239, 1829. 5 species. Type, Tipula hipunctatu 1.xxv_zus, the first species. by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., lS40, p. 126. Equals Culicoides L.~TREILLE,1809. L;nbignster?M~CQU.ART, Recueil Sot. Sci. Arts Lille for 1834, p. 244, 1834. 2 spe- cies. Type, Tachinn aurijrons MEIGES (as Clelia agilis DE~XOIDY), the second species, by designation of ROSDAU, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 76. Equals Dionaza DESVOIDT,’ 1530. Laccoprosopa TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. IS, p. 365, 1891. 1 species. Type, Laccoprosopa sarcophagina TOWXSEXD. Equals Brachicoma RONDANI, 1856. Lachnomma TO~SSESD, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 103, 1892. 1 species. Type, dtrophopoda singularis TOWNSEND(as magnicornti, new species). Equals Para- didyma BRAUERand BERGESSTAJII)I,1S91. Lactistomyiu M EL.~NDER,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 28, p. 250, 1902. 1 species. Type, Lactistomyia insotita MELASDER. Equals Noeza MEIGEN, 1800. Lumbertia DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 30, lS63. 1 species. Type, Blonde& pallidipalpis DESVOIDT. Equals Sturmia DESVOIDY,lS30. Lampetia MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 34, 1800.” No species. Merodon MEIGEN, lSO3, is a change of name. Type, Syrphus’ clavipes FABRICIUS. Syn., Mere- don MEIGEX, 1803. LamprempisWHEELER and MELANDER, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 1, p, 366, 1901. 6 species. Type, Empis chichimeca WHEELER and MELANDER,the fourth species, by designation of COQUILL~, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 252. Lampria MACQUART, Dipt. Esot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p 60, 1838. 2 species. Type, Laphrin clavipes FABRICIUS,the second species, by present designation. LaphriaMEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 25,1800.* No species. In Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, 1803, p. 270, 6 species. Type, dsilus gibboms LINXZUS, the first species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. G&&al., 1810, p_ 443. Syn., RopaZocera MEIGEN, 1820. Laphystia Loom, Linn. Ent., vol. 2, p. 538, lS47. 1 species. Type, tiphystia sabulicoin LoE~. Larv=vora M&GE& Nonv. Class. Mouth., p. 35, MOO.* NO species. Tachina MEIGEN, lSO3, is a change of name. Type, ~fxsca grossa LINNXUS. Syn., Tachina MEIGEN, 1503; Echinomya LATREILLE, 1805; Faunia ~ESVOIDY, 1830; fiephaliodes BRAUERand BERGESSTAMM,1591; Pareudora WACHTL, lS94; Xowickia WACHTL, 1894; Pararchytws BRAUERand BERGEX~TAMM,lS?4; Eupeleteria TOWNSEND,1908. Lasia WIEDEMAXN, Anal. Ent., p. 11, 1824.” 1 species. Type, La,.& splendens WIEDEVAXN. fi~siwyru MIK, Jahresb. k. k. Akad. Gymnas., p. 5, 1STS. No species. /Umca diaphanu FABRICIUS,being one of the commonest species which possessesthe generic characters mentioned, may be taken as the type. Type, ~%UXXdiuphana FABRICIUS. Equals Porphyrops MEIGEX, 1824.. 558 PROCEEDIWGS OF THE NATIONAL MU7SEUM. VOL. 37.

Lasiomastix OSTEX SACEES, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 233, 1860. 1 species. Type, Limnobia macrocera SAP. Equals Phylidorea BIGOT, 1854. Lasiona WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 127, 1890. 1 species. Type, Lasiona multisetosa WULP. Lasioneura COQUILLEIT, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 3, p. 50, 1895. 2 species. Type, Lasioneura johnsoni COQKJILLKIT,the first species, by present designation. Lasiophthicus RONDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for 1844, p. 459, 1844. 1 species. Type, &sca pyrastri LINNXUS. Equals Scaeva FABRICI~S, 1805. Lasiopogon Loam, Linn. Ent., vol. 2, p. 508, 1847. 3 species. Type, Dasypogon pilosellus LOE~ (as hirtellus MEIGEN), the second species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 156. Syn., Dnulopogon Lo~w, 1874. Lasiops MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 323, 1838. 5 species. Type, ~&.wa hirticeps FALLEN, the fourth species, by designation of COQUILLF~T,*Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 138. Equals Hydrotaea DE~~OIDY, 1830. (Lrtsiops of authors equals Opso&ia. new name.) Lasioptera MEIGES, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p_ 88,1818. 4 species. Type, Cecidomyia albipennis MEIGES, the third species, by present designation. Syn., LXo- myza MEIGEN, 1818. Lasiosoma WINNERTZ, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. i48, 1863. 13 species. Type, Sciophila pilosa MEIGEN, the fourth species, by present designation. Equals Sciophila MEIGEN, 1818. Lastaurus LOEK, Bemerk. Asiliden, p. 11, 1851. 2 species. Type, Dasypogon anthracinus Lo~w-, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Morimna WALKER, 1851. Lathyrophthalmus MIK, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol, 16, p. 114, 1897. 1 species. Type, Conops gneus SCOPOLI. Equals Tubifera MEIGEN, 1800. Latreillia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 104, 1830. 5 species (as 10). Type, Mwca bifasciata FABRICIZTS,the first species, by present designation. Not Latreillia ROUX, 1827. Equals Belvosia DESVOIDP,1830. Latreillimyia TO~~NSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 105, 1908. Change of name for Latreillia DESVOIDT, 1830, not of Roux, 1827. Type, Mwca bifasciata FABRKXUS. Equals Belvosia DESVOIDY,1830. Lauxania LATREKLLE,Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 390, 1805, 1 species. Type, Musca cylindticornis FABRICIUS. Lazwania THEOBALD,Journ. Trop. Med., vol. 5, p. 183, June 16, 1902. 1 species. Type, Anopheles a?-gyritarsis DESVOIDY. Not Lawrania GRASSI and FELET-U, 1890. Equals Cellia THEOBALD,June 16, 1902. Leia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 253, 1818. 10 species. Type, tiia fascipennis MEIGEN, the fifth species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1837, p. 645. Syn., Lejomya RONDANI, 1856; Lejosoma RONDANI, 1856; Glaphyrop- te-ra WINNERTZ, 1863; Neogluphyroptera OFTENSACKEN, 1878. (Leia of authors equals Rondaniella, JOHANNSEN.) Lejogaster RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 2, p. 166, 1857. 1 species. Type, Chrysogaster splendida MEIGEN (as tursatus MEIGEN). Equals Chrysogaster MEIGEN, 1800. Lejomya RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 195,1856. 1 &ecies. Type, Myce- tophila bimaculata MEIGEK. Equals Leia MEIGEN, 1818. Lejops RONDANI,’ Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 2, p. 33, 1857. 1 species. Type, Mallota vittata MEIGEN. Equals Helophilus MEIGEN, 1822. Lejosoma RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, errata, 1856. Change of name of Lejomya RONDANI,1856. Type, Mycetophila bimaculata MEIGEN. Equals Leia MEIGEN, 1818. Lemtopeza MACQUART,Ins. Dipt. Nord France, Separata, p_ 143, 1827. 1 species. Type, Ocydromia frccvipesMEIGEN (as ftazri-pes,new species). x0. 1719. TYPE-SPECIE8 OF AUERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 559

Lentiphora DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 656, 1830. 1 species. Type, kztiphoru flaveolctDESVOIDY. Syn., TephTochlamysLoE~, 1862. Lepidanthrax &TEN SACKEN, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., ~01 1, p. 107, 1886. 3 species.Type, dtzthrax disjuncta WIEDEJIASN, the first species, by present designation. Lepidomya BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1857, p. 557, 1857. 1 species. Type, Empismelanocephala F_+BRICIUS (as Hem.erodromiamantispa MEIGEN). Equals l-ieme- rodromia MEIGES, 1822. Lepidomyia LoE~, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 8, p. 69, 1864. 1 species. Type, Lepidomyia calopusLo~w. Syn., Lepromyia WILLISM)N, 1886 ; Lepidostola MIK, 1886. Lepidophora WESI-~OOD,Lond. Edinb. Philos. Mag., vol. 6, p_ &7,1834. 1 species. Type, Pleas zgeriiformisGRAY. Lepidoplatys COQUILLETT,Science, vol. 23, p. 314, 1906. 1 species. Type, Culex squamiger COQUILLEIT.’ Lepidosia C~QUILLI~~~,Science, vol. 23, p. 314, 1906. 1 species. Type, Cwex yaneswns CoQuILIxrr. Lepidostola MIK: Wien. Ent. &it., vol. 5, p. 278, Oct., 1886. Change of name for Lepidomyia Lo~w, 1864, under the mistaken impression that it is preoccupied by Lepidomya BIGOT, 1857. Type, Lepidomyia calopus Losw. Equals Lepidomyia LOEw, 1864. Lepiselaga MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 153, 1838. 1 species. Type, Hzmatopota cra-ssipesFABRICLUS (aa Tabanus kpidota WIEDEMANN). Equals Hadrus PERTY, 1834. Lepopterys SPEISER,Arch. Natur. for 1900, p. 53, 1900. 2 species. Type, Lipop- tenaphyllostomatisPERTY, the first species,by original designation. Equals Aspidop- tera COQUILLETT,1899. Lepromyia WILLISTON, Synops. N. Amer. Syrph., p. 31,. 1886. Change of name 1 for Lepidomyia Lo~w, under the mistaken impression that the latter is preoccupied by lkpidomya BIGOT. Type, Lepidomyia calopusLo~w. Equals Lepidomyia Lo~w, 1864. Leptina MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, pl. 65, fig 10, 1830. 1 species. ’ ’ Type, Tipula albipes STROM(as Dolichopeza syluicola CURTIS). Equals Dolichopeza CURTIS,1825. %tis FABRICIUS,Syst. Antliatorum, p. 69, 1805. Change of name of Rhagio FA- BRICIUS,1775, under the mistaken impression that it is preoccupied by Rh.agium FA- BRICIUS,17i5. Type, J&sca scolopaceaLINXEUS. Equals Rhagio FABRICIUS,1775. Leptocera OLIFIER, Mem. Sot. Agric. Dep. Seine, vol. 16, p. 16, 1813.* 1 species. Type, Leptocaa nigra OLIVIER. Syn., Xeren DESVOIDT, 1830; Bacchis DEZXOIDT, 18.30; Limosina MACQU_~RT,1835; Gonioneura ROSDANI, 1880; Elachisoma RONDANI, 1880. Leptochilus LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 16, p. 254, 1872. 1 species. Type, Leptochilus modesttis LOEW. Not Leptochilus S.*USSURE,1852. Equals Epacmus OSTENSACKEN, 1887. Leptocorypha ALDRICE, Trans. Ent. Sot. Lond. for 1896, p. 315, 1896. 1 species. Type, Leptocoryphapavo ALDRICH. Leptoda WGLP, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 28, p. 196, 1885. 2 species. Type, Delia grtilis WIEDEMANN, the first species, by designation of WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, 1891, p. 250. Leptodiplosis KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1894, p. 28, 1894. 5 manu- script species. Type, Leptodiplosis septemguttataKIEFFER (equals Cecidomyiapicti- pennis PERRIS, 1870, not of MEIGEN, 1830), the second species, by designation of KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France, 1894, page cclxxx. Syn., Coprodiplosis KIEFFEE, 1894. Leptogaster MEIGEN, Llligers’ Mag., vol. 3, p. 269, 1803. 1 species. Type, AS&M cylindrieus DE GEER (as tip&ides FABRICIUS). Syn., GonypesLATREILLE, 1865. . 560 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIOSAL JICSEUM. VOL.31.

Leptomorphus CURTIS, Brit. Ins., p. 365, 1831. 1 species. Type, Leptomorphus wcdkri CURTIS. Leptomydas GERST.ECKER,Ent. Zeit. St&tin, vol. 29, p. 81, 1868. 8 species. Type, ,$fydusZu&znicus WIE~EJIS~S, the first species, by present designation. Leptomyaa &I~CQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 580, 1835. Change of name for dnthomyza FALLEN, 1810, supposed to interfere with Anthomyia MHIGEN, 1803. Type, dnthomyza gracilis FALLES. Equa!s Anthomyza F.~LLEN, 1810. Leptophora SIS, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 21, p. 185, 1878. 1 species. Type, Phora galeata HALID~Y (as perpusilla, new species). Equals Metopina ~L~CQU~RT,l&35. Leptopus FALLEN, l\lonogr. Dolich. SveciE, p. 23, 1823. 4 species. Type, Dolichopus contristansW~EDEMANN, the third species, by present designation. Not Leptopus LITREILLE, 1809. Equals Sciapus ZELLER, 1842. Leptopus HILID.~T, Zool. Journ., vol. 5, p. 358,1831. 2 species. Type, Medetera ornata H.~LID,~Y,the secondspecies, by present designation. Not Leptopus LSTREILLE, lSO9. Equals Xanthochlorus Loon-, lS.57. Leptorhethum ALDRICH, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 2, p. 50,1893. l-species. Type, Leptorhethum angusfatumALDRICH. Leptorhina STEPHESS,Syst. Cat. &it. Ins., vol. 2, p. 243, 1829. 1 species. Type, Limnobia longirostris IVIEDEMA~N. Equals Megarhina ST. FAEGEAU and SERVILLE, 1828. LeptoscelesH.~LID.~T, Ent. Uag., vol. 1, p. 160, 1833. 3 species. Type, Leptosceles guttatu H.&LIDAY, the first species, by designation of COQUILLEIT, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 252. Equals Dolichocephala &IACQU~RT,1823. Leria DESVOIDY, Essai JSlyod., p_ 653, 1830. 7 species. Type,‘ Xusca serrata LI,VN_W:S(as fenestrarum, new species), the fourth species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p_ 103. Equals Heleomyza FALLEN, 1810. Leskia DEWOII)Y, Essai afyod., p. 100, lS30. 1 species. Type, Tuchina aureu FALLEN (as jarescens, new species). Syn., Myobia DEWOIDY, 1830; Hebia DESVOIDY, 1830; &lieria DESVOIDY, 1548; ore&a DEWOIDY, 1848; Pyrrosia RONDANI, 1856; Anthoica RONJLWI, 1861; Chremia DESVOIDY, 1863. . Leskiomima BR~UER and BERGENSTAMN,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. %ien,‘ vol. 58, p. 372, 1891. 1 species. Type, $tomoxys tenera WIEDEMANN. Lesticocampa DY_~Rand KNAB, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 14, p. 226, 1906. 1 species. Type, Wyeomyia Zunafa THEOBALD. Lestomyia WILLISTON, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 11, p. 19, 1883. 2 species. Type, Clavator sabulonumOSTEN SACKEN,the tirst species, by original designation. LestophonusWILLISTON, Ins. Life, vol. 1, p. 21, ISSS. 1 species. Type, Lestophonus ’ icerya WILLISTON. Equals Cxyptochetum RONDANI, 1875. Lestremia MACQU~~RT,Rec. Trav. Sot. Sci. Iille for 1826, p. 173, 1826. 1 species. Type, Lestremia cinerea &I.ICQTJART.Syn., Mimosciara RONDANI, lS40; Cecidogona LOEW.,1844; Furcinerva ROND_4~1,1846; J”posatceaRONDANI, 1856. Leucomelina MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 4, p. 261, lS51. 1 species. Type, Leucomelinapica MACQUART. Leucophenga MIP, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 5, p. 317, 1886. 1 species. Type, Droso- phda maculata DUFOUR. Leucophora DEWOIDY, Essai alyod., p. 562, 1830. 5 species. Type, Leucophora cinerea DESVOIDP,the third species, by designation of COQUILLE?T,Journ. N. Y. Ent. sot., vol. 9,1901, p. 138. Syn., Ocromyia LIOY, 1864; Hylephila ROND.WI, 1877; Ham- momyia RONDANI, 1877. Leucopis MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 133, 1830. 4 species. Type, Leucopis anrnulipesZET~ERSTEDT (aa griseola MEIGEN), the first species, by designation of BLANCHARD,Hi& Nat. Ins., vol. 3,1840, p. 627. Leucostola Lo~w, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 39, 1857. 1 species. Type, Dolichopus vestita WIEDEMANN. NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AUERICX? DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 561

Leucostoma MEIGEN, Nigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 279, 1803. NO species. In his Syst. Bescbr., vol. 4, 1824, p. 234, 1 species. Ty_pe, Oeyiptern simplex FALLEN. Syn., Clelia Dmvornv, 1830; Ps&jo, RONDANI, 1856; Calyptidia DESVOIDY,1863. Lerlcoznna&.~IRER, Wen. Ent. ,Ilonatschr.,rol. 4, p. 214, 1860. 1 species. Type, jlUca Iucomn I,ISN_.US. Equals Syrphus FABRICIUS,li75. Liancalus L~Ew, heue’ Beitr., vol. 5, p. 22, l&57. 2 species. Type, &kscn Sirens scopo~~, the first species, by present designation. Equals Orthoceratium SCHRAN~, 1803. Lilxa ~VALKER,Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 11, 1850. 2 species. Type, Pangonius luridus \~ALKER, the second species, by present designation. Equals Pangonius L_~TREILLE, 1802. Limatus THEOB.~L~, Monogr. Cuhc., vol. 2, p. 349, 1901. 1 species. Type, Lima- tus durhamii THEOBALD. Syn., Simondella LA~ERAN, 1902. Linznobin MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 116,lSlS. Changeof name for Limonin MEIGEN, 1803, because the latter name has anothor meaning beside that intended. Type, Tip&a iripunctuta FABRICIUS. Equals Amphinome MEIGEN, 1800. Limnobiorhynchus WESTW\.OOD,Ann. SOC. Ent. France for 1835, p. 683, 1835. 2 species. Type, Limnotiorhynchus Crusiliensis WESTWOOD, the first species, by present designation. Equals Geranomyia HALIDAT, 1833. Limncea RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 181, lS56. 1 species. Type, Tip&a fla~escensLINNXEW. Equals Polymeda MEIGEN, 1800. L.+wwica RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p_ 11, 1861. Change of name for Limncea RONDAN], 1856, on account of Limnza POLI, 1791. Type, TipulaJatescens LINNXUS. Equals Polymeda MEIGBN, 1800. Limnomyza RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 185. 1856. 1 species. Type, Tipula tripunctata FABRICIUS. Equals Amphinome MEIGEN, 1800. [Limnophila M~CQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p_ 95, 1834. 21 species. Type, Limnobia pictipennis MEIGEK, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOI),Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 128. Syn., Limnomya ROND.~NI,1861; Pacilostoka SCHINER, 1863. Not American.] (Limnophila of authors. equals Phylidorea BIGOT.) Limnophora DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 517, 1530. 20 species. Type, Limnophora pcluslris DESVOIDY, the second species, by present designation. Syn., Gymnodia DEWOIDT, 1863; Melanochelia RONDANI, 1866; Brwtza ~~OWARZ,’ 1573; Pwudolimno- phora STROBL,1893; Stroblia POKORXT,1893; A7eolimnopIlora SCHNABL,1902. LimnospiIa SCHNA~L, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 21, p. 111, 1902. 1 species. Type, &i&x u&jkw %Z-~~ERS?~EDT.Equals Gmnosia &~EIC;ES, 1830. Limonia MEIGES, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 262, 1803. 5 species. Type, Tipzdu tri- punctata FABRICXS, the first species, by designation of \VEXTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 129. Equals Amphinome MEIGEN, X300. Limosia DESVOIDY,Easai Myod., p. 535, 1830. 14 species (as 28). Type, Limosia campestris DFSVOIDY,the sixth species, by designation of COQUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 138. Equals Cmnosia MEIGEN, 1830. Limosina M_4CQU_4RT,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p_ 571, 1835. 9 species. Type, BOT~O~U syZraticus MEIGEN, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., lS40, p. 145. Equals Leptocera OLIVIER, 1813. Linnaemya DESVOIDY,Essai IMyod., p. 52, lS30. 3 species (as 7). Type, Tachina vulpina FALLEX (as silzestris, new species), the second species, by designation of DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 131. Syn., Bonellia DEW~IDY, 1830. Liogma OSTENSACKEN, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 4, p. 298, 1869. 2 species. Type, Ttiogma nodicornis OFTENSACPEN, the second species, by present designation_ Lipochaeta COQUILLETT,Ent. News, vol. 7, p. 220, 1896. 1 species. Type, Lipo- chzta slossow COQUILLEIT. Proc.N.M.vol.38-10-36 562 PROCl?EDINGS OF THE NATIONdL MUSEUU. VOL. 37.

Lipoptena NITZSCFI, Germ. Msg. Ent., vol. 3, p. 310, 1818. 1 epeciee. Type, Pediculus cerz-i LINNXIJS (as cert

Lordatin DESOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 808, 1830. 2 species (as 5). Type, Lordalia coprina DEWOIDY, the second (fourth supposed) species, by present designation. Equals Cypsela MEWEN, 1800. hrdotus Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 303, 1863. 1 species. Type, Lor- dotus gibbus tiEW. 1 ,QmbiaLIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1114, 1864. 1 species.. Type, Borborus pallidicentris MEIGES. Equals Cypsela MEIGEN, 1800. Loxocera MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 275, 1803. 1 species (as 2). Type, Mu..wa ichneumonea LIIWXUS. Lucilia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 452, 1830. Ii species (as 37). Type, Musca czsar LISNXUS, the first species, by designation of MACQUART,Recueil Sot. Sci. Arts Lille for 1833-34, p. 162. Syn., @a RONDANI, 1850; Somomya RONDANI, 1861; Phenicia DESVOIDY,1863. Lutzia THEOBALD,Monogr. Culic., vol. 3, p. 155, 1903. 1 species. Type, Culex bigotii BELLARDI. Lycastrirhyncha BIGOT, Rev. h-lag. Zool. fbr 1859, p. 3, 1859. 1 species. Type, Lycastrirhyncha nitens BIGOT. Lycia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 637, 1830. 10 species. Type, Sapromyza rorida FALLEN (as J%WU,new species), the first species, by present designation. Equals Sapromyza FALLEN, 1810. Lycoria MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. li, 1800.* No species. Sciara MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Tip&a thorna: LISNXXW Syn., &i%ra MEIGEN, 1803; Molobrus LATREILLE, 1805. Lydella DESVOIDP,Essai Myod., p. 112, 1830. 7 species (aa 12). Type, Tachina nigripes FALLEN (as grisescens,new species), the first species, by designation of DES- ~OIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 855. Syn., 13londeZin DESVOIDY,1830; dnetia DES~OIDY, 1863; Cyr-iZZiaDESVOIDY, 1863; Picconia DESVOIDY,1863; GerzlaisictDES- VOIDY, 3863; Dexodes BR.\UER and BERGENSTAMM,1889; dporotcwhina MEADE, 1894; Allophorocern HENDEL, 1901; Puradexodes TOWNSEND,1908. Lydina DFSVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 124, 1830. 1 species (as 3). Type, Tachina znea MEIGEN. Syn., Hnnisia MEIGEN, 1838; Polidea M~CQU~RT, 1848; &nloZeja RONDANI, 1865. Lynchia WEYENBERG, Anal. Sot. Cient. Argentim. for 1851, p. 195, 1881. 1 spe- cies. Type, Lynchia penelopes WEYENBERG. Lynchiella LAHILLE, Act. Trab. Congr. Med. Lat.-Amer., vol. 2, p. 13,1904. Change of name of Megwrhinus DESVOIDP,1827, under the mistaken idea that the latter is preoccupied by Megarhina ST. FARGEAUand SERVILLE, 1828. Type, CuZex humor- rhoidalis FABRICIUS. Equals Megarhinus DEWOIDP, 1827. Lyperosia RONDANT,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 93, 1856. 1 species. Type, Conops irritans LINN.WJS. Equals H=ma:obia ST. FARGE~Uand SERVILLE, 1828. Lyphe DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 141, 1830. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tuchina dubia FALLEN. Syn., Aporomyn RONDANI, 1859; Enthenis DESVOIDY,1863. Lyronew-us L~Ew, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 1, p. 38, 1857. 2 species. Type, Lyroneurus ccerulescens IAIXW, the first s_pecies,by present designation. Equals Diaphorus MEIGEN, 1824. Lythia DESVOIDP,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 707,’ 1863. 1 species. Type, Lythiu jkvicornis DEWOIDY. Equals Ceranthia DESYOIDY, 1830. Lytogaster BECKEH,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 41, p. 202,1896. 1 species. Type, Philygria abdominazis STENHAMMER. MaceZZocerusMIK, Jahresb. k.-k. Akad. Gymas., p. 3, 1878. 1 species. Type, Tachytrechus mcechusLo~w. Equals Tachytrechus HALIDAP, 1851. Machzrza RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 3, p. 159, 1859. 1 species. Type, Tachina concinnutu MEIGEN (as serriwntris,new species). F4uals Compsilura BOUCH~, 1834. 564 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL UUSEUX. VOL.37.

Machimus LOEW, Linn. Ent., vol. 4, p. 1, 1849. 15 species. Type, B&us chrysi- tisMEIGEN. the second species: by present designation. Macquartia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 204, 1830. 5 species (as S). Type, Tchina’ chalconota MEIGEN (as germanica and uiridescens,new species), the fourth and fifth supposed species, by designation of RONDAXI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1556, p. 65. Syn., Amedea DESVOIDY, 1830; dlbinia DESVOIDY, 1830; Gymnopsis RONDANI, 1859; Cleonice DESVOIDY,1863; Bebricia DES~OIDY,1863; .Javetia DESVOIDY,1863; Pherecida DESVOIDY,1863; Rondanimyia TO~NSESD, 1908. ,Ilacrocera MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 261, 1803. No species. In his Klass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., 1804, pp. 46, 4f, 3 species. Type, Macrocera lutea ~~EIGEN,the first species, by designation of CUBTIS,Brit. Ent., 1837, p. 637. Equals Euphrosyne MEIGEN, 1SOO. dlacroceron~ysBIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1877, p. i3, 1877. 1 species. Type, Macroceromysfulci~entris BIGOT. Equals Solva WALKER, 1860. Macrochetum RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 127, 1556. 1 species. Type, Ostinti corn&a FALLEN. Equals Crassiseta VONRISER, 1540. Maerochira MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 278, 1803. 1 species. Type, Musca mantis DE GEER (as manicata FABRICIW). Equals Ochthera LATBEILLE, 1802. Macrochira Z~TTER.STEDT,Ins. Lapp., p_ 784, 1838. 1 species. Type, Heteromyzu Rata MEIGEN (asjava, new species). Not Machrochira MEIGEN, 1803. Equals Clusia HALIDAY, 1538. Macromeigenia BRAUEB and BERGENSTAMIII,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 311; 1891. .l species. Type, Tachina chrysoprocta WIEDEMANN. Macrometopa BRAUERand BERGENSTAMX,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vcl. 56, p. 117, 1889. 1 species. Type, Mkrophthalmn calogaster BIGOT (as mexicana, new species) . Nacroneura MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 146, 1833. 1 species. Type, Mycetobia ferruginosa MEIGEN (as winthai, new species). Equals Diadocidia RCTTHE, 1831. Macronichia ROND~NI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 3, p. 229, 1859. 1 species. Type, Miltogramma ungulans PANDELLE (as Tachina agrestis FALLEN). Equals Amobia DESVOIDY,1830. Jfacronix BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1857, p. 549, 1857. 1 species. . Type, Dasypogon longiungulatus tiI4CQKlART. Equals Dicranus Lo~w, 1851. Nacroptera LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 224, 1864. 1 species. Type, Limnobia macroptera MACQUART. Equals Ula HALI~AY, 1833. Macrorrhyncha WINNERTZ, Ent. Zeit. St&tin, vol. 7, p. 16, 18%. 1 species. Type, Macrorrhyncha jlava WINNERTZ. Equals Asindulum LATREILLE, 1505. Nacrosargus BIGOT,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1579, p. 187, 1879. Change of name of Petiicella BIGOT, 1856. Type, Nacrosargus tenuiuentris BIGOT. Equals Pedicella BIGOT, 1856. Macrostenomyia HENDEL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 26, p. 98, 1907. Change of name for Stenomacra LOEW, 1873, not of STAL. 1870. Type, Sepsis guet-ini BIGOT. Spn., Stenomacra LOEW, 1873, preoccupied. Macrostomus WIEDEMANN, 2001. &lag., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 60, 1817. 1 species. Typo, Hybos ferrugineus FABRICIUS. Equals Dionnaea MEIGEN, 1800. &acrostyIu LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1126, 1864. 1 species. Typo, Chlorops plumiger MEIGEN. Equals Botanobia LIOY, 1864. Macrurus LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1313, 1864. 1 species. Typo, Agromyza latipes MEIGEN. Not Nacrurus BoNAP~~RTE,1841. Equals Desmometopa LOEw, 1865. Madiza FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 19, 1810. No species. In 1820,5 species. Type, Nadiza oscinina FALLEN, the second species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. NO. 1719. TIPE-SPECIES’ OF d_MERIC.KV DIPTERI-COQUILLETT. 565

Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 128,. 1856. Syn., Siphonella M~CQ~AFCT, 1835; SiphuncuJina &)sDANI, 1856; Eurinella MEUNIER, 1893. Mzkistocera WIEDEMANS, Dipt. Exot., p. 41, 1821. 2 species. Type, Tipulajilipes FARRICIUS, the xecond xpecies, by designation of MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 1, 1838, p. 59. Mallophora MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 300, 1834. 5 species. Type, A&m bomboides WIEDE~IAXN, the second species, by present designation. Mallota MEIGEX', Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 377, 1822. 3 species. Type, Syrphus .fttciformis FABRICIUS,the third species, by designation of RONDANI, Nuori Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna), 1844, p. 452. Syn., Imatisma MacQuaRT, 1842; Zetter- stedtla RoND4N1, 1844. Mancia COQUILLE~T,Can. Ent., vol. 18, p. 159, 1886. 1 species. Type, lliancia nana COQUILL~;TT. Manota WILLISTON, Trans. Ent. Sot. Land. for 1896, p_ 260, 1896. 1 species. Type Manota defecta WILLISTON. Jfunsonia BLARCH_4RD,Comp. Rend. Sot. Biol. for 1901, p_ 1046, 1901. Change of name for Panopliies THEOBALD, 1900, not of GOULD, 1853. Type, CuEeztitillans WALKER. Equals Taeniorhynchus ARRIBALZAGA,1891. Mantipeza RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 148, 1856. 1 speciex. Type, Tachydromia praxatoria FALLEN (as Hemerodromia monostigma MEIGEN). Equals Chelifera M~CQUART,1823. n-iuraz-ignaLIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 891, 1864. 1 species. Type, Tachina obsoleta MEIGEN (as clausa M~~QUART). Equals Onesia DES~OIDY,1830. Marginomyia MEIGEN, Syst. Bexchr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p_ 147, l&18. 1 species. Type, Limnobia cinerascens MEIGEN. Syn., Dicranoptycha OSTENSACKEN, 1860. Marshumia DESVOIDY,Esxai Myod., p_ 57, 1830. 1 species (aa 2). Type, Tuchina comtu FALLEN. Equals Bonnetia DESVOIDY,1830. Masicera MACQUART,Rec. Trav. Sot. Sci. Lille for 1834, p_ 285, 1834. 10 species. Type, Tachina sylratica FALLEN, the first species, by designation of Desvoidy, Hist. Nat. Dipt., 1863, p. 872 (as Phryze pavonix DESTOIDT). Masiphya BR~UER and BERGEN~TAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 313, 1891. 1 species. Type, Masiphya brasiliana BRAUER and BERGENSTAM~I. Equals Biomya RONDANI, 1856. Masipoda BR.4uERandBERGENSTAMM, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 162, 1889. 1 species. Type Exorista rufilatera ROXDANI (ax geminala, new species)_ Equals Winthemia DESVOIDY,1830. Masistylum BRAuERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kaix. Akad. Wixx. Wien, vol. 60, p. 125. 1893. 1 species. Type, Pachystylum arcuatum MIK. Mauromyia COQUILL~, Rev. Tach., p. 51, 1897. 1 xpeciex. Type, Xzuromyia pulla COQUILLETT. Bayetia KIEFFER, Misc. Ent., vol. 4, p_ 5, 1896. 1 species. Type; Cecidomyia destructor Say. Equals Phytophaga RONDASI, 1840. Xeckeliu DESVOIDY,Exxai Myod., p. 711, 1830. 2 species. Type, &sca hortzdana Ross1 (as Oscinis elegans DESVOIDT), the firxt species, by present designation. Not i!eckeZiaLEUCKART, 1828. Equals Ceroxys MACQUART,1835. Medetera FISCHER, Programme Not. Mouche Carn., p. 11, 1819.” 1 species. Type, Jlusca diademu LINN.+XUS(as carniuorus, new species). Syn., Hydrophorud FALLEN, 1823; Tzechobates HALIDAY, 1831; Orthobates WAHLBERG, 1844; Anort.Zus Lo~w, 1850; Oligochztus MIK, 1878. Medina DEXOIDY, Ex+saiMyod., p. 138, 1830. 4 species (as 6). Type, Tachina collaris FALLEX (ax cylindrica, new species), the second species,by present designation. Syn., Degetia MEIGEN, 1838; Amedoria BRAUERand BERGEN~AMM, 1889. 566 PROCEEDINGS OF THE XfdTIONSL .MUSEU,U. OOL.37.

.%~egcrcy&wu.sBIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1880, p. 47, 1880. 1 species. Type, Rhamphomyiu Zimbata LOE~ (as nrgenleus, new species). Equals Dionnaea MEIGEN, 1800. MeguglossaRONDANI, Bull. SOC. Ent. Ital., vol. 1, p. 32, 1869. Change of name for YZat@omn MEIGEN, 1803, not of KLEIK, 1753 (pre-Linnsean and not since used in the Mollusca). Type, I)f&scuseminationis LINNX~S. Equals Platystoma MEIGEN, 1803. Xegalomyia BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for ISSO, p. 5, 1880. 2 species. Type, _4canlhomera seticornis WIEDEMANN, thefirst species, by present designation. Equsls Pantophthalmus TEILKBERG,1819. Megamerina RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 10, 1861. Change of name for Lissn MEIGES, 1826, not of LEXH, 1815. Type, Ocyptera dolium F.~BRICI~S. Syn., Lissa MEIGEN, 1826, preoccupied. Megametopon GIGLIO-TOS, Boll. Mus Zool. Univ. Torino, vol. 6, No. 108, p. 5, Sept. 20, 1891. No species. In %lem. Acad. Sci. Torino for 1892, 1 species. Type, Ophromyia nasica W1LLIsroX. Syn., Ophromyia ~V~LL~STON,December, 1891. Megaparia WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dept., vol. 2, p. 240,189l. 1 species. Type, Jfeguparia wnosa WcLP.’ _ Megaphthalma BECKER,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 39, p. 105, 1894. 2 species. Type, Cordilura pallida FALLEN, the first species, by original designation. Megapollyon WALKER, List Dipt. Brit. Mus., vol. 6, p. 452,lSM. 13 species. Type, Nicrostylum acutirostre LOEFV,the first species,by present designation. Equals Micro- stylum MACQUART,1838. Megaprosopus MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 83, 1843. 1 species. Type, iJfegaprosopusrujventris MACQUART. Megarhina ST. FARGE~Uand SERVILLE, Encycl. &feth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 585, lS28. 1 species. Type, Ltmnobia longirostris MEIGEK. Syn., Helius ST. FARGEAUand SER- VILLE, 1828; Leptorhina STEPHENS,1829; Rharnphidkz MIEIGEN, 1830. Megarhinus DES~OIDY,Mem. Sot. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 3, p. 412,1527.’ 1 species. Type, Culex hemorrhoidalis F~BRICIUS. Syn., Lynchiellu. LARILLE, 1904. Megaselia RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 137, 1856. 1 species. Type, Ylrora cost&s VON RISER (as crassineura, new speciesj. Syn., Trisometopia LIOY, lS64; Aphiochzta BRUES,1903. Meghyperus LoE~, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 11, p. 303, 1856. 1 species. Type, Meghyperus sudeticus Losw. Megistopoda KXCQU.%RT,9nn. Sot. Ent. France for 1852, p. 332, 1852. 1 species. Type, Megistopoda pilatei MACQUART. Megistostylus BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1859, p_ 215, 1859. 1 species. Type, PsiIoptcs crinicornis W~EDEM.*KN. Meigenia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 198, 1830. 2 species (as 11). Type, Tachina Jo&is FALLEN (equals the last four supposed species), by designation of DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1,1863, p. 1065. Syn., Spylosia RONDANI, 1856; Diplomera LIOY, 1864; Tenuicera PANDELLE, 1896. Meigeniella COQUILLETT,Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 25, p. 104, 1902. 1 species. Type, Meigeniella hinei COQUILLETT. Melaleuca WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dept., vol. 2, p. 247,189l. 1 species. Type, JlaZeuca spectabilis WULP. J1eZunocheZiaRONDANI, Atti Sot. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. 9, p. 5, 1866. 1 species. Type, Limnophora exsurda PANDELLE(as Aricia surdu ZEJITERSTEDT). Equals Limnophora DESVOIDP,1830. . Melanoconion THEOBALD,Monogr. Culic., vol. 3, p. 238, 1903. 6 species. Type, &Zez &c&s TKM)BALD, the first species, by designation of DYAR, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 7,1905, p. 49. Syn., I)~och/os~yrarDYER and KNAB, April 15, 1906. Melanodexia WILLISTON, N. Amer. Fauna, No. 7, p. 256, 1893. 1 species. Type, Melanodexia tristis WILLIsw3N. NO. 1719. TYPE-,!JPE:ClE8 OF9JfERIC4N DIPTERB-COQUILLETT. 567

JfeEa~~ogcts~rROSDASI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., ~01.2, p- 166, 1857. 4 species. Type, ~f&mognsternubilis RONDAN& the first species, by present designation. Fquals Chrysogaster MEIGEN, 1800. Melanophora MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 279, 1803. 1 species. Type, Jfu,.sca roralis LINN.ECS (as grossi$cationisFABRICIUS). Syn., PaykuUia DESVOIDT,1830; I& gria DES~OIDT, 1830. Melanophrys WILLISTON, Trans. Amer. Ent. SOC.,vol. 13, p. 305, 1886. 1 species. Type, Tachina insolita WALKER (as$uz@?nnis, new species). Syn., AtropharistaToFN- SEND,1892. Melanostoma SCEINER, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 4, i. 213, 1860. 1 species. Type, Huscn mellina LINNEUS. Melieria DESVOZDT,Essai Myod., p. 715, 1830. 5 species. Type, ,J~uscucrassipen- n,.s FABRICIUS(as gangrenosaDE~~OIDY), the first species,by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 108. Melina DESVOIDY, Essai. Myod., p. 695, 1830. 1 species. Type, Jfelina riparia DESVOIDY. Equals Chetocera DESVOIDY,1830. Melinda DESVOIDS, Essai Myod., p. 439, 1830. 2 species (as 7). Type, lliusca cognntaM EIGEN(equals six of the supposed species), by present designation. Equals Onesia DE~~OIDT, 1830. Melithreptus LoE~, Isis von Oken for 1840, p. 5?7, 1840. Change of name for Sphzrophoria St. F~RGEAU and SERVILLE, 7828, because of nearly identical older names. Type, lllusca scripta LINNEUS. Equals Sphaerophoria St. F.~R~EAU and SERVILLE,1828. . Melitrophus WALKER, Ins. Britt., Dipt., vol. 3, p. XXI, 1856. Change of name for Melithrepius L~Ew, 1840, preoccupied by a genus of birds. Type, &IXXZ scripta LrN- N_?GTS. Equals Sphaerophoria St. FARGE~Uand SERVILLE, 1828. Melophagus LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, p. 466, 1802. 1 species. Type, Hippobasca ovina LINN.~~s. Syn., Melophila NITZSCH,1818. Melophilu NITZ&H, Germ. Mag. Ent., vol. 3, p. 311, 1818. 1 species. Type, Hippo- boscaovina LINNEIJS. Equals Melophagus LATREILLE, 1802. Melpia WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 8,185O. 9 species. Type, Pangoniusfulvi- thorax WIEDENANN, the third species, by present designation. Equals Pangonius L~TREILLE, 1802. Melusina MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 19, lSOO.* No species. Atractocera MEIGEY, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Simuliumornatum MEIGEN. Syn., Simulium L.~TREILLE,1802; dtructocera MEIGEN, 1803. Merapioidus BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1879, p. 50, 1879. 1 species. Type, Jferapioidus villoscu BIGOT. Meriania DE~VOIDP, Essai Myod., p. 69, 1830. 2 species (as 3). Type, J1u.w~ puparum FABRICIUS (as silratica, new species), the first species, by designation of DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p_ 169, 1863. Syn., PZatychira RONDANI, 1856. Zlfericia DESVOIDY, Essai Jlyod., p. 64, 1830. 1 species. Type, Jfericia erigonea DESVOIDP. Equals Ernestia DES~OIDY,1830. Merodina MACQUART, Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 378, 1835. 1 species. Type, Dacus podagrica FABRICIUS. Equals Richardia DESVOIDT,1830. &rodon MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 271, 1803. 2 species. Type, Syrphus claripes F~BR~CIUS(as curt-ipes FABRICIUS), the second species, by designation of WE~T~VOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p_ 137. Equals Lampetia MEIGEN, 1800. Meromacrus RONDANI, Studi Ent., vol. 1, p_ 70, 1848. 1 species. Type, Jferoma- crus ghilianii. RONDAXI. Syn., Plagiocera M.~CQU~RT,18-12, preoccupied; Pteroptila LOEn., 1865. Meromyza MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 163, 1830. 3 species. Type, Jfz~ca saltatrix LINN~EUS,the third species, by ’ designation of WESTWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 147. 568 PROCEEDING8 OF THE X_kTIOWSL Al D&EU_11.‘ VOL. 37.

Aferoplius ROSDANI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 6, p. lS0, 1874. 1 species. Type, Nemopoda stercoraria DES~OCDY. Equals Nemopoda DESVOIDY,1830. Merosargus LoE~, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 5, p. 144, 1855. 4 species. Type, &rgus obscurus WIEDEX~SN, the third species, by original designation. Mesembrina MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 5, p. 10, lS26. 2 species. Type, iliusca meridiana LINXFUS, the first species, by designation of WKK~WOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 141. Syn., Afetamesembrina TONXSEXD, 1908. Mesembrinella GIGLIO-TOS, Boll. Mus. 2001. Univ. Torino, vol. 8, No. 147, p. 4, 1893. 1 species. Type, AIesembrinella bicolor GIGLIO-TOS. Afesembrius ROND.INI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 2, p. 50, 1857. 1 species. Type, Helophilus peregrinus LOEN. Equals Helophilus MEIGEN, 1822. Afesogramma LoE~, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 9, p. 157, 1865. 12 species. Type, Syrphus gurgus WALKER (as par&a, new species), the first species, by designation of WILLISTON. Synops. N. Amer. Syrph., 1856. p. 9S. F4uals Toxomerus M.ICQUART, 1855. AIesograpta LOEW,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 16, p. 29O,lSi2.‘ Change of name for Aksogramma Lo~w, 1865, under the mistaken idea that the latter is preoccupied by a genus of plants. Type, Syrphus gurges WALKER. Equals Toxomerus Macqua~~, 1855. Alesophila \VALKER, List Dipt. Brif. Mus., vol. 4, p. 1157, 1849. 1 species. Type, Ceratophyafuscipennis MACQT_J.~RT.Equals Microdon MEIGES, 1803. Mesorhaga SCHINER, Reise Xkara, 7ml., vol. 2, Dipt., p. 217, 1868. 1 species. Type, Mesorhaga tristis SCEIINER. Syn., Aptorthus ALDRICFX,1893. Afessala CURTIS, Brit. Ent., p. 5S1, 1836. 1 species. Type, Macrocera hybrida MEIGEN (it9saundersii, new species). Equals Bolitophila MEIGEX, 1818. Metachaeta COQUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 3, p. 98, 1895. 1 species. Type, Tachina helymus WaLKER (as atra, new species). Metachela COQUILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, p. 253,1903. 1 species. Type, Hemerodromia collusor MELANDER. Metacosmus COQUILLEIT, West. Amer. Sci., vol. 7, p. 220, 1891. 1 species. Type, Afetacosmus e&is COQUILLETF. Metadexia COQUILLK~~,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 7, p. 220, 1899. 1 species. Type, Afetadexia tricolor COQUILLETT. Metadiplosis FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 406, 1908. 1 species. Type, Metadiplosis spinosa FELT. Metadoria BK~UERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, p. 117, 1993. 1 species. Type, Phorocera barbata BKGOT (as mexicana, new species). . Syn., Hemiargyra TO~XEPID,’ 190s. Metamesembrina TO~NSEWD, Smiths. Misc. COIL, vol. 51, p. 50, 1908. 1 species. Type, Alu-scameridiana LINN_XLTS. Equals Mesembrina MEIGEN, 1826. Afetapelastoneurus ALDRICH, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 2, p. 152, 1894. 1 species. Type, Afetapelastoneurus kansensis ALDRICH. Equals Pelastoneurus LoEo’ ,’ 1861. Metaphragma COQUILLK~~,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 2, p. 97, 1894. 1 species. Type, Xestomyza pkaniceps LOEW. Metaphyto COQUILLK~~,Rev. Tach., p. 36, 1897. 1 species. Type, _Wetaphyto genatis COQUILLE~T. Metaplagia COQUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 3, p. 102, 1895. 1 species. Type, Afetaplagia occidentalis COQIJILLEIT. Metapogon COQUILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 6. p. 181, 1904. 2 spe- cies. Type, Afetapogon gilvipes ~OQUILLETT, the first species, by original designation. - Metatrichia COQUILLE~T,Ent. News., vol. 11, p. 500, 1900. 1 species. Type, Scenopinus bulbosus OFTENSACKEN. Afethypostena TOW~TSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 67,190S. 1 species. Type, Hypostena barbata COQUILLMT. Equals Tachinophyto TOWNSEND,1892. so. 1719. TPPE-SpECIES OF BJIERIC_I~7 DIPTER;I-COQUILLETT. 569

Metopia &IEIGEN, Illigers’ &fag., vol. 2, p. 2s0, 1803. 1 SpeCkS. Type, %U.%X leuco- cephalu R~SSI. Syn., Ophelia DESVOIDY,1830; Arnba DESYOIDT, 1830; Argyria DES- voI~=, 1863; Argywlla DEWOIDY, 1863; Arabella DEWOIDP, 1863; Anicia DESIOIDY,’ 1863. _&+topilla RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Frodr.,’ vol. 3, p. 210, 1559. Originally published as a synonym of Heteropkrina &fLA?QUART,’ with 1 species. Type, Heteropterku multi- punctata RONDANI. Equals Taxigramma PERRIS,1852. Metopina MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 666, 1835. 1 species. Type, Phora galeala HALIDAY. Syn., Leptophora SIX, 18i8; Drepanophora STROBL,1880. Metriocnemus WULP, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 17, p. 136, 1874. 6 species. Type, Chi- ronomw albobineatus BEIGES, the first species, by present designation. Miastor MEINERT, Nat. Tidsskr. for 1864, p. 42, 1864.* 1 species. Type, Miastor metraloa MEISERT. Jficetoica RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 12, 1861. Change of name for ,$[ycetobia XEIGEN, 1818, under the mistaken idea that it is preoccupied by bfycetobia DUMERIL, 1806, used for a section in Coleoptera. Type, Nycetobiapallipes MEIGEN. Equals Mycetobia MEIGEN, 1818. Michogaster MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 483, 1835. 3 species. Type, Cephalia femoralis WIEDEJIANN, the first species, by designation of SCHINER,Reise i\Tozara,’ Zool., vol. 2, 1868, p. 255. Syn., Conopsida ?Vf_4CQUART,1851. Micracdes COQ~ILLFXT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 7, p. 185, 1906. 1 species. Type, Micra2des bisulcutus COQUILLEIT.’ Micraptoma WEST~OOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., p. 136,184O. 1 species. Type, JImca segnisLINNZUS. Equals Zelima MEIGEN, 1800. Nicrocera MEIGRN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 273, 1803. No species. In his Syst. Beschr., vol. 4, 1824, p. 19, he states that it equals Pipunczdus LATREILLE, 1802. Type, fipuncztlus campestti LATREILLE. Equals Dorilas MEIGEN, 1800. Microceia ZE~~TERSTEDT,Ins. Lapp., p. 572, 1838. 1 species. Type, Heleodromiu immaculatu HALIDAY (as rostra& new species). Not Nicrocera MEIGEN, 1803. Equals Heleodromia HALIDA%-,1833. Niicrocera LIOT, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 906, 1864. 1 species (as 2). Type, 2M21scaciliata FABRICIUS. Equals Hydrotaea DESVOIDY,1530. Microchzetina WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 240, 1891. 1 species. ’ Type, Nicrochztina cinerea WULP. Nicrocheilosia MAcQuAm, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1855, p_ 183, 1555. 1 species. Type, Microcheilosianitida B~ACQUART.Fduals Rhinophora DESVOIDY,1830. Xcrochira BRAUERand BERGENSTAM~X,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, p. 128, 1893. 1 species. Type, Microchira mexicana BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM. Equals Paradidyma BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,1891. Nicrochyaa LoE~, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 5, p. 146, 1855. 1 species. Type, &sca polita LINNIECS.’ Equals Chrysomyia MACQUART,1834. Microdon MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p_ 275, lSO3. 1 species. Type, Xusca mu- tabilis LINNXUS. Syn., dphritis LATREILLE, 1805; Ceratophya WIEDEMANN, 1524; Chy- mophila >fACQUART,1834; Dim&ras@ NE~XAN, 1838; Nesophila WALKER, 1549; Vbristes WALKER, 1852. Microdromya BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1857, p. 557, 1857. No species. The characters given apply to Tuchydromia oratorio FALLEN, which may be taken as the type. Type Tachydromia oratorio FALLEN. Nicropalpis MACQUART;Rec. Trav. Sot. Sci. Lille for 1834, p. 316, 1834. 6 sup- posed species. Type, Tachina con&z FALLEN (the first, third, and fourth supposedspe- cies), by designation of WEST\VOOD,l&r., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 138 (as fulgens MEIGEN). Equals Bonnetia DESVOIDY,1830. iClicropeza MEIGEN, Iiligers’ &fag., vol. 2, p. 276, 1803. 1 species. Type, Nusca mrrigioZuta LINNXUS. Equals Tylos MEIGEN, 1800. 5.70 PROCEEDISGS OP THE A-ATIOSAL UCSEUU. VOL.37.

