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Abdulmecid I, 188 Aristotle, 236 Abelard and Eloisa, 133 Arkush, Allan, 269 Aberbach, David, 209 n10, 229 n26, Armitage, Catherine, see Blake, 229 n28 Catherine Aberdeen, Lord, 189 Armitage, Thomas, 62 Abolitionist Movement, 185 Arnold, Matthew, 283 Abrams, M. H., 224, 228 n22, 229 n35 Culture and Anarchy, 283 Addison, Joseph, 42 Arpali, Boaz, 226 n3 Adler, Hermann, 5, 12 n12 Asen, Abraham, 205, 206, 207, Adler, Nathan Marcus, 5, 6, 12 n12 210 n14 Aguilar, Grace, 8, 106, 121, 123, Ashkenazi, Y., 206 124 n6, 149, 155-8, 161-2, Ashkenazim, 6, 129, 151, 196 200,204 Attaturk, Kemal, 147 n51 Works: Auerbach, Erich, 141-4 Perez Family, 200, 155-8 Mimesis, 141-4 Vale of Cedars, 200, 204 Austen, Jane, 42, 163 n13, 199, 200 Ahad Ha'Am, 222,224,226 n8, Works: 227 n13, 229 n34 Emma, 200 alchemy, see hermetic sciences and Mansfield Park, 42, 200 alchemy Northanger Abbey, 200 Aleinu le-shabbe)ah, 126 n37 Persuasion, 200 Alexander, Michael Solomon, 189 Pride and Prejudice, 200 Aliens At (1793), 167 Sense and Sensibility, 200 Allingham, John, 54-6, 60 n35 Austin, J. L., 227-8 n19 Transformation; or, Love and Law, 54-6 Bacon, Francis, 115 Althusser, Louis, 285 Balaam, 92-7 Altick, Richard, 17 and Blake, 97-100 amidah, 125 n33 Baer, Marc, 58 n11 Amikam, Elihu, 203 Bakker, Egbert J., 142 Amir, Aharon, 200, 201, 203, 204 Balfour, Ian, 227 n17, 230 n37 Anderson, Benedict, 11 n3 Balfour Declaration (1917), 192, 196 Anderson, G. K., 176 n1 Balsamo, Guiseppe, see Cagliostro, Anglo-Judaica and Anglo-Jewish Alexxandro, "Count," identity, 2, 4, 5-7, 149-64, 159 Bannister, Jack, 52 anokhi, 290 Bar, Talah, 200, 201 anti-Semitism, 1, 2, 7, 32-3, 36-7, 123, Bar'am, Iris, 204 143,165-70,172,176,198,282-3 Barbauld, Anna, 113 and Jew's body, 46-9 Bar-El, Judith, 228 n23 ritualized, 43-5 Baring-Gould, Sabine, 168 324 INDEX

Barnet, Jacob, 75 Peter, 97 Barr, Aron ]., 204 and Spinoza, 240-44 Barth, John, 147 n45 Bicheno, James, Signs of the Times, Barth, Markus, 285 185-6; Restoration of the Jews, Barukh, Y. L., 202 185-6 Bar-Yosef, Hamutal, 222, 229 n29 Bildung, 220, 221-5, 228 n22 Bateson, F. W., 101-2 n21 Birman, Abraham, 201 Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb, 246 Black, Eugene C., 12 n12 Bavli, Hillel, 195, 203 Blaichman, Moshe, 208 Bell, John, 135 Blair, Hugh, 248 Benamore, Isaac, 75 Blake, Catherine (mother ofWilliam), Ben-Dov, Hanah, 201 62, 79 n5 Benedikt, Ben-Tsien, 207 Blake, Catherine (wife ofWilliam), Ben Gurion, see Berdichevsky, Micha 71,75 Josef Blake, John, 62 Benjamin, Walter, 141, 230 n37, 289, Blake, William, 7, 8, 75, 199, 201, 297 n40 205,279 Bentley, Gerald E., Jr., 100 n8 and Balaam, 94-100 Ben-Ya'akov, Ya'arit, 204 and Jewish Swedenborgians, 61-86 Benzelius, Eric, 63 and Numbers, 87-102 Berdichevsky, Micha Josef (Ben Works: Gurion), 224, 227 n13, 229 n34 annotations to Watson's Apology Bergman, Torbern, 72 for the Bible, 89, 90 Berkeley, George, 245, 256, 262, 265, Book ofAhania, 88 273 n48 Book of Urizen, 88 Bernstein, Michael, 229-30 n36 "Flea," 205 Beruriah, 115 Jerusalem, 8, 61, 78, 87-102 passim Beswick, Samuel, 72 Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 74, Biale, David, 80 n21 76,89,199,201 Bialik, Hayyim Nahman, 9, 211-30 Bleicher, Ezekiel, 205 and British