Opportunities in British Columbia
With the Compliments of The Board of Trade Enderby,JJ Okanagan Valley, British Columbia See illustration page 46, and description of Enderby and sur- rounding district on pages 43 and 24. Inttislj (Enlumhra (»tlj Idoral WitftxtnttB) 1011 ii Extracts from Heaton's Annual Heaton's Agency, Toronto Copyright by Ernest Heaton Toronto,a910 =GJ EXTRACTS FROM HEATON'S ANNUAL which contains similar information covering every Province in the Dominion, with Customs Tariff, etc., etc. Price, cloth bound, 5/-. Copies can be obtained from Heaton's Agency, Toronto, and all leading booksellers in Canada, Great Britain and the United States. London Agents, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. OPPORTUNITIES IN CANADA Abbreviated Edition of Heaton's Annual with illustrations, can be purchased at The Times Book Club, London, and the bookstalls of W. H. Smith & Sons. Price 1/-. =D To secure Special Attention mention Heaton's Annual when writing to Local References 5 £ Opportunities in British Columbia Agriculture APPLES. In 1909, British Columbia won 7 gold medals, 7 silver gilt medals, 7 silver medals, and 1 award of merit, at London, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Leeds, Bristol, — - Bath, Harwich, Manchester, Aberdeen and Liverpool, and other exhibitions in Great Britain, and thirteen first prizes out of fourteen entries at Spokane, Washington, in competition with the principal apple-growing districts in the United States. Markets—local, Alberta, Saskatche- wan, Manitoba, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia. Write to Department of Agriculture, Victoria, for Bulletin No. 20, giving varieties of trees suitable for different localities. APPLE ORCHARD, COST OF. In the case of unirri- gated land the cost would be approximately: 20 acres at $200 per acre, $4,000; fencing, $250; preparing land (ploughing and harrowing), $150; trees (yearlings), 80 J per acre at 15c.
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