Microphorus MACQUART, Ins. Dipt. Nord France, separata, p. 139, 1~27. 3 sup- posed species. Type, Nicrophorus selulinus NACQ~_%RT,the second species, by d&g- nation of RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., 1-01.1, 1856, p. 151. Microphthalma MXQU.~RT, Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 84, 1843. 1 species. Type, Tachina disjuncta WIEDEMANN (as nigru, new species). Syn., Am&a DESTOIDY,1863. Microprosopa BECKER,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 39, p. 147, 1894. 9 species. Type, Cordilura hzmorrhoidalis MEIGEN, the eighth species,by original designation. Microstylum MACQCABT,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 26, 1838. 10 species. Type, Da.sypogonwnosus WIEDEMANX, the first species, by designation of BACK, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol 35, p. 213, 1909. Syn., Negapollyon WALKER, 1854. &&rotuchina MIK, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 11, p. 116, 1892. 1 species. Type, Tach- ina nympharum ROND~XI. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Uicrotrichomma GIGLIO-TOS, Boll. Nus. Zool. Univ. Torino, vol. 8, no. 158, p_ 1, 1893. 3 species. Type, Nemorza forreri WULP, the first species, by present designa- tion. Equals Arthrochzta BR.&UERand BERGESSTAMN,1889. Nikimyiu BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1884, p. 29, 1884. 1 species. Type, Toxotrypana euwicauda GERSTAXKER(as furcifera, new species). Equals Toxotry- pana GERST~CKER,1860. d1iZesiaLATREILLE, Hi&. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 361, lS05. 2 species. Type, Muscn diophthalma LINN,EUS, the first species, by designation of RONDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna), lS&, p. 455. Equals Spilomyia MEIGEN, 1803. (fifilesia of authors equals Sphixea RONDANI). Niksiformis RONDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for lS44, p. 454, 1844. 1 species. Type, &fu.scascitci HARRIS (as mile&forks FAI~LEN). Equals Tropidia MEIGEN, 1822. [Milichia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 131, 1830. 2 species. Type, Nilichiu speciosaMEIGEN, the first species, by designation of WEST~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, lS40, Synops. p. 151. Not American.] (The American species belong to Rhyncho- miEichia HENDEL.) Milichiella GIGLIO-TOS, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1895, p. 367, 1895. 1 species. Type, Nilichiella tosi BECKER(as Tephritis argen&a FABRICIUS). Syn., Ophthalmomyia WILLISTON, 1896; StenoporomyiaHENDEL, 1903. Mima MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 175, 1820. 1 species. Type, Anthrax phzoptera MEIGEN. Syn., Exoprosopa M~CQUART, lS40; Litorhynchus NAC- QUART, l&10; Trinaria MULSANT, 1852; Argyrospyla RONDANI, 1856; Heteralonia RON- DANI, 1864; Defilippia LIOT, 1864. Nimosciara RONDANI, Mem. Sec. Ditt. Ital., p. 25, 1840. ’ 2 species. Type, Nimosciura molotrina RoND.~NI, the f%rstspecies, by present designation. Equals Lestremia MACQUART,1826. Minettia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 646, 1830. 7 species. Type, Nusca Eongipcnznis FABRI~CIUS(as Zuctuosa, new species), the first species, by present designation. Equals Sapromyza FALLEN, 1810. Misgomyia COQUILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 9, p. 145, 1908. 1 species. Type, Misgomyia obscuraC~QUILLETT. Mixogaster &~.~CQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 14, 1842. 1 species. Type, Nixogaster conopsoidesM ACQUART. %xtent-yiuMXQUART, Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 491, 1534. 1 species. Type, ‘ Puragus quadrifascialus SAY. Equals Spilomyia MEIGEN, 1803. Nochlonyz Lo~w, Ent. Zeit. St&tin, vol. 5, p. 121, 1844. 1 species. Type, Cbrethra velutina RUTHE. Equals Corethra MEIGEN, 1803. Mochlosoma BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p_ li6, 1889. 1 species. Type, Alochlosomacalidum BRAUERand BERGENST~M~I. Nochlosiyrx DTAR and KNAB, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 14, p. 223, 1906. 6 spe- cies. Type, Nochlostyraz caudelli DY_~R and KNAB, the fifth specids, by original designation. Equals Melanoconion THEOBALD,July 25, 1903. so. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OPUlERICdN DIPTERA-COQIJILLETT. __--- 571 ,+~&th~sLOEK, Linn. Ent., ~01. 4, p- 58, 1849. 7 species. Type, Asilus pall+s LxEI~~~, the fifth species, by present designation. Not Mochthaus SCHMIDT-GOE~~~ 1846. Equals Heligmonevra BIGOT, 1858. _~~&$rus L_ITREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 288, 1805. 1 species_ Type, Fipula thomn LINS.XUS (a~ the “Tipule de Thomas”). Equals Lycoria MEIGEX, 1800. Molophilus CURTIS, Brit. Ent., p- 441, 1833. 1 species. Type, Ei-ioptma cctra JIEIGEN (as breuipennis, new species;. Molynocczlia GIGLIO-Toe, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, vol. 8, No. 158, p. 11, 1893. 1 species. Type, lCfolynoc@lialutea GIGLIO-TOS. Mongoma WESTWOOD, Trms. Ent. &x. Lond. for 1881, p. 364, 1881. 1 species_ Type, Mongoma fragi&na WESTROOD. Morellia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 405, 1830. 3 specks (as 4). Type, Musca hmtorurn FALLEN (as a@& and ho&cola, new species), the first species, by present designation. Syn., Alina D~VOIDY, 1863; Camilla DESVOIDY,1863. Jforimna WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 104, 1851. 1 species. Type, &orimna mallophorides WALKER. Equals Lastaurus Lo~w, 1851. Morinia DESVOIDY, Essai alyod., p. 264, 1830. 2 species (as 5). Type, J&CU melanoptera FAI;LEN (as velox, new species), the first species, by designation of RON- DANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 5, 1862, p. 159. Syn., Anthracomya RONDASI, 1856. Morphomya RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 83, 1856. 1 species. Type, Jlusca tachinoides F.ELLEN. Noschusa DESVOIDP, Hi&. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 139, 1863. 1 species. Type, Ta- china polyodon MEIGEN. Equals Amobia DESVOIDY,1830. Mosillus L.%TREILLE,Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 389, 1805. 1 specie. Type, Syrphus subsultans FABRICI~S (as arcuatus, new species). Syn., Gyvnnopa FALLEN, 1820; Gkabrinw ROSDANI, 1856. Mosina DFSVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 670, 1830. 7 species. Type, hlusca pubera LINNXDS, the first species, by present designation. Equals Cordilura FALLEN, 1810. hlufetia DESVOIDT, Essai Myod., p. 431, 1830. 1 species. Type; Xufda autissio- dorensis I~SVOIDY. Equals Calliphora DESVOIDP,1830. Mulsatiia DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 557, 1863. 4 species(as 30). Type, Snrcophaga hsmorrhoa MEIGEN (as campestris, new species), the first species, by pres- ent designation. Equals Hartigia DESVOIDY,1863. JfurcznaMEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zaeifl. Ins., vol. 4, p. 223, 1824. 1 species. Type, Triza alpina MEIGEN. Fduals Trixa MEXEN, 1824. Musca LINNBUS, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 589, 1758. 100 species. Type, hiusca domestica LINNZUS, the fifty-fourth species, by designation of MACQUART,Ins. Dipt. Nord France, Ather., 1834, p. 20. Syn., Plaxemya DESVOIDY, 1830; Byomyu DES- VOIDY, 1830. Muscina DESVOIDP, Essai Myod., p. 406, 1830. 4 species (as 6). Type, hIusca stabulans FALLEN, the second species, by present designation. Syn , Blissonia DES- VOIDY, 1863; Pararicia BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,1891. XlLsciosomaLIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 908, 1864. Change of name ’ for Hylemya DE~VOIDY, 1830, under the mistaken impression that it ia too near Hya- Zomya DESVOIDY,1830. Type, J$mca strigosa FABRICIUS. Equals Hylemya DESVOIDY, 1830. Muscopteryx TOWNSEND,Can. Ent., vol. 24, p. 170, 1892. 1 species. Type, hIus- copteryx chretosula TOWNSEND. Mutiloptera COQUILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 9, p. 147,1908. 1 species. Type, hlutiloptera apicalis COQUILLETT. hlya RONDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for 1850, p. 175, 1850. 3 species. Type, hIusca segmentaria FABRICIUS,the third species, by present designation. Equals Lucilia DESVOIDY,1830. 572 PROCEEDIWGS OF THE YSTIONAL UUSEUM. VOL. 37.

lliyantha RONDHI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 95, 1856 1 species. Type, &ma cani&wis LINNBUS. Equals Fannia DES~OIDY, 1830. Mycetaulus LoE~; Dipt. Beitr., vol. 1, p. 37, 1845. 1 species. Type, &omyaa bipunctata FALLEN (as hofmeisteri, new species). Syn., Brachygaster MEIGEN, 1826, preoccupied. Mycetia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 805, 1830. 5 species. Type, Copromyzu equine FALLEN(as aulgaris, new species), the fourth species, by present designation. Equals Copromyza FALLEN, 1810. My&inn RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 195,1856. 1 species. Type, Hyceto- phila jlavipes M~CQUART. Not Mycetina MULSANT, 1846. Equals Fungivora MEIGEN, 1800. Mycetobia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 229, 1818. 2 species. Type, Mycetobia pallipes MEIGEN, the first species, by designation of W~:EST~-OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 127. Syn., Micetoica ROSDAKI, 1861. Mycetophila MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 263, 1803. 2 species. Type, Nyceto- phila agarici OLIVIER, the second species, by designation of JOHANNSEN,Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., p. 116, 1909. Equals Fundvora MEIGEN, 1800. Mycodiplosis RURSAAMEN,Ent. Nach., vol. 21, p. 186, 1895. 1 species. Type, Diplosis coniophaga WINNERTZ. Mycomya RONDANK, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 194, 1856. 1 species. Type, Sciophila margin&a MEIGEN. Mycothera WINNERTZ, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 913,1863. 2 species. Type, Myc&phila dimidiutu STIEGER,the first species, by designation of JOHANNSEN, Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 111. Mycozetza ROND.~NI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 12, 1861. Change of name for Myceiina RONDANI,1856, not of MuLS.~NT,1846. Type, Mycetophila~at

~EST~TOOD,Ink., vol. 2, lS@ SynoPs., Pm139. Rot Myobia HEYDEN, 1826. ~nals Leskia DEWOIDY, lS30- ~@ocera DESOIDY,’ Essai Myod., P- 32% 1530. 2 species (as 6). Type, Uusca ferincl FALLES, the first two supposed species, by designation of BRAVER, Yerh. Zool.- Bat_ Ges. Wien, vol. 43,1893, PO507. Equals Phorostoma DESVOIDT,1630. &jochrysa RoND~NI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 11, 1861. Change of name for chrysomyia MACQUART,153% under the mistaken impression that it is preoccupied by Chrysomya DEWOIDY, 1830. Type, Jfusca polilu LINNJWS. Equals Chrysomyia M~cQUART, 1834. xyodina DEWOIDY, Essai &IY~& P. 727, 1830. 1 species. Type, Musca vibrans LINNBUS (as wticx FABR~CIU~). @UalS Ortalis FALLEN, 1810. _WyolejaRONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 112, 1856. 1 species. Type, Te- ph&isEucida FALLES. Equals Acidia DESYOIDY, 1830. Myolepta NEWMAN, Ent. Rlag., vol. 5, p. 373, 1838, 1 species. Type, MUSCU Zuteola GWELIN. Syn. _XyZot+a RONDANI, 1844. Jfyopa F_4BRICIUS,Syst. Ent., P. 798, 1775. 4 species. Type, Conopsbuccata LIN- NXUS, the fourth species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1838, p. 677. Equals Stomoxoides SCHZFFER. 1766. J~ZJO~&ZDEWOIDP, Dipt. Env. Park, Myop., p. 19, I%%* 3 species (ass). Type, wyopa stigma MEIGEN (equals the last three supposed species), by present designa- tion. Equals Stomoxoides SCHXFFER, 1766. Myophora DES~OIDY, Essai Myod., P- 37, 1530. Change of name for Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826, becauseall of the species are not flesh-eaters. Type, Jftwa cam& LINNZUS. Equals Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826. J~YO~~WZDE~J-OIDY,‘ Dipt. Env. Paris, Myop., p. 39, 1853.” 1 species. Type, Myopa variegatU 1\IEIGEN. Equals Stomoxoides SCH.EFFER,1766. Myospila ROND.INI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 91, 1856. 1 species. Type, Musca , meditabunda Fa~~rcrus. Equals Myd=a DESVOIDY, 1830. Myothyria WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p_ 208,189O. 3 species. Type, Nyothyria majorinn WULP, the second species, by present designation. Myrmecomya DESVOIDY, Essai firyod., P. 721, 1830. 2 species. Type, Cephalia ru$pes MEIGEN (as formicaria, new species), the first species,by present designation. Equals Cephalia MEIGEN, 1826. Mystacella WLJLP,Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 51, 1890. 12species. Type, Mystacella solita WULP, the fifth species, by present designation. Mystacomyia GWLIO-TOS, Boll. PIUS. 2001. Univ. Torino, vol. S, No. 158, p. 4, 1893. 1 species. Type, ilfys.?aceZZarubriwznkis W ULP. Mythicomyia CoQurLthT, Ent. mews, vol. 4, p. 208, 1893. 1 species. Type, ~~ythicomyiarikyi COQUILLETT. %ysezorista BRAUERand BERGEN~TA~IWDenkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 331, 1891. 9 species. Type, i?luscal&at& P.~NZER,the eighth species, by desig- nation of BRAUERand BERGENSTAFM,Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 43, 1893, p_ 479. Equals Zenilla DESVOIDT, 1830. Myxosargus BRAUER,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. W ‘ Iss. Wien, vol. 44, p. 77, 1882. 1 spe- ties. Type, Qxosargus fascialus BRAUER. Myzomyia BLANCIL4RD, Compt. Rend. Sot. Biol., vol. 51, p. 795, July 4, 1902. Change of name for Grassia THEOBALD, June 16, 1902, not of FISCH, 1885. Type, Anophelesrossii GILES. Syn., G~~~sl:~TnEoB-=D, June 16, 1902, preoccupied. ~fyzorhynchellaTAEOB-4LD, Monogr. Culic., vol. 4, p. 78,1907. 1 species. Type, Jly- zorhyncheilanigrw THEOBALD. Equals Anopheles MEIGEN, 1818. Napza DEWOIDT, Essai Myod., p. 799, 1830. 2 species. Type, Ephydra coarctata FALLEX (as stagnicola,new species), the first species, by designation of $lT~~~~~~~, Intr., v-01.2, Synops., 1840, p. 153. Syn., Pal-y&a STEXHAHIMAR,1843; Hygrophila LIOY, 1864; Falosoma LIOY, 1864; Ephydrosoma LIOY, 1864. 574 PROCEEDINGS OF THE iVATION9L MUSEUM. VOL.37.

Napomyza HALTDIP, in Westwoods’ Intr., vol. 2, Synops., p. 152, 1840. 1 species. Type, Phytomyza elegansMEIGEN (as festina MEIGEN). Syn., Dinevra LIOP, 1864. Nausigaster WILLISTO~T,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 11, p. 33, 1883. 1 species Type, Nausigasterpunctulata WILLISTON. Neaera DESVOIDY,Eseai Mpod., p. 84, 1830. 1 species. Type, Tachina ulbicollis MEIGEN (as immaculata, new species). Syn., Thapsia DESVOIDY,1863; Glaucophana BRAZERand BERGENSTAX~M,1891. Neaspilota OSTENSACKEN, Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p. 192,1878. Change of name for dspilota LoE~, 1873, not of F~RSTER,1862. Type, Trypeta alba Lo~w. Syn., Aspilotu LOEW, 1873, preoccupied. Nebritus COQUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 2, p. 98, 1894. 1 species. Type, Nebritus pellucidus C~QUILLETT. NematoceraMEIGEN, Spst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 209, 1818. 1 species. Type, Nemalocera bicot?orMEIGEN. Equals Hexatoma LATREILLE, 1809. Nematoproctus LOEW, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 40, 1857. 2 species. Type, ChTysotw? distendensMEIGEN (as Porphyrops annulatus MACQITART),the first species, by present designation. Nemochsta WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 38, 1888. 1 species. Type, Nemochzetadistimilis WULP. Equals Archytas JZNNICKE, 1867. Nemopoda DESVOID~, Essai Myod., p. 743, 1830. 5 species. Type, Musta c_yZin- drica FARRICIUS(as putris, llew species), the first species, by designation of WEST- moon, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 148. Syn., Meroplius RONDANL,1874. Nemoraea DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. il, 1830. 2 species (as 6). Type, Tachina pellucida MEIGEN (equaling the first three supposed species), by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 64. Nemosia LIOY, Btti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 10, p. 78, 1864. 1 species. Type, Phora incrassata MEIGEN. Equals Hypocera LIOY, 1864. Nemotelus GEOFFROY,Hist. Abregee Ins., vol. 2, p. 542,1762. 2 species (without names). Type, &uca pantherina LINNZUS, the first species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consid. General., 1810, p. 442 (as uliginosusand marginatus). Neoascia WILLISTON, Synops. N. Amer. Syrph., p_ 111, 1886. Change of name for As&a MEIGEN, 1822, not of SCOPOLI,1777. Type, Ascia$oraZis MEIGEN. Syn., Ascia MEIGEX, 1822, preoccupied. . Neocerata COQUILLETT,Bull. 22, n. ser., Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agr., Q. 47, 1900. 1 species. Type, Neoceratarhodophaga COQUILLETT. Neochauna WILLISTON, Man. R. Amer., Dipt., p. 48, 1896. Change of name for Chauna LOE~, 1847, not of ILLIGER, 1811. Type, Chauna variabilis Lo~w. Syn., Chnuna LoE~:, 1847, preoccupied. Neocota COQUILLETT,Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 18, p. 434, 1896. 1 species. Type, Neocota weedi COQVILL~T. NeoculexDYAR, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 7, p. 45, 1905. 1 species. Type, Culex territnns WALKER. Equals Culex LINNBTJS,1758. NeoEmpheria OSTENSACKEN, Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p. 9,1878. Ch&ge of name for Empheria WINSERTZ, 1863, not of HAGEN, 1856. Type, kiophila striuta MEIGEN. Syn., Empheria WINNERTZ, 1863, preoccupied. Neo&-kticus OSTEN SACKEN,Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p. 81, 1878. Change of name for Eristicus LoE~, 1848, not of WESMBL, 1844. Type, Asilus interruptus MACQUART. Equals Eicherax BIGOT, 1857. Neozxairela OSTENSACKEN, Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p. 44, 1878.’ Change of name for Ercairita SCHINER,1867, under the mistaken impression that the latter is preoccupied. Type, Xylophagus spiniger WIEDEMANN. Equals Exaireta SCHINER, 1867. ilTeojscheriaTow-NSEND, Smiths. Misc. COB., vol. 51, p. 74, 1908. 1 species. Type, Demoticusvenatoti COQUILLETT(as jIava, new species). Equals Demoticus MACQUART, 1854. NO. 1719. TyPE-#PEcIES OF AUERICAN DIPTERd-COQUILLETT. 575

Ncog&phyrop&a &TICS SAGKEX, Cat. Dipt. N. Smer., p. 10,1878. Change of name of Gl~@~o@ra WCVINNERTZ,1863, not of HEER, 1852. Type, lXz fascipennis MEIGEJ. Equals Leia MEIGEN, 1818. Neoidiotypa &J-ES SACGES, Cat. Dipt. ,I.’ Amer., p. 187,1878. Change of name for Idiotypa LoE~, 1873, not of FCERSTER,1856. Type, Idiotypu appendicukta LOER.’ Syn., Idiotypa LOEFT,1873, preoccupied. Neoitamus &TEN SACICEN, Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p. 82, 1878. Change of name for &)nzls LOEW, 1849, not‘ of SCEMIDT-G~BEL, 1846. Type, Asiks cyan?6msLOEW. Syn., Itamus LoE~, 1849, preoccupied. Neolasioptera FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 330, 1908. 32 species. Type, La_&ptera &nea FELT, the seventh species, by present designation. J7eolimno_phoraSCHNABL, Zeitschr. Hym. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 94,1902. 1 species. Type, Melanochelia maritima RYDER. Equals Limnophora DES~OIDY, 1830. NeomochtherzcsOFTEN SACKEN, Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p. 82, 1878. Change of name for MochtherusLoE~, 1849, not of SCEMIIYP-G~BEL,1846. Type, Asilu.spaZlipesMEIGEN. Equals Heligmonevra BIGOT, 1858. NeopachygusterAUSTEN, Ent. Monthly Msg., vol. 12, p. 245,1901. 1 species. Type, Sargus pachygasterFALLEN (as Pachygaster meromelasDUF~UR). Equals Pachygaster MEIGES, 1803. Neopales COGZUILLETT.New name for Pales DESVOIDT, 1830, not of MEIGEN, 1800. Type, Tachina processionewRATZEBWRG. Syn., Pales DESVOIDY,1830, preoccupied. Neophoneus WILLISTON, Psyche, vol. 5, p. 255, 1889. Change of name for Phonacs MACQUART, 1838, not of KAOP, 1829. Type, Phoneus serui&i hlACQUARr.’ Syn., Phonez6s~V_~CBU_~RT, 1838, preoccupied. Neophyto TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 55, 1908. 1 species (as 2). Type, PI~yto setosnCOQWLLETT. Neoplasta COQUILLE-TT,Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 18, p. 392, 1896. 1 species. Type, Hemerodromia scapularis Loom. Neoptera WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 165, 1890. 1 species. Type, Q5strophaxiabibimekii BRAUER and BERGENSTA~M(as rufa, new species). Equals Ormia DEXXOIDY,1830. Neorondania OWEN SACKEN,Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., p. 50,1878. Change of name for Rondania JXNNICKE, 1867, not of DESVOIDT, 1850. Type, Rondania obscura JEN- NICPE. Syn., Rondania JZNNICKE, 1867, preoccupied. Neotractocera TOWNSESD,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 105, 1892. 1 species. Type, heotrtrctocera’ arwm-ala TOXXSESD. Equals Hypertrophocera TOFNSEND,1891. Nephrocerus ZETTERSTEDT,Ins. Lapp., p. 578,1838. 1 species. Type, Nephrocerus lapponia6s Z~ERSTEDT. Xerea DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 802, 1830. 3 species. Type, Copromyza limosa FALLEN (as riparia, new species), the first species, by present designation. Equals Leptocera OLIVIER, 1813. N&ria DESVOIDY, Eseai Myod., p. 736, 1830. 9 species. Type, dlusca ephippiurn FABRICIUS (as inuk, new species), the eighth species, by present designation. Equals Trepidaria NEI~EN, 1800. LYerina DESVOIDT, Essai Myod., p. 557, 1830. 5 species. Type, N&na albipennis FALLEN, the second species, by present designation. Equals Pegomya DESVOIDP, 1830. N&us FABRICIUS,Syst. Antliatorum, p. 264, 1805. 3 species. Type, Nerkspilifer F~BRICIUS,the first species, by present designation. Neurigona RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. I, p, 142, 1856, 1 species. Type, iVuscn quadrifasciata FABRICIUS. Syn., SaucropusLo~w, 1857; Dactylomyia ALDRICR, 1894. Neuroctena RONDANI, Atti Sot. Ital. Sci., vol. 11, p. 56, 1868. 1 species. Type, l3yomyz.a anilis FALLEN. 576 PROCEEDIWGS OF THE NATIOXAL MUSEUM. VOL. 31.

Akrortu LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 910, 1864. 1 species. Type, Xusca g&sea FALLEX. Equals Hylemya DESVOIDY, 1830. Nicocles J,ENPIICKE,’ Neue Exot. Dipt., p. 47, 1867. 1 species. Type, NicocZes a&is J,ESxiCKR. Syn., Pygostolus LOEX, lS66, preoccupied. Nigrasilus HIXE, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 203, 1908. 1 species. Type, N~gra.$lus nitidifacks HINE. X&a DEWOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 275, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina fauna MEIGEN (as innotia, new species). Equals Zenilla DESVOIDY,1830. Ninguis lv_4LLENGREN,Ent. Tijdschr., vol. 2, p. 183, 1881. 3 species. Type, IJim- nobia &go ZETTERSTEDT,the last species, by present designation. Equals Orimarga &TEN SXKES, 1869. Xirmomyia NITZSCH, Germ. Mag. Ent., vol. 3, p. 309, 1818. 1 species. Type, Hippoboscu equina LIXS~US. Equals Hippobosca LIX\N;EUS,‘ 1 758.’ AWZia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 417, 1830. 2 species. Type, Musca respillo FABRICIIX, the first species, by present designation. Equals Pollenia DESVOIDY,1530. Noda SCRELLEXBERG,Gen. Mouch. Dipt., pl. 12, fig. I, 1803. 2 species (without names). Type, -&sca aterrima F.+BRICIUS,the first species, by present designation. Equals Phora L_~TREILLE,1796. NO~U~~~MEIGEN,Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 106, 1820. 1 species. Type, Syl&olz melancholia Harris (as maculatu, new species). Equals Atherix MEIGEN, 1803. Nozza MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 27, lSO0 * No species. Hybos MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Mu-sea grossipes LINNAWS. Syn., Hybos MEIGEN, 1803; Lactistomyia MELASDER, 1902. Nostima COQUILL~, Can. Ent., vol. 32, p. 35, 1900. 1 species. Type, No&ma slossonz COQUILLFIT. Nothomyia LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 13, p_ 4, 1869. 2 species. Type, Nothomyia sclite~kLta I&E~., the first species, by designation of BRAUER,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 44, lSS2, p. 88. Nothosympycnus YREELER, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., vol. 2, p. 52, 1899. 6 species. Type, Nothosympycnus regetus WFIEELER, the second species, by present designation. Nothra WESTWARD,Trans. Ent. Sot. Lond. for 1876, p_ 514, 1876. 1 species. Type, Nothra bicolor WE.STWOOD. Notiphila FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exb., p. 22, 1810. No species. In the Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. for lS13, pp. 249 to 255, 15 species. Type, Xotiphila cinerea FALLEN, the second species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, 1S40, Synops., p_ 153. Syn., Keratocera DESVOIDY,1530. Notogramma LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 11, p. 2S9,1868. 1 species. Type, 2CIuscastigma FABRI~WS(as cimiciformis, new species). Nototricha COQUILL~, Class. Mosq. N. Amer., p. 12, 1906. 1 species. Type, Cycloleppteron’ mediopunctatus THEOBALD. iYoviu DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 210, 1830. 1 species. Type, Tachina melano- cephala MEIGEN (as cylindrica, new species). Equals Phyto D~VOIDY, 1830. Nourickia WACHTL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 13, p_ 142, 1894. 1 species. Type, Tachina martiini ZETTER~~EDT(as regalis RONDANI). Equals Larvaevora MEIGEN, 1800. Suceria WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 7, 1550. 5 species. Type, Pangonius Zongi- rostris HARDWICKE, the first species, by present designation. Equals Pangonius LATREILLE, lSO2. Xknantia BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1854, p. 470, 1854 20 species. Type, Limonia f usca MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Furcomyia MEIGEN, 1818. Nuphka DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 785, 1830. 1 species. Type, ilrusca ZiGens FABRICIUS(as rivularis, new species). Equals Hydromyza FALLEN, 1813. so. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF A3IERICAN DIPTERA-GOQIJILLETT. 577

Nyct&bia LATR~LLE, Precis, p. 176, 1796. 1 species- m, Pediculus resperti- lionis ~~~~~~~~ syn., Phthiridiunt HER~IANN, 1804; CeleripesMONTAGU, 1815; Sty- [idinW~srwoo~, 1840; Acrocholidia KOLENATI, 1857; Listropoda KOLENATI,1857. A$-sorhynchusBLANCHARD, Compt. Rend. SOC.Biol., p. 795, July 4,1902. Change of name for I;acerania THEOBALD,June 16, 1902, not of GRA~F.Iand FELI~ITI, 1890. Type, Anophelesargyritarsis DEwOIDY. Equals Cellia THEOBALD,June 16, 1902. Ohlicia DESVOIDY,EL-i Myod., p- 620, 1830. 1 species. Type, 2ciuscafinletaria ~1~~~~~s (as testacea,new species). Equals Psila MEIGEN, 1803. Oholodiplosis FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p- 410, 1908. 1 species. Type, &&jomyia orbimlata FELT. &&a DESVOIDY, Hi& Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p- 810, 1863. 1 species. Type, f&p- Iera costataFALLEN (as heterocera,new species). EqualsWagneca DESVOIDY,1830. OccemyaDE~~OIDY, Dipt. Env. Paris, Myop., p. 50, 1853.* 2 species. Type, LIfyopa atra FABRICIUS, the second species, by present designation. Equals Thecophora RONDANI, 1845. Ochlerotatus ARRIBALZAGA,Rev. MUS. ti Plats, Vol. 1, p. 385, 1891. 2 species. Type, Ochlerotatusconjirmatus ARRIBALZAGA,the second species, by present designs- tion. Syn., Culicada FE&T, 1904; CulicelsaFELT, 1904; Eccutex FELT, 1904; Protom- lex FELT, 1904; Pseudocukx DYAR, 1905; PseudohowardinaTHEOBALD, 1907; Protoma- cleaya THEOBALD,1907. Ochthera LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, p. 462, 1802. 1 species (a_q 2). Type, nlusca mantis DE GEER. Syn., &acrochira MEIGEN, 1803. Ochtheroidea WILLISTON, Trans. Ent. Sot. Lond. for 1896, p. 401, 1896. 1 species. Type, Ochtheroideaatra WILLISTON. Ochtiphila FALLEN, Phytom. Ocht. Svecize, p. 9, 1823. 3 species. Type, Ochti- phila aridella FALLEH, the second species, by designation of WEST~OOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 151. Equals Chamaxnyia MEIGEN, 1803. Ocnaea ERICHSON,Entomographien, p. 155, 1840. 3 species. Type, Onza micarw ERICIISON,the first species, by present designation. OcnerosCOSTA, Atti Acad. Sci., vol. 5, pt. 2, p. 102, 1844. 1 species. Type, nl&ca pulchella Ross~. Equals Palloptera FALLEN, 1820. Ocromyia LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 910, 1864. 1 species. Type, Leucophora cinerea DESL’ OIDY’ (as pa&da MACQUART). Equals Leucophora DESVOIDT, 1830. OctacanthaLIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 586, 1864. 2 species. Type, Beis fuscipes MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Beris LATREILLE, 1802. Octavia BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1854, p. 474, 1854. 12 species. Type, Erioptera tmionota MEIGEN, the second species, by present designation. Equals Polymeda MEIGEN, 1800. Ocydromia MEIGEN, Syst. Besshr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 351, 1820. 5 species. Type, Empis glabricula FALLEN, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p_ 133. Ocyptamus MACQUART,Hi&. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 554, 1834. 2 species. Type, Baccha fuscipennis SAY (as fascipennis, new species), the second species, by present designation. Ocyptera LATREILLE, Hi&. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 378, 1805. 3 species. Type, Musca brassicaria FABRICIUS,the second species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1837, p. 629. Equals Cylindromyia MEIGEN, 1803. Oypterosipha TO~SSENL),Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 2, p. 79, 1894. 1 species. Type, Tachina zlops WALKER (as uillistonii, new species). Equals Beskia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1889. Proc.N.M.vol.37-10-37 578 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUX. VOL.37.

Odinia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 648, 1830. 2 species. Type, Jiilichia maculata MEIGEN (as trinotata, new species), the first species, by designation of RONDXNI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 7, 18i5, p. 2. Syn., Alticomerus ROSDXI, 1856. Odonlocera M.*CQUART, Hi&. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 613, 1835. 5 species. Type, ~%l~ropsdenticornis P_%NZER, the first species,by original designation. Not Odontocera SER~II,LE, 1833. Equals Cerodontha RONDANI, 1861. Odontodiplosis FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 404, 1908. 1 species. Type, Cecidomyiakarnewnsis FELT. Odontomera MAC&WART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 372, 1843. 1 species. Type, Odontomeraferruginea MACQUART. Syn., CyrtometopaLOEW, 1873. Odontomyia MELGEN,Illiger s’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 265, 1803. 3 species. Type, Il-iusca hydroleon LZNNBUS, the third species, by designation of WE~T~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p_ 130. Equals Eulalia MEIGEN, 1800. Odontonyl: RIJBSAAMEN,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 39, p. 25, 1894.. 3 species. Type, Sciura nigra WIEDEMAKN, the second species, by present designation. Not Odonlanyx STEPHENS,1828. Equals Phorodonta, new name. Odontopoda ALDRICH, 21st Ann. Rep. Geol. Ind., p. 187, 1897. 1 species. Type, Odontopodasayi ALDRICH. Q&a&a POEY, Mem. Hist. Nat. Cuba, vol. 1, p. 236, 1851. 1 species. Type, macta furensPOEY. Equals Culicoides LATREILLE, 1809. (Edalea MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 355, 1820. 2 species. Type, Enzpis Aybotina FALLEN, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD, Intr., voI.Z,‘ Synops., 1840, p. 133. Syn., Xiphidicera MACQUART,1834. GYdaspisLo~w, Monogr. Trypet., p. 46, 1862.* 4 species. Type, Type&zmulti- faxiata LOEW, the second species, by present designation. Equals Orellia DE~VOIDY, 1830. CEdemagena LATREILLE, Nouv. Diet. Hi&. Nat., vol. 23, p_ 272, 1818. 1 species. Type, CEstrustarundi LINN~~S. U!XemapezaTOWNSEND, Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 66, 1908. 1 species. Type, Btrophopoda townsendi WILLISTON. Equals Paradidyma BR~IJERand BERGENSTAMM, 1891. CEdemasoma TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 80, 1908. 1 species. Type, G!?&masomanuda TOWNSEND.

Ophromyia WILLISTON, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 3, p. 55, Dec., 1891. 1 spe- cies. Type, Ophromyia n&a WILLISTON. Equals Megametopon GIGLIO-TOS, Sep tember, 1891. OphthalmomyiaWILLISTON, Trans. Ent. Sot. Lond. for 1896, p. 426, 1896. 1 species. Type, Lobioptera lacteipennisLOEW. Equals Milichiella GIGLIO-TOS, 1895. Ophyra DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 516, 1830. 3 species (as 4). Type, Anthomyia leucostomaWIEDEMANN (equaling the first 2 supposed species), by designation of WEZ~TR-~OD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 142. Opluchanthu RONDANI, Arch. Zool., vol. 3, p. 87, 1864. 2 species. Type, Beris mexicanaBELLARDI, the first species,by original designation. Equals Beris LATREILLE, 1802. Oplogaster RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 98, 1856. 1 species. Type, Nwca mollicu2aFALLEN. Opomyza FALLEN,Opom. Sveciz, p. 10,182O. 3 species. Type, Nusca germinationis LINNIEUS, the first species, by designation of WEST~.OOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 152. Oppia DES~OIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 404, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachina deuia F_~LLES(as ciligera, new species). Equals Brachicoma B~NDANI, 1856. Opsebius COSTA, Rend. Sot. Borb. Accad. Sci., new ser., vol. 5, p. 20, 1856. 1 species. Type, OpsebiusperspiciI~ COSTA. Syn., Pithogaster LOEW, 1857. Opsidia COQUILLE~~,Joum. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 3, p. 102, 1895. 1 species. Type,. opsidia gonioi&s COQUILLEIT. Opsiomyia COQUILLEIT, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 6, p. 162, 1898. 1 species. Type, Opsiomyiupalpalis COQUILLETT. Opsolasia, new genus. Type, Lusiops caZvicrura COQUILL~. (This is Lusiops of authors, not of MEIGEN.) Orbellia DESVOIDY,Eseai Myod., p. 656, 1830. 2 species. Type, Orbellia myopi- formis DESVOIDY,the first species, by present designation. Equals Heleomyza F~L- LEN, 1810. \ Orellia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p_765,183O. 1 species. Type, Trypeta wiedemanni MEIGEN (as jIuticuns, new species). Syn., Goniglossum RONDANI, 1856; adaspis I.,oEw, 1862. Oreogeton SCHINKK, Wien. Ent.. Monatschr., vol. 4, p. 53, 1860. 1 species. Type, Gloma basalisIBEW. OreowzyzaPOKORNY, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 6, p. 50, 1887. 3 species. Type, @eo- myza glacialis POKORNY,the first species, by present designation. Equals Tipula LINNX~~, 1758. Oreothalia MELANDER, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 28, p. 232, 1902. 1 species. Type, Oreothaliapelops MELANDKR. Ori&.u DESVOIDY,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1848, p. 474, 1848. 2 species (as 3). Type, OriUia rectinerrisDESVOIDY, the second species, by present designation. Equals Leskia DESVOIDY,1830. Orimarga OSTENSACKEN, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 4, p. 120, 1869. 1 species. Type, Limnobia alpina ZE-ITKRSTEDT. Syn., Aring& WALLENGREN,1881. Orimargula MIK, Wien. Ent. &it., vol. 2, p. 198, 1883. 2 species. Type, 01-i- margula aJpigena MIK, the first species, by original designation. Equals Antocha &TEN &4CKEN,1860. Orida DESVOIDY, Hi& Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 678, 1863. 2 species (as 6). Type, Muxa rudis FABRICIUS(equaling the first 5 sopposed species), by present designation. Equals Pollenia DESVOIDI-,1830. Ormia DESVOIDI-, Essai Myod., p. 428, 1830. 1 species. Type, Ormia pun&&z DESTOIDY. Syn., GTs-trophasicrBRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1889; Phasiopteryx BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1889; CenosomaWULP, 1890; Neoptera WULP, 1890; Eucestrophasia TOWNSEND,1892, No_171% TYPE-SPECIES OF Ar3fERIGA~7 DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 581

Ormosia RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., ~01. 1, p. 180, 1856. 1 species. dye, &)-@&v-u nodulosa MACQUART. Syn., Ryphotiphus KOLENATI, 1860 ; Dmyptera .- SCBISER,1863. @-nidia ST. FARGEAUand SERVILLE, Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p_ 786, 1828. 1 species. Type, Syrphus obemsFABRICIUS. Equals Volucella GEOFFROP, 1762. [Omitbeza SPEISER,Term. Fuzetek, ~01. 25, p. 329, 1902. 3 species. Type, hi_ thomyia gestroiRQNDANI, the first species by original designation. Not American.1 @&&~~MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 229,183O. 1 species. Type, pedi&us cerzi LINNXKJS(as pa&da, new species). Equals Lipoptena NIT~CH, 1818. Omithoctona SPEISER,Term. Fuzetek, vol. 25, p. 328, 1902. 10 species. Qpe, hnithomyia erythrocephuJaLEACH, the first species, by original designation. Ornithodes C~QUILLETT,Proc. Wash. Aad. Sci., ~01. 2, p. 400, 1900. 1 spec& Type, Ornithodesharrimani COQUILLEXT. Ornithoica RONDANI, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, vol. 12, p. 159, 1878. 1 specieg, Type, Ornitl~oicabeccariina RONDAN:. Ornithomyia LATREILLE, Hi& Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, p. 466, 1802. 1 species. Type, Hippoboscaavicularia LINNIEUS. Omithopertha SPEISER, Zeitschr. Hym. Dipt., vol. 1, p_ 16T, 1902. 1 species. ~~~~~ Omithomyiu nikns BIGOT. Oropeza NEEDH.~~~,in 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 211,1908. 1 species. Type, @open americana NEEDHAM. Orphnephila HALIDAY, 2001. Journ., vol. 5, p. 350, Sept., 1831. 1 species. Type, Orphnephila detiz HALIDAY. Syn., Thaumalea RUTHE, November, 1831. Ortalis FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 17, 1810. 3 species. Type, &sca cibrans LINNXW, the second species, by designation of WEST~~OOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 149. Syn., Seioptera KIRBY, 1817; Myodina DESVOIDY,1830. Orthacheta BECKER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 39, p. 101, 1894. 1 species. Type, Cordilura pilosa ZEJTERSTEDT. Orthellia DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 837, 1863. 3 species (as 4). Type, diusca cornicina FABRICIUS,equalling the first two supposed species, by present desig- nation. Syn,, Euphoria DES~OIDY, 1863; Pseuokpyrelliu GIRSXINER, 1893. Orthobates WAHLBERG, Gfv. Kong]. Vet. Akad. Farh., vol. 1, p. 110, 1844. 2 species. Type, Hydrophorus jaculus FALLEN, the first species,by present designation. Equals Medetera FISCHER, 1819. - Orthoceratium SCHRANE, Fauna Boica, vol. 3, p. 151, 1803.” 1 species. Type, niusca laeustrisScouoLr. Syn., Liancalus LOEw, 1857; A~~kCE07u7WUSNIK, 1878. Orthocladius WULP, Tijdschr. Ent.,vol. 17, p. 132,18i4. 10 species. Type, Tip&a stercoraria DE GEER, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Psectrocladius KIEFFER, 1906; DactyZocZadia KIEFFER, 1906. OrthoneuromyiaWILLISTON, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 2, p. 67, 1893. 1 species. i Type, Orthoneuromyiamodesta WILLI~ON. Equals Psilocurus LOEw, 1874. Orthonewa MACQUART,Rec. Trav. Sot. Sci. Lille for 1829, p. 188, 1829. 1 species. Type, Chrysogusterelegans MEIGEN. Equals Chrysogaster MEIGEN, 1800. Ortochile LATREILLE,Gen. Crust. Ins., vol. 4, p. 289, 1809. 1 species. Type Orto- Chilenigroc&s LATREILLE. OscaWALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 10,185O. 2 species. Type, Pangonius depressus MACQUART,the first species, by present designation. Equals Pangonius IATREILLE, 1802. OscinimovphaLIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1126, 1864. I species. Type, 0scini.soblique MACQUART. Equals Botanobia LIOY, 1864. 0scini.s LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 383, 1805. 2 species. Type, i~~~scaZineata FABRICIUS,the first species, by present designation. Equals Tit&a MEIGEX, 1800. (Oscinis of authors equals Botanobiu LIOY.) 582 PROCEEDING8 OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL.33.

OscinisomaLIOP, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1125, 1864. 2 species. Type, C&rops ritripenni,.sNEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Bota- nobia LIOT, 1864. OsmreaDESYOIDP, Eseai Jlyod., p. 84, 1830. 1 species. Type, Osm~a gri.sea DES- VOIDP. Equals Actia DESYOIDY, 1830. Ospriocerus LoE~, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 10, p. 29, 1866. 2 species. Type, Dasypogon zacus WIEDE~IANN (aszacides, new species), the first species, by designa- tion of BACK, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 35, p. 184, 1909. Ostracoccelia GIC~LIO-TOS,Boll. Mus. 2001. Univ. Torino, vol. 8, no. 158, p. 10, . 1893. 1 species. Type, Osfracoc&ia mirabilis GIGLIO-TOS. Orycephala hlacgua~~, Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, p- 197, 1843. 1 species. Type, Pyrgota undata WIEDEMANN (as fuscipennis, new species). Equals Pyrgota WIEDE- MANN, 1830. Oxycera MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 265, 1$103. 2 species. Type, Musca hypo- ZeonLIXXZUS (as tnlineatu’ FABRICIUS), the second species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1833, p_ 411. Equals Hermione MEIGEN, 1800. Oqrhina MEIGEX, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 366,183s. Change of name for TrigonometopusMACQUART, 1835, on the false ground that this name is not appro- priate. Type, Tetanocera frontalis MEIGEN. Equals Trigonometopus MaCQUART, 1835. . m Ozodiceromyia BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1889, p_ 321, 1889. 1 species. Type, Ozodiceromyiamexkana BIGOT. Pachycephala LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1343, 1864. 1 species. Type, Tachina gonizformis MEIGEN. Equals Baumhaueria MEJGEN, 1838. Pachycerina MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 511, 1835. 1 species. Type, Lauxania seticornisFALLEN. Pachygaster MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag.,vol. 2, p. 266,1803. 1 species. Type, Nemotelzla ater PANZER. Syfi., Tkppo’ LATREILLE, 1805; NeopaehygasterAUSTEN, 1901. Puchymeriu STEPHENS,Syst. Cat. Brit. Ins., vol. 2, p. 262, 1829. 1 species. Type, Empis femorata FABRICIUS(as rurnlis MEIGEN). Equals Empis LINN~US, 1758. Pachymerina MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 333, 1834. 4 species. Type, Empis femorata F_~BRICIOS,the first species, by designation of COQUILL~T, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 254. Equals Empis LINNIEUS, 1758. PuchyneurellaB&YES, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc.,voI. 29, p. 382,1903. 1 species. Type, Phora cenata ALDRICA. Equals Puliciphora DAHL, 1897. Pachyophthalmus BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 117, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachina signata MEIGEN. Syn., S_wcoma- cronychin TOWNSEND,1892. Pachyrhina MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 88, 1834. 8 species. Type, !Pipula.crocata LINXXUS, the first species, by designation of W~srwoo~, Intr., vol. 2: Synops., 1840: p_128. PachystomaLIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 910, 1864. 1 species. Type, i&sca $azipennis’ FALLEN (as crussirostris MEIGEN). Equals Hylemya DESVOIDY, 1830. PachystomusLATREILLE, Gem Crust. Ins., vol. 4, p. 286, 1809. 1 species. Type, %motelus cinctus DE GEER (as Ilhagio syrphoidesPANZER). Equals Erinna MEIGEN, 1800. Pales DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p_ X4,1830. 2 species(as 6). Type, Tachinu proces- sionea RATZEBCRG(as jlorea, new species), the first species, by designation of DESVOIDY, Hist. Xat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 519 (as strenua DESVOIDY). Not Pales MEIGEN, 1800. Equals Neopales, new name. Pallnsi~zDESVOIDY, Essai Mpod., p. 239,183O. 1 species(as 2). Type, M&XXXglobosa FABRICICS.’ Equals Cistogaster LATREILLE, 1829. NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AUERICAN DIPTERS-COQUILLETT. 583

Palloptera FALLEX, Ortal. &ecia, p_23,182O. 4 species. Type, icivscaumbellaturum FABRICIUS, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 150. Syn., Toxonevra MACQUART,1835; OcnerosCOSTA, 1844. Palpibraca RONDANI, Ann. Nat. Napoli for 1845, p. 22, 1846.” 1 species. Type, ,ViwopaZpusru&n-nis MACQUART(as hzmorrhoa, new species). EqualsCuphocera MACQUABT,1845. Palpomyia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 82, 1818. 1 species. Type, Ceratopogonj&wipes MEIGEN. Equals Helea MEIGEX, 1800. Paltostoma ScaINER,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 16, p. 931, 1866. 1 species. Type, Paltostoma superbiensSCHINER. Pctlusiu DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 542, 1830. 10 species. Type, Palusia testawu DESVOIDT,the eighth species, by designation of COQPILLETT, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 139. Equals Coenosia MEIGEX, 1826. Panacris GERST~CKER,Linn. Ent., vol. 11, p. 346, 1857. 1 species. Type, Punacris ZucidaGERSTECKEB. Paneryma WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 387,1899. 1 species. Type, Paneryma elongata WnLp. Pangonius LATREILLE, Hi&. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, p. 437, 1802. 3 species. Type, Tabanusproboscideus FABRICIU~, the third specie, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. G&&al., 1810, p. 443. Syn., Tanyglossa MEIGEN, 1803; Philoliche WIEDE- N.~NN, 1828; Xuceria WALKER, 1850; Fi& WALHER, 1850; Melpia WALKER, 1850; Scaptiu WALKER, 1850; Tacina WALKER, 1850; Phara WALKER, 1850; clanis WALKER, 1850; Osca WALKER, 1850; Plinthina WALKER, 1850; Scarphia WALKER, 1850; Lilza WALKER, 1850; Dlatomineura RONDANI, 1864; ErephopsisRONDANK, 1864; Cn-izoneura RONDANI,1864. Panoplites THEOBALD, Rep. Coll. Mosq. Brit. Mu%, p. 5, 1900. 2 species (as 3). Type, c&x titikns WALKER (as Tzniorhynchus tzeniorhynchusAa~IsaLzaGa), the third species, by designation of NEVEU-LEMAIRE, Mem. Sot. Zool. France, vol. 15, 1902, p. 214. Not Panoplites GOULD,1853. Equals Taeniorhynchus ARBIBALZAGA, 1891. Pantarbes OFTENSACKEN, Bull. 3, U. S. Geol. Surv., p_254, 1877. 1 species. Type, Pantarbes capito OSTENSXKEN. PantophthaImus THUNBERG,Mem. Sot. Sci. Goth., vol. 3, p_ 7, 1819.” 1 species. Type, PantoptihuJmus tabaninus THUNBERG. Syn., Acanthomera WIEDENANN, 1821; Megalomyia BIGOT,1880. Punzeria DESVOIDY,Es.& Myod., p. 68, 1830. 1 species. Type, !Z&hina rudis FALLEN (as la&rnZti, new species). Equals Emestia DESVOIDY,1830. Parabombylius WILLISTON, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 15, p. 1, 1907. 4 species. Type, Thlipsogusterater COQGILLE~T,the first species, by present designation. Paracantha COQUILL~, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 7, p. 264, 1899. 1 species Type, Trypeta culta WTIEDEML~N. Parachaeta COQUILLETT,Rev. Tach., p. 37, 1897. 1 species. Type, Blepharipeza inerrnis BIGOT. Paraclius HEW, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 2, p. 97, 1864. 2 species. Type, Pekstoneurus arcuatus LOEW, the first species, by present designation. [Puracompsomyia HOUGH, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1898, p. 184, 159s. 1 species. Type, Chysomya regalis DE~VOIDY (as nigripennis, new species). Equals Chrysomya DESVOIDY,1830. Not American.] Paracosmus OSTENSACKEN, Bull. 3, U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 262, 1877. Change of name for Allocotus LOEW, 1872, not of MAYR, 1864. Type, AZZocotusedwardsii LQEW. Syn., AEJocotusLOECV, 1572, preoccupied. Paracrocera MIK, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 5, p. 276, 1886. 2 species. Type, AWOC~W tumidu ERICHSON,the second species, by present designation. Equals Acrocera MEIGEN, 1803. 584 PROCEEDIIIGS OP THE NATIONAL MUSEU.44. VOL.37.