Romanticism, 220-1 Bloom, Harold, 127-8 "City of the Killings," 9, 211-30 Bloomer, Amelia, 24 passim bloomerism, 24 Bible, Hebrew, 282, 283 Blumberg, Arnold, 194 n33 Ecclesiastes, 114 Blumert, Ruth, 202 Exodus, 296 n21 Boas, Tobias, 65-6 Ezekiel, 214 Boehler, Peter, 62 Genesis, 141-3, 213, 214, 289, 293 Boehme, Jacob, 65, 71 Isaiah, 121 Braham, John, 105, 140 Job, 279, 293 Bremmer, Jan N., 141, 147 n51 Jonah, 214 Brill, Joseph, 202 Judges, 144 n13 British colonialism, 9 Lamentations, 215 British East India Company, 182 Leviticus, 147 n49 British folklore, 91-2, 163 n23 Numbers, 87-102 British imperialism, 9 Psalms, 31, 116-20, 125 n31, 278 Brocowitz, Y. L., 202 Ruth, 112 Bronte, Charlotte, 199, 201 Bible, New Testament, 234, 235, Jane Eyre, 201 238,282 Bronte, Emily, 147 n45, 199, 201 Epistles, 101 nll Wuthering Heights, 201 INDEX 325

Brothers, Richard, 45, 76 Christianizing, see conversionism Brown, Malcolm, 151, 162 n2 Chwatt, J., 206 Brown, Marshall, 229 n33 Cobbett, William, 149, 151, 155, 157 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 29 Cohen, Solomon, 158 Brun, Friederika, 275, 279, 281-2, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 10, 199, 291-2,294 202,206 "Chamounix beym Sonnenaufgang," and Mendelssohn, 10, 245-73 275,279 and midrash, 10, 275-97 Bruns, Gerald, 284 and Spinoza, 10, 233-44, 258-61 Budick, Sanford, 295 n9 Works: Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 201, 205 Aids to Reflection, 235, 247 Last Days of Pompey, 201 annotations to Mendelssohn's Rienzi, the Last of the Roman Motgenstunden, 245-73 Tribunes, 201 passim Disowned, 205 Biographia Literaria, 234, 240, Burke, Edmund, 199, 201; Reflections 245,256,258,259,282 on the Revolution in France, Friend, 245 199,201 "Hymn before Sun-rise, in the Vale Burwick, Frederick, xi, 10, 245-73 of Chamouni," 10, 275-97 Bryan, William, 75 passim Burns, Robert, "My Love Is a Red Red Kubla Khan, 202 Rose," 205 "Lines ... in the Hartz forest," 288 Byrne, Nicholas, 166, 171 "Love," 206 Byron, George Gordon, 105, 132-3, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, 147 n45, 171, 199,201-2,205-6, 199,202 224, 229 n28, 229 n35, 277 Statesman's Manual, 247 Works: Colley, Linda, ll n6 Cain, 199, 201, 205 Colman, George, the Younger, 51, Childe Harold, 199, 205 59 n31 "Euthanasia," 205 Love Laughs at Locksmiths, 51 "Fill the Goblet Again," 205 Condillac, Bonnot de, 280 Heaven and Earth, 201, 205 Connoisseur (weekly journal), 41-2 Hebrew Melodies, 199, 201-2, 205 conversionism and converts, 13 n15, Manfred, 199, 202, 205 34-5, 64, 124 n10, 151, 162 n5, Mazeppa, 202 169, 197 Prisoner ofChillon, 199, 202, 206 and apocalyptic doctrine, 185-6 "When We Two Parted," 206 in Middle East, 181-94 conversos, 5, 12 n14 cabal, 167 Cooper, Ashley, 184-5, 187 Cagliostro, Alessandro, "Count," 73-6 Cosway, Richard, 65, 67, 71, 75, 76-7 Cain, 168 Cour, Phillip de la, 70 Caleb, 92-4 covenantal hermeneutics, 283-5 Cambridge, Richard, 134 Cowen, Ann, 33 Campbell, George, 248 Cowen, Roger, 33 Carlebach, Elisheva, 65 Cowley, Hannah, 54, 56-7 Carmi, Eliezer, 203, 204 The Belle's Stratagem, 56-7, 58 Casanova, Giacomo, 65 Cream, Naomi, 123-4 n4, n5 Castle, Terry, 42-3 Cremieux, Adolphe, 188 Chastanier, Benedict, 70 Crimean War (1854-56), 192 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 131 crypto-Jews, see 326 INDEX