Paradejeania BEAUER and BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, p. 147, 1893. 1 species. Type, Dejeania rutilioides JZSXICKE. Paradezodes TOFF~TSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 101,190S. 2 species. Type, Paradercodes aurifrons TOWNSEXD,’ the first species, by original designation. Equals Lydella DELTOIDS, 1830. Paradidyma BUUER and BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 3S2, 1891. 1 species. Type, Didyma validineks WOLP. Syn., Atrophopoda TO~SEND, 1891; Ceratomyiella TOWNSEND,1891; Lachnomma TOFTNSEND,1892; i%ficro- chira BRAUERand BERGEN~AMM, 1893; QXemapeea TOWNSEND,1908; Diapho-ropeza TOWNSEND,1908. Paradiplosis FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 410, 1908. 1 species. Type, Cecidomyia obesa FELT. Paradmontia COQUILLETT,Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., vol. 25, p. 106, 1902. 1 species. Type, Paradmontia brewis COQLJILLETT. ParaZxorista BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 57, 1859. 1 species. Type, Ex~tistu cheZcx& RONDANI. Equals Carcelia DES- VOIDS, 1830. Parafabricia BRAUERand BRRGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 61, p. 612, 1894. 2 species. Type, Tachina bicdor WIEDEMANS, the second species, by present designation. Equals Archytas JXNNICKE, 1867. Pa.rajscheriu TO~SSEND, Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 74,190s. 1 species. Type, I)emoticus venatoris COQUILL~. Equals Demoticus MACQUART,1854. Parafrontina BRAUERand BERGENSTAIUM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, p. 115, 1893. 1 species. Type, Parafrontina apicalis B~AIJERand BERGENSTAMM. Equals Frontina MEIGEN, 1538. Paragzdia BR~UERand BERGENSTAMX,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 55, p. 350, 1891. 1 species. Type, Blephuripeza yaneiventris MACQUART(as hedemanni, new species). Paragorgopis GIGLIO-TOS,Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, vol. 8, No. 158, p. 12, 1893. 1 species. Type, Paragorgopis maczllata GIGLIO-TOS. Paragus LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust,. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 359, 1805. 1 species. Type, Syrphus bicolor F~BRICIUS. . Paragymnomma BRAUERand BEBGENSTAYM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 55, p. 384, 1891. 2 species. Type, Trichoph ora nigra MACQUART(as hystrix, new species), the first species, by present designation. Equals Trichopliora MACQUART, l&7. Parahypochzeta BRAUER and BERGENESTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Skad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 337, 1891. 1 species. Type, Parahypochzta heteroneura BRAUER and BRRGENSTAJXM. Paralimna LOEW, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 2, p. 138, 1862. 1 species. Type, Paralimna appendicula1a hEW. Parallelomma BECKER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 39, p. 94, 1894. 5 species. Type, CoTdihiTa albipes FALLEN, the second species, by original designation. Equals Mosina D~VOIDY, 1830. Paralucilia BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 391, 1891. 1 species. Type, &.fliscamacellaria FABRICIUS(as fuluipes MACQUART) . Paramesia MACQUART,Hi&. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 656, 1835. 2 species. Typo, Paramesiu wesmzlii MACQUART,the first species, by designation of COQUILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 255. Equals Atalanta MEIGEN, 1800. Paramintho BRAUERand BERGENSTSIUM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 366, 1591. No species. WULP, in Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, 1895, p. 266, referred one species to it, as new. Type, Paramintho modulata WULP. Paramyia WILLISTON, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 6, p. 1, 1897. 1 species. Type, Paramyia nigra WILLIsToN. e NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIE& ’ OF AMERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 585

Puranuphora TOWNSEND, Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p- 72,1908. 1 species. Type, Ocypteratr@etra OLIVIER (a~ diademoides, new species). Equals Ervia DESVOIDY,1830. Paraphyto COQUILL~. Joum. N. Y. Ent. SOC.,vol. 3, p. 105, 1895. 1 species. Type, Paruphyto chillendeniCOQUILLFLT. Paruplagiu BRAUERand BERGEN~TAYM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 354, 1891. 1 species. Type, Tachinu trepida MEIGEN. Equals Voria DESVOIDY, 1830. Paraprosena BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 127, 1889. 1 species. Type, Paruprosena waltlii BRAUER and BERGEXSTAMM. .Parurchytas BFLAUERand BER~ENSTAMH,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 61, p. 614, 1894. 1 species. Type, Tachinu deck Walker. F4uals Larvzvora MEJGEN, 1800. Pururidu BRAUERand BERGEX~TAYM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p_ 391, 1891. 6 species. Type, ,liltsca puscuorum MEIGEN, the first species, by desig- nation of BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 43, 1893, p. 508. Equals Muscina DESVOLD~,1830. Parasetigena Ba?lnn~ and BERGEN~TAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 339, 1891. 1 species. Type, Chetogenasegregata RONDANI. Syn., Duponchelia DESVOIDY,1863, preoccupied. Puraymmictus BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1879, p_ 67, 1879. 1 species. Type, Hirmoneura clausa OFTEN&CEEN. Equals Hirmoneura MEIGEN, 1820. Parasyntormon WHEELER, Prol. Cal. Acad. Sci., vol. 2, p. 41, 1899. 6 species. Type, Parusyntormon aseUusWHEELER, the first species, by present designation. Parathalgssius Mik, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 10, p. 217, 1891. 1 species. Type, Purathakssks bZu.sigiiMIK. Paratissa C~QUILL~, Can. Ent., vol. 32, p. 36, 1900. 1 species. Type, Droso- phila poltinosa WILLISTON. Paratropesa SCHINER,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 16, p. 932, 1866. 1 species. Type, Parutropesu singularis SCHINER. Parepalpus COQUILLETT,Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 25, p, 120, 1902. 1 species. Type, Parepcdpusjlawidus CO&UILL~. Parephydra COQUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 10, p. 183, 1902. 1 species. Type, Purephydru humilis COQIJILLET~. Pureudora WACHTL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 13, p. 141, 1894. 1 species. Type, Tachina prsxeps MEIGEN. Equals Larvazvora MEIGEN, 1800. Purhydrophorus WHEELER, Ent. News, vol. 7, p. 185, 1896. 1 species. Type, Purhydrophorus canescensWBEELER. Equals Aphrozeta PERRIS,1847. Parodinia COQUILLFIT, Joum. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 10, p. 186, 1902. 2 species. Type, Parodinia cinerea C~QUILLETT, the first species, by original designation. Parozdopa COQUILLETT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 8, p. 22, 1900. 1 species. Type, Parcedopapunctigera COQUILL~. Parthenia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 231, 1830. 2 species (as 3). Type, Purthenia boscii DESVOIDY, the last species, by present designation. Equals Cylindromyia MEIGEN, 1803. Parydra STENHAXMER,Kongl. Vet. Aksd. Handl. for 1843, p. 144,1844. 2 species. Type, Ephydru nquila FALLEN, the second species, by present designation. Equals Nap= DESVOIDY,1830. PuykuZZiaDESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 270, 1830. ispecies (as 3). Type, PuyHuZZia rubricorni.sDIZXOIDY. Equals Melanophora MEIGEN, 1803. Peckia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p_ 335, 1830. 5 species. Type, Peckia imperiazis DESVOIDY,the 6rst species, by present designation. Syn., Phrissopodiu MACQUART, 1835. Pedicella BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1856, p. 85, 1856. No species. In 1879, 6 species. Type, Macrosargus tenuivatris BIGOT,the first of the new species,by 586 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUXEUM. VOL.37. designation of BRMJER, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 44, 1882, p_ 88. Syn., 1NacrosargusBIGOT, 15179. Pedicia LATREILLE,Hi&. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 4, p. 25.5, 1809. 1 species. Type, Tlpula ricosa LInsimx Pegomya DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 598, 1830. 6 species. Type, Musca hyosy- ami PANZER,the first species, by designation of COQUILLETT,Journ. $7. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 140. Syn., herinn’ DESVOIDY, 1830; lldia DESVOIDY,1830; Phorbiu DESVOIDP,1830; Egk DESVOIDP,1830; Phorzea DE~TOIDY, 1830; Chlotina DESVOID~, 1830; Chortophila MACQUART,1835; GymnogasterLIOY, 1864; Botanophila LIOP, 1564; Trigonostoma LIOY, 1864; Psilometopia LIOY, 1864; E+ischia LIOY, 1864; Starogaster LIOY, 1864. Pelagomyia WILLISTON, Man. N. Amer. Dipt., p. 48, Aug., 1896. No species. In Trans. Ent. Sot. Land. for 1896 (Sept.), p. 299, 1 species. Type, Pelagomyia albitalus WILLIsrON. Pelastoneurus LoE~, Neue Beitr., vol. 8, p. 36, 1861. 10 species. Type, PeZas- toneuruszagans Loom, the fifth new species, by present designation. Syn., &tupelas- toneurusALDRICH, lS94. Pelatachina MEADE, Ent. Monthly Msg., vol. 30, p. 1091894. Change of name for Hyria D~F~OIDY, preoccupied. Type, Tachina tibialis FALLEN. Syn., Hyria Dss- VOIDY, 1863, preoccupied. Pelecocera MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 340, 1822. 1 species. Type, Pelecoceratricincta MEIGEN. Syn., Euceratomyia WILLISTON, 1884. Peleteria DE~VOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 39, 1830. 4 species. Type, Peleteria abdom$- nalis DESVOIDY,the last species, by present designation. Syn., FazireUa DFSVOIDY, 1830; Echinogaster LIOY, 1564; Sphyricera LIOY, 1864; Sphyromyia BIGOT, 1883; Tet- rachda BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1894; Chatopeleteria MIX, lS94; Popelia Bnzzx, 1894; TessarochataBEZZI, 1906. Pelethophila HAGENB~CH, Sym. Faunae Inst. Helvetise, p. 48, 1822.” 1 species. Type, 1fuscafin&aria LINNXUS (as -flaTa SCHELLENBERG).Equals Psila MEIGEN, 1803. Pelina HOLIDAY, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, p. 407, 1839. 1 species. Type, Notiphila znea FALLEN. Syn., Telmatobia STENHANMER,1544. Pelomyia WILLISTON, N. Amer. Fauna, No. 7, p. 256, 1893. 1 species. Type, Pelomyia occidentalisWILLISTON. Pelopia MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. lS, lSOO.* No species. Tanypus MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Tip&z cinctu FABRXXS. Syn., Tanypus MEIGEN, 1803; Protenthes JORANNSEN,1907. PelorempisJOHANNSEN, Bull. 295, N. Y. State Mus., p. 402, Aug. 11,1903. 1 species. Type, Eucorethra underwoodi UNDERWOOD(as aticalza, new species). Equals Eucorethra UNDERWOOD,August 7, 1903. Peloropeodes WHEELER, Psyche, vol. 5, p. 373, 1890. 1 species. Type, Peloro- peodessalax WHEELER. Penicillidla KOLENATI, Hor. Sot. Ent. Ross., vol. 2, p. 69, 1863. 2 species (as 3). Type, Kycteribia westwoodiGUERIN-MENEVILLE (as dufourii WESTWARD),the second species, by present designation. Pennapoda TOWNSEND,Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 20, p. 282, 1897. 1 species. Type, !&ichiopoda phcGsianaTOWNSEND. Equals Trichiopoda LATREILLE, 1829. Pentacricia STEIN, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 42, p. 249,189s. 1 species. Type, Pentacricia aldrichii STEIN. * Penthesilia MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 35, lSOO.* No species. o-iorhina MEIGEN, 1822, is a change of name. Type, 8yrphus as&us FALLEN. Syn., Criorhina MEIGEN, 1822; Somula MACQUART, 1847; Eriophora PHILIPPI, 1865; Brachymyia Wrt LISTON,1582; Eurhinomallota BIGOT, 1852; Cynorhina WILLISTON, 1886. Penthoptera SCHINXR, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 7, p. 220, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tip&a chirothecataSCOPOLI. NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OP A_UERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 587

Penthosia WULP, Tijdschr. Ent., ~01.35, p. 189, 1892. I species. Type, ScopoZia satanica BIGOT. PeratochetusRONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 119, 1856. 1 species. Type, .Hd.eromyza flava MEIGEN (as Zulesctx.s,new species). Equals Clusia H_&LID_~T, l-838. Per&a DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., ~01. 1, p. 720, 1863. 1 species (as 3). Type, Pe-ribazaapicalis DESVOIDP. Equals Actia DESVOIDT, 1830. Pericoma HALID_~~, in Walkers’ Ins. Britt., Dipt., vol. 3, p. 256,1856. 11 species_ Type, Trichoptera trijasciata MEIGEN, the seventh species, by present designation. Perithinus HALIDAT, Zool. Journ., vol. 5, p. 353,183l. 4 species. Type, Porphyrops riparius MEIGEN, the first species, hy designation of WESTWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synod., 1840, p. 134. sj m., Hydrochus F.~LLE~, 1823, preoccupied; Anglearia CARLIER, 183.5 Peronyma LOEOF,’ Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 250, 1873. 1 species. Type, Typeta sarcinata LOEw. Pewisia RONDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna), ser. 2, vol. 6, p_ 371, 1846. 1 species. Type, Cecidonzyiaurticz PERRIS: & Dasineura ROXDASI, 1840. Petalophora M_XQUART, Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 454, 1835. 1 species. Type, Typeta capitata WIEDEIANN. Equals Ceratitis Mhc LEAY, 1829. Petalirista MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 15, 1800.” No species. Trichocera MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, TipuZa hiemalis DE GEER. Syn., Tricho- can MEIGEN, 1803. Peteina MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 214, 1835. 1 species. Type, Musca erinacea FABRICIIJS. Petinops BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 356, 1891. 1 species. Type, Petinops schnablii BRAUER and BERGENSTAMX Equals Wagneria DESVOIDY, 1830. Phalacrocera SCHINER, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 7, p. 224, 1863. 1 species. Type, TipuZa replicata LINNBEUS (as nudicornis SCHUMMEL). Phalacromya RoND.%NI, Ftudi Ent., vol. 1, p. 67, 1848. 2 species. Type, Phala- cromya submetallicaRONDANI, the fimt species, by present designation. Syn., GZauro- trida THO~ISON, 1868. PhaZznula MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 18, lSOO.* No species. Trichoptera MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Trichoptera ocellaris MEIGEN. Equals Psychoda LATREILLE, 1796. Phcdangus MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl.. Ins., vol. 3, p. 253, 1822. 1 species. Type, NuZio virens FABRICIUS. Equals Pipiza FALLEN, 1810. Phaniguster LIOP, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 10, p. 61, 1864. 1 species. Type, Musca helluo FABRICIUS. Equals Eliozeta R~NDANI, 1856. Phantasma DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 739, 1830. 2 speciei. Type, lliusca cor- 1_igioluta LINN~US (as filiformis F.~BRICI~S), the first species, by present designation. Equals Tylos MEIQEN, 1800. Phaonia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 482, 1830. 5 species. Type, lllusca erratica FALLEN (as‘ w&urn., new species), the first specie, by desiguation of COQUIZLETT, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 140. Syn., Fallxa DESVOIDY, 1830; Trennia DESVOIDY, 1830; Euphemia DESVOIDY, 1830; Rohrella DESVOIDE,’ 1830; Quadrula PANDELLE, 1898. Phara WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 9, 1850. 18 species. Type, Pangonius melanopyga WIEDEMANN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Pango- nius LATREILLE, 1802. Phasia LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 379, 1805. 1 species. Type, Syrphus hemipterusFABRICIUS (as Theresa coleoptrataFABRICIUS). Syn., Alophma DESVOIDY, 1830; Byalomya D~VOIDY, 1830; Phorantha RONDANI, 1862. Phcwioclista TOWNSEND, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. IS, p. 369, 1891. 1 species. Type, CZytia atra DE~~OIDY (as metallica, new species). Equals Yyiophasia B~AUER and BERGENSTANM, 1891. 588 PROCEEDIXGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. 37.

Phasiops COQUILL~T, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 7, p. 219,1899. 1 species. Type, %X3iOpS$UcUCOQUILLETT. Phasioptcyx BRAUERand BERGENsT-~MM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 146, 1889. 2 species. Type, Phasiopteryx bilim&ii BR.4UER and BERGENSTAMM, the first species, by present designation. . Equals Ormia DESVOIDY,1830. Pheneus WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 155, 1851. 1 species. Type, Pheneus tibialis WALKER. Syn., Arthrostylum WILLISTON, 1895. Phaicia DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 750, 1863. 1 species (as 87). Type, &~a sericatu MEIGEN. Equals Lucilia DESVOIDY,1830. Pherbinu DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 687, 1830. 11 species. Type, &~a coryleti SCOPOLI(as Tetanpcera reticulata DUYERIL), the third species, by present designa- tion. Equals Tetanocera LATREILLE, 1805. Pherecida DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 1118, 1863. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tachinu griseu FALLEN. Equals Macquartia D~SVOIDT,1830. Philia MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 20,‘ 1800.* No species. Dilophus MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, !@rula febrilis LINNXUS. Syn., Dilophus MEIGEN, 1803. Philintu DESVOIDP, Essai Myod., p. 568, 1830. 3 species (as 4). Type, dluscu cm&uZuris LINN.EUS,the first species,by designation of ~OQUILLFIT, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 140. Equals Fannia DFSVOIDY, 1830. Philodendria RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 136, 1856. 1 species. Type, &~a aterrima FABRICIUS. Equals Phora LATRGILLE, 1796. PhiZoliche WIEDEMANN, Auss. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 95, 1828. 14 species. Type, Tubanus rostratus LINN~US, the second species, by present designation. Equals Pan- gonius LATREILLE, 1802. Philonicus Lo~w, Linn. Ent., vol. 4, p. 144, 1849. 1 species. Type, Philoniczls aZbicepsMEIGEN. PhilophylZa RONDANI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 2, p. 9, 1870. 1 species. Type, Musru cresioHARRIS. Equals Acidia DES~OIDT, 1830. Philopota WIEDEMANN, Buss. Zweifl.. Ins. vol. 2, p. 17, 1830. 1 species. Type, Philopotu conicaWIEDENANN. Philorus KELLOGG, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., ser. 3, vol. 3, p. 199, 1903. 3 species. Type, Bkphariceru Yosemite&TEN SACKEX,the second species, by present designation. Philygria STENHANNAR,Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. for 1843, p. 154, 1844. 3 species. Type, Notiphila ~?ctvipesFALLEN, the second species, by present designation. Pholeomyia BILINEK, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 17, p. 903, 1867. 1 species. Type, Phobomyia leucozona BILIJBEK. Phoneus MACQUART, Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 79, 1838. 1 species. Type, Phoneus w-vi&i MACQUART. Not Phoneus KAUP, 1829. Equals Neophoneus WIG LISTON,1889. Phoneutisca Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 19, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tachydromia maculipennis WALKER (as bimacukta, new species.) Phoniomyia THEOBALD,Monogr. Culic., vol. 3, p. 311, 1903. 2 species. Type, FVyeomyiaZongirostris THEOBALD,the first species, by designation of DYAR, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 7, 1905, p. 49. Phora L_~TREILLE,Precis, p. 169, 1796. No species. In his Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3,1802, p. 464, 1 species. Type, Nuscu aterrimn FABRICIUS. Syn., Trintiru MEIGEN, 1803; Noda SCHELLENBERG,1803; Philodendriu RONDANI, 1856. (Phora of authors equals Anew&u LIOY.) Phorza DES~OIDY,Essai Myod., p. 600, 1830. 4 species. Type, Phorza jkzvescens DESVOIDY,the first species, by present designation. Equals Pegomya DESVOID~, 1830. NO. 171%’ TYPE-SPECIES OF AUERICAX DIPTERL4---COQUILLETT. 589

Phorunthu RONDANI, Difit. Ital. Prodr., vol. 5, p. 21, 1862. 1 species. Type, Conops subcobewptratuLINNA~JS (as musci,form;s,new species). Equals Phasia LA- !l!REILLE,1805. Phorbia DESVOIDY, Es& Myod., p. 559, 1830. 5 species. Type, Phdiu m.usca DESVOIDY, the first species, by present designation. Equals Pegomya DESVOID~, 1830. Phorella DFSVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 362, 1830. 2 species (as 6). Type, i%scn car- naria LINNX:GS(as urvti, new species), the first species, by designation of DESVOIDT, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 21863, p. 530. Equals Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826. Phoricheta RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr.,vol. 4, p. 8, 1861. Changeof name for Scopoliu DESVOIDY, 1830, not of H~~BNER,1816. Type, Ocyptera costatu FALLEN. Equals Wagneria DESVOIDY,1830. Phormia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 465, 1830. 3 species (as 8). Type, I%sca regina MEIGEN, the second species, by designation of DE~VOIDY,Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1849, p. 5. Syn., Protophormia TOWXSEND,1908. Phorocera DESFOIDP,Essai Myod., p. 131, 1830. 4 species(as 22). Type, Tachinu assimilis FALLEN (equaling tbe supposed species 1, 2, 3, 5, and 17 to 20), by desig- nation of DESVOIDY,H&t. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1,1863, p. 509. Syn., SnZiu DESVOIDY,1830; ChetogenaRONDANI, 1856; &poggoaiuRONDANI, 1859; Eggeria SCHIXER, 1861; Eupho- rocma TOWNSEND,1892. Phoroctenia, new genus. Type, Ctenophoraangustipennis IAEFT. (This is Ctenophora of authors, not of MEIGEN. ) Phorodonta, new name. For Odontonyz RUBSAAMEN,1894, not of STEPHENS,1828. Type, Sciara nigra WIEDEX.%NN. Syn., Odontonyz RUBS.~AMEN,1894, preoccupied. Phorosia DESVOIDY,Dipt. Env. Paris, Myop , p. 29, 1853.” 1 species. Type, Conops testczceaLINNBUS. Equals Stomoxoides SCH~FFER, 1766. Phorostoma DESVOIDY,Essai Myod. p. 326, 1830. 1 species. Type, dfuscczferina FALLEN (as s&rotunda, new species). Syn., jlyocera DE~VOIDY, 1830; Amyckea DIB- VOIDY, 1863; Rhamphinina BIGOT?1885; Clinonewa BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,1889; PtiZo&tia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1889. Phorticu SCHINER, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 6, p. 433, December, 1862. 1 species. Type, Drosophila mriegata FALLEN. Equals Amiota LOEW, May, 1862. Phosococephala TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p_ 69,1908. 1 species. Type, Phosococephulametal&u TOWNSEND. Phrissqodia MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 222, 1835. 2 species. Type, Peckia imperialis DESVOIDY,the first species, by original designation. Equals Peckia DESVOIDY,1830. Phrissopolia TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 93, 1908. 1 species (as 2). Type,Prospherysu crebraWULP. Equals Chztogaedia BRAVERand BERGEN~TAMDI,1891. Phronia WINNERTZ, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 857,1863. 28 species. Type, Phroniu rustica WINNERTZ, the 22d species, by designation of JOHANNSEN, Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 96. Phryne MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 16, 1800.* No species. AnisopztsMEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Tipula fuscatu FABRICKJS. Equals Sylvicolae HAR- RIS, 1776. Phryxe DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p_ 158, 1830. 8 species (as 36). Type, Tuchina wulgariaFALLEN (equaling 22 oE the supposed species), by designation of DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 329. Syn., Blepharidea RONDANI, 1856; Hemithxa DESVOIDY,1863; Eriniu DESVOIDY,1863; Blumia, DESVOIDY, 1863; Eurigastrina LIoY, 1864; Anoxycampta BIGOT, 1880; CeratochatuBRAUER a.nd BERGENSTAM~SI,1889; Pseudo- phoroceru BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1889; Pseudoperichztu BRAUERand BERGEN- STAMM,1889; BfepharidopsisBR.IUER and BERGENSTLMM,1891; Cbtuchata BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,1891. 590 PROCEEDIWGS OF THE ?VATIOBL4L XC’SECM. VOL.37.

Phthinia WINNERTZ, Verb. !Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 779, 1863. 3 species. Type, Phthinia humilis WINSERTZ, the first species, by designation of JOHANNSEN,’ Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 83. Phthiria MEIGEN, Illigers’ Jfag., vol. 2, p. 268, 1803. 1 species. Type, Bombylius pulicarius MIKAS. Syn., Cyclorhynchus MACQGART,1840; Psxilognathus JXSNICKE, 1867. Phlhiridium HERMANN, Mem. Apter., pp. 12 and 15, 1804. 2 species. Type, Phthiridium biarticulatum HERMAXS, the second species, by present designation. Equals Nycteribia LATREILLE,li96. Phylarchus ALDRICH, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 342, 1901. 1 species. Type, Phylarchw tripartitus ALDRICH. Phylidorea BIGOT,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1854, p. 456, 1854. 19 species. Type, Lilnnobia ferruginea ~IEIGES, the ninth species, by present designation. Syn., Pilaria SINTEYSIS,1889; Lasiomastix O~TES SACKES, 1860; Prionolabis OSTES SACKEN,1860; Dactylolabis OSTENSACKEX, 1860; Dicranophragmxz OFTENSACKEN, 1860. - PhyZZodromia ZEXYERSTEDT,Isis von Oken for 1837, p. 31, 1837. 3 species. Type, Empis melanocephala FABRICIUS,the first species, by designation oE RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p_ 148. Equals Hemerodromia MEIGEN, 1822. Phyllogaster STEIN, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 42, p. 256, 1898. 1 species. Type, Ph yllogaster cordyluroides STEIN. Phyllolabis O~TEX SACKEN, Bull. 3, U. S. Geol. Surr., p. 202, 1877. 2 species. Type, Phyllolabis claviger OSTENS.%CKEN, the first species, by present designation. Phyllomydas BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1880, p. 46, 1880. 1 species. Type, Phyllomydas phyllocerus BIGOT. Equals Mydas FABRICIUS,1794. Phyllomyza FALLEX, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 20, 1810. No species. In his Phytom. et Ocht. Svecise, 1823, p. 8, 1 species. Type, Phyllomyza securicornis FALLEN. PhyZZophaga RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 199, 1856. 1 species. Type, Cecidonl,yiafusca MEIGEN. Equals Asphondylia LOEW, 1850. Phyllophila LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1313, 1864. 1 species. Type, Agromyza pallipes MXQUART. Equals Agromyza FALLEN, 3810. Physecrania BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1859, p. 123, 1859. 1 species. Type, Physecrania obscura BIGOT. Equals Caloptera GCERIN, 1829. Physegenua MACQUART, Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 3, p. 60, 1848. 1 species. Type, Physegenua viituta MACQUART. Physiphora FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 11, 1810. puo’ species. In his Seen. et Con. Svecize, 1817, p. 3, 1 species. Type, Musca demandata FABRICIUS(as splendida, new species). Syn., ChrysomyzaF~~uzx, 1817; midia,MEIGEN, 1826; Chloria SCHINER,1862. Physocephala SCHINER, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 5, p. 137, 1861. 1 species. Type, Conops rufipes FABRICIUS. Phyto DESVOIDT,Essai Myod., p. 218, 1830. 1 species (as 4). Type, Tachina me- Zanocxphala MEIGEN. Syn., xoz

Picconia DESVOIDY, Hist. 3at. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 33, 1863. 1 species. Type, TU- china nigripes FALLEN (as bipu?;lita,new species). Equals Lydella DESVOIDT,1830. Pictinia DESVOIDP,Dipt. Env. Paris, Myop., p. 15, 1853.” 1 species. Type, &- tinia fulvipalp~is DES~OIDT. Equals Stomoxoides SCHXFFER, 1766. Pierretia DESVOIDT, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 422, 1863. 14 supposed species. Type, Sarcophaga nigri?jentrisBEIGES, equaling supposed species 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 12, by present designation. Equals Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826. Pilaria SINTEXSIS,Sitzb. Nat.-Ges. Dorpat, vol. 8, p. 398, 1889. 2 species. Type, Linznobia pilicornis ZETTEBSTEDT,the second species, by present designation. Equals Phylidorea BIGOT, 1854. Piophila FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 20, 1810. 1 species. Type, diuscu cclseiLINNZUS. Syn., Tyrophaga KIRBY, 1817; Stearibia LIOY, 1864. Pipiza FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 11, 1510. No species. In his Syrphici Svecia, 1817, pp. 58 to 61, 8 species. Type, Nusca noctiluca LIENSUS, the second species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., l&37, p. 669. Syn, Phalangus MEIGEN, 1822; Heringia ROMDANI,1856; Pipizella R~NDANI, 1856. PipizelEa RONDANT,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 54, 1856. 1 species. Type, _&Zio * tireasFABRICILJS. Equals Pipiza FALLEN, 1810. Pipunculus, LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, p. 463, 1802. 1 species. Type, PipuncuZuscampestris LATREIL~E. Equals Dorilas MEIGEN, 1800. Pissemya DESVOIDY, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1851, p. 31S, 1851. 1 species. Type, Gonia fasciutuWIEDEMANN (as atru MEIGEN). Equals Spallanzania DESVOIDY, 1830. Pithogaster Lo~w, Wiea. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 1, p. 33, 1857. 1 species. Type, Pithoyaster i@tus LOER.’ Equals Opsebius COSTA,1856. Pityocera GIGLIO-TOS, Boll. Mus. 2001. Univ. Torino, vol. 11, No. 224, p. 3, 1896. 1 species. Type, Pityocera festszGIGLIO-TOS. Plagia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 7, p. 201, 1835. 6 species. Type, Tachina ruralis FALLEX (as verticalis MEIGEN), the second species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p_ 69. Equals Voria DESVOIDP, 1830. (Plagia of authors equals Siphoplagia TO~FSSEND.) Plagiocera MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 2, p_ 59, 1842. 2 species. Type, Milesia acuta Fa~~xcrus (as cruciger WIEDEX~XX), the first species, by present desig- nation. Not Plagiocera KLUG, 1834. Equals Meromacrus ROSDANI, lS4S. Plagiomima BR_~UERand BERGENSTAMN,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 354, 1591. 1 species. Type, P~agiomima disparata BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM. Plagioneurus LOEW, Wien. Ent. Monatschr, vol. 1, p. 43,1857. 1 species. Type, Plagionetcrusunivittatus LoEw. PZagiotomaLOEW, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 252, 1873. 3species. Type, TnJpeta obliqua S.~T, the second species, by present designation. Not Plagiotoma CLAPARBDEand LAC~XAXN, 1858. Equals Tomoplagia, new name. Plagiprospherysa TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 113, 1592. 2 spe- cies. Type, Prospheysa paruipalpis WULP (as vaZida, new species), the first species, by original designation. Planes RONDANI, Arch. Zool., vol. 3, p. 9, 1864. 1 species. Type, Xylota cagans WIEDEMANN. Equals Syritta ST. F~RGEAUand SERVILLE, 1828. PlanetolestesARRIBALZAGA, Anal. Sot. Cient. Argentina, vol. 8, p. 145,1S79.* 1 spe- cies. Type, Laphria coarctata PERTF. Equals Blepharepium ROSDANI, 18% Platophryma WILLISTON,Trans. Ent. Sot. Lond. for 1896, p_ 426, 1896. 1 species. Type, Platophryma nigra WILLISTON. Platycheirus ST. FARGEaU and SERVILLE, Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 513, 1828. 6 species. Type, Syrphus scutatusMEIG~N, the first species, by designation of W~T~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 137. 592 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. 37.

Platychira RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 64,1%X 1 species. Type, MUSW puparum FABRICIUS. Equals Meriania DESVOIL)Y,1830. Platycnema ZEITERSTEDT,’ Ins. Lapp., p. 334, 1838. 1 species. Type, Empis puli- curia FALLEX. Equals Atelestus WAL~EE, 1837. Platycmnosia STROBL,Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 13, p. 72, 1894. 1 species. Type, Platycoxosia m&ii STROBL. Syn., Choristomma STEIN, 1895. Platynochztus WIEDEMANN, Auss. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 147, 1830. 1 species. Type, Syrphus setosusFABRICIUS. Platypalpus MAC&WART,Ins. Dipt. Nord France, Separata, p. 92, 1827. 18 species. Type, Xuscu cursitans FABRICIUS,the fourteenth species, by designation of WEST- WOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 132. Platypeza MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 272, 1803. No species. In his Klass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., 1804, p. 310, 3 species. Type, Platypeza faseiata MEIGEN, the first species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Pro&., vol. 1, 1856, p. 139. Equals Clythia MEIGEN, 1800. Platyptera MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 269, 1803. 2 species. Type, Empis pla- typtaa PANZER,the second species, by tautonymy. Equals Dionn=a MEIGEN, 1800. Platypterygia STEPHENS,Syst. Cat. Brit. Ins., vol. 2, p. 263, 1829. 1 species. Type, Empis borecrlisLINNLEUS. Equals Empis LINNX~, 1758. Platystoma _MEIGEN,Illiger s’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 277, 1803. 1 species. Type, Afusca seminationis LINN-EUS. Syn., Hesyquillia DESVOIDY,1830; IlfegaloglossaRONDAXI, 1869. Plntyura MEIGEN, Illigcrs’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 264, 1803. No species. In his Klass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., 1804, pp. 101, 102, 5 species. Type, Pkztyura fasciuta MEIGEN, the second species, by designation of ZFLTERSTEDT,Dipt. Stand., vol. 10,1851, p. 4077. Equals Zelmira MEIGEN, 1800. Plaxemya DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 392, 1830. 1 species. Type, 111sea t&i- pnis MEIGEN (as szcgillatriz, new species). Equals Musca LINNEUS, 1758. Plecia WIEDEMANN, Auss. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 72, 1828. 6 species. Type, Hi&a fuluicollis FABRICIUS,the second species, by designation of BLANCHARD,Hi&. Nat. Ins., vol. 3,1840, p. 576. Syn., Rhinopleciu BELLARDI, 1859. Plectops C~QUILLFIT, Rev. Tach., p- 57, 1897. 1 species. Type, Plectops melis- sopodis COQUILLETT. Plectromyia OSTENSACKEN, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 4, p. 282, 1869. 1 species. Type, Plectromyiu modesta OSTENSACKEN. Plecfropus H.%LIDAY, Zool. Journ., vol. 5, p. 353, 1831. 3 species. Type, ,liusca pullipes FABRICIUS,the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 134 (as pu&dus MEIGEN). Not Plectropus KIRBY, 1826. Equals Syntormon LoEm, 1857. Plesiustina WINNERTZ, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 13, p. 55, 1852. 1 species (as 2). Type, Nycetobia annul&a MEIGEN. Equals Symmerus WALKER, 1848. Plesiomma MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 54; 1838. 2 species. Type, Plesiomma testacea MACQUART,the first species, by designation of BACK, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 35, p. 306, 1909. Plethochaeta COQUILLETT,Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 23, p. 613, 1901. 1 species. Type, Plethocketa varicolor COQUILLFIT. Plettusa PHILIPPI, Verb. ZooI-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 15, p. 597, 1865. 4 species. Type, Plettusa wirescensPHILIPPI, the first species, by present designation. Equals Geranomyia HALIDAY, 1833. Plinthina WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 10, 1850. 1 species. Type, Pangonius macroporum MACQLIART. Equals Pangonius LATREILLE, 1802. Pleas LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 299, 1805. 1 species. Type, Bombylius virescens FABRICIIJS(as hi&corks, new species). Equals Conophorus MEW- GEN, 1803. 20. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AMERICAW DIPTER_4-COQUILLETT. 593

pneumaculex DYAR, Proc: Ent. SOC. Washington, vol. 7, p. 45, 1905. 1 species. Type, Cdex tipif cOQUILL~- Pocota ST. FARGEAUand SERvILL& Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p_ 518, 1828. 1 species. Type, Nusca apiformis SCHRANK(as Mile.& apicata MEIGEN). Syn., D~SZJ- myh EC+ER, 1858; Hadromyiu WILLISTON; 1882.~ P&anthrax OSTENSACKEN, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 119, 1886. 7 spe- cies. Type, Anthrax alcyon SAY, the first species, by present designation. Equals Villa LIOY, 1864. PEcilopathus JXNXICKE, Neue Exot. Dipt., p. 4% 1867. 1 species. Type, P&lo- gnathttsthlipsomyzoides J;ENNICKE. Equals Phthiria MEIGEN, 1803. PogonomyiaRo~~a~~, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 2, p. 336, 1870. 1 species. Type, pogonomyia alpicola RONDANI. Pogonosoma RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 160, 1856. 1 species. Type, &ilus maroccanusFABRICIUS. Polidea MACQTJART,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1848, p. 92, 1848. 2 species. Type, Ta&inrc mea MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Lydina DESVOIDF,1830. P&enoma RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p- 107, 1856. No species. In Atti SOC.Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. 11, 1868, p. 36, he placed it as a synonym of Sapromyza FALLEN, 1810. Type, &apromyza obsoletaFALLEN. Equals Sapromyza FALLEN, 1810. Polionota WuLP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., vol. 2, p. 409,1899. 2 species. Type, Acrotoza mucida GIGLIO-TOS,the first species, by original designation. Poliophrys TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. COB., vol. 51, p. 90, 1908. 1 species (as 2). Type, Gaediopsis mexicana BRAUER and BERGEN~TAMM. Equals. Gaediopsis BRATJER and BERGENSTAMM,1891. PoZistomyiuTOWNSEND, Smiths. Misc. COB., vol. 51, p. 132, 1908. 1 species (as 6). Type, Thereea plumipes FABRICIUS. Equals Tfichiopoda LATREILLE, 1829. Pollenia DES~OIDY, Essai Myod., p. 412, 1830. 5 species (as 16). Type, bfmca r&is FABRICIUS,the fourth species, by orignal designation. Syn., Nitpllia DESVOIDY, 1830; CephysaDESVOIDY, 1863 ; 0rizia DESVOIDY,1863. Polyangaeus DOANE,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 8, p. 196, 1900. 1 species. Type, Polyangzus maculatus DOANE. Polydonta MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 4, p. 144, 1850. 1 species. Type, Nkrodon curzipesWIEDEMANN (as bieolor, new species). Not Polydonta FISCHER,1807. Equals Polydontomyia WILLI~~ON, 1896. Polydontomyia WILLI~~ON, Man. N. Amer. Dipt., p. 89, 1896. Change of name for Polydontu MACQUART,1850, not of FISCHER,1807. Type, bferodon curvipesWIEDEbfANN. Syn., Polydonta MACQUART, 1850, preoccupied ; %mih.tu WILLKTON, 1885, preoc- cupied. Polydromya BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1857, p. 557, 1857. No species. The characters assigned this genus were evidently taken from Meigens’ imperfect figure of Tuchydromiaprztxatoria FALLEN (Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, pl. 23, fig. 13). Type, Tachydromia przcatoria FALLEN. Equals Chellfera MACQUART,1823. Polygaster WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 139, 1890. 1 species. Type, Polygasteregregia WuLP. Polylepta WINNERTZ, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 745, 1863. 2 species. Type, Polylepta u?zdulataWINNERTZ, the first species, by designation of JOHANNSEN, Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 43. Polymeda MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouch., p. 14,180O. * No species. Erioptera MEIGEN, 1803, isa change of name. Type, Erioptera lutea MEIGEN. Syn., Erioptera MEIGEN,

a Podoctria MEIGEN, Syst.Beschr. Zweifl. Ins.. vol. 2, p. 279,X20. 5 species. Type,Dasypogon vitri- pennis MEIGEN,the first species,by present designation. Syn., hpogon LOEW, 1847. Europear+. Proc.N.M.voL37-l-38 594 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL XUXEUY. VOL. 31.

1803; Polygraphia MEIGEN, 1818; Octavia BIGOT, 1854; Chemalida ROND_AXI, 1856; Limnoea RONDANI, 1856 ; Limnoica ROND.~NI,1861. Polymedon OSTEN SACKEN, Bull. 3, U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 317, 1877. 1 species. Type, Polymedon~abell(fer OSTENSACKEN. Polyrnera WIEDEMANN, Dipt. Exot., p_ 40, 1821. 1 species. Type, Chironomus hirticornis FABRI~~IJS. PolymorphomyiaS~ow, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 2, p. 165, 1894. 1 species. Type, Polymorphomyia basilica Sson;. Polyraphia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 111, 1818. 1 species. Type, Erio@era. tsnionotrzM~~~~~. Equals Polymeda MEIGEX, 1800. Pomacera MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 2, p_ 47, 1847. 1 species. Type, Poma- cera bigoti Mac~u.4~~. Equals Apiocera WESTFTOOD,1835. Popelia BEZZI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 26, p. 256, 1894. 1 species. Type, Echinomyia pope&i PORTSCHINSKY. Equals Peletcria DESVOIDT, 1830. Porphyrops MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 4, p. 45, 1824. 29 species. Type, Jfusca diaphana FABRICIUS,the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 134. Syn., drgyra MACQUART,1834; Lasiargyra MIK, 1878. (Porphyrops of authors equals Perithinus HALIDAY.) Porricondyla RONDANI, Mem. 2a. Serv. Ditt. Ital., p. 14, lS40.” No species. In his Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 199, 1 species. Type, Cecidomyia atbitarsis MEIGEN. Porsenus DARLINGTON,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 34, p. 69, 1908. 1 species. Type, Porsenw johnsoni DARLINGTON. Prionella DES~OIDY,Essai Myod., p. 759,183O. 2 species. Type, PrioneUa beau- eotiii DESVOIDY,the first species, by present designation. Prionimera RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 10, 1861. Change of name for Epidesmia RONDANI, 1856, not of WESTWFFOOD,1841. Type, Tephritis cognatus WIEDE- MANN. Equals Acidia DESVOIDT,1830. Prionocera LOEW, Ent. !&it. St&tin, vol. 5, p. 170, 1844. 1 species. Type, P&- noCerapubescens LOEW. Syn., Stygeropis LoE~, 1863. Prionolabis OFTEN SACKEN,Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 239, 1860. 1 species. Type, Limnophita rufibasis OSTENSACKEN. Equals Phylidorea BIGOT, 1854. Prionomyia STEPHENS,Syst. Cat. Brit. Ins., vol. 2, p. 237, 1829. 6 species. Type, Ceratopogon femoratus MEIGEN, the first species, by designation of WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 126. Equals Serromyia MEIGEN, 1818. Priophora DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 611, 1863. 1 species. Type, Conops irritans LINNXUS (as Hsmatobia serrata DESVOIDS). Equals Hzmatobia ST. FARGEAUand SERVILLE,1828. Probe&u KIEFFER, Gen. Ins., Dipt., Chir., p_ 57, 1906. Described as a subgenus of Bezzia, under which genus 44 species were listed without any reference as to which subgenus each belonged. The forty-third species, agreeing with thecharacters of this subgenus, may be taken as the type. Type, Cmalopogon cenustu MEIGEPF. Equals Bezzia KIEFFER, 1899. Probol=us WILLISTON, Trans. Ent. Sot. Land. for 1896, p_ 261, lS96. 1 species. Type, Probolseus singularis WILLISTON. Proboscimyia BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1883, p. 30, 1883. 1 species. Type, Proboscimyia siphoninn BIGOT. Syn., Dolichoglossa STEIN, 1898. Prochyliza WALKER, List Dipt. Brit. Mus., vol. 4, p. 1015, 1549. 1 species. Type, Prochyliza xanthostoma WALKEP, Procladius SKUSE, Proc. Linn. Sot. N. S. Wales,’ ser. 2, vol. 4, p. 283, 1889. 2 species. Type, Procladius paludicola SKUSE,the first species, by present designa- tion. Procrita Hendel, Gen, Ins., Dipt., Laux., p. 59, 1908. 1 species. Type, Procritu pectinata MwwL, NO. 171% TYPE-SPECIES OF AMERICA?? DIPTERS-COQUILLETT. 595

Proctacanthus MACQUART, Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 120, 1838. 9 species. Type,Pro&acanthus phiZade1phicu.sMhCQu.4RT, the seventh species,by present designa- tion. Prodiplosis FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 403, 1908. 1 species. Type, C&i- domyia jkicola FELT. Promachus Lo~w, Linn. Ent., vol. 3, p, 390, 1848. 5 species. Type, AS&S maculatusFABRICIUS, the second species, by present designation. Equals Bactria MEIGEN, 1820. Prorates MELANDER, Ent. News, vol. 17, p. 372, 1906. 1 species. Type, Prorates cZaripennis MELAXDER. Prorhynchops BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien,vol. 58, p. 364, 1891. 1 species. Type, Prorhynehops bilimeki BRAVERand BERGENSTAJIM. Prosalpia POKORNY, Wien. Ent. &it., vol. 12, p. 54, 1893. 3 species. Type, Anthomyza bilbergi ZEITEI~STEDT(as styriaca, new species), the first species,by designa- tion of COQUILLEIT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. SAC., VO!. 9,1901, p. 140. Prosena St. FARGEAUand SERVILLE, Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 500, 1828. 1 species. Type, Stomoxys siberitu FABRICIUS. Equals Calirrhoe MEIGEN, 1800. Prosphesysa WVLP, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 116,189O. 18 species. Type, Prospherysa zemulans WTJLP,the first species, by present designation. Pro&n&s JOHANNSEN,Ent. News, vol. 18, p. 400, 1907. 1 species. Type, Tipula cincta FABRICIUS(as punctipennis MEIGEN). Equals Pelopia MEIGEN, 1800. Prothecus RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 139, 1856. 1 species. Type, Pipunculus furcatus EGGER(as Clephalops aucta FALLEN). Equals Dorilas MEIGEN, 1809. Protocalliphora HOUGH, Ent. News, vol. 10, p. 66, 1899. 1 species. Type, Xusca azurea FALLEN. Syn., Avihospita HENDEL, 1901. Protoculex FELT, Mosq. Culic. N. Y. State, p. 391d, 1904. 1 species. Type, Culex’ stratus THEOBALD. Equals Ochlerotatus ARRIBALZAGA,1891. Protomacleaya THEOBALD,Monogr. Culic., vol.4, p. 253,1907. 1 species. Type, C&x triseriatus SAY. Equals Ochlerotatus ARRIBALZAGA,1891. Protophormia TOPTNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coil., vol. 51, p. 123,1908. 1 species. Type, Phormia terrapnovz DESVOIDY. Equals Phormia DESVOIDY,1830. Protoplasa OSTEN SACKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p. 251, 1860. 1 species. Type, Protoplasafitchii OS~ENSACKEN. Syn., ldioplasta OSTENSACKEN, 1878. Psairoptera WAHLBERG,Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. for 1838, p. 18, 1839. 4 species. Type, Homalocephala albitarsis ZE~TER~TEDT(as bizlmbrata, new species), the second species, by designation of ZETTERSTEDT, Dipt. &and., vol. 6, 1847, p. 2264. Equals Homalocephala ZEIT~TEDT, 1838. Psalida RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 76, 1856. 1 species (in error). In vol. 4, 1861, pp. 91, 92, 2 species (a3 3). Type, Ocyptera simplex FALLEN, the last species, by designation of BRAUER, Verh. ZooI.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 43, 1893, p. 495. Equals Leucostoma MEIGEN, 1803 Psectrocladius KIEFFER, Mem. Sot. Sci. Bruxelles, vol. 30, p. 356, 1906. 1 species. Type, Orthocladius psilopterus KIEFFER. Equals Orthocladius WULP, 1874. Pselaphephila BECKER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 39, p. 122, 1894. 1 species. Type, Pselaphephila Zo?wi BECKER. Pseudacteon COQUILLE-IT,Can. Ent., vol. 39, p. 208, 1907. 1 species. Type, Pseudacteon crawfordii COQUILLETT. Pseudapinops COQUILLJZTT,Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 25, p_ 108, 1902. 1 species. Type, Pseudapinops nigra COQUILLETT. PseudatractoceraTowNsENn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 107,1892. lspecies. Type, Pseudatractocera neomexicana TOWNSEND. 596 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUX. VOL.37.

Pseudatrichia OFTEN SACKEN,Bull. 3, U. S. Geol. Sure., p. 2i6, 1877. Change of name for Blrichia LOEW, 1866, not of SCHRANK,1803. Type, At&&u ZongurioLOEW. Syn., dtrichiuLOER-, preoccupied. Pseudiastata COQTJILL~T,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 9, p_ 148, 1908. 1 epe- ties. Type, Pseudiastatunebulosa COQUILL~. Pseudo&&a COQUILLEIT, Proc. Acad. Eat. Sci. Phila. for 1895, p. 309, 1895. 1 species. Type, Pseudochzta argentifrons COQUILL~. Syn., Trepophrys TOWNSEND, 1908. Pseudoculex DYAR, Proc. Ent. Soe. Washington, vol. 7, p_ 45, 1905. 1 species. Type, CUZ+Zaurifer COQUILLETT. Equals Ochlerotatus ARRIBAIZAGA,1891. Pseudodexia BRAUER and BEIXGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, rol. 58, p. 372, 1891. 1 species. Type, Dexia equesW IEDEMANN. Pseudodinia COQUILL~TT,Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 10, p. 187, 1902. 1 Qecies. Type, Pseudod,iniavaripes COQUILL~. Pseudogemaria BRAUER and BERGENSTAYM,Denkschr. Kais. Acad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 352,189l. 1 species. Type, Pseudogermati georgiz BRAUERand BERGEN- ~TAMM. Equals Distichona WULP, 1890. Pseudogonia BR~UER and BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 100,1889. 1 species. Type, Go& cinerascensRONDANI. Equals Spallanzania DESVOIDT,1830. PseudohowardinaTHEOBALD, Monogr. Culic., vol. 4, p_ 223, 1907. 1 species. Type, C&x triuittata COQUILLETT. Equals Ochlerotatus ARRIBALZAGA,1891. Pseudohystricia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 132,1889. 1 species. Type, Hystricia ambigua MACQUART. Equals Jurinella BR.AUERand BERGENSTAMM,1889. Pseudolfersia COQUILLETT,Can. Ent., vol. 31, p. 336, 1899. 1 species. Type, Pse-udolfersiamaculaka COQUILLETT. Pse-udolimnophoraSTROBL, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Gee. Wien, vol. 43, p. 272, 1893. 6 species. Type, dlusca triungula FALLEN, the first species, by designation of COQUIL- LETT, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 140. Equals Limnophora DESVOIDY, 1830. Pseudomorinia WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 259, 1891. 1 species. Type, Pseudomorinia pictipennis WULP. Pse-udomyothyriaTownsEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 131,1892. 1 species. Type, Pseudomyothy?iaindecisa TOWNSEND. Equals Tachinophyto TOWNSEND,1892. Pseudoperikhz.taBRAUER and BERGENSTAMY,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 92, 1889. 1 species. Type, Anoxycampta hirta BIGOT (as major, new species): Equals Phryxe DESVOIDP,1830. PseudophoroceraBRAUER and BERGENSTAMJI,Denkschr. I(ais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 92, 1889. 1 species. Type, Pseudoplwrocerasetigera BRAUER and BERGEN- STAYM. Equals Phryxe DESVOIDY,1830. Pseudqyrellia GIRSCHNER,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 38, p. 306, 1893. 1 species. Type, &ZXCZcornicizu~ Fa~~xcrus. Equals Orthellia DESVOIDY,1863. Pseudorus WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 103,185l. 1 species. Type, Pseudorus piceus WALKER. Pseudotephritis JOHNSON,Ent. News, vol. 13, p. 144, 1902. Change of name for Stictocephala IKMV, 1873, not of STAL, 1869. Type, &?a-& uau SAY. Syn., Sticto- cephala LOEW, 1873, preoccupied. Psila MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 278, 1803. No species. In his Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 5, 1826, pp. 356 to 360, 12 species. Type, Muscafimetaria LINNEUS, the first species, by designation of WEST~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 146. Syn., Pelethophila HAGENBACH,1822; Psilomyia LATBEILLE, 1829; Obliciu DESVOIDY, 1830. I


Psilocephala ZEITEBSTEDT, Ins. Lapp., p- 525, 1838. 3 species. Type, B$& +&&is F-ALLEN, the second species, by present designation. Psilocurus Lowv, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr , vol. 18, p. 373, 1874. 1 species. Type, p~o~rua nudiuX%f~ LoEW. Syn., OrthoneuromyiaWILLISTON, 1893. p,&nneto$ LIOY, Patti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 990, 1864. 1 species_ Type, .PChortophiZaczsia MUQUART. Equals PegomyaDESVOIDY, 1830. P~orn+_z LATREILLE, in Cuviers’ Regne Anim., new ed., vol. 5, p_ 525, 1829. mange of name for Psila MEIGEN, 1803, on account of an alleged similar name in the Hemiptera. Type, &.scafimeturia LINN~EUS. Equals Psila METGEN,1893. Psilopa FALLEN, Hydrom. Svecize,p. 6, 1823. 4 species. Type, Xotiphila nitiduh FALLEN, the last species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 132. Syn., Wygrella HALIDAY, 1839; Ephygrobia SCHINER,1862; Diasemocera&sZI, 1895. Psilopodinua BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. Frarice for 1888, p. 24, 1888. 1 species. Type, Dolichopus plakypterus F.%BRICIUS. Equals Sciapus ZELLEB, 1842. (Psi:M’lopo&nusof authors equals HegisiostylusBIGOT. ) P&podius RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 11, 1861. Change of name for Psilopus MEIGEN, 1824, not of POLI, 1795. Type, Dolichopus platypterus F.U+ZRICIUS_ Equals Sciapus ZELLER, 1842. Psiloptera LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 906, 1864. 1 species. Type, &L.YCUi&tans FALLEN. Equals Hydrotaea DESVOIDY,1830. P.silopz~sMEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 4, p. 35, 1824. 7 species. Type, Dolichopus platypterus FABRICIUS,the second species, by designation of WESTWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 134. Not Psilopus POLI, 1795. Equals Sciapus ZELLER, 1842. Psilosoma LIOT, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1118, 1864. 1 species. Type, Anthomyza gracilis F-~LLEN. Equals Anthomyza FALLEN, 1810. Psilota MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 256, 1822. 1 species. Type, Psilota anthracina MEIGEN. Psilotanypus KIEFFER, Mem. Sot. Sci. Bruxelles, vol. 30, p. 318,1906. No species. In Gen. Ins., Dipt., Chir., 1906, p. 38, 7 species. Type, Tanypw bellus Lo~w, the first species, by present designation. Psorophora DESVOIDT,Mem. Sot. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 3, p. 412, 1827. 2 species. T \ pe, Qulex ciliate FABRICIUS,the first species, by designation of THEoB.~LD,Monogr. Culicidm, vol. 1, 1901, p. 263. Psychoda LATREILLE, Precis, p_ 152, 1796. No species. In his Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, 1802, p. 424, 1 species. Type, Tipula phakenoidesLINNXUS. Syn., Phalsnula MEIGEN, 1800; Trichoptera MEIGEN, 1803; Tinearia SCHELLENBERG,1803. Ptecticus Lo~w, Verh. ZooI.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 5, p. 142, 1855. 5 species. Type, ,S~T_~S testaceusFABRICIUS, the last species, by original designation. Pterallastes LoE~, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 317, 1863. 2 species. Type, PteraZZastesthorucicus Lo~w\.,the first species, by designation of OFTEN SACKEN,Cat. Dipt. N. Amer., 1878, p. 250. Pterellipsis COQUILLFPT,Can. Ent., vol. 31, p. 333,1899. 1 species. Type, Pterel- Zip& aranek CoQmLmrrr. Pterocalla RONDANI, Ins. Ditt. Brasil, p. 83,1848. 1 species. Type, Dictya ocellata FABRICIUS. Pterocera MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 275, 1803. 4 species. Type, Nmca pel- lucensLINW~~US, the second species, by present designation. Equals Volucella GEOFFROY,1762. PterocosmusWALKER, List. Dipt. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 78,1848. 2 species. Type, Pterocosmus hilpa WALKER, the second species, by present designation- Equals Caloptera GUEF~N,1829. 598 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIOYAL ,WTSEVM. VOL.37.

Pterodontia GRAS, in Griffiths’ Anim. Kingd., vol. 15, Ins., pt. 2, p. 7f9, 1832. 1 species. Type, Pterodontia javipes GRAY. Pteroptila LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 9, p. 165, 1865. 2 species. Type, Pteroptila decoraLOEW, the first species,by present designation. Equals Meromacrus ROSDASI, 1848. PterospilusRONDASI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 152,1856. 1 species. Type, Asi& muscatiusFABRICIUS. Equals Acromyia LATREILLE, lSO9. Ptilodegeeria BRAZERand BERGE~STAUM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 55, p. 375, 1891. 1 species. Type, Hypostena obumbrata WVLP. Ptilodexia BRACER and BERGENSTAMX,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p_ 119, 1889. 1 species. Type, Estheria tibia&a DE~VOIDY (as carolinensis, new species). Equals Phorostoma DESVOIDY,1830. Ptilomyia COQUILLETT,Proc. U. a. Nat. Mus., vol. 22, p. 261, 1900. 1 species. Type, Ptilomyia enigma COQUILL~. Ptilopareia BRAUERand BERGENSTAXM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 101, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachinu marginalu MEIGEN. Equals Voria DESVOIDY, 1830. Ptilotachina BRAUERand BERGENSTAXM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 350, 1891. 1 species. Type, Zczchi~~a’ civilis ROXDANI. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Ptiolina ZETTERSTEDT,Dipt. Stand., vol. 1, p_ 226, 1842. 2 species. Type, Leptis obscura FALLEN, the first species, by designation of FRAUENFELD,Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 5, 1855, p. 497. Syn., EurytiorL J~WXICKE,’ 1867. Ptychoproctus BIGOT, Rev. Mag. 2001. for 1859, p. 4, lS59. 1 species. Type, Ptychoproctuscomplexus BIGOT. Equals Stylogaster M_xQu.~~RT,1835. Ptychoptera MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 262, 1803. 2 species. Type, Tipula contaminata LI~NXUS, the first species, by designation of L.~TREILLE,Consider. Gen- eral., 1810, p. 442. Equals Liriope MEIGEN, 1800. Pulicipho;a.D_4nL, Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 20, p. 409, 1897. 1 species. Type, Pulici- phora ?ucifera DAHL. Syn., StethopathusW.4NDOLLECK, lS9S; Pachyneurella BRUEY, 1903. Pullata HARRIY, Exp. Engl. Ins., p_ 76, 1776. 6 species. Type, Tipula pomona: F~BRICI~S (as fun&us, new species), the second species, by present designation. Equals Bibio GEOFFROY,1762. Purpurvlla DESVOIDT, Dipt. Env. Paris, Mvop., p. 37, 1853.* 1 species. Type, PurpGrella nobilis DESVOIDY. Equals Stomoxoides SCHAFER, 1766. Pycnoglossa COQIJILL~~~,Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 23, p. 613, 1901. 1 species. Type, Pycnoglossajlavipennis COQUILLETT. Pycnopogon Lo~w, Linn. Ent., vol. 2, p. 526, 1847. 4 species. Type, Dasypogon nzixtusLoE\\~, the third species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p_ 157. PycnosomaBRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 61, p. 623, 1894. 1 species. Type, Chrysomya regalis DE~VOIDY (as marginalis WIEDE- HAXN). Equals Chrysomya DESOOIDY.lS30. Pygostoks Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 10, p. 16, 1866. 3 species. Type, Dasypogonpolitus SAY (as argentifer, new species). Not PygostolusHALIDAY, 1833. Equals Nicocles J.BENNICKE,1867. Pyrellia DESI’ OIDT,’ Essai Myod., p_ 462, 1830. 3 species (as 9). Type, Xusca cadaverznaLIXN.~U~, the second to fourth supposed species,by designation of Z~YE~- STEDT,Dipt. Stand., vol. 4, 1845, p. 1320. Pyrgota WIEDEXANN, Auss. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 550, 1530. 1 species. Type, Pyrgota undata WIEDEXANX. Syn., Oxycephala ~%.wQu_~RT, 1843. Pyritis HUSTER, Can. Ent., vol. 29, p. 131, 1897. 1 species. Type, pyritti motii- gena HUNTER. KO, 1719. ~yp~-s~~cms OFdll%RICdN BIPTERA-C~@~I~~LETT. 599 pyropnSAY, Journ: Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi@., vol. 3, p. 98, 1823. 1 species. Type, pyropafurcata SaY. Equals Scopeuma MEIGEN, 1800. Pyrophama SCHIWER, Wien. Eut. Mou&&r., ~01.4, p. 213,186O. 1 species. Type, syrphus rosarum FAI~RICICS. p~osiu RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. hdr., Vol. 1, p- 73,1856. 1 species. Type, T&im om.e~lFALLEN. Equals Leskia DESVOIDT, 1830. Quudrula PANDELLE, Rev. Ent., vol. 17, p. 51, 1898. 27 species. Type, Antho_ myza annosa ZEITEF~STEDT, the first species, by designation of COQUILL~, Journ. N_ Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 141. Equals Phaouia DESVOIDY,1830. Rabdophaga WE~T~OOD,Gard. Chrou. for 1847, p. 588, 1847. 1 species. Type, Cecidomyia (Rabdophaga) uiminalis WE~T~OOD. Syu., Dic;helom.yiaRUBSAAMES, 1892; Bertieria KIEFFER, 1896. Rachicerus WALKER, List. Dipt. Brit. Mus., vol. 5, p. 103, 1854. 1 species. Type, Rachicerus fulvicollis WALKER. Racodineura RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 31,1861. Change of name for &s&a DESVOIDP,1830, not of H~BXER, 1816. Type, Tachina an&qua MEIGEN. Syn., RcRselia DESVOIDY, 1830, preoccupied. Ragheneura RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. P&r., vol. 1, p: 144, 1856. 1 species. Type, Dolichopus griwipe-nnis STANNXX. Equals Dolichopus LATREILLE, 1796. Rainieria ROWD.INI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna), vol. 10,~. 40, 1843. 1 species. Type, Calobata cake&a FALLEN. Equals Trepidaria MEIGEN, 1800. Ramo-ndu DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 790, 1863. 1 species (as 3). ~~~~ Ramonda fasciata DESVOIDY. Equals Wagneria DESVOIDY,1830. Ruvinia DJ~~VOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 434, 1863. 2 species (as 4). Type, Sarcophaga hxmatodes MEIGEN, the second species, by original designation. Equals Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826. Reaumuria DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 79, 1830. 5 species (as 7). Type, Go& ornata MEIGEN (as ilfiuca copitata DE GEER), the second species, by designation of DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 733. Equals Salmacia MEIGEN, 1800. Redia LIOP, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1313, 1864. 4 species. Type, Agromyza gyrans FALLEN, the first species, by present designat.ion. Equals Agrom yza FALLEN, 1810. Rhabdopselaphus BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1886, p_ 103, 1886. 1 species. Type, Rhatdopselaphus mu-s BIGOT. Rhachoepalpus TOWNSESD,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol 51, p_114,1908. 1 species (as 2) _ Type, Saundersia testacea WULP. Equals Epalpus ROP~DANI,1850. Rhadina KOQ-ARZ,Wien. Ent. Z&t., vol. 12, p. 14-1,1893. 1 species. Type, Chiro- .&a montana POKORNY. Equals Chirosia ROXDANI, 1856. Rhadiurgus Lo~w, Liin. Ent., vol. 4, p. 133, 1849. 1 species. Type, Asilus variu- b&s ZFITERSTEDT. Rhagio FABRICIW, Syst. Ent., p. 761, 1775. 4 species. Type, J&sca scolopacen LINNXJS, the first species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. General., 1810, p. 443. Syn., Leptis FABRICIUS,1805. Rhagoletis LOEW, Monogr. Trypet., p. 44, 1862.* 1 species. Type, Nusca ceravi LINN,=US. Rhamphidia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 281, 1830. 3 species. Type, Limnobia longirostris MEIGEX, the first species, by designation of WEST~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 129. Equals Megarhina ST. F~RGEATJand SERVILLE, 1828. Rhamphinina BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1885, p. 11,1885. 1 species- Type, Rhumphinina dubia BIGOT. Equals Phorostoma DESVOIDY,1830. Rhamphomyia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 42, 1822. 37 species. Type, Empis sulcata MEIGES, the ninth species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1834, p. 517. Equals Dionnza MEIGEN, 1800. 600 PROCEEDISGS OF THE XdTlO3AL’ &iYSEl7Jl. VOL. 37.

Rhaphidolabis OFTENSACKEN, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 4, p. 284,1869. 2 species. Type, Rhaphidolabis tenuipes OSTENSACKEN, the first species, by original designation. Rhaphiocera MACQUART,Hi&. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 253, 1834. 1 species. Type, &rgus armatus WIEDESIASN. Rhaphiomidas OSTENSACKEN, Bull. 3. U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 281, 1877. 1 species. Type, Rhcrphiomidas episcopus OSTENSACKEN. Rhaphiorhynchus WIEDESIANN,Dipt. Exot., p. 59,182l. 1 species. Type, Rhuphio- rhynchus planicentris WIEDEMANN. [Rhaphium MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p_ 272,1803. No species. In his Syst. Beschr. Zweifi. Ins., vol. 4, 1824, pp. 28 to 31, 9 species. Type, Rhaphium macrocerum MEIGER, the third species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1835, p. 568. Syn., xphandrium Lo~w, 1857. Not American.] Rhedia DESVOIDP,Essai Myod., p. 74, 1830. 5 species (as 9). Type, Gonia atra MEIGEN (as &_5na, new species), the third species, by present designation. Equals Salmacia MEIGEN, 1800. Rhicnoessa Lo~w, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 6, p. 174,1862. 1 species. Type, l?hic-nczssacinerea LOEW. Rhingia SCOPOLI,Ent. Cam., p. 358, 1763. 1 species. Type, Rhingia austriuca MEIGEN (as Conopsrostrata LINNZUS). Rhinomya DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 123, 1830. 1 species. Type, Rhinomya gag&a DEST;OIDY. Equals Rhinophora DESVOIDP,1830. Rhinophora DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p_258,183O. 2 species (as 6). Type, Zachina’ gagatina MEIGEN (equaling the supposed species 2 to S), by designation of DESVOIDI-, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2,1863, p_5. Syn., Ki~bp~ DESVOIDT,1830; Rhinomya DESVOIDY, 1830; Cassidamyia MACQUART,1835; Clista MEIGEN, 1838; MicrocheilosIPTER~~-C~~UZLLRTT. 601 nationof SCHINER, Reise -Nirrara, ZOO]., vol. 2, 1868, p. 107. Syn., dndrenomya RQXDANI, 1850. Rhynchogonia BRAUERand BERGENSTAMX,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, p. 125, 1893. 1 species. Type, Rhynchogonia algerica BR~UER and BEBGEXST_~UX. Equals Salmacia MEIGEN, 1800. Rhynchomilichia HESDEL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 22, p_ 250, 1903. 1 species. Type, Lobioptera argyrophenga SCHINER. Rhynchosciara R~JB~AAMEN,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 39, p. 29,1894. 2 species. Type, Rhynchosciara viUosa RUBSAAMEN,the first species, by present designation. Rhynchosia MACQUART,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1848, p. 87, 1848. Change of name for OZitiria MEIGEN, 1838, not of DESVOIDY,1830. Type, Tachina Zongirostris MEIGEN. Equals Aphria DESVOIDY,1830. Rhynchotrichops SCHNABL,Hor. Sot. Ent. Ross., vol. 23, p. 344, 1889. 4 species. Type,Anthomyza acukipes ZEITEIISTEDT,the first species, by designation of COQUILLETT, Journ. N. Y. Ent. SOC.,vol. 9, 1901, p. 141. Rhyphus LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 291, 1805. 1 species. Type, Tip&a fenestralis SCOPOLI(as fenest~arum S~~POLI). Equals Sylvicolae H.UUUS, 1776. Rhysops WILLISTON,Jonrn. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 15, p. 2, 1907. 3 species. Type, dlelanostomarugonwus WILLISTON, the second species, by present designabion. Richardia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 728, 1830. 1 species. Type, Dacus podagrica F~BRICI~S (as saltatoria, new species). Syn., bfwodina MACQUART,1835. Rileya BRAUERand BERGENST-IMY,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, p. 121, 1893. 1 species. Type, Blepharipeza adusta L~EW (as americana, new species). Equals Blepharipeza MAC&FART, 1843. RiZeymyia TOWNSEND,Ent. News, vol. 4, p. 277, 1893. Change of name for RiZeya BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1893, preoccupied. Type, BZepharipeza adusta LOEW. Equals Blepharipeza MACQUART,1843. Rivellia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 729, 1830. 3 species. Type, Musca syngcnesirt: FABRICIUS[as herbamcm,new species), the first species, by designation of RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1,1856, p. 111. Rcederiodes COQUILL~, Bull. 47, N. Y. State Mus., p_585,1901. 1 species. Type, Rcederiodesjuncta COQUILLETT. RceseZiaDxsvorn~, Essai Myod., p. 145,183O. 1 species (as 4). Type, Tachina antiqua MEIGEN. Not Rmelia H~BNEB, 1816. Equals Racodineura RONDANI, 1861. RohreZZaD~SVOIDY, Easai Myod., p_ 489, 1830. 9 species. Type, 2Vicscapallida FABRICIUS(as fragilis, new species), the seventh species, by designation of COQUIL- ~nrr, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 9, 1901, p. 141. Equals Phaonia DESVOIDY,1830. RomaleosyvphusBIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1882, p. 129, 1882. 1 species. Type, RomaleosyrphusviZZosus BIGOT. Equals Crioprora OSTENSACKEN, 1878. Rondania J~ENNICKE,Abb. Sencken. Ges., vol. 6, p. 324,1867. 1 species. Type, Rondania obscuraJXNNICKE. Not Rondania DESVOIDY,1850. Equals Neorondania OSTENSACPEN, 1878. Rondaniella JOHANNSEN,Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., p_ 66, 1909. 9 species. Type, Leia variegata WINSERTZ, the last species, by original designation. Rondanimyia TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 67, 1908. Change of name for Gymnopsis RONDANI, 1859, not of RAFINESQUE,1815. Type, Tachina chalconota MEIGEN. Equals Macquartia DESVOIDT,1830. Ropalocera MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 302, 1820. 1 species. Type, Laphria nigri$ennis MEIGEN. Equals Laphria MEIGEN, 1800. Ropalomera WIEDEMANN,Anal. Ent., p. 17,1824.* 4 species. Type, Didya clavipes FABRICIUS,the first species, by designation of MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, 1843, p. 359. 602 PROCEEDINGS OF THB XATrO;vAL‘ MUXEtriU. VOL. 31.

Rymosia WINNERTZ,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 810,1863. 13 species. Type, Mycetophila fczxiatuMEIGEN, the first species, by designation of JOHANNSEN, Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 102. Rypholophus KoLEN.4~1, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 4, p. 393, 1860. 1 species. Type, Rypholophus phryganopterus KOLESATI. Equals Ormosia RONDANT,1856. Sabethes DESVOIDP,Mem. Sot. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 3, p. ill, 1827. 1 speciea. Type, CuZezcynneus FABRICIU~ (as Zocupks, new species). Sabethoides THEOBALD, Monogr. Culic., vol. 3, p. 328, 1903. 1 species. Type, Sabtthoides confuses THEOBALD. - Sackenomyia FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 361, 1908. 1 species. Type, Oligotrophus aceriflius FELT. Saguris DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 486, lS63. 1 species (as 3). Type, NU.SCUZibutrix PANZER. Equals Zenilla DESVOIDP,lS30. Salk DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 108, 1830. 3 species (as 8). Type, Saliu echinuru DESVOIDY,the third species, by designation of DESSPOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 553. Equals Phorocera DESVOXDY,1830. Salmacia MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 38, lSOO.* ruo’ species. Gonicz MEI- C~EN,1803, is a change of name. Type, Nusca capitia DE GEER. Syn., Goniu MEIGEN, 1803; Rhedia DESVOID\I, 1830; Reaumuria DESFOIDT, 1830; Isomeru Tk+ VOIDY, 1551; Onychogonia BRAUERand BERGENSTAD~IM,1889; Rhynchogonia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1893. Salpingogaster SCHINER,R&e Xwara, Zool., vol. 2, Dipt., p. 344, 1868. 3 species. Type, Salpinyogaste-r pygophoru SCHINER,the first species, by original designation. Sapromyza FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 18, 1810. 1 species. Type, Supromy~u obsoletu FALLEN (as Tephritis jiczcu FABRICICS). Syn., Sylz

ScenopinusLATFLEILLE, Hi& Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, p. 463, 1802. 1 species. Type, &_~cafenestruZisLINNXIX. Equals Omphrale MEIGEN, 1800. Schaumia DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 43,1863. 1 species. Type, T&&a himaculata HARTIG. Equals Sturmia DESVOIDT, 1830. Schizomyia KIEFFER, Ent. Nachr., vol. 15, p. 183, 1889. 1 species.Type, S&i- zomyia galiorum KIEFFER. Schizotachina WILICER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 264, 1852. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tachina convectaWALKER. Schmnomyza HALIDAY, Ent. Mag., vol. 1, p. 166, 1833. 1 species (as 2). Type, Ochtiphila litorella FALLEN. Syn., Litorella R~RDAXI,’ 1856. Sciapus ZELLER,Isis von Oken for 1843, p. 831,1842. Change of name for Pglw MEIGEN,1824, under the erroneous impression that it is preoccupied by Psilopa FALLEN, 1823. Type, Dolichopusplatypterus F~BRICIUS. Syn., Leptopus FALLEN, 1823, preoc- cupied; Psilopus MEIGEN, 1824, preoccupied; Psilopodius RONDANI, 1861; Psilopodinus BIGOT, 1888; GnumptopsibpusALDRICH, 1893. Sciara MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 263, 1803. 1 species. Type, Tipla thoma LINN~~S. Equals Lycoria MEIGEN, 1800. Sciasma C~QUILLETT,Rev. Tach., p. 69, 1897. 1 species. Type, Sciasma ne&uZosa COQUILLEIT.’ Sciodromia HALIDAY, in Westwoods’ Intr., vol. 2, Synops., p_ 132, 1840. 1 species. Type, Heleodromia immaculata HALIDAY. Equals Heleodromia HALIDAY, 1833. Sciomyza FALLEN, Sciomyzides Sveciae, p. 11, 1820. 12 species. Type, &iomyza simplex FALLEN, the first species, by designation of WESJYOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 145. Syn., Bischojia HENDEL, 1902. (Sciomyza of authors equals Chetocera’ DESVOIDY.) Scione WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 10, 1850. 1 species. Type, Pangonius in- completusMXQUART. Syn., Diclisa SCHINER, 1867. Sciophila MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 245, 1818. 13 species. Type, SciophiZa hirta MEIGEN, the twelfth species, by designation of CURT&, Brit. Ent., 1837, p. 641. Syn., &LsiosomaWINNERTz,1863. (Sciophila of authorsequals JIycomya RONDANI.) Sckropogon Lo~w, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 10, p. 26, 1866. 1 species. Type, Scleropogonpicticornis LoEw. Equals Stenopogon LOEW, 1847. Scoliocentra LOEW, Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 13, p. 43, 1862. 1 species. Type, Heleomysa villosa MELGEN. Scoliopelta WILLISTON, Ent. Amer., vol. 1, p. 154, 1885. 1 species. Type, Scolio- pelta luteipesWILLxsroLu. Scopeuma MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p- 36, 1800.* No species. Scathophaga MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, J&sca merdaria FABRICIUS. Syn., Scatho- phaga MEIGEN, 1803; Scatomyza FALLEN, 1810; Pyropa SAY, 1823; Amina DESVOIDY, 1830; Scatina DESVOIDY,1830. Scopolia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 268, 1830. 3 species (as 5). Type, Nusca carbonaria PANZER,the second species, by designation of ZJ+XTERSTEDT,Dipt. Stand., vol. 3, 1844, p_ 1239. Equals Wagneria DESVOIDY, 1830. Scotia DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 255, 1863. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tachina grandis ZFITERSTEDT. Equals Thrycolyga RONDANI, 1856. Scotiptera MACQU.~RT,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 215, 1835. 2 species. Type, Sophia punctuta DESVOIDY,the second species, by designation of MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 3, 1843, p_ 240 (as Dexia mek&?ucaWIEDEM-%NN). Scutops COQUILLFIT, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 6, p. 97,1904. 1 species. Type, Scutops.fascipennis COQUILL~. Scyphella DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 650, 1830. 2 species. Type, Musca $at:a LIHNJXJS (as$avicurnis, new species), the first species, by designation of BEZZI, Atti SOC.Ital. Sci., vol. 43, 1904, p. 178. Equals Chyromya DESVOIDY,1830. NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AXERICAW DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 605

Seilopogon COSTA, Aim. Sci. Napoli, vol. 1, p. 74, 1854.” 1 species. Type, ~~~~~ diadema FABRICKLJS(as sicanus, new species). Equals Dasypogon MEIGEN, 1803. &@&era KIRBY, An Intr. Ent., vol. 2, p. 305, 1817. 1 $pecies. Type, dfusca ebrans LINSXIJS. Equals Ortalis FALLEN, 1810. Semiomyiu BREMI, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1848, pp. 102, 103, 1848. 1 species (as 3). Type, Crameria cestroidea DESVOIDY. Equals Trixa MEIGEN, 1824. Senogaster MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 519, 1834. 1 species. Type, Senogasta ccaulescens MACQUART. Syn., Acrochordonodes BIGOT, 18i8. Senopterina IMACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 453, 1835. 1 species. Type, Dactls brevipes FABRICIUS. Senotainia MACQUART, Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 1, p. 167, 1846. 1 species. Type, Senotainia rubriventris MACQUART. Syn., Arrenopus BFMJER and BERGENSTAMM,1891. Sepedon LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 385, 1805. 1 species. Type, Syrphus sphegeus FABRICIUS. Sepsis FALLEN, Spec. Ent. Meth. Exh., p. 17, 1810. 2 species. Type, Ivusca cynipsea LINNIEUS, the second species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1829, p. 245. Syn., Acrometopia LIOY, 1864; Beggiutia LIOY, 1864. Sepsisoma JOHNSON,Ent. News, vol. 11, p. 327,190O. 1 species. Type, &~ps~~a jZavescens JOHNSON. Sericomyia MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 274, 1803. 2 species. Type, &sca lap- pona LINNEUS, the second species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. G&&al., 1810, p. 443. Equals Cinxia MEIGES, 1800. Serromyia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 83, 1818. 1 species. Type, Ceratopogon femoratus MEIGEX. Syn., Priorwmyia STEPHENS,1829; Ceralolophus KIEFFER, 1899; Johannseniella WILLISLY)N.1907. Servaisiu DEWOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 429, 1863. 1 species (as 5). Type, Sarcophaga erythrura MEIGEN. Equals Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826. Sfzrogaster LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 889, 1864. 1 species. Type, Sarcophaga Zaticornis MEIGEN. Equals Sarcophaga MEIGEN, 1826. Siagona MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, pl. 6.5, figs. 5, 6, and 7, 1830. 1 species. Type, Glochina sericata MEIGEN. Feuals Furcomyia MEIGEN, 1818. Sicus SCOPOLI,Ent. Carn., p. 369, 1763. 2 species. Type, Conops .ferruginea LIN- NXUS, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Cylindrogaster LIOY, 1864. Sicus LATREILLE, Precis, p. 158, 1796. No species. In his Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, 1805, p. 312, 1 species. Type, Musca arrogans LINNZUS (as cimicoides FABRICIUS). Not Sicu.sSCOPOLI, 1763. Equals Coryneta MEIGEN, 1800. SigaloBssa Loom, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 9, p. 186,1865. 1 species. Type, XgaloZssa bicolor LoEw. Sigmatomera OSTEN SACEEN,Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 4, p. 137, 1869. No species. In 1873, 1 species. Type, SigmatomerafIavipennis OSTENSACKEN. S&go ALDRICH, Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 34, p. 98, 1908. 2 species. Type, S&go oregona ALDRICH, the first species, by original designation. Equals Zagonia COQUILLETI, 1904. Silvius MEIGEN, LSyst.Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 27, 1820. 1 species. Type, Tabanus vituli FABRICIUS. ‘ Simondella LAVER~N, Compt. Rend. Sot. Biol. for 1902, p. 1160, 1902. 1 species. Type, Simondella cwvirostris LAVERAN. Equals Limatus THEOBALD,1901. Simulium LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, p, 426, 1802. 1 species. Type, Rhczgio coZombaschensi.sFABRICIUS. Equals Molusina MEIGEN, 1800. Sinophthalmus COQUILLETI, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 6, p. 190, 1904. 1 species. Type, Sinophthalmw pictus COQUILLETT. Siphodytia TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 116, 1892. 1 species. Type, Siphoclytia robertmnii TOWNSEND. Equals Epigrimyia TOWNSEND,1891. 606 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. 37.

Siphomyia WILLISTON, Trans. Ent. Sot. Lond. for 1896, p. 41d, 1896. 2 species. Type, Hippelates proboscideus WILLISTON, the first species, by present designation. Siphona MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 251,1803. 1 species. Type, .3!fuscugenicu_ &a DE GEER (as Stomoxys irritans F-~BRICIUS,an error for minuta F~BRICIUS). Equals Crocuta MEIGES, 1800. Siphonella MUQUART, Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p- 584, 1835. 4 species. Type, Oscinis oscinina FALLEN, the first species, by original designation. Equals Madiza FALLEN, 1SlO. Siplxmiomyia BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for lSS5, p. 12,1885. 1 species. Type, Trichophora analis SCHINEB(as melas, new species). Equals Trichophora MACQIJART, 1847. Siphophyto TOWNSESD,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 127, 1892. 1 species. Type, Siphophyto$oridensis To~~s~D. Equals Epigrimyia TOFYSSEND,1891. Siphoplagia TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 18, p. 349, 1891. 1 species. Type, Siphoplagia anomala TOWNSEND. Siphosturmia COQUILLETT,Rev. Tach., p_ 37, 1897. 1 species. Type, drgyro- phylax rostrata COQUILLETT. Siphunculina RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 128, 1856. 1 species. Type, Siphunculina brevinervis ROND~NI. Equals Madiza FALLES, 1810. Siqropa BR~UERand BERGE~STAM~,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 163, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachina thermophtia WIEDEUNN. Equals Carcelia DESTOIDP, 1830. Sitarea DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 763, 1830. 2 species. Type, Sitarea scorzoneraz DESVOIL)Y,the first species, by present designation. Fquals Terellia DESVOIDY,lc30. Snowiellus HINE, Ohio Nat., vol. 5, p. 230, 1904. 1 species. Type, STatieZZus atratw, HINE. Solieria DESVOIDY,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1848, p. 461,184s. 5 species (as 21). Type, Tachina inunis FALLEN (equaling 9 of the supposed species), by present desig- nation. Equals Leskia DESVOIDT, 1530. Solva WALKER, Journ. Proc. Linn. Sot., Zool., vol. 4, p. 98,186O. 1 species. Type, Solva inamozna WALKER. Syn., Subulu MEIGEN, 1820, preoccupied; Xylomya RON- DANI, 1861; ~acroceromys BIGOT, 1877. Somoltja RONDANI, Atti Sot. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. 8, p. 207,’ 1565. 1 species. Type, Tachina znea MEIGEN (as Harrisia rebaptizafa RONDANI). Equals Lydina DESVOIDY, 1830. Somomya RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 9, 1861. Change of name for dfya ROND~NI, 1850, not of LINNZ:GS, 1758. Type, Muxu segmenhria FABRICUJS. Equals Lucilia DESVOIDY,1830. Somula MACQUART,Dipt. Esot., Suppl. 2, p. 57, 1847. ’ 1 species. Type, Somula decoraMACQUART. Equals Penthesilia MEIGEN, 1800. Spallanzania DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 78,183O. 2 species. Type, Tachina hebes FALLEN (as gallica, new species), the second species, by present designation. Syn., Pissemya DESVOIDY,1851; Cnephalia RONDANI,1856; Pseudogonia BRAUERand BERGEN- ST_~MM,1889; dcrogtossaWILLISTON, 1889. [Spania MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 335, 1830. 1 species. Type, Spania nigra MEIGEN. Not American.] Spanipalpis TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. COB., vol. 51, p. 110,190S. 1 species. Type, Trichophora miscella COQUILL~~T. Spamopolius Lo~w, Neue Beitr., vol. 3, p. 43, 1855. 4 species. Type, Bombylius breGrostti Mac~uaRT (as fulvus WIEDEMANN, preoccupied), the first species, by pres- ent designation. Spathichira BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1888, p. 24, 1888. 1 species. Type, Dolichopus fund&r LOEW. Equals Dolichopus LATBEILLE, 1796. so. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AXERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 607

Spathulina RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 113, 1856. 1 species. Type, Sthulina’ sicula RONDANI. Syn., Campiglossa RONDANI, 1870. Spaziphora RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1. p. 99, 1856. 1 species. Type, Cordilura hydromyzina FALLEX. Sphazrina WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 265, 1890. 1 species. Type, Sphskna nitidula WULP. &“herocera LATREILLE, Hi&. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p- 394, 1865. 1 species. Type, Jfwca .mbsultam FABRICXUS(as curvipes, new species). Equals Cmsela MEIGES, 1800. Sphazromias CURTIS, Brit. Ent., p_ -%35,1829. 1 species. Type, Caalopogon fasti- atus MEIGEN (as albomarginatus, new species). Syn., Xylocrypta KIEFFER, 1899. Sphaerophoria ST. FARGEAU and SERVILLE, Encycl. M&h., vol. 10, pt. 2, p_ 513, 1828. 7 species. Type, Musca scripta LINNZ~JY,the third species, by designation of RONDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna), 1844, p. 458. Syn., Melithreptus LOEW, lS40; Melitrophus WALKER, 1856. Sphageus LOEFG,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 10, p. 32, 1866. 1 species. Type, Spha.geus chalcoproctus L~Ew. Sphecomyia LATREILLE, Diet. Class. Hist. Nat., vol. 15, p. 545, 1829. 1 species, without name. Type, Chrysotoxum rittatum WIEDEJIANN. Syn., Tyzenhausia GORSKI, 1852. Sphegina MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 193, 1822. 1 species (as 2). Type, Mile& clunipes FALLEN. Sphenoidoptera WILLISTON, Biol. Centr.-*Amer., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 295,1901. 1 species. Type, Sphenddoptera varipennis WILLISTON. Sphenometopa TOWNSEND, Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 64, 1908. 1 species. Type, Araba nebulosa COQUILLETI. Syn., Eumetopia BRAUEBand BERGENSTAXM,lSS9, preoccupied. Sphixea RONDANI,Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for 1844, p. 455,1S44. 1 species. Type, Xusca semiluctifera VILLI= (as Eristalis fulminans FABRXCIUS). Sphiximorpha ROND.4N1,Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1850, p. 212, 1850. 1 species. Type, Ceria suhsessilis ILLIGER. Equals Cerioides RONDANI, 1850. Sphyracephala SAY, Amer. Enh, p. 116,182s. 1 species. Type, Diopsis brevicornis Sal-. Sphyricaa LIOP, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p_ 1336, 1864. 2 species. Type, Echinomyia sphyricera MACQUART,the second species, by tautonymp. Equals Peleteria DESVOIDY,1830. Sphyromyia BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1883, p. 108,1883. 1 species. Type, Tachina robusta WIEDE&%ANN(as malleo&z,new species). Equals Peleteria DESIOIDY,’ 1830. Sphyxosoma RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 56,1S56. 1 species. Type, Conops yuadtifasciata DE GEER. Equals Conops LWNXUS, 1758. Spilochroa WILLISTON, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Sot., vol. 15, p. 2,1907. 1 species. Type, Heterochroa ornata JOHNSON. Spilogaster MacQuART, Hid. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 293, 1835. 13 species. Type, Musca quadrum FABRICIUS,the seventh species, by designation of WEST~OOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 143. Equals Mydaea DESVOIDC,1830. Spilographa LEER, Monogr. Trypet., p. 39,1862.* 3 species. Type, Trypeta, hami- jera LOEW,the second species, by present designation. Equals Euribia MEIGEN, 1800. Spilomyia MEIGEN. Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 273, 1803. 2 species. Type, Syrphus scdtuum FABRI~~~ (as diophthalmus FABRICIUS), the first pecies, by present designa- tion. Syn., _wlesia L~TREIUE, 1805; miens& MACQUART,1834. Spodius LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeit-schr., vol. 2, p. 101,185S. 1 species. Type, Spa- dius imbecillus LOW. Equal8 Hesperinus WAI,KER, $348. 608 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUXEUJf. VOL. 37.

Spoggosia RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 3, p. 182,1859. 1 species. Type, Sal&z zchinura DE~VOIDY(as OCCZUXX,new species). EquaIs phorocera D~VOIDY, 1830. Spogostylum MACQUART,Dipt. Exot., vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 53, 1840. 1 species. Type, Spogostylum mystaceum M ACQIJART.Equals Anthrax SCOPOLZ,1 i63. Spylosiu RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., v-01. 1, p. 66,1856. 1 species. Type, Tachinu bisignata MEIGEX. Equals Meigenia DESVOIDY,1830. &zchynia MACQUART,Recueil Trav. Sot. Sci. Lille for 1834,’ p. 340,1834. 1 species. Type, Myopa punctala FABRICIUS. Equals Dalmannia DESVOIDT, 1830. Stzgeria DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 972, 1863. 1 species (as 22). Type, Gueriniu festiua DE~VOIDY. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Stunnia RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 2, p. 14, 1857. Change of name for Am- mobates STANNIUS,1831, not of LATREILLE, 1809. Type, Ammobates not&us STANNIUS. Equals Tachytrechus HALID_~Y, 1851. Stearibiu LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1105, 1864. 1 species. Type, Piophilu foveolata MEIGEN. Equals Piophtla FALLEN, 1810. Stegana MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol 6, p. 79, 1830. 2 species. Type, Musca coleoptrata SCOPOLI (as hypokuca, new species),the second species, by designa- tion of W-VESTWOOD,I&r., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p_ 153 (as S. annul&a HALIDAP). Stegomyia THEOBALD,in Howards’ Mosquitoes, p. 234, June 1, 1901. 1 species. Type, Culex calopus MEIGEN (as fasciutus FABRICIU~). SteEeochetaBECKER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 31, p_ 129,X387. 1 species. Type, Iteaphila macquarti ZETTERSTEDT,(as setacea, new species). Equals Iteaphila %XTER- STEDT, 1838. Steneretma Lo~w, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 186,1873. 1 species. Type, Steneretma laticauda LOEW. Stenodexia WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 246,189l. 1 species. Type, Stenodexiaalbicincta WULP. Stenogaster LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 991, 1864. 1 species. Type, Chortophila angusta MACQUART. Equals Pegomya DE~VOIDY, 1830. Stenomacra Lo~w, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 180, 1873. 1 species. Type, Sepsisguerini BIGOT. Not Stenomacra STAL, 1870. Equals Macrostenomyia HENDEL, 1907. Stenomicra C~QUILLEIT, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 22, p_ 262, 1900. 1 species. Type, Stenomicra angustatu COQUILLEIT. Stenomyia L~Ew, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 11, p. 320, 1868. 1 species. Type, Stenonzyia tenui.3 LOEW. Stenopa LoE~, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 234, 1873. 1 species. Type, Tqpetu vu&rata Lo~w. Stenopogon LOEW, Linn. Ent., vol. 2, p. 453, 1847. 6 species. Type, As&s sabaudus FABRICIUE,the last species, by designation of COQUILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 6,1904, p_ 179. Syn., GonioscelisSCHINER, 1866; Scleropogon I~Ew, 1866. StenoporomyiaHENDEL, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 10, p. 250, 1903. 1 species. Type, Milichia argyrugastru PERRIS (as Lobioptera tiej MIK). Equals Milichiella GLGLIO- Tos, 1895. Stenoxenus COQUILLETT,Ent. News, vol. 10, p. 60, 1899. 1 species. Type, &en- 0renu.sjohnsoni COQUILLEIT. Stephania DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 807, 1863. 1 species. Type, Ste- phania meridionnlis D&.VOIDY. Equals Wagneria DESVOIDY,1830. Stethgathus WANWLLECK, 2001. Jahrb. for 1898, p. 424, 1898. 1 species. Type, Puliciphora lucifera DAHL. Equals Puliciphora DAHL, 1897. Stevenia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 220, 1830. 2 species (as 4). Type, &eve&a tomentosu DESVOIDY,the first species, by designation of DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, 1863, p. 378. Syn., Hyperza DK~SVOIDY,1863; Trisonevra LIOY, 1864. NO. 171% TIPE-XPECIES’ OF AJfERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 609

Stibasoma SCHITER, Verb. Zml.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 17, p. 310, 1867. 1 species_ Type, Tabanus theot;w2ia ‘ WIEDEEXANN. Stichopogon Lo~w, Linn. Ent., vol. 2, p. 499, 1547. 4 species. Type, Du_YJJ~~~~~~ elfgantulusI\~IEDEMASN, the third species, by designation of BACK, Trans. Amer. Ent. SO&, vol. 35, p. 332, 1909. Stictocephala LOEW, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 134, 1873. 4 species. Type, Ortalis vau SAY, the first species, by original designation. Not Stictocephala &AL,, 1869. Equals Pseudotephritis JOHNSON,1902. Stictodiplosis KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1594, p. 28, 1894. 2 mauu- script species, only the second ever described. Type. &ctudiplosis picridis KIEFFER. Stictomyia BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1585, p. 166, 1885. 1 species. Type, Stictomyia lorqicornis BIGOT. Stilbometopa COQUILLK-YIT,Can. Ent., vol. 31, p- 336, 1899. 1 species. Type, &nithomyia fulvifromWALKER. Stilpnogaster LOEW, Linn. Ent., vol. 4, p. 82, 1849. 1 species. Type, A.&us it-mul~ MEIGRN. SUpon LOEW, Neue Beitr., voI. 6, p. 34, 1559. 2 species. Type, Tachydromia graminum FALLEN, the first species, by designation of ~OQUILL~, Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, p_ 257, 1903. Equals Agatachys MEIGEN, 1830. Stomatodexia BR~UER and BERGENST_~&XM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 125, 1589. 1 species. Type, Stomoxys cothurnatu WIEDEMANX. Stomoxoides SCHXXFFER,Element7 Fp, pl. 120, 1766. 1 species, without name. Type, Conops testacea LIXNXUS. Syn., jiyopa FABRICICS,1775; %tinia DESYOIDY, 1853; J1yopellaDESVOIDY, 1853, Phorosiu DESVOIDY,1853; Fairmairiu DEWOIDY, 1853; Lowhopalpus DEWOIDY, 1853; Purpurella DESVOIDY,1853; Jfyopina DESVOIDY,1853; Gonirhyncus RONDAXI, 1856; Lwhiodonta LIOY, 1864. Stomoxys GEOFFROY,Hist. Abr&$e Ins., vol. 2, p. 538, 1762.’ 1 species, without name. Type, Conops calcitrans LINNXUS. . Stomphastica LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 8, p. 336, 1864. Change of name for Clusia HALIDAY, 1838, under the erroneous impression that the latter name is preoccupied in Botany. Type, He&romyzn jlazla MEIGEN. Equals Clusia HALIDAY, 1838. Stonyx OSTEN SACKEN, Biol. Centr.-dmer., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 94, 1886. 2 species. Type, Stonyx clelia OFTENFACKEN, the second species,by present designation. Equals Villa LIOY, 1864. Stratiomys GEOFFROY,Hi& Abrbghe Ins., vol. 2, p. 475, 1762. 8 species, without names. Type, Musca chameleon LINNZUS, the first species, bp designation of LA- ’ TRELLLE,Consider. G&&al., 1810, p_ 442. Syn., Hoplomyia ZELLER, 1842. Strauzia DEWOIDP, Essai Myod., p. 718, 1830. 1 species (as 2). Type, Trypeta longipennis ~~IEDEM.4IW. Strebla I~IEDEM~NN, Anal. Ent., p. 19, 1824.” 1 species. Type, Streblc avium MACQUART(as Hippobosca vespertilionis FABRICIUS). Stroblia POKORNP,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 43, p. 541, 1893. Arbitrary change of name for Pseudolimnophora STROBL,1893. Type, i&sca triangula FALLEN. Equak Limnophora DESVOIDY,1830. Sturmia DEWOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 171, 1830. 2 species (a.~4). Type, Sturmia vanessz DESPOIDY,the second species, by designation of DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1,1863, p. 888. Syn., Blepharipa ROND~NI, 1856; Lambertiu DESVOIDY, 1863; 8chaumia DESVOIDY,1863; Belida DESVOIDY,1863; U@nyia RONDANI,1870; Ctenocne- mis KOWARZ,1873; Argyrophylax BRAU~Rand BERGENSTAMM,1889; CrossocosmiaMIK, 1890; Zygobothria MIK, 1891; Xylotachina BRAUERand BERGEXSTAMV,1891. Stygeropis LOEW, Berliner Ent*Zeitschr., vol. 7, p. 298,1863. Arbitrary change of name for Prionocera LQEW, 1844. Type, Xonocera pubescent LOEW. Equals Pri- onocera LOEW, 1834. Proc.N.M.vol.37-@&=-39 610 PROCEEDI?VGS OF THE 7iATIONAL iiIUSEl7J.I. VOL. 37. .- --____ Srylidia WESTWOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., p_ 154, 1840. 1 species. Type, Phthi- ridium biarticulakm HERJIASN. Equals Nycteribia LATREILLE, li96. Stylocomn LIOP, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 1009, 1864. 1 species. Type, Sapromyza tub$fer MBIGEN? Equals Sapromyza FALLEN, 1810. Stylogaster MAC&WART,Hist. Xat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 38, 1835. 1 species. Type, Conops stylcrta FABRICIUS. Syn., Stylomyicz WITWOOD, 1850; Ptychoproctus BIGOT, 1859. &ylorrLyia WESTWOOD, Proc. 2001. Sot. Lond., vol. 18, p_ 268, 1850. 2 species. Type, Stylom yirl ZeonwnWESTWOOD, the first species, by present designation. Equals Stylogaster M~CQUART,1835. Styrex SCOPOLI,Ent. Cain., p_ 367, 1763. 1 species. Type, Styrex holosrriceus SCOPOLI. Syn., Chrysopilus MACQUART,1826. Subclytia P_~NDELLE,Rev. Ent., vol. 13, p. 96, 1891. 1 species. Type, lachina’ rotundieentris FALLEN. Equals Eliozeta RONDANI, 1856. Subula MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 14, 1820. 1 species. Type, Xylophagus maculatus MEIQEN. Not Subula SCHUAUCHER, 1817. Equals Solva WALKER, 1860. Suillia DESVOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 642, 1830. 12 species. Type, Heleomyza rufa FALLEX (as fungorum, new species), the second species, by present designation. Syn., Herbina DESTOIDP,1830. S@in DES~OIDY,Essai Myod., p. 636, 1830. 5 species. Type, Sylvia apicalis DES- VOIDY, the first species, by present designation. Equals Sapromyza FALLEN, 1810. Sylvicolae HARRIS, Exp. Engl. Ins., p. 100, 1776. 16 species. Type, Tipula fenestralis SCOPOLI(as breris, new species), the thirteenth species, by present desig- nation. Syn., Phryne MEJGEN, 1800; Bnisopus MEIGEN, lSO3; Rhyphus LATREILLE, 1805. Symmerus WALKER, List Dipt. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 88, l&S. 1 species. Type, dfycetbbia annulata MEIGEN (as ferrugineus, new species). Syn., Plesiastina WIN- hERT2,’ 1852. Symphoromyia FRAUENFELD,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 17, p. 496, 1867. 1 species. Type, dtherix melrena MEIGEN. Symplecta MEIGEX, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 282, 1830. 2 species. Type, Limonia hybrida MEIGEIV, the first species, by designation of WEST~OOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., lS40, p. 128. Syn., Helobia ST. FARGEAUand SER~ILLE, 1828, preoccupied; Idioneura PHILIPPI, 1865; Symplectomorpha MIK, lSS6. Sympleclomopha MIK, Wien. Ent. Z&t., vol. 5, p. 318, 1886. 2 species. Type, Limnobia stictica MEIGEN, the first species, by original designation. Equals Sym- plecta MEIGEN, 1830. Sympycnus LoE~, Pueue’ Beitr., vol. 5, p_ 42, 1857. 5 species. Type, Porphyrops annulipes MEIGEN, the first species, by present designation. Synurthrus LoE~, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 35, lS57. 1 species. Type, Hydrochus tursatus FALLES. Equals Syntormon LOECF,’ 1857. Syndyas Loom, ofv. Iiongl. Vet. Akad. Fijrh., vol. l-1, p_ 369, 1857. 2 species. Type, Syrldyus opaca LoE~, the first species, by designation of COQUILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p. 257. Syneches WALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 165, 1852. 1 species. Type, Syneches simplex WALKER. Equals Acromyia LATREILLE, 1809. Syneura BRUES,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 29, p. 383, 1903. 1 species. Type, Phora cvcciphila COQUILLETT. Syntemna WIXNERTZ, Verh. ZooI.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 767, 1863. 1 species. Type, Syntemna morosa WINNERTZ. Synthesiomyia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,Deckschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, p 96, 1893. 1 species. Type, Synthesiomyia brasiliana BRAVER and BERGENSTAMM. xo_ li~g.’ TI-PE-SPECIES OF dJlERICBN DIPTER-A-COQVILLETT. 611

Syntormon LOEW, Neue Beitr., ~01. 5, p- 35, lS7. 5 species. Type, Rhaphium metalhesiaLOEW, the first species, by present designation. Syn., pkctropus HALIDAY, 1831, preoccupied; Synarthrus LOEn-, 1857.’ Syritta ST. FanGeau and SERTILLE, Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p_ SOS, 1828. 1 species. Type, diusca pipints LINN~US. Syn., Coprina ZETTERSTEDT,1837; Plunea ROSDASI, 1864. Syrphus FABRICIUS,Syst. Ent., p. 762, 1775. 49 species. Type, Nusca lucorum LI~s~E~s, the nineteenth species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1839, p. 753. Syn.: Leucozona SCHINER, 1860. (Syfphus of authors equals Epistrophe WALKER. ) systcxchus LOEW, Keue Beitr., vol. 3, p. 3-4, 1855. 14 species (as 15). Type, BomC$ius sulphureus MlKAI\,‘ the sixth species, by present designation. Systropus WIEDENASN, Nova Dipt. Gen., p. 18,182O.” 1 species. Type, ~~lyslrol)m macilentusWIEDEXANN. Syn., Cephenus BERTHOLD,1827. Tabanus, Syst. Natur., 10th ed., p. 601, 1758. 12 species. Type, Ta,$_n~,zlsborinus LINS_WS, the first species, by designation of L.~TREILLE,Consider. @n&al., 1810, p. 443. Syn., Therioplectes ZELLER, 1842; Brachystomus COSTA, 1857; LAg&nitu ROTDASI, 1564; 9 tylotus OSTENSACKEN, 1876. Tabuda ITALKER, Ins. Saund., Dipt., p_197,X%2. 1 species. Type, Tabuda fulripes IVAI,KER. T&ino MEIGES: Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 280,1803. 3 species. Type, ,$fuscagrossa

LISN_~X, the first species, by designation of W.wz~~~,Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 13,1894, p. 142. Equals Larvzvora MEIGEN, 1800. (Tachina of authors equals Exorista MEIGEN. ) Tczchinodes BRACERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. akad. Wiies.’ Wien, vol. 56, p. 133,1SS9. 1 species. Type, Musca hystrkc FABRICIUS. Equals Archytas JIENNICKE. 186i. Tachinomyia TOWNSEND,Trans. Xmer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 96,1892. 1 species. Type, Tachinomyia robusta TOWNSEND. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Tachinophyto TOWN~EWD,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p. 130,1892. 1 species. Type, Tachinophyto j7oridensis TOWNSESD. Syn., Pseudomyothyria TOWNSEND,1592; Methyposte7za TOWNSESD,1908; Lixophaga TOWNSEND,1908. Tachinopsis COQUILLEIT, Rev. Tach., p. 38, 1897. 1 species. Type, Tachinopsis ntem!alis CoQurLLE?T. Tachista LOEW, Zeitschr. Ent. Breslau,vol. 14, p. S,lS60. 11 species. Type, Tuchy- dromicz connexa MEIGEN, the sixth species, by designation of COQCILLETT,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol., 5, 1903, p. 258. Equals Coryneta MEIGEN, 1800. Tuchydromicz MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 269,1803. 2 species. Type, Tachy- dromyia con~wza MEIGEN (as cimicoides F~BRI~IUS), the second species,by designation of COQUILLE?T,Proc. Ent. Sot. Washington, vol. 5, 1903, p_ 258. Equals Coryneta MEIGEN, 1800. Tachypeza MEIGEN, Sgst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 341,183O. 10 species. Type, Tachydromia nubila MEIGEN, the eighth species, by designation of RoND~NI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr.. vol. 1, 1856, p. 14;. Tachytrechus HALIDAY, in Walkers’ Ins. Britt., Dipt., vol. 1, p_li3, 1851. Change of name for Ammobates STANNIUS,1831, not of LATREILLE, 1809. Type, dmmobates notatus ST~NNIW.. Syn., Ammobates PTANNIUS,1831, preoccupied; &annia. RONDANI, 1857; &Xellocurus MIK, 1878. Tucincl ~V_%LEER,Ins. Saund., Dipt., p. 9, 1850. 3 species. Type, Pangonius micans MEIGEN, the first species,by present designation. Equals Pangonius LATREILLE,1802. Tzchobates H_~LIDAY, 2001. Journ., vol. 5, p. 358, 1831. 2 species (as 3). Type, ~[vdrophorua .jrtcuEus FALLEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Medetera FISCHER, 1819. 612 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3-ATIOATAL MUSEU3l. VOL.37.

Tazniorhynchus dkkmAmus.4, Rev. Mus. La Plats, vol. 1, p. 389, 1891. 3 species. Type, Culex titzllans WALKER (as tzniorh~nchus WIEDEMANN), the first species, by tautonymy. Syn., Panopliles THEOBALD,1900; _%ns&ain BLANCBARD,1901. Tolmonia DESVOIDT, Hist. Xat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 704, 1863. 1 species. Type, Tal- monia tibia&s DFW-OIDY. Equals Ceranthia DIW-OIDY, 1830. Tanipoda ROWDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 116, 1856. 1 species. Type, Calo- bata cakeala FALLEN. Equals Trepidaria MEIGEX, IWO. Tanyglossa MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 267, 1803. 1 species. Type, Tabanus muuritanus LISXEEUS(as haustellatus F_~BRICILTS~.Equals Pangonius L_~TREILLE,1802. Tanypeza FALLES, Opom. Sreciz, p_ 4, 1820. 1 species. Type, Tanypeza Zongi- mana FALLEX. Tanypremna OSTENSACKEN, Biol. Centr.-Anier., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 19,1886. 1 species. Type, Tanypremna opilio OSTENSACKEX. Taqptera LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 1.4, p. 256, 1805. 1 species. Type, Tip&a &rata LINNBEUS. Equals Flabellifera MEIGEX, 1800. Tanypus ~~EIGEN,Illiger s’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 261,1803. 2 species. Type, Tipula cincta FABRICICS,the first species, by designation of LATREILLE,Consider. G&n&al., 1810, p. 442. Equals Pelopia MEIGEN, 1800. Tanytarsus WULP, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 17, p_13-$187~. 12 species. Type, CXrono- mus pun&pes %IEDEMANX,‘ the first species, by present designation. Taphrosia ROND_~NI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 182, 1856. 1 species. Type, Lim- nobia tenella MEIGEN. Equals Gonomyia MEIGEN, 181s. Tapinoce-ra M~CQ~ART, Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 7S, 1838. 1 species. Type, Luphria bTe??icoTnisWIEDEXQNN. Equals Apiocera WESTWOOD,1535. Taracticus LOEW, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 16, p. 240, lSi'7. 1 species. Type, ’ Dioctria octopunctata SAY. Tauromyia GIGLIO-TOP,Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino., vol. 8, no. 158, p. 8, 1893. 1 species. Type, Tauromyia pnch ywura GIGLIO-TOS. Taxigramma PERRIS, Ann. Sot. Liinn. Lyons for 1850, p. 209, 1852. 1 species. Type, J~iltogramma heteroneura MEIGEN (as pipiens, new species). Spn., Heteropterina MAC&U_ART,1254; bfetopilla RONDANI, 1859; Elpigia DEWOIDY, 1863. Tekjoneura RONDANI, Arch. Zool. Modena, vol. 3, p. 48, 1864. Change of name for Trupanea MAC&WART,1838, not of SCHRANK,1803. Type, Asilus nzaculatus FABRI- CIUS. Equals Bactria MEIGEN, 1820. Teelmatobia STEST~AXX.~R,Kongl.Vet. Akad. Handl. for iS43, p. 149,1&14. 1 species. Type, Notiphila rmea FALLEN. Equals Pelina HALIDAY, 1839. Telmatogeton SC.HISER,Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 16, p. 931,1S66. 1 species. Type, Telmatogeton sanctipauli SCHINER. Telothyria WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 167,189O. 38 species. Type, Telothyria cupreive&-is WULP, the thirtieth species, by designation of BR.~UERand BERGENST,~MN,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. 1viss. Wien, vol. 60, 1893: p. 132. TemnoceraST. FARGEA~ and SERT~ILLE,Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 786, 1828. 1 species. Type, Temnoceru violacea ST. FARGEAUand SERVLLLE. Equals Volucella GROFFROP,1762. Temnostoma ST. FARGE~U and SERVILLE, Encycl. Meth., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 51S, 1828. 4 species. Type, .&.filesiabombylans FABRICIUS,the second species, by present designation. Tendipes MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouth., p. 17, 1800.” No species. C?~~roqomus MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Tipula plumosa LINNIEUS. Syn., Chironomus MEIGEN, 1803. Tenu.icera PASDELLE, Rev. Ent., vol. 15, p. 32, 1896. 1 species. Type, Tachina incuna FALLEN (as oqrhina, new species). Equals Meigenia DESVOIDY,1830. - . __ _ - _ kO.1719. TYPE-&PECII?& 0.8 ’ A_UERiCANDIP!I i?RA--COQUILLETT.’ 613

Tephritis LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 389, 1805. 1 species. Type, _lizrscasolstitialis LINNEKJS. Syn., Frophora DESVOIDY, 1830. (Tephritis of authom equals Spathulina ROKJASI.) TephrochlamysLoE~, Zeitechr. Ent. Breslau, vol. 13, p. 72, lS62. 5 species. Type, He&o~>~?~zcccane8cens MEIGEN (aa ruficentris MEIGEX), the fourth species, by present designation. Equals ,Lentiphora DESTOIDY,1830. Tephronota LoE~,‘ Zeitschr. Gee. Nat., vol. 32, p. 6, lS6S. 3 species. Type, Ortalis (JyTansLOEK, the second species, by designation of Lo~w, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, lS73, p. 5i. Terellia DESVOIDS, Eseai Jlyod.. p. i58, 1830. 1 species (as 2). Type, &sca s~atulx LINSXUS. Syn., Sitarea DESVOIDY,1530; Carpomya RONDANI, 1856; Cerajo- cma RONDAN, 1856. Tere~~iosoma ROND~NI; Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 109, 1856. 1 species. Type, Te&nops impunctato LOE~ (a~ heryngii, new species). Equals Tetanops FALLEN, 1820. Teremyia MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 514, 1835. 1 species. Type, &n- &pa laticornis MEIGEX. Equals Lonchaea FALLEN, 1820. TereniLtDESTOIDY, Essai Myod., p. 640, 1830. 4 species. Type, Terenia suL?lorum DESVOIDT, the first species,by present designation. Equals Sapromyza FALLEN,1810. Tersesthes TO~YSSEND,Psyche, vol. 6, p. 370, lS93. 1 species. Type, Terse&es tOTTenS TOV-SSEND. TessaTochxta BEZZI, Zeitschr. Hymen. Dipt., vol. 6, p. 50, 1906. Change of name for Tetrachteta BRAUERandBERGENSTIMX, 1894, preoccupied. Type, Tetrachzta obscwa BRAUER and BERGEXS~AXIJI. Equals Peleteria DESVOIDT, 15.30. Tetanocera L.STREILLE,Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p_ 385, 1805. 2 species. Type, ~VKSC~coryleti SCOPOLI,the first species, by present designation. Syn., Pherbina DESFOIDY,lS30. Tetanops FALLEN, Ortal. Sveciae, p. 2, 1820. 1 species. Type, Tetanops myo$na FALLES. Syn., TerelliosomaRONDANI, 1856. Te.trachx!taBsanER and BERGENSTA~~N,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 61, p. 611, 1894. 1 species. Type, Tetmachzetaobscura BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM. Equals Peleteria DESVOIDP,1830. Tetrachxta STEIN, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 42, p. 254, 1898. 1 species. Type, Tetrachxta ~unica STEIN. Not Tetrachzeta EERENBERG, 1844. Equals Tetramerinx BERG, 1898. Tetrad&us BIGOT, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1886, p. 370,1886. 2 species. Type, Tetradiscuspicks BIGOT, the first species, by present designation. Tetragoneura WINNERTZ, Ent. Z&t. Stettin, vol. 7, p. lS, 1846. 2 species. Type, Sciophilasylratica CURTIS(as distincta, new species), the second species,by designation of JOHANNSES,Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 34. Tetragrapha BRAL-ERand BERGENSTAN>~,Denkschr. Rais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 5S, p. 351, 1891. 1 species. Type, Tetragrapha tessellafaBRACER and BERGENSTAMM. Tetramerinx BERG, Corn. Mus. Nat. Buenos Aires, vol. 1, p. 17, 1898. Change of name for Tetrachzta STEIS, 1898, not of EHRENBF~G,X344. Type, !i-etrachsta’ unica STEIN. Syn., Tetrachzta STEIN, lS9S, preoccupied. Tetropismenus Lo~w, Zeitschr. Ges. Nat., vol. 48, p. 333, 1876. 1 species. Type, Tetropismenushi&s LOEW. Teuchocnemus OSTEN SACKEN, Bull. Buff. Sot. Nat. Sci., vol. 3, p_ 58, 1876. 2 Species. Type, Pterakstes lituratus Lo~w, the second species, by designation of WILL~STON,Synops. N. Amer. Syrph., 1886, p. 199. Teucholabis OSTEN SACKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1859, p_ 222, 1860. 1 species. T.ype, Teucholabiscomplexa OSTEN SACKEX. Teuchophorus LoE~, Reue Beitr., vol. 5, p_ 4+1857. 2 species. Type, Dolichopus spinigerellusZEXTERSTEDT, the first species, by present designation. 614 PROCEEDINGS OF THE lV_4TIOYVALiUUk?i'Lj~~. VOL.37.