Cumberland, George, 71 Works: Cumberland, Richard, 49, 202 Calamities of Authors, 140 Fashionable Lover, 49 Commentaries on the Life and Jew, 202 Reign of Charles the First, 130 Curro, J. C., 66 Curiosities of Literature, 140 Curran, Stuart, 286 Defence of Poetry [and] Specimens of a New Version of Dachau, Michael, 202 Telemachus, 132 Dacre, Charlotte, 8, 106, 165-78 Flim-flams, 130 Confessions ofthe Nun of St. Omer, 171 Genius ofJudaism, 136 Zofloya, or the Moor, 8, 165-78 Mejnoun and Leila, 132--40 passim Romances, 140 Dallaway, James, 135 Vaurien, 130 Damon, S. Foster, 98 Dov Baer of Mezhirech, 66 Da'or, Dan, 203 Dubnov, Simon, 222, 225, 226 n8, Da'ud Pasha, 190 227 n13 Davies, Keri, 79 n4 Duche, Jacob, 70-1 Davies, Lloyd Guy, xi, 10, 275-97 Duche, Thomas Spence, 71, 74, 75 Davison, Carol Margaret, 168 "Dutch Sam" (pugilist), 43 De Quincey, Thomas, 252 Derrida, Jacques, 178 n19, 283 "Eastern Question," see history, British, Descartes, Rene, 236-7, 239, 256, 258 and Middle East Deutscher, Isaac, 206 Edgeworth, Maria, 43, 115 Dibdin, Thomas, 54 education, Jewish, 197 Dickens, Charles, 49, 129, 199, Eibschi.itz, Jonathan, 65, 66, 67, 72 202-3,206 Elie Artiste, see Mi.iller, Johannes Works: Elsky, Martin, 143 Barnaby Rudge, 206 Emancipation, Jewish, 4, 6, 13 n18, Christmas Carol, 206 30-8 Cricket on the Hearth, 202 Emden, Jacob, 65 David Copperfield, 199, 202, 206 Endelman, Todd M., 12 n6, 12 n12, Domby and Son, 206 13 n18, 59 n21, 124 n7, 151, 152, "Haunted Man," 202 159, 162 nll, 178 n9 Life and Adventures of Nicholas Enlightenment, European, 4, 197, 222, Nickleby, 202 224,279 Little Dorrit, 203 Enlightenment, Jewish, see Haskalah Old Curiosity Shop, 203 Esterhammer, Angela, 228 n19 Oliver Twist, 129, 199, 203, 206 Estlin, John Prior, 281 Our Mutual Friend, 49 Pick1vick Papers, 203 Falk, Samuel Jacob, 65, 67, 68, 70, Disraeli, Benjamin, 8, 34, 129, 137--40, 72, 74 146-7 n43, 147 n45, 149-50, Fay, Elizabeth, 124 n6 151, 158-62, 164 n28, 203, 206 Feiner, Shmuel, 11 n4, 209 n8 and Orientalism, 160 Felman, Shoshana, 228 n20 Works: Felsenstein, Frank, xi, 7, 17-39, Alroy, 203, 206 59 n25, 177 n1 Coningsby, 129, 137--40 Ferguson, Niall, 155 Tancred, 158-62, 203, 206 Ferriar, John, 270 n18 D'Israeli, Isaac, 8, 127--47, 164 n27 Fichte, Johann Gotlieb, Doctrine of and Orientalism, 130--40 Science, 258 INDEX 327

Finn, James, 190 Goldsmid, Abraham, 72, 155 Fisch, Harold, 283-5 Goldsmid, Benjamin, 72 Poetry with a Purpose, 284 Gordon, George, 45 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 147 n45 Gordon, Judah Leib, 201 Fleishman, Akiva, 202 Gordon Riots, 130 folklore, British, 91-2, 163 n23 Gorin, Bernard, 206 Fox, Charles James, 171 Gothic and the Jews, 8, 165-78 Frank, Jacob, 65, 72, 74 Grabianka, Thaddeus, 7 4-6 Frankel, David, 67, 269 n8 Graetz, Heinrich, 222, 225 Franklin, Andrew, 51-2, 60 n32, Graupe, Heinz Moshe, 67-8, 71 165-6 Gray, Thomas, 113, 248 The Wandering Jew: or, Love)s Great Exhibition (1851), 17-18 Masquerade, 51-2, 165-6 and Punch, 18-21 Franklin, Caroline, 132-3 Greenstein, Edward L., 101 n18 Franklin, Jacob, 151 Gubar, Susan, 106-7 Freemasonry, Illuminist, 62, 168 Gustav III, 72-3 French, Daniel, 109-11, 122-3 Frenk, Azriel Nathan, 200 Ha-Ephrati, Yosef, 228-9 n26, 