Thalassomya SCHINER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Xien,‘ vol. 6, p. 219, 1856. 1 species. Type, Thalassomya frauenfeldi SCHINER. Thamnodromia MIK, Wien. Ent. Z&t., vol. 5, p. 278, 1886. Change of name for YhjyUodromia ZETTERSTEDT,1837, not of SEBVILLE, 1839. Type, Empti melanocephata FABRICIUS. Equals Hemerodromia MEIGEN, 1822. Thopsia DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1,-p. 689, 1863. 1 species. Type, Zuchin&’ albicollis MEIGES. Equals Neaera DESVOIDY,1830. Thczumaka RUTHE, Isis van Oken for 1831, p. 1211, Nor., 1831. 1 sFecies. Type, Orphnephilu devia HALID~Y (as testaceu, new species). Equals Orphnephila HALIDAY, September, 1831. Thecophora ROXDANI, Nuovi .4nn. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for 1845, p. 15, 1845. 1 species. Type, Myopa atra FABRICIW. Syn., Occemya DIW?OIDP, 1853. Thelairia DESVOIDT, Essai Myod., p. 214, 1830. 1 species (as 2). Type, X&a nigripes F.~BRICI~S. Thelairodes WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 254, 1891. 3 species. Type, Homodexia ?.ittigera BIGOT, the first species, by designation of BR~UER and BERGENSTAM%&Denkschr. kais.’ Akad. Wiss. \Vien, vol. 58, 1891, p. 377. Themira DESYOIDP, Essai Myod., p. 745, 1830. 2 species. Type, Themira pilosa DEWOIDS, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Cheligaster M.KWJ~RT, 1835; Halidoya RONDANI, 1856. Theobaldia NEVEU-LEKURE, Compt. Rend. Sot. Biol., vol. 54, p. 1331, 1902. 1 species. Type, Culex annulalus SCHRANK. Syn., Theobaldinella BLANCHARD,1905. Theobaldinella BL_~NCHARD,Les Moust., p. 390, 1905. Change of name for Theo- baldia NEVEU-LEMAIRE,1902, under the mistaken impression that it interferes with Theobaldius NEVILLE. Type, Culex annulatus S~HRASK. Equals Theobaldia NEVEU- LENAIRE, 1902. Theone DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 401, 1863. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tachina polyodon MEIGEN. Equals Amobia DEWOIDY, 1830. Theresia DESVOIDP,Esaai Myod., p. 325, 1830. 1 species. Type, Theresfa tandrec DESVOIDY. Syn., Sardioceru BR_UJERand BERGENSTAN~~,1889. Thereva LATREILLE, Precis, p. 167, 1796. No species. In his Hi&. cat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, 1802, p. 441,l species. Type, ?Liuscaplebeja LINN_=US. Syn., Dialineura RONDANI, 1856. Therioplectes ZELLER, Isis von Oken for 1842, p. 819, 1842. 8 species. Type, _ Tabanus tricolor ZELLER, the first species, by present designation. Equals Tabanus LINNXUS, 1758. Thecenemyia BIGOT, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1875, p. 174, 1875. 1 species. Type, !KQrenemyia calijiornica BIGOT. Equals Eclimus LOEW, 1844. Thinodromia MELASDER, Ent. News, vol. 17, p. 370, 1906. 1 species. Type, ZXnodromia inchoata MELANDER. Thinophilus WAHLBERG,ofr. Eongl. Vet. Akad. FBrh., vol. 1, p. 37,1844. 2 species. Type, Rhaphium Jatipalpe ZETTERSTEDT,the first species, by designation of ZWER- STEDT, Dipt. Stand., vol. 8, 1849, p. 3101. Thricops ROND.QU, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 96, 1856. 1 species. Type, Alicia hirtula Z~ERSTEDT. Syn., Tricophthicus RoNDBNI, 1861; Rhynchotrichops SCHNABL, 1889. Thrycolyga RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. P&r., vol. 1, p. 68, 1856. 1 species. Type, !!hlrJcolyga‘ now RONDANI. Syn., &otia DESYOIDY,1863. Thrypticus GERSTXCKER,Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 24, p_ 43, 1864. 1 species. Type, Thrypticus smaragdinus GERSTECKER. Syn., Aphantotimus WHEELER, 1890; Zantho- tricha ALDRICH, 1896. Thryptocera MACQUART, Recueil Trav. Sot. Sci. Lille for 183-J p. 310, 1834. 9 species. Type, Tachinupilipennis FALLEN, the ninth species, by designation of RON- ~0.1119. TYF~--SP~~~ESOPA~~RIC~N DIPT~RA-C~Q~~ILLETT. 615

DANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, 1856, p. 60. Equals Actia DEWOIDY, 1830. (Thrypto- cera of authors equals Ceranthia DESVOI~Y.) Thydanthruz OSTEN SACKEN, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 1, p. 123, lSS6. 4 species Type, Anthrax selene OSTEN SACKEN, the first species, by present designation. Equals Villa LIOY, 1864. Thyrimyza ZE~ERWEDT, Dipt. Stand., vol. 6, p. 2336, 1847. 9 species. Type, ~f~scu~?uuu LINNJXS, the first species, by designation of ROSDASI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 6, lSi4, p. 244. Equals Chyromya DESVOIDY,1830. Thysanomyia BRAUER and BERGENSTAXM,Denkschr. Kais. dkad. Wiss. nrien , vol. 58, p. 340, 1891. 1 species. Type, Bruchicoma~mbriata WULP. Tineuriu SCHELLENBERG,Genres Mouches Dipt., pl. 40, figs. 1, a, b, c, and 2, h, a, 1503. 2 species. Type, Psychoda ulternata SAP, the first species, by present de@_ nation. Equals Psychoda LATREILLE, 1796. Tinolestes COQITILLEIT, Proc. Ent. SOC. Washington, vol. 7, p. 185, 1906. 1 species. Type, Tinolestes latisquumn COQUILLFPT. Tipula LINN~ECJS,Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p- 585, 1758. 37 species. Type, Tiputa oleracecl LIXN_~S, the fourth species, by designation of LATREILLE, Consider. G&n- &al., lS10, p. 442. Syn., dnomalopteru LIOT, 1864; Oreomyza POKORNT,1SSi. Titania MEIGEX, NOW-. Class. Mouth., p. 35, 1800.” No species. Chlorops MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Chtorops beta MEIGEN. Syn., Chkwops MEIGEN, 1803; 0scinis LATREILLE, 1804; Cotiteu LIOU, 1864. Tolmerus LOEW, Linn. Ent., vol. 4, p. 94, 1849. 4 species. Type, Asilus lryTUgTu ZELLER, the fourth species, by present designation. Tomoplagia, new name. Type, Typeta obliquu SKY. Syn., Plugiotoma LOEW, preoccupied. Toreus MELANDER, Ent. News, vol. 17, p. 376, 1906. 1 species. Type, Empis neomericanu MELANDER. Townsendia WrLLrsroN, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 4, p. 107, 1895. 1 species. Type, Townsendiu minutu WILLISTON. Toxomerus MacQu~nr, Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 5, p. 93, 1855. 1 species. Type, Scara geminutu Say (aa notatus, new species). Syn., Mesogrummu LoE~, 1565; Neso- gTUptU LOEW, 1872. Toxonecra M~CQUART, Hi&. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 404, 1835. 1 species. Type, Nasca pulchellu ROW (as fasciata, new species). Equals Palloptera P_~LLEX,1820. Toxophora MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p- 270, 1803. No species. In his Klass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., 1804, p_ 273, 1 species. Type, dsilus maculatus ROSSI. Toxorhina LOEW, Linn. Ent., vol. 5, p. 400, 1851. 3 fossil and 1 recent species. Type, Toxorhina jragitis LOEW, the recent species, by designation of OSTENSICKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1861, p. 230. Toxotrypana GEFWXWKER, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, vol. 21, p. 191, 1860. 1 species. Type, TOXOtTypam cwvicaudu GERSTZCKER. Syn., Xiikimyia BIGOT, 1884. Traginops COQUILLEZT,Ent. News, vol. 11, p. 429, 1900. 1 species. Type, Tmgi- nops irroTatU COQUILLETT. Trennia DESVOIDI,’ Essai Myod., p. 484, 1830. 1 species. Type, dnthomyiu errans MEIGEN (as nigricornis, new species). Equals Phaonia DESVOIDY,1830. Trepidaria MEWES, Nouv. Class. Mouches, p. 35, lSO0.” No species. Calobutu MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Xuscn petronellu LIXNXUS. Syn., Culo- bata MEIGEN, 1803; N& DESVOIDY, 1830; Rainieria ROSD_INI, 1513; Tanipoda RON- DANI, lS56. Trepophrys TO~NSEXD, Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 95, 1905. 1 species. Type, Trepophrys cinereu TOWNSEND. Equals Pseudochaeta COQUILLETT,1895: Triachoru TOWNSEND,Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 51, p. 105, 1908. 1 species. Type, .&&e&a unifasciatu DEWOIDY. Equals Goniomima TOWNSEND,190~3. 616

Trichiopoda LATREILLE, in Cuviers’ Regne Anim., new ed., vol. 5, p. 512, 1829. 2 species. Type, Therezja plumipes FABRICIUS, the first species, by present des- ignation. Syn., Homogenia WULP, 1892; Trichopododes TOWNSEND,1893; Pennapoda TOIVSSEXD, 1897; Eutrichopoda TOR-NSEND,1908; Galadomyia TO~NSEXD, 1908; Polisto- myia TOWNSEND,1908; Euomogenia TO~CCNSEND,1908. Trichobius GERVAIS, Atlas Zool., p. 14, 1844. 1 species. Type, Trichohius para- siticw G~sv~rs. !l%ichocera MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 262, 1803. 1 species. Type, Tipuia hiemulis DE GEER Equals Petaurista MEIGEN, 1800. Trichomyia CURTIS,Brit. Ent., p. 745, 1839. 1 species. Type, Trichomyia urbica CURTIS. TriChonta~mNEmz,’ Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 798,1863. 7 species. Type, Mycetophila melanurn STAGER, the first species, by designation of JOH~NSSEX, Gen. Ins., Dipt., Mycet., 1909. p. 94. Trichophora MACQ~~ART, Dipt. Exot., Suppl. 2, p. 62, 1847. 1 species. Type, Trichophora nigra MACQ~ART. Syn., Siphoniomyia BIGOT, 1885; Paragymnomma BR.*UERand BERGEKST_~~M,1891. Trichopododes TOWNSESD,Can. Ent., vol. 25, p. 166, 1893. Change of name for Homogenia WULP, under the mistaken impression that it is preoccupied by Homogenes THOMSON. Type, Homogenia rujipes W~LP. Equals Trichiopoda LATREILLE, 1829. Trichoprosopon THEOBALD,Journ. Trop. Med., vol. 4, p. 235, July 15, 1901. No species. In his Monogr. Culic., vol. 2, November 23, 1901, p. 285, 1 species. Type, Trichoprosopon nivipes TEEOBALD. Syn., Joblotia BLANCFIARD,December 6, 1901. Trichoptera MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 261, 1803. 2 species. Type, Psychoda alternuta SAY (as Tip&a phalznoides FABRICIUS), the first species, by present designa- tion. Equals Psychoda LATREILLE, 1796. Trichoptera LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. HOP,, 1864. 2species. Type, Diasiata adusta MEIGEY, the first species, by present designation. Not Tricho$era MEIGEN, 1803. Equals Calopterella, new name. Trichopteromyia WILLISTON, Trans. Ent. Sot. Lond. for 1896, p. 255, 1896. 1 species. Type Trichopteromyia modesta WILLISTON. Trichosia WISNERTZ, Beitr. Monogr. Sciarinen, p. li3,1867. 3 species. Type, !.&i- chosia splendens WINNERTZ, the first species, by present designation. Trichotanypus KIEFFER, Ann. Sot. Sci. Bruxelles, vol. 30, p. 319,1906. No species. In 1906. 1 species. Type, Tanypzcs posticalis LUNDBECK. Triclis Lo~w, Bemerk. Asiliden, p. 17, 1851. 1 species. Type, Dasypogwn o&a- ceus LOEW. Syn., Gastrichelius RONDANI, 1856. Tricogena ROSDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. S&1856. 1 species. Type, Tachina rubricosa MEIGEN (as truquii, new species). Syn., Frauenfeldia EGGER,lS65. Tricophthicus RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 9, 1861. Change of name for Thricops RONDANI, 1856, under the mistaken impression that it is preoccupied by Trichops MANNERAEIM,1846 (?). Type, riricia hirtula ZE-JYERSTEDT.Equals Thricops RONDANI, 1856. Tricyphona ZE~TERSTEDT,Isis von Oken for lS37, p. 65, 1837. 1 species. Type, Limonia immaculata MEIGEN. Syn., Amalopis HALLDAY, 1856; Bophrosia RONDANI, 1856; Crunobia KOLENATI, 1860. Trigonometopus MACQUART, Hist. Nat., Dipt., vol. 2, p_ 419, 1835. 1 species. Type, Tetkocera fronlalis MEIGEN. Syn., Oxyrhina MEIGEN, 1838. Trigonostoma LIOT, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 990, 1864. 1 species. Type, Chortophila frontalis MACQUART. Equals Pegomya DESVOIDY,1830. Trimicra OSTENSACKEN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1861, p. 290,1862. 1 spe- cies. Type, Trimicra anomala OFTENSACKEN. so. 1719. TYPE-SPECII~OF _A~IERI~AYDIPTER_4-COQ~ZJILLETT. 617 Trin&a MULSANT, Mem. ACad. Lyons for lS52, p. lS, lS52.” 2 species. Type, Jnthrox &ila WIEDEXASN, the first Species(as interrupta, new speciesj, by present designation. Equals Mima MEIGEN, 1520. T?_inmra BEIGES, Illigers’ hlag., Vol. 2, p. 276, 1803. No species. In his KIass. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., l&04, pp. 313,314,4 species. Type, ~~h.w~aterrima F_IBRICIU~, the first species (as &a, new species), by designation of BRUES,Genera ., Dipto, phoride, p. 8, 1906. Equals Phora L-4TREILLE,1796. * T&&&s &TEN SACIEEN,Bull. 3, U.S. Geoi. Surv., p. 245, 1877. 1 species. Type, T.odites wus &TEN SACKEN. Equals Aphmbantus LOEW, 1872. Diodonta XILLISTON,’ Bull. Brooklyn Ent. SOC.,vol. 7, p. 136,1885. Cbangeof name for P0h@7n~u MXQUART, 1850, not of FISCHER, 1807. Type, &rodo7t snipes WIEDE>~_~NN.Not Triodonta BORY, 1824. Equals Polydontomyia \Vr~nrsrox, 1896. Triogma SCHISER, Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 7, p. 223, 1563. 1 species. Type, Limnobia trisulcata SCHUY>IEL. Triplasius Lo~w, Neue Beitr., ~01. 3, p- 7, 1855. 1 species. Type, _Bo&$i~ bivittatus LOEW. Triptotricha LEER, Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 16, p. 235,1572. 1 species. Type, Triptotricha Eauta LOEW. TrisomefopiaLIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 10, p. 77, 1864. 1 species. Type, Trisometopiathoracica LIOT. Equals Megaselia ROSDANI, lS56. T&onez~a LIOP, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 10, p. 68, 1564. 1 species. Type, Dexia rnetania MEIGEN (as Ptitocera citipennis MAcQIJARTj. Equals Stevenia DES- VOIDY, 1S30. W Tritochzta BRAVERand BEZGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p_ 92, 1859. 1 species. Type, Tachina pullata MEIGEN (as prosopoides,new speciesj. Equals Zenilla DESVOIDY,1830. Tritonia MEIGEN, NOW. Class. Mouches, p. 33, lSOO.* No species. Spilomyia MEIGEN. 1803, is a change of name. Type, Nusca respiformis LINNIEUS. Not Tritonia I, CIJVIER, 179% Equals Spilomyia MEIGEN, lS03. Tritoxa LOEX, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 3, p. 102, 1873. 3 species. Type, Trypeta ,ffexa WIEDEMASN, the first species, by present designation. I Trixa MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 4, p. 222, 1824. 6 species. Type, Trixa dorsnlis MEIGEN, the fifth species, by designation of WESTTVOOD,Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 138. Spn., Murana MEIGEN, 1824; Crameria DEWOIDY, 1830; Semi- omyia M.~cQu.~RT, 1848; Antsteinia AM STEIN, 1658. Trixoclista TO-XNSESD,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 19, p_102,1892. 1 species. Type, Trixoclista distincta TOWNSEND. Equals Amobia DESPOIDY,1830. Trixodes COQUILLEIT, Can. Ent., voI. 34, p. 201, 1902. 1 species. Type, Trixodes obesaCOQUILLE IT.’ b - Trixostomus RONDANI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 130, 1856. 1 species. Type, Ephydro stagnaZisFALLEN. Equals Scatella DXWOIDY, 1830. Trochilodes COQUILLETT,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 29, p. 102, 1903. 1 species. Type, Trochilodesskinner-i COQUILL~T. TrochobolaOSTEN SACKEN, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., ~01.4,p. 97, ’ 1869. Change of name for Discobola OSTEN SACKEN, 3862, under the mistaken impression that the latter is preoccupied by Discoboli. Type, Limnobiu argus Say. Equals Discobola OSTENSACKEN, 1862. Tropidia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 346, 1822. 2 species. Type, J&sca scita HARRIS (as Eristalis miksiformis FALLEN), the second species, by designa- tion of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1832, p. 401. Syn., dfilesiformisRONDANI, 1S44. Tropidomyia WXLLISTON,Can. Ent., vol. 20, p. 11, 1888. 1 species. Type, nopi- domyia bimaculata WILLISTON. Tropidopsis BRACERand BE&ENsr.%MX,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 132, 1889. 1 species. Type, Tachina pyrrhaspisWIEDE~IAXX. Trupanea SCHRAWE,Brief Donaumoor, p. 147, 1795. ’ 1 species. Type, Musca steUata FUE~~LY(as radi.&a, new- species). Syn., GrelEia DESVOI~Y, 1830; Aainoptera RONDdNI, 1871. Trupanea MacQuaR~, Dipt. Exot., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 91, 1838. 39 species. Type, Adus macu2atus FABRICIUS,the seventeenth species, by original designation. Equals Bactria MEIGEN, 1820. Trgpeta MEIGEN, Illigers’ Msg., vol. 2, p. 277,1803. 4 species. Type, &sca artemisiae FABRICIUF,the fourth species, by present designation. Equals Euribia MEIGEN, X300. (Trypeta of authors equals Terellia DESTOIDS). Trypoderma WIEDEJIASN, Auss. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 2, p. 256, 1830. 3 species. Type, M;Llscaamericana FABRICIUS,the first species, by present designation. Equals Cutere- bra CLARK, 1815. Tubifera MEI~EN, Nouv. Class. Mouches, p. 34, 1800.* No species. Elophilus MEIGEN, 1503, is a change of name. Type, tenax LINNXL-S. Syn., Elophilus MI-IGEN, 1803; Eristalis LATREILLE, 1804; Eristaloides RONDANI, 1844; Eristalinus RONDANI, 1844; Eristolom?ya ROND~NI, 1857; Lathyrophthalmus Mm, 1897. Tylemyia GIGLIO-TOS,Boll. Mus. Oniv. Torino, vol. 8, no. 158, p. 14, 1893. Change of name for Omalocephala MACQ~~RT,1843, not of SPINOLA,1839. Type, Omalocephala fu..WU MACQUART. Syn., Omaloqhala nl_$CQc%RT, 1843, preoccupied. Tylos MEIGEN, Now. Class. Mouches, p. 31,1800.* No species. diicroptza MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Jiusca corrigiolata LINNEL‘ S.’ Syn., Jlkropeza MEIGEN, 1803; Phantasma DES~OIDY, 1830. Tyredmma BRALJERand BERGESSTAM~~,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 381, 1891. No species. In Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, 1896, p. 293, WULP referred 1 species to it. Type, Tyreommn muscinum WULP. Qrophaga KIRBY, An Intr. Ent., vol. 2, p. 283,1817. 1 species. Type, Nusca case-i LINNBUS. Equals Piophila FALLEN, 1810. ’ Tyzenhausia GORSKI,An. Ent. Imp. Ross., vol. 1, p. 170,1852.* 1 species. Type, Chrysotmum vittatum WIEDE~IANN (as wspiformis, new species). Equals Sphecomyia LATREXLLE,1829. l2wistesWALKER, Ins. Saund ., Dipt., p. 217,1852. 1 species. Type, Ubristesflauitibia WALKER. Equals Microdon MEIGEN, 1503. i&ncyia RONDANI, Bull. Sot. Ent. Ital., vol. 2, p. 137, 1870. 1 species. Type, Ugimyia sericariz RONDANI. Equals Sturmia DESVOIDY,1830. Ula HALIDAY, Ent. Mag., vol. I, p. 153,1833. 1 species. Type, Limnobiu macroptera MACQUAR~(as mollissima, new species). Syn.. Macroptera LIOE-, 1864. iXdia MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 5, p, 385, 1826. Change of name for Chrysomyza FALLEN, 1817, on the ground that the latter name is not applicable to all the species. Type, .&sca demandata FABRICIUS. Equals Physiphora FALLEN, . 1810. Ulomorpha OBTEN SACKEN, Monogr. Dipt. N. Amer., vol. 4, p_ 232, lS69. 1 species. Type, Limnophila pilosdla OSTEN SACKEN. linonzyiuMEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 1, p. 135, 1518. 4 species (as 5). Type, Tipula tripunciata FABRICIUS, the second species, by present designation. Equals Amphinome MEIGEN, 1SOO. Uramya DE~VOIDY,Eseai Myod., p. 215, 1830. 1 species. Type, Uramya producta DESVOIDY. Uranotznia ARRIBALZAGA,Rev. Mus. La Plata, vol. 1, p. 405, 1891. 2 species Type, Uranotz-nia pulcherrima AmIBazhGA, the second species, by designation of NEVEU-LEMAIRE,Mem. Sot. Zool. France, vol. 15, 1902, p. 227. Urellia DESVOIDY,Essai Myod., p. 774, 1830. 1 species (as 2). Type, &sca stel- Zata FUI~~SLY. Equals Trupanea SCHRANK,1795. NO. 1719. TYPE-SPECIE~~ OF A~~%RI~sN DIPTEILG--COQ~XLLJ~T. 619

Urophora DESVOID~, Essai Myod., p. 769: 1830. 8 species. Type, lliusca car&~ LINN~EVS (it9 sonchi, new species), the sixth species, by designation of WESTWOOD, Intr., vol. 2, Synops., 1840, p. 149. Equals Tephritis LATREILLE, 1805. Tafrdlia’ DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 6i4, 1863. 1 species. Type, Cganthia fdripes DE~~OIDY(as podacina DESVOIDY). Equals Ceranthia D~svomv, 1830. Vanderwulpia TOWNSEND,Trans. Amer. Ent. Sot., vol. 18, p. 381, 1891. 1 species. Type, Vanderuulpia atrophopodoides TO~NSEXD.’ Syn., Rul+cc’ BR_UJERand BERGEN- STAJIH, 1893; Brauerin;yia TO~NSESD, 1908; &temophrys TOWNSEND,1908. Vappo LATREILLE, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 14, p. 343, 1805. 1 species. Type, hemotelus’ ater PANZER. Equals Pachygaster MEIGEN, 1803. Vatihzzta SPEISER,Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., vol. 48, p. 69, 1903. Change of name for Erigone DE~~OIDY, 1830, not of SAVIGNY, 1827. Type, Musca raddcum F_\BRICIU~. Equals Ernestia DES~OIDY, 1830. Ilelocia COQCILLEIT, Can. Ent., vol. 18, p. 158, 1886. 1 species. Type, Anthrax Gerberus F.%BRICIUS. Equals Hyperalonia RONDANI, 1864. Verrallia MIK, Wien. Ent. Z&t., vol. 18, p. 137, 1899. 1 species. Type, CephaZops aucta FALLES. Verrallina THEOBALD,Monogr. Culic., vol. 3, p. 295,1903. 3 species. Type, AZdes butleri THEOBALD,the first species, by present designation. Villa LIOY, Atti Inst. Veneto, ser. 3, vol. 9, p. 732, 1864. 7 species (as 8). Type, ,4nthra.x abbadon F~BRICI~S (as concinnus MEIGEX), the second species, by present designation. Syn., Htmipenthes LOER’ ,’ 1869; SYonyxOSTEN SACKEN, 1886; Isopenthes OSTEN SACKEX, 1886; Pee&anthrax OSTEN SACKEN, 1886; Chrysanthrax OSTENSACKEN, 1886; Thyridanthrax OFTENSACKEN, 1886; Hyalanthrax OSTEN SACKEN, 1887. Viviania RONDANI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 53, 1861. Change of name for Fab- ricia MEIGEN, 1838, preoccupied. Type, Tachina cinerea FALLEN. Equals Biomya RONDANI, 1856. Volucella GEOFFROY,Hist. Abr&gee Ins., vol. 2, p. 540, 1762. 3 species (without names). Type, Xusca pellucens LIXN~EUS,the first species, by designation of CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 1833, p. 452. Syn., Apicora MEIGEN, 1800: Pterocera MEIGEN, 1803; Ornidia ST. FARGEAUand SERULLE, 1828; Temnocera ST. FARGEAUand SERVILLE, 1828; dtemnocera BIGOT, 1882; Camerania GIGLIO-TOS, 1892. Voria DES~OIDY, Essai Myod., p. 195, 1830. 1 species. Type, Tachina ruralis FALLEN. Syn., dthrycia DESVOIDY, 1830; PIagia MEIGEN, 1838; Blepharigena RON- D.INI, 1856; Klugia DESVOIDP, 1863; Ptilopareia BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,1889; Paraplagia BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,1891. Wagneria DES~OIDY,Essai Myod., p. 126, 1830. 1 species. Type, Ocyptaa cost&a F&LEN (as gngntecr,new species). Syn., scopolia DFSVOIDY, 1830, preoccupied; Brachystylum MACQU~RT,1855; Phoricheta RONDANI, 1861; Ramonda DE~SBOIDY,1863; Carbonia DES~OIDY.1863; Stephania DESVOIDT, 1863; Ateria, DESVOIDY,1863; OcaZea DESI’ OIDY,’ 1863. Wahlbergin Z~ERSTEDT, Dipt. Stand., vol. 1, p. 51, 1842. No species. In 1844, 1 species. Type, Ocyptera lateralis FALLES. Equals Besseria DESVOIDT,1830. Walkeria DESVOIDI’ ,’ Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 995, 1863. 1 species (as 50). Type, Tachina simuluns MEIGEN. Equals Exorista MEIGEN, 1803. Walshomyia FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. Y., p. 359, 1908. 1 species. Type, WaLh.omyia jun.iperina FELT. TfTZZistoniaBR~UER and BERGENSTAMX,Denkschr. Dais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 97,1889. 1 species. Type, Xusca esuriensFABRICIUS. Equals Belvosia DESVOIDY, 1830. Willistoniella MIK, JVien. Ent. &it., vol. 14, p. 136. 1895. Change of name for Rhopalomyia WILLISTON, 1595, not of R~~BSAAMEN,1892. Type, Ropalomera pleuro- punctata WIEDEMANN. Syn., Rhopalomyia WILLISTON, 1595, preoccupied. Winnertzia RONDANI, Atti Sot. Ital. Sci. Nat. M&no, rol. 2, p. 287, 1860. 1 species. Type, Asynapta Zugubris WISNERTZ. Winthemia DEG~OIDY,Essai Myod., p. 173, ’ 1830. 3 species (as 8). Type, Musca quadtipustuZata FABRICIUS(as species 2 to 4 and 6 to S), by designation of DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 2Oi. Syn., Dorbina DESVOIDY, 1SJi; Masipoda BR_~UERand BERGESSTU~M,1889; Catagonia BRAUERand BERQENSTAMY,1891. JjohJfahrtia’ BRAUERand BERGENSTAMM,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 123, lSS9. 2 species. Type, Sarcophila magnifica SCFIISER,the first species, by designation of BRAUER and BERGENSTAMM,Verb. ZooI.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 43, 1893, p_ 501. Equals Sarcophila RONDANI, 1856. JVuZpia BRAUERaud BERGENSTAYSI~Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 60, p. 128, 1893. 1 species. Type, IVuZpia uprta BRAUER~~~ BERGENSTAMM. Not lVuZ@ia BIGOT, 1886. Equals Vanderwulpia TO~~NSEND,1891. Wyeomyia THEOBALD,Journ. Trop. Med., vol. 4, p. 235, July 15,190l. No species. In his Monogr. Culic., vol. 2, November 23, 1901, p. 268, 6 species. Type, Wyeomyia grayii THEOBALD, the first species, by designation of NEVEU-LEMAIRE, Mem. Sot. 2001. France, vol. 15, 1902, p_ 223. Xanionotum BRUES,Amer. Nat., vol. 36, p. 376.1902. 1 species. Type, Xanionotum hystrb BKUES. Xanthandrus VERRALL, Brit. Flies, vol. 8, p. 316, 1901. 5 species. Type, lliusca comtn HARRIS, the first species, by present designation. Xanthina ALJ~RICH,Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., vol. 1, p. 92, 1902. 1 species. Type, Xanthina plumicauda ALDRICH. Xanthochlorus LoE~, Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 42, 1857. 2 species. Type, Porphy- TOPS ornatus HALIDA Y, the first species, by present designation. Syn., Leptopus HALIDAY, 1831; preoccupied. Xanthocrona WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 392, 1899. 1 species. Type, Xanthocrona hipwtulata WULP. Xanthodexia WULP, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Dipt., vol. 2, p. 256, 1891. 1 species. Type, Tachina cinerea WIEDEMANN. Xanthogramma SCHJNER,Wien. Ent. Monatschr., vol. 4, p_ 215,186O. No species. In his Fauna Austr., Dipt., vol. 1, 1862, p. 319, 3 species. Type, _Uuscapedissequua HARRIS (as Syrphus ornatus MEIGEN), the second species, by designationof WILLISTON, Synop. N. Amer. Syrph., 1886, p: 91. Xanthomelana WULP, Tijdschr. Ent., vol. 35, p. 158, 1892. 6 species. Type, Xanthomelana gracilenta WULP, the fifth species, by present designation. Syn., Xanthomelanoaks TOWNSESD,1593. Xanthomelanodes TOWNSEND,Can. Ent., vol. 25, p. 167,1893. Chanpe of name for Xunthomelana WULP, 1592, under the mistaken impression that the latter is preoc- cupied by Xanthomelon MARTENS, 1860, or by Xanthomelanx BONAPARTE,lS50 (a descrip- tire term for a color-group in the genus Euplectes). Type, Xanthomelana gracilenla WULP. Equals Xanthomelana WIJLP, 1592. Xanthotricha ALDRICH, Trans. Ent. Sot. Land. for 1896, p. 339, 1896. 3 species. Type, Xanthotricha cupulifera ALDRICH, the first species, by present designation. Equals Thrypticus GER~TZCKER,1864. Xenochaeta Sxon-, Kansas Univ. Quart., vol. 2, p. 166,1894. 1 species. Type, Xeno- chxta dichromata SNOW. Xenomyza WIEDEMANN, Zool. Mag., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 60, 1817. 2 species. Type, Damalis planiceps FABRICIUS,the first species, by present designation. Syn., Chalci- . dimorpha \VE%wOOD, 1835. h-0. 1719. TYPE-SPECIES OF AMERICAN DIPTERA-COQUILLETT. 621

[Xiphandrium tiEwV: Neue Beitr., vol. 5, p. 36,185i.’ 9 species. Type, Rhaphiurn quadriflum tiEw, the first species, by present designation. Equals Rhaphium MEIGEN, 1803. Not American.] Xiphidicera MACQUART,Hist. Nat., Dipt., ~01. 1, p. 366, 1834. 1 species. Type, Xiphidima rujipes ~KWQUART. Equals adalea &fEIGEN, 1820. Xiphura BRULLE, Ann. Sot. Ent. France for 1832, p. 206, 1832. 1 species (as 2). Type, Tip&a atrata LINNZUS. Equals Flabellifera MEIGEX, 1800. Xylocrypta KIEFFER, Bull. Sot. Ent. France for 1899, p- 69,1899. 1 species. Type, Ceratopogon fasciata MEIGEN. tiquals Sphzeromias CURTIS,1829. Xylomya RONDAXI,Dipt. Ital. Prodr., ~01.4, p. 11,186l. Change of name for Subula MIEGEN, 1820, not of SCBUACHER, 1817. Type, Xylophagus maculatus MEIGEN. Equals Solva WALKER, 1860. Xylophagus MEIGEN, Illigers’ Mag., vol. 2, p. 266,1803. 1 species. Type, ,Yemotelm enctus DE GEER. Equals Erinna MEIGEX, 1800. XyLola MEIGEN, Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 3, p. 211, 1822. 16 species. p;pe, &sca segnisLISN_~EUS, the ninth species, by designation of CURTIS,Brit. Ent., 1832, p. 409. Equals Zelima METGEN, 1800. _Xylota&inn BR.~UERar,d BERGENST-~MH,Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 342, 1891. 1 species. Type, Xylotachina @niperdx BRAUERand BERGEN~TABIM. Equals Sturmia DESVOIDP,1830. Xylot:tja RONDANI,Nuori Ann. Sci. Nat. ( Bologna) for 18-l4, p. 457, 18-14. 1 species. Type, Syrphus ~TY_AS PANZEV. Equals Myolepta NEWX~X, 1838. &$odesia RONDAXI, Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 4, p. 9,l S61. Change of name for Aricia DESVOIDY, 1830, not of SAVIGNY, 1817. Type, Nusca impuncta FALLEN. Equals Mydiea DEXWOIDY,1830. ( Yetodesia of authors equals Phaonia DEWOIDP.) Youngomyia FELT, 23d Rep. State Ent. N. P., p. 398, 1908. 2 species. Type, acrodiplosis podophyke FELT, the first species, by original designation. Yposatcea ROND~SI. Dipt. Ital. Prodr., vol. 1, p. 198, 1856. No species. Genus formed of Lestremin ~~ACQ~'ART, Zygoneura J~EIGEN,and L~imosdara &NDAXI.’ Type, Jfimoscictra molobrina RoNnaNr (the type of Ximosciara), by present designation. Equals Lestremia M~CQUART,1826. Zabrachia COQUILI.~, Bull. 47, N. T. State Mus., p. 5.85,1901. 1 species. Type, Zabrachia polita CoQuILLETr. Zacompsia COQUILLETT,Ent. News., vol. 12, p. 15,190l. 1 species. Type, Zacomp- sia furca COQUILLETT. Zagonia COQUILLEST,Invert. Pacif., vol. 1, p. 2i, 1904. 1 species. Type, .%pOnti para CoQuILLm. Syn., &iligo ALDRICH, 1908. Zaphne DESVOIDP,Essai Myod., p. 527,183O. . 1 species (as 2). Type, Anthomyiu diGsa MEIGEN. Zelia DESVOIDT,Essai Myod., p_ 314, 1830. 5 species. Type, Delia rertebrata SAY (as rostrata, new species), the first species, by present designation. Zelima MEIGEN, Nouv. Class. Mouches, p. 34,1800.* No species. Eumeros MEIGEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, iY&ca segnis LINNXUS. Syn., Eumaos MEIGEN, 1803; Heliophilus MEIGEN, lS03; Xylotu MEIGEN, 1822; Nicraptoma WESTWOOD,1840. ZeZinda DJZXOIDT, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 485, 1863. 1 species. Type, &sca Zibatrik PANZER(as aurulenta, new species). Equals Zenilla DFSVOKDT,1830. ZelZeria DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, p. 985, 1863. 1 species (as 19). Type, Tachina simulans MEIGEN. Equals Exorista I\IEIGEN, lgO3. Zelmira MEIGEN, Now. Class. Mouches, p_ 16, 1800.” No species. Platyura MIS- GEN, 1803, is a change of name. Type, Platyura Ofasciata MEIGEN. Syn., Platwr~ MEIGEN, 1803. Zenillia DEsvoInY, Essai Myod., p. 152, 1830. 2 species (as 3). Type, J1uscal&a- t% P.QNZER,the second species, by desigr?ationof DESVOIDY,Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. 1, 1863, p. 471. Syn., _&%a DEWOIDY, 1863; Atilia DESVOIDT,1863; Clemelis’ DmvoIDY, 622 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUU. VOL.37. 1863; Melinda DESVOIDY,1863; Sagaris DEWOIDY, 1863; Elpe DESYOIDY, 1863; Trito- chda BR~UER and BERGE~TA~I, 1889; Il~yxexoristuBRAUEB and BERGENSTAWI,1891. Zetterstedtia RONDANI, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bologna) for 1844, p. 452, 1844. 1 species. Type, Syrphus cimbiciformis FALLEX. Equals Mallota MEIGES, 1822. Zettwstedtia DESVOIDY, Hist. Nat. Dipt., vol. .l, p. 1024, 1863. 1 species (as 14). Type, Tachina simukuu MEIGES. Equals Exorista MEIGES, 1803. Zodion LATREILLE, Precis, p_ 162, 1796. No species. In his Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins., vol. 3, 1802, p. 4&4, 1 species. Type, YWyopucinerea FABRICIUS. Zcnosema L~Ew, Monogr. Trypet., p. 39,1862.* 1 species. Type, Trypeta meigeni LOEW. Zygobothria MIK, Wien: Ent. Zeit., vol. 10, p. 193,1891. 1 species. Type, Sturmia atropivma DESVOIDT. Equals Stuxmia DESVOIDT, 1830. Zygomyia V17~~~~~~, Verh. ZooI.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 13, p. 901, 1863. 6 species. Type, Mycetophila vara STZGER, the second species, by designation of JOHANNBEN,Gen. Ius., Dipt., Mycet., 1909, p. 112. Zygchcura MEXGEN,Syst. Beschr. Zweifl. Ins., vol. 6, p. 304, 1530. 1 species. Type, @goneurn sciarina MEIGEN. in this alphabetical list of the specific names which occur in the previous part of this paper the following style in regard to the generic names has been adopted: Where there are two generic names in the parentheses, the first is the genus in which the species was originally described and the second is the genus of which it is the type; the second generic is in italics if the genus is a synonym and in black face if it is a valid one. Where there is only one generic name within the parentheses it signifies that the species was oripinallv described in, and is the type of, that genus; if the name ia in italics it is a synomyn; if in black fa&the ienus is valid. Page. abbadon Fabricius (Anthraz, Villa). ___. . _._. 619 abdominalis Desvoidy (Hyperza) ____. __ _ _ . 554 (Peleteria)...... __.._ 586 Say (Dasypogon, Discocephala j. _ 534 (Dasypogon, Holcocephala). 552 Stenhammer (Philygria, Lyto- gaster)..__...... _.... 563 aberrans Rondani (Ezorista, Catagonia). . _. . _ 518 absobrinus Felt ( C&X, Culiseta) ______. . 529 acerifolius Felt ( OZigotrophas, Sackenomyia) _ 602 acerina Felt ( n-iicodiplosis, Lobodiplosis).. . __ 562 acrirostris Townsend (Gkglymyia) ______. __ 546 acrostacta Wiedemann (Limnobia, Oligomera) 579 aculeipes Zetterstedt (ArUhomyza, Rhyncho- trichops)...... ___.__. __.__ ___._____.__._ 601 acuta Fabricius ( Xilesia, Plagiocera) __ _ . __ _ 591 acuticornis Meigen ( Tachina, Acemya). __ _ _ _ 502 ( Taehina, Agculocera). __ _ 504 acutirostre Loew ( Microstylum, Megapol- Zyon)...... 566 adonis Osten Sacken (Astrophanes). __ _ _ _ . _: 511 adusta Loew (Blepharipeza, Rileya). ______601 (Blepharipeza, RiEeymyia) ______601 Meigen (Diastata, Trichoptera) __ _ _ _ . _ 616 adustiventris Costa. See albibarbis Meigen.. 537 aides Loew. See axxcus Wiedemann. _ 582 a?acusWieSemann (Dasypogon, Ospriocerus). 582 aegeriiformis Gray (Pleas, Lepidophora) __ _ . _ 599 aelandicus Linnazus (Asiks, Dioctria) ______533 relops Walker ( Tachina, Beskia) ______. 513 ( Tachina, Ocypterosipha). __ _ _ _ 577 aemula Meigen ( Tachina, Ethilkt). ______540 zmulans Wulp (Prospherysa) ______595 aemulus Meigen (Asilus, Sthpnogaster) ______609 m~eaFabricius (Biblio, Callicera) ______517 Fallen (Notiphila, Pelina) ______586 (Xotiphila, Telmatobia) __ _ _. . __ 612 Meigen ( Tachinu, Ranisia) _. ______549 (Tachina,Lydina)...... 563 (Tachina,Polidea)...... 593 (Tachina,Somoleja)... ______606 Wiedemann. See atra Desvoidy. __ . __ 572 ( Tachinu, Ennyomma)... _ 538 (Ortalis, Chaetopsis). _ __ _. 521 Benescens Desvoidy (More&a, CamiEla). __ _ _ . 517 sneusFallen(CephaZops)._.._....~____~___. 519 Scopoli (Conops, Lathyrophthalmus)_ _ 558 Brea Loew ( Myolepta, Chalcomyia) ______521 624 INDEX.

Page. Page. albomaculatus Theobald (Hcemagogus, Ca- nomala Townsend (Neotractoeera) _. ______575 comyia)...... -.--.____--_~~ 516 (Siphoplagia). __ . _ _ __ _ 696 albomarginatus Curtis. See fasciatus Meigen 607 Williston (Desmatomyia)_ _. ______531 albomicans Wulp (Didyma) ______. _ 533 .ntennataCarlier(Anglearia)..._...... 5Q6 alcyon Say (Anthrax, Poxilanthraz-) ______. . . 593 Zetterstedt ( CMmnyza, Agatho- aldrichii Stein (Pentacdcia) _ _ . ______. __ _ 586 mpia)...... 504 algerica Brauer and Bergenstamm (Rhyncho- nthophila Desvoidp. See radicum Fabri- gonia)...... _._...______.__ 601 dus...... __.______..___ 539 allotalla Meigen (Anthomyia, Aspilia) ______511 rnthracinaMeigen(Psilota)__...._...~...... 597 alopex Osten Sacken (Pocota, Crioprora) . _ 528 rnthracinus Loew (Dasypoyon, Lastaurus). __ 558 alpestris Jaxmicke. See Iongibarbus Loew. _ 542 rnthraz S&rank ( Muxa, Anthrax). ______508 alpicola Rondani (Pogonomyia) ______. . 593 tntiqua Meigen ( Tuchina, Racodineura). . _ . _ 599 alpigenaMik(Orimarg~a)___... .._.______._ 550 ( Tachina, Roeselia). ______. _ 601 alpinaMeigen(Trti, ~urana)...... 571 tntisepticus Lichtenstein. See crystallina Zetterstedt (Limnobia, Orlmarga) __ _ _ 580 DeGeer _.______.___..._. ______._ 521 alternans Zetterstedt ( Mycetophilo, Brachy- rperta Brauer and Bergenstamm (Oestropha- campta)...__...... ___------_. 515 sia, Euoa- altemata Say (Psychoda, Tinearia) __ _ _ _ . __ _ . 615 trophasia) 542 (Psychoda, Trichoptna) _ . __ _ . 616 ( Wulpia) __ 620’ amasiae Brauer and Bergenstamm (Glauco (Wulpia, phanu).... ___.._.___ __... ___ ._._____.__._. 547 Braueri- ambiguaFallen(Agromyza)...~...... _.._ 501 myia) __ _ 516 Macquart (Hystricia,PseudohystriCia) 596 ~picalls Brauer and Bergenstsunm (Parafrola- ambiguua Macquart (Platypalpus, Crossopal- tinu) ____ _ .____.._. ___.______..__._ 584 pus)._...... __..._. ____.______... 528 Coquillett (Mutlloptera) . ______. __ _ _ 571 ambiguus Meigen ( Cerutopogon, Forcipomyia) 545 Desvoidy (Peribaea). . __ _ _ . _ __ _. ___ 587 amenides Walker ( CZitelZoria, Artemita) _ __ _ _ 570 (Sylvia) __..__... ______... 610 americana Fabricius ( Huxa, Trypoderma). __ 61s Meigen(Gnoriste)...___.__._._._ __._ 547 Johannsen. See underwoodi Cn-’ apicata Meigen. See apiformis S&rank __ _ . _ 593 derwood.. .__..__.__._____. _____ 586 apiformis Schrank ( Uuxa, Dasymyia). . . __ 531 Needbam (Oropeza) __ _ _ _ . _ __ _ 581 (~~ca,Pocota)...... 593 Stein. See siphonina Bigot ______535 appendiculata Bigot (Phorostoma, Bathy- amethystinus Fabricius (Sargus, Chryao- dexia)...... _.______._ 513 chlora) . ______.____.__.___._____.___._523 Lww(zdiotypa).... .______555 ammophilus Loew (Asyndetus) _ _ . . ______511 (Zdiotypa, Neoidiotypa) _ 575 amcena Macquart (Hystricia). _ _. ______. . 555 (Paralimna) . ______584 Meigen(Astela) ____. ______511 Macquart (Pangoniw, Cori- analis Jaxrnicke (Nicocles) ______576 zo~ra)...... 528 544 Ruby (Arthria). ______. _ __. _ _ _. _ _ __ _ 51f aquila Fallen (Ephydra, Falosoma) _. ______(Ephydra, Parydra). _ _. _. __ __ 585 Macquart ( jiilesia, Cynorhinn) _. . __ _ _ 5% araneze Coquillett (Pterellipsis). _. __ _ _ _ 597 Meigen ( Cwdilura, Brachygast0) _ _ . __ . 51t araneoides Dalman (Chionea). ______522 (Sciomyza, Anticheta) __ _ _ _. __ _ 50? arctii De Geer. See tussilaginis Fabricius. __ 518 Schiner ( Trichnphora, . 6% Siphoniomyia)_ arcuata Meigen (Phora, Gymnophora) ______548 ancilla Desvoidp. See simulans Meigen __ _ _ 52.Z arcuatum Mik (Pachystylum, Masistylum). _ 565 angel&e Meigen ( Tachina, Ap~otachina) _ _ 5oI amuatusLatreille. See subsultan Fabricius) _ 571 angusta Macquart ( Chortophila, Stenogaster). 6of Loew (PcZu3toneuru3, Paraclius) __ _ 583 angustata Coqulllett (Stenomicra) __ _ _ . __ _ _ _ 608 arenaria Desvoidy. See maritima Haliday. _ 545 angustatum Aldrich (Leptorhethum) _. 56( _. _ __ _ Hallday ( Tachypeza, Chersodromia). 522 angusticornis Townsend ( Atrophopalpus). __ _ 51: argentata Walker (Notiphila, Brachydeutera). 516 angustipennis Loew ( Cfenophora, Phoroc- argentea Fabrlcius. See tosi Becker. _. . __ _ _ _ 570 tends)...... ______58! argenteus Bigot. See limbata Loew. __. __ _ _. 566 Winnertz (Colpodia) ______52( argentifer Loew. See politus Say ______. __ _ 598 anilis Fallen (Dryomyza, Neuroctena) ______57! argentifrons Coquillett (Pseudochaeta) ______596 Linnaeus ( A&.sca, Dialineura) __ _ _ _ . __ _ 53: Macquart. See prompta Meigen 536 annosaZetterstedt (Anthomyza, Qua&da) __ 599 . Willllton (Desmatoneura) ______532 annulata Meigen ( Mycetobia, PZesiMina) __ _ _ 592 534 (Mycetobia, Symmerus) __ _ _ 610 ugus Say (Limnobia, Discobola) . . __ _ _ . __ _ _ . annulatus Macquart. See distendens Meigen 574 (Limnobia, Trochobola) _ . . ______617 Schrank ( Culez, Theobaidia) __ , . _ 614 argyragastra Perris ( Milichia,Stenoporomyia) - 608 ( C&x, Thcobaldinella). _ 614 argyritarsis Desroidy (Anupheles, Laverania). 558 annulipes Macquart (Pla t ystoma, Callopis- (Arwpheles, Nyssorhyn- tria)...... 517 chw)_._...... _.._ 577 (Platystoma, Callopis- argyrophenga Schiner (Lobioptera, Rh~ncho- tromyia) ______.______51i milichia)...... __.______._..______--..... 601 577 Meigen (Porphyrops, Sympycnus) _ 61( aridella Fallen (Ochtkphila). . _. __ _. . ._ - -. . . -. (Sepsis, Enicita). ______532 annataRidder (Hystrichodezia) ______. . _. . . . 555 (Sepsis, Enicopus). ______53: am&usBigot. See aurata Desvoidy . _- - __ . 506 Zetterstedt (Leucopis). ______56t Wiedemann (Sargus, Rhaphiocera) - 600 anomala Osten Sacken (Trlmicra) . __ _ . ______61f arrogansLinnaus(~~ca,S~)...... -.--- 605 INDEX. 625

Page. Page. armmisi~ Fabric& ( MWCU, Euribia). __ __ . _ 542 aurifex Wiedemann ( ~crodon, Chymuphilu) _ 524 ( J&.sca, Forellia) ______545 auriflamma Wiedemann (Cyphomyfa) __ _ . __ _ 539 ( xusca, Trypeta) ______618 mrffrons Meigen ( Tachinu, Lubiga-stera) __ _ _ . 557 Felt (Diathronomyia) . __ . __ . __. __ 532 Townsend (Panzdezodes) ______584 arvensis Desvoidy. See carnaria Linnaeus. _ 589 mrfpfla Brauer and Bergenstamm (Dewdes, arvfcola Meigen ( Tachina, Cynisca) ______530 Allophwoceta)...... ______._ 505 ~-mum Desvoidy. See simulans Meigen _ __ 546 auropubescens Latreille. See mutabilfs Lin- aseflus Wheeler (Parasyntormon) ______. _ 585 naeus...._...... ___ 508 asilicus Fallen (Syrphus, Criorhinu) ______528 aurulenta Desvoidy. See libatrfx Panzer. __ 621 (Syrphw, Penthesilia). ___ . _ _ 586 surulentus Fabrfcius (Daqpogon, Ceraturgus) 529 asffiformis-_ Latreille. See muscarius Fabri- austriacakfeigen(Rhingia) . .._ __...______690 CIUS..-- . .._._____._.____-____.______.._.._ 503 autissiodorensis Desvoidy ( MtcJctia) ______571 ailis Fallen ( Musca, Blissonia) ______514 svicuhriaLinmeus (Hippobosca, Omitho (Tachinu, Chdogena)...... 522 myia)...... ~_ 581 I Tachina, Phorocera) __ _ . __ _ 589 aviumMacquart(Strebla).. ______._ 699 ater Coqufllett(7hlipsopa&,Parabombyfius).’ 583 axureaFallen(, Acihospita)...... 512 Linnaeus (AsiU, Andrenosoma). __ . __ _ _ 506 ( Musca, Protocalliphora) ______595 Panzer ( Nemotelzls, Pacbygaster) ______582 bakeri Coquillett (Chaetodusia) _ . ______521 (NemeteIus, Vappo)...... 619 barbata Bigot (Phorocera, Metsdoria) ______. 568 aterrirna Fabric& ( Musca, Node). ______. __ 576 Coqufllett (Hypoekna, Mdhypastenu) 568 ( diusca, PhiLnGndti). __ _ 586 barb&usFabricius (Asilzrs, Eccritosia). ______536 (Musca,Phora)...... 588 Osten Sacken. See nitidulus Fabri- ( Jfusca, Trineura) ______617 cius...... 596 Villiers ( b&ecu, Cfelia) ______524 ~poli(Er~)...... 539 atomaria De Geer ( Tip&, Atomaria). ______512 barber? Coqufllett (A wpheles, Ccelodiazesis) __ 526 Wiedemann (Ortali~, Automole) __ _ _ 512 barbicomfs Fabric&. See communfs atra Brauerand Bergenstamm (Gaediophana). 546 Meigen...... ~. 529 Coquillett (Ap~ops)_...... _.. 508 barbipes Meigen (Sep.&, Beggiatiia) __. ______513 See helymus Walker ______. . 568 basalfs Loew (Gfoma, Oreogeton) _ _. . ______589 Desvoidy ( Clylia, Myfophasia) ______572 basilica Snow (Polymorphomyia). __ _ . __ _ _. _ _ _ 594 ( Clytia, Phasiodista) ______587 beauvoisii Desvoidy (Prionella) _. __ . . ______594 Fabricius ( itiyopa, Occemya).. ______. . 577 beccarfina Rondanf (Omithoica) ______581 (Myopu,Thecophora)...... _ 614 bechstefnfi Kolenati(Arroeholidia)...... _..._ 562 Macquart (Penthetria, Eupeitenus). __ _ _ _ 542 beUusLoew(Blaz)....._...... 514 Meigen. See aterrima Fabricius.. . __ _ _. 617 (B~x,B2aeodes)...._:...... 514 See fasciata Wiedemann ______591 (BZaz,LiwwieUa) .______562 (Conicera).. .______527 ( Tanypus, Psilotanypus) _. __ . . . _ 597 (Erioptera, Molophilus) _ . __. __ _ _ 571 berolinensis Meigen (Aspistes) __ . . __. __ _ _. __ _ 511 (Gonia, Rhedia)...... _.._._.__ 600 biarticulaturn Hermann (Phthiridium). __ _ _ _ 599 Williston (Ochtheroidea) __ . . __ _ . . _.. __. 577 (Phthiridium, Sty- strata Linnaeus ( Tip&a, Ctenophora). __. . ___ 529 lidia)...... 610 ( Tip&a, Flabellifera). . _. . ._ 545 bicincta Desvoidy. See bifasciata Fabrfcius. 513 ( Tip&a, Tanyptera) __. ______612 Linnaeus ( .&ecu, Antiopa) ______508 ( Tip&a, Xiphura) _ _ . _. __ _ _ _ 621 (&f?6Sc0,Ch~~8OtOZU7ll). _._ 524 Hine(Sno~iellus)...... 696 bicinctus Fabricius ( Tabanu.v Diabasis) __ _ __ 532 Theobald (Cufex, Melanoconion) _ _ _ _ 566 ( Tabanw, Diichlorus).. _ 532 atricepsLoew(Analcocerus)... __.._. _...__. 566 bicolor. See cwipes WiedemaM ______. _ 593 atricornfs Meigen (Hefeomyza, Allophyla) __ . _ 595 Fabricius (Syrphw, Paragus) __ _ . __ 584 atripennis Coquillett (Chaetoplagia). _- - . ____ 521 Giglio-Tos (Mesembrfnella) ______568 atrophopodoides Townsend (Vandenvulpia) . 619 Jznnfcke. See diaphana Fabric&. 599 622 Loew (Sigaliiessa) . __ . ______. __. . _ 695 531 (Synnmphotera, Boreedro- 619 mia)...... ____... 515 595 bfacquart. See curvipes Wiedemann. 593 543 Meigen ()...... _____-~~~ 574 556 (Tachina, Ceromya)...... 529 550 Westwood(Ndhra)...... __.. 576 566 Wiedemann ( Tabanus, A tylotus) __ - . _ 512 603 ( Tachinu, Parafabricia). _ 584 569 bifasciata Fabricius (, Belvosia). _. - - - - 513 599 ( Muxa, Luwillia). _- - _- 558 539 ( Musca, Latreillimyia) - - 558 bifurcata Fallen. See lutea Panzer. __ _ _. _ -- - 534 562 bifurcatus Linnaeus ( C&r, Anopheles) -- - . _- 567 553 bigotiYacquart(Pomacera)_..._...... 594 596 bigotiiBellardi(Culez,Lutxia) .___ _ .__-. --.- 563 626 INDEX.

Page. I age.‘ I biguttata Meigen. See bisignata Meigen. _. _ 534 brevicomisSay (Diopsis, Sphyracephafa) 607 I ’ __ _ _ bilbergi Zetterstedt (Anthomyza. Prosalpfa). . 595 Wiedemann (Luphria, Tap&o- bflfmeki Brauer (Cynipimorpha) ______529 cefa)... ______612 Brauer and Bergenstamm (Prorhyn- ( AYd% Dolicho- chops)...... 595 gaster)...... ____. 535 bilimekii Brauer and Bergenstamm (C?Zslro- brevifrons Walker (Hesperinus) _ __ . _ . __ _ _ _ 551 phasia, iVeoptera). . . __ . __ _. _ _ 575 brevinervis Rondani (Siphunculina) ______606 Brauer and Bergenstamm (Phasiop brevipennfs Curtis. See atra Meigen. ______571 teryZ)....._... .-...... -..-...... 588 Meigen ( Chlorops, Elachiptera) __ 537 biila Walker (Euarmastus). ______. _ 540 Zetterstedt. See arenaria Hali- bimaculata Hartig ( Taehinu, Schaumia) __ _ _ _ 604 day_. ______.______5‘22 Loew. See maculipennis Walker 588 brevipes Fabricius (Dacus, Senopterfna). __ _ . 605 Meigen ( Mycetophila, Lejomya) __ 558 brevirostris Macquart (Bombylius, Spamop- ( Mycetophila, Lejosomn). _ 558 olius)...... 606 Schummel ( Tipdu, Dicranota). 533 brevis Coquillett (Paradmontia). . __ _ _ . ______584 Williston (Tropidomyia) __ _ _ . 617 Harris. See fenestralis Scopoli. ______610 bipartita Desvoidy. See nigripes Fallen __ _ _ 591 browni Kellogg (Eretomoptera) ______. . __ _ _ 539 bipunctata Fallen (Geomyza, Mycetauhrs) __. 572 buccslisDesvoidy(Albinia)...... 504 Linmeus ( Tipulu, Labidomyia). __ 557 buccata Desvoidy. See stagnalis Fallen. __ _ _ 603 Scopoli ( J&, Chrysochroma) __ 523 Failen(Hettromyza)...... I 551 ( J&Lsca, cllryso?wlus) . . _ . 523 (He&omyza, Aedoparea) _ _ _. . 578 ( Musca, Ch ysonotomyia). 523 ( Hetcromyza, Ezocheila). __ _ _ _ 544 bipustulata Wulp (Xanthocrona) __ . _ . ______. 620 (Heteromyza, Heterocheila) _. . _ 551 bisangula Rondani (Gonioneura). __ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ 547 (Hetwomyza, Heterostoma). __ _ 551 bisignata Meigen ( Tachinu, Diplomera) . __ _ _ _ 534 (~~ca,Hylepnila)...... 554 (Tachinn,Spylosia).... .___ 608 Linnaeus ( Corrops, &fyopa) _. _ __ _ . . _ 573 bisulcatus Coquillett (MicraBdes) ______569 bucephala Meigen ( Tachina, Cn@alia) ______52.5 biumbrata Wahlberg. See albitarsis Zetter- bulbosus Osten Sacken (Scerwpinw, Meta- stedt_._...... ~...... _. 595 trichia)...... 568 bivittata Coquillett ( Myocera, Dolichocodii). _ 535 busckii Coquillett ( Aspidoptera) . ______. __ _ _ 511 bivittatus Loew (Bombylius, Triplasius) __ _ _ 617 butleri Theobald (AZdes, Verrallina). __. _ _. _ _ 619 blanda Osten Sacken (Ezorista, Edsyrop~) _ 543 byssma Schrank ( Tip&n, Camptocfadius) __ _ 518 blasfgii Mik (Parathalassius) __ . ______585 cadaverma Lfnnaeus ( &fusca, Pyreflia).. __ . _ 598 blasii Kolenati (Listropoda). . . ______562 caxutiens Linmeus ( Tabanus, Chrysops) . __ _ 524 blattoides Meinert (Aenigmalias) __ . ______504 cbsar Linmeus ( Mwca, Lucilia). __ _ _ . __ _ _ 563 blondeli Desvoidy. See sicula Desvoidy. __ _ 556 caxsia Macquart (? Chortophila, Psilometopiu). 597 bombiformis Fallen (Syrp7ms, Ardophila) __ _ 509 cassioHarrfs(diwca, Euleia)...... 541 bomboides Wiedemarm (AsiZ%s, Mallophora). 565 ( Muxa, PhiZophyUa) ______. _ 588 bombylans Desvoidy. See gnava Meigen __ _ 518 calcaneus Loew (Callmicus). . . __ _ _. _ __ _ _ 517 Fabricius (&f&&a, Temnostoma) 612 calceata Fallen ( CaZobata, Rainieriu). _ __ _ _ . _ 599 (Stommys, Dejeania) __ 531 ( Calobatn, Tanipoda). ______612 borealis Coqufllett (Eutunypus) __ . __ _ _ . __ _. 543 calcitrans Linnaeus ( Conops, Stomoxys)_ . __ . _ 699 Linnreus (Empis, Platypterygia). __ _ _ 592 califomica Bigot ( Thcvenemyia).. ______. _ _ _ _ 614 boscii Desvoidy (PartAenia) __ . __ . . __ _ _ 585 calffomiensfs k&quart ( Micropalpus, Deo- bovina Desvoidy. See denticulatus Meigen _ 527 palpus)_...... __. . ..______.___.__._ __ 531 bovinus Linnmus (Tabanus) _ . ______611 caiiginosa Meigen (Plwra, Anevrina). __ _. __ _ . 506 bovis Linnaxrs Oestrw (Hypodemm). ______555 calogaster Bigot (Microphthalma, Macrome- brakeleyi Coquillett (Corethrefla). ______526 topa). ______..._____ 564 brasiliana Brauer and Bergen&mm (Iliasi- calopus Loew (Lepidomyia)...... __._ __._.. 559 phya)...... 565 (Lepidomyia, Lepidostola). . __ _ 559 Brauer and Bergenstamm (Syn- Meigen ( C&I, Stegomyfa).. ______. 608 thesiomyfa).. __.______610 calvicrura Coqufllett ( LasiopJ, Opsolasia) __ _ _ 580 brasilieusis Schiner ( Aphestia). ______. . __ _ _ _ 568 campestris Desvoidy. See hasmorrhoa Mei- (Atada).._....._...... 511 gen _._.____. __.__.. 571 Westwood (Linrwbiorhynchw) __ _ 561 (Limo&)... ______.. 561 brassicaria Fabricius ( Mwca, Cylindromyia) _ 529 FaIlen ( Tachina, Ophelia) __ _ . __. . 579 ( Mea, Ocyptera) __ _ _ _ 577 Latreille (PipuncuZus) __ . __ _ __ . 591 braueri Strobl. See galeata Haliday. ______535 (Pipunculus, Doriias) _. 535 Will&ton (Atrophqmda, Diaphoro- (Pipunculus, Microcera) _ 569 pezai_.._...... _...... _...... 532 canadensis Loew ( Trypeta, Epochra).. - _.. . . . 539 brevicomis Kreffer (Orthockxiius, Dactylocla- Theobald ( Culez, Cdicada). . __ _ _ _ 529 diw)..... ______. 530 Westwood. See westwoodi Osten Macquart. See simulans Meigen. 514 Sacken...... ___ _..___ .-.. _ 537 INDEX. 627’

Page page. canaliscoquillett (Lordotus, Geminaria). -- - 546 :halcoproctusLoew (Sphageus)_ _ _ . _ . _ __ _ _ 607 *=ariensis Bergroth (Geranomy% dporosa). . 509 ~halybeaMeigen(Actina).... ______._ ___ 503 a.ncerTheobald (Deinocerites). ___. _.. . . 531 zhalybeata Forster ( &Uusca, Beris). __ _. _ _. _ _ _ 513 (Deinoeerites, Brachiomyiz) _ 515 ( ~Uusca, Hezacantha) _ . . _ 5.52 (Deinxerites, Brachiosomz) _ 515 thamaeieon Linuzus ( &&sca, Hoptomyia) _ _ _ 553 andidaCoquiliett (Eferia) . . . _ - - - . - - __... 536 ( Nusea, Stratiomys). __ _ 6cig aescens Ueigen (Heleomyza, Tephro- chelonize Rondani (Ezoristn, Para&orista) _ _ _ 584 chlamys) ______..______.. 613 chichimeca Wheeler and Melander (Empk, Wheeler (Parhydrophorus) __ . _. . 585 Lamprempis) . . . . _._._ ___ ._..___._ _.______557 micularis Linnzus ( _Uusca, Homalomyia) _. 553 chirothecata Scopoli (Tip&, Penthoptera)... 586 ( &, iUyanlha) _ . __ __ 572 chittendeni Coquillett (Paraphyto) ______. _. _ 585 (~~usca, Philinta)...._ __ 588 chorea Fabric& ( -Utica, Lonchaea). ______. 562 anha Fabricius ( Jfuscu, Dexiosoma) _ _ _. __ _ 532 chrysanthemi Loew (Clinorhyncha) __ _ _ _. . __ x.5 capen&DesvoidF. See bombylans Fabri- chrpsitis Meigen (Asks, Machimus) __. __ _ _ 564 emus.....______..___ 531 chrysocoma Osten Sacken (Pangonius, apitataDe Geer. See omata Meigen _ __ _ _ 599 Goniops). .__.. _.._..... _._ ._._ ____.___._ __ 547 (Musca,Gonia)...... __ 547 chrysoprocta Wiedemann ( Tachina, Macro- ( Musca, Salmacia) ______602 meigenia)...... ______564 Wiedemann ( Trypetq Ceratitis) __ _ _ 519 ciliata Fabricius ( Jfu-scn, Microccra) ______569 ( Trypeta, Hzlterophora) 549 &&quart. See scutellala Desvoidp __ 514 ( Trypeta, Pctilophora) _ 587 ciliatus Fabrfcius ( Ctlln, Psorophora) ______597 apit Loew (Oedopa) __ _ _ . ______578 cilicrus Kieffer (Dip&s, Clinodiplosis) __ _ _ _ 525 Osten Sacken (Pantarbes) ______583 ciligera Desvoidy. See devia Fallen. ______580 c,apnopterus Wiedemann (Dasypogon, Archii- SeedubiaFaUen...... 538 estes) ______509 See inanis Fallen ______. _ 523 (Dasypogoa, Archil- cilipennis Macquart. See melania bfeigen __ _ 617 estris)...... 509 cimbiciformis Fallen (Syrphus, Zetterstedtia) _ 622 capucina Fabricius (Bibio, Ezoprosopa) __ _ _ . _ 544 Loew. See stigma Fabricius. _ 576 carbonaria Panzer ( Jlusca, Scopolis) ______604 cimicoides Fabricius. See arrogans Linnzeus. 605 cardui Linnaeus (Musca, Urophora). ______619 See connexa Meigen __ 611 Meigen (Anthomyiz, Delia). ______531 cincta Fabricius ( Tip&z, Pelopia) ______586 caricicola Desvoidy. See palustris Fallen. __ 526 ( Tip&a, Protenthes). ______595 camaria Linnseus ( _Lsc(c, Myophora). __ __ _ 573 (Tipu2a,Tanypug)... ______612 ( Mmca, PhoreUa). ______589 GiglieTos (Myioscotiptera) _. ______572 ( JZthsc3, Sarcophaga). __ _ _ 602 Kieffer (Roloneura).. ______552 carnea Loew (Lestremia, Cecidogona) . ______519 cinctus De Geer (Nemotclus, Eriuna) ______539 camivorus. See diadema Linmeus. ______565 ( Nemotelus, Pachystomus) __ 582 carolinensis Brauer and Bergenstamm. See ( Nemotelw, Xylophagus) _ __ 621 tibialis Desvoidy __..___. _.______598 Osten Sacken (Aochletus) ______508 casei Linnzeus ( ,+fusca, Piophila) . ______. _ 591 cineraria Rondani (Cestonia). . ______. __ _ 520 ( Mmcz,Tyrophaga) _. __. _ 618 cinerascens Meigen (Limnobia, Marginomyia). 565 caucasicus Fischer (Rhynchocephabs, Andre- Rondani (Goniz, Pseudogonia) __ _ 596 nomya)...... 506 cinema Coquillett ( Ateloglossa) . _. . . . ______511 caudata Fallen (Notiphila, Dichaeta) ______532 (Parodinia)..... ______585 Zetterstedt ( Cordilura, Okeniz) _. __ _. 578 Desvoidy (Leucophora) __ _ _ . . __ _ _ . _. 58 ( Cordilura, Okeniella) __ _ 579 (Leucophora, Hammomyia) 549 caudelli Dyer and Knab ( JliochkJstyraz) __ _ _ _ 5io (Lcucophora, Ocromyia) __ _ 577 celeripes Me&en ( Tachydromia, Agatuchys). _. 504 Fabricius ( Myopa, Zodion). . . . _. __ . _ 622 cellaris Meigen. See funebris Fabricius. _ __ _ 535 Fallen (Notiphila) ______576 cellamm Desvoidy (Bacchis) ______513 (Notiphiln, Keratocera). . __. . . _ 557 cerasi Linneus ( Xusca, Rhagoletis) __ _ _ _ . __ _ 599 (Tachinu,Biomya) __._..._ _.._ 514 cerberus Fabricius (Anthraz, VeZocia) ______619 (Tachinu, Fabricia)...... 544 cerealis Rondani. See destructor Sav_ _ _ - . . . . 590 (Tachinu, Viioiania)...... ’ 619 cereris Fallen (Oscinis, Centor). ______519 Loew (Rhicnoessa) __ _ _ _ . ______._ . 60 (Oscinis,Cetema)...... _.__ 520 Marquart (Apeilesis). __ ...... __ _ . - 508 cervi Linnseus (Pediculis, Akephaqus). ______504 (Lestremia). __ _ . . . . . __ _ . - 560 (Pediculus, Haemobora) __ _ 549 Townsend ( Trepoph ys) - __ . . . . _- - . - 615 (Pediculw, Lipoptena) ______562 Wjedemann ( Tuchina, Xanthodexia) . 620 (Pediculw, Ornithobia) _. . __ _ _ 581 Wulp (Microchaetina). _. . _. . . 569 562 cervina Panzer. See cervi Linnsus. _. ______cjnereus Latreille. See geniculata De Geer.. - 516 cervinus Loew (Aphoebautus) _ 508 ______Wiedemann (Agdes). _ _. __ _. _. __..- 504 chzetosula Townsend (Muscopteryx) ______571 cingulata Desvoidy (Actia) _ _. chalcogaster Wiedemann (As&s, Lophono- _ ...... __. . 503 (A&a, Elfi) 537 tus)...... 562 ______. ___. chalconota Meigen ( Tachina, Gymnopsis) __ _ _ 548 cjngulatus Fabricius (Asilus, Epitriptus) - - -. 539 ( Tuchina, Javetia) __ _ . _ _ 556 citriperda MacLeay. See capitata Wiede- ( Tachina, Macqurutia) __ 564 mann..... _._._. ______.__._..._. _._.. __.. 519 ( Tachina, Rondanimyia). . 601 civilis Rondani ( Tachina, Ptilotathinu)... . _.- 598 . 628 INDEX.

Page. claripennis Desvoidy. See albocostata Fal- conicaDesvoidy(Amobia)_...... _._._ 50.5 len...... _. _____ 522 Panzer ( ,, Brachyopa) ______516 (Koctia).... ._.______557 Townsend ( Ceratomyiella) __ . __ _. _ __ _ 520 (Scatina). __ _.______603 Wiedemann (Philopota) __ _ . ______588 Melander(Prorates)...... 595 coniophaga Winnertz (Diplosis, Mycodiplosis) 572 clausa Bigot (Hyadesimyia) __ _ _ . __ _ . _ _ _ 553 conjungens Walker. See fermosa Harris _ __ 539 Brauer and Bergenstamm (CKstio- connexa Meigen ( Tachydromia) __ _ __ . _ __ 611 phasiu).... __._... _..___ ...... 578 ( Tachydromia, Coryneta) __ _ _ 528 Macquart. See obsoleta Meigen ______565 ( Tachydromia, Tachista). ._ __ 611 Osten Sacken ( Hirmoncura Parasym- conopsoides Linnaeus (,, Ceria) ______. 520 mictus)...... 585 Macquart(Mixogaster) ______570 clavata Drury (,llusca,Mydas).. .__...__.... 572 contaminata Linnreus ( Tip&a, Liriope). __ __ _ 562 claviger Osten Sacken (Phyllolabis). _ __ . . . _ 590 ( TipLcla, Ptychopte7a) 598 clavipes Fabricius (Dicrya, Ropalomera). __ . . @II contigue Walker. See lasiophthalmus Mac- (Laphria, Lampria) ______557 quart...... _* .._...... _..._.___.. 524 (Syrphu.Y, Lampetia). _- _.. 5.57 continua Panzer ( afusca, CZytia) ______. 525 (Syrphw, &rodon). ______567 ( Musea,Clytiomya) ______525 ( Tip&a, Bittacomorpha). __ 514 contrfstans Wiedemann (Dolichopw, Leptu clelia Osten Sacken (Stonyr). ______. _ 669 pw).... _.._ ____.___.._.__._ _...... __... ___ 560 chstoides Townsend. See ienea Wiedemann. 538 convecta Walker ( Tachina, Schtzotachtna) __ _ 604 chmipes Fallen ( &fi.!.&a, Sphegina)______607 coprina Desvoidy (Lo7datia). ______. __ _ _ _ . 563 coarctataFallen? (Ephyddra, Hygrophila) _. . _. 554 cordpluroides Stein (Phyllogaster) ______596 (Ephyara, Napaea). ______573 comicinaFabricius (, Euphoriz) _ _ __ . _ 542 (Mwca, Gastrolepto). ______546 ( Mu-sea, Orthellia) _. _ _ _. 581 Pertp (Laphria, Planetdestes). __ . _ 591 ( Mzhvca, Pseudopyrellia) . 596 coarctatus Loew ( diicrodon, Omegasyrphus) _ 579 cornutaBrauer and Bergenstamm. See cocciphila Coquillett (Phora, Syneura). _. . _ 610 aelopsWalker __.______._.._.._ ___ 5i3 cceruleonigra Macquart (Jurinia, Jurinella). _ 556 Fabricius ( Musca, Cerajocera) _ __ _ _. 519 caerulescens Loew (Lyrorzeurzls) ______. _ 563 Fallen (Oscinis, Crassiseta) ______52s Macquart (Senogaster). ______605 (Oscinis, Macrochetum) ______564 cognata Meigen ( _%,.sca, Melinda) __ _ . . __ . __ _ 567 Meigen (Sepsis, Acrometopia). ______593 Wiedemann (Tephritis, Acidia). _ __ 592 comutus Wiedemann (Dasypogon, Ceratur- ( Tephritis, Epidesmia). _ 538 gopsis).._...... 520 cognatusWiedemann ( Tephrilis, Prfonimcra) . 594 corrigiolata Linnmus ( nfusca, Micropeza) __ _ _ 569 coleoptrata Fabricius. See hemfpterus Fab ( Musca, Phantasma) __ _ 587 ricius...... 587 (,Tylos).... ____ 618 Scopoli ( Muxa, Stegana) _. _. __ _ _ 608 coryleti Scopoli ( Afuxa, Pherbina) _ _ . _ _ __ . __ 588 collaris Fallen ( Tachinu, Degee7ia) ______531 ( A%sca, Tetanocera) __ _ _ . __ _ 613 ( Tachina, Medina) ______565 costalisGerstaecker(Dtacrita).._...... ____ _ 532 collusor Melander (Hemerdromia, Metachela) 568 (Dianita, Carlottzmyia). . 518 colomba$chensis Fabricius (Rhagio, Simu- von Roser (Phora, Megaseha) ______566 lium)__...... 605 cost&aFallen (Ocyptia, Carbonia) _.______518 comantis Coquillett (Empimorpha) ______. __ 537 (Ocyptera,Oca&a)_.._...... 577 cornaster Williston (Apatolestes). _ __ _ . __ _. 508 (Ocyptera, Phoricheta). _. _ _ ___ 589 combinata Lirmaeus ( bizLsca, Balioptera) _ _ _ . 513 (Ocyptera, Wagneria) __ __ . . . _ 619 (M&-sca,Geomyza) ___.. 546 Wulp (Acaulona). ___._.. .__.._._ ____ 502 communis Desvoidy. See flaveola Fabricius 536 cothurnata Wiedemann (Stomorys, Stomato- Meigen ( Ceratopogon). . ______520 dexia)...... _.~.....~...._~ 669 ( Ceratopogon, Helea) __ . . _ 549 crabroniformis Linnaxs (Asihrs). . ______511 complexa Osten Sacken (Teucholabis). __ _. _ 613 crassicomis Meigen ( Tachina, Cymnopareia) _ 548 complexus Bigot (Ptychoproctw) __ _ . ______. 598 ( Tachinu, Gymnophtnlma) 548 comstockii Townsend (Eulasiona). ______541 crassineura Rondani. See costalis von Roser. 566 comta Fallen ( Tachina, Bormetia) ______. _ 515 crassipennis Fabricius (Xusca, Melieria). . __ 567 ( Tachina, Marshnmia). _._ _ _ _ _ 565 crassipes Fabricius (Hzmatopotu, Hadrus).. _ 549 ( Tachinu, Micropalpis) _. __ _ _ _ 569 ( Hzmmtopotn,Lepiselaga). 559 Harris ( IIfaxa, Xanthandrus) ______620 Loew (Hormomyia) ______. _ 553 concavus Aldrich (Cmloglutus) __ . ______526 Panzer ( Chironomus, Eurycnemus)_ 543 concinnata Meigen ( Tachina, Compsilura) __ _ 526 crassirostris Meigen. See flavipennis Fallen. 582 (Tachinn,Doria)._ .______535 crawfordii Coquillett (Pseudacteon) . __ _ _ . __ _ 595 ( Tachina, Machzrza) __ . _ 563 crawii. See diabroticae Shtmer ______. __ _ 519 eoncinnus Meigen. See abbadon Fabricius _ 619 Coquillett. See diabroticae Shimer. 578 confinisFallen ( Tachina, Aplomya) ______509 crebra Wulp (Prospherysa, Phrissopolia) __ _ _ 589 contirmatus Arribalzaga (Ochlerotatus)__ _ _ _ 577 crepusculi Brauer and Bergenstamm (Cne- confususTheobald (Sabethoides) __ _. . ______602 phaotachina).. ______.___. .._.___._ __ 526 INDEX. 629

Page. PEge‘ mbicomis Wiedemann (Psilopll~, MaWo- denticomis Panzer ( Chlorops, Cerafomyza) _. _ 520 s~y~u~)______.______..__._.-.-.‘.--.-~ 566 ( Chlorups, Cerodontha). __ 520 croc3ta Limxeus I Tipula, Pachyrhina) -- _ -- . 582 (Chbrops, oaont~~a).... 578 ,,,ucigerWiedemsnn. See acuta Fabricius. . 591 denticulatus bfeigen (Borborus, Coprinu) _ __ _ 527 ad&isWiedemann ( Tachina, bgiorhia) - - 566 depila hleigen. See flavipes Panzer. ______521 crystalbna De Geer ( Tipula, Chaoborus). - - - $21 depressariae Brauer and Bergenstamm ( Cata- cucularia Linnaeus ( &frzcsCo,Gymnostyla). - 548 c&a)._...... ______._.______.___ 518 cucuba&r Linneeus ( ~Ifu-sco, Elgiva) _------537 depressus Macquart (Pangonius, Diatomi- culiciformis De Geer ( Tipula, Coretira) -_ -_ -- 528 newa)...... 532 cultaWiedemann ( Trypeta, Paracantha) - . - - 583 (Pangoniw, Osca) ______581 cuniculfClark (O&l-us, Cuterebra).. _- -. -. -. 529 destructor Say ( Cecidomyiz, -Vayelia). __ __ _ 565 cuprarius Linmeus ( Mmca, Geosargus) - - - _. 5-16 ( Cecidomyin, Phytophaga). __ _ 590 (Ilfusca,Sarpzls)..__..... 603 devia Fallen ( Tachina, Brachicoma) ______575 cupreiventris Wulp (Telothyria) ______. __ _ . . 612 (Tachinu,Oppia)______580 cupreus Fallen (Dolichopus, Gymnoptemus~. 548 H&day (Orphnephila). ______581 Scopoli ( Conops, Chrysoclamis). _. __ _ 523 (Orphnephiln, C hen&a) ______522 ( Conops, Ferdiuandea). __ _. _ 545 (Orphnephilz, Thaumalea) __ _ __ 614 cupulifera _4ldrich (Xanthotricha) ______620 diabroticm Shimer ( Melznophora, Celatoria) . 519 cursit,m Fabricius ( Musco, Platypalpus) __ _ _ 592 diadema Fabricius (Asilq Cheilopogon)._ __ _ 521 curricauda Gerstaecker (Torotrypana) __ . __ . 615 (Asilus, Dasypogon). __ _ _ 531 ( Tozotrypann, Miki- (Asilw, Seilopogon) ______665 myia).. .______. _ 570 See melancholia Harris _. _ 511 cwipes Fabricius. See clavipes Fabricius. _ 567 Linmeus ( Mu-sea, Chrysopilrw) __ _ _ 523 (Damalis).. _..______.__ __ 530 ( Mmca, Medetera) ______56.5 Fallen (Dolichopus, Campsicnemua). 518 Meigen ( Chlorops, Haplegis) ______549 Latreille. See subsultans Fabricius. 607 diademoides Townsend. See triquetra Oli- Wiedemann ( iIferodon, Polydonta) __ 593 vier...... 585 ( Memdon,Polydonto- diaphana Fabricius ( Murca, Archilestris) __ _ 509 myia)...... __.______593 (&fu-sca,Argyra)...... 569 ( Merodon, Trio&m&) __ 617 (Mmca, Lasiargyra). _. __ 557 curvirostris Laveran (Simondella) _ _ _ __ 605 ( Afuxa, Porphyrops) __ 594 cyanea Giglio-Tos (Bricenniella) ______516 dichromata Snow (Xenochaeta) ______. _ 626 cyaneirentris Macquart (Bbpharipeza, Para- didyma Loew (Xysta, Clistomorpha) _. ______525 gaedia)...... 584 dimidiata Loew. See argentata Walker. __ _ 516 cyanescens Coquibett ( Culez, Lepidosia) _ . . 559 b&quart. See leucoprocta Wiede- cyaneus Fabricius ( Culez, Sabethes). __ _ __ 602 mann...... 578 cyanocephalus Meigen (Diaphorus, Brachy- Staeger ( Jfyccfophilu, Mycothera). 572 pus)...... _...... ~...... ~...... 516 diophtbalma Linnaeus ( Mmca, M&&a) __ _ _ . 570 cyarmrus Loew (Asilw, Itamus). ______. __ . 556 diophthalmus Fabricius. See saltuum Fab- (Asilus, Neoitamus) __ . ______575 ricius...... _..______..______. 667 cylindrica Desvoidy. See collaris Fallen __ __ 565 directa Walker (Pangoniw, Scurphia) ______663 See melanocephala discolor Coquillett ( Culer, Ceratocystia) __ _ _ _ . 519 Meigen... ._.______576 disrrucians Walker ( CuZcz, Janthinoaoma). __ 556 Fabricius ( Jfusca, Nemopoda) __ _ _ 574 disjuncta Wiedemann (Anthrax, Lepidan- cylindricornis Fabricius ( >, Lauxauia) __ 558 thrax)...... _ 559 cylindricus De Geer (Asilus, Gonypes). __ _ ,_ _ 517 ( Tachinu, Amesia) __ _ _ 505 (dsilw, Leptogaster) __ _ 559 ( Tachina, Microphthal- cpnipsea Linnreus ( MLcsca, Sepsis) ______605 ma)...... _._.. 570 dahlii hleigen ( Clitellaria, Adoxomyia) _. __ _ _ 503 dispar Desvoidy. See quadmm Fabricius. __ 572 dakotensis Townsend (Euscopolia) ______543 Rondeni. See occulta Meigen. ______547 (Sarcochsta) __ _ _ . __ _ 602 disparata Brauer and Bergenstamm (Plagio- debilis Loew (Elliponeura)..._._...... 537 mima)...... 591 decemnodia Scopoli. See notata Linmeus. _ 520 dispellens Walker ( Tipula, Brachypremna) _ 516 decens Townsend (Eumacronychin) ______. 541 dissecta Meigen (Anthony& Gymrwgaster).. _ 54s decipiens Sleigen. See pedella Fallen ______519 dissimilis Meigen (Sarcophaga, Hartigia) __ _ _ 549 de&a Walker ( Tachina, Pararchytas). ______585 Walker. See elongata Say. __ _ _ . __ 532 decoraLoew(Pteroptila).... ______598 Wulp(Nemochax%)_... _._____._._ _ 574 Macquart(Somula).__. __.______606 distendens Meigen ( Chrysotu.s, Nematoproc- decoram Loew (Diplosis, Bremia) ______516 tus)...... 574 dcfectaWilliston (Manota) ______565 Wiedemann (Asilus, Ampyx) __ _ _ _ 506 demandate Fabricius ( ~WUSCU, Oaloria) . _ __ __ 522 (Asilus, Doryclus) _ _ _ 535 ( -iusca, Chrysomyza). __ _ 523 distincta Meigen ( Tuchina, Hypochda). __ _ _ _ 555 ( Uu-sca, Physiphora). . __ _ 590 Townsend ( Trixoclista) __ . ______617 (Muaca, .Yliaia)...... 618 Winnertz. See sylvatica Curtis. __ _ 613 demoticoides Brauer and Bergen&mm (Ar- distinctissima Meigen (Limnobia, Cylindro- ~hr~haeta)._...... ~~~___~____..__ 570 Loma)...... ~..._...... 529 . 630 INDEX.

Pr rqe. w Lge. dives Wiedemann. See litturata Olivier __ . _ 540 errans Meigen (Agromyza, Phytobiu) _. . ______590 divisa Neigen (Anthomyia, Zaphne) __ _ _ _. __ _ _ 621 (Anthomyia, Trennia) __ . __ _ __ 615 Loew. See immaculata Nacquart _. . 548 erratica Fallen ( Musca,Phaonia). . _. __ _. _ 587 dolium Fabricius (Ocyplera, L&a) ______5G2 erythrocephala Fabricius. See morio Fabri- (Ocypteru, Megamerina). . . 51?6 cius...... _...._...... 34 dolosa Arribalzaga. See aestuans Wiedemann 551 Leach (Ornithomyia, Omi- domestica Linnaeus (Musca) _. ______5il thoctona)...... _.___ __ L81 dominula Desvoidy. See simulans Meigen _ 546 Meigen ( Xuscu, Calliphora). _ 517 dorsalis Fabricius ( Afyopa, Lonchopalpus) _ 562 erythrocera Brauer and Bergenstamm (Hes- (Stomozys, Arpagita) __ _ _ 570 peromyia)..._.. ______.._ ___.. E51 Meigen (Trixa) _. ______. . _ __ . . _ . 617 Desvoidy. See aterrimaVilliers. 524 dubia Bigot (Rhamphinina). ______599 (Athrycia). _. _._ _ 512 Fallen ( Tachina, Aporomya) __ _ _ . _ _ 509 erytbrostoma Hartig ( Tachina, Hemithaa) . _ 550 ( Tachinu, Enthesis). ______. _. 538 erythrura Meigen (Sarcophaga, Servaisia) __ _ _ co5 ( Tachina, Lyphe). _. ____ _. 5e3 esurien$ Fabrfcius ( _iuscz, Willistonis) . __ _ _ 619 Kieffer (Bryocrypta). . __ _ . _ _. . . 51G eulophus Loew (Hippelutes, Ceratobarys) 519 Macquart ( Ccenasia, Eriostyla). __ __ _ 540 eumyothyroides Townsend. See theutis (Oscinis, Botanobia) ______515 Walh-er...... _____... _._ 537 dufourii Westwood. See westwoodi Guerin- euphemoidea Desvoidp. See pertusaNeigen. 550 Neneville. ______586 exile Coquillett ( Clytiomya, Et;trixa). _ _ _ 543 durhamii Theobald (Limatus) ______561 exilis Coquillett ( Cerutopogon, A trichopogon) _ 512 dux Eschseholz ( Mu.?ca, Compsomyia) __ _ _ _ 526 (Metacosmus). . . ___ . __ _ _ . 568 dyari Coquillett ( Culez, Culicella) . ______529 Meigen (Agromyza, Agrophila). ______504 echinura Desvoidp (S&a). __ _ _ _. ______602 (Drapetis)_.__...... __.._. __ 535 (SaZia, Spoggosia) ______608 eximia Stenhammer ( Cc~lopa, Fucomyia) _. . _ 545 edwardsii Loew (Allocotus). ___ _ _. ______504 Wiedemann ( Trypeta, Hexachaeta). ._ 552 (AZZocotus, Paracosmus) __ _ _ 583 exoleta Neigen (Tachina, Entomophaga) _. _ _ 538 effrons Giglio-Tos (Brachiophyra) __ _ _ . _ __ _ _ 515 cxquisitus Meigen (Dasypogon, Habropogon). 548 egregia Wulp (Polygaster) ______593 exsurda PandeUe (Limnophora, Delano- ehrmanni Coquillett ( Aldrichia) ______504 chelia)...... _____.. .______. 566 elegans Coquillett (Amphicosmus). __ _ . . _ _ 505 fasciata Desvoidy. See nigripes Fallen __ _ 530 (Johnsonia). __. ______556 See octopunctata. ______572 Desvoidy. See hortulana Rossi __ _ _ _ 565 See pulchella Rossi. ______615 Meigen ( CaZZomyia).. _.._.______517 (Ramonda). __ _ . ______599 ( Callomyia, Cleona). __ . __ _ _ 525 Egger (Fallenia, Eggeriu) __ _ _ _ . _ 536 ( Chrysogaster, Orthonevra) __ 581 Guerin(Caloptera)_. . ..______._. ___ 517 (Phytomyza, qineura). ______533 ( Cdoptera, Evanioptera) __ _ _ _ 543 (Phgtomyza, Napomyza) __ _ 574 Kieffer (Dichrodiplosis). __. _. _ _ _ _. _ 533 Panzer (Chamaemyia). _._ _. _ _ _ _. _ 521 Macquart (Didea). _. __ _ _ . ______533 Wiedemann ( Cyphomyia, Eupary- (Didea, Enica) ______. 538 phus)...... __.______.._ 542 Meigen ( Ceratopogon, Xylocrypta) _ . . 621 elegantula Rader (Agathon) ______. . _ __ 504 (~~~e~cr,Ge~j~)...... 546 elegantulus Wiedemann (I)asypogon, Sticho- ( Mycetobiz, Ditomyia) __ . __ _ 534 pogon)...... _ . . . . . 609 ( Mycetophila, Rymosia). __ _ 602 elongata Say (Stygia, Agnotomyia) __. . __ _ 504 ( Myopa, Zschiodontc) ______555 (Stygiu,Dialysis).__. _.______.__ 532 (Platypeza) _. . . . . _. . . 592 Wiedemann ( Clitellaria, Acanthinu) 502 (Plntypeza, Clythia) ______525 , ( Clitdlnria, Acanthi- (PZatyura) _ _ __. __ _ _ 592 nomyia). ______502 (I%tyura, Zelmira) ______621 Wulp(Paneryma)...... __._.__ 5E3 Say(Heteromyia)..... ____. ______._ _ 551 elongatus Fabricius (Syrphus, Baccha). . . __ 513 Westwood (Asthenia) ______. _ _ __ _ 511 enigma Coquillett (Ptilomyia) ______. _ _ 598 (Astheniz, Blepharicera). _ 514 ephippiata Fallen ( Tachydromiu, Elaphrw Wiedemann (Acrochzta) ______502 peza)...... 537 (Gonia, Pissemya). __ _ _ _ 591 ephippium Fabricius ( I%f~sca, Neriu) ______575 fasciatus Brauer (Myxosargus) __ . . ______573 (Stratiomys, Clitellnria). 525 Fabricius. See calopus Meigen. __ _ 608 episcopus Osten Sacken (Rhaphiomidas) _ _ __ eoo Neigen ( Cemlopogon, Sphaeromias). 607 eques Wiedemann (D&u, Pseudodexia) _ . __ 596 fascipennis Coquillett (Scutops). ______64I.l equi Clark. See intestinalis De Geer ______546 Fabricius (Stratiomys, Euryneura) 543 equina Fallen (Copromyza). ______527 &&quart. See coarctata Fallen _ 554 ( Cupromyza, Mycetia). ______572 See fuscipennfs Say. _ 577 Linnaeus (Hippobosca) . ______552 Meigen (Leia). __ __ _ . ______558 (Hippobosca, Nirmom yia) _ __ 576 (Leia, GZatihyroptera).. __ _ 547 erigonea Desvoidy ( Jfericia). __ _ _ . ______567 (Leia, Neoglaphyroptera) . 575 erinacea Fabricius ( bfuscu, Peteina). ______. _ 587 Say (Limnobia, Epiphragma). __ _ _ 539 erosaLoew(Epiplatea). .___. ______539 Williston. See tibiaiis Walker. _ 510 INDEX. 631

famithorax Williston (Ceriogaster)... . . _- - 526 f imbriata Waterhouse (Anopera, Bra@p_ 542 f=tuosa Yeigen ( Tachina, Eumetopia). . __ _. teromyia)...... _...~.~_..... 516 576 fauna Jleigen ( Taehina, Nilea). . Wulp’ (Brachiconm, Thysanomyia). 615 553 fawtina Osten Sacken (Anthruz, Hyalanthruz) imetaria Linnams ( -%fuxa, Oblicia). ______577 533 febrilis Linnmus (Tipula, Dilophus) - . -. . . - . ( -Uusca,Pekthophiln). ___ _ 596 ( Tip&, Philia) ______. _. 588 (Jfusca,Psila)... ______596 femoral&Desvoidy ( Aciura)__ _ _ . ______. . _. _ 502 ( ~rhsca, Psilomyia)..... __ 597 603 Schiner (Sarcophila, Sarothromyia). itchii Osten Sacken (Protoplasa). ______. _ 595 r_- Wiedemann( Cephalia, Conopsida) __ 527 (Protoplasu, IaiOplastg_ 533 ( Cephaliu, Micho- Iabellifer Osten Sacken (Polymedon) ______594 569 gaster)...... ______IavaCoquillett(Phasiops)...... ___._ ___ 588 5s2 femorata Fabricius (Empis, Pachymerina) - . . (Zagonia)... .______.______621 Meigen ( Cerutopugon , Ceratolophw) 519 Desvoidy. See flava Linn~us ______. 562 ( Ceratopcgon, Johannseni- SeeroridaFallen_...... __~ 563 ells)... .______.. 556 Fabricius. See obsoleta Fallen. ______692 \Villiston. See fimbrista Water- Linnaeus(~~ca,Chyromya)...... 524 house...... __.....~...... 516 (Mu-sea, Li.selln)_...... __ 562 femoratus Meigen ( Cerutopogon, Ptionom@) _ 594 ( Jfusca, Scyphellu). _. ______604 ( Ceratopogon, Serromyia). . 605 ( Mvscn, Thyrimyzu). ______615 fenestralis Fallen (Heleomyza, Aecothea) _ . . . . 503 bfeigen (Heteromyza, Clusia) ______525 Linmeus ( Jfu-sca, Atrichia) __ _ . _ . 512 (Heteromyza, Mucrochira)._._ _ _ 5@ ( MffscuCona). __ _ . .. 526 (Heteromyza, Peratochetw) __ _ _ _ 587 ( Muscu,Hypselura) __ _ _ 555 (Heteromyza, Stomphastica). __ _ _ 699 ( Musca, Omphrale) _ __ __ 579 Schellenberg. See fimetaria Linnaeus. _ 586 ( Mwscu, Scenopinw) __ _ 664 Stzger (Boktinu, Ccelosia). ______. 526 Scopoli ( Tip&a, Rhyphus) ______691 Townsend ( Clytia, Euclytiu) . . ______541 ( Tip&a, Sylvicolae) __ _ _ . _ 610 See venatoris Coquillett. __ _ _ 574 fenc&rarumDesvoidy. See flava Limueus 524 Wirmertz ( Macrorrhyncha). ______564 See serrata Linnreus 569 ffaveola Coquillett (Megapariu, Eumegaparia) 541 Scopoli. See fenestralis Scopoli. 691 Desvoidy (Lentiphora) ______. _ 559 fera Desvoidy (Fellaea)______545 Fabricius ( ~Vusca, Dryomyza) ______535 Linmeus ( ,tiwcu, Eupebteria) ______542 (~~csca,Dryope)...... 536 ferina Fallen ( _%fusco,_Vyocera). ______573 Fallen (Phytomyza)_ __. ______590 ( Jfusca, Phorostoma) ______589 flavescens Desvoidy. See aurea Fallen. __ _ _ . 566 ferruginea Fallen (Rhingiu, Eugeniumyia). __ _ 541 (Phorza)_... ______. 558 (Rhingiu, Ewcheila) ______544 Johnson (Sepsizoma) ______. ffi (Rhingia, Hummerschmid- Linnaws ( Tip&a, Limnoicu) _. __ 561 tia)...... __._... 549 flavianalis Macquart ( Eras, Eichoichemus) _. 537 Linnseus ( Conops, Cylindrogaster) _ 529 tlavicans Desvoidy. See wiedemanni Mei- (Conops,Sicus).. ______695 gen...... ~ 5s6 Macquart ( Conops, Conopoideus) _ 527 Ruthe. See ferruginosa Meigen. __ _ 532 (Odontomera) __ _ . _ __ 578 flaviceps Meigen (Xotiphikx, Hydrellia). __ _ _ _ 553 (0&3ntomera, Cyrfome- (Xotiphih, Hydropotu) _ __ _ _ 554 topa)...... _.___._. ._. 536 Zetterstedt (Goniz, Onychogoniu) __ _ 579 See trimaculata Fabric- flavicmctus Meigen. See occulatus Fallen __ 532 ius...... 526 Bavicollis Meigen (Purphyrops, Achalcuz) - - - 502 Meigen (Linnobiu, Phylidorea) __ 59c flavicornis Desvoidy. See flava Linmeus. ___ 664 Scopoli ( jltlscu, Coenomyia) __ _ _ _ 526 (Lythin)...... 563 ferrugineus Fabricuis (Hybos, Macrostomw). 564 flavicosta Wulp (Rhombothyria). . __. . _. _. . . _ 666 Walker. See annulata Meigen.. 61C flavidus Coquillett (Parepalpus) _ . . -. . _.-. _.. 58.5 ferruginosa Meigen ( Mycetobia, Diadocidia) _ . 532 flavipalpe Zetterstedt (Rhaphium, Thin+ ( Mycetobiu, Mucronev~u). _ 564 philus)...... ______...__ _. ..- _- . 614 festse Giglio-Tos (Pityocera) ______. ______591 flavipalpis Desvoidp (Belidu). __. . . . . __ . . . - . 513 See elegans Meigen 574 festina Meigen. ______davipalpus Marquart (Hystricia, Bombyho- 548 festiva Desroidy (Gueriniu) ______. ______myia)._...... ------51.5 (Guerinin, Himera). ______55: flavipennis Coquillett (PycnogloSSa) ------. 598 (Guerinia, Stzgeria) __ _ _ . _ 66OE Desvoidy. See radicum Fabri- Loew ( Trypeta, Euaresta) __ _ . ______54( cius.__...... _...-.-.--. 539 festivusLoew(Gaurax)._...... ___. ______5# Fallen ( NZLSCU,Pachystornu) 582 filicfs Felt ( Cecidomyiu, Lohopteromyia) _ __ _ _ 56: - - - -- Osten Sacken (Sigmatomera)..... 695 fibformis Fabricius. See corrigiolata Linmeus 5% 565 filipes Fabric& ( Tipdu, Maekistocera) __ _ _ _ 56 ’ Williston. See insolita Walker. _ 632 INDEX. .