229 n28 Friedberg, Abraham Shalom, 200 Halevi, A., 208 Friedman, Samuel, 201, 202 Halkin, Simon, 204 Frishman, David, 226 n5, 201, 202 Hall, Anna Maria, 158 Frug, S. F., 226 n5 Hall, Jan, 71 Halperin, Falk, 206 Galchinsky, Michael, 156, Hamann, J. G., 279, 280, 283, 163 n17 297 n40 Gardner, Martin, 168 Hampe, John Frederick, 69 Garve, Christian, 248 Handelman, Susan, 283 Gelbhoyz, Yesha'yah, 200 Harpaz, M., 202, 204 Gelder, Ken, 167 Harshav, Benjamin, 195, 208 n2, 209 Gerber, JaneS., 12 n14 n4, 223, 227 n12, 229 n31 Gessner, Salomon, 281 Language in the Time of Revolution, Gewirtz, Binah, 203 223,227 n12 Gideon, Samson, 49, 152 Meaning of Yiddish, 195 Gideon estate, 153--4 Hart, Henry, 36 Gilbert, Sandra, 106-7 Hartley, David, 245 Gilman, Sander L., 128-9, 145-6 n36, Hartman, Geoffrey, 220, 228 n22, 166, 170 295 n9 Ginsberg, Asher Hirsch, see Ahad Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment), l, 2, Ha'Am 5, 11 n4, 12 n6, 195-7, 209 n8, Giora, Moshe, 202 222, 223, 228 n23, 246 Gleckner, Robert, 94 Hatt-1 Humayun (1856), 192 Gluzman, Michael, 226 n3, 226 n8 Hatt-1 Sherif of Gulhane (1839), 187-8 Gobat, Samuel, 189 Hayley, William, 76, 92, 131-2 Godwin, William, 43 Hazaz, Hayim, 221 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 229 Hazlitt, William, 8, 33, 149, 161-2, n28, 244 n7 272 n35 Golan, Menahem, 203 "Emancipation of the Jews," Goldblum, Hayim, 208 150-2, 157 Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, 169 Hebrew language, see language(s), Goldney, Edward, 65 Jewish 328 INDEX

Hebrew literature, 9, 222, 223 Hume, David, 249,251,252, 256, Hebrew poetry, 285 269 n6, 272 n36 Hebrew Revival, 223-4 Humean skepticism, 252-3 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 254 Hunt, James Leigh, 33, 92, 99, 206; Heidegger, Martin, 283 "Abou ben Adhem," 206 Heine, Heinrich, 229 n28 Hunt, John, 92, 99 Helms, Randall, 76 Hunter, John, 68 Hemingway, Ernest, 147 n45 Hunter, William, 68 Henry, Abraham, 105 Hurvits-Zalkes, 208 Henry, Michael, 111 Hurwitz, Hyman, 283, 296 n23 Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 280, Hebrew Tales, 283 295 n12 Hutchinson, John, 69 Hermalin, D. M., 207 Hutchinson, Sarah, 294 hermetic sciences and alchemy, 64, 68, Hutton, James, 71 69-70 Hershman, Max, 206 Imber, Shay, 226 n5 Hertsig, Li'orah, 201 imperialism, British, 9 Hertz, J. H., 93 Irish Naturalization Act, 167 Hertz!, Theodor, 198 Irving, Washington, 130 Rever, Hanan, 229 n34 Israeli statehood, 196 Hibbat Zion, 198 Hindmarsh, Robert, 75 Jackman, Isaac, 42 historiography and narrative, 215-17 All the World's a Stage, 42 historiography, romantic, 211-30 Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, 245, 246, history, British, 2-4, ll n6, 12 n10 280, 295 n15 and Middle East, 181-94 J ermingham, Edward, 134 history, European Jewish Naturalization Bill ("Jew Bill" of and Middle East, 181-2 1753), 2, 4, l2 n7, 41, 44, 45, 47, history, Jewish 59 n25, 166, 177 n7 American, 209 n11 Jewish Relief Act (1851), 30 Anglo-Jewish, 2, 5-7, ll-12 n6, Jewish Revival, 9 12 n6, 30-8, 166-70, 176, "Jonathan" (name for Americans), 177 n7, 184 21-22,24,30 European, ll n2, 128, 196-7, Jones, Edwin, 12 n8, n9 221-5 Jones, William, 133-4, 135 Middle Eastern, 181-94 Joshua, 92-4 Hoeveler, Diane Long, xi-xii, 8, 165-78 