P ige. Eage.‘ flavipes Bigot (Homodexia, Eucalodezia) _- - - - 540 fulvicollis Fabric& ( Hirtea. Plecia) ______592 * Desvoidy(Hebia)....._. ____.__ __.._ 549 Walker (Rachicerus). __ _ I______599 Fallen (Notiphila, Philygria). ______. 583 fulvicornis Desvoidy. See cinema Fallen _ 557 Gray(Pterodontia)...... 598 fulvifrons Walker (Ornithomyia, Stilbometopa) 699 Linngus (Conops).... ____._..______527 fulvipalpis Desvoidy ( Pictinia) __ _ _. ______591 Macquart. See flavipes Meigen. __ _. 558 fulvipesCresson(Hiatus) ______.. ______552 (Campeprosopa) __ . . . __ _ _ 512 Desvoidy (Ceranthia)...... 519 (Mycetophila, Mycetina) . . 572 ( Ceranthia, VajreWa) __ . __ 619 (Mycetophila, Mycozetza). 572 Macquart. See macellaria Fabri- Meigen (Campylomyza). _ . . __ . _. __ _ _ _ 518 cius...... _...... ___...... 584 ( Ceratopoyon, Ala&n).______594 Wafker(Tabuda)...... ______611 ( Ceratopogon, Palpomyia).... 583 W&wood ( Chalcidimarphu). ______521 See minimus Becker ______565 fulvithorax Wiedemann (Pangonius, Erephop- (Ocpdromia, Lemtopeza) __ _ _ _ 558 sis)_,.._..... _.___ 539 ( Ceratopogon, Apogon) ______599 (Panqoniw, Melpia) 567 Panzer (Syrphus, Cheilosia). ______521 fulviventris Bigot ( biacroceromys). ______564 flavitarsis Meigen ( Chlorops, Cryptonevra) . . _. 528 fulvohirta Wiedemann (Anthraz, Chrysan- flavitibia Walker ( I;bri.&s).. __ _ _ _ . . ______618 thraz)...... _.. __-___-... _ . . ..-__..-..- 523 flaviventris Macquart. See marginata Say. _ 527 fulvus Wiedemann. See brevirostris Mac- Meigen (Porphyrops, Anepsio- quart___ . . . . _..__.___.___.___ __..._ __... _.. 606 myia).. ______. _ _ _ _ _ 506 fund&or Loew (Dolichopw, Spathichira) __ _ _ . 666 (Porphyrops, Anepsiw). _ 506 funebris Fabric& (MU&XX, Drosophila). _ _. _ 535 flavoferruginea Osten Sacken (Cladura) ______524 Meigen. See grossipes Linnaeus_ __ _ -553 Ravum Macquart (Heterostylum) ______552 fun&a Desvoidy ( Cerophora). _.. ______520 flexa Wiedemann ( Typeta, Tritom) ______617 fun&us Harris. See pomonae Fabricius. __ _ 598 flexivitta Walker(Bricinnia)._...... 516 Osten Sacken (Epibates). ______538 floccosa Macquart ( ChortophiIn, Erioischia) ___ 539 fungorum De Geer ( Tipula, Ezechia). . __ _ . _. _ 544 Seepenicillata Rondani. __ 579 Desvoidy. See rufa Fallen. ___ _ _ 610 floralisFallen ( Tachinu, Meigenia). ______566 furcataSay(Pympa)__.... ______599 Meigen (A&a, Neoascia).. ______. _ 574 furcatus Egger (Pipunculus, Prothecus). __ _ _ _ 595 florea Desvoidy. See processioneae Ratz- furcifera Bigot. See curvicauda Gerstaecker. 570 burg.._...... _...... 582 furensPoey(Oecacta)...... _.._..______578 tloricola Desvoidy. See carduf Meigen __ _ _ . . 531 fusca GiglioTos (Berismyia)... ______. 513 Felt ( Cedomyia, Prodiplosis)._ _ __ 595 Macquart(Omaloccpha2e)_...... 579 floridensis Townsend (Pachyophthalmus, Sar- (Omalocephala, Tylemyia). __ 618 comucronychia) ______662 Meigen ( Cedomyia, Phyllophaya).. __ _ _ 596 (Siphophyto). ______666 SeehybridaMeigen...... 515 (Tachinophyto) __ _ _ _ . __ 611 (Lirmmia, hrwnwUia)...... 576 fcersteri Meigen. See fasciata Macquart. _. __ 538 fuscata Fabricius ( Tip&u, Anisopw). ______567 forcipata Meigen ( Tachinu, Dionma) _ . . __ _ _ _ 533 (Tip&n, Phryne)..... _____ 589 formicaria Desvoidp. See rufipes Meigen. __ _ 573 fuscicollis Westwood (Apiocera) ______568 formidabilis Bigot (Rhamphininu, Eudezia). _ 541 fuscicomis Meigen ( dfycetophikz, Dynatosoma) 536 formosa Scopoli (, Chloromyia). ______522 fumipennis Desvoidy (Dasyna) ______531 Harris ( Musca, Epistrophe) . ______539 Lioy. See coarctata Fallen______554 forreri Wulp (Nemorrea, Microtrichomma) __ _ _ 570 Macquart ( Ceratophya, Me s o - foveolata Meigen (Piophilu, Stearibin) ______. 698 philn)._...... fragilis Desvoidy. See pallida Fabricius __ _ _ _ 601 See undata Wiede- Loew(Toxorhma)...... _. ______615 mann..... ___.______582 fragillima Westwood (Mongoma) ______571 Say (Baccha, Ocyptamus). ______577 fraterculus Wiedemann (Ducus, Acrotoza). _. . 563 fuscipes Meigen (Beris, Ocfacantha) ______577 frauenfeldi Schiner (Thalassomya). ______614 fuscitarsis 6ay (Beris, Allognosta).. ______565 frenchii Williston (A&&era, Achztoneura). . 562 fuscogrisea Rondani (Brachyneura). ______516 frigida Fabricius. See eximia Stenhammer.. 545 fuscovaria Osten Sacken (Limnophilu, Dicra- See pilipes Haliday.. __ _ _ _ 526 nophrapma)...... _...... _..... ______533 frontalis Loew ( Chrysoyaster, Campinewa). __ 518 fuscus Meigen. See fuscata Fabricius. ______. 507 Macquart ( Chortophila, Trigonos- gagateaDesvoidp. See cost&a Fallen. ______619 toma)...._...... _...... 616 (Freraea) ______545 Meigen ( Tetnnocera, Oxyrhinu) ______582 (Jurinia)...... ___.______556 ( Tetnrwcera, Triyonwnetopus) 616 (Rhinomya)...... 660 frontosaHine(Akronia).. ___.______. 564 gagatina Meigen ( Tachinu, &.widzmyia). __ _ _ 518 fuciformis Fabricius (Syrphw, Mallota) __ _ . . _ 565 ( Tachinu, Ehiiophora). __ _ _ _ 600 fucorum Fallen ~Scatomyza, Halithea).______549 galeata Haliday (Phora, Drepanophora). __ _ _ _ 535 fulgens Meigens. See comta Fallen ______569 (Phora, Leptophora)...... 560 fuhninans Fabricius. See semilurtifera Vil- (Phora,Metopina)...... 569 lier;...... _...._...._...... ___.______697 galiorum Kieffer (Schizomyia) ______. ______694 fuiva Coquillett (Zacompsia)_ _ .._____-__----621 gallica Desvoidy. See hebes Fallen ______696 ISDEX. 633

Pa PaLge. gangrenosa Desvoidy. See crassipennis Fa- :~~s~aDesvoidy(Os~)...... ~_~__~~..... 582 567 b~ci~_...... __---___-___._...~.~. Falk=(Mum, Neurorta)_....____._.._ 576 geminata Brauer and Bergenstamm. See (Tachim, CZecmice)...._.__.._.~ 25 563 rufilatera Rondani...... (Tachtna;Pherecida).___....._. 3% Say (Scaoa, Toxomems) ______615 :riseipetis Stannius (Dolich~pus, Raghe_ gemmicola Kieffer (Bertieria) ______513 neu7a~...... ____~~_._..___._.__...... 599 genalis Coquillett (Metaphyto)______. 568 :riseola Meigen. Seeannulipes Zetterstedt. __ 560 geneji Rondani. See melanoptera Fallen __ _ _ 507 :risescens Desvoidy. See nigripes Fallen __ _ _ 563 516 geniculata De Geer (Jfusca, Bucentes) _ __. . __ Fossa Linnzws ( Muxa, Echinomya) ______536 (dl~sca,Crocuta)_...... 528 (diu-sca,Faunia)...... _ _.__ 544 ( &iuxa, Siphona). __ _. __ _ 606 (~~~,Larv~vora)...... _. 557 Fallen ( &fusca, Coenosia) _. ______526 (Mu-x% Tachina).._...... _. 611 Townsend ( Coronizayia) __ _ . _ __ _ _ 528 possificationis Fabricius. See roralis Lfn_ gentilis Desvoidy. See helluo Fabricius. _. _ 523 naeus...... ____._.__~..__.~.~.__.. 567 georgiae Brauer and Bergenstamm (Pseudo- !rossiPes Linnaeus ( Mlsca, H&S) ______553 germaria)______..------__------_._. 596 (Musca,Noeza) _.______576 germana Osten Sacken (Dicranoptycha). _ _ 533 perini Bigot (Scp.sti, Macrostenomyia). _ __ _ _ 364 germanica Desvoidy. See chalconota Meigen 56i (Sepsis,Stenomac7a).._.... __._ 608 germinationis Linnaeus ( Jfu-sca, Opomyza) __ _ 580 Zetterstedt. See bimaculata Schum- gestroi Rondani (Ornilhomyia, Omithesa) __ 581 mel...... _....._....._~..... 533 ghilianii Rondani (Meromacrus). ______. 567 :untheri Arribalxaga (Holmbergia, Rhopalo- gibba Fabricius ( Jftica, Curtonotum) ______529 syrphus)_..... __.___ _ 600 ( Musca, Dipkwntra) ______531 ( Holmbergia) ______. _ 552 gibbicomis Macquart (Acreotrichus). __ _ _ _ . __ 502 purges Walker (Syrphw, Me-sograpta). ______568 gibbosa Linnseus ( Musca, Henops).. ______550 prgusWalker (Syrphus, Mesogramma).... __ 568 gibbosus Fabricius. See zonatus Erichson. _ 578 pttata Fallen (Notiphila, Hyadina) _ . ______553 Linnaxs (Asilw, Laphria) ______557 (NotiphiZa,Hydtia)_...... 553 gibbus Loew (Lordotns)...... __.__ ___._.____ 563 Haliday(Leptosceles)...__...____._.. 560 gigas Herbst ( Tabanus, Brachystomus). __ _ __ 516 @lenhali Zetterstedt (AnthaZin)... ______507 gilvaWulp(Baryplegma)...... 513 ;yransFallen (Agromyza. Redia)..__...... _.. 599 gilvipes Coqui!lett (Metapogon) ______568 Loew (Ortulis, Tephronota) ______613 glabra Meigen ( Chlorops, Chloropisca) . ______522 I 1hzmatodes Meigen (Sarcophaga, Rauinin). _ __ 599 (Notiphila, Athyroglossa). _ __ 512 haemorrhoa Meigen (Sarcophaga, Erichsonia) _ 539 glabricula Fallen (Em@, Ocydromia) __ _ _ _ 577 (Sarcophaga, Mubantia) _ 571 glacialis Pokomy (Oreomyza) ______580 Rondani. See ruficornis Mac- gladiatorMik(Hypocharassus)..._...... 555 quart __.. __. ..______583 globosa Fabricius ( Muxa, Cistogaster) ______52-l Wiedemann (Laphria, Dasyllis). _ 531 (Musca,Pallosia)._...... 582 hsmorrhoidalis Fabricius (Culez. Lynchielln) _ 563 globosus Fabricius ( Mulio, Dimeraspis) _ _ _ 533 ( czder,Megar- globules Panzer (Syrphus, Acrocera) _ _. __ _ _ _ 502 hinus)...... 566 gnava Meigen ( Tachinn, Carcelia) __ _ . . ______518 Fallen ( Jfuxa, Berccea) __ _ _ 513 ( Tachina, Chetoliga) ______522 ( Tachzna, BoneUia) _ _ 515 goliath Brauer and Bergenstamm. See for- Meigen ( Cordilura, Micropro- midabilisBigot.... __._.__. ______541 sOpa)...... _.... CO gonizeformis Meigen ( Tachinu, Baumhaueria) 513 halictivorus Rondani. See olivaceus Loew. _ 546 ( Tachina, Pachycephala). 582 halidayi Loew (Asindulum, Antlemon). _. -. _ 508 gonioides Coquillett (Opsidia) ______580 halteralisCoquillett (Bibioides)...... _. _. . 514 gonoides Townsend (Eucnephalia) ______541 hamata Fallen (, Drymeia). ____ . _. . . . 535 3 grabhamii Theobald (Anopheks, Cyclolepp- ham&usNacquart (Litarhynchus) ______. 562 teron)._...... ______.___. 529 hamifera Loew ( T ypetu, Spilographa) - - - - 607 gracilenta Wulp (Xanthomelana) ______. _. 620 harrimani Coquillett (Omithodes). ______. _ 581 gracilisFallen (Anthomyza)__._...... 507 harvefi Townsend (Daochreta) __._ _ . . . . . - 5xI (AnIhomyza, Anthophilinn).... 507 ha&ita Coquillett (Isoglossa) __ ...... - 556 (Anthomyza, Leptomyza) __ _ _ _. 560 haustellatus Fabricius. See IUaUritaUUS Lb- (Anthomyza, Psilosomn). ______597 nab._...... -.------.---.------612

Philippi (Demmyia)...... 531 he&s Fallen ( Tachinu, Spallanzania). - - - . . 606 Wiedemann (Dezia, Leptoda) ______559 Meigen. See bucephala. ______. . _ . . . 525 graminum Fallen (Drosophila, Scaptomyza) __ 603 hedemanni Brauer and Bergenstamm. See Tachydroma, Stilpon) _ 609 ( __ _ cganeiventrishIacquart._ ._.._ _..-_----..-. 5% gramma Neigen. See assimilis Fallen _ __ 522 helicis Townsend (Sarcophaga, Helicobia). ---- 550 grandicome Rondani (Cryptochetum). __ _ _ 528 helluo Fabricius ( Jfusca, Chryseria) - . 523 grandis Bergroth (Holorusia) ______552 - - . . _ Phanigaster) - . 587 Osten Sacken (Bibiocephala) ______514 ( Xusca, __ _ - _ 568 Williston (Hadromyia) __ _ . . ______5ti helymusWalker ( Tachinu, Metachaeta). -- . . Zetterstedt ( Tachinu, Scotia). ______604 hemipterus Fabricius (Syrphus, A Zophora) - -- 505 grayii Theobald (Wyeomyia) _.______620 (Syrphu& Phasia) - - . - . 587 634 INDEX.

Palge. herbarum Desvoidy. See juncorum Fallen.. 540 hydromfzfna Fallen ( Cordilura, Spaziphora). 607 See syngenesize Fabri- hyoscyami Panzer ( _%fusca,Pegomya) ______586 c&._. ______.____ 601 hyphantriae Townsend ( NeQenia. Hyphan- heringi Zetterstedt (Pip&a, Heringia). ______. 551 trophaga) __.. _____._ _.______.______._ 554 heryngii Rondani. See impunctata Loew _. - 613 hypoleon Linnzeus ( Afusca, Hexmione). __ __ 551 hesperidarum Williston (Acrcglo~sa). _. _._ _ _ _ 503 (Muscn, Ozycera)._.._... 582 hesperus Brauer and Bergen&mm. See hypoleuca Meigen. See coleoptrata Scopoli. 608 frenchiiW~ton...... _...... 502 hrstrfx Brauer and Bergenstamm. See nigra heterocera Desvoidy. See costata Fallen. __ _ 577 Macquart....._...... _ _.______584 heteroneura Brauer and Bergenstamm (Para- Brues (Xanionotwn)._. _.______._ 620 hypochaeta). ______.. 584 Fabricius ( Mu.wa, Tachindes) ______611 Meigen (Xiltogramma, Elpigia). 537 icerpz Williston (Lestophonus) ______566 ( Miltogrammn, Heterop ichneumonea Linnreus (Jfwca, Loxocera). _ 563 terina)...... 551 illinoisensis Townsend [Eumyothyria) __ _ __ 542 ( Miltogramma, Tari- illucens Lfnnzus ( Jfuscu, Hermetia). . __ . _ _ 551 gramma).. ___.______612 illustris Desvoidy. See lefeburei Desvoidy. _ 541 hiemalis Desvoidy. See moerens Meigen. __ . 557 imbecillus Loew (Spodiw)...... ____. ___ 605 De Geer ( Tip&u, Petaurista) __ _ 587 imberbis Fallen (Bibio, Psilocephala) ______597 ( Tip&, Trichocera) __ _ __ 616 imbuta Wiedemann (Luuzania, Griphoneura) 548 hieroglyphica Bigot. See nitidus Wiede- immaculata Desvoidy. See albicollis Meigen 574 mu...... 528 Haliday (Heleodromia). ______549 Wulp (Clinqera). ___. . ____ 525 (Hcleodromia, .Micro- hilarefla Zetterstedt ( Mtiogramma, Hilarella) 552 cera).... _.______569 hilaris Fallen (Musca, Dendrophila) _ __ _ _ . _. _ 531 ( Hdcodromia, Scio- ( Mu-sea, Eustalomyia) __ _ _ . . __ 543 aromia)_... ______w-4 hilpa Walker (Pteroeosmas) _ . __ _ _ _. . ______597 h&quart ( Cistqqaster, Gymno- hinei Coquillett (Meigeniella) . ______566 clytia).. ._._ ____.. __..._ _._..._ 548 hippoboscoides ,Udrich. See chrysocoma Meigen (Limonia, Bophrosia). __ _ 515 OstenSacken...... _. ___.._... _. ..______547 (Limonia, Tricyphona) __ 616 hirsuta Coquillett (Omomyia) _ . ______. . 579 impatiens Desvoidy. See costata Fallen. __ _ 518 hirsutus Townsend. See califomiensis Mac- imperialis Desvoidy (Peckia) ______. __ _ _ _ 585 quart...... _....__..___.... 531 (Peckia, Phrissopodiu). __ 589 hirtaBigot(Anozycampta)..._ .___,______507 impuncta Fallen (&fu.scu, Ariciu)...... 510 (Anozycnmpta, Pseudoperichztn). 596 ( Musca, Yetodesia) ______621 Meigen (Sciophila) ______601 impunctata Loew ( Yetanops,’ TereZZiosoma). _ 613 hirtellus Meigen. See pilosellus Loew ______558 iuaequipes Bigot (Cholomyia) . . __ _ .______522 hirticepsFallen(diusca,Lasiops) ______.____ 558 inamQnaWalker(Solva)...... ______.._ 606 hirticornis Fabricius ( Chitonomzls, Polymera) 594 inanis Fallen ( Tachinu, Atioica).. __ _ . ______507 Latreille. See virescens Fabricius 592 (Tachina, Chremia)...... ____ 523 hirtipes Desroidy (Olina). __ _ _ . . __ . _ . __ __ _ 579 (Tachinn, Myobia)...... 5i2 hirtula Zetterstedt (Aricia, Thricops) __ __ _ 614 (TacniM,Solicria).._.._. ______606 (Ariciu, Tricophthicus).... 616 incana Fallen ( Tachina, Ten&era). ______612 hirtus Loew (Tetropismenus). ______613 inchoata Melander (Thinodromia) ______614 hispaniense Stein. See peregrinum Meigen.. 543 incisuralfs Macquart. See puella Wiedemann 512 hispidus Wiedemann (Dasypogon, Gonioscelis) 547 incompletus kfacquart (Pangonius, Dielisa) _ 533 hoffmeisterf Loew. See bipunctata Fallen _ 572 (Pangoniw, Scione) __ 604 holosericeus Meigen (Pipunculw, A telenetra). 511 incrassata Meigen (Phora, Nemosia). ______574 Scopoli (Styrer) _ . ______610 incurva Fallen (Psilopa, Discomyza) ______534 horticola Desvoidy. See hortorum Fallen. __ 571 indagator Loew (Cacoxenus). ______516 hortorum Fallen (&fusca, Morellia) ______571 indecisa Townsend (Pseudomyothyria) __ _ _ _. . 596 hortulana Linmeus ( Tipula, Bibio). ______514 ineptaMeigen(Tachinu,EZpe) ______537 Rossi ( Jfusca, Ceratozys). ______520 inermis Bigot (Bkpharipeza, Parachaeta). __ _ 583 (diusca, Neckelia).._...... 565 Wiedemann ( Qphomyia, Chordo- hortulans Meigen. See flavipes Meigen __ _ _ _ 509 nota) _.______522 hubbardii Coquillett (Henicomyia) ______. __ _ 550 (Sargus, Histiodroma) 552 humeralis St& (Eremomyia) ______539 in0atusLoew(Pith~~~)...... 591 humilis Coquillett (Parephydra) ______585 inflexa Wulp(Anisia) _..._ ____. ______507 infuscata Desvoidy. See segregata Rondani. 536 Winnertz(Phthinia)... ___.____._ ___ 590 Meigen (Rhamphomyia, Enicop- hyalomoides Townsend. See didyma Loew. 525 teTy.t)...._...... _...... 538 hybotiua Fallen (Empis, Oedalea). ______578 innoxia Desvoidy. See fauna hleigen __. __ _ _ . 576 hybrida Yeigen (Limonia, Helobia) ______550 insolita Melander (Lacttitomyia). _.______. . _ 557 (Limonia, Symplecta). 610 ______Walker ( Tachina, Atropharistu). __ _ _ _ 512 3Iacrocera, Bolitophila) __ _ _ _ ( 515 ( Tachinu, Melanophrys) _. __ _ 567 (Mmocera, M&ssala)_._.... 568 intermedia Townsend (Sarcotachinella) __ _ _ _ 603 hybridus Meigen (Bombylius, Geron) ______546 interrupta M&ant. Seerutila Wiedemann. 617 hydroleon Linmeus ( JUUX~, Eulalia) ______541 interruptus Macquart (Asilus, Eristkus).. __. 540 ( Musca, Odontomyia)... _ 5% (AsiEu.s, NcdristiczLs). . 574 j INDEX. 635

Page. Page. tntestinahs De Geer (Oestrus, Enteromyza) - - 535 lateralis Desvoidy (Afib=). . __ _. . __ _ _. __ _ _ _ 510 (GSstrus, Gasterophilus) 546 See~disFallen._...... ~_ 583 (Oestrus, Gastrus) __ _ - . - 546 Fallen (Ocyplcra, Besseria) __ . ______513 inulm Desvoidy. See ephippiurn Fabricius. _ 575 (Ocypptera, Wahlbergiu). . __ _. . _ 619 inusitam Melander (Coloboneura) ______- . - . 526 Loew (Hecamede, AUotrichoma) _ __ _ _ 505 iopterusWiedemann (A silm, Anarmostus). _ 51%IateritiaLoew (Dirhiza)...... _.___.__ 534 atansFabric&. See genfculata De Geer.. 606 laticauda Loew (Steneretma) ______698 Fallen ( Vusca, Psiloptera).... _ __ . . . . 597 laticornis Meigen. See lfneata Fabricius_.__ _ 529 , Linnaeus ( Conops, Hsematobia)._ __ . . 549 (Loncken, Teremyin). ______613 ( corzops, Lypcrosia).. __ _ - . _ 563 (Sarcoplraga, Sfaerogastcr) _ _ 605 ( &mops, Priophora). __ _ _ _ . _ 594 latifrons Fallen ( Nusca, Sarcophila) ______692 frrorata Coquillett (Traginops). ______. . . . 615 Hough ( CaUiplwra, EucaUiphora) __ _ 549 Fallen ( Tachydromia, Ardoptera) __ - _ 509 latipennfs Fallen (DoEichopus, Hygroceleuthm) 554 ( Tachydromia, Dolichocephala) 535 latipes Meigen (Agromyza, Macruru~) ______564 ( Tephritis, Campiglossa).. __ _ _ 517 llatisquama Coquillett (Tiiolestes). ______615 italicaCosta(AdeZina)_...... ______.__- __ 503 atreillei Desvoidy ( Mesembrina, Eumesem- jacchus Fabricius (Anthrax, ArgyPospyla) _-. . 510 brina)...... _...... ___ 541 jaculus Fallen (Hydrophorm) ___ _ _ . . __ _ . __ _ . _ 654 lauta Loew (Triptotricha) ---.-_-.______617 (Hydrophorus, Anorthus). __ _ . _ 507 lefeburei Desvoidy (Echirwmya, Eudora)... __ 541 (Hydrophorus, Orthobates)_. __ _ 581 (Echirwmya, Eudoromyia) 541 (Hydrophorus, Tsxhobates) __ . _ 611 leonnm Westwood (Stylomyia) _.______00 jamnickeana Osten Sacken (I.ropenthes). _. __ _ 556 lepidota Wiedemann. See crassipes Fabricius 559 jamaicensis Theobald ( Culex, Feltidia). __ _ _ 545 lepidotus Wiedemann. See crassipes Fa- ( C&z, Grabhamia). . . 547 bricius_...... 549 jarensis Doles&all. See aerostaeta Wiede- leptiformis Fallen (Heteroneura) ______551 men...... _-_._. 579 (Hetermra, Callomyza) _ 517 johnsoni Coquillett (Exepacmus). . __ _ _. . . _.. 544 leptogaster Panzer ( Musca, Chyliza). ______524 (Exoristoides)...... 544 leueoeephala Rossi ( X&a, Araba) ______599 (Hesperodes) _. ______551 (Musea,Arabella)...... 599 (Lasioneura)... ______. _ 558 ( &&sea, Argyrella) ______509 (Stenozenus).._... ______698 (Mma,Argytin)...... 510 Darlington (Poraenus). _ . ______594 (M&a, Metopia) ______569 juncorum Fallen (Ochtiphila, Estelia) ______540 leueophrgs Wiedemann ( Tachinu, Blephari- juncta Coquillett (Roederiodes). .__ __ . ______691 peZa).__...... __-_..---.-_-..______. __ 514 juniperina Felt (Walshomyia)....__.._._~___ 619 leucopogon Wiedemann (Pangonius, Fidena). 545 Linnsus ( Tipuln, Oligotrophus). _ 579 leueoproeta Wiedemann (3fuZi0, Ogcodocera) 578 urmoides Townsend. See insolita Walker. 512 leucoptera Johnson (Dichaetonenra). __ . __ _ _ _ 532 kansensis aIdrich (Metapelastondurw). __ __ 568 Jeueostoma Loew (Amiota). __._. ___._ ____.. _ 595 Townsend. See varia Wulp. ______579 Wiedemann (Anthomyia, Ophyra) 5sJ karnerensis Felt ( Cdciomyiu, Odontodiplosis) 57s leueozona Bilimek (Pholeomyia). __ _ . ______5ss lacteata Townsend (Euomogenia). ______542 libatrixPanzer(~~ca,Atilia).... ___.._. ___ 512 Iacteipennis FaIlen (Agromyza, Anisonevra) _ 507 (Mzcsca, ClemeZis)_.. __..__ __ 524 Loew (Lobioptxra, OphthaZmo- ( Mutca, Myzezorista) ______573 myia)_..._..._...... 580 (1CTusca,Saqaris)...... 692 Zetterstedt (Aricia, Deziopsis) __ 532 (Musca, Zelinda). __ . . . . _. . _ 621 laeustris Seopoli ( hfmca, Alloeoneurus) _ __ _ _ 595 (&f~ca,Zenillia) ______621 (, Orthoceratium) __ _ 581 ligniperdae Brauer and Bergenstamm (LXyZo- Scta Fallen ( Vusca, Euphemia) _ . ______542 tachina) ...... 621 Meigen(Ch2orops)...... _.__~.~~__. 522 limbata Loew (Rhamphomyiu, /tiegaeytk~rus). 566 ( Chlorops, Titania)..______615 limbipennis Ivfaequart. See fasoiata West- (Tachina,Frontii) ______545 wood...... 514 lanipes Fabricius ( There&q Galactomyia).. __ _ 546 limosa Fallen ( Copromyza, Nerea). _ . - _.. _ . 575 laniventris Eschschoiz (Empis, Eriogaster).. _ 539 lineata Fabricius ( Vmca, 0scini.s). __ _ _ . . __ _ 551 lappona Linnacus (Muxa, Cinxia). __ . ______524 (Rhingia, Eurimyia) . ._._ _ _ 542 ( Vvxa, Sericomyia). @Xi ______( Tip&a, Cerotdion) __ . __ _ _ _ 529 lapponicus Zetterstedt (Nephrocerus)... __ __ 575 Fallen (Xusca, Listcria)..._...... 562 larvarum Linnmus ( Mica, Eutachina) ______543 lineatus Aldrich (Pelasloneurus, Sarcionus)_ 692 (Mu&a, Exorista). ______544 litorelia Fallen (OchtiphiZa, Litorella) _. ______562 laseiva Fabricius ( Vusca, Grallopoda) ______54i 694 lasiophtbalma Hacquart ( Chortophila, Dasi- (Ochitiphila, Schoenomyza) __ opa)..._...... _...... 531 litt,orahDesvoidy. See vespertins Fallen. _ 554 lasiophthalmus Maoquart (Pangonizls, Clanis) 524 litturata Olivier (Ocyptera, Enantha). __ . . __ . 540 iataCoquilIett(Condidea)...... ______526 lituratus Loew (Pterallastes, Teuchocnemus). 613 636 INDEX.

Page. P aga‘ . livens Fabricius ( Muscu, Hydromyza) . - - _- - . 554 Iutea Giglio-Tos (Molynoceelia). ______571 ( Musca, Nupharin) . __ _ . . . _ . 576 Meigen(Erioptera). ___. ______540 lobata Felt ( Ceci~omyia, Hyperdiplosis) _. . . . . 554 (Erioptera, Polymeda) ______593 ( ,ETycodipZosi.s,Coquillettomyia) . _ 527 (Limunia, Furcomyia) ______546 locuples Desvoid y. See cyaneus Fabricius _. 602 (~~acrocera)...... ______564 lcewiBecker (Pselaphephila) __ _ . . __ _ _ _ . . _. 59.5 ( Macrocera, Euphrosyne) ______542 lonchzoides Zetterstedt (Earomyia) __ _ _ _ . __ . 536 Panzer (Lonchoptera)._...... ______562 loncheus Rondani. See lasiophthalma, Dasi- (Lonchoptera, Dipsa) __ _ . __. __ _ _ 534 opa...... ~... 531 luteipes Williston (Scoliopelta). ______604 longibarbus Loew ( Cyrtvpogon, Eupalamus). 542 luteofusca Rondani (Dasinenra) ______530 longicollis Loew ( Cecidvmyiu, Asynapta)_ . . __ 511 luteola Coquillett (Belzwsia, Goniomima) __ _ _ 547 longicomis Bigot (Stidomyia) ______609 Gmelin ( &~a, Myolepta) ______573 Fallen (Hydrochw) __ . . _ . . __ _. _. 553 lutescens Rondani. See flava kieigen. __ _ _ _ 587 ( Tachina, Fallenia) ______. 514 lyrata Williston (Dichocera). ______533 (Tachina, Friddskia)..... 54.5 mabelae Melander (Raga, Hesperempis) __ _ _ _ 551 ___ Scbiner. See distincta Meigen _ . 355 macellarla Fabricius ( dlwca, Parahrcilia)... _ 584 longimana Fallen (Tanypeza) _ __ . ______. . 612 macilentus Wiedemann (Systropus).. ______6Ik longipennis Fabricius ( Muscu. MineUia) __ _ . 570 (Systropus, Cephe- Wiedemann ( Trypetn, Strauzia) _ 699 nus)...... 519 longipes Fabric& (dfusca, Csrdiacephala) _ 518 macquarti Stseger (Atomogaster). ______512 longirostrls Hardwicke (Pangvniw, Nuceria). 576 Zetterstedt (Iteaphila) ______. _ 556 Meigen (Limnobia, Helix). __ _ _ . 550 Zetterstedt (Iteaphila, Steleocheta). 608 (Limnobia, Megarhina) __ 566 macrocephala Giglio-Tos ( Camcrania) ______517 (Limrwbia, Rhamphidio) _ 599 macrocera Say (Limrwbia, Lasiomastiz) ______55s ( Tachinu, Aphria). ______508 macrocerum Meigen (Rhaphium) ______. 600 ( Tachina, Olivieria) ______579 macroporum Macquart (Plinthina) __ . ______592 ( Tuchina, Rhynchosia).... 660 macroptera Macquart (Limnobia, Macrvptera) 561 Theobald ( Qeomyia, Phonio- (Limnobiu,Ula)...... 618 myia)...... 588 Philippi(Iaio7letcra)....._...... 555 Wiedemann (Limnobia, Lepto- macrosoma Wulp (Charadrella) ______. __ 521 rhina)...... 560 maculata Coquillett (Pseudolfersia) ______:_ 596 onglseta Meigen ( Heleomyza, Eccoptomera) __ 536 Dufour (Drosophila, Leucophenga)_ 560 Wiedemann (Daia, Chaetona) __ _ _ _ 521 Giglio-Tos (Puragorgopis) ______584 longiungulatus Macquart (Daypogon, Ma- Macquart. See irrorata Fallen __ _ _ 535 croniz)_._..._... _.._ __.______.__ __ 564 Meigen(Dira).__...... _...... _.. 534 longiventrls Loew (Sybistromu, Hercostomus) 551 See melancholia Harris __ _ _ 576 longurioLoew(AtsichM)...._...... _ 512 ( Milichia, Atiicomerus). __ _ _ 505 (A triclria,PseudatrichIa) __ _ _. 596 (MiZichia,Odinia).._...... 578 loti De Geer ( Ti@u, Contarinia) ______527 (Rhipiaia)...... ____. 600 loxocerata Fallen ( Cordilura, Hexamitocera) _ 552 Scopoli ( diusca, Curronewa). ______529 lucens Townsend (DrepanogZossa) ______535 ( Musca,Graphomya) __ _ _ _ 548 lucida Fallen ( Tephritis, MyoZeja) ______573 maculatus Doane (Polyangaeus). __ _ _ . __ _ _ _ 593 Gerstaecker (Panacris)...... 583 Fabricius (Asilus, Promwhus). __ 595 Meigen ( Tachina, Hyalurgus) ______553 (A&us, Telejoneura) __ _ 612 lucifera Dahl (Puliciphora) ______. _ 598 (dsilus, Trupanea) __ _ _ _ 618 (Puliciphora, Stethopathw) __ 1. _ 608 Meigen (Xylophagus, Subtda) __ _ _ 610 lucorum Linnseus ( Ylfmca, Leucozonu). __ __ _ 561 (Xylophagw, Xylomya) _ 621 (, Syrphus). ______611 Rossi (As&s, Toxophora)______613 luctuosa Desvoidy. See longipennis Fabri- maculipennis Macquart. See canuriensis Berg- cius...... __.______.______570 roth...... _.. 509 Meigen ( Tachina, Amedoria) ______505 Walker ( Tadydromiu, Phoneu- luctuosus Meigen (Dasypogon, Saropogon) __ _ 603 tisca).. _.._. ______.__._____ 588 ludibrmda Desvoidy (Aminta) ______505 maculipes Theobald (Arribalzagiu). ______570 Iugens Wiedemarm ( MycetophiZu, Allodia) __ 504 magna Theobald. See cancer Theobald. __ _ _ 515 lugubris Desvoidy. See umbrarum Fabri- magnicomis Townsend. See singularis Town- cius...... 557 send...... _~~_.~_...... __ 557 Winnertz (Asynapta, Winnertzla) __ 620 magnifica Schlner (Sarcophila, Wohlfuhrtiu) _ _ 620 lunata Theobald ( wyeomyiu, Lesticocampa) _ 560 magnus Walker ( Cyrtzrs, Pialoidea) ______590 lundibunda Desvoidy. See quadrlpustulata major Brauer and Bergenstamm. See hirta Fabricius...... ______535 Bigot._...... 596 lupina Williston (Brachymyia) ______516 Linrueus (Bombylius). __ _ _ _. ______515 luridaMeigen(Eurina)_.. ______._.______542 majorina Wulp (Myothyria)...... 573 luridum Rondani (Blepharepium) ______514 majuscula Wulp (Calodexia). ___..______517 lurldus Walker (Pangwius, Lilxa). ______561 malleola Bigot. See robusta Wiedemann __ _ 607 lusitanicus Wiedemann ( Mydas, Leptomydas) 560 mallophorides Walker ( Aforimmu). __ _ _ . __ _ _ _ 571 INDEX. 637

Page. 1 Page. manicata Fabricius. See mantis De Geer __ _ 564 melas Bigot. See analis Schiner.. _ . ______6~6 manicatus Iieigen (Dasypogon, Anisopogon) 507 (Myelaphus) _ _ _ ..-.-.-.-.._--____ 5i9 _ melissopodis Coquillett (Plectops) . . . __ _ _ _ . _ (Dwpwn, Heteropo- 592 mellina Linnaeus ( Jfusca, Melanostoma) . __ _ gon)...... 5&l jb; ’ mentalis Coquillett (Tachinopsis).. _. mantis De Geer ( Nusca, Naaochira) ______564 _ __ _ _ 611 ( Mzma,Ochthera) ______577 ’ merdaria Fabricius ( JiuJca, Scathophuga) __ _ 663 mantispa Meigen. See melanoeephala Fabri- ( Mu-xa, Scopeuma) ______604 meridiana Linnaeus ( &fusca, Mesembrina) _ _ cius.... _..._ ___.___.______.__ 559 568 Panzer. See melahocephala. _ __ _ _ 5501 ( Xzfsca , Xetamesem- marginalis Wiedemann. See regalis Des- b&w)..._ ____.___ __.__ 568 voidp...... ______.--__._. _ 598 meridianus Rondani (Agelanius) ______504 marginata Fabricius (Bibio, Ibisia) ______555 meridionalis Desvoidy (Faurellu). ______544 Loew(Anorostoma).... _.______507 (Stephania) - . __ . __ _ _ _ 608 Meigen (Sciophila, Mycomya) _ __ _ _ 572 meromelas Dufour. See pachygaster Fallen. X5 (Tachinn, Klugia).______557 metalliea Bigot (Eurhinomallota) ______. __ 512 ( Tachina, Ptilopareia)._ __ _ 598 Townsend. See atra DesvoidF. __ _ 587 Say (Ortalb, Idana) ______555 (Phosococephala) ______589 ( Volucelbz, Copestylum). __ _ _ _ 527 metathesis Loew (Rhaphium, Syntormon) __ _ 611 marginatus Linnceus. See pantherina Lm- meteorica Linnaeus ( Jfuscu, Hydrotaea) __ _ _ _. 554 Jl~US...... __.....__~___~~__ 574 metopia Brauer and Bergenstamm (Myio- marginellus Fabricius (A silus, Ommatius) . _ 579 pharus)...... ___..______572 maritima Haliday (Halithea, Fucellia). _._ _ _ _ 545 metraloas kleinert (Miastor). ______. _ 569 Ridder ( Melanochelia, Neolimw mexlcana Bellardi (Be+, Oplachanrha) __ __ 589 phora)...... 575 Bigot (Oxodiceromyia) ______582 markllni Zetterstedt ( Tuchinu, Nourickia) __ _ _ 576 Brauer and Bergenstamm. See maroccanus Fabricius (A&us, Pogonosoma) _. 593 barbata Bigot.. _ _ __. ______568 m-atrum M eigen ( Agromyza, Desmometopa) _ 532 Brauer and Bergenstamm. See mama Fabric& (Empis, Hilara) __ _ _. _ . __ 552 calogasterBigot_...... _.__.__ ___ 564 mauritanus Linmeus ( Tabanus, Tanyglossa) . 612 Brauer and Bergenstamm (Gaedi- maurus Mikan. See virescens Fabricius. __ _ 527 apsis) _.___. ___...______.______546 mediopunctatus Theobald ( Cycloleppteton, Brauer and Bergenstamm (G&i- Nototricha)... __.______.__._~ ______576 apsis, Poliophrys)... ______593 mediovittata Coquillett (Stegomyiu, Gymno- Crauer and Bergenstamm (_liicro- metopa)..... _.______._____..__ __..______548 chira)...... ______.______569 meditabunda Fabricius ( ;CTusca, Myospila) __ 573 Wheeler (Sciodromia, Litunomyiu). 562 medorina Schiner. See amedoria. ______505 mexicanus Macquart (Helophilus, Asemosyr- megacephala Loew. See macrocephala Gig- phus).. ______._.______.______511 lie-Tos ____.____.___.____..___.______. 517 micansErichson(Ocnma).... __._. _.______577 meigeni Loew ( Trypeta, Zonosema) _ _ _ . __ 622‘ Meigen (Pangonius, Tacinu) ______611 melsena Meigen ( Afherir, Symphoromyla) __ _ _ 610 microoera Desvoidy ( Wxquartia, Bebriciu) __ 513 melancholia Harris (SyIcicoZz, Athetix) __ _ __ 511 See rudis Fallen. ______546 (Syluicolz. Nodutis) ______576 mikii Strobl (Platycamosia) ______. 592 melanderi Brues ( Acontistoptera) ______. __ _ _ _ 502 (Platycwws+a, Choristomma). _. _ 523 melania Xieigen (De&, Trisonema) __ _ _ _. _ _ _ 617 Williston (dtomosia, Atonia) _. _ _ _ _ 512 melanocephala Fabricius (Empis, Chelipoda). 522 milesiformis Fallen. See scita Harris. __ _ _ 5; 70,617 (Empk Hemero- minimus Becker (Pipunculus, Alloneura) __ _ 565 dromia) _. __ __ _ 550 minos Meigen (Anthrax, Defilippia). ._. ______531 ( Empis, Lepido- minuta Williston (Townsendia). . .______. 615 mya)_...... 559 minutus Loew. See papa&ii Scopoli. __ _ _ _ 549 ( Empis, Phyllodro mira Bigot (Enopkmpis). _ _._.____.__. __._. 538 mm)... _.____.___ 590 Coquillett (Eusiphona). _ _ . ______543 (Empis, Thamno mirabilis Giglio-Tos (Ostracoccelia). _ _ _ . . _ 582 dromia). ______614 Osten Sacken (Diotrepha). _ __ __ 534 Meigen ( Tachinu, Novia) __ _ _ _ 576 Townsend (Acronarista) __. ______503 (Tachino,Phyto).._.. 590 (Ichneumonops) ______555 ( Tachina, Saviu).... __ 603 miscella Coquillett ( Trichophora, Spanipalpis) 696 melanoptera Fallen ( -npuSca, Anthracomya) _ _ 507 mixtus Loew (Dasypogon, Pycnopogon). _. _ 598 ( Musca, Morinia) __ _ . . 571 modesta Bigot (Heligmonevra) ______5.50 Hendel (Camptoprosopella). __ _ _ 518 hieigen (Limnobia, Dicranomyia) __ _ 533 melanopyga Wiedemann (Pangonizrs, Plum) 557 Osten Sacken (Plectromyia) ______. . 592 n?&xuura Loew ( Trypeta, Acidigona) ______5x Williston (Orthoneuromyia) ______581 Meigen (Sarcophagz , Bellieria) . __ 513 (Trichopteromyia) _ . ______616 (Sarcophaga, Calyptiz). __ _ 517 modestus Loew (Leptochilus) __ _ _ _ . __ _. . . - _ 559 (Sarcophaga, Sczligeria) _ __ co3 (Leptochilus, Epacmus) __ - - - 538 (Tachina, Apostrophes) __ . 509 modulata Wulp (Paramintho) ______. _ 584 Stzeger ( Mycetophila, Trichonta) __ _ 616 mcechus Lcew ( Tachytrechus, Mzcellocerus). 563 638 INDEX.

Page. merex Bigot. Seecostalis Gerstaxker. _ _ 578 neomexicanaTownsend (Pseudatractocera). _ T095 Meigen ( Tuchina, CZi.~ta)_ _ _ __ . . . - . 525 niger Bigot (Hystrisyphona) . __ __ . __ __ , __ . _ 555 ( Tachina, Kirbya)...... _.__ 537 De Geer (Nemotebs,Astoma). ______511 molestusCosta. Seepapatasii Scopoli.. . ._ _ 529 Loew(Coniceps)...... ______._.____. 526 mollicula Fallen (J&sca, Oplogaster)_ _ . _. _ 580 Williston (Gastrops)..______. _.__. _. 546 mollissima Haliday (Cmlomyia). __ _ _ . __ 526 nigerrimus Hafiday (Borborus, Elachisomn) __ 537 Seemacroptera Macquart 618 n&a. Coquillett (Pseudapinop.5)_ . ______59.5 molobrina Rondani ( Jfiimosciara) . ______. _. 570 La reille(Heratoma)...... __.___ _.___ 552 ( Mimosciara, Furcinerra) 545 Li nasus( Tip&z, Anomaloptera) _ _ _ 507 ( Mimosciara, Yposatcea) 621 Macquart. See acuticornisMeigeo. _. 504 monilis Linnaeus( Tipulu, Ablabesmyia)_. - . 562 Seedisjuncta Wiedemann. 570 monostigmaMeigen. Seepraxatoria Fallen. 565 See spuria Fallen _. ______514 montana Osten Sacken(Limnophila, Dactyls (Brachystylum) ______516 labis)_.... ____..______..___..__ 530 (Trichophora)...... ______616 Pokomy ( Chirosia, Rhadina). __ _ . _. 599 ( Trichophora, Paragymnom- montigena Hunter (Pyrilis) __ _. _ . __ _ _. _ 598 ~>...... 584 mordellaria Fallen ( Trineura, Hypocera)._ . __ 554 Meigen ( Clinocera). . _ __ _ , . ______. __ _ 525 morio Fabricius (Stomorys,Hyperalonia) _ _ _ _ 554 (CZinocera,Atalanh)_. ..______511 Linnreus (Jfmca, Hemipenthes). . _ _ 550 (Spania)...... __ _. ..___.___ 696 Meigen ( Jlyopa, Fairmairia) ______544 Olivier(Leptocera)....._...... 559 mofosaWinnertz (Syntemna) __. . _ __. . . . _ 610 Theobald ( MyrorhyncheRa) ______. __ _ _ _ 573 mortuorum Limxeus ( Musca, Cynomya)- . - _ 530 Tounsend(Eutrichopoda)...... _.... 543 ( .liusca, C$nophaga) . . . 530 Wiedemann (Dofichomyia)______535 mucida Giglio-Tos (Acrotora,Polionota) - . _. 593 (Limnobia, Eriocera) ______539 multifasciata Loem ( Trypeta, Oedaspis) _ 57s (Sciara, Odontonyz) __ _ . __ 578 multipunctata Rondani (Heteropterina, Xe- (Sciara, Phorodonta)_ __ _ _ 589 topiZIa).._...... _._...... __-. 569 WillistOn(Parampia)...._...... __._ 584 multisetosa Wulp (Lasiona)______. . . _ 558 (Platophryma)______591 murorum Rondani. See subsultans Fabri- nigriceps Loew (Phora, Aphiochaeta). __ _ _ _ 508 cius...... ~. 547 nigricomis Desroidy. Seeerrans Meigen __ _ 615 mus Bigot (Rhabdopselaphus)..._. _._ _ _._ 599 nigrifemoratusMacquart (Borborus, Dogaster) 556 Osten Sacken( Triodifes)_. ______. _ 617 nigrimana Loew (Brachystoma, Blepharoproc- muscaDesvoidy (Phorbia).. ______. . __ 559 ta)...... ___._ _.___._ __.____ 514 muscariaFallen (Heteroneura, Cnemacantha). 525 Zetterstedt ( Cordilura Acanthoc- Thomson (Glaurotricha). __ . __ _ . 547 nema)...... 502 muscariusFabricius (Asilus, Acromyia)_ _ _ _ 503 nigripennis Brauer and Bergenstamm(Gym- (Asilu.?, Pterospilus). _ _ 598 nophania)..__. _._. ______.. __ MS muscideaDesvoidp. Seerudis Fabricius. __ 519 Hough. Seeregahs Desvoidy. _ . 563 musciformis Rondani. See subcoleoptrata Meigen(Dasypogon, Holopogon)._ 552 Linneeus..... _.__.___.______- _ _._.____. 589 (Laphria, Ropalocera) __ . _ 691 muscinum Wulp (Tyreornma)_ _ _ _ . __ _ _. __ 615 Wulp (Conlyops)._ _ _._. . . . . _._ 526 musicusSay. Seeposticatus Wiedemann __ _ 526 nigripes Desvoidp. Seeafinis Fallen __ _ . __ _ 553 mutabilis Linnzeus( ~~usca,Aphritis) _ __ _. __ 598 Fabricius ( 2iuxo, Chrysotus).______524 ( XUXII, Microdon) __ . . . _ 569 ( Xmca, Thelairia) ______614 myopzformis RSder (Eurycephala) ______. _ 543 Fallen ( Tachina, An&a). ______506 (Eurycephala, Euryce- ( Tachina, BIondelia). ______515 phalomyia)...... 543 (Tachina, CyriRia). ______530 myopiformis Desvoidy (OrbeRia) _. ______580 ( Tachina, Gertwia)...... 546 myrtilli Macquart (Euthyneura)_ __ _ _ . . __ 543 (Tachina,Lydella).______._ 56.3 mystaceumMacquart (Spogostylum) __ _ . . __ _ 608 ( Tachina, Picconia) ______591 nanaCoquillett(Mancia)..._.. __.______.._ _ 565 Meigen. Seeambigua Fallen ______504 Loew(Bolbomyia). ______._.______515 nigriventris Meigen (Sarcophaga, Pierretia). _ 59i nasicaHaliday (Ephydra, Canace) ______. __ _ 518 nigrocccruleusLatreille (Ortochile)______581 Willistoe (Ophromyia). __. _. _. _.. _ 580 nigrotaenfataRezzi. Seeriideri Girschner._ _ 532 (Ophromyia, Megametopon) 566 nigrum Latreille (Asindulum). _. _. ______511 nebulosaCoquillett (Araba, Sphenometopa)_ 607 uitens Bigot (Lycastrirhyncha)_ _. _ _ . __ _ _ _ . _ 563 (Cladochaeta)_ _ . _. __ _ _ _ 524 (Orinthomyia, Orinthopertha)_ _ 581 (Pseudiastata)_ . _ . ______596 nitidaDesvoidy(AteTia)._...... 511 (Sciasma)_..__...... __._ 604 See quardripnstulata Fabri- nebulosusWalker (Diomonus)_ . __ __. _ . __ _ 533 cius...... _...... _ 535 nemeaMeigen ( Tachina, BIepharidop.ris). __ _ 514 Macquart ( Microcheilosia). ._ _ _. _ . __ _ _ _ 569 nemestrins Brauer and Bergenstamm. See nitidicollis Meigen (Leia, Acnemia). _. ______502 aberransRondani...... ______518 nitidifacies Hine (Nigrasilus). . ______576 nemoralisMeigen ( Jzfycetophila,Anaclinia) __ 596 nitidiventris Wulp (Gymnomma). ______. 548 nemorumMeigen ( Tuchina, Fausta) ______544 nitidula Fallen (Notiphila, Ephygrobia) __ _ __ 538 peomexicanaMelander (Empis, Toreus). __ _ 615 (Notiphila, Hygrella)...... 5.54 INDEX. 639

Eage.‘ Eage.‘ nttidula Fallen (~Otiphi~~,PS~OpS)...... --- 59i obsoleta Fallen (Sapromyza). _ . . . _ . __ _ . __ _ _ _ 602 Meigen. See deria Fallen ______- . 515 (Sapromyza, Polionoma) __ _ _ _ 593 \Vulp(Sphaerina)______. . . . .-_--. eo7 Meigen ( Tachina, BeEZurdia).__. __ _ 513 njtidu]usFabricus (Bombylius, Inast@chus)- 5ot ( Tachinu, Naraoignu). . __ __ 5t% nitldus Meigen (Borboru~, Fungobia). __ _.. . 545 obtusa Loew (Lasioptera, Choristoneura) __ _ 523 Wiedemann ( Chrpogmter, Crypli- obumbrata Loem (Eudicrana) ______541 Dora)...... ____.____..-._..-_- 52E Wulp ( Hyposlenu, Ptilodegeeria) _ 59s niripesTheobald (Trichoprosopon) - - - _. . _-- . 61f occidentalis Coquillett (Metaplagia) ______568 ( Trichoprosopon, JobZootia). 556 (Eugnoriste).. __ _. __ _ _ 541 nobi]isDesvoidg (&UrpUrella)‘ __ . __ _ _ _. _. . 59E Williston (Pelomyia) __. ______586 nc&lucaLinnzeus ( _iusca, Pipiza) _ __ _ . _. _ 591 occidua Fabricius ( _lf&ca, Sarcophagula) __ _ _ 602 nodicomis Osten SaC~en(T7iOgmU,LiOgmS). 561 occlusa Desvoidy. See nigripes Fallen ______506 nodulosa Macquart ( Erioptera, Ormosia) _. _- 581 See vulgaris Fallen __ _ _ _ . _ 573 notabilis Shvse (Isoplastus). . _ __ _ . . . . _._ . . . . 556 (Calyptidia)...... __ __._._ 517 Wulp (Clinogaster) ______. _ __ 525 Rondani. See echinura Desvoidp. __ 608 notata Fabricius ( ~Whrca, Anoplomerus) __ . __ 507 occulta Macquart (Exopprosopa, Heteralonia).. 551 Linnaeus(Tipula, Ceria)... _..______5x Meigen (Limnobia, Amalopis). ______505 ( Tip&a, Scathopse) ______603 ( Xyopa, Gonirhyncw) _. __ _ _ _ 547 Stenhammar. See spilota Curtis. __ _ _ 539 ocellaris Meigen ( T&hop&a, Phalznula) __ _ _ 587 Wiedemann ( Ceratophya) __ . ______52c ocellata Fabricius (Dictya, Pterocalla) _. __ _ _ _ 597 (Orlalis, Euxesta). . __ _ . __ 543 octopunctata Coquebert (, Myennis) __ 572 notatus Macquart. See geminata Say __ _ _ . __ 615 Say (Dioctria, Taracticus) __ _ _ _ 612 Stannius (dmmobates) ______. __ 505 oculatus Fallen (Dolichopw, Diaphorus) _. __ _ 532 (Ammobates, Stannia) __ . __ 608 oestriforme Brauer 8: Bergenstamm (Hemi- (Ammobales, Tachytre- thrixion) ___.__ __.______._ ___.___ _..._ _.___ 550 thus)...... Gil oxtroidea (Desvoidy Crameria) _. ______523 noraRondani(Thrycolyga)...... _.______.~__ 614 (Crameria, Amskinia) __ 506 nubiIa Meigen ( Tachydromia, Tachypeza) __ . _ (ill ( Crameria, Semiomyia) _ 605 nubilipennis Wulp (Acronacantha) ______503 oleraceaLinnseus(Tipula). .______615 nubilis Rondani ( Il-lelanogaster) __ . ______567 olivaceus Loew (Dasypogon, Triclii) ______616 nuda Townsend (