Kabbalism, Christian, 61, 63, 64, 66, Hogarth, William, 44 74, 77-8 Holcroft, Thomas, 131 Kant, Immanuel, 244 n3, 245,246, Holmes, Richard, 276, 291 248, 249, 256, 267, 268, 271 n33, Holocaust, 47, 143, 197 279, 280, 295 n15 Homer, 111, 142-3 Critique of the Pure Reason, 258 Hook, Theodore Edward, 52, 60 n33 Kantorovits, Sh., 200 The Invisible Girl, 52 Karmel, No'omi, 200 Hopkins, John, 116, 117 Katz, DavidS., ll-12 n6 Horowitz, Nathan, 202, 205 Katz, Jacob, 77, 177 n3 Horowitz, Pinchas Halevi, 66 Keats, John, 112, 203-4, 206-7 Hugh, ofLincoln, 36 La Belle Dame sans Merci, 206 Hughes, John, 133 "Fancy," 206 INDEX 329

Letters, 203 Leech, John, 31-2 "Ode on a Grecian Urn," 207 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 246, 258, "Ode on Melancholy," 207 272 n36 "Ode to a Nightingale," 207 Theodicy, 258 "On Death," 207 Leighton, Angela, 277 "To Autumn," 207 Lenczic, Ephraim, 93 "To Hope," 207 Lerer, Seth, 142-3 "To Sleep," 207 Lermontov, 229 n28 Keble, John, 248, 270 n15 Leshem, Giora, 201 Kemble, Charles, 45 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 229 n28, Kemper, Johann, 63, 64, 65 246,280 Kershen, Anne J., 12 n13 Letteris, Meir, 202 Khashchevatskii, Moisei, 206 Lettsom, John Coakley, 72 King, Charlotte, see Dacre, Charlotte Levanon, Yitshak, 204 King, Jonathan ("Jew"), 8, 106, 166, Levant Company, 182, 184, 187 169, 170-1 Levi, David, 6, 13 n17, 160, Oppression Deemed No Injustice, 171 164 n27 King, Sophia, 106, 171 Succinct Account) of the Rites) and Kipris, Itzik, 206 Ceremonies) of the Jews, 160 Kitson, Peter, 94 Levin, Judah Loeb, 203 Klatshke, Balbine, 207 Levison, Mordechai Gumpertz, 7-8, Klausner, Joseph, 215 67-73 Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlob, 279, 280 Ma)amar ha-Torah ve-ha-Hokhmah, Kochav, Joshua, 201, 204 68-9 Kogo, Semadar, 201 Levit, Yesha'ayahu, 202 Kokhav, Yehoshua, see Kochav, Joshua Levy, M. I., 154 Kowalski-Wallace, Elizabeth, 124 n17 Levy estate, 154-5 Kreitman, Esther, 206 Lewis, Matthew Gregory ("Monk"), Kristeva, Julia, 169 Journal of a Residence among the Kurzweil, Baruch, 228 n26 Negroes in the West Indies, 173; The Monk, 171 Lachman, Lilach, xii, 9, 211-30 Lieberkuh, Samuel, 64 Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe, 228 n22 Liebes, Yehudah, 67 Lahower, Yeruham Fishel, 227 nll, Linnaeus, Carl, 68 227 n13 Lister, Raymond, 61 Lamb, Charles, 45, 204, 207, 275 literature, Hebrew, see Hebrew "Old Familiar Faces," 207 literature Tales from Shakespeare, 204, 207 literature, secular, 198-9 Lamb, Mary, 204 London Jews Society, see London Tales from Shakespeare, 204 Society for the Promoting of Landry, Donna, 124 n19 Christianity Amongst the Jews language, 280 London Missionary Society, 186 language(s), Jewish, 129, 145-6 n36, London Society for Promoting 195-6, 197-8 Christianity amongst the Jews Lanzman, Claude, 228 n20 (est.1809), 6,186-92 Laskier, Michael Menachem, London Universal Society for the 209 n10 Promotion of the New Jerusalem Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 246 Church, 70 Lazarus, Emma, 121 Loutherbourg, Phillipe Jacques de, 67, Leavitt, Laura, 162 n3, 164 n31 71,75 330 INDEX