Page.‘ Page. pallida Fallen ( cordihra, MegaphthaIma)_ . _ 566 perspicillatusCosta (Opsebius). ______580 Macquart. Seecinerea Desvoidy. __ f 577 perturbansWalker (Culex, Coquillettidia) __ _ 527 Meigen.See cervi Linnzus ______581 Williston (ilides, Isostomyia)._ _ _ _ 5.56 palIidipaIpIs Desvoidp (Blondelia, Lambertia) 557 pertusaMeigen (Anthomyia, Helina) ______550 pallidiventris Meigen (Bo~~oTu~,Lotdia) __ _ _ 563 pertususLoew. Seepulla Wiedemann. __ _ _ 50.5 pallidula Wu1p (Rrachycoma,Comatacta) . . . . 526 perversusBrauer and Bergenstamm( Cnepha- pallidus CoquilJett (DemMcns, Apachemyia). 508 liales)...... _..__.___._ 525 bfeigen. See pallipes Fabricius. __ _ 592 petiolata Desvoidy. See rustica Fabricius. _ 555 pallipes Fabricius ( MUSCU,Plectropus) ______592 Townsend(Euthyprosopa). ______543 Loew (Platypeza,Calotarsa). _. _. __ _ _ 517 Wiedemann (Dezin, Cordylidekc)_ _ 527 Macquart (Agromyza, Phyllophila)_.. 590 (Dezia, Cordyligaster)_ 527 Meigen (A silus, 3fochtheru-s). ______571 petronella Linnsus (Nusca, Culobata) ______517 (As&s, 3*eomochtheru) _ . __ . 575 (biuscu, Trepidaria). ___ _ Gl5 (Mycetobia)______572 phazopteraMeigen (Atiraz, MJma). __ _ . __ _ 570 ( Nycctobia,Jficetoica) ______569 phalaenoidesFabricius. Seealternata Say. _ 616 SeeparvuIaHarris_...... 525 Linnaeus( Tip&a, Psycho&+)__ _ 597 palpalis Coquillett (Opsiomyia). . __ _ _._. _ _ 580 pharoensisTheobald (Anopheks, Cellia). , __ 519 palpiger CoquiJ1ett(Lispidea) ______. __ _. _. _. 562 phasianaTownsend ( Trichiopoda,Pennapoda) 586 paludicola Skuse (Procladius) . ______594 phJJadeJphicusb&quart (Pro&acanthus)._ _ _ 595 pdustrisDesvoidy. Seecinerea Fallen __ _ _ _ 557 phozenicurusLoew (Diwnias). __ _ . . __ . __ _ 534 (Limnophora) .___.______561 photophila Felt ( Cecidomyia, Giardomyia) __ _ 546 Fallen (Ephydra, Coenia) ______. __ 526 phryganoptems(Eolenuti, Rypholophus). . __ _ 602 pandoraFabrJcius. Seecapucina Fabricius. _ 544 phyllocerusBigot (Phyllomydas). . . . _.______590 pantherina Linnaeus ( NU-SCU,Nemotelus) _ . _ 574 phyIJostomatisPertp(Lipoptena,Lepoptery~). 559 papatasii Scopo1i(Bib& Cyniphes)- . ___ . __. _ 529 pica Macquart (Leucomelina)______560 (Biaio, Plebotomus)..______545 p&us Walker (Pseudorus)._ _ , ______596 (Bibio, Hzmasson) _. __. __ _ 549 picipes Brauer and Bergenstamm(Erythran- paradoxa&ten Sacken (Clpptolabis)_ _ . _. . . . 528 dra) _____.______..______.______._ 540 paradoxusJznnicke. Seeunicolor Curtis.. . 543 picridis Kieffer (Stictodiplosis).______609 Meinert (Oligarces)- - . __ . . _._ _ _. _ 579 picta Fabricius ( hlusca, Camptoneura) __ _ . _. 518 Mik(Aptilotus).-__._...... 509 ( *%fusca,DeIphinia). __ _ _ _ 531 parasiticusGervais (Trichobius). . ______. __ _ 616 Meigen (Lasioptera, Diomyza). __ _ _ _ . . . 533 parisiensisDe.svoJdy(Amid)...... __.__._ 505 Wiedemann (Acanthomera)__ . __ _ _ . __ _ 502 parvaDesvoidy(Eg&) __.--- __.______536 picticomis Loew (Scleropogon).. . __ _._ _ __ _ 604. Townsend(Lizophaga). . . . ______562 Townsend (Chaetoglossa).. ______521 parvipalpis ~uJp (Prospherysa, Plagipros- pictipennis Meigen (Limnobia, LimnophiIa). _ 561 pherysa).. _.______.___._.. --_-______.__ 591 Wulp (Pseudomorinia) _. __ _ _ 596 parvipes Townsend (Hypertrophocera)__ . __ _. 554 pictitarsis Bigot (Laparus, Chrysoceria) __ 523 parvula Harris (Nasca, Ch207osia). _._ _ . __ _ _ _ 522 pi&us Bigot (Tetradiscus)______. _. __ . __ . 613 (Musea, Clorisoma) ______525 Coquillett (Sinophthalmus).. ______. 605 Loew. See gurgus Walker. __ _ _. __ _ _ 568 Meigen (As&s,Bactria) ______513 pascuorumMeigen ( Nusca, Pararicia)_. . _. . _ 585 pi1ateiMacquart (Megistopoda)._ _ _ _ . __ _ _. _ 566 pavo Aldrich (LeptocoryPha).. _._. . _.. . ___. 559 pilicomis Zetterstedt (Limnobia, Pihria) _. __ 591 psronia Osten Sac&u. See f%CjpeuniS say. 539 pilifer Fabricius (Nerius). ______. _. . . _.2. __. . 575 pavoniz?Desvoidy. Seesylvatica Fallen. __ _ SC5 piligena Rondani (Sphitapata, Arrenopus). 510 pectinata Hendel (Procreta). . . _. __ _ . _. . __ _ _ _ 594 pilipennis Fallen ( Tachina, Thryptoeera).. __ 614 Macquart(Ptychoptera, Ctenoctia). 529 pilipes Haliday (Caelopa)______526 Meigen (AgromyZU, Ag70biU). . __ _ _ _ 504 pilosaDesvoidy (Themira) __. __ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _. 614 pedella Fallen ( Il&,Cmtrocera). _...... 519 ( Themira, ffalidaya) __ _ _ _. _ 549 pedissequusHarris ( Nasca,Xanthogramma)_ 620 Meigen (Sciophila, Lasiosoma). _ __ 558 pellucensFallen ( Tachina, Eliozeta)_ _ . . . . __ _ 537 Zetterstedt ( Cordiluru, Orthacheta)_ _ _ 581 Linnaew( Nusca, Apivora) ______508 pilosellaOsten Sacken (Limnophila, Ulomor- ( Musea, Pterocera) ______597 pha)...... 618 ( &f+xsca, VolucelIa). _. __ _ 619 pJIoseI1usLoew (Dasypogon, DauloopocJon)._ 531 pellucida Meigen ( TachiW Nemoraea) . . . . __ 5i4 (Dasypcgon,Lasiopogon). __ _ 558 pellucidusCoquJIlett (Nebritus). . . _. . . . _. . 574 pilosusCquillett (Achaetomus)______. _ _ _ 502 pelopsNelander (Oreothalia). _ . _._ _. . _. . .. 580 pinguis Gerstaecker(Ectyphus). _ _ _. ___. _. __ 536 pendula Linnaeus( Nusca, Heliophilus).. __ _ 550 pini De Geer ( Tipala, Cecidomyia). ______519 penelopesWeyenberg (Lynchia) - . __ _ . ______. 563 ( Tip&a, Cryptodiplosis). ______528 penicillab Rondani (cwwdontha) _. ______579 (Tip&a, Diplosis) .___ .______534 pennipesLinnsns (Empis). . _ __ . __ _ _ . __ _ 537 (TipzlZu,Itonida).....~.._...... 556 peregrinumMeigen (A nthomyia, Euryomma). 543 piniariaeHartig. Seenigripes Fallen. ______546 peregrinusLoew ( He&phil?bS, Mesembrius) _. 568 [~ipiensLinnaus(CuIex)._..... ____.____.___ 529 pergandeiCoquJl1et.t ( Apocephalus) . _ _. . . 569 (_wl.?c4, Coprina)._. . . . _._ . 527 \Wliston(Ewxratomyia) ______340 (Musca, Syritta)__..._ .____ 611 perpusiI1aSix, Seega1eata HaIiday. _. ______560 Perris. Seeheteroneura Meigen _ _ _ _ _ 612 perspicillarisLoew (Eclimus). - - ___. . . . __ . . . 536 plagioidesTownsend (Gonioch&a). . ___. _ . . _ 547 ISDEX. 641 r4 _%ge. : page. (30 ’ posricalis Lundbeck ( Tanypu:, Trichotany- 3.8 pus)..._...... 616 600 posticataFabricius (Erislalis, knntisma). __ _ _ 555 534 posticatusWiedemann ( CuZer,Comhyltistes). 526 592 praxatoria Fallen ( Tachydromia, Chelifera). _ 521 ( Tachydromia, Mantipeza). 565 597 (Tachydromiz,Polydromy~)~ 593 praxeps Yeigen ( Tachina, Pareudora) _. __ _ _ _ 585 597 prasinns Loew (Diostracus)...... 534 597 pratensisDesvoidy (Aline) _.___.____.____.__ 504 604 Seeh&a Fallen.. ______542 533 Seepol@gma Meigen __ 548 554 pretiosaLoew (Hiercessa). ______522 614 prima Brauer and Bergenstamm (Cerato- 531 chaet)...... 519 538 princeps-lusten (Bogeria). ___. . _._ _ __ _ 515 562 proboscideusFabricius ( Tabanus, Pango- nius)...... _.._. _. . 583 TYilliston (Hippelatcs, Sipho- 600 myia)...... __.___.__. 606 proceraMeigen. See volvulus Fabricius. __ _ 555 processioneaaRatzeburg ( Tachina, Neopales). 5i5 620 ( Tachinn, Pales) __ _ _ ;l82 579 producta Desvoidy (Uramya). __ ._ _ . !18 620 prompta Desvoidy ( Czais). ______517 564 Meigen( Tcchina, Echinogaster) __ _ _ 536 616 prosopoides B r a u e r and Bergenstamm. 593 SeepullataMeigen...... _._.._._...._.__. 617 506 pruinosa Wheeler (Dwpanomyiu). __. _._ 535 522 pseudohystricia Brauer and Bergenstamm 612 ( ifystrisyphonn, Echhroderia).______. 536 5ti2 psilogasterWiedemann (dsiZus, Atractia). __ _ 5;2 690 psilcpterus Kiefier (Ortho&diuS, Psectrocla- 50; dius)...... -.._.-.... 595 524 pubera Linnaeus( ~Wxca,Cordilura) _ __ . ___ . _ 52i 549 ( _Whwn,&fosina). _ _. ______571 619 Lcew(Echthodopa)...... ____.__ 536 533 pubescensLoew (Prionocera)._ _ _ _ . ______594 567 (Prionocera, Sfygeropis). __ _ _ 609 601 puelia Rondani (Zstogglossa)______. __ _ _ 556 510 Wiedemann (Lzpiwiz, Atomosia). __ _ _ 572 pulchefla Rossi ( ~Iu.scz,Ocncros) __ . _. _, __ _ _ _ 5i7 503 ( _-%ixwa,Tozocerra). _ _. . . . __ 615 G21 pulcherrima Arribalzaga (Uranotsenia)_. . . . . 61& 51’_ pulchra Schiner. Seeumbripennis IkZeigen.. 552 523 pulicaria Fallen (Empis, Atelestos)._ _. __ __. _ 511 502 (Empis, Platycnema). __ . _. __ 592 621 pulicaris Linnaus ( Culct, Culicoides)_ _ _ . __ _ 529 523 pulicarius AIikan (Bombylius, Phthiria). __ _ 590 569 pulla Coquillett (Mauromyia) __ _ _ _. ______565 5i3 ‘\\‘iedemann ( Trypeta, Amphicnephes). 505 539 puliata hleigen ( Tachinu, Tritocitatz) __ _ _ . __ 617 548 punctata Desvoidy (Ormia) __ . ______589 598 (Sophie,Scotiptera) _ . __ _ _ 601 585 Fabricius ( Xyopa, Dalmannia) __ _ . . 530 541 ( dfyopa,Stachyniz) ______698 510 Latreilie. Seepulicaris Lisnreus.. _ 529 571 punctatus Fabricius. Seadiadema Fabricius 521 527 punctigeraCoquillett (Parcedopa)...... _._. . 585 516 punctipennisAm Stein. See mstrcideaDes- 54s voidy...... ____.______506 598 Afeigen. Seecincta Fabricius. _ 595 Seehybrida k’eigen... 550 521 Say ( Corethra, Sayomyia). _. _. . _ 693 594 punctipesMeigen (Cordihm, Chaetosa)__ _ _. _ 521 642 INDEX.

punctipes Wiedemann (Chironomus, Tany- roralis Linnaus (MU-XX, Z&7.&z). __. _ . . . _. _ -555 tarsus)...... ______._._... __.. 612 (Mwca,Melanophora) _ _ . __ . 567 punctulata Williston (Nausigaster).. __.. . _._ 574 rorida Fallen (Sapromyza, Lycia) ______563 puparum Fahricius ( ~Vusca,Meriania). __ . . . 565 rosarumFabricius (Syrphus, Pyrophaeua)._ _ 599 ( Nusca, Plntychira). . . . . 592 rossii GiIes (Anopheles, Grassia) __ . ______548 purpureusWalker (Hyb~s, Euhybus)_ . . __ _ . _ 541 (Anopheks, Myzomyia)______. __ 573 pusilla Fallen ( Copromyzu,Coproica) _ _ _ . __ _ _ 527 rostellata Loew (Plecia, RhinopZecia) _. ______600 ( Copromyza, Heteropiera). _. __ _ 551 rostrata Bellardi. Seerosteiiata Loew______600 Meigen (Phakz, Hyolomya) __ _ . __ _ . _ 553 Coquillett (Argyrophylax, Siphostur- Wiedemann ( Tachina, Sarcophilodes). 602 mia)...... _.._.. _.______606 pusio Loew (Chrysotimus).... _ .____.._ _._ 524 Desvoidp. See vertebrata. ______621 putris Desvoidy. Seecylindrica Fabricius. 51 Linnazus. See austriacaMeigeu _ _ _ _ 600 Linnzeus( &fusca,Cheligastez). __ _ _ _ 522 Zetterstedt. See immaculata HaIi- pygophoraSchiner (Salpingogaster)_ _ . __ _ _ . Go2 day...... 569 pyragraZeller (Asilus, Tolrnerus)______615 rostratusLinnsus ( Tabanw, Philoliche). __ . _ 588 pyrastri Ltinmaeus(d-iusca, Catabomba)...___ _ 518 rotundata Linnszus(Jfusca, Rhodogyne)._ __ @lo ( Nusca, Lasiophthicw) _. _. 558 ( Musca, Gymnosoma) __ _ 548 (Nusca, Scaeva). ______603 rotundiventris Fallen ( Tachina, Subelytia). __ 610 pyrrhaspis Wiedemann ( Tachinu, Tropidop- rubens Coquillett (Eucessia)_ _ _ _ _ . ____ . __ _ _ . 511 sis)...... _...... ~ 617 rubiginosa Loew. Seegrandis Bergroth._ _ . _ 552 quadrifasciataDe Geer( Conops,Sphyzosomu) 607 rubraFelt(Johnsonomyia).. .__..______.__ 556 Fabricius ( Jlwca, Neurigona) 575 rubricornis Desvoidy (Paykullia). ______585 quadrifasciatusDe Geer ( Corwps,Conopejus) 527 rubricosaMeigen ( Tachina, Frauenfeldia) __ _ _ 545 Say (Paragus, Wtiemyia) __ _ 570 ( Tachinu, Tricogena).______616 quadrifilum Loew (Rhaphium, Xiphandrium) 621 rubriveutris Macquart. Seetibialis Desvoidy 525 quadripunctata Linnaeus ( Jfu-sca,Sapromy- (Senotalnia)...... 605 zosoma)..._...._...... _...... 602 Wulp (bfystacelk, Mystacomyia) 573 quadripustulata Fabricius ( Musca, Dorbinia) 535 rudis Fabricius ( Musca, Cephysa) ______513 (Musea, Win- (&&XX, Orizia)__...... _. 580 themia) _. __ __ 6m (~~~sca,Pollenia)...._...... 593 quadrum Fabricius (Jfusca, dfydina) ______572 Fallen ( Tachinu. Emestia). __ _ . ______540 ( bfusca, Spilogastez).__ _ . 607 (Tadina,Panrericr)..._...... 583 quercusBinney ( Cecidomyia,Amoldia) _ _ __ 510 rufa Fallen ( HeZeomyra, Suillia) __ . ______610 radiata Schrank. Seestellata Fuessly.. _ _ 618 Williston. Seeferruginea Fallen ______541 radicum Fabricius ( Musca, Erigone). __ __ _ 539 Wulp. See bilimekii Brauer and Ber- ( _%sca, Vzrichaeta). __ _ _ _ 619 genstamm...... _.______575 raptor Haliday (Aphrosylus)_ . __ . ______. 508 rufata Bigot (E~oristu, Bolomyia).______515 Maequart. Seepraecatoria Fallen. __ 521 rulibasis O&en Sacken (Limnophila, Priorw- rebaptizataRondani. Seeaenea Meigen. _ __ 606 labis).... _.._.______.._.._ ___.. ______594 rectinervis Desvoidy (Orillia). ______. ______580 ruficauda WuIp (Schineria, Copecrypta) __ _ _ _ 527 reflexa Desvoidy. Seelateralis Fallen. __ _ __ 513 ruficomis Fabricius (Asilus, Cyrtopogon).___ 539 regalisDesvoidy(Chrysomya)_...... ___._ 523 Macquart ( Anisotamia) _. __ _ _ . _ __ 507 ( Chrysomya, Paracompso- (Heteracanthia)______551 myia)...... ______583 ( Micropalpus, Cupho- ( Chrysomya, Pycnosoma) __ _ 598 cera)...... 529 Rondani. See marklini Zetterstedt. _ 576 ( Micropalpus, Palpibra- regina Meigen (d&sca, Phormia) __ _ . ______. 589 ca)...... 583 replicata Linnzeus( Tipula, Phalacrocera)_ _ _ 587 rufilatera Rondani (Ezorista, Mzsipoda) __ _ _ _ 565 reticulata Dumeril. Seecoryleti Scopoli... __ 588 rutipalpis Macquart. See leucophrysWiede- rhingoidesBigot. Seelineata Fabricius. __ _ 542 mann....._...... _...... ~~ 514 rhodophagaCoquillett (Neocerata)_ _ _ _ . _. __ _ 574 ruEpalpusWiedemann (Xylophagus, Diphysa) 534 rileyi Coquillett (Mythicomyia) ______. __ _ 573 rufipennis Macquart ( Niaophalpus, Epalpus) 538 riparia Desvoidy. Seelimosa Fallen _. _ __ _ _ 575 ruEpesFabricius ( Con~ps, Physocephala).__ _ 590 (Me&ha) _.__._.______.____ 567 Maequart(Ezlmetopia)...... 542 Fallen (Ephydra)...... __.. ______538 (Eumetopia, Eumetopiella). 542 *iparius Meigen (Porphyrops, Perithinus) ___ _ 587 (Xiphidicera)...... ____ 621 rivosa Linnaeus(Tiptcla) Pedicla). ______58G Meigen(Cephalia)______..______519 rivularis Desvoidy. Seelivens Fabricius. __ _ 576 ( Cephalia, Nyrmecomya)_ L. _ _ 573 ( Ephydra, Ephydrosoma) __ _ _ _ 538 robertsoniiTownsend (Euryceromyia) _ _ _ . . __ 543 Wulp(Homoqenia)._...... _.... 553 (Siphoelytia). . . . _. . _. _ 605 ( Homogcnia, Trichopododes).. __ 616 iobusta Townsend( Tachinomyia) ______611 rufitarsis Macquart (Aulacigaster)______512 W iedemann( Tachinn, Sphyromyia)_ 607 (Aukxigaste~, Ampyco- robustusOsten Sacken( Comustes).. __ _ . . . __ 526 phora)...... 506 rGderi Girschner(Psilopu, Diasemocera) __ . __ 532 (Aulacigaster, Apotom- Williston (Hysterichdexia, Euchae- eua) . . . .._...... __.. ___ 509 togyne)._ .._._._.__.___. __.._...._.. 541 rulithorax Wiedemann (Limnobia, Purina). _ 546 INDEX. 64‘3

z sge.‘ Pqe ruflventris Macquart. abdominalis Say. 534 scutellata Loew (Nothomyia).-.-.-._.______576 (Megaprosopus).. _ - -- 566 Marquart (Volucella, Atemnncera). _ 511 Meigen. Seecanescens Meigen___ 613 Winnertz (Corynoneura). _. __ . __ _ _ 528 rufum Brauer and Bergenstamm( Cyrtosoma) 530 scutellatusBigot (Doliosyrphus)______5.35 rugonasusWilliston ( Xelunostomz,Rhysops) _ 601 scybalarlaLinnsus ( hfzhsca,Scatomyu;r). __ . . 693 ruralis Fallen ( Tachim,Pkzgiuj _ _.__.___..591 securicomisFallen (Phyllomyza)--..-.-._.___ 590 ( Tackirau,Voria) __. ______. _ 619 segmentariaFabrlcius (MU-SIX,Mya). ______571 Meigen. Seefemorata Fabricius. _. __ 582 ( Jfusca,Somomy~) __ _ 606 ruricola Meigeu ( Tuchina,Cyrtophleba) _ __ _ . _ 536 segnis~innseus(Mu.q Bumeros).. ______541 rustica Fabricius ( Xusca, Deria) __ _ . __ _ _ . __ 532 ( Musca, dficraptoma) __ . __ __ 569 (Musca,DexiUa)...... _._. 532 (M~c~,XyZota)...... _..~~ 621 (Musca,Ida).. .._..____ _.. 555 (Muscq Zelhna)...... _ 621 Meigen. Seesimuians Meigen __ _ _ _. _ 521 segregataRondani ( Chetogena, Duponchelia) _ 536 Winnertz (Phronia). __ _ _. ______. - 589 ( Chetogena, Parasefigena). 58.5 rutila Meigen ( Tackinn, Ceromasia). __ _ _ _. . . 520 seleneOsten Saeken(Anthraz, Thyridantkrar) 615 Wiedemann (Antkraz, Trinaril) _. _. - - 617 semichrastiTownsend ( E~auZona).. __ _ _ _ . _ 540 rutilioides Jaennicke(Dejeania, Paradeieania) 584 semiglaucaPerris. Seeviridis Meigen. ______568 rutilus Wiedemaun (DasypJgon, Dicranus). _ 533 semiluciferaVilliers (Mu-m, Sphixea)...... __ 697 sabaudusFabricius (Asilt&?,Stenopogon). . . . 698 seminationisLinnaeus ( &fusca,Negaglozsa).. 566 _-_ sabqlicola Loew (Laphystla). . . . . _ . _ 53‘ ( Musea,Platystoma).. 592 sabulonum Osten Sacken (Clawfor, Lesto- semiviridls Wulp (Chloroprocta)______522 myia).._...... ______.__. _. . ..___... 560 senilis Fabricius. Seefenestralis Linmeus. __ 555 sabulosaDesvoidy (Anicia). ______. . _ . . . . 566 sepia Meigen (Antkomyia, Chortopkila).. __ . __ 523 salax Wheeler (Peloropeodes).. _ . . . _ . . 586 septemguttataKieffer (Leptodiplosis)______559 saliciperdaDufour (Cecedomyia, Dickrlomyia). 533 sepulchralisLinnreus (Musca, Eristalinus).. _ 540 salicomimKieffer (Baldratia) _. ______. __ _ _ _ 513 Meigen ( Musca,Onesia) __ _ __ . _ 579 saltatoria Desvoidy. Seepodagrica Fabrieius 601 sequensTownsend (Vanderwulpia, Catemo- saltatrix Desvoidy. Seescalaris Fabricius. _ _ 544 phrys). .___.__.____ _.-_ . .._.. __..______._ 519 Linnaeus( Musca, Meromyza)______567 seriataLqew(Trypctn,Icterica)...... 555 saltuum Fabricius (Syrphus, Spilomyia) _ __ _ 607 sericarizeRondani ( Ugimyia). ______. 618 sanctipauli Scbiner (Telmatogeton)______612 ( Ugimyia, Crossocosmia). _ 528 sarcinataLoew ( Trypeta, Peronyma).._ _ . _ 587 sericata Meigen (Glochina)... .__ __.______._ 547 sarcophagina Brauer and Bergenstamm (Gkxhinu, Sizgona).. ______605 (Myiomima)...... ______572 (Musca,Phenicia) _____._____ 588 Townsend(Laccoprosopl). __ _ 557 serpentinaOsten Sacken(Dipalta) __ _ _ _ . __ _ _ 534 sarothamniLoew ( Cecidomyia,Asphondylia). 511 serpentinusWiedemann (Dacus, Anastrepha) 506 satanica Bigot (Scopolia,Penthosia) _ . _ __ _ 587 serrata Desvoidy. Seeirritans Linmeus __ __ 594 saundersiiCurtis. Seehybrida Meigen __ _ 568 Linnaeus( Nusca, Blephariptera) __ _ _ 514 saxicolaOsten Sacken (A&o&a). __ _ _ _ . _. ___ 598 ( Mkscn,EIeleomyza). ______560 sayiAldrich (Odontopoda)....______. _ _ . __ _ _ 578 (Musca,L&a).._ _... ______566 Felt(Epidiplosls)...... ______._____ 539 serratuknLinneeus ( Mu.rca,Terellia) . __ _ _ _ 613 screvoidesFallen (Rhingia, Chamaesyrphus). 521 serratus Theobald ( Culer, Protocu&z).______595 scalarisFabricius ( Nusca,Fannia). ______544 serriventrls Rondani. See concinnata Yei- scambusFallen (DoEichopus, Camptosceles)__ 516 gen...... 563 scapularisLoew (Hemerodromiu, Neoplasta)_ _ 575 servaDesvoidy(AmycZ~a).... ______596 scatopboraPerris ( Mycetophikz, Epicypta)._ _ _ 538 servillei Maccquart(Phoneus). __ _.____. ______588 schineri Kolenati ( Crunobia) ______528 (Phoneus, Neophoneus)._ . 575 schistaceaMeigen. Seeobscura Fallen __ _ _ 51s setaceaBecker. See macquarti Zetterstedt). 698 schnablii Brauerand Bergenstamm(Petinops) 567 seticomis Fallen (Lauzania, Pachycerina)-... 582 sciarina Meigen (Zygoneura)_ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. 622 Wiedemann (Acarithomera, Mega- scintillans Loew (Psilopus, Gnamptopsilopus) 547 lomyia).... ______._.__.._____. 566 scita Harris (Jfusca, Milesiformis). _ __ __ 5iO setifaciesBrauer and Bergenstamm(Crypto- ( Musca,Tropidia). _. ______61i meigenia)...... _._.______.______..__ 528 scolopaceaLinnreus (Musca, Leptis). ______559 setigera Brauer and Bergenstamm (Pseudo- (Muscu, Rhagio) ______. 599 pkoroce7a)_._...... 596 scorzonerreDesvoidy (Sitarea). ______. __ _ . __ 606 setipennisCoquillett (Houghia). __ _. __.. . . _. 553 scripta Llnnaeus(Musca, Melitkreptus) __ _ _ 567 setosaCoquillett (Chmtophleps). __ _. . . __ 521 ( Mum, Melitrophus). __ _ _ . 567 (Phyto, Neophyte)_ _ _ _ _ . . . _ 575 ( Muma,Spharrophoria) __ _ _ 697 Desvoidy. Seepilosa Desvoidy_.-_. . . 549 scrobiculataLoew (Acrosticta)._ _ . _ _.. __ _ _ 503 setosusFabricius (Syrphus,Platynochmtus).. 592 scutatusMeigen (Syrphus, Platycheirus)._ _. 591 sexdentata Fabricius. See chalybeata Fors- scutellarisDesvoidy (Amedea). __ . ______595 ter._...... _...... __.~___. 513,552 Seepagana Fabricius. _ 572 siberita Fabricius (Stomorys, Prosenu) __ _. __. 595 Seeradicum Fabricius. 539 (Stomorys,Calirrhoe) .__. _. 517 scutellataDesvoidy (Nemoraa, Blepharipa) __ 514 sibiricaLoew(Arthropeas)...... 510 (Nemorza, Ctenocnemis). 529 sicanusCosta. Seediadema Fabricius-_ . . _. . 605 644 INDEX.

1‘age. Pago. sicula Desvoidp (Rhedia, Zsomera) _. ______,556 spinigerellus Zetterstedt (Dolichopus, Teu- Rondani (Spathulina). ______. _ 607 c5~phorus)...... ______._.______613 signata Meigen ( Tachina, Pachyophthalmus)_ ‘X spinimnnus Zetterstedt (Hydrophorus. Scel- signifer Coquillett ( C&ez, Pneumaculex). __ _ 593 Ius)....._ . . . ___._ . . . . ______.__.__...____ _ 603 signifera Wulp (Cenosoma)__. ______. _ _ 519 spinosaFelt (Metadiplosis). _ __ _ . _. . 568 silratica Desooidg (Egeriz) ______. . 536 Osten Sacken(A rrhenica). . _. _ _ _ 570 Seepuparum Fabricius. _ 567 splendensbiscquart. See aurifel Wiede- See vulgaris Fallen.. _ 539 mann...... _...... 524 silvestris Desvoidp. See vulpina Fallen. _ 561 Wiedemann (La&). . __. __ _ _. _ 557 silvicola Curtis. Seealbipes Strom __ _ . 535 Williston (Haemagogus)._ _ _. __ _ _ 549 simplex Fallen (Ocypteta,Leucostoma) _ __ 561 Winnertz (Trichosia). ______. _ 6lC (Ocyptera, Psalida) ______595 splendida Fallen. See demandata Fabri- (Sciomyza)...... _.__._._._ 604 cius.. .__._.._._... ___._.___ 523,590 (Sciomyza,Bischofia).. __ _ _ 514 Meigen( Ch~ysogaster,Lejogaster) _ 5% Loew (Dicolonus)._ _ _. ______. 533 spurk Fallen (Empis, Bicellaria) _. _ __ _. _ 514 Macquart (&ax, Eicherax).. __ _ 537 (Empis, Cyrtoma) ______. _. 530 Walker(Syneches).... ______.._ 610 spurius Fallen ( Cephdops, Chalarus). _ __ _ 521 QmplicitarsisZetterstedt. Seeaenea Meigen. 549 squamigerCoquillett ( C&z, Lepidoplatys)__ 559 simulans Meigen ( Tachina, Adenia). ______. _ 503 squamipennis Arribalzaga (A&s, &deo- ( Tachina,Bigotiu). _. __ . __ _ _ 514 myia)...... ___...~~.. 503 ( Tachina, Chaetotachinu). __ _ 521 stabulansFallen ( Jfmca, Muacina).. __ _ _ _ 571 ( Tachina, CZeodora) ______525 stag&is Fallen (Ephydra, Scatella)_ _ _ . _. _ 603 ( Tadina, Eribea) __ _ . __ _ _ _ 539 (Ephydra, Trizostomw) __ _ _ _ 617 (Tachina,Esila) ..______540 Haliday (Heleodromia, Hydro- ( Tachinu, Putilia) ______546 dromia)...... 554 ( Tachina, Gaubilia). __ _ _ _ . _ 546 stagnicolaDesvoidy. Seecoarctata Fallen _ _ 573 ( Tachina, Walkeria) _ __ G19 stellata Fnessly ( M&a, Trupanea)______618 ( Tachina, Zelleria) __ _ _ _ 621 ( _Vu-sca,Z;ie&a) __ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ 618 ( Tachinu, Zetterstedtia) _ 622 stercorariaDe Geer ( Tipulu, Orthocladius)_ . 581 singularis Burgess(Glutops). __ . ______54i Desvoidy (Newa, dieroplius)_ 568 Schiner(Hilarimorpha). _ . _ _. 552 stercorariuskleigen (Borborus, Cimbometopiz) 524 (Paratropesa)_ . __ . _ __ _ 585 sternodontisTownsend (Sarcodexia) _ _ . ______602 Townsend(Atrophopoda). __ _ _. _ ji2 stictica Meigen (Limnobiu, Sympkctomorpha). 610 (A trophopoda, Lach- stigma Fabricius ( .Uwca, Notogramma)_ _ _ 576 nomnla)_.. ______.__ 55; Meigen (Jfyopa, iWyopella)_. _ _. _ _ _ _. 5i3 Williston (Probolaeus)______594 stigmatica Osten Sacken(Empeda). ______537 siphonina Bigot (Proboscimyia)_ _ _ _ . _ __ _ _ 594 strenua Desvoidg. Seestrigosa Fabricius. _. 554

(Proboscimyia, Dolichaglossa) 5-jY striata Meigen (Sciophila, Empheria)_. . __ _ _ _ 537 skinneri Coquillett (Trochilodes).______. Cli (Sciophila, NeGmpheria). _ _ _. X4 slossou;eCoquillett (Lipochaeta)_ _. _ _. 5Gl striatus Fabricius (As&s, Dadiliscus). __ . _. _ 530 (Nostima). ______._ __ .X6 strigosaFabricius ( &sca, Hylemya)______554 smaragdinusGerstaecker (Eulonchus) ______541 ( &hsca, Musciosoma) __ _ 571 (Thrypticus)_ __ _. 614 strigula Fabricius ( -Vusca,Anthracophaga) __ 508 sodalisOsten Sacken(Cophura) ______. 52; stylata Fabricius ( Conaps,Stylogaster). _ _ . __ _ 610 solenopsidiaBrues (Commoptera)_ . ______. 526 stpriacaPokornp. Seebilbergi Zetterstedt . 595 solidaginisFitch (ticinia, Euro&) ______. . 543 subcoleoptrataLinnseus ( Conops, Phorantha) 589 solita Wulp (Mystacella)_ . ______. _ _ _ 573 submetallicaRondani (Phalacromya).______587 solstitialis Fallen (Eristalis, Chrysogaster)__ 523 ’ subopacaCoquillett (Leucostoma, Euphyto). 542 Linnseus( Jftisca,Nephritis) _ ii13 subrotundaDesvoidp. See ferina Fallen. _. . 589 sonchiDesvoidy. Seecardui Linnseus. _ _ 619 subsessilisIlliger ( Ceria, Cerioides)_ _ _ _ _ . __ _ _ 520 Linnaeus( &Zusca,Ensina). ______538 ’ ( Ceria, Sphizimorpha) _. __ 607 sorbi Kieffer ( Contarinia, Eudiplosis) __ _ . 541 subsultansFabricius ( &fusca,Borburus). __ 515 sparsaWiedemann ( Trypeta, Eutreta) . __ . __ 543 i ( -Uusca,Cypsela) . __ _ _ . 530 ( Trypeta, Zcaria) __ _ _ _ 5% ( &sca, Sphzrocera). 607 speciosaYeigen(Milichia).._...... _... ._.._ 270 (Syrphus, Glabrinus). _. 547 spectabilis Me&en. See albisquama Zetter- (Syrphus, Gymnopa) __ 548 stedt .__._.._._ __..__ _ 532 (Syrphus, Mosillus). __ 571 Seeplebejus Fallen. _ 538 sudeticusLoew (Meghyperus) __ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ . _ 566 Rulp (Melaleuca) _._ _ . . _ __ _ 56G sugensLoew (Himantostoma). . ______. ______552 sphegeusFabricius (Syrphus, Sepedon) __ MS1 sugillatrix Desvoidy. Seevitripennis Meigen. 592 sphpricerablacquart (Echinomyia, Sphyricera) rfi; suillioidea Desroidp ( Herb&a) _ . _ . ______. _ 5.50 spilota Curtis (Ephydra, Epipela) __ _ _. _._. 539 suillorum Desvoidy ( Terenix).... . __ _ _ . __ _ L13 (Ephydra, Ilythea). ______. _ 555 sulcata Meigen (Empis, Rhamphomyia). _ . _ 599 spiniferaLeach(Feronia). ______. .._._._ 5451 sulphureus Mikan (Bornby&+ Systoechus)... 611 ( Feronia, Olfersia) ______579 I superbiensSchiner (Paltostoma) _ . _. _ _ . 583 spinigerWiedemann (XyZophagus,Exairet3). 544 surda Zetterstedt. Seeexsurda Pandelle.. _. 566 (XyZophagus, E;rairet%) _ 574I suspectaLoew. Seemelanura Meigen. ______509 ISDEX. 645

P&e. Paze. suturalis Fallen (Dolichopus, Saucropus).. . __ 603 theotseniaWiedemann ( Tabanus, Stibasoma) 609 suturata Rondani (Chusicella) ___ . . _. ______524 tbermophi!a Kiedemann ( Tachina, Sisyropa) 606 srlrarum Linn*us ( Jfusca, Heliophibs)... __ 550 theutis Waker ( Tachina, Emphanopteryt). __ 537 sglratica Curtis (Sciophiln, Tetragoneura)_ _ __ 613 thliPsom_zoidesJaennicke (Poecilognathus) _ 593 Fallen ( Tachinu, Masicera) _._ _ _ __ 565 thotmLinmeus ( Tip&, Lycoria) ______. __ _ 303 splvaticus Neigen (Borborus, Limosina)... _ . . 561 ( Tipula, MoZobru_s).______571 splvestris Desroidg. Seesegregata Rondoni. - 536 (Tipula, Sciara) _..__. ______604 Theobold ( Culez, Ecculez). . . . . __ _ 536 thowica Des\-oidr ( ChZorina) ______. . 522 srlricola Curtis. Seealbipes Strom.. . .-. . . _. 559 Seepicta Fabricius __ _ __ 531 Walker. See pulicaria Fallen.. . . . 511 Lio~!Trisometopia)...._...... _... 617 syngenesia:Fabricius ( ~~USCU, Rivellia). - . . . . 601 tboracicusLoew (Pterallastes)._ . . . _. _. . _._ _ 59; syrphoidesPanzer. Seecinctus De Geer. - . . 582 thrmiKieffer ( Cecidomyia, Janetiella). _ . __ 556 tabaninus Thunberg (Pantophthalmus).- . . . . 5‘83 tibialis Desroidy (Esfheria, Clinoneura) __ _ _ _ 525 tachiuoidesFallen ( Musca,Morphomya). -. . . Xl (Estheria, Ptilodezia)._ __ _ 598 tachinomoidesTownsend (Ezphorocera) . . . - . 5Q (Herbstia)...... _____ 551 tseniatusBellardi (Rhyphus, Olbiogaster).. . . 579 (Talmmia)...... _..___ _._ 612 tsznionotaMeigen ( Erioptera, Chenialida) __ _ . 522 Fallen ( Tuchina, Hyria). __ . ______555 (Erioptera, Octwia) __ _ . . __ 577 ( Tachina, Pelatachina).______586 ( Erioptera, Polyraphia). _. _ 594 Macquart. See quadripunctata,Lim- ta?niorhynchus-4rribalzaga. See titillans n5ells...... ~...... ~~ GO2 Walker...... __. _____. _.._ 553 Neigen ( Chironomus, Cricotopus).__ _ _ 5% Wiedemann ( C’&ez, Culicelsa) 529 Walker(Pheneus).. ..__.___ __.______588 tanaceticola Karsch (02igotrophu.q Rhopalo- (Pheneus, Arthrostylum) _ . . __ 510 mpia)...... -... 600 tiefi Mik. Seeargpragastra Perris ______608 tandrec Desvoidy (Theresia) __. _ ._ _. _. . ___. 614 tigrina Fabricius ( Jfusca, Curicea).. ______518 ( Theresia, Sardiocera) ______603 tipuloides Bose(Keroplatus).. . ._ _ _ _ . ______557 tarandi Linn~us (C&Q-us,(Edemagena).. - . . 576 Fabricius. See cplindricus De tar&a Wahlberg. Seerufitarsis Macquart_ . 506 Creer.._.. ___.._____.___ _..__ ___ 559 tarsatusFallen (Hydrochzcs, Synarthsus) . . - . . 610 Linnaeus. Seecplindricus De Geer_ 517 Neigen. See splendida Neigen_ _ . __ 558 titillans Kalker ( Culer, Mansonia) ______Xi tauscheriFischer (Rhynchocephalus)__ - . . . . _ 600 (Culer, Panoplitzs).. ______583 tempestiva Fallen ( .+&sca.Byomya)._. _. . . __ 516 ( Culez, Taeniorhynchus)_ _ _ _ G12 tenax Linnaeus( Musca, Elophilus) ______. __ 537 tomentosaDesvoidp (Stevenia).. _ . _ . __ _ _ _ . _ 608 ( Musca, Eristulis) _ __ _. . __ _ _ _ 540 torrensTownsend (Tersesthes).. _ _ . _ __. __ _ _ 613 ( Musea, Z?ri.stnloides) __ . _ __ _ _ 510 tosi Becker(Milichiella). __. ______._ _ _ _ 670 ( Musca, Eristalomya) __ _ . __ . _ 540 townsendi Williston (Atrophopoda, @3de- ( Muxa, Tubifera). __ _. . . _. . _ 618 mape~a)...... _._.._._ 578 tenella Meigen (Limnohia, Gonomyia)._ _ . __ _ _ 547 toxicodendriFelt ( Ceeidomyia,Adiplosis) _ _ _ 503 (Limnobia, Taphrosia)r __ _ _ _ . _ 612 transfugaLinnzus ( _%fusca,A nakmyia) __ _ _ 50G teneraWiedemann (Stonozys,Leskiomima).. 560 transl-ersaFelt (Asphondylia, Cincticornia)_ _ 524 trapseDesvoidF. Seecinerea Fallen _ . _. tentaculata De Geer ( Muscu,Lispe) _ . _. _. __ _ 562 __ . _ 557 tentatr~Loew(Euthera)..._...... 543 trepida Neigen ( Tachina, Blepharigerw). __ _ 514 Tachina, Paraplngia). _ 585 tenuipesBigot (Rhynchiodexia).______. _. __ _ _ 600 ( _ __ _ triangula Fallen ( _sca, Pseudolimnophora). 596 Osten Sacken(Rhophidolabis). . . __ . 600 ( Xusca, Stroblia) __ . . . _. . __ 609 tenuis Loew (Stenomyia).. _.___.__ .___. 60s _.__. triangulifew Loew (Hyalomyu, Hyalomyodes) 553 tenuirsntris Bigot (Nacrosargus)._ _ _ _ . . __ _ 564 tricincta Neigen (Pelecocera). . . ___. ___ _. __ _ 586 ( Nacrosurgus,Pedicella) 58.5 _ tricolor Coquillett (Metadexia) _ _. _. _. ___. __ _ 568 terraznovzeDesvoidy (Phormia, Protophor- Zeller ( Tabanus, Therioplectes)...... 614 m~)._...... ~_ 595 trifarius Loew (Ablautus). __ _ _ . _,.. _ _ . ______502 territansWalker ( Culez, iVeocu2ez).__ _ _ _ 571 trifasciataMeigen ( Trichoptera, Pericoma)_ _ - 587 tessellata Brauer and Bergenstamm (Tetra- Winner% See casciataMe&en. . . 53-I grapha)...... __. 613 trigonus Neigen (Asilus, Dysmachus)._ _. . _ . . 53G testaceaDesvoidy. Seebicolor Neigen __ _ _ 8’20 trilineata Fabricius. Seeh_qoleon Linnaeus. 582 Seefimetaria Linnsus. _ 57 trimaculata Fabricius (Scatophuga, Coilo- (PaIusia).... .____ _.____ 583 metopia)____._ _ __.._..._. _..._.__ . . . . __..._ 526 Linnzeus( Conops,Phorosia) ______589 trinotata Desvoidy. Seemaculata Neigen.. - 57s ( Co;tops,Stomoxoides). _. __ 609 trinotatus Rondani. Seemaculata Neigen.. 505 Macquart (Plesiomma) ______. __ _ 592 tripartitus Udrich (Phylarchus)... _. . _. . _. . - 590 Seedevia Halidap _ __ _ _ . _ 522 tripuoctata Fabricius ( Tipula, Amphinome) 505 Ruthe. Seedevia Haliday. __ _ _ . __ _ 614 ( Tip&a, Limnobia) _ . _ 5Gl Wulp (Saundersia, Rhachqalpw). _ 599 (Tip&a, ,?&tOnia)..... 5Gl testaceusFabricius (Sargus,Ptecticus). _ _. _. . 597 ( Tipula, Limnomyw). 561 Loew(Longurio)...... _... 56” ( Tip~la, cTnomyia)._. . 618 Nacquart ( Cyclorhynchus) __ _ _ . __ _ _ 529 Wiedemann (-4 nthraz, Argyro- testudineaLoew ( Trypeta, Acrotaenia).._ _ . __ 503 moebi)...... 510 tetanopsLoem ( Typeta, (E&arena) _. . __ 5TS triquetra Neigen Seemacquarti Staeger... - 512 646 IhTDES.

Page. Page. triquetra Olivier (Ocyptera, Ervia) ______540 validum Brauer and Bergenstamm (Mochlo- (Ocyptera, Paranaphora)_ __ . 585 soma)._...... __..__...... ______._____._ 570 . Wiedemann (Anthomyia, Azelia). _. 512 vandykei Coquillett (Spogosylam, Coquilbt- triseriatus Say ( Culer, Protomudeaya).. __ _ _ . _ 595 tia)...... -.~~..__.__...._~______._.._._ 527 tristis Schiner (Mesorhaga).. _ . __ _ _. ______568 vanessgDesvoidy(Stnrmia) ._..._... ___.___ 609 Williston (Melanoderia) ______566 rara Staeger ( Mycetophila, Zygomyia) ______b22 tristissima Osten Sacken (Gnophomyia) ______547 varia Meigen (Erioptera, Dusyptera). . _.______531 trisulcata Schummel (Limnobia, Triogma). _ 617 Wulp (Distichona)... _.__.______534 trivittata Coquillett ( Culez, Pseudohowar- (Distichona, Obnochatn). ______579 dinn)...... ___.______.. 596 variabilis Desvoidp. See disjuncta Wiede- Meigen (Leti, Boletina). ______.il5 mann...... ______.______505 trochilus Coquillett (Apomidas) __ _ _ . ______5JJ9 Loew(caouna).. ._... ~______.. 521 trollii Zetterstedt (Aricia, Chiustochcta). ______522 ( Chauna, Neochauna) __ . __ _ _ 574 trompe Linnaeus (Oestrus, Cephenemyia) __ _ _ 519 Zetterstedt (Asilw, Rhadinrgus) _ _ 599 (Oestrus, Endocephala) __ _ _ _ 537 varicolor Ccquillett (Plethochaeta) ______592 truquii Rondani. See rubricosa Meigen_ __ _ 616 Meigen (Ant-homyia, Botanophila) _ _ 515 tuberculatus Macquart. See valgus Panzer. _ 516 variegata Fallen (Drosophila, Phortica)..... __ 589 tubifer Meigen (Supromyza, Stylocoma) _. __ _ _ 610 Meigen ( Nyopa, Myopincl) ___ _ . __ _ _ 573 tumida Erichson (Acrocera, Paracrocera). _. __ 583 Winnertz (Leia, Rondaniella)... __ _ 601 tussilaginis Fabricius ( Nusca, Carpomya). _ 518 varipennis Walker. See distendens Wiede- uber GiglieTos (Cyrtoneurina) ______530 mann...... _....._...___. 505 uliginosus Lin~us. See pantherina Lin- Williston (Sphenoidoptera). ______607 n~us...... _...... ______574 varipes Coquillett (Pseudodinia) ______596 ulocoma Theobald (Dendromyia) _ . ______531 varusPanzer (Syrphw, Xylotxja) . __ _ _ _ . . _. _ 621 umbellatamm Fabricius ( Nusca, Palloptera). 583 vau Say (Ortdis, Pseudotephritis) ______596 umbrarum Fabricius ( Nusca. HesyquiUia). . _ 551 (Ortalis,Stictocephala)...... 699 umbratica Meigen (Anthomyia, Hebec7zzmu). 549 vegetus Wheeler (Nothosympycnus). ______576 umbripennis Meigen (Rhamphomyie, Hole velos Desvoidy. See melanoptera Fallen__ __ 571 clera)...... 552 velutina Ruthe ( Corctnra, Nochhmyz). . __ _ _ _ 570 undata Wiedemann (Pyrgota). . ______598 velutinus Macquart (Microphorus) ______570 (Pyrgota, Ozycephda). . _ 5s2 venata Aldrich (Phora, Pachyneurelh).. __. _ _ 582 underwoodi Underwood (Eucorethra) ______541 venatica Halidag ( C&mea, Epidapus). . _ __ _ _ 538 ( Eucorethra, Pelo- venatoris Coquillett (Demoticus, Neofischetia) 574 rempis)... ____ _ 5% (Demoticus, ParaJLsch- undulata Winnertz (Polylepta) _ . . ______593 eria)...... ______584 ungulans Pandelle ( MiZtogramma, Nacroni- venosaWulp(Megaparia) _.__ _..____..._ ____ 566 chia)...... 564 venosus Wiedemann (Dacypogon, Microsty- ungulata Linnaeus (Nusca, Dolichopus) _ _ __ _ 535 lum)...... __ 576 (Musea, Zphis) ._.______555 venusta Meigen ( Ceratopoyon, Probe&a). __ . _ 594 ( Mzhsca, Satyra) ______. __ 603 Rondani. See frontalis Loew ______518 unicaStein(Te~aeh;tta)...... ______613 vemalis Desvoidy. See guttata Fallen. _. __ _ 553 ( Tetrachztu, Tetramerinx) _ . _ . 613 See maxens Meigen. __ _ _ 557 Townsend. See florldensis Townsend_ 602 See obsoleta Meigen. _. __ 573 nnicolor Curtis (Atherix, Eurytion)..______543 versicolor Loew ( C hlorops, Diplotaxa) . _. __ _ _ 534 Haliday (Geranomyia). ______546 vertebrata Say (Dais, Zelia). .____.______. 621 unifasciata Desvoidy (Latreillia, Triadoru) __ 615 verticalis Meigen. See ruralis Fallen. __. _ _ _ _ _ 591 Macquart (Dichelacera). . _ . __ _ _ _ 533 vesicnlosns Fabricius (Syrphus, Brachystoma) 516 unimaculatus I&w (Chasmatonotus). __ _. __ 521 vespertilionis Fabricius. See avium Mac- unirittatus Loew (Plagioneurus) __ _ _ _. ______591 quart. .___...... __ _._ _... ___. 609 urbicaCurtis(Trichomyia).... _.______616 Linnaxs (Pediculus, Cekripes) 519 ursusCosta. SeegigasHerbst...... 516 (Pediculus, Nycteribia) 577 urt&e Fabricins. See polita Linmeus. ______5i3 respertina Fallen ( Nmca, Hydrophoria). __ _ _ 554 Linnaxs ( Nsca, A nacampta) ______506 vespiformis Gorski. See rittatnm Wiede- (Nuxa, Cerozys).. .___. ____ 520 mann...... ______..______618 Perris ( Cecidomyiu, Perrisia). ______587 Limxus (Nu-sca, Tritonia). _ __ _ 617 ustulata Curtis (Helcomyza). __ _ __ . ______549 vespillo Fabricius ( Nuxn, Nit&a). ______. _ 576 vagans Loew (Diastata, Calopterella). __ . __ _ _ 517 See sepulchralis Meigen.. _ 579 (Pelastoneums). _ . _. ______586 vestita Wiedemann (Dolichopux, Leucostola)_ 560 Wiedemann (Xylota, Planes). ______591 vetula Fallen. See flaveola Fabric&... . . __ _ 535 vaglnalis Fallen. See chorea Fabricius. __ _ 562 viarum Desvoidy. See erratica Fallen_ __ . __ _ 587 valgusPanzer (Syrphw, BrachypaIpus) __ __ 516 vibrans Linnseus ( Nusca, Nyodinx) __ _ _ . __ . 573 valida Brauer and Bergenstamm. See tan- (Nuxa, Ortalis) .__._ __.___ 581 drecDesvoidy _____._.__.______603 (N~ca,Seioptera)...... 605 Townsend. See parvipalpis Wulp __ 591 viburni Felt ( Cecidomyia, Dentifibxla).. __ _ . _ 531 Winnertz(Docosia).. .__..______534 ( Nycodiptosis, Karshomyia) _ . . _ 556 validinervis Wulp (Didyma, Paradidyma) __ . 584 vicina Desvoidy. See atra Meigen _ ...... _ 600 ISDEX. 647’

Page vilis Wulp (Prospherysa, Chaetogaedia) __ . . 521 rituli Fabricius (Tabanus, Silvius).. __. _ __ _. viilosa Meigen (Hebomyza, Scoliocentra) _ _ 604 voeatoria Fallen ( Tachydromia, Chyromya). . _ Rubsaamen (Rhynchosciara) __ _ . 600 rolucris Osten Sacken (Eupeodes). _ . __ _ villosusBigot (Merapioidus) _ . _ __ _ _ . ______56; volvuius Fabric& (Jftica, Hypostena). _. __ _ (Romaleos~phus)...... 601 romitoria Linnmus. See erythrocephala __ _ _ rimfnalis Westwood (Rabdophaga) _ . __ _. _ _ __ 599 vulgaris Desroidy. See equine Fallen. _. __ _ riolacea St.Fargeau and Serville ( Temnoccra) _ 612 Fallen ( Tachina, Blepharidea) __ _ __ Wulp. See rufata Bigot. ______515 ( Tachinn, Blumia). _._ _ _ _ . __ virens Fabricius ( -%fzclio,Phalangus) ______587 (Tachina, Erinia)...... (Mzdio,PipizeUu) ____._____ 591 ( Tachina, Eurigastrinu) __ _ _ _ Scopoli ( itlusca, Liancalus) __ _ _ _. __ _ _ _ 5Gl (Tachinu,Phryre) __...______virescens Fabricius(Bo7nbyZius, Conophorus)_ 52i rulnerata Loew ( Trypcla, Stenopa) ______(Bombylius, Pleas) ______592 rulpina Fallen ( Tachinn, Linnaemya) __ _ _ Phiiippi (PZettusa)...... 592 wahlbergi Zetterstedt (Ozyrhina, Acrometopia) virginicaFelt (Dasineura, Camptoneuromyia). jlY walkeri Curtis (Leptomorphus) . __ _ . . _. ______Virgo Zetterstedt (Limnobia, Ninguis). _ _ _ _. . 5iG Theobald ( C&ez, Howardina) __ __. . viridescens Desvoidy. See chalconota Mei- waltlii Brauer and Bergenstamm (Parapro- gen....._...... ___.______._.. 56-f sena)...... xi5 viridis Fallen ( Tachina, Gymnocheta).. _._. . 548 Meigen (Diamesa)... .______532 Meigen ( hfedetera, Aphrozeta) __ . __ . . _. 505 aeedi Coquiilett (Neocota). __ _. _ _. _. . . ____ _. .i74 vitinea Felt (Lasioptia, Neolasioptera) _ _ _ . . 5i5 Townsend. See triangulifera Loew __ 5.53 vitis Riibsaamen (Arthmcnodax). __ . ______510 wesmaelii Macquart (Paramesia). ______584 vitripennis Meigen ( Chlorops, Oscinisoma) -. . 582 westmoodi Guerin - Menerille (.Yycteribia, ( Muxa, Plaremya) ______592 Peniciilidia)... __. _ _. ______580 (Phora, Gymrwptera). __ _ _ 518 Osten Sacken (Elephantomyia) __ . 537 vittata Bellardi (Apelleia). _ _. ______. __ . - . 508 wheeleri Brues (Ecitomyia) __ _ . . __. ______536 Haliday. See analis Meigen. ______508 wiedemanni Meigen ( Trypeta, Goniglossum) _ 5i7 Macquart (Physegenua). __. . . . . _._ _. 599 ( Trypeta, Orellia) ______580 Meigen (Mallota, Lejops) ______- 558 willistoni Toansend. See aelops Walker.. __ 5i7 Schummel. See ferruginea Fallen.. 549 Wheeler (dphantotimus) ______508 Wiedemann (Chiromyza) _. . . . _. . _. . . 522 winthemi Macquart. Seeferruginosa Meigen. 564 vittatum Wiedemann ( Chrysotozum, Spheco- xanthogastra Wulp (Camarona) ______. __ _ 517 myia)_...._...... 607 xanthoptera Wiedemann (Laphria, Cero- ( Chrysotozum, Tyzen- kinia)...______.._ ___...... _ . . . . . ___.. 520 hausia)...... 618 xanthostoma JValker (Prechyliza) __ _ . _. _. __ 594 vittatus Bigot (Acrochordonodes).. _ _. . _. . __. . 502 yosemite Osten Sacken (Blepharicera, Phi- v,ittigera Bigot ( Cyrtonnra,’ Hemichlora) _ _ __ 550 lorus)...... _...... 588 (Homodezia, Thelairodes) _ . _. 614 zonata Desroidy. Sf% CORfiRiS Fallen. 509 vittuia Loew. See albicosta Waker. __ _ _ _ . . _ .%G zonatus Erichson (Ogcodes). ______._____ 5%