Lowth, Robert, Lectures on the Sacred definition, 295 n9 Poetry of the Hebrews, 96, 97, and Lyon, 120 295 n12 on Numbers, 96, 99 Luddite riots, 115 Mier, Naphtali Hart, 70 Luther, Martin, 251 Milgrom, Jacob, 102 n24 Luz, Yosef, 202 Milton, John, 97, llO, 115, 133, 139, Lyon, Emma, 8, 105-26 220,248,278,290 and eighteenth-century women's Paradise Lost, 133, 139 literature, 105-6 Miron, Dan, 226 n3, 226 n8, 226 n9, and Psalms, 116-20 228 n23, 229 n26, 229 n28, Miscellaneous Poems, 105-26 passim 230 n26 on Milton, 111 missionaries, see conversionism tribute to Daniel French, 109-11 Modiano, Raimonda, 269 n4 tribute to Princess Charlotte, 107-8 Mohilewer, Samuel, 204 Lyon, Solomon, 106, 115, 120 Moncrief, William Thomas, 53-4, Lyotard, Jean-Fran~ois, 284-5 60 n34 Rochester; or, King Charles the Maccoby, Hyam, 169 Second)s Merry Days, 53-4 Mackley, Alan, 152 Montefiore, Judith, 164 n28 Macklin, Charles, 42 Montefiore, Moses, 164 n28, 188, 192 Malchow, H. L., 167 Moravian Church and Moravians, 62, 64 marranos, 5, 12 n14 Moses ben Eliezer, 202, 203, 204 Massey, Irving, 124 n16 Moshe ben Eliezer, see Moses ben Matthews, John, 134 Eliezer McCaul, Alexander, 189 Moss sisters (Celia and Marion), 123 McFarland, Thomas, 244 n7 Muhammad 'Ali, 183, 188, 190 Mcintosh, Christopher, 77 Muir, William, 62, 63 Mee, Jon, 116 Muller, Johannes, 66, 74 Mendelkern, Shelomoh, 202 Murray, John, 140 Mendelssohn, Moses, 1, 67, 140-1, 196 and Coleridge, 10, 245-73 names and naming, 128-9, 146 n43 and Spinoza, 258-61 Nancy, Jean-Luc, 228 n22 Jerusalem, 245 Napoleon Bonaparte, 182-3 Mm:genstunden, 10, 245-73 passim Nathan, Isaac, 105 Phaedon, 258 nation, nationalism, 1, 11 n3, 197, 198 Mendoza, Daniel, 43 Neoclassicism, Hebrew, 223 ·Mendoza, Isaac, 57 New Christians, see conversos messianism, 197 Newland, James Thomas, 36 Messiter, Husband, 68, 69 Newton, Isaac, llS Metzger, Lore, 234, 269 n4 Nicolai, Friedrich, 72, 246 Meyer, Michael A., 11 nS Niebuhr, Carsten, 135, 136 Michaelis, Johann David, 279, 280, Niedus, L., 208 295 n12 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 282-3 Criticism of the Means Employed to Nordenskjold, Augustus, 71, 72, 73 Understand the Extinct Hebrew Plain System ofAlchymy, 72 Language, 279 Nordenskjold, Carl Frederick, 73 Michisaw, Kim Ian, 177 n4 Middle East history, 9 CEtinger, Friedrich Christoph, 66 midrash, 10, 278 Ofek, Binah, 202, 203 and Coleridge, 10, 275-97 Ofek, Uri'el, 202 INDEX 331

Ogden, James, 129-30 Punch (magazine), 7, 17-39, 129, Old Price Riots, 43 152, 161 Orientalism, 132-3, 160 and anti-Semitism, 30-8 Orland, Jacob, 202, 204 and the Great Exhibition, 18-21 Ottoman Empire, 181-94 and the Hebrews, 30-8 Christians in, 183 and Yankees, 21-30 history, 181-2 Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich, 229 n28 Oueijian, Naji B., 132 Ouseley, William, 135 Quick, John, 57 Ovsey, 0., 203 Oxford Movement, 248, Ragussis, Michael, xii-xiii, 7, 13 n15, 270 n15 41-60, 124 n10, 162 n5, 166 Rahat, Ofirah, 203 Page, Judith W., xii, 8, 149-64, Rahav, Ayalah, 204 296 n23 Raine, Kathleen, 78 Pages, Pierre Marie Fran\=ois de, 136 Rainsford, Charles, 70, 71-2, 75 Paine, Thomas, 6, 89, 171 Rakovski, Avraham Aba, 203 Paley, Morton D., 71 Rashi (Solomon ben Isaac), 293 Palmerston, Lord (Henry John Redfield, Marc, 228 n22 Temple), 181-94 Reform Bill (1832), 196 pantheism, 258-61 Reform Judaism, 1, 11 n5, 197; in Paracelsus, 65, 71 England, 12 n13 Paxton, Joseph, 18 Reguer, 209 n10 Paxton, William, 120 Reisen, Abraham, 205, 208 Pelli, Moshe, 73 Reznik, L., 206 Perez, Y. L., 226 n5 Richardson, John, 135 Perry, Menakhem, 227 n10 Richardson, Samuel, 43 Pesikta Rabbati, 290 Robinson, Henry Crabb, 233-4 Peterfreund, Stuart, xii, 8, 127-47 Robinson, Mary, 171 Petrarch, 133 Romain, Jonathan A., 12 n13 Philo Judaeus, 262 romantic Hebraism, 278-83 philo-Semitism, 61, 164 n28 romantic historiography, 211-30 Plato, 236 Romanticism, 223-4, 229 n35, 244 n7 Plaut, Gunther, 98-9 and 101 n18 British, 196, 222, 229 n33, 282 Poe, Edgar Allan, 107 and Bialik, 220-1 pogroms German, 279-80 in Kishinev, 211-14 Hebrew, 211-12,221-5,229 n33 in Russia (early 1880s), 196, 197, Ron, Tsevi, 203 198,218,222,223 Ron-Lerer, Ya'el, 201, 203 Pope, Alexander, 97, 102 n21, 115, Rosenberg, Edgar, 177-8 n7 124 n19, 131, 133, 134 Roset, A., 203 Eloisa to Abelard, 133 Rosicrucians, 77, 168 Essay on Criticism, 131 Roth, Philip, 147 n45 Porte, 189 Rothschild, Amschel, 155 Powell, James Rothschild, Lionel, 2, 5, 30-1 Private Theatricals, 42 Rothschild, Nathan, 120 Powers, Hiram, 25-6, 29-30 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 280 Preis, Joachim Frederik, 65-6 Rozenberg, S., 206 Priestley, Joseph, 6, 75 Rubener, Matityahu Simhah, 201 Pseudo-Philo, 97, 101 n20 Rucker, D. H., 120 332 INDEX

Ruderman, David B., 12 n6, 13 n16, Sharp, William, 71, 75 67, 68-9, 164 n27, 209 n7, Shavit, U zi, 226 n3 296 n22 Shelley, Mary, 204 Russell, Lord John, 31-2 Frankenstein, 204 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 112, 115-16, Sabbatai Zevi and Sabbatians, 63 117, 119, 125 n20, 171-2, 199, Sachar, Howard M., 209 n11 204,207-8 Said, Edward, 132-3 Works: Salomons, David, 30-1 Adonais, 204 Saltzmann, Frederick Rodolphe, 74 "Death," 207 "Sambo" (name for Mro-Americans), Defense of Poetry, 199, 204 21,30 "Indian Serenade," 208 Sandler, Florence, 100 n4 "Love's Philosophy," 208 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 169 "Ode to the West Wind," 208 Scheinberg, Cynthia, 124 n10 Prometheus Unbound, 199, 208 Schelling, Friedrich, 245, 282 "To Night," 208 Schiff, David Tevele, 5, 7 "Vindication of Natural Diet," 208 Schiller, Friedrich von, 229 n28 Shemonneh-Esreh, see Amidah Schoenfield, Mark, 162-3 n13 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 57 Schoeps, Hans Joachim, 70 The Duenna, 57, 58 Scholastics, 236 School for Scandal, 57, 58 Scholem, Gershom G., 77 Sheynberg, Shloyme, 206 Schuchard, Marsha Keith, xiii, 7, Shlonsky, Abraham, 201 61-86, 178 n15 Shoah, see Holocaust Scott, Walter, 163 n23, 204, 207 Shoenberg, Isaac, 203 Ivanhoe, 204, 207 Shrayra, Shoshana, 200 Quentin Durward, 204 Shtemper, 204 Rob Roy, 204 Sidney, Philip, 116 Talisman, 204 Simeon, Charles, 186, 187 Scrivener, Michael, xiii, 8, 13 n17, Simmons, William, 122-3 105-26, 164 n27 Simon, Reeva Spector, xiii, 9, 10, Segalowitch, Zusman, 208 11 n2, 181-94,209 n10 Sephardim, 6, 129, 151 Singer, Alan H., 12 n7, 59 n25, 177 n7 Serayski, Ya'akov, 202 Sivan, Aryeh, 203 Shaftsbury, Lord, see Cooper, Ashley slavery, 25-30 Shai, Y., 203 Smith, Charlotte, 106, 107, 114 Shakespeare, William, 131, 134, 150, Smith, William, 68-9 167,245 Smollett, Tobias, 43 King Lear, 204 Society of Friends of Foreigners in Merchant of Venice, 58, 204 Distress, 105, 120-1 Midsummer Night's Dream, 204 Solomons, Israel, 59 n26 Much Ado About Nothing, 204 Sorkin, David, 11 n4 Romeo and Juliet, 204 Sotheby, William, 281, 282 Tempest, 204 Spector, Sheila A., xiii, 1-13, 9, 77-8, Twelfth Night, 204 195-210 Two Gentlemen of Verona, 204 Spector, Stanley J., xiv, 10, 233-44, Winter's Tale, 204 272 n39 Shamir, Ziva, 226 n3 speech-act, 217-21 Shapiro, James, 166 Spenser, Edmund, Faerie Queene, Shapiro, Lamed, 206, 207 3, 131 INDEX 333

Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch), 10 Trubnik, Yoha, 204 and Coleridge, 10, 233-44, 258-61 Tsur, Reuben, 203 and Mendelssohn, 258-61 and Pauline theology, 240-44 Vais, Roni, 203 concept of God, 235-7 Vallins, David, 271 n20 Ethics, 10, 233-44 passim, 259 Vaughan, William, 120 on natura naturata and natura Vermes, Geza, 96, 101 n20 naturans, 237-40 Virgil, 111 pantheism, 258-61 Vital, David, 11 Spitzer, Leo, 141 Voltaire, 58 n1 Spolsky, Ellen, 285 Stafford, Barbara Maria, 276 Wahhabiism, 183 Sternberg, Meir, 215, 227 n15, Wandering Jew, legend, 165-9 227 n17 Ward, Thomas, 134 Sternhold, Thomas, 116, 117 Warton, Thomas, 131-2 Stoker, Bram, 167 Watson, Richard, 89-90 Sue, Eugene, 165 Watts, Isaac, 116, 117, 119-20 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 7, 63, 66, Weinberg, Larry, 204 69, 71 Wellek, Rene, 229 n32 Swedenborgians, Jewish, 7, 61-86 Westcott, Wynn, 77 Swedenborgians, London, 73, 75 White, Hayden, 227 n17 Wieseltier, Meir, 202 Tanakh (acronym for Hebrew Bible), Wilberforce, William, 187 90 and 100 n5 Wilson, Andrew, 69 Tannenbaum, Leslie, 100 n2 Wilson, Richard, 152 Tawiow, Israel Hayyim, 203 Walcot, John, 131-2 Temptation (melodrama), 33-5 Wolff, Christian, 246 Tenniel, John, 26-8 Wolff, Joseph, 187 Tetrault, Ronald, 277 Wolfson, Elliot, 63, 64 Teyf, Moyshe, 207 Wolfson, Harry, 272 n38 Thackeray, William Makepeace, Wollstonecraft, Mary, 107 146-7 n43 women and literature, 105-7, 124 n10, Codlingsby, 129 124 n17, 124 n19, 125 n21, theater, 163 n17, 164 n31, 174 and Jewish identity, 49-50, 57-8 Wordsworth, William, 158, 163 n23, and Jews, 7, 33-4, 41-60 204, 208, 220, 224, 228 n22, conventional stage Jew, 50-1 248,275,277,281,288,294, Theden, Johann Christian Anton, 72 294-5 n5 Tobin, John, 57 Works: The Faro Table; or, the Guardians, 57 "Lines composed a few miles above Trachtenberg, Joshua, 167, 168 Tintern Abbey," 288 translations, Jewish, 9, 195-210 "Lucy," 158 Hebrew, 200-4 Prelude, 220 Yiddish, 204-8 "Sailor's Mother," 208 Treason Trials (1798), 171 "Solitary Reaper," 208 Treaty of Balta Liman, 185 "We Are Seven," 208 Treaty ofKuchuk Kaynarja (1774), Woulfe, Peter, 68, 70, 71, 75 192 n3 Wright, Thomas, 63 Trilling, Lionel, 295 n7 Wu, Duncan, 124 n7, 125 n21 Trobe, Benjamin La, 67, 68 Wyatt, Thomas, 116 334 INDEX

Ximenes, M., 152, 162 nll Yoder, R. Paul, xiv, 8, 87-102 Ximenes estate, 152-3 Young, William, 189

Y'ak.ov Tsevi Ben Rabi Avraham ha-Levi Zak.s, Aryeh, 203 L'ev, 201 Zak.s, Sh., 206 "Yankee Doodle" (song), 22, 23 Zhitlowsky, Chaim, 205 Yankees and Punch, 21-30 Zim, Rivkah, 116 Yeats, William Butler, 77 Zinzendorf, Ludwig von, 62-4, 66, 7l Yerushalmi, YosefHayim, 223, 227 n17, Zionism and proto-Zionism, 1, 229 n30 164 n28, 185, 197, 198, 223, Yiddish, see language( s ), Jewish 228 n23 Yishay, Y., 203 Zornberg, Avivah, 285, 289, 